---...........,...•••••••••• •••..mim••• ••imm . NO ALOOROLIO PREPARATION lA' PURE TONIC MEDICINE, 1100FLANWS CELEBRATED 111 MAN. BITTERS X e. ni. JACKSON. Philadel phia, gonna., W ill effectually cure Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Throttle. or Nervous DeMalty, Diseases or.lbe Hldne 9 s , and all Dlseaam ` l .krWats from a Disordered Ivor or Iftomaoh, such as Comni _potion. Inward • Piles, Fullness or "4 Blood to the Head, Aeidityof the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust Fuod, Fullness Fru or Weight in the Stomach, Sour etations, Sink ing br Fluttering at the Pic w We Stein acli;Swimming ries.. Hurried and difficult Breathteg, Eluttenng at the Heart, Chnkingkauffoentuig teneatione when in a lying uusture, Dimness of Yision_, Dots ur webs be lure :the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Beifil, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel -1 igwnere of the Skin and Ejec,Pain in The Side, Back, Chest, &o. lrSudden Flushes of Heat, Burn -4 ing in the Flesh, Constant 1. 1 imaginings of Evil, and real depres stun of 1 ,1 s, And will Positively pre pirit vent s Yellow Fever, Billow Fever, .hei it TREY -N NO ALCOHOL O CO K B TA AD IN WHISKY! They will cure the above diseases in ninety-nine aces out of a hundred. Induced! by the extensive sale and universal lopularil of Hoofland's German Bitters, (purely regetable Isosts of ignorant quacks and unsortt mlous Venturers, have upened upon suffering sumanity;the flood gates of Nostrums in at poor whisky, vilely oomperunded with i n j urious drugs, and Christened Tonics. Stomachics and Bit ters. .;: Bewarc . ;of the Innumerable array of alcoholic preparatturis in plethoric bottles, and big f hellied ah. o j u n da i t d h o o f modest ly e a l g l g a r ti s o v n at o e f s =ten ; nd leave the disappointed sufferers in despair. YOU WA PITSOMETELING lo STREIT° TR. EN MU 1 YOU WANT A-GOOD APPETITE? DO YOU;WA NT TO BUILD UP YOUR CON STITUTION .? DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL vo You . WANT To GET RID OE NER VOUS NESS DO TfANZEN."G T 1 tie ytUt liritut to sleep well Do you *ant a brisk and vigorous flimainet .iudo use EIOOPLAND S GERMAN BITTERS. Plrooi J. Net i 7 Brown, D. D., Editor of the Ba wds/ Sit :of Religious Knowledge. Altlionghitiat disposed to favor or recommend Pft.tentrbtedicines in general, through distrust of their higredibutsand effects; I yet know of no sufficient reitepn why a man may not testify to the benefit he levee himself to have received from tr i y simple p eparation in the hope that he may t contriblt eto the benefit of others. ' do this the more readily in regard to Roof land'a , eerunin Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jaoksan; of this city, because I was prejudiced against them or many years, under the impres sion that theywore chiefly an alcoholic mixture, jam indebteS tomy friend Robert' Shoemaker. sti ~for the;rlimoval of this prejudice by proper ests, arid Tor !enocurdgement to try them, - when ufferingfromlgreat and long continued debility. t Hof three bottles of these Bitters, at the ',spinning °Mho present year, was followed by oxidant relief . .. and restoration to a „degree of wilily and mental vigor which I had not felt for ix months before, and had almost depaired of re aming- I therefore thank God and my-friend for !greeting me to the use of them, J. NETON . PIIMADELP# . IA, June 23, 186 W 1, BROWN. Fl.em the Joe ep it H. Kennard„Pastor of the .tenth Hargis! Ohurch. Da. JAoscepti —DEAR t3d2 have beenfr iuentlY.riNuesied to connect my name with corn nendarieoOlifferent kinds of medicine, but egardit4 pareattle cases declined: appropriate iphere, n all but with a in ..lerip proof fermiarious instances, and particularly MY•wh ty., of the usefulness of Dr." Koof land's German ;Bitters, I depart from My usual coarse, to express my full conviction that for general debilitY'of the system, and especially Liv er Complaint His a safe and valuable preparation. auntecaate;H:maySail, but usually I doubt not will be very beneficial to those who suffer from • above causes. Yours very reorpeotftillv J, nAII.II Eighth below Coats street, hla D NN ec. 24th. /r•infhe ALD.E.RMANTWIT.DRAGerr.. • mantow n . Gitax.orrowN, June 1 1861. DR. J imicaox—Slll--It gaveme pleasure, wo year, tigo,,lo Bitters a certificate, testifying oat the Germanhad done for me. lam ow perfectly'cured of all those diseases your 2ediaine profelaes to care, viz: Dyspepsia, Chron ic:arid NervonVdebility, disease of the Kidneys, to. The powerful in' uence it exerts upon Ner- VDUs prostratien is surprising, I have been con sulted frequently in reference to your Bitters,and without hesitaiien, have recommended it for the above complaints, and in every instance it has effectually cured. Your medicine has a great ;311utation in Germantown, and is sold in every rug Stare, and. in most of the Grocery stores ere. If spy one should question what I say, let them oome to elerniantown, and I will prove to theirsatiefactiori. that the Bitters have cured in tpis vicinity more than twenty cases of the above Inoue& RespectfullY HANNAH WUNDER., Mean Main street, a b ove Rittenhouse. Germantown, IL JI7ST .THERING FOR THE. SOLDIERS. hand "up' the constitution, and give health sad strength ;to an overtasked and diseased salth. • 1 THE TAT/MONT FROM THE ARMY igetw.snstrals. August 12,1862. Da. o:M..Tstriteine—Dern• Sir: While in Vir .' a, owing to the change of water, I was taken w. a4evers disierheen, which seemed incurable, and which greatly weakened me. When we eachedAirtintiburg, I feared. I should have to omi home noticing some nf pout Bitters in .hestore Mr. illll. Price, In that town, I par hosed a supply, and on taking it was speedily re stored. to health:- The diarrhea& was quickly checked, and I rexperienced no return of it. number of my cinoradee, who suffered in theaame manner and frOm the same cause, with whom I shared the Bittern, bin me in thi n . certificate. I s expect to retard to theeit of war with the Lig on, and shall certainly take a wordy of the Bit r sin my knapsack.