, rimr"-n"7"7-I—Trrd',. RI At sire reasuatryl. wrists Seldierw. The following Pennsylvania soldiers, sick and wounded, reached Philadelphia - from - Baltizricire on Wednesday evening and were placed in the Broad and Cherry street` Hospital: Obadiah F. Miles,Co. C, 106th ; John Maedee, 'Co. B, 69t; Joseph Lachencber, Co. B ri s to l , A. K. Fleming, Co. E: 27th; C. Co. K, 52d; H. P. Foreman, - iserge4nt, Co. K, 62d; James Crain, Co. E, &Id. Noah M. Anderson, drummer, Co. H, MSth; Jacob Kaufman, Co. 41, 98th; Jolul H. Spencer; Co. G, 23d ; G. M. Digs, Co. K, 67th; John Dix' en Co. E. 98th; Henry enhart, Co. D, 52a; Benj. F. Stout; Co. C &2d; James C. Farnols, musician,23d; J ohn Frank, wagoner, Co. F,-Or th; W. F. Grevenever, 1. 0 . C, 71st; David Leikler, Co. T, 91d; John W. Moyer, Co. I, 95th; David Co. I, 114 d; Lesher, CO. F, 'Ali; J. F. MeCoy, Co..G, 'lad; Wm. AloCeskey, Co. F. 63d. James M. Johns.m. (. ; Jacob Miller, Co. G, 118 d; Beni. F. Lend, Co. Ilt_.lo4th; D. F. Forth. Co. K ,W J. i Kerr, CO. K, 52d; Berni ne, Co. F, 67th; S. Cooley, Co. 67th; John Boil*, CO. C, 81st; James Megar, Co, H. 88d; Francis Williams, Co: H, 53d, Ed on:ll•O'Neal, Co. 11, 62d; Abram Wilds, Co. F k ,11341; James IV; Gardner, Co, 0, Ud; Patrick Collins, Co. H, 68d ; / 1 / 1 1, Co. D, 3d P. V.Hel lorbettle, Co. E, 88d; Jas. Jones, Co. K, 102; Jerry Miller, Co. C, 98; N. S. Webb, musician, 68-, Samuel Groscrost, corporal, Co: - K, 08; John G. Hellig, Co. G. 46th; W. J. Robertson Co. B, P., C.; S. Keifir, Co. C, 1 0 5th ; IV. H. Buckwater, Alex:: Morrison, do, ; Miles J. Kirk- I oat..;-ickolo., Arthur J. A rnold, Co. C. figd .Jas. H. - Hush, Co. 0, With; Alpheus Gen. eabaugh, Co. H. 67th; Samuel Calvin, Co. K, 108; Joseph Armbrustin, Co. I, 31st: Barclay Raab, Co. K, 104th, Charles Hon say, Co: K, 88; Chas. Rath, Co. D, 98th; John S. Saylor, Co. H, 104th; Sam! Gen. bough, Co. I, 68d; Alex. E. Prick, do. ; .Saml Rhodes, Co. A, 31st: Bela S. Cole, 'Co. (1, 111th; Peter Church, •Co. H, 6:3d; -.Martin Bruin. drummer, Co. E. 98th: Win. Childs, Co. C, tidd; Geo. 1). Palmer, mu sieian, Co. C, 49th; H. W. Eastborn, Co. C, 194th. Death or John Drew. The deeease of :John Drevr, the celehrii tel comedian, teelirreil in Philadelphia Oa Wednesday afternoon. and was Catie , by congestion of the brain. He had legal complaining since Saturday and on Tuesday, while holding a child iu his arms, belonging to a relative, fell ins.m,Able to the floor, at his residence in Eighth strect. between Market and Arch. Its remained atteOltaleiOnfl to the last. He was a native.ef Dublin, iu Ire/and. and came to this country early in life. Ile married, about fourteen yeairs ago, Mr .-4. Hunt--die present Mrs. Drew. who ;vat already an actress of high standing in :her profession. He was thirty-five years .of age, and leases three children-- ono bcly :and two girls._ His . performances in this i.attatey have been chiefly confined to Phil adelphia, though. from his high artioie merit, he was well known throng/Jinn Ow Union. Re Istely rettatie.l nn tended tone of three, vertr. in california. I Australia and the British where hie zneeesa was great, and has recently closed a series of one hundred nights at the arch street theatre, with is view of returning to Ireland to fulfill an cngs,gontent there. It. Was the intention of his friends to give him .ta complimentary benefit shortly, as a part ing token-of regard, and three hundred itielrets were sold at their first meeting. 