otimas - tut TO ALL TEX' WEST. SOUTH W.. . iISOOTH WEST. , I • 1862 Commending: ' 41 114Y °"'"t PI TO- Al 111IIIVII9 end to htdialmoollo. BC Louis sad Chicago shonor than by say wow note. witariCAßDTßAnts. Fast Liao. Mall Ees. Lawrie gare Pumnargh---I.ooa. re.. 7.10 e. in. DOS p..m. jukshany.„;.l,l4s is. m 'WOO a. In. Me P. ,13 4 vie SAO e. m. 3,30 P. in. -Se le p. in. . -... P. In. gi0.... „ . P. In ~ ; n. 311. &AL KW 011r4230107/. CINCERNATIkiIi"oLOSIN. : - e. in. . TAO p EL' '11,462iii. at 1141 64PP•°L ~...ambas-11.116 a.rn.-.• - I rSIT " A .......,. „,..i......,. _.: .......„: .= , ' 'IV* p. m. at . • "GROW D. as. 5,43 m. m. SA Pp. m. ' I .' '. , • -, IA t i t Chicano wilhout.okange . . -,• • . ;,:,.., ' - Ike ;,: •to bath. ii tim same as ' lafriiii; :pa t ' T p•arsirers" a ill go to • . .:. , EagrwAgiiTEArss I ~,'':AliaTtm AT, PTITEiBuRoa. ...........i:.,.....4......;.,:i.....••111406a• na ...--..-uw.......:.......11.110p. m an . . landa . Elreas.-... , :..T.D1PArt AaeolutonAncitt Tll4lll*--144;$1"11 atreet Statien. AnennisiP . grLeans All . .Leig kie .o l Nem Ifiir - r iii.w.„, . am: lin I! , 41.110 ImPIA/SOlghn'' lain . P.M" •': orceamm.llll.lllolvin.,' oni ~....,.•.,,,..„,,,,.,........., r,........,.............,...,.......:. .-1 a. me at Allelheng at........: : ..-1 a. in. ea, me AliZ awe imr 5t.....-. .......... saw,. In. , , pile el .4.... .. ..... ...::.:.- -11a11•p. m redaerigarun b . r Columbus tints:. W.titettl.A. ne - JIM" slower than FAtibernh,tibie. - Maned stood -en the accommodation and a oc W si areold j armi . i i. ttect. esti st - - Pl KitkpedketelbrlCestle. "trains conneetas IsUliltrin- 4 1.-Ess...isith • etenee-for Metter. ArMtoif .4 4 an - i'Mnikilituusth. - 7 - irci r ib ---. 14 . a 4 -.--- Alms. rieguiTliM. m eni". , . - • A letag ja 4 ti . L Virldr l 4 l !• 4°ll°l3. 8 ' 4 2 ) :: WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT i 411,...__ a•-alirit.,...Diatea.. Saint AT THE OLD.STAND At Lirma . RP HiiitiorT/Introlt. Dayton. Toledo. No CO . RN ,.4O IICOFIE RESTAURANT, 4 U - iii* . t . Ik t l sm i lelikistte.. Ind.. Saint Firm . STREET,' '- - •wiT ik nOkuk"ineePh and iaterme- -- • s .- - . Mill indlantillld Minot". loviiiss, __ . 4 ._ mun i ,m 6A , a4vrim6 . am. At _ lit. . And at %watt; wi - ' 'tai` etretiii istini- i s ' It: - ,l RA 7 Thma j • rjr l7 e r Win nod: lleasiginta. BIPP 1 1 l 1.: 1 1 1 me Oheep co ° r alm soliri s t,A ° w-- - nod: OO H iln • lowest w ° e7K 41.1 " ,0U t76 ..G. prietor. •PPIPIM:' -ARKIN, EM me n 41:4 4 . • - - • Tompjammegorlitattow we A . o,CAtitisLitHllllit t. Allegheny. Young's Eating Saloon, JOHNS. JERVIS- General pirjcp,amx . fir aimmt *14114 t CORNER VIM MAZY - AND SNITH NDRER/St AILEIFICEiIik ._ _ _ __T•IMINIKEIGIIII AND Where 0 and all the delicacies of the ..."°' 111 . 1 :, 11I NEWW,r:. At -..D , • - Damon will be served tip „ in the most t italatible SUMMER ARRAIVORMENT. . Ogle. ELI I) NG. oedt • earner Virile ones and Susi Geld et. (liill i:- •'' 1 , l/I 'SW UM. T rahm will 1 6" ;- : .; , ..1 _ Renrimirania SAVAGE 1101 USE, Reitroakinam ! • ~ • -, , -: PIWIM . O IJ i :URA .gIIMOLI 'NATI No. iffir Liberty Street, B U B .. I 'MY4 4 •L Nut to Pennsylvania Pwenger Depot, i t m lgefFre: • 11: 144. V 1 041.112. 1 JOHN SAVAGE; Trepeleter. , . . do enjahna._ Imo ..., now .. 1101FAVING TAKEN AND FITTED ET, At* 4.2. p • m . lia. a.m. Ye.a. with a ll the medern improvements. this, po do 11111111" 11.5. '' . 1415 " War resort. the subscriber ir prepared lo llogoul modals his old enetomeis end the_publie _senor- Nonliengi of can betw — een Pittsburgh and . Cin- alileith the the marketa affords. Orders will' be eerved up? every variety of stvio. during sleeping care attached to a ll !light the. Demon. His Lionors and Ales he f is tedV66l 'and recommen • to th e public for trail , i et an d Shell ' Oyensi. re received &di lad d:tetiolera l le ll and retaii. eal&l.ed 7 P.Ceppintall ArD.1171107,4NG- prim roßb - .. -.;-- LIAO a J O - Nl* 1 1450 t m ' s A 4I .. whillawdlis t :, .. Ida Baltimore sad Ohto rlil"-'" - sad at atonal? with Contra! Ohio 11:1 lipt,Zeporah::,taim . aptimiettairtme. ! hue sod.V m hio a ti i Audialkooollitad Saint 1 do . .. !'"i t ..,.... ALM: , .!