wow mr.rierinarena *CO., NO. *7 ARAILOW. NXW TORY. and 6 STATE aggiogin NONTOltisre ear agents for the Daily. meg Weekly Pang ia those cities. and are an ' herielitetildi Adrertiaements - and Subscriptions for as doer Lyrist Rates. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY_ L. CC CITY AND NEIGIBOIROOD INTELLIGENCE The thumb Valois. In the IT. P. General Assembly yester day, thecommittee on overtures, to whom was referred the communication from the Presbyterian (0. S.) General Assembly, to which we alluded yesterday, reported that the General-Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church most cordially recip. rotate thekind and fraternal feelings ea rorned, and believing that our - common d lias_glorions things to be accomplish. ed in behalf of the troth, and the ration- of the world, by the Presbyterian ciao cites of the rnitcd - States. the Assem bly regards this as the intimation of a deeper feeling - of mutual sympathy, as ealculatkil to draw these branches of the church into closer proximity in the bonds of love, and to lead, ultitcmlely, to that unity which is so lovely and so becoming among the childreu_of God. In accord ance with the proposal of the Presbyterian Assembly, the i'nited Prosh.terian body will appoint one minister and one ruling elder to sit as commissioners in the next General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, which meets at Peoria, 111. An attested copy of this action will he for warded to its proper destination. The report of the committee was unanimously adopted. Attempted Escape of Alleged Murderers. On Tuesday last, Sheets and Fosnaught, confined in Beaver jail, awaiting their tri al for the murder of Mr. A nsley, attempt. ed to make their escape. They had suc ceeded in digging a hole in the lower floor of thejail large enough to almit them into the cellar, when, at their usual time, Tues day evening, they were locked in separate cells up stairs. lheyexpeeted to find some means of removing their hobbles on Wednesday, when, in the dusk of the even ing, they would go down into the cellar, from whence they could pass in the yard, and. witliitt much difficulty, scale the wall and escape. Fortunately, however, the hole leading to the cellar was discovered on Wednesday morning by the watchman, Mr. John Gibson, and the plan frustrated by handcuffing the prisoners and putting them in close - confinement. The Carondolet. This g unboat, which has rendered such efficient st,:rvice on the Tennessee and Mississippi &era during the last. two mouths, running the blockade at Island No. 10, took quite a spirited part in the engagement, on the 19th itmt., with the rebel gunboats. with ~vbfet she fought one hour and ten minutes end disabled one of the enemy's boats by throwing a fifty pound shot into her machinery. Among the officers are several Pitteburghers, viz: First . Master, E. Brennand; Chief Engi neer., W. H. Faulkner; First Assistant Engineer, Charles If. Ca vent Second Assistant, S. S. Brooks; Third Assistant, Augustus F. Crowell, and Pilot, John Murray. - . New Hose Carriage. The Hope Fire Co., of Allegheny, were oat on parade last evening, with their spleadid new hose carriage, which is real -4 a beauty. It was inspected at the Towa Hall by the Committee on Fire En gines and Hose. The company numbers some seventy-five effective men. They will apply to Councils, at the next meet ing, for a supply of hose and permission to occupy the Ward Engine House. The "Hope'? Company will soon contract for . .a new steam fire engine, for which they have now.a large amount subscribed. Fire in Brownsville. On last Friday night the house of Gott lieb Blinesorger, baker, of Brownsville, took fire by accident and was, notwitstand ing the efforts of the citizens, destroyed, together with the office of Isaac Bailey, Esq.; his books, office furniture and some valuable papers; the shoe shop of Mr. Fer guson; the shoe store of Mrs. 31. Toler, and thesroceryof Charles Marquis. There was no insurance except on lifinesorger's House, his loss being nearly covered. The Coal Interest. A meeting of thosit interested in keep nt the navigation of the Ohio river un obstructed, was heldjat the Board of Trade Basims, on Wednesday afternoon. A re linoastrance against the passage of the bill lbefore Congress was read, and a commit tee of sir gentlemen were appointed to procure signatures. The following were pointed: Simpson Horner, J. F. Dravo, Jaime Watson, Robert McGraw, Frank Dammam, Daniel Smith. Picnic. Apicnie is to be held at Iron City Park, for the benea of the schools attached to St. Paul's Cathedral, on Monday next. Theism* extensive pz•eparations are being made and it will doubtles be a very pleas ant affair. Being the first ci! the season it bids Saito be well attendel. 3verything that will con tribute to the amuseZtent or • . enjoyment of those present will be pro widat and special trains will be run_to and 'rom the ground. Do Not Forget. The Hooley Minstrels, at the Theatre, are established favorites, as is evidenced by the crowds who go every evening to see and.hear them. Their engagements, how. ever,willnot permit them to remain longer than this week, and - those who desire to see them must go either this or to-mor row evening. The bill offered for to night is strong and cannot fail to main tam the high reputation of the Hooleys. G. FreimanVa Advance. Thu Wheeling Intelligencer is of the opinion 'that the sadden movement of Gen. FreemOnt's command by order from the Seerawy of •War,- has for its object the protection ofour communication with New Creek and Cumberland, by a line thrown out frank Moorfield to Green Spring Run. It was ,preiumed that Monday's march would h&j the force to a point between . I "itterOurgaali Moorfield. aad - Oldo Railroad. Although the rebels have possession of a t tr i o n 0 1 the B. & 0. Railroad between tu'lland Harper's Ferryit is not known' whieter they have damaged it to any *Mans. 