'The Arch Street Theatre, of which Mrs. Thew is the lessee, has been closed since his death. flooMand , a German Bitters. This - tonic, which has been manttfactur .ed in Philadelphia for a number of years, has attained a deserved celebrity among proprietaty medicines, and is very widely known throughout the country as a mild and pleasant remedy for dyspepsia, jaun dice, debility and all diseases originating in derangement of the liver and stomach. The manufacturers have many testimonials of its enemy and all who use it speak in the highest terms of its good qualities. It is purely table contains no alcohol or spirits, or my vege deleterious drug. The pres ent proprietors are Messrs. Jones & Evans, an Arch street i Philadelphia, to whose advertisement, In our paper, we refer. The names of local agents will be. found attached. The W. T. Lose. We _understand that the Secretary of the Treasury has directed Joshua Hanna, hllsq., of Hanna, Hart & Co., to receive sa a'!acriptions for the six per cent. loan. a u thensod hy Congress. The bonds wi ll bear e late May 10.0862 and, from the great aiNtndance of money here, we are confident they will be rapidly taken up at par. with U. preaent heavy premium on t h e 7 8.10- w o cut. bonds the six per cent. l ean win pay ,Nuklly as large an interest. particle's?' will be announced in a few days. TheAlkigkitay rublleßandlisign The eOnalniSsioner.ll appointed for the purpose have matters 00 far arranged that the foundations for the nuwkit House in Allbeiteny will be cummenoed next week. The contract with Messrs. White & Alexander, builders, is closed, and the architeits,' Messrs. Barr t Moser, are drawing** working plane. The ground will be stoked of to-day by the City Reg ulator and eleavation will commence on Monday. Nothing will be done upon the City Ball this year. Ilkertless Canard. The Washington Review sale: "The report published in some of the papers, in regard to the son of David l obe, of Somerset township, who died of wounds received at Fort Donelson, being yet liv ing, is a cruel hoax. The brave soldier aleepir his hist - eleep." We published the story, as copied from a country exchange, 'but Of course could not know there was any one so heartless as to infliet deeper pain on on already afflicted family by ong 'sating such it "sell." • Did atilt Arrive. The bodies of Capt. Brunu, Lieut. Miller and Cormsl Young, of the Friend Riles, killed at Williamsburg, did not arrive at noon, • yas announced. It. was ex *A they would come in by the mid night train and be escorted to the respec tive houses Of the deceased, at once. The tuner& will probably take place on Mon day: when the Parke Zonaves will net as a mils "sty wort. Marge et Fraud. Jamas Sterling, of Butler connty. was yesterday arrested and taken before Mayor Drurn,.clumpol with fr ond, on oath of DeßPup, of Dnquosno boroush, who slips t h at be pat in spume for Sterlhw, !or which he was to receive 312. When Ole work was dons Buhoup received 35 on 'oast, bat the bill proved to be on a bro • ken .! is-hence the suit for fraud. The am i s :got yet disposed of. Take Nellie*. Thiejoih . H. Borland, 98 Market atreqt, is s wu m B o ,ote, Bhoea and Gaiters at leas no d ie ':Nsuse kind than they can be W u f or a se :nher• is this city. Give hint a call. •Issisksafi - Allw Judge. The agusilismosst is silersay made saist So ar . Diu 1t .4 *ls eity bees sf lim oo l d==or ig tbiisit o f loot *Woe. '.O dY YO4. ,MAY, 24 The Troy naity it'ut C!" :V. a lung article in 1v:41.m0,, to the - .lobo I.ilier.r— -and its 110 V Wheels, by e,eyin K .