POSE. PETTENOILL n io.. No,. 3 IC ROW. NEW YORK and es s rA 1 STRE BOSTON are our agents for tho Dui 33 and Weekly Post in those °Rim, and aro 34 th take Advertisements and bubvertrti.to. Or as rit;.tir Lowest Rates. T aOSDAY MORNING, N 0 . CITY OD NEIGUBORHOOD INTEiLIGIOCE I!, Supreme Court. WEOEso.ur, Nov. s.—Present, Chie JuslicoLowrie, and Justices Woodward S rorli.it,nd Reed. muo:r!e's Appeal. Cambria. Non pros Robe ts vs. Cohn. Cambria. Conti!' ed PennOlvania Railroad Company vs. II , ndeinon. Indiana. Argued by Foster and Ste rart for Plaintiff in error, and by IlanWand Wier contra. White rx. Flinn. Cambria. Submitted by for plaintiff in error, and by Shoemiiker contra.' • TodtV'a Administrator's Appeal. Indi ; t: sna. Argued by Stewart for appellant White b'ontra. Cumyerland Valley Mutual Insurance COMpBiIV rs. Driiteheil et al. Indiana. illontin q d till second Monday of January, I ftwitiy et di. r 3. Crawford. Indiana. Coutinited. ForrMakrg. Johnston. Indiana. Con tinued.!_ Campbell vs.'linTs. Armstrong. Non pros. :1 Mato t o et al. ire. INerier. Westmore land. 4rgued by Foster' -for plaintiff in error, tt,tid by Cowan contra. -- Paul)it , Executors vs. Rex,Kinkmerer & Co. Cambria. Argued y Whit& for plaintilki error and by Johnston contra., Cox . lAppeaf. Cambria. Non pros., with le4le to move to take it off on appel lant delivering paper books to appellee, on or bore the 17th inst. Court!, djourned at twelve o'clock for consultation. I utereittlng to the Coal Trade. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF INTERNAL REVENUE, WARM*CTON, October 24th, 1862. Sir * * When a party produces coal in t 0 .13 counties in separate Collection District4:there must be separate collec tions of t - 11.1: on the. amount of coal pro duced iMeach District. The regulation requiring tax "on any corp9ratb body, or property of an incor porated 14ompany, to be payable at the (ace of, rthe treasurer of such corpora tion,“ tthes not include manufacturing compan:gs, or companies even if incorpo rated, ei)kaged iu mining coal. In these cases thepx• must he paid where the man• ufactoryos Situated, or where the coal is produced'. , Very respectfully, (Signed) ' C. F. ESTEE, Acting Commissioner. t'j Camp Howe. There j l a N re some three thousand men in Camp HOwe, nearly all having reported themsellOs, and some companies have al ready been organized, from those belong ing to contiguous localities. Nearly all who intend buying substitutes ha"e pro cured tVem and the business is about wound n'ti. Measures are being taken to bring is tithe delinquents, against whom the law be strictly enforced if they fail to report themselves. Fa“ Day. This ie the day appointed by most of the Synods of the United Presbyterian Church mid several Synods of other Presbyterian bodies, tti, be observed as n day of tasting, humiliation and prayer, with reference to the present siate of the country. The day will generally be observed in this city, by the religithis bodies named. lAL Noble Fellow The Liioming Gazette in detailing in cidents ofy the draft in that county, men tions the , following : "Proba.bly the most striking instance of disintereked generosity occurred in Por ter township. Andrew Taylor, a man of large 1.1.4 y and limited means, was draft ed, whent\Villiam„ Hoover, a Democrat, of Pine Creek township, Clinton' county, who is in 't:io way related to Taylor volun tarily went to him and, without pay, had his name entered as a substitute, because, as he said, Taylor had too lug! a family to leave and go to war. Biidge Bloiwn Down. A briclo over Ten Mile Creek at Clarks ville, FeyE.tte county ; was blown down on Sunday evening during the violent storm. It was a, Inew bridge just completed, and the loss falls upon the contractor, who is a poor man and will suffer heavily by the occurrence. The Nymphs. Etnma Miack, of Third street, whose arrest we noticed yesterday, has given bail for trial; and been released. Sarah Les lie, proprietress of another bagnio on Sec ond street, was before the Court yester day, on ah indictment for keeping a bawdy house, and gave bail in the sum of 4800 to appear for trial. Her mother, who keeps a house of ill fame on Tunnel st., became her security. pone to Europe.. On Saturday last. Rev. Jas. Prestley, of the Sixth' Street