ins iFiVEC .11g013. PITHBUTIGII rt. WAYMOICAGO RAILWAY TO Atli mins icti TEEN WlisT e 801ITH WEST AND !KWH WEST . -,. /RAM. ARIZANOIRICIINT. . Oommencing 4.ugiat , 15th, 1682. ----- - TO CI te NCINNATI AN ctrum,' shorten 4 d , aorhitrßotg."." and C hloe " WESTWARD TRAINS. Fast Lies. Mali Leaves rittebureh I,ooa. m. 7.10,. m. 12,50. n. m Allegheny—..l.lo a. m 7,20 o: m, 1,00 p. in, p a p ne..-8,20 a. m. 5,110 p, ta, §,BO p. m. ne...11,10 p . m. .2,25 a. m. k w 5,30 FOR 6 01.0318U5, CINCINNATI & ST. LOOTS. Loaves gain vai t i ....o.4s:a. 711. 7,1 P. Pl. gva o P. n lombne_.2l,Bo a., 00, ehmatt.. 4 ,7 0 0.0. in. anapoLio.6,3op.m. t. Lo_ —tie .., 7,50 a. ni . 10,16 ir. m. 5.40 a.m. 8,46 a ; m. ' OAS P. m All Traine"thzough to Mao:, without change at l4 l . a k.—The tithe to Cincinnati' is the came an lo• Btonbenrille. Trains on both Roads meat at uoinmbas,'aud paesteuren3 all to Into Ciaoinnati Soother. EASTWARD TRAINS ARRIVE AT PITISIIIIRGR. Express • .„„ft,oo a. in 9. • • Mail 3,10 p. 111 oinnati and St. Louis Express. p. m ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—Prom P•oderal street Station. Allech Gus , CRY. Leaves Arrive Lecve Arrive Allegheny New Brighton New Rrigton Allerhenr 9,00 aat 10 , 40 am 4 , 15 ta 0,60 re 12,00 m 1,110 pin 6451 A En 4,ato p m 6,30 pra 12.10 ' mp l2lllO- 5. m am 1 GAO p m 8 , 1 5 m 11,20 p SAO p I Illffli.Trainsare run by Columbus tithe. which in I*tent dower than Pittsburgh Cleo. i *L. 'flaketa good on the ssocommodation trair.a are Bald at reduced prices. Tho u le p m aotommodation train connects at SOT Lan with packets for New Castle. Tgro trains connect as fellows-- At Nam with Asset for New Castle, Mame:. Youltgatown. ko. At Orrville, Ohio, to and front Iliftlersburgh. Akron. Cuyahoga Falls, etc. ktanadielsk Ohm. for Mount Vernon, Shelby, Banactspz7. Toledo, Detroit, eta. .;At Crainlina, for Delaware, Springfield. Columbus', ' attollatt Xenia. Dance. Indianapolis. Saint w. Loulavillo, etc. lAt Lima. for Sidney, Detroit. Dayton, Toledo i 0 let Port Wayne. for Peru, Lafayette.; Tad Saint Loins, clomoy. Kooknic,l i it. Joseph and lateral's disk points points in Control diana and it mole. At Plymouth for Laporte. And at Chicago. with trains for all paints in Mi -1 rah". Missouri, lowa, Whoonsin toe Minnesota. for author information and thrmage tickets binni' Lo. GEORGE PARKIN. Ticket Aiet. Unionaanager Statira. Pl__ thwinrgh. CASS ERRY Allegheny. !le* : t - tfenaral Su neerdendec mum/ General Pompoms!. Agent irwringLAND prrgren winutimitt RAILlat Go t ! " 4" UMMBE AREA On and after MONDAY, A - A • area, will leave the Depot of the PeakeaviVanie itroadk lu , in Pittsburgh, as follows : 40 • PITAIBURG_ _ ~II COLUMBUS S - -.SNATI L-I • kibLOAT LUTE, VIA STEUBBNIeImLI3. e ee a trteourgh...... 1,00 a. tn. M5O p,..p a , jdo kteuberiville- 9,00 " 4.00 • 160 owark.... ...... 9,50 " 10,15 Ide lumbus ..... - 11,10 A2svea _Cincinnati -.. 4,20 p. in. 5,40 a . in. ' ! Stands ......... 7.50 a. in. 046 pln a i l t z lkehange of 0= between Pittsburgh and Cis_ alrdid sleerins cars attached to all night 1 PITTSBURGH ves AND WHEELING LINA . ELeattliiV.-..1,00 •'OO a . pi I 0.:00.:00.:0 ap 12,130 pin • tax II 8,14 3,05 -. .„,e_. as,. -41, 9,16 " 4,00 " MVWheseling....._4,34 " 10,33 " 4,55 " ea ir ............ 5,05 " 110,40 " 5,05 Connecting at Wheolins with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad :and af:Bellaz with Central Ohio &inroad' for Zaneaville. •Lo castor, Cirolovilla Columbus and Cincinnati. Indianapolis and 4int I o r and points west, ITISBURGII AND CLEVELAND LINE. ye W Pittabar a ...h ..... , 41,0025 a. " tu t 12,04 0 op. n. . _ 2, • Ilf i L u tTi...- ....... 640 " ,14 0 .... ......_.. 6,42 " 4,40 0 Hudson .. ..„. .. -- 4,00 " 0,42 ; nunsAr Cleveland ...... 9,15 " 6,80 v Bayard with Tuscarawas :brand', for New p • elptia and Canal Dover, at AlR alsob with Unbar:cis, Eon ela nd, and Chicago lialhoad at Hudson. with Cl Zanesville and; C Ini incinnati It It for Akron. Cuyahoga Palls and; lleraborg, and at Cleveland with•O and E RRI (et Erie. Dmakirk, and Buffalo. with OAt R In fer Tolode. Detroit , Chicago and the north ; was patina .A. , :vora modation leaves at 4,00 it. in. end 8 arrirc st 3,20 a es, 9,15 a Di, g'.2.5 and 8,00 1. +3.. m l taelca t: all prominent points in rim weed north or northwest, con ha pro cured at the Liberty street depot, Pittsburgh. I , ..31).- S TEW .LetT, Ticket Agcut. For Punier particulars ap E pikto WILLIAM VART 7 Agent, , At he Company's °Moo In Freight Station, Pann ! etreol. left. n 927 .1.801. , hiPlilllEß A HUANG BIIEN 'F, , ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 6th. • PANISIIVANIA CENRAL BAILIOAD. , - 1131 . inn' IDAIL TztAamrs. Tito Tit801:1 6 / 1 1 BAIL TB A 1 Pl leaves thopeasenger Station every morning (exoePtßunday) at %SO a m, stopping only at the Ptr aib s u ta rs t ofons and making d irest connect inns forN B,York vi r a ß th amo n a w W u ab nn.and , T.IIE THROUGH EXPRESS TRAM leaves a MttX O P.„m. stopping only ataitinnipal sta g wool connection at -manumits for Airßa.WMore and Washington, andfor New York via ion route, it FAST LINE leaves the station dailY. (except Sunday) at 8,20 r k „ in., stopping on l y at itzal stations, conn, at bury for timbre and Washington. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAIN. with Pas sen 7 ger Cal - attached. leaves the passenger station =horning (Sundays excepted) at 3 ,30 a. m. etationit . in far as °anon:Laugh, and stopping at all . • ACCOMMODATION /11.9.13114. JOVOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves 9 (except Sunday)at 2,45 p.m. stop ping atiill Mations and running ea far as Corm niangli4 !TM A CCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's elation leaven (May (except Stinday,) at 0,40 a. in. SHOOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN _Wall's Station leaves daily, (except Sunday) et foe 11,00 arm. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAM kr Wall's station loaves daily. (except lituoilemr at 4,00 p....pi. ZBOMB ACCO.hItdOOATION TRAIN' for all's egetiOn, loaves daLIY. (sanest Sunday) sa 6p. % i v THE CBURCII TRAIN 'F- - -- '7. 1 Leaves L all'e Seal ion at 9,05 a m: rettmaing' eaves 19:50 pm., IKurtrargliw Tajazio .._.,._, ~ A.Bau Vl4 IN prrTEIBUEOII AS FOLLOWS:, - Es .....-,-........12,04 a. as. ohnato . Accommodation ,10,05 a. ra. WalrliStation A0c0mm0dati0.a.......440 a. at. lid Wall% Station Accommodation ..... .8,35 a. m.. gd Wallii Station Acc onnuodation......l.ol p. tn. 4th Walls Station A cconuitodation...o.lo p. in. for Blainamile and na . 00nnoct at Biathlon's Intorsootion wit h,rea s a m, Johnstown Accommodation Bast and 'West, and 1 also with'Dooal Frei h t, East and West. The TraSelhis Pub 'o will Audit greatly to their Intereet hi soms_Eas or Weto travel by the pENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. as the acsom modationt now offered cannot be mapaased cm key all mats. Tho Road Is ballasted with. stone,an is entirely free from dust. „We can DmmiseSafety, Speed and Comfort to all who MAY Inver this Road with-their patronage. - It F A .111 X t TO NmoBE... ..-..sitis).... 6 ....„.. ...... ..... 1 0,3 1 ) TMORE.-.............,..-.. loomi . u.m. " Ei 1it......................... '8,130, , RISBURti -.., ...... ..- ...... 7,63 - Mirlagitcs h checked to all stedonson the Perm. Sdrarda - oad. and to Philadelphia, Balt, • ore and New York. MrPtuisentr, on marchasing Hobert lii carg will he Pose hu g excess gemming to distance tray , ,d - oa i n addttion to the station rate% except from Aglow where the company has no agent. NOTIOE-42 case of loss, th e - ComPany -Win hold tbatornlvos responsibl e for polatemibliggags otiy. and forsn amount not exceeding (nu% • . 8.-4 n Omnibus Lino has been employed 00111919 PERSOIMIStaId biLMYO to Bad f rom t h o r epot, at a Oliarito trait° exceed 23 ecnits for each /I=and balms& • etsitzpli to • ll J. tiuncurr, A un an t At tke Pozaiii. R. R. PassongerStation on Liberty d U:divot. 023... . ALLEOENY INSURANCE CO. PITTEIBITEGIL emar., a 37 Ninth St, Bank Block IlabtrßESl AtillaNsT A' ' ' Imam `OF .a NA VE AND lIARINE D.L81441C ISAM.IOIIE,S,_Rid wit T ' l . 1 ii:: ii : D ',, b EL 2 , 43 O WL ege4 c f i le: r... - D l' . • 4%.: Azuojon ra. l ,..As 15' . ..:. c Tstlorg rd ig,lF iffi r mr . ..i . ..W rp d— te , , 4 cu e atenA_AE:: l , t. „,,,,,,.-._ 1:1 ?,u It & T, ~v IA. Emma , A 4 -11 RAELItoAD. • INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI R. . . , . :,. ; Connecting at Indianapolis with Torre Heinle, and Terre Haute and Alton Railroad. to St. Lads and Lafayette.and In_dianagolis, New Albany and SalettrandMiob_igan Central Railoa, for CHICA GO. IiOCE ISLAND, BURLINGTON. and 101 l interntediate.Doiats. ..' ;:-.- Thromk,Ennat Traia-4Q-INDIANA:POLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE and PER Freights anti passengers' carried from Cir,o n i nati or Lawrenceburg in less time than by 9 other route .13y twer4*-four hours, and at as I qv ratos. -the only toad' by which shipments can , e made fromeincinnati to the West, without breah.- lag bulk. • Consignmentamade to J. B. GIBBONS. AwtMt at Giamatti:l, or W. 'B. CUTTING. Agent et Lawreteeburgh. will receive prompt attontit n, and no charge for commission: xo cwaang FOR DRATAG2 OR OOMMISSION'AT LAIVIIRNCESURG. For farther Information apply to THOMIS RATIGAN. (No. 115 117ator street.) agent of e COI:Opal:in "Who is prepared to give TRROUOB 0.- osirre for passengets and freight to Indianapoha Terre Haute. Lafayette. Chicago, Peru, Green castle, Crawfordsvillo. Charleston, Paris and Mat toon &a., &a. H. F. LORI), President.. JOHN F. CREEK, General Freight Agent. mh3 Expreaa. UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERY NO. 85 FOURTH ST:, NEAR, WOO 6, Cell= SUBSCRIBE:RA 111 ANUF A. it J- TURI and keel, opristautLy on hand ever • !initial , In their line, viz i ContusesOrnamon Curtain Goods, Comforts, Feather Bo a, Matins of all kinds; also, the celebrated Patent SoriuN Beds. All kinds of Shades, Blinds and Fixture- Air Prompt attention sivon to all orders for Gtr tins and laying down Carnet!, Oil Cloths 4 ocr.l7:lrd ROBERT:3 lc RDENISK. HOTELS AND EESTAIrRANTS xo. xso Llborts Street, Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot JO *N SAVAGE; Proprietor. lILIA.VING TAKEN AND PITTED UP with all the modern iir.procoments, this po polar resort, the subscriber it prepared to aceom modate his old customers and the public gener ally. with the beet the markets affords. Orders. will be served up in every fariety of styledorin the season. his Whims, Liquors cud Ales ho feel: confident in recommending to the