• 11 .any of gentlemen, including several member s of the press, were recently invited to an A ft . enraton to Lanaingburg on board of this craft, aad went, when the boat certainly 1 , exhibited herself to grentadvantw. I+kim• ming over the water like a bird. " P the - Post." "Nothing Extenuate er Noe Aught Net Down Ii Ma. EDITOR:—if the following . (-rude. sketch of a social .evil which prom inently prevails in our midst, brings about the dc sired reform, you will not grudge your space, nor will I my labor. Miss Martineau says that "in no country in the world is such deference paid to the , fair sex as in the United States and so lit tle acknowledgement made for such prac tical politeness." Had this gifted author ess visited us in these days of City Rail roads, she would have additional proof of the justice of such remark. A lady ste p s into a crowded railway car, and immedi ately some gentleman va cates his seat, which the fair intruder unceremoniously takes possession of, without the slightest acknowledgement, by voice or gesture for the inconvenience she puts a total stranger j to, now hanging to a pendent strap from the roof; or taking his place on the plat form, to '"bide the pelting of the pitiless storm," and all for her accommodation. This is as it .should be on his part every feeling of manhood and politeness suggests the movement; but would It lesion the fair one's dignity, if instead of looking upon it as a right She thankfully accepted it as a favor ? I think not. Rat let this pass while we look at the reverse of this picture. A gentleman enters the ear, and finds no vacant seat, one side being entirely occu pied by four ladies; their dresses, spread out like the feathers of a fan-tailed pigeon, take up a space that Daniel Lambert might ' find ample room for convenient genifieetion. Is there any attempt made to confine the silken superfices within proper bounds. or compress the metallic frame work thus so unwarrantably trespassing upon the rights of the passengers? None in the least, and [until the new-comer assumes the responsi bility of the woman, by. proceeding to ar range these intrusive iron- reined skirts for the purpose of taking his sea, not a fair. hand will be stretched out to adjust them within more rational limits, and even then face plainly shows that the act is compul sory and disagreeable. . Now, sir, it is time to cheek an evil which common sense must condemn and good breeding will not dictate. Let' the ladies feel assured they ',will &Ppear ten times 'mote agreeable by showing a desire to make room for a passenger than persist ing in a churlish monopoly, lest a crino line should be crushed, and in their en deavors to (even at some inconvenience) afford that accommodation always con ceded to themselves,-cease to look henCe forth on the perpendicular martyred biped SS a STANDING JOIE. )(answer Henderson knows how to draw a crowd on Saturday night, if we may judge from the bill presented for to-night, which closes the engagement of Cecile Ruth. It includes the stirring old play of "Timour the Tartar," strongly cast, the "Two Gal ley Slaves" and the spectacle' of "Valen tine and Orson," with two popular recita tions by Cecile Rush. If this bill does not fill the house ye do not know hoir it can be done. To be The soldiers of the Zuehlke Brigade taken prisoners et Williainsbmg, of whom there are several from this conotff,. have, through the exertions of Gen. Buddsh been released on _parole and are now in Washington City t furloughed and provided with transportation to New York, with orders to report to the commander of that post in a Month, by which time it is