The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, October 28, 1862, Image 3

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c g s.PPMI G- 11 - 4, ---APA' , 44I-ttA 2
inftgaoP, BOSTOk_are our agents for die Mit&
aud weekly Poet in those cities and itre,au :
,th aka' take Advertisements and stitismiptimis;
.14r us at om Lotosst Rates.
i 1 Council Meeting. <,
City Councils held their regular
thlionthly meeting last evening. The items
*Oil important business were few. The
finanee, based on the Act of Assembly,
nroviding for the issue of new bonds for
Rthe redemption . of the bonds issued to
tiilroad companies, already published in
the city papers, was read three times and
pabsed in both branches. It providesfor
the issue of new bonds to the amount of
the Railroad indebtedass of the city,.
(411,800,000) in sums of $l,OOO, dated
January Ist, 183;i, redeemable in "fifty
years, with interest coupons attached, at
foUr per cent. per annum, signed by the
Cofitroller and payable lend -annually, on
e lit of January and July of each year
—fife accrued interest to be paid and can
celled by a transfer of the stock of the
respective Railroads to which the bonds
were issued, at its nominal value. A com
nudification from Thos. Seabrook, Chief
Engineer of the Pittsburgh and Stenben
vi4 Railroad Co., relative to the grade of
Tryfetreet, was referred to the Street Com-1
initree. The resignation of Jackson Dan
caa,YEsq., as a member of Select Council,
dathil in May last, prior to the departure;
ofrat gentleman for Europe, now pre
sen ed to Councils tor the first time was
14e Committee on Fire Engines and
Hose; reported, in the Select Council,
through Mr. Quinn, adversely to giving
the Neptune, steam fire engine an appro
priation for ihe remainder of the year, as
the condition of the fund will not warrant
it; al@b in favor of purchasing five hundred
feet of ) ten inch hose, with patent coup
bogs, ifor the Neptune. A resolution was
passediauthorizing the committee to adver
tise foyi proposals for the hose. A resolu
tion appropriating a certain sum (to be
fixed, by the committee) to the Neptune
for the:remainder of the year, was referred
to the"ommittee on Fire Engines and
Hose, ::_!with instructions to reporL
the next meeting of Councils. A ecne
mittee l;.f five, two from the Select and
three from the Common Council, was ap
pointedi to ascertain, from or through the
City Solicitor, the amount still on hand
(if any) from the collections for the exten
• sion ofipennsylvania' Avenue. A resolu
tion wit's also passed, authorizing the Sec
ond District Street Commissioner to fill
up all a l nllar holes or other excavations
upon theaxtension, provided the cost does
not exceed $6O:
An Ordinance was passed, offered by
11r. Fryer in Common Council, regulating
the office of City Solicitor, empowering
the'Finance Committee to elect as City
Solicitorhy and with the advice and con
sent of Councils, one person, who shrill be
a practising attorney of the District Court,
to act' asiPity Solicitor, and receive a sala
ry of $l4lOO Per annum; which shall in no
'case, byladditional fees or expenses, ex
ceed that! sum. The officer is to give
bond for;ilus faithful discharge of his duty
And the delivery, at the close of his term,
of the boeks and papers of the office, in
the sum Of s2o,ooo—and the duties of the
office are specifically defined. A strong
effort wainiade in Select Council, by Capt.
Ward and 'others, to make the docket fees
returnabra into the City Treasury: but it
failed and the ordinance, as it passed
Common'Council, was concurred in.
United States Court.
Yesterday morning, before Judge Mr•
Ceadless,ithe case of the United States
vsJoseph P. Hayes, postmaster at Mead
ville, CraWfoid county, was taken up. The
officer is 'Charged with opening a letter
mailed in his office to Washington city.—
The proseelitor, S. N. Pettis testified to
having mailed a letter to Washington City,
through the Meadville office, and that
Hayes took out the letter—teing au ap
plicant for..!an office for which he, Pettis,
had also applied for in the letter mailed.
The case occupied the entire day and at
the hour ofiadjournment the testimony for
dhe government had not closed.
t ifuprome Court
The Supi:eme Court commenced its ses
sion at tenm'2lock yesterday morning.—
Present Chief Justice Lowrie and Jndges
Woodward,l: Strong and Reed—Justice
Thompson ;being absent ; owing to severe
The fist Air Allegheny county was called
over and the!following cases disposed of:
Ackley vs. Pennsylvania Insurance
Company. ;Non. Pros.
Thompson' Bell & Co. vs. the Pitts
burgh and Connellsville Railroad Corn
"riany. NoOros.
,1 4 .ichman jS Nelson vs. A tvator & Co.
Non p'"' !-
Clevela. - aland Pittsburgh Railroad Co.
vs. Smith. Non pros.
Ifirshfieldql,: 'Veal. Non pros.
H oward „,.: :: t h ; 2orough of Manchester.
Non pros.
McClurg as; Wilson. .Argued by Shinn
for plaintiff iii 'error, and by' Bargwin con
Morrow's Appeal. Argued by Woods
for appellant and by Geyer contra.
The bristled Militia.
The State authorities have determinej
to- place the t,drafted men of the border
counties in tamps upon our Southern
borders, e.s follows: Three regiments from
Franklin and' Cumberland counties, in
camp at Chtimbersburg; one regiment
from Adtims bounty, in camp at Gettys
burg; two regiments frcim York county, in
camp at York, and regiments from the
other border countiei, in camp at !heir re
spective county seats.
. .
Mr. Miles and his trained horse are
411111 doing a flee business at the Theatre.
Go and see thiun to-night if you have not
already done id.
Our Steamboat Busineus.
