AL,116 WAN RAILWAY; TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH WEST SW SKSRTH WEST. wiirrks Amixater.snwr. TIMM TO CINCINNA'rtAII 91TIC11, laid Indianapolis. St.-Idols and Chicago! be than by,any other route. WESTWARD TRAINS. MailLiiie.• Drives!. LavesPitAwsk. r ...— 1,4.0 a. m. Lin p. - Ailfthew 1,50 a. lii. 1.50 p. 103. )144014141 10.65 a. in. 10,10 p. to. A8i100:0160tline —16,40 a.M." 10,50 "' %at: nua,: Fort Wayne 4,50 p.: in. 000 a. in: " Chicago . 11.00 - p. 11,00 a. tn. ”i • lit. bonus '1 1 4 45 p. m. COLUMBUS. CEICINNATI Lived Ceeetline 10,55 a. in. 11,40 p. tn. 4 71s =DlTltlif.-"I' P. m m . ' l 7lO a a: OLLoais " 10,40 a. in, 11,55 p. m. - FOR INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS. Loom Crestline - 110453 a. m. Moo 1.. in. *ffiTil- 4 kiferdtreauleis.: t.g.2!:: lilt, Louis ........10,05 m. 11;35 p. m. All Trains through to C_hicagn without change 4 .l3M—The'time. to Cincinnati is the same as Steubenville. Trains on both Roads meet at ambers, and passengers all go into Cincinnati brother. . . . EASTWAIW TRAINS. Mail. Express. Carol hkaso-,- 6,20 a. m. 6,30 p. m 4014V111.111. Fort I . vayne,.R.Q.Sp. in. 12,30 a. in Orestline "` 15.53 p. tn. 6.20 a. m •• ------- • Pittsburgh 2.23 a. in. 3.50 p. m. Stith Trains make . close connections with Trains 61` the Pennsylvania Railron& for the Eastern ligigg i viaAllentown and Philadelphia. Only one change of curs between Chicago bsta New York, via Pittsburgh and Allentown, on train leaving C hicago . 6.30 p. in., reaching Pittsburgh, at 3,30 p. re.vand New York a t 10.15 ACCOMMODATION TRAINS.From Federa street Station. Allegheny City. 'NEW'BRIGIITON ACCOMMODATION. trivesAßagheny at.. 940 a. in. and 9. 30 p.m ves New Brighton.ll3o " " 9.30 too New Brighton. 846 " " I_.lo Asthma at Allogneny.. 8,15 " " 2,00 " ECONOMY ACCOMMO DATTO S. &saves Alleilmay at 12,50 p. m. and 6 p. in. Uwes Economy at 4,03 a. in. and 4.00 ". MARKET TRAIN. bans Alliance at. AO a. in. eaves st Allegheny at 11,00 a. in. .k."M .iiktim'S in Allesr,heny at 2,30 a. En. at Alliance 7,35 p. . iil:Triiins are run by Columbus tiinC; which is 111 militates slower than Pittsburgh time. - - . - - 11111Alloketa -flood on the accommodation and -- markee trains are cold at reduced prices. - aroweb- trains connect as followc: M Alba' nos. with trains on the Cleveland and P.' 13ailroad. At eerrille, Ohio. to and from Millersburgh, - --411.11nsahofta-Fallsrete. At Ohio. fur Mount Vernon, Shelby, Benanaly, Toledo, Detroit, etc. 411Wt4Ltr Delaware, Springfield, Columbus, -Ne :nia, Dayton, Indianapolis, Saint • etc. Ati7Ort4, fOrSpringfield„ Sandusky, Dayton, Cin- cianati. etc., etc. AtLissus t •fbr kidney. Dayton. Cincinnati. Toledo *Weft Wayne, for Peru, Lafayette, Ind., Saint Louis, and intermediate points iu Central In diana and Illinois.. • 4E:mouth for Laporte. At Wanitik for all points on the Louisville, New — Albany_and Chime° Railroad. And at Chicago, with trains tie all points in Illi - Foia,Arusouri, lowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, or` ft•ther information and. through tickets apply ; W. GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agq. Passenger Station; Pittsburgh. Throne' 'rickets for sale at the Ticket 011 ires of thieCotapany on the lino of the road, to all part of this United States. it M. P. SHINN, General Passenger Agent. Pittsburgh. G. W CASS, General Superintendent. CII.A.ISiG.-.7E1 OF rl.ll-3.1CF.. 1862. THE 1862. CENTEAL RAILLOAD. EIGHT DAILY TRAINS. 'WINTER ARRANGEMENT. VW, RAIL TRAIN LEAVES PITTS ,IIRRO/R, from the Passenger Depot, at the loimpotion of Liberty and Grant streets, every mornanatoimeet Sunday) at 6:10 a. uh, stopping:Lt. ali mi.. .....,lol4lllo,between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. p. ''arrives in Philadelphia at 11:15 p. ni., -.7 ...trai.we emanation fur New York from Ken ...&xt, at 1100 p. in.„ over . Camden. and T -EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the above named station daily at 4,40 p iir,, , stopping only 0 . etitnoMpal stations, and tuakink direct motive lieastiffarriXburtr for Baltimore and Washington, 1 -assilier New York via Allentown. This train ar rives ia.Philadelphia at 5.0.1 a. tn., making coll imation for New York from Kensington Depot at VI, a. m. over Camden and Amboy line. A BD REM CAR is run through from Pitt4Lairgli --toilsomely City via Allentovrn-430 miles—a tmehml ,Altaiklaitrais. _+. . . r . . 