The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, July 18, 1862, Image 2

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    Tfce Umlee aa It waa i
The Constitution a* It la t
Democratic Male Ticket,
ISAAC BLENKEK, Union County.
JAMES p, BABB, Allegheny County.
? thu ' our nation’s birthdav, we
t&£ are rehch «oainst
%*** nte ™t* of mankind, that this a,-
eHter J>“ Capital of the so-called
, S?®’ i,af our national Constitu
„?? i, P re^aif j and that the Union,
which ajpne can insure internal peace and\
sh^alTbepreserved. i 0 *"* and \
Meeting of the Democratic
W “ T **««Uy, tbe Jl»tu or July,
WhT., AT 7 1-3 O’CLOCK, P. «.
A foil attendance of all the members is urgently
ttofoy'S^Z,t°h ,he * horoagh otwniiS of
r ° a ? hoUt the Stat e. who desire
“•ttheir poUtieal action the ensuing Fall shall
* T,denoe ‘h« Krcat body of I
the people of thu Commonwealth aro resolved to
a National Constitution,
And that the Fawn of these States.hall nolle kre
“** “?• • I ‘ l, erby the open and armed assaults of
tmemiea South, or the equally direct, but more
mmdnous movement of foes in the North.
It is alio desired, that in view ofwhat thecourse
vLZ rendered probable, foreign inter
vention in our domestio strife, and the complete
to o '™r,r fAbOUtionU ' 3 " »" d »”ro.T
to prevent the restoraUon of the Union on the
LTolr ? C r t : tUti ° n ' ,h6 .^;
*** Clt “ ens s “PPorting our oiganira-
UndiWded front •» *«*»
Chairman Dem. State Central Com.
p;‘„®„ ST : CHARLES HOTEL, in the city ot
jmv U 7 h - 0a SATURDAY, the l»th day of
JULY. A. D.. 1862. at 11 o'clock a. i,.
A general attendance is requested
«-**Hlng matter on every piHee .
We need a number of papers to com
plete our files, for Which we will pm- l lh .
erally at. our counting room. They are as
•follows: IStil Nov. Ist, 2d, 5,h, 7th. t-th
loth, 21st, (2.) 28th, (2.)
oil'll '; th - 14th > 2ilJ, tilth. 25th. tV,tli.
(2.) 14th; Feh flat, 24th: March 22,1.
the rebellion.
A Public Meeting Called.
There will be a meeting held this fore
noon at ten o’clock, at the rooms of the
Board of Trade, to take preliminary mens
uree for responding to the late call of the'
fWerament for additional troops to put
down the rebellion. The mere announc e.
rnent of this is, of course, sufficient to in
sure a large attendance of our substantial
citizens, upon whom must principally de
volve the raising of the necessary menus
for the complete success of the under-
taking. Action, immediate and effective,
«what is now needed, there being lmt
little time left for long speeches, editorials,
or prolonged councils.
_Let’s muster, men I our council LiourelduM
We must be brief, when traitors brave the del,
The multitude of officers—assessors and
tax-collectors created oy the necessities
of the country ln prosecuting the war, has
caused an ; influx of office-hunters into
Washington absolutely appalling. When
they assemble together-in order to com
pare notes as to their relative chances for
snug situations, their numbers are said to
resemble the late monster meeting held in
New lork City. Some of these patriots,
we understand, were, at the beginning of
the present Administration, applicants for
Chargeslnps and Consulates. After lin
gering arotmd Washington until their cash
was exhausted and their wardrobes dilapi
dated, they came down from foreign ap
pointments to mail agencies and baggage
masters; and failing in securing these
they had to content themselves with
‘ Pusses” from the Postmaster,General to
secure their return home. Since then this
large and useless class of non-producers
hav ® been < Me Wilkins Macawber, wait
ing for something to turn up, in the mean
time taking care to consume a useful citi
zen • full share of produce, besides in
dulgmg in innumerable practical jokes
upon the hotel-keepers in Washington,
and upon fashionable clothiers, not con
fined to any particular city, town, or lo
cality, -_NQtwithstaiiding the country’s
present want of able-bodied defenders to
put our armies in condition to speedily
crush the rebellion, these would-be as
sessors and tax-collectors can not be in
duced to enlist, although it is positively
certain that many of them do not know
whereto spongetheirnext breakfast. If this
hungry multitude were to join McClellan,
their advent in. the neighborhood of Bich
mond would be looked upon as being like
that of the loensts of old into Egypt. They
are numerous enough to not only'overrun
Eastern Virginia in a week, but to turn in
and eat ont her snbsistence in a fortnight
after their arrival. But they won’t go to
war ; they have a contempt for all sort qfj
labor—luta*e particularly hostile to the'
trade of bearing arms. Eminently civil,
they have an instinctive contempt for.gun-
Vc transfer to onr columns, from the
Eewisburg published i„ |: nion
county, the following, showing the esti
motion in which Mr. Slenker, the Demo
cratic candidate lor Auditor fleneral, is
heM at home.-
“it is needless tor us to sneak of th.