U. P. Church, sailed for Europe, to ha absent some six months. lie will be accompanied by Dr. Dales and df .; Philadelphia. They will visit the interesting parts of the Old World. We understand that from Liverpool it is the intent on of the party to go by way of London And Paris to Marseilles, there take steamer to Alexandria, spend the winter in j Egypt and Palestine, and visit Italy aud'Oreat Britain on their return. Substitutes. By reference to our advertising col umns it will be seen that Mr. J. H. Casi day, Bill and Stock Broker, has made ar raogemenla for furnishing substitutes for the army.;, Any business entrusted to him will be p!rouiptly attended to. Office in Burke's !Building, Fourth street, near Market. Verdict. - • - In the Oisance case ot Commonwealth vs. Smitiey & Co., the jury yesterday morn ing returhed a verdict of aot guilty, and that thellcosts be divided between Mr. Ballentints, the prosecutor,and the defend ants. ! Moon for a New Trial. The cOunsel of William Lowrie, con victed of imanslaughter, in killing Thomas Chamberlain, have made a motion for a new trial', and iu arrest ofjudgment. *Pounded at Union. Among the wounded in the late skir mish near Union are the following mem bers of the Eighth Penniylvania : Joseph Mutter,' Co. At; Charles Kearney, Co. E.; George Wisener, Co. Hi D. C. Key ser, Dayid O'Brien, Jacob Allison, Co. H. Capt. Rogerm. , This igentleman, just appointed Acting Insign:in the Navy, is a Pittsbnrgher, who hah been in the gunboat service. He passed a searching examination before Admit*. Porter, of the Western flotilla, and tWo Port Captains. Thirty Minutes. Tlienew rules adopted in the Court of Quarter Sessions embrace the excellent one limiting speeches_of counsel to thirty minutes. Small Cases. The bash /eat before the Criminal Court ye3terllay was of a trifling character. Ageghopy Trochees' Institute ,11,a meeting o't Ala° Allegheny Boaritol t '.,:0 rol, 91"! ToeSday evening the following •r,,i .()%iti.his were submitted - by the pri uci pi, Is of thefieveral schools . : Ist. That the semi-monthly Institute, authorized by law, be held in the several ward buitilings---each school to be and form a district institute, and that upon the Saturday before the last preceding each of the three vacations, a joint Institute of all the Ward Institutes be held in the Fourth Ward building. 2d. That the sessions of the Institutes be held each Monday or Friday afternoon, from two to half-past tire. 3d. That such teachers as show evidence of attendance on Saturday, at Normal classes, be excused from attending the meetings of the Institutes. 4th. That in view of the greatly in creased expense of living, we respectfully request that a proportionate increase of our salaries for the current year be made. These propositions were discussed at considerable length, and on motion of p. G. Bradford, the action of the Board of Control was so far modified as to permit the teachers of each ward to form an Insti tute by themselves, in their own proper school building. That part of the petition relating to an increase of salaries was referred to the Committee on Teachers and Salaries and the Finance Committee, to report at next meeting. The first and third Saturday of each month was fixed as the days upon which the Teachers' Institute should meet. Continued. The case of CoMmonwealth vs. Keenan and others, indicted for murder, in killing Conductor Obey bn the Citizens' Passen ger Railway, ha 4 been postponed until Monday next, when it will be taken up in he Court of Oyer and Terthiner. It will ektit4 mudh interest. • ----- 111 k Note guotationm. Corrected for the Post by ,Feld & Lare, of the National Bank Note Reporter. (The Reporter is published Inonthly, at One dollar's year in advance. Office Di 3. patch Building Pittsburgh, Pa.) Rates uncertain at present. PITTSBURGH, November 5,1862. IIieCOIL9I New England States New York State New York City New Jersey Pennsylvania, (Philadelphia) Pittsburgh Bank of Patahurgh, premium. Country, Banks Delaware District of Columbia... , . Maryland, Baltimore ... Interior ...... Vircinia, Wheeling .... Branches.