WO ALCOHOLIC/ PSEPAEATION! HOOFEAI*D*S fE«MON BITTERS Da - H - JACKSON. Ptuladei phia, Penna., Mver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, T'""" Kidneys, and all IMseases • lnw fr *"> » Disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Consti- Ration. Inward jSK B -Fpllness or Blood to the Head for N »S“bn» ust Bwimmin*of ik? 1 ! of the Stoiu- Ch d f„^» a t- SS o^C d r( . I andfreat desires ‘ *£°" i,ively »-™«"^dl U w Paver, Bim„ U3 THEY CONTAIN “ f n “““y the flood ofjfiSS!, Uli °”‘ suffcrin fl SF=**^«*iSßSffl SS^"^#aS'KE“ mn „ m Wantenehg rt DO YOU WANT TO SLEFI> im , °mm A BIt,SKa *d riaono l w . you do use jS? t W AND ’ S ge BMAN BITTKIiS ¥<^n *&s£S£3tge£&s& 2aKsSS^552? ,fiSSf ttsm *E3ftp?te gfc £®®.gd«bt«d to HIT friencMUnkTi* 0 m, *ture. SgEaSsssy^jsrsfts ffiwas~r~sEA| sssagasSWiauisr^ X thereforoUiMk Bptti ”?l of re dirootuwmo to the oseof them. d y ln ™aajftgL sSb2S&s , &Hz&znn p^WSMRSSftftSSSK &asSsis£g sS&ssggSi s^ws 2b***" ® 2S2g^ SffiSSffisa SSADTB ET£ST/sfomrj'jioir the army Magsgs?^- SLj^StWgSSiSSStf T“* WICD We wtttroei^yimmi ff have to SUS?"-H- in SSTtgiiS”* tte wh**""? SPSSfi s ** JSSS? 1 n#b*»™ -axy jackson," JQS^H^ g BTi ®et, "■^SSg^ ■ lnS!kflKU)BQj^M aatar^| KTIKE.it VEGETABLE! * m tonic Medicine. CELEBRATED PREPARED by Will effectually cure LOUW «»«,,*■ -.OHAS. „„„ , REINEMAN, MEYRAN ft SIEDIE. Wo. 48 FIFTH STREET, i PITTSBURGH. PA.. DIAMONDS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. CLOCKS, Of eveiy description. JANCy 6 0 0 0 $ Bran,e Statuary, eta. WATCHMAKERS’ TOOLB, Matoriata and Maohl nOTy . Whole**]. Atmej for thooolobntad AMERICAN WATCHES, the flirt, Author of the “Gambler’s Wife/' eto THEFUBT! THE FT.IKT ! the run: THE FUBTI B**- Grey'S Nev Book. «.g > Sw&ag^ggL < Bji»«»l etc, U BUbliahS «*nd for*«ale(h^ I d* > * er,s ssrissssssSSSSS^ For sal* bj ] — 1 ■MWT ms**. ~i a!Z n "***"*~«M* mmmm —_"•:■■■' , -•.:-,•;y-ZfipM - I’irrsiiijjtGH OIJtl REFIPJEKS Dr. tSSSE”? .‘°‘ t^ 0a K«(ntriM. and. ££"* A»ABATOB dered toUtoaMZ^Li B^?' 01 other Oils ™ ®** aH> * Potrolmm assss&Ss. £ ““"■pSSSiS?' DAVIS & PHILLIPS ** loo WATER * 104 FIRST STRRKTS. Bram Founders, Plumbers »hS d AM AND OAS WTTBBB. I from Spraina. fimflL CMeipl It&BM*M I effect la, nitioai tn3 > ST ita i Galls, aStSSSSiSfS?- .HwyifSrSSdg cure Spavin and o!isi! *®’' will also spmmlllm vented andx□ red S“SfW Mail#bSSf MiSSa&k ftlawys remove the r applicationwil w e % «- ra * bu 51 hand, for its 2? «. **ave this remedy at Lameness will Sf *’“™oce of ““fnaramentioned, towhSh ZfPl lhos ®formida- J rhloh , rend ™ ™ many “'fe“ •"«»«•. norses nearly worthless. 7 tller,ru » valuable d627:1y-d*w:eow **• p * "abkie, „ Manuiaetnrara and Daalar, u, B °OK t CAP LETTER Md all ki nd , of * A . t S^ ere ““vedfr. ni NO. 33 SMITHFIELD STREET. J»lCaah paid for RAQ&\ i “ !,bßr, ' h ‘ I oifh”n( 1 | < ftnH ncy j^ anne * un ahortest notice, at 00 h '‘ n be opened on tSe»y(h I S.v , ?? S l a^s^ • “book »ttheoffiee of Jlnnniullli'i?£ 5 01 Jun °. 1882, and Third streets!Ktt^™h C D ,corn, ?' of Wood uidw S- Coupon orßegisteroi«oSffi . i den ff' for u piMeure of the[7nited 8& ble alu *o bo is- Jarj. Kre Hnndrod BonaS\S # i? n,^SS* l D®!