- I would not be without it r its weight inlgold. s' particular' on imam into a °ViT i ng " gra a „" A. E. .ii.'lllPcitlß, i . ; Company IL &ott Legi o n. . kIiWARE-OF COUNTERFEITS. it en e ihni h ttig.tbe signature of "C. M. JACKSON.' vsatrrra of each bottle. Prindual Offioe and Mannfaotory, to. Gni A. 11C11 STREET. JONES & EVANS , tHwesesonirro C. M. Jacnatix k Oa.) PROPRIETOR& Air 0 9: Rae by Dantridats and Dealers in evert ern the united States, and by Dr. GEO. H. REYSER, Pittsburgh. Si. P. SCHWARTZ, awn aysdeod Akitgebehr City. imAlso for sale at SOOSPII finuNal cor ps? of the Diamond and Market street. For sale also tIY anwear,yoniNSPOM.. Oorse4SWITWd Jiff Anis& street '''''.. l " 7:: - : ‘ .: , i'r• - , 7- , . ' ' -,•..::11'Q0.1&-,.-, • 1 . .. . 74. . ....,-. 11 i. . - . • ...•,•••"'::: Et6ff:=. . • . • . • •.:•• , .. . ... . . • • • . • , . • . . I ''P ' - '' it -'.. F• - I ~'- ~: A .4 . •'. '4. T., , .. ~ ::. 7.2 . . _ ..: .. . • - . - k Nif''' : :.- -.. - tiA. '' ': - ''' ll .. . ‘..:, ".„..„. i .. . : . _.. • ~... :• i. ' , ' ' A . ': ‘ 44 ...., .....:..„. •• _,„..„...,....____. ....., . • • T. . . ~..-... , • ... •., • .. , , ••''.: ..'....:- 1::-...-1 ' . . ~.. .._ i . .. .. _ 7 __-- n • I .rr, Editor .fir.,i Proprietor. . , . r . 1 • fiSPARBED BY The Philot3ophie Burner. fIAYDEN'S NEW DOUBEE.AETIND Philosophic, Burner for Carbon Oil is now ready. It possesses many advantages over the Common Burners. 1. It makes a Large or mall light with perfect combnation. 2. It will burn any quantity of oil with safety. 3. It son be used with a long or short chimney. 4. It can be used a 8 a taper night-lamp. 5. It can always be made to burn economically. 6. It is more easily wicked than any other burner. 7. It can be trim Med and lighted without re moving the sone. I 8. rt throwa all thelwhite light above the cone. 9. The chimney can be removed or inserted without touching the iglus. These burners are the common No. 1 size, and can be put on any letup now in use. Every per son using Carbon Oil ihould have a Philosophic Burner. Pride 25 gents: per dozen 92. Sold a No. 82 POURTII street; Pittsburg,lA. 1825-Iydw P. HAYDEN. 4 FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT—DR. IR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the great bone setfer, and has been used in his practice for: the last twenty years with mthe most astonishing success. As an external rem_ ore a rival and will alienate pain more speedily thin any other preparation. For all Rheumatic and Netnews Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a cure for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c., ita soothing, healing, and powerful strengthening, properties, excite thejuet wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over four hundred certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it Within the last two years, attest this fadt„. dert.:lydiyroow Bl`. ElltaltMittiirgb - PECIAL NOTICE—THE LAST IN stallment on the assessment for Grading and pacing, made under the supplement to the city Charter is due, and if hot paid before the Ist of October next, will be placed in tho hands of the city Solicitor for collection subject to costs of suit. se9-tf EIdIIBAUM. Treasurer. EUROg'i AGENCY. TowAs RAITIGAN, EUROPEAN Agent, HZ Water; street Pittsburgh, Pa., ie prepared to bring out or send back passengers from or to any part of the old country, either by eteasimanorT DRAFTS FOR kats BALE, payable in any part of Europe. Agent for Agentianagio Blackcinna Rail road. Also,for e old Star Line of Bailing Paokets, and for the lines of Steamers sail ing between New York, Liverpool. Glaa<-.1 ge well and Gs: way. • f WM. B.BMITIj .JOB. R. HUNTER WM: It. Si ATM dr GO, WHOLESALE GROCERS NOS. 112 SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS PITTED Eon . WILLIAM WHAMS, AItRIBOIP A. OOPYIN general Partnere: MEANS & COFFIN, Mummers to PerCandi:mi. Moans & C 0..) WHOLESALE , GROCERS, Omer Wood and Water Streets, mod, PITTAIIIIRWE. PA ROOFING. Rte. ATERI ALS CONSTANTLY ON .S.ll hand, for sale with *tractions: Also IRON SATURATED FOR ROOFS. Our work is not to be e*oelled by that of any Roofer in Western Pennsylvania.B. F. SHOPE' 75 Smithfield et, Je2s-3md Pittsbargh. - • NEW.GOODS. virm MANE aIUST ERCEIVED FROM W the East a large and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS far Gents' and Youths wear, embracings all the newest styles COATINGS. CABBIktERES AND VPSTINGS. W. H. NoCIES, & CO., Corner Market Squarl43 Federal street e. All city- my 9 CURTIS C. STEINMETZ, 13ENE.RA1L HOUSE CARPENTER SHOP PINOLA ALLEY; between Wood and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA. Sr Orders solicited and protaptly attended to 1105 SOLAR OIL WOItHs 100BWANY, OF PESiSYVVANIA2 arnag ST. CLAIR mum. near the Brie* *3l..Addreas 3. WEAVER. JR. Searstao and Trainman myl9-tf TO CONSUMPTIVES. m. RE ADVERTISER ITAVENG BEEN restored to health in a fel weeks, by a very simple:rettied Y. after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dreadful disease. Consumpuon—is anxiclus to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a prescription' used (free of charge), with the directions for pre paring and using the same, which they will find a mitre curefor 02.1141UMpii072, 'A "them, Bronchitis, de. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he coneivesto be invaluable. and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing. and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing thepreserPtiOn willease ad dram R ev. REWARD A.. WILSON, sel9-3m Williamsburg KingS County, N. Y. B . ACON-700 LBS. COUNTRY BACON sides just received and for,sale by JAMEC FETZER. 642'7 606110 Z /daft end First. streets. TO THE PUBLIC. L5.112/theilmorahtandialsti 7.4 "`"ee - ly Modeeto I aildenomi-• nations; treat -aocrot"and" • • ' dedicate di/Jordan. self-: - - abuse and diseaaes or - • tuations common and in- ••• ' &lent to youths of both sex*S. and &Allis, aingle or married! Because Da. Brieserraur publishes the fact of his doing 800 the iamorant and falsely modest are dreadfully' shocked, and think : t a great sin very immoral and for contamination and corruption among famiiv their wives, promiaing Bons and deuelters. Their PhYaloian should ne cautious to keep them inAssiorance that they do the same as Dr. BRAN 'SYRUP. (except publishing) lest a lucrative prac° lice might be lost to them am_ong stupid falsely modest and presumptuous ftlies, born and raised in ignorance, sprung up aa mushrooms and who compare • society, intelligence , sense, As., to Sollars and. cent% mysteriomily. meanly mills gotten. It is to publicity, however, that numerate Parents and guardians are thankful that. theii 901111, daughters and wards, previously feeble sickly and of delicate condition and appearance BRAB have been restored to health and vigor by DR, STRUP, beside& m efore and atter marriage through him hav boonsaved much suf. faring, angietY, Imortification. dm. Spermatorr tea or noctunsar =missions. are completely cured in a very short apace of time by his new remedies, which are_pcoaliarly hie own. They are componr.ds rom the Vegetable Kingdom, having seen the fallacr:of the Upends' treatment he has abandon ed it and substituted the vegitable Female Cita. eases are treated with marked euccesa—naviny. had over forty years d4O/ 3 experience in their treat ment in hospitals of oth the Old World and in the United States: leads him to say—to all with II fair trial. health and happiness will again bloom !upon the now—palled cheek..Trile no longer with , montebanks and quacks, but come and be cured 'Consumption and all of its kindred diseases, of which so many annually fill our oountrien t oar, now be relieved, providing they attend to it in time Full particulars can behad of ILLY treatment PYpreouring a oopy of the Medical Adviser.which is given gratis to all that apply Having the ad vantage of over .1 forty years expenemco and :observation, conseduently, he has superior skill In the treatment of special diseases. and who is daily consulted by the profeasion. as well as recom mended by repeatable oitizena, publieuers, pro Prietora of hotels. Ac. Office Sb street, near Diamond street. Private communi cations 'bole all parts of the Union atriotly at tended to. Direct to fox 800 Pittsburgh Poet otftoe_ dbgaYdaw ~.~ t ,~:~*.: , DAvni m'avint.nen. Special Partner. GRAVEL. FELT, AND CANVAS AND JOBBER PHILADELPHIA IDYEETLIEBETS. JESSE JOHNSON, iiEEBRAL COIIIEBIOI HECHAN Flour, ID ra ln and all kinds of COnsitrir Produce, Wines and Liquors, Cigars, Tobaco, &e. 43P- Liberal advances made on ,consignments HIGII WINES. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 231,SOUTH SECOND ST ataid, PHILADELPHIA. WM. BRICE --- & - CO., PRODUCE AND PROVISION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO: 15 SOUTH WATER STREET, Philadelphia. IFIA- Liberal advanoea made on oernAgnmenta when required. myl-lyd FRIES & LEHMAN , NO. 813 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, Jobbers in Maur, Camdowes, Jc., 4T. Always on hand a well selected stook of Goods suitable for thetrade. myl-lyd . _ E. P. 11.1114iTON -Ie7B—RO:, IMPORTERS 07 WINES, BRANDIES, tte AND DCALRREI IN FINE OLD WHISKIES, No. IS NORTH FRONT STREET PHILADELPHIA. Ikvialyd /OHN /I ELLISON-WM I. ELLISON-RODMAN B ELLisoN JOHN B. ELLISON & SONS, IMPORTERS OF CASSIMERES • AND VBSTINGS, NO. 339 MARKET STREET, (lad door below Foortb,) PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE GRANT, Manufictarer and Wholeaala and Retail Dealer IN EVERY DESORIPTIoN OP GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA C. HARRY BRIAN, WITH /V 13 RCE; MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS, —OF BIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, mylayd PRILADELPIIIA DUQUESNE BASS WORKS, vuir,pori .sc co., ASUP.A.OTUIII/30, 'VERY it.i9lll.Y OP FINISHED BRASS WORK, ETAS AND STEAIII FITTERS, a•Partholar attention to fitting Oil Rofiner aßraes Coatings of superior smwtimees made to or. Eltearnboat workruid.zi.pa gnaw.. . ft - Rom' Oil \e: Davy'e Safety Lamp,Oas Brackets and It lento: Corner ST. CLAIR STREET AND DUQUESNE WAY. fol3:tf Young's Eating :Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND MUTE- YIELD STREETS! Where OYSTERS and all the delicacies of the 8688011 will be served up in the moat palatable style. ELI YOUNG, *Ol4 corner Virgin alley and Smithfield st. JAMES H. °HILES. MOPE COTTON MILLS, Allegheny City, Va., 114 9 1 7rAOTIIRSIIS Op SEAMLESS iIAGS, AND OF OSNA.F3T_TELS. 12 Inches to 40 Inches