-- Interior North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Alabama Louisiana Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Indiana, Free Bank of the State. Illinois Wisconsin 10wa...... Michigan Missouri i 3050 Canada. premium , 1'2414 Exchange selling', rates on New York and Philadelphia f If! cent. over bankable funds. Corn—Gold baying at 2..1c, and . Silver Bq2oc over bankable funds. City Mortality Dr, A. G. NfcCandless, Physician to the Board of Health, reports the Interments as follows, from October 2Gth to Nov. 3d, 1862: DISEASE. DISEASE. Adult. Retention . of 'Urine__ 11 Dypth eri Karicin'ma Paralysis. Imperfection of Heart l'Scarlet Fever. Purperra.- .. . . ..... Hydrocephalus • 1 Inflamrnteion of brain 1 Disease ofthe lungs..., 1 Erysipelas 1 Of the above there were Under 1 year 3 From . 30 to 40. From 1 to 2 ...... _....»...' 40 to 50. " 2to 5 3 " 50 to 60. " sto 10 :0 " 60 to 70. " 10 to 15 ,21 " 70 to SO. " 15 to 20 '2! " SO to 60. " 20 to 30 1i " 1 1 1. . 0100 Males, 7' • females, 9; white, 14; color ed, 2; total, 16. Gilts. A largesupply ot Photographic Albums. just received at the Gift Book Store, 118 Wood street, for sale at reduced prices and a valuable gift, worth from 50 cents to $l,OO, given with each. Gnovaa k BAKER'S Sewing Machines for fOmily manufactoring.purposes. are the bent in use. A. F. 0 3.ATONA Y. General Agent, 18 Fifth street. Pittsburgh. Pa. JOSEPH MEYER & SON 3LLNI7PACTITRERP OP FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITUK & CHAIRS WAREHOUSE, iss SMITHFIELD STREET (Between Sixth street and Virgin alley.) PITTSBIIRGH OUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY, DIARIES , FOR 1863, all Elizes. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALMA'S, new lot PENCILS TIPPED WITH INDIA RUDER So arranged that it is always clean and ready for use. .LOCOMB'S PATENT INKSTAND acknowledged to be the best air-tight ink ever offered to the public. POCKET BOOKS FOR POSTAGE CUxtRENCY /or sale tri W. S. HAVEN, CORNER WOOD k THIRD - STS. oe2o NO DRAFTAT 55 FIFTH sTaBET. Boots and ko,looes to McClelland's Heedquartors for Sh. 3 SECOND HAND MELODEO S. For sale by 0023 CLOSING Our SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, TWO NEW s STANDTHEI TOP BUGGIES. hose former pride waa s l2 s,_will be aold now tor $9O. at • Mrs.; JOSEPH WHITE'S. ae/0 Carriage Repository Two Mile Run. THIS DAY- Just opened a eomplete assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS W. H. WOES. 4t CO., mil 148 Federid street. Allegheny any; 111 NDIA RIIBBEtt. BLANKETti—AN- A. OTHER lot warranted to stand heat or cold just received at 26 andl2B St. Clair street. J. 4: H. PHILLIPS CIINE TWO-SEATED SECONDHAND 11l CARRIAGE. in good order. will be sold at $45 at Yrs! JOSEPH WHITE'S. $Bl3 Carriage Regository, Two Mile Run. APPLES -76 'BARRELS GREEN Al'. plea just received and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER. 140 sensor Market and First streets. wrtirnow CFORTAINS FOR SALE by W. P. MARSHALL, 5027 87 Wood stmt. - Second Edition THHNERL LATEST TELEGRAPH. THE NOVEMBER ELECTIONS. Glorious Democratic Triumph FROM WASHINGTON ITEMS OF SOUTHERN NEWS LATEST LOUISVILLE ITEMS DEATH OF COL. NATT BROWN FROM SAN FRANCISCO interesting News from Arkansas Appointments in the • Navy &c., , &c , &c WAsolNcrox, November :,.—The Com missary General of prisoners, Col. Hoff man, has charge of United States officers and men on parole. correspondence relating to them, as well as all details concerning them, will pass through him„ A private of a Missouri company in Ar kansas, was recently found guilty, by a court martial in violating the sixth article of war, by striking a Lieutenant, who was aiding the officer of the day in quelling disorder. The ,reused pleadoin answer to the charge and speaieatiom; that he was drunk and knew nothing of them, but two thirds of the court martial sentenced him to be shot to death. The proceedings har ing been submitted to the President of the United States, he !Lade the following or der: The prisoner's offence in this case, ba ng to some extent, the result of sudden )assion, and not of premeditation, the sentence of death is instigated to imprison• ment for one year, to commence on the 25th of October, and to he dklionorahly discharged from service, with the loss of pay and emoluments. par :K2 ) 5 I 2 104,50 Comuiander•Theodore Dailey has been detached from the command of Sackett's harbor and appointed to command the Eastern Gulf blockading squadron, in place of acting Rear Admiral S. Sardner. detached on account of ill health. Chas. L. Perley has been commissioned as As• sistint Payma•der in the navy. Dr. E. A. Arnold has been appointed acting Assist• ant Surgeon and ordered to proceed to Hampton Roads for duty on I.;)ard the_ steamer C:lna.ler. New York Election. NEW Yonk, Nov. - ..