ESTIBELT VEGETABLE. NoNo ALOOROLIO PREPARATIONS , I P; PURE TONIC MEDICINE. HOOFLANDYS CELEBRAMED pERMAN BITTERS FE. 0. Ai. SA:OXSOR, Philade] phia, Perms., - !,i1 Will effectually cure .'Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE alumni°. or Nervous Debility . Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases Arising from et Disordered Liver or Stomach, amh 1!;•••,: as Cons& _pation. Inward • Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nansea, Heartburn, Disgust the Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink Mg or Fluttering at the Pit ta tue Stom- SCN SWiDlllllllg Of the nese: Hurried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying lusters Dimness of Yision_, Deta or webs be lenathe sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Reed. Deficiency of Fergie: l ion, Yet. - lowness of the and es,Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, • bs, Jet • Sudden Fluahes of Heat. Burn jP in; in the Flesh, Constant • imaginings fof Evil. and great depres a on Of spirits,_ willPositivalY signora Yellow Fever. Billions trever. Oka THEY O4 %.IN NO ALCOHOL WHISKY t They 'will cure the above ' ea in ninety-nine tees out a hundred. Induced by the extensive side and universit Popular: of Hoo fi and German Bitters. (purely re:retail/5 . hosts' of ignorant quacks and unscru- Anions venturers, have opened upon suffering aumanity the flood gatesm of Nostrums the shape of poor Whisky , vil elycompounded with injurious . mes and christen Tonics, Stoma:hies and Bit tagiwars of the innumerable array. of alcoholic oreparnibm in plethoric bottles, and bitbellied C under the modest appellation of Bitters; Which. instead of Mring only aggravates diseami, nd leaVrithe disappointed sufferers in despair: YOgiWANTROMETHING to ETRENG TR.. EN 'YDU I YOUiWeII.NT el GOOD APPETITE? 90 YO EA WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CON-1 STITUTION I DO YO&WANT TO FEEL WELL DO NESKIYOU:WANT TO GET RID OF NER VO Usl !DO WANT Y I Do you,vrant to sleep well? ,Do yoriNvent a brisk and vigorous feeling? IP in do use VaI , tOPLAND'EI GERMAN BITTERS. trrenuf..2Vewton Brown. D. D.. Editor of the Ea-. mregvedia :of Religieue Knowledge. Alto mh not disposed to favor or recommend &stela Medicines in general, through distrust of ttheiringrodients and effects ; l yet know of no /sufficient reason why a man may not testify to the .benefit he, believes himself to have received from Any simple in the hope that he may thns conthbute to 'the benefit of others. • I do thiathe more readily in regard to Hoof tand's Gahm Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. minion; of this city, because was prejudiced &against them for manyyears, under. the morn- Mon that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture, Uam indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker. Mai „for the removal of this prejudice by proper • eats, andihr encouragement to try them. when .afferingfrObi great and long continued debility. he uaeof three bottles of these Bitters, at the ruarmning ef the present year, was followed by evident milk& and restoration to a degree of gadfly ancliinental vigor which I bad not telt for ix montheibefore, and had almost depaired of re /tilling. I therefore thank God and my friend for Erecting me to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Parmseatims, June 24, 1861. Rear the •13.4. Joseph H. Kemiard.lPristor of the Da Tenth Bemire Ghureh h . Jscanos—Dasa r—lhave beenfr silently requested to connectmy name with (lota nimdationa; of different kinds of medicine, but 11 fa"rl:ul f T%Pf"tep ~, :0-n anteleind;itWita Bear proof tit various instance,, and particularly in my owh family, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof and's German Bitters. I depart from my usual 0011 The, to express my full conviction that for general debility of theism/tem, and especially LW 'srmunplaititit is a safe and valuable preparation. E some eases it may fail, but usually I doubt not be very beneficial to those who suffer from ...eabove cadets. Yours veryriniurietfully, J, H. KNNARD. .- Eighth below Coats street. Phila., Dec. 24th. .-teafigs of ALDERMANWURD&R,Ger ,II mangoes. GIRIUNTOWN. Jane 1 1861. • •'O. f. 40131011—Sir:—It' gave me plenum; ' to give you a for e certifi. teatiiYia tthe _ an Bitters had done me. 'I am owperfaayi cured of all those disown:etyma edioinensesses to oure,visatmsepdChron rand Nerveta debility, atmae of the Kidneys to. The rierful influent's it exerts upon :Ner eons on is surprising, I have hem.' con frequently in. reference to your Bitteraand without healtation, have recommended it for the shove complaints, and in every instance it has effectually , Ore& Your. medicine has a great' reputation iaGernuintown. -.Ed is -sold in every Drug Store. end in most of the Grolier" a torea, here. If anyone should question what s. let' them come to Germantown, and I pr ove to their satisfaction. that the Bitters have cured in .meases this vicinity wort than twenty ewe of the above Ikepretfully, HANNAH WUNDER. Main streegehove Rittenhouse. Germantown. can's. - 3 1!1, Or, JU3T 27040117170 FOR rHE so.rArgas. Will build up the constitution, and give health %Urania 1:io overtaaked and diseased irt• l'lLtind'nfalrY I'ROMTHEARM? IPHILAD9LPEML, .Auttat 12. 1862. Ds. C. M. Jabrsos—.Deor Bir: While in Viz .; a, owing to the change of water. I was taken Ir.