•; 913i.baOAOCs ..... .L-- • • ,Lscrtu. Finguvip Ft. WUEN &CHICAGO RAILWAY - co riLla POINTS *Eta. BOUT `, EST AND PIORTN WEST LL AnusLivoz]!llmrr. Ctorana4 ,cmg August 15th. 188.2 , Oximi'iiro trite titNNATE ill tZtIICIo.. w and i rit isultauspotir. St. Local; and Meage ,horrors ill b." API other route. ['PrExErrv. /ARA TaAnTS. ira.% Line Mail Remain the ' - 1.1-I,ct IL ;',11:::::. tat : ttil" 4 ..D: Arrive3 ino :15301 , 0' '' a. 0. 5,10 Nye. 3,30 p. la 0 7• 1 1 21 P. in. y 1 2.25 11..7 ., 0.. ..1...f4,13 p. m. 8,36 a. M. TO.B. CO MOUS. CINCINNATI a ST. LOMB .. whine. SAM 1. m. stald p. tn. %GP P.... vas a -; ?iamb : .1.41i.p.p a. m. P..litt • ROA.= "Viltnaa'rVY4:i. 111,4511:121 i S. 1 ..., _70 a. m GAO p. in •"" 41. `--"mh to Mddlge without change 6. vage„ I. A N. N.--ThIN time to Cincinnati 1 lti same as by Btetbeatille. Trains on both meet aj lildstmbug; end psesenzers all to in liezetfun. - ANANTW.aiRD 'MUMS - . - RIVE AT PITTSBITR.GIL, - MeMe*Srea'7•••••••••••-r•-.-,-.......2•319 le. re A . ...a - sarip . ;;;;:: .--) 1:2 p. = lc MX* 0 ATl sta l i - i. TßAL Aile g eng S-IPro cit z 7 oderal Uwe' A qv. Leave , Arrive Whet . Zfaw Brighton Now Mama Viethadp 0,00 le 1 10,r4 am 545 a m • WM" ia m 14,00 m 3 1.30 p m 6.46 a m SAO wra 4•80 p- ;i, 6.40 p m 1240 Pus 11.114 p nt , feApPnil 84 5 eln 3 . 20 -P6h- '5060 pin legwrrains are ran by Columbus time. ithioll. is L 9 minubie Mower than Pittebuzia 'tithe. ' - 10.11okt ki good on the accintoutida4mktraine geweelme. need gripes. • • , The 6 ~ at aocommddation train Goners o.' Maw B. to n with packets for New Castle. Tirade trains contest asAllows -4 r.1112011.,,wja stave for Nimr Castle. Mercer. oungstowalao. t_ 'h-vvi/le.i Ohio, to and trot Millershursh. AIEPOP4 trot* Feat, eta. - • I ..ns ea 01110.' for Monts Vernon. Bitelird. clutativg, s i r )etroit. eta. 4111 ' are.,SpoingZeld. Columbus 4.4 , ...1 . ..a.a1aj, OM% Dayton. Wianaroli% Saint wen, Ikenisville. eta. At •I•insa.l' , fot Sidney, Detroit. Dayton. Toledo A ' - •t%ti t lz Per% Lafayette Tad.. Saint . neokailkSt. JosePh and interme - Core ',Oro Contra Indiana and Muds!. A. .. j montit fbr Laporte. - . • _ .. Ann at Chi jith titian for all points t. ITl vets. id crwa, Wisconsin apio 14ba 'sots. ltr , Air _ormatiz o *oiwao . acts saga ia. , :, . 4 GEORGE P ' (1.147 vi t tit, A.. l ir E BTi ' Mar r - 13- A.EZ -. ..., -- Anike - i iia rig' .40 ' a 13,..fienoral Bu.perottandent. WM.: P. SHINN. General Parovegar Agent Art Llffira&ND PITTSBURGH AND T 1../ W . 4 RAILILOA.n. YV ' Mt ARRAN NT. ~. on sitC . itter MONDAY, 4 `A . 41 .1.432, Wain will leave the Depot of the Pisereiorlvanis Aallvoad.laiPittsbilmh. as folibowel .i .... ....a 2l PrerSBI3O4OI 4 I3IMBUS • _EAT.I. 5 5100 F VIA STSITIANDIvisoLA. t• - /N' as titthaa.rich—.- I 1.00 a. m. ,1 • 5 •40 p. oi. So bitesbenville...l 4,00 ' COO " 6,0 Newark.......— SOO " ao,us - a.) c01ainh0........ 11,10 - fit44l • " Aires Clikelneatl 4 4 20 P. M. MAO SI. M. Sti:lioais..-...- 7.60 a. m. 6,46 p m tie mehti. a4gti of 011.71 between Dittabarsh and CU elm . 12, 2, l o onstlayldeeploa care attached to ell niaht Prriss4on AND WIECKLINO LIN& Leaves '. _I . .t EttihM l ...l,oo a m 6,10 ala 12,50 ~ we11Ev". ,. .. 2,00 ' 8,14 ' 8,05 Wpm F... 4.00 " 9,16 : 4,00 7 .. Wheeling. " 10,23 4.55 riair l 7._4_ l 5,95 " 10,40 " 6,06 "' nneoling a t' Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio land at .Bellair aLla Central Ohio ad DO Zanesville, Lancaster, Circleville, =bus Wad Cincinnati. Indianapolis and Saint anis and points We3t. zroad. Prrrsimpaß ANA oi.EvaLAND LINE. 1111 , 71311Fitt 1 ilma 1.00 a. m.. 12,50 y. 01,, 0 WfIILITIMO 1,113 " 8,00 / 0 o Sayard_...._,.. 6,10 " 4,14 Alur.no.-- 0,42 " re " o nucleon 2.,i30 " .42 " Arrives Cleveland 0,13 " 0,30 " Connecting at Bayard with Tuscarawas braneh err New Philadelphia and Canal Dover at AM- Atm with Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Kafiread at Amason. with Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati R B. fo . r Akron, Cuyahoga Falls Firfprziturktfc.,-.C.lvgazgadio,wiL;4B,M,Y, for oledo, Dear It Chicago and the north wa• . r ellsvilleAecommodsdan leaves at 4,00 p. in. Iterturning ~ Trains arrive at 2,20 a in, 9,15 a A 2,05 and. 8,004 m. I'nrongn *keit to aL' prominent points in the , wattocuthwest. north or northwest, eau be pro-1 enrol at the:l.llmM street depo_t. Pittsburgh. ,JOHN STEWART, Ticket Agent. he further parttleulars apply_to WILL-LS.lf STEWART, Agent ' eit the OasipanY's odtos in Freight Station, Penn Ara , „ nal . 