--Actual returns n' from twenty-five counties and the city of a New York, give Seymour a majority of 36,61 t-;. Twenty-nine counties to hear vl from will reduce the above to YAW—so estimated by the A tbany:l i/us. The Albany Journal conceed.i the elec tion of Seymour. 2 p. in.—Further returns .how the e'er- tion of Herman, Democrat, in the 21st District, and Hurlburd, Republican, in the rtli District. The following majorities of Gen. Wads worth, Republican candidate tor Gover nor, have been received : St. Lawrence county, 5,000; Oneida county, 500; Madison county 1,300. it is probable that 19 Democrats have been elected to Congress and 12 Republi- CMS. Delaware Election. WirmIN.;TON, ?") I'. }t. --Cannon, .the , Union candidate for Governor, is certainly h, elected. The contest for Congressmen is very close. The .I. , igislature is still in doubt. The following is the vote for Congress in this State: New Castle county, Fisher, Union, 6,448; Temple, Democrat, 2,908. Kent county, Temple, Democrat, 448 majority. Sussex county, Temple, Democrat, ma jority The majority for filer in the State is nine votes. Cannon the Union candidate for Governors was ahead of the Congres: sional ticket, and will have nearly list majority. Missouri Election. gi ST., Loris, November .",.—The Radical Emancipation ticket in this county is un- fp doubtedly elected. The vote in the Ist NI COngressional district is very close, and C cannot be decided till the army is heard p i from. Blair's friends claim his election, rE but the Radical Republicans say the vote rc in the army will elect Knox. In the 2d Is diStrict, Blow, Radical Republican, is un doubtedly elected by a handsome majority. tE Returns from the interior are yet meagre, a but the Emancipation ticket is probably elected Wisconsin Election. MILWAUKEE, Nov. (I.—The Democrats have elected two members of Congress— Brown and Eldride ; the Republicans three—Sloan, Cobb and Hanchett. One is yetin doubt. All the Democratic As sembly ticket elected from the city of Mil waukee, and: one State Senator. The Democrats have gained largely in some parts of the State. CHICAGO, Nov. s.—Returns thus far in- c: dicate the following Congressmen elected in this State: Ist District, Arnold; 2d, o, Farnsworth; 3d, Washburne; sth, Love fr joy; 6th, North—Republicans; 4th and 7th in doubt; Bth, Stuart; uth, Ross; 10th, Knapp; 11th, Robinson; 12th,.Morrison; 13th, Win: J. Allen—Democrats'. The a vote on the candidate at large is close; b h Ingersoll, war-Democrat, is elected. Harris, Dem.. is elected to Congress from the 4th District. The Republicans concede the election of James C. Allen, Democratic candidate at large. Nothing from the 7th District. J. H. MELLOR Minnesota Election. ST. PAUL, Nov. 6.—The city of St, Paul is all Democratic. Ramsey county gives s t Collier, Dem., for Congress, 600 majority; b, Nebraska county, Donnelly, Rep., for Congress, 55 majority; Goodhue, Don- a nelly 65 majori4y. The result is very un- ci certain. Returns come in slowly. Le..tvENwoais, Nov. s.—Scattering re turns from the State indicate the election of the entire Republican State ticket. Wilder, Rep., for Congress, is probably elected over Parrott, Union, and Matthias, Dem. NEW YORK, Nov. s.—Gen Coreoratis g legion will go to Fortress Monroe to-mor- The steamer Star of the South arrived from Port Royal. The news of the South announces the death of Col. Nat Brown, of the 3d Rhode Island regiment; Capts. Warfteld and Williams, and Lieut. W. B. Manton. The iron clad steamer Weekawken was launched this morning. • Illinois Election. Hannan Election. I ALBINY, N. I'., Nov. s.—The Atlas 17,Vitia"figtiftin Stelttifelbile-11641ight; I 've Seymour 11,46 majority in the State. ti estimates arelarge, those of the State .ommittee showing about 17,000 majority. nere seems no reason to believe that any andidate on the 'Democratic State ticket s elected. The Atlas and Argus gives -eveateen Democratic Congressmen. The ssembly stands fifty-seven Democratic t embers to fifty- si c Republicans, there 6 eing fifteen to hear from. IIFORTR.ESS Aloxm, E, November 4.