14/ZE knavesthe ' ahove named stii . (exeunt Sondes)at 2,3 d 'n. in., AO t principal stations, connecting at I tar 3. Baltimore and Washington. This train Ermlllg k s iln rargligiinitt Philadelphia at 3,25 p. m., making - eimmitommetioa for New York fromliensington Depot at LSO p. in., over Catudeir& Amboy. line. 'ACCOMISODA'rION TRAINS. , . STO-M _ ~ JON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, . leav r daily (except Sunday) at 3,00 p.m..-I..lp ping atdik stations and running as tier a., C..,1:1:- all .. ,-- • :. .: FIRST.ACCOALMODATION TRAIN 1 ,r Wail's - 10411111141111710 daily (except 'Sunday.) at 6, 110 a. in. • 81100 ND ACCOBLMODATION TRAIN for Wedltatation leaves daily, (except (unday) at 11.00 a. in. lirrßD 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for station leaves daily, (except Sunday) at , P... ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN for atatkia. lita*ltu'dailY.'(except Sunday( at OAS P. In. • RETURNING TRAMS AMITE IN• PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS • ••!K .: .... Accor zoinmodation„, a. ni ,AticlragMitionAccompaodation 6,30 a, m. 44,wptation AcOunpodation 8,30 a. m. lid alPEStittiori Acconimodation 1,03 p. m. 116/11aWs Station Accommodation 6,03 p. in. . Sir Trains fot -Blairsville awl Indiana connect at '..}lhareville Intersection with Johnstown Ac commodation East and West, and Express and Mail Wart. FARE: . TO NEW . YORK $12,50 - - PRI-LADELPiIIA 10,00 .. .- ZGIAIOIikI . • 8,50 CASTES. 8,55 •' ' -'' . GISBURG' ' • • 745 AT checked to all stations on the Penn i:evar ik ' tread, and to Philadelphia, Blai ne:4w York. anningers purchasing tickets in cars will be an excess according to distance tram . - eladdwaddition to the station rates, except from stations where the company has no agent. - : ; 11141GICE.-Li case of loss, the Company will hokrthomselves responsible for personal baggage V.iritiWirrit;ter 4 betnfrftlunp 4; yed =lpassommrs and baggage tonnd.from;e - itcharglitioeto exceed e 5 cents for e h paasanrow and baggage. ~ . , For ttelt anPly to' •_. cr .I.OIIITE,WAFtr, -Agent, Atthifrenni. G. It PiSsengbr SUOMI 'oh Liberty Ailii4lesat streets. zaocu .IIiEWIL% n011g,,: General Superintendent, Altoona, rai 11.11UTD VIA RIVER AND INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI R. • R„ t ei t ib t tadianapolie with Tei:ie Haute, leAnd Mica Railroad, to st. Leila atand Indianapolis, New Albany and yin Central Ralload9 for CIIICA ISLAND, BURLINtiTON, and all 11141419 4 1 VpitL t Tea% to • INDIANAPOLIS. HAUT LAFAYETTE and PERU. and Imenunem carried from Chichi nill'eseLawreneeburg in leas time than bY'• anY hours, and at as low -Lipmente can be Witherattwilak- joir4.mrommtNT. 1862. ALL PERSONS rtracusiNa ncorcrs poR - &UNE JOEISPH. M' s ab NorlbamitiamriAt•Sbtes Tenjtones sboold. oa root WA* • • ”.7, • . ' 401.1*04am St Louis to St...qmoJ offidekest line by tartan britalVead lr "' • , all ppiats eget ar 4 Supt. North lasouli • RAILBANH. 1-Ds" • ,(111114kiinf19111111 MAL -T.1313E•10,11.01 . k.W.Ge1E11. O!)" AND . AT,OFF.Fit IffiegpAir,peor... 25 N 1 ISO ~trains *ill leaieflioDePot Of ihaligin lvania RailroadAPPKb9liwallktlli.alloYM ••• ; •PITTSBDBOH COLUMBUS k CINCINNATI • SIIORM-1.14E: VIA .STEUBENVILLE. Latvia 1,551. m. 5teubenvi11e.....:.........5,26 -Newsirlt 05 In. 'Columbus • • ' 44 0 • Arrives Cincinnati - 6,45 " St. Louis - 10,45 a. in. • Leaves Pittsburgh 1,55 p. m. Steubenville • 5,1 0 " Newark 12 midnight Columbus 1,30 a. '4l. Arrives Cincinnati 7,40 " " . St. Louis 11,30 p. m. N,i change of cars between Pittsburgh and Cin cinnati. Splendid sleeping cars attacked to all night trains. • . PITTSBITRGII AND WILVELING LINE. Loaves Pigeisurgh 1,55 a. m. Nrailsvile 4 . 2s Steubenville ' 5,26 •• Wheeling 6,35 Arrives Bellair 6,50 " ' Leaves Pittsburgh 1,35 p. m. Wellsville 4,00 " . Steubenville_ 5.10 " :" Wheeling 6.25 " Arrives Bellair • • 6,40 Connecting at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, andat Bellatrmillt Cleveland and Obio Railroad - ter•qercesville," Lancaster, Circleville. Columbus and Cincinnati. PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE. Leaves Pittsburgh 1.55 a. in. " Wellsville 4.05 " " Bayard 0,32 " " Alliance 7.02 " Budson 0.23 " Arrives Cleveland 9.35 ", Leaves Pittsburgh 1.55 p. m. Wellsville 4.00 " " Bayard - 5.24 " " Alliance 5.50' " " Hudson 7.04 " Arrives Cleveland SOLI) " Conneeting at Bayard aritia Titseorawas branch fir Nb'w Ph iladelPhia and Cdnal`Dover at Alliance with Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail road atlindson, , with , Cleveland. Zanesville and Chicago Railroad flu. Akron. City Falls and Mil lersburg. and at Cleveland with G. S E. R.