isos/ thk 18es.~ PITTSBUBAK ft. WATSi & CHICAGO BAILWAY, TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST, 80UTH WEST AND NORTH WEST. SUKHEK ARRANGEMENT. Commencing Hay eth, 1862. T"“. CINCINNATI AH «VICK, »<» Indiananolm. St. LouU and Chicago wwrw than by any other route. W EST W ARD TRAINS. Fast Lin*. Mali Lnra Pitßba r fh....l,OQa. us. 7,10 a. m. 13,30 p. m . Alleghaur —1,10 ». m 7,20 a. m. 1,00 p. m . «*»“• —®'8» »• m. P, rn. *,30 p. m. &.Wayne..Ji,in p. m . 3,2.1 a . m £ iuc »«° -5.33 p. m. 8,33 a! S' for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI * ST. LOUIS Lures ArrireSat' "' B '** m 7,36 '?■ m - ».30p. m . Columbus...ll,3o a. m. , n Cincinnati.. 4,20 p, na 3 an p ‘ m ’ St Louis..... 8,23 a, m . S', 4 ,!! *• m . INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS " SL d L“T U *7’a,? p - m - «M® a. a. Chicago withcS^ L'al m“ut S and passengers all go iato Cineisnati eastward trains ARRIVE AT PITTSBURGH. Sfegßsr* f™ *• « OinoinnaU and St. Loui-i 'Kipre'3.’!!...! .7.'lA p' ™ AOeOMMODATION TRAINS-From Federal street Station, A lie*heny City. Arrive Leave Arrlvn ! ' e ? , || li .fi hton -’^ w ' iri Klon Allegheny 5,13 am 6.50 am I,S« p m 0.43 a m 8,30 am *S-~« Psi 2,00 p m a. m. Amra at Alliance son ? ‘ •Ka&ps&s Jas3ist“” ■»' viSn*vP ra aoooramoiiatiou tram oonneotj n* B S.»a*»».wSth packet* forS™C a S At poaneef ai folloir?: M" eraan - shdby ’ AlCrwtlme, for Delaware, Sprinsfield Columlm? ■lttottoator. Detroit, Dayton. Told., ! lndiana and Illinois. a ?*Og®*th for Laporte. Igfe»?eaasa»aa; "WfftWSSWBiBWaSA!?" ifSßSsaiets- i ' cress* s&snussssp* 4>i> SUMMER A.RRAXG EMEKT. MONDAY, MAY 3U., 1802, pi^g?K{?raiuibssATi ’t'-SSSSSfeI 'l™*.?- do Newark. { »,ao “ lo V? •• 4-ag?d::r KJ gj*; K „ . &t - L,c “ ! WW:i.a. a.iopS ri”°.^ ange of ™ rs Pittsburgh and Oiu trt& i ™ did !lw,pi:: * L! *- r,! «tacuud t. all night AND WHEELING LINE. Yfr* jfe"* 4 -«» " »«r23 “ 1:53 •• a ’ 05 “ «MO •• 3.03 “ Baltiinoro and Ohio fi3iE!fa’Jl.' m S ftt .Heiialr with Centra! Ohio *® r Lancastor, Clrclevjlle ££S£S BLte" “• Indi '^^«® PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE dh. Te3 w it ff b “r,* h , ’ no »• m.! '0,30 p * M ‘ 50 WcUimile 4,23 " a au V " & ft?** «,I0 •• t;?i •• do Allianc 0,43 •• 4,40 •* Arrives r «s , i e i Dunkirk, and Buffalo with C Jfc T Rtt for Toledo, Detroit. the north- SSHiyjtAooomniodation leavos at 4,0 R p. m mS3ra : * d SS n P m mTC at S ’ 3 ° a * tickets to all protninen* in tha veet, southwest, north or northwestcan hi tin fe£ '■ Jror further particulars annlv to - n 027 1832. 1862 HUMMER ARRANGEMENT. OS AND AFTER MONDAY. MAY Srh PEMSFLVANIA CENTRAL BAILEOAD. EIOHT DA4LY TBAOS. T“® thbotgh sail t«ai> atHi2rS!l!j!?? n *V>*^ d “taking direct connections T E THPfin! ii Ate?. 1 ?,SB route. A.t.-SJ^5OP aH , EXPRESS TRAIN leaves ■SSPaatm *e?^r L «t?