&meg. P. Barr, Editor & Proprietor. Elli•%l i .rltlE . !GY V E CIE T t NO ALOOSOLIO PREPARATION A PURE TONIC MEDICINE DR IROOFLAND9S' CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS FIREPARED BY I R C. M. , JACKSON, Philade phia, Penna., W ill effectually cure Liver- Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Cla rank!. or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidtteys, and all Diseases . Arising,from a Disordered I.lvCr or Stomach. ' snob att Consti- • nation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Bided to the Beau'. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, heartburn, Disgust for Food,,lFulluest or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Fructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the eit ei i .to Stom ach, Swimming oa the. tics.. Hurried and difficult Breathing, Eluttbring at the Heart. Choking or suffocating sensations when in a lying uosture, Ditnnelis of Vision, Dots or welts be the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the head, Deficieric.x of Persratiun, Yel lowness of the Skin and es PEL111„111 the Side, Back. Chest, Lim'hs, Sudden Flushes °ill eat, Burn ing in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and front depres ;Sion of epirita j . 6nd will ilositiyetylprevept xellow Fever, Billions Fever, ,ko, GY CONTAIN • NO ALCOI T 10 H 14 014',11AD WHISKY! They will cure tha above diseases in ninety-nine aces out of a hundred. Induced by the .extensive sale and universal populari e 7 of Hoofland's German Bitters, (purer) , vegetable hosts of ignorant quacks and unscru pulaus venturer * have opened upon suffering humanity the flood gates of Nostrums in the shape of poor whisky, vilely compounded with injurious drugs, and christened Tonics. Stomachics and Bit ters. Beware of the innumerable array of alcoholic preparations in plethoric bottles, and big-beilied kegs, under the modest appellation of Bitters: which, instead of curing only aggravates diseases, and leave the disappointed sufferers in despair. To (1 WA NTSOMETHINO. , O STRENO TR EN Yo U ? YOU WANT AiGOOD APPETITE! .DO YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CON - STITU7'ION! DO YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL! DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF NER VOUS NESS LIO WANT ENT "O Y 1 Do you Want to v 1 oppp Well? Lo you want n brisk and feeling?' Jtt do use HOOFLAND'St . GERMAN BITTERS. From J. Newton Broiri, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia :ofißeligiowt ;Knowledge. Although not disptised to favor or recommend 'Patent Medicines iiigeneral, through distrust of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no !sufficient reason why it man may not testify to the benefit he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation in the hope that he may ;thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the - more readily in regard to Hoof :hind's thirteen Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. .Jackson, of this city, because I wasprejudiced against them for many years, under the tmpres 'slon that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture, lain indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, ..EBtl ~for the removal of this prejudice'by proper „ests, and for enecuragement to try them, when :suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three potties of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and' restoration to a degree of avidity aud mental vigor whichl had not text for ix months before, and had almost depaired of re 'lining. I therefore thank (Jed and my friend for iirecting me to the usoof them. J. NEWTON BROWN. PHILIDELPIII.I. June 1861. FS•om thy Rev. Joeeph H. Kennard,;Poetor of the Tenth Booties (Aura. DR. JACKSON-DiAR Sol :--I have been fr juently requested td connect my name with corn nendatlous of different kinds of medicine, but ethr ga ug the twactins as out of my appropriate phere, I have a all cases declined; but with a :dear proof in various instances, and particularly in my owh familyy, of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof land's Herman ATMs, I depart from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and especially Liv er Complaint it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some eases it may fail, but usually I doubt not it will be , yery beneficial to those who suffer from The abovecauses. tours very reopectfully, J, H. KENNARD, Eighth below Coats street, Phila., Dee. 24th. ronithe Wife eif ALDERMANWUNDER. Ger inantenen. (ixamstirowN, June 1 1861. DR. C. M;JACIKSOR—Sin---It gave me pleasure, woyears ago, to give you a certificate, testifying cat the German Bitters had done for me. lam ow perfectly curedii of all those diseases your xedicine professes tdeure, EtYspePsia,Chron ic and Nervous debility, disease of the KidneYs. to. The powerful inpuenceit exerts upon Net- VOUS prostration is surprising, I have 'been con sulted frequently in reference to your Bitters,and without hesitation, Rave recommended it for the above