DAILY POST: 04S. M. PETTENOILL el CO.. NO. 37 PARK ROW, NEW YORK and 6 ;STATE .1 STREET, BOSTON are our asenti for the Daily arid Weekly Poet in those alum, and aro air thvrised to take Advertisements and Subsori ti dims or US at our Lowest Rates. TUESDAY MORNING, NOV. 4 CITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD INTELLIGENCE The City Property Levied On. The question of our railroad indebted ness has reached a grave crisis. The bondholders who have obtained judgments against the city, seemingly determined to "make their money" if possible, have levied upon the city water works, basin, all the enginelonses except the Allegheny, &c. The United Staten Marshal gives notice that under the writs of 17. fa. ; upon which the execution was issued, au inquisition will be held at his office on Monday - next, for the purpose of deter mining whether the profits of the property levied upon will pay the judgments in seven years, exactly as in the case of individu als. If it, will, that time is allowed, if not the law is that the property shall be con demned and sold. , There is little doubt but the income of the property would pay the judgments, amot:nting to some $235,000, but as our city affairs woold be greatly complicated by the appointment of a receiver, the counsel of the city will, of course, inter pose every possible objection. The entire property of the city has been already as signed to trustees, but the bondholders will regard this as the act of an insolent cor poration and therefore nail and void— . ;while. the attorneys of the city will con tend that the sale of the property, in any event, would be illegal. The matter will probably be settled on Monday next, when the case will come up before the United States Court on a motion to set aside the levy. Supreme Court. Present: Chief J ustice Lowrie, and Jus tices Woodward, Strong_and Reed. SATORDAY, NOV. 1.-li. Childs & Co.'s appeal. Argament continued by Mr. Shinn for appellees, and closed by Barton for appellant. Shrom Vi. Williams. Submitted by Barton for plaintid in error, and by Mc- Clowry contra. Morgan vs. Negley. Argued by G. P. Hamilton t'or plaintiff' in error, and by 4Vatsou contra. Magee et el. vs. Wilson el al. Submit ted by Hampton for plaintiff in error, and by Hamilton .L• Acheson contra. Tio remaining eases for Allegheny were ladjourual over until Wednesday, the 12th ;• instant. The Court met yesterday morning and adjourned until to-day. The Bible Cause. The Young Men's Bible Society of this city have issued, through their Executive Committee, zn appeal to the public, as follows : During the past eight months, the acv. J. K. Miller, agent of the above-named society, has been engaged more particu: larly in exploration—visiting from house to house, and supplying the wants of those whom he found destitute of the Bible. Be has also attended to the wants of the so! diers—both those who wore in camp here, and those who were oil their way to the scene'of active service. The jail, hotels, steamboats and benevolent institutions of ;,'the vicinity have been supplied with bibles rand testaments. All applications for bibles :;have met with a favorable response. And pas our agent is now about to ask the ::friends of the great cause in which we are engaged for means to carry on this good work still farther, we would bespeak for rhim a cordial reception, and, as in times !past, a hearty response. Another Murder Trial. The case of Thos. Keenan and others, tcbarged with the murder of condumor 4 :lbey, will be taken up in the Court of Oyer Terminer to-day. The affray, it will v e p- r 'II - membered, took: place on the Fourth of Jug `'away,e on the Citfr.ens' Passen- Or Kitt. and Obey, in attempting to had been acting in a eject Ket ` 444, disorderly toulaeri was fatally stabbed, ding a few Wore afterward. Several parties who w. vet. with Keenan at the time wall be put on t,dp i wit h him. The " se isianimportant oi. "!1 probably oc cupy several days. ~..•---_._...• -..,...