«^h^ R F 0 ' rr ? RAIN ' w!th Paaaen- *H ac leaves the passenger station d to their PICWt&VT /ir'ls B^ 0 tr » v «l bv the "*£RAILROAD, aa tho acconi moa&aona now offered enunot be sarnassod nn ur other rente. The Road is ballM&fiUth ■toom end ta entirely freo from dust. We can promln Safety, speed, and Comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage FARE: TO NEW YORK ai»sa —Jgg ?,«E jW»BacgMo checked to all stations-on the Penn- to Philadelphia Bilti mors uilltev York. JMMsencm pnrohashur tickets in oars will becharged mnexoess according to distance trav eled in addition to the station rates, exeeK from Stations where the company has no agent. . JfOTICE-In oase of loss, the Comnany will hold thewgelvas responsible tor personal baggage only, mm for anamount net axeesdiag 9100. ffi Pf—An Omnibus Line has been employed to convey passenger* aad baggage to ar.d from the depot, at a eharge not to exceed 25 cents for each TffSKWr . J. STEWART, Agent, At the Penn a. R. R. Passenger Station on Liberty and Giant streets. no c3 vOTicc-«AsrmnHSoFlrcKi JIW daMljption rerflt or rebromod, and altered to lara Carbon Oil at the 0a» Fitting and Plumbing shop of _ - WELDON * RKINEKE, t**f tfiwl >*»■»♦ Mar Htb Base buu asd willow bats £»r fale by SOWN A TETLEY. I* U» WoodHreet j BAILBOADS. TO™ koitte vu BiVEit ■W RAILROAD. INDIANAPOLIS ANO CINCINNATI 8. R. Connecting at Indianapolis with Terre Hint* and Terre Haute and Alton Railroad to St Tonfc and Lafayette Had Indianapolis. New Albany and Saiem.and Michigan Central RntloadafnrPJi^n 1 ?' 1 CopaijnmCTta mad* to J. E. GIISIiONS Aeem -° r «:• B. CUTTING; Aicnf”[ anJn^ewJ^f^ 11 rec ? lv .° I» r «mpt attention* for cnra »»«-V on; N,) rowßos «m D V YAO r* COMMISSION* AT LaWRUXCKKURO. 'rfAT-n iY ®v apply to THOMAS KAfAfIA3 M Ro.IM Water street.,) agent of the company, wnn is prepared to give through ui:- OSXPT9 for passengers and freight to Indianapolis rerro Haute, Lafaveito, Chicago, Peru. Green * castle, CrawfordsvrHe, Charleston, Paris nmi M«it toou, Ac., Ac. 11. F. LMKD President JOHN F. CHEEK, General FreightKlf mhd Express. iSttS. IMPOKTASTT. I8«2. S,sop. m. ALL PERSONS PtmCHASINGTICK^POR nsSrt?!*: having tickets that read by the ‘ 1 Noimi hissovki iaaKt»A» »K°^Veap^ P y ”^S. aChM br “ d ' l ' • uy your Tickets to Kihmim and all i»oinr< UPHOLSTERING. ijpiioiAisTEKv,""'" NO. 85 FOURTH ST.. HEAR WOOL. T T,m flfßwras man r r a <•. : iUKL and keep eonspjn'ly o-i 1.-imJ i Cart i! - r W«r- vi 7, .: < - v ; r!,ioc '' GnmiuoirJ. i Curt ;in <««„!-, to-n Jori-. tea; her Cod?., ' ot ad KiJsd-!; al?y, tiio IV.uh: s-»> Eefc AM kin,l- of Shades Prompt attention yivcn rr, nil orders Ibr ii:- tini; and h’.yin.Tdnwn (-'arpe;-, Oil ii, ; ... oetl7:lyd ROBERTS .t KO&CIUE. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. YOUN ~ WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, j AT the old stand ' CORNUCOPIA RESTAURANT NO. 40, FIFTH STHEST, Wmßmi 1 ’ '!'?*' H«ms. m:s- I thclrtide trenaraiiv be supplied with Ohcspcnke l:av ,i r , A lowest wholes iiie rata,. Country tr-irt- it,,'i ELI VUUKU. Prorrin".,!' Youngest Ealing Salocui. C °KNER SMITH- and nil .tin, delicacies ~f the sea.o„ aid lie served u|, la me most paiatnblc j f. 1 .!