complaints, mid in every instance it has effectually cured. Your medicine has a great reputation in Germantown, and is sold in every Drug Store, and in most of the Grocery stores here. If any ono shohld question what I say, let them come to Germantown, and I will prove to theiraatisfaction, that the Bitters have cured in this vicinity more thati twenty oases of the above licenses. Respectfully, HANNAH WUNDER, Main street, aboveßittenhouse, Germantown. m. *MST THE THIRF', POR THE SOLDIERS. Will build up the cOnstitutlon„ and give health end strength to an! overtasked and diseased earth. THE TESTIMONY FROM THE ARMY PRILiRELPRIA, August 12, 1862. R. C. M. JACHSONTDear Sir: While in Vir a,owing to the change of water, I was taken w. di a severe Übirrho*. *Mel seemed incurable, and which greatly weakened me. When we cached Martinsburg. 'I feared I should, have to ome home; but noticing some tuf'your Bitters in ~ho store Mr. il. B. Price, in that t0wn,..1 pur hased a supply. and oh taking it was speedily re stored. to healtb. The diarrhoea was quickly theokod, and I experienced no return of it. A Dumber of my commies, who suffered in thesame manner and from the. same cause, with whom I 6 bared the Bitters, loin me in this certificate. I expect to return to thelseat of war with the Leg on, and shall certainly take a supply of the Bit r sin my knapsack. I would not be without it its weight in gold, tiarticularly on going into'a me.stone ration. Yours. truly. A. E. ALTEMUS, Company B. Scott Legion. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS Bee that the signature' of "C. M. JACKSON." is °Atha Vlgarrs a of each bottle. Prinoinal Offlotand Manufsotory, riftl. 031 ARCH' JONESI. EVANS, (SUCOKSBORS TO (3,. M. SAOK,80)1 & CO.) PROPRIETORS. ISirPer gale by •Danigtata and Deftlen in every men in: tho United Sta r tm and by } Dr. GEO. U. KEYSED, . Ptetabangh. It. P. . CM WARTI,,, . my2l :1 -dood - Allegheny CIO% elt. A 0 for tale at JO SEPH PLEIEDII.PS cor ner of th Diamond 'Market stmt. V‘Yr sal also by t p Os minardivroar, mi l go roar litheitilridd and gdurtlietreat Jw..l I. - -II . , ' = . • - ‘ . •l a . . u 0 1 . - ' - - fblA . -.. -,'' .? ' '-'-'''-',--",*,,----. 4,4,44,---2,..-"----,-.44.4,z•-•-,.".'-',7'-`,,,,,,..,-.,4,,,,'*-4-4,411f,,,:,..t.tt:' ..--: 1.. ....ttq .. :...112._ - ..:...."`: ''... `":- '-. --!.... 1 !... 1 . 17 4 . 1 4u_'!_ - ..• " ^ f ., ' ...-. ; - .7 ,,, ' , .--"... - " ,,,, 1 ,44 '.A... ,1 ...,. : -. : 4 ''...: 2 ..., -....—:-...' '''' -• "._.: -J.. '.l._' . :,..,1,.....: - ~-. c: , , - ... les - . •z• *,'; ii ,-. ''-' '" '" " --.... '....: f l : 4 -4' ~ ~::.' : ' '.:: f - 5.... '1 1 , ...i.:' , 8 ;:i ).` ' . - , .•,. ~:.. ; J , . ' "- , ..t ~1 :, ~,.., 13, .;.••••;•;,': ; - IM :1 • 1 :14 1... !....• . c. ', ,-• f' . .. 'l ' LI . V, ''' .--' V . Ifit , .l ' * ' r . =p- ',v.'', -r, ~, J.' . . 7, . • ' -. ' i '',...1.1.s ,3.. t I, , -:„-, :....t , .. .. _ ~. . . ~..... . ' .; V. - .44 ..9 1. - . ` .7, 1.,!;',• ..• 1 , , ,,• ._., 11 - 56 • all e •.; , \ . t' i '.. ' ,-•. . ' ' • ~ 'IT.: , :. , C, '., I . ' • 11, I ;i, P, • ' . - I - -'- i ...' TO THE PUBLIC. E . S PEC/ALLIC "-. ', . theismorant andfitisis. --"'",.. "" TY Modest o tall denolni. nations. treat s ecret and: delicate disorders, self,: :. i. , 2. abuse and .diseases or ol La, --- ' • • • Itiationit Common and in- , 1;f: -- - • eldicit 4o . youth,s- of both . , ;A:4-- .E. • 13 " 60 -t- auttJ adults. einghier. Married.: , B ecause publishes dui fact of •his deb g so, the ignorant and falsely modest-are dreadfully shocked, andthink it is great sin very immoral and "for contamination .and. corruption. &moue their:wives, ntomising eons and daughters.' Their famili Physician should be cautious to kegp them in ' i gnorance that they do the game as Dr. BRAN STRUp. (except publishing) lest a lucrative= See aught be lost to , them among - stupid modest and presumptuous fa mi lies, born and raised in ignorance. sprong_np,as mushrooms and who compare society.: intelligence. Sense: a0......t0 dollars and cents, mysteriously , meanly oniti gotten.. It is to publicity, however, that minima ParentS and guardians are th Inkful that their sons, daughters and wards, previously feeble sic and of delicate condition and appearance nave: been restored to health and vigor by DR, D.KANS.T.RTJP, besides many -before and _after marriamethiongh him have been saved much ant faring; anxiety, mortification. ice. Spermatorr hea or nocturnal emmissions. are completely cured in a very short space of time by his new remedies, which aropeculiarly his own. They era compounde rem the Vegetable Kingdom. having Been the fallacy;ofthefilerourial treatment,he has abandon• ed it and substituted the veritable Female dia l:One are treated with markettsumm—aarmg had over flirty Years (40) cixperiem3e m their 1 treat ment in hospitals of both the Old World and in the United Statue leadslim to say—to all with a: fair trial, health and hrtppiness will again bloom upon the now—npalled cheek. Trifle no longer with montebanke and quacks. but come and be cured