& a a erne diarrhea, which seemed incurable, and whish greatly weakened me. When we eaohed KartMsbuzg, I feared I should' have to oars home; but noticing some of. our Bitters in Jie store Mr. It'll. Price, in that town;' I purr hanks lid and on takingit war sneedZio Pored 'to E. The diarrham - was I;experienced no return of number am*, comrades, who suffered in thestme manner and ..from the same cause, withwhoiinn .1 shared the Bitters, yoin me in this oertificatei expect to returaito the seat of war with • thellie,g-• 0n../ad aliallentainlY take a amnia , of the litti rein my knapitaok. I would not be without it r its we ht in Particularly on going into a -.mitt region. trubr. A. E. A,LTBMII6I. ;1! Company H. 500t1 Ltelol%. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ; See', that the t , rture of "C. M. JACKSON," ir oaths Waal. nof each bottle. Princioaofdoe and Manufactory, DIO. esectilii*Rcri cirrumwer: 40*A8-&-EVANE s Wrixises4a ro C. M. JAINIKUr & Oo.f I. L if:EIOPR/ETORs. by Dantean and Dealer in every wn is Chu United, -Stanek and by GEO. H. KEYSER, Pitenentrgit. IL lIIONWARTZ, str24 ay-deod ,14 All Lheny vs. Alio for mita JOWa FLE.I3 w ile/of tliclEi L awad .t ad Market etre*. • Made aleo.byj WHOM SOELNIFEWE I !ad row* *eat .; ' • 11 , i • . : '..., ..• - --0ttftgratippr=7,m0tt,Lv0i.t.5.r...,,7..47....a..4,144-.-^,,,,ritartiv......... 7- m - Trze5.......v!Tr47.t '... . , =,,,- , --,. -.;• ~.., ,-," =.--. . 47**, --- -, , -,.- -14., ......._.-- --,......................,....,,..a......,-,.......,...-„,-...-...—...........•;::: 1.. -. A' - ..„ ..„ -,. --4.: 4 , • Z 1i i - ` I, ~, ,, ,tt L 'l' i ~-;. ' V 0 - , -, :-... ,- ' i:, '--- , , di- ~, ';.:!.... I; ,-.f ", f - - ,„, -- ;!:, = ,r-7 , -„,, -!' ":'.... ' •., ~ ~-el , :. ',& j- d • i',... --, !„-,, ' ..,,..,, ,_ i ..--,--'1 -.....;:-..41 - ', s r; ~,I i'ri - , ti c i,_•-•,' - ,1-, : -4.,„,. • ~- ... - .l*Zoj.. C .v . ,3,e.11: o'l" '. *,4,1. , 5_4 1 1.1% ~, 1 -h. 4‘. :: ' '''. t ''. '' .. .". ..1• I', 1 r ( ) ~.. 1i ' , :I: : S ' Ti' '" ' ' 1... ' i 1 , , 10: .... .: ~,.:,:: ,\ •,:... .... , . _. , , , : z„ 1.., _. :._. .1 , . _.• -,; ,\ Al ;II; ~....:: ;11 .. ,:,. ..- .1 .. ... ,,, ,..41 N, ~ ' .:: . fit .i; ; ' '—‘... 00 L :t .i,v st • i , .A ., . , ~. , N. . 1 ' • I • ' I K.._ t ' •.oli ..3. i ,I k . I .:' • a 1 .; , , 1 111 . 1.. \ . - . . , . ' ' I , • . . . .. ~ .„.. , . : I, '. . . - • . :. ; '-...'' 1 I :11 , • 'l . !..1. d ! !:, - . - . le, Editor &..Pronvi - -- . P. Bar ftliPilitllD BY • . . Etrgs—Salos 2 barrels at 10, "41 dozen. Sugaa Srm; sales 10 'Ads Orleans at 1614®11o: Ciushed 14%. Malsattew - Salesof 50 h b ls N. 0., Ole. Coffee -Riles of 10 bags, b20)33c. Salt—Sales of 40 bbls at 4 43 40®3 50; 50 do ps: 25. Deane—Sales 50 bushels, small white at 44:60 ilop.--vve note sales of prune Eastern. New York. at 230.- Olatonel—lSales 50 'Wishes at Snific. 0 1 1 e—Owing to the cold weather and the pros peoCof the riverciosina. Crude Oil has advanced 1 cent 31 gallon. We. quote, Crude. in bulk, at 31e; and. .Barrel oil at from 36 to 38e, bbls included, No chute° in refined. COMMERCIAL INFO RIKATIOAT Prepared for the Daily Post. LtardThnmarkot was strong at 83i for city and - 'for &entry, Mess Pork — Market steady at $lO 75. Green Maws were sold at 5% for desirable size and'out, but 'the market was rather heavy.— Shoulders were a tri de firmer, though buyers are net nisnoeed to give over 3N e. Hogs—The market exhibited an increasing firmness. The rates were Inferior hard to sell at 1084 for 200 lb hogs, $4 go 4 45 , was obtained. • fiud.duatiTa &swim - WM. H. salmi & 400, `WHOLESALE GROCERS NOS. 112 SECOND AND i 4 FAST STREETS de23 PITTI9II /1. H CURTIS C. STEINMETZ, G7NIIRAL HOrSE'CARPENTER A N.D,..7." OB BE R. •. • SHOP vrounor ALLEY, between - Wood and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA. , - ilor9rden eoliolted and: promptly attended to. r auuS ikISSOLIITION—THE FIRM OF JAR; ix WAR D & CO was dissolved on the 4th day of November, 1862, by the retirement of George ••IL Reis:and Andrew B. Berger: - therefrom, • The interest of Reis and Bergin passes into the hands of James Ward, and the business of said! ann. Passes into the hands of the remaining members thereof, who are to detticiall debit and colleiit ail demands. and.oonthme saii! business; to whbm the patronage of theyid &wends _et said farm is recontmended. ' JAMBS WARD, • • , W6if.' WARD; nol_ amd REJB & BER ER. Read ! . Read I Read HIGHLY IMPORTANT!! O..REAT RELIEF. TO . WiatiainoliClT• ILA sight . RD. and those ealfednis. froailwoolutels of 'BULL. WOO AND OL_D t eltr ti f y ill t h lie t ivongis e e nee : eat. tell.r hi l our t RUSSIAN -PEBBLE! IMICTACI:88. Wrell'aisiiewillecinlint(tiCilled Rodeo► natudao Soo Dr tbrintilliese Spectacles. , Mold ohr ; J. DIAMOND, Op No. 89 Fifth street. Post Building . ' The Rose* gabble inltested la old frames:l theired.:- ' ; Ar-Bgwa, *- B AL MOI r tAi , OPEVRTIS 31,00$0)BALDIORAL AIKIRTS 1u Urißhti and beantitnl . aplora, Merchant a dealerllaDPliod in quantil9. .„., i.x&Tonr* NACRIIN act4L. N 0.17 Pitt street. THII4-111A:Ir— , _ a u t OE I 4 koqw,.. anortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. *4.114401. co., 142 PodonastretitAlleothony oltr v. Limß. BERL:: ns akin °ppm, Paola? BEAL nun Am:iamb/RA - Am= NOT= BOPIDEU:= 1 1 1 6 =dom /Isis- MILITARY GAillirrytTS I iII* AND HID GAUNTLET% IN WHITE AND'arm,. Riaaived by Raman tide day at BATON, NAORUM &CM. N0.17-Ntiviittrest . - WALLPPRIL, AT OLD PRICES for salobt, no B Pn 1 44.411. ja , iknodstrent. . - NEW "ADVERTI,SIArt4 . lIATES. , -. . - - .The , followincratte wifidiertising i have been oareed.npon ha theiPubilahera of toe - Pitteburgh ThailYlT_ress; do take , olTeetoon. and 'after the 106 day ot Plogetob 1862, on all new co li tiota , : - - . ~_FU R ; orympionire.lllATT P 2 R SINGLE 2Q 92 , 2-E, , VP.22PDA Y .. 