untainted character of Mr. Sh>nkcr the
nominee for Auditor ficneral. itc e iti
are wen ne, > hlj ' j rilig counties
are well acquainted with )iis high stand
ing as a man of talent and integrity and
as an accomplished lawyer The Lre
vote polled ,„ P his tkvor dZring ,J,c r
Judicial contest in this district, is a eon
yincing exponent of the great estimation
in which he ,s held by the citizens of this
now’ 0 ? t° f ,he State ’ aiui will serve as a
powerful recommendation for him to oth
', Ve - feel ron^ Jcnt 'that every
ed tbh U h‘° n ' ° V ‘" e “ aa ' vho is “cquaint
ed with his superior merits will give him
his vigorous and earnest support; and to
hose who do not have the honor of a nor
somU acquaintance with him, we woo d
say, be assured that he is all, even more
than his most ardent friends have renre
nUeedt?‘m - t0 ’. e ’ B,lstain him, help us to
place him in the position for which the
Smtl°| CraCy “ nd eonK crvatlve men of the
State have nominated him, and we nledee
you our honor that vou will hnd fim
sorry to see that he has already bln so
basely, so insufferably slandered and vn?L
fied by men who claim to be free of no '
cal prejudices, national in their sentiments
f V »n te j t 0 the Union cause. Theciti-’
zens of the district are acquainted with the
nnd eP 'n ta r® sch Tea ot ‘ th ese characters I
and wdi disregard the vile inventions of l
their unprincipled minds.
A Letter from General McCall.
After the long and terrible suspense ex
perienced here in regard to the fate of
General McCall, we have the gratification
of stating that a letter has been received I
from him by Mrs. McCall, saying that he
is a prisoner in Richmond and uninjured
He was struck in the breast by a spent
ball, the effects of which were but tempo-!
rary. the general also sends word that
ne is quartered for the present at the
I kfotswood House,” the principal hotel
| m Richmond, and that thus far he has
been very kindly treated. His capture is
la source of deep regret, but it is indeed a
i source of consolation to all his friends that
pe is safe and well cared for. We learn
thrt lns capture was in . this wise: he had
I posted one of the regiments of his division
m a particular locality, and daring his ab
sence it,was moved without his orders or '
knowledge. 1 When he' returned from an
other part of the field the place was occu
pied by a rebel regiment, and it being dark
he rode into tte epejpy, was
surrounded and earned to General Lee’s
headquarters as a prisoner of war.—Wesf
chitftr BqmVtifan, ' '
I'owdef; and, like the popinjay in the
_ play, tlunk it “a pity, so it is, that villain
ous saltpetre should he digged out of the
bowels of the harmless earth.”
These fellows, having no visible means of
existence, are necessarily a burthen to
others; inasmuch as they abound, at pres
ent, in Washington, it behooves the (iov
ernment to use the vigilance „f Hamlet,
Rosen * ( W ° Spo,lK ' ng acquaintances—
Rosencrentzand (1 uildenstern— and “keep
an eye upon them " 4fW*i« A
nnr! „ n . Alter the assesssors
and col colors aforesaid are appointed
here will remain in Washington a rm.lti
de ol disappointed patriots, full of re
sentment and savage at the powers that he,
each of whom will be “fit for treason,
-"trategem and spoils.” This set must be
watched, or the country is lost. I.etthej
Marshal of the District of Columbia look |
to them; they will require all his alien
tton. As soon as Congress adjourns,
which has the exclusive right of legisla
tmg for the District, he can proclaim
martml law, seize these thousands of
disappointed and discontented persons
pronounce them “contraband of war," and i
! IT. ru™ McCleil “" “* dig ditches,
all of which can he handsomely and le
gally accomplished under that general and
useful provision which Mr. Sumner de
nominates “military necessity.” Such a
proceeding would meet with universe
commendation, and would bn a vast im upon the ordinance in some of
our Southern cities, which compels non
producers and loafers to labor on the
in the appointments to which we have
alluded the Government should not over
look the th.msands of lame and maimed
soldiers who have been made such in
I f !’ r our eovernment against re
belhon. _ There is an admirable fitness in
this suggestion : these men are rendered
useless for any heavy employment; but
are ht for the positions alluded to : ,so let
these places be given in the wounded re
turned soldiers, and when the present
oftce seekers shall have lost a leg or an
ami in battle, we shalfdo our litti,. ~„deavo
rs .a directing to their several .uses ,l,e
attention of the government.