Forty-seven 'lliteamboats have beeri sold
here within theigast twelve months. The
great majority if these have been taken
out of the trads and new boats are either
building or haqi been built to supply their
place. Seven o 1 the steamers in this trade
were sunk duriOg the year, and two ex
ploded. We - have eighty steamers alto
gether plying regularly to and from this
PI( thibiirgh Batteries.
Captain Kilkp's battery, which was
organized here,!lconsists of five 12 pound,
howitzer. It is a ttached to,Williams army
corps. Capt. Idampton's Pittsburgh bat
tery consists of six 10-pounder Parrots,
and belongs to the tame corps.
Revenue Decisions.
The Commissfener of Internal Revenue
has, made the
,folloming decisions: "A
person' who manufactures only to order,
without making up stock on his own ac
count, and offering no goods for sale, re
quires a manuf4turer's license. A phy
sician practising as a surgeon does not
require two licenses. An apothecary who
sells ardent spirsts by retail must have a
retail liquor dialer's license. If, how
ever, he only :ties it in the compounding
of medicines, itlis not necessary that he
should take a license as a retail liquor
Postal Currency,
Capt. C. W. Batchelor, who has just re
turned from Washington city, has been
promised,by thisßecretary of the '1 reasurh
.$60,000 of the stamp currency, which will
be distributed among our business men
this week.
. ,
Singular Suicide. f
o i
tt Sattirday Coroner McClun held an
,j1 ,4 4 , 30,404,4he..fh0dy-4. - _ — -_, ''.t
h., I,,rtaiding in tPitt tow,nship,
fioppei• works:'" - On the previous night it
seems her busband had quamgedwith one
ot' th'e neiglibOrS,"and she rah Viiit, ie - iii 1
mucexcited, whealhe led her back to
thelittse. On re-entering she was seen
to take fr'AM a drawer a small bottle, af
terwiids ascertained to have held lauds
num, and isiallo'ir the contents. After
some excited actions Mrs. W. laid - *MD
upon the floor of her own room add fell
asleep. Her husband soon after came in,
and went to sleep also, but wakened A.
two o'clock in the morning end endeavored
Ito rouse his; wife, who was still on the
floor. Fearing something was wrong a
physician was sent for, who did not arrive
until six o'3lock, when she was beyond
medical aid! She died in about two
hours. Deceased was thirty-six years of
age And lived agreeably with her husband;
who, however, was sometimes obliged' to
leave the house when she took one of these
Sts of ill temper. The verdict of the jury
was "death by suicide."
Colonel David Campbell.
• This popufar officer was in the-city yes
terday, and left fbr Harrisburg last even•
ing, to return in a fifty days and spend a
week with his family. It will be remem
bered that he was taken prisoner at Wil
liamsburg where his regiment, the Fifth
Pennsylvania cavalry, has been stationed
for several months. He was released on
parole, and•has since been exchanged, but
having received no official notification of
the fact cannot take up arms until he is
duly informed of his exchange. He is
the picture of Irobust health, though but
recently recovered from an illness of sev
eral days, and looks as if the exposure of
army life agreed with him. His many
friends here will be glad, to meet him on
his return from Harrisburg.
Burglary at New Castle.
- - • -
Last Tuesday. night the New York Store
in New Castle, was entered by burglars,
and a considerable amount of clothing
taken. The scoundrels had been very
careful in making their selections , as they
left the goods scattered around miscella
neously. Out of a number of fine dress
coats they selected two, and left the bal
ance. The articles missing,. so far as at
present ascertained, are as follows: Two
shawls, two. overcoats, two dress coats,
two boxes neck ties, seven silk plush vest
patterns, one box shirts, one line coat, light'
colored, and a number of flannel shirts and
satin vests, amounting in value to about
The dedication of St. Thomas' Church,
Braddock's Field; took place on Sunday.
Despite the bad weather, many Catholics
from the city were in attendance. Rev.
D. Kearney, of Brownsville, officiated at
High Mass, and Itt. Rev. Bishop Dome
nee delivered the sermon, which was
highly interesting, and listened to with
marked attention. The services were in
terspersed with excellent vocal and instru
mental music, the latter from a splendid
new harmonium, and the former by a part
of the Cathedral choir and some local
singers. After the dedication the guests
and excursionists partook of a sumptuom3
dinner at the village hotel, and returned
home soon after in the special train by
which they went out.
Homicide Case.
The case of Wm. Lowrie, of Jefferson
township, charged with killing Thomas
Chamberlain, by Striking him over the
head with a club, last summer; fracturing
his skull and causing his death the follow
ing week, will be taken up in the Criminal
Court at nine o'clock this morning. The
difficulty occurred at the distillery of the
defendant. Mr. Lowrie is an old citizen,
and the deceased was: quite a young man,
residing in the vicinity.
Fatal Accidents.
On Saturday afternoon a distressing ac
cident happened in Smith Pittsburgh, near
Chambers glass works, resulting in the
instant death of a lad seven years of age,
named John Hoflacker, son of - a shoe
maker of that name. It appears that
several boys were amusing themselves by
hanging to a coal wagon, descending the
steep bill near thatplace. The driver of the
team, fearing some accident might happen,
drove the boys all off with his whip, and
started down. When the boys saw the
driver engaged, they, ran to the wagon
again, and young lioflacker can ht
j ht upon
the rubber, between the wheels. he jolt
ing of the. wagon shook him off, and the
hind wheel passed over his head, crush
ing in the skull and 'killing him in an in
stant. '
• A lad named Shaffer, only four years
oldo was burned to death in the Fifth
ward, on Saturday evening, his clothing
taking fire from a lighted stick in the ab
sence of his mother in another part of the
house. He died in a few hours after re
ceiving the injuries. He was a son of
George Shaffer, of O'Hara street.
Bridge Burned.