'The employees have run most of the tollin g si.lsk down to Cumberland for ash* Captured. It is stated that C. A. Kinnell, of Fay ette County, Pa., attached to the Com missary Department, has been captured by the rebels, but no particulars are given. Bully Ibrßerks. On Tuesday, Col. Young, Capt. Nagle, and Lieut. Peelle, of Reading, arrived at Haeripbarg and offered to Gov. Curtin the sinless of one thousand men from Berke Comfy TiMPrrrasuaon SYNOD of the Evangel ical Latherian Church commenced on Wediumds.Y_ I LA in the English Lutheran fink* located on Washimgton street, Al- Wbasy City . The Rev. W. A. Passavant as, was elected President and Rv. ,. Waters, of Prospect. Pa., .choning Hoc MitarY• A sALs of to Sewing Machines takes :plantritis7fivAlsetion House this alter 4w3Posar2 P•elock • '.;n'T-TCAP•110111111FItrit We were Zerfto,*.Aßllra t jtheer frets Colonel Si lthilebilikliKAft went to Harrisburgto,oger Away:does or an Al leeway 'iontiljr regiiiientsbilliGovernor, addressed to Colonel , McDowell. Colonel Wiffberehatie 'states' that he was unable to see Governor Curtin, who was , ill and (*Owed to bed, but had an inter- I view with Adjutant General Russell, who stated that the requisition fur three months' men had been countermanded and those mustered in under it were mustered out the next day. The offer from Allegheny county was placed on the in the office of the Adjutant Generul, who assured Colo nel W. that if another regiment is called for by the government ours shalt be ac cepted. In view of a sudden call, there fore, he advises the formation of compa nies, who shall go into a regular system of drill, so we may be enabled to the call promptly whenever an emergency arises—as it may on the first reverse to our arms. We heartily second the reammenda tion of Colonel Wickersham and hope to see the ranks of the companies proposed to be raised filled up at once with men Willing and ready to , ! .o whenever they are required and for a. long a dine as may be needed. Allegheny county must sus tain her reputation for patriotism. The Northwestern Bank The Philadelphia :wiltirer of Wednes day says: — The failure of the Northwes tern Bank was the topic of conversation in monied circles yesterday.. The last an nual statement of this bank was sworn to on November 1 1th, 1:461, by E. M. Arm strong, Cashier. and was presented to the Pennsylvania Legislature. It set forth that the assets of the bank, on .November 6th, were $159,993 43. The specie in the vaults was stated at $16,980 35; bills, and notes discounted, 98,313 64; real estate owned by the corporation, $14,12636 ; this consisted of a lot anti banking of fi ce in the town of Warren (assessed at $500,) and 2322 acres of land in McKean county, Pa., assessed at. SI 50 and $3 per acre. Bills and notes to the amount of $17,123, were ' held tinder protest. The liabilities inclu ded notes in circulation amauntingto $35 , - .501; deposits, 524,881, and capital stoc actually paid in, $lOO,OOO. Disbanded Troops. Between forty and fifty men of the Ist Maryland Regiment, Colonel Kenley's command, who participated in the disas trous fight nt Front Royal, last Friday, arrived at Harrisburg on Tuesday, direct from Winchester, Va., via the Baltimore and Ohio. Cumberland and Valley rail roads. Some of the party were slightly wounded, and all [fore evidence of having endured much flitigne and hard usage.— They confirm the reports that during their engagement at Front Royal the rebels granted no quarter, killing the wounded without mercy, and even disfiguring the bodies of those already dead. The ••Union Ramp•" A correspondent of an Eastern paper writing from the Mississippi Flotilla, thus speaks of the steamboat rains. some of which were constructed here. The opin ion of the water coincides singularly with that expressed by many of our citizens while they were being built here : — The long expected rams have arrived from Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. When 'our boys' heard that they were lying at Os ceola, the desire to see a train fight' was general: but when they saw them, their sanguinity oozed out. They are ugly, un gainly, and misshapen enough to be effec tive. They are six in number, all stern wheel except one, (the Lancaster No. 2, ) and were formerly towboats. I would not attempt to judge of their efficacy without inspecting them, but they certainly look very harmless. They have no guns, a sharp prow and a protected pilot-house: but the wheels are exposed, and the boil ers and engines - have no other thanwooden defences, inducing one to suppose that a heavy gun might be fired into them, the rams disabled, and the crews destroyed by the escaping steam." Doublo Track. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Pas senger Railway Company have laid a double track along Western Avenue, from the Common to Bagaley's Lane, and it is now being extended across the Common to Ohio street. In a short time there will be an unbroken line of double track from St. Clair street to Bagaley's Lane, which will much facilitate the business of the com pany and add to the public convenience. AVe are glad to note the improvement. Ebensburg and Cresson Rail. rosd, The track is being laid on the last sec tion of the Ebensburg and Cresson Rail road, and the work mill be completed during the present week. General Assembly. The time and place for the meeting of the next General Assembly of the U. P. Church has been filed - for the fourth Wednesday of May, 1863, at Xenia, Ohio. Sacred Concert. We hear incidentally that a concert of sacred music is to he given in St. Paul's Cathedral, next week, under the direction of Prof. Wamelink, Court. The June term of our C►iminal Court ,commences on Monday next. The calen der :will be very light and the term promi ses to even shorter than the last. WE notice the much talked of C. S. Bates, the only genuine blacking man, is giving his brilliant soriees nightly at the corner of Fifth and Market streets. It is rare fun to hear him. The Tenth Reserve. Lieut. Col. Kirk has been elected Colo nel of the 10th Pennsylvania Reserves. gad Cap. Warner Lieut. Colonel. The Tenth is with Gen. M'Dowell on the Rap pahannock. City Mortality. Dr. A. G. McCandless, Physician to. the Board of Health, reports the interments as follows, from May 18th to May 26th, 1862: Direare. Adults Diseases. Children, Consumption.. 