pebsojjal attacks upon
I’u lho 0,ne(leo( this city, which everv
<mi ' o " ta '.' a a little malignant Ui„ K M,'.
Hellan or some other officer. wo commend
the perusal of the lollowi,,« brief para
graph from the .New York Tints. It i s
not near so long as one 0 f Wendell I'hil
,ps :re «>o»alde speeches: i, ? observance
hy oar neighbor, new that the government
wants more soldiers, would do our cause
far ntore service than publication of
*. lll>s treasonahle speeches. The
Times says: *
rhitvV 5 d ° not I . t,|,n,i i>ler it am- part of our
fence of he r r ° I,enll ">7 th,,ir liv « in de
■elv non, h c"" ar ° 1,, - val me "- and to
ei> upon the? Government !o inlliet unon
thei'r 'huv!-' !m “ ish,m ‘ , ' t *f they fail to do
or more than a year, .say? the /IV/,/.
he Tnhiinc has been frantically vocifera
mg -'on to Richmond!" f air , vf . Btt]l . r
111 0u1,1,1 W,nt *-T and in summer. in sea-
S oftloo,i ami of scorching heat, i, has
demanded that the army of Virginia should
on to Richmond!" Richmond vet re
mains in the hands of the rebels' Jj„ t
Oen lope has' issued an order in
which he intimates that he is about to grat
ify the Tribune. Whereupon that L
nal, with a perversity peculiar to itself
or turning will, fear from its own scheme’
ejaculates faintly, “Don't," „
to tell f.en. Pope and his army that if they
to do such a thing, very likely 1
some of them will get hurt. I
"'oil. if the Tribune x prophecies huv
oir usual luck, Ifichmoud will |„.
a i’oriniffht.
the great hew yobk de
The mass meeting held in New York on
1 ueaday must have been a monster;
pvery one seems to have been on hand.
I'ho following are the resolutions of the
Committee, which read very much like
those adopted by the late Democratic
Convention held at Harrisburg:
Whkukas, At a meeting of the citizens
conv ened on the 20th of
April, 1801, it was resolved to support the
Government in the prosecution ofthe war
then opened by the rebels, with all the
means in our power; and whereas, nothing
has since occurred to change our opinions!
Pv«°Z^ ete . rmmat j° n th <*n expressed, but
nf£7* ‘ ng t 0 C ? nfirm them !whereas,
after a seneß of successes to the Union
armes, mtemipted only by afew tempora
ry reverses, the casualties of war have re
duced the effective strength of the regi
ments m the field, so that recruits are
needed to fall them up; and whereas, the
occupation of the places repossessed by
our army requires an additional force, and
the 1 resident has called for 300,000 men
and for these reasons another meeting of
citizens has been called, and is now as
sembled, it is thereupon
fiesolrerf, That we reaffirm all the reso
at'°'l3 i ‘ e m ? etln 8 of April, 1801,
hercbj declaring that every event that has
since occurred has served to strengthen the
convictions then held, of the wickedness
of this rebellion, and the duty of all loyal
ancTat a!"hazards* 3 ** W *‘^ Btron K hand
licsohed, That this war is waged on the
? 1 7 al , for ‘he ovenhrowonly
ofthe disloyal; that we seek nottoen
orce any claims or to establish any privi
eges beyond those given us by the Con
stitution of our fathers; and our only aim
and purpose have been, and are now, to
maintain the supremacy of that Constitu
lon, over every foot of soil where it ever
a°line erased!' 1 " 0t “ I!n * inter Polated, or
w ? are lor tbe h'nion of
the States, the integrity °f the country and
the maintenance of this Government
Without any condition, or qualification
whatever: and we will stand by them and
uphold them, under all circumstances,
treLure! VPrV nCCCSSar S r sacrificp of li»e or
P‘ at - while we recognize, and
will mmntain, the rights of each
.State under the Constitution, we abhor
and repudiate the doctrine—fatal to na-
r a un ‘ty, and so prolific of t reason in
J| Rnd ? nd amon K the people
that a legiance in due to the State and
not to the United States: hol,lmg tt„" ‘
cardinal maxim, mat to the Uuite.f.State
as a collective government, is due the pri
mary allegiance of all our people; and that
any Mate or c of States, which
attempts to divert it, by force or otherwise
■s guilty of the greatest of crimes against
humanity and our National Union.
tn‘3olved, 1 hat we urge upon the Gov-
If* elercise ? f ila utmost skill and
' igor, in the prosecution of this war. unity
of design, comprehensiveness of plan a
uniform policy, and the stringent use of all
he means within its reach, consistent with
the usages of civilized warfare.
