...ATI AS QUITE. otis,St. Louis and Chino other route. WESTWARD TRAINS. Mall Line. ...ivy. Pittsbursh.....-.. I,sto a. m.' ari sill. ,. m. ..Allegheny 1,30 a. in. 4,80 p. m. Mansfield 10,03 a. in. 10.10 D. La. 3 / 1 1114 "ahtline .. .. . --HMO a. to. 10,30 p. m. • omit .12,46 p. ta. 12,38 a. in. " • • lama 3 1. 1 3 P. 1 : 11 . 243 0 a * in * or Wayne..... 4,60 p. in. 5, 00 R. ILI. " ago 11.00 p. m. 11 ,0 0 a. in. " t. Louis 13,43 p. tn. 1031 COLUMBUS, CISCLVNATI & ST. LOUIS, tr izin Lama irk-. ...... 10.50 a. at. 11,00 p. la. Artivah embu5.......... I , .., r . p. It. 1,30 , t .. :: 0 L a ub._ .10.40,a. at. 11430. m. idi xplino.i.j.o_u4 Azumgr t . Louis. , . .. . 4 1 : 4 11:p iza ., ...10;311 a, at. 11,00 p. a. at la. 11.00 p. a'. 1.00 a. m. lisabil- IMF& a; _1_4401 p. am. Lbal..-..J.:000 a. /4. - 40 1 011.10 , 111 bablathiliapli I. adagio 'What abash _ga m If 8., _•-lltio dna to. Olsalltaatt tabth same aa tiriaishastatat. Tabu as bath mot at 0001101b0a mad samstammo aL ha late Ciaeitutati lippihar. SASTWARD TRAINIL Mail. Ewen. MeWIMP. = Slaw e. za- CAW 9. al ai pelt w . ayne...111.06 p. m. 1246 a. in. Vneetlice 5,311 gr. 03. 6.20 a. m. Pittsbargh...... 243 a. m. 2.30 P. LEL BalitTrains maim eleseeminections with Train, wait Yenrisylvaaia Railroad for the Eastern Mal els Allentown and Philadelphia. airceab ins vasse. of oars between Chicago almillowieel=ttethridt and Allentown.. en at 040 go • ni moll 3,56 s a.. aadNew Yor k at 10. ACCOMMODATION TAM:NS—From Federal I _,L, 4 ________,___ .- - ilisitDeados. A1 1 016 , 10' Ms. AIM - nAIIi*TON ACCOMMODATION. lamps aibits,st.. I.se ...p. and iamb p : p. nilje 6,10 ' Nig OA* " 9.10 at - 6,16 " "" 1 SAW " 3 1 00N6MYA000WKODATION. lAMB Anelikilsr st 104150 p. in. and 8 p. AMMO • Mammy at 1403 a. m. and 4.00 MARKET TRAIN. # I 3Z I Anima at Allauca ...... . li o r sb ail i l n'n tha b : R=" 6 1: 3 4. whilh . 4 ID; - ere so Aeod o l d at on the redacted p aottozdation and' Was m r uo at es. . A . larepskerlial anuaeot ea /01/011/C.- letiM,With AMAMI ea. the Elleveland and As alleilroad. ' Ohio. to and from MillerstauTh. Amos. Or , ,Vals. eta. At Mao* . - for- Mount Vernon.- Sholim, iciata. eels.: 'sled% Detroit, eta. - At e, rDeleware,lSpr_inifield, Columbus. lonia, Dayton , Indianapolis, Saint ' Lonisville, etc. At met. ter4prlogileld, &whisky. Dayton, Cin- AS=lPAtwf• Autos; Cincinnati, Toledo, A ir li tort. Wwne. for Porn. Lafayette, Ind., Saint and intermediate poirits in Central In and Illinois. 4A lymonth for Laporte. as apmsib far ell pointe on the Louisville, New Allireepo Railroad. Lad with trains for all points in Illi r_i- ir j o owa, yviseou lt ata ntle esota. appDPIA ~, OIRKGS'PARti rmation al tirtaWAO. StaltiOa. Thityleiliskete l Vi=atthirliAcit Offelii et Ike OonApany on the lino of the read. Ao all 'pan et the United States. - WM. P. SHINN. ...:Aostorni Peasesine AsentkiPittekank. G. W. .C4lOlll. General fingssAnsendeaC ~t • (fistaii GE of T/31.E. /882, THE NUMMI CENTRAL LIMA EIGHT DAILY TRAMS. Wpm A.REANGEKEM. TfiraMUM AMINI TRAIN, LR= PIT . em i froui the Atomiser Gook ittbi inkammetitin of Liberty and Grant streets. •••17 Ilimamm ik Alinaday) atia,nk, rdlmain&at 'Ada ladradattalpdiat Triir train arrives in PhiMl hid. at WA P. M.. sotiori for ~ en k art from Kea =ill'elle Af! - . Mg* p, -, :sa4 ots:,Vidadati,aial- Aratrikr 75 ", li ,tilltlir TRAIN 1. .,.. . Lamed It 4 1# 0.i14 1 . D prial • _stauous. and masa% du ct Tatham% lion ag.MiMenag ambaltiznorsaud 11 aabington. arid for New lora vie ddeutown. :Chia train ar- MIS in Philadeighis at MAPS a. m.. making COW. madam kew Ari, kart trout Keueington.Depot at i l i et ra t 4: ; i:o n ver L 'amde ttre a ug ud h tn al bur bi t t e > l. irg t 1 to =4 , City vicalleuwwil—W tuileme—Attuched i 0 trim Maist. 4 , TAN !'AST LLF.E.learsi the above named ata, I arislMl iikluaisy) at 240 a. m.. toy_ 1 anly at principatrutuons. otomeetum at 'liar-. Mr itiliariamiiiiii Wasaington. This train arrivia in rbiladeliAM at 5.23 30.,m.. making . time rionsamian rut Ala liork-frota _Kensington ~it at Y. la.. over CanuliM& Amboy ime. AI I OOIIIIIODATION MIAMI. J.. 1.0 3 aixolimozo Auer , TRAM loaraitatijaliradayi at Now pr. is.. - atep. • alai at all mamma and pianism ai dm so Cone arartM. ..zir :kr: .., c,...::- ...F• ...,4.. puss ACOMIODAT/ONTAAINjotWaII* stativii mono datidani st i.a sod, w iWta m Ar a T i rlitSA:flON ss - . TR/4A, fiz 11,,e5a: , ai. , - , . - - 71 _f44,,,LOCONNODATION TRAIN. RIF zoloaves daily. lazapt Sunday) at ~....5.14) _,TOUItIft ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for iipariramataii. loaves doily. tempt Sunday) at maw Waif. • , t - - ILLTVISNINO , =WS &UM IN. PLOW mut es FOLLOWS: Flda- : 4 - .........