- . ELI YOUNG, i »--ln owner \ lrgia niioy and Smithfield st. I 8 A TAG lil HOUSE, sf». 830 I.lberly stim:, Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot, JOHN SAVAUK; E'roprioSnr. TAKKN ASill FITTF.R IT, •*, w| Lh all the modern improvornen?-, j} ; | s . nim? r m < 'm rt 'i 1 i 10sul, ' wni!llris Prepared to n pv the public Kun.-r- L t ,y . ,or,t l ‘ lc nmrKcta affiird-. 'letter, thi =e° scr '"T l ,.«P >'? svory variety oi style, duriim tbesc.'L-or.. Lis •.■, me,, i.iijunn and A'e< ho i'eei'i conhdimt in rncnmincndiiMr 10 mo pulm- li.rihrir excellence. 1 ■ 1 r-ailr SEETIN’S OLD STAND, iN THE DIAMOND; THOW. STONE, Uropctct,,,, U'Ayvxc: taken r:r:cEj n», * . :lt :i xrtMt cxpci:-.;, with nil ih«* this popular rv-<»rt. iht- w prepared lo h:i>jte hi- ivi, i.'‘ S. f *“* ri ‘ lly - lvilh OVsSTERS will Ijjmt.'c,! ;:i , j n 0 style durinz the sea.-'on MQUIJItS ;tn d ALE- he leel, eenihh■:•! -n conilucTuliiut t., the juihli" !•- I'- V, ' ,U "' . 'IK. .U ,j; :,..i !;>[!•:, President. 'litlt I) C' I >i.'HP A ¥ ecr< ’ tarj '- NO. 32 DIAMOND ALLEY, ■ HTTSlil'K'lU. Rix'p a " ki *" l '' of MHB und.MA TKSSSW,W?VST*. 1 * wh„ FKKSIi SHELL ASjifo.V ( •• M li r ?-? d 7*»oare &c.,and is to j Mi:; tin--h./n.:-: -r • i hX£-h . Lr;ihly - of taw oM au«J wolfkmmi h->o»~ witV.-.-r-rV, . fer;nt:t:«. t», M . t .£.»•. ! ' e d «‘«e.-|. as of. m tho eating and drinkm* lino v i iitfiirci. " ' tbu.,c whodeaire to bo “2 1 s- . i.,-j. o lt 1 j,!k,o ian:iiu';=-:::::::::::;'; *•>««» OYSTER AND EATING HOUSE. ,&« No. ill Wood Street, Pittsburg. ' • m! iW!I iH$ f t wholesale anti retail dkalerij in - j LAKE AND EASTERN FISH/ .&i r “naawr® Ft All In their Proper .Henson. ticca"." 0026 OEO. ItKINKMAX ,t CO, Mr cr OUIJ HOUSE, J.XSIOXijorsK. ijCo.Ar(u;.\r/ ro E netcr; 341 1 -liberty *rcci.;««t be' side the Passenger Dcj.-r. ~f lllrt t'enrwyi vink Rjuiroad, which makes it the most tonvenieut ?oSd.° “ ho Clty lor |,aKol ‘" e -- 3 arriving bythat Proprietor having, at conjideraWo ex uPiln e«oilent«tyle, the MANSION lIOUSE, would reapeetfu ly solicit c sbaro of public patronage, rfis Lanier and & wi ll be feHy *lo >C3ttfle ,UR rb6t can afford. WINES AND I.IQUGSS W1L.1.1A71 BENNETT."' IMPORTER AIIJI DEALER IX Brandies, Cordials, Wincs,Cld Konoami hflla and Bectified Whiskey, S aro. 120 WOOD STREET, Plttabnrgh WILLIAM CEAYTONj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liquor merchant, No. 87 Diamond Alley, near Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pni^l^ l n aTS j" n k anil , Blackberry, CheTv and te y f^ diee - oiJ Mw.ji.