-..., Erie Rahway. t is stated that the .Etie Co. have pur• ch4sed the. Atlantic & Great Western (blind gauge) R. It. and leased the Cleve land & Mahoning Road, which connects witch the A. &G.W. at Warren. A new rait--broad guage—is to be laid down on the 'C. & M. line, and upon the comple tion of the second division of the former, trains will run direct from Clevoland to New York. The first section of .the At lantic & Great Western Road is now in good ranning order, and at an early day the entire line will be in operation. Front the Kanawha. The Wheeling Intelligence,. of Saturday saynl "We learn from a gentleman who arrTd yesterday from Jackson county, that the rebels, under Jenkins, have re pursed the town of Ripley, and are spreading themselves all over the sur rounding country. It is also ascertained tha6the rebels, under Gen. Loring, hay ing been reinforced by Gen. Floyd, have retuned to Charleston, Kanawha, and in• tend to make a stand there." 1 'Corcoran Regiment Fund. We understand that this fund is now meekly all paid back to the subscribers. There is yet in the hands of the treasurer something over two hundred and fifty .dollars. Those who have not yet received their pro rata should call at once at the Banking: House of A. McTighe, No. 112 Fifth s.reet, and get their money back, as he is most anxious to get clear of the whole thing. Hucksters' License. The Internal Revenue Commissioner has decided that, under the new tax law, hucksters who buy up produce through the'country and sell in towns or cities from their wagons, must take out a ped oilek!s license. If they haul their produce ;to the city or town and sell thence from Italia or tables, they are retinired to take oat a dealer's license, providing their sales nuch a thousand dollars annually. Oysters. The oyster season having just commenc ed and presuming that all of our readers u re,lfend of the deliciouS bivalves, we ould call their attention to the fact that a dept for the sale'of Platt & Co.'s celebra ted;Oysters has been opened at No. 185 Lil,rty street. where they; can be had in kega, cans and half cans, received daily by express. The trade and families supplied at the lowestcash prices. Orders prompt ly executed and delivered free of charge. Burglaries. A . : series of petty burglaries has recently been committed in Allegheny, several car penter shops having been entered and rob be&of tools, mid numerous cellars einp tied of their choice eatables. The police are!"on the look-out for the thieves. 1 Defaulters. / • $, I..ttachmenta were issued for eleven de &tilting jurors in the Court of Quarter Seo"l3 yesterday morning. The process pr oi.e,t. 4 effectual. ImprOved. fittock, opvosite the Postoffice, has the improved pate.:4.doublesback action cur rency stamp holu.n . s, withn place for each dehnruination. They are neat and conve nient, and cheap at the same time. Ctial Railivai Nuisance. .1,,d Mellon yesterday took up, in the I Quarter Sessions, another nuisance case .iu which,.-MAlallentine charges Messrs. John Smitley, G. It. Gamble, John Sticker, Wm. Got elate, Francis Leidy, C. Zug, Jacob Painter, Leopold Wittman ' A. J: Parke, li. V. Whipple, M. B. Statile, Jno. Mertz and Geo. Wittenzill with main taining a nuisance by running through West Pittsburgh a coal railway, which traverses the public highway and inter feres with the privileges of the public. The case ,is attracting a good deal of in terest, especially among coal dealers. Must be Responsible. Lest some parties who. are purchasing substitutes should not be aware that in case of another draft they stand liable for their substitute, we append the law on the subject : '•lf any substitute shall be called in his own turn into actual service before the term expires which he was to serve for his employer, then the person procuring such substitute fihall march or find a sufficient person to march in his said substi tute's turn, or be liable to pay his fine for neglect; which fine is to be recovered as other fines for neglect of serving are by this act recoverable : and sons who are not subject to the militia law may be ad mitted as substitutes for their fathers, if approved of by the commanding officer of the company in which they shall be offered to serve." Ploughing Match. The farmers of Indiana township have determined , on a ploughing match, to take place, on the 12th inst. on the farm of W. C- Denny, gsq., now occupied by Geo. Noyes. The prizes range as follows: first, $10; second, $8; third, $0; fourth, SG, fifth, $4; sixth, $3; seventh, $2, and a gold ring from Mrs. Denny to the best ploughman.. Adjoining townships are in vited to compete and, all who eater must be on the ground at 10 a. m., on the 12th. The judges chosen are - Renry Wiks, duo. McCrum and Peter Wise. The contest will be an exciting one and the attend ance promises to be large and the comps. titors numerous. Ale Verdict Yet. The jury in the case of Commonwealth vs. Wm. Lowrie, tried last week for mur der are still, out and do not appear to be nea-er agreement than on Saturday.