-• - .111111 , . L ' do ' ; .. •:-:—...... -LAO . " . -Alit- - do ..' • - ,-..:—.. de2 : e". - - . _ .s,e• - . - 0 , 411 " - tioliets o to t. hi the war"11"-tTli ttit_ ale f ir • 04 . b1" :„ 70 r rerMer wheal/Mt Up: ,;C. At the Conn 1"1"Ut 34.11". iitrea. 'a ogles is • s on, Penn • - : • 11.0*1101112. Silt ANINCANGNIN ON 441): NONDA:I4 3k*NiMi.. - 19111M1 Depot at eite= "CleX l l9)llineitaliAlXlL JOHN: r • • . rr: ? ri .ll. 1 , 1.1 •1"d - '•''' v..' , • • Vlll•nrgAlet VIM 0 11 91 ,-1 .• • . • [Aucryr. h k - o; „ie. • ODA TitellNheWiin'W ,I t t, .r:. Witatton laataa 1. '• • )at IMO . pglitd .. ioMitoDatildk ABRAM Wears eaveeAsib , ..(excelptAtinday) at 411•09 P. a. Accotikaigioii for aw 91.1.. 18 ..T., /bun (esospe , C 3. Jr: Iniii*;; , 11111TWIIEURVI AXIMLIAMIWIEROWAB • , - • - • -sow *ow r • " web. as 11,k P.410*. 11117 t. Nszawc,mtnik Azar iii3kbaketis NO all the shipments Tea; made from ciafinati* la the HOS. without break ultii4ftmit.ta made to J. Z. - GIBBONS. A at IL CUTTING. Agent g Ti t t Lawraneebaigh. 'Pill 'receive prompt attention. had 11 0 ebarge for. somtztie oo so mesas roe ottuss oa 00= WOMOZIIOIO. PIM; fastket • • apply to THOMAS BATMAN. INo. HS Water street,) agent of the Com whole, to at , . 1118017118 as: and 10104iguapolia, Ise l V Pam Green. gad Mit, tam - jap. l ;_a_ t ___--. • . LO_ ._President. - Tr Ifreight Agent. , As 4l2 - IBIPOIRTAInr. issas ALL MienragibiElliallfllolCfrfEi Anti JINSE. And other points inliorthernP H Misionstthe &Mei of. Kfuraw ..the , TenkitOrins, should insist on haves Mists est red by the • 101114111! XIIIIIOIIIIII2AII.ROAD -The only rail rotate from St. Louis to St. Joni& it la the shortest and quickest line b 7 thirteen *mete the roasted 'point reached b 7 rail. and to alware as ebeepinv is aoalidiirmi fea , t Beg m od to a and all points IV, ll °l ll liSs.llt- • • ` - '171 0 1f012131tERINCI: - ..•• • 'UPHOLSTERY, *9, ; 85 . FOURTH, sT., NEAR WOOD. Mims 11111111441BRISItill - IV F A 4C. TURK and keep eonetantly on hand every &reels- ikilheir line. : Comae& Ornament& Cuitshigoods„ Comforts. Feather Bed% Illattrasea of all kinds: also. the celebrated Patent Spring kiridiof Wed liktures. Sir PrOmmt attention given to all orders for fit ting and laying down Carpeta Oil Cloths, ito. oetl7:lyd ROBERTS .t ROENIOK. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS _ . . ..• • • SZATM' • S - _OLD STAND, . I IN THE .DIANIONO I . -rims. erroxv...-PiNoprlator. ibili. • Attiiirli 4401*-Aziii 'ri;riseib .4i... . . - it a area expense. with all the modern un to, Ode • popular - resort. the' subieriber . to setiotamixiote his friends . aad the - • : SewerAllY. with the best the warttet ' OYStEBB will hi agreed rep in every Vorieti of ill; L; Vl l llQ_ltS tl ati ' ALBS lit, feels oo adont In - onaniendine tithe:a - Olio for their h eaoellenoe. " AlloblitfiLB eirvidiWitt 01 hoer% 'aidlttY aid NRi.gT i!ctilpWjedr e en.. ' . : .epikly LION HOUSE, OEO. A VRENTZ, ?rioter: No. 344 Liberty street, just be- Passenger Dena of the Pennsylvania which makes it the most convenient the city for naipenArerf arrivinek that wrietor having, at considerable ex-' erale j , the MANSION we stg .. &hal l a wick • keit the market pan. afford. AZID WILLIAM BENNETT; 'L1001171111( aSsvarsztes. IN Brandies, OordialkWintuald Nonone. hela~asdidei>: ,:r • • The.Trefl) MITEET, rittelbarib WILLIAM. CLAYTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT, No. 37 DlasiondiAlley, ss near Wood street Pittaborsb. P. . 111.- ""'"' • ii is or=ts el lireat in 16 j rrelElp GRE4IIIIII . - • IS It store and for solo b./ mums k CO. - zr:z l Y 6 9 ll • SZLLIIIOE MUTUAL nratni.uros OF puit.Airkl3l.l o l3/A. - • Oa BullipLLOMted og Perpetual. Mettaatt- L ..,,. -..0111 ffinloitra,,oo..:6ll Sags de , ~: ' - .i 7.'1 ...,. i jouitiy.Z. F.: - . 1 4 I. :.: ; OPTIC! NO. 3045 WALNUT STREET. Cask Awes, Capital, 11303,505 SO 511011,510 00.. Invested as follows, vim First Mortgagee!. Improved City Pro , . petty. worth double the am0unt.—...5155,605 00 Groundgent. diet e1a5e..........." ' ' • ' 2.462 50 Penns:oll9'lllp EsNrmul Ook6 giant. '. Mortally LoawkW,ooo..exist ..... „..... 