Consumption - and all' of' Its kindred diseases, et which so many annually fin our countries„ can now be relieved. providing they attend to. It in time Pull particulars can ad of my treatment by procuring a copy °idle Me dical Adviatr.which is given gratis to all that apply Having the ad vantage of over forty years 03 perienoe and observation, consequently. he has superior skill in the treetment of special diseases. and who le daily can tad by the profession. as well as recom mended by repeatable eitisaus, publimers, pro vi 'ctors or hotels, 4tc. Utica SIS Smithfield street, near Diamond - street. Private omaniuni cations from all parts of the Union strietly al tended to. Direct to OX SOO, defitlydaw Pittsb u rg h Pest Office. -------- NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY, MlOll THE SPEEDY AND PERILALD. ENT care of GONORRHEA. GLEBT. lIRBTIIAL Disehr Seminal Weakness. Nightly Bmle. one; Inoontinenee,4lenital Irrita bilityGr yet Stricture and - Airectlons of the Mil d ladder. Which has been nuseen! an B d by upwards of ONE 'HUNDRED PHYSICIANS. in their private proatioe, with the entire stioom. superseding CUBE:se, Corktak, CAPSULES. Or an, compound hitherto known. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are sit i aly in action, often effecting a cure in a few s, and when a cure Is effected itis perman ent. ey are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the ayatem, and never nause ate the stomach, or impregnate the breath and being sugar coated, alLuauseotts taste is avoided. No chmge of diet is neroeseary whilst using them; nor does their action interfere with business p suits. Each box contains 81.1 C dozen Pills• PRICR:ONE DOLLAR. • Dr: - Bell's Treatise on Sentinal Weakness, Self A latent, Gonorrhea, Meet. &e. a Pamphlet of 5 0 Pages. containing important advice to the af flicted. SENT .NREE. Six cents are required to pay postage. DR. BELL'S GREEN 8008, A complete Treatise on Ovuerrhea. Weet. Stric ture. Syphillil, So., in all the various stages, with 7 Ptescriptions in Er4lish, adapted for self rent went. without the aid of a physwian PRICE ONE DOLLAR The Pills or Books will be sent. secure from ob servation. by mail, post-paid, by any advertised Agent, on receipt of the money. J. BRYAN, Rochester N Y. Gen'l Arent. JOAPM IfLBMINkv corner Market etc eat and Diamond. Agent for Pittsburgh, atati:daeowlytie Sold by all Druggists SPECI AL NOTICE—TUE LAST IN. stallinent on the tissessment for Grading and paving. made under the supplement to the city Charter is due, and if not paid before the lat of October next, will be placed in the hands of the city Solicitor for collection. subject to costs of suit. se9-tf .EICUB All Id. Treasurer, EUROPEAN .A.G-IENCAr. RATTIDOAA, EUROPEAN -11- Agent, bringater street, Pittsburgh. Pa., is prepared tout or send back passengers from or to any part of the old country, either by SlGHTailing_packets. DRAFTS FOR BALE, payable in any part of Europe. Agent for the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Rail road. Also, Agent for the old Black Star Line of Sailing Packets, and for the lines of Steamers sail ing between New York, Liverpool; Glasgow and GalwaY. fell WM. H.SMITH JOS. R. HUNTER • WM. N. SMITH dr CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS NOS. 112 SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS' de23 PITTSB . Rail BAGS: BAGS!! BAGS!!! 20.0 a) Seamless Bags; 6,000 Gunny Bags ; 1,000 Bowbay Sacks; 2 500 Large Heavy Linen . ' 5,000 Army Oats and Corn Sacks ; 500 Salt `Sacks—For sale by HITCHCOCK, MoCREERY Jr CO, Bel2-3ruis 131 Second street. WILLIAM MEANS, nAvid Wessman& ELABRIISON A. 001,11 M. Seeeial Partner. General Partners. MEANS arc coFirtir, Wnooessors to WOandloss. Means k C 0..) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Oorier Wood and Water Streets, felOda PITTSBURGH. PA GRAVEL, FELT. AND CANVAS ROOFING. tz r R sale i. t CONSTANTLY ONm d:forwi s:Ao IRON SATURATED FOR ROOFS. Our work is not to be excelled by that of any Roofor in Western Pennsylvania. B. F. SHOPE, 7,5 Smithfield at, je2s-3md Pittsburgh. NEW GOODS. plum HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM V V the East a large and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, for Gents' and Youths wear, embracing all the newest styles COATINGS. CASSIMERES AND VFSTINGS. W. H. MCGEE & CO., 143 Federal street Corner Market Square. Allegheny city. my 9 TIM DAY— ,Just opened .a complete assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. W. H. McOEE & CO., my 9 HZ Federal street.. Allegheiktaiw: pys SOOTS, BOYB BOOTH CHEAP! CHEAP!! CHEAP!!! at DIFFENBACHEBM. I EO. 1.5 Fifth at.. near Market at. A A.PLES--75 IL4IRRELS GREEN A?. Am. ides just received and for sale by JAMES A, FETZER. se2o center Market and Eirst streets. WIN DOW CURTAINS FOR SALE by W. P. MARSHALL. 5e.27 Si Wood street. 