—The i as•of truce boat Express, from Aikens' .nding, arrived last evening with neither . Lssengers nor returned prisoners. . Files of the rebel papers to the first inst. ,ave been received: The Richmond Dispatch of the Ist, mpg: It is not correct that McClellan will •.ake an advance on Lee, which the latter .:meetly expected. The report that Winchester had been • •acuated is incorrect. The rebel cavalry p'ckets still hold their old positions Noah df Bunker Hill and East of Charlestown. It is evident that Mobile, Charleston, a d probably Savannah will soon be assail ei by the naval and land forces of the I inc3ln Government. The loss of these c ties would not touch the vital strength o the Southern heart, yet it would ieflict suffering and humiliation which no s:crifice would be too great to prevent. obile can see in New Orleans what she h: •to expect. . The occupation of Mobile by the feder s will enable them to penet ate hundreds o miles into the interior of Alabama, and filet immense damage upon private and p blic interests. At Charleston an especial object of fed• e al malignity would probably be made t d ink the bitterest cup of all, and we hope ' t at every Southern city will permit itself t. be converted into ashes before surren d • ring to the invaders. The yellow fever still rages at Warning . N. C. According to the Journal e f 0 lober 28th, the number of deaths are the decrease. The Secretary of War caused an order be issued to officers commandirg the :nips of instruction, and to cause the en dlment of conscripts to be extended to :1 men not subject to exempdqn, who e between e'ghteen and forty yearn of .:e. It cannot be disguised that the law. der which this is done, is unpopular, it t odious, among a large class of people he Richmond papers contains the fol o tecently the British man-of war Rims'. approached New Orleans and assumed ostile attitude, demanding from the au• hurities the release of James Syme, drug i t, an English subject, confined in Fort Pi kens, and indemnification for the seiz ur• of his person and property to the cirrnt of one hundred thousand dollars. neral Butler requested ten days to eon su t with the authorities at Washington, wl ich was assented to. ien. Butler has issued another infa us order, forbidding the payment of p.ts to persons who have not taken the a h. IF:IA:SA, Ark., Colonel Cameron. of the :;4 h Indiana, who was recently the bearer c I • flag of truceto Gen Hindman comman de of the rebel forces at Litt e Rock. fur ni hes the following :- "he truce party embraced Capt. Sewel, of he 14th Indiana, Adjutant Mackenzie, ' he 11th lowa, and an escort of eleven 1 . n. They left Helena on the 21st ult., 6 a took the route to Roe Rock ferry, at on the third day arrived at Browns •il e Captain . Nolan, acting quartermas• e C. S. A., telegraphed to Gen. Hoag, who sent Colonel Anderson with the train )n he Memphis and Little Rock Railroad, h t Colonel Cameron delivered his dis la hes, consisting of two letters from le eral Curtis, and one from Gen. Sher na , at Memphis, to Gen. Holmes,in per m . e professed his desire to conduct the € 1 a on honorable principles and under rail of warfare among civilized na to ts, and even on Christian principles— h t he was filled with horror by tales of ha. - . . - . •oc and desolation brought to him, hch he was forced to believe. Many n.ances of outrage were cited, to whi(h o . Cameron replied that Uen. Comdy :c no knowledge of sucti occurrences, that ;f they had happened and the Icy parties could be found they would ss redly be uunished. Mr. Holmes said Le knew Curtis in his youth and had ex le2ted him to pursue a fair and honorable wa fare; that he for his part, was deter m; i ' ed to resist organized forces as long as ould be done; that unless their inde ,e dence was acknowledged, they would g t until exterminated. He said while ,e ought with an organized force he sup ,re sed the patriotic arder of the people le r Halena, and retrained them from ii rrilla warfare, but should Lee be beaten n "irginia ,and Brag in Kentucky be ru bed, the people would rise as an indi d al and each man take upon himself le trust of expelling invaders. 