'itainaftrttcn 8:V tioniba. l :s9oo'Thoitterhoia.:.."-lodipAoutbsC i t oo Three it3prtiona 1 25. months ~. 13 00 One week , -, 2 00 Five montlui. 1.. .14 oo Two weeko_ ... ......... .. '3'so 5iit221610.. .. 16'00 Throe weeki...... ::.... .6 ' One•year J 4 . ~ . woo Nizierniontho:. 2000 00] One month... . 26 00 :. *.Of.C,C/1:638.. egilit. l l4::.. TTIER. Which allows theprieileieof awe° change r.r... -:ofonatteri taheinserted among ew , ' • 1 advertheniente. ... • . 1 Idt PER 13196L2 331:17.&112, 2 , 7E3, DA.Y, I sl a i nic athi, '. s . : i. i : i : _ ..i . $lB 00 Twelye_montbs • - .., 8000; Adnulnistritortelfothea . - -4. 295 !Kaman 1N9ti050...,....41.... i 75 Death lintio46 eaehinsertion........ '-.. . 50 113.1 ~1 ill.fathrfrtisempnta orderal h . for r Month; orJeu itineTtal; casket them° of or , • CHALESiVIINIGET Eve. Ohre'dole. FOSTER:a BLESeON A titte. MOW/6 JAEL P. EARB, Pitts. , Po t. /4..R.IDDLE Jr 00.1 Pitkbersh GaCette. E DAILY - POST- , ADVANCED RATES. One year by' ...... Fix 'merlon. Three One H " .... .otie week; delivered in tnecit7 'Single coulee:— .. ................ egentii per Arbitration Committee or libel Board - - of Trade for Nov. and-Der. Wm. M. SHINN„ V. P. I JAR: LBE NETT JDO.' DILWORTH,' VKaalcOß RDY. • DAVID MiIOANDLERS. • • PITTStitiIiGit'PEODI7.OE, ;BEET OFFICII OP THE DAILY POST, • Wednesday. Dec.lloth.) leemarks--Buahous yesterday wits( not very act i ve; the sales made partook of retail character. Natigation in the Ohio is about suspended until we have a rise of - water, We notice sales as fol lows: Flour—The sales ware only moderate, princi pally to most the wahts of the lobal trade. We heard of one lot 0f435 barrels. Extra Fatuity at a variety-of prices ranging,frons $6 3506 90 per bid: . Sales of 40 bald at: Extra. ;$6OO. Fxtra. Family t6-75,= 600 bbls. Era Family. s6' 75;50 ilo Extra Family, $6 50®+6 75 '36 do do $6 75; 50 do os6 40® 6 75; 120 do do $6 60@5 75 Apples—Sales of i 0 tibia, 'Russets. at $1 .87 4 F b.rreL Doled Feett—We note sales of Apples. in a large way, at $r 25; Peadlies $250 ' . • , Cheese are in got d demand with s d les of '0 boxes; W. R.. 12420. liamber, 12c • - - 11341 / o, l o s l lT—Sales 5 bb's at VO R barrel. I ...i.Rattei tit infaiedenithieb• elm 0f , 15 bbls, roll, at 180. • Corn—The demand is improving; sales 500 bushels, new. 700 lit bushel ~; tQaltst,—_ _ln 'good demand eiles.ssoitnuthele from bi l e'se4"3®46.4l - -, -- Wheat—Red is held at $1 20: Whtie $1 2:4 Bart y _s l 15®1 20, for Spring and Fall; lee 75n. Petateeti oe% anoing; sales 100 barre ls, Pink Ryes:at $t 00'- Hay—Sales of 33 loads at seal a. at $1417 per Cincinnati Provision Market, 131, ISLANKIETS, FOR ARMY' USE w.meCURiTOCIE at SON, /18 11 1 / 1 111/111 STREET. DAILY' POST . TOUCH . NOT THAT:FLAG:: ' Traitor !spare that, flag! • . 2stiiih not a single star ' Its sheltering glory now. Stiß blew near and far 'Twee our forefathers hand That placed it o'er our head, And thou shalt lot it stand: Or perish with the dead. That dear old precious flag. Who , e glory and renown Are spread c'er land and sea, And wouldst thou tear it!dciwn? Traitor! forbearthy touch !! Rend net it'sheart,bound ties I Oh, sp streamingorious flag, Beill through tlaeskies When I 'aqui yet a boy I gioriedinthersight, And raised my voice in joy. To greet its folds of light— For it Erg home is dear; Dear as aitre land Forgive this my fo m h olis tear. But let that old flag stand. My heart-things round thee cling Close as thy stripes, old friend ; Thy'praises men shall sing. Till tithe itself shall encl. Old flag : the storm still brave; And, Traitor, leave the spot! While l've a hand to save, Thy touch shall harmit not I THE , COUNTERPARTS. EP ONE OP THEE A quiet uneventful li her' mine, until I left the shelter of my fa's roof, and accepted the desk of book-keeper in the wholesale clothing establishment of Shean At Prescott, in 'the busy town of A—. One fine afternoon in October, I invited Lilly Prescott, with whom I was very nearly in love, to walk with me. Her delicate little hand, in its delicate, primrose-cclored glove, rested .on my arm, her black eyes lifted to my faze, I felt particularly tender and confidential, and at peace with all the world. We were speaking of the gorgeousness of the dis tant hills, clothed, as they were, in their mantles of crimson foliage, when I was brought to a stop by hearing my name pronounced in a tone neither sweet nor agreeable. "Mr. Smith, I'll just trouble you to pos a minit !" I looked up—a woman of fifty or there abouts effectually blocked up the pave ment in front of us, indeed, her propor-, dons were colossal. If ever have seen the personification of indigntition, I saw it in her expressive countenance. "Madame!" I exclaimed, retreating a little from the battery. of flashing grey eyes she brought to bear upon me. "You needn't madame me!" cried she, waxing redder.. I'll just trouble you to settle this little bii!" and she thrust an ominous piece of paper before my eyes, which read as follows : Richard Smith to Bliss Juliana Dixiino. For six month's board. $75 00 For six month's washum. 15 00 Total, $9OOO. "I owe you nothing, madame. I never saw you before in my life." "You needn't lie to me!" cried she set ting her arm akimbo. "I hain't kept a boarding-house fifteen years for nothing, sirl You'll either pay on the spot or I'll take the law." "Take it," I returned, "you're welcome to it," "You think to ears me, young man ! Return . :fiber what you promised I'll have you taken up for it as sure as my name is Diggins. I'll larn you better than to de ceive a trusting widder woman in that way, you desateful hypocrite." 