1862. ~. • -•- '' ' ' 11882. I 1111NINIPLIt Alts4ll6llll[ENT. ON AND i AFTER MONDAY. MAY 046 mamma (11111111111110 !: - , ' =out -DAILY: TRAWL . ,_„, A. xmomotran x /ix LA- mAltar A. leaves tha,paasengor Station erari.niortifiti (exmt Stiadtsr) at 20 a In, sta i rs oaly at Me l 2 r 1 n e pa 1 dat b: In : i i 1. =II W a shington, cl 1 tu 1 n ac rt l ia n i d ai%: : ela theffetown routs. rj. •li FUR • RDSB TRAIN Isaires at 8 - P. itk. atoPP semi, at_priA SI etaT et ...dutot connection &SR* Mil tot' ore and Washington. sad for N ew rryia Y. . en i g i A t ti. NE leaves tits station &MY, (except Sunday) at 8,20 p. at, ~ s tep only at iqial,atatioaa. tiouneeting at ilarriaberg for °nand Washington. LOCAL FREIGHTTRAIN. with Pesten- Itlr Car attadhad , laavoa the pasaaatrar etatien avert znoraing-(Bundass excepted) at 8,30 a. xi., =tutu far as Cormatausit l !topping at. all ACCOODATIORI .TOMISTONIT ACCOMMODATION TR.AIN, haves daily (except Sunday) 114, %CI P.m.. stop ping atftangh. all ttatipaa atri runniniF !sr ,aa (kola • -•- - FIRST ACCOMMODATION Twos' for WalFs station learnt daily (except iitutosaJ at 8,40 a. m. :I I IND ACCOMMODATION • TRAIN for - station leaves daily, (except Sunday) at a. itA p CCOMMODATION staticitt learn (oxceptl= fqoo p. ra. _FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAM for W_ Airs statlot loaves daSsAeXesPt Eittnaap) at 646 m. • TR Ctil7Rl7H TR .73r Loves W- "- 9.03-4 m return Pitpsburgtt at 12 4 0 , MID. Eglltirukialeit4 . ~.. AP.R.WITS 'PITTEIBMOIII AB POLtOWB: . ~,........4.............--.............,.....L2,056, tn. * Line.— ' ~• ' • ...—.......12,35 it: 131. OhnitQWl2 Zlty/tMaiirtll7.... t —.....A0,0544-121. Wall's .on A ooo mmodatioa....lo,4lo n. Ith; eat shiWall's -.. 04 ~kooontmodation...;:"Me.lia' , 14 604 Sd Wall's ioormemodation...4..giort 0. litli si sit i S lion Accommodation...AlM I>. tri to - O for Bleirofal• and - 7 .nilisituk primness It . elJtitel=2lo with. } bars and olinstown . _ - DA on East and est. and din with L -West,.-- The Traveling Pub to will find it greatly to their In_torget, in going East or West, to travel by the MMISYLVA.NIA RAILROAD, at the /mom modations nate offered cannot be surpassed op any other route. The Road is ballasted with steno, and Wentireis free from dust. W p _ can promise Safety, Speed, and Comfort to all who may never thie Road wlth•their patronage. ' . A E t TO pirrtia Kr; kutitea.--- ..... 10.01 LAN% SO u 65 SirEsagagiehect.'ed to ell itattoni int the terns ylvania Ra`bo.i. and. to Philadelphia, Bald ore and Negtil"cr.k. APErbPaccensAtts purchasing tickets itt ears will be charged arPixotos _according, to..distaaes tag • elect in nemairtia "tlo station rates, except fr.= stations wh__ ,orettho wits pany has no agent. 6UTlC . owe of loss, the Company ma!: boLd there-161x* reapon.iide for p erion attba only. &id for an amount pot exceeding EStIO tt.—An 7:Omnibus Line has boon employer: to convey Paeletn,gre and intame to and from el) depot. at ohOrge not eXOcoW cfnite Qa , 43 } . . ...oenor andimagaget. For tioketrratmlyttr—"'" STlMUlVlripdzent. Ac 3 aPiasviti,ll.l)l2 Liberty and iiraat sta*ta. nazi ALLEGatNtINOIiAridE CO .oT. - 2.T.TataTEG4.. Orrrvs,o wird, etu:iiipaxskiek .., jitiglit -17.13441CJ-I ' .'/Nt4-14! a r iarsiiii op „,,.,..1.,,..v.„, ..,,, , b, , .., t., .„, t: _ ~R~IIZBO.ADB. VEW BOjTI.é 'VIA urn= AN: 41. m RAILROAD. INDIANAODLIS AND CINCINNATI R. A. Connoting at Indianan° with Terre Haute md Terre Ilante and Alton Railroad. to et. Loni, And Lafayette and Indianapolis New Albany at..o Worn and .IfWg. an ContreVads for .CA ISLAND. ;O. ROCK AND. RUB. ON. .and rib , utermediati points• = • Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS CURE HAUTE. LARAYETTR and PERU. Freights and. passengers carried from Oinein matt or 'Llawronaobraw in lad time than by any ,ther rent', brewer:MT-four hour% and at as low :atom. The only road by; which slibments can be •nade from Cineinnati Mahn-Wed. without break Sag b 14114, me 'hits its rode to J. B: GIBBONS. Agar. at atu-tar-W. -R. -- ffifTTING, - Agent a Gawreacm argh, will receive prompt attention and no ohargef ibt'rkiromlSicra so mescal FOB •oliSTAilr.Outeigiin3l3l6gTeg leovgagoitauge. jrcff_ informal-iota "apply to =MAI' KATIGAN. No. 115 Water street,) agent of the illnmpany, who is prepared to give THROUGH ALF ejnve for passtmgers and freight to Indianapolis. Terre Haute, Lafayette. Chicago Peru. Green. *de, Cravrfordeville,Charlteton_. earls and Mat "‘_g,.l; aka. IL F. LORD,Preeldent. 1114 crinox, General Frelght Agent.' UPHOLSTERING VPHOLSIMItir NO. 85 rapitTE AT. • NEAR WOOD. ia* 813:13011111ERS ASUFA C. T TUREnadheno constantk.on hind every article lilt Mae; vie —Commas, Ornaments, Curtain. ;Co mforts , }feather Beds. hintirasek of all kinds; the oalehrated Patent - Spring Beds.. Allkinds of Shudes,llinds and .Fixtures air Prompt attssitidn riven Mod.' orders for datum! Madm-• dtrwttearpeCioths, ko. oot17:1341. ' ItOBERTS.AnRCENIGIC..fit ELOTE.LB .&ND RESTAIIIIANTS. 'S A. VA. GIL 314' LIE OU . IS , No. IMO Liberty Ntareot. Next to Pal:pleylvanis Passenger Depo • JOHN SAVAGE Proprietor. 1-A.AVILIie TAKEN AND FITFITTED with all thomodernimprovementi, this po pular resort, the suhscaer Prentred to acoom mOdate iiitrOldicrustom and the public , gener ally, with the best the markets affords. Oysterk willEhe served up in every variety of styleduring the Season. ins Wines, Liquors and Ales he feels .ecokrlent in recommending to the public for their egeenciee. ClinSualcat and Shall Ontafs ranived dai ended dci wholesale and tetidl. myahlyd SEETLN,'S OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND, itITONIII. Proprietor. AKAVING TAKEN AND FATED UP, at a great expense, with all the modern im provements, this popular resort, the subscriber Is prepared to th is his friends and too Public gonerally, with the best the m s , ket affords. OYSTERS will bogeyed up inAxes7varie^4 of /We during the season. LIQUORS and ALES he feels eonfidmit in m onument_ N ,73 t0 the public for their excellence. A served up at all