..6... h 1.. 3 .. ç) t~ ~ f w.4tf v`l , . ~~~ '' -.0 `1 WIME &. ~_i . , . • liBRCIAL INFORNATIOt ttjailitl ,soar ! ! VI .1_ n, m ot rude for Nov_ and Dee.:.: RID 34 • , BYRN V. P.L.I AB. LAWETT S4IIIL.WiIiRTR i ht RY. ' = • - II AVID MeV DLESS. 2 , 0 °veto - flts of EuropeaaStoomors. . ...., j. .:1. L 1..111 , : ' ithibiJatnitoPli. ettina....4. l- • Liverpool ...New York ~Jan Manolleseif I ice pool ..:New York ' Jan. Are, . ,bia, .e.,' ...Liverpool-...805t0n-. .. ...Jaw I !1 . 1 1 spileaallisib .....Liverpdpl ...New Tea . • Jan - 1 -4 1 " 1 "- P I' , - -4 i itni ' 4 • Ira Alt OA. . . Creole...Li :. : ....New York -Havana A N o Jan 17 Meri0n....4," ....Now York _New Odeans4. Jan 17 4,,-; ''' - . e'" Ju5a......14 ....For4aniL-LiverbooV, ' Jan- 20 Tieliseoltil l -4 ....New York . -Kingston Jq...frip-21, - Africa .. 1.2-.... Boston-. _Liverpool ....g. Tsn'.2l 'CIO offiiii 'e New Yule _Liverpool...". Jan 24 , Teuteniee:e.lie x.New Yorke•Hamburg.....l. Jan 24 ~- if;-_, , Faeilice.34.ll • - l.Naw.Yoriv.JElavarin.," Jan 24 Oen , romice . ._New York ..New Orleans.. Jan 24 Ohba._ ... .le -e.. New York ..Liverpool ..4. Jan 24 Manchester', -.New York _Livorno-1..4. Jan 31 --11 nFt gingii . InNex. I (irk .. Glasgow - Jaw' 1-. • tile "Briiiiii Queb ...NeW York ..havana Ao.i..Felieir Arabia .....ii...Boston". Liverpool ....Veb 4" AnstralasibT ....New York -Liverpool...4.Feb 11 ..-.: .' ' ,-.^ Pl delppl,a VatMe Market. ;... ...: , ,Oriltib t f 50u had 443eet Cattle wcre:Loffer - ed,a hillki Yard, which shows a falling off of ...4 0 0dleadArdOinparod w4h,lastweek, Niarly all t ryti •ig'dredVertr. ispdsal of at afloat former Lady, and the mar et w , s more active. pricesjaaging .„ a.,...401t0 $1 C,o,44..iforeoninnin to good Furl , '' .-4/orte—Aketa 100 were disposed of VoslBo4 each for-epaegem-tusd-00 to $4O for , MAU calve.. , , some : 7 0, Hops w rather bolter. and the ~..r.: iiiiiintarett keakit fall prieek+ittoltalings,o7 at, Imhoff 8 , a'lsW4,B!oB3.i. and 800 at the Aveiro yard' 4,1 r at Wag icartgat. - & s E A? re i eeints,tome 3,1.00. were taken, at to, ' 53 grtts...vhkch ie a allichtliz• 4 , - - i.atro ;1, - 6 : 7.,1 J i..,,3. 'T ,' ,. . 1 • . , O. • j a• ; ...,.., . , _ ... . , . JPO PACICIING . ITEEIISI4 • 15Rili . Rogs were d. pressed and 5e to 100 lower-6e on the heavy, aisTlue en the light, Averages of lOU • .Aa were sold et andkuyets were-414080d to , 'make thils`thelt tostiide figure. For st, considers bin letsl2siiks the best offer that one nfithe - 11 leritoottld obt•Mn. The- weather and'ikelings of pickers , aresfA r engir against the market, • Louisville The limitedlrilliopi g aseommrdationt. on thq' .E. ttailrads keep buyers el' Proviskurea .. of them rket, , Xo a great aste-t. and the nese dleh:_of H gp firoduo a are conaparativelyals_ht.-- Prime - es tiork - Ilse taken at $1075(414 Lard was steady' a et xo . • • - !.11 hare was 0$ ing doing in •English meats, • llirollogs wale quiet hurt:co and sellers being snaq ira'sneik *lows; 'sales - range from $3 2543 90 for.Thrhtto hes* average ' s,- - Dresred hois were knfair.clsman yerterdaY's D Leal. ' ER NEWS i F Cincinnati. ' " The Raniaba is alio' recoiling, with leis than threifeet. in 'th . channel.. Here the rider has „ gem , ten _ ine les -daring the :. tivenirfonr. .-Pekniereding 1aii..... r ight. -There is five feellin the Cana . There 2i,4 feet .on;Efarpeth .Riti. ri.`B4in the Cumberian . Freights are offering in il moderate nuanti ire fa. all.pcints, with litle or nO , tonnage in Vt. Toe firt really is t h at a ll boats are taken . 44 the service of the Government as anon as they iierrive in port. Thei..Lebanon Ho 2,,,Wbite Rose, Starlight and Navigator; front, ittaborgb i Liberty No a from NV hewing.: .Mell tte and Orient. from St 'Louis,. and the Glendale from Memphis, inolude the. or-. rieala4rall with fi r tripa—The Lebanon No 2 ~, ..... ..brought 2,000 lai my of salt fenm: Torteeroy.--e - 'The Orient - weal:l ei, wring to leave for Pit , iburah `last night. buti ay have laid over anal this morning , ----Tiati cony MeDurnie left far Louie .. Aillee_wh ere idte;area ordered to. report - for _Gov-. m:er "arua eiervice; ~The Magnolia left for Mayr -. .........-.3llleaaasual ;.-witit-the-mall. -the Government all thoritiee.bave.ooeltade¬ to take her. The White tepee left for Loni.ville:4 - Wltele site will, don'Alees, Ka taken by the Govetnimeat— , I n o o . Narfgstor i s ' l .. ta..'.r.' light. - were also nepe r ing ' , Y l h e H YL' t i la.bayhth,hett lobbied'up . , . ..., a . The towboat r nkee Iles been sold to Chicane partit for $72, She has been Burehatq n for - towing , renal bn . 'ta p . and - down the ' Oilt rlrer.—Tho t oo at Baltimore bee also sea 4 Eddie - ‘ - 4)(t., ''',. ~ :raid not lem - ,l.totitaxe.- I •:.; ,'SPerr m 9 , 4 , 2 z: ei.- um' ziko.}l!ani- a,ridson for $ 4,000. 