'Madame you insult me, I—" "Oh! it looks well for such as you to stand upon your dignity. Mighty lofty alt at once. You've forgot the time and the kisses you used togive me every even ing after all the rest of them had gone to bed I You've forgot the half dozen Shirts I made you and never charged you for ! You've forgot that you solemnly promis ed to marry me last Tuesday morning! Yon have forgot that, have you." _ "Yes, forever and a day afterwards! roared out, "Do you think Pd marry an old woman like you? I'd sooner wed my grand mother." I saw the fire flash up in her eyes. The widow was growing dangerous. I dodged - the *reticule she aimed at my head, and fell over' backward, as she charged on me with her half mourning parasol. Miss Lillie turned and fled. I thought discretion the better part of valor, so I leaped . Over a garden fence, and made good my escape by fording a duck pond and reached the next street, from which I hurried home the best way I could! '"i was resolved that I would not stay there a day longer. Evidently there was some other Richard Smith, for whose no torious self I was mistaken. I . penned a hasty note to my employers, giving my reasons for leaving them, pack ed m" - trunks, paid my board, and marking my baggage 'R. Smith , Washiugtonl,,' entered the train for the locality specified on my trucks. In selecting Washington as my place of destination, I had no very definite, object in ' but in'a plaCe of its size I had no doubt of being able to secure a good situ ation. It was nine o'clock the next day when " arrived in Washington. I alighted, and was hastening down the platform to look after my baggage, when I saw a young lady in a brown silk walking dress earnest ly regarding me. As she caught my eye she threw up her veil and sprang towards me. As the vail swept back, it revealed the lovliest fa3e I ever looked upon. I had never dreamed of anything half so beautiful. In involuntary admiration I stood still. She threw herself into my .awros- , -ber arms fell about my neck= her velvet cheek touched mine—and such a kiss as; she planted fall on my lips; My face was in a blare—l felt as though had' been ste wed in honey, with lavender for I flavoring. She repeated the kiss—the munificent creature! exclaiming; "Dear, dear, Richard I How delight. ed I am that you have come at last.'' I Was dumb. My mouth was sealed up with the sweetness of her kisses. I dared not speak for fear I should dissolve the spell. "We have been waiting on yon for four I whole days! Only think what aperiod itif suspense!" went on the soft voice of. the lady, es t clasping my hand, she drew me, unresistingly to :a plueton in waiting.— . There! ,make, it easy. Pm going to.dri've. Is not pleasant to he waited on, Richard?" "Alluvia so anxious to see you once more, Richard; but his rheumatism is so much worse to-day and he could not drive down. William is away on an errand for :the bride. But I would come, I wanted -stonneh:to be the first one to greet you Richard. Alice is so beautiful, and so hAppy,..Riehard, you ought to be the hap piest MBA alive.'' "r—lbelieve I am!" exclaimed I, as, raising her face, the little; enchantress favored - 11m With another kiss, which, this time, I 'repaid with compound interest, and then blushed boiling hot to think of At this moment, the Rho:ton - stopped at WEDNESD , the door of a fins old mansion, sad me chanically I'alighted and lifted out my companion. The hall door -was flung open. The clasping hand of the young lady drew me within the vestibele--her musical 'voice called softly at the. door of a boudoir: "Alice! Richard' has come!" . Instantly the doer was - flung open, and a dark haired beautiful woman came forth. She gazed at me a moment with Unuttera ble tenderness , and then embraced nioJ with a minglingot fervor and shyness al- I most bewildering:. - I Ve*ily I was a favored individual. An elderly geatieman, 'supporting him self with a cane, now, came foriciard and saltited me calling me 'My dear son,' and cuttingshort everything I attempted to say by his jovial volubility. The folding docks separating thi setting room and parlor . were thrown apart. I heard the subdued hum of voices, the 'rust ling of heavy silks and waiting in an al cove arch of an East window I saw a cler gyman in gown midlands: The elderly gentleman took thelhand of the dark haired Alice and placid it in mine. "Take her," he Said, with emotion, "and may God prosper ion! We will have the most important thing first, and dinner af terward. The guests are already getting impatient. I glanced at Alice's dress. It was. bri dal white; and her beautiful hair was crowned with a wreath of orange, bins- I soma. 'The sight gave me a tremor, I felt; weak and: faint. My parlor milt have alarmed Alice, for she clutched ply arm wildly, and gazed into my face with pain ful anxiety. 1 "What is it Richard? Are you Ill? Merciful Heaven! Helen, look at him! He is ill!" "It is nothing" Igasped, "only I can not—cannot marry-you! I--' "Oh! Heaven!' cried Alice, in horrified dismay. Seeing she was about to fall I flung my arm around her for support. At this moment the hall door wits open ed; and turning. at-the sound, ‘I saw, with my own eyes, my second self enter the .room! My exact counterpart! Richard Smith, No. 2. 1' His fierce eye tolc in the seene;at one sweeping glance. ' e rushed toward me with a wild ejaculation, and tearing the halt fainting form of Alice from my arms, he planted his firm - grasp on my throat.