9CLELLANH'S BrEADQUI7R7'EIIB 1.111 is at 55 Fifth street, when ho is prepared to snit all in Boots and Shoes 'at prices that defy competition. EFCH DECORATIONS-4 tIIIOICE reolleetien.of new panel decorations for sale W. P. BietittlilLL, - street. BOYS BOOTS, flffLiD9llll, ADVEBTISEHNS. JESSE JOHNSON, MIMI 0011118810 N IRROIRAT, • .IfD MIAMI IN Flour, Grain end all kinds of Country Produce, Wines and Liqttorl, Cigars, Tobaco, .Ye. ailr Liberal ad4oed made on oorudimments of HIGH WINES. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 231 SOUTH SECOND ST aided, PHILADELPHIA. WM. BRICE &, CO PRODUCE AND PROVISION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO: 15 SOUTII WATER STREET, I' Ltdttidalpi~la. *3- Liboral advances made on oonsisnments when required. myl-lyd FRIES 4 LEHMAN, NO. 813 MARKET BTREEI PHILADELPHIA, Jobbers in Md., Cassimeres, Vesting:l he. • Always on hand it . l weal selected stook of Goods suitable for the trado. mYI-Iydo E. P. MIDBLETON & BRO., liipOITIRB OP WINES, BUAN'DIES, &e., AItD plAtteßs IN FINE OLD WHISKIES, NO. 5 NORTH FRONT STREET PHILADELPHIA.. aplo3yd _ _ JOHN Z 64L180N..WY P ELLISON..RODMAN B ALLMON JOHN B. ELLISON & SONS, IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND YOUNGS,. NO. 389 MA I RIZET STREET, 4,r below Fourth.) PEILLADEIRIIIA. mylayd GEORGE GRANT, Manufmturer and Wholesale and Retail llealeh. IN MIRY !DRSORIPTION OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 610 CHESTS UT STREET. my] PHILADFCLPIIIA C. HARRY BRIAN, I,oNaccipur. .1 -. EIA.IICI-2;, MANUFACTURERS it) IMPORTERS. —IOP - MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, rayl.:l7d PHILADELPHIA. SMITH, PARK & CO., WA; tD .I.`o U N1)11 Y • I PITTSS RUH, PA Warehouse, No. 149 F irst and 120 depend ste Manufacturers of all sties and descriptions of Coal Oil, Extorts and Stills, tha and Water Pipe Sad Irene, Dog Irons, Wagon holes. Steel Moulds Pulliesjlangers and Pouplinas. Also Jobbing and Mactunail ery de• soription made to ordee. , Mavin,ga complete niaohinWhop attached to the Foundry, all neoeseary filth's will be carefully attended to . ; tedatlyd'aw LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MINES -1N D - SMELTING WOE, KN. PARK.. AUCURLI Y & CO Manutaotnrara of Sheath. Brasiers' and Bolt Copper.. Pressed Cor Per Bottoms, Raised Still Bottoms. Spa !ter Solder, &a Also importers and dealers hi Metals. Tin • Plate fiheet tire. ace. Ali' Constantly on hand. Tlnmen's Machine nd Tools. Warehouse, No. 149 BLUM and 190 ECOND STREETS, Pit tsburgh , Penna. 491- Speolal orders of op per oat to any desirod tern. faithlydaw DIMMIEWSS WORKS. E. U.'Di & ULCO., ANITTAOTURIEBOTI lIVERY &JUST! 01 FINISHED RILASS WORK, DAN AND ,filT.. Alt FITTERS, 461- P arti onlar atte ticm to fitting Oil Refiner -es, Dress Castings of a periersmeothness made to outer. Steamboat ork and repairing gener ally. Joss' Oil is; Davy's Safety Lamy: Gas Brackets and ti. ants: Corner ST. CLAIR STREET AND DUQT.I NE WAY. fol&tf :Young's E tang Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN (ALLEY AND SMITE. FIKLDi STREETt3t Where OYSTERS an all the delicacies of the season, will be served up in the most palatable style. I G. ocl4 corner Virgin alley andSm i th f i eldsk ' JAMES It. CHILDS. HOPE CO ' ----- 11' ON MILLS, Alleghen City. rn., MANITPLOTIIIIVItS OP SEAMLESS BAGS, AND OF .... _ . COSN'ArUTLGS, 12 Inches- to 40 Indi es Wide.: Sir Mere may be eft et 11. CHILDS do CO'S, 1 188 Wood street. Pit burgh. non:l3 , de WILMA BAGALEY, - WHOLESA E GROCER! NOB. 18 AND SO WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG a - 1 B. NEEL • 141 FIFTH 8 opposite Cathedral RRAL ESTATE D GENERAL AGENT, DIALER& IN NOTES. BONDS. MORTGAGES and other t3eet rities: STRAYEI OR STOLEN. A SMALL REO COW. ANY PERSON finding her wil be suitably rewarded • by leaving word at Martin's Grocery, on Rebecca street, Allegheny, cToslte Patterson's Lumber Yard,. tf or by droppit a note in the Pittsburgh r ,o ul2rst Office. GREAT ILEDII, D. H. WILLIAMS lON IN BOOTS, SHO , AND GAITERS, SH STORE OF OSEPH H. BORLAND.' door from nth. ir2B Market street, Bacon VERTBODY 12Abear fromtheir f 1 to ithow, where to bu The blue is at M'Cle ID/ ANXIOUS TO lends in the army, and also Bix)ts and Shoes cheap.— and's. 55 Fifth street. :4 - 1110ICEB 1 I iMG LOTS FOR SALE WU pleasantly altnaon Rebecca street, Alle gheny 01l = i..a di ancf a largegarden. with fruittrees. MY etc.. and easy of Recess by Passenger Railway. arsons desuronsofsecnring a good and p leasant . ocation for a residence are particularly invited to look at these beautiful lots which are offered , at low prices, and on easy terms. Call and see the lan at our office. 