'Thartier was ii a stand last evening, with five feet fonr inches water in the camel, and thtee feet • Amin the pats, Main all Friday nfght.but, early yesterday m-rniag, the clouds broke away. and tha.day_Aras aleat•find warm. . 'ashy - Hie. There are now r nr feet water on the shoals, and the river is rid g. At this place it was; on a stand yesterday:l;l'l're weather cleared up and became quite cool' owarda nightfall. Theii ka 3. B. l a -Baldwin was rt for hourly: and trill return driMenday. No boats left yesterday. Iliemplita ~1 The river does ' 4lnot show any great change; we presume it will soon be higher, as drift was floating down, Tile weather was wet and the landing muddy. (There was but little business doing, bat aboutqls mush as the average these times. _The Clara Bell arrived from Helena and pass ed up for Bt. Loula. She had nothing neW to report, there beinina arrival from Vicksburg at that plane since the %finnehaha came up aveek ago.. It is the imPfession at Helena that thdbat teryrecently ataPoint twelve taw below! Na poleon is stilt theme, and has been strengthened. Against this imp cation is the fast that the White Crud . a two or three other boats left Helena for , oksburs three days agbear thsviroment &coach:its, and When the.Gloires*-, meat • ffierug' seal tbem doWn it is to be !Pre- Sorted therknewthetthey could do soaafe/I. The towboat Wild Cat left at 2 o'clock fur up stre. , m, but retctitied just before dark in the evening, stating !th at, at a , point fifteen miles 'above this city, they saw a boat burning and guerrillas ashore.:.'{ . .._..s:4_ , „.,,,,,,,..........._. ~1 PITTSBUEG PRODITOE MARKET, . ..-. • 0 • •_ ea Or Tam DAILY l'Oari 1 01 ThandaY, Jan. /sth. Reimarka—The weather yesterday was very untworable for oak-dCor transactiens. and as a natural resitiCfir4aCtions were limited to Sales ierteleit to The 1: , anti of the local triad': The lifoianilrarkA for the past few dare has` been excited as Fcl' ' ris buying and selling Silver and Soli, There to two. Bankers in the tityl that agree . re: ' e ee upon —we.omit them and bone to • ' arenlate'a more httled market. Demand-Notes haVe adianocd, 4iiir rivers continue in line nav igabletin order, and' ii represent appearances will . 'earitinue for Jotail3 e. , -. , . - „,--- i ' Wales XalioOni au inYair demand; P 44 08 ' Pre ' tending rparardi iie. ea 10 tow at $4, ‘,. - '‘..,'• liSesson—Mar:et an: m 47010.000 2).3 shoulders 651-5000Th,e,'Sin tna. B g3Wlr: m C Hants 9 .%® 105 v, ,, tin ' , enrln'ifo ' old is about over, 13 y 4 r - FlotiTirket dull; sales at $4 75 "f bbl , . 1 and • Market ii. t active: sales of 12 tierces Leaf MAW l'=.l ebaltee—ln ideally demand. sales i3O totes - 11 litir LlitBl4e. ii ',I i.,„ wlles t rddill; rates nominal at $ 3 01 . 20 '...lFlditr e,TtLit inclemency of the weather' p e t'l[o-4.aalep to any, extent. The 'rain- that eotn -..,:fattirjn the a musing in g conti nued rible iedin. sit : , 1 eiszi, he 'Woes were , opeern*t wecuuld learn of no change - -tar Mice. Pmall selei were: made from store at 'XierittAMej liXtrii yamitri , ta to@e-ok the .- ',,' _oeVtit:ezeon tne in9leaso: men, -'' ' ' 7d7'l ClPsi e ril ick 'afil l s , iero l l7s - 11 $ 1311 ° .t 1475 m t d sod' thensales w. mediae arrive: - - . i - ,Onla OM at 3il m . gales of 520:bn - at thrise Ore--- oorol oii - e5-4 4 z7 ,!t_ .-4 4'; '--7- 4.'"N •az . ''''r•t - ' ,. '"";; ; ' - f- , - .1 • -....-.:•."; •- - . 4t:'...4. - . 1 .ft - L. : i:1-s.rAta,.0 - t . t ._;.v. , 41 , , , ,N. , .:ii:;:i.•;:ri. , .N:.:3,4..g1i5, ~i, >.:.ik-7...-CV7 '.. 1 , l t ,, 4 1,..'?„ m g,... ?1,4 t _ -.',-** ..r4:.'l :2;". - 1: , ',;. 1 ' '. J - :i.!3A.T.7. - qbfetr. 4:q-e:iirr. -..-. _ - 1 4 i 04411. • ... ''''''' 4 ' A X: " § ' 'i '-. 'l ' 3 ' a ` ; ''SW:t; " :.1- •'•-. '- - - , ' ,. t .,, ' '',-,.-- . - -i' . '.-, :' , 4 74' ratilli:tie.l... --.-- ~....: -. . 1 ....aai - Tt!, r -i'l i &' 1 .4 , .. 1. Ka s., (-: ~,..., .1 .it:. ~...,,,,,,.. :/: .:..-, ~-.1., f.. 1,r5 ;..,, a.,-= . , ! nl . , ~...-,-,7. ...., :,, -,,,: ~ r f -: ~. ~ . ,4. ~.. ~ 9 :2 1 .....„1 . ,:.;,,. ..„....., .4. . ......„. ... ... .. ~„ , ~. , , _ ~_ . . A _ A ..• .... , ; - '.O ~- ---ca 'itii :;;.c. , ": .4 IF ( I ~ ~±..- :t • ii_lf, :.:1:- ''r ',ZIA.. r.. , . •.:' - ~ f, -. ; ' .:-.-,.:. ...,,,:t . ,..,i , &-'.,' , -itl ,',,---, a 1 ?.._T.!:- ,....„: • -'= - r ' - '1.1' ,, J.. , .1 , I '..E -., 71tt.tra,.:?....74-...4.1".1 r , :4...... a iV. ... • ..'• '-' I 1.0 . . ~_ I 1.1:1 . - ..; •i . ' ..,.. , . •••..t - . .. : 4s, rt ,51. ../ 't - -..,- I i iia 96 , - t..=.4,..•-. . - , . , ;i. ;... .11, ~ .- i - Er:. ~:, . . .. ~...„..„ 1 ,, t „ 11 , .„ ~,,..,,. .-t...,.;„ ii .. , .Li - ' 'D A I .. . 1 .' ......:: 2 i S!' : , ! cr.' , . - _-- . - 1,21'..:•_, -..., ~ l'i 0.111 -, aa , m' -a t ~ ..: .-z,...