public for the' excellence. Cam Bucket and blell Oysters. teatived dal), and sold wholesale and retail. inyikblyd SEETIN'S OLD STAN] IN THE DIAMOND,. "1 • 13.0. Srrol44 Proprt.. , t or. , . lig &VINCI TAM EN AND FI'i•TED M.N. at a great expense. with all the modern ruaH provements, this popular resort, the sur-oriber is prepared to aecommodote his friends oud:the public general's, with the best the r.i,srlset affords. OYSTERS will be serve,: up in every variety of etrlo during the reason. LIQUORS and ALES he fads confidant in. re commending w the public It.r. ..frilr - MEALS served up tit all hours, and DAY and NIGIIT BOARDERS Piker, aplrly NO. 82 DIAMOND ALLEY, Pll csßu lIGH. /EIKE SUBSCRIBER ANNOUNCES .IL to the public that CAN in daily receipt ot FRESH SHELL AND OYSTERS, OAME, 4ke., and ie prepared to accommodate the patrons of this old and well known house with everything in the eating and drinking line at the shortest notice. JOHN SNALE4., Prol , riutor. ALNSION HOUSE, CiEo. ett Iva Proprietor; Iv o. 314 Liberty reet,hut be side the Passenger Depot of the Yctasylvauia Railroad. which makes it the Loci , . coo voniont house in the city for pascaugery erro, ing by that road. The proprietor 'having, at con , id , fshie ex- Hense, fitted up, in excellent etyl o, th e MANSION OSE, would respectfully a share of patronage. His Larder aeii liar will be furnished with :no best the market can afford. fel:ly WINES AND LIQUORS. , WILLIAM BEN 14 Ea' , INATiLTIER AND DZ.:M.I4a IN lirandiss, Oordials, Wines, Old .%loronga . little and Reotified 114/. 120 WOOD STE:ENT, D'etttmurgla fe2k6m C. WEST C 6.9 if ASUP4ClTtlisall Or CARRIAGES, BLIGGIES, ' ROCKAWAYS. SULKIES AND fiLEIOI36. NO. !S7 Penn Mtreeit, Plartlmrtit. 43 , -An work vot-raztol to bo of the boe mote rlal and workfuenshill. n. 121.4.13,4.1. r. BOYYYR D. DICYIIS:2 B. 7111 cit Latent-Millar ti Etiukntenr;'s. . 13 11.01'11.11.111t5, liktonssor to'Reyrnor Zr An 441 WhOlnftle Dealera in Port:tips 'Fruits, Nuts, Cuutovitone..4, f`' Sugars. Fire Works, et e., • NON. 1130 AXE I'2S WOOD S'ZRZT. prrrvisunou • Plitt 0316.8 PARLEY'S Oj • • FURNITURE. AND CHAIR WAREHOUSE, - No. MI FEDERAL ST., ALLEGREN.Y. Undertaking, in all its branches. will receive Prompt attention. Orders can be left at t_Atrom at! the Livery Stable of Mr. JAMES FLO Ohio street, Allegheny. se18:ly A POLLOMMLBILLIARDS.A_LOON. -VALCHARLEs JARDNBEI:wonId rowan(' his old !friends and customers that he is still to be found at his old stand, APOLLO HALL, entrance on _Fourthstreet. He has always on hand the best tuality of Lager Beer, and in connection with the lall, a well appointed billiard saloon, with good •tables, balls and ones. Remember the pla co, Apollo Hall. Fourth st. •near Wood. entrance from Anarth. Iv I this , - • - IDIOENIE LOOKING GLASS PJC TITRE FRAME MANUFACTORY SOS. 221 GRANDNTY-THRD STREET, ' .173 & 175 STREET de 215 CENTRE (STREET, Established 1838. NEW YORK, Es tablished 1838. This Establishment has been in :successful operation 24 years, and is the Largest oftho kind in the United States. We have on :hand or manufactured to order every description of LOOKING GLASS, PICTURE AND POR TRAIT FRAMES. Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oval and Mantel Glassee, COneeCtine Cor nices, Base and Bracket Tables, with Marble Slabs, Toilet-Glasses, etc., Mouldings for Picture Frames. in len.rdu suita ble for transportation, either, Gilt, Berltntr, Rose wood, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, Mahogany etc. Our now Manufactory and earensive facilities enable us to fournish any article in our lino as good as the best and as cheap as the cheapest. DEALERS ARE INVITED TO CALL UPON us when they visit New York. We claim to bt. able to supp)y them with every article in our line which they can possibly require, ut prices lower than they can purchase elowbore. Orders by mail-attended to-with. promptness. Dc uot,fat2 to call when you visit New York. Office & Warcrooms_, No. 215 Centre St., N. Y. trip2:3und HORACE V. SIGLER. Ac't. LANDRETH'S . GARDEN AND FIELD SEED, WARRANTED FRESH ANN GENUINE 4111. - Alaoa, general assortment o Agrletilenural Imblementa, Fruit shade gond Ornamental Trecs, received and for gale by BECKHAM A. LONG, next doorto Hare'e H0te1.N0.127 Liberty atreat, nkh22 -Before going buy a pair of BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAnuts. • Cheap Cub Store, AT BORLAND'S an 9 93 Marketetreet, 2d door from *1 H. H. SMITE, DrOTARIr ornaz A? TEM PITTSTJAAH POST, FIFTH STAEET4 nag ATAIXABLE SEWICKLEY PROP ' ERTY FOR SALE. — Three-fourth acres of land pleasantly situate at five minutes walk from the Station; Mtge variety of &mice- fruit and shadttre,ss, grape vines, etc; a family mansion of hull, parlor , . library and twelve rooms, excellent ceila-r stable, ice house,' likrge garden with fruits and s &wort , all well arranged and in good order. F priee and terms apply at 51 Market street. S. CUTHBERT Jr SONS, Real Vstate Agents. ArNOLTS. AND ALLEN DrifEE LOCK'S RE VOL Vlaiit-tbe boat i n for sale' by Teravic Ar rrptirt, ••••••^' CtltA itE.l4lD%ellittintrz nal. WI/ & TETLEY,I:3B Wood Street. . We l l AV Nri BE6 s i _lloWffik TRARYB niM OOdabteat._ - 4)--A'N “.#o4.4v4stre= tran t= 7 -*'; INSURANCE • • , THZ araxossat MUTUAL 1181111,-; COMPANY, OF . 