27.900 00 Philadelphia city 6 S cont. loan • 30,000 00 el Alleiglt County 611 cent. Pent:L.o.l - lONS CO Welt 2,500 00 lluntingdon Broad Top Mountain Railroad oom any, mortsage 10an..... 4.000 00 Pennsylvania Co. Stook 4,000 GO Stock of' Reliance Mutual Insurance llet a tgriat7l6sTaairia; —— - 1 oo ameoi Stock of Delaware M. S. Insurance Co. VOO Commercial Bank do , .5,135 01 Meeimpler_ ASS ''..,de.i _.. ...... .i, .... ..... : :4612 50 Union E. assurance Co's Sirip 160 00 Bills Receivable, buinew paper 16,07 18 WiAesolisits.issmiliediliterest.'etc..:. ' UN 72 Cash on hand and in hands of agents.. 11,385 15 1,556 96 CLEM TINGLEY , Prendent. DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, simnel Bispham. Wm. R. Thompson. Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson. .Berd. W. T i ilts le y . John B r Worrel. Marshal Rob Velum Larop, ert Tola n d , le e s Leland. Peat V i ot ja C ini is i ti llitbe. gag , ..".t u r!c l lWP 4 ' ' n rurietehltrgb. M. 7t buy. ...WARD,. 004:1144a cen t. myll3 1 Nottbeent So lid and Wood sta. 11111RLAWMIltaill.MAL SAFE* 4 #III. TEDSTmiriitTRANCE (141 83 17 AN --JEW _ 111R.LEG 'OF PE ,; - ISM. •• OP IC 'FL. M ' i . , . T D'AND. WALNUT__ REM : A- D RIA. MARINE IN ANCES'ear es pi N and IN j II IwaIt RaN t4 CES ID 1 1 .14 4104a i11i fli tri ,al i rrytam a , ri d l eas Canals. Lakes. and Land .earriatm, to all .parts it,. of , th e Union; - FIRE INSURANCES - on Mer ohandis' a generally., on Stores, Dwelling HOUR% • • k tIRECTORS.--Willlam Martin., Edmund A. &eder. Theophiltut Paulding, John N. Penman, John C. Darla, Jima Tranonair, Wm. Eyre, Jr., Amain C. Rand, Wm; 0. Ludwig, Jonah H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Bustea,,tho. S. Limier. Et cram Charles RellaKSamael•E. Eft' es. J;F. exii. Bella Slew Edward Dar Wary. 'Juane Brooke. Savanna. /iPllesia, Thee. C. Dandatobert lavutesi,, i lr Jainh•P,Jones, James It. M'Farland, Jl=.lltriA Jahn B. Semple. Pittzburgh , D. T. . M WILJJAM A Berger. do. • RTIN, Pr...dmit. Em • 'TAOS. C. RAND, Vise President. on LTLlsClili. Secretanr. P. A. MADEIRA, Asada Yo, e6' Watervareet. Pittsburgh. INBUANITY AGAINST LOSS FaANIKLINTIIRE 13113CRANCE -X COMPANY OF PHILADELPEITA,OFFICE: NO. 433 and 437 CIIENT3TICT 81111FET,. . . near Fifth. • - _ 6 TATSIIIENT OF ASBETS. JAN. 14, .1680. Pit h.i., blishl4l. Agreeably to An Act of Asessabiß. k. -- Ti,ortasgek amply and .-41..8113.303 33 • weak (Dreamt value $103.313 614055 t.. Telattorstil;;;;leeic .1°2495 25 teal Oesuritie. =mask (present TalacrikEk77 72.) " least 19 - .736 48' Sows sad Bills Recettable_ oo • tlesh 27.919. 33 2..tteltel The only profits from premiums which this ecun pans can divide by law, are from risks whisk have wan determined. Instimeneee made on every deseription of Prop erty, in Town and Country, at raise ac low as are consistent. wiih security. Since. their incorporation, a period of thirty 'Pan. they beau paid kelligi bv Fire, to an amount eatoeeding Four Milliocc of bollorre. thereby -al .foeding evidence of thee advantages of inoreinee, as well as the ability nod dieposttion to iseet wjd. 'promptnesc all liabutitia _ • • Lessee paid during the year.AosamilksLl In se. DIRECTORS, .' : gbaries W. Boucher. llpsdersd-D. Lewis. Tobias Whaler. //gild S. Brown. !Eamuel Gran Isaac Leg, Rticob.R. that Irdwonle. Dale. 'George W. slards, eerie skies. CIIA&-N.8 A OK E , ?resident. ED WARDW.E, ice President. Wu. A. Srgeirec ro . E l ut J. AR 4 C FlN,_Ageid. ''' )l : ll lS B stSt.l. -Third ' , .4-) 4 " . 9 ( 4 11 4- WES Tifili icssyssis l " - Nei tn... safilit r i ijY, OF : :PI TWIN IBUlffil 111. GEOIUDI D ~"Va 6ealk , L- ' ' - 44 9 , GO DOS. decretarf. _,Csigit..R.,o.sstalitA.N. tian'l Agent. Ncullok' Witer Sfreef. (*mug k Co's WarcliUtise. 'ti stairs,) Pittsburgh. RIME ItLiIRS„II insure against all kinds of FIRE and IBA- Al Home InstitittiAii iiillnifited bt birticAors who are well known in th., piendimunny. and winiAre - • eterniinsidAlisiofrtilffidetasi likeralitt;tainin- Ulu the character which *her hav e . lottin g& as of -0014 the best 9mila/ fi ftieth' those endadisire to be ' fund. ASSE , 'i TS . ockoiiitii song, iiiii Otock Accounts ' ' ' ' 4:6p) 00 Mortme '' • .460 00 Office Furniturb.