SAiL&OAOS. Ttlli ISOM. PITTSBIitIJH PI .VAVjiKl(;iti€Ati« KAILffAi. TO ALL POINTS IB THE WEST. SOUTH WEST AND NORTH WEST. SUMMER AKHAMHCNEHT. Commencing May Bth, 1882. Tine TO ( IVCIXSATI AN QUICK.>; tuiiiauujfOlis, du Luois tad Chicago fibvrter rb;tu by any other route. IVRBTWA&D TRAINS. Fast Liao. Mull Leave* P:ic.Hbunris.,.«i, *.** a, a. 0,00 p. »' Foh INDIAN AFuLIS AND ST. LOUIS. LIJHVtB? Crehtliiiti a»tto ... -jj Arrive* it |ti.iisuui*»t,t;j* «..*« p. m. ft. Ift ». m St. L •ut5.......?,50 a. a tt.lft p. a» .til I'rauir* iQroutclj to Chicago without ofc&cf> V- B.—Tft*nine t v C'QCHtflna iti the same a* oj Meuisetmlle. train- on both Roads meet at Lniutubua, pu all go into Cincinnati together eastward chains ARRIVE AT PITTSBURGH Chicago Ex*.row? .....3,0© a. m Chicago MIH .... 3.10 p. m CincitHi iti and St. Louis Exnreeu. .7.45 p. tu ACUUMMUIM HUN rR A I.VS—From Fcdera. ritrcot Station, AUugbeny City. Leaves Arrive Leave Arrive Allegheny Now Brighton New Brtgtoo Allegheny ». 42 inmates slower than Pittsburgh time. i'iekeb good on the dcoomluoiiatiou and marxet (mint* arusol.l at nriuced prices. The 0.30 p w accoiataodKttoc tram oonnects at Now Brighton vrith packets lor New Castle. T .rough train?. .»!iuect as follows: ft Kn«‘i«, with stages for New Castlo, Mercer, ouiitfrtown. Ac. Jrrvilie. Ohio. to and from Millersburgh, Acron, Cuyahoga rails, etc. A Mansfield. Ohio, for Mount Vernon, Shelby, -tndurity. Toledo, Detroit, etc. At Crestline, R.-r Delaware.Springfield.Columbna. Cincinnati, Xenia, Dayton, Indianapolis, Saint Loui... Louisville, etc. At Lima,_fur Sidney. Detroit, Dayton. Tolo «/• etc. Al Fort IVayno. fcr Peru. Ls_laj-ette. lU(L. Saint Lomu Quincy, Keokuk. St. Joseph and interm*- duite (MHitUt in Central Indiana and iUiaoia. At Plymouth for Laporte. And at Chicago, with trains for ell points In Illi nois Missouri, lowa, Wisoonrin and Minnesota. For further informution and through tickets apply to. GRoROE PARKIN. TicketAg't. . . Uukc. Piuweoger Station, Pittsburgh. Agent, Allegheny. J 0 *!• £*•■* R' f J> v Genera!Superintendeat, W.M. P. MllSy. Geuerai rassengty Agent t»UKVfcl.A*l>, PITTMBVRGIft AM) ; WIIKKIJXO RAILROAD. SUMMER AItUAXIiEMENT. Dp and after MONDAY. MAY fltb, 1968, 1 rains will leave the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, iu Pittsburgh, as follows: FITTSBUttiIU. COLUMBUS Ji CINCINNATI SHORT LI.S’E. VIA STEUBfiNVILLB. Loitte- Pittsburgh I l,ew PdiliuieiphiM Oyaal Dover: at Alii sriu Wayne and Chicago ttailreud a: liud-'.’ti. with Cleveland, /'une-ndHe and CWinuati !i R for Akron. Cuyahoga Falls) and .Miiierabuni. aud at CieTeland with C and E g K tof 4* r * e » Dunkirk, and Buffalo, with CAT n K tor loledo. Detroit, Chicago and the north* We6t. Welterille Accommodation leaves at 4,00 p. m. lUturmuM Tramp arrive at 3,30 a ni.O.ISn Cl, ami H«oo j»m. Tbrousrn tickets to nil prominent points in the w-rt, muibweau north or northwest, can be pro tured at the Liberty street depot. Pittsbuigh. Joii *< bTICW ArtX, Ticket Agent. i?wr timber particular apply to «. . _ WILLIAM STEWAKT, Agent, At the Company s office in Freight Station. Pena 1863 »UN*JKR ARRAXGE3IEXT. ON A.NjJ Ax TER M J.3D AX’. MAX Sth. PK.\.dSVLVAJiiA CLVrm KAiLROAD. emsiit daijlv trails. r |*MK riIHOtJUII MAILT B A llf _ -*■ leave*the pMt>BeitKer Station .every morning texue)>t Sunday) at 2,50« m f stopping only at the principal iitiitiuun, and making direct connectisns at llarririburg for Baltimore and Waehingtoii, and for New lorlt via the Allentown rente. ft rijHuUtiii KXPRKSS TRAIN leaves daily at p ru, Hopping only at principal ata turns, making direct connection at Eiurriaburg toi Biiltuuore ami Wasbiugiua, und lor New York via Aiieutowu route. 'IHE FAS’I LINE leaves the station daily, (except: Sunday) at p. m., stopping only at principal .-mutucs, connecting at llarruburg for Bultnnoreand Washington. - THE LOCAL r RKIOHTTRAIV. with Passen ger Lor attached, leave* the panseorer station every morning esoepied) 413*30 a. m.. ruunirig an Tar as Cvuetuaugfo and stopping at all statiouß. ArcOMMODATION TRAINS. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leave* daily (except Sunday) at *«M3 p.m., stop pms at all stationa and running ec far as Cone maugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall 1 ? station leaves daily (eaoept Sunday,) at«,4oa. oi. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Well» station leave, dally, (wteept Sunday! at ii,«Ua. m. TUI RD . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall ~ nation leave, daily, (exaopt Sunday) at -IaOII p. tn. FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for w ill * (tation. leuvea daily, (except Sunday) ai “(I*l p. m. KIiTITKNINO TKAINN ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS: E i».*i p. m riwl Line .. 12,33 aai 10,05 a! m I-n Wal!VStation Accommodation 0,30 a m 2.1 VVtiHV Station Accommodation &*3sa!ni 3d Wall’s Station Aoc4)mtcodati«iQ 1,00 p. m Itb VValiV Matinn Accommodation. 0,10 p. m rw-Traini for Blairwrille and Indiana.connect at HtaimviJU; luter»eoti Kansas aud al) pumt m Northern Missouri by tho North Missouri Rail ■oad. ISAAC U. STURGEON. Pree't and Gen'l Sunt North Missouri R. R tIKMiY 11. Sruarmr*. GenM Traveling Agent (*1 -Str UPHOLSTERING UFIIOLSTEKV, NO. 86 KOUiiTH ST./ n’EAK VYOOI>. '■'IKK HUBMCRIBEiUt *1 AV l fA l. TURE and keep constantly on hand ever) article in their line, vis: Cornices, Ornuments, Curtain floods, Comforts, Feather Beds* Mattrasep ot alt kinds; also, the celebrated Patent Spring Beds. Ail kinds of Shades, Blinds and Fixtures. £9* Prompt attention given to all orders for tit* ting and laying down Carpets. Oil Cloths. Ac. oMl7:lrd ROBERTS A RotfNIOR. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. V O U JN OJ-’s* WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, AT THE OLD STAND CORNUCOPIA RESTAURANT, NO. 40, FIFTH STREET, WHRKE FAMILIES, IIOi'M.N.KKS TAUBASITAian'I the trade generally can be supplied with Cheapeake Bay Oyoten. at the lowest wholesale rates. Country trade solicited. ELI YOUNG, Proprietor. Young’s dating Saloon. CORNER SMITH- Where OYSTERS and all the delicacies of the season will be aerved up In the most palatable style. _ ELI YOUNG. ocl4 corner Virgin alley and Simthfinid et. SAVAGE HOUSE, So. 350 Liberty Street, Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot, JOHN SAVAtiE; Proprietor. HAVINti TAKEN AM) IiTI'EI) I P, with all tho modem improvement*, thi. 3 . po pular resort, the subscriber is prepared to aceo'm modate his old customers and the public gencr ally, with the best the markets affords. Oyster* will be served up in every variety of style, during the season. Hie Wines, Liquors and Ales he fe<- oonfident In reoommeuding to tho public for r.h»*»r excellence. Can, Bucket and Sheli Oystors received daily and sold wholesale and retail. my2f*:iyd SEETIN’S OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND, TI-lOS. ttTONJE, Proprieror. H AVI NCI TAKEN ANl> FrrTEl> I’P, at a great expense, with aii thomodi-n* im provements. this popular report, the sub-«ril*-: is propureil to aciymwodoto bis frieuu.i ".ad the public generally, with lae best ».ha afford. 4. OYSTERS will be served up iu every variety r; style during the .-.eason. LIQUORS and ALES lie feels confident La ro commending to the nubile for their excellence. •S-MEALS served up at all hours, and DAY and NIGHT BOARDERS tokon. ai*4:ly OUll IAOUSS4JK, NO. 33 DIAMOND ALLEY, I’ITTSBURGn. 'pnE HCmiIKIBER ANNWUNVKM to the public that he is in daily receipt ni bRhbU ail ELL AND CAN DYS’DEID*. GAME. «xc., and is accommodate the patrons of this old and well kuowti house with overyibinij’ id tho eating and di-inkine line at the shortest uotwe. JOHN tiIIALKU, jaltely Proprietor. OYSTER AND EATING HOUSE, No. 11l Wood Street, Pittsburgh, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALT.R3 IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH, FRESH PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE OYSTERS AND WILD GAME, All In their Proper Season. n 026 GEO. RSINEMAN A CO. II *-' ,S,OS UUUNE. ÜBO. ACKENXZ. AvR. Proprietor: No.SIA Liberty street,just l,e flde the Passenger Depv ol the Pennsylvania ttailroad, which it tho most convenient bvuso m the city for passeugera Arriving by that road. 