-':-..2'..., i , --"\ . • ..... :um _:lam.w - -,—., NEW Nos. IIiGEW . STOitTIi •OF' 7 OCTAVE Pl „Zia. arßfortes now receiving from Boston and NeW - Yorit;iseleettid dspeciaWfor the Holiday's. Persons desiring tosnake wyte . avibtaLand charm pte:otit ilie,invited to call and see them at the lvayerlionis of - arpnN,H. MELLON; `dee2o • - .81 Wood street:, • _)NrAilios_..A„ roma , lark° lid ofsooondbaigtßiaaos for sale at 250. 175.150:,125.100, 90;74 60, 50 and , 2s • ' • ' . JOUR IL iltELLon. dcar 81 Woodlotreet. MELODEONS AND HAILVOIIIIMS; - ty-Ofm„-u, & g Zl3 csirn) 'lllplcdeona and Harmoniums, in elegant rosewood and walk nni cages. bleiodeone al $5O; $6O, $7l, $lOO. $125 . and $' 60 D r nnoniums at 60, 80, 100 125.200.256, 35aand 400 dollars, 4 Eor ata.lby JOHN H. MELLOR. dec2o .81 Woodetreet. sllooolwo4*H or PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. . of the most WorkManship, in f,trerl dotage and from the hest msnalleture;s in the ountrn TheS , have been selected Wttt,the.. ere • test eemb 0kr4 ,1 1 - PeOiattr:for thesHoliWs. Prtees low, Or /ale ty JOHN It MEL it, - r deo2o 3114.°C# ;113171181111710111 118 . I L , '"l B opedStreet;.of I:6o3o,l w4ililielitailri,lB3B;.fAreholop Mockf -Plana 7 oetiettfleattre - Planos:4labliang all amen- Inatrumaat with late novel**, (undprpatent). Highly important to the I critical pima.. Low for cub or aetoeptarta inc i t BB ;.! „ s • ,MaWnwireiers, A 99 8.1611.1E,..-.111/1.1.R OF ' VALUABLE REAL --E ST T E I.will expose to Public Sale on Tuesday, January 6th, 1863, •11 , 91:vi l oic A.-1444 on the premises all that valuable lot ece of I ground aituato in the Third Wafd,, City of Pitts- htintis. borinded and ' deicribed as follows I Seriatim; at the Eastern corner of Cherry alley I and Liberty street: hence along L bera sreat Eastirardly -31 feet 115 inches to the_ line of prop erty now or land Vogel ZkEeibert; thence by tee same 98 feet s'4 inches t at: alley fen feet wide; t h ence ecru; said tilley.l/ feat and inches , to Mum alley; thence along plum allay WastB3 r 1 inehto 'the same "Trot arty now or-, late of Parker ; thence by the Jam and; At a line of property belonging - to ,j; Tatter's. heirs. North. wardly.7steett thence by the line Of theta' men tionedpropertyClifet 4 fiches to CherrY alley thence by the same 79 feat 9.11 C 'irzhee to the cor ner of Cherry alley and Liberty street, ed which is create! the large • n o wi t he •lansiialonsr and , Cantmlntal kls Thissroperti ;is immediately=adiscent] to the Great Eastern and it extern, Railroad Patsenger Levet; and affords arare..chaneck for invitment by eanitalist,... .1 • - Terms at . Sale:. JOHN W. RIDDE L. Jrdesignee of George An - DATlS.Auctionsow,..=.. deolB;3tawtd, itar The above sale ie postponed io the 10th February next,' (Dieeday.) • ' Oirrot Quiiriaisrin 11. :4.4 AMY 1 Pittaburglt. H00..]9:1864. Jl ilEcEivEn at this < frioe for the delivery at Malmo/WI. Tennessee; of Two Hundred Tho&and* ~200 000 .Bushels of Coal: A. 3 101s11130itEliY. ' MaJor and Quartermaster,D:tioc24-tf d:ADIES R.O EM6,I RO. MARRET STREET , . Hastrov wiltaid alma ;took:afall and winter BOOTS •A 1:01Si_: • • ' be - • - Ladies', Misses and Children's Bahnoral Boots with doable and tripple soles. Mena', Boys' and Youth's Calf. Coarse and Kip Boots. Shoes and Browns, Mena' Long Leged Water Proof Cavalry Boots of a very fasperior quality. Call and examine his stook as ha warrants his goods to give general satisfaction. .11•8_11IES_ROBB, 0c29 89 Matketstreet. Spencer & M'KaY, BREWERS AND lALSTERS. PHOCNIx SRAM BREWERY. Pittsburgh. September 10.1362. 13LSSOLIITION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The partnershfp heretofore existing lie tweem JOS. SPENCER and W. H. GARRARD was dissolved on this 20th of August, 1862, W. H. GARRARD beingauthorised to kettle up the business of the late firm at the office in theßrew eerryy Breyringßusineas.will be continued by SPENCER AIVRAY.who intend to -, have al -1 ways on hand a superior article of 'ALE. POR TER. and BROWN , STOUT. The -undersigned will be' thankful to the friends of the late &refer a contuivanoe of their patronage, and promise tomake it their aim to give satisfaction to all who may purchase from them. Mr. ROBERT, WATSON, of Liberty street. BO long knoirh tb - the buldnese community, will have the management of our busmess , with the full control in the Brewery. Address all Orders td. SPENCER MORAY. - PReenix Brewery, Pith:burgh. Pa. JOSEPH SPENCER. JAMES MaRAY. JOSS 1 0 1,1/BOBR, GUNS.MITII. 2 corner Ohio aninleaver eta, AIXEGHENY Large stook of Gans of sa la dasems. on band. or made to order, and for a LO W REY!' Gasß PRIORS. Repairing promptly attended tet skalaGsw-msBl-dtt , NEW.. CONSIGNRIEFFTS—PRODUCE 75 barrels Family Flour; 37 bbls crude oil; 80 110W011 bids; ' 200 buslitilirDried Aaaleat 200 barrels Bassett. do 75 bushelseptime white beans 150 do Oat! 1000 to packed butter; 1 2 barrels sweeteider: 400 filet sear corn, on wl, arh 200 do do do in store; 2000 IDs baclou aid= 50 bushels onions. 