— They may possibly CAME in with a verdict at the opening of Court, at nine o'clock this morning, when they will have been out seventy-one hours. Mr. Couldock. The estimation in which Mr. C. W. Couldock is held hero was shown last even ing when he' ppeared to a large audience as Luke Fielding in the " Willow Copse." Ile has, if possible, improved since his last appearance here—still standing unri• yelled in this and similar parts. To-night he appears as the wily Cardinal Richelieu in the play of that name. Miss Couldock also appears in the "Rendezvous." District Court. The trial list in this Court was taken up yesterday, but no case of public import ance have yet come up. Gilts. A largesupply of Photographic Albums. just received at the Gift Book Store, 116 Wood street, for sale at- reduced prices and a valuable gift, worth from 50 cents to $l,OO, given with each. GROFISR Ac B. fi g's Sewing Nechines. for family manufaetpring.ourposes. gre the boa in use. A. F. C AY, Gene•al Agent, 18 Fan street, Pittsburgh. Pa. JOINVE WrYllll, JOSEPH MEYER & EON MARVlUOlTritillia OP FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE CHAIRS WAREHOUSE. 135 EZITHITELD STREET (Between Sixth street and Virgin alley.) PITTSBDIMG H. BUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY, DIAItpOS VOlt. 1563, all sizes PIIOTOBBAPIIIC ALBUMS, new lot PENCILS TIPPED WITH INDIA RUBBER, So arranged tt►at it is always clean and ready for use. SLOCOMB'S PATENT INKSTAND is acknowledged to be the best aie-tight ink ever offered to the public. POCKET BOOKS POOOSTAOE CU ARENCY For sale by W. S. HAVEN, CORNER WOOD do THIRD STS. GUN BLANKETS, FOR ARMY USE. W. neCLINTOCK it SON, 112 KARR= STREET. 0c24. GLYCERINE. GLYCERINE. HONEY SOAP. LIP SALVE, COLD CREAM, CAMPHOR, &c. lie - Persons afflicted with Chapped Hands, Fitce or Lips, woulddo well.to purchase any of the above at CHAS. H. SUPER'S DRUG STORE, CORNER PRO AND ST. CLAIR STREETS.' oeM G REAT REDUCTION IN SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, CHEAP CASK STORE OF JOSRFNR. BORLAND. Market street, aeoond door from Fifth. jy26 MILITARY GAUNTLETS I BUCK AND RID GAUNTLETS, IN WHIM *ND BUFF. • Reached by Krpreaa thin' day at \.-----..-RATON. MACRUM & CC'S, No. 17 Fifth street FL OUR -20 BARBELS DOUBLE EX. tra FamilYlFlour jestile.eli.ved a FETnd sale. oei Corneriltarket and First streets. • "El A MILYI FLOUR.-50 BARRELS Family Flour just received and for sale by - JAS. A. FETZER. 0c24 earner . Market and First Streets. Secol4 Editi THE VERB' LATEST TELMA. ARMY ORDER WASHINGTON 10ITY MATT THE PAYMENT OF SOI.DIER To be Shot for Deserii FROM NEW ORLEA ,ATEST F . kOM ME THE PIRATE ALABA LYNCHING OF A NEGR EN-131 ELLoitllEßE 4 ,1) To INDIANAP dzo., , etc., aY WASHINGTON, NtjV from Headquarters of the army of the tomae ju,t issued to the I4llowing Pursuant to authority from the War partment, all enlistments of voluutei artillery soldiers in the regular service der General Orders No. 151 tom War Department, Aijutant_General's lice, October tith,• 141;2, are hereby' clured void; and all such men will be once returned to the batteries and co panics from which they were taken; 1 all other enlistments under Gene Orders No. 145 from the War Departm: in excess of ten from any volunteer co parry are valid. Atter ten men shall h • enlisted from any company, all further listments from that company into the r•_ ular service are void. All soldiers enlist into the regular senliee excepting fr volunteer artillery now detained by Ite, mental or other commanders, will he once sent to their regular company or In tery to which they be'ong, under Genet., Under No. 15-l. Should ten men ha been taken from any volunteer contrail and there , be stlll Tore men claimed fro that company by regular officers, as ha• ing been entitled into their batteriea companies, the Vohmteer Regimen t:Otninau,der will certify the fact claimant, that 10 