^as TIAEEOW.OU.AKn OR EASE-- 10 bblB .Tallow, 25 bbls Grease; in 6toru and for sale fov V. SELLERS A Cu. Penn -tree!. Pltteburch. C“o COM, * , ETE w "«*^ establishment isf the w^ai. K. H.iimi.VEH 02 FIFTH STREET. Roll uettee -1 barrel Fresh Roll llutto -1 box do do express and forsale by ~ -f AS. A. PETiiKR, Comor niaritet and First streot. Cl O-I'A RT.YJiUS si£P SI AVI X a V ' soeiutcd witll as in the Real Estate -i-il t inn frobCoimmasion Aironey iiueinoes; K. 1; 'i'L'Tli blißi, our business will hereafter be rouil.non,! m the name ol' S. OIiTUBEKT A SOX-i W -• iIUTBBEBT S. L. CTTHBEST a. B. CUTHBKBT * SOWS, REAL* EH MM * R K r n vl“S r o-. l £““wsi»dCo.Stock.....'.'.'.'.' Comp"ny e,lilni ' e M “ tUal sioeP w™ Iii;co“'::: fern oo emnSSSaSS !io b - IniUranceCo - ,'ffl M Mechanics' Bank do ...i""" 'H?S 91 {inion "t. Insurance CVs Scrip """ S 8 Lil.s Receivable, business papor... ’ IS 297 lx Look .accounts, securedinterest,etoi:'; 6216 K 1 ••o>h or, hand and in hands of agents l5 ULEM TINOLEY. pS™,;" DIRECTORS. ism**-. /."""ca'A'r 01 Khali , ■>; OARDNER^COEtIIff Aren’t, N corner Third and Wood its. Delaware hetcal tiirtr Ni RAXd: •o' tb? u!bS “on yim.iiye K e„en,!ly. ou' & . / 1 i; i J ,'.’ , ‘f' J “, mos g.- M'Airland. T. do"" 10 ' P,ttlbursh ' »■ Tii/wE r «i'i™t. ii « liiUi.. C. iJANDi \ icc PrcxiilAnt lUa-iY i.-i.nnix. Secretary. rrra,,| ent. IMMNiTY AGAINST LOSS neV!- r 'n“ "'“ J m «»»*TX«tWSb£ {','Pf ;l!,l !'t- v »ecurod.‘. $1 »i -<93 09 U £'?)cPt“’ u,re,cnl '' :lluc " Tl (!;r„"l' r iP' % lns o“'aui|Vii''cV.ii»t -- 'I'rcscnt value'Tij' 8J,13S 64 Ciki!? 5 UlK * c, ' e *vab/o. IjS^sssstedßEES b^Tf¥°, rat ! on >S •J'riod of thirty es.ji-.liu* I'.'mr 'rf* pro,noth,*!!'nil^liib?lUi!>i' ili,>OS,t,on ,0 ','W.fwiS T*nfs«> 'iurjnjctjioyoar 1*59, Stf2,l.Vt S 6 PI RECTORS. T!i'!Ttv V Jii R,rker - ». UwU S.iicc.Vi; c"" '-'.d S. Brown. 1-. > i* » lsiae Lea, li'.V-’-.’-'V- I. C. Dal,. \t . u!i iJiirtl.", (liidfci* Kmlm vari.-:y ~1 WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, or S*ITTSBIJKCSK. ..... , I'IHKCTORS. o«w ;, :Un n.K: lkuweff - COMPANT OFIITTSBURiH I N-St H.-.S STEAMBOATS AND CARGOES. ™. BAOABEY. Braided HEA> SMret oilico, t or. Of Market and Water St... Eukes. and Bayous. and the Navi- ' tatinn of the Seas. Insnrex again*! Loss and Damage by Fire. I>r RECTORS. g:«ston. .{&%£'- Kooso Owens. T. >( Jsss^r* y-Caidwin!'"' l^^'Kfw-onh. mh29:lydh C ‘ U - z “«- PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE insurance company, NO. 149 CHESTNUT STBEET Oppoaitc the Cantona Kon’ae. Ca I> ital 8-19,100 Assets »SOt,94S. .’SBSksswSsl; reasonable rites of nre£SSs* ” Merchandu^ , „ PreBi d “t R T- 11 'fp' 03 ’ K. R. Cope, P I?' s-HSiS?’ George W. Brown, P. H. ba\ cry, Joseph S. Paul. C. Sherman, John Clayton/ F. EbAriKauns, BooreUry." r * IW ‘ yt Corner &fcCTgrfgL o».