-for Erie, Dunkirk and Bunk., with C.& T. It. R. f o r Toledo, Detroit and Chicago. Wellsville Accionniodatbin biaves at 3.35 p.m. Returning Trains arrive in Pittsburgh as fol lows: - Mail Train 4.10 p. Express Train 05 n. in. Wellsville Accominodation 9.40 a. in. Passengers desiring h, go to• Sandusky, Toledo, Chicago, or points West of Cleveland. intiA be particular to ask for tickets via Cleveland. Through Tickets eau be procured-at the Liberty • StreetTlei;,,t; Pittsburgh. J. STEWART. Ticket Agent For further particulars apply to WILLIAM STEWART, Agent, At the Company's office in Freight Station - , Paul street. mar _45;413,Z. UPHOLSTERING. ~ _ • UPHOLSTERY, NO. 85 FOURTH ST., NEAR WOOD. • /VIET SUBSCRIBERS . MANUF AC AL TURE and keep constantly on hand every article in their line, viz: Cornices, Ornernents. Curtain (lends. Comforts; Feather Beds, Illattrases of all kinds: also, the celebrated Patent Spring Beds. All kinds of Shades, Blinds. and Fixtures. ire Prompt attention given -to all orders for fit ting and laying down Carpets Oil Cloths Ste. octr:Vd " ROBERTS A: irOgNIO K. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. N G WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, AT TILE OLD STAND CORNUCOPIIE RESTAURANT, - NO. 40, FIFTH STREET, virit ERE FARII:IES. HOTELS. RES. WV VAIVII4NTStind the trade generally can be supplied with Chespeake Bay Oysters. at the lowest wholesale rates. Country trade solicited. ELI YOUNG, Proprietor. Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY AND FIELD STREETSg, Where OYSTERS and all the deliea.elea of the season will be served up in the most palatable style. ELI YOUNG. ocli corner Virgin alley grid Smithfield St. SAVAGE No. 330 Liberty Street. • Next to Pennsylvania Pa;senger Depot .JOHN NANADE; Proprietor. HAVING TAKEN AND WITTED UP. with all the modein improvetnents. this po pular resort, the ziubstriber is prepared to :beetilll modate his old eusteuters and the public fuer ally, with the best the markets atrorilsi titers will lie sevved up in every variety at style, riutt the season. ; lbs. Wines. Liquors and Ales he feel.: confident in recommending to the public, tin. their exeellence. • Can, Bucket and Shall Oysters received daily and sold wholwale and retail. SEETIN'S OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND, atin!FJ. P'roprletoi • HAVING TAKEN AND FITTED ur; at a great expense, with all the Modern im provementi, this popular resort, the subseriber is prepared to Iteeemmodote hi,+ friends and the .public generally, with the berg the market afli)rds. OYSTERS will be served up in every variety o style during the season. LIQUORS and ALES' ooh confident in re commending to the.pubi. tor their excellenee. Ur' MEALS lervel up at all hours, and DAY and NIGHT BOARDERS taken. ap.bly NO. 32 DIAMOND ALLEY „1,13 p. th ..8,30 p. m. ~1,30 u. 10,30” PITTSBURGH. ZIUE SUBSCRIBER AN N N C to theoublie that he is in daily receipt of .FRESH SiiiiLL AN (OAS; OVSTkatti..(l4olE, de„ and 4Pregiared to aieanntuoda* thy' rafgons of this old and well known house with everying in the eating and drinking line at the shortest notice. JOUN jaUtly Prciprietor. OYSTER AND EATING . HOUS No.lll Wood. Street, Pittebnigh. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LAKE AND EASTEAN-FISH, FRESH PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE OYSTERS AND WILD GAME. their Proper Sellllloll. 11026 '" GEO. REINEMAN'k CO. MAIMION.IIOIO‘O. figIiK.AIIII.4.ENTZ, .I‘ll. Proprietor; N 0.1144 Libertystreet.inet be side the Passenger Dept , .of,the .Petuuwlvania Railroad. -which makes. it the swat convenient house in the city for. Dassengemiumvumby that . . . , The proprietor having, at considerable ex penset fitted up; in excellent style. the MANSION 110UbB. would respectfully . solicit a ebare of public patronage. Hie larder- lard Bar will be furnished with the beetthe market can• afford. fel:lg WINES AzipiaQtrorts. WILLIAM EMMETT, IMPORIZR AND DEALER IN Brandies, Oordialsi Nines,__Old Monona hela and*Redified :Whiskey, NO. 120 WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh falein WILLIAM CLAYTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT, Ne. 37 - IDliiimend.Alley, Eifil .4 l Weelistreek PH1 1 4, 1 114160Pa• air Always on band, Blackberry, Cherry And fterßrandisa, Old kiononala Restrfied ke. BAH GIBBONS. Agent , 'TT/NG. Agent at Palma - attention. n: NO CHAIM& 105 WRIDICSII7IO. to THOMAS 'AY aisatthe re TO to Indian Ilk Plrn. Groan - & _Min and Mat . JIID-Proddint. Freight Agent. E. P. ELIDDLEI'ONA•BRO.;- moan= or - WINES, BRA - N-DlEti 'it• „. : ::: .... .....' 