—.........-.... ..............101d p. m. ' 1 4 ...............—...—........, SAO P. la. •..- ...4241 a. m. Li5i . ......, .... :Jars. 6. a. w ilfeilagg.on—..at o. a. iIPI - ri taiota, "l" : "l" iodmist=l,lll4: I tist. a i r! 4 1 tilmialiaela,1 11 41 1 ,414.4hOG ir. a. as .11: , . -:- ', °L . tha-,.....,,e550rpet Mt 1 - 610 "" 1--114111 Jelliattord" 'AI . . Mid Wort, sad swore sad , . 'rvikaz: .... , in" CHAIM 10,00 . U.11191311i1C.7.7 IWO SAS T .... ......,....• 1.45 • awlit ep! • ii, Arebeeked to all gallons on the Penn • tread: Ind to PhiLedelPhlo. Bali:j inn hod si t rto hii - Sp aeliNiriallgag to si ga z n t es tn i v i ! did 04.1!-t . liffOin ln eeeeiigik — thi CMTI4II bald themselves silffleeekMPTlMlSM:,.. adz kw se ankeituit MWeememes .1 i tit i Odtl i n a d e ald...._ • ..egen, at a ebozgo not to ea Ad cents at and Nee 114 K" e474r, onswAirn Avid; At the Penna. R. R. P deaden on Liberty sad Great eared& - , OCR AMICK NO General Superintendent, Altoona, Ps. . WWROME VIA REV= AND ILALLBOAD. INDIANAPOLIS AND CINCINNATI R. R. •t Indianapolis with,Torre Haat*. •• t• and Alton Railroad:l*SL Am • andindiana i New Albany and Nia ilkthigan Cad castle CHICA 4:e ,16,14AXD. B 1311'95. and all Frilt Train to_no 1 t SAX *LAFAYN= and NORM -""•• egg paanor t o earned tom Chula • of Lawzootobagt in Ito dam tam by any route by twanty-four hours. and at as low rain ••Timionlyiest by win* Winnows ass be nutt e ra Cincinnati to the West. without brisk laßassignments made to J. N. GIBBON& Ageot gt_Gintonnati. or W. B. CUTTING Agent at La will ransitw Mount attention. and no own, we commission: no CRUMB VON SI V TAGE OR 0030USSION LAWELSOCIOTIO. I !firtrettralg,Z.r. g a°lt . WIMP Pranuil to p'.° 'renown as tams Dr and freight to Indianapolis, T haute. . ClVP ril arn. Green arl and Mat dre I! F. LO_ .!Prosident. ' F. CHEM. Goobral .ThisidAdvfit 1862. INPORTANT. 1862. ALL M1ER9033 MAU.; .151NG TICERTS ELturrimagt. pother volute in Northern iffesenrk*e false erns. or the Territories. shisig - inoss Od sing tickets that rend by the • imam' Amnions' RAILROAD' is • only rail Rate from St. Louis to St. Joseph. the-shortest and quickest line by thirteet to the remotest point reached by rail, and is Oran II obeaP as any other. 404 In es tts si l 7 =TY Th N o n r s a t k a k fq a ur, " • P ig -- -- - ISAAC If. STVutEO biadGen't Supt,North Mimed - RAIL , i g A. {Wm& 010 maregaS Amos -. AND Artits DONDAY. NOT. 25, —ollllllteabs will&avithoDepotof tiorone ivosita Lift*. fittsborth. as follows: • PrIMMULEOLVNBUS & acc_ienten. STEGBElivam • l 'uslA . Lorre" Fittibargb 1,115 "..ewvkl2,os p. ja. Alps" 6,45 7 a. m. Largergs itubu —__ 1,53 p. m. o tenbenvil4.— ....... SOW " •• await.: .... ..•• :a TO icinlibt ambaa " 1,35 a. Artivee outnati 7, 40 Louis 11,30 p. m. No &ages of am between Pittebunik and Gin" etnnati. Splendid "looping ears attaokad $o all night treams. PITTSBIMH AND WHEELING LINE. Levee ritteboia.. 14115 AL.& 4.66 5.55 • " Agelgal 0,50 10141 . . . , . - . . . i11ri1k.ittgr.....;..—....... 1.41114.p._ e.....—. ,‘ _OO . r.,. ..... rug. ...... Li . ' a r ' s -- "I ' •• • fft:ti at tnieiglas with Baltimore sad Ode andat Dells& with Cleveland and vole Railroad for Zanorvilly, . Lancaster , Circlev il le, t.bluadmee and Chattiiitunt: • ; - PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE Loge, Pittsburgh ............. 1,33 a. gy, . Wineftllo....--....-..... 4,0 R " ......... " " iVicir ".---. 7 SAS .OB " Hudson- 8,25 Arrives Cleveland 0,33 " Lekves Pittsburgh 1,55 p. in. Wellsville.— 4,00 Bayard 3,24 " " Alliance 5,30 " AniHudson 7.04 " vestaeveland...... 3,10 " • Me e = i j a M t an l r t anal Tu rf ura titf ana c h e with Pi F ort wane endi ve a u mm limn. rad at Odaaa. with -Cleoala gi tt. rdle, and alitatga Mr Akron. .,- - a nd - Mil: Unbars; iad at - Clawalatid wth C. k R. R. for Erie Dulddrit and Sued% with C. & . It. R. fir oledo, Detroit and Chicago. Welloilledoeonantudation learns at 3,33 D. in. iens: Returning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh a. M . Mali Train 4,10 p. m. . Express Train 2.03 a. m. Wellsville Accommodation 9,40 a. m. Passengers desirin_g to go to Sandusky, Toledo. Chicago, or points West of Cleveland, must be particular to ask for tickets via Cleveland. Through Tickets can be procured at the Liberty Street Depot. Pittsburgh. J. STKWART. Ticket Agent. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM STSWART i Agent. At the Company's *Moe in Freight Station. PUY street. not/ .... 