The Bridge on the Pittsburar,
Westand Chicago Railroad, hall' a mile
West of Wooster, Ohio, was , destroyed by
fire on Thursday last, the result of acci
dent. Through the energy and prompti
tude cof Mr. A. A. Beanonaster of trans
portation, the bridge was temporarily re
placed by Saturday morning, when the
trains passed over as usual.
To be Discharged,.
The members of the Friend Rifles and
Zoliave Cadets . ,sth Excelsior regiment, who
were taken prisoners at the battle of Wil
liamsburg, paroled and received furloughs,
will, it is stated, be discharged from the
service. After the expiration of their
furloughs they reported at Camp Parole,
Annapolis, and have been there ever since,
never having been exchanged. ,
Stanton Cavalry,
Col. Stockton's regiment is now almost
full. Capt. Miles' company, of Brie, will
be here in a few days, transportation hav
ing been ordered for them. Col. S. has
secured the transfer of Lieut. J. R. Edie,
now at the Allegheny Arsenal, a dashing
cavalry officer, who will be Lieutenant
Colonel of the regiment.
- .
The Atlantic and Great Western
The opening of the road to lieadville
gives 'one hundred miles West from the
line of the Erie_ road at Little Valley.
The next section to be opened will carry
the road to 'Warren, Ohio, where it will
connect with the Cleveland and Mahoning
line into Cleveland.
Altered Treasury Notes.
Treasury notes raised from $1 to $lO,
by pasting, are being circulated., but no
one need be,caught by them, as they have
the face of Secretary Chase instead of
President Lincoln, dB on the genuine slo's
and are marked n bithaAork over the
face cogs Dorian, ONE DOLLAR, oft DOL
Printing Office DeStrOyed:
It is stated'iliaf * cinTriday last the of
fice of the American- Volunteer, at Car
lisle, was attacked by some soldiers (Aar
tered in the town and completely deM
ished. The last number, it alleged x con
tained an obnoxious article in relattonJ. to
the President, the army, ,Ltc.
American Watches.
We refer our readers, soldierErespecial)y,
to the advertisement of Messrs. Reine
man, Meyran d Seidle, agents in this city
for the American watches. The new va
riety they advertise is made especially to
take "hard knocks" and is comparatively
cheap. .The 'American watches are ndw
acknowledged the beet manufactured.' Call
-and examine thew ! . 4 '
The Oil Nuisance case.
krkaiptikirt,A de ttigutryo
.010,toltarkeitis thejury in ItSfe&lot
monwealfh NayloE and Faah, oil
-finersi kidded plptuisaince. .7.119;
hsd rettirtiano verdict lastevehing,
New Depot.
A freight depot is being put up'hi l
cago by the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne
Chicago Railroad Compaq: It is bt
entstracted :wholly.of brick and iron,
is nearly four liundteed'fee:, inilength.
The Ardesc A o r O d il es Co e m ° p ° an il y, w who se wa
house is at 27 Irwin street,, have achiev
quite a reputation for the superior qual
of burning oil produced at their wor,
With all the other advantages of firstqu:
ity carbon oil, it has another, that it is el
tirely„ nome.itplogive, and 'therefore pe l
featly safe, every barrel being tested befo . 1
it is sent out. They also furnish, pu
beuzole, an article now much- used ~
painters, dyers and others. We rem.,
mend all desiring to make purchases- .
oil to call on IStr.' R. K. Fleming, Secre
tary of the !Odom) Oil Company, wh.
Will ' sepply'them at the lowest price fol
which a first-rate article can be afforded.
RARE inducements are now offered i
hats and caps, and ladies' and children'
furs, at Fleming's, 139 vlrood street, why
keeps a very large assortment of first-dies
goods, having just returned from the Eas
with a secondraupply of the most destrabl -
styles of ha's, caps, S:c., in the market
embracing every novelty in the hat line.
Our stock of ladies' furs is very large,
including all the most fashionable styles;
also children's furs in great variety.
Wholesale or retail buyers are invited to
call and examine our stock before pur.
chasing elsewhere.
Gone Rack.
Capt. Charles 0 wston, of the Pittsburgh
Rifles, who lost a finger at South Moun
taim returned yesterday to his company.
Col. Moffitt has every prospect of filling
up his regiment in a short time. He has
already five companies promised, chiefly
drafted men.
G sovtit St BAK RR'S sewing Machines. for family
manufacturing purposes. are the best in use.
A. F. C dATONAY. General Agent,
IS Fifth street. Pittsburgh. P' a.
(Between Sixth street and Virgin alley
flew lot
So arranged that it is always clean and
ready for use
s acknowledged to be the best airtight
ink ever offered to the public.
For rate by
Read : Read : Read'
ED, and those suffering from weakness o
you wish to experience great relief In your
ght. try the world-renowned
Purchasers will continue to find perfect satisfac
tion by trying these Spectacles. Bold only by
J. DIAMOND, Optician,
No. 39 Fifth street, Post Building,
The Russian Pebble inserted in old !tames, I
Kr- &war Imposters and Pretending.
Riga Colr'd Plaids for Ladies' Dresses
Fig.'d Rept, Poplins,
Fine Plain Poplins, all Colors
All Qualities and colora,
among whieh may be found
W. & D. lingus',.
eel 2
witßatigas AND GRAIN DEA.I f EIIN
au take notice.
Pittsburgh ? October 11th, 1852. tom
The undersigned desires to purchase sev sral
honsand bushels of good round. merchants. .ble 43
sate, to be delivered at the Public Poragellot tae race
ayment made on delivery., Grain aaoks will be
ninished on application at this office: cot
A. id oNTGuIifERY.
Major and Quartermaster.