11Dyptberia 1 Intemperance 1 Beattie Fever 1 Diseases of Liver and Meningitis 1 Btomach..,- 1, Pneumonia 1 General Debility 1 Maraim us 1 Intimation of Bowels 1 Mewls 1 Delirium Tremont.— 1 l lntimation of Brain 1 Drowning I Dropa 2 - Of the above there were : Under 1 year.. 1 Fro m 30 to 40 2 From 1 to 2 3 40 to 50 1 2t05 2 "- 11509 to 42) 2 70 2 " 10 to 15 0 " 70 t to o 80 1 " 15 to 20 0 " 80 to 90 1 " 20 to 30 / " 90 to 100 0 Males, 10; females 7; white, 16; colored 1; total 17. JOSEPH NETER & SON, NANITFACTIMINJI OP FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE & CHAIRS WAREHOUSE. US SMITIIYIKLI)STRZET. (Between Sixth strait and Virgin ales.) not) SMITE & PITCAIRN, TAILORN • X 4 •T. CLAM ISTIZEIM ANDREW WHITE wishes to inform his friends and the public that be is situated on LIBERTY STREET, 5:0. IST. near ST. GLAIR STREET, and i'i prepared to accommodate all who may want anything in hi 3 tine at the lowttst rate, ter cash or ouch trade a.; may suit him. Old Blinds repaired. repainted cud ti homed at the very lowest price, ond ;f the rrne,..1,,, , not please I will charge nothing me it. N. n.--rt 6.1 freely roported by some of my mtrticulor fiiend.: in my lion that t bad quit the Blind making, whi,th i, not so. uty2-Imilt ORUNANCS OFFICE WAR DEPARTMERT, Washington, May 20. 1862- s. ROPOSALM WILL BE RECEIVED iphy ), .• : ing etch, 4th . tfite JUNE, for the delivery at the following Arsenals, as soon as po.silde of 5,000 Torts of Lead, as follows : At tho Watervliet Arsenal. West Troy, New York, 2,000 tons. At the New York Ars:ad. Governor's Isisnd, New York, 1,000 tons. At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Penns!, 1,1.101 tuns. At the St. Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Missouri, 1,000 tons. The Lead roust be °alma, or other A niarican. italburg, or soil English, of the MOM ald.roved brands. Proposals will be received for lots of - 2(iJ tons and upwards. Bidders will state agent. it IY the Dot c a u.l s Itwuri t of each deliver,. Failure to deliver at a specified time will suh feet the contractor to a forfeit u re of the amount to bedelivered at that time. Parties obtaining contracts will lie required to enter into bonds swab proper sureties for its faith. fatperfortnance. The Department reserves to itself the right to reject any bid, Proposals will be addressed ea follows : GEN. I. W. RIPLEY, Chief of Ordnancp, Washington. D. C.. and should be endorsed PronoislA for Lead." my23-eodii4 - ORDNANCE OFElek:. May 27. 1842. THE QUANTITE or LEAD RE paired by the above advertisement Lereducts to one third of the amount, namely 1 . 1188 ton e and the time for making the proposal, is ex tende( to the 4th of AUGUST, 1114412. zny:io JAS. W. RIPLEY. Es ig. fien. POPOSALS W I LL. BE RECEIVED at the office or R. H. DAVIS until Thurs. day anoralag at 9 o'clock. JUNE :ith. for m— ount and improvemecto ut the County Poor House. Plan and specifications can he seen at eid of fire. 67 Water street, Allegheny. my:Al t TAROS OF VARIOVII PAT terns riateiced and for sale by Iny3o HENRY H. COLLIES. LIME -900 BARRELS FRESIF LIRE received and for aide by Iny:3o HENRY H. COLLINS. - - - - `TONE WATER PIPE-200 rAROtt 1 1 Z , from 2 to A inch calibre. received and far sale by [nly;lo] HENRY - - ORANGES AND LEMONS 300 bozos lit emit's' Oranges: 4)0 do do Lemona. in ' , lime or tier. to arrive thin day and for sale I,y REYMEft & BROTHERS. No. 126 and ►2A Wood street. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY WAGONS. OFFICE QUAIFTKIIM•STEN U. S. A au r, Pittsburgh. Pa.. May ?A, 1942. SEALED PROPCINALS WILL RE RE. eeived at this office until 12 M. on TII I ftri• DAY, the Mk Of Jame. 11162. !lir the delivery at such pointer points within the limit; of titi city asmay be designated by the tandereigued of TWO HUNDRED ARMIN WAGONS.' Specifieations to be seen at this office Bide will be received for the whole number, or tor any number not less than fifty. Bids will not he rweived from anyperson not actuilly engaged in the manufacture of wagons. Such bid tenet he accompanied by a guarAnty fur the execution of a.contract in case the bid he accepted, and good and sufficient security in not lees than the amount of the bid, will be required for the due performative of the contract. The bid ders will state explioitly the period within which they propose to deliver end other things being equal, preference will be given to b i ds specifying the shortest period. !think Ihrin, of hide, guaran tieg and bonds, may be pro,mr,l on application at this office personally, or by letter or t cloxraph ProtottLbt 1in11 , 4 mu=g name all the parties to ouch firms. The proraelnlA or bidder, li.rf the aborq requiremente, will not to..•oneid Bidder.: :limit be pre, h t when th e hid- t i n e The right t i rtieet all Lid. i, ce-erved. Address pritim,•lll.