hours, and DAY and NIGHT OATIDERS taken. aPeav OITIZ lELOITAIM, NO, 82 DIAAVOND A L LEY, 1 PITTSBURGH. WISE SUESSCIBESEJI ANNOUNCES .11. to thepe.blic that he is in Cully receipt of FRESH SHELL AND PAN OYSTERS. GAME. /Se, and prepared to accommodate the patrons of this old and Well knoirn house with everything in the eating drinking line at the shortest notlop. JOHN SHALER. Proprietor. ANRION ROUSE, 6FEO.AUFIENTZ Proprietor: No. 344 Liberty etreet,imt he side the l'aseemaer ~,Devei of the Peanaylvan': Railroad, which maim It the most oonyenien , home in the-city for mammon arriving by tha , road. The, prourietor having. at considerable ex panse fitted up, m egoellent stylk the MANSION HOUSE, would res_pectfally solicit a share of public patronage. His Larder and Bar will be ftinished withlthe best the market can afford. fetly -• WINES ANi) LiQUORS. W BEA.N.ETT, IMPORTIP. Alf D DIALER 111 Bmndiss, Oen/Isla; Wises, Old Mononga hela and 'acetified Whiskey, NO. 120 WOOD STII/EIET, Pittsburgh C. WEST at CO., IiANIIPAOTIMIMI or CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCRAWAYS, SOLED 38 AND SLEIOHS. N 0.187 Penn Street, Pittsburgh. NIP All werk warranted to be of the beet mate- Oal and workmanship. I • myl2flyd. P. 111YN28..........-11. D. 6191016 —a. a. ILIYILDII • Late et Miller dc Rieketson's. ?Sr. 'll3llol' 11 : 1 0.111..4, gittooessor -to Boole? k AndersonJ Wholesale. Dealers In Formirn Fruits, Nitta , Confectionary, Sugars, Fire Works, dm., I/08. 126 AND 12* WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH 91p0 [AB FARLEY'S CUR/MUNE-41RD CIHAIR WAREHOUSE 1f0.164 iripqratap 'K. ALLEGHENY. . 'Undertaking. in Mt Ile branches , "will receive prpinytattestlom Ordmi can be left at the room gtthe Livery EltablVdt Mr. JAMES FLOYD. Ohio stmt. Alleghens. , Bain:ly A4°L.LO HALL MILLIARD SA.LOOIII. CHARLEts IARDNAR'wouId remind his old friends and onstorners .that he is still to be found at hisold standi. APOLLO HALL. entrance on Fourth Street. He has always on hand tho best ututliti Lager Beer. and in connection with the hall. it well appointed billiard saloon. with good tables ' . balls and ones. :ittesettmber the pla oe, Apollo Hall. /fourth st. 6641. 7 W nod. entrance froth Yoburth ;171:1-1e Lpimanta 1.001111111 EiLAss a Pit; a TUBE ratAlus BL4MUZAUTOB NOs 21 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, 111141S1711GRAND STREET & 215 CENTRE STREET. Establishe4 ISX3. NEW YORK. , DJ tabll&e.4 MEL This Establishment has been m MOW eeratioa 24 years, and is the Largest of the Had in the United States.: We have on hand er m oufaettared td order every description flia% AND OR rOftEMS,LAPheit Lguels, Wall, Oval and Mantel Glasses, Ce a n n i l eecting vor ideas, Base and Brachet Tables, with Marble 'Shiba, Toilet Glasses, eto. Muuldinall far Picture E'ram a lengths suita ble fort ransportation, either ' Berlmo. Rote wood4.o4k. ZOra , Birefso6. M ahog any de. Ow new manAtory and earetudve facilities enable nato fon any artiolein oar anew' good as the best, as c sap _as the chea_pcst. DEALERS ABE INVITED TO CALL UPOD as when they viyit New York. We claim to b. able-to,sapply them with every artiola in oar line which they can possibly require. at prices lower than they can purchase elewhere. Orderrby mail attended to teithee. Dc a &fail gq c a l l-wh en you Weie New York. Office & Warecrooma, No. 215 Centre St.. N. Y. my id HORACE V. BIGLER. ker. I 'AURRETWIS —cattngti,..AND FIELD BEM, W.S.IIII4INTEDFUESH. 21.1111 GENUINE iiirAlao a moral sasorannito Sigelernitatani, -implements, Fru! t. ShiadeatinfOrtnaMerutal Trees, :eoeired tad for 6ale by BECKHAM I LIDNei, N 0.127 Liberty D e: text doom, ilare's Hotel. ,rhD Deno rag i ni o n i t , of A i Trits, AT BORLAND% Cheap Ca3h Stars. sob f 33 Starke meet, Td door from Fifth . H. H. SMITH, [iTOT. tlit 72" PUII3LIC orimp Afiki -FITTSBIIRQN POST. HMI STRFFI7 . TIMX4 . , F, 81411, • 8 WICK LE • OICOV • 1/,„ ERTY FOR &AGRl—Three-fourth e . cres land Vecsantly situat , . atdlye minutes walk from the elation: ..large variety ,A" choke fruit and shade trees. grape vine. etr; a family mansion rd hall. parlor , library and twelve rooms, excellen! cella-, stab e, ice house, large garden wi. h fruit and flowers all vrelt erratiged and in goodirder. For price andlerms ar!plY, at 51 Market etrett. CIYIIIIiFRT 4 FONW. ! Real fiatate Agents. C' AND ALL AAi 1.11 Vl' II fr; r 1 1- 1 LOCK'S REVOLVERS—the best ie Mark for nasley - Terrl7.l_k "rtrimire. irIOLVIS , REVOLVER". LiAL _RIZE" OltAnd VOW Mod for fat_. atAbcp Hoes b: BOWN kwThEY. ---t—lisitiviumstrest=l 13 itt$ 4 4 - 40nr : Vr i • ORB kIiED otti lgo ,Fr a yak tsr ' oad irtraat. fillOrrst, Spa /LB 1111111111.11- , L , kos—at MoPastier /Luition,6s Fifth street euBAllo FIRE INSURANCE BY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, • OF PHILADELPHIA, On Bnlldinso,_Litnited or Perpetual, m ere t tan . ciiro. Yu-piton, Are... in town or cointrY. OFFICE NO. SOS WALNUT STREET. Crash Capital, ' 8220,510 00. Assets, 8803,608 Invested as follows, vise dirst Mortgage or Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount $155,6(.- around rent. first class 2,462 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's 6 7t cent. Mortgage. Loans, $30,000, cost -.