- ZO 00 Open Accounts. etc. 7,809 43 Cash 18,331 99 Premium Notes 27,846 111 Notes and nab discomfited 174075 IA 0 1 8 — . 7 1 - 1 76 VIINCTORS. IL Miller, Jr.. James M'Aule7 . . li attwaniel Holmea, Alexander Maniac. Ammo Donde..W4o. H. Smith , Haas. W. Ricketsou , Andrew Ackley, Alezander. Spoor. Digvid 3d. Long !, J. onno ' BOW. Hokowel Re" iT iln o tut IL Dl'Vone. MAI CITIZENS' INSURANCt COMPANY OF PITTSOURCII INSURER STUMM/OATS•ANUCARGOIR * l gnii# E 'Sfi e Fre tam WM. %WALE Cor. of Market - sad Water Me., InsunstjauterolaTiVe trirttisa- Um 110 0 4ikit I rma the, vitae Of di Seta IngUrela aia4l.l-14°490Thuposii Piro. DIRECTORS. , Wil.ll4 s a rtartan. Wm. G. B. • Rettoeiresi.• • • 11 . 4t. PolegotW• • 4 . Jaallveoeper; Tr' "' J. Cerldwel!. zus. Wadi& C. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE . smuurr , Et. 149 OEESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Custom Howie. Capital it 119,100 Aitete ' 6801,141181.- WILLK MAE -ALL KINDS or IN. SURANCB.ei Iggetual or LindOd.ork every deeoril . 4B: KlrflitandKe. al resoonsyk .' , . . . . ..: . 0 P., o,Preeldeat„ .;.... . W E B DWIN Vioe Preddent. I . .- - Charfil Bijek. ''' • J. Beelieb. rie Brows. 1 . Boyar. _ 13. . Mamie F.. Mer. - . . - F. Bucesuse. Seereters., - - - -- - - - • 2 ! GMIPFIN =l tg. ,. jytly Corner Third en d Wood Imam Emma - Waft OP PITTSBURGH. *noir. __R1(11 0 tlso.o Mildest. . 4 jAs. i, i I it °P11 0 1 :1 00 * - 14 7 4 r4 1 0 . na ili l i ri:;aildas MARINE H W T. `x~~r. FETZER. Fim street. Merit NAT .1 004 toil. sksek Bee MS. , - pailditiiiiiihiiiiiii ••. - - • l a h , - 7 1:. wormaitemnige. :11=12 e azzai --;- .--...;:-...4......:: rif n 5 • - agiTei% - ------ --- '' Ml° 09 no l a i r . of4ii ja z;.s CMS OD sida k e , ' x.14.:i.:.-.;, 4175 OD ' L i Elharto lline"L ßank of Z 2- -- •" 5° ce bomb -..,-- ‘ , ... 7. 2mo , W Iwo 00 SIKOIN 17- are' Sstataandft- SON& EIEMEM .2. 2. Ti? "ilkagi Atu - a t. 1141...tt. snook riacwoults.... 00X:PM, 41214iwi.. 14.A1444444.1 7 ;6 2 2411% semi 121411154iussil. IN=l;2 IME`ANNUM. rE ADVANCE. ailrik.lllldetrion 22 mats per week. • Asvurrauxe. Ekiirre. ese • GO three 47 ...... le 445 .... 176 eau 5 .. .124serasitir 12 110 10 to nentho 10 MI • 44 00 tar_ 30 00 TEN4111455 - make &square. About eight words .svfflese Ohm Bisolneop/aotioes, limited on the local pate. ten ante a line each insertion. Me Saturday Morning Post betted from the same dice every BatorlaY morning. firlenno 11l per annum. in advance. 40-Blngle eopiekresdy for ilailineVlPMl ems. Slr AddressJANES P. BAUR, . - • -Editor and PrOsrintov. W Advertleing at reasonable rates. SATURDAY 'MORNING, MAX 24 A Braire ronian Kills a Scoundrel From the Davenport lowa Gazette frivate letters received in this city give the particulars of an affair which recently occurred at Cape Girardeau, in which a lady of this city bore an active part. Mrs. Kendrick. wife of Captain Frank .Kendrick, of the second lowa Cavary, had been stay ing at a hotel in that village for some time, wits:Mahe was aroused one night by a man at her roam door whoidesired admittance, which of coarse was refused, and on his persisting she called for help. The insult was repeated, and upon a third visit he tried to push ter bs,k into the room so as to enter. and close the door. Raising her pistol,' she fired, the ball entering the neck near the jugular vein, and he fell dead on ,the spot. He proved to he a prominent :citizen of the place, a wealthy man and a leading Secessionist. Mrs. Kendricks promptly made known what she had done, and went before a magilitiate, who after an examination gave her a certificate of honorable discharge.