thought' their exchange will be effected. Commiestote& We learn that Capt. Wm. J. Kane, of this city, who has been acting Commissary Subsistence in Gen. Negley's Brigade has received his commission as Assegeat QU144111011111114, with the rank of Cmpes ig . Clift Xaas wa s - *A 'Ga. 14 •11 10 7 1 1114 three mositi# 211111tiliek with ltiai rvastltaiaw 1322511 We weottrake,shaarA a model of Cooley's' Int ''Fitithering Wheel for Steauittars„ Is is-claimed that this Wheel 'atipiirior, both sa ards powezand speed.. -It its-so •,Ifilat the paddles, or buckets, strike the water more trisetly than any other's, Whereby the fill force is obtained end no wafer raised. This Wheel Las been introduced with entire success upcm the ‘.` City of But fele," a steam packet running upon the Erie canal, and the steamer "Johnl ver," miming upon the Hudson river.— 1 The model of this Wheel may be seen, for' a few days, by calling at the Scott Houtit., where it will be &rind in the possession of Mr. Walter L. Hyde, of Rochester, N. Y., who has the sole and• exclusive power to sell the right to use this Wheal upon the waters of the Mississippi river and all its tributariea. The following testimonials in regard to the Wheel speak for themselves. noir, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1681. Ma. TRUMAN COOLEY - Sir : Having used your new Feathering Paddle Wheel on my tug steamboat shwa the let of May last, I take pleasure in bearing witness to its superiority over any and all other wheels within my knowledge. My experi ence of twenty-five years on the Hudson river enables me to speak confidently on this suldect,and I hesitate not in giving it my fullest approbation. In towing, I can carry along four boats as easily as I Smut erly could tkm, before I introduced your Witee/9 upon my boat. I also own tiffs saving of one fourth the feed (coal) I form erly used for the same boiler and engine. I further claim that my boat will last from four to six years (at least) longer with this iniprovement than with • the old style of paddle wheels. Before introducing your Wheel, I dared not run my boat into tidewater, but since have made regular trips to New York and hick with a tow of four heavy boats, and ! against their heaviest tides with ease. With the old wheels it has cost me as high as four hundred dollars a year to keep my engine in repair. The past season. with your Wheels, lout not cost 'me one dollar. Finally, I most recommend Mr. Cooiey's Paddle Wheelcordiall ay s most decid edly the greatest and best improvement of the age. I am, truly your obedient servant. 3oux OLIVES, Captain. I fully endorse the above. IftRANt CARMAN, Engineer. ALBANY, October, MI. Ms. T. COOLFil—Sir: It is with pleas ure I can attest to the working of your new Feathering Paddle Wheel. I was on Capt. John Oliver's bout on the trial trip of your Wheels, and T cheerfully own that I never saw say wheels workas easy for the engine, or that got so direct a hold of the Writer as yours; and I also noticed that your Wheels produced no jar, or tretnnlous motion, (which is so common to the old wheel, not even jariug a loose window,- and I further state that I have notitted that :this boat has done what no other boat of the stint() capacity has or, I ant itol , ive. tan do with any other wheel that 1 have seen as vet—and I do not thitskthat I shall 4t:ton, if ever. see a more eiliPetive better=: wheel. Yours respectfully. .1.4..0 es M. linos, (lay/ Elt://stePt• .S'lennehneel Nett! PeApliz,. A Groat 8111. - -- _ :et:o - 04.i' '.-- iiiiilitile .44.',.- ~ w. •w f ..