U. 8. Arr Av. ;
, Importets nd dealer, in ani
Moths, bassizneres, Satin( rtts, al
Postings, Tailors' Trimmings, P 3, last
North Bide, PHILADELPHIA ; 845 2 1
SHOP VIRGIN ALLEY, between "Wood
and Liberty Streets,
AliP•Orders solicited and promptly attexulod to.
ans '
have for sale a beatitifnl homestead, of 53 that
acres of good land. With woodland, -orchard of th e
2 acres of chabiefrnit, a larg Mansion House of
hall and ten rooms, convenient"arranged. li n"'
porches, verandah. Ica Barn and S table,
_all in T 1
good order and pleasant', pittutte on the hionori- A I
gahela river, easy of access b• steamboat arid
railway. For price and term. apply to oraddress 88 7 8
Commerciel Brokers. shot'
1 51 Wfarliet keen s.
BANE. ho
Pittebuith, October 17th, i
Rapriggkrittlris Bank walla held at the Peal
Beinkihenouse. oa Monday. November 12tb,
tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 2p. m. Th e mc _
nlar annual meetir g of stockholders will be helld
on Tuesday, November 4th, at 11 d'olook , a. m.
con , yeADOBIlli: Cashier.
-1 ury,
3 dm., dco., etc.,
04,ober 27, 1862. 1
On Monday evening, General Pleasan
ton's advance arrived at Purcellsville,
within a few lionis march of General
Longstreet's commar,d, which is believed
to be at tlpperville, near Ashby's Gap.
A dispatch from Pleasanton, written at
four o'clocic, states that he had driven the
enemy so far with the loss of a corporal,
who was taken prisoner by his horse fall
No informationn
has been received to
day changing the position of the main
body of the rebel army from the vicinity
of Winchester and Bunker Hill.
The recent rains have not materially
interfered with the fords at either Shep
herdstown or Williamsport. At Harper's
Ferry the water rose two inches, and the
Shenandoah was increased - four inches at
the same point.•
. The rebel cavalry, in considerable num
'bets, still continue to show themselves be
tween Martinsburg and Cherry Run, and
a regiment was seen and fired at opposite
Shepherdstown yesterday.
HARRISBURG, October 27.—The follow
ing - dispatch sent this morniug will explain
he reason for the postponement cf the
Iraft in Philadelphia:
Harrisburg, October 27th, 18(12. j .
B. Gerhard and W. H. Allen, Draft
ng Commissioners, Philadelphia.—The
ity Councils having officially asked that
he draft be postponed, and Mayor Henry
eying' united, it is hereby postponed for
ue Week. I a•ri much influenced by your
dgment and concurrence in the request.
Te have as many men in our camp as can
e well accommodated, and it will give
t me for the force of the active liberality
a d patriotism of the peoife of the city to
fi I the quota by volunteensg.
Signed A. G. CURTIN:
. it is understood that gentlemen in sev
e al counties of this State believe that
d afted men failing to attend as required,
w 11 not be liable to compulsory service,
ii t to fine or imprisonment' under the
i ntence of a courtemartial. This view is
i d to be founded on the Act of Congress
) July 29th, 1861. Governor Curtin has
i tested strongly to the President against
; eral order No. 154, and asks for its
a etion as unjust to the people of the
1 tes, and calculated to demoralize and
le troy volunteer organizations. It is
ng in principle, and the manner of its
ex cation will seriously interfere with the
vo unteer army now in the field.
he recent attempts at armed resistance
to the draft in Schuylkill county have
tai ed,- and the excitement has entirely
su sided. This effect is in a great meas.
ur due to the prompt and efficient mili
tar preparation to suppress it, and to the
ex rtions of Bishop Wood, who in accord
an e with the wishes of the Governor,
kin ly consented to use his influence in
per on
• general order has been issued reliev
ing Capt. E. Spencer, Miller's battery,
from further services at present. The
emergency, on account of which it was
called, having passed and exprtssi ng to
Captain Miller, his of f icers and iciesi, the
Go runes high appreciation of the
pro ptness and zeal which they have
eviri ed' on this and former occasions in
the ervice of the State.
F" e regiments of drafted men have been
orga ized at Camp Curtin and the men are
cons ortable and contented. They are
per itted to organize companies and se
lect their own line officers. Those thms
sele ted will be commissioned at once.
• A ew camp of rendezvous for drafted
men as ibeen established at Reading.
IT on inquiry we learn that Gov. Curtin
has . knowledge whatever, upon the sub
ect.,, .f another meeting of the Governors .
at' W shington. The whole story is a ca
.0 TR£SS MontoE, October, 25. —The
tch and papers of the 2:id contain the
Ho ing:
An attack on the Charleston RailroAd
id t e repulse of the enemy.
Th following dispatch was reeeiv,W
?ate ay, from. Savannah : The Aboli•
Dnis s attacked in force Pocotaligo and
oos atchie yesterday. They were gal
ntly repulsed to their boats at Mackey's
oint ud Bees Creek Landing, by Col.
r. L. Walker, commanding the troops
om ere.
The enemy came in thirteen gunboats
1d t nspor ts.
The Abolitionists left their dead and
oun don the yd. Oar cavalry is in
. .It. p rsuit.
• .
Jig l ed, G. T. BEAUREGARD.
3ixt -five horses and ten mules were
id public auction to-day, at the G ov
me t stables, Camp Hamilton, Va.
ley ere Government property and sold
pric s from $5 to $25.
Ile flag of truce boat John I. Warner
ive at Fortress Monroe at noon, in
arge f Major Schenk. She brings from
Dens Landing about 150 paroled Onion
son a.
Me Richmond Examiner, of' Oct. 23d,
's: "Travelers from Wincheater re
•t, t at our army . were crossing the Po
lee 1 t Monday into Maryland."
gr at many pritioners have sought and
eive permission to leave the Southern
afed racy. They are generally faliens
4min the protection of one or the
other o European Consuls. No less than
three nndred applications were made to
the Bri ish Consul on Tuesday.