— it is also said that the wife of deceased, Who leaves a large' family, expressed her appini - al, under the circumstances, of what Mrs. Kendrick had done. The citi zens also presented her with a pair of ele gent pistols as a mark of favor. Mrs Kendnek shortly after joined her husband in the army on the Tennessee. Lynch Law in Central Illinois. We learn from Dr. Everson that a very aggravated ease of •-lynch law - oczurred near Clinton a few day,: since. The cir cumstances detailed to it:, are as follows: A tenant by the name of Hay, residing on a farm belonging to a Mr. Lane, was ar rested for stealing $401.1 front the house of one Howard residing iu the neighborhood. The evidence adduced not being sufficient to hold the prisoner for further examine , tion, he was acquitted, returned home, and ' ygairjt commenced his labor of plowing on H4le farm of Mr.. Lane. While thus en -gaged, 'Howird, accompanied by some members of his own family, entered the enclosure, seized Ray. and carried him by force. to a neighboring timber, where, ad justing a rope to his heel, and throwing it over -a limb they drew him up. Atter continuing the sport for some time, they changed their moths operandi, and twined the rope around his neck, drawing him tree-topward nine times. Finding hunself fast, sinking, and to save his life, he con fessed that he had stolen the money, and it would" beTatind under some wheat, where of Laltliat nothing was found. Hay- jog thus secured his release, he hastened imine4,44l . y to town, and had the handiof self-Consfituted , hangmen arrested. \1 is simply give the circumstances as related.' to us, not vouching for their correctness. If true in the main, or even in part, it is certainly a very aggravated cuss, and will place the participants in a very dangerous positiou. 7 Moomingtvn Paragraph. 171 h. Tat: IlligtOtA from the near coin:ties of Maryland ,stuul.l4eir tuastcr's stuck am , IVagOnii to conne.iato Baltimore, and pro ties iu MarYland, have frequently stop ' , them to search the wagons fur "contr.:: bands." A.. negro. driving a wagon 1. town a few ays ago, was thus stopped when he said. "..so use looking in thi. wagon. massa, hain't got any concubine dar." ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE. 00. 37 rum at, Bank Block INNURE:II AGAINPrr ALL KINDAI 01 FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. ISA AC JON ES. President; JOHN D. McCORD, Vine President; D. M. BOOK. Secretary; Capt WILLIAM PEAhi, Goneral Agent. DIR ECTORS—Isaae Jovial. C.(4. Hussey, Liar vey Childs, Capt. R. C„ linty, John A. Wilson B. L. Fahneiteck: John. D.' McCord, Captain Adair Jacobs, R. P. Sterling. Capt. W. Doan. Robert L Water,. ILDavln. no:3( f'AR q3.O3aDINAB.I TB GREAT CURE FOR CONSUMPTON. MINE PROPRIETOR OF THIN MEDI. . ii CIE& haring made it the Atudy of years to eeneentratiftbe lith of the Pine Tree into a Medi eine for diseases of the Lunge and Throat, is nos.. offering to suffering hnsganitY the seercilt of bis ex penance. Thie tray trait and good medicine 1. Prepared with much eare..the tar being distill°, expreedy for it, ie therefore free from all nupuri ties of eomhaolf.. . It Lee awed. tildes nf Consumption tha. Oren • t :rare twi wire jt • Fein, BOAT AN D BREAST • it wilt aura • H 6: AND.CDS. and, is a. NJ's" , oft* disuse of the KIDEEYk. MAE r INT& Siglieware of Counterfeits. RI If tea have the Dyepepsia use WISIIART DYSPEPSIA HMO. and if they do not cure you (0 to the agent of whom TOO purchased them and rewire yourreuutu% . Please call atlthi fibre and seta descriptive air elder. A box of ras seat by ma-most-paid o reeept of One Dollar. - - - . No. 10 Booth Second stria. Phila.. L. Q. 0. W.IBII.ART. Proprietor. Sold by Dr. KEYSER. N 0.140 Wood street • - • GARDEN AND YIELD SEED, . AND OZNIIIIID tTAI a rem& meortremict of Lecriesiteenc. lemedeemeseeee F r illeadeisced OnIISIONOtid TrOin, received sod foredo irr BECKRA-M& LONG,• oitt .461'etnrateetroie'''"7.444147-4:67 f I rt:,:t1 1 14 , 00):C044: 4 :410:'Pl WORKL PARK. A.criitiory at co: Manufactures, of sheath. Braden.,.fiimuviarer, .Preeeed Co; W per Bottoms.- lO* torte,, rip, ter Bolder. he. hn and &slew • :;.1% pisKl elnAtes, lir °XIV* as: kattlatiniaTtedhtr a c atia a ...a tinifLa Nom , air'W•Mil.747eFoi.l.94 " : r-. 1 1.4,14)18, . .;• , • IL sor w in 4--5 , , 0100 JEWS "" sr, 8111111 CllllBBlll lIICIUT, AND DIIALIZ neNE., °rah' ads tll leads .r cmastirr Purdirro. Whors'And Liquors* Miura,' Tsliaes4 Me. HIGHSr Liberal &dames mak aa eimniguments 03 WINES. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE Zit SOUTH SECOND ST au20:17 PHILADELPHIA. NEW SPRING IMPORTATIONS OF MEN AND DOTS WEAR, Including . Goals *died for INILITARY PURPOSES, Now in Store NO. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, ; And for Sale by DE COCRSEY, LAFDDRCADE & CO. myl-lind - WM. 'BRICE .8k10. 1 , .. PRODUCE AND : 'PROVIISLON COMMISSION' MNRCIISITISI; NO: 15 SOUTH WATER STREET, PALI* 4 . I!CLP Haft; 04, Liberal advances made-au en:l4OO4W" when required. • - rayl3sd JOHN E ELLIsoN..wm P ELLISONiRODILLY It ELLISON. JOHN B.ELLISON 4 SONS, • IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, CASSIIEBES AND. VESTING& 1) NO. 33MAiliiLii (2d door below Fourth.) ntyllyd PIIILADELPKA. - Liulaw & MAGEE— • sk Wholesale Druggintrts, NO. S2ri 711ARILET !STREET. PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS IN Paints. Oils. Window Glass, :Iryo-stuffs, &e.. and Agents for Kerosene; Ohio and Pittsburgh Coal Oils. Burning Fluid. Cam phone. Tar. Pitch. Reili Wagon and Railroad Grease. myl:3ind GEORGE GRANT, Alanufacturer anti Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN ISCHRT OPMCIIIPTION OP GENTS' FURNISHING. GOODS, 610 CHESTNUT STREET, C. HARRY BRIAN % WITH LON GCOME: dr. I'MAIIIC...E, M A NUFArTURERS 4• IMPORTERS. -OF MEN'S FITUNISHING MOODS AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, NO. 10 NOUTH FOURTH IIMHIST•• mytlyd .PHILADELPHIA CHARLES MAGEE. Importer arid Dealer In Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, &c, 255 MARKET STREET, North Nide. PHILADELPHIA. myl-lyd FRIES & LEHMAN, NO. 313 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Jobbers in Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting: 2 &c. Always on hand a well selected stock of Goods suitable for the trade. myl-lyd E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMYOSITEIS Or WINES, BRANDIES, &c., A Nu IMALENS IS FINE OLD WHISKIES, No. a NOIVIII rnir,NT prittErr • 1101LAIIIIMINIGS BAK iriMilrnit:lllrigsgr, Olusrstittill Vito, • . - aginarmailismoileameu, immoieu r z s . v'MA.• reolivedufallainV DotrAn. and . a dividimd of rotas declared twice& gamin Awned Miran Tetefert. beendeehuidiemi-annidb!. ha June arid Deeem her Incense Bank was Orianiallild i at *prate of Mu per cent,;isgean In target, if not drawn 'out. • placed to the credit of die depositor as prineipal.. and bears the same interest...from the iirg doge of June and bo cembey, compounding twice a r•year.. without th e depoirimr to indi ise.eren to • present his IWO At.this rate moue:ruin double in hms than twelve pears. '1114411 the aggregate NOV AND oug-re•nr pea cent.. • TZAR. • Hooke containing the Charter. By-Laws. Rules and RVltices 4 famishedOn eorliection at the re. v e icIPR ISL XW7 3II John B. M'Faddn. Penno,k, John Holmes, John Mamball Alexander Spear. Januar& D: Meads, 'Beni. , L. Bahneatock. A. li k .PoHook..Ztf. D.. James McAuley. ThirThincartn. . Jame! Hardman. Wm. J. Ander2on. • TZUSTRESj- ' - - • 41wander &Wien 'awes D. el;, JOWL liackofen. PeteriLigadeirs. inaßkw. wor 04,.. sig. RON. Olgton: c a r tista irshall. 111114 c• ' • - ' rt-Jib, • b.... ......._ Thuile. Ilia , '• .- ay. r .,. w... 7 .....„.•,. . -..••• • ..„.i. '.i..,': Atm _........ ........... :• - N 110111,. BAN E it vi sock, Brokers • and :Deatees , Notet.ltrafta. Aoceptante. Gold. Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western aMesialistaggiribr We. Vollectionsraadain'aU the titles throughout the United State, :Deposits received in tar funds or eutteld Paler; Mo. 37 Market street. between Third Anil roarthstreets. • WA. A. .WIL]!