Volume XX, liATE SOUTHERN NEWS. Whereabouts of Ren n regard's Army. From the Grenada (lato-McmiihisiApreal, June 12 Our latest advices are that our army u ta^ n a position at or near Tupelo, •bout fifty miles south of Corinth, which it is stated, was the first point at which a obtain'd su JEP I y of .S°? d "'ater could be monl .u the po . lnt ls also said ‘0 offer S ’,* perior * w as yesterday placed at the Recorder’s bar for alleged lhat Ur n a T Ce ,he u Peate - 11 tra nspired that, on Tuesday, she ordered a carriage, seated herself regally therein, protruded one of her legs conspicuously out. of the window, and m this posture rode in state through the principal streets of the amazed metropolis. As indignant citizens and stars attempted to arrest her progress, she rn, y f“ d , ed 116 meml,er ,a rtl>er and rode the faster—but suddenly founv imposing npon her a fine of SlO.” THK GREAT CURE FOR COSSUMPTOS. cine fordisaMmS thVl T , r^f, mto a Medi liesolroiSontar f frco fromall ™l nir ‘- s: f Cnns " miiti ™ «- H wiUoan Broneblti*. It Breast. wid €old», and is an I'rlaary of tlle K*d“cj», If yob c ?™‘®rfeitB-®a •r5 llre 2'®“ *° l T th ®?Sf nt ®f whom” yon purchased them nrnl pi..;.. >, roeeive your money aIOVE ■^ V A. BRADLEY, wo. 30 WOOD STREET, corner Necond, Pittsburgh, Manufacturerand Wholesale and Retail dealer in Cook, Parlor, and Heating Stoves, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &c, 4®- In our sample room may l>e found the CELEBRATED <3 AS BURNING COOK STOVES EUREKA AND TROPIC, the merits 01 which have been fully tested by thousands, and the Stove pronounced unequaled °y any in this market; together with agreatmany ther desirable patterns. W e have also a very largo assortment of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES. embracing some of the BEST PATTERNS now flered to the public. ANrrppvnp«l N^ M u ELED QKATE FRONTS AX D FENDERS, of the newest styles. Common Kitchen Row and Jam Grates, all of which are offered at very low prices. offer «l to builders in want of GItATE FRONTS. iny2tUf DI M E SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO- «I 0 SNITIiriKI.It STRKF.T, (OPPO.erTK THR Ot’STOU HOUSE.) CH AH TEH EH l!Y THE LEOIELATUUE. OFI’ICERS. Prtiidoiit, VICE RRESIDEXTS. V.' b'miti) it. F. Rudd 1 ho*. P- .Messier A. lleineimm \i rrancis teller- Joshua Rhodes John r. Jennings. Jacob Stuejtrutk J hnmns >. Rlair Alex. Rradley Henry Llnvd Alfred Slack TRUSTEES. JosbiJ, Kine 0 Zug £ Jos Dilwortb ‘i , . W A Reed ooilwc'll K C Sehmerf7. \ Knhm 0 W Ricketson i. AL 4 iernnn II Hartman V ~T ~) Uuin which will be a resource when needed, their not omy heiiigsafe hut. henrimrir.torest,in stead of reuuim!!i'? unproductive. mylfj pEAniKK AM) VSXEOAH- 6(» BUSHELS DfflHD PEACHES, II KtRKEUi I‘IIRK cmcK TIffEOAR, in Mom Hud for n«*le by WILLIAM BAGALEY, 18 mill 20 Wood wtrert LOAN OFFICE, II ENIt V \V. C I JII 0T T wo. 100 snn imELK rtiieet, Near the corner Fifth, Pittsburgh. M»h:i i.v large and tint li. A.’* quantities loanod on Gold amt Silver. Dia d Sl| vor Watches, and ■ill Kinds of valuable articles, lor any length ot wlthuuTtho Ti’-ket ie S! ' oJ:2md JJAtost, nACRim * co- NO. 17 FIPTH STEEET, Invite tho attention of Wholesale Jfc Tie tall Buyers to a large and variod stock of desirable goods just opened. ap 26 JgOOTS AND SHOES, AT NO. 89 MABKET STREET. LOOK AT THE PRICES worth sf,a? ngl ' Lafitinit 11891 Waiters for $l,OO for|f^.w«tha.7s! 8 “ ,, ‘ r ConßreSslleol Qaitera L “ lin * Co, “ rreas Heel Gaiters $1 37 J worth‘$l go rench Metroeeo Heel Boots for worth'll -s"® Goat CongreBa Heel Boots for $1.37. Ladies Fine Morocco Slippers forSOo., worth 75, Ladies iiue Kid Slippers lor 75c, wortu $1,12, All olherk• A G K.