4 seal' 1 Mac SONS. 1 , ' • siMarket Street: 2. SATURDAY _ drafted I shall resign. i l , y grateful for the onexpeeted hon oufered upon me, I shall feel coin esign the position in favor of sum rthy person. Modesty is what That's what kept me under. d,e -say, I shalt hay to resign if ted evervwheres I've bin inrold I must no v, tor instuns be inrold in up wards o Y.OO dilferent ' towns. If I'd kept on trveli .' I should haw eventooally be come a ligade, in which case I could hay' held a n eetin' and elected inyself a Brig adeer-gii rat quite unniniiniss. - 1' ha'nt no idea ther was so many of me before. But,' serisly, concluded to stop exhibitin' and make tr !ks for Baldinsville. My on y (laughter therw herself onto my boos m, and said; clt is me fayther! I. thank th Gods!" She re ds,the _Ledger; "Tip u your bunch of fives, old fakerr ' said Art mus, Jr. Fie reads the Clip per, Deep! or thus peld to more 1 ails me. I mea I'm dra My wifs was to the sou I.' circle. I knew she and tie wiminin' folks was - having ‘a pleasant me slanderin'ilie feniales of the other soWiti . circle, (whieh.likewise met that afternoon, and was doubtless enjoy i 9 i II theirselve ' elcally Welt in • slanderin' the first-name circle) and I Aid'rit send fqr I her. lal us like to see people Injoy their selves. My tow] There we, draft, as 1 triotism w LA jew der down on tl sixteen s' abreast, w ••What' "That," Sixteen a stage line That's the drivers is letter in hi "The in, landlord. '. than six le havegot. liver!" "And th 'There a' said the lar prefer to rough." "And ho of the edito' ty, who eot "I can't in a wise Wl] The school quent style, c stand. I said the c but it had br has cum, I sa of making us to take MI My wife says For those wh a kind of war My wife says succeeds in tal seem to be ad ten, i shall an ington will be 1 nor, as it wer will be an e say, that nohl wife says so t here, but th mum.] Felle day for this R safe. Gen. le ger of Glouces as General Fi the day be not the same of W it will be don MU be safe.en. Phelps is comin' home. Let us rejoice hat Vermont will soon be safe. My wif says so too. The editor the Bugle-Born of Liber ty here arose, nd said: "I do not wish I to interrupt th gentleman, but au import ant despatch as bin received at the tele graph office h e. , I will read it. It is' s follows: O u r ev'snent is about to 'take vigorous'Meas . : res to put down this rebel lion. That , said I1 ) s cheering . That's sooth ing. And Was ington will be safe. ]Sen oltion.] Gen. atterson's in Philadelphia tint my heart b eeds partic'ly for Washing- , ton, (which pl 1 e, I regret to say is by no 1 means safe,) w o turn out two or three cords of mone a day—good , money too. 'Goes well.these bank note engravers make good w s. I expect they lay np i property. Th -are full of Union senti ment There's onsidererble Union senti ment in Vi *tiny, more especially among the ho est farmers of Shenan doah Valley. etsey says so too. E l i Then it is nt opey we, want. But we do want men dwe must have them. We 'mud carry a w irlwind of fire among the, foe. We must rush the 'ungrateful xehela ORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1862. ELECT 'TALE. DBAFTI BAIMIXSVILLE BY Mkt CWT.'S Wki! ,smen was sort 0' demoralized. a evident desire to ewade the I observed with sorrer, and pa. s below Par—and „Mar, too.— pr' • nau'nt no sooner sat e piazzy of the tavern than I saw litary hosSinem ridin' four ltdin' their way up the stree them! Is it. cavalry?" said the landlord, "is the stage. le.bodied citizens has hot the tween hare and Sqooetburg.-- . They're stag,edrivers. Stage empt. ' t each stage driver carried a Tell. hand. it is hevy ,today," said the thtiy . don't hare more ers 't ween 'eon: To-day they u-pienel Bile my lights an d passengers?" n t any, skiteelY, now•days,.' dlord, "and what - kw there is lalk, the roads are so very is it with . yore.' ' I inquired of the Bugle- Horn of friber• ear me. o," said he shakin . '.his head Iv. "Ordinarily I should deliglt ore, but my bleedin' country rat home. It is imperatively !at I remain here, for the pur• , ouncin' from week to week, !ernme»t is about to lake rig res lope! down lh is rebellion.' ' into the village oyster-saloon, d Pr. Schwaaey, a leadin' slate of mind which showed histin . more'n his share of .1d Beeswax!'' he bellere. grandnutme When are yo your stuffed miimals?" he matter with the eininen I pleasantly inquired. said, ''this is what's the mat iabitooal drunkard! I'm ex peeiment of. how things was lace of residence. true blue, The schoolinas (mg 'eta. He greeted me •said I was welkim to those said I had a tnassir mind.-- in,' he said, to see that gren their midst once more, had , occasion to notice this I . Ile is • evidently a young ire ~than ordinary talents. master proposed we should meetin The meetin . was ed. We, eld it in the open oarin' bonfire. Imaster was the first orator. !ood on the speak. Ile also is composition heirs' seldom ngrammatticisms. lie said i• .surprised him. "What do I come of this kind of Joins? or Nihi!! .. I interrupted. s, let us give three cheers man who .aster turned a little red, "Nihiljel.'' I said; "Nihil jit. Ile was ler." !able friend," said the school ' pleasantly, "isn't posted t know him, but if he's an in he must stand his little aster wound up in an elo d the subscriber took the isis bad not only cunt itself .nght all its relations. I d with the evident int entim : good long visit It's goin is things and stop with us. :o too. This is a good war. . like this war, it's just such • they like. I'll bet you. zo too. If the Federal army iing Washington, and they ono& that way pretty °I : it is strategy, and Wash !safe. And that noble ban -I—that banner, as it 'were— !blem or rather, I should I. banner-173 it were. - My :o. LI got a little mixed up !), didn't notice it. Keep citizens, it will be a ( proud • public when Washington is emont is there. No dan er, Massachusetts, as long emoht's there. And may far distant when I can say sbington. But if it is saved by strategy. Vermont will who are pounding the Goddess' of Liber ty over the lieid with slungshots, itud Stab hitt' her with stolen knives. W must 'ent quiCk. We must introduce a large number Of Grist-ea Is funerals among the people of the South. My wife says so too. I have gratemonfidence in A.. Linkon. 