°.toUiS t ™‘ moMnfe™^ B Association dSploma, * ent one of 10 contributors m the sum of TWO HOT t ivq «.?A;aK,ssS s? '' MS of JndKe b«oSfJZmbc h rrof”ho f Dl E . DO fc^^ AssociationiTnthesniiMifTtVEj^YDOLTlflK* Oi'tb., Ifoari Of Tn«“S h ° nnrary hfa arotfeToSzM^ MM iSpa-^cS>; All editors wbo will insert this oard in >h.i. dmly, weekly or tri-wcckly is«aX.VEOTICt‘T. 1 ™, 3tan ding in the mud. Biddy. With not a spalpeen near. And silence, spachless as the a rare Is all the sound I hear. Ale goon is at a showlder arint l m wetted to the bone, And whin fin afther spakin* out. I iind mesclf alone. This Southern elimato'a uuaro,, lc-.i' 1 - rc ~nd bastely thing. With winter absint all tho year. Ami summer in tho spring. i e ini. d the hot place down below v r ,? nd m»y yo niver fear i a dtliraw comparisons—but then Itsawlul warrum here. Till! only moan 1 see, liiddy Is oneshmall star, aathore. And that a foroint tho very cloud It was behind before; 1 TKr»* tch along tho hill ihntsswellin' to the .South, And whin the sentry passes them i neehis oogly moutn. It's dead forshlano lam. Biddy, rrVhaa. I ra "\emshwnto I’d be. \v?m ou 1 over there °rf y lave free; B And .‘trii »* l,i 'Ud » shtuTiip. And strive toget repose. A 'rL'hlr m la ' bc - 8 comin ’ shtraiitht io nit mo spacious nose. It’s yo I'd like to see. liiddy. a i a .i ftr ' i,n ' here wid me. And then; avourneen, heuryesay Oeh, Biddy, darlint.” then say* I , S v uyd you * *Vet out of that;” ‘ ' SaV a \., me -D rUI , n mate « y»ur waist.*' onys you. Be dueent. Pm/' A ?l l ’i l i J i?„i, < i';i r ’'‘ : f an .' 1 dlleks . Biddy, •n idi i i 1 tlnnk rhurc. „Vi ° “nucent and sbwato Lpon the parlor Hurt -1 f«\» » k -y with the pig i nut a fat os he ran be And fa.Je him wid the best, beenu.c I in ton M he looks like me. " hm 1 come hum., airain, Bidd* A tried mid true. It sjoostadacent house I'll build And nnt it chape to yon » • I hot o a parlor, bedroom, hall. „- ; >.> d ?V k , I ‘ ( "' d liatelv done. With kitchen, pin pen, pratv And irarret—all in 0n... Bui murther ! thcreVa baste. Biddy 1 l i lslt round a tree. And well I know the ermure’s ther.- lo have a shot at mo. N tt «*el. yen: pr:iV r . And hovrld 3*erd;rthv|.«w Uero hoc- !-be j,,bcr.-. Biddy ■. I to brokchi,ooglyjatv 1 89.788 05 1.821 00 27,919 as PROM THE MISSISSIPPI. *?. !"* M ""‘* < “ rr Ji ,, u ll...s Imvi- been t'linii.'hri! s-.m- inti-n-si nig fuels which wero obtained :it ami | -Vew Orleans during r , lri ,, uf , h| . steamer <'onm?ctir*tiV : Much small crult, including a cunsidcra number offishing boats have re-ap,.ear ed on the .Mississippi river since the cap ture of Xew Orlcan,. Many of these now carry tin.’ Stars ami Stripes. Tin* along the hanks of the river are much di 'ded in semirnent. I„ son,,, localities thev looked at the passing steamer .-ullenlv and morosely, making, however, no d.mion s ration: in other eases, hats ami handker chiefs wore waved m token of svmpathv with the Icderal cause and respect for the nag. * i Ihi amount Ot sugar destroyed l.v 11,.- ;! Orleans mol. is now estimated. |,y : t lose best acquainted with the eireumstan • ie.', at only twelve hundred hogsheads- and I the quantity left in the city when the r.-1,.-! force lied, now to be shipped Noitl, in [ t 0 amcf !