- : • , _. ' P°44I NCe*N I . I I 4I4 4 IgM At Dere . .iferge4ileCol• lege . ~Pitt.,:burgh; I I - ~.."- il ecril : - 112 4.14 4 \ T 1R11 4 , min5 ,,-.-.-- nosirv I' , ; i f:* ' l , lc . ' w 0. ir. Squier,. Viiinlmilizid, 0.; .I. NI. PAlli r tLEl Smith,. do; M. 1 Molkins . Pekin. 'Tn.: IV. - 5i 1 " ...-11 . 1.4) . - : L o. ll y 4 M E .fril.r i lti ° 4l "4 2 a , Liki . at .., 111 ..,,, e , 14jir ! - - .1 177.,... 1111- .;: r i-.7 1 :: ‘71113 , 45 : 11 fy . ; ...t t.t . .:,.. e RW. 'Sanders, - Skieperclt:thum, O.; ' t.... P. Vii: - f;f:T.T.Ici.T. (if .r..iIiELRRNTRY ! . • •- - owell, Eli:olmA. l'a.. All oe whom . " ----- "t `,t7 : 7 - -_--7-'—.--- , ~,,, ..... . ~. dliTEX.l.alli:vi 181.10VD8l— passed a highly satisfactory examination., y .and,- with the.ekkint , new college. Dipro- ' • ANDREW WHITIC ma,. Werepesented, by the Faculty, with : . ;1 ,... , .„.__._ ___.,_; _ , .- copies of the enlarged edition of the 4", 2ti„ . .1 . ",..;,;"'" `."' ' flr- ""• ls utcepowle that us "Gems -of Penmanship" as memorials ; Liz Ei rry SI , BEET, Ica. 147 • of their application and exemplary eon- • duct, during their attendance at colle ri.sr Si% CLAIR STREET. and is .prapan x t I 4 ge. 1 tteczennrAdate all who :nay wani anythtru t in ilia kin at the loweit ruta. ter wan or such trade ia: tnay Fait hint. tßd Blinds repaired. req.a.ined Gild triannied i:1 the very leweit prion, A nd ii the work der.iiiq please I will eharae not , . ins tor it. N. 1.'.--It hq: bawl fre , ily reteeted tq. b,.i.n., A no - partinular fiienrix in my net. , ht I 'n,4 q ..... the Blind waking , which le nwr G.,_ ri lay2-luali ti elhtellM Cheap. , We refer our readers to the advertise meat of M.N. Jo.iepit White, whim(' rittab lishutent it on Penn strPet, l,awrenerville, near the Two Mile Run. She has on hand a full assortment of eastern carriages, buggies and wagons, new and second hand, upon which she is anxious to real ize and will therefore dispose of them at low. rated: Repairing will also be done on Moderate terms.. She has a large experi ence in the business and will give perfect satisfaction. Manual of Target Prang/lee. Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co., of Philadelphia, have published a little hand book of target practice, adipted to the quirements of troops in the field, being the system adopted by the War Department. It is edited by Maj. G. L. Willard, F. S. A., and will be (Quad a. valuable little work. It is sold by Kay. & Co., 65 Wood street. Boots mad Shoes. Every description of ladies', misses', Children's, Men's, . boys', and youths', boots, shoes and gaiters, selling at Mc- Clelland's Auction, at extremely low prices. Call and examine goods act corn • pare !Tires. Beiur* Three young bears were Killed in the neighborhood of plane No. 8, Allegheny mountain, on Tuesday of last ‘veep. They were chased off the moot:ludo ire the lire and were heading for ti eteAet. retiottt. when they were killed by some wee were endearoringlo stay tit. , t,f the fire. Mks w hi. The !Whec yesterday arrested Pool Reid with two shawls which he was trying to sell. Re told it colored man he had stolen thew and Would divide the prulits with him if he did not tell. Reed wag committed until Tuesday next fur lie:u in;: On a charge of larceny. The 111 to tch nson We are authorized to annottnec• that ihi, baud of popular sinera will give a ..rile of converts to, thig Clllllllll‘nri 11 Oil Saturday eveniug, June 7th. Tax balance of Silief- Plated Were al McClelland's Auction will be clusrd tmt at 10 and 2 o'clock to-day, whim bargains may be