1 &inquired if our army at Corinth had 3e i reinforced. On being answered in ie negative, he appeared satisfied and ra ilied. lie said on the 22d he sent a a,!, of truce with a reply to Gen. Curtis' .ri ter letter, by way of the Arkansas and iszissippi rivers. He liked the spirit of t is' letter, and had at once sent all the ri•oners, nearly oue hundred, and his ep y. '1 he cotton dealers taken by the eb•l soldiers had been or would be re -a:ed. Col. Cameran found three roads leading c,White river fromlbelow,all we.l wa' erel ud supplied with forage. Beyond the ,ra ries will be soon impassible. The rebels are stacking prairie bay near t rcwnsville, and by boats bringing corn rot the bottom lands to Little Rock. Through the scarcity of forage they had limounted a large portion of their env lry, including the 25th Texas. The Arkansas river is s o low as to be mtassible for the lightest draught boats, •hde White river has risen 12} feet since ugust, and now has 15 feet at lowest up o I'larden. he rebels at Little Rock have informa o , which they credit, that Galveston, .a.ine, Troy and Houston have been ap ured by the federals. I arge quantities of boots, quinine and th•r articles find their way to the rebels ro i Helena and Memphis. 1. .. s Fitescisco, Nov. 4.—Business a • htly more animated; sales of 1,000 e 3 Cincin. candles, eighteen and one cents; two hundred bales of gunnies, • teen cents; dried apples, twelve; but.- twenty-seven; wheat one dollar and y; Rio coffee, twenty-six; hops dull . declining. Domestic liquors do. . ere was thirteen thousand dollars con. uted to the National Sanitary Fund andwich Island dates of the 11th from (Ic ober Ist, says the first bale of cotton "ro • Malaki had been received. onolulu Island newspapers contain to ements that cotton growing will soon le.ome extensive. I apt. Walter, in Gibson, has established i e c long of Mormons on Zahia Island, a ing much newspaper comment. he Americans in Honolulu have con ri rated two thousand dollars to the Net .° . al Sanitary Fund. r ov. s.—There is a moderate trade do , with an improved demand for groce he Governor has appointed the 27th . as a day of thanksgiving. he roll of the new cavalry company anizing in this city, to go East and join assachusetts regiment, is full, and the • has appropriated $25,000 from the • treasury towards paying their passage. 1 , -N Ic'4,Toi, Nov. s.—The 43d, 46th and 1.. Id assachasetts regiments left for whern in the steamers Merrimac and -sissippi. The 41st regiment, aocom ded 'by Gen. Banks, has, left for New •rk. KANl3l§,c47 N.ovamber , ;?.57,414,44! 9oidin . ippeal hati rue, been reoeived Camp Curtis, Jackson' county : To Major oe:weal Curtis—For more than a week 1. bat e pursued Quantrallls band of guerril.he, with 141ajor Ransom's cavalry and Chptain Chetuat's. company A, 12th Kansas, and one piece of artillery, under Lieutenant Hunt. We have killed two, taken one prisoner,captured one hun• dred horses and mules, and driven the ma rauders out of this part of the State.' They are in full retreat South,the intention being to reach Arkansas. No causalties on our side. A considerable number of contra bands accompany us to Kt1.1! , .a.i. Signed Tnoxies T. IlsaNss. Colonel Commanding. Lorisvii.i.e, Nov Pope died here to-day. A strong Union force will Commence re pairing the Louisville and 'Nashville Road within the State of Tennessee to-morrow. —Colonel Carson NEW YORK, Nov. s.—Arrived, the ship Great Western, from Liverpool; below. bark Ottelie, from Bremen. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PITTSBURGH. _ ..... A R RIVED. Frank's, Bennett. Browasvit Gallatin, Clarke, do Bayard. Peebles, Elizabeth. Capitola, Thompson, Wheeling. DEPARThD, Franklin, Bennett, Brownsville, Gallatin, Clarke, tin Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. Ildinorca, Gordon, Wheeling. Mg' Th . e river—Last evening at twilight there were three feet 'EU inehe3 water and Pall in it.. The weather tine. 1t613 - The new steamer Volunteer, Capt. Vandergrift commanding. teaves today for Cin cinnati. She has attracted a good deal of atten tion from our river men. She is in fact a splendid boat in every respect. She was built under the superint•ndenoo of Capt. Vandergrift. We eon ratulate him on producing so fine a boot. Capt. Thema Shaman will be found in the office. Matters and things about the Wharf In town rusticating and taking note of tho fasb. ions- G. W. Wilson. Esq., the accomplii-h.l. lerk of the Emma Graham.