6.10 m., it. al. 2,404. m. 7,66 p. m. IMIOLSTEBELVG UPHOLSTERY, NO. 85 FOURTH ST., NEAR WOOD. MINE SILMISCRIBERSI NANII,A CS. TURE mid keep eonstantly on hand every article in their line, via: Cornices. Ornaments. Curtain Goods, Oomforts, Feather Beds. Mattrases of aU kinds: also, the celebrated Patent Spring Beds. All kinds of Shades, Blinds and Fixtures. 1Y Prompt attention given to all orders for fit ting and laying down Carpet 4 Oil Clothe &c. oetThlyd ROBERTS k ROgNIGE. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. 'V 0 ILT N S WHOLESALE'. : - OYSTER DEPOT A ~ . T TES ' OLD . STAND coimucoNETNESTAPRA.NT, No. - . 40, FIFTH STREET, Taus, RES. the i tne ir t generally can be ra.pplted with Cheapeake Bay sters, at the lowest, wholesale rates. Co kale , • ELI I - 01.'1T% Proprietor. Young's Eating Saloon . , CORNER' M,LEY AND SAIXTR- Whirs OTAT,EREI and all _the, dielleeelee of the ratr . inlyeeaerTed ajp taemevAtivej• • 0 % 4 ef -012-4,1: stadttileid et.l 164). - vA.G-ia ii4aufs-E. No. SOO Llbor*l !knee. Nett to Penneylrani& Pemi . eiger Depot, /ODA 111AVAAGIE; Proprietor. HAVING TAKEN. AND FITTED VP. with all the modern improvement?. the po pular resort, the salsa :fiber is prepared t accom modate bit old customers and the_publin gener al iy with the best the market& talfords. • OyKers will served up in every variety of style. during the season: ikaors and Ales he feels eonfident in reactuauteadsigt to' the public for their glee:lessee. Can, Bucket and Shall Oyster moire,' daily .and sold wholesale and retail. • tar2o:lyd SEBUM'S OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND • • - OD. STONE. 'Proprietor. HAVING TAIAND AND FITTED VP, at a great expense, with all the modern lm propitt..4hiaKooag rtV ian wsubsoriber, iiesasematiegote sad elpe pub gesterally, -- with th e the market' afro*. OISYPS will.beserved up in every variety of style durum the season. uutloas and ALES he feels confident in re commending to the public for their audience. sit•MEALS served up at all hours, and DAY and NIOBT BOARDERS taken. ap4:ly 011.711 13.01175 M, NO. 82 DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH. T HE 11111B1111MBILIS ANNOUNCES blie d iat tifk l er t ariztuf . ellaiilii -jar and well known housyritbeverythini in the eating and drinking liaiLititie gortai notiee. JoHN Proprietor. .EICCE.II.ESICtit. OYSTER AND EATING HOUSE, No. 111 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. WHOLINALIt AND Zinn DIALERS IN LAKE AND EASTEWFISH, FRESH P__=ADELPHIA AND' BALTIMORE ,OISTSRS AND WILD GAME, their Projper feeeen. nolS GEO. REINIM I & CO. A ubertrivw„ %mum*. 'weirs azokAtiipirrs, WA•••;tr al l 4i itarlo L 344 juitt b.. .: mow af 04 P lamb' sr woke. it tie 'mat ' . awing house in'the sits ter feomens ( ussiving bY th at road. _ _ a z . The =fiber lumina. it thiab z it a ez ON E t nE. - .lroM il iri a t ig " r _s i o t . a shale' et K in d' a tu d str w o i n e bi g. sr Bir 21111 be 'tances - rain MM. fel:/7 ' ''' ." - wlrriss - - AND .tiquolts. WILLIABI 8.1E7C-T, IMPORTER AND DEALER IF Brandin, OordiaL, .Wines Old Mononga hela and Beatified Wirakey , 30. 120 110120D . 1 - 261.1 . MT, Pittsburgh wintlawirCiAlsromr; WHOLINIALE AND RETAIL LIQUipit . NEIiO r HAItT, No. 37 Diamond Alley, mai W ood stmt. Pit:l,llo2Th. Ps. ( ..../iP" ninon on hut itok=hEy st r i l Khl - kli a . he. 'N. CS _ °ll mhl6 B. P. MIDDLBTON dr 880., nal:win or BRAIUDI-Wil., - oks., AID seams' it PINS OLD WHISKIES, O. glireirrn MEM MUM. eiIIUDELPHIA. NoliF.lal - irAmt • AIL' rese - mble oder. .4.714. ...ft RAILWAY. CHANGED. • „- BELfilitE Itifritst 1118fillANOE OF lE!.u.r.i...kre aot„ . •,-, ...u.. 0 - -• ..., - t Ou Bnil3l6ks._ /Mated ' - or -ForpetuaL t Mihail dise. Furniture. he.. in town or OFFICE rirotiiiiis . ws4.3wirr imuz*, . Camps 0401011, .MI OIL . Aswan. 96. Invoked as kill Own, cis: First Mortgagee? Improved City Pro perty, worth double the amount $155,605 00 eroand rent,. first elan 2.462 50 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's 6 9 cent. 31orteseo Loans 530.000, cost. 27,900 00 b Philadelphia city "a cent. loan 30,000 00 Allegheny county 6 9 cent. Pennsyl vania Railroad Loans-- - HMO 0(1 12ollateral loads, well secured Z5OO 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad ornopliny, mortgage loon-- Penneylvopia.Railread CO. Stook ilt2ek of Reliant* Mutual Insurance coDa a . 24.350 00 Stock of unty Fire insurance Co.. , 1.050 00 tuntook of lowan M.B.lnsuranoe& 7(3) 00 Groin! Bank do 5,135 01 es lee Rank de 2.012 50 i l i mp u t u rrisstrana, . • Co's f1arip............ 100 00 mos,- businma - paper.