\c 'I'HhIIAS KAITK.A.V, KIHOi-l'l v ■ Airent, 115 Water afreet, l’ittxhurah I*a trt lrln it out or rend back “I? cnLr': rS FOR SALE ' «■»»«• - any r,uuf OD A rf * a Il " l i | ‘n»JX']is ami Cincinnati Rail- New 1 orb. Liverpool, *l fell 17*0 K « A le K I.OTS I\7mi . Imstownship, adj\>inin{TM.Aliirv , ;wh EXTRA LOW PRICES. Lndica who intend leaving tho citv this »„in iner will fimi this a very favorable up’porli'mtv of supplying themselves with such nr iS' w 1 may need. We beg leave to say tha ,™ ! ment has never been better, amfis ii!st such a one triide meCt th ° re, lum!lucnLiof li first class cUy As our new room will be open nevt week- our customers will find it iiiucL more pliasmit to m loot goods than it bun been heretofore. Joseph Horne, 77 & 79 MARKET STREET, G U N la >x 1 TP j i , *5 corner Ohio and Beaver Nts. k ,lrf m stock of Gun. of all descriptions, on hand. PldcE?S tolmkr ' aml llt LOWEST OASIi Reimiring promptly ailendeil to. nolh:lyw-my3l-dtf iVoTHERS 1 ' 0 OII ‘ MKIINERS AND THE PENNA. SALT MANUFACTURING CO. Having completed tbeir arrangements for tho inftuufacLuro of CONCENTRATED OIL OF VITRIOL. A TI, n Tn l i' r ? ,>areAY- Just opened a complete assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, W. 11. 31c«E£ A €»„ iny9 143 Federal street, Allegheny city. NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY, Fob the speedy and pebxai; ENT euro of GONORRHEA, GLEET, UKETHAL 'Discharge*, Seminal Weakness, Nightly Emis sions, Incontinence. Genital Irrita bility* Gr ircl, Stricture and Affev onsotthe Kid hers and Bladder, Which has bee > used by upwards of w ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, b their private practice, with the entire success, superseding Cubebs. Co pat;;,. Cafsct.fs. or any compound hitherto known. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are Bpeedy in action, often effecting a cure in a few days, and when a euro is effected it is perman ent. They are prepared from vecetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nause ite the stomach, or impregnate the breath and leing sugar coated, all nauseous taste is avoided. No change of diet u necessary whilst using them; nor does their action interfere with business pur suits. Each box contains six dosen Pill.. PRICE ONE DOLLAR. ■ and will bn sent by mail, post-paid, by -d -vcrtiaed Axent, on receipt of the money ' None genuine without my signature on tho wrapper. i. BRYAN, R -^^N.Y ? aemlA^n,. corner Market street and Diamond ?in2?:il*wly:i9 TO THE PUBLIC. ]iISPECIAI.LT JEJtheiffnorantandfalso^^^^^^^^^ ly Modest of all deoomi* nation*, treat secret and delicate disorders, solf abuse.and diseases or tuations commonand in cident tojouths of both sexes, and adults, single or married. Because Da. BRA.NSTRur publishes the foot of his doing i S' l u e }«' DO, 5 1 pf a »d falsely modest are dreadfully noticed, and think it a great sin very immoral mid for contamination and corruption among ter.’h? p r<>“>««'* «>n 3 and daughters. ThS? family physician shoulu oo cautious to keen them «V£V!p*J ,c * ' 'I 1 Ih t? I 1 ; ,to Mime as Ur. i{ra\ JI"!* 19 v ln ® ) lwt 8 luer:lti vc prac Jib 0 , In , lpl " • ost t 0 then! among stupid false I? taudrai and presumptuous families, born ami raised m ignorance, sprung np no mushrooms and S '! c,c:y - •’•teliigencc, Fer.se, Ac., to do.l.in> and cents mysteriously, meanly criih gotten. It is to publicity, however, that numeroir ioe' - ' JeS r eh-.o Uttrd ‘“. ns ttr ? tl.a.nkfnl that theii spr..