— a t I put my hand on the same locality of his body. . . "What are you doing?" he thundered in my ear. "What are you dOing?" I thundered in response. ''lour life shall ay forfeit!" .he ex claimed, ' with ma violence. The man who dares win Alic Hereford's love dial' die!'! "Gentlemen?" interrupted the sweet voice of her whom 'they called Helen, "be patient; there is some mistake. Which i of you s named Richard Smith? "I am!" replied 4iy counterpart. "But which of you is Richard Smith— .the son of Archibald Smith?" "I ern," said my second self. "And I am not," said I; "my father was named Robert." Helen looked at nie a moment, half in doubt evidently; hotv to treat me after what had occurred. Finally she held out her hand— "l beg your pploi, :Mr. Smith; it was Ara ortijless mistake of my own. Can you forgive me?" I thought of the kisses she had given me, and wished the same mistake might be made again, though I was wise enough not to make known my wish. "Let me explain," she continued frank ly. We were expecting my brother Rich ard home from L—, where he has been for some four or five months past, and were quite sure he would arrive in • the train which brought you; he has been for psome years engaged to Misa 'Hereford, and the marriage ceremony was to take place immediately on his arrival, I went down to the station to welcome him, and because of the similitude in your respec tive personal appearance, I mistook a stranger for my brother. That is aIL Brother Richard, Mr. Smith is entirely blameless of any wrong. We gave him no time for explanations. Let me present you to each other as friends." My counterpart shook hands with me, and begged my pardon for dislocating my necktie. And then, at a sign from the elderly gentleman, we all walked into the drawing ; room, where, in a brief space of time, my counterpart was made the husband of his blushing Alice. The acquaintance so singularly begun with the - Smith family soon ripened into friendship, and became one of the most precious of life's blessings to me. Helen Smith had friseed tne, and she could not forget it- If a man get a wom an to think of him—it hardly mattets in what way—he has claims on her; and , so it was in my case. I believe I never' met Helen but she blushed at the memory of the kisses that stole over her. Three months after our first meeting. she kissed me again, and called me 'Dear' Richard.' And this time she was aware she was not addressing her brother. Is it a fortunate or unfortunate thing to have a-counterpart? When I think of the boarding housekeeper, I say 'No;' but when I look at Helen and recall the cie cumstances of our introduction, I am ac customed to answer—'Yes,' Dr. E. B. Olds Bleated by 2,500 Dr. Olds was, on Tuesday, elected a Member of the Ohio Legislature, by the invisible Democracy of Fairfield ; county', Keceiving the extraordinary majOrlty of ii.Dp t Jfos¢jw l Ave hundred. This' is 'One bf the most significant resets that we have hadthe pleasure to annouhcir since these perilous and tronblous times came to afflict the people of this country. The Doctor •was illegally and unwar rantably arrested at the midnight hoUris and forcibly removed from the State of Ohio to Fort Lafayette, now one of the Bastiles of this Administration. There he has been incarcerated for four months; itra damp and filthy cell, not knowing what charges have been preferred against him nor who his cowardly accusers are. leis repeated demands to be put upon trial have been persistently disregarded ; and he is still in prison. Now the loyal people of his own county have cast for him by far the largest major. ity, for Representative, ever before given there. The result is a condemnation ex • pressed iethunder tones, of the wholesystem of arbitrary and illegal arrests.— His malicious and cowardly assailants and persecutors had not even the moral cour• ' age to ran one of their own persuasion against him. ' This fact gives the immense vote polled a still greater significance.— There isn't room enough in all the Gov ernment Bastiles throughout the country, to contain even the Fairfield county "sym• athizere"—with Dr. Olds. From the Ohio Statesman Majority. Secretary Seward not a Caildidate for the - United States Senate. From gib Albany Evenineffourna Thi 3 f oll owihifettar . froni Secrefary Sew ard in reply to one from Thomae I'. Di m, inquiring whether he , would permit his name to be presented to the I Legisla ture for 'Enited States Senat . or, i equally i reply to the journals that have request- , , ly connected his name with NG question: N0v..., ~. WABITOIT, 'Thtir Lv sday 2O 1862. Data MT Sm: • I thank you for your kind note. I'could not well aismue that . the Legierrittire'of breW . York would en; tertian any. Pretensiond on my part toa seatin the Senate of Hie United States': -- , It would, nevertheless, he very . anPleasant for'me to•leaVe any doubt iny'owh deter 'mination in regard to;ublic, life. It. ii :nly fiied:pnipose, when'relieved from ms preserepost, to be,' and 'remain, I so long as' shall Ilia, ippriyate, hut at the same time a, royal citizen. So settled is•thie purpose,tent-I should not r l ielinquiiili it; even though places were opened! . to me, not Erldgingly or ilfion dornpronyee 'but voluntarily end by acclimation. ' i• Faithfully your friend, (84ned) WILLIAM' H. SEWARD. Hon. Tnosies T. DAVIS. 1 ...:.-7...7 Workmen of the North, , Look' lierel7-Eogrons from, the l South to Elbow. You Out of Employ , ment 1 i - We fine the following in an army cor respondence of the New York Tribune.. He is speaking of the negroes of the South, whom we hare induced" to run away fiom their masters : "But what shall we do with the great mass who are non-combatants, or who. can not be employed in or about our armies ? "This is a great, grave question. 