'Hie proiirietor having, at considerable ex* up, in excellent style, the MANSION UOlj&h, Would respectiully solicit a share oi pabuc patrouage. His Larder and Bur will be furnished with the best the market can afford. fet:ly WIJNiSS AXI> LiQUOMH. WIULIA.U BEA A’EIT, IMPORTER AVI) DKALKK IS Brandies,Oordielg, WinesiOld Mononga bela and Rectified Whiskey, WO. ISMt WOOD NIRKEf, PUtHbarffb (e22^m WIJLI.IAJK tLAITOS, W HOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT, No. S/7 Diamond Alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pa •.ST kand. Blackberry, Cherry ano Old Rectifies m»ao#> ea mh^ NEW MEDICAL OISCOVERY, P««™* RFRKOY ANO pkrkan; lull cure 01 „. .SONORRHEA. e KET, DRBTHAL Am ona of thu KU ..... . ntv, and Bladder, nhloh hai baa i . aid by upward! of ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS. “ *'"*«'•* PXueßfu. with the entire mtoeeu mporrediu Csaana, Corunx. C.raoi.M. or anj compound hitherto known. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ire speedy in action, oftan uSuetuig a cure in . tow dare, and whui) a cure ineieeted It ia perman ent. They are prepared from rotatable extract: that are harmleoaon the ayBtem.and never naose ite the stouiaeh, cr imprecnato the breath anc being sugar coated, all eauseons taste is avoidoii -Vu change of diet u oeeeeaaiy whilst using -. 1 egu nor dom their action intarfhre with busine-s n ur miu^hbjx^^^do^PUix. rrepperf" 0 'I™® 1 ™® wStiont signature on th. J.BkYAN. Roehenerjsr. Y GenT Agent oom-w Fleming, ug-dawl”?" M " ket Btr « t “d Diamond ariteSt .i.oiT'z-W-fr'Ht #i» J»? 4 »j , ;*S- •' >?.!■••, i nrauEAircii. FIRE INSURANCE BY THE SELIAHOE MUTUAL IKSUBAHOE ooMPAlrt, OF PIIIEADEEPHIA, On Buildings. Limited or Perpetual, Merchan dise, Furniture, in tevm or oouuitiT. : • ■ v OFFICE NO. 309 WALNUT STREET. Cnwli Capitol, *229,510 00. Assets, . *303,909 06. Invested as follows, viz: First Mortgage or Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount $155,605 00 iruund rent, first class 2 462 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's G cent. * Mortem Loans, $30,000. cost 27.900 00 Philadeiphui city 6$ cent, loan 30 ()•" Allegheny County. 6.* cent. Ponn.-yl vama Railroad Loans:...: 00 collateral loans, well secured 2.500 Huntingdon ami Broad Top Mountain Railroadoumpany. mortgage* loan 4,000 05 PcnnsylvHnm RailruadCn.Stock 4.0C0 00 Stock o! lleliance Mutual Insurance Company... .. . 24,350 00 *»hOck of County l* ure Insuranoe Co LOfiO 00 Stock of Dolawiire M. S.lnsurunco Co. 00 Commercial Bank do 5 435 (j| Mechanics' Bank do 2,012 50 ( T nion M. Insurance CVs Scrip 160 00 Bills Receivable, bueinoss paper 16 297 IS Book Accounts, eocured interest, etc.... 6,216 72 Cash on haua and in hands of agents.. 11.355 15 CLEM TINGLEY.-pSKI 36 DIRECTORS. \v°® 4 4 ? 11 * 1 Blapham, \Vm R. Thompson, Robert Steen, Fredenck Brown, V/illiaai Mutwor. Oornoliua Stevenson, Bcuj. \\\ Tingle*, John B. \\ om«l. Marshall Hill, ii. L. Carson. Z. Lothrop. dobert Tolaud, Charles Leland, Frederick Lenniy, Jacob T. Bunting. Charles 8. H o:ut Smith Bowen, lamesB. Woodward John Busell.Piitsburgb. */ * /-.• fflcJsiXMANj.SecreUry. , fl w J. GARDNER COFFIN. Agent, | QJ>o Northeast isiruerThird and Wood et*« ||KLAWAKC niTIAL SAFETY IN- LtHUBANCE rOJlPANT—incukpora fKD BY THK LEGISLATURE UF PENNSYL YAMA, 493.». OFFICE. 8. E. CORNER LHIRD AND WALNUT STREETS. PHILA ah,i,PUiA. MARINE INSURANCES ou Ves -IvV i'F 18 < >f thQ world. INLAND INSLRANOhS on (roods, by Rivers Canals. and Land Carriages, to all part l ) of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on Mer •lianuise generally, on Stores, Dwelling Houses; Ac. DIRKCTORS.—WiIIiaui Martin, Edmund A. Souder.Theyphilus Paulding, John N. Pen«we, John u D:ms, James Tranuuttir, Wm. Eyre, Jr. Jaiuo* C. tlaud. Win. C. Ludwig, U. Seal. Dr. R. M. Huston, Geo. G. Lieper. Uugh Craig, charlea Lesley, bamuel h. blokes, J. F.Peniston. Henry Sloan, fcalward Darlington. H. Jones Brooke. Sneucer M livaln, Thw.C. Hand. Robert Burton, Jr« Jacob P. Jones, James B. M'Farland, Jodhua P. Eyre. John B. Semple. Pittsburgh, Ik I. in i Wg*>., 1. is. Berger, do. KfLLIAM MARTIN. Pwrident. THOb. C. HAND, V ice President. SsWeT Ltlv.ijex, Secretary. ; _ w M P. A.MADEIRA, Agent, )*+Z N0.4>9 \Yaterstreet. Pittsburgh. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS FIRE. ipm IK\VKI,I\ TIKI: ISSI RIM E 4 TOMPANYOFPHILADKLPHIA.omcf; JAS ami A 37 UHAtS I I .SIKKKI, ncr.r b ifih. * STATKMKNT OF ASSETS. JAN. lri, 1880.. twice- A * r« Riw! l-tote, (present Talne *103.31'; 61,) 102 2‘j Temporary Loans on ampi* Ccils'- teral Securities gg 135 % s>tocka, (present vaitie (.s3il,(W7 72.) ‘ ' ooit S 9 7SG f*G Not« and Dili* Receivable. *l*B2loo Caah 27/Jl9 33 . ' $2,208,051 68 xno only prcfiti trom premiums which this corn nany can divide by Inir, are from risks wbich ham been dcterminod. Insarances made on every dowiription of Prop erty, in Town and Country, at rates as low ns are consistent with security. Sinco their incorporation, n period of thirty yean?, they have paid losses by Fire, to an amount ®*9® e, liug roar Millions of Dollars, theroby al tording evu.cnueof tho advanUigc-i of Insurance as wed aa tnu'ibihiy nud dispcsitioii to meet with promptness &!1 liabilities. paid during the year 19511,3(i2,153 3«. DIRECTORS. Chariot W. Baucker, .Mordecai D. LewL% Lobnu W agner, D»viu S. Brown (/rant. 1.-ano Lea Jut-ob R Smith, K-l ward c‘. Dale, csi Open account;, etc 7 syy J 3 Premium Notja.... 27,605 M ililii rtiHC'»unt«d.... 174 075 14 „ „ DIRECTORS. R. Miller.*tr., James M'Auloy, Nathaniel Uolnw, AlexanderNimick, Win. il. Smith. Cbaa.W. KictiotHon. Andrew Aokler. Alexander Speer, Duvid M. Lnnjr, Ro«} J. ibntOAS. IJeiJ. BukuwoU. John R. M'Ouno. niylS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY Qf PITTSBURGH INSURES STEAM ISO ATS ANI) CARGOES. WM. BAOALEY. PrSknL I!EA ' UlQce, Cor. or H»rk«t and Water fits., tijiures ajrujn?t Loss sail Damage In the Naviga tsouoltnc .S-mthurn arid Western Kivore, land Hayous, and the Navi gatfou of the Sean. (iiHare* ajcniiißt Low auil Itaniago by Fire. DIRKCTOItS. Wm. Bagaley, Ja*. Park, Jr. t JJ m. OrJohr.stor M Q. F. Jones. Hceno Owent, T. M. Howe. ?• £«*»»». «Joprcn Bingham, w /f r ’ John Shijiton. J»e. M. Cooper, 8. Horbaagh. J. Caldwell. John 8. Dibrorth. 0. H. Zng. { PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HO. 149 CHESTNUT STBEET, Opposite ttao Cnstnm Ilonon. Capita »ai»,IOO Assets f 304, MS. KISM Or IS ,T_ either Perpetual or Limited,ol 22SLiJSr , * > ? 00 « Property or Merchandis**, at • eaunn able rates oi premium. KOgEKT P. KI&G. President. _ hIRECTO^.^ iC ° n'o B^t s ’ Ei It. Cope, p S' George W. Brown. £■ li,lt ver? - -Joseph S. Paul, u Sherman. John Clayton. S. J.Magarge E. Wiler, l. iiLaCKBCKie, Secretary. ... „ J.?l. COFFIN. Agent. •?yt:ly Comer Third and Wood streets. JNO. auVKUEAJ), * COMMISSION MERCHANT, roa thr srlr or PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, SO. 74 WATER STREET. BELOW MAKE PnTSRrRBH. JAJtESHILLANGAIt, BOSOSOAHE LA PLANING MILL, wouldrespectfnlly ia >orm tne ( public that be has rebuilt since the lire, vmlba.vme enlarged his establishment, and fillec *. with the newest and must approved machinery, •s now prepared to furnish flooring and pluioi boards, scroll sawing anti re-sawing, doors. aast »mi shatters, kdn dried, lrames, mouldings, bos uakmg, Ac. South Pittsburgh, Sept, 7,1657. ja2o ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. 0P FITTSBDEGH. OFFICE, No. 87 Fifth St., Rank Block INSURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF I FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. ISAAC JONES, Prendmit; JOHN D. McCORD, Vie, PrasuienLi). M, BOOK. Secretary * Cxnt! WILLIAM DEAN. Gmiire) P DlRECTORS—lreneJonesic.G.HuaeF. Hxr vey Cspt, R. C. A. Wilaon. B. L. Fxhneatnck, J ohn D.,MoC»id,Capuda Adun tCP. StCTljnfc Cxpt W. iren. Rohart L. U'Brew.Bobt-H.Durig. B oa --.stare a*? THE PITTSBttIIGH POST .TiihiijJial [Suuhy'* excepted.] Corner Flftb aad Wood Streets. TERMS •• PJBR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. 49*Delivere<| by carriers IS cents per week. BATON OP ADVERTISING. Square, one time..... M... 50 ** three times. 11!!!! SI 00 " one 175 one m0nth....... 5 so three months IS Oo '! six months.... 19 OO * nine moaths *4 OO TEN LINES make a square. About eight words average a line. Business notices, inserted on the local page, ton rents a line each insertion. 