- 27,900 120 Philadelphia city 6 a cent. loan- 3.1,000 09 kllegheny County 6 V cent. Pennul vania Railroad Loans 3ollatoral loans, well secured...—. Einntimgdorr and Broad Top Mountain • Railroad company, mortgage loan— 4.003 00 Peruisidvania Railroad Co. 5t00k....._,,' 4,G90 03 . Stook of Ilellanoe Mutual Insurance Company 21,350 itock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,050 00 Stook of Delaware M. S. Insurance Co. 700 00 Commercial Bank do ... 5,135 01 Mechanics' Bank do 2,012 50 Union M. Insurance Co's Scrip 160 00 Bills Receivable, business paper......„.16,297 IS Book Accounts, scoured intermit, te.... &DS 72 Cash on hand sEid in hands of agents.. 11,385 15 $303,508 96 CLEM TINGLEY. President DIRECTORS. • Clem Tingley. Samuel Bispham, Wm. 8.. Thompson. Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Beuj. W. Tingley, John 8.. WorreL Marshall Hill, fl. L. Carson, Z. Lathrop, Robert Toland, Charles Lelnd, Frederick Lennit, Jacob T. Bunting. Charles S. Wood Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Bissell, Piitsburgh. B. M. HINCEMAN, Secretary. J. GARDNER COFFIN Agent, eaylfl Northeast corner Third and 'Wood sta. rhELAwA RE MIITIGA L SAFETY IN ILPSURANCE COMPANY—INCORPORA TED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYL VANIA, Isl. OFFICE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STB.EETS, PHILA DELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES on Yea mile, Cargo and Freight, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES on Goods, by Rivers, Canals, Lakes. and Land Carriages, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on bier chandiee generally, on Stem Dwelling Hones. ko. DIRECTORS.—WiIIiam Martin, Edmund A. Souder, Theophilus Paulding, John N. Penrose. John C. Davis. James Trinquair„ Wiu. Eyre, Jr.,. James. C. Hand, Wm. O. Ludwig. Joseph H. Seal. Dr. It. M. linden. Geo. G. Limper, Hugh Craig. Charles Kelley, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edward—Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M'llvain,„ Thos, 0. Hand, Robert Barton, Jr. Jacob P. Jones, Jatues B. M'Farland, Joshua Rte. B John B. ample. Pittsburgh; D. T. Morgan. . . Ber,ger, dm W ILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS. C. HAND, Vioe President. HUEY Lirmarsuf, Secretary., P. A. MADEIRA_ , Agent, 1e.12 No. K 3 Watzrstreet, Pittsburgh. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS Blr FI It . %IKE FRANKLIN FLREINSURANCE _a. COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE: 435 and 437 CHESTNUT STREET, near STATEMENT OF ASSETS. JAN. let, 1550. Publiahed Afireeably to An .Act of •AasemblY, being: First Mortgages, amply secured $1,,596,n3 '2NS Real Estate, (preset value $103,313 Ro l l 102,995 Temporary Loans on ample Collet teral Securities. tocka, (present value (WM37 Fs. ) coat Notes and Bills Receivable . Cash 208.1151 id The onlyprodts from premiums which s2, this com pany can divide by law, axe from risks which have been determined. Lisnranees made on every description of Prop erty, in Town and Country. at rates as low as are consistentlivith security. Since their incorporation, a_perlod of thirty years. they have paid linos by Fire, to an amount egceeding Four Millions of Dollars, thereby af fording evideuee of the advantages of Insurancb, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with proa ptncsa ;11 liabilidei. Laases paid daring they ear 1858, ®82,158 HA. DIRECTORS. Cherlee W. Banoker, iilordaeal D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner. David S. Brorrn. Samuel Graitt Isaac Leo, Jasob R. Swill: Edward C. Dale. George W. Ri , liardp, ilnorgg Fates, CHAS. N. RA NCKHR President EDWARD C. DALE, .(tioe President. Wm. A. Bram., So , retary pro tom. J. CARDS I_,R CoFFIN, Agent, Northeast cor. Third and Wood sts. • ---- WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PITTSBURGH. @BORAS DARS.I2 Preeident. F. M. GORDON. Secretary. Carl. R. D. COCHRAN, Oon't Apia. No. 92 Water street, (Swung & Co's Wlll'olloo% up stairs,) Pittsburgh. Will insure agalnet all kinds of FIRE and MA. ELIN RISKS. A Home Institution managed by Dimtora who aro well known in the oommmunity; end who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to man tain the character which they have assumed, ris of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS. OCTOBER 30th, 1401. Stock Account; $ 83.4 V 00 Mortgoge 2,161 , V. °Moo .Enrniture .... 2.50 (~,, Open Accounts, etc.. ..... ....... ........ .... 7.809 43 Cash .. 19251 9.., Premium Notes :_r;ticr, 20 Notes and Bills amounted. 174,075 14 DIRECTORS - • - . R. hfiller, Jr. James M'Auley , Nathaniel Dolmen, Alexander Nimidt. George Darsie Wm. IL Smith, Chas. W. Rioketson. Andrew Ackley Alexander Speer, David M. Loug. Reedr.l. Thomas. Benj. Bakewell , John R. M'Cane. mylS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH ENSURES STEAMBOATS AND CARGOES. SAMUEL REA.,Seeretety. WM.BAOALET, President Office, Cor. of Market and Writer Insures against LOU and Damage in the Nariga. Lion of the Southern and Westorn Rivers, Lakes. and Bayous, and the Navi gation of the Boas. faisures agalseM LOSS and Damage by Flee. DIRECTORS. Wm. Batslel, Jas. Park, ..h.. Wm. G. J °endue, A. F. Jones, Ream Owens, T. M. Howe, B. Preston, George Bingham. g. M. Bier, !ohu Shipton, Jas. M. Cooper. S. Harbaugh, J. CaidwelL John S. DOSsorth, O. H. Zug. mlt29:lsdk PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND .LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NO, 149 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite, the Custom' linnet). Capita1......52H),100 Amite #304,941. WrILL :ALL urNros or IN. RJR.ANCE, Name either Perpetual or Lind ted,on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of ! LD emium. : M - . 