• -1.1. A LEN. %IONTGOM EBY. rtertintA er I S. A., Pitt, ntrxh, Ya., and endon.e th em "PROPOSALS FOR ARMY WAtiONS." • m 3.2641 [All Pittsburgh paper.: R.R. BULGER , EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURNITURE. A FULL AANORTWENT•OF Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, Constantly on hand. which we will cell at the lowest mess for CASH. myleelrie WHALE. OIL SOAP. IN lON with other articles, is said to be the only thing that will effectually preserve fruit trees from the ravages of insects. It is said to he particularly applicable to the Plum trees. but answers well for Peach. Appfo. l'ear and Cherry trees. Trait; a small outlay may save you hundevds of dollars worth of fruit. The IVhele Oil Soap is for sale at JCSEPI FLEMING'S, my 2 4 corner Market t ree t and the Diamond PATENT WRITING CASE MIMS CASE 18 NO ARRANGED AN TO sive the writer a table eight by nine incline to write upon, will hold Pea and Pencil, India !lubber, sad yet will Poll up so as to measure onlyB% or aale by ►/SHIN DAY- Just opened a complete assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS W. 11. MeGEE It CO.. • my 9 143 Federal street. Allegheny city. ILIDWAILD GOLDF.N. Attorney Co.. Pa. and MiCown4or at Law. Kittanning. Armstrong N. B.—The unsettled business of the late firm of Goldend Fulton will be attended to exclusively *Mc soma OOTS, ONO= AND GAITERS- At Less then Auction Prices. Some Children's Soiled Shoes at 50 per cent. less than Cost, AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE OF' JON. H. BORLAND, myl7 9S Market street; 2d door from Fifth. SOLAR OIL WORKS COMPANY, OF PENNSYLVANIA: OFFICE T. CLAIR STREET. near the Bridge. MLAddrom J. WEAVER, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. soyl9-tf =E:II3 BUCKEYE MOWERS de REAPEES. RUSSEL'S IRON HARVESTERS, CAYUGA CHIEF, JR.. WOODS' MOWER, Separators, Horse and Dog Powers, Hay Elevators, Ray Rakes. Scythia. &alba Stones sad Rifles. caluritinu Plow& Hamm, and all sorts of Agricultural j ii;: la : 4 o( mb °Quaintly an at LONG'S. , • • 0.1 1 / 1 7Liben, strut. aid dose to HoWslioisL raYSI COMM 14. , A. mirir p aw ANA weft. afitisiviritit- mitaitiow goLLEOR,,OOrme ot Puomod Et.Clok strostikWidasoroktrit u aot. CHANGINO FROM SINGLE TO DOUBLE ENTRY. VENITNAN BLINI-IS-- PROPOSALS FOR LEAD If •NCFACTUSER Or No. 43 Nun44billeld 14114 yet, PI7TPIR It RC; II and tularland sad Cheekers, Checker Board Inches by 2 Inches. W. S. HAVEN, WOOD THIRD BTB grlllLAßLlfllinii Off MI Chartists Genets I .'the .4.1 session ado Leg,Wature loesdad thallobloi town. Plank Road, wiles froarTompekanee rid.% and contains thirty-tiwee seras: - Thilbrnial (Tumor and de.tmation services will_taks place on Ttatv•dar. dune Rd.., 10 iveNiek. 116 um, after which public sale of bariaLiots will take Aare. 'rho public are reaPectfully invited to at tend. By. order of Board of Trustee& 1ny3.1-3hl ----- °ENO MEN'S NIERCAIIITS LE LA- X BRA BY room will he !lased duriw Mondo.Y. Tuesday and Wednesday, dune 2d, 3d and 4th, for the purpose of renovation. By order of the LIBRARY COMMITTEE. MI HE PART NERSUIP HERETO .I fore exiithigunder the firm ofWegeffirt h Co..Qr i3 dissolved by mutual consent. C. WEGEPARTII. L. 1111 EL. Pit , iGurgh. May ruya)-3td NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPONALS Will. BE H i . voiced by the SCHOOL DIRECTORS of time Borough of Greensburg, until 'Mt. ICI :2. at 7 o'ehelc. lb, erection. ineluding the 61r nishing taut elaterh,:. , . °fa TWO STORY BRICK. Pr II DIN with basement. on the ground for- nicely knoun as the 1 eademy Lot. the (Mimi- a he o ill beBo by it:: feet. Th e !tun. -oee:ileations, &e.,eztn be "e the toolerAkitell on. or after Jt NS 1:y ~ f the it CLARE. SeeretutY. t;tr 0 v .% 4 4? to A. BRADLEY NO. 30 WOOD STREET, corner Second. Pittsburgh. Pdanufaeturer and Wholesale and Retaildenlerin all kinds of Gook, Parlor, and Heating Stoves, Grate Fronts, Fenders, dtc. sir In our sample room mar be found the CELEBRATED OAS BURNINU COOK STOVES EUREKA AND TROPIC, the merits of which have been fully tested by thousands, and the Stove pronounced unequaled by any in this market: together with agreat many other desirable patterns. We have able a very large assortment of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES. embracing some of the BEST PATTERNS now offered to the_public. a FANCY ENAMELED OR-ATE FRONTS AND FENDERS, of the newest styles. Common Kitchen Bow and Jam Oratee, all of which era offered at very low pricee. Special inducement, offered to bffildere in want of ORATE FRONTS. tuyllef A ICIION SALE Or 1111101101 SAVED Li From the Lautte nor at Lompoc° Werboo—f 'olllllll . II ei auK Tl' ESDA Y, .TINE 3rd, at 10 o'clock, at Ituesett Works , on the. A V N. R.. will l ot sold a !ant,• quantity of DRY I inoi.S. etinsittring of limbs. Caasinters, tinetts, Jeans. Hinghte me Malaita,. Prints, 31 thins , Shawls, Hosiery, Neck Ties, Surittentlers: alau a large quantity of Clothing,. with a general antortntent of Boots. Shots and gaiters for Mne, Women and Children: also Hardware and Cutlery, Queen, ware. Tinware. Set., together with a general at- Fortinotit otg..ode usually kept in Country Storea, The above st..ok was eared from the late Fire, and nil! be 'told without re,erve. All in wan: of bargain.. should uttentl. f. A tleti,,tieer V YOU WANT TO KNOW WIIA CHEA E. 11.1. - MEANS CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, No. 62 Fifth street. IInOTS A N 11 SHOES Po*'lively about Half Price. Ike After JUNE Ist ONE PRICE /NLY. PIIIOFAII FROM 6 CENTS ILIPWARDAI eir - IVII , ILINALEJEWELRY intim back room J. It. GARDINER. Agent I . ?r Manufacturers direct N EW GOODS NOW OPENING EATON, MACRUM & CO'S We inViti. AClellti , •ll 1., a eta6ee :;el..ction of NEW lita :rhieb we are mar °peal ug. New and liamkerne qy[e4 of REA L LAP!: A E.W1101.11) EICE to 'VILLA ItS. .SETS NP IF)!! .1 BS A.V SLEEr ES. 