— 16.797.12 - Arniante. steered Interest. etc— 6.210 72 ea kalui sad iii !wads of pmts.. 11.96 15' . , $3011.506 96 CLEM UNMET. President. DLRECTOBS. • Wm 21111057. Blehain. Wm. Th ompson, liter, Frederick Brown. Upson limner, cornelitu Stevenson. ft u W a . Tuurler. John R. Worrel , U. L. Carson. Z. Lotturop. Robert Toland , Charles Leland. Frederick Lennie, Jacob T. Bunting. Charles S. Wood Smith Bowen. James S. Woodward, John Bissell, Piitsburgh. B. HINCLI3iAN Secretary. J. GAJLDNER, COFFIN, Agent. myl6 Northeast. corner Third and Wood sta. Dr ELA WA IRE . MUTUAL IMPIETY IN- AiiIIiMMANCE COMPANY—INCORPORA TED RT TILE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSV L VANIA. ISSIL OFFICE, S. E. CORNER 'THIRD: AND WALNUT STREETS PHILA..' DELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES on Ves sels. Cargo and Freight. to all parts of the world. Canals, INSURANCES on .Goods, by Rivers. Lakes, and Land C pa of the Union. FIRE IN/SUR CBS to all on Merrts chandise generally, on Store,. Dwelling Houses, Act. DIRECTORS.—WiIIiam Martin, Edmund A. Sender, Theophilus Paulding. John N. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Tranquair, Wm. Eyre, Jr., James C. Hand, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr. R. M. Huston, Geo. G. Lieper. Hugh Craig, Charles Kelley, Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, 11. Jones Brooke. Spencer M'llvain. Thos. C. Hand Robert Burton, Jr,. Jacob P. Jones, Jaines B. M'Earland, Jahn JP. Arm John E. Semple. Pittsburgh, D. T. Mgeggsg.:A. B. Berger, do. W ILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOS. C. RAND, Vico President. Burt llin.Brax. Seeretirg, P. AKIRA, Agent. Jen No: 03 a te r street. Pittsburgh. • INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. MHE FRANK FIRE ISRANCE ..111. COMPANY OF PHI LIN LADELPH N IA. U OFFICE: NO. 433 and 437 CHESTNUT STREET, near Fifh. STATEMENT OF ASSETS, JAN. Ist, 1860. Published Agreeably to An Act of Assembly, being: First Mortgage=, amply secured $1,898.393 88 Real Estate, (present valve 8103,313 61.) cost Temporary Loans on ample Collat teral Securities 89,135 56 Stockvalue (*. s. (present va1667.72,) coat • • Notes and Bills Receivable 1 B.T. 00. 66,1* 66 h 27.9 . 18 38 ALOR . 68 The onlyprofita from premiums which V this com pany can.divida by law. are from riskiierbiehliavi Nom determined. Insurancesmade en every description of Prop erty, in Towtkeed•Oountryvat - rates satilowas are consistent with atioarity. • • Since their inVorporation. ii_pariod of thirty ream they havop lames br Rte. Ulan amount exceeding Four MillionA of Dollars., thereby af fording evidenced the advantages of Insurance, well as the ability and disposition to meet with prompituoss all liabilities. • . Losses paid daring the year 1839.332,152 24. DIRECTORS. Charles W. Banker, ifonintai D. Lew's. Tobina Wagner. David S. *elm. eninutt Grant. Jetal., EL Smith. • • , ina l t Dale. George '• • ..• Ju1..,. .. . ; :g - I I • . 10117Z.C4 Wm: A. Stze‘ • Gin. ' SAND Agent. lurid • Northeast eor. Third and Wood sta. WESTERN INSURANCE„COMPANY, OF PITTAIIII3{ISIII. GEORGE DARSIAi President. ._IIII,4IORDON. SecretarY. Capt. R. D. CREAN, Gen I Agent. No. 92 %rater street. (Spat g I- Co 's 'Warehouse, up stain.) Pittsburgh. Will im , e against kinds of FIRE and KA - RINE ur - -• A Home Institution managed by Directors who are well known in'the conammumty, and who are determined; by promptness and liberality, to man= lain the character which they bare assumed, as of fering the best protection to than, who desire to be insured. esElP*OCTOillitsotis, Stoek .......... $ 63,000 00 SltTiMiters P• 11 Ars:aunts eta • • 2,160 00 ZO 00 7,809 43 18,351 90 Plum Notes, 27,605 20 Notes and Bills diaoonnted.. 174,075 14 76 DIRECTORS. ;298.261 R. 51111er. h., James; 111'Aeley. Nathaniel Helmer, Alexander Nitnick, George Deride Wm. 11. Smith. Chas. W. Ricketson. 4.ndreerkokley„ Alexander Speer. David M.Lont. Rem J. Thomas Benj. Bakowell, John R. M'Cune. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH . INSURES STEAMBOATS AND CARGOES. SAMUEL RBA, Seoretam BAGALEY, President. Mlles. COP: isairWater atm., 'l:waresinst Law and Dames in the Naviga tion o agaf theSontberu and a Western Rivers, Lakes, and Bayou& Whin of tke Ss ti e Nevi s. IMMO. Itaa Lew. - and Damage by Fire. DIRECTOR& Sao. Park, Jr.,, B. F: Jones, T. M. Howe,George Bingham. John Shipton, S. Barbanel% John S. Dilworth, C. IL Zug. Wm. Beale,. Wm. G Johnston. Reese Owens. B. Preston. S. M. Kier, Jas. M. Cooper. J. Caldwell. mh29.llydh PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 149 ORESTNIIT, BTBEET, oppeste• sae, Captious Mamas. • , Capital " 2 1Ys1100 Aimat5......01104.1148. , xlrits. itHLE ALL Auras asp rer. SIIRANOE. either Perpetuator Limitad.on every description of Property orMarelmadise, at reasonable rates of premium. - ROBERT P. KING - !resident,' M. W. BALDWIN Vice President. - - TORK ' Charles Bayeit; DIREC EYE. Cope; E. B. English. George .W:Biogn. P. B. Save 47. oeeph S. Paul. C. Sherman. John claytoo. S. J. Magarge F. BLACKBURN, asoretify Agent. jy-hly Corner Third Woodtitreets. lONONGAULA HEIM war or ' OFFICt ur MaHIITSII Pxrddint. M. TwOo Not. JAL WOODII • A rad . comas so. 98 Will lame all kinds of FIRS and MARINE RISES. ASSETS, MAY 10tb, 1861. Stock Due Bills, payable on demand and secured by two approved names. $111,780 00 Bit Receivable 23.567 34 il t i o Discounted 36...V6 76 , T 10=s itechanios' auk IZOOO 00 stoekssast....s 1,1161,116 D0 !hares Citi zen' .. stook amt. 1.170 OU aorta mgt zeLngs Bank stock . MI horse Bank 8.7*1110' - I Balance otßook leswny OBI* Fond taro...—. LAD ir - • • • DELIIIOTOWL Wm. B. Holmes, Jos. A. Ifumidnme. . . ,Millmr ,• • ohs Ip it. ipip 4...5. , ..., .._ ._ ?.. in • , ~.,,.. _. The Confederates Abroad. The folloiring is an extract from a letter dated, Liverpool, April 4,1862, received in New Yorke The sailing of the ship Metropolis, the steamer Menho to run the blockade, the steamers Columbia, Julio and Lopkin t to run the blockade, are laden with munitions of war for the Confederacy, the arrival of the Adelaide and Mary Wright, loaded with cotton from Charleston, and the build ing of the steam gun-boat by Shird & Co., at Buckerhead, intended as a privateer for the Confederates, have all been report ed to you. The gun boat Oreto, built here as a privateer for the rebels, sailed 'from here two weeks ago. There is the greatest activity manifested by the rebels and their agents. General Scott's Opinion of Goner. On the Saturday succeeding his return to his old home in Elizabeth, N. J., the veteran General Scott, in thetkourse of an interesting interview, speaking of Gen erals McClellan and Halleck, said ; , "There are two men who can be depend ed upon under all circumstances and in every emergendy—l mean General M'Clel lan and General Halleck. There is no doubt they must take things as they meet them—and they have great opposition to contend with; but McClellan is, at this mo ment, at the very work his heart loves,and which will call tbrth all the abilities of his powerful mind—that of entrenching, en gineering and besieging. And in regard to General Halleck. he will do his work like a soldier. There can be no fear of these two able soldiers doing any base or disloyal act. They are honest to the core, and will never betray their country." • Sa — That extremes do meet ? says the Chicago Times, is proven by every-day events. The Sumner doctrine that Stales may commit treason and be punished for such treason is embraced by the New York Tribune and all the leading Abolition Re publican journals in the country. The doc trine of the rebellion is that Slates may destroy themselves or do anything else they please. Between these mill-stones of Abolition and Secession the Union will be crushed unless there is power and will enough in the conservative masses to interpose re lief. The Snow Blockade in Vermont. The - following, from a letter dated Un derhill, Chittenden Co., Vermont, 46110, furnishes a brief account of the snow blockade : " The weather is like January, save in the length of sunshine, and sleighing is bet ter than before this winter. As for ways, our highways are not only high in the most literal sense, but broad, too— broad as the valleys and the fenceless fields. No sign of a fence anywhere, and the snow so iced over as to bear up the heavieit teams. And as for skating von can skate everywhere now. The' oldest inhabitant' is astonished. This is the proper season for maple-sugar making, but the farmers say that it is impossible : they cannot find their sucar-houses. or wood or .anything; and the trees which have been tapped every year fin. half cen tury show'not a single scar. " 102,995 25 S TOVE tt. o 4 1" I ct , 11 • A. BRADLEY, NO. 30 WOOD IitTREET, dweller IseowL Pittsburgh, 51111:111111CtUrerand Wholesale and Retail dealer in all kinds of Oook, Parlor, and Heating Stoves, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &o. di In our sample room may be found the CELEBRATED GAS Br - ENING COOK STOVES EUREKA AND