/usnlictl, '1 hat we acknowledge but two
divisions ofthe people ofthe I nited States
n this crisis; those who are loyal to its
and every inch of its' soil, and
an ready to make every sacrifice for the
micgrity Of the l mon, and maintainum-e
of cm! liberty within it, and those who
open y or covertly endeavor to sever our
eountry.or to yield to the insolent demand
-f ns enemies: that we fraternize with ,h ( ’.
former, and detest the latter; and that
orgetting all former party names and dis
tinctions we call upon all patriotic citizens
o rally or one undivided country.
hag, oncdcßlmy.
That the Government of the
I nited Stales, and its people, with it, o' -
i asional exception among the reckless in
habitants where this rebellion was fostered
lave wisely ami studiously avoided all in
terference With the concerns of other na
tions, asking and usually enjoying a 'ike
with their own and t ha,
such ,s and should continue to be iu
policy: that the intimations of a contem
plated departure from this sound rule ol
of hto„°e n l ~a• r , ° f SOme <*' nn.'m,'
of hurope, by an intervention in our pres
ent struggle, ,s as unjust to them 'as t
«ould be to us and to the great principles
lor which we are contending; but we as
sure them, with a solemnity of conviction
which admits of „o distrust or fear and
front a knowledge of and a firm “ban c ■
upon the spirit and fortitude of twenty
mil,ons of freemen, that any attempt ti n!
el “*‘ ltta ™-«U,.ce uiparal
1 ln lts unconquerable in its per
sistence, and fata! to this; whom it
ti nded to aid; and that it wiil n.„., ' i
to strengthen Md eievute tile Republic" ', That the skill, bravery ami
endurance exhibited by our Army a
-Navy have elicited our admiratioi'i a
gratitude; that wn behold in these qua"
M s the assurances of sure and speed? sue
cess to our arms, and of rout and dmcom
fiture to the rebels; that we urge the Gov
ernment to aid and strengthen them by
all the means in its power, and careful"!
to provide for sick, wounded and disabled
soldiers and their families: to prosecute
the war with increased vigor an£ energy*
until the rebellion is utterly crushed th<!
integrity of the Union in Jl Us b or ’d cr ?
restored, and every rebel reduced to sub
mission, or driven from the land; and that
to accomplish these ends we pledge to our
rulers our faith, our fortunes, mid"
Rjtsolccd, That we approve of the ail
-“‘■r'T ?{, ,hp of the United
States, and of.tho measures recommended
and sanctioned by him for tbeproseeution
a^d h th** 1 ’ w-® Bu PP. re fsi°n ofthe rebellion
and the welfare of the country i that we
th™'°h a^*: J e# nd expedient the call for
three hundred thousand more troons
| and earnestly exhort our countrymen*’
rally to the standard of the Union and
bear a aloft until it shall float Tpeace
and Wed. Where
Rexolved, That a general armament is
ev <; r y consideration ot policy
and safety and the Government .should
lose no time in filling up onr armies
putting the whole sea-coast in a state* of
complete defense. 01
\ Resolved, That it be recommended to
Vo P“ mm ° n Council of the City of New
Speech of Hiram Walbrldge.
<ien. Hiram Walbridge said:— Fourteen
Citvo h f n!w v O, V- ia v , cr y Platform, the
ot Ngw }ork, in the presence of a
cCd er t w a K ,lllon ,°/ citizens, de
„Ti d Bhe . w , ould not sit tamely bv
and behold a wicked, reckless, malignant
rn I in o nf y iK onSU ? ,nate the om*hrow and
L ‘\ of ‘ he only representative constitu
tional government on earth. [lmmense
applause. ] A\ ben she fixed this determi
natiop and announced her will, eleven re
bellious States had attempted to sever their
connection with the foveroment*
and V orn ./ rom - fo u r - te ' arse?»ls, m^f“ t ’
Bnd Jls. rb £ rs Wl tl* , n their limits, theban
aeroftheConstuntionil Union. [Cheers ]
.£ eci } esß ’* ram P a nt treason, though
long threatened, took the civilized worfd
by surprise; and, as the conspirators bv
thousunds poured their murderous hail of
shot and shell upon that thirsty, half-fam
ished jprnson at Fort Sumter, with its
seventy exhausted but loyal ien, thev
little roalued that throughout ihe whole
Christian world they were calling silently
into exercise forces wholly beyond human
control: for that man must be an atheist,
or hmiio sou, who does not realize that!