'lt is not to be answered in a breath,- !but we generally say: Do the best we can. Whoever can employ one or more of. them 'should : do so, for the winter at least,,paying every .farthing that .may be earned. He whaj can not hire one should, if possible, con-, tribute something. toward .carrying them through theminter, if it only: be some old. clothes. Giv,e•whatever you : catiflAir their , needs will be intense and universal.t' „ That is the Abolition policy to -bring the Southern negroes North, and give them employment at the expense of w hite labo rers. The latter, with their families, are to be turned out to starve. Such is Abo lition philanthropy! Pair()learn. The Erie Observer says : ' "W e are informed that the common im pression that the petroleum is giving out on Oil creek is incorrect. It is true that some of the flowing wells have ceased run ning, but new ones commence about as fast as the old ones stop:— The speeipators in oil,•eager to get the highest prices, never fail to spread the news. over the•country of a well's ceasing to flow, but are not so ready in announcing the opening of new wells." Going to Make a Haul. • Detective W. Y. Lyon, on. Saturday re-: ceived - a warrant from headquarters ... the arrest of one hundred men-who have deserted from Camp Terrill, Camp Curtin; Camp Simmons, Maryland Heighti, and other localities. The authorities are de termined to put a stop to this skedrUlling, and for this purpose the Warrant has been placed in Mr. Lyon's hand, as it is known that he is indefatigable in the discharge of his duty.—Readin, Times, Spencer BRDWEDS AND IMBEDS, - Pittslnuit. September 10..1362. nkissotirriox or psirraziosftur. Air —The partnership heretofore eAsbns be tween JOS. lIPSNO.M and NAL GARRARD was dissolved on the 20th of / 88 2; W. H. GARRAAD being , settle up the business of the late firm at theottioeiii the Brew - IMF. The Brewinclitudnatwillbe continued by SPENCER dt: 12%.6,1 who tend to have al wma hands &hart:We of AILLPOB TB& and 11/111,81TOUT. The undereigned b thankita the frietide of . the latefirmfor a oentinuanoe • Of' their patronage, .promlise to make it their aim.., k te ere on to all who Ma ir.lal l t e ft% WATSON. of Liberty.street, se long the business community. will have the mannement of our business. with the full control in the Brewery. Address all orders to SPENCER & IttoKAY. Phomis Brewery. Pittabargh. , Pa. sedlHyd JOBBPS SPENCER. • JA GS WKLY. Parctimntsmaings4, ' ' Dr.BROWNII_KIEDICAD ' and 811118ICIAL um_oejle. - I Lnitmeld ...kittiperait ! Nr7titanissablitfeltiseit= of Pittibutrhas bowie Praetioefor Wait twanty r fixe mat.: His ea um 'DOW , 4 0- oonfined meetly toPrivate ants a • • iffireleal Diseases. • • • Dimwitgee ntidichiliti34ifilbild - nht fail to And oat ewe plats oVrtillef;. The - Dotal' a regular graduate, and his w mit treat. meat ef a certain cliatotilbemoi a sure anar anti* to the inferen ootaintozpraturzent re. Hat by the use et hie reicidies and follow* hit tiowßluns never fa il to care- et e li m tz a of Venereal Diseacek_ltnimritive aad =gem— Also all diatee Mikan pi taint. whioh nurniftetc itself in the for* tetter Pooritedi. and Linda .reat instr Arms if skin die. ewe% the,frittnl of which, the. tie entirely ignorant. ciparco ted , itr.Drown offers bonnet a ore an • Dr. Brawn's remaii__ol for the alarming boil& bro ht on - oftenby tuatiolitarr habit of maw Which the roans and weak a , laded give !ray_to„-(to theirtmn destraotbx.Yar the onb name remedies known in thr country —tizre 4 .llefe. sauir make -a aped, restoration . Dr. BrOireir remediarnerrer fell to etre Ude Pilanl...4l4eue ritoorinr_,paraJ-he will warrant care. me also, treat. tilleet..flonnontata Strietart'llrithal Dhabit Female Weakneer months Suppreadons. Mows 'of the - Joint& Rktuht_ Ano. Noma Afthotkair. Paha. in the , ;Back ninon irritat i on of tha,Bledder. gather with all eireaser an'impare'oritin. A 1...+.• deribing the n it oma,_oontainins a 121 8.4 1 retkril ter: BR4 b. Smithfield St.. rittalirsb. st.: ediatoly•answer.• ed. Medicine snip eddies. , Weir' Decked maeeoure from o on, • • ozoo end Pent RoOms.•'No. 'SO Solithfield Am* ythh.)....a Pa. • . nolfriimmis -NDW GOODS. 101°1HATE =lf! lIIMEMID MOM I thiligart Urn and choice selection of IMINGAND . SMILER GOODS, for Genie' aid Yonflui Wm. ,embraelinsi all nomad stria' COMMA CASEMIIMMI ADD MUNN. W. H. MO= Ilk CO., 148 Mira abed Corns Mizket &mare. Allachen7 wag rwArrif EXTRACTED WI THOUT .A -PAIN by the use of an apparatus whereby no drugs or galvanic battery are aged. Medi cal gentlemen and their families have their teeth . extracted bmy proem and are ready to testily sus to the saf e b and painlessness of the operation, whatever tuts been said by . pawns interested in smarting thscontrargaulTimps knowledge of my process. ini-LARTIFICLITe THlRTLiziseited in every style. materialc as low. aa.Wili warrant the best of in all Oasis. 01:11M,. Datlet. 124 , thaiod ibis; • nolav-in RDIA BIIBBEE-DRIBILIffet MIPS A: andEltentrittor-soldito' use 'for sale st 26 22 14. Clair street. U. PHILLIPS.. 1:4811. • • DUQUESNE:MIAMI( la . . - Axtr,r,6l3!viti Imo"- rratril a- Hell, Ot FINISIEED BIiAISEVr* KEE,.. tiIAS AND STE4JI It! gliSs ' ataggsr:partial:6r attention to iltqt at Relfn e g a. .atath%t. w ertp :rrtelrandi-4 mar,. ally. . . . .. :AlOrP.oale Al . Ns: ...Da•Wil'Elqa i Lai m a t i • ai na lniokela and clank: conterr,B . AIIi v D I7 QUERTE,WAT.. i fa1.3:01 Young's Eating Sal I on,' 00 /4kmalY,Dbgn ALLEY ' 11.11LD STAMM Mier* ov:lTEits.ird „tic, alma otuts; Men wain otaTea Twin thm:met !datable stiFitt• UN% oel4 eornetVlegin alley ail,' glmf eld et. - ;-,-..,.., -.