'The old feelloWs heart is in the right place, and his bead is clear:, There's bin sum queer doing by some'Ofliis deputies— , civil and military—let it pass. • We must. save the Union. And don'twait to be drafted. The Republic is .our ,mother.— Drive the assaains from ber.throat—drive them into the seal And tWI L if its worth while, stop and argue abiitvehia,caused all this in the first plate. Vou'yeheard the shOwmad—rmi've beard my, 44*. Me and Betsey is I. The meeting broke up with' enthusiasm. We shan't draft in Baldinsville wo can help it. : • - . PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 01111011 TRAIN A. Id. Leaves Wail's Statian ovary Sunday s it 9 15 do Turtle Crook, do do - 920 do Brinton'a, do do 926, do WilkineLurgh do do 942 do Bast Liberi y. do do 960 Arrive atPittaburgh. • 10 15 RETURNINS TRAIN P, 31. Leaves Pittsburgh overy Sunday at 100 do East Li Jarty do do • 124 do. Wilkinsburgh do do .........1 40 do Brinton's do do - 14 do Turtle Creak do do 1 0 Arrive a/Walls ' 2t' J. STEWART, Passenger Agent. Pittsburgh. July 9. 1861, .iyllt: THE ARDESCO OIL CONINNY WI A NIFIFA CTE DE AND HAVE FO /TM sale u superiu'r article of fined A rdeseo 011, NON• EXPLOSIVE.. ALEO, PUII. BENZOLE warehouse, 27 IRWIN STREET PITTSBURGH, PENNA MILITARY RAUNTLETS 1 RUCH AND I DGAUNTLETA 1141 WHI 11: AND RUFF Received by Exprese this day at EATON. MACRUM St CO'S, NO. 17 blitti street SOLA 01 ItliS EOMPA IV Ir. ON PENNSYLVANIA OFFICE ST. CLAIR STREICI, near the Bridge 1101-Addreps J. WEAVER., JR.. Secretary and Treasurer. mylit-tf PICKLES, SAIUCE.. 200 dor. pta, qts:34 & 1 gallon Pickle: 100 do Tomato Catsup: 10 do Walnut do 1.00 no Pepper Sauce: 10 do Worchastersh ire do pts and Si pints lo Cosa Olive* 10 do Caters: 15 doe. Engin& Chow Chow; sdo do Cauliflowers: sdo do PiccalillY: sdo do Onions: 20 do 'do Gerkins Sr Mixed Pickles: 21) do do . Mustard; 20 du French do itor sale by RHYMER &BRO'S. N as. 15ti and 128 Wood street. N12:5 FraUs Irira Almonds; 10 Bales Langadoe do 31 , Begs Slimly do 10 do English Walnuts; 30 do Filberts, 30 do Brasil Nuts; . 60 Boxes Shelled Almonds; 20 Kegs do do 20 Bags 2,000 Cocoanuts; 200 Bags African Pea Nuts: In Store and to arrive and for sale by Rh'YMER BRO'S. ses Nos. 1.% and 123 Wood street. ARMY Bit IBMS, SOLDIERS' GOODS New styles melting cheap, at MACRUM OT.YDN. eel VI Market Street. bat. 4th 'almond INI A. TIC ON A.. 0114. TE ARE NOW MANUEAREIIR' - this article, which for brillianoy in by , freedom of offensive odor. and transpark color. (which color we warrant to bo ohy,k,o" age or exposurej is unsurpassed by sf,We: nator in this or Eastern markets, Alt ir - 44 Oil to the consumer, we can specially 4Py it. Also, our manufacture of ''45 4 1,/ CAUSTIC SODAtt ,e ' Used by all large Soap Makers and Oil Refineries, which fixoeLs lo per cent. in strength all the make of English Soda brought to this country. Our manufacture of SAPONIFIER, DR CONCENTRATED LYE: SALT,AC Are so well and favorably known, we trust the mention is sufficient. All orders and inquiries will he tended to by addressing, _ GEORGE COLituuri, Agent, Penna. Salt Manufacturing Company. 24 Wood street, Pittsburgh. 0I8:19 i"twis THE ELDORADO, (FORMERLY CWT ETOMIQUIR,) CORNER FIFTH & SAIITEFIELD STREETS. (Opposite the Poet Office.) ITIHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING AL. taken the above well-known i stand_ will be pleased to see his friends at all hours. Hs wines, liquors, ales, and cigars are of the best. JOHN LUNDY. Proprietor. STEAMBOAT AGENCY. WM. lIA ZIJipT Has opened an aloe at NO. 90 WATER STREET, Whore ho will transaot a General Steamboat Agency business. and would solicit a share of pat roma° from steamboatmen. ap24-lyd VF YOU WANT SOME GOOD NEW 1 Fruit or prepared Mince Meat, mixed, and all other kinds of Spices, cooking Brandy or Wine, Now Orange, Lembo and Citron Peel go to !Haworth .k Brothers, in the Diamond. where you :will get anew crop of Fruit and lower than at any other house in the city. Also a_general and ;tell assortment of Family Groceries, Teas Wines, !Brandies, and all other kinds of Foreign and Dome:Ala Liquors. ILAWORTH & BROTHER, deal corner Diamond and Diatnend Witt' MIOR RENT—The third and fourth stories of the new building No. 21 Fifth street, a ear Market. The fourth story. 