'Elegant new St yleA or LACE vms. Tirimmr.v6 wrinoNs ' iu c•lmiee Rich stYlen of iffiNNET /.1/1/4/NS. Ciiinure Frim.ll 1.;/) , ,I.V.. A ND LA '!' //OS/Ell V. tau .11 TT•:. Ace., every kind. ENT'S FINE SHIRTS, SHIRT FRONTS AND VILLA I ( S SI:WES I) 1.71 S nt.'s, PER-GA 1:31.E.N 4 1% New stiles of LA DIES' HEAD DR ESSEX. Noveltieg in tine French and common FANS The hest make of SHIRTS AND tYiRSE We invite special attention of wholeaale and re tail buyer, , to our assortment of SIN I'MM:I:LEAS AN!) SUN 811ADES Dealer:4:ll.ll , l4in.! in quantity at lowest rate& EA7ON, MACRUM At CO., 17 Fifth Fireet. K EEP - IT BEFORE YOU. SA YE YOUR MONEY when you can and get a BETTER PIANO. tiet the thing itself well inflator ; one that is light and elastic touch that will not ache your wrist and fingers bill PIANO today and to-morrow low for cash or approved accetances. Call and be convinced. WISE .k BROTHER. royai Manufacturers, lIM Wood street. vwrnoNA. OIL WORKS LONC. MILLER & CO., WORKS AT SHARTSBIURGH STATIQN, AL LEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. Sir•Oelea and Wareham,* WI MARKET STREET, V Manufactures of Illuminating and Lubricated Carbon Oils and &mole. NO. I REFINED OIL, WARRANTED NON-EXPLONIVE, always on hand. oally WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines, NO. 27 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH. PA. A waraird the Piro Premium at fie United States Fair FOR THE YEARS 1858, 1859 and 1860. UPWARDS OF S 0,000 MACHINES sold in the United States MORE TH•N MO.OOO MOLD THE PANT YEAR We offer to the public WHEELER h WILL SON'S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. at REDUCEDPRICES, with increased confidence of its merits as the beet and most useful Family Sewing Machine now in use. Itdons equally well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, makes tho lock-stitch impossible to unravel, alike on both sides. is simple in construction, more speedy in movement, and more durable than any other ma chines. CiVculars giving prices and description of machine furnished gratis on application in per son or by letter, Every Machine warranted fur three yearn." ap3 WM. SUMNER & CO. • J. H. CASIDAY. Note, Stock, Draft, pond and Alert ease, Real Estate and Rep. eltaadtse Broker. GETICHROO3I No. is IWRICWS BUILDING, FOURTH STMT. Pittsburgh. Pa. 11111.14,000 to invest in Mortgagee and No. Nese QTRAWMAT ISMS IN T eve r's irud, KEAK aoldd it ca la wne. airs 04271,6snesarest. TiMitqVIIDIMIUMIII, WRIIINCH • , ,.I ) kflialkili ORB1i25111►• 1862 • mum§ sviuma-ms mess TO tn. Ana burr or nurwitheet ediust_bli , end is mush better adapted tot Ineetteel Pllnneennlnftan be tried with wester &AMY then enr now in bee. Theatentee/ Will *MAN at the MANSION HOUSE_ p , corne r of Liberty and Grant streets, for a Girders for the purpose of thsposien of Terri tory. Those dealing in - natant rights . will find it to their advantage to rail and examine th.e wrench. An excellent chance fot a good investment is of fered. HOLLEN „I PIERCE, Patentees, my29-.'.t Mansion House, Pittsburgh. OAVALRY HORSES, W..siliNcTi,s, D. C.. May 27th. PlloPeditA LS WELL ifiE RECEIVED at Hari bs,ore. Chicagb and Indianapuli, by the otfi. , .irs of the Quinton - tut:tare, stationed nt these places respectively. until the Ath of JUNE. neat. :.r the delivery en or before the 30th of that mouth of 2.500 Cavalry 'Unties at Pert ille. 1.500 at Chicano. 3141,000 at lndianapulia. The horses to he sound. not less than 6 nor Inure than M years old: not less than hhih. of rbirfreollr eihr airy ,ervtee. .lione will be reeeivi4 until they are inspected by an authorised agent of thogos - eminent. By order It. S. SIBLEY. tusk') If Cot. beid. Qr. Mr. I lett. U. S. A. A MDT TEAMSTERS—WANTED .131[- MEDIATELY, 100 experienced taamsters, for service in the "Mountain Department." Mapes Mapes $23 per month and one ration per diem. Transportation will ho furnished to their destina tion. Apply to A. MONTGOMERY. Major and Quartermaster U.S. A. ONoe Quartermaster Ir. S. A., No. 349 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Pa. my23-tf AmmiThirliATOWAl SALE OW BA roman and Bagley at Auellusa—On Saturday usorninnat n o'clock. at Masonic ball Auotion House. will be sold one Barouche.. with new leather top, suitable for 2 or 4 persons; cost f;ZZ: also. 2 new top Buggies. Terms cash par funds. T. A. AI'iILELLAND. Auotioneer. EATON, MALEC,' & (O— NO. 17 FIFTH STREET, Invite the attention of Wholesale & Retail Buyers o a large and varied stook of desirable good ust opened. ap26 EASTERN CARRIAGES, BUGGIES WAGONS, NNEW'A AND SECOND-HANDED. FOR sale, and will positively he sold at the lowest prices, to snit the titioN. - Particular atter, - (ion paid to repairing. SIRS. JOSEPH WHITE. Lstwreneeeille, Penn street, neer the Tar,: - Run. tityLA:t;nid KENNINGTON • IRON AND NAIL WORKS 11,11.40101(1) eit ULACIC. Manufacturers of Aar, Aber!. Bolger, Pinto. Hoop. A and T Iron. Nollo and illplOirs: Mao. Screen. Small T Rail and Flat Bar Railr Iron. suitable for Coal Works. Works are adjoining the CI ry OAS WORK Warehouse. 110.1011 Witterstrert and :V 911arkol nirowl, Runnier* Building. ittolB.4saux-i. G BEAT RIBBON OPE IN NG HORNE'S, 77 & 79 MARKET STREET ON .►IONU.IT, MAT 26. We will llave• open and for sale 123 Ciwitouto Now 5111bbono. 