- te 5* r 4Sßffi!Bflssaiaa ‘b®«nbocriber, the option 0 f »tthe time Provided I Certificates wiU boßranted ?nXI^ l -^ y .® o '*® r9 - ' aaKfiaueSgattraafti ■■affiJttßSiSJftggpt PiTTseueoH Ltux Aotvoy ? üb, Mou»§: I “JPtion m«l» of ererydo asSfi^wsssftiaaisasiei fttUilydaw JUST OPENING. ~ I Fancy bncaucs. \ r AV • Cloth and Md Men’s clolhe. ind sSmme, P oy> Linen end Muslins. ni- n,w,!9 ' Insh n»rkabl.lo» prioTYudtelSd'r.?* J«9 No - 98 I nreh and Diamond. I WHIES’ BOOTS AND SHOES. l wwiMßssasy BOOTS, SHOES & GAITEBS LADIES, MISSES, ,t CHILDREN IK THE CITY. ' Manufactured „ f „ Btorial and A***"*l*W Article of Eadieic I KW and Morocco Con/rS.7a«?2S2* Ballon WalkJa* BoolV. d FRENCH BESKINS, TIER * Nl 1 saw it.” s bod^^ h 4’’ fe -id°t”efe < J nore th “ leec^sskiir-’ 11683 - Pa! “ that d efiasthe ,S£g? hfeht in one so young—a Lit is ud'fjjft leaves shrink and Scfcasaas fe sifiSS&isS?? , TBEEB3SiS*SZ&* Not long afterward the same pale fiwe SDA SEX.KC T • TALE. ONLY ONE KILLER ‘iTk 6 . and three wounded ” vur upouPa4. fncrtdfrid^.r" 6 for my remark, “the Ier WBS “Company C.” 8 ’ “YeS^.”~’ S re *‘F lant ‘'” ed gfvenr - namPS ofthe wound man"g vo?c d e “ Bl ' ght " nSteadiness « the “u° n ? mes “re given.' ’ I hamled hhn°the P newnn° r “ had read about the BP?r *“ which 1 what seemed at that m^ pn ? o,ssance i and worth reporting!* 81 PTr^ B ''* DOt trembled a little and thtTv- hl * “and ?d through the man eager way. ‘ tb telegram the ar7n’ M he . returned Then, with a falling nf *l?° particulars.’ l ta. me I did rol vemnl , ' 0 " h “ d grayed way lest the ppni reB pond in auy felt be ?eL C Z Cer Z Which 1 only pretence Soon afier*»i, eXpressed ’ as afterward—[* haTfoJgott '^ 5 % >«•„ <„„t „‘r: low?’- h< l asked S f f th f thi , rd house be ‘ corner. of the store-keeper at the :; Kw£r n - was killed." that\ml manhtdZrWl^Tn noissance nml#„ " K,ll c«in a recon- Kda-ard Ah - sir he D * d out ‘° ,Je h ‘ 9 son, man, and it will hari^Fth^T 8 and mother. A n j 1,,7 r J, ? ,s father lowering his voice 11° ’ l,e “<**, >1 -W'ic rsons.’- hu on ‘y . heard?* dO ° S hP h *» r Have y ou ' ;:{^|vhi m an hour ago." . ten years older* 'm™ 9lr ’ hp looked SB«s£«®s morx ESS3SESS- . “f am haunted by that face ” coir) r it glided past me in the St X resting on mine for an instant Wan not something of rebnke in them? 3 a stranger? 6 * *** to me the of r+^siszzi£ir*in fife iss d t £# d ’ rS'.'^SS life?" Ah one dearer than snredly hast betn fire "? ™» »■' our hearts shiver in to “ ake l £y?thtX"",^ fi&SHßpssaft and IPM sasa^fHsS^* pious hope. resi * n “ tio " wSSgTHSb so T^ k hath strengthened her ” I so I said in idy thought lady ’ ? bo l short of fascination v Bn mtel,e st little I worshipper sat under the °« mol if , deT 9 ut istrationa «i. ft : ® preacher s min* safari from r 'wi7chthe P ™l! d r bjr , thc door faint, sad smile on her7ns ‘ nol,ce < 1 f » > .t™®* heard Mr. B- aa “" ‘° a I self 1 c!