22x104) feet is being fitted up for a first class DAG UERREAN GAL LERY. the location being one of the best in the city. The third story is two compartments, well suited for offices, and will he rented separately or together. Apply to J. L. CAR.NAURAN. sep9 Federal Bt.. near Diamond. Ileghen, • lIERLIN ZEPHYR! 200 LBS. ZEPHYR, WOOL, f all the choice and favorite shades and mix FOR FANCY' KNITTING. • Dealers supplied in: quantity of lass than pres ent Hasten' prise& _ EATON. MACRUM A CO.. N 0.17 Fifth vlmet. GO AND BUY A PAIR OF THOSE NUL Fifth choice Ba!morale for Ladies and Gents at 55 street- N O DRAFTAT 56 FlEltn EMMET. but_go to MoClelland's Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. . CIWEESE-16 , mortis PRIME W. R. CHEESE just received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, corner Market end First Streets. ONE TWO-SEATED SECONDHAND CARRIAGE, in good order will be sold at. $45 at Yrs JOSEPH VHITE'S. 18813 .Carriage Repository. Two'kfile Run. 0 LT'S RE V OLT ERN...OLD AND new model, all sizes. for sole by BO WN TETLEY. :oolt . . 136 Wood street. „ MIRETE NEN HAVE ARRIVED home, and in this cOnneetion we wonld segi IdeClellsuad'e tor BM! and Shoes. TOVR ,11RJILIDLEY, NO. 80 .;001) NT,RIFIET er Secant!. !I..talpyllo4 Whaendo and.Hetajl deali in ~ all kinds of Mangiilotur au! Cook, Parlor, , , d Hoatio&Stovesi Grate Pro i ta, Pendera, &o. - 1 IMP In our atlmple room mar be found tiki- ELORATED.GAS DU ItN ING COOK STovks . EUREKA AND TROI'IC, :: I merits m w MIL have been fully tested by . outlands , and t e Stove pronounced. nneausiSd y any in this' m ke4 together with agreatmatu ther desirable p l u ern , ' ! have also a v ry large assortment of • . . PAI . U.OR A .4,IEgATINQ STOVIQ3 i i embracing some of the BUT PATTERNS net Alined to the public. t .sIigr.PANCY ENAMELED- GRATE .FRONTS AND FENDERSof the newasts.grjes.„ Camino Kitchen Bow' and ..Tain ' Grates - 101;0 widen aro offered at vary lo prices. iir• Spacial indamenta 0601'4Xi to builders in want of GRATE TR._ I ONTS —t .: f • (.. ?,•;mr29t.f _ ... ... .Y. Ar• M. 11 . 1 3 t47C.E1EN . ! I L K ii. ii-,...-*. ~ ir, .re mm ma Ar .rx liCci tit: _,....*;BURIIB'S BUILDING STRE , ET. Pittsburgh. Pa. . I 111325 - ,000 1,04111, paDOS. . I in Mortgages and No: my 22 DRIES,- 50 casks Prime Currants; 10 cases Sicily Liquorice: 2 do Calabria do 25 boxes Maces's-out' IYJ do Vermicelle; 50 do Olive 10i1, quarts and pints: 30 eases Sardines , ' and .4 cans: 50 frails Date 50 boxes Castile SO 30 do Citron,. 5 oases Prunesiin jug 5 do do _fancy poxes. 200 boxes No. 1 Fire Crackers, " • , In store and for sale by REYMER & BROS. No.'s 133 and 123 Wood street: Wholesale,Grooery and Liquor.. Store For Sale. THR STfittit Ahlin FIXTURES OFA Wholesale firoolry and Liquor Rouse, do , - ins a good tride on; one of the best business streets in the city; is Offered for sale, as the - own7 era wish to go into other business.. 'For "further particulars address au7-tf LOCK Lucent OX, Pittsburgh.P.'o. 11 Works DIINCAN, DUNLAP & CO., Manufacturers of PURE WHITE REFINER CA.I - 1130N - r Officia:NO., 291 LIBERTY STREET; • fats burgh. Ya. msg-6md 14ITTILL74 - Arr4 NO. 106 FOURTH STUMM. STOCK AND BILL BROKER Promissory Notes, Stook Bonds. and Mort/mei bought and sold. , JOHN Ii'LEEGER, u N IE4 M I T 11. 25 corner Oide and Beaver 5124 ALLEGHENY CITY., , , Large order. Guns ()fall deseriptlALkegi lian/ or made to and for sale at LOW= CARR PRORS. Repairing promptly attended to. • noigavw-myst7dti . TIERNAN Wholesale an, a GETTT„ Retail Groeeva, ..DILLLIBE IN 77- - • LIOTIORS, mat=es TEAS, WINES, NORTH-B OHIO STREW corner of D THE DIAMOND S ALLEGRIERY CITY; 20.000 RV HELS OF. RTE . Waated at MOORE'S Li, vyw PAY the hicheet P ifirßOlf ,ISTIL4V2y ,r /%0MA:941009.11• , fit 9 : Fs s, , . 4 . . Fifth street,Y, jet I -=sir IkAibgitpwHouse Zelr,n LE , - OW mmvis IrD, raMppameigeg,at Aluppap - Tg, • • Vol. ''Xj.---Establi STEAMPJC Troia (Fa :RElit-iitCO., 'N'E'lfirrt D h S yun - czti . VENERALIIIACHNUITIANIESDIEBEVAXERs, - Rear ithe i f i enn:-IL R. Pasi.Cvged.. Dalt; , iiirmintrisouie , -- iix firiiii( - 0F ~.. i.v..• Steam Engines. 'ranging frtimilikeW . hundred and -ilft.y. borne .power, and nitedr..l r -Grist lifilltkylaw'Milla, Bleat Furnalioe;'l , &trance. ete• ' ' -I- '-', ~ I Hive pariicibir attention to de itpiatioctiotikluf Rupee mid Machinery{ forrgriav milleifandi Pm uprights, mules and ci rcular saw nails. 0. ,,, KageisilSonif hand: - finidi od an& reliOier Air - • meat *t shortnotipliEnelnes ar 4 1 .1lpilerac4AerY deaoripflori: Also. fmaidieoliers &Sheet Iron ieriaratoly. Wrought s Irii Shelling mingora rm.) .Prillies in Itevery- ' and tie intie 'the iireniiiWean6 of ; i ed lr n l r an irfl eamea c riM b e Fa t t o i ; ir gi n ual : :Tity: ll ; 6 ; l6l f-Mi r lika:te:hrfamtgePl:":Znid.aft:C;-411rira'ant'clocir : ANlPOrdere frotn gilt ofltheredintfy srilkit i ed and , promptly, filled. . i ; te2pltiv : DAUB:43v. bAPPRLD; • ' )NititOnOtp.:*Xv:4l*gi, • NO. 1861BMITg lELD - ST4/311,1%,:. WE ;HAVE LU T , .11:Elll RIVED' A large and ; wolf sol tot kook X 4 ' l ' P.P: • copsie4ng of . • ~„,...sting 01 c'lOthll Casimer H,ili r etitings, Ac, l ALSO—A - largo stook 0 -. • - 4 i- 1 .i 1 GENT'S, F.U.I4IIbUING UpODS, i InOltiding• Woolen Mir (34,. 