expected, a:4 every artiele otleted mast be sold. JCrAITR WETRII JOSEPH MEYER & SON, Iit_VrIraf!TCKERS 4,r FA WY AND t EURN /TURF: & Clll4l RS F. 1.1) SIT 1:1:1 (K. 4 6.,t1 nth •ti P.t ia..l PATENT WRITING CASE IF ORIN CAME DeNO AlikiliCliCsk:lll Ali TO give tla %T 601 a {Oa* ehot Ey Lin.. inchm I 11. will '1.4.1 Hon had 11...414.11, MS Lice tim. We SON' RED of Its th , Msk-. Mo. mot el* B"*". NIMES AND Some Children's Soiled Shoes at 50 per cent. leas than Cost. EASTERN CARRIMWS, RVIAIRS & WAGONS, WEB' SECOSD - 1111ANDIED, rola sale. and will positively bo sold at the lowest prices, to Snit the times. Particular-atter,- thin paid to rePoirinit- MRS. JOSEPH WHITE, Lawrenceville, Peas street. near the Two. Mile Run. adttlAtud STEAL[ TOW DUX& role 5.111,11-1210 feet on Deck, 21 feet beans. 4 feet hold, 3 Boilers 88 inches diame ter, Cylinder 17 inehe.s and 13... e. feet stroke. Every thing ready ter furnishing. huirire of LONG & DLIT. 90 Water street. DIME PlalAtill AND MODAL AMIE PURD PO7AS'II A.ND SODA AS!!. 1 atniu receipt of another supply of superior Potsish and Soda Ash. Those who make their '.wn Soap, and hare use for either of those articles will II usi thpirlith:l:atage P:(aLl11410 my stack i•urcha•ina el t :there. jo ):41.:11! 11,EMI Nu. .1i FLEMI Market street and Diamond. rutoa l . Market nt root aildtho Diamond. I LE V ENi SU I 11.110ING LOTS. TERl plemantly Atuato on llobeeeto Flreot. .Alle 4beny. being a divi. , ion of a large gardelt, with fruit sthrubbery. Sa g and eousenieut d.f1 4, " i.y Pamela/et. Railway. l'eoowi of veouring , N goal and phussant location tor II fie+ deuee, are partienl!irly inviteul to look at the:4e beautiful lot,, whirl are uttered at low priees: and nn Vii , Y t , rin:s. For S:114 , by SONS. 31 Market Fteret. %,:" I: F. I) I NCI INbitliS, A "IPA DEM .n 4 el.-.Le I: e fork.,. I I rt len l'r,)we!,, /ITO a gre:i 11-,,,•!.!1Ue..1 _ . % M d I.llllNfi. 1•37 1.111- I BEKTI' roe!. A :;rtit4 for t eye and ItoaDir, It .. , 11 1 / 1 11, yter. 4 .:llyuze Chief, Jr. (toolCri Pligea ap..rfttAr. E , :.)notny Wheeled 'Toro* Flak, ;And SvpanttoN tend Berge tny2i /1011% PLOISA. I' LT IVATOR 2, •• S , ythe stottae. Sheet. , Phodto, 11 - ,:.51 Tine. ai.d ,alO b 1 i CECRIIAM t LONG, No. 127 Liberty xtroet. . _ 11:11 A V F.LE ATOM. NAV RAKER. ma. 1131 Jr. .1 Ifiontro Fork , NI hand and for to by HECK IiAM x LuN43. City: I N 127 Liberty otreet. • ill* 11:1 1 :1MV I: PATENT MEDICINFA— WA lam Pin in r..-oipt of my nPrior , 01.plY of Pr.wnt flahracing alt tho if• of tio • a0)..114. Tr0 , 13.c. y Wio.,loir'.4 :r up, l.itdmy' M.wcd 5 4 ean•loir. tlallnuny I..struct Dacha. orm tn, A ycr'A Pc, - oink!. Shri:4.l.4 rills 41-4 Acme Care. Saniapiailla of 1.11 Italeata, Jayne: Expectorant. :in't fluted. Ifoll,stui Bitters. etc. Thria• haring uma for Amy of tame medicines. will Ind to their inlventaae to examine my ,teak. JE6 1 141 6 11 FLEMINtI. my= Porter Aln.rket street and the ^- PIT mnusan inkIIMBOLCTIOX 011 PAlrrpflenenir iLiir The pdttnership td the undersigned under thestTle rd GEORGE W. CAS:3 k CO woe • - •ri tile let In'etant. W. McClintock will htton.l i. -.ettlink the hocine,a ''the V:, 1 1`..!. rke4.l4troot. 411 , ...0. W. C t :F.: l'ili.!l!r W. McCLlgt(l4:ii. x. Nifty 16, I=l 41r. Psu.o.k. Ibran. Ikl4lll &ad Mort. ;owe, fir's) Falate and .11k+s, vissuktirkelEirskor. It E. tit.00:11 No. 1211 REVS BUILDING. Eitt.burrrb. Pe. ti: 1 8.11.006 ibron in 1I:4:444(61 told No. I er. lay=• MILT 4VAL DEIPOI N. STEWART, 1.;:.A. T ARIL IN 4‘.*CIA I 06rner MOI,TTII CQ.VICIN N 1 tITTT. Al, L KONEN 1 Cal . 1841IihtV