1 barrel sourfrum molasses: In store and for sale by J &S. A. FETZER. = Zornerldiuket4ind TirstaltiL; . Ir. A Bir S BARREL'S irsvirk -LAP white beans just reeeieil ana - falsale'by, •JAt7jA. FETZER. Crpriteiliatiet and I. int std. - . . iIrILOVEILSKED-75 IBIUSHELS Plll *.` 4 1.4 , dovetailed. Just received arid for sale kyl r r : , - - - - ' TRIMBIll„, Jan 6 Corner Market saUFFirststreett BERIZII-26EPHYR 1200 LBS ZEPHYR WOOL, Of ail the choice and favoritaahadee an I'mlx. tures. FOB F4Nelr,XiiiirMNlL eipi;lied in quantity at lees than pre& emtltstemprioea. , • - ;EATOWMACKIIMIE OO. 6015 - - No.A.Tretey“ereet. dIMNTLEREWS NEGLIGEE SUTRAS, -11311- 17NDEIWIMINS AND DRAWERS, FINE 611011 Pg„r 8414 4.4114 . ,411 1 1 6 FENDERS,' -GLOVES, GAVOSTLIOR, I:4I6 I I II,IEDWPASER V , DEDI MIX riguaw 1. isEl ILLORTBLifi GLYDR. deci2o 78 Naiket4t.:. IA And Diamond. I 40.OLDIEREP BOUNTIES isznatears, S I " S P -BACK PAY. fauLdl 6 4 just ) ;. kinftst VW Promptly procured zeiatil‘biehmies. ADplyto DHAZ - I 103 liourgALnNit E l'iltsband CUAELHS 0:7170.81WK,v Washington. D. yams sieurrw. OF ' BOO'llf,-SHORS AND"GIIMEL I whiah will bisoktat thaold prioaa at 5877__ BORLAND.,g gg , irketafteet. MST • AWALITN OF SOOTS AND ',Shoes sit McClelland's. 65 Rift street, prletor. THE DAILY .POHT=-ADVANOEH One year, by mail Fix moirne. Three • " One One w.eek, delivered; n ... -Sin g le eoviea To agents per inindred W .41..DVERTISING RATES: _ . . The following lutes of advertising have been tinsel_ _wen to the Pnbiu'lhe andtne PiWaburgh ay"' rtess, to take-effect on---..after the 10tht day of November. 188% on all new contracts= ;- - • PER RIEGLE SQ lIARE I- EVERE RAE. • , Oho insertion ' Two months;.... : 80 0 0 Two insertions... 100 Time months..} 11 00 Three insertions 126 Four months.'..: 13 00 Oneweek 900 'Five montha...i 1400 Two weeks 350 Biz months j 15 00 Three weeks 600 Nine montha...j 20 00 One 600 One year - • 2500 FOB CHANGEABLE atArrits. Which allows theprivilegeof a weekly *flangs . of matter. to be Inserted among new advertisements. ; PER SINGLE EIQII/RE, EVER* DAY Six months ........... 00 elveptionths.—.. .. ........ 38 eters' Notices Noticed.: 115. 1 Death ethemiuselirtie. ISO i adverliempak_ati,,, , ere 4 *IR -lionttox leattinie,l6 varrusErattne npof orii daring. Ot)F. C. 14 14 7 DI RING-A.IID -13,Eirtri. • Bucharest, the gayest city orWallachia F is a place where morality gum slip-shod, - the whirl of dissipation eancelsi:from‘the careless observer, much of what is glocuny _ and dreadful. Profligacy effort Rle - hda to. terrible social and domestic mistililities, as ieavinced. in , the following tiagtc nar ration, the scene of - which was the city we have _mentioned: "Do you see that lady talkimg with such :vivacity to, those three gentlemen fonder the tree?" asked a very agreesibheacquain- Lance, as we were strolling in the gardens of Bucharest, toward sunset, smolking cigar, and listening to a divine melody of Strauss, tdayedgloriously Well by an Austrian band. "Would you like to _hear eromance in real life.? Would yoi like to know what a little devil she is? I Come and sit down in the shade, order a Couple of icea, and; will tell you, all about her,— ''Lciole at kir, now,!!_continhed Our criend ; one of those men whom one meets so of ten in foreign society, who seems to know everybody's business and everbedy!s se crets. "Look at her now, with her; large black eyes and raven hair, and her pretty features sunken a little with late hoots and excitements, bat still mignone, and charm ing to a degree. Not another woman in the gardens could wear that simple white, dress and little white bonnet, relieved only by a red ribbon, and . look so brilliant as she does 1 What a coquette she is 1— llow:she smiles and slam heri Pretty' white teeth, and waves that little, white hand. There is blood upon it though. 1 Yes, neon. cher,- as surely as it she herself had pointed the weapon. ~I have known her from a girl; - she is not so very young; now, but some women never get old -;; she has plenty mischiefin heryet. Sapreimen to! I like her, too,she is each a thotongt going vixen ! One 'of those menis her husband. She makes love to him When ;there is no oneab. W 51 salto 31 ..orldTtirearcely two ye's:mug°, 'do you wish all mankind to be at your feet? Is your vanity so insatiable? Will you not spare poor - I -Adolphe and be content with one brother? Frizz. is your devoted slave. He is the elder,do what you will with him; but let the poor boy off for my sake; he is my friend. Marguerite, I know him thoroughly, you will' break his heart." "She drew her slight figure up and look ed as she alone can look, while she repli ed: "No, no, a 'thousand times, no. I will put my foot upon his neck—l WILL humble him. He said Barrone H— ives handsomer and cleverer than me, did he? Barrone B , that great,-.. foolish