7:: _,-,, - FINE cliti4 kis Kits, -, 1:4 --- yroi-c iv isVe ~.;: ~711111Hilild/haPirl'• i • l'ifi , S bbl. Gram In store and for ego by nall B. BF' FRB **an& OUR 1-lOUSIiI, IL 41; L. $.4 I 11 ==ESZ INSURANCE. * ' ' I RIBR-ENBURANCE R J:7 ' .... !'aBT TH" . :.. -.: : : 'MIA ROE MUTUAL INBUEANOE I-.- - ' Ati ' FL.P ANY , i i; t 7 '.. TiEtavrtats.• - ' On Buildings, Limited or Peypetual, Merelkan disc. Ingnitire.7,te., in town. ores _ r ; orIICE No. Soo WA.I.11112:, STREET. Cash calatoi,• • - Mho 00. Assets, - 308 96. Invested as follows, vie: Eifst Mortgage or Improved City Pro perty, worth doable the amount $153.605 00 Ground rent. first class 2,46 so, Pennsylvania RaGroad .Co's 6 'P pout. Mortgage - Loin:S. 420.000, cost 27.900 00 Philadelphia city 6 -- f cent. loan 30,000 00 Alleghew eounty 6 ii cent. Penaszl vaniallailioad Loans 10.000 00 Collateral loans. well secnwd 2,500 00 Huntingdon and Broad Tub Mountain Railroad company, mortgage loan 4460 00 Pennsylvania RailrofulCo.dtbek: &OW 00 Stock of Reliance Monica:lnsurance Company 24,350 00 Stock of•Connty Fire Insurance Co 1,430 00 Stook of Delaware M. S. Insurance Co. 700 00 Commercial Bank do • b,135 OT Mechanics' Bank do - ~.,, • 2,012 50 , Union M. Insurance Co's Scrip 1611 00 Bills Receivable, business paper 16.297 IS Book Account% secured interest, etc..:. • 6,216 72 Cash on hand and in hands of agents.. 11,385 15 • 30, 96 • CLEM TINGLEY. Presi 3 de soB nt DIRECTORS. Clem Tingley; Samuel BisphaM, Wm. R. Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser. Cornelius _Steven - at m. Benj. W. T' ley,John It. Worrel. Marshall 11. L. Carson. 91. Lathrogi, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, Frederick Lennig, Jacob T. Bunting. Charles S. Wood Smith Bowen James S. Woodward. John Bissell l'iitsburgh. B. M. AN, gecretarY - GARDNISIWOFFIN,Ageite, myl6 Northeast corner Third and Wood sts. •- - - DliteryjnSTUAL , SA VETT IN. C COYIPASY—INCUR PORA TED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF PEN NSY 1,- .VASIA„ 1835. .OFFICE.. S. E.CORNER TIIIRD AND"WALNUT STREET% PHILA DELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES on Ves sels, Cargo and Freight, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES on (Mods. by Riven. Canals, Lakes. and Land Carriages, to allparts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES on 3fer chandise generally, on Stares, Dwelling lioures6 &e. Martin, Edmund A. Souder, Theophilus Paulding. John N. Penrose, John C: Davis, James Tranquair. Win. 'Eyre, Jr., James C. laud, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Soul, Dr. R. M. Huston, Geo. G. Lieper. Hugh Craig, Charles Kelley. Sesame! E.:Stokes. J. F. Pen iston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington. U. Junes Itrooke, Spencer M Twain. Thos. C. Hand, Robert Bartel/4g. Jacob 1. J 11110,4 James-11. M Tarland, Josh Es Eikre, John B. Semple.. Pittsburgh, D. T.loggi; 11-Berger. de. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS. C. HAND. Vice President. Mammy IaLUMIN. Secretary. P. A. MADEIRA, Agent. j e gg . No. S Water street, Pittsburgh. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRM. FISKE TIiANK LAIN FIRE I NSF RASFI COMPANYOF PHMADELPIIIA.OFFICE NO. 433 and 437 CEIFATSET STREET near Finh. STATEMENT OF ASSETS. JAN. Ist. 1.3611. Published Agreeably to Au Act of Assemb!y, being: First M ortgages, amply secured $1,596.3:43 Real &tote. (present value $103.313 tit.) cost Temporary Leans on ample Coltat teral Securities 8933.5 543 Stocks. (present value ($86,667 72.) cent 89.786 tel Notes and Bills Receivable 1,521.' 00 Cush T 41933 $2,31 The only profits from pretniumg which this com pany can divide by law. are from risks whichhave been determined. Insurances made on every description of Prop, erty, in Town and Country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. Since their incorporation, a period of thirty years, they have paid losses by lire, to an anoint exceeding Four Millions of Dollars, thereby af fording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Losses paid during theyearlll9l39. 