volunteers have been ken front the company which will be eniciont cat.p:. to the claimant. The immediate delivery of volunte soldiers, recently enlisted to tliese ne batteries or companies, is enjoined npo all commanding officers. i )escripti lists and accounts ot : pay and clothin should be ..;ent with tioliliers thus trai The President has approved the sentencl of a court-martial convened at St. Augur tine condemning Pri‘iate Wm. W. Lan Co. I, 9th Maine Vols.l, to be shot to dent i f'or desertion to the enemy, without arm! and accoutrements, and for highway ro The former orders lima° been modifiel so as to require the submission to the Se& rotary of War of plan's for hospitable a commodation of the iclr, only in case which, in the opinion lof the Quarter u: • ter Gen.:nil or of the Surveyor. Genera require 'the special action of the Seer, Lary. It is said to-night in!military circles th Col. Garesehe, A. G. of the Army, upon duty in the War Departnient, wi noon leave here for 'duty in the field Chief of Staff for Major Gweral Ros trans, and that he will be succeeded b Col. Jas. B. Fry, at present Chief of Sta o The entire army hale been paid to th :;oth June, and a portton to August 31st The reason for non-paYment as to demand is owing to the Treasury Department be Mg unable to honor {requisitions of pa department. The bounty and advance pay to ne, levies having to be firSt paid will requir all available funds. Governor Curtin is here conferring wit the President upon Military affairs con uected with Pennsylvania. Rear Admiral Dupont, in communica ting to the Navy Depaitment the circum stances attending the Mtpture of the steam' ers Scalin, Anglo and puchita, of Mineho says the crew of the :sealin were, in a stat of intoxication, so that they became al, most unmanageable, and acting volun, teer, Lieut. Qoaroy, ordered them to b; transferred on board the Realess and pu in irons. The Anglo when *Lured was almos out of Goal, and was sent to Port Royal t. be supplied. Min is the same vessel tha attempted to make Charleston in Septem bey, and being headed off succeeded it maliing her escape through darkeess. Nsw YORK, Nov. 3.- I —The steamer Ma rion arrived this morning, with New Or leans dates of the 24th Key West dates o the 27th, and Havana !laws of the 29th. Vera Cruz dates of the 19th state tha most of the French troops had arrived an. gone to Oriziba. The United States gi i mboat Santiago wa• at Havana, on the 29th coaling. The shi Nonpareil, with Captain Bissell, Provos Marshal of Key West, Was also at Havana BosTox, Nov. 3.--' e pirate Alabama was last seen at 10 o'clock on the evening of the 29th ultimo, in lat. 39', long. 69° steering northwest, uoder a full head o steam and sails; wind south. The bar. Lamplighter, which was among the yes sell captured god burned by the pirat: "290," was partly owned in Charlesto awl Savannah, by J. W. & W. A. Caldwell . , IiALTIStOttE, Nov, 3,-;—The American hal a letter from Haltom, paroline county, in this State, giving au account of the lynch/ ing of a negro, under! arrest for the out rage and murder of Ittle girl, daughte of - Edgar Plummer, n Saturday night. A large number of a*cited people cam into town, surrounded] the jail, forced th door open, and took the prisoner an hung him. Whilst suepended fifteen bul lets perforated his body. He was the cut down, his throat but by an infuriat mob, his body dragged through the street and finally taken to the front Of the negr. church, where it was cut to pieces dn. burned. LOUTTVILLE, November 3.---Midpight. Gen. Buell is orderen to Indianapolis Indiana, instead of Annapolis, Maryland as formerly stated. Irp leaves for India napolis tomorrow. No news from halo* for the past thre: days. except -what, Military anthoritie• consider contraband. Osweno, November'B.—A terrific gal: occurred hereto-day. The schooner On tonagon, laden with wheat, was blow ashore, and is a total loss. The crew wa4 saved. The schooner Flora Watson 'as also sunk by collision in Sackett': Harbor. The sclooner Gazette is ashore Bogrox, No ,- ember 2.