1 it'. 4.PC; al/Imes. N.eckf E iv/ . and everytiing usually ke t hy,fira obiss,:kurnish - init. Mora. Orders Promo lyelectitedVl-WaSOilyil '' - -r eCla i .nlltt . ittilTP: ' - ,r irliffllfliii/ElHil . . ..» iiA OfitAtiloiet a- ted. -with f hill) ' bp: 0 4 01,IyAR my - lAN _ TOOK, in a coPartnerifti , tor the.tmesactiou of tne 'OA RP KT BUSINI4 under !flitoliame - and firm of -W. mcciaNYo 1 A I ,5.04q.. 1 / 3 gilikcita t from 'a iceneroterpublic 'lt o tinuance",'tithe.-new firm, of the liberal patrounmheyetofor it by-b' 1.: self enjoyed. I W. , 409.,1NT0CK. grI_ARPETS - Havin7;purchased for.,CAr. V before the late adva' ce; the 1arr,60.. - etbe of Carpets in the city, we. would;calhttio,sittentiotio ! e wholesale and retail buyinv _to our complete as ortment m of CARPETS I A as, :.-011, W. CLOTHS, dm.. IIIoef,LNTOCK .4a 40.hT, . _ au2l - • _. • - -1 *"l2'Mailtlit atr6ot._ WadfiL' ' l r '*.r.Elll 3 t t'''' WINDOW CURT _ AINE44o. New Style§ for .aorliik _ Great Vartety. ,, ana , 'Weseilesor- meat,- trete „aerials • te'llaVer Piece: ' ' • , 4, 1;.1 , iWi2:: I on. BO.: 91 WOODi• TRENT; '" roz sid tis THOS. BetWitii 4th A - 60, td doooiejoW•DiaYkoild'atnil Wig tORNWEhL , ,Rapzitto CARRIAGE .MAt e IyFACTURERS, (At the Old establish Coach - Faotoyy.) . • upgt)woue, WAY; NEAR Er*. Repaiwur done sus inrush J 77, Roamer burnt. ... . 41. V. D. 6144. ROUT. VAJWfralf,,,L 1170., Wholesale COMMISSION AND FORS Dalereln Prodnoa and Pitl. Ho. 25/ LIILIMTh The Philosophic ffirAYDENIS .NEW 1 -13 #4141Lim — Airitic41 .1-14 Philosophic. -Burnerlpr Carbon Oil rittnbw ready. It' poem:sills advantages, over, the common Bunters. " . • 1. It make* a large or mail light with . I:nribot combustion. „.. 2. It burn any quantili , of oil with safof;B,' 3. It can be used with along or - Shorlohinmey. 4. It samba used ea ar:taner tight-AO:op/7 5. It can always be made tb burn economic/MY. 6. It is _more esally-wicti thati , eny other burner. • 7.jt can be - trimittialial lighted with out re moving pone. 8: it throws all t hewhite ht above the cone. 9. The ;chimney ban -, be .rontovislior , itkerbrd without touching the glass. - • • •.,% • These burners' are tbectrjunpii No.l tie, can be put on ; an.v lamp , nortin :use. Every Per" BON using Carbon Oil iihoult have a Philosophic Bunter.. Prize 26 cants:. p r doten - 402:. , -;Boldlr No. 8 2 FOURTH street. Pit burgh. t025-IYdw • • I n-Airainit4l . . . FRIRRD IN - WEE 1 . TRY 1 1 T -DIZ. ASWEETS INFALL 1 E. 'LINIMENT lis prepared from the recipe of ir. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut,. the great bone : etter, and htia - been 1 used inhis practice for the 1 t twenty years, with. the most astonishingpccess. 'AB an external rhM= edy it is without anvil an milt allevutte3pamt more repeedily , than any oth r preparation.; For all Rheumatic and Nervoue Disorders itiStridy' haftillible, and as a , cure or Sem i Wounds,. Sprains, Bruises. &e., 'its. °thing; healinir; and powerful strengthening prop ties. , ereiteithejust wonder and astonisinnent • o tilt who have ever. given it a trial. i Oyer :.four h rtdraicertificates of remarkable cures...performed by it within the -last ] tWo Years, attatthis fact - • !,, ..,, : 1 - • '.' 4 " - R:l3. 5EL1ME5.&00.,.., , , IktlintaciiPittibiligh . . . .. denitlyiLtweow' - ' COrnucopi ::. 51a10024, ,: . , CORNER. OF UNION AN' EII*NtREETE* lirtur Wear Mar et,i , • lilt r HERE TIM P c tarujoii., wv TAIN the and 1: old tiutioix." ' Meals serve d at all hours op tho,aborte4llo* Lunch avicyimornins-botwEion the hottierdf 111 ) and /2 o'clock. , RED,_WEltiltEllaq: au2o-]v Froinietor. MIITTSIBURCUEL iS Wood Street; of thio BAltimore Piano Fac torsceatiiblisited in 78.38. A choice stook of Phisto 7 octavo. Centre . Pianos, Outlining .:all the-essen tials of e. grit class Instrinner t with late novelties,. (nuderpatent).. Highly iniportant tol the' critical= 'pianist. Low for cash or-ace iptance. • _ 4, Nvrs BROTE[Liqt,''' Idanafacturerl4-1; S. B. et - c. F. - INELItIitINE," - . Manufiketeirore and Were in . ' - ' BOOK ' CAP RTTER -1- - WRAPPING PAPER, erivneivell4tir' No. 2 7 1 2 0 ,4 wero 2 2to 1 : - .L.:APP Mini NO. 88 81LITNIrIR 1 , STREEZAr, , L - - - --, , Pitt4shurgh. Po. sr Cuh paid . -, - -4ate -, ,, - 1 Olvrati . . ~1, 1 • • . . 1•1 . , 11,8 B, 0 ELNT, 2 At.,11,08, 1 ~, ,49 St. Clair Stirtmt;" = B'lllßlTalltlffli, 1 • B" • i : ce MADE yl) 94 7: : intcHKAP, i • cult. .- ~.. .. .. „ maw :FROM 311{W'' Y with 6, alloe hawk of CLOTHS.. 7, arta ' , ' kl ' GB: whiah am 1?" , , tire at prime far below . e =eel rake: airfareat Induemente of , Wasiak berm ~' :a . . ' l 2ll l 7 had 2 - 1° - to 101'8 ando'firj34Vbit aes• .Nos..l2Balm, • PO , • r • ,‘• LJI I. , - lied 184-2. -- I Groom* - — i r iIrI RDINB MERCIONT3, , iburshbfanahtotareg, T sT.R.EET,. PITTSBURGH (.4igli) ..",:..it ar Oft "litigil'i. 7 e -, ftltlA • i ktitoli.: 1 I /4:Wbgir fitalOto- 0XCE. , 12.1k. snout 414 . a're 124-N7noil istraot.t, rf•-/UKEKYTED- Alietion;' 2> .11