4 6 2453 SG. DIRECTORS. Charles W. Bancker. ilionlecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown. Samuel Grant Isaac Lea; Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, George W. Richards George Pales. eff.AS. N.l , lANOKER.Prwitient. EDWARD C. DALE. Vice President. Wg. A. Srgii.::‘ - -reigriliro tem. J. OARDNIIIt - COFFIN. Agent. myl6 Norttreimt egr. Third and sig. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PITTSBURGH. Eolttl I: DA RSIF:, Preo Nen t. F. AI. GORDON. Secret ars. Cupt. R. D. COCII RA thni•l .Akretit. N. 92 Water street. (Sling Co' s reliou: , r uU atairld Pittsburgh. Will 1111411 re against all kind,[ of FIRE and MA RISK RISKS.. . - . A Houle Institution maimsted by Direetem who ere well known in the eenininiunity. and wino nrp determined. by prumptneo and liberality. to man tain the diameter which they have assumed. an of fering the belt protection to those who ilisire to be insured. • ArI9ETS. OCT()111ilt 301 h, Ist; 1. Stock Aca '.ts $ 63,000 00 Ntortiratte.-_ 2,10) tio Office fur_ - ; 're 2.50 00 Upon Accotint.s, etc 7 • J 43 Cush 1,351 99 Premium Not in, '..7.f it CI 211 Notes and Bills discounted 174,075 1t DIRECTORS. R. Miller,James M'A ales. Nathaniel Helmer,. Alexander Sim iek, George Dania, lf. Smith. Chas. %V . Rieketson, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, .David M. Long Rees Thomas Benj. Bakeweli , John It M'Otrne. mylB • CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH INSURES STEAMBOATS AND CARGOES. WM. BA.GALET. President SAMUEL . Rh A. Secretary. 0111169. Cor: of Market and Water NIA.. Insures against Loss and Damage in the Naviga tion of the Southern and 11 extern Rivers. Lakes, and Bayous, and the Navi gation of the Seas. itasuarots enratnet Loom ' and Mainago by Fire DIRECTORS. Win. Ragaley: Jas. Park. Jr.. Win. O. Johnston. B. F. Jones. Reese Owens, T. 111.11otee. B. Preston. George Bingham, S. M. Kier, John Shipton, .Tas. M. Cooper, S. Blubaugh, J. Caldwell, John S. Dilworth. C. H. Zug. mhZklydh PHILADELPHIA FME"AND`LIFE INSURANCE - ,COREPAN Y NO. 149 OrtSlamut9TßNlT, Opposite the Customs House. Capital 8219,100 Assets' .'130401101. TALL MAKE AEIVKINKA'AIf rJir. V W SURANCKeither Perpetual or Limited,bn every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates ofpremium. ROBERT P. RING, President, M. W. BALDWIN Vice President. DIRECTORt Charles Bates, K &Cope. E. B. English, George W. Brown. P. B. Saver/. Joseph _S. Paul. C. Sherman. John Gsyton. S. J. Magurgo Wiler. F. BLACKBURN, *lingo - • • • •,..; J. 4 2‘.13014 1 Tht.:Ahnint. jy4:ly Corner Third and Wood streets. lONONGIBELt = INSURANCE' COIPANY Or Plrrißl7loll{. . n JIVIESA.fiI President: HENRY H. A . ..1 D Secretary. Capt. JAB..WOO N, Gaol Agent. OFFICE WO. INS WATER STREW. Will Imam all kinds of FIRE and MARINE RISKS. Amin's. NAN dent, 181 IL. , Stook Due Bills, sayable on demand ,'' and sonstod by two approved names. $78,750 00 BO Aeneirable 73,55734 llMODMoonatod. Medan,. 38.215 78 115 Stunaliiiiiiiiiiiis. Bank mow oo 100 shamv. otook 4 % il;, „ w .6 6,145 IS Bank 40 Sa ski Artiiiiaria 6.175 °I) 9,01p00 `' ao Sham / eagi la t ilriniitio:,, 180tik.---...-....44... opoo oo * ' py~ 'Bilail l og itm.... look AssommL__-. este a t te. 0:.:..,- 1 iizierthigi *Num 17 • 1 row Mar. , , , .0- - /1 17 i,i . •I. - • .-.1.... ,, i z-. 1.: I, R. Wallin% ,*- - , Geo. 41,. Goon it. A. i , 1.1 - "a. Yam . ..of ''"_ 7 ' -•11. awn DAIPLY : P4Sti SATURDAY: MORNING, ;APRIL 26 - • '' TEEN DYING SOLDIER Draw near me, comrades, life is walling fast. From death's dark sea I feel the chilling blast; It gathers round toy vitals as the vine Doth to the oak its tendril close entwine: Draw closer, for yon cannon's booming roar Drowns my faint voice. you siionldiall hear no more; Can ye not woo my life to stay awhile. Till victoncon ournoble cause shall smile ? iTake to my friends my .dying last bequest, .Tell them.'T died to see my country blest. To rid its sacred soil of traitor bands. Who would imbrue with loyal blood their hands: !Take to my mother this little bank she gave, The day keart se strong atd brave. !Tell her. I ve faith in Js Christ who died. !Nor fear to cross death's dark and troubled Comfbrt my sister, when she learnsp my fate, Tell her we'll meet again to Watch WurEviait, To gricveiloffor her brother's early fall, That far our " Union Rae he gave his all : fly pulse is faint; life's tide is ebbing low. Unloose my _o ,fig (02, blood A sacrifice for liberty and right. That that flag still shall wave with undimmed light. Raise me once lucre, that I may gaze l'pon that fie as with the breezelit'Phklis. And bids defiance to the traitor's hand, For Liberty laud Union atilt mhall shr 'pi-- The battle s smoke non• dints iny fading sight Yet round my sip' the clouds-are pearly white l)ur Hag is there, no black chm4-hilvvr,. I ! Pm happy! fur the victory's ours. A Singular Prophecy. The following eirmonstania., says 'the Richmond Whig, recently occurred at Pensacola, and. its truth is vouched for by a trustwotthy.ollieerof the arm}_: A soldier in the Confederate service fell inlet a long and profound sleep, front which his comrades v'ainly essayed to arouse him. At last he woke up himself'. lte then'stated that he should die the next afternoon at four o'clin fin• it was su re vealed tcvhim in his dream. fie said in the last •week of the month of April would lie fimght the greatest and bloodiest battle of modern times. and that early in May peace would break upon the laud mare suddenly and unexpectedly than the war had done in the beginning. The first part of the prophetic dream has been r•elired. for the soldierdied the next .lay at four o'clock p. in. Will the rest it in April and May? Lot believers in dreams wait and see.—Mobile ..Idrertiser. Monument to the Crew 'of the Lancaster. A cen• hand:come Intutuntent been sent nut to Panuma to be ere eted un the island of ilaminco. in memory of the crew who dir‘d on board' the United States frigate Lane:vier during her stay in that port. and who were interred on th e island. S TOVE 04,,te A. BRADLEY, 1u2,995 25 NO. 30 WOOD STREET. corner Second. Pittotburgh, Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail dealo;in all kind+ of Cook, Parlor, and Ifeatiug Stoves, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &c air In our :43:nple room ! u oy I,e c ,, un.l the cELEBRATErwAsIWIININOCO(IN.Z.TAVES EUREKA AN Tizoi,D the merits of whielt i ltave been folly teAted thousantl.4, and the Stove pronounced unequaled by any in this market: together with it great many other deArable patterns. We have also a very large amortutent of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES. 011hr:wine scene .f the BEST PATTERNS now offered to the publie. Sir FANCY ENAMELED ORATE FRONTS AND FENDERS. of the newel. COMMOTI K itchen llow and Jam Orate,, all of which are affered nt Very I.w. prim.. • Special Ind:teem-tits offered to builden in want of (IRATE FRONTS. ntot:ttut L ADIES K D SLIPPERS 54 CENTS. LAMES KW SLIPPERS 5 , 1 CENTS A T %O. IS r urr eg STIKIKET,, Wl= I') S. DLETEMIACHEIL ‘11111%! OILS!: 11l us 134., Durk Creel:, Lubrioating :IS to :14 gravity. 4:: Ithis do do do :31.3.; gravity. refinery 'l,) t o 41 to 1t) d. 1V ea ver': , farm 4 . .! limeeived and fi,r ea le by apS:3t. It. L. ALLEN. Agent, N,.. f 3 Wood -COrrON ISOSI EDT AND DLO,' E.s A $1111(4101' 11. , Sortillent of LADIlis ,l-CIIILURE\' curruN 1106 E, do do FANCY Gld NES, nll of which we will sell whelcsale and retail at the laww.t erices„ EATuN. MAU:I7M k CO., So. 17 Fifth 4treet $16,2 5 1 if; T. A. McCLELLAND, Auction and Commission Merchant, 33 rinkstrees.mwionic loan ALES 41,1 , STOCKS. 10 , Mere ,„ ardware. Cutlery, likiets iknd S, .7-1- tithing, Stationary, Fancy Nluti'” •:" Estate, Furniture..te. , ..xeentors or Assignees' sales p 7711t";. ,-- ` • • attended to on moderate Salefigettled lirotupt ly. C“nsintnentq solicit ed aY7 AT EAST LIBERTY—A VALUABLE property for sale of, four acres and thirty., Pretches. in a pleasant location. fronting on- the ilitsburgh an d East Liberty plank road. so* at a low price and on favorable' terms, apply; at Ole• Real Estate Office. jl 43.il1'HISERT A: SON. o. 51 Market street•, nft. owners INFALLIBLE LINIMENt Wholdeal° and retail by R. E. SELLERS & CO., " 9-30-60,1 ' &Fit atfp-tblivtxpitadaNs/ .620'0 toCAiiIIKAINAVIRE A:ND41014111 E Ocilli.Ejust received and fur WO by . • • GEORGE A. KELLY. 69 Fedetatetreet. , Meskony City. ThiIiNCKLEIS -:011CABl - PBER AMMY—The. moot. beautifultardnest flavored Raspberry $1 per:dozen:4spar 100. apl6 • , J...KNOX. 29 Fifth street: NEIN' AND SEA VTLICiII;PABTEL'IDEC lORATIONSjust received andlor sale by I ag o_ W. P. MARBItALti S!BELLED voilaw.