--In town and looking around—Ca pt, Jo. n armee, of the steamer k.av igator. Tbo Captain will not venture out until we havo a further rise of water.—Captain R. U. (hay, Commodore of the Northern Line Packet Company is on u visit to our city, Revert says an other new side wheel packet is to be constructed forthwith — Emma, No. 2, is the name selected J for Capt. J. 11. Slaratta's new steamer. For eincinnail. THIS DAY. POSITIVELY—Io A. M, THE NEW A ND SPLENDID Passenger Packet VOLUNTEER, L. Vand rgrift, commander, will leave for the above port this day. For freight or passage ap ply on board. not; For Cincinnati, Loubovine, Cairo and St. LOCIII4. ; THIS DAY. NOV. 6-1 P. M. riaMit THE NEW AND SPLEN DID Passenger Steamer SILVER, CL , lIL, S, Shuman. Commander. Captain J. B. Conw . y, Clerk. will leave its announced a. ove. For freight ur passage apply on hosrd. nod For Cincinnati. lAndsville. Cairo and bit. Lents. TRH FIRST RISE THE NEW AND 4PLENDID star /Ler A ROON AUT. No. •ti J. W. Porter comma nder,wi II leave as announced above. • For freight ~r passage apply on board. no; STEAMBOAT SGILNCY. W . YIAZL.ETT Has opened_ an ottioe at N 0.90 WATER STREET, Where he will transact a General Steamboat Agency business • and would solicit a sharo of paC ronssre from steamboat roan.. • ap24-Iyd NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED EATON, MACBUM at CO.. NOS. 17 AND 19 FIFTII STREET We intte spec* attention to [...choke selection of NEW GOODS, just rocolve4. All the uew end desirable styles of Dress Trimmings. French Embroideries. Lace and Tissue Veils, Beal Lace Collars and Sets- Trim:Wags and 'sonnet Gibbons. Hoop Skirts and Cor.etw, Ladies and Misses Balmoral Skirts, Boston Ribbed Hose. Gloves. Gauntlets and Mittens. Zephyr and Shetland IS Wahl, Lnit Hoods and stiotags, Head Dresses and Hair Nets, Ladles' Wool Ender Garments, Gents' Shirts and Collars, Neck Ties. Suspends- s„ Handk'ilt Merino, Silk and Wool Undershirts and Drawers. Cash buyers supplied In quantity at lowest priaea. EATON, MACRI'M & CO Noe. 17 and 19 Fifth street F ELT SHOES SHOES FOR LADIES AND GENTS, W. E. NCHMERTZ it CO., 31 FIFTH STREET. SOLDIERS, FAMILIES, CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THEIR BOOTS and SHOES AT ) M'CLELLAND'S AUCTIRI, NO. 55 FIFTH STREET, nol AMERICAN WATCHES 'FOR SOIADIORS OR PERSONS THAT ARE OBLIGED to give a watch hard Usage at times. They are put up in ve-y heavy Silver -bunting cases, neatly finished, simple in construction. and not at all apt to get out of o der, neiteer riding on horse• back pr Railroad will effect them and for correct ness of time. they are equal to the best Foreign Watches bnYerted- REINEMANI MEYRAN & SEIDLE , WHOESALE AGENTS, 411 FIFTH STREET.' oeXitt. SOLDIERS' BOUNTIES: PENSIONS, BACK PAY, and other just CLAIMS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT, Prompt:y procured at reseonahle H ra tesA Z App l y to . HA EN, 103 Fourth street. Pittsburgh, and -CHARLES C. TUOKBR, noL3me Washington, D. C. CIAJu TS st rec 0 ei v - - --20 edBUSHELS PLUME OATS lir and is forale JAS. A. FETZER, not Corner Market. and First street. LOIIB-2O BARRELS DOUBLE. EX. Ftra Family Four) ust 34 r 8. ece A. FETZived and ER, for sale. oat Corner WOW and First etreiti. -4*gt*Emsx.4.- PiTTBII 1 11-GH THEATRE. Lam: MAY#or.l2 ..... HENDERSOP Pair F.s Ar)klattON. — Private BOXOK $5 CO Single soot in Private Box. 00: Parquette and Drills Circle, chairs. 60 canto; Family Circle, oentr4 Colored Gallery, 'Gents; Colored Bova. 60 mots: Gallery 16 oema. FOR SIX NIGLITS ONLY. • Mr. Covidock and _his scooraplished daughter /hiss Couidock. Sing of France__ ...... ......... Mr. Con!dock Dauphin Mar Cotddook To! conoludo with the NORAII ()REINA.' Gorman Erady ....... ........ Mr, Hudson OOTS ANO N g A-0 MeCLELLAND S AU CTION IIorciNISTRATOR'S SA.LE OF VAL -1: BALE REAL P;STATS --Ey virtueot an order Uf the i.irphan's Court of Allecheay Jwill.sellat P.. boo Sale. at the Cour t House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on 'Farad the 11th ''ay of November. 