'MEER j'. WIN EING miss Pr*dent, .W,B , Prdezei DIRECTORS. Charley Bra. E. R. Cope, E. E. Engligh, George W. Brown, P. B. Savory, reph 8: PanL O. Sherman, elm Claytm. . a. J. Magarge Wile!. F. BLacgsrmett, Secretary. - - JAI. COEITN,Agent. IyAklr Corner Third and Wood streets. Jltii 1110.013.111 EA.% COWINISSIO - N RCHANT 'YOB 4HB &WIMP PIG METAL &ND BLOOM A 1 Tt WATER STREIT, BELOW MASS PITTSBURGH. I AMES MULEIRGAM, MONONGIAME. Ur LA PLANING lurid., would rinvelitSully in orm the public that he has rebuiltsluco 'the firo Lad having enlarged his establishment, and filled t with the nowast and must apProtwd machiztorY. 4 now prepared_ to furnish: iiooring.and ptaninP )oards, scroll sawing and re-3s wing, doors, =ash trd shutters, kiln dried, frames, u mnld3ngB , boa caking, deo. %Pm Pirregusou, Sept, 7.1it57. Is2o BOOTS AND 410E8, AT NO. 89 MARKET STREET. LOOK AT THE I"Man Ladles Eiaglith Luting Hoei Gaiters for SOX -forth $1,25. Ladies English. Lasting Congress Heel Gaiterp or $1,25. worth 75 - Ladies English Lasting Cm= Heel Gaiter. 41,50. worth We. Ladies: Moe French Morrow Heel Boot for 11;4. crodliZl.62. Ladies Fine - Goat Congress Heel Boots for $1,37. rth $1.75. wiles FineMuroeoe Eillopert forsoe. worth 75. es Pm, Eid Miners for 755, worth - $:412. ether ipsotswln properthuu JAMES ROBE, ast Market dzreet. 'Ow Mart3t Bongs, 6„t44 1 6 ITTIMMICtil ►' emit, morning. [huiday's excepted.] ,ortser !Fifth and Wood Streets. ;MS '4lB PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. Delivered by derriere 12 ciente per week. RATIOS OF ADVERTISING. ono time— . three times one week one m0nth......... three months.... nix months nine months one- year 30 00 N LINES make a square. About eight words ^e a line. siness notioes, inserted on the looal Dago, ten a line each insertion. !c3 Saturday Alorning Post cLed from the same "Moe every Butertfe, - 12 2.500 CO arms 11.1 per annum in advance • ingle copies, ready fig mailing. rrlng MVP. Address JAM ES P. BAER sitar and. Proprietor Advertising at reeenable x ates. UR3DAY MORNING? NOV. G ' Yankee Ingenuity I Washington correspondent writes ollows : —"Peddlers of newspapers, :, cakes and small wares drive a thriving vzi among the soldiermear Washington. Ir Fort Richardson, a party of men ttaken possession of an orchard and :• presa and sell great quantities of the .r they manufacture to the soldiers. enterprising firm have started a bone ng establishment on the river bank are making money by producing a ter -r from the cast-off bones of the camp. s permeate through all the roads and I aths, collecting grease, which is sold (,e soap and candle makers.'' Prevent Horses Kicking in Harness. tach a stout piece of ash stick to the tr at the breast, fix it under the horse's 4, so that he cannot bend his head to ts his breast and he cannot kick high .gh to injure the car, harness or him if a good horse and worth the trouble, of bright steel may be fixed on his .r, with a claw to catch him under the 4 ; this will answer the purpose and ! well. If fillies, I fear no matter what iation they get, they will have the k in them." Sometimes mares kick . ticklishness; it is a ticklish thing to with them and I fear their daughters be ticklish. Kicking, lam satisfied, -reditary "in the female line." I had :re that was dangerous to look at, she such an ugly use of her hind legs, and . ckling a stick under her chin, fasten /. the collar in the way I have de ed, I defied her and I defy any horse Or so as to injure the vehicle or him ' This is certainly better than tying 2ne fore leg, as a horse could not trot [. three. ;reason-8 , 4'1w% Cambria Co., Pa. ' . IS DELIGHTFUL AND P 0 P II- I LAR place of summer resort, ideated direct the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the 1.1, of the Allegheny Mountains, 2,300 feet e the level of the ocean, will be oxen for - • from the 10th of June till the 10th of Co . Since last season the grounds have been Lv improved and beautified, and a number .stages have been erected for the accommo ,n of families, rendering Cresson one of the romantic and attractive places in the State. furniture has been thoroughly renovated. seeker' of pleasure, and the sufferer from and disease, will find attractions he; e in a lass Livory Stable, Billiard Tables, len-pin e, Baths, etc., together with. the purest air • - ter, and the most magnifieent mountain .ry to be found in the country. kets, good for the round trip from Phi laded s7 80; from Pittsburgh, ES 05. further information, address W. G, MDILIN i_ t-dtf Cresson Springs, Cambria CO., —7, 1.521 GO ........ ' 27,919 33 FRANCIS COLLEGE, , CAR OF THE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS IrIN INSTITUTION, SITUATED IN LORETTO, Cambria oounty Pennsyl four miles from Cresson Station Statir ri, ta t irect route between Philadelphia and Pits , was chartered in 1858, with priviliges to r the . usual Collegiate }tenors and Degrees. adc oration of the College m one of the most ~ by in Ponnsylvarua--tius portion of the Alla ..ue.r. mountains being r-overblal for its pure waus , bracing air, and plc arosque scenery. Th Scholastic year commences on the FIRS MO:. DAY after the 15th of AVIUST, and ends 11470 . the 28th of JUNE following. It is divide I into wo Sessions. Students oannot return home bet en the Sessions . All the Apparatus neces sary or Land Surveying. D.ftegring, droo, ko„ will be furnishing by the MaUttation to the Sind nat. I trrunental and Vocal Music forms no extra Jhar e. Students will be admitted from eigl t year to the age of manhood.. Ts ua—Board and Tuition, payable half yearly —4l l /0 shing and nee ofßedding.... .........„ 10 eine! and Modern Languages, extra 10 fidonts spend Vacation at the College. ifr formica can bo made to the Rt. Rev. Bishop suer, to the Rev: T. S. Reynolds, St. Mary's to, and. to other Clergymen of the Pittsburgh se. cam shod berg eon 14 The beal ateri w. CI :it Re O'Co Lore' Dioo 5a48.251 76 4 4 , 0111442>, lt4 it IFt q36:abd-/A-1,1 GREAT CURB 1011 00181111011. • PROPRIETOR 41wpm:ism:raw I OE having thade,it.the ittudy of years to Y• trate the life of the Pine Mee into a !troth r diseases of the Lungs and Throat, is now g to suffering humaatty.the reeult of his ex . ce. This truly great and good inedioille ed with much care, the tar being distillt -.ls for it, is therefore free from all httpuri i common tar. cone& nine offeri parte prep: expr,! !Au o • as cured more °aids of Commotion than own remedy on earth. Il cure Bronchitis. . . . 1 111 cure Asthura. 1 ..11 cure Sore Throat and Breast. JD cure Coughs and Colds and is an I able remedy for diseases of the kidneys, ry Complaints. ewers of CounterfeitsliA have the Dyspepsia use WISHART'S yspepsta pills, and if they do not cure yotigo to the agent of whom you ptqchased Mehl rand receive your money mill at his store and get a descriptive air -A box of Pills sent by limn post-paid on of One Dollar. tlO South Second limpet, Ma. CI_t_WISHAP.II Proprietor. Iby Dr. YSE.K. No 140 Wood street yeod is•sgor, KorsE 55 PIP STILEET, Ladies' Baots athrßalmorals, Men'g Boots and Balmorals Misses' Boots and Balmorals oots and Balmorativ.- 'a Boots and Balniorals, en's Boots and Balmorals, ca II s r than the Cheapest. Boys Youf Chil(: ) , C oci 'OTBODY . 1$ A N`X LO •TO r &mai theirfriehde army, an also Where 'o buy Boote and Sh , :es cheap.— i ce is at Ivl'Clellaritl'a, 55 Fifth street. C R' pi gheny Fruit a- rood . ward n Which e ICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE I :a=antty situates on ttebecca street. Alla ty. being a division of a large garden. with shrubbery. etc.. and easy of .00e8a by er Railway. Persons desteons of Reel:ming ud pleasant lueatien-for a residence are ':re inc fed to look at these beautiful lots '. re otftred at low prices., and on easy Call and see the plan at our office. S. C r OMBERT ar SORB, sllgarget street: • V A Marls. t on W: 1 street. oelfni!, 1 FABLE PROPERTY FOR fE.—Situatt4l on Water street. between ang Fetry. Having a fronvseventy f".,Ot er Street: the same through ttl First I 'at= easy. Inquire at S 8 lint, Street. • ,ADE 7.CEILIZENEY RECEIVED tibbte at McClelland's Auction. , BUY A PAIR OF THOSE Balmorala for Ladles and Genta at id et. 50 00 .„ 500 . ............ ---.....12 00 015 24 00 morn'ng R3The Interest of the Agriculturalist will not be neglected, and in the future, WI in the put, the Publiehere will devote unremitting attention to the perfection of this Department. $) Ai a source Of, 84dillonal Interest to all classes of readers; the trogrea" oftllete war. in which coat , g anniesare musrag , . be closely canvassed.zid they posy-bum:4lmo events carefully collated d preSentqd ,the - reader,-, By following the operations' of the - armies from day to day, succinctly presenting the Whole "from week to week, we shall furnish a fresh and run ning history of this lamentabl,e rebellion. will be furnished to subwri hter Mahe low pries of and It will bo founds nod izniesimmot Is also bated from the °Mee BFBRII MORNING. It is a complete'etitonati of news, oontainipg natl . :mu/ i t 11 149 11 4eitogi___L. .-_ Telegraphic, g, ..Alifweedlgamotinul, "II II T " 1104 ,4 1 * iMr llllB oo' o . fora., etarT,Fematerelalib.e., TO TH.E. LATEST 'HOLUB. of Mthe ao, ay editor], .U.prUeles on all the leadir a !elm d. ALL IMPORTANT NEWS FROM TI iMBRAT OF WAR, CAMP COBABSPONDRN AP THE DAILY POSThas an ,ligtensdve oirenlation by railroad and river. tl - , , roogh agents and by the mail, and is a eapi till adverti sing medium. The.paper is furnish. o t t o Naomi bars at $6 per annum. Advertisements tweeted at mode tato rates, rim Address _ . , . Iry a 'SINS— • •-- • - • • • Mk. VI Boxes M. 8.. Danofi Raisins: 150 do Lager • • do 100 Half Boxes M.E. do 100 do do • 'Ayer , do ao Kegs Beedlesi - , ,- =do- i - •• • Drums Sultsts , • :do . • • '• - Justeived andfor*le by • rel • . 