-300 nusaizts Ste Ana Corn in inoreand• for. sale by ,JAMES A. FMZER. corner Markinotreat. ap3 11711IDERSHIRTIS 41It DRAWERti, for Spain and Sninwer wear. • , EATON, MACRUM I: CO., ap4 No. $7 Fifth street. MIME MOST -COMPLETE WHOLE i sale Jewelry . . ESMABLESUMENT-lIN TUE WEST. GARDINEIR. 62 FIFTH STREET. SIIMAIR CANE SEED— ;totsale by BECKHAM A LONG, apl2 127 Liberty at, next to Hare's Hotel -- ---- • 7. l barrelFreshaoll Butter ; • Li nz , do do Just reetruted "Fr'rlTM 4 .N.l ll ' l, r, SAK A. - ► . • • 'Mirk* and street. _ . corner second mad Woodeta 3. a. liAilltMlllA_. U MTH mut= ulf. A won-orst:aptal rlt • IMMIIMEIMI FAMILY N EW , S PAlf THE r9E2L"r El 'Ellin an 'S A-T Rll Al MORNING: POST -IS A A/0089M! 4ND•INTERERTINC I ,IVIAIVI 'worry" NV EFAKI.Ar . PRINTED ON tINEINHITE PAPER, WITH CLEAR, LARGE, NEit TYPE IT IS THE ONLY DEMNRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED 'IN PITTSBURGH, iger- 1 8 0 4 . lag I=l CURRENT HEWS OF THE DAY. ant furnishes the moat reliable MONETARY. MARKET & COMMERCIAL REPORTS IT TO TILE 110111 OF GOING TO PRBIA together with a choice selection of i; r Tales, Poetry, Literary and fieleatill Articles. Valuable Statistical In• formation, Agrienitural New., Ike., der.: Fr BSI S DBY OUR ovrs COWTRIBBTORBe or compiled with the 'treated au% from TII E LEA DI,NtIyERIODJCALS OF THE DAY -ALSO THE .LATEST TELEGRAPHIC { NEWS, I: swing every Inaportiaat ITEM 00 Ai EWA, ' , DREW% AND DOMESTIC, $ CONGRESSIONAL WELLIGENCEI LEGISLAUVE PROCEEDINGS. &t. WILL . At9o BR FOUNn 1!1 IT THIN AND 1111,FAINR. 3 .lhe,interait of the Agrigulturalied. will not be neglected. Mid inilurfulureas fade, the publishers will devote unremitting attention t. the parfamiqu k of thie-Deptrtmont. THE WAR! NEWS. Sir Aa a source of additional interest to al claasos of reader!, the progress of tholoramant oh% war, in whisk grad arialia at. Witailati. will be clOaelY oalivaluad.analtte lose fligiaitisat *Yalta caiefullY 6•lditeitiatid . Arosikitii ihe Bs tonoWitie thd isaitigoiteit•thi4nalasi hozik Ay today. sueetnottepraffeadatt the'whoishazia week to tieek.Weshill .11AM 'afresh and MA ohm histoi7 tit this hutiestiablerebellion. • ' ' SATFIDAY , mak POST Will be furnished to subseribeu at the low prise f 'L‘? :oB6DOWatoottearl • and it will be found rood inveigled. • THE HMiiSkilLY POST • • In also bilged from-thwAtal• o ist dic» oRM i e. It complete epitome of Aliql4 , 7:hifM ll6 !l". )0 Wrens% " Teleseaptete, Xise•lialellellk: Coagraideaalolleetalatiee;ll4l+l etaay, Caaaaaerehal, TO THE LATEST 1101711. Also editorial articles as allege liading-teales of the day. . . , ALL IMPORTANT NEWS ill,Olll-THZ NAT OF WAR. CAMP CI)ROIIOOIIDRNCR.Re.` luitaMaatinsire eireul4n SYEL4Ait i oad'aiiiii t loan agents and by thaineß. mill i.ei eapital adverti sing Medium.% The pipet %i farmland to stabtri- Imo afeti yer.aanum• Sir Adis' rtbernenti inserted at moderate rater air Address JAMES P."llAlit, ii did Alliiikar*Mita rwr 4E.1 Cergif.2 writ aTutzuza:, :i:i•Y •4, =IIMIIOR PA. seer =AU y scovima — 2: .. -...a: . .... _ . _ . , 1, .iim i .., I 10551. , • '-: 1,11 •,i llig i s idia l u i lli si tt :, , 1",1, , .. , 7;i •:191.biii .411119 w •.!..);,1.4 - • • , . , ~. • . , . /I 4.-,-' ' 12 •4 1 -11, , • • e 41 1 . . , 1 , • dramedllopt i olook ~ „ t o :; -..., • - , -• , - itildilladriltienenoVileln4iinolilne ad a , ~ ;7 . 481:1 :fasS ressm iefiaZ , Voir ' ,QM • , •,? 4431alinif fix oNdWahtdonlii=rike: ooninhaftnotetioi IlinAnillinvolf Winos* 1:W oni p t i tnoinc, el 1 noir.. mraA. : I IN do bin Jew amin twohio saw.% t the odnnanno A spouvi lisit t o l d, • on NAOMI * a t the - .. nvi ‘ ,.it1in......1ii. . i ..., • . . . ,• . , isirais i . , , 1 ' •ti:::1 J - '-, , .-1 Ir_ '• , : : on , ' i _. c I Jo ilsoog i . s ft iottk. : • ~ .BM W ".. !Jamanaktilonin, : : .Rana, a., - • Ws:: A EIRMIII . ' , 1111MThi11....0 , 1 •-. •: ' ' • illndllt. . Jalilor t i p..• ,: . John ._ kofen. Peter -DI ega. ~ Gksiattill - - John 'Malloy; ' Johnlkili. Jamul e... Alonzo A. Cscrug. BAJbert. Robb. : ' Charles A. Colton. welter?. Marshall. Wm. Douglas. , John Orr • r ppari v. John E ..- • • pit L'htinawalt. • • splimrn, , R. ilimettingsen CI pe r ii, „tii . , iten.„ . ; _ ,ft. E. Illetnitku, 1, fah!: AlethutherMnMe, .•: Richard Ms* - , ..•;... IsseeMbjttier.a ~: oi Wm. & Lant& a oll64 l e-• --•-- . II • ♦ AND TREANUNNE. . . ESA:COLTON; e- 4 L '''''L t.itAligEss N. .11 4 =4.M.