&A.AB * CO.; BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, WOOD STREET, CORNER THIRD, JAMES M. TAYLOR, OFFICEg 4fll Peon Street. FU&h Ward. FIOLLROTIONS PROMPTLY SLI DE: ~Deeds. ;Banda, Mortgater and other Legal rain Drawn. Aeknowiedgenienta Taken and Billartobidad. Tak en PHILADELPHIA D. B. ROGERS it NON, NAIIIIIPACTIMISIS Or Rogers' Improved Patent STEEL CULTIVATOR • TEETH AND °RAIN intax..x. Tiompitz, OFFICE: Owner Butler aad Clyiaer Stroptio, Wind. fol&la PITTSBURGH. PA. sTOVB to. 0 SttS4rB A. ,BRADLEY, NO. 30 WOOD STREET, owner tllea, rlthiburgb. Meaufsetareread Wholesale and Retail dealer la 00014 alPl:loo4:l4oies•rirate our mmrde room may be found. the CELEBRATED OAS stars irko COOK STOVES EUREKA AND TROPIC, the merits to which have been fully tested by thousanrhi. end the Stove pronounced unequaled by any in this market; together with a creamily other deeirablerpatterne. We have oleo a veiry large assortment of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES. embtacingposse - of lb* 'BEST PATTERNS LOW offered:to the ppublic.. • • Ili- ' , AMY 'ENAMELED GRATE FRONTS ANDYENDERIA, of the heweet styles.' Common gpa4.4aaa Gnu*, all of which are Jtferegalt yery low Wiest oft.speM induiftena o ffered to builders- to wanted GRAWFBONTS.: - nolb6m • A..PETZER, FOMIIMUNINI -LION 111131CNI.INT, . , Flostr i „ grata; Mail . * ‘ ll =lika . ttei• Dried• COMO! 11Larkin( and FR'S& ekelath ' • PITTSBURGH, PA. Atha T¢rfronoie9.Meileg.'Dec.i -William "lelworth,'Sr.,_ Dighbert & . Ban, rensbargh, Aar& & Ott. Meeker . * lineseiteen. 8. Brady, ;Neek.,lll. &Mi Benk„lide Howellplenee & Co., deorge W: -Andereow Donlon. Piston & Wheeling: :: , - ner&h&odiel Am p rA i r lllllllLßlN. fritiErCialpoio . to l eritt nt biiroldiltaik HAL entrants on FcharVahlubiwithihre'es. - tie beet 2 tit „Asv IMAtettweetion with the ll' t e irgw.artialOOD. Wlth good tabloo.:billi ac' -'• ' " ' ..1„/VAbirth•PbliniACrifiAl. Fourth et ll w#Fulechwill • 5,11k1y Zr ye* WAS MINN 460 i NEW all! 14 1 .4-r ika mirell -• ..-. 31111.1 " hat . Cla i ri4ml &tan. llaworlah4.7kObo* braid. *Wire 7014 sitkarmiim a A _ sod:dower 'than at mosislepoin. OliteotenV and. - alas teledit at room so. . Ines, ootle". • Ind ether *liar of' *dot and .411400 Ha' HAWOBTII43/49Tali i de24 corm Dimond old mamoid'alley. T. T. 111.'BVRN dMO, HOUSE, SIGN 01INADIENTAII PAINTER Ne 2 St. Itr eet, [aißstlP Dl.lOlOlll WAY. mend dem 44P•Atirtrli solicited to me will be 'neatly and promper :meamem, • • em-ly EATON, Ilk CO .JOBBERS AND SZTAILSIIII Trhulgi %abrolderisA, Haderrkm4 Ineendtp. Skirts, Son and Rats trubrelliA, • • Cersets.itibbore. Roes°°d'• - • • Reebok • And ell tiled . Pnay Arad.' amid Notion& tam Whobate boyerseupp K lted bti beet' terms. EATON. AMM & CO.. - • i 'APO An..77l l lftli street. Oft I eXe gasiv paU lit, - !1,1 it% : ••lAA end the `" '"'"'" • • • ' ere i IWO • will 4)Prz-:!: %IC , far (1114144,266 ' 31111 ‘ . : 1•41 . 0nd the ifilthet . Stieet. $' !t , .47 1 17 4 . 1 .4f.de - n so ".ti) arrive ,1117 1 6,:_-;0111 2 , 7 mo o' i atreet. Firm . Feu is no Iraq fps; ye. r*-72. FLOYD. ;7( , r • ttellt oEofinTilliks PIMBUGH, PA ALDERMEN. A. I. 11ffl AGitICULTRAL. all kinds of rioutk - kiniders; . &c. rot inix taut or. NO. 17 FIFTH STREET, -OF ammo. 11601 1... irimo***MlßAiii 4 VizAtiip FEANnint, rprAs . ag - sxl4 - 6 .•. dif k 4 ; 1•S • •"I ... . .. PATTERSON & DAW2O34. - ATTORN'EYS AT . LAW . KUHN'S LAW BOILD'11010 ) ; _ Ittantend Street, near areeng ' PiriwwwWww:VA • B. F. LUCAS, • ATTORNEY' AT LAW. OFFICE", - NO: 72 GitANT. (Three aeon below the Court ney3:ly PITTSBURGH. PA L. BRACKENRIDGE, 411U:17 C.) N 47.: "V" A.l" - 1,A,1* • OFFICE. NO. 135 FoURTEI ST.; J. 'D. HA.N - COCIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 73 GRANT ' 8 'l' E,T pirruursalic, - P=WA. ANIL: • SITRGEON . D A s iracceaor to G. W. Biddle, field street sir Office hours from * te 1 o'clock. mad Ovate to 5 o7doek. - find, IRON MANIIPACTIIIiiiiia AMERICAN IRON WORKS. Jones dr Laughlins, YAKIMA °MIES Or 'RONA. AND NAIL As, JUIUATA AND COMMON SNEET.INOL Lautlis Patent Shafting, Piston Koh, tide, ke. WAREHOUSES. 93 Water Street nod lag Fleet tureet,, PITTSBURGH, • And corner of Franklin and South Water Streets. Chicago. fel7ll Li.tAc JoNF:a...Joax L. BOYD—WIS. AITOLLAVG PITTSBURGH STEEL WOR K S JONES, BOYD & ANUFACTURERS YF CASiNTILELe a+c,..,_ Sp ring, Plow. and A 13 Steel SPUNUS and AXL E S, corner Roea and Punt no2l:ia PITBUROH. Pa. FURNITURE. J. D. FACIINILII Jung Y. mum • FURNITURE FOR CASII—A FULL A. SORTMENT of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE. embracing BUREAUX. BOOK WEB, WARDWELL_ and every article needed in a well farniebeddiree ling. as well as a fine sweetmeat of • .. OFFICE FIIIIEITITEE.. Constantly on hand and made to order. As nu only terms on which business ut done at this llOstee lishment is for CA 8 11, prioee are mad* now& ingly. Perseus in want of anything halite awn line would be advantaged by calling at FACKINEE elk IRWEVIL lio.loB Smithfield street, hellw Fink. whauly CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS; &e. OARPETS AND OIL OLOTHB 21- Metes NEW DRUG GETS; . • 73 JPlecem • , NEW BRUSSELS CARPET N. The , tihave_j_tutt been reeetyed_alliiistA3 the LATEST AND RICHEST PATTJULZW, at the lowebt price& , W. 311'CiENTia. Nel9 NiE CARPETS, OIL CLOTIS, ie. -A T 31 . 