/ thnusuw! hogsheads. The molasses we believe, is included is this calculation. It is stated that in course of time more cotton than was supposed to exist there will he brought Ibrward. The ''a,;'™ w *“ch the preservation oTeither d these eommod'Mes ns accounted for is that the rebels believed that it would be impossible lor our vessels to pass the Mis. sissippi torts: and that afterwards tln-v had nottime to carry out their designs. 1 lie gunboat \aruna, commanded by tj-apt boggs the battle with the rebel fleet below New Orleans, and where she nas injured, and for the time abandoned, will prove a total loss. ij l!r bow projects out of the water ten feet. She has been dismantled and shipped by the frigate Mis sissippi and her stern is stuck in the mud, in which she appears to be gradually sink- Jar©, hoobhmd, COMMISSION MERCHANT TOR THE BALK OF PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET. BELOW MARK PITTNHUKUH J J JfparosroAHß. MlLL,wouldrtupevilully in £?Jw pabh , c he hM rebuilt slice the fire Itwith th?n™!y 1 j l ® eB ? bl “ hm< 'S t * »«dfilled ie “r d “M* “PP™ved machinery, SmSKSKi farn i eh “o° n . ng »”<1 Planind SndriSSSi I ¥ a s d <"'“ wll,g ’ , doors - Bas “ making'*”’ ' “ ned ‘ lr * m *« mouldings, box Sopth PiTTBBoanH. Ben t. 7.185 - Ja 2o ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTBBUBGH. OFFICE, Wo. 37 Finn St., Bonk Block ST. FRANCIS’ COLLEGE, UNDER CERE OF THE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS* “TPATen HjtegjgsssEQSEyifey fa “a^, t h h ?A n |?e S '' •boot the2Bthof JUNEfoliowin* ?? d i lanr for Land Surveying. EhrfneeriS? 1 *e T S ' th.'TnsUtatfin*?J‘^S aSS&Sntff ffi}» yeen to the a«e of manhood. * J£iSg'^ > " l,nd Xuition . P»y«ble half yearly Wirifiam aadjwTif BeddS«""'Z Sl ,? s fejt fl JtfaSK} MISSES’ CONGRESS HEELED GAITERS CHILDREN’S COSO. HEELED GAITERS m witakM **ffi*£W •WJB® ioftisds, «KafEBA L COMMISSION MERCHANi i!fl > I>KAI'KK I* F,0,, .-r&-«^n i ., ; „r n C„ r;?n , ry tigani, Tobaco, d«, * made 011 consiemnonti ot OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE 237 SOUTH SECOND ST auai: i 7 sritivt importations *- ANI) ROYS* WEAK, Including <»of»ds suited for miiitaky PURPOSES, Now in Store, NO. 631 CHESTNUT STBEET, And for Sale by I>i-; COURSEY, LAFOURCADE & CO. njyl-lmd „ WM. BRICE & C 0.,. PRODUCE AND PROVISION COM.HIS.SION MERCHANTS, AO: b, SOUTH WATER STREET Philadelpiun, ’ a,lv:,nccfi ™do on consents niyl-lyd E EU.IW»„W« P EM.. , gO\..R(jf,ifAN* R ELL^ JOHN B. ELLISON & SONS, IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, CASSIMHES ASH VESTINGS. 510. 339 MARKET STREET, (3«1 itoor below Fourth,) philade JJi:«st a- magee- SO. 533 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia, „ . DEALERS IN I.dinti.1 .dinti. Oil.«, WinEEPIIIA FRIES & LEHMAN, '■ " I:: •'! Ali KE T STiiKKT I’llll.inF.U’HiA. Jnhbrrs 1,1 Uvth:-', Cam meres, Vestings, LETON & BRO., ny WIN K S . Hit A X DIKS. 4 c *M) F 1 x K U 1> WIHSK i E S, SiO. 5 .VOlil'H l'F£o.