since that first event God himself has been
manifest in the moral and political phe-l
nomena which this great, loyal nation now I
presents; and rtstrJneTand phflosopW
™ reason right
and act right *hen they gnat!
' free i’nstitmio?' 1 1 5 e of
, row 18 reserved only to
Jehovah himselt. Fellow-citizens when
l*f * m ® l on the occasion to’ which
I have referred, hold ranlr ..j •
treason pervaded eterv depart-
A™l°w he * e . deral service. [Cheers 1
Army, Navy, Ambassadors to foreign
courts, Collectors of Customs l»„ .*
ters the defenses .tOTn^„ l ,ffi“d
as they were, could not then lerel,l
U .P°"' nation trembled for the safe! v
tv t „ h f e " at, ° nal .^Pital; the
m the' f.® Pr “ ,de "t was endangered even
in the Executive mansion ! [ A onll/e i
Consternation and despair briefly ruled the
carita, W Stamls tb J “'alter'now'? The
tucay and Missouri, then on the verve of -
her territoria^ex'tent!* 10 ® roa,er P or,u>n oh
Mr. Walbridge warmly spoke in sun
'iuhe el , os e e re ' S A Ut i.° nS W '“ dl 1,6
er’s desk in moun 'ed the speak
and Ut c o h ian d nCS ’- "tta^ncechwrid
Confiscation^and Emancipation
. .... . Bill.
’ i. 4 tre a t s 0 0 ;‘ , IUSSd 1 U SSd e ~| in ?r reCtion ’ '°
confiscate ih J'llL re,e 'iion, to seize and
other pnrpo*^ ofrfebels ’ and <or
«»*/ /*«
Mti-Bniled State, of
every person who ?hfifThat
the crime of treason * hereafter commit
States,and shallS- 1 ~ hu United
shall suffer death 'hereof,
?'*y. shall he deelared Le ® ,a I ve ? I \ sf
imprisoned for not less than r r Sb ?
fined not less fI , ' .. s '“an five years and
sieves if an? ’s t n «»* a " «*»!
tree; said fine shalM and raade
ed on any or ail of th* CVlcd and collect
personal; exc?ud?n„ h 1 Pr ° perty ’ real and
said person sn , e - sltt , Vf ' s - of which the
the time "f 9 ? conv .“* ed was the owner at
any 'ale °' r the said crime,,
notwithstanding eyanCe t 0 the contrar y
if «nv‘,fers'onlhall That i
I'oot/assist or « * hereafter mcite, set on !
insurrection ln a,iy rc hellion or
f'nited Sim a ® ain f' the authority of the :
existing A a f- comfort to, any such
convicted th 10,1 ° r ll,s 'itrection, and be
punished bv • re ° r ’- SUcll P erson shall l>*
not exctdi'ng'rXT bt 'I" 0 ' 1
, t<. ... Amt be it further enacted That
kesou:tiox;i or « ~„ :K . ££ Urnffitaies' 0 h ° ,d officc
tho ,^le lerr *roria| limits of it further enacted That
enee shonl l r blcb ffnsranfees their exist- ’ r .P lln ishment of any person orper
■'“« crime #8538 “ »-• *• And be i, further enacted That
s=^'s%rr s r^
»BiSSas! i&&£?
every official llani!ln hung, , -'e mrl an y of the so-called
!i» m; a ‘ -f tz
ST-ISfir i£;iß : & i !±3'&~3?S& i
mufta-fttion alnurr o i, r Afi „ r / w, ‘ f “ r ,vm * ti-r. I‘rovuhJ Vi .* name or charac-
ES£pca*BS& Sr&e&BS*
e.lge mn\ develop. '‘ n '' r '“ ,N ' :l1 knr '« !■ ; „ i„-Hion, ami all sale,"', 11 '' l "!! lori 1(1 sueh
£=K:;:S~"'=! - .:x ; f "-“is:
w„: ■■■
this whi*i» tln-n* r < •* ‘‘ ofl > M.
