111400.. TREE 180,41. PIMIUUMWATIS&CHICAGO TO ALL POINTS IN THE WEST. SOUTH WEST AND NORTH WEST. sumac AIRKAMOEMENIF. Commencing. May sth, 1882, TINE TO CINCINNATI AS QUICK. and to Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago shorter than by any other route. WESTWARD TRAINS Feet Line. Mail Leaves Pittsburgh..-I,ooa. in. 7.10 a. m. 12,50 P. In. Allegheny...../,10 a. in 7,20 a. la, 1 , 00 -P. M. Arrive.. \ cre5t1ine......8.20 a. ni. 5,20 p, m. 8, 30 It. nit. „ rt. Wnynn..2.llll p. m. 2.25 a. pi. Chicago 8,33 p. tn. 8,33 a. , FOR COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI .4 ST. LOUL / • Leaves ..-- . Oceanus 8,43 a. m. 7.56 p. in. 8,50 1,. i n . &rives at Colunibm.„ll,3o a. in.. 10,15 tn. nnad ..2 40 p.m. 5.40 a p. . m ri Oi Louid...- 8.23 a, m. 114,00 p. Ere FOR LNDLANAPOLL3 AND ST. LOUIS. rrrivile adlinn-...8.50 a. m. vte tt Indianapolis:444p. re. 5,45 a. nr. Bt. Loitie:.. .. 1.7;50 s. in. 8.45 p. mi Alllll rtaiki through to Chicago without change zeOf . 8.--The time to Omeinnati is the Name as lip Steubenville. Train.. on both. Roads moat at Columbus, awl passengers all go into Cincinnati together. - EASTWARD TRAINS ARR/VIL.AT PITTSBURGH. Eosin Exorear 2,00 a. in Mango 1.10 p. cutniti and St. LAILlii Saimaa. 746 p. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—From Federal street Station, Allegheny City. Leaves Arrive - Leave Arrive Allegheny New Brighton New Brigtou Allegheny 11,00 a ta 10,10 a m 5.13 am 0.50 a m 12,00 m 1,30 pm 6,43 am 8.30 a in 4,40 p to 0,4 S p m 12.20 pm 2.00 p in 0,30 p m 0,15 p m 3,20 p m 5,00 p in MARKET-IRAlls. Leaves Alliance at 6,30 a, M. Arrive, at Allegheny at ..15,30 a. in. I ea in Allegheny at.-- 3,10 Arrived at Alliance p. m, 8,00 p. m 112. ['rains are run by Columbus time, which is 11 ululates - slower than Pittsburgh time. 118. -rickets good. on the accommodation and martin trains. re sold at re ince,' prisms. The 45.30 p in , tocommodatiou train connects at 'New Brightoa with packets for New Castle. • T irough trains coneuct ad follows: At Boon. with stages Toy New Caddo. Meroer. Youngs own. A irrcille. Ohio, to and from iklillersburgh. A trou, Cuyahoga Fulls , et , . At Mansfield, Ohio, for Mount Vernon. Shelby, t'inclusky, Toledo, Detroit, etc. At °marline. fir Delaware,Springfield, Columbus, r Cincinnati. Xenia, Dayton, Indianapolis, Saint Louis, Louisville. etc. At Lima. for Sidney. Detzolt. Dayton, Toledo etc. At Fort Wayne, for Peru. Lafayette,,lnd., Saint I ..Louis. Quincy, Leoguk. St. Joseph and Literate diam pouts to central Indiana and Illinois. • At, Plymouth Laporte. And at Chicago, with trains for all points in Ills- BS/ill. Missouri, lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Fiar farther information and through lichets apply to. 'GEORGE PARKIN. Tirket Ag't. Union Pae.enger Station, Pittsburgh. and A. Q. t.; ASsELBERRY Agent, Allegheny. JOHN B. JERVIS. General Superintendent, tVhi. P. MTV's: , lenerai Passenger Agent CLEVELAND, PITTAIIIIRGH AND WHEELING RAILROAD. SUMMER AR R.44.VG &WENT. On and IaveONDAV. o f sth, 1882, Trains willthe Depot of the Pennsylvania Raitroed. in Pittsburgh. ae follows : PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS Ai CINCINNATI SHORT LINE, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Pittsburgh-- 1,0011;1;12 1 40 do Steubenville_ 4,00 4,00 do Newark.— ...... 