'File Saturday Morning Post tamed from the same office every Sf.t»j»d»r 49*Tonus 81 per annum, in advance copies, ready for mailing, Five of.sts, A 9“ Address JAMES P. BARR Editor and Proprietor *9* Advertising at reasonable rates. THURSDAY MORNING, .fUUV 17. BEAUTY OP WORDS WITH ONE «YAAABI,E. The following specimen of monosyllabic verse is too good to be lost. We do not know the nu th»r:— Think not that strength lie 3 in tho big round word (Jr that the brief and plain must needs be weak. To whom can this be true who onco has heard | he cry for help, the tong*«e that all uien speak, u hen want, or woo, or fear is in the threat, So that each word ga pod out is tiko a -*hriek, Ptogjed from the sore heart, or a string- wild note JJung by if|me fey or fieuu? Thi-rc is strength i.b l L u° s lt stretched to far or spun too tino, \\ bich has more bight than breadth, move depth than lemrfh. Let but this force of thought and speech be mine, And.he that will make the f t phrase. Wh oh giowsand burns not, though it gleam aud shine— Ligtit, but no heat—a flash, but rot a blaze. Ivorw it mere st rcngth that the short word boa.*; It of more than fight or idorin tn t-11, Theronr ol waves that cla-h on rock-b-und coasts, The crn to the Student.?. Instrumental and Vocal Music lorm? ane.v.ij charge. btudeatn will be admiUml from t-ipi t yean: to the ape of tnunhoud. Tkrhs—Hoard and Tuition, payable half yearly advance Washing and aso of Bedding „ ***’. m Classical and Modern Lauguages. exlra iu students impend Vaeatiouat the College. jl Uefereuce can be made to the lit. Kev. Bisli. i O'Connor, to tbe Kcv. T. S. Reynolds, St. Matc'i Loretio, and to other Clergymen of the PittsburJ Dioce.®e, WM. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS $29m,251 7rt I i-oii Founders, GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER (RAKERS Near the Penn. R. 3. Passenger Do not If« ipactt Kr. am, kinds oi bteum Engines, ranging from threo to oi.t nundMjdand fifty horse power, and suited lot •»rist Mills, baw Milb, Blast Furnaces, Fnctorici Itc. (live particular attention to the construction o bninnea and Machinery for grist mills, and foi Qpnghte, uiulay and circular saw mills. llavo also on hand. finished and ready for ship uieut at shon notice. Engines and Boilers of even description. J Also, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron separately " rought Iron Shafting, Hangers and Bulliea v every variety, and continue the manufacture o» Woolen iUucmnery and Machine Card*. Our pnccs are low, our machinery manu&otui ed of the best quality of materials, and warranted in all caues to giro *a tibiae tior.. RS'Ordurs from uli parts of the country soliolt sdand promptly filled. feZlnUw PHJEni LOOKING GLASS ft p IC r TURE FKA.WE MANUFACTORY NOS-EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET •» GRAND STREET A 213 CENTRE STREET. Lstublished IS3S. NEW YORK. Es tablished 183 S. This Establishment successful operstion afiyeare. and U iho largest of the kind in the United States. Wo have on usnd or mannlaotured to order every descrintion or LOOKING GLASS. PICTURE AND ffi f v^LF, K A M g 8 - f >l f 15,a,,d I 5, a,,d Ornamental Pior. Walk Oral and .Mantel Glares. Coneeoting Cor -3- ",3 d Bracket Tables, with Marble Slabs, Toilet Glasses, etc., Mouldings for Picture Framea in lengths suita biSjSMi®B£o. rt * ti i n >S ,ther &*,! Berime, /lose >*x>d. Oak, Zebra, BirtUepe, Mahoaany etc, Om now Manufactory and ezrensive facilities enable os tofoumishany article In our lino as good as th, Asrf. and as cheap as ths cheapen!. able to rapply them, with evejy article in our line which they con possibly reqturo, at prices lowei than they oao purchase elewhere. Ordert by mail attended to roitk n. not fail to call lehtH you tint New York. OlSeeA Wayerooms. No. SIS Centre St. M v myfeSmd HORACE V. SIGLER.Ag’t. 1862. 1862. M’CORB Si CO. HATS, CAPS, HTRAW 600DS. BONNETS AND Wholesale and Retail. '“““«»«»»»■ 131 Wood Street. PITTSBURGH. WIABE WOW RECEIVING A LARGE *j ADDITION to our already Immense Stock >{ Sjf 3 c a»s. Straw Goods, Bonnets, Shaker Hood.- ln d Palm Leaf Hats. Merchants visiting our cit\ san buy from us at LOWER PRICES thu in Phi ladelphiaorNew York. ap2&2md_ JUST OPENING. OVR SUMMER STOCK CONSISTING au.the latest stylse of Dress Goods, Lae. onawls. Points and (Srculars. bii. Clotfi and Fancy Saouuea. Now York Mantillas, Shawls ol ****** *WIOL Snn all prices; Boys ana Hen s Clothe, and Summer Csssimeres, Irish usen and Muslins, very cheap: Calicoes at re markable low price., Ladies call and see at H, J. LYNCH, . . No. i>B Market street, between I*2 Filth and Diamond, BARRELS CHOICE Cl pEKjust received on consignment and for for ml,by REtMEKA BROTHERS, Nos. Its and ISB Woud stratL MU-LPKEO-SOO SACKS MHBRTS gAtßMK.MUd^Jmu^e^gdfd in OmwltahStMilfitMnH. morning. P I TTNBERO H J. KNOX. PITTSBURGH, PA. Trim min gs. Embroideries, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Suti'cnuor.