Wl4llO. sir Orders may be left at fl. CIIILDS & CO'S 133 Wood street, Pittsburgh. no3llly:is WILLIAM IfIGALEY, WHOLESALE CHOC Efl NOB. 18 AND 20 WOOD STREET PITTSBURG NATIONNATI ONA OLE.. WARE NOW MNNIIFACTI7IILNG ills article, whioh for brilliancy in burnbig freedom of offensive odor, and transparency of color, (whioh color we warrant to be changed by age or exposure,/ is unsurpaxsed by any illumi nator in this or Eastern markets. As a profitable Oil to the consumer, we oan specially recommend it. Also. our manufacture of CAUSTIC SODA, Used by all large Soap Makers and Oil Refiner*, which excels 1 0 per cent. in strength all the moue of English Soda brought to this country. Our manuLottue of SAPONIFIER. OR CONCENTRATED LYE; SAL I. AC. Are so well and favorably known. we trust the mention is sufficient. All orders and inquiries will he P0c4=4.41.y at tended to by addressing. GEORGE COLItu uro, Agent. Penns. Salt Manufacturing company. 24 Wood street, Pittaburgh.• olß:Evaawrie NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY, F °Big cure AND PDMEAR GONORRHEA, GLEET. URETRAL a ail Discharges, Seminal Weakness, Nightly Rads sions Incontinence, Genital Irrita- or bility, Or vel, Stricture and Affections of the Kid neys and Bladder, Which his been used by upwards of ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, 81 in their private practice. with the entire success, on o f superseding 03111111£1, COPAIBA. CAPHOLa, or any compound hitherto known. bolc BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS this are speedy in action, often effecting a enre In • Out few dig& and when a cure Is effected it is perman- hol ant. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nause- „„, ate the stomach, or impregnate the breath and I b aturar coated, all nauseous taste is avoids& No 0 of diet is necessary whilst usingth elm nor does their action interfere with business p Each box contains six dozen Pills, PRICE ONE DOLLAR. Dr. Ben's Treatise on Seminal Nv i • Weakness, be Self Abuses, Gonorrhea, Glee:, cf-e. a Pamphlet of 5 0 Page& containing important advice te the ar flicted. SENT FREE. Six cents are required to a pa) pay postage. DR. BELL'S GREEN by h. BOOR, i mos A complete Treatise on Gonorrhea, Meet, &pie- l ica lure Syphilis, S.c. t in all the various stages , with t 7P, eecriptions English , adapted for self- Ec i nil reit tment. without the aid of a physician lanai • PRICE ONE DOLLAR. may The Pills or Books will be sent, secure from 01. comi servation, by mail, Post-paid, by any advertised imbe Agent, on reetApt of the money. J. BRYAN, Rochester N. 4_,_Gert'l Agent. no le JOSEPH FLEMING, have oorner Market street and Diamond. j ug o • Agent for Pittsburgh, onlB:dasorrlyos "avf Sold by all Druggists, iIjOTICE, NOTICE, tent arc TO BVYERS OF BOOTS, SHOES, CIAITERS 11.8. GUMS, fur Peal or Winter Wear. AND DIALER IN Mn. CITAIRMAN AND FELLOW•CITIZENS: If I could have belieVed that my humble opinion on the conduct of public aflairs was of much consewan e to any portion of the community, I should have remain ed silent on the subjlect. I should have made for myself, if lidid not find some oc casion on which to express it. That I have formed an opinion on the subject is most certain. - I shour be ashamed of my self it I could have 1 oked at the melan choly events of the kskt two years without being thrilled with seatiments of concern, pain, amazement, and consternation. To your invitation to address this 'meeting to night I could offer nd Tefusal. To speak my mind to anythat' eto know it seems to me now a simple ty, and I perhaps t should be thankful t time has been i I al lowed me for calm re eetion on incidents that at first aroused „bnly indignation.— e Anger, no matter hAv just, is an unsafe aide, and the way out of great peril is ore likely to be foiled by the light of ober thought and wise discretion. I know f no nation that in go short a space of ime has accomplished so terrible a relapse torn a high and progressive civilization a this dear land of outs, to whose integri , honor, and salvation the loyalty of our earts and the devotion of our lives are ue. Two years ago- peace and plenty alked together smiling through the land; t -day a million of men in arms are f osted along the line of battle, six thous a e d r they miles a eds of fear and hatred, from which, in d e time, shall start! a farther crop of a med men. It is, perhaps, no example' ' g i e n , le a n n g d th le , e s v u e rgi he ng h t i o nd an t d he fr m o with the i avering fortunes of war, carry with them sate, death, havoc, and desolation wher eti n to say that half a million of the u l b avest and best of 'our people have, in that miserable interval, perished by th sword—there is mourning in Eve han d d thousand desolate homes to-night Two years ago we knew taxation only by he!, ring other nations complain of its in to erable burden on themselves. To-day the national resources taxed to the ut. in , st scarce can supply the ever increasing de "ands of the goiernment, and we may pr:pare ourselves for the certainty, if pub lic : fairs continue to be conducted as now, that we shall be in one year hence the in .st heavily taxed people on the earth. T-0 years ago we were governed accord inl to the terms of a written Constitution, by hich we fondly thought freedom of pe :on, nfspeech, of the press, were for ev:r guaranteed, forever secured to the ' dw llers of this land. It was written by me just fresh from the struggle against des otism. They surely meant by that sol .mn convenant to secure freedom to the .. selves forever. We thought it a thi g too .plaiu to be misinterpreted, too cle- r to be evaded, too sacred to be tram ple. under foot. We had laws, too, and con ts, and forms of proceeding, by means of hich guilt could be detected and inno cen e protected. To-day the personal lib or oleser,vonaern i the .4 . of Ne York depends, not on the Constitu tion or the law, but on the good pleasure of o (Oman and his delegates. By sudden, seer t criticisms of the conduct of public affai s has been punished, and as far as poss ble suppressed. While the adherents of o e political party seem to revel in unli .. ited license, all others are condemn. ed t. silence or if they speak at - all, to i epee • with "bated breath and whispering hutn .leness," as becomes men conscious of in eriority and learning to be slaves.