TROPIC, the merits of which have beerl fully tested Ly thousands, and the Stove pronounced unequaled by any in this market together with agreatmanY other desirable patterns. We have also a very large aesortMent of PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES. embracing some of the BEST PATTERNS now offered to the public. AND FANCY ENAMELED GRATE FRONTS JLND FENDERS, of the newest styles. Common Kitchen Bow and Jam Orates, all of which aro offered at very low Priem J®' Special inducements offered to builders in want of ORATE FRONTS. no6:tim WM. M. FABER & CO., IS TEA M ENGINE BUILDERS Iron 'rounders, GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. Near the Pam. B. B. Passenger Denot, • PITTSBURGH, PA., 'MANUFACTURE ALL WINDS OF ANA. Steam Somme. ranging from three to one hundred and .11fty horse power. and suited tor Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces. Factories, ete. Give. particular attention to,the construction of Engines and Machinery for grist mills, and for uprights, innlay and circular saw mills. Have also on hand, finished and ready forshiP ment at short notice. Engines and Boilers of every description. Also. furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron separately. Wrought Iron Shafting. Hangers and Planes in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Machine*. and Machine Cards. Our prices are low, our machinery manufaclut ed of the beetqlality of materials, and warranted in allwas to give satisfaction. ilir•Ordere from all parts of the conntry solicit- Wand promptly filled. - - fe2l:daw 11 - 4 ADIES KID SLIPPERS 50 CENTS. - LADIES KID SLIPPERS 50 CENTS. AT NO. IS FIFTH STREET, =U2 D. S. DIFFENBACHER. Arku.s I OILS!! VP 88 Bbls Duck Creek, Lubricating .% to 30 gravity. 42 A Alle gheny r efi ne ry 34 to 35 gravity, 277 d 40 to 44 do 100 do 'Weevers:6m 43 Received and for sale by. ayB:3VIL - L; ALMS: Agent, No. 8 Wood St. COTTON HOSIERY AND GLOVES-- A superior assortment of LADIES de OHILDREN'S COTTON HOSE, do - do. FANCY GLOVES, •ll of whit& we will sell wholesale and retail at the lowaetprioes. EATON, MACRUM & CO., sp4 No. 17 Filth street. T. A. MoCLELLAND, Auction and ,Clommission , Merchant, 153 Filth Street, limonite Hall. s t S hoes. "llll . l ifite ry iiii — exids HMjardw r aothi a r il L; S C:iitl F ti ti o ry ni iii r .E T y. ot e l te ,a li a n n e S :j . GoodsOlotioas, Keel Estate. Yurniture. &c. *a:Underwriters. Executors ur Assignees' mi ss promptly And legally attended to on moderate Sales settled promptly. Consignments solicited ap7 AT VALTABLIF. Droq~ ; Of foot serooluel, thi r ty prm ; ue A piza k at on the Mahwah tad - • Lilliettlfllumk will be sold to kn_prkoatidloil Faihorodoklorlokapply at the 4 4 4 An e w, cdt ittri i i . ERT k 8011. o. 61 Mirka me i at D a. swear', 40 110 - 0 o=lll7 INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. Wham& and retail to, R. E. mums & CO, Itle.Meg ER*fit 4411014 '4;14 PR1124 ale MoClellan and Halleok. !• • . AN . es: : I FAMILY NEWS-PAPER. THE PITTSBURG-MC SATURDAY MORNING POST -18 A HANDSOME AND INTERESTING IVIA.II3IO7CH WEEKLY. PRINTED ON FINE WHITE PAPER. WITH CLEAR, LARGE, NEW TYPE. ONLY DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN PITTSBURGH, •ND WAS ESTADLISLIIID IN lee 1 $ 0 4 . -611 IT COWIAERII ALL TMR CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, and furnishes the most reliable MONETARY, MARKET A COMMERCIAL REPORTS UP TO THI3: HOUR OF GOING TO PARS& together with a ohoSeeeeleetion of Tale*, Poetry, Literary and &dentine Art'elm 'Valuable Statistical In formation. Agricultural News, &c., &e. FURNIS RED BY OtIR OWN CONTRIBUTORS, or sompilod with Cho grimiest oars, from ME lIADING PERIODICALS OF ME DAY -ALSO THE LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, Embracing every important ITENI OF NEWS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, a CONGRESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE, LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. Le WILL ALTO BB 'FOUND IN TT THE FAIN BD THE FARMER, #i" The interest of the Agriculturalist will not bo neglected, and in the future, as in the past, the publishers will devote unremitting attention to the perfection of this Department. THE WAR] NEWS. Sir As a source of additional interest to all classes of readers. the progress! of thepresent civil war, in which great armies are engatiea, will be closely canvassed, and tbe_mest , imporbant..ee . enla carefully collated and presente d to the reader.