7 PEULLA.I33IIII.P.I-T1 - On Buildings,Dimited or Perpetual, 51 . disc, Furniture. Ac.. In town or country. OFFICE NO. SOs WALNII7T STR :A:. Cash capital, 8229.510 Astsets, $303,6051 Invested as follows : yin First Mortgage or Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount $166, Ground rent, first class Pennsylvania Railroad Co's 611 cent. Mortgage Loans, .$30,000. cost 27, Philadelphia city 6 VI cent. 10an.... Allegheny County 6 1$ Cont . Pennsyl vania Railroad Loans —. 12. 0, Collateral loans, wall 5ecured........ .... Huntingdon and Broad Top a.ntain Railroad conipany, mortgage loan-- 4. Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 5 t0ck ...... ... 4, Stock of Ration's() Mutual Insurano. CompanY Stock of County Fire Insurance Co ... 1. Stock of Delaware M. S. Insurance Co. Commercial Bank do Mechanics' Bank do or ......... . 2, Union M. Insurance Co's SoriP ............ 1 Bills Receivable, business Paper .. .... • 16. Book Accounts. secured interest, etc._ 6 Cash on hand and In hands of agents.. 11 I 1 CLEM TLNGLEY. Pr6/1/8 t DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley. Beaune! Bisphain, Win. R. Thompson. Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Beni, W. Ti ley, John R. Worrel. Marshall Hill. IL L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland. Charles Leland, Frederick Lennig, Jacob T. Bunting. Charles S. Wood Smith Bowen, James 8. Woodward, John Bissell. Piltab ' B. M. HINCHMAN_,_ _Secretor • J. GARDNER COFFIN As Its myl6 Northeast - comer Third and 'Wood . WIELAWARE 11117TUAL SAFETY' N -11...ISITRANCE COMPANY —LNCORPO - TED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYL VANIA, 1 1835. OFFICE. S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS PHILA. DELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES onl,r -eels Cargo and Freight to all parts of the wold. INLAND INSURANCES on Goods, by Riv el. Canals, Lakes, and Laud Carriages; to all p is of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on 31 r ehandle* generally, on Stores, • Dwelling Ho es. ho. DIRECTORS.—WiIIiam Martin, Edmund . Seeder, Theophilus Paulding, John N. Pour tA. John C. Davis. James Tranquair, Win. Eyre,- . James C. Hand, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph IL Se Dr. R. M. Huston, Geo. G. Lieper. Hugh C T Charles 1301169. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peak n, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington_..' IL Je ee Brooke'. Spencer hillvaht, Thos. C.• Hand Rob' rt Burton. Jr. Jacob P. Jones, James B. Ili'Farla I. Joshua P.Lte, John B..Somple. Pittsburgh. I. T. Mews*. .B. Berger, do. WILLIAm •MARTIN. President. THOS. C. HAND. Vice Praddent. Hagar Ludlum, Secretory. 1 P. A. MADEIRA Agent, head No. 65 Water street, Pitta burgh. ---- --- - --- -- --- NENINITY AGAINST LOSS "I' FIRE. IN IRE FRASRLIRVIRE INSURANCE R. COMPANY OF PNILAD ELPHIA, c OFFICggg l ear Fif:h. O. 43.6 and 437 Curwrnivr STRE , STATEMENT OF ASSETS. JAN. let, IMO. Published Agreeably to An Act of ssisi:lib'', being: Pint sages,Mor amply secured. . $1.896.393 Real agg 61.) cost (present value $ . ii.d.:113 Temporary Loans on ample Ccrilat torsi Securities !Ztocks. (present value (sB6,coi sj Ctoat Notes and Bills Receivable... Cash__ ... .. (RM The onlyprotits from premiums which thisoinl , any can divide by law , are from risks which hay jean determined. Inaurancod made on every description of Prop erty, in Town and Country, at rated as low as are Ibonsnitent with security. 7 Since their incorporation, a_period of thirty cars, they have paid losses by Fire , to an amount sarectinag Pour Milliond of Dollars, thereby af ording evidence of the advantaged of Insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptcoas all liabilities. Lanes paid during the year 1859, 062,153 36. I DIRECTORS. i'harloa W. Smacker, Mordecai D. Lewis, oblas Wagner. David S. Brown. Samuel (inlet, Isille Lea, ineol, It. Smith. Edward C. Dale, corge W. Richards, George Tales, CHAS. . KER,President. EDWAD C RDALE. V ice President. Wk. A. STCHL Secretary pro tem. J. bAIiDNER COFFIN, Agent, mylti Northeast con Third and Wood ate. it'STERN INSURANCE COMPANY 1 OF PE TIMM uirtGist. „ r ORGE DARSIE President. M. GORDON. Secretary. 1 Capt. R. D.-C6IIRAN. Gen '1 Agent. N. telS Water street. (Spaug A Ce's Warehouse, u ,taira,) Pittsburgh. Fill inaore ScaillEt all kinds of FIRE and MA- R ITE RISES. sr - wrio.l:l2hent,%'l,litnutjthe managed by i ir tn e d ct iv ws ho w a h re o de ermined, by prewp tneaa and liberality, to man - tai the character which they have &Fawned. as of !hr tig tho best protection to those who datire to be as ed._ . / ASSETS, OCTOBER aotb, IS6I. 'to k Accounte $ 63,000 00 f o tgofo.., 2,100 00 ffi .e I , tunitato 250 00 . PinAocoents, etc 7,809 43 13,351 09 27.615.20 174.015 14 Pre NOtftS . ....... . ..... Not, ar..4 nuis 41L;coantia . ...... DIRECTORS. R. fkillor, Sr.. James APAulei, Nathaniel Holmea, Alexander Nimiak. George Darsio Win. If. Smith. Ohm. W. Riaketson, Andrew Ackloy AlOYlLlider, Speer, David M. Long. Resta J. Thouvix Benj. Bakewell. John It. lif*Cune. mylB CrTliEfiS' INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PITTSBURGH INSURES STEAMBOATS AND CARGOES. BAGALEY. S PresiYient. R . PA. Secretary* °Mee, Cor. of Market and Water Mts., Insures against Loss and Damago in the Naviga tion of the Southern and Western Rivera, Lakes, and Bayous, and the Navi gation of tho Seas. Insures against Loss and Damage by Fire. DIRECTORS. Wm. Dartll39, Jae. Park, Jr.. G!Johnston. k. F. Jones. Recall Owens, T. rd. Rowe. 9 B. Prdston. (Icorge . 