11N2d7TA :fr-,BR(yB. - . NA . NM Ig6 oral% Wood street. LW; DOB/5001 FIVTII AND MOOD MIAIHrt& ',I Atill*Sead your motley' Ay mail at my di cll. out COLA. AN EXCELL ENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. WHIM PITTSBURGH SATURDAY MORNING POST It 3 A- HANDSOME AND INTERESTING MAMMOTH WEEKLY, PRINTED ON FINE WHITE PAPER. WITH CLEAR, LARGE, NEW TYPE IT IS THE. ONLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN PITTSBURGH, , LtD IrAll lISTABLIfIEZD It Mir 1 iii 0 4 • - rt CONTAIIII ALL IFELO CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, 'aid furnishes the moat reliable PIONETARY. MARKET a COMMERCIAL REPORTS UP TO TIES HOUR OF GOING TO PRIMO: tooothar.with s choke selection of Tales, Poetry , Literary and Scientific Articles.aluable Statistical In- formation, Agricultural News, &e., &e.; FURNISHED BY OUR OWN CONTRIBUTORS. or compiled with the greatest ears. from THE LEADING PERIODICALS OF THE DAY -)-A.LEIO Embracing every Important ITER OF NEWS, FOREIGN ,LED NOSIEST' V. LEGESLAXIVE PROCEEDINGS. Re.. VILL ALSO 11l POUND IN 111. TUE FARM AND TUE FARMER, THE WAR _NEWS. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST One Dollar &Year-, THE MORO DAILY POST J'AMIEI P. B &Rs, EDITOR AND PUOPONArTOR TITTSBtra BOLLAR'SAVINGS BANK, 661 FOIIETH ISTREET,, - ' .OHARTERED IN 1866,:1 r= DAILY, FROM TO SUOULOCra; O also. on Nrednwday and. Saturday evenings, from Mhy to November Ist, from 7 WA' c'elook and 4 m November let to May lat. from - to 8' o'clock. • . Deposits _receives& of all sums not lees than. ONR Doman. and a 'dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually in June and Decem ber since the Bank was organised, at the rate dais per cent, a year. Interest, if not drawn out, Is _placed to the credit' f the depositor as principal :and bears the flame interest from the first days of June and Do °ember, compounding twice a year, without troubling the d.epositor to call or even' to' present his pass book. At. this rate money will double in less than twelve years, making Iri the aggregate grairr awn oss-HALF PER CENT. 'A Trait. Books of:attaining Om Charter. BYrpowar. ,RWN , anda Regulations. ftrnished gratis. aPpiteatiem rn riminnsirr. ' ' GEORGE AIiBREE.• "nog rasmotarra. - John B. APPadilen. . Isaac M. Nano* John Holmes; - John Marshall . Alexander Speer. Jamie B.ll:fdreeds , Benj. L—Pahnestock, . Pollock. M. jaws' McAuley. Hill °ram% timed Herdmari. Wm. J. Anderson. tarrassits. 41exat i der Jarnesp.., -. . wee D.Retly, John Wilaelrofen. . Peter A. Bliuleir • a, Stereo Bloch. John H. Mellor.' . John B. Canfield. Samoa Alonzo A. Carrier. Robert Robb, Charles A. Colton. ' Walter E.Marsiten; Wm. Douglas, john Olt -• John El7BllB_, Henry-L. Ringwelf, Hopewell Hepburn. .lizhn H. Shoenbanor. Wm. S. Haven, • Wm. E. Schmertz. Peter .H.Hrooker. • Alexander Tindleb Rinhaid Hays. IsaaoWhitrier. Wm. S. Lovely. ' Christian Yeager. gamma, AND TREAstrium: ' CHARLES A. COLIVA. . IifOLIIIES & "iTA: N H IniX A.M. • and Exchange ..Erokers - and Deabees in' Notes. Drafts, Acceptances, Gold.Bilver atatianit Notes: Exchange on the Eastern and W?Zarn Cities constantly for, sale. - Collections madein all the cities throngbanitthe United, States. Deposits received in par Waal or °current paper, No. 57 Market. street, heitrit Third and Fourth streets: WM. H. WILLIAMS & cP- 1 BANKERS da EXOHANGE BRONZta, WOOD STREET, CORNER THI ALDERMEN. JAMES M. TAYLOR : ALDERMAN, OFFICE: 451 Penn Street; Filth Ward_ • COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY Main= pe o da. Bonds. Mortgages and .other Legal Writing Drawn. Aeknowtgementa Taken and Bills Probated. ' - • apecly JAMES A. 5 FETZER , FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR TER BALI 0r.. .. Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Dried Fruit and Produce Generally, • corner Market and Flret Streetti, PITTSBIBIGH, PA. BEYER TO—Francis G. Bailey, Esq. William Dilworth, Sr, B. Cuthbert & Son, Esq., Boyd & Ott Heisker & Swearingen, S. Brady. Cash. M. & M. Bank. List Howell Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlon, Paxton & Co., Wheeling. my2B:2ptfds T. T. lIIVGUIIN dr CO, II U" fit..E fit I 'GI- , —AND— ORNAMENTAL PAINTER No. 2 , St.' Clair Street, (CORNER DUQUESNE WAY. eeeond stoa. , Me-All work outraged to me will be neatly and PremPSY aeonzem • ' o&-1.7 F URNISHING HOODS; SUITABLE FDII THE SEASON. AZACRUBI dt .CLYDE Invite attention to( their stook of GENTLE MEN'S and YOUTH'S- Linen and Traveling&lisirts, • Collars, ousipenders, ' Linen and Silk 4;1 antikerehlets„ Gloves, Hos 4, Umbrellas, ate. ..4RHY SHIRTS, And Soldiers' Furnishing GoO(19. always on hand at MACRUSI . CLYDE S. anti 78 Market et., botween 4th & Diamond. IMPORTANT TO INVENTOR S. PATENT AGENCY. 01 PATENT AGENCY. Pi! ml RO6T .; VI._FEuwIcK $ 1 • . 1:For the past-lour rq years Manager of the Washington CP Branch of fielen oi title-American 0 Patent Agency 'A and for Fifteen • Years in the Pat pent Ageney Rani. Piness. DEWIT C. LAWRENCE,. For Twelve Years an officer of the Patent Offiee..the lairi font aft a: Member of the Board of Appeal. NOTE—AII informs Patent and a copy of charge: Refer to present David P. Holloway. on nosegtoup to procure e Patent Laws sent free ADDY & MWEDII9, Plumbers and Gas Fitters, NO. uus WOOD' NTREEET, oprosrrE FIIiSTQHUBCS Prrantißell 4 1111 17 OHIO: STRpET 'ALLEGIOrat: szAa 7EII,MAYOE'B orrroa. 