'we y-four privates and one Lienten
,.ca tured at Hay Market, on the Rap-
Lana ck, arrived at the Libby prison
eve ing.
. P. Smith was yesterday arrested on
ch ge of robbing a farmer of between
,000 nd $6,000, and some bonds. He
3 lod ed in Castle Thunder.
lICH OND Miamns.L.--Wheat has ad
iced to $4 per bushel; Corn, $2; A.p
-s, $1 Casls per barrel: Potatoes, s3@
per nshel; Onions, s4oiss per bush-
Co e, $2 per pound ; Whisky, 510®
5; obacco, interior, $4,50C54511;
id, S 6Ef i sl7; fine shipping, $1864528.
le I ynchbnrg Republican says there
a ge eral stampede from Culpepper
ough ut the county, owing to an satia
ted rly advance of the Yankeel in
Vdir tion. Having from
ene y, they are unwilling again to
ergo like treatment.
'he • chmond Whig, of Oct. 22d t says:
lette from the Mayor of Wilmington
tha for the first time is many weary
I the reports of the new cases of fever
vs a falling off, and we entertain the
tha we have reached the worst.
te • ichmond Inquirer, of the 24th,
'T.e yellow fever has made its
in several towns in Texas. At
iaas, at the latest dates, there had
nty-five deaths from it, and the
the people had fled from the
been i tw
most of
14141 - T 1,4
General Movement of the
Five Steamboats Destroyed at
St. toms.
Rebel Attack 'on ;Itleguiphis Expected
The. Draft in Philadelphia Postponed
IlArrimocz, October 27.—The Ain :ri
54peob 4 6 Alos4he4olblitingizireur tec
The tin:wen:lent of Get.-Burnside acress
,the Potoiratelat Berlin, cif which you were
infonmed yest(•rlty, tholigh it has not bden
followed by an immediate genernl adratice
of our "ford* is 'undoubtedly the initial
movements of that long promised activßy.
on the part of the army of the Potomac,
which is:p% all' .hope is to deal against the
rebellion iv most staggering blow.
( To-day tlctere has been no movement bl -
Yond graduro And heavy,reinforcements pf;
Gen. position. He has taken
( on the Virginia side of the Potomac;. near'
Lovettsville, infantry and artillery, it will
Inot do to say in what number, have been
moving in that direction, until it is evident
Ilthat the movement is no mere reconnoid
sance but in reality an advance of the left
wing of the army.
This movement, it will be observeill
)rings our left wing, which was previousli
in the rear, oa nearly a straight line wit
the centre.
From Lovettsville Gen. Rarnsidethreat-1
cos the rebel flank at Winchester and their
line of communication via Front Royal
There is little news from the front to
: day, and as there has been no firing it is'
Flresumed nothing important has ocourred.
Geu. Burnsiders forces are massed in the
vicinity of Lovettiiville.
;_; Our cavalry and light artillery; tinder
Gen. Pleasanton, is reported to have oc
cupied Leest,erg last night, the rebel cav
alry force retreating before our advance,
bits cannot now verify the - report from any
one acquainted with the facts. In relation
tol the rebels we have numerous reports,
all tending to the one conclusion; that the
mein portion, if not the entire army, has
fallen back beyond Winchester. This fact
may be said to be certainly established,
thrit they have•deserted the line of the Po.
torinic, and are neither to be found in
Charlestowr or Martinsburg or Shepherds
During several days of last week it has
beth their' practice, as usual, before a re
treat, they showed" themselves in strong
force at various parts of our lines, and
their pickets were viciously belligerent,
firing at anything and everything.
On Saturday all these demonstrations
ceased and their pickets disappeared en
tire from our front.
!R fugees from Winchester are also re
port d to-have come, within our lines, and
stated that their town has been evacuated
by the enemy who were retreating towards
I gave it only as a report. The general
belief, however, is that Gen. Lee is making
fast time towards Gordonsville, and that
the main portion of his army is already
well in that direction.
Everything is quiet at Harper's Ferry,
and, the camp bustle and stir incident-to
the presence of a large force, notwith
standing the predictions almost daily for
a week past of the advance forces on
Bolivar and Maryland Heights, are yet
quiet in their tents engaged with nothing
n.ore important than the usual duties of
camp life. The men, invigorated by a
bracing North-wester, a . ppear in fine health
and spirits. It is admitted that the army st
is now fully prepared for offensive move] sl
srentsj and the present quiet therefore de
Jr..eans: nothing. Our outposts in this di- $]
rectiori have been in Halltown for several Gt
clays ' end it is reasonable to conclude we '
now had Charlestown. to
The }rain of yesterday wound up last offi
night in a furious storm, commingled with Fri
rain aced wind that was severely felt of
in the Camps occupying exposed positions offi
on the summits and sides of the Mountain foe
and op Rolivarand Maryland Heights. The Se ,
storm raged with such fury that the tents sl
were crVerturned and the men forced to a
midnight battle with the elements; not
withsta tding the considerable quantity of
rain that fell yesterday and last night, the'
river haS 'been but little affected thereby;
the water has not risen over a foot, and , ]
wagons ;croes the ford at the ferry to-day
The rain will rather tend to facilitate
than retard any movements that may be in I
contemplation, under the influence of
bright sunshine and dry wind, that fol
lowed it,i rill harden the road and place
them in st ratecondition.
Judging of the condition.of our army by
what r have seen of it here and at Sharps
burg, I think our men were never in finer
health and spirits.