3f. Kier. John Stanton. Jas. 31..Cooves. Ilarbah. J. Cantwell. John S. Mwolth. C. E. Zug. mh.finlydh 'LADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPAN Y 11 1 0. 149 ORESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Cantons House, Capitill 0219,100 Assets. _.980!,&36. TEL rtiumm ALL KINDS OF IN. SURA.NCE, either Perpetuator Limited.on every description of Property or Merchandise, at resgtonable rates of premium. ROBERT P. KING, President," • 1 , M. W. BALDWIN, Vice President DIRECTORS. • Charlet/ Bane. E. R. Cope; E. B. English. George Warown. P. B. Savory. Joseph S. Paul. C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Margo E. Wiler, F. Bt r soic eons. Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent. irtly, Corner Third and Wood streets. JAM., MOORHEAD, COMiMISSION MERCRAN NOE 1111.1 BALM OP PITG METAL &ND BLOOMS, la NO. it !WATER STREET. BELOW, ARX ° u eel PrrrISUBUBOIL OP„I' = MUAMMAR, 2110NONGARR LA [PLANING MILL, wouhlreemeotfull fireform the public that ho has rebuiltkume the and hums enlarged his establisiummt, and fined it with themewest and must unproved maehinep, is now niepared to furnish flooring and plaungt boards,,seroll sawing and re-sawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making. Ilte. Bffirrit ir/TTSBURGEI. Sept, 7,1357, _____ ... BOOTS AND SDOEA, AT th:). 89 MARICET 8 TREXT. /DIM AT MI PRIORS : worth Utiles MUM Laethsg,Heel Galtera for $l,OO $1.25. Ladies - Lasting Congress Heel Gaiters tor $1,25, , orth 75, /ladies Lealine Congress Red Gaiters sltrizo OD. • a; - ;,.1%e Frtmoh Morroooo Reel Moots for Welroserthla.62. p o. atee Else Goat Commas Heel ,xttii for $1,37, 4rorthsl.D. 11 _ _ Ladies Ilnne M orocoolrftwperiforSthi:,'worth 75, Ladles Fne Kid Ellippowe for worth $1.12. - • Au oar/. goods isprifews.: __ . • . tnauto ?MIMI-ROBB. *sat 4140'1a:bin _. ~.~, :,~: ~ ~ ,:.:;mss-,~ , . _._ ,x ~->~~- _ . . , ~ I' - HII . PITTSBURGH - POST ripbugied every zgorning, 13tmdafis exeeptai,i - Corner Filth end Wood Street& .., 'rim n sse it ANNUM. IN .4utwativa. 1 z .PirDelivered by carriers 12 cents Per week. , PATES or ADVERT-LW-NO. aqua. one time... ' 60 . tame time 5.............- .................... An 00 n- one week. 1 76 '-' one month... .... ..._ 600 three months 12 00 six months .18 00 • " nine months 24 00 " one year _3O 00 UN LINES make a square. About eight words average a line. Business notioes, inserted on the local pate. ten 00 cents a line each insertion. 50 .._ _ igo ne Saturday Morning Pos 00 Issued from the same aloe every Saturday 00 00 mornin. ' air Terms 11l per annum g, in advanoe p o p "Pp - Single copies, ready for mailing. girt oggra 00 40- Address JAMES P. BARR . 00 Editor and Proprietor 00 gar Advertising at reasonable rates. 50 FRIDAY MORNING, OCT The Tax on Tobacco --- - • i The heavy tax on tobacco, imposed un der the internal revenue law, is already beginning to be felt here, and a consider. ablq falling off in the demand for the arti cle is experienced. Our readers have but a faint idea of the extent to which this tax must affect the tobacco trade; but when we state that under the law some of our tnanufacturers will have to pay $2OO a day to the Government, they will he better able to arrive at an intelligent con• elusion of the subject. There is another thing, too, which will operate against the marinfaaturers, unless their whole system of business be revolutionized. They gen• erally give a credit of four months on their sales, but under the law they are required te.make returns every month to the col lector. They will thus be compelled to pay the tax long before they receive pay .ment for the tobacco—a thing which, con sidering the great amount, will b.e out of the question. The result of this will be, they will have to du a cash business ex clusively, or none at all.—Harrhttmry nlegicrph. The round potato crop is likely toprove unusually short in the neighboring couu 'ties in this State and New Jersey. Good round potatoes are now , elling in thii market at s(1 cents a bushel. Some of t ti 3 apparent advance in price is no doubt attributable to the depreciation of the cur• rency. which takes of it to buy a given amount of any commodity: but independ , ent of this the crop has been materially shortened by drought. ln Missouri the same fact or a short potato crop is noticed. We see it stated that hundreds of acres will not yield twenty bushels to the acre, and teeny that will not yield ten bushels. —Phil. Ledger. The Pope's Health. It is stated that the health 01 the Pope of Itoine has so far recovered.that he will not require the relaxation of a change to the country, which many indulge in at this season. Some of the European journals intimate that it. is probably not so much the recovery 01 ha health which keeps him at home as the apprehension that if he should•onee leave Rome he mightflot be permitted to reenter it. Oressou 8 rines, Oambria 00., Pa. r aIH I N:DELI(iH'I'IrUL AND PO P ULAIt place of summer resort, located direct ly on the line of the Peensyl vania Railroad, on the summit of the Allegheny Mountains. 