— By following the operations of the armies from day to day, succinctly presenting the whole from week to week, we shall furnish a fresh and run ning history of this lamentable rebellion. THE SATURDAY MOINffG POST Will be furnished to subscribers at the low pries of :One Dollar a Year, and it will be found a good investment THE PITTSBURGH DAILY POST Is also issued from the same \ ceps EVERY MORNING. It is a complete epitome of news, containing all. the latest .. . Telegraphic, Local,, Miseellanesiss, Congressional, i,egislative, Non. "1479C00111?fteri dt* . . TO .TEVaIi.TEST of the Also. editorial art! ales on all the leading topics day. ALL IMPORTANT NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR, CAMP CORRESPONDENCE. ite. ATTIRE DAily POST - hair an.extenaive circulation by railroad and river, through boa agents and by the mail. and is a capital adverti sing medium. The paper is famished to subscri bers at 86 per annum. . . Advattimemieits inserted st moderate rates ARP Address JAMBS P. BABB, IDITOPIANCI PROPIfIt OR, ( "NKR 4 11 / 1 AO. WOOD SWUM MISIORGIL PA !Sod negyamer r9-$ 7 g...S , 6 ' ike:i . W . • ke IJU :tip 71! • :amuriguiptsrllllll. hfLltt ; 7 • 4111410114211 . heaiftlak h i t, apd a treat !evflObsr gal besiaft mi ait tivedotlianaiiotlem than On Dammed& 'dividenitmil the matt declared iseat tw.ida=la&nanrytllkt=ll bei — dnii —l eingsmisediat the isiteeldsr ,11,01.1011.. kit !P• mold of at a tat* priampal, same Wife* " of ',Anse rind De cember.' ".tiries: a year.% without cronbliagtki to eslkor am to present his hook. thieledamoser" will double in Imo than Wave Team' Metal* 1u the anreltate . 1101 IT AID mneam.r. rim C1XT...4 VIAL Books eontainiag thaCharter, Br-Laws, Rules and Regulations. fundshed gratis. on application at the dice. GEOLVALIIII2TREIL. ' John B. hii•midl icil 1"1" " -Di " 1 " . John Lim es . =22:1 00 k. it am 72r oy nnook... ain A mal . M ii es—'B ' sur .tP 7trg oll . k "6 / 1 1 D.. James Koniman: . Wm. J. anon. Taman. Alexander Bradley. f=e D. K e lly. John G. Brakofen , A. Madeira , Surge Black. . . dirt B. *Pr. . JOhn B. Canfield. sum idle. Aloeio A. Cartier. Robert Robb, Charles A. Cohen. Walter P. Marshall. Wen. Dauphin. . lin John Evans. - &rr. Henryy L. Ringwal t. Hopewell ilepbant. John Hi Shoenberger. Wen. S. Haven. ' Win. B. Sehmerts, Peter H. Hunker. Alexander Tindle, Richard Hay% 0 Isaac Whittier, Win. S. Lae*. Christian Yeager. BNCLITAILY AND TIRABORIN. CHARLES A. COLTON. mum= & NNE" BANK ERN • and Exchange . Brokers and Dealers in Notes„ Drafts, Acceptances, aou,Silier and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities °Guanine's for' sale. Collections made'" all the elties throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current Pa No. 57 Market n street, between Third and F ourth streets. • WRIL H. WILLIAMS & CO.; BANGERS & EXORAME BROKERS, WOOD STREET, CORNER THIRD, ALDERMEN. JAMES M. TAYIAR ALDERMAN, OFFICE: 431 Fearaftereet, Fifth Ward. COLLECTIONS IPIIO2IIFTLY MADE; Deede.:Bon d& Idortgease and other Legal Writing Dream Acknowledgements Taken and MIL Probated. • spear AGRICULTRAL. D. B. ROGER.B4IIr 8011, icAurvrAcrmuno 07 - Rogers' Improved . Patent STEEL CULTIVATOR TEET II 11.1111.1 L. 9IFFICEs Verimer Bedier. sad Cipsaer Ward, blab.'. _ PITTEIBITROMPA. MORNING POST STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, CORNER FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBURGH. HANTS° RISMEM,T RADS EXTRICIIVI ♦DDITIOXS AND INPROTSMENTS TO OUR OFFICE. We are now prepared' td negate all orders for EVERY DESCRIPTION OF BOOK dr JOB PRINTING With dinmtch, and in the most superior style We have an office liiMCOND TO NONE ! In the Olt% And wlll pay particular attention to RAILROAD, MERCANTILE & LEGAL PRINTING BILLS OF LADING, DIAL HEADS, BLANKS, DEEDS. CERTIFICATES. REQUITERS, DRAY TICKETS, RECEIPTS, Show Cards & Bills in Colors, CAIRDS, 111111TIOTES, unawares, COATILICTS Bhowbills, Handbills, Labels, Col • lege and School Schemes, Hotel Bills of Pare,lnvitations,dr.o. Our facilities for priathat POSTERS, PROGWAMES„ . &C. FOR CONCIEns & ItERIBTTIONS ARE urtsumx.A.semn! We tea hours complete sithrlietlon sults TIXII AND PRICE! . - BOOK WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. debeel C• 111910 Valftlanumms. sL .13elmeliteirleall'ilkii.ri9ble,9".• LEITER READS. MAWR 1100 NE„ CHIMIER ETC, 1011 Basks& Ihisking Reuses, FURNISHED TO ORDER. ALL WORK MOWED PROMPTLY BAiat & MYERS, _ Poor stmonires,fob sae wow ass. T. •T. .1111111JRN, HO Q'IN "E.,'•::SIG N , - A ll2- ORNAltiaititiel'AlNTEß No. a at. Ifilitriatreet, Exotica DI WNW WAXaseoei -"um 14ort,w4dtiriMilts Twiruts .tuin!