blonde, I will teach 'him to know me; and let him break his heart if he will be such a fool. Come to me to-morrow ;' I will teach him to know me, and let him break his heart again. Come to me to morrow; I will show you how I can man age him. You are all alike every man is the same." "I put Adolphe on his guard. I reason ed with him, and warned him. But it was of no use •, Adolphe would not be lieve a word I said to him. She .had given him a rose-bud and one of her gloves andhe was mad about them. Que uoutiz-vows? the boy her—as d man loves only once—with all his heart and soul; not like you and me, who are Men of the world, but like a fool. Of course if I couldn't save him, it was no use dis tressing myself about the affair. These things must take their course. I went. with him to her house, and I watched her as one watches a cat playing with a mouse. Poor boy! I ssw in two se( onds it wag all over with hiv, that lie was that ;woman's - slave. Haw cleverly - she did" it ; first greettng him kindly, then talking about his brother—his rival, mark you, and a devilish handsome one, too—and so ma king him thordughly angry, and half wild; and lastly, pressing his hand at parting, - and asking, with a glance at me, (as if she hadn't begged of me to come) 'why . she could never see him alone?' The boy's Hungarian blood couldn't stand, it. If Marguerite had told him to he down and die at her feet, he would have been fool enough to obey her, and she would have laughed at him afterwards. As wayalffed st,way_ he raved'about bee to the.: HialefiL tares writhed when he mentioned her name; it was quite a_ study. But, to tell ihe truth, I had rather it had [been any due else than Adolphe. So the affair went' on and she played one brother against the :otter; till.they were mad -with jeidotisly, and the-younger was capable of anything mil / thing. It was an ugly business, my friend. I was present when they quarreled —not about her, but about a dispute at cards. Blows passed; they were mad, they must have been mad. A challenge was given and accepted. Would-you believe it, they went out to fight! these two broth ers who had clung to the same mother's breast. Wemanaged the affair quietly, we drew 114141 from each of their pis tols. Judge of their fury, especially of that .of Adolphe, when the fraud was discover ed. Was I not right? I respect the laws of arms. I have been 'on the ground' my self more than once; but brothers t _yon see. anon cher' un pen fort.' More and worse would have happened, but I entreated Marguerite to.interfere. • , ,Would to God r hied left' intlotil 'Forgive - me -7 would I had brought Adolphe home, shot :through the - heart--qci,s-ntet,' says : oar eighbor the I-honietimegy think there % lid such a:thing as destiny; !t How she Mans ed Fr z I know was a good, resolute fellow, and fond as he wasiteheri not a Man that any woman-on earth--enulfi-make a fool of. Of course, she the better of the two. Adolphe-I' know how she had madO'hita give his word of honor-that he would ney-: . erlifelie hind against his brother's life= elie made it the condition of her love; she RATES. $4 00 . . ... 2 15 FOR BTA4iDING A WollotshiAn-Trs4pily. told Ad 1 he she`wald Be`ds 1 - 4 his alone. The - boy was did with happiness. 1 He, was : ld:Tv& asAutualready t id you, my Meat and a sad fol. He rave about. her ell tba.,eveningi i was very red ( of hitii,litaatrrelan„ ' .%:id time'. e walk ed all night' tinder V- viltiddirif i it *as fortunate-he could noteeinsidli---and. the next day , * .ffaulkihmt •outzl.withF;riti, atid ' 'distant its,.,eveit inp --.9::..vgd0.0.. young ' fr iend. So he ' Played . brother against brOthetitinktiple each blikvethe other . was I the only.4biltatle. to •13Is.arwil . happiness . ; , bakmorteimeittlly she elight- r ed to triumph. over ; Adolphe, b ud "as shelled vowed that ' would "to 'pear . Ad olphe, she indeed put er foot on the boy's / neck. . , , ..if,'W,. I• , , This could not,. of on. The b others Would Itavifnug,l44.fitinnarect. timps, . but for the we rbT hotinithi4 'had peesed:— TbeyWere I . tlisisoialungarian hoblease -rrich . •nt.and" tievi)ted.--t. Must ihreh lien be sacificed to a wnman's ve. ; 3, momentary, trium gitust the noblest, -truest beadinteit. .e a little evil in ptuslia.,_ :chitlins..ol the fool? tis no .•PftinessAftmult. onine. . Oar hearts 14,9iftrhreakquslie, ~i and,' r one, rpeVerAllowtho . .40 :interfcre with dinneet.,:birtallcdi,t, dlis brother Were' , IhAtfpeu P • Lr '‘ ,' -• , d would you believe it,,,mthein ,' ..