Volume XX. THE PITTSBURGH -- POST Published every morning, [Sunday's ezeepted.] Corner Fltth and Wood Streets. TRAMS 88 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE iirDslivered by carriers 12-cents per week. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Remise. one time 50 three times 81 00 " • ono week - 1 75 " one mth 5 0 