in .1..; U„.l. ■
tiof. linuiv ii.rcf,, ; rA ‘ n
domesiif ailln.ii.;,.
nal tor the spirit of Iil„- r |. ~, , M,;
Us triuinplirtijt ■hthroWh^Zr""’-
‘nly in nv.*r> Jifrimj* h i
n l«» [>rov«; 11,3 »'*ur J.»r
Hli. (14U Irulh. 11... ri ., !j
*/; i,
«' r «vcs die iniKlit * M ,J ‘‘ ' ,!it h
the nevor-tljwurt*‘d • .
in the right. M * J i. hi* |..ii!i,hd
Au»MJ«>«i will sali-lv ifii-.. ( fi .
k . doubly Mrnni tUo ~M,‘ m " 1 him
Hho buttle* in the muse ..t
u * c ,x h *«ht »KAiti.Ht the
i.V;ha„ , d.“ ,n - r„ llf or „f illVi *.
An, !» l ;!:' , ,brm “ -Mh. r,vr,.
** y rt7"! : ? w! *"■
While l eee the tf | lia . n . # - ,
IJiiiorTa temiile ht|j v ” lri ' ~?u,n r..un.| the
Abolition Agitation.
‘lie Washing,,,, oorrespondenl „f tl„.
oaltimori! Ending to ,h ( > ] nltf ilUe ,..
wear between thp President and the border
Mate slaveholders, remarks thnt •'•tin. s i„
very agitation as it stands 4„ s
dieting aspects, A portion of
gressmen Iron, the border slave Slates
have signed an address to the President
countenancing his policy of emancipation
m such States; i„ that they state the
amount (.S«MJ,hoo,«iu} to be the
J"-f.? ,!d to cer, ' ct ‘hat object, thou-h thev
reette the grievances that the loval citi'.
,b»r‘ , thc , Blave S,ates have reccdved at
the hands of the Abolitionists by the lec
islation of the present session. The sicn
rhrh°t f to h » aUdrc " s reserve to themselves flic
ZacUv o' , Vh they Plcasc S “ ,heir Private
th o ,r relurn to their States
decl?L b l° t rdCr Sta , te representatives have
declined to sign the address in ouestion
because they regard the proposedS
i’, unconstitutional and impolitic
Notwithstanding that the President has
ecommended a permanent appropriation
dorsed'the'nnf 011 ’ C»jA
‘ he policy, yet the thing is tabooed
among the republicans in the public places
fdel T e ” enators are vfdiculi,fg the
thefr sLv ompt i! ,Sat L ng loyal "‘asters for
the nrmt ’A Who . Bhould be employed in
c° a y \ A majority of the Republican
enrd i fi \ av ~ 1 ,,,t themselves on the re
cord to that effect. Their object is to get
to/ negroes upon the muster
bfo nne3 any , good ‘hey can do in hos-
P ?- tlon . 3 ' but in order to initiate
emancipation in the States, by giving free
“ BUc h employed slaves, and to ttieir
mothers, wives and children. ! ’
■ I the President has appointed Col. C. F.
I ackson, of the Ninth Pennsylvania Jtc-
| serves, a Brigadier General, but he has
I, not * et been confirmed. Col. J. is a gal
lant oiheer and, though at the outbreak
of the rebellion he was unversed in mid
ttry affairs, has proven himself an able
tactician. He has fairly earned his pro
motion conduct in camp and field
AldtVlODs ftlao of thia mtr will
weewd to thecommand of theNiSth.'j
r.v 11..- I s.aiJ- , . T
>hi- t 1.,.,,,., *' ‘y l ll "' ~|
suit f>v s-uch ,w»r. I a iM , rloan .V
■ .... .lintbe it jurther (iiarlrtl Tim.
revenue 1,1 a{ ltturalty or
l,r who has given , M d o ,f h
thereof paid into the t ea ury of the'n
ieJ S,lltes f ° r ‘l>e Purport 2fbS. Un "
such deeds and conveyances to h J lrect
iT^xr"TA f^S»S
proper in the premises. reasonable M.I
Skc. U. Awl be it further enacted TK-.