'C A I. 1p V RI'S, No. 117 VosallaHtNf.• LINOVOUT.PILEIVIOWO TO TIZOLOWt • AN. advance in itrieur: of which th,, Pm 'vaiitik,kreis offered tu parehOso FOR. dei HUGH. IL BOLE: • Sigglelli BUILDER. fit gLielli/M14 9 ,; 5 IDuquesne Way, near the Point; wilEnnad• - • to order, and ,warranted as good a tier be; 'Made. the following machinery. Iris: • _Steam Engines, Turning Lattice. for wood and -41rollti Vaults, for wood and iron: Drillincld ri . • Holism and Tobacco Screws; Patent- Model Mach ined, in the best manner' Patties and iltutimn. of id ithz i ctaii w itgi Screws, of any diameter to Pinned'. Will alto Take,. and. net'efr " m E Doctor and Niezol Enema. arid peek Itlenglp:Far •steamboata, de, Lathe inhaling erg Per Zlllll lag done to order; can plaits 32 htrien Seed inches tong. • All Orders Promptly Filled ad Solicited. N. B.—Particular attention and pluaindWer' , ',.- .firi ki r ee. rePairs on Printing s a d sow GENERAL OFFICE: • FITTEIVH. FT. WAYNE I CHICAGO RAILWAY 041 • • Pittsburgh. Migist.llll4.l.:r NOTlCE—iruz parrsoluitea : Wayne and Chicago Railway Colman 7 ,.. received o proper legs! consomme o Railroad. from Pittsburgh tb Chicago. with a/f a r appendages; "Si! 'persons. Fort- Age t)al property of the Pittsburgh. Waymit ago Railroad Comply. non anum; laileelisto— awl tammgeneone erased road and - AIL .persons employed on or about Rossi ow continue in their respective positions orm . Lions until furternotice. • ; - All parsons.. associations and .eostn, dringtmeiness arrangements. or ougjajag t tinge or change any heretofore emencepew et , cues apply to the proper offerers of . tlehremmerw' es lbw company Is bound . no arningmioguiF understanding that it does not el i t t repturnic h my6-til 'G. W. C gat. . SMITH, PARK* 00, WARD WOVNfRY innestatetre, Warshouse. Noo.l4lllthstland RiPaßeniadalg , Maantacturers. of all aims sad Coal Oil, Retorts and Stith. est sad . - Sadirons. Dols trona Neon Ho=r, Stall Polliakliangent sad Cou b eac s • : ..- Also Jobbing and Mad etetWiltd. • seriatim made to order. - - g • eom lets ' tits F r o t a li n dry. in "'ac h e' d al L ft =t tumuli° emissary nag • ST. FRANCIS' COILEGE, ~ UNDER CARE OF TM FRANCIUM .CIMINNIIIILIt TlNns INSITIT=INX= LORETTO: . t rank four mike from Cramp ,:_is - • _ 1 the direct rsli e tts=em niiimAdimi• ::. t t, , l e = wee la Igifi e Anti: , t , ~, , - ~.!•-• The lation of thi el M il li iie z . . _ 1 . ~,,...• heekb* in Penney! whew ifouataims bebscproveehret• - "• ''wa water. bracing air. sad yet name . '-I I.tiv,i!• The Scholastic year oommeacep MONDAY rt A79a fEut 2ithofMale ift J r 4•t into ... two Sessions ; ; Students eamtetiretthelt Vl' -- between the Semmes. All the A ..... .....e ~, • r. sary frk Land Surveying. will be furnishing by the eeti — tawa Sunken& Issetrumental ail : I , iirt . if‘fil ad tort ilelilti.. ohm*: Students will yeare.to the ape of maehook - ._, .- ' •-•_,' - i*:.l 1...14 - . -Board and Tithk,1411171114,),4. vci .--867.7d..;. - a• ....,.., .::. :... ~, A sad-Models ' - " - 77-'l. ILI fltudeati spend lrovatlea a ea - . , 1% - .1 Reference can be made to the' Rt. 97 a °Tomer. to the. Res . T. S. lternekki;• '. Liman°, and to other-tawarion attaia . ".-i- , thwese. GONE E, ('DU ALL.' W. °t`" LAN D'S Auction, and WV 7011F1111.41.1. 1 •4 and Gaiters . • 1 ••• • 7,. GoOD L. 4,111-44 •AIMILIBILOWar. al cleared and is fenee, well watered Ind ennvenient lOW and abaralamw kAitaat• la* •VI ship about nine wile.cfm!illkoon; Term eats: Sir dale by' r it , k 130 Mi 4 gut No:10'11mm • ' 1011)0" - „, L Acriga, s , : • - - Plmsusen.