-.r kirt;-, Tiee, Sun nod Rain Umbrellas, Coreete, Ilibhons, And all kinds Fancy Articles and Not join!. U ° o< * B tB. W holstUe buyers supplied on bost terms. EATON, M ACRITM & CO.. ♦Pfe No. 77 Fifth street. P. &KYUKR —-H. p. RKYMEB H. RKYUKK Late at Miller £ Rlcketson’e. HEYMEII A BROTHERS, [Successor to Keymer A Anderson.] Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Frails.. Kata, Confectionary. Sagaru, Fire Works, Ac., NOS. i*tt AND IS* WOOD STREET. PITTSBURGH Note, Stock, Draft, Bond and Mort. OFFICE. ROOM No. i» BURKE’S BUILDING FOURTH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pi to Invest In Mortgsges and No. 1 my22 MR. SANIL. CRAY Has just bcttbsed from the uit and we are now receiring so elegant stock ol tiootta for the Summer Wear, combining together one of tho choice* and most deniable stocks to be found East, and take gpeoial pride in earning tho attention ot our patrons and the bub* lie to an examination oi the a&mo. which will he made up to order in our usual .t*le to the aatuiac- Qon of aU who foror ue with their natrma«L SAML. GRaTYtoST Merchant Tailors, _“fif No. 19 Fifth street, r|IHOHAM FABLE IT’S FURNITURE USD CHAIR WAREHOUSE, , No. 104 FEIIERALST.. ALLEGHENY. * n its branches, will receive £? # 5f t f* ,entlo S- ,9 n ‘ eis <*ubclct»at«ho room Mr - "JWgjg* miamia Apmnm. (iKNERAL ciiiiswdiliiiijiif, »KD »UI.I B IK """ASSSTw? " n kl " d * »* Country Winn.aßd Uqnn, illftrSf TobiifOy An, H j^TOFp >dT,IMiM rondo on onnpigmnenta oi OFFICE MO WAREHOUSE 237 SOUTH SECOND ST PHILADELPHIA. WM. BRICE & CO, PRODUCE AND PROVISION coaniMioji jii;hcua.vtn, AO: 15 SOUTH-WATER STREET, I* It 1 1 mdeli» lx l a . c-di'Mi'Jcs uiuda on consignments wnon required. myl-lyd JOHN K ELLISON..WM P m.1,!31>X, .HODMAN B XlXiSoy, JOHN B. ELLISON & SONS, IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, C&HUUUS AND VESTINGS, KO. 8.11 aAKKBT HTBEKT, (2tl dnor below Fourth.) PHILADELPHIA. J|l'IMT * Wholesale nrugglstS) KO. 830 -MARKET STREET, / lIILA DELPHI A ,' DEALERS IN I ‘i’- Wind " wttl . ,w ' Hye-ntuffs. Ac- and U 11 L ttnd Pittsburgh Coal Lnmi.heuc, Tar, Pilch. Rosin, Wagon and Kan road t> reuse. inyi:3ipd GEORGE GRANT, Manuiiioturer and Wholosale and Retail Dealer IK EVKIIT DESCRIPTION Or GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, 810 I lIESTS I T STREET, m7My PHILADELPHIA C. HARRY BRIAN, WITH LOSGCOI'K & peahcb, maxufactitrbrs 6: IMPORTERS -or- WES’S nUMSHIV*; «OObS A\II TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS, SfO. lO MUL'TU FOURTH STREET, myl:lyd PHILADELPHIA (UAKLE.iI MAGEE, Importer and ealer in Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailors’Trimmings, &c, 255 MARKET STREET, North Side, PI(!UI)£U»HIA. myl-lyd FRIES & LEHMAN, NO. Sin MARKET STREET philauuphia, Jobbers in Cloths, Caasimerro, Vrstinqs, SALKna in FINE OLD WHISKIES, NO. n XOItTIi FROST STREET. PHILADELPHIA. »plO:lyd JAMES H. CHILDS.' H»I'E COTTON MILLS, Alloirlions’’ City, P»„ hUSTFACTUEXHS Or SEAMLESS BAGS, AND OP OSN’AISUKGS, 13 Incise*! 11l AO lucbPM triitr ""W h - lcft »t *!■ CHILDS i GO'S. ,- A t O. 17 FIFTH STREET, IOBRKRk ABUS HKTAII.ERK J. H. CASIDAY. gage, Real Estate and Her. ebaadlae Broker. LATE STYLES OF SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED. '■■■'■ ■-■-!•: ■>•*. a*oustaaH9 v. BAHZXVO HOVBBB. WOUARBA VWSBBAIK, j#« FOURTH STREET, OHABTEBED IN 1865. APES MILT, FROM >TO 3 O'tTtMIK: y abp. Wednesday and Saturday evening*, from May Ist to November lot, from 7 to • o’elook and from November Ist to Nay lit, from 8 to 8 o’clock. Deposits received of all sums not lees then On Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twiceayear.inJaneandDeoeixtber. Interest has been declared nemi-annually, in Jane and Decem ber since the Bank was organised* at the rate oi sin percent a year. Interest if not drawn oat is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal* and bears the same interest from the