1862. at 10 o'clook a. that valuable tract of land and coal. on which Wm. Chi si.. died, seized, situate on the Washington le Pittsburgh Turnpike Read. 2 miles from Pitts burAb; containing 236 acres and 142 perches. Said land will be sold m purparts or pieces, containing dideres.t quantities from Bto 61 acres. The coal, about 90 acres, will besold separate from the land, A Isd, At the same time and place, I will sell Lid : U in Thomas bemple's plan of Chatham, iu A llee henv City. Also) he undivided half part of a lot on the Smith t ide 'W Robinson street, 27 feet estward ly Corey street in B.la city, being 80 by 100 lest. ' TERIp3 OF SALE One- fourth cash. the re-due In erial plywents, in one, two and toree years from date c.fleor.firmation of the sale—sail res;due to be secured by bond and martairre. Sale positive. Title indisputable. hIttSEH CHESS, oo31: 4 1.1 Administrator of Wm. Chess, doe d. O E;IDENCE IN SEW ICKLEY VILLE. AL for-sale.-9 comfortable. well-built mansion' houre, bt twelve rooms, hall. two parlors, marble mantled and hear Its, Library. bath-room. etc.; are Kamen, variety of fruit trees, qfkubbery, fluivers and vines Pleasantly situaterem tire minutes walk in= the station. For pri e and terms app'Y 10 - h. CUTHBERT cte :ON& oe2d Commoro al Brokers. 51 Market. street. 1.)131E S.I V I NOS INSTITITTION. NO 110 itplield street, opposite cue Custom Cb catered by the Legislature. . OVE" I4C R . Premldent VICE raestnea•ra. . Wm. B. Smith B. F. Ito id Thus. D. 51 miler A. Itch , .yrr.rtn Francis Sellers J (or u • Rhodes John F. Jennings. Jacol. Stnelrxath Thomds S. Blair Alex. Bradley llenry(Lloyd Alfred Slack THUSTF.Ed. • Josiah!King C ZnR A. S Bell Joa Dilworth 8 S I'wler M , A Reed Jim WlWoodwell It 0 Plehinertt . - F Huhn? C W Blakeman J M 'Fiernan d H Hartman D M Long It J Anderson Jas W Mixter 0 E McKinley C H W4' Hobert D Cochran Wm Smith W lhoasen 0 B Jo es B I Jones W H Phelps C 0 Herron i SEORF.TART AND THEASIIRLII, I . D. E. McKINLEY. Open daily, from 9 .1. g. to 2 P. )1P6.. Also, Tues day and Satardny eveninsrs, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of ONE DIME and upwards. Dividends declared in December and June of. each year. Dividends allowod to rornain are 'dazed to the credit of the depositor as prideipal, and bear in terest, thus compounding it. Books containing Charter. By-Lawa, &0.. tar nished at the offore. irs- This institutipn offers,.especially to 'these persone Whose earnings are small, the opportunity to accumulate, by small deposits, easily saved. sum which will be, a resource when needed, their rnonsy not only being safe hat bearixiginterest,ln teed of remaining unproductive. myl2 THE:AROESCO OIL comI4NY 31111:=1...8L e A (.7 1D ITA.VE FOR Relined Ardesto Oil, NON-EXPLOSITV. ALSO, PURE BEITZOLE. warehouse, 27 IRWIN STREET PITTSBURGH, PENNA AGEE .t liICKS. Importers rid dealers in Cloths, Cassimores, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, &o, 255 MARKET STREET , North Side, PHILADELPHIA. oc9-Iyd Up RI VATE DISEASES.. 1 Dr. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Office. N0. , 541 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. .- Pennsylvania. Dr. BROW N is an old citizen of Pittsburgh, and has boon in Practice for the last tvronty-five yawl. IliaLi:saxes has Leon '- oonfaned mostly to Private and - Surgical Diseases. CITIZENS AND BIB.ANGIER In need of a medical Mend. should not fail to find out the aura place of relief. The Data is a nr graduate, and his treat ment of a certain class of diseases is a care gaga ante° to the sufferers of obtaining permanent re -lief by the use of hie remedies and following- his advice. DR. BROWN'S REM3DIrIi never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Disease!, Impuri tie! and Scrofulous Affections:- Mao all diseases arisinq from a hereditary taint. which manifests itsolt in the form of tettor psoriasis, and a great many forms of akin die reses, the origin of which the patient is entirely isnorant. To persons so ofilict, Dr.BrewnTfffers hopes of a sure and speecfm 13a iIddINAL SHOES Dr. Brown's remedies for tho steaming trouble brought on often by that solitary habit of sensneJ gratificatibn, which the young and weak minded often gi re waY to. (to their own destruction.) ar the only reliable remedies known in the