4300 feet , above the level of the ocean. will be ot en fo: ' guests from the loth of June till the 10th of 00 - - Luber. Since last season the grounds have been greatly improved and beautified, and a number of Cottages have been erected for the aceommo- Idation of families rendering Crosson one of the moot rumantio and attractive 'dues in tho State. !The furniture has been thoroughly renovated. (rho seeker of pleasure, and the sufferer from bust and disease, will and attractions hate in a tint-;lass Livery Stable, Billiard Tables, 'len-pin Alloys, Baths, Ste., together with the purest air !and water, and the most magnificent mountain teenory to be found in the country. Ticketsgood for the round trip from Philadel phia, 40 ; from Pittsburgh, $ 3 05, For further information, address 0, W. MULLIN jeß!)..dtl Crosson Springs. Cambria Co.. $T FRANCIS COLLEGE HOER CAR OF THE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS .1:91IS • INSTITUTION, SITUATED IN LORETTO. Cambria county Penney!- l ir f e o C i t r r ti o lil p t e e t r ew m e C on i Mil i ag t eTp i ti n a S an ta t t htlit7 bomb, was chartered in BA with priviliges to minter the usual Collegiate Elopers and Degreee. Tholocatien of the College in one of the most healthy in Pennsylvania—this portion of the Alla itlietY Mountains being '—overbiel its pure w ter, bracing air, and Pic arceetio scenorZ, The Scholastic year commences on the FIREI'I MONDAY after the 15th of AD:MST, and ends about the nth of JUNK following. It is divide into two Sessions. Students cannot return home between the Sessions. Allkhe Apparatus flee ts _ f g e r Land o will Tn r g Ye lsi 7. the n t c tilan kt t!ii j( tl c i" Students. Duitrumental and Vocal Maido forms no ea °hails. Students will be admitted from elgi t years to the age of manhood. Tepee—Board and Tuition. payable half yearl y advanol. 4100 Washing and nee of Bedding 10 Classical and Modern Lauguagea, extra...... 10 Students spend Vacation at the C011ege...„.. Reference can be made to tho Rt. Rev; Bishop O'Connor, to the Rev. T. S. Reynolds, St. /dary's Loretto, and to other Clergymen of the Pittsbursd) Dioceett. $298.251 75 40 1231 A 4 42 t t I' I d r. .stvk' l ° Ir ti k Ft q 3 6:8 1 01,14k6 1111 GREAT CURE FOR CORRUPTOR pT i, ri PROPKIETOB OF THIS MEDI. .11. C. E having made it the study of years to °omen to the life of the Pine Tree into a Medi cine f diseases of the Lungs and Throat, is now offering to suffering humanity the result of his ex- Parlez/Cp. This truly great and good medicine is Prepared with much care, the tar being distilled. expressly for it, is therefore free from all impuri ties of common tar. It has cured more oases of Consumption than any kndwn remedy on earth. y It w cure Bronchitis., It wi cure Asthma. It ail c ure Bore Throat and Breast. It wi cure Cottglis and Colds, and is an nvalua le remedy for diseases of the Kidneys, Jrlua Complainta. IS-Beware of Counterfeit/Milt you are the Dyspepsia use WiSHAlrrii By pepsia Pills, and If they do not o re yon go to the agent of whom you purchased Gum and 2tal receive you money lease lat his store and get a descriptive oir ix. box of Pills sent by mail post-paid on wit of One Dollar. No. 10 South Second street, Phila, 1.. Q. c, WISIIART, Proprietor, ad byl Dr: KEYSER, No 140 Wood Street 9:ls*d 123 BUSHELS PRIME OATS waived and for sale by • JAS. andER, corner Market Fir' st Streets. Imo OU —2O BARBELS DOUBLE EX. ra may Flour just received and for sale , JAS. A. FETZER., Corner Market and First streets. le °TS. ' IL .. Shoes YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S at McClelland's Auction. FAIRS OF CHILDREN'S street Shoes at N'Olelland'No. 55 Fifth . Don' s, t forget the number. inTALt PAPER, Al OLD PRICES v T for Sale by se27 W. P. MARSHALL, 87 Wood street. ECA/L4 FARRELL dt COy 'I,ADIEI# CIIMOROCCO ROOTS A4l a Mos tlic pan Auction. COOPER AND CAM PESTERS' TOOLS for sale by. - eell 80WN.4 TETLEY ' 136 WoodJitreet, The Potato Crop Will he furnished totrobaaribersat the fow price of and It will be founds good investment. Is also Issued from the same office EVERY MOIINLNG. It is a complete epitome of mows. containing all the latest Intelligente% Telegraphic, Local, Nhicellaneons, Congressional, _Legislative, you• wary, Commercial, TO THE LATEST HOUR. Alio. editorial artioles on all the leading Levine of the day. ALL IMPORTANT NEWS PROM THE BEAT OP WAR; CAMP CORRESPONDENCE, &a. 'THE DAILY POSlChas an extensive circulation by : railroad and river. through loon agents and by the mail. and la a capital adverti sing medium. The paper is fuernished to subscri bers at 86 Dor annum. Advartinenimte Inserted at n44derate rates, *IL Addreas EDITOR. AND, PROPRIETOR CORNER rim AND WOOD &MEM :PITTSBURGH, TA. ilr Bead soar cr pus' bs , %II at my Mai. • " r 4.. AN . c 4114 Dik FAMILY NEWSPAPER. PrrTO4l3U - ELOIFII A HADA V MORNING POST , -IB A- HANDSOME AND INTERESTING . Al Cler 11 W E:SLY PRINTED ON FINE WHITE PAPER WITH CLEAR, LARGE, NEW TYPE IT 18 TllB ONLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 'IN PITTSBURGH LID WAR IiBTABLIBBID.7.7II lir 1 $ 0 4 . lira 001P011111 ALL TIM CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY. awl &imbibes the most reliable 5 4 10NETART, MARKET I COMMERCIAL REPORTS UP TO THE LOUR OT GOING TO PRIME: together