first days of Jane and Do eember, compounding twice a year* without troubling the depositor to coll or even to present nu pass At this rate money will doable in less than twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AKD OHE-HALF PERCENT. A TEAR. Books containing the Charter. By-Laws, Roles Uhffi“ tIOILS ranushed grftti3 » 0,1 application raraiTiENT. GEORGE ALBREF.. w , _ , Vice PKKRIDRNTS, John B. M Fadden, lenac M. Pannock John Holmes, John Marshall. ‘ Alexander Speer, Jama B. D. Meeds* Beaj. L. Fahnestock, A. M. Pollock* M. D., James McAuley* HUI Bargwin, Jama Hardman. Wm. J. Anderwu). .. . _• TRUfITSKS. Alexander Bradley* Jama D. Kelly* J ohn G. Backofen, Peter A. Madeira* George Black, John H. Mellor.j John B. Canfield, James Shidleu ga| Alonso A. Carrier, Robert Robb. I Charles A. Colton. Walter P. Marshall, Wm, Douglas, John Orr, John Even*. HenryL. Ringwalt, K Hopewell Hepburn, John H.Shoonbergcr, m. 8. Haven, Wm. E. Schmerte. iter H. Hunkor, Alexander Tindle. Kichard Hays, Isaac Whittier, Wm. S. Lovely, Christian Yeager BECBETAKV AND TRRiSI'RKR. CHARLES A. COLTON. N holmes * sons, bankers •“ d K»li»nge Broken and Dealers in Motes, Drafts. Acceptances. Gold. Silver and Ban k Notes. Exchange on the Eastern ana Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the united States. Deposits received in psr funds or earrmt paper. No. 57 Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. WML B. WILLIAMS * CO.t BANKERS & EXCHANGE BBOKEB3, WOOD STREET, CORNER THIRD. ieB:ly PITTSBUGH. PA. ALDERMEN. JAMES M. TAYLOR, ALDBBMAN, OFFICE! 451 Penn Street,.Firtli Ward. Collections promptly made; Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages and other Legal Hi nting Drawn. Acknowledgements Taken and Bills Probated. ap6:ly AGHICULTHAL. 0. B. KOGfiRN & NO*, I£AXU?AOTUBK6S 09 Bogera’ Improved Patent Si EEL CULTIVATOR TEETH AND GRAIN DRILL TEETH, OFFICES Corner Roller and clyiner Streets*. Ninth Ward, ffelSds PITTSBURGH. PA. JAMES A. FETZEB, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, VOS THS BAI.K OP Floor. Grain, Bacon, Lard, Bitter, Dried Frail and Produce * Generally* Corner Market and First Streets, PITTSBURGH. PA. REFER TO—Francis 0. Bailey, Kot., William DUworth. Sr y S. Cuthbert & Son, Pittsburgh, Boyd A Ott, Howker & Swearingen, S. Brady, Cash. M. A M. Bank, List Howell, Mangle & Co.. Georgo W. Anderson,. Donlon, Paxton & Co., Wheeling.. my»:2j)ff:is IF Tor WA.\T (H>M£ GOOD BEW Fruit or prepared Minoe Meat, mixed, and all. other kinds of Spices, cooking Brandy or }} me, .New Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel go to Haworth A Brothers, in the Diamond, whero yon will get a new crop of Fruit and lower than at any other house in the city. Also a general aud lull assortment of Family Groceries;, Teas. Wir.cs, Brandies, and ail other kinds of Foreign ana Poiooitie Liq-iors. J „ HAWORTH A BROTHER, de2l comer Diamond and Diamond alley. T. T. r»rR.VA CO, AIO.TJ.SE. SION, —aN n ORNAMENTAL PAINTER No. 3 St. Clair Street, [CORNER PUQIjE3.KE WAT, ?eoo!i < i story. W'Afl vert entrusted t»>mc will he neatly and promptly Aovatea. oeZl-ly TIERNAN A CJETTV, Wholesale aao 47 OHIO STREET ALLEGHENY KKAK TBB MATOI’S OFFIOg. P®*"! HYDRAirrS SHEET LEAD, Prpo. Ptaand By Lead, and Plumber', material in generd. Oil Kelineriea fitted au in the most approved mmnnar. Tanks lined Lend or Copper. Hoorn, fitted with Water and Gas Fix tune. IS. N. B. All orders promptlj nttanded to. ' ap3 :Iyd pUCHEfi AMD VINEOAR— -600 BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, 11 DARRELS PURE CIDER TUfESAB, in store end for tele by WILLIAM BAOALEY, fatt IS and M Waed ntreel LOAN OFFICE. HENRY W. CIMIOTT WO. 100 SKITHFIELD STREET Near the corner Filth, Pitudmnh. Monet in larrb and as... quantities loaned on Gold and Silver. In a. moods. Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watchm. alfri all kinds of valuable articlaa. for anyliSthm time agmd on. The goods cannot be delivered without the Ticket. wmiverea ' A. M. to 10P M ja3) * • aw. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & Co7~ I Munbctannof PI7KE WHITE UFHED CARBON O T T. a b^sTl*A 0 ' aM I*“KRIV STREET, Kti- noraasioiiAi. cab ml MoGALMONT A ATTORNEYS AT LAW FRANKLIN, VENANGO CO., myaiyj - . Nmeawylwaiila H. W.P.TTXRROX .........silo. P. D.W,o PATTEBSON A DAWSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW NUNN'S LNW BUILDINGS, Diamond Ntreel, near «rant; » I>M * ' PITtSBEfRGH. TA B. P. LUCAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE, NO. 72 GKANT STREET (Three doors below the Court House,) nwSily PITTSBURGH. Px L. BBAOKENBIDGE, ATTORNEY at law, OFFICE, NO. 1U FOURTH ST.s ieMilo PiTTamjßon. Pi. J. D. HANCOCK ATTONNEY AT LAW, NO. 73 GBANT ST BEET TAHL; surcseon rentint o successor too. W. Biddle, No. 144 Smith* nem street. . hours from 8 to I o’olock, and from 3 to B o’clock. fel.Vly IKON. MANUFACTUBEBS. AMERICAN IRON WORKS, Jones & Lnughliiui, uactfaotubsiis or !BON AND NAILS, JUNUTN MO COMMON SHEET IRON. Lauth's Patent Shafting, Piston Rodi, Plato*, h WAREHOUSES. 93 Water Street and 133 First Street, PITTSBURGH, And corner of Franklin and South Water Streets- Chicago. fe!7:l v Isaac L.80t»...W«. M’Coiaouo PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS JONES, BOYD & CO., ]W anufacturers ofuantntkei* vf > tl pr, " B ' Pi ,'i w> “ d A . B s ‘«l SPRINGS ana AaLLS, corner Kn«* and t init Ntreets. °°3:i3 PITTSBURGH. Ps. Je Pe FACKiygB JOHN M. IKVI7 fob CANII-a FTLf. * mvwrlfjP 1 ' 1 a oi P itt3bur «“ munuaotara BURKAT^:' embraCini; BOOK CASES, . _ , ~ WARDKOBES and every article needed in a. well furuiaheil dwei ling, aa well aa a fine aasortraent of OFFICE FCRNITCBE. Coptantly on hand and made'to order. At »he only terms on which buaiue** ia done at thin ft* ,h. lishiaentis forCAa U, prices oro made reeoT’<- ingly. Persona in want of anythihg in themhoVc line vnald be »dvnnt:tcodbyci?Hlug ut „ FACKIXEk A ikWIJTS. . ™ 108 SwithfieW Ktre*t, lidow Fifth. miiSS'-ly CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Stc. oabpets'am>~oil cloths NEW DRUGGETS, NEW 1] H U S S E L H C A R P E i b«n received and are tho LATt.Si AM) RICHEST PATTERNS hi i be lowest prica3. !SEW CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Sc. -AX- X®. *7 FonrUt Street, UniilHT PRKVKIFS TO THE Ulli " advance in pricoa. of which the fullest « . vantage is offered in purchase FOB CASK, del HUGH M. BOLE. EBTGI.NE BI’IMIEIt A* lHUllMtr, Duquesne rt’ny. near the Point, will make to order, and warranted as good «. can be made, the following machinery, viz: Steam tmgines. Turning Lathes, tor wood and iron: Pianera, for wood and iron; Drilling Machines; ud . ! Tobll ¥' ! ' > Saren-Ei Patent-right and Uodd Maehinee. m the best manner. Shafting, i’ulhea and Hangers, of all sites and' rarieur; and pitch, to fifteen ied in length. Will also make, and have on band Doctor and Niggoh Engines, and Deck Pumps lor steamboat#, Ac. Lathe inhears apd her PJac lojr doneto order; caa plane >l2 inefrej vic«.?r feet 8 inches long. iirnlEpt ' 7 p ‘ n ® fl »d Sarnia .N. B—Particular attention and pumpdtud. Sven to repairs on Printing Presses and other _achrae=,_ raylMrt We Ca7RKIHQBAM...i>. COKNUiOdAM...?. I.'IH.HRURaM i>. ociuAjr, jgßSWn&nsUigZ house, ll» Water street, and I 5« tint street. Pittsburgh, Pa,, three doors below the Monona a, hela lletue, Manuluciuters oi Pittsburgh«« Window lilacs Druggists' tllass Ware and Amor? tur parlor window-. ohUrchee end public huildinini. an" PROPOSALS FOB LEAD. ORPNiver Orricg, Wag DKreaTgKM, 1 Ph M ?hi < r? Al,B foJowmg Arsenals, as soon aspostibio of 6,000 Tons of toad, as follows s ro A rk‘§, 8 000^r liet A "** w "‘ aw »«* .V^Vor^twoto^s^”" 11 - G ° V ' mor ’ 8 “"A ArSenß l* Kttibar » h ' l,AswnV St ' I,oBb Are ' l,m1 ' St, tools. Missouri The Irfad must he Oalena, or other Amerleen brand***’ pt, t English, of tho most approved upbraids 1118 ,Till l>e re " iTwl ,0T >®ts “1200 tons tad nShtfett" 1 “ I ’ lWUj ' ,he *" '•»<* —«* . Failure to deliver at a specified time will sab. hedshwrf Kt Umi? rtei,ar * " Bw “‘ 10 Partin obtaining contracts will he required to WUh proper suretii e for ito faith* reiSt C .nXd lment reMr ™ ,0 itB,lf th « to P; n 'r- 8 "-’ fhnald b ° mdoned^V*J!Sit r % - myiS-eodyi OiDKjurcß Orncg, l ss^ssssiShsiP^saa JAS.'W, RIPLET. Brie Gen. WAJJL PATEa : | window CURTAINS, *o. New Styles fw Spring of 1862. * te Tysr»ps,'va.- For sale hr THOMAS PAIsHEB, *°' ®* wood nun, Between 4th ft fith,U door below Diamond Alley N. H. SMITH, public: ’"lSWiifl.ifnijTKßr