all slaves ot persons who «hsi) u 1
be engaged in*
eminent of the United States nr-E ,°n
m any way give aid and eomfort .hemo
escaping lrom such persons' Qn ,i
refuge within the lineTofZ
all slavesi captured from such i.eraons nr
t e ol%?,t p em “ nd eon.i„gS“ n con'
o,°,° the . Government of the United I
States. and all slaves of such persons
(ound or being within any place mcu
pied by the rebel forces, and afterward
occupied by tjie forces of the TTniud
States, shall be deemed daptivea
and shall be forever free of their acini’
tude, and not again held as slaves '
lawiul owner. aml%d« nnf'-hSS S S.”fI
jebelbon, nor m W iSStor
i^nilfemnit ereto ’ and n 0 pewon engaged
ted SI" na , Val service<>f th « Uni
• siiull, under any prctenai vliaLi
,0 ‘ ,ecide °" 'he
the claim of any person to the
labor of any other person, or inrrender un
[any such person to the claimant, on the
pain of •fing di.missed from the service.
Sm . 11 An&btitfurther enacted, That
the President of the United Btates is au
thorized to employ, as many, porsons of
American descent as he may.deem neces
sarv and propgr f or t j, e gU pp ress ; on of
tins rebellion; and for this purpose he may
he g m«^ C - a ,i nd V se ‘^ em in such manner as
o Fr y io heat for the public welfare.
That tlin~p -a be father enacted,
that the President of the United States
“uthorized to mate provision
yond the limits of theTnl ed°sf7 b<! ;
such persons of the African Stat ‘‘ a >
free by the provisions of this '
be willing to emigrate, having first obtain 7
ed the consent of the Government „7 ?j
wX tr tt° ‘ heir and setUemern
within the same, with all the rights and
privileges of freemen. 8
the j A ”! d b i il further enacted, That
the I resident is hereby authorized at anv
time hereafter, by proclamation, to extern!
he P exSg W Xr y Ve Pupated in
theVoTp^dr„ b :” , d 0
exceptions and on such conditions aThe
may deem expedient for the public wel
this net r„!o ot effe r et h!nB9 " RCeBSary *° Ca^
/couional t'orreqiondeiica of tha Post j
Sumner on (he Summit.
Moi'xtaix Horse, >
Cresso.v, July 14. j
a nST: ' _l ' rom this snug eyre in the
Alleghenies, 2,300 feet above the level of
the ocean, it is with pity and regret that
my thoughts wander back to your Vesuvi
us like streets and smoky atmosphere,
brought up to blood heat by reflection from
your heated walls-and the necessity which
compels your pent up thousands to endure
the sultry days of midsummer in a dirty
crowded city. Vou have my warmest sym
pathies in your affliction, and I can only
wish, while X enjoy the cool breezes, made
more delightful by the shower we have just
had, that every man, woman and child now
struggling through the heated term in the
Iron City, could spend a few days here.
They would go back re-invigorated and
nerved for further endurance.
C™ is /ery gay this summer. Here
S&‘*iS , ’ttSSKS
pass pleasantly*
here as everywhere, with unquenchable
eh'orrrefthat^no h * S “ ch
n rms that no one wishes to go away.
Ihe hotel is comfortably tilled with
do*e l,? d “ n “" lber ° f cottages, erected
temporily tenanted by city
£ "ho cannot torego the seclusion of
home, even at a summer resort
,. J “? C does not hang heavily on
the hands of any—invalid, coifvales
cent or robustly Wealthy, hie springs
he grounds, the walks, the splendid moum
am scenery, are all full of attracticnsTo
he mea*ns n of~ a hVCr - V S . tablc furnisl >cs
drives ov *r ,L'T J ° y ' ne th f magnificent
orives over the fine. turnpike and olank
J-oretto i—ihn° St f (,| ri lar ‘’cmg ‘hat to
i.orttto) those who like quiet recreation
and exercise find it in the billiard saloons
and h" f a,le - vs -and the trout streams I
and hunting grounds in the vicinity give
ample scope to sportsmen. Ath e band
enlivens the evening and the dance carries
us tar into the night. I „ f act we ° o ™bin°
tile benefits of country air with the eniov
oth "r ° 1 lly • lfe ‘ " e llft ve baths and all
1 tilt r conveniences, two daily mails Hast
ami tt est.and a telegraph office,placing us
■n instantaneous connection wi'th home
and Mrs M S T IIeS his r bountifully,'
i. i * ‘• Million, ft perfect specimen of\
hidy, neglects nothing that can add to tin
comfort of her guests. The assis 'ants in
•i ulThe de i' artme,,t i“ re P ° Ute a,,d “Menfive
.not the servants übiijuous.