70 do French Flower., 100 110/14P01 American do HO Como Straw Goods. to which we in vito the special attention of count ry and oity mar t•ha nt.t and milliners. We have jut reeeive,l a large sapid,' of lAA lee avid Milmsten Neap fikletra. Fruseit amid Neehisaillie Corsets Silk wad illoorimm doss Waibrelbre. Hair Nettlesome, Head Dresses, comma Mastery samilliboves. Embroideries sad Limes liasdker chief", which we will sell at the very lowest prices to CASH BUYERS. JOSEPH HOENE. WHOLESALE ROOMS, NEW GOODS. WS DAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM the East a large and choice selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, forGente and Youths wear, ernbracings all the newest stylea COATINGS, CASSIMERES AND FSTINiIS. R. MI. MeGEE Elk CO., 142 Federal street. corner Market Square. Allegheny city. my!) NA.PIELONA. OIL. WE ARE NOW MANIIIPACTURINO this article, which for brilliancy in burning freedom of offensive odor, and transparency 01 color, (which color we warrant to be changed by age or ex poeurej is unsurpassed by any illumi nator in this or Eastern markets. As a profitable Oil to the mummer, woman specially recommend it. Moo, our manufacture of CAUSTIC SODA, Used by all large Soap Ateliers and Oil Refineries. which excels 10 per cent. ID strength all the make of English Soda brought to this country. Our manufacture of SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LIE; SALT, AC.' Are so well and favorably known, we trust the mention is sufficient. All orders and inquiries will be promptlY at tended to by addressing. GEORGE COLHOITN. Agent. Penna. Bah Mannaeturing Company. 21 Wood street. Pittsburgh. nolttlydawAs IaiItIVATE DUMMIES.. JL — Dr. BROWNIUREDICAL and SURGICAL Office. No. 50 Smithfield street, Pitteburgh. Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. le an old citing of and ham been in g • Practice for thelaet twenty-five years. His business has been confined mostly to Private and Surgical Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRANGER In need of • medical friend, should not fail to find out the pure plum of relief. The Doctor is n regular graduate. and bis ezperienee in the treat ment of a certain class of diseases is a sure guar antee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent re lief by the use of hic remedies and following his advice. DR. BROWN'S RBMRDIEB never fail_ to cure the worst hum of Venereal Diseases, homilies and licrolialons Affections.— Also all diseases arising from a hereditary taint. which manifest. itself In the form of tatter psoriasis, and • great many Bums of skin dis eases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant. To persons so Meted, Dr. Brown offers hopes of a sur_essli BR3I.MAL REARNES. Dr. Brown's remedies for the alarming trouble brought on often b that solitary habit of sensual gratification, whiob the young and weak minded often give way to, (to their own destruction.) are the only reliable remedies known in the eountrY —they are safe. and make a speedy restoration of health. RHICUIdATISIII. Dr. Brown's remedies never fall to cure this Painful disease IN a law naim—he will warrant a cure. Be also treats Piles. Meet, Gonnorrhaw Stricture. Uretbal Diseharites. Female Wigan's Monthly Suppressions. Dioceses of tie Joint , . Fistula in Ano. Nervous Affections. Pains in for Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder. t gather with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms. containing • ng. directed to DR. BROWN. N 0.50 Smithfiel St.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. will be immediately answer. ed. Medicine sent to any address. safely nacke and secure from observation. 00ce and Private Rooms. No. 50 Smithfield street. Pittsburgh. Pa.' noli-Aawas LAKE SUPERIOR OOPPER MINES •-•ND SAIELTING WORKS. PARK. /Sr. CO.. Manufacturers of Sheath, Brasiers' and Bolt Copper. Pressed Coo • per Bottoms. Raised Still Bottom liar solder, &e. Also importers and dealers i n Metals, Tin Plate Sheet Iron. Fire. &e. Ooastimit/y on band, Monen's Maehisr. Tools. Warebons_e_. No. 149 MUST and 120 SICOND STREETS. Pkblborab. Penna. Mr *alai milers Of Copper out to say delved . Bed w 10 boxes in % pound and 1 ponini Mr.* ads 3UWIRABUILIZIOL lIETALLAMI - OM - drilili ka — AT AUCTION KK e.apserioeinir •Tbeetsiscr vearoingallierrirk -1102: tregNlVS.;fiitlthireraitriol'al*Wilitarilidbi..:4l.k`, Penn treet. will be sold! ariffiout reserve. (a.; the incline is•ireid AintaliebtesditintipeAnd superior Stock 9i ' 1100T 4 , and SUGUS of every deerrip him. rouirishur the stook of a Brat ekes Itetail Boot and shoe Stere.'- • ; . The greater portion of . the stock is CUSTOM . MAIIk. and conaists in part of Gmte tine Fr.elleh Calf and Kip Was. calf ikin - Shotellialier; find Ties. ',adios' A Misses' Conirress Wei Lace Bobte, milt' skin .and tenni° Shoes. Buskins. Slippers.. .te. lleys' and Youth's enli'and kip Ileots,Shoos and Gaiter , . Children's Gaiters, Shoes and SliP- Pers. and a great variety of Men and Women's wear to ri 11111 M-0114 tO ci. bran. En:,...i T. A. , MI7I,I:I,LAND. Anatianeer. .___• .._._ .. _ TO BUILDERS Aloi I) CONTRA CTOlibi We are 11, - ,w raannfacturi ng a ~ t 4periar aTicitle r.f L I 31 IEI . which we arc prepart.itn deliver front oar I;MAL YARD. 5119 vri:EET. Best quality or Pans Illy Coal filwaYs sn hand as usual m 591. DICKMAN. PRIMA RT co. EME13332 245 LIBERTY STREET GRAFF & CO., N UVA.C:PIJIII7.IIP4 Would call the attentina of the public to their LARGE S 1 0 U K of well fleleeted COOK,PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES •L. 90. IMPROVED • Kitchen Ranges, Crete Fresno, nal low Ware, &e.,ninon; which will limnd the Ben Coal Cook tholvm ha the State. •• The Diamond, Advance,Air-Tight Eclipse, and Iron City, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM et the State Fair for the BEST COAL COOK STOVES. Also FIRST PRE MIUM awarded to the TRUE AMERICAN. GLOBE& REPUBLIC. For the BEST WOOD COOK NOW IN USE. The KENTUCKIAN and KANSAS Premium Stores are Ull.lllrinWell. We CV II attention of DEALERS and BUILDERS to the largest stock of CRATE FRONTS AND - FENDERS IN TILE STATE. • N D—We line the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE OA I ellok Stove with Sean StOne tininZS. and the lire hotter than iron. 0n2.4:12 -pi:Adum ANSI \'(%E%ll ti(g) HUSLIELs