— Whil one set of men can freely, boldly, insol- utly criticise and threaten the gov ern .. :nt, express their contempt for the Cons itution, make and unmake generals, plan campaigns, alter policy, set up, knoc down, -appoint, supersede—to all other is alloted the part of passive obedi ence; on their lips remonstrance is dis -13ya1,•. They must pay for the war.— They mustpour out their life's blood like wate but for the purpose and object of the w. r, in the ootduet and management of the war, they must have no voice, no contr • 1 : the mildest suggestion is an evi denc.- of sympathy with rebellion, and digni ed remonstrance and overt act of dials • alty. They know the money of the natio is wasted, squandered, and misap plied. They know that a horde of specula tors, . ontractors, jobbers, and politicians, plot a d plunder with impunity, and, by some device or other, grow rich on the natio al disaeers. The past has been, for two y .ars,a series of unprecedeted national calam ties; the present is an hour of afflic tion, i security, distrust. The people see no sig that the party whose guidance of public affairs have hitherto caused misfor tune .ave learned wisdom by experience, or the, their future conduct will be less ruinoup than their past. Yet to take such steps iiil the Constitution and the laws al low, for the purpose of giving to the na tion other advisers, of infusiug into its veins new life, new thought, new intellect, new hope—this is stigmatized as a factious opposition to the government, and disloy alty to the nation. It would seem that to describ this condition of affairs was to develo its utter absurdity. If the same story h d been told us two years ago, of France Spain, or Naples, think how our hearts ould have thrilled with indigna tion, pi y, and contempt. Yet, upon our selves here in the land of Washington, this disgrace has fallen, and the people, either driank with phrensy or sunk in a kind o lethargy—a hideous torpor that '-nost looks like death—have given scarce ign 9f sensitiveness or vitality, while e by elle, and bit by bit, their dearest eisurd—their glorious heritage of free en—has been filched away. This, to my rid, ithe most fearful sight ofthe times. ay, if ever a nation needed parties, need oppo ition to the party holding the reins gov l:anent—an opposition, honest, z I, fe rless, outspoken, unsparing, it is l i nati nin this very hour. (Tremend t and ontinued applause. If the party ding he reins of government were corn ed ofl honest men—of statesmen, lov e the eternal interest of the nation more can thir own little authority and pomp of powerthey would desire such an op losition-rthey would cultivate and foster ee discussion as the surest sources from ich what is true and just and wise can 'lacer wined. But it is the misfortune ie na ion, that in the hour of its affairs rty, tinning, not wise—a:party soured iatr —full of personal and private an sity the very principle of whose polit exis nee is a barren, untruthful ante ism, dad they, with the instinct of the :tic add tyrant, fear discussion lest it ' let i the Ight on their own short inga 3 t , nd betray their weakness and ecilit . Let me, however, do them ass th n justice. As partisans they i ex.h i ibited, and now exhibit, exceed :unni g and adroitness. Though they i shoe n themselves utterly incompe ,to g c iide the nation in its peril, they J perfe in the use of all the weapons fiction and all the tricks of debate. One their most ingenious and ancoaaaral - seems to me to be the audacious EXTR. RICH OF NEW ftIRE CITY. On IVectnesdalt eveqinp, Oct. Sth, 1862„ OST. JPEEOH OF MAN, Esq perversion of words from their proper and ordinary meaning, and the results of this plan are likely to be somewhat impor tant. For instance, WI take leave to ques tion. the legality, expediency, morality, 1 propriety of the policy indicated by the Pres i dent in a late proclamation, I am pronounced disloyal! Disloyal to whom? l Disloyal to what? I owe no allegiance to Abraham Lincoln, to his opinion, or his policy. (Overwhelming applause, cheers, and waving of hats.) I owe no allegiance ' to his cabinet, or the army, or the navy of; the ,United States. I owe obedience to the law—l will always pay it. I owe re spect to tae first servant of the American . 