-- :' • .y threw the dice to - decidn.which.of As:, o should commit -etticide:::ltmtata Igire been. a zhastry zditinit , atilllth.OPtheihe does 'oat very a l3 - prett3r:thiletventngi ' 4 Lir the light of the Asettingatnebehinde ' ~' I think:l you will agree.. arith4ria,,that . stake was !hardly , worth the:hazard:l - , 4ever knew of it till afteralkwaa diter.l ditappears thatithe lo- Bar *airtoshavrralrinita grace by cfnaent, -and during.that .yeaule , be unmoleyed in hist.li3vtillby ittissais c . k-Adolphe nailed _. Budder,* into thColetpest eztrav gnnce, and appeared, what tiey call at. Pim, to 'manger' hislortunew very rapid*, also _to havexiChierselEcitmpletely .iof his ri- 1 val ; .but thisii.titongtiti was owing to the _superior good tensa.:4o caprice of the el; der brother: i i .. -- T wonder whether -knew Marg uerite ? I sometimes thirikrthalßbe knew it ha the I time. For the - firet--114 months I', verily I believe Adolphe conglatulated him elf on his success. For multiyear of her society b he was content . totnifter life—andi mare, !';than life, -peihripir-bet - at time grew o-, 1 p it I remarked that his dwelt .- grew pal rand his ey e motellagmdday by day. ore over, even then -ski-could not 'resit the pleasure cifinititing him Unhappy: I I tell you, my fr iehd, , thifiramen has no more i beard-than a-Ifttil . :4: 4 One morning Irktiew 1 it all. Adolphe halliftpent hit last !florin ' and blownlna,brahrAttmt.. He left alletteri" for me andl learned iv"" thing. HO kept. his word, you see i ant behaved like a gea- Aleman: : Theitsfotnid - her glove oh his body. 'Fritz nhver itimet back. Idin not think she , fninded:thitt - very much: I It is scarcely six snonthiPago; do you think she looks - verrftrowful now?" In any ether.oonntry, says the narrator,. , such.a tragedywethit would have at` least .created a sensation—not so in Wallachia. The victim was:w_.Hungarian, the hdroine one of the beauties cif -the Principafities. It seemed to beresarded as a mere I mat , ter of •couraeoz.very natural consequence and probablyAtJgrave , Englishman and: his mercuriallinfordinnt then placing the gardens , werefhe - only . two people paelit who treated the subject with4e -el •I'' ' A party went on shore one night for the purpose of catching turtle, a de scription of which may not be uninterest ing. We. left the ship at sunset, and reached the shore about dark, and !then hauled the boat from the belie/. Having reached the place;we lay -down, keeping a sharp look-out, and= making as little noise as possible. The moon had risen some time, and was shedding her silvery rays on those desolate regions ; the oppo site coast in the distance, which is very mountainous, and the sbip riding at anchor, had together a very beautiful effect ; the sea was perfectly calm, and everything appeared to to sleeping in the stillness of the night, pot a whisper toeing heard among the party; ,the surf dashing against the rocks alone breaking the 8/ - lence of the scone; Ws, were thus all in expectation of the appearance of a tur tle, and six. belle_ had just struck' on board ; that is it was ; leven o'clock, p. when we saw the,fiest, to our great delight, coming on shore, Pa?, opposite us. It looked like a black rack, moving slowly and steadily out of thewater. We did not interrup, its progress until it had got some distance Upon the beach, when a rush wee math ; toward it, and it . was immediately tu. rne d over, on: its back, without giving c time to defend itself, or blind its assailaits byitheowing sand with its flippers or Peal i whisli_ they do With such forge thattt is almotidangerous to come near them .j.t-tgOli etx. men thes to turn the largestthat was: taught ; and!the following incidiat ofertber -.show :the immense strengp pipes° anim a l s ; o ne of our men, the gunner, wandered a w ay by himself tattle . far . ther,encl of he beach, where hithotight to have. all :th e sport to himeelfgat doubting for. a ino. merifthat he weld :be able- to turn any turtle which Otead bat, on, the con trary, to his inprise, not being, absent long before ; hetoted a large .one making tciwaids the 'be*. He , :allowed 'it! to come up:some t loend then ran : over) to it, and attem turn, it: All Ida] ' efforts were aever, fruitless,' and by some: means he et his hand between: the I shell and the nee, which the animatib7 drawing in his lad, jammed, arid held it there so tight tip he could not withdraw it. The turtle 04149144. - to crawl to „rude the Ila, j agging the man, with jt-; and lie was to UPMent danger; of , being carried Off r achealeJlegaltill call for, as sistance. Our pty was sontelPhet alarm ed at the-cries .thkingssome 'serious ac-, cident. had. hopped, immedird4lt ran t owar d tbeplace- from which the sound Proceededrhere we arrived just ,tin, time to save the or fellowfrom a watery graVO. Tobacco Smoiagill Shakespeare's : y... f. • •-----., ',.' 1 .