„irrs : FURRITUfE "111111111Eiaili s r,‘ N 0.1114 FED MAL Ift..4IILLICONIST:" • V ihrugiffamenkil WNW g.tt , vdireitia. ONT ZINER laviroc r E i vet, A. l l' I_,A, ‘v El. '. i‘• • ; : , VENANN CO., 144141,0 n in B. wtPAiusos••••••••-••••• • , big% -PATTEIIBOIf a~ DAWSON, T 6 s: 4 Dilimmond Street. seshirfamomi , , , :.“ ja9:l7 .:PITZEIBBROX.TA ATTORNEY ATLAlR.r . "''''' • • OFFICE, NO. 72 GRANT 5T42141 1 3l•-.1 (Three doors below the Con0 : 4Ole" t ), PITTIPURGIL PA A.TTOUNEIr OFFICE. NO. I 2 FOURTH- •T 4 J. D. A. DIT C 0;0 - 254,1;•:," • • -4 ~1 - ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 73 GRANT BTRERT., TAUL; 111C11318011' lb 11 Nil • . successor to G. W. Biala, N 0.1114 Oath, • field street. • • ' 40ffice hours from S to 1 O'clock;esiatrii to 3 o'clock. . IRON • ItUaIUFA , • Jones & Lauglltlh, • It4NVFACTURIIIIS 011 0 ,• .7; • • IRON A. NIVIIN A. 11L , 14, , -• JUNIATA AND COMMON 01001: t: hulk's Patent Shafting. Nu inkflaten, I t . WARE.IIOIIISTUL.: 93 Water Street and 1= Iliaa:litron% PITTSBITII6III - i And corner of Franklin tad SondilliitiONl Chicago. PITTSBUGII. PA ISAAC JONES....TOR L. Bora...Wm. PITTSBURGH- STEEL :( JONES,; 3 As .wil€7lltl L tlf 4 -." ll Inn"itV and AX LE S, co rner Boa,& d rapt i (.. 4". - PLITEAt i • - AT REDUCED PRICE& JAMES IV. IVOODNI,4,'-': 27 Si 29 THIRD_ 13 1 11tElPri • . 4rll 111 FOURTH ALL VARIETIES OF !TTLE fitOTELS & PRIVATE )! Sir All orders DrumPUYseead #R4 Furniture carefully packed and bit • Steamboute and Mite* *ilk shrill • ' notice. Cabinet makers supplied*** cle in their line. if6../0111111; ..,....„„. .1 D. FACKINIP tt.t x. titNrrßi - FOR cAm w a Y .L 'SORTIItr4I. of Pittsbasthillitsfillldlidied, .14/10.11TURE, embracing • ._,... ~.: 0. i.gill 1.1.11 . -0 ' I.II.IREAUX. • . .• • A • . BOOK CAM " 11 '' rfr '' : " - . and every artiole needeiina lilt di* i i l : Hu& as well as a fine assortment . ~ t zi ;-., OFFICE "FIIWN-Vrelkir jr ' 4 0piatit. ConAtantly ..on hand and made, to AbAer. • 4,. , only terms on which btu:bless is done MOMS' - lishment is for CAS H. prices isiamadasztt;`: ingly.., Yetions.in want of arlytkninsalims •. hne would.beadiranfing o' etthyealhaci‘ . lii i.. • - RaciiillßE IR No. IoS Smithfieldetreah. bayb 0 .., * mb2o-17 -.. !... —; 4. 1;;:40C2'i; '. . CARPETS, OIL CL0TH4,044. ABPETS AND 0 ; 11i OliOnlik,,cf, NEW DRUGGETEIi NEW BRUSSELS CAR,PST, - - • LP These have just been received midi suriii-e the LATEST AND RICHE&T.AIMPP.. the lowest prices. . Ben . NEW CARPETS, OIL .014111i,- M'CALLIIII 1 8:, ; N.. $7 Ireurekli fi erier '.11017011T PREVIOUS ye TE CASH AAP Ailyagice in prim L , wisb-lbijklig vantage is ?limp* A; •wase . . ST. FRANCIS". COLLT UNDER DIME OF THE - Cl/11***; Ti' nernium.l . -sr 8.12111_010151. Tanis four ' wife from the direct route betwep,Philadeir was chartered 4 / 1 141112 , :k usual Cot. • o The loosjeot, , f efiLbe,. .• • I healthy ho;Pininsti thew Mewnteisi AWN/ pragelini.. water.lnit t er.l llB 4 l l4l.oB.ooo The Bebe o,yeer • Is 4 MONDAY ' . • ” , c about' , tiredlithwt - JUlir. .• "" into two tiverrigw Andeatir • y betweest-thialeiliOne. .441'the f.:27r ". '", eery for Land lineable • will --be _iforibag- Students.— . , Lirtinaleatal ind Toed lir e it i kett e lit - ahem>: 'Bendimite Adll , be ' ' - 0•• years twilit* arpsofinanhood.A brc 1 ; 08 . ' . .... • • weehtnanitiiikilinia:= :am- 7, •t' clendellandiftdiro t stadentikspend irewethemi: ' ' Reference Cali' lied. ; • O'Connevie the B.C._ •1 1 J gat •'" • - Loretto. and to other - .Aeroflot/ et *— Diocew. • 11111111 1A; 11 rniiiill BEETS bittEARS. tot 7 041di - BOWN T LEY:II24,V-004,14 . , 11-024DAIMO r . .. ... .- - a-. • - ..1 ~d ~--,- NU Wonan'arriandMendoal i • - and - Roam Soap; 10 boxes each, ut min by" "Lanb22. - ] MILLER .4•R Al . ..: • • A rA AAA= AND , AOSO111111111111.1! OSP 1 11 • 111 :411 Rinds. fer Lac: joi k dk r iklivi l i k ra c,..- 11.15 " " ' 12' Liberty st 4 nut tolaro"ab '''' w. /11 - 1111111.211117 TOM . TAAIIIII,RO , ~.., •.41.0 2,Fbiorii. for age by • - ' -- • a: ix ape • - • •:"'111121121911. ' , 5 , .. LIM . 03112, VOKX &WU. ... ' NO.Apetion ? iind ,-x .s.: amla . 1101 1 41 , Theli/Lik-9A_.LAWilis , i wet constantly on band:" t we ' 'a l as - BoWN d ,f R 2140, 1311144 stas ! llr _ADZES CO ' - • ,A 4 , . :.'n_Abi'lliP 4 :l*,...: ' "'. •' ' ' trIOII4II4,OIIWINIRRNIF , •• , , ,',7 ilMarodllc kr II ts i ' jw _ KUHN'S L, BRACJICMIDGE, PfTniaMMl. prFTs.Buliona. - 10 - inr: RICAN IRON iioiiii 1 1 1;gMTMM` ITURE ANRCIIIAIRE :.:. INEEECI Consisting of J ~_i ; . _.,., pi Pieces 75 Pleee• -AT tit t ~,,/ 00 .1) if , 3- ..,.