-. dttiiglut.s and wards, previously feebi** sickly and of delicate condition and nppearnucV RA^TPr^'T 1 -! 0 hcalth 8811 vigor bi” K, besides many before and after marriage through hiui havc been saved much suf fenny, anxiety, mortification, Ac. SpcmiAtorr }* ea noc turn&l ®o»miwiong t areeomidlreiv cured m a very short space of time by his now remedies wb . lc ♦il tr 6 $ ecu J a » r J y hi£own. Theyare compounds f?i). U^ e rrh *u Üble • kingdom, having seen the f.ilkuj.ot the Mercurial treatment,hohasabaadon *‘Jthe vegitalde Female dis- 1 c.x»warc treated with marked success—having had i oicr;i.>rty years (40) experience in their treat uKint in nosmtals of both the Old World and in Ue l nited Mates; leads him to eny—to all with a ! health and hnppiness will Hgaiu bloom I upoiitheuow pnlJedcheek. Trifle no longer with i jnontebanks and ouneks. but come and be cured | Consumption and all of its kindred "ra w! 1 80 Hnnually fill our countries, can now be relieved, providing they attend to it n time l ull parUcuSars iiuuT.e had of mv tn-tmen? r.yprocunnga copy of the Medical AdViser.which 15 given gratis to all tliut apply Ilavingtne -Si vantage of over forty yiars expertise and observation, consequently, he has superb skMI in the treatment of special and ihoia daily consulted by tbeprofession, as wel! :u« rocotn mended by repectable citizens, publishers? £5. stre e ct°” e*r S&SSfi 1 s^tSrb^T' of ,he Unim •*'*'“*& . . Bil\ u 0,,. J‘-'C:lydaw Pittsburgh Pust Office. ★ * * kked, try IT AR bU bh rs IN b'A LLIi; LK M \XM K\T is S^^aysfiSßSs* Oic nlast Sl^ s 2l?t y0 ''‘ 11 ««» d e r p™i>arafiim C 'ko? <“AUK ' .M’CUBDY & CO, Manufacturers of Sheath. Braziers’ and Bolt Conner Pressed Cm. l>er i ! '' l t i""‘"v ßa Sti " Bottoms. bolder. Ac. Also importers and doa lf« in Metals. Tin lron, «^iv»f. n,t ?S^ 7 n 0n **and, Tinmen’s Machlre aa^ e '^^?f*SfciSL«2S2i“ - **• ntw. Sp9C a ordc ” 01 'poi'Por out to any desired fe2l:lyd*w WM. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS Iron Founders, GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. Fear the Penn. B. E. Passenger Denot, PITTSBURGH, PA., TMTb ,i, W be am. kijtds of ronrn* from three to one and fifty horse power, and suited lor Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Factories, Give particular Attention to the construction ol Engines and Machinery for grist mills, and for uprights, muiay and circular saw milk. Have also on hand, finished and ready forshin ment at shortnotico, Engines and Boilers of every Also, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron separately Wrought Iron Shafting, Hangers and Puilies m every vanety, and contimmthe manufacture ol Woolen Machinery and Machine Cards. Our nriees are low, our machinery manufactur ed of the best quality of materials, and warranted in all coses to give satisfaction. ~f the “•■a* SMITH, PABK & CO., NINTH WARD FOUNDRY [PITTSBURGH. PA Warehouse. No. 149 First and 120 Seconds* Also J obbine and MachineCaetinss of evert- de sonption made to order. «very ae- Having a complete machine ghop attached puts rafSSig BB “t “ luniEwuoii At am election of the stock holders of the PEOPLE’S INSURANCE COMPANY. !l c! 4 t the Merchants’ Exchange, on Monday, the following rersons were elected Directors: Wm. Phillips, of Phillips, Best, and Co. "?hn E. Parke, of Phelps, Parke ,t Co. Chas S. Bissell. of Bisscll * Co. Geo , ■ Jones, Wholesale Groeer. H m It. Have, of Wm B. Hays & Co. t l n Kirk, of A. Bradley’s. John Watt of Watt A- Wilson. ..nmuel 1. hhriver, of Shriver & Larear. ci!1 e r *£’ V n r.i r - °{ Rhodes A- Verncr. tapt John L. Rhoads, River man. h rank V an Gorder, Commission Merchant c. Hanson Love, of C. Hanson Lovo A Co. b/ohoSine' t ° rS '" ot T,,aidll >'. and organised W\T Vr i lii\iJi , *i>'^ roBid,J,,t: " •”• * • OAKDN Kit, .