Volftwie XX. NTIBELV VEGETABLE NO ALOOHOLIO PREPARATION! A PURE TONIC MEDICINE. DR. HOOF L AND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS DR. C. M. JACKSON, Philade Will eirt--rtually Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, Chronic. or Nervous Debility. Diseiuses of the Kidney's, and alllaoasea Arising from a Disordered Liver or Stotuail such as Consti nation. Inward Piles. Fullness or Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomah. NAIIIAOII, lieflrlbUrrl. Disgust fur Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering. at the Pit f the Stom ach, Swimming of the head ,Hurried and difficult Breathing. Elutteriog at the Heart. Chokingoroutliteating ilenAatimp, when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision. Dots or webs be fore the sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration. Yel lownew. of the Skin and'Evcs.Pain in the Side, Dick, Chest, Limbs. &v. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing in the Fh,h, !onsta nt imaginings of Evil. and great deprel ~ i nn of And wilt pasitively prevent Yellow Fever. Fever. THEY coNTArN NO ALCOHOL OR RID WHISKY! They will cure the above dison3es in ninety-nine eases out of a hundred _ • Induced by Ho o f xtensive sale and universal POPularity.of nd's tiertnan Bitters, (purelY vegetable) hosts of ignorant quaeks and unscru pulous adventurers. have opened upon suffering iunanity the flood gates of ost rums in the shape of poor whisky, vilely en m pounded with injurious drug; and christened Tonics, Stonmehies and Bit ters. Beware of the innumerable array of alcoholic Preparations in plethoric bottles, and bi-bellied Y n under the modest appellation of Bitters: whiek instead of raring only aggravates diseases, rdjeave the disappointed sufferers in desair. lOU WA ArT.S'OMETIF 37.1 STR ENG TII. YO t DO ou WA NT .4 th. 001) A PPETITE! -.Db - rou w. 4 Nl' 2'o IW/L h 17 , yorß TITCTIOS po-YOU WANT TO FEEL WELL? DantLWANT TO OFT RID OF NER ro us I mim,p, fiIIOTEANT EWER° rr 4110:1'017 WANT TO SLEEP WELL ilOrggr WANT A BRLSI C AND VIGOROUS rEguiru? If YOu do live HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Aunt J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En . cyclopedia of Rclipioue Knowledoc. ; : • 7 7 aVege l ltu t 4 s i P a ° ;: d n e general, &i f , a ;I: 3 r r ou l h rT i la r t uo mp o d f :la ria,i k il iaytediente and efferts: I yet know of no t reason why a man rosy not testify to the t he believes himself to have received from spy pimple preparation in the hope that he may - lomatiatribute to the benefit of others. , m the• -4 th e wore readily in regard to Hoof s:' German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. tof this city, because I was prejudiced hem for many yeark — under the impres that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. 4hangiii Indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, ne for the removal of this prejudice by proper sad for enceuragement to try them, when from great and long continued debility. 1! ills of three bottles of these Bitters. at the beginning of the present year , was followed by j event relief. and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for airvuolthil before, and had almost depaired of re geleing.• I therefore thank God and my friend for dirooling ma to the used' them. J. NEWTON BROWN. ::PsiiADELnriA. June 23. MI. ' ' Avon the Rev. .loeeph H. Kennard. Pastor qt th . Tenth Baptist (March. be. JACKSON—DeaI SA : — .l have been fre quently requested toconnect my name with COM rrmesdationa of different kinds of medicine, but, ifteplaelles qv out or. Tar atiPropriate Vie in all elms declined; but with a . Studftivar instances. and Partieularly him, k of the usefulness of Dr. Hoof lead" - tters,4 depart from my usual =dto express om " liall conviction that for ebility of thesystem. and especially Li v- EComplaint it is •selband valuable preparation. some mom it may fail. but usually I doubt not will be very beneficial to those who suffer from thembees muses. You very reometfaillv. J, IL KENNARD. Bighth below Coats street. Phila., Dee. 24th. Asa the nen" ALDERMAN WUNDER, Ger. . 7 swintowe. Gmumsrowa, June I, INK. Di. C. M. JACKSON - air:—lt MISS lON IOSAINFO, Swokyeassms,~ to rive you a certificate, 'testifying what man Bittemhad done for me. ..I am now paint* mired of all those Ovum your madielwiMiligess to cure, vii: DmPePlia. - Chron le and NervisestiMility. disease of the Kidneys. im :111witammeed in/name it exerts. upon Ner vosa - : it minisind. I have Wm eon .. 7 - • nsfaram e to your Bittenkand '•' — 73 ''' - "r7l'rf, - hive recommended it for the . ' 4.,..74 • . -iii livery .mstane.. e it has ..e..-7, -__ _ . ' • omen. lour medicine Aso a great In Germantown , and Is sold in every •and in mat of the Grocery stores my one should question what I say. let gitrateGermantown. and I will prove to ll* satielbeti on, that the Bitter* have cured in VsfinltY more than twenty MSS of the above ~, ' • HANNAN WENDER, . ' Street. Jame Rittimhome, Germantown, --.- • i ismadty c.l ::•••:: • .. Milt IVE ?RING 142 R TEE SOLDIERS. VI beild np the eonstitntioo. and sive health Mean* to an oviutealred and diseased atiIIikTERIESTIMONTIWOM THEARIIY •zi E-- - - - • - '• PIIILADZIPHIA. AMOSti2:IB62: „DA 4..lll44l 6 eeow—Deer Arir , While in Vir testa. *wise time change of water. I wee taken matift . with 11 Mimi which semi* incurable. r....A.a med iliblik' weakened me. - When we I feared- I isliiiiild have to fismins; but lag some of your Bitters in t el it i p ztat IL Llsipm'im, - But tivalk4 par on takratltima speodi r ki. . The diarrhea wile. mod I _ experiencosi no o it. 1113r & iii r' Simla .., ..- . algae eilgik Ilitit i :0111 i tin- nieht dua carb war fe-• te. ...... ....... *. ti_ sl supprit MAT 1 • would not without it sis Cits •• • • particularly an point into a /444- tr ib'• A. B. ALTEMI's. Company ff, Scott Lesion. UAW OF COUNTERFEITS. 11,01 pr i r et i ft na llematars of C. M. JACKSON.". of each bottlo. ..11(N010.11 . 611 and Nannfutory, Pecoe'Peir- arrimmi. AMU* EVANS, IL James & a: at' aer itift." Difunlori7 Jirt.?. • ••• • ;- • giveideileod abff• ..„ - • . , . . , ~ • - Q . • - • . . a a. - • ; .. • • :7•.• • ak : . . • • , .1. - I t •••• 44 - 0 1 'IL BISHOP PO I PTERt OPI ON OF WOMAN. Bishop Potter, in his (Aare.. Episcopal Convention,' now sitting,in Phil adelphia, pays the following high and de served compliment to religions women who are at present working wonders among the sick and wounded of our army. Experi enced officers of our army and especially surgeons have round the greatest relief in trained nurses. and hay.- uniformly applied for Sisters of Mercy or Charity in pref erence to all others. It would he well for the Managers of our Insane Asylum and House of Refuge to take some of the advice of Bishop Potter: "Our camps and military hospitals are blessed schools for educating our benevo lent affections and our capatitieiforchar itable work. But they. show, at the same time, that is not every benevolent woman who has the health, or theindgment, or the perseverance, or the ready submission to order and system which such a function re . - quires. They show, too, the great impor tance of previous training. Nursing, like every other art,ls to be acquired by prac tice, under proper directions. It affords scope for knowledge, and it ought to be prosecuted, especially in civilandreligious hospitals, as a system, and from a lofty Christian motive. Such a motive does not necessarily preclude the tide of paid serv ice, but flourishes best where the labor is freely given out. of love to God and to his suffering and sinful children. Hence the need of our hospitals (nor in them only) of, trained, enlightenednrid devoted Christian i ladies. The same influence goes to some , 1 extent into the hospitals and orphan-hous es ofthe Roman Church. That Sisters of Charity in the Roman communion are worth more, perhaps, to' their cause than the combined wealth ' of their hierarchy, the learning of their priest hood, the self-sacrificin g zeal of their mis sionarie,;. What ha been with us so long a theo retical conviction ought to become with out much more delay a practical reality. No time could be more auspicious for the commencement than the present. Volun teer nursing in army hospitals has brought to light many noble spirits who can be em ployed hereafter in our municipal' and re ligious institutions. Nor is it among the sick only or among those of their own sex that the tenderness, skill and assiduity of Christian women would be useful. Among criminals in our penitentiaries, among un ruly or depraved boys in our houses of formation ; among the poor and insane in our almshouses, and wherever there is misery and sin, there would they exert a wondrous power. What suffering, for example, what dete rioration of morals, and what hopeless gloom must reign, when the sick and in firm poor must be waited on only by coarse and uninstructed paupers or by rude and sordid hirelings ? How little prospect of amendment among criminals if they see none but paid keepers and rout ine officials! And among the insane what a soothing calm comes from a woman's presence, and wise and gentle ministry ! Everywhere, but especially among the suf fering and hat ed of our sex, does she carry the sunshiat of patience and hope. In proportion as she has lofty Christian aims and the delicacy . which comes of re fined association, she ui the better qualified to command respect and inspire affection; and in proportion as she possesses the ex perience and ready resource which spring generally from nothing. but training will her agency be permanent and useful. • We have, it seems to me, but to weigh considerations like these ; we have but to remember that a vast amount of talent and hearty zeal amongwomen waits to be employed ; 10e have but to contrast the homes of our poor in sickness, and too often, alas! in health; our prisons; our asylums, our reformatories, our almshous es, our hospitals, as they are, with whatthey might be if pervaded by a higher feminine and religions influence, and-we shall-per ceive that nothing but organization and-a wise directing spirit is 'needed:to achieve the mighty and beneficent revolution:" PREP Alt E l.) 1: phia,_Penna DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION CHARTRRED BY rim LEGISLATURE. Preiddent JAMS PAHL Sr.; VICE PRESIDENTS. Wm. Smith .11, F. lidd Thos. D. Mamba. A. lleineMan Francois Sidle= Achim Rhodes John F. Jeanine'''. Jnenbitackratb Thomas 8. Blair AleM Henry Lloyd Alfred Slack • TRUSTEES. • Josiah King C¢ ZtAr A 8 •Ball Jorutiwerth 13 8 Fowler • Br:A, ••• FW Woodmen R Schmertz Woodmen R W Ricketson Long J. M Tiernan D thrtinimon JasW Baiter ' et . an • C H Wolf Coe r 'wok Smith W lhaseen U B Jones 81.4!..nias • W H Phelps Xerfall SECRETARY ANDTRE'ASURER. • ._ ---, vosit autB Opon daaY attudi . iro y m e ie t. A. ?. to 9 P. af. Ai m Tues. retmaret ja...Jeft,,,„ 8 to • o'clock; a . ; aa., Pi lle lidstio :hota dge : 1 ... 400 1 ..,:tor . hi .. ZZ li rtsivit i ll!: l ai sa . " (I Va iwu:.. 7.... ,.. ...?: ale . .... 1 7 •: - ..f...; :,.., , .. 1 at • . E 44410111% , AO • t W n. ttere g giliall a irli t° thea tit d eh b. Z ad ley ar g ri * zw b datagib. . . -" a thige. , YO :: ..., • ~ .-n i . .1 g peanuts Amp vtiltesti 600 BUSHELS; Diti!)h) atsznis vuneeiit • WILLLUK BAGALET, MS is sad' Weiltiereet . M. H. IL HUNTER. la. sautiF WHOLESALE - GROCERS :nos. - tar ' r IP 1111` —NEL.I 0.4, - • c.‘ =sue,, agga-ly Na. MS sal ill Wood Amt. oro. 110 worrimEmn sumer, OPPOSITE! TIEZ CUSTOM NOUSE.) O FFICER/I: D. E. iIeKINLEY. in okire and Ibi silo lby SBURGII. iron' the Temple Bar Magazine. STORI OF THE ITINTER-LIGIII one of the richest, men in the federalcap- I resemblnce whi..b eis xted between the ital of Frankfort-on -the-Mei n . To a stran- I descript a ion he had given,of a miser and ger, however, he appeared poorer than , his only relative. whose unknown wealth Lazarus, and more miserable than the l lie wa,: - to inherit. Type and prototype predestinated Wandering Jew. I eould not more ci.tttly dovetail. His It was early in December, in the year! heart, itw.vever. .1:d not fail him : how 185—, that Ireinreich Otterbein surprised I should hi 4 uncle, who never read a book, the good gossips of that famous Teutonic ! near of !I , - pft.'s.:ig.. '.' True, the book had capital by wandering about the frosty ereated a sensati-m : but his uncle was riot streets late one .night. The people who likely to go where it , . , •ontents, its merits hung about the Platz, or trotted past the or demerits would be discessed. And, light magnitieent, Roemer, where the portraitshearted. he knocked at :he door. It Was I of the German emperors frown down upon opened l e - !'rift:,.. e , itti- , ter-lookin g clerk the spectator in solemn majesty, wondered ---in fact, the miry one---of the office. to see the gaunt, tall figure of the Usurer "Sot to tin seen,'' was the reply to (Awl, emerge from the deep shadow of the Dom who asked for his uncle. RS the old clocks around were ringing out he engaged'" ••11s the midnight chimes. Before, however, the chimes had ceased "Is he ill r. burdening the nipping air with their mel- "No," returned Franz, with a sly leer. ancholy cadences, he had locked the door "What then can be the matter?" of his low dingy mansion behind him, and "Nothing," whispered Franz, who from plunged into thepalpable gloom that, long intimacy with the nephew of his Inas shrouded the interior, and seemed part ter, sometimes assumed an air of Intriiliur• and parcel of that old, tumble-clown, leaky ; ity. edifice of cross-beams and plaster. Stealthily Heinrich Otterbein glided along the narrow corridor ; stealthily he clung to the wainscoting of the corridor, creeping suspiciously onward. At length he reached a low portal. Here he felt about fora lamp, and, by dint of much re iterated exertion, struck a light. How like a guilty, conscience-stricken thing he then looked I As the feeble flicker of the wick threw vague shadows around hire, he paused to listen. He pressed his ear closely against the door of his counting house ; yet all the sound he could catch was the footfall of a stray passenger ap proaching his house, then fading away in the distance, or the dull soughing of the wintry wind down the solitary passages of his home. Having satisfied himself, however, that all was right, Heinrich took from beneath his cloak a bunch of keys. Deliberately selecting the largest and' the smallest, he proceeded to unlock the massive iron plated door. Three times he turned the key; three times the ward flew back; three heavy bolts were then successively unpadlocked, and drawn slowly back. Heinrich Otterbein's bureau, to any oth er man, would have inspired the most dis mal and repulsive impressions. Dark and diary, the dusty cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and everywhere the mould of de caying time grew upon the oaken panels. In oae corner stood two or three iron chests ; an iron safe was also fastened into one of the walls. The only furniture, how- l ''qr , !... - '2:91 - o.' ea ever, the room could boast, was a, deal stand ; unless we admit into the catego two or throe folio volumes bound in buff ry leather, on the backs of which were in scribed in German the words '•Day-book'' and "Ledger." On the desk lay a small octavo volume. The hawk-eye of Heinrich Otterbein 'at once detected the intruder. He flew at it as though it had been an ingot of gold. On taking the book up and opening it, his attention was riveted to a page the cor ner of which had been turned down so as to draw his attention to the place. The miser—for Heinrich Was reputed to be a veritable miser—read the following pas sa,ge : "Turn, however, to the miserable wretch who devotes his days and nights to the damning love of pelf. He hoards his secret treasures in iron chests ; he gloats over the sight of his glittering store, a: a mother hangs over her infant ; he feasts his wretched appetite on the wealth that perishes ; and groans like a prisoner on the rack when one thaler or one groschen is withdrawn. • And what benefit are his hoards to himself or the world? He grows thin and emaciated whilst feasting his eyes on his perishable treasures.; his palsied hand clutches at the vanishing coin, whilst charity isallowed to languish in the streets, and thousands, nay myriads, of human be ings are famished with cold and the want of the simplest necessaries of life." The features of Heinrich otterbien grew pale and distorted as he read ; and, with a feverish impulse, he turned to the title-page. There he saw the name of Cast Hems. He gnashed his teeth for a moment, and then relaxing his emotion, exclaimed, with a suppressed breath : "In- grate." 'A hoarse laugh, which resounded through the empty chambers of the house at that moment, startled the miser. He looked around him with a terrified glance. gathered his woollen robearound him, and took up his lamp to peer into the gloom beyond. .But silence had been restored, the echoes had died away ; and Heinrich Otterbein was left to his own solitary re flection and nervous tears. * * * - * SimUltaneously a scene, but of a dissim ilar character, was enacting in a distant part of the town. In a well-furnished and well-lighted dressing-room—evidencin g the wealth and luxurious taste of the master—a youth and maiden sat side by side, absorbed in the tender enjoyment of each other's society. The maidewfastened her blue eyes on the Vieth, who' reclined rather than sat on an ottatnan at her feet ; whilst he was pour ing forth Words of sweetest potency, fill ing her mind with abstract ideas, and painting a picture of life which none but the young lover can create. "(hi w hat sweet sweetness is it thus to h On ) th e soft %sum of such smiling 8 To gaze upon those eyes so so beandnt Drink in their poison and then fall back a-dream "And doyou believe that your book Will do good?" asked the soft voice of Lotchen. I "Truth `must accomplish all things," re ' plied the interrogated. "It is impossible hat men should forever grovel in the low ursuits on which they now are bent. Art, earest, art will triumph ; beauty and love nd truth must prevail. The world can not 'always be at strife with itself. The i time must soon arrive when the hearts of men will become enlarged, and charity break down the barrier of classes. The rich shall _not then monopolize their rrealth; nor the poor be compelled to toil ip - hopeless bondage. Dearest, I have spiid - all this in my book. You know, you feel,....yon.oOnfass 'tis right, 'tis true, and Chat before long the world must give way lici better and diviner thoughts l' "Ifivii' you no fear, Carl, that all you write will be set down as the views of a 'mere enthusiast and dreamer? My father! tells me that, fine as may be your theories. they are impracticable." "Impossible, my love, I have faith in the world, in its noble aspirations. in its 'desire to be set free from the sordid love of pelf." "Alasl my . father fells me there are passages" - that must give offense in your work. Ilisvircyou not painted your uncle in its pages?" him• "No, dearest, no. I never thought of ." - "tat k .,yow.loiw dawn thetportrait 4, *Wir t and any - baw ini4vorteptly, uta: - t Joke! ;kir the - • ' own will dial iipate at onie." And thus they chatted on and dreamed 'of happy days, until th ~ c- yoie or tho ,ratchtnan going hip warned Carl it was time for him to thkft hie ern. Early the next morning Carl railed on his uncle. Oa drawing near the miserable tenement. inhabited by him. however. b ~. • "But. has nothing occurred'?" repented Carl. with alarm emphasized on his eounte nance. : Nothing." was the brief remark. Carl pondered a moment. The book •and the obnoxious passage rose before him like an accusing spectre ; but just as he was about to question Franz as to the possibil ity of his uncle having seen his work, the latter drew him close to his side, and, as if confiding a valuable and important secret to him. explained that his uncle /•a,7 seen the book and the page. [To be continued.] T. J. URA FF PAUL [lran ............ Gum.? WESTERN STOVE WORKS, 245 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH GIIAFF & CO., , I • lor ' , le" • d 'LA NU VACirt:II111104 Would Call the attention of the pnblie to their LA 1 i; E STUC K of well oeleeted COOKYARLOR AND HEATING STOVES • MAO, IMPROPID Kitchen hanged,Grate Front,,, Hot. low Wane, are. , among which will found the Best Coal Cook Stoves lai the State. The Diamond, Advance, Air-Tight Eclipse, and Iron City, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fair for the BEST COAL COOK STOVES. Also FIRST PRE MIUM awarded to the TREE AMERICAN. GLOBE& REPUBLIC. For the BEST WOOD COOK NOW IN USE. The KENTUCKIAN and KANSAS Premium Stoves are unsurpassed. We call attention of DEALERS and BUILDERS to the largest stock of CRATE FRONTS AND FENDERS IN THE STATE. N B—We line the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE eel Cook Stores with Soar' , Stone Linings, which and the fire better than iron. cao3:is - 40 1 14 4 142, 4) 3 1 / 4 1 ° "irATR j 1 6 1 i21: 1 2EITA11 J 1 11 E GREAT CURE FOR CONSUMPT( r /NIUE PROPRIETOR or.TIIIIN CINE having made it the study of years to tionoentrate the life of the Fine Tree into a Medi cine for diseases of the Lungs anti Throat. is now offering to suffering humanity the result of his ex perience. This truly great and got al medicine is prepared with mush care, tile tar being distilled expressly for it. is therefore free front all impuri ties of common tar. It has cured more cases of Consumption than any known remedy on earth. It will cure BRONCHITIS. It will cure ASTHMA. It will cure SORE THROAT AND BREAST. It will cure couons AND COLDS, and is an valuable remedy for di4ensee of the KIDNEYS, UNINARY COMPLAINTS. ilfir Beware of Counterfeits.'loll If you have the Dyspensia use WILHARTS DYSPEPS4 PILLS, and if they do not cure you go to the agent of whom you purchased them and receive yourmoneY. his Please call at store and get a descriptive eir eular. A box of Pills sent by maLzpost-paid on recept of One Dollar. No. 10 South Second street.Phila.. L. Q. C. WISHART. Proprietor. noMveod Sold by Dr. KEYSER. No. 140 Wood street. A *** /110 HORSE OWNERS.—D.R. sivEnv. INFALLIBLE LINLMENT FOR HORSES is unrivalled by' any, in all eases of Lameness, arising from §pfnins, Bruisee or Wrenching, its effect is, magical and certain. Harness or Boddie Galls, Scratches, Mange, dc.. it will also speedily cure Spavin and Ringtroue may easily be e vented and cured in theirpr incipient stages. but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a RADICAL CCRIL No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by. this Liniment, and its faithful application wil alawys remove the. Lameness, and ena bl e the horse to travel with comparative ease. Every horse owner should have this remedy at hand,.for its timely use at the first atipearan oo o f Lameness will effectually prevent those formida diseases mentioned. to winch all horses are liable, and which raider so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless, BA. fr o TA E r i Pitts * bTet"lc de7f:l7-dikweeow ■AMIN 3 / 1 11.Li NGAI R. &11)NeNC1IIE. *JP LA PLANING MILL, would relpoethilly in fortu the public, that he ha.: rebuilt since the lire. an d haring enlarged his twtablishment, and filled it with the newest mai must approved tuachinerf, L now prepared to furnish flooring and - planing boards.serolt sawing and re-sawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frame:, mouldings, bog making, &e. Seem PITTSBURGH, Sept. 7.1957. ja2o we A X A I. E .--FOITA LOTS IN COL. line township. adioining St. Mary's Cemetery, ninety-six feet front, by one hundred and ten m depth. enclosed by paling fence. Lots will be sol d together or separately. at lo de wand' long time. Apply to JAS . ._ _ S. DEVL/X. Near Bt. a tarrsCameters. I •• . 0 ...D. CIIIIII/NO - D. lIINIMPL.... HAII...."4"1"8" 13 _ mins_ « .. i . 11 .•••7 1 ..- 4. -•••••••••..........17. ovictax. BEntaul lorrr oLess"" ITTT. iisiorem % t ••••Vale: ofirabook s a d A: . Wars. ' - ~... Afiffo.4ooes Ab e stmt. of Milo a n , . ,1 :,... 0 mss; . iffifee. ilminn A' 11&11011:111 CIDIIOII-311111 I to Family Flo urioit resolved fix ode _JAS. A. 10y27 Owner Ellatet alid FINK Welt& I POETICAL PATCHWORK. •-__- • "twai midnight rm the mum - a/lies 'welch Alcor• the banks of Ayr, When through en Alpine Pass'a The boy with the auburn hair. VII. Saw heree mighty from their graves W s the Pyrrhic Phu gcme ? O. terribly proud wa ihss Mac Bride ! Were the last worth of Alurmion. VIII- Tn. Sun's eye had a ,iekly klnre ni old Long loland'r , ea-girt 61k4)(e When Black Eyed -;;Lian came on hoard. And a bright gold ring on her wand she hear • It was en mieut fisherman. Thal name is quite forget— lie led her to the alter, The Lady of Shalf,t. • Earl March look'd au his dying child. Ills ruddy cheek grea wan ; Why should the sPiril of mortal he Proud? Or any other wan. S'PRING G001)S. CLOTHS, CA SSIMERES WE RAVE NOW IN STORE A 4OII PLETE stock of SPRING GOODE, all new and desirable styles, which have been carefully selected in New York, with a desire to please the moat fastideone. and comprising in all the various new &brie and novelties of the semen. woul,l respectfully solicit an early call from our patrons and the public. to test the merits ot the same or themselves. SAMUEL GREY I* SON, ortthant Tan or Nu. 19 Flllll Street. P VATE DISEASES.. Dr. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Office. No. ffo Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. Penney! vsnia. Dr. BROWN is an old citizen ', 4 of Pittsburgh, and has been in " t „ Practice for the last twenty-five •=1" Years. Ms business has been confined mostly to Private and Surgical Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRANGER find eed th e a medical friend, should Doc t orl to out sure place of relief. The is a regular graduate, and his experience in the treat ment of a certain class of diseases is a sure guar antee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent re lief by the use of his remedies and following his advice. DR. BROWN'S REmilDrrs never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Diseases. Impurities and Scrofulous Affections.— , Also all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in the form of Letter psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin dis eases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant. To persons so afflicted, Dr. Brown offers hopes of a sure and sPeedy nom • SEMINAL WE Dr. Brown's remedies for the alarming trouble brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratific•tion, which the young and weak minded often give way to. (to their own destruction.) are the only reliable remedies known in the country —they are safe, and make a speedy restoration of health. RHEUMATISM. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful disease Is • PEW DAYS-50 will a cure. Be also treats Piles. Meet, Gonnorrhce Stricture. Urettial Discharges. Female Weeklies Monthly Suppressions,. DUMMY! of the Joint., Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections. Pains is the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, to gether with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the sym_ptenus , eontaining a rite directed to DR. BROWN, N 0.30 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa., will be nd immediately answer e ad. secure from observation. Medicine sent to any address , safely packed Office and Private Rooms, Nc . 30 Smithfield street, Pittshuna. Pa. •nol3-daw:is 11[1011101NIX LOOKING GLASS * TVRE FRAME MANVFACTORT NOS. IEII EAST TWENTY-n:IIRD STREET. 173 de 175 GRAND STREET & 215 CENTRE STREET. Established MIL NEW YORK. Es tablished 1838. This Establishment him been in successful operation 24 years, and is the Largest of the kind in the United States. We have on hand or manufactured to order every description of LOOKING GLASS. PICTURE AND POR TRAIT FRAMES. Plain and Ornamental Pier. Wall. Oval and Mantel Glasses. Coneecting Cor nices, Base and Bracket Tables. with 3larble Slabs, Toilet Glasses, etc., Mouldings for Picture }rimed. in lengths suita ble for transportation . . either Gar Itertisip, Rose. wood, Oak. Zi6ra.ilsrdireye. MahogcsAr etc. Our new 3 fanufactory and exrensive facilities enable us to founds,' any article in our line as good as the best and as cheap as the cheapest. DEALERS ARE INVITF.'D TO CALL UPON us when they visit New York. We claim to be able to supply them with every article in our line which they can possibly require. at prices lower than they can purcbsee olewhere. Order* by mail attended to wig prompbteM De not jail to call Whet you visit New York. Office & Warerooma, No. 215 Centre St.. N. Y, my2:3md HORACE V. SIGLER, Ag't. C' 'lark, Itttrke. & Baker , . MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS OF Neddlee Fish Hooks, Tiding Tackle, &0., 48 Malden Lane &dsLiberty at.. N. Y. Would respectively call the attention of whole sale dealers to their extensive and varied stock of FISHING TACKLE. Their Factory, "MRPTITME WORKS" Canton St., Brooklyn, bag been in successful oper ation - for fotrr years, where they manufacture every ,variety of mu MOORS. SPEARS,.&C., from the best Spring Steel, and which they war rant much superior and fully cheaper than the imported article. ' 01/DERS SOLICITED_ AND EXECD. TED AT ONCE, for an variety or style o Hooks, Rods, Reels. Lines, Seines, Begets, an Trolling Bait Water - proof 'Lines at reduce prime, &v. • They would call particular-attention- to their dock' of Fly Hooks. Sole depot for the sale of WARRIIPS eels bated drilled-eyed, and TELEGRAPH RES OLES. • ap2B 3mdeod PETRONA OIL WCOILIVEI LONG. MILLER & CO., WORKS AT SHARPNBURGH STATION. AL LEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. sirOfflee and %Munn. 22 MARKET STREET, IPITTSBURGII. Manufsetures of Ill ole uminating and Lubricated Carbon Oh suid NO. I REFINED OIL. WARRANTED NON•EXPLOIVIIVE, always on hand. 0c24:13, ------ -- I i ATOM -150 bushels Red Potatoes • 150 do Pinkeye and 1 1 71 e Chi li do: 40 do Prince Albert do. net received and foreale by . JAMES A. RTZRR. enylit eerier Market and Pint streets. 6 e -` • . O - RATFIGAN, RtitOPRAN Agent, 115 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pa. PrePared to bring out or send back Panaandm or to any pert el tie old country. eitber by myieketa. SHIRT FOR SALE. Padable in an: Ihr imidehisinaatißall -11Z - • - . & m a: • F:A irmakiwilitaiiir-mosemak article every lordlier oboo/d lorrs for BECKHAM k LONotroG. No. LIN ot. ~ , ( "11 MIME! 'Turas midnight, in him guarded tani splendid robes profusely dreet : breeches cost hire a crown IL Old t ; ritnes is (load. that :rood old soul : Thou shouldn't not thus repine: They laid him in his narrow bed. At. Bingen on the Rhine. 111. lleardye those loud contending war -- --deep the pearly eaves among! Far far away in Illinois, Where burning Sappho lnv'd and sung t' /V. • 'Twat) many and many a year ago The cold.round moon shone brightly down All bloodless lay th' untrodden snow, When Old Dan Tucker came to town. • V. One evo'ning n, f wander'd forth, On broad Lake Huron's pebbly shore, spied a maiden past her prime • Rich an:! rare , Aer.r the gems lhe were 1.1! . ANt VESTINCB, TO THE PUBLIC. rhea g7.11,,A.1,111; • . ly Modest nt ail denomi nations, trent secret and delicsio die..,...1„,... tuatione comnion and in- :, - .. eident tt youths of Loili saxes Find lehilts, sinxiii nr married. neranic DR. BRANSTRET pithil,7:l`.i the tae of his doing in, the ignorant and faLscly modest are dreadfully &hooked, and think it a great sin rely immoral • and for contamination and corruption among their wives, prong sons and daughters. Their family physician should be cautious to keep them in itinerancy that they do the saino as Dr. 1.:1 1 :AN STRUT, (except publishing) lest a lucrative prne lice might be lost to them 11U1014 stupid falsely modest and presumptuous families, hem and i raised in gnonum, sprung up as mushrooms and who compa re society. intelligence, sense. &c., to dollen and oents, utysteriously. meanly minx gotten. It is to publicity, however that numerous parents and guardians are thankful that their sons, daughters and wards, previously feeble sickly and of delicate condition and appearance, have been restored to health and vi by DR, BitAySTItITP, besides many before and after marriage through him' have been ,area much Tit tering, anxiety. mortilitation. In. Sperinaterr h•-a or nee tc rust? Oantlii , ion?, ar.. i , orupl-iiely curial in a vary ...dont. ;pace of time hv ilia new remedies, which are ”e , :nli:trly his own. The- are compounds Run. the Vegetable inipill. liaving seen the fallacY:of t he Mercurial it intaient,he has abandon ed it and substituted the vegitable Female dis eases are trentest with net rkeii encenia--baving had over forty y6Oll , (40. svperieiwe in their treat meta in hospitals of both the ()Id World mid it :he I.:Ylited >LH te.i; lead, hint to say—to all with a thir trial, health and In.ppincsa will Boa: bloom upon the now—palled ellaigc. Trifle no longerwith montebankB and . 1 wicks. but came and be cured Consumption and all or its kindred disease?, of which se many annually tilt our countries, can now be relieved, peovitlin- !hey attend to it in time Full parLicalars eon had of my treatment in by t!rneurine a copy of ii u th 0 .! ..i ediea I Ail vifer,whieb given gratis to all that apply Having the ad vantage of over fonts yeare experience and observation, consequently, he has :raperior skill in the treetptent of epecial iiii.easee. and who is daily emmul tad by the profestdon, as well as recom mended by reneetable citizens. Publishere, pro prietors of hotels. Ic. Office Sit Smithfield street, near Diamond street. Private eonimuni cations from all parts Of the Umnn FtTl A tlY at tended ii'. Direct to deklydaw r.nrr • ft1:1NTWAN........(;11.114. JD: ..... R. SIRDLN REINEMAN, MEYRAN & SIEDLE, No. 42 FIFTIi STREET, PITTSISURGH. PA wuDLEBALR AND RETAIL DE tLER4 WATCHES, JEWELHI, DIAMONDS, SILVER AND RATED WARE, CLOCKS, of every ileseription. FANCY GOODS Bronze Statuary, rte. WATCHMAK EltS• TOOLS, Ntait..4ltri HATS 111111 31a4,141n0ry. WholeFale Agvney for :!:,e,t-lebented AMERICAN WATCHES, Mianittiaetured at Waltham, WILLIAM RICAN% HARRISON A. CO FyIN RA vid tecANDLess. General Partner, ' zipecial Partner. BIEANioi 4k, COFFIN, (Softeners to M'Candless. Means it C 0..) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Oorner Wood and Water Streets, felOie Pilmrsulfiltelr, PA. %NATRONA. OIL. VILTE ARE NOW MANIUFAICEURINO o this article, which for brilliancy in burning freedom of offensive udor, and transparency ot color, (which color we warrant to be changed by age or exposure.) is unsurpassed by any Mum aster in this or Eastern markets. As a profitable Oil to the consumer, we run specially recommend it. Also, our manufacture of CAUSTIC SODA ] Used by all large Soap Makers and Oil Refineries. mwhich exeels 10 per Gent. in strength all the make anu Essen& fitcture of Soda brought to this country. Oar SAPONIFIER. OR CONCENTRATED LYE; SALT, IC. Are so well and favorably known, we trust the mention is suEcient. All orders and inquiries will be promptly at tended to by addressing. • GEORGE (10LEOUN, Agent, Penna. Salt Manufbcturing Company. 24 Wood street. Pittsburgh. WM. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS Iron Founder., GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. Near the Penn, E. B. Passenger Denot e PITTSBURGH, PA., MANUFACTURE ALL. MINDS Oa ../.W.IIL Steam Eine% ranting from three to one hundred and horse power, and - suited for Grist Mills, Saw ills. Blast Furnaces, Fiictories, etc. Give particular attention to the oonatnotlon of &wines and Machinery for gris' t millet, and for illarnthts. mulay and circular saw milks; are also on hand, finished and ready forship mtmt at shortnotice, Enginessatid Boilers of every description. Also, furnishßoilers and Sheet Iron separately. Wrought Iron. ShafthiL Mangan and Tallies in every variety , :and 'continue the manufiseture of Woolen Machinery and Machine Cards. • Our prices are low, our machinery manufictur• ed of the best Quality of materials, and warranted in all COMM to H i ve SAtitillOtioO. ItirOrders from all parts of the country solicit. tedand promptly tilled..: :' fe2l:daw ---- NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY, FOENT R T gre E i irD E DY AND PERMIAN GONORRHEA, 01.KET. URKTHAL Discharges. - Seminal 11 saltness. Nightly Rtulm Eons % Ineontilence. Giardini fltricture and one of the Kid neys and Bladder. • • Which ham bee' teed by upwards of - ONE HUNDRED 1 1 :•• • 8, • in their private practice, with the entire s . • superseding Curless, COPAUI, Ommermsa , or compound hitherto known. - • BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are ST in action , often e ff ecting eure in a few and when cure is effeeteditis peran ent. ey are prepared from vegetable aztracts that are harudess on the system, and lever 1111111110- ate the stomach, or impregnate the breath and being sugar coated, all nauseous bete is avoided. No change of diet is necessary whilst using them; nor does their action Interfere with business pur suits. Each boz contains Biz dozen Pills. PRICE ONE DOLLAR and will be sent by mail. pont-paid, by any ad verde_ ed Agent, on receipt of the money. Zion. r genuine without my signature on the wrappe. J. BRYAN, Rochester N. Y. Oenl Agent. Jostim PLEMIn. earner Market street and Diamond. an27:dawlris LOAN OFFICE, HENRY W. CIMIOTT NO. i.e issurrwriELs switanT, • Near the corner Aft Pittsburgh. MONEY IN LARGE AN MILL quantities loaned on Gold and River. Ns: moods. Jewelry. Gold and Sliver Watches. and all kinds of raluable . aitirdes. • for any length of time agreed on. The goods Cannot be delivered without the Ticket. 140 air Moe-Hours from 7 A. AL to lo . DI:MOAN, DUNLAP & Co., ' Manuf igeturees of Tun warm REFINED C. cb.rr o *4 • 1n2110446. A NUM—FACED AND XXVI WORM ria. pat on by I Doi BbWN tTETLBY. 196 Woods. _ . Tap iinEIVAGNED lidAg& :11:1DX .. - I a rrouromente to'dt up Oil Reflnetissi'ander D 7 Tica44l.o%P" -.t Titrt,Tr .g.;":"" • " - ITT". "leatodlebusso bywhiolk ars in ren &PM tAf.itts uniftfittiarr , "On+ Petroleum OiM and 'sok Ititarantio Our .wiiircitnnot ba audio(' iu durability. aitialidtr„ r.e1M1111.78 Wender with mildew* to the grgardris Pur tier.irhore Reinerie4 we haviltted Mum. Loti. &Mier k.Co NV' .. tantork Aviderioni:saar •S. liicr & Zagals d o iar Alex. Taylor* Co.,Jeffeireti d ,Lockhart Foto, nrifliantLo do, The above works were dadimod asilaelinisted and put in operation b 7 Dr. 11. W.O.2WBDDLI The following work , n• ha abell4nitApt Bosomy O ilC o nr. n_erfAegnuat .hieForr. Chadwick & Crmpton. kittanning: JohaAon Graham k Co.. Wood,' Reg: . Browen, * Co.. Pittelngib: Renee & wag - • - Johnson & Brother, do • ' Forcyth Bros. & CO.. Matudieder. DAVIS & Non. lOp wATilit 3, toe FIRST grltlndit ltratut Founders, Pasunbers STEAM AND GAS FITTgRA: zahll:3md eo INVENT OR-84 PATKNT AtIENCY., •PATRNT MANNOY, 14i • DEW C. LAWRENCE ROBY, CONNOR- For Twelve Tearaa Tortilzipowil4ietse as omenthemrhe " Reamela 1 1 1 - Patent WIlleo•-the i 4 I o-RWoreltelletelee last r as ,0 Patent • sway sqloridl' fills neber of Ihepentßeriret itnera of Appeal.._ wean. Patent NOTE-4113 nformstfini uetleamtli tiregr e . • and a copy of the Petent•Lawe lesinewial charge. Refer le geese Commissioner al*Pneieleakin. David P. liallevrar. amtf BAT titre, etthiyargb Poet Office AtIIVEV. Plumbers and Gas'Pl'S. NO; MS WOft ?STREET. 011! I r rolorrEurnen.mrirmitimiik, A It I) 47 01110 S'TitEET 4 110.1011hki, NE R THE Sin rotes oPfIINC. El11;3i PM, Uri kma Niii, snEET LlLtio. IL Lend Piyw. Pig rind Mir Lnaidnd•Phiitliiir's !emeriti' iu genuni. Oil Retitiorini 4l i ol n tbi ax the wort a pproved initntier. Tunics fined r COPPer. lioUsv3 tilted with Water and Airt tures. *IL N. R. All order+ promptly uttemdiNll 113 :13'd S. it. ri C. P. MAIRKLE6 Matoilliriarers kind llealeao BOOK, CAP, L ET.T`e'lltd and an kinds of ' ' WRAPPING PAPER, have rerucived No. 27 Wood, street to NO. 83 SMITHFIELD STEMIIT. Cash paid for RAG Pitteb•rth w Pa.. 419 - S. P. RR' ~YIIat ..... D. ItErAttii MM. Late at Miller ItirkutaatVs... , IftElrll.lo.ll eir iiiitt.Yrtit*Arst. [somtssot to Renner k Andr . t414.1 . , Wholesale Dealers in' - • ' Foreign Fruits, Nuts, ComileeiNsusi: 17. Sours.% IPlre Works. Itu,4, 0 -' NOS. 128 AND 128 WOOD STEIBT:'Ji - swum ......... 7. SWIM ROBT. - BALRELL dt: .CO., Wholesale_ Gnmers, CINNINUNNI AND FIHIWANDING • A N D Dealers in Prods* sad Pittsburgh Naat*Airs, N. *5l Lumagrx•razire,. etisoL . • PI t6B BTRA"I rAdi g BIRRY. BLACKBRRAT PURI* GRAPR CUR suS6OOBRB=RRY BUBO LINEAR, a ff i tzttui.mil 400/IL all of the bad iludithißinfak 41,440 TIMID. For sale at Se mh22 LA MM DUQUESNE BRASS WORE route •43 cars aor XVRIt T iiattairleint prznagap m BIu"MAL GA$. AND ANNAN s FITINNIII O airParticalar attention, to Attia 00.1ast la Bram Catheirof eupetiorsmo. order. - Nownboat, workead:rtataimpu ure eliritatol:o lll 4 y„ get; BUGlee Bracket/A*IDB (gob.;. Pathetic _ t MP ADD DrEvra - r • •- • • C. WEST - di CO; -.:.- M/1/11t7ACITC/Urße OF ~,,ro; C ARRIAGES,III7GaItge o: ROCKAWAY& SULKIER AND MOW Ns. 187 ream Wren% PliltabaniBlo-1- , Mr All work wartiatai to boa of the bid ansinit Hal and workmusehin. 44.711111&!:, F.1.4..0zar: our. virgasur", _ WIGHTNAN 4 ANDERSON. =' = '. zwermis ANDIDEALIONPUirPtaiIt. mi. Carbon Oil. '4 rasranteat MtMeta.' moo. .Bonsole .and Oar, areeffi easilaser on Oman, lilt at . cli sew& & co' s ailraine iills , flied.' _ ..• WALL PAPE111•: WINDOW CURTAINS, aso.L New Styles for Spring of ISSL A Great %misty and risse -Amore nest Items s 1.1 emir to $5 per Plese. For sale by THOILts- PALMER:I4 10. IR WOODllinjamp....ee vi:tq Between 41th & ath.ld doer below illeanswlie rab2.l . . • A_ iniez.:444upurrAnize ba dl ai ri Ita4 mi : or reb ros i z ireg Plumbing ahoy of eal & nt.• I old " "a* AfisirL.. aritroAsomai mmaim- C OMMIS 10.11Fif Ent. OA Ot t *MD BLOOMS, No. vi W attNntlet-BELow NAB rm.= . • • en•COLAT 411 N & abates is Noriatiwale_by 8011 • =MIL I: )14E. illEtthlNVaitS 4