1131iEDPS, HYDRANTS SHEET LEAD, m JL . Lead Pipe, P and Bar Lead, and Plumber's materiel in general: ,-.:oBlianneries fitted tip in the nrest approved Mime: Tarthelin ed lead or Copper: Houses fitted with Water and Gee six- B. B. All orders prompt'y attended to, aPT . . FIFAXIIVDS AND VINDOAD,r 1 600 BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, 11 BARBELS PURE CIDER VINE E, I - In store and for side WILLIAM BAGALEY, fels 18 and 20 Wood street . LOAN OFFICE, HENRY W: - CIHIOTT NO. 100 SMITHFIELD STREET Near the corner Fifth. Pittsburgh. MONEY IN LARGE- MHO SMALL .I.Y.L'iltiantities loaned on Gold and Silver, Dia monds. Jetrelry. Gold and Silver Watches, and all kinds of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed on 'The itckhi cannot, be _delivered 14110 , _utIthe gritiketi - : - • - co Hours-from 7 it: F. to 0 `•' Iwo * Is irME:THIE FOR CANNING Jill. and psese:Yins Strawberries, Those select , ed. far this purpooe should be of_ good eolor. solid in substance of firm texture.-and of superiellat V% Exactly such a berry can be found daring the straw b eng sea son, at J. KNOX'S Establish -inept, No. 29 Fifth street. Pitts tough. Orders nisit_tie left either at Ids stand in the market. or at uortioultural store. Jel6 NEW mmirottl NEW 600D911 I • . We hive an elegant and attractive stook o • Trfaumlugs, Furnishing Goods, Embroideries, Varieties, Notions, ,Gloyes, Elaantlistst, Draper's anct Flerre ,:tc . 'orsets, larferctritte findlletS Id.A.CRITAIF&GLYDE. 78 Market ett.:betweenAth & Diamond. Fzenoh Head N for CAB irrisArianicranAtimr, PACKER. understands Lamn fitting mistral. SOILKERTZ a Namur. 11140113 Wood street F IIOI *MiI ' ONAXI CARDS, 71. ' FICCALITONT 1111111 t eer.ro.u.N.y - s FRANKLIN, VF NANGO rankl,4l AindSURGEON' DEB TI ie[d !! su stre : t o . ossor to G. W.piddlo. N 0.141 Gin Office hours from 8 to 1 o'clock. and from to 5 o'clock fol&ly 1801 MANUFACTURERS. AMERICAN IRON WORK'S. .11,ones dig Laugibibus- XASITHAOTOIIII2.B Or N AND - NA L JUNIATA AND COMMON SHEET 'NON. Lauth's.Patini - Shaltiug, Piston Boa, Plat* it wAnmousEs.. • Watett Street and 132 . Furst - Stra 'PIT , T611111711GT1; Amd sorrel liyanklin end South 7aterfrer tOhicen a Jamm-Smut- BeCta,iorte PITTSBURGH' STEEL WORK JONES, -BOYD & CO., -Am ANC*" ACTT:REES OF CAST STKE Spring. Plow, and A B Steel SP.lll4' tad AXt42:::eoeseriton and First snook - . - - PITTSATT) . %44, Pa. CARPETS, 'OIL CLOTHS, &a. CARPETS AND OIL OLOTHEi 24 Pieces' NEW DRUGG,ETS, 75 Pieces NEW BRUSSELS CARPEL thf r LAlt s g a Ziiiiill e A r gr i n a Tr a liti ar tt the loweatprioes. c-19 W. BINCLENTacx. prrIsBuOII, PA- U 1 CAIPBT,S, OIL CLOTHS, id !r-A, ri.`— • • ' C A. X.st.lt-11 , • No. 87 Fourth Street.. 80IIGHT PREVIOUS TO TUE - LATV advance in prices. of which the fullest au vantage ip offered in purchase FOB CAdL del i W. CIIIITRIRERAX...D. CITANIEGIWK...P;OUNISINWELAN priIGSTNINGISAILS ek (30.--P I T J .BURGH .:11.T.r1 GLASS WORM—Wire. bonze, 116 _Water street, and 156 First .street• Pittsburgh,'Pa._ tbree doors below the Mononga hela dlonsep Maa2ufacturers of Pittsburgh Cht j Window Glass Druggists Glass Ware and Amer can Convex Glass, for_ parlor...windows, oar/rebel and public buildings. 24,1 MbEHE POTASH AND SODA ASH— PURE POTASH AHD SODA ASH. lam in receipt of another supply of superior Potash- and Soda Ash.:-.Those who—make their own Soap. and have use, for either of these art' eles.will End it totheir advantago.to examine:AY stock before purchasing. idtewhere. , JOSEPH PLEMING, . • 7 bornerMarket street and the Diamond. , corner Market street and tho Diamond. 926 1110R.NING F ,. Posl , STEAM PRINTING MSTA:I3I_JLS3EIDEMN'X', CORNER FIFTH & WOOD STREETS, LINVING RECENTLY RIME - EXTNIOII I III ADDITIONS AND IIiSISOYEBIENTO TO OUR OFFICE. 1 We ire now prepared to execute s U ordeal he EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOR di JOB PRINTING With dispatch, and in the most auperior style one! of Patent+, _Rom" del siacioND pro _ worts dad will pay particular attention to '- i irj i RAILROAD, ifiItbANIVVIGAL PRISTIMI BILLS OP irisniaro, CIRCULARS, sus, Mums, JBLAA - ss,.DEEDs 4 C.I4RTiFICATES, REGISTERS. liRA:I - TICKETS, ELCklipTs, Show-Cards & 33418 CIARDEI, ENVELOPE9I' HEADINGS, warm-ion._ Showbills, He.ndbilh3, -Labels, Col• lege and School Schemes, Horst Bills of Fare,l3witatlOns,&e. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES,'AC.!, soR CONCERTS dr.WIEBITIONEr ARE lINSITKPA.SSEIDI‘ Wo eau insure omplotesatisfootioa situ TECO AND PRIM I ji7p .. io . 0 x.,.:. W - 0,..;KK .. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. School and College Cataloging's, - 'lLEiseellaneous -Catalogues, Constitutions,ltakigt-NBrisili o g d . BLANK Booms : - - LETTER B.EeIDB,. • BLANK. BQOSB , CHECHEI, • Baulks it Bean ing !louse% FURNISHED TO ORDER, &IL WORK EXEOUTEDPROMPTLY scums wuritot NOR. /Sth Azad Wand aft/. 11 , 13A_ WitElicli AND REAL LACE COLLARS AND SETTS' , REAL PLIMAAND FRENCH. LACE WWI. LufatiVe •Erabroidered Dios; Robes and Weisti DimttYnd French Cambria Bands, Magic. Col. leratle and imperial Ruffles. Lb?on Caar:ol4l and. kerphleig, Edgings. Licni,44, to all `cii which we inititigadian.l EATON; 24.fACRlibt 4_99 17 7 at - DON'T PVT orr TILL TOMORROW LIP what yon should do to-do. but opened ace the immense etotk of Boots and Shoes rousse of cheap at Mopiellami's Auction. Per!p*e . rrirs PITTSBURGH.. We have an ales In the city. Oar Maio for . printing =BARB Si NYBRS, B C OIO 4 .4nBR9PHRIE9