with a oholoe selection of Ta Alearii%47:7, Literary and ScientificArZloies, algi able Statistical In. tbrm "ion, Agricultural News, &c., dm.; FURNISHED BY OUR OWN CONTRIBUTORS or oomplled with the greatest care, from TILE LEADING PERIODICALS OP THE DAY -ALSO Embraeing every 11 112portaut ITEM 1:0.0 NEWS, TOILWORN AND DOMSTIC, LEGIMLATIyIi PRovEEDIieN. ite WILL /WO NB POUND IX PP. THE FARM AND THE FARR atil.The interest of the Agriculturalist will not be nagleoted, and in the future. as in the Past. the publisbera will devote unremitting attention to the perfection of this Department. THE WAR NEWS air• Ae a source of additional interest to all classes of readers, the progress of the present civil war, in which great armies are engaged, will be closely canvassed, and the most important events carefully collated and 'presented to the reader.— By following the operations Of the armies from day to day succinctly presenting the whole from week to week, we shall furnish a.frash and run ning history of this lamentable rebellion. THE SATURDAY MORNING POST One Do liar a Year, TUE PWISBURGII DAILY POST JAMBS P. BARRI ;~.==~ , Att.A.Tiarroi.aorrams.. 'DOLLARSAVINGS . BANK 66 FiIitrIECTIL STREET OH - AIiTEREDIN Di rro 2 aczocsr ; also; dn Wednesday and Saturday evening s . lium,fday-Ist ember er istarom 7to 0. t o ' o and Vona NOVlst tO ht. from 6 o o'clock Deptudis received of all same not less than Osa Doman. and a dividend of the • profits dash= twioea June and December. Intemt been declared semi-annually, inUtine and Decem ber duce theitank was the rate deli per oent. a year. Interest if :not :drawn% out, ispawed to the credit of the depositor as primal:Mr, and bears the same interest freurthe first 'days of Tune and . .De comber, compounding twice a yeax. • without troubling the depositor to call or even. to present his Pas? book. At this rate moneywnljlouble in' ' less than twelve Yeatt,,lnaidillr Aliefaggregate mom AND ONZ-RALF ran murr. an io& . oftutaining the Clutrar, Boles t furnished gratis • on applifttion. a Dt nr.tions. GEORGE ALBERL :won ritzsmrarre. • John B. . hrradden. b10w y...a... M. Pennoo. John Holmes. John Alexander Speer, James B. * t i) - ',eeds„ Benj. L. Fahnestooki A. /if it Sok. M. D.. James McAuley.: -3 : ' Ha ' in. James Herdasa , Wm. J. arson. 6141tander Bradley. 4,smas D. Kelly. , John 6. Baokofen. Peter A. Madeira, George Meek . John H. Melloril lan R. Canfield, James Shidle4 AlonsioALCarrier. Robert Robb Charles A. Colton.. Waiter P. 1141.0.014. Wm. Douglas. John Orr. ohn Evans_. • Homy L. Hieing's/lei 'Hopewell Hepburn. John H. Shoenbeteler. Win. S.,Haven, Wm. E. Sehmertn, Peter H. Hunkar. Alexander Tindlo, Richard Hays. Isaac Whittier. Wm. S. Lovely, Christian. Yeaser ' DEDD.STA.RV AND TRZASTIMIL CHARLES A. COLTON. HOLMES do SONS,. B kW§ • and Exehange - Brokers and D a a in Notes. Drafts. Acceptances. Gold. Silver Bank votes. Exchange on the Eastern and ' astern Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities thronatsanttha United States. Deposits received in par tarok Or eUrrentpaper. No. 57 Market street, halm= Thirdand Fourth streets. war. Inzzi A ms & ifdiXllll3 &EXOHANGE BBIRLELE WOOD STREET, CORN E R TIEU ALDERMEN. -ff- AMES M. TitUR-, ALDERMAN, FICE: 451 Penn Street, Firth Ward_ iIOLLT:CTIONS PROMPTLY MOLD= Deeds. Bonds, Mortgava and other Legal Ni!riting Drawn. .AoknowlOgoments Taken and B lls Probated.' aneely - -- JAMES A. FETZER, RWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT POI THII BALI OP onr, Grain, Baeon, Lard, Butter Dried Fruit and Produce Generally, Corner Market and First Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. REFER TO—Fnuteis G. Bailey, Esq, William Dilworth. Sr, S. Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh, Boyd & Ott, Heisker & Swearingen, S. Brady, Cub. M. & M. Bank, List Howell. Mangle & Co., Gebrge W. Andnson, Donlon, Paxton & Co.. Wheeling.iny2B:2ptEis T. T. WGURN at CO, HOUSE, SIGN, —A If 01. ATAIKENTAL PAINTER No. 2 St. Clair Street, CORNER, DUQUESNE WAY, emend story. Al!il-AD work entrneted to mo will ba neatly and D DUY snouted. oo:R-ly ITRNISITING GOODS, SUITABLE FOR TAE SEASON 'LYCEUM' 4t GLYDE , • to attention to their stook. of GENTLE ,. SN'S and YOUTH'S Joen and Traveling Shirts, - 11.4 Collars. lies, Snapend'era, Linen and Silk' el antlkerehleß4, Canvey, Home, Lmbrellas, &e. ARMY SHIRTS, Soldier? Furnishing Goods, always' on hand t MAORUM Jr GLYDE S. u 2 78 Market st.. between 4th & Diamond. ----- IXPORTAIT TO NVENTORS,• 4 T AG} NCY:Po PATENT AGENCY NI 0 TC. LAWRENCE• .riar Twelve Years g;11 Meer of the Oftlee.-the, amfour ow's aien►ber of the of AppeaL informati tent and a copy of th rg- Re q• to resent Co David P. Holloway. tEn dsr_ vv.v..msh. Plumbers and Gaa Fitters, NO. .165 WOOD STREET, OPPOSITE FIRST CHURCH, PITTSBURGH A X D 47 0:10 STREET ALLEGHENY WEAR 7R4 MAYOR% OPFIOR. • 1101LIST0S, HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, Lead Pipe, Pia• and Bar Lead. and Pltunber's material in general. Oil Refinenes fitted up in the moat a_.pproved manner. Tenho fined Lead or Copper. Maims fitted with, Water and Oaa Biz- NEB. All orders promptly attended to. pr.