- L • ' l ' TRY 4 rsterm IN NEED.. TRY. DE. SWEETS' INFAILIIILE prepared fro urthe , reelPSof.DvßtePlum Street; ol • . Conneetiont, the great bone setter.? and as. been. Used in his,praetistfor et # B4. ) last twenty. wi th the most astenishmg 'Ai, an e idrinnz edy it is - withont ariv • and'"will ' Slip late 1 more !sr , sedity..#lllM taw other prePara on. For all 'Rheumatic :: and Nerv9Ak Dia'nleT B „Ali tad*, infallible,' and' ea 'a' care' foe Sores, w ound4 Sprains,: B ke., its • soothing, ill 'dna Powerful ping Propertles,egol thelnst Wonder and astomsbment of all , who are ever given it a trial. Over four hundred "ea atat.of remarkable cures, perfomied byit with' thelast t il Oro years. attest thief/4k .., . . i 1.1 ) ---, . It. E. SJILLBIts co., - .., Aptaitefot Pi burgh. demlYdamemi TO , co.wsurapw-vs. = . T.ADVERTISER . .TEAVIiir r' BEEN ittered to lealth L ip clew week*, ~ a wirst• ideiple7xeteedit; eftetlavingaidlered rev ... :13, , ears, With a severe lee% 'totfeetioe, and". that _. • . -. . disease, Constunetotk4ii,eitzionstoitialtelpeteWp to hie fellow sufferers: the means : of cure. r - 4 4, To altwho "deeireit.liell send .a ellen used (free of Chaste); With' he'dirihd • for pre-. c g an d turtnit_the kamei*hteh: they . . find' a ;nit! purstor • cosaumptiot, 4.4hoia.i. hifie„ Aro Vhe only . elgeet of the advwfiget jii.b.. tlie Preedription zetelioneflt the afflicted:Eh spread • lefortation- whioh he ooneiieelo'llteilitvaleable,, eildhelioeee every . . ittifferermill try,his remedy; "silt will. poet Vienyeetltinf...fitl ..tila? etTy,tt A • Rarttes witting :thein.wc4. doe itilk i lsatet dress Rev. .E.RWARD: A., W - ON, - eel94lin • • Williareelierg, KijiesCOnr(ty li:.Y. ,, ''' .........„: . ' WHOLESALE GROTIEI NO& 18 AND 20 WOOD 8111 ; taktf P/ TTIV*I7 to tat 111 An • ::Ladd /wow A. come. Eipeaial P. emirs! Partneri. • • , Anuaricsot ci) -0 gow.i.cootoismoodloo /rOO O O / witoLzsALE , GROCERS, Corner Wood and IWater, 4trea l #, Milli • : e „RA .. EATI tOiE w mAL'At:I243-Eavdrir. THONLAS RATITEIII34 131:titOPEhlit Agent; 1.15 Water atreat.iPittoltuiltb. Pa., la rodprepa to bring out or maid book Muttengen from or an 7 part of the old-count:a. eititur by , gtatan or Bailing , BIGHT-DRAnSavit BALlttiorithla roy . , Dart of Europa. - Agent for the indlanaPolie and Olnettuia toad. Moo. Agent for the old Black BM* of flailinsPaokerse and for tbelineriof Steam 1 4-- tag between New York. Liver poo l i:GMWthw and W imp.t . Tun: Et..plartApo, (rozmaium mow aliaiintoll.) i COHNIat MYTH aI3MITICBULDB73Ts. (OPpodte the Poet Odiro6 Tstuns - cru - rnmit mwsitire . taken the above we ll -known standi *ll be leased to see his hie& at. h 0,4 .1 1, RAs 7 162 °4 like. and *liars are of thebeet. d JOHN LUNDY. Preprittor. . _ • 8. M. XI 8 8 8s! o'o tuinnrunWawai OP . Pure No. 1 Carbon On, Aim 11 may Penn Arallee oaepo LIBRRIT t. STRBST. or+osite 'alt. R. D ag.„411 01l warranted. an23;lrd HENRY W. REAllifiniT & 00. 0831Elirm OF TIER TWO - „FRan. dealers iniforeign Brand Mu m se and Gina ; Blackberry. Raroben7; Cherry. and Ginm.l.3randies. Old lionbnirdhela. Ityq and other orsldeis, 4arnaiscr Rant.l Sup*. rior Wine Bitter 4 ate.' I.llrewtr strlmo Oppckdre Fourth Area. Pittabuqh. a. Hotels; Taverrw. and FtimilleS supplied atmed crate profits for sash. New jorsay l qder forifam ily or hotel Purposes. " PETRONA ox.x. wonir.s Loma. MILLER C0.,11 IWORICS AT SHARPSBUItaH StATIO*I AL. LEOBBNY VALLEY MM. flee and War 43 h o U sB 1;• i 28 3 4: 101 EZT STREET, #ll7 /WIPITH• ilia ofllbudni4but lad, LibOitea' Carbon Oils kid Beasole. - NO. 1 REFJOIOrMi OR. lOrAwrairrED SONAMPLOSISA Always O n hand. ,0n24:1, 'sinatuitt CARR & OD. WHOLESALE GROCERS. And linimrtezo of Irma, BRANDILINS. ems, , • AL 80. Distillers and Deillers fir MB OLD MONONGAMILA RYE MURKY szt. Liberty, Stireet, PITIMIIIIA42I/. 4 1 .•RE'STIEES3WAN, , , B r aSiTOUlider:S 9 GAS AND. STEAM :FITTERS, All kinds of Brass mid Iron Coen. mode to order. - Also, , .BRASS CASTINGS, OF ALL KINDS • Mute at the shortest notice. OILIEFINERT'S FITTED UP. orden leftatßOWN &TETLBY'B ISO WOOD URFA% will be promptly. attenclecite. The members of this firm being Ptactizal me chanics, of many years' experience in the bdi me& wit! ineureto given eatisfaotioni re a every - aped. 006.4.7d IP YOU WANT stun GOOD Dili' . A. Fruit or prepared Mince Meat, mixed, and • all other kinds of 'bloat cooking Brandy ' " or Wine, Rem Oranua, Lemon and Citron Peel go to Haworth & Brothers, in theDicutiond.. where you will got anew crop of Fruit and lower. n tir ==errtioreron'tleritoce 'co! i lten n e Wires Brandies: and all other , kinds ofand Domestiadquora. HAWORTH & BROTHER. deg! .corner Diamond and Diamond alley. JOHN P.LENG.E.I3, aux:oar,' TEI.I BB earner Ohio and Beaver ■y, ALLECEIRRY CITY. _l4eitoek of exas of andedicrijati vr i# hip 4 ra re tOortica.andf . or tale oft j,O 0 5, 11,4 mg proVittt.a9l,4lo. 0 leriorß,4c v 816.0L1D 1N11) rerw:3,,odis T Tog - ,-, TO THE PU BLIC;: !•EsPlgtuAirtor_-! - , the ighoraittandiatia ''" — .et irklodeut or idi ilettionif- #l., "•,1. - nations. teeat , seerel and , • • .::: '...-• [ .delicate - iii.sordins. rislit , • ..;,..., 5 . ? ‘ , .; -:- ,':g,..X.!, abuse. and, diatihi- Cr „. .•.'"- . ""-• ” 2:., 1, "e1! tuatiots carnmonarqt in- ' -, 1 - ..,--i:„Ip• oidemt- to youths:of both, , •‘. • ••• " , . 