"« have now many transient visitors—
those who, not relishing the fatigue of an
uninterrupted trip Kail or Well arrive
I‘mfl ,? ‘ eV ° nlng trai ' l3 a “<l stop over
until next morning—when the traveler can
mnv bit' 8 JoUr,,e - v ’ Im| ch refreshed. 1„
any instances persons who stopped for
ure'a riiho
to come an 1 >y a,,y possibility do so,
<ome and make merry with im W.\
how make teS, yt
•season paTstretbiy 1 ” 081
The Charge Against Gen. Mitchell.
Baltimore, July 14.-The, following
correspondence was occasioned by the
strange and mysterious charges put forth
|n Jw days smccby the Louisville
Major General Mitcueu. Dear Sir
tract 1 r ent r , is hereb .v called to an ‘ex
-15? iSr TLsrr 116 z
i;Zu:\L now
i onrs, very truly,
B. F. Cave, \o. lit;
Madison Avenue.
1’ II ~ ~ " ASItI.VPTON, Jtllv 14
m?kZks^ X * Ma ' lhnn
Louisville Journal, ol the lOth 'nsl t
which I am charged with conduct'"‘‘not
sniff b “ di "
“ b «>
f ' a br °adest sense unjust, unfounded
» cry respectfully, your obe’t ser’t,
Stow^h-u, mdtho™' idil y «Uho
J yl L. ' Carn,r Smithfldd*Pourthi&ek
corner Smithfield and Fourth streets.
P fro* ** l * E *'T
STATE SENATfIit* 4 * fm th# “®«in»«on *
- _ m»5
P* SaSSKKSt ioa *
it the «i>niA kjitiidh
** ***■ ****•“*“£ ™nLtoo«J
Jjiwt EtitiM.
Tke *ws?feisWir^
Nominationsi Confirmed by the Senate.
Arrival of the Daniel Webater.
**•’.**•>, July IC.—The marauder
organ, at mid-day yesterday, cut the tel
graph wires, tore up the railroad track,
and took everything convertible to his
zero’ b “r fo “ r tWelve 'P° und howit
zers, but, ,t ,» said, onJy gj, roundg ,
ammunition. He left for Georgetown last
ia.T Ve Il l e n" ,nPea thCTe ’ ° a Ga "°’ s
arm. He said he meant to visit Lexin.
withT,vor uk . fort bcfor, ‘ he '8 ot «^»gh
■thlns job. Lexingtonians say they have
ample force to protect the town, but not
to take the offensive.
The rebels are approaching in force, and
our n, en are tailing baek on Georgetown
befo'mmiiamlfSnW Pennsylvania, to
Quartermasters, with rant of p 881 ? 4 ? 01
»;,i D - f ? sse nden to be additional
a, d ide-cam p wth rank of Colonel; John
B. l rothmgham to he additional iid-de
camp Wl t h therank of
X!j’ jj: * - Buckingham of Ohio to be a
*‘ g d p r l ;eneral !l > the'volunteer ser“
Jersey To e be G r ffith Porter of New
aistenoe with the°“7f SPAtth-
Smith of the Eighth Missouri volant
lowa volunteers, to be BrigadiTr General
ntory of Vew JlexTo Fr ed erifk fiS'
omon, ot W tsconsin. to be Brig General
burne of tr- C ? dwallatle ' c S'
•& M’sHrsvi
rhockmorton, George W. PasehllL FoT
iclU'ebster arr'irJn ‘~ Tl,e st «nner Dan-
STRICTLy~j > Ure ARTTfiI w^
,■?*““» ss>,
JM&iaH, PmlrntM £<••■ Tartar
pounded h auun!oiin^ ripti#nfl accur *t«ly oom
oP«ro Win* and Liquors, for modioin.l um
U. j/.-SAWTEK. Sr
J ., ~ 1 . - SAWYER; '
Pittsburgh, June 12, lsoi 1 ' 1 '
Pittsburgh. J„„e 12. M 2. *' P ’ S AWYj^
su«ais3ff jffig|
jyH-ru ?• p ? A ®racii.
SeoreUry protein.
(Opposite the Post Office.)
Ipiaora. ales, andcirarsareof th a iT?U
BY »All,,o«tp aid
* 3 kn « >“• fc* aoo
FourthioMJ •• i W&;.;
G ’- tarDi a %s&&s?sassi f*
! a w-
I vioii !|C ViiopTii;- t ----.... 10.
»?: , fe«issa s as , isw 1 ! s
I hotei, fob asm .
completely fornlabed. Apply »«<»
“Market street.