1 people,--I give it freely. But it is to the Constitution and to the Constitution alone ' I that I owe allegiance. This is what swear to support. This the President him self, and the members of his cabinet and of Congress, and his soldiers, swotre to re-' spent, uphold and .defend. By violating j that Constitution if he does it knowing ly and willfully, the President himself may' be disloyal, and to, remonstrate, object and: protest against his disloyalty may be the duty of every citizen. Now, I do ob ject to the policy indicated by that pro clamation, because, in my humble judge ment, it is in violation of the Constitution, and in so doing, I am opposing what I con ceive to be in itself a violation of that sov ereignty to which my loyalty is due. The Constitution delegates no authority to the President or to Congress to subvert or to interfere with any of the relations which the different parts of society bear to one an other in the different• States. Neither the President nor Congress can alter the re lation of parent and child, or husband and 'wife, in the State of New York. Neither can either the President or Congress sub vert or interfere with the relations of em ployer or employee in the Southern States. Argue it any way you will—and it has been ;argued every-way—you cannct find. in tie Constitution any authority or justification of such a course. f a meet the difficulty a phrase has been invented. The favorers of this policy say it can be done by the War power!" What is the war power? It means, if it means anything, simply this, That in time of war orrebellion the- Presi dent has power from some source or other to do what he pleases. At this claim of authority I stand aghast. The phrase is ominous. At the sound, abysses of tyr ninny seem opening at my feet. It is large enough, vague enough, for application to sny object. Remember, it is the fate of most nations to spend as much of their time at war as in peace; and . was it intend ed by the framers of our Constitution that, , at the first blast of war, or the first oat break of insurrection, the Constitution was to be cast aside, and all civil authority war to yield to militarysupremacy. Were the time honored.forms by Which personal liberty used to be protected to lose their potency, and the will of the President or the Provost Marshal, or hie deputy; or sub.. deputy, to be the law of the land? With '!all respect for any who differ from me on ;the subject, I still venture to pronounce • my conviction that all this claim. of war power where there is no war, beyond what the ordinary laws of war among civilized .nations recognize, is an assumption of power without a shadow of authority, o tO support it. Now does this proclamation mean anything, and it so, what does.:it mean ? I think it means a good deal.- r,, -ti wanes-tbs.-km is - means a good deal, -Mr. , Wadsworth thinks it trizantra- R ood • .• . .7 It means a servile war. There is in it, if you read it attentively, a very plain incen tive to it. I believe it will lead to servile war; and I think that, to resort to such an expedient is a barbarous, disgraceful, hid -130118 violation of civilized morality. It is a frightful error that men are allowed to use all means of destroying their enemies that malignity can devise. We don't i scalp—we don't poison springs—we don't' kill women and children. We don't kill men not found in arms.— These were the atrocities practised ages age. But ages ago the humanity and com mon sense of Christendom denounced them as cruel and infernal. And it is just so with this expedient of exciting servile war in a nation or part of a nation opposed to ns. It is just. the same thing, because by so doing we bring about just these atro cities, and actually employ agents to en act these atrocities. Now this is not a new question at all—it was discussed long ago. In the war of 1812 there was a suggestion on the part Great Britain of the propriety of striving to excite the slaves of the Uni ted States to a servile insurrection, and it was then denounced by . John Quincy Adamsas inhuman, 'base and uncivilized. (Great applause.) .._-,,,, em ,„, t PRINSIIVANIA RAILROAD- CHURCH TRAIN r Leaved Walla Stall A. 3n every Sunday at 915 do Turtle Creek, do do 920 dodo Brinton's. do de 925 . Wilkinsburgh do do 942 do East Liberty. do do 950 Arrive at Pittsburgh. 10 13 RETURNING TRAIN P, M. Leaved Pittsburgh every Sunday 00 do East Li aorty do de 24 do Wilkinaburgh do do 182 do Brinton'a do do .... —.l 49 do Turtle Creek do do 155 Arrive at Walla :2 00 Pittsburgh, J u l y T. STE 9, 1881 WART, Passenger Agent. THE ARDESCO OIL COME NY - 11,LAIIT . a s F n A p r o rlit le A oart r HAVE FOR Refined Ardesee NON- EXPLOSIVE. ALSO, PURE BENZOLB warehouse, 27 IRWIN STREET PITTSBURGH, PRAHA IaIRIVATEDISEASEW• Dr. BROWN'SMBDICAL aka SURGICAL °Moe, No. 30 Smithfield street * Pittsburgh. " Pennailvama, - .• Dr. BROWN is an old. althea . of Pittsburgh, arid him been Praotioe for thelast twenty-five' Yeats. Hie loudness has been +e - ototiked mostly to Private and, Dif14388.8. OPITZENS AND MANG= In need of a medicaPfriend. should not fall to find out the sure place of relief, The Doctor is a regular graduate, clansie expertaa.....si..au treat moat of a certain of diseases is sore odor ants* to the sufferers of obtaining permanent re lief by the use of his remedies and following hit advisee. DB.. BROWN'S REMNDIEW never fall to cure the worst form of Venoms, Disaaeso r lmpurities and Sarofulone Affections.