*scurcTrtry. Nm h i y haVe 01,CnoJ lm f,ll ' u '- "omporarily) at GIRARD HOUSE, SMITHFIELIi STREET, Where they are prepared to lake all kinds of’ Jel ™ AXW MARINE kinks. \|T E INVITE ATTIiVIKIX TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Of trench and American Manufacture. For Ladle*, Miase*, and Children, We have a variety of styles: Walking Boots Gaiters, Slippers, W’hite Satin Kid and Embroid ered Slippers, suitable for parties and weddings, following -Arsenals, as soon as possible of J ° 5,000 Tons of Lead, as follows : , A'Sf'' Ar;e,, » 1 ' w « Trc * »•* Nmv tons Al ' sCnab fi ° Teni ° rt Ma''d ~hSsi» tSS*" 7 ■ Arscaal - I,iu ' burgh ' I,enns >-'- l.Wton”. S! - L,,nU Arecr ‘ al - St - , The Lead must ho Galena, nr other Ameriean brand”*’ " r S ° ll I ' J ’“'' lL ' h ' l ' f the mnst approved BPTO?(l“' S WiM b ° rwdml lur luta cf3w tons and .flfelS? 0 •"*** »<•* am °unt ;,. i . a .\ lur” ful performance. . wun rcSfaSybiL 1 "" 1 rK!,:rTe! i,sslf the to ] Wnl; p” 1 to aa«» JH*V. i AS-_W. Itii’LEY. trig. Gen PETItONA Oil, WORKS LONG. MILLER & CO., WORKS AT KHAKPPBUHGII STATION A 1 LEiiHKXY VALLEY RAILROAD.' and ’Warehouse '* -WAKKKT STREirr, i'ittsux’kom. cSSl3ffl;“" I,ini “ d Labric » t «d koJeipmsiv? ‘V*- w««*sm always on hand. oeSLTy JN^VT W r ONA oil. 5. A * E . MAJnjPACTBBIHQ freedo4 h W> "'’““i l for Eri Jl>ancy in burning xreeaom of offensiTe odor, and transD&Mnnv color, (which color we warrant tob“E£f by a«e orexposnrc.) 13 unsurpassed by any ilium 1 on ?„ r X™? or “«kete. on to the consumer, we can specially recommend it. Also, our manufacture ol na CAUSTIC SODA, ZSSti&g# broUKbt " ‘»i» ««nt^ m S b ? SAPOKIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE; SALT AC ' sufficient, 0 ' Wn - " *"* «>“ wm be promva7 at - QKOHGfi COLHOUN. Agent. I anna. Company, -4 Wood street, Pittnburgh. nolB:lyJ4w:is PRIVATKMSEASEH.. Dr. BROWN’S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offi™, N 0.30 bmithfield street, Pittsburgh. Skl•- Pennsylvania. ? 0 ’ V i. N “an Old citizen of I lttsburgh, and has been in Praotieefqrthelnst twenty-five ycare. His business has oonimed mostly to Private and burgica I Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRAIiGEE cSJ 1 ®* 1 . * medical friend, shodld not fail to find out the suro pliico of relief Th* * Kft^MaawSSS DR. BROWN’S REMEDIES never fail to cure tbe worst form of Venereal I)ißeasc«, Scrofuloaa Affoctions.— from a hereditary t&inL which manifests itself in the foruc of tetter psonasa. and a great many foraT of skin!di£ cases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ™ Vers °, m 80 “fflietcd. D™BroTOofiCi? hopteof.sngand,^^^ gratification, which the young and weak mfndil often give way to, (to their own destruction.) ar —l°h«vL^l^ le r a medi t? known in the country of health! ’ d make a s f >e *' , J restoration n , RHEUMATISM. _ V r - fro»n s remedies never fail to cure this painful disease is x new DxTa—ho willwarrants cure. Ho also treats Piles. (ileet. GonnSStm * t ” tha Discharges. Female Weaknes*. in2.Ui!, Diseases of the Joint-. Fistala in Aao. Nervous Affections, Pain* in the acrtaecure from observation. Ns - GARDEN AND FIELD SEED, WARKAXTED niISHAXn hEXfIXE AS*Also a general assortment of Agricultural Implement*. Shade and Oraam?Bt«l TreeS received and for solo by * BECKHAM & LONG, next doorto Hare’s Hotel *** Liberty street, ihhSS _ JUST OPENING w »o. 86 Established 1842, TO OIL REPIIVERS r r®tt i