0.50 " 10,15 " 'do C01umbu5........11,10 111,45 " Arrives Cincinnati 4,20 p. 113. I 5,40 a.m. St.:Louis j 7.50 a. in. 16,40 p No change of rani +,et wean Pitt:4,watt and Cin cinnati. Splendid sleeping cars attached to all night trams. .ernsaunon E AND WEELING LINE. Leaves Pittsburgh 1.00 e. 11l I 6.10 a m 12.30 p Wellsville 7.00 ' • 9.14 " 3.03 " " 9,18 " 4,00 " Wbeeliog 4,31 " 10,22 " 4,55 " Aprrives " I 10,10 " 5,03 " Connecting at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.. and at ,Dellair with Central Ohio Railroad Columbus faonr dZ Cntv,iin-iul l a e ti . India napolis and Saint Lout.. and points west PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE. Leaves Pittsburgh 1,00 a. in. 1 2.30 p. m. do Wellsville..._... 1,23 " 3.00 do Bayard 0.10 " 4,14 do Anjou° 8,43 " 4.40 - do Hudson 8,00 " 5.42 " Arrives Cleveland...... 9,15 " I 6,30 " connecting at Bayard with Tivearawas branch gov-Naw Philadelphi a and Canal Lover: at Alli ance with Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad at ilutiwin. with Cleve/and. Zanesville and Cincinnati R It for Akron, Cuyahol i a Falls and 3gillersbunr, and at Cleveland with and E A for Erie, Dunkirk, and buffalo. wit C T Bu 11. fur Toledo, Detroit, Chicago and the north west. WellarilleAccommodation leaves at 4,00 p. m. Returning Train, arrive at 2,20 a m,9,15tn. 2,25 and 8.00 m. Thrown tickets to all prominent points in the west, southwest. north or northwest, can be pro eared at the Liberty Street depot. Pittsburgh. Jti LIN STEWART, Ticket Agent. For further particulars apply to ' WILLAM STEWRTent, A t theet. t e Company's °Met l In Freight A Statio , n. Ag Penn st n 027 • 1882 1882 ReMME It ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY. MAY sth. thiStLVAMA. kAILLIOAD. =GUT DAILY TRAINS. _ - TINE irneol7oll - ai AIL TR A l N .. N ovel thepassenser Station every morning (eateapt Sunda") at 450 a m. stopping only at the priampalstations, and making direct connections at tlarrisburg for Baitinsore and Washington ! and foeNelf York ViAlhe Allentown tante. THROL T OII EXPRESS TRAIN leaved daily at 3,30 p in, stoppiag only at principal ga • inakingdireet connection at Ifarrisburg fat Baltimore - and tVashington, and kir New York via Alleumwo routa, TILE ,SAST taNE leaves the above named Sta des- dad,: (ox •ept Sondly) at 8.20 p. in.. stop *twenty at principal stations. connecthat liar nclultri For Baltimore and Wagington. .Thie train arrbres; in iPhiladelphja at 5,25 p. to., malting time eenueetion for hew York from KIIIIIIIMEton Depot at 6.30 p. m.. OVOI Camden & Amboy MIL ACCOMMODATION TILLILNIK • .10,1131STOWN ACCOMMODATION leaves daily (except Sunday) at 2.45 p. m.._sten- Oak at all stations and running ae far WI vane iamb. _FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Iran station loaves doily (escort Sunday.) at SAO a m. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Waig station hem daily.. (except Sunday) at LIAO a. CIL THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for wan's:station leases daily. (exduld. Sunday) at 4.00 p. a. _FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for wan's station, lawn daily. (except Sunday) at 4 45 p. UL RETIIRSINCI TRAINS • . AItRIVI.WITIFSBLataiI AS FOLLOWS: ftr i1e. .. 2.,..**••• •••••••••••-- 1 233 P. all ~.,,...,„_............i*5,. tn. Fast Lia5...,t,...44„4„,„,...- .. -...-...-.12..15 a. m. iO/11004111PatiOn7:_. --HMOS a. ut. Let WalrelkittimAileommodatlon. 0 ,50 a. in. Sit Wank titati:oh Accommodation... -.5,55 a. m. ad Wank Raton Accommodstion......l,os p. in. A* Walla Station Aocommodation.....ll,lo p. at. 11111Maina ter Blair' mills and Indiana connect' at /111disville Intersection with Johnstown Aes. Raillcommodation East and West. and Imprint and Wmt. FARR: TO !SW YORK . ......... ... . . MAI HILADELPHa.: .... ...... 