\'T SI'REPf PHILADELPHIA, *„10:l' r d ' JAMES H. CHILDS. hopf. (orrov hills, AlloirhiMiy Oil y*, WaVI'FACTL'EKKS ok SEAMLESS BAGS, AND OK OSNAB UI Mis, l ~ InrhpM (» 40 Inohra Wide S ~C •I „ ® - ** 3 " T j It. WILMAJISOX’S shirt factory, 0031 *“• 47 *"• r, “ lr Street. ’ i-ate styles of SUMMER GOODS JrST RECEIVED. MR. SAM L. CRAY H A iSLf 1, "7 RET i'«su» from the a^SSSJSBB MML.RKAY A SON, Merchant Tailors. _ «o. Itt Fifth street. Jj-EW (iOOn.S! VKW Goon*; Second Arrival of WEW NPRISfi STTIiES -AT EATON, MACRUM A CO’S, Wo*. ir and 10 Filth Street. 8™ tvS™* 8 * BraW ®* LaccJ . Buttons, etc., for boMc-SF; (SffifJS 1 kerchieft Tr it? ,n u 1 J'hUare and Sets! nSd llund korcbicfc. Black Lace, tirenadino and Tissue • we . v iels, niai’f 0 °T OS ,! ln £ Pantalotta, Edging. Laoea nffies, etc., Ladies and Children’s*lime nf j. l Gl i', Te ?' Gaunlets, Hits, Bonnet R?£ bons, ltuchcs, Shaker Hoods Cord. Seid * ~ Braid Head Nets, Another lot of Crinoline liran»ria ** v the^ Flexure st w? T r ?,?J‘ 3 / Hrais h»>* Goods. Fine Shirts Col- Tic*. busiiendera, etc, of most ,wJTni. kyles. A full assortmenUf Fancy articlS^d tVholesale and retail buyers will find a i„,™ xcellent lino of goods in every department at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FORtlhh a P I4 BATON. MACBIJM 3 d: F Co.'f7Fifth st H. H. SMITH, notary public «mcs AT TH® PITTSBURGH POST, FIFTH STREET, “«•» Wood WILLIAM CARS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. And Importer* of WIXEM. BRAKWIES, «I N h, *c AiiSO, Distillers and Dealers in I'i.N-t old monoxuauela rye whisky 387 *J>»eri y street, riTTNaraoH, I® s fo ®bth stb Jet,; OHABTEBEDIN 1865. November Ist to from •'to* Deposits iroelred of all sums not leas than n«r» Sri£?^£ d - “ T dirid »d of thS d“la«d 5“ °P® December. Interest has in Juno andKlcelgf pel c?n*Ss£? kWa3 or *» n thereto ot sis drawn placed to the same interest from%A fi 8 ! j nc,pa i* t bears *h« cember, TOmSSSiSfe?J* 1 ?* ** ays of Jttno Do troubling “ rear- without his pass book. ® Present less than twelve yearn »i« double in "'soraao ons-hWpk“?£?? a ts?,? ■** re “ l ® at the office. u< ** eratls - on application _ __ PEEBIDKXT. GEORGE ALBREE. r. h „ n «..« . ?' ICK I'eesidbnts. i!k2 n f 1 Fa dtion, Isaac M. Ponnock John Holmes. j ohn MarahSli? ’ liin?*T de p , James B. D. Moods Bom. L. Fahnestock, A. M. Pollock V McAufry. HiirßK. , ‘ M - D ' James Herdman. Wm. J. Anderson. Alexander Bradley, * D *jSS«sD Kelly £fST Joim if. Canfield, James Shidle jg2ff* IK**- SEST' pSS™ Hij'u”*" l Alexander Tindlc. Mml Hsyi. Isaac Whittier. " m. S. Lavely. Christian Yeager BKORBTABV AND TBKASTJBKB CHARLES A. COLTON holmes a sous, bask puu siaS£ asß «^^!iSn , ii fecottirfollaS 9 Eaaternand nSaIT made in all the cities throughout the a»/21®® K- [. H. WILLIAMS « c«. ; BANBEBB A EXCHANGE BBOKEBS, WOOD STREET, CORNER THIRD, ALDERMEN. JAMES M. TAYLOR) ALDJEnMAN, OFFICE: Ml Peiua Ntreet, Fifth Ward. SS&S S ?2 lS Sn ;f^ A *S5 Bills Prob™ - Acknowledges eats Taken and AGBICUI,TR AT. D * B * HOOERS A sos^ UANCyACTCBKBS