—A letter fro. Accra, Africa, says an earthquake occurre. there on July tuth,•deatroying three forts and nearly every house in the town. '«"t oitt cif Camp A letter in the Towsoutown American, dated 'canip Kenly, near Williamspc rt, Md.,October 18th, says: "When wo-yere called out on last Fri day week one man of company B, from Frederick county, deserted and went into Williamsport, changed his dress to citi zen's clothes and hid himself in a house, afraid to meet the enemy. He was caught, broucht back and, a few evenings since, tried by a drum-head court martial, in front of the regiment and convicted of cowardice and desertion in front of the enemy. He was sentenced to have his head shaved, the the buttons stripped from his coat and to be drummed out of camp. The sentence was carried into immediate and literal ex ecution and he was dismissed at the gate with a parting kick, amid the hooting, and yel.ing and jeers of his late companions in arms." Two hundred tons of foreign salt are being received daily over the New York Central Road, at Buffalo, for the supply of that market and those farther West, Large _quantities are being shipped to De troit by propellers, and so great is the rush that a large vessel has been charter tered to bring up a cargo. These impor tations will soon, it is thought, create - a glut in the salt market. A Member of Parliament Trans ported. Mr. Roupell, a late member of Parlia ment was placed on his trial in London, on the 24th ult., for forging deeds and the I.—Special o will of his late father, thereby possessing himself of immense wealth. He pleaded guilty in•a calm, egotistical and apparent ly penitent speech. He was sentenced to transportation for life. California Raising Her Own Sugar. Late California papers state that sugar and syrup, made from the Chinese cane, and a better article than the •imported, has been made in considerable .quantities in the State. Tulare county will, no doubt, be able to supply her own popula tion with sugar and molasses. The relatives and friends of , the brave men who fell upon the battle field of Anti etam continue to take up and remove their remains for reinterment at their homes.-- One evening last week there were twenty corpses at the railroad depot awaiting transportation North and West.—Hagers tinvallerald. . A poor widow went to 4oston a few days ago to bid farewell to her two sons, who had enlisted for the war, and while shaking hands with them at the depot, some wretch picked her pocket of $37, which they had given her for her support, out of their money. LETTERS Or ADMINISTRATION Upon' the estate of Mrs. BAltAll B. FET TERMAN, deceased, having been kranted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills. Ace„ all pots ins indebted to the said estate are requested t , snake payment, and those having claims t• Present them to UILBIRT L. B. FETTERMAN, No. 137. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Adminisi.rator. "IkIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION. NO -1 1111 timitnfield street, opposite the Custom °use. Chartered by the Legislature. President vicF ,gsamprrg. Wm. H. Smith H. F. Re id Thos. D. Messier A. Rob emnn Francis Sellers Jost. u , Rhodes John F. Jennings, JacoL Stumkrath Thotnas S. Blair Alex. Bradley Henry Lloyd Alfred Slack TRUSTEES, Josiah King C Zug A S Bell Jos Dilworth B S Fowler 14 A Reed Jas W IVoodwell K C Schmerts F Rahui C W Ricketson J M Tiernan 8 H Hartman D M Long It J Anderson Jas W Bakke D R McKinley C il Wolf Robert I) Cochran Win Smith W lhaison fl B Jones B F Jones W 11-Phelps C B Barron SECRETARY AND TREASURER, 1). E. McKINLEY. Open daily, from OA. u. to 2P. M. Also, Tues day and Saturday evening,sfrom 6 to S o'clock. DeposiLi received of ONE DIME and upwards. Dividends declared in December and June of each year. Dividends allowed to remain are placed to the credit of the depositor as pridoipal. and bear in terest. thus compounding it. Books containing Charter. 'By-Laws. &0.. fur nished at the office. Jar This Institution offers, especially to these persons whose earnings are small, the opportunity to accumulate, by small deposits, easily saved, a sum which will be a resource when needed, their money not only being safe but bearing interest, in teed of remaining unproductive. myl2 r 4 IQ i 11 1 ..; if 10 Cd 4 . . @l4 . % 4 •.5 a M e' tg Q Z c c I " D 6 I g.. ' .' . 4 g 4 M . 0 pq 2 % 1..4 w, :1 Pi 6,g .1 ~,4 4 'j A ". 111 E . z u , a 14 7 i z , . 4 1 to , i , , ;E . , -. - 9 .2 Pi - fi ''' g t , ' W 4 p ~.,_ pk .2 . -. 4 Pi P 4 5 : . 71 A e .4 ... tA E!