- 'llrialihaisk. I/statuette, May 26.—Two member's of Cot Kenley's have arrived in this - city and upon they were attacked by a large. Cav alry force ender Col. Ashby and several reVlNNitii of infantry, and twice repulsed them with great loss. - o:Nitirealey's force.consisted of the let ilitaad regiment, one station of Knap's Pi.- Battery, and three companies of the Seth Penes,' and whilst thefight was_pro gressing, two companies of the New York cavalry came to his assistance. The fight commineed at 12 o'clock and continued up tonight, when the infimtry force suc ceeded in surrounding them. The first fight a repulse took place Halt of the Shenandoah, and finding the force too'great, he retreated to the West side, destroying one of the bridges, but was,-too hotly pursued to succeed in dstroying the principal bridge.— He made another stand on the west side of the river and Snap's battery mowed the enemy down with shell and grape; they fired in all two hundred rounds. Col. Kenley received a musket shot in the neck during the first attack. but continued on horseback until the elo,r of th, lay, when be was placed in in ambn'.a , lee perfeetly exhausted. The last tight I.,ck place about tear miles this ;Min of Fruit Royal. his - effort - being to fall back ia order. ex . t e oting rei morcements momr-r.taril f y from neral Banks. A member of Lisp's battery, who escaped, says that the Maryland regiment fought with indomita ble lsravery, and that Colonel Kenley led them on frequently. to ba7onet charges. Ke also says that on the third approach of Aibby he displayed a white flag until within pistol range, when Colonel Kenley ordered to cease firing. The white flag Min then thrown down, and the enemy eas:zed on our troops, cutting and slash ing, awl refusing all quarter. Lieut. Col. ibiad a i n d and Major Miller are both re ported 'wended and prisoners. Washington, North Carolina, has been occupied and a newspaper started there by Our troops. The State - and Stripes Floating over Raleigh. Emeritus MMIROE, May 24.—The steamer Ellen S. Terry arrived from New bern this afternoon, with some ;to wound ed men. The American flag was raised in Raleigh a few days since by the citizens. No par ticulars.- News, received by a flag of truce on d i ky b e zftwe yesterday, that a party, con „Aging d,,‘” two companies of North Caro unit e ir i a l r j and one company of Infantry visited Swift Beek, 12 miles from New *tern. where a bnion meeting had re eently been held. and arrested several Union Men, taking item away with them. One of the men, who was very loud in his expressions of rnioti sentiments, was L- ken into the woods by the enemy. where his \threat was cut and where he was after ward:s found by our troops. A re. -annoissance was made to Clinton, 19 mil es 'South of Newbern a few days since. The 'wormy* advanced pickets were found and a j *40411 awned. We lost a Lieutenant and four privates taken prison-. era,and we left n.'"; of the enemy's troops dead on the field. The health and 4)1.' 61 61' our troops at Newbern continue exce2lll6nt• ProelaMatioN• WASUISOMS 7 May 25—Ordered, by r;r• tue of .the authority vested by Ac: of Coo .greas,-the President takes military powefr sion—of all the railroads in the Unite.7 l Stases from and after this date, until furt.h er order, and directs that the respective railroad companies, their officers and ser vants shall hold themselves in readiness for the transportation of Troops and mu nitions of war as may be ordered by the Nilitary authorities, to the exclusion of a l: other business. B y order of the Secretary of War. M. C. Moos, Quartermaster-General. - near corbitii. BEFORE Coi 3 NTat May 24th.—A recon noitering p arty .'mPope's command had a skirmish yester, iey resulting in the com plete rout of three .vbel regiments, with a loss of knapsacks, bkttilaqa and huver sacks ..nd several kills... l ond wo:.`nded and six prisoners taken. Tii4 vegimenti lied in confusion across the ciVek. Our los . : is four wounded. Cotton sold in Nashville ye.tterday at 22 cents gold, at 26 cents Union and Plant ers ihudt notes; planters refuse all other money for •cotton. Granville, son of Aaron V. Brown, for merly Goyernor of Tennessee, was killed recently by the overseer of his plantation. Passengers from New ,'Orleans say at Bos ton Club room in that city, Judge Price shot finally Dr. Alexander Hensley, both of that city. in altercation concerning sub mitting to Federal authority in New Or leans. 1 Gen.dfael Goes to - Washington • to Resolve a Command. WASHINGTON May . 24.—Major General Franz Sigel ha s been invited by the Secre tary of Wir to Washington to • arrange a command for him. Illosieboat Exploded. Dayaoir' , May 26.—The tug Zouave ex ploded her boilers on Lake St. ..11air ' at 11 o'clock to-day, killing Capt. M. W. Lee; Second Engineer Um. A. Downer; John Burrell the cook, and one fireman; boat a total lon. Calilbiala Troops fbr Utah. Sur' NW/casco, May 23.--:Colonel Conner, it the head of the Third regiment of California Infantry and five companies - of UM Second Cavalry, also a field battery, will start from Benicia for Salt Lake•on Monday. b 'ae•wa Wow °rhesus—The Post °s lits hairAkeill by o Mob-..Con dui.'" Est we City. The 17 States steamer Rhode Island has arrived at :litoston from . New Orleans with news to the kith instant, three days later than, Wore. The .Ties-Delia n ontions that a mob sacked &ea:Wet/co on t,!‘e day our troops took poseeedos. "The federal forges , Aook p!ossession of the Custoin 'House, ; P_ostoffice, he. At sundown;of that day the federal foveawU ordered to return to the fleet, at aZicaar opposite. as - city. When they left, Ate rowdies