Or Sogers’ Improved Patent STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH ORA.I3V DRILL TEETH, OFFICE: Corner Butler anti Clyiner Street*, Nlntb Ward, JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE BAI.B OF Flour, Grain. Boron, Butter Ilrio.l Fruit and I*roert . hepla ? c - A C. OIIO Hull. Fourth n near** cod. entrance from Fourth. jyt(Hv I*l, X OIJ WANT NOSIK GOOD JfKW * otheV’ , i f inHf ,r r‘ d c -'. linc ' -'lent, mixed. and \v- of Spices, cooking Brand? n- HaworJh't i> ra !L ge ‘ Lom ™ f n2m!s£&£ S&StStfn"*' Mr - Gfoi^Seb” —; 138 Wood street. ®7Wood street. tLvua b. s*oal»o»t„.. r.. jimb *. Bril' McCALMONT ft KERB, ATTOBNEYB AT> 2. w. PATTEnsoK Gwo. r.Djiwm) PATTEBSOH & DAWBOff, attorneys at law KUHB'S law buildings, niamoud Street, bear amt; PITTSBURGH. PA B. P. LUCAS, attorney at law. OFFICE, NO. 72 GRANT STREET t Three doors below the Court House,) ? 7 ' i:!y PITTSBURGH, Pa ATTORNEY alt law, OFFICE, *<». ISIS FOURTH NT.; NO. 7 3 OEA NT STREET f l\ SUIMiEoi DENTIST Md rtSST** 0 ' l ° G ’ ' V * BiddI * N 0.144”” hours froln s ‘0 * o'clock, .nd from a fel&ly i: :KOy MANUFACTTmTano AMERICAN iRONWOEZS XItO TV AND NAILS, JUKIATA AND COMMON SHEET IRON. kaili's Paint SiwAiog, Piston Bods, Plata, kt PITTSBUGH, PA. WAREHOUSES. i*a r Ntrwt n»d 133 Flrat Street. HTTSBIIKiH, c&g™" i ' r, ‘ nkli “ and South Water Street* taT ~ ' l - BOVD...IVU. M'Cullobq PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS JONES. BOYD & CO., ill A ® TFAIITntKBSOr CASTSTKEI j - . miBBUMH. Pa. Jt* SORT\IK>’T o" Pittct k* FUKNITUW;. imkra/n* b Wh mnnafao, « r «J fi“* 'SZtiffK™** “ a ««U fSrfdS.l as \.eu «? a li»* assortment of »PFI(:* FIRXITURI!, sipitit ... . 5 A« KSAEH <1 IRWI,VfI. mhS-ly"' *'*" fel " ithficM str e»f. below Filth. PITTSBURGH. PA. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS. &o.‘ OAHPBTB AND OIL CLOTHsT N K W U 11 u S 8 E L S C.UiPB 'i iv OAHi’KTS, Oil CLOTHS, ht~ M’€ A 3L 1, u M»s, pc h-j • x»it sVi« r s to th ellai * HUGH M. BOLE. mjjswfjfK «rif.i>Eit «v MAcmmsT -|££Sg&MUtti S«;|« n -n"dL^/eV C r°LlVi{cfS ft T JS §&fSSSfe^' S&feMS C,U1 I,laM 32 **<•>« Xi sofiJitc-i.^ 0 ™ Pmmpa * raw *i w.«;, — mylMyd w. cur *IS£!LSf A ”- D - curouromi sSiSgg&ss and public buildings parior windows, cfcarcKi - -w # At- IVT% V n wjth regularity, f™nwS n ? I,T "^S 4 obstructions may aS tba not be taken during the first »h y r^ Ul f l, >»"«*». of liregnancy, though safe at Inv « I ’ti oar .? o,,tll * “’tPLI 8 * 0 would be the ?4ult her t,m *- “ ff 5 - 0« Dolli., s® S4tSv Y aul6.fy°dJw r is Markc ' al «*t» n dtiwlMrarad. w I®!® l } APFIJffI-l# RMJB. WflBT »ned Apples, just roceivod andfrrnlebr 11 -„ JAS. A. PBTZKK. Cnrner Market k First stwtu.- 'OJI* - fiigg»»^,sgag FKANKLIN, VEVfANGO CO,, my23:lyd PBUBrltaala L. BRAOKENBIDGE, Pittsburgh, P.. Hancock attorney at law. m-ISBPBBg, PEmPA. Jo»es A JLauglilim, manukacturrhs of yUEHITUHE. BOOK CASES, 2-5 Pieces NEW DRUGGETS, 7.*5 Pieces w - 31'cr.nrrocK. CABDe,