— Also all diseases griming from a hereditary taint. which manifests- Itself in the form of tib Psoriasis and' a great many forms of ekina l emcee, the origin -of which the patient fe entirely ignorant. To persons so afflicted. Dr. Brown offers hopes of ts eure and eppoOlm or m i gov • SEMINAL Dr. Brown's remediesfor the alarming trouble brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gradficAtion. which the young and weak minded often give way te. (to their own, deetruotion.) -they oy reliab• e remedies known in the °wintry are safe. and mike a !needy reitoration of health. RHEUMATISM. Dr. Brown's remedies never WI to cure this Painful disease LK • raw DAMP—he Will WLlTlint cure. He aLso treataZ i e eet. sil (loltiorrhoas Stricture. Urethal Female Weakness Monthly Suppressions. es of the Joints. Fistula in Ano. Nervous Affections. Pains in the Back and Kidneys. Irritation of the Bladder. to. tether with all diseases of an impure origin. „ A letter describing the symptoms. °ordaining ',directed to DB.. BROWN. N 0.50 amithfiski Eit, Pittsbnrgh. Pa.. will be immedistabs same" ed. Medioine sciVi address. safely peeked and sitars from o on. Ofilog and Private los. Na . 50 Smithfield treat. Pittsburgh Pa. sT ov 1p 0 4 A- 4.4.0 A. BRADLEY, 30 WOOD SIIICEET, oarmer Seonsed. PlldnOwns*. Mannhseturer and Wholesale and Mall dealethr all kinds of . , • book, Parlor, and Heating Stoiee, Chain Fronts, Fenders, &o, Si- In our sample room netei' bee fonind ELEBRATED GAB BURNIELIGtOOK. fiToVES ECREICA. AND TROPIC, merits ca whheh belie been tilt" to/lied-by .ionsande, and the Eito7e pronounced unequaled azy in this market; together with a groat many Vier desirable patterns._ have also a very,laritiai‘o - vtmesitof , PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES. embracing some of the BEST PATTERNS now .ffered to the nubiier FANCY ENAMELED GRATE Fitogn AND FENDERS ; of the ' newest styles. gonemon Hitcher Bow and Tam Grates, all of wtuokare o red at van low prices. , • -,•• Sok' baducements offered to builders In we* of ORATE FRONTS. J.. 111. IIinSTMEN, Brass Foun.dOrs, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, , Al kinds of Brass suad , Ire= made to order. BASS CASTINGS, OF ALL KINDS . *lLMade at the shortest notice. - OIL REFINERY'S. FITTED UP. All orders left atBOWN & T E TLE V' B . 186 W 031.) STREET, will be promptly attended to. IThe members of this Arm Nuns practise! ,rne char ics. of many years' espenence in the bald ness. wilt insure to give satisfaction in every re. *set. .. PAYd I ... ... , OU T ,TEETH Ext itAcT.ED wrira PAIN by the 1188 of an apparatus wife:rob Ino drugs or galvanic battery are need: *edi t cal cattlemen and their families hare, their. tee th extracted by m.V process. and are ready 4o testify' .as to the safety and"paidenmea bfthe operation, whatever has been said by persons: loteraokri n l assertitut thecontrary. luarinino Int Owledse an* tprooehs. ; 11 3. 1 ARTIFICIAL TEETH inserted la every , style. land eharces as low. as will warrant the 'best of material all cases nolly-is an . - .E. OUDRY. Danatt.. i 184 BMitlteld street. ; , -- .M. KIER 84 IrAzarrurruiputi OP Pure No. 1 Carbon -,011; •ND • 211011. E,-.- ; airOiHoe On. LIBERTY STREET, orwceite 'Penn'a R. &Depot.. - I 1111 4 11- eil rEimi4ted•." . • • - paLl.,Td IHBO &Y W. BEAUMONT 00 14lowntRzy ol L : .2 111* -7 Titio aril* AL: HOBS. dealerain.Foreign_BritudieriWitha, land Glue ablo. - Blackberry. ltarAberry; Cherry. arid Glum Brandies. Old •Mobentialtalk., BYe °the'r hi"i4 rior e whim "". J h'4 Bittere. &e. •• • - • - -• No. lib lalbeAutylitreitt, • oosite Fourth attedt, Fittibuigh Fe. ; arms, -and- FamilleacuPpljed aimed jerate profits for cash.. NOW Jersey tader forfam-: ily or hotel puryoces. .Iy3-Bmd PET -ON Ol L urcoitaras L • NO; ` MILL ER SG r OitICEI 13 . • • : I: 'MGR - ATi I• • .AL. 23 MARKETSTREET, FITTSBICIAGIL: blirfitnntVl of Ilhtma and LUl4lat4 ;tIR,EWEO4IwWIwmaFXXiAvr,,4I,on je l !WIL I.A.X CARR, & CO. ROLESALE GROCERS. And linyorierip or WIN BRANDIES, QIN% RC. ALSO, - . ti ll ers and Dealer, in LBIONONGAREMA Ent WHISKY 527 Liberty Street. PITTSIIIIRCIII. PA. J. H. CIMUDAY. • Note, Nteek, Draft, ;Bold . and Notes tare, Restraint* and Ne t . , ehandlee Broker. OblllgetO_Q_M•Ninl2lll3ltKEPO BVIEN; .I.lli BURET, Pittdiurib. a 111.25,0 r to invest Morasses irid No; 1 por. la •. , : 10,111NDR 1055; 50 oafs Prime Currant% 10 cases Sic :b. Llounriow 2 do Calalirla do 25 boxes Maasarord: 20 de Vermicelle; ' 50 do OliveOiL golarta and pintas SD cases Sardines. end 35 sans: 50 frails!Datax 50 boxes Castile Sow • 30 do Citron: • 5 cases Prunes In hag 5• do do fenca r =K, 200 boxes No. 1 Piro In store ancilfor sale bX RHYMER BROS. ses No.'s 126 and 1.26 Wood street. • • Fliolesale! Grocery and Liquor Store For Sale, tipirEsTOCIT AND FIXTVBEN OF A Wholeeale Grocers and Liquor House, do ing a good trade on one of. the beet bualnets streets in the gooi, hollered for sale. to the own ers wish to into other business. For further' particulars address au7-tf LOOK BOX 18, Pittsburgh P. O. - L:ucient 011 Woricis. DITNCU, DI7FLAP & CO., Mazinfseturera of • PURE WHITE BENTHEIs CA. R.IEION'O.I . I., $. Office NO. 291 LIBERTY MART, burgh. t'a. 9178-4324 . . JOHN LITTLE, Jr., NO. 108 F 017111,1118111.16117.. STOCK 'AND BILL B=ROKER Promissory Rotas. Stook Bonds, and Mortar bought and sold. TIERNAN & GETTY, Wholesale and Retail Groeers, zitroanza AurD DLIAIIII IN TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, NORTH-EAST aotiter of OHIO STREET Lliktlig RUINED, ALLIRRIgirCTIT., THE (roamnat.ii-oovaT azonagnit:L) CORNER FIFTR4BMIIIMMD STRUM (OPPoeite the Pas 4 OZotO 'glitz sr ssoula;Nß usvuire taken the above well-imonn stanA.mill be sr gleaeoi t i d Aeolis friends at'ap t i t ionrc .tue wines, • l i Mind ea* VEX danhirtPeorrieter. WALE, PAPER 70E Amain °rusk A complete eaeortgumt of beautiful PAPER HANGINGS' • of all ptyles, bought before the tax advanoe. bit Fold at the usual low price;. } witl sea ULU fira. l Ml streak; ART WSZT PitIATOIN6O.44: o . 