I'EACHNS, II RA IIiKELK PUKE CI 1/101 _VI NI CCIA WILLIAM BAGALEY, 14 and 20 Vuo4 Hi reef _ _ W.M. H. SNI I TII WM. H. SMITH 'dr CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, NOS. 112 SECOND AND 141 FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH. TACAPqr.A.N" AGrNC Y. /1111110 MAS RATTIGAN. EUROPEAN AL Agent, 115 Water street. Pittsburgh. Ps.. is prepared to bring out or send hack passengers from or to any part of the old country, either by MINIM or sailinupackets. SIGHT DRAM FOR SALE. payable in any part of Europe. Agent for the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Rail road. Also, Agent for the old Black Star Line of Sailing Packets, and for the lines of Steamers sail ing between New York, Liverpool, Glasgow and Galway. fell W. d- D. RINEHART, klanufacturioni and dealers in all kinds 2d and 3d storied Tobacco, Snuff and Segara, apal-1J Nos. 149 and 151 Wood street CB . NEELY. • 141 FIFTH STREET. opposite Cathedral REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT, MOANS IN NOTES,, BONDS. MORTGAGES and other Seca abbe api AWES MILLINGAR. MONO:WA H 'JP LA PLANING MILL. would respectfully in form the public that he has rebuilt since the fire and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and must approved machinery. is now prepared to furnish flooring and planing boards, scroll sawing and re-sawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, Ac. SOUTH PITTSBURGH, Sept, 7.1857. ionsALE.--yova LOTS IIN COL. line township. adjoining St. Mary's Cemeter7, ninety-six het front, by one hundred and ten in depth, enclosed by paling fence. The Lots will be wild together or separately, at low figured and long time. Apply to JAS. S. DEVLII 4 I, ap&dtf St. Mary'seemetiry. coginuounc...D. CUNNINGHAM...F. CUNNINONAN D.-............. ..... .C. DUNCAN. UNNiNOMA3I.4..CO.—P TTS- V BURGH CITY GLASS • WORKS—Ware house. SSG Water street, and 1134 First street, Pittsburgh. Pa., three doors below the Mononga hela House, Manulactitreis of Pittaburah m ii Window °kW Druggists' Glom Ware and can Convex Glaze, for parlor windows. ch air and public buildings . aw er l ----------- • ROBERT ARTHUR% ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. _of Ohio, Missouri. Texas, Wisconsi n Virginia , New York, animism Illinois, lowa. Florida. Indiana, iLto• neky and Michigan. WW= No. LW FOURTH STREET. OWEN BYRNE. MERORANT. TAILOR, 49 Mt. Clair Street. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING MADE TO OR DER CHEAP FOR CASH. HAVING RETURNED FROM NEW YORK with a choice stock cFCLOTHS. CASSIMERES and VIESTINGS. - which can he purchased at prices fax below the tonal rates. id-Great inducements offered to cash buyers, maga T' IWO SECOND HAND, WIVE OCIA Portable Melodeon. of Carhart & Needham and Mum & Hardin. For sale by asyll JOHN IL MELLOR. SI Wood street. CUPPING AND LEECHING; MR. & MRS. BRSE. Gl—Teeth estimated. Hot. Cold and Shower Bath. F. BESE. 177 Grant street. ls&sel F OREIGN PRIMPS -650 Boxes Prime Stamina Oranges, 250 do do do Lemons. In store and landing and for sale by REYMER & BROTHERS, Nos. 1215 and MA Wood street, SSOMAIRON HA NIUMSIMLN VISO HARMO • A third - aunly of these elegant, useful and cheap Harmonium received to-day. Teachers. Directors of Schools. Singing Masten'. Leaders o Choke, and the public generally: are reapeetfulte i invited to call and examine theta, at the mace mareroonumf JOHN H. hiELLOR. aIYS SI Wood street. JITNT itEcErvEn:- SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Sun Umbersllas. Mantillas. and &moues of all hinds. We would bale all to call and examine before purchasing. Irish Linens and Mustins very ch ew . at B. J. LYNCH. No. 96 Market streaky& MI and d. taventm MOAT NOR LE-120 147 feet, an Meek. 24 fee. beam. v zi gat fait hold. 3,Boilati 36 Inches dime , ter.7Cgiaderl7 *ekes and 44p re veis. , *gern th!itreally's*fonif,Air e 0' G 4 91194Vitlitbe • % , .C.:.4atlevatAxAci - 1 g PAWL WESTERN STOVE WORKS, PITTSBURGH ....r~: ~~ ~~_ . in "none and for 4ale Ly - oS. H. HUNTER a rglut l NTilw.G.4*.w PORT OF PITTSBURGH: ' ARNIIM): • • • Franklin. Bennet. Brownsville Gallatin. Clark. Brown:mile. (Jul. Bayard, Peeblai. LI rile Martin; Brown. Wheelinz. -DEPAItTIiD. • Franklin. Bennet. Brownsville. (lotion% Clark.- do Col. icnyard, Peebles, Elisabeth. Minerva. Borden. Wheelina. go7rTiki , . Ve r- —Last ermiing al twilight there were :tin 4 feet water in the Himmel and Wrniiii.r. warp). line tight dranzht Areatrter Sriene.: Item teareF this day thr I :1 . .i.1: In./ 1. 11:-% I. 4.i7ilnfter: and WliPPert bcat .114 . - 1:i d()% ti/ the W 4% She will be feprtiteJ fiLLtd an.l ccill l r.l foz Cincinnati. 114 i" Ih.• uc finer AilreiciatLvr was sotti yesterday to cart. Williams of Cilkainsati. WM• GI: AFF . • .. ft.cfen Our mire rusing columns announce the fact that Caeutio It Robinson's steamer Bat tines, leaves to-day for Cincinnati and latitkvilla. Mr Wherry will do the honors lathe Mane. For tincinuali and isomithavilba. TIII.i DAY AT 4 P. M. PINPCSTEA.XER AMONEXOIII. !: rt:tin i iiou W eeiTab i c!7e. o. .1.1 " - orfreigat or paseahro apply board orio aih3o J.B. LIVENO::O2ti CO., Aiwa. For Cinehusall and UnaissilUe. THIS DAY. MAY 30 /0 A. M. TUE LIGHT Dallieta Passenger steamer. HASTINGS. 