^J be ! S^IU , tle more «ke her wiU do C boTh good“ e her ’ Wt It we^Tm n r U ” g *° h" °*» <4 J will come/’ f saw i,«». v “nVst Va h ;ti.;r a e , red ’ a ' id ,hen w ‘‘Poor Alice!said a voice near me was Sa( ‘ l ° h «> “bad enough, ?? speaker. war was over ” soon 88 the broken 3 '- Poor mßn! He r88 “y looks scaree^beenont at of E h« r r S D,ot - her haa dreadful new” Oh ITJ mC^ h ? her so much!” uh > 1 have pitied m The speakers passed on, and I heard no ‘ 1B “ dly «"i •!. w SSS?.&?j5s SS*! 1 ; *<>“* wUh"Sr kP l' “® d MMiWe^f“ y ctwd*! •s<£2£ UHtyLflr* «4? £Si£ZS3 &wars - "-“l KSSSfSSjS^yss orhu int*reitinMud’ai^|JJ*r, l, 8™« disposed tied by^f/il. ftSBHSs*- PitUbusb. June 1Z 186£*‘ P ‘ I 83pS3£j^£S^K YER. at the old sUnd. j.H* AwVlk*' Pittsburgh,Jone 12.18f12L :M “- f ‘. S 4”I, TO THE PUBCXC s *«£££? •tan uiddiicut^or fimaeaeaefeß S^bSfBSBSS^- affiejsssa-gggftffii' SHSSSaSMRBP! sSS^^SSs?! romthe vSffggSgl”}l - .ifrhnSgfSg £Sgga£sEßaSS gggSa&ggssi* pnaBsiSBSSRT byproeanoff a oop* of & »siv«i(rmti> toiit tfcy,*g°!i^«>g.whiA j^sagaggP&tergfeai 2HgStewjStaSff^Sf , ?!SgJJ«nnj? ££&s&£& i*Wir • ' MEAUr** * C'OFFISr, (Saceagon io MjOntliasg. Mnn, * c’j WHOLESALE GROCERS, Oomer Wood and Water Street#, -- 1 — _WnSBIJ«OH, Pi., AspjugEcmwo, ~ ■Sr-«KRsua- WM. 11. SMITH, Wn - H. SMITH A CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS HOS. IB SECOND AND M 7 FIRST STREETS* d»a PITTMB KOH . SEW GOODS. HPJi/NG AND SUMMER GOODS s^srKSg?® Allegh^fe * B ™ l-?*?* answered the fi rS | LAKE SUPEBIOfi OOPPEB MINES SMBI/FUffO WORKS, PABKI M’CDBBT & co . t Manufacturer! of de^l^ n I PtS^' orte " 0f jjjgAATIIOOItZ r ■ ■OWLOW! HOWBCSTOWED! Stases TEHWKLL.Ii. D.. &-S2: A Soon to SufiMn ii §«t «ude(mi in , wMi to my •£. jpjjf^gßgißjjii S«.S 7lu^?*rl7 fe«h« and tluncnadyior *«T JOOTN ASD MHOEH, , AT NO - 89 MABKBT stheet. look at the prick* . worth L ** tin€ ~#flJ Oaiten for &,U0 Conw»HW Oaitan tfO. I *“ Un * Congrw. Hml QalUn MOm>e< ” Hed Boote for «-i°* _***** ConM ** "“**l Ttnct, near Market Homo. I* ETROIVA 011. WORKB lonc. MILLER A CO., *** EW *»»w, rimmißeH. I (“MtSoalimdS&Sjifo*" I *** ll * “d Lubricated loi-KT^jj^yLi^AMArrm i — JMimri. aiwara on band. 00243, duquesne brass works. I FUI.TON lEB I iqfgSJSg ftßEgy* I ■’smS3?£Bss®s Brown $8 | Dr g^SBiBWaBS %fesfisagsa&« WtfMi; ■*•*.KuibuSu'^* oomB « No. so SmitWtald &ol&-. Tne*- ta «g*23W ™*yn**. '^g&SSSStor^SS'cgiCh. money not oob bem/ESLEL*, fj«!>>«M«b3i£ ' tMd of btotk * V s * **» A. BRADLEY, WO. 30 WOOD WBEET, earner a«Nnl,Miu H|k| Uanufaoturorand Wholewl* ,nd Retail doels,;. »H kind, of Oook, Parlor, and Heating Stores, Onto Pronto, Penden, &o. Jto-lB w sampla room m*j ba And I ’-** * TWT Ur *» •oortmant of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES BEST PATTEKNB bov raOHTS “ay .EPBOPEAM . ! pMtiTfcSi '''* SAW. Mnkltii any IpgEgßjg io &- * ,w^r Tfl§SSSEr 1/MHttWg GARDEN AND FIELD SEED vinummuiinsaiiai a conanl aaaoitmrat of Afrlnllanl *—plin.i, _ »>wi» nnjvidaiidlifiihbr * BECKHAM A LONG, not doorto lin'i HoUL* 0-197 a 18627 M’CORD & CO. **<*) VAPM, WWW wtw, WSWEMjUB WfaiaMl* aa&RataU. ******* boom. 1»1Woo<| Street. 11 Mtsapg W*UJAI BA6AUT, WHILESAiE GROCER *OB.lB AID SO WOOD STREET, riTTSJi .PirLOTGVB. PITTSBURGH. 1862.