3 ;.oluefeiP sweet gutos. zoe stOokbir ' 7 A. - 00116 ' Comer mot sod ts. I ( wm. m. FABER 3 C 9.. .., S'T I kill xE N-G IA E;,.:8K1 L faS , iichtiTiKituideik, _ - • : ' , igiiia mom . ism iiite scnum Ili - ' 4 . 1, - t Neer the Penn: :R, E. -Thmseggie Deno; a h , Isrite.. .:. - I - ' ' - pint:mat! if. •'-12..‘ 'insie#it ... ‘ , ...k li ai orittai A k i k-A :* ‘, in^ &ism' 12 * . nuilint from ataa: an' irilitaFitflegait iiihnTlarttias, l • n ig te j4 , - ,.1 . . , ./.°;.0_,,/{th... , , :%, ....i . 1 ( 4 live paliotdar attention to the oar wnmort or - ... • hied and:ldaellineo lbl"vigt Irdib rluld 4 or • 1 • 15 1g r t i V i a lt i l ON l :tiln"Lb a s =1 ' 2.4 , , 4 , Ai, 0. -;•:._ CVant at shortnotkei .sengad,-.4colAtteroi • 1 NgtiElli Bakes ans4l3lftiltansii 11ii 86 47- ' 1 Wzaus&drironi Shaniatijiancers I n til u chlaxa raw vattett4conunmait 'Of 1 1 ( 0 o/en:Mao and it•Onritin.mg...4L-..41 . ,V 1 ed ° 674:tt i %It iiiii:f%Anitgiafta' ;+ - 7tlra , ' . - - ,in all, cam to idyll satisfaction. ... _ • . _ -..4; SirOrdandrom all parted' the "cOttiik *Mb' • , ed and :Prmlidkiiled./... , ..1..i %1 _ma4n,*-, t' - •-•4 • • iiktivat'pAillarati,Pi , N I ERt II 4 III I44WIDAS.. No. , ISS-SMIT.II)thirjUSTESIM . 11:1 lark =ltrilTlME e-wivien* v Lilt; C 1 14 . 13.444-1 consisting. •of ' • t CUM!, Claimer**, IresthlP:litv.; ALSQ—A lute gtopk - Ait '; iy-L1 • GENT'S% FURNISRING:GOODB;:i. including' Wool.* Ocklari.tßitii'ene; and ev,rythins kept p y first Parntstvr ins Stores: Olden Drqmptly executfa. gtao3l , . _ CO - PARTNERSIXIP. • • wins 1172fDERSIONZ1110 ted with .htin eon. OILIVIR-htofilttri TOOL in a copartnership. for the transaction of `the CARPET- BIISINBEgs tinder' the 'name and firm Of W. AteCLINTOCk. SON. he 4oncitil from a jrenerous public a continuance. to the now firm of the - Meru patronage_ beretafo,o by him.l - self ndeied., . C .IA.R.P.ETS —Amino :Poreheeeti for. eit elk IL/ before the bite advance, the lantest stook or elfattets , inthe aity.we would dill 'the admit:kin of wholesale and retail baron! to our complete !sortment of - -sFATTnitiSr` OIL CILOTHii,„ &c. W. . 11 1004DINTOOIE d'911;,... • 112 Afarkert street WINDOW OtTirl'AlNg, ;Ito: Ifirw Styled Thr Spring or int! . A (treat Variety i and-Atte'. Ailowiri .11mm, trent 6 1.4, oegto. to 86 per Pie 4. :It ' for sok.br TlloBiAs .le o 4 - 1(.4nr0. .- 1 " Ito.lll WOOD anrawr, I 'n;‘, Botireendth A 150..1d door Mow irdoir;oni All 4 • CORNWELL & :KERR, CARRIAGE IWAMICACT -118.21: theAld olliabl idie , LCCubca F 2 0419 WAis •4,1 • • 311ffir•C14.10‘..-. SW! A: P. tursira; - MONT. DAJIGZELL Whalesale Grocer# l :" COMNISSION AND FDAWARDIND DENtNANT, AND • • Dealers In Produes and Pltiabnili • No. Mil LIIIREffy STURM *Soot PITTSBURG LAKE Bli 007131elipip • SiliNtatthe,„ *iil-414Ck ..ilk.zur„. att . Oinirr..w.. -- •IciY.,'. : • ; 2 , ~. manutaiiaiiii .,, . , .:•• ,::: --,1 ,. ithuti.icraderi i in.a - Baiihirpiti:Preoki dii;+ ' Oar Bottognsjtidsedmill.Bos,thielter polde - r. se. Abogar c ,B a d ... . ' • , eliz ue. rin-ilf -; .- • ; . ~ . i*be a t ; IP& r• ,; ,: ..:-: ;I i in . zuilsoti.V_._ ehouse: N O - 149 MGT urulMa • , MP' on ' lined;;"Aiinare tae, ' 110014D-osTR, Pittsbutaliaerind: - - . . _.- - - 1 — UlEir• Speolel orders of copper autio azatdosired ', • 'kora. - taza7diew . -,-------- eft - Pr M.);3:tr- • 25 oprnei 451d0 and Beaperatair. LT Ratzmhz7;arrti! , ... { rVastoaltotagiui of and ' euaripaowma ka4. m e plat and foF gale at .1,91 VT 0. nc =l3l - dU promptly &Waded to. 440 Oornm.eoplas ASa,,loon, , , 1 • 0:01,41111. OF UNION dif4 Fa= 82213 , ,,,.. Ow Kaiketa , wirmritz THE PUBLIC CAN 1 : WV TAM the fleet sad pterfse_ Il Lig_,_ ,tni , • . . ' Made served st SUAKRIZI'O4 Ta. laFArg ' ' ' 4 tiee. .. : iat.l., Lnneh evcl ery morning) etween , the hours of 10 ind 1.2 ock. • ; ; Fit PLWRISIS :.,1• ' .rznlniere i: 1 • PriTsit &sues, - NO.. 3rti' t Wood Street. bfthO Baltimore -nano/Tel-, tern eatabliehed in 1836. A ehoieeatock of /twit. 7: octavo Centre Piano. oombinioX all the " Pi tialanf a drat edam t with late noveeftee 1 s ouidenwt4mo. Important to the esig Naiad. Low for or ntantet 1-, WISE_ 8RU3:1= 3 , ; . I • , i ati23 .1 - ' Mannfactrune; 4 ' IS. B. 4j;4rl i iii.en . Maildeitorira shdDederatif BOOK OAP ~. .KT.TICK. „l aid an,klu r da (4. - • ' 1 ' WRAPPING-PAPER; Ititiekosiarvsilf* .. ~x 4). s 7 Wood strootto ' - ' ' • ' NO. 88 SMITHFIELD BTREET - -' ,1 - , - - Eltieburth' s :1" - hf - .aid for RAGS: .. ' .> an 9 .. 1. , Air Ca& OWEN BY'RNE, MBRORANT TAILOR, 49 St. Clair Eltriiet. sicarTratearni Itm6B T 6 oz; DER uusepitoz:oA,=: • 161": ' wasana; .411glak, tor nf a se purchased at prices tar below the ell n t - - 'great tadueedernta . crferedto daek bona; lir , yOu 7wAJIT. mica ,a4m11).-:/11 .i. Fruit or preimred 'Marc Meat. cal =if ,ElPlee4l; cookie's ktratzr: . E n e. o l w Lemon and Citron eel sit to • . wrtitklirotheas, in the Diamond; where . yoU'• will tret anew crop of Fruit .and 1 than- . OWer - rother hOuse in the cite Also slamieral amortment of Amity women,. Teas, Whim, I roadies; and all other kinds ot_roremai W.,' °media Lionom • , . , ,WDRZEI kilgtOTtirmi, . • 1 • de24 miner Diamond sod Diamond stile*. •• '1 •MILEPLUM as CO., ' _ . .. THi ,rnairrix:Wik-un volc.wpitarq wrrisßuitGliad ; LaroluiatiAlti. - In:ft Immo d ecsm d ttec afaotaromAr ' (* civ i c_ 3oal Oil. •, • • I ' l '. _. ' laid Wo Pi 0 ~, .i gli -..., - bint.ad_ ~t. „ zrac , art" don mado to order. , . _ .. , •-, obis a eozo_lato -zaaolibli gap anaotiod to . olineoessaryiltetoll3tio taratoß7 to itglaitochw, '~ ~ ~. `.-.` S `f