HARPEtt'S FERRY, Oct. 28.—A special
dispatchlto the Baltimore American says :
I am happy to be able to inform you that
an advance of the army of the Potomac
commenced this morning, and I have rea
son to believe that before to-morrow night
the movement will be general along the
whole line: placing the Potomac in our
At daylight this morning, the cavalry
iorce of Gen. Pleasanton' with four pieces
of artillery, crossed New Pontoon bridge
at Berlin, j eight miles East of Harper's
Ferry, and proceeded direct to Lovetts
ville, in Loudon county. At Lovettsville
our cavalry entered about 8 o'clock in the
morning and the few rebel pickets station
ed there flO,d before them in the direction
of Leesburg. The people of this loyal
town, especially the ladies, received our
troops with great enthusiasm, and the
stars and tripes were thrown out in all
parts of the town. Without stopping, ex
cept to leave pickets and a guard, Gen.
Pleasanton moved on in the direction of
Waterford; expecting so reach Leesburg
early in th; afternoon.
There w s at the last accounts a small
force of rebel infantry and cavalry at
Leesburg, and there may possibly have
been a fight there.
Shortly after the cavalry advance had
crossed, Geia. Burnside with his 'second
army corps commenced crossing at the
same point and during the whole day the
bridge was constantly under the tread of
the advancing column. They proceeded
in light marching - order, though an im
mense train of wagons was waiting to fol
low them, It was the intention of Gen.
Burnside to rest for the night at ',ovens
ville and move forward on Monday morn
ing, in what direction was not known.
The troops were in fine spirits, notwith.
standing. tite bad weather, and cheered
most lustily as they reached the Virginia
The troop on Bolivar Heights are also
under marching orders, and it is; thought,
will be in mOtion to-morrow.
It is reported that the enemy have
already retired, from our front, withdraw
ing their pickets yesterday, apparently
aware of our cavalry advance. 59e have
also tidings from the upper line of the
Potomac, showing that active movements
are also on Not there.
The rebels are said to have evacuated
Martinsburg on Saturday,
LottsviLt,, Oct. 27.—The Grand Jury
have indicted General Jeff. C. Davis, for
killing General Nelson.
The first through mail for Nashville
since Morgan's raid commenced will leave
to-morrow morning. No mails from any
_point east of here to-day. No news from
the army. f
CAIRO, Oct, 27.—Gen. Rosecrans and
staff passed through to-day, en route for
his new command.
Passengers from Helena report Generals
Cheatham and Holmes near that place,
threatening an attack. Thirty-five forag
ing wagons and the guard were captured
by the rebels a feiv=days since.
Hindman is again under arrest.
The latest information from Corinth Fe
;ports that scouts from the neighborhood
`of Bolivar say Price is within four miles
of that place.
General Hamilton has assumed Rose
crane command.
BOSTON, October 27.—The LT: S. gun
boat gearsage left Gibraltar on Septein-
her 80th for thelAzores, in search of the" r e•
rebel pirate 290, otherwise known as the - '
• , -
CAre?, r pt*Saltiot Boots and
•.. • n";•-'irIth•":6'tu;:,•..: Shoes
pive:iofpartalery, stationed at Was.4o*- A T Al. 28 FIFTH
_ Zi4s
lariTuoiaT raE IMAM' REGARD
Tenn.,- twenty miles southwest -of Fo r .
Donelsoni ivertkattocked by cliht hundred 4riiri tocost. either must be closed Out I, J/to!'
rebels n'ThuteditYlas' t ' Thelatteeiare
completely foaled; with a loss of twenty,
„,eoll[ll AND SEE.
four, killed, twenty -five Captured,' aid* 2d(Door, below
.E,?rehange stank.
largi•number otwottuded. TOtilloits was -
two killed and tiro wounded.
From several sources we learn that ihere
is great • activity among the -rebels in the
vicinity of Helena, Vicksintrg and Holly
Springs. They evidently contemplate an
attack, but just at what point is not known.
The number of rebels at golly Springs is
said to be 70,900.
The conscript act is vigorously enforced
in the South. An 0,. cer from Vicks
burg says that every man ander 35 is in the
army. •
An arrival from Bolivar and Jackson
says it was reported at Jackson, on what
seemed to ,be good authority, that Price
was on . the dir ection with 60,000 men
marching in the of Bolivar.—
Pillow is also reported in the same neigh
borhood with 20,000. - Thie rumor is con
aidered- probable in military girdles. •
Information-from the country last night
represent that the •guerrillaS who lateb'
encamped- midway. between Geritantilwn
and Collierville, have been seen in full re
treat, closely pursued by federal cavalry
under Col. .Grierson: These guerrillas
were from Kentticki, and the impression
seems to be they were depredating ou their
own hook.
Sr. Loins, Oct. 27.—One of the most
serious disasters that has visited our, river
men for many .years, occurred to-day.
About noon a fire was discovered in- the
hold of the steamer M. D. - Bacon, unload
ing hemp at the foot of Locust street.
The flames spread with great rapidity, ere
iiting alarm and commotion among the
adjacent steamers,
and before they could
4e removed the McGill, A. McDowell,
stella, and W. H. Russell were wrapped
in flames and' destroyed, together with
their contents.
'About six hundred bales of hemp, one
hundred bales of cotton and a large quan
tity of miscellaneous freight piled on Shore
were also destroyed. The loss is esti
mated at $1,50,000.
CUWACO, Oct. 27.—A. Tribune Memphis
special, of the 2Gth, says: There is an
alarming report here this evening that - a
force of a thousand rebel cavalry stationed
1 /
ph a and Charleston railroad. They have
If nine miles from here, on the- Mem
ta en possession'of the line. Their head
qu rtera are in the vicinity of Noncouati.
This is supposed to be the advance guard
of : large force, having designs upon this
eneral Joe Johnston ia said to he in
cha ge of a. large army at Little Rock.,Al •
fire occurred in Charles City, Floyd
county on Thursday last, which destroyed
property to the amount of $30,000. The
enti e business portion of the town was
bu •ed.