--: girtWalterild lf, 'of Whobilbe ' h i a ~ apoc - 13 , phal. story is 4f . Ms • seritirit be lieviug him to bean #rp, Ink whi t h i b a , iong since 4eerciven to the marines, from his poi* at court soon made smoking-feshionle;-:At Shalceepaa re P a theater, - thel - 01oiat - pailialdeipou 'apt of `the ground onhich one of thirbrew ing houses of Mee: Barclay & Perkins now stands,"the!ausitinents of the au dience," says hitlyce,'"previons to the 1 commencement the play, were reading, -playing at cardr,,'oking tobacco, dripk- inle and - eutingples and nuti: - 'Even during the OrforsicePite adds, "it was customary for witEritlim, and young gal il lents who were dtOlis of ; attracting at-; tei*onttu . ,atitioqiinselves on the stage. 1 ditheirrying"onra., or on hired 1 ttoolg,ctrhilif tlV:Lfirhistied'thilli with pipes, 8.40.- - V.roliaceb : : VI Useriaficl Artusea. THE COMING BATTLE. BT" Z . ;2l.O7PS'£• :BFNNETT The War eleuds ha e gathere 1, cur 1i0,,t; are ad vancing; There's a rattle of dinms and a e ,ctia,r of arms: Our leaders are watting, r. ;dr chargers are pran cing . R adtho heats cf our dear onei. are wild with AlElllll'3. 0 God I in by might Nerve our arms for the fight And the victory giro to the brave and the right! Aimed treason has struck at the life ofthe na tion, And brasen-browed perMry marshals its hogs: 'But the legion of freedom has taken i , 43 Matters An the seldieni of liberty sand at their posts: G God ! in thy might Wield toy strength for the Right. And•scatter our f(mt , i the battle rretiEht ! The men who were r.ared zt the breast of our - mother. Andnotutah - •,1 by hor who mire strength to as 1111; Tbeirfeelings-ofloveend of loyalty smother In hind last for.power az. d greet • • -'Ol God el eh •Wight • . Lend thine aid in. the tight— ow these basest of traitors toy strength and thy might • Thel e Vhkotir fathers ha thp Kati via tuttuoath ;Has imeuutrailedin the dust ul ro,belliori and ' •sh*ririt''' The sword of oppreusion scaleis unttheattie3— Of Pieedo'm tney'd 'leave but thu ghost and the . name! 0 Ood hi thy.to'ght,. Blastthrir arnie in the fight. • And let victory perch on the hal: et of Right! The warriors of Frredetn, in battle army Rave gathered in strength our loved Nation to • save: And the-treason that dares to oppose them t - dity, To-Maxim sh;3ll sleep in a par: iside's trrave! O.A,d ! in thy might Lend usstrengle for the fight— . Oivethe victory now to w h 31 et ust be the Right! Tan_ RAILWAY TIMR.REEPIER' &Peel&ily adapted for Army sales. Warran ted to rtin and keep excel ant time, Ore of the most taking novelties of the day, and should re tai tat prices 'lron} $:0 to $5O each. bold Only by the 'case containing sir of asset Ltd psfterns,— Heavy silver plated.-emaire turned, per ease of a bait dozen, !sleet tegildett ;iftneZ udta' ion gold, beautifully engraved. pernits4f en, $.39: Sample'cases of half4o kind. $39. Terms ea h, Will be sent by elf Stith hi for co 'eaten on delivery- . Sal - .rintat, remit cash in advance, as we cannttegkot fresh them. This is one 'of the most saleatleti - aitAFCS of the times audjust the thing ter thOolit - the army wishing-to- melte nt - ney ispidlMAltrderearly. Addrews RUB9BAII,D BROS., sole importers. jirol,intd] Perase building, NasSan st„ N.Y. 1 WX. N. FABER & CO., S'TE'AM ENGINE BUILDERS Iron 7Voituatierz. iIENERALIAADRIAISTS AND BOR ER IMMURE, sear the Pena. B. It, Passe3ge Demi 1111ANTIPA4DTVILE ALL KINDS 0) ANA-Stool Ulm rsnsizur tram three to cut ltuidred and horse pelves-, and suited f: gristLSttls. Saw !dills, 13145 t Furnaces, Factories, eive,partioular attention to the co: struction of En Ines and fiery for grist mills. and for nmights, mulay and circular saw faille. Have ahm on hand. finished and - ready for ship ment-at /hart notipe. &mines and Boil= ot even , description. • Aleoacirnlahrroilersand Sheet Iron separately. Wrought iron, Shank's. Ilansere-c.nd Panics in every variety,. and. continuo the manufacture of Woolen Bfaohntorkand Machina Cards. Our.prices are low, our mac:binary manufactur ed of theibturtquality ofmateriala, and warranted in all oases to give satiAtotion. leirOrden froni ull parts of the co. WINTER CLOAKS, SIFIAW LS MERINOS and DRESS GOODS, Barred country Flannels. Plain Gray and Twilled Flannels. Blankets, .ko. 411 will he sold cheap fur cash at H. J. LYNCH'S, No. 96 Market street B. BEELIC . C. STREET. months Cathedra REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. DILLIII.B NOTES, BONDS. MORTGAGES and "o:ber.Nem rides. 1, CHOICE NEW lIAMS, "IRON CITY" brands, Sugar Cured Hams, just froze smoke and for sale by CIIAB,L. CALDWELL. (stteeesur to James Holmes k Co. deci9;Sed comer Market ,f- Firs' streets JOHN LITTLE, Jr., NO. 1061 , 0IINTEI STREET, STOCK 'ANIBILL BROKER Promlssoiy Notes, Stook Bonds. and M or tgage booths and sold. 1718 CORNWELL. KERR, • CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS (At the old ostablkhed Coach Faofory,) 111 MITES WAY, HEAR ST. CLAIR Repairing done as usual. - - *CEO. R. COCHRAN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAM, Of6oe No. 69 Grant Ftreet, near the Court • Rouse. Pittsburgh. • L L BUSINESS ENTRUSTED 'TO IIP , 'hie care wilFreceire prompt attention. Col lections made and the money promptly remitted.' deo6:lyd AISINS 800 . boxes. 