& ;ES AND TINEGILS- 60Q • LISHELS DRIED PEACHES 11 11A1Ui t ELS PURE CIDER TINZ6AI6 In atom aria for rile bs WILLIAM lIAG.ALEY, fels 18 and 20 Wood street 'LOAN OFFICTs' HENRY W. CIMIOTT NO.IOO SMITREIELD STREET Near thereon:Ler May, Pittsburgh. MONET IN LARGE AND SMALL quantities loaned on Gold and Silver. Dia monds. JeweW'. Gold and O li ver Watches, and all kinds ' of val uable articles, for any leQth time agreed on. The goods cannot be delivere d without the Ticket. Wdr• Oftloe Hours from 74 . : M. to /OP. X ja2o Strawberries for Oaruthig, NOW is THE TINE FOR CANNING and preserving Strawberries. Those select ed for this purpose should be of good color,e olid in substance, of firm texture, and of superior fla vor. Exactly such a berry can be found, during the Strawberry season. at J. KNOX'S Establish ment, No. 29 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Orders maybe left either at his stand In the market or at Hortioultural store. • iol6 NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS II We have an elegant and attractive stook o Trlminan Fa g 'Goods, gartbroldterlea, Varieties, Notions, - 111 - eatem, • Gl lov -ea. Frenot Drap Ganuitleta, erie and Flexure Skrts. omte. Head Nate, eta. In large variety and' Ufa prime for attar, Mitoßtim anl9 78 Market et. *weft' 4tb, Diam ond. 'EpIIS At& 200 Bo x - Btp3lli, Rabbi t ' 150 — " d Litzer ' do 100 • Half zoreat Melt. do I /00do -,lpayorl do .50X odless " do 29 'Sultana do ' Just received and fuesalerby_4 • MER & BROW. No 4 -126 arid 123 Wood street. INMEDIAATI;t,' _ "it; GiAtin PAMEER. OnikthatundenstatidiXamn fitting preferred. SCHMERTZ & Blauxurf . sell No4aB Wood West. ~ ~~,,,c..,~, PITTSBUGH, PA. li mn. -- ‘ 10• I ROBE W. FENWICK uo I:For the past four I* g_ears riattager of gl the Washington 0 Branch of Sclera id title American o . Patent Agency and ' for . Fifteen Mears In the Pat. I ent nes&Agency Baal _ Pi 'EXTZREIV! We are not BOO:: With dis on nec*,...cary to procure e Patent Laws Bent free oner of Patents. Hon de2o:tf SICC . 1: : And will pa particular attention to ' AILROAD, MERCANTILE :6i LEGAL PRINTING Brims OF LADING, CIRCIILAR% BILL READS, BLANES, DEEDS CERTIFICATES, REGISTERS, DRAY TICKETS, RECEIPTS, Show CI S ME Sr Bills in Colops, CARDS, ENVELOP/0h 7 DINGii, commi es's, Showbills Handbills, Labels,-Col lege and School Schemes, Hotel Bills qrare,lnvitations,&o. 3 0 fiwilities for printing • POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, &C, FoR, CONCERIII EIatIEBITIOIiS ARE ITNRITtLPASSED r em m it e, complete satisfaction as to 'MIR 800 OF EVE' School and Calliege Catalogues, Miscellaneous Catalogues, ` , ' ConstitutionaMelbeits.prietb.fte Bibuirs ROO , ' 1 : 01 LETTER hi, , JIMA* neous, mums. ETc. ', 70 2 Banks .k 'liking Homes, • FITRNISEIED TO ORDEII. ALL WORK EXEOITTED PROMPTLY BARR & 3117E.R8. PONT 111117.11111GN1. 51th And WOOd Mae REAL. FREFUEL" A.lll D . • SCOTCH FoIIBROIRER IRS kEAL LAMA LLARS AND SETTS' . REAL PUSHA.ARD FRENCRLACR PIMA rOrance Rmbroldeied Oans, Robed and Waste and Prefie Vivabein Bands; Magid. Col leratielandb4pofial Rgio3, Linea Cruubdolfand- JO of aphi' we Invite (fru** BLAclitrAt , 31M ---1 /7 Fi DOiiPT xlsoW OM You sboul4 o to-47. but o and o t tc_ of sad gaols loins *lf Ira Auo on. lkirtaAlig iizzei 4614:fiat fiA4tritt. BL, gam. Arr•romirrEN-S. 8.1• Xja, FRANKLIN } , 'MANGO CO, 24723:174 BRACIEBERIbGA. liznpoitrurair AT Luvw Oill es, Iwo. 18b romp' ro SE4 .1 lo I. . N 0 cIFL ATTORNEY AT LAW, • 7,8 GRAN T iE b iint,rapiGg,,l6 . zwys • , ANL; SUR G EON : DENTI lo onooessor to G. Ws Biddle. No. 144 8 ' to 1 O'ctik; an d from o'clock.. felEdy uprr REA.ZiIIFACTITIZER ERIcAN 'Joness it Laughlin's, itemuctivnans Os N AND JUNIATA AND COMMON SHEET IRON. '8 Patent Shafting, Piston Rode, Plat% k 4. WAREHOUSES, eater Street and 132 First Stree JP T 11 VASS 11. rnor of Ifranklin and South WatesEitzsotir :In.&Jointa...JoEfii L. 80YD... WK. BITULLO47O PIT SBURCH. STEEL' WORKS NES • frO, BOYD &co., . . 2k f t 7 A rZli r d a:ll.: A IZ S t A14 % 8 07 18 " 1 ."" p is . • P/TTEIBIFIi .11. ht. PETS, Olt CLOTHS, tko, STB AND OIL OLOTHB g 4 Pieces NEW DRUGGETS, 75 Pieces iV BitIIBBELB CARPEL' hesehave hut - been received and are TEST AND RICHEST PATTERNS, Bit prices., Iv. ` 211"CLINTOVIL GARPktS, 011- CLOTHS, • -AT 'CALL UM'S; No. 87 Fourth Street. t OBIT PREVIOUS TO THE LALTP Vance in prices, of which the Meet. au. LLefered in purchase FOE CABE. GRAM."..D. 01:11111MGRA.L.P. OUNNIIINDIAY GiMUMS itt CO.--P IT T 61. GIL CITY GLASS WORIIO-7-War 9 Water street, and 156 Milt Street. Pg.y three doom below the Mottouga ,e, Illauttfasturers of Pittsburgh . City Gloss Druggoote Glees Ware and Amer: px elan, for o buildings. parlor windows. ohitrohei apt U house s Pitta bola oan Con and pu , POTASH AND SODA AS2I-- 'ORE _POTASH AND SODA Asir. t rein_ ILA of another supply of superior ind ra Ash. Those who make their i) and have use for either of these arti Innd it to their advantage to examine ins 1 uremia/4 e lsewhere. l,43l, JOSEPH , lee Market streetFLEMING and the Diamond, er Market street and tho Diamond. I , IOiRNING POST Potashl am own Soo' cles,willl stock 1:” LAM -PRINTING ~ 3 B%3~HbIEI~TT. CORNE FIFTH & WOOD STREETS, PITTSBUROEI. St RECENTLY MADE ADD/TIONB Alm arpßOvielnats TO OUR OFFICE, prepared to execute all orders for ERY DESCRIPTION OP • 111 & JOB PRIIVTINO latch and in the most ECnperior style We have an ernes ND TO NONE In the ottz :Iv 0 K Y DESCRIPTION. Paumilva Pzmuntlwa