N w Yorts, October 27.—The bank
ate ent, for the week ending on Saturday
to s an increase of loans of $2,367,261
epo its $160,506. 'A decrease of specie
1,3 5,725 ; decrease circulation $29,289.
old closed this afternoon at 13.4.
Th Express of this evening professes
ha e reliable information from semi
fie' 1 eirelesin Europe, that England and
-an e have decided upon!therecognition
the Southern Confederaey if thejoint
Fers of mediation and an armistice for
ar o six months to be proposed- to
war are not abcepted; they fear a
..tve insurrection, and it is to afford their
own citizens resididg there,. ample protec-
tion, Under the eyes! of their regularly ap- '
poitelil agents, .that England and France
will claim the necessity of "recognizing the
new COnfederacy: ...;
CELWESTON, Oct. 23.—The enemy's
gunboats anchored below Coosawatclue,
and the enemy have been driven to their
The Richmond Examiner says : McClel
land is 'falling back into Maryland, which
move will dishearten the North and oped
upon icelellan the flood gates of abuse.
MIL t'KEE, Oa. 27.--The Typograph
ical tin on of this city is on a strike for
an adva,ce on present wages.
raza=peowooma. ) l
Rte" • e river was rising slowly last
evening. It will be seen by reference to our ad..
vertising columns that the new steamer Silver
Cloud, Capt. Shims). is advertised for Cincinnati
and St. Ikon's. We are pleased to learn that
Capt. J. Conway has charge of the aloe.
For C I.oulsollle, Cairo and
St. Loofa,
• URSDAY • OCT. 30—I F. M. •
DID passenger Steamer SILVER
llD,Shaman. Commander. Captain
Fray, jerk, with leave as announced above.
rfrei htor pursue apply on board.
_ -
TM ANA 8 Fit 0E 8-
1 Imble's Varieties,
I intble's Varieties,
Wrimble's Varieties
On We ; ielght
On Wednesday!N 'mixt
On Wettlabe3qay ;Night
and ever:night during the week
and avery;r4ght during the week
I and everyanght during the week
Prise of Admission. •
Orchestra ;seats,
ParquetteXota gallery, 10ete.
0e27 2t.
Leuze urelfa.seorat WM . TIENDEILSON
PRICKS OF ADyn3BlON.--r Bows $5 . 00
Single Seat in Private Box; 0(}. Paninette and
Dream Circle, ohaire , 50 ma Family Circle, 25
aentag Galleryery, 25 °on* Colored Boxes
50 o mi ts; 15 cent&
Eighth night of the engagement of Mr. R. E. J.
MILES an his oelebrated trained horse. MIN
First appe anoe of Miss Kate Sheldon.
Mr. Chaplin
To conclude with the
lately existing between Oweo MeElroy , and
hush McElroy, under Cie firm of MaELRO &
CO., was dissolved on the sth day of Ootober, by
the death of Owen McElroy. The business of the
late firm will b settled by the surviving Portlier.
oel7:2wd McELROY.
tinder the name and stele of SCHMERTZ.
BLRAICLEY, & JO waediasolved on the
Ebid of July, ult.. Erasais.rainson retiring. The
basin's' of the firm, dating from the 28th de& of
March last, will) be settled by
0017 Rq.. 458 WOoti street.
. .
WEAR tramoßrrosvar R
sale.-100 sores. T hirty - :hired anitin,
cultivation; renta indonr , eheleti: - .tioittor; (hood
Roil well watered; excellent sprinanitahle for,
grain or stook.- gad and. yor
atilt within a
mile; io o o r d road, to yniceitei mi . p r i ce . $7 Der termiMarlaltriActiftiV
Oornmensial Brame, "
• ElNizie,smeet,
. I F ° e i tter iWIE.I 'B""LH : T711114 1Pr;
nurser :
signet Is still' nearing. recruits' for all the
Pennsylnkniareltiments.hut more especially that
popular veteran 'reirerfe4 the - ,.f.lxty-thirS, red
by the '
gallant Col: Ile' will pay to ovary
recruit the • usual - governmrint btunlY Etna ad
valiaq pay;,_• also the minty bond and extra bound
ty of $lO. 111/11..t_em. Ve recruits for any branch
of the service, inthritmri cirealry. or artillery.
Office at Wilkins Fourtli'streht •
_ .4.f.;.1?. GROSS.
oeteinid Ist ListiiiiiBd. P. v. rar.
~ ...:.
nvl E mil
us of
:Apialikfni.if o
p BUT.
TRIMBING -'4:;;:,
S: ' '
HOEIBBY,_tifs6VFAI: '• '-.
- aw,LIITERY'dOnDa,
'— - NOTION'S, a'o., &O.
Oar present 'stook ezabraime.evex7thing here
tofore kept; with tho addition of - many new and
motel arn,dee; to which -ere inyite the eneeini
attention of the jobbing trade. ,T-,','
goinit into camp should supply themsolvca w ith
antlia neither, .11Inekets, all Wesl
Shirts, Wool 4Slorea,linspend.
era Collars" the. •
saw- - . 1.7 a, 17 -Fifth street.
Seuring .114ebijnes9
Awarded Ow row Prewar:W - 44U
United states 'Fair
1858, 1859 anitilB6o.
UPWARDS 0; 4;) 0 .