1 1 .1WOutzunraidor. will leavefortheabinv ports on the day announced above. For freight or passage apply on bleu,' or to my: J. 1.1 V INt tlO.. Agenta or Itesiier, Steubenville - end 'Wheeling. • • THE PACKET srzAliont Lizzie Martin, .D, T. Brown, eel tnander, leaves for the above ports Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1231: For freight forpassae apply on board or to J. COLLINS .t 1; CO., Water street. Regular Tuesday Packet Far Marietta and Zanesville., THE FINE rANSENGEft steamer I? .1111 A GRAHAM, (lap Alunree Ayers, commAnder, leaves Pittsburg every TUESDAY. at 4 .p. tn. , and Zanesm every FRIDAY at 8 a. In. For freight or passage appls on board or to' J. B. LIVINGSTON A Agents, CO. PittslAtritb. _ STEAMBOAT AGENCII. W . iIAZLV.T”I" • 11:t... ()paned an nano al NO. 90 WATER STREET, Wham he will transact a Genera! Steamboat Agency businem and would solicit a share of pa renege from tcatinboat wen. NOW READY. ARTE-MUS WARD, HIS BOOK, With gaily CuWie tliantrat Sloan ea Tinted Paper. Elegant 12ni0., Cloth- Bound ; pried SI. SINTINII: DE THE B.l4tHEilt Cand most eharacteristie writings of this great American Humorist. For several years there bag appeared no c-t-rate humorous boos front the American mess. d a good one at this time, when the community is craving fur something where-. with to dispel he depression into which it has_ bcen plunged, will be welcomed by every one. Many et the irmi9tibbt fn lettets of the kir mortal - A rtemus %Yard." ha r e become familiar by being coaled and recopied in the newspapamt , of the day: others. however, have exapod the' eye of the reader. and an at tempt hes been made in this volume to collect the best, and to WIN. theta in one handeoute volume, splendidly MO trated. No one will be dissatisfied after investing a dollar upon a book that will illumine with peals of laughter every 'household into which it Raft lb way. For sale by No. 71 and 73 Fifth street, nest doer to Poll Office. zuy2i LA Dues - CONGRESS HEEL GAITERS. LADIES' CONGRESS HEEL 43 *ITEM, LADIES' eCtOIIESS HEEL GAITERS. CHEAP AT D. S. DIET FNBACHER. PUKE POTASH AND SODA AM— PURE POTASH AND SODA ASK - I am in receipt of another supply of superior Potash and Soda Ash. Those who make their own Soap, and have use for either of those articles will find it to their advantage to examine my Mesa before purchasing elsewhere. JOSEPH FLEMING, JOSEPH FLEMING, corner Market street and he Diamond. • my i 4 corner Market street and the Diamond. FAMILY COAL DEPOT. WM. X. STEWART, DEALER IN COAL.. *IL Corner SOUTH COMMON & SANDUSKY STRKETA:AUESIIIINY CITY. . Families supplied with cool at low WAN on short notice. ahlidis. maim EXTRACTED WITNESSED 1 PAIN by_ the nee of an apparatus w no dregs or galvanie battery are sass& t cal gentlemen and their fusdlies have Emir extracted by my process. and are ready te DEW as to the safety and Painlessness of thugs's:lE o 4A whatever has been said by persons in la asserting thecontraty, barman° knowledge cgs* process. eg.ARTIFICLAL TEETH inserted in avely.. style, and charges as low, as will warrant the beet of material in all VIM. X SUM.. Dentist, • ; 134 Stinthileld street. nolllpis SWEETIE ING NEW AT ' - ' NO. Si FOUNT"' STMT..- I would invite the attention of ladies art alg tlemen to that beautifulmlece of aso m M.: teemed of late caned the ILLUSION .1 1 4W . T 0, and my mode of inserting the tame in Monad Madonna Bands. • • • • . It gives them a light and life-like appear ance hitherto unattained • I have also V i z eeived a large and - carefally_selected stook beet French Hair, purchased for each, and my - motto is quick sales and small rusts. CAMERON'S EXTRACT OF FLOWERS. 'or Botanic Cream, for softening and. hair, is too well known to need q &Jim.% my new HAIR WASH for family psi;' the hair from falling out and Setting ,grey. Ladies doyou want tohave a tub white and healthful skin? Hob - metra . of my Philodermie, or Skin Cleanser,. and little healthful out door exercise. This is Robins, hug, but will preserve your beauty to old am— Discard all poisonous skin paints. my2:l-6mve J. R. CAMERON. TO THE PUBLIC. • PIEIVIALLT .W.altheignorantandfalse ly Modest of all dewed - nations, treat secret .and delicate disorders. self- , chose and iliseases or tuitions emotion and in eident to youths of both sexes, and adult., sip& or married. Be -usso DR. BRARRTROP publishes the het of his so, the ignorant and falsely modest are dreadfully. shocked. and think it a great sin very. line and for oontstainstiou and mesterei Wed their wives. madam sons and daughters. Th eir family physuitan should be cautious to kowthfts inisnorsinee that they di? the ism as Dr. KEAN STRIP, (except paid - ohms) lest s lucrative pm, • Coe might be lost to than among stup id *bob modest and presumptuous banishes. born and raised in ignorance. stiruniflap as mushrooms who compare society. mak ke_ dollars and cents, mysteriously , meanly orilig, gotten. It is to publicity. however , that numerous parts and guardians are thankful that their .. . ' ,on, daughters and words, previously fesibto sickly and of delicate condinou - sed aPoeure have been restored to health and DRANSTRUP. besides sew before and ' aftsr marriage nowt* him have been saved_ mote tering. anxiety. issitilketice. ke. ellersmiler.. heir or nocturnal asindwdens. are oompkeiy, • • in a very abort span of time b , Lhis new • •whslierousenlinellidevens. The are COMPOIRCII. from the v mush% Kingdom y a m ' ihillasyXtbellereurialtrestosswt,lieliss ed it and suletituted the vedftblo Fesnaloldb...„ gaseous treated with marked maresse4awdzia g id ova fro, 'wan Olt derrieres %Asir ast ment in liostals of the Old' -wield "- the United Steam leads him to oatirell- re" l ° fair trial, health and haPPineas yob bloom -•• upon the now—palled cheek. Trite no kseierwitik ' montebankm and quack& but comer Consumption and all 01 kindred disown, zr which so many um 11 , oar awned% enn now be relieved, to is time Full p iz t own! bywocuring a copy of the $ll is given gratis to all apply "irmiedisr ad. maw .of.spew Yout o rerlawae • mid tglit: as diver. and and . vat Amity brillaphiannion. an wellagrocong: '•• • I.l4tedi elloolk - intbibilgrorreo•- - • ' 001gLesSYeifltiea - tosmam Union strictly at. doitlobi 11/ a. .. 11411 littsbuildt roo t om • 15 Fifth street.