'ate an d ',adult!. _single marri lieeause `Da. Biusraraupriiiibbslit% the fact cif hie doinit 50 . the iimotant and fidsolv modest are dreadfilly tit&hooked. end think it 'a great sm vez7 immoral for oontamication. snd corruption among gwives. rounain g sons and ile..turs. Their onibu should ue cautious to keg) ;holt _Arnortatemp thatthey do same as Dr. BRAS MUM. (adept rushing)lost,4, wieutive pm,' tae mightfbeiost to them am stupid WIWI! _ ~ .rneedesi. ' and . 11 rostimptuous forrullos. born and rasped An donoraim sprinigiv as mushrooms and who .00mpsiro soeio4 - . ,intell*moo, sense, &et., to _dollars tindl °anti& loysteriously, rueautv Grins' gottna.,lt is to publikty, kogemthat =moron', ••••••••tinkr and' gUarlpiug I nv lbelkicti that their ? Mi. chuuditarg And iir ..._ - j.innth ki tb. f ee bl er and ofd edicate condition and appearane .e have -beenrestcaud •to health and 'vigor by DR. r BRAISIBI W.• besides soiti a toforecd after marriage 'Waite - hare sav much son iginik atmi tetycznortillsation;',lto.'i =ato nes or nootarnat emmissong. are poinpletaly on i in ayssivisluat Slide. ofttme bi t ; us* remsdies. whieh are_poeudiarly his 01171 Aregoin.poundil rom the Vegetable Kingdom.' arms so= the dallacy)gthokier ourialtreatmmathohasabamion• iid Wand substituted the vegitabto „gcninis dis. leaseaaratniatedtrith markod.sumaisa—suseme Lad over forty Year' (.4 4 4-,esopmmca in them meat- Inent in hosnitab CI both the - 101d TA,Orld and in the 'United B t at eiticadshimloTay--tb ail with a mir triaLliedith and &lupine/3 _will' Aram - bloom 1 upon then:palled oheokAriiiihno tonirarieth. montabgas Quack= but cone and tie oared ,linsumpti - and 'all'orite kindrediikoasts. of ..r. r . .1044 Y Eullineny illi •ouromintrlce, can no blileliered. goviding they attend to it b. .thud :r tgparrioatare etni bellad airy treatment bxwOormg a copy oft.%) hiedical4risormbioh ts-Mssitegai toad that - apply Having the ad =lpt. Over, fortiviypirs oxporithce rind on. aonasquentii e,has ender or is in thif to flipectua n dlBBBBBB, said who is doll 7 mond bY4t o well 2 .3recsi niesdedlr:riesichible - oitivons. publisher:A o tudeiors of -hotels. .ko. .offuss-• W. -Rialto:Mid street. near Diambnd - aired. PHvaosommuul. oatipinh from adi part Of tha litiOn. hi. tended to. Direct to diehlvditie . _ O. FAN BYRIVE,, 4 • - 'MERCHANT TAII;014, • - -• 49 lit, • Clair Street. SEWARIMFI3 VLO'FIEENG MADE TO OR. 'DER CHEAP FOR OASE. 11)1.4117111FOIMMEENE-6 , Vitirra NNW JIJI. YORK. with a choice aback of OLOIII2, OABBIIDIR and 'VESTING% which can be purohaaeol l at prieed far balm the usual rate& Sil - Great inclueemcmta 4011;4 to cosh harem ROMS' !HORT:. DA:prAELLIEJ 11.1 , 11% * ' • wAo4(llal.eCfroogs, coVilssollonwAßoot4. egacHAtns, " - N • Des 4 ' N infix' hro(ilice diiitsbuTirkedannfacturev. NTREIRT, • a. -,:=1,11TABIrlaill DA13113 Bi , COP - ALL, INERMANT. TAILOR% Nfl ukciagignmErzi,eritßET. viTE us T itztlEuvED to awl ettlecttod-stook of 13 1 I. • G.- 0 45 3!) ;°. ( 11'094 of Otoths Vitsinieiresi Vgatingo, ate. Also—A hirgibtik:of • • 'GENT'S'Ftf' RNISHING GOODS, s hicluding TF:Golen Mirk. Nea and e Tuablny kept by %lactase Parnigh lag lEilom. t o eTestroakptly, executed. au :91:13,4 - 1 1 allarrnottlRafl: . 1iltAiCEI, m. Wood Street, of the Baltimore Piano Fac torY. tetabliehed'in 1886. A Cho k e" stock of Piano 7 cotavo-Centre Pianos. eombining all the essen tials-ea-first olejoljnstrament with late novelties Ornderpatent). tughly important to the critical -Pianist. Low for Cash or acceptance. WISE & BRO'PREE; Manufacturers, TO BIIILDERSAND VONTEACTORS are now martafita a auparior arilkU of „ Wean we are prepared to deliver boa our fn)/Li. YARD, SOS Beet Cali ty of Vanillv Coal alma:, ea heed sensual. ley9t DICKSON.ISTEWP,A dit Co. , CHARLES RODMAN' HICIre EIAGII3, dG HMIS, • • Importire tid dealors Cloths, C i asuCimeies, Satinetta, Vesting's, Takers' Trinnzange, &e, 255IfitliKET STREET; vorth pIEItiADIELPRIA, . . . • 8i 'SMITH' PARK &: dto Co., WARD • • LPITTS MASH . . PA Watehonae; No. I#>i First .andl2o /second act Matll3lllotarm Al - and descripti no ' 0A Coal Oil. Retorts and Stilhi: One .and•W ater ° Pipcm. Sad Irene, Dog bona; Wagorl Box* Steel Mould& Pales—Hamm ..Clot isia g a lmice. • • :. , .. 11 n? , jehbiTau ro t i lt t. ..__SI :14 ; testi". — Vardnir a emonlete.maehins .shop attached to the Webby:en eeehrY 0414001 be careful), attecaetto • : = ; Walrzliwam i zo& c0.,- , . . .. ~ .. , , .... . ... 1 PILICTIgn - lIIIMBEBB, : 1948, AND:STEAM:44FIT4T4RS, , 4 .Nirgii. 129-}Nitheth'Strebt; • NEARBNITIIF.I.4I:O.BTRENT Tanks .. ~ ~. , - and'Aidtators foi Refineries oll.Jine.l with lead in the mostdirrable manner . , by the new l,roc e a (tf IT4i4. orF4tiPclkp lomt q without Houses fitted up with, Rot and cold Water In the beet style. with all the modern improvements in Baths. Wash-Standa, Ploselk Sinks, &o.; &o. A large stock of Ptuntel end Lead Pipe always on I ' sub ___ .T1E11114.11 de tagiurr, Wholelrsle asd Retail Orefeera, nirowramt4sn DMILVES to TEAS, WINES, MOTTOES, ite., NORTH-R4EiT corner of OHIO STREET AND THE DLUIOND, ALLEGIEgity-.CTIT. LAJEZ strnartiß COPPER HIM SMELTING' WOl.4liN. .r.s.ruic. RE'CIPUDIE" 4W CO,; • Aisaufon Reath. Braden' and Bolt Copt?. EtNetted CiA Der Bottom;, Baited Bo3onie lter Bolder. &a. Als BMo importors dealer; In Kato % 2 4 4 , In t kcj r° Mir Gonirtan „ tly - on tiuid. Tlzum a lblichlnob nd Toon. yr arebottse. No. 149 a n d no IiCOND Pittabu nth; Palm& lier B Pecla; orders of Conner,ent to Am, &aired Patten; ._ feßilydks num AzrE• *AIL wCiluKs. LLOYD.. Hof, iren t S°ll"l3ll dValtd * if igrAte4l lb sei r . amau=T Raft indllat . Dat Batt yi " - Irona.hile ferVom Wort': arbato the WITGAS MORT mi Wzre llar tionsi. Scant iTtiter stitt.t au aII kert lamb; Buiralers : ,e Box si4o. Pittchaish Poo ilirwo