MACHINES sold in the United States
20,000 SOLD Tar, PAtirill'3l4.2t
We offer te :the pada - WIDMER et
=Dump PRICES, with .It*eiod °nit d ones
of ita merits uthi belt and -roost•tutefal
Sewing Machinenowitt•lise.: dowlWkiially well
on the thickest and alienist .fsdWitiai;maken the
look-stitch impossible to unravel, I amts on both
sides; is simple in sautruotion.tabieieedy in
movement, and more durable than anyytber me
al/in". Glroulgin giving 'prices and dsieription
eftnachinefarnished 6114 an altpThis44 , st in P9r
son or ity letter.
ligireew Machine warranted for wereenyeats.
ap 3 ' WM- SUMNER
ar,l4bee Bone_ /4044; .4.
apd audlip els I
leo, &rpm; Small T Rail and - Fiat Ear Rath'
Iron, suitable for Coal Work&
. Works artiktiotainir the CITY GAaWORYZ
Warehomio, No. 88 Water streeraratt
6 BiarkeOstreet, BagalWe
We we now manufacturing straDedtitemitielo of
IA - lAt ,
which we szerreperedio deliver fremin*COAL
YARD, 509.4BERtrelinu*.
Rod VAUDof ' E *, 2 o. l *C o P.l:l4lin on hand as sumaL _
win • -incrizmw, iwnrcerkipka co.
Spencer & ItiWay,
Pit2Bbungh, SeptenlbergLlZU
—The partnership heretof -reng, be •
tween JOS SPENCER and CIA R 4 RD
was dinolved on the 20th'ef Auswt- W.
IL GARRARD being authorized to' settle up the
business of the late krin at the office in the Si ow-
Brewintstisiness ill be cootie ut.d by
SPENCER . fr WRAY. who 'intend h ave a l_
ways on hand a superior article : A L E P.
TEA and BROWN SMOOT...UFO undersigned •
will h e thankful to the blends of thijattifinn for
a continuance of thew'ftnonnise
to make it theirium to ittiresadthA l o n t. all who ,
may prochase from them. • ---
• kir, ROBERT WATSO Loi , llbertPitriet, so
long known to lhabilikless conmninibVwill v
the management of 0ur...-bnainess. Itith':the
controlin the Brewery,
Address all orders to BPENCES:ikIiIoRAY,
Phcenix Brewom Plttsburgh ‘ Pa.
salS•lyd JAISES - 111 oR . A V.-
Mr. Milo
v•isa 'Elite,Elheldon
Office, N. E. Oor, Wood & rifra StO.
Wm. Phin i •vi,
Joim Watt, . -• .
u• vi;
John X Parkis
°barb* 8.1318m4 •
Williamna Kit
BOUNTY 0177.
• -• " ' WAR DRPART3IIM. .. 1.
Washingt-n Qtr.-D. 0 , u 0 ,.. 2, /b 62. I_
MA.maJosirra A: Srocgrog; J ittobu gh,- PR:
Sir. You are - hereby:atttborizod to raise 1 -
Regiment of Cavalry hi the State or f'e,ms lra..
eta, for three years or during tho war, , ct be ,g•
poised in accordance mitt General 'Ordor No.
/..W,_ from this Department.,
The: Field - an staff:wooers can he roistered . -
upon completion of the organisation of.the Red
meet.Enlisted nisn will be mustered as enrolled. Sap-
plies of clothing into. horses and - equipment'
will be byfurniened the proper Department.
By order of the , Storetary-ofiVar.
' • Brigadier General and A. A. G. -
. n. _ . _
__ .z ... - -4
1, IIiADQUAMMI e zgagggyT, MA NuATTA,}
Harrisburg, Oat. 7.1865,
The foregoing authority of the War Pepartment ,
is approved. and ordered , that the Regiment of _
Cavalry thus authorized to bo raised agreeeblv to
the terms and organirition indicated by the War "--
Department. :By order of the Gos - ernor.
.- -
_ • ..A. L. RUSSELL.-
•• Adjutant General Pennsylvania. •'''.
. ,
! Proni,the above it will , team that the under.
signed-has been duly anthorgedlo rale.. this Reit. ' :••
iment: -It will be attached. as far as lt ,, aible to ' -•
the Stanton Cava and - Clol.4,mes M. Schen*.
maker will essistin , ctimplitting the Reel. out. • . '
.The Intl:Winton Regiutentisnew at t'amo Rowe.
uniformed._ anti :* will be 'mounted ' hvre. Rive
Companies of this iteglinent‘are now in Camp, fast filling up. '-t: ,--'. -
Companies, parts of ComPartiee anti squads. not ..-
already accepted. have now therlist and undoubt
edly the finest opportunity for?enterue tee :ser
vice. All Bounties from the United btates will
be given ' to the men. and.this Allegheny Uount-S'
Bounty to such men as may:berenlinted from ARC.
Pen'Y CPUnty• Tide Battalion- has b•en called.
or special service - by _the Seetetary of War.. and
will be armed. equipped ssidhorse . d wit:, the least - -
Doman° delay.
stir-The Colonel can be fonndat Headquarter,.
BANIC BLOCK -Fifth street, , above Oeneral •
Rowe's office. - LLt _ - ocll-tf •
, ..
, . .
! COME. 410:;;;Iii.ESCITE!
Iwoniurnoiliiiimit- W ANTED, TO 1
fill the ranks of the., ll,FfilTli WEGI3I PNT
PEBLDISY,L yANIA -7 . I tESBIifiT 4 CO.IIFS. • Gen- --';',
ilemen desiring to join Ihe , :artoy cannot conned
themselves with a bettor regiment. For fur her ~:•
information inquire at3teertiitink Office. Wilkins --',.-
Hall„ Four h street: •-• • -.
.. ;_, - - ••• Rebr9iting Offiemr.
.4. •1:., : i.T., 1 4 - ig .
inEw GOODS F 0.12 PALL.
110111 TITAN
• Jamas tt..Vetrner.
-- Paptlne.,Latioad
Malta P..Sbriver,
7georteli Joust.
zanatiwaitaet 6
,StilsuLttm LON 4 '
nit UENSAPrtliailllt
780ATT.y..• Vicl;Preesulmils