- Mid' Dealers in' Notes, Draftsw e Aiilver and Bank Notes. Binnacles ar - ute rn and Western Cities cotruPeZirgt o tie l 644 ihiou g a, t the Collections United States. Deposits received in par fu n or ortment Paper tio:, 37 *Ark* Astsilt4ttEekti Third anrroikh resets: . . 'IIDELMLIBB. t COW U BMMS & EXORANGE BROKERS, WOOD STREET, CORNER TRIRD,- JAMES M. TAYIIO.B. DRIVE. 4411 POEM Streteg, Fifth Ward. COLLICCTIONS PROMPTLY MARE: Dada. Bonds. Mortgages and other Legal Writing Drawn. AeknowlWrotento labeidaidi Probated. sp6:ly D. B. ROGERS dr SON, MAXIMACITILIMI OP Rogers' Improved Patent STEEL. CULTIVATOR TEETH AND GRAIN niur.r.... pmETR, OPPICri dreier Butler axed Cher; Streets, BIWA Ward., . fel&it ; mouNiValtiOgi STEAM PRINTiliGu' ESTAISLISTIMENVJ CORNER FIFTH,RKWOODATMITA PITTSBURGH. 1- HAYING ItIeCEIVTLY 141i/tE EXTENSIVE ♦DDITIOSS AND impßovnizsits • • • ' , • J ill orders We are now prepared to execute all orders ibf . • 19°1 qiikidoitON OF • EvERI• r I . IIINTIBMA JOB BOOK dc WitltlispakL, and in the meet sneer* e SECOND' NONE And will pay : paßtlonlar : attantion to RAILROAD, mow & LEGAL MOVING, snor l i ,"" / ".c 12 40 1 . 11 ! BILL B equanissesorsa. iessuuli4as; , DilearriTimm , 1T.9 1 1 1 K. Showtlatill&Bills ip.polorsi , . emu" =swamis, , Conillatermi, Showbills, Handbills, Labels, Col} lege OtitilOieeliSsiViialliotel ,o.o.ftatiiii4briorif int : 2 ~ J .Fit i mmts 'POSTERSi ' bit ix•*3loNaits AaziNSr We isa hwars oompleteaddlidlonatts=l3ll 'AND PRltal 1 0-K VIE 0 litai • - - 11 :MPati ,t 0 `~.~ _s .. ~i,,t~isyeac,~e~e,, swlmmiumu - k . I !'F --ITFBIPPPS,„ m4 l = allems. mantis, gni. it FURNISHED TO ORDER." ALL WOE* El eCitrillD I . IOIEP - TLY BAJIR & NYERS, imiirr.imbnaiitokiM pod Neat ote. 1 114 Tv: linsinsar;. tras z azGrt, cautainuisil, , pitanum ilite Lau. LErrn*i lo tipnw eer r COMM =WO= WAY. sesami 4011,Talgr ei". b. 10144 • IF • 11111111111$ loicr:.; • " • SiodNik' C 71 7 I Ntt WV oto'r totPull4ki PITTSBUOIL ~.~ly l}[~}:1 '. C~~~ AGRICULTIiAL. TO OUR OFFICE, t _- „, z.;t, Ira jams an algae lit the city. AnrlrSaffillen 0 111641111klaNt ‘V F'InialingWV11141 1 1110 1 :104 011 IT . 1, fl a 'i WA q a 1,117',1/` tePA -.) ta s sioviilitrAi • 111111~1-1 a Nil t>,'. t sir .7/1N1111011: inPi f it 1411111110A1 rifilki rS4i:::!. Let tip?* g e tiotittiwork ff. 44 ~ ormilim •la i i trit t ti L • t iir Yi rA r r t lik* k '' i ....: : - . •,,-la ~ ,a4c•dr,:4s - • Tzi - Ail,. -, . ; , n KV watt! It irOstivoliclolltrut jo ii miiic i s i i : i itilti : e cili,4 o IKIF4i TAI m ar. 44 _z_,d li ,f •,•• ..I.i --/. ..,:g49149 1 1trA Jr Ft!: ttril44)): atinitin cont9X; - 1 0..12, fratiOrt 8 41 / !•.:T filireilidekiribeleikhii: •: :' i i ' 'J l ' 4 i,0 14. .. : .. : .. • ;4 wonx 1. - _,,,c,•..,- p.:---;,T5 . 1,41 '''"Y -., ,5;, , , ..ot , ul , -I 1 • ,1, E - •,, INAMEEMHIGII, •t., ;,, ..!•'1” . •t• A 2. 1 1 1 1 CrigN.. Ir ‘ 1:4;* . • !.. . I? • orricwariviss • J. D. i-rA'N'teor • i f' 4 1.910:1 7 3 G LAtNiTD I EIIIIII ..' • :PIfirIfiIIIIITILEWINIZI INV fillYkiiillgailt kili 4 * 04olifiessor Rad: No. W field street. • - - air . Ctflice hontior iksvraerritivesoirimrili INJIIL also. Spring, Pioni;iiiid A , B Bab6l BS and AXLES, corner Remand Find litres! no2lds .1 . 11 URC pirawlttatit wirarirrtuar. AND AL . ' • • $ AT REDUCED .PRICE JAIES W, WfrOtil 27 & 29 THIRD STR o I I.llF'O 8 Consisting . ALL VARIETIES OtjiiTl'LE AT tee lICTIABLE FOX 1114 " / " 1 " 4 4 1 VATX - ' Ji? Ali , ordermatteettebattlat Furniture caretplftyipacamt mod 17- Steameftm andlloteis futri notice. Cabinet makers suPPliedw clo in their limo, - - - . • h - ---- trezii2ilb•sit AAP • &It / J. D. op 5..1.. ..att WiellningraVVlDlt s Zir t i,SORTMENT of , ll filliNallfiE. embrnointi iiii• " ' l a,i 4 " itooreAsit and every article needed ins wok ling, as well as a iloomMeßri ° F X4 l •tqA , b acti Constantly on . hl‘ . . ii tr only terramon wMeb , liabmant is.itor_Vila ilnioriang , ingly. Persona imwant. r *at -line w ould bead :.:r* 41 No. 1019Ewaillidelditir mh29-ly _ -.....-- - OARPETS 4JDiffo3 114 , Pleiee NEIV= . DRI7 75 Flee • ' .N BR US SR theL the billeatp • .11. i . JILL CART,IL C 3 14 1 / 4 04.41 tr a rZEN r ti 2l , ll) dierpitearal R 4 N U11801 , 1111i"OF Tlif IR k g_W 1,1 4111 111 1 1 1 1VIViii" , . ' . - t j - k „ . .. .elillik'i 112111.1111 1 1114, 0 i.t o . vt/V1 ' ~..rllu 'Ace , b•• - WapaisToWel elite I wended° Soap. sale by [mh22 GrA=ll, .-- ._ '''" 4X4Aft ~.,,&,.:,,lift Lbw* 'aortal MIRY& Ibir tab II NA 1 glom owhgo t t LAND'S .1111110401kb. 6 „i t - 111111Tur.A,LAT CLAY