100 half and 100 quarter boxes sew 111. R. Raisins. 100 - hazes and 100 half boxes new layer Raisins; • 25 Fraib3seedless Ratsin3q 25 Kegs do -do 20 boxewßutyrna do No* landing and for sale by REYMER & BROTHERS. • N 08,128 and 12a Wand street MIALLMORAVSIGLIRTS KIR 1.,04),..0 BALMORAL SKIRTS in And bessatilni colors. Merchants and dtgae,iruppli e d in quantity, EATON, lIIACRIIIN C 0. ., . o I 7 FM street... . _ CnAM.P c " ) Af r liirE 10 cases of t in store and for Wile by " MILLER & RICKETS° • • • GHOT GIINS-.IOOIIBLEAND 6INGIR3 BARII4L—The beet assertment •in thvlits! for mkt by BOWIT. ac_ TETLEx, . oAI - • .• 1811 Wood' strefsi. HIEI DAT-- Just opened a complete amortmeat of GENTS' ruitmBWol 4 04 w. A:0)4 *43 FederaleipttilaithoomlM74 SO.lslzts . Cr, Lab in.t. •:Glass in atciro and for Bale by • M.ILLE : .41.0K.ET30NJ rs44-17R. () Frki - ElAliEll'S ,AND bny Bpair of those wad made Boom for Bon. statible for Christmas presence. D. S. DIFFENBACHER. • No. i 5 Fifth street TLIITEXTRACTED WITHOUT l A).y the use of in apparatus wherebY no drugs ilr galvanic battery 11.111 used. "Medi cal,l.sm..= and their families have their teeth art:rafted by my process. and are ready to testify .as to the safety and painlessness of the operation, whatever has been tenni persons interested in 'asserting theoontrary, having no kn owledge 0f . 7 process. S3.A.RTIFICILL TDB'S Inserted in el style.. and charges as low. as will warrant even befit Of material in all eases. ..E. ODD& .Y Dentist, - . nolay-ie lB4 firnithilehl street i NE TWO-Sly VI V SECONDILIENO Ciatg4 4 29loll-graek; wiQ ba titailat stip giu_ se m Gamma Rep 08it Rap EIEB, IItANI7IOI9IIL2UI NY Pure No. 1 Carbon t..)1.1.„ AND airOffloe on LIEIKRTY STi.ERr i bpposlte Romeo R. 11:. Depot. 116.A1l oil warranted. pEzritoNA. wouns WORKS AT SDARPSBURGII STATION. AL? •LEGEBNy VALLEY, RAILROAD. ZITOMoo and Warobousa : 23 !Lucian' STEEET, Frinsittlita*. Manufactures of Illtuninating..s.nd Lfiliffented Catbon Oils and Ilenzole. • REFINED' OIL, wARROrrao Nolir-yapir4q3l.lr.N, al WAYS on hand. I Ge24:.17.. THE ARDESCO• OIL comr!.iPt:i itictiortrrAcTpuE AND itiA.v* role 4.v.a.saie a superior articled • • Refined • Ardesco • •• ' •,. KOI F - k# 1 413V4 #? 8 4 1 /,.. T 1 PU: ' ,Pb.* w a rehousa;27IICWECATRXET, • PITTSBURGA PENATA: • . The lehiloeppliie 33 EN - AIDEZVEI NKR' Domigarradytiii* philosophic Burnie. for Carbon 011 Is now. ready. It Poweseee mansradrantageil r-oVer the ; Common Burners, • I. ,, ltmitkes a large or -mall light' With Perfect combustion. , • - - 2: It will burn any quantity irlthisateti.L 3. IC can be:used with along or Ebert elllmAny. 4. It can be used as a taper night-lamP4 5. It can always be made to burn ectinomicallir. , 6. It is more easily wicked B / 1 081 an-t OAT *burner: 7. It can be trimmed and lighted' without: re- moving the cone. 8. It throws all the white light above Vie cone. 9. The chimney ean beremoved- or :Insorted. without touching the glass _ Theso burners are: the common . No.l else, and tan be put cm any lamp now in use. Ilverzy par son wing_ Carbon Oil should have a Philoso,phie Burner. Price 24 cents Lper doseref?.iglu& a No. - 182 FOURTH - street. Pittsburgh. ' leBs-I,ydw, - P. mrAy.wait. I • Le II 0 en. 01:1 DuNoAtr, Ilinafaaturera of wEirriklurznikii • c R'33 l 0 •DT• - " '1.41 /J 3 . Mos t NO. 991. LIBMITY STAMM burgh. Pc. fa: oL&R OIL WOBILIV COXP-4944: OF PRNIMILVANiAIL 01770 Z AST. OLA ME= issaishißriet 214Addrges . 4 4 J. WAVER. JR4fiearetass ' nvilgti prrksßUattE. GROCERY DEAEERS, WHOLESALE 6RO'C'Eln NO2, 18 AND 20 WOOD ZTREtT, haiku' ]PIT T 11,111 B'GF • WILLIAM., - CARII ,, is , -:±0.." . .VIEIQ . LEOLE: 0.1.10E0 4 , i ...r•'‘ ALSO. ;- , Distillers-and Dealers-1n num OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY 327 Liberty street, wm. rim= WM. H. sairria WHOLESALE GROCERS NOS. 112 SECOND AND 141 FIRST STREETS'' delta PITTSB EBB: i 1117.1.1111 IOUS& DAVId beCIA.4D . III4II„ nAttotaolf A. corm. n iSpocial Partner. General Partners. BMA-NS (Bootrotoora to M'CrotclitM. Moaskszdi 004) --' WHOLESATA ..•- GROCE.IO3; Oomer *aid r and' Water atreete I rends prrrenmEtenri JANE& i r ETZER,' .17-r FORWARDING AO COMMON '"'WHM k rcea.lEel'elLll OP • ' Flour Grain; Wage.% lwo. Y ried - FlPait' . and Phi nee • -Geuerany, • :0O 14 ' Corner ilatrket and Firstlitreeeso PITT9.GDWGIQP4L BNB= TO—Grande G. BMW. Fa ` 'Wllliaig Dilworth 8r S. Cuthhert BOtr.:rittsbugsb: Boyd 3: Ott,' Heieker "SIV - 01ifinge71. - G. Brady Cash:AL AI.A Bank. Listilowell. Mangle :co George W.. Anderson. Donjon. Paxton ;Co.. - wleelinft. Wholesale Grocizei - thaLiqiibi 'For " !rule woos AND FEr.TIIRES-01P-.i 'Wholesale Grocery and, Liquor ;Emus)) ow, ins a good triode -on one' of the best %mow streets in the city, is offered for sale.,es