wjwiesED lun aui! n to lit up Oil Refinerim.nmU ,• Twoddlo’s Patent TROMP APPARATUS patnted February 4th. 1862. by whisk fitwisna dered totally unneoeesaryin distilling Petsetew or other Oils, and we guarantee onr wo* eanno boexeelled in dorability.aimplleity or eaonoay We refer with confidence to the fidlowina par ties, whose Refineries we have fitted apV Measn. Lma-llilkr A Co., Petrous World. The above works were designed and eonatraete and put in operation by TWmn|,g The ftrilowing works wa have also fitted m i. Economy Oil Company, Darlington: • Messrs. Chadwick A Crumpton, Kittanning: Johnson Graham A Co., Woods* Rua i Prewer,Bill A Co„ Pittsburgh: • Reese A Graff, do Johnson A Brother* do Forsjth Bros. & Co.* Manchester*, DAVIS & PHILLIPS, Nos. 100 WATER A 104 FIRST STEEKE& Brass Founders, Plnitfeifll' STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. mhll:3md IMPORTANT TO INVENTORS. PATENT AGENCY. >; PATENT AGENCY. DEWIT C. LAWRENCE. |j ROBT. W. FENWICK For Twelve Tears S For the nsif 'teiir Mjeuiliiaaiv'ai *n OOieer or tlie Stbe VoilSutoii Fotont OffleoMfiie Aiqmlmw I»b* four >■ nSnnd ta for' A fmVSa _ _ * Team in tit. PM- Member of the|9eat Agenej Bwrta Board of Appeal. £ ABDY EWENS, Plumbers and Gas Fitters* NO. 1M WOOS STREET, OPPOSITE FIRST CHCBCH, PITTSBTROH, in 47 OHIO STREET AI.I.EOHKyy RIAB TBS MAYOE’s OfFICS. Lead Pipe, Pi* and Bar Load.andPuSuan m ®*' Refineries UM^ph tne moet improved manner. Tanks Uatd Lead or fe®" ® oasra fi “«> Water and^fiTjff B ' AU Ordore promr,tlp attended to. S. B !• * c. P. JURKLE, Manufacturers and Dealers in boqk, cap, letter, and all kinds of WRAPPING PAPER, have removed iron Wo. 27 Wood street to NO. 33 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittsburth. Fa;. CiLih paid for RAGS. ap» K bvtukb «.h. d. smaii j, g. bitkxb Late at Miller A Rioketeon’e. - BEJMEB A ISKOTHEHB, rsuooesior to Keymer A AndersonJ Y’kolesalo Dealers in Foreign I rnlla SfuSa, Confectionary. Sugar,, Fire Works, *&, ■ NOS. 126 AND 128 WOOD STREET. FimßuaoH BOBSHT DALZKLL A . . _ ROBT. DALZELLd CO., Wholesale- Grocers, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS AXI) - * Dealers in Produce and Pi ttsborgliMairaftetaree. JTo. 231 HBECTI STREET, ; st-gpoL PtTTSBITBnn DUQUESNE BRASS WOI FULTON A CO., srsuricrcsESßor svtsi oariitv o* FINISHED BRASS WOBX, CAS AND STEAM FITTERS, ■ §*"Particular attention to lilting Oil ”-filer leg. Brass Custmifs of superior sinoothneea made to jjjj™ Steamboat work and repairing genet ■ j If Boss’ Oil p; Davy’s fiafbtv Oaeßrackets and Pst.jenta: CoraeMST cure STKEet AND DUQDESNE WA C. WEST d CO., HAHUPAOTUBIBS OF CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ROCKAWAYS. SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. No. 187 Penn Street, Pittaburgji. w <>rk warranted to be of the best mala nnl and workmanship. mylSlyd. eagle oil wqbks, WIGHTMAN & ANDEBBO*. Benaolo and Car Grease conatantlF^Mi » fc Clims, Smytb * Co’s on Wste •Bdxirat streets, will be promptly filled.: 1 :-j lOCIB BKisEMi-v „cius. ifEntax .a-enwa REINEMAN, MEYRAN 6 SIEDLE, No. 43 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA., WHOLBSALK AXD BBTaiL OBALBBS IX watches, jmur, DIAMONDS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. CLOCKS, of every description. FANCY 6 0 0 D S Bronze Statuary, efe. WATCHMAKERS’ TOOLS, Materials and Maohlnerp. Wholesale Agency for the celebrated AMERICAN WATCHES, W ALL PAPER ! J WINDOW CUKTAINB, New Styles for Spring of 1863, A Hmt Variety nntl Vs,., .-h*-- .■ ■ ■** •*«■ • 1-4 M. »••»»».* For tsje by 'MltyllAS PALWEB, ■•■S1WOOB STUR, 2d door below Diamond Alley