10,00 ALIINORE. .. ............ ..... U L, .—_-. ARSlSlttilto... INlNsomaseh eekedtoallstationson the Penn whisk Ralmad. and to Philadelphia. Balti more sad New York. wi Tze linters PUMA/Was tickets br ern will he " 14°163 " C ording to distanos grav el . im:mblition to the station rates, oioePt !MU stral i ts TM COMBPIIOI has then airout. i ' In Mae Of how the Company will hold Resaselves responsible Sr permna: barr age oak. :tad for an amount apt er ne S IS 4: t 0,.. at:—Alt - Omnibus has been erupkwed awn tostoteron mid to and froze the L, at a ammo not to eit 95.sents for each and barna*. ttaketsappb , to _ - 1 .1. errairskr, An Lib . At the Poona. IL R. Pamir Station on Liberty sad theist streets, OM LEWIN& -- 1 men General liaperiatmodeat. Altoona. Pa. GUYS FINN CALF BOOTS, $4.00 USTI FINE CALF BOSti t r ixo CA T& 54.00 D. 5.11 SAME& a. 15 'merest. 24 a w n.. alersst. dr111116•P BUILDINGI- ILOV-41 ENNIO rbuitdius lot on Webliter +that. lhaNt filet x t by La tint dwY to &ZS foot. alley Nay alb.b L CUTBlfitia kIK) MOM Mika stmt. . • - VIA It /IVES 411111 I, • Nig alailun-L U. and T Colus erre Haute sethAr. at • Albs • • m i d & jogai. and Lafayette and, • • . • .S.W. • aatt ; %. • • In Tbto 4Tili sdi -"int rezrepoti Mhum 1, .1a &rut and PERU: Freights end PeOlengsge myriad from Ciaidn • nati or Lawrenceburg in legs Gme than by an, other route by twenty-fonr nem and at as low rata% The only read by whisk shipments an be made from Oineinnati to the Wad. without break ing bulk. Consignments made to T. V. GIBBONS, Agent at Cinctanati. or W. B. CUTTING, Anent at Lawreneobarnil. will may, prompt attention, &Ed no charge for 0 0111MILS:00; NO CHARON rOlt DRAYAOR OR COMMISSION aT LAWECNCEBVRO. For further information apply to THOMAS RATIGAN. fNe. 113 IVater street./ agent of the Company, who is prepared to gave THROUGH RI - morn l'_er passengers sad freight to Indianapolis, • Terre Haute, Lafayette, Chicano. ..Peru. GVWs.- - eastle, Crawfordisrille, Charleston. Paris amildat toon. F. LORD, Prs.s;•Unt. JOILN F. CHEEK, . tnia 1862. IMPORTANT. 1862. 8,30 p. m ALL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR SAINT JOSEPH. And other points in Northern Missouri. the Staon tes of Kansas. or the Territories. having tickets that read by the NOUTH DWIAIIDnI.R.4IILII.O4II The only rail rondo froM,St.toitia to St. Joseph. It is the shorten and quickest line by thirteen sours to the remotest paint reached by rail, and is always ae cheap as any etht..-., Buy your Tickets So wanes . a4nd pointa in Northern Miteouri by the North Missouri Rail road. ISAAC R. STURGEON. Pres't and Goal Sulit, NMOl.MiniOnri R. finnan IL Simmons. wen, Traveling Agent UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTER Y 9 NO. 85 FOURTH ST., NEAR WOOD. SUBSCRIBERS MANUFA C AL TITRE and keep constantly on hand every article in their line. viz: Cornices, Ornaments, Curtain Goods, Comforts. Feather Beds, Mattrases of all kinds: also, the celebrated Patent Spring Beds. Ail kinds of Shades, Blinds and Fixtures. aEir Prompt attention given to all orders for fit ting and laying down Carnets, Oil Cloths, .tc. octThlyd ROBERTS k ROENTOK. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, CITIN WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, AT THE OLD STAND CORNUCOPUE RESTAURANT, NO. 40, FIFTH STREET, WHERE IL HOTELS, nEs. TA unANTs and the trade generally can he supplied with Chespeake Bay Oysters, at the lowest wholesale rates. Country trade solicited. ELI YOUNG, Proprietor. Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND SMITH FIELD STREETS; Where OYSTERS and all *the delicacies of the season will be served upin the most jailatable style. ELI YOUNG. ocl4 corner Virgin alley and Smithfield at. 13 A. V Gr I-I 0 SV. , No. 350 Liberty Street, Next to Pennsylvania Passenger Depot, JOHN SAVAGE; Proprtetor. RATING TAKEN AND FITTED VP, with all the modern improvements, this po pular resort, the subscriber is prepared to accom modate his old customers soil the public fierier ally, with the best the markets atThrds. Oysters.will be served up in every vnriety of style. during the season. Ilia Wine L i quors and Ales he feet; confident in reoommeiading to the pubitzi for their excellence. Can, Bucket and Shea Oysters received daily and sold wholesale and rctatl. SEETIN'S OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND, firrtllNTV,',.. Proprietor.. INATIND TAKEN AND FITTED VP, poveme a tgs.r ea h i exopnsuea with s o al rt , th he subscriber is prepared to fix:commodore his friends and the public generally, with the best the market affords. OYSTERS will be served up in every variety of style during the season. LIQUORS and ALES be feels confident in re ootnmending to the public for their excellence. garMEALS served up at all hours, and DAY and NIGHT BOARDERS taken. ap4:ly OUR 1-ICOTJS.E. NO. 32 DIAMOND A L LEY, PITTSBURGH. THE SUBSCRIBER AN NO UNC ES Al to SHELLic that he la in daily receipt ot FRESH AND CANOYSTERS. GAME. .ke., and is prepared to accommodate ev ery tro of this old and well known house withhing in the eating and drinking line at the shortest notice. JOHN SHALEH. Proprietor. Ea C 1 LI9IOR OYSTER AND EATING HOUSE, No. 111 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH, FRESH PRILADELPIILi AND BALTIMORE OYSTERS AND WILD GAME, AU In their Proper Sel/MOlO. n 026 OEO. REINEMAN & CO. liar AMMON HOUSE,ALEREN'rZi, .Iv.R. Proprietor; No. 3111 Liberty streeLjuot be side the Passenger Dew: of the Pennsylvania Railroad. which makes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers arrivingliy that road. The proprietor having. at considerable ex p_ens,k tilted up. in excellent style. the MANSION HOURS, would respectfully solicit a share of public patronise. Ilia Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford. felfly WINES AND LIQUORS. WILLIAM BENNETT, IMPOILTU 1.1§.1:0 DEALS& IN Brandies, Cordials; Wines Old Mononga hela and Rectified Whiskey, NO. Lao WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh &Mem WILLLIII CLAYTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT, No. 37 Diamond Alley, near Wood street. Pittsburgh. Pa. SW Always on hand, Etaok. atgrry and x9r.,.8r0n."4, Old TALLOW. OIL" AND OREADE -10 bbl Tallow. amendbla areas% In store for gala bv SELLERS & CO. Pam Wm/. Pittaboratr. 131 HE RJewel r OST C OMPLETE WHOLE .11. isle ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WEST. .1. R. GARDINER 92 FIFTH STEP"' I[ll‘.. Alb. 1 barrel Fresh Roll Ratter; istpra 1a a box do just received by ad for sale o by JAIL igdfl A. MUER. Carrier Market -sod First street; 0 -PAIMBENIEREIP-411 AVE NO AL soetated wittiest lathe/last Hitate and Gen eral Commindon Agencgsaineim B. B. CUTH BER. ear business wi h ereafter be oonductal T in the name of & CUT 11$T SONS. , a. )17ungs av»....a. 1. orraairt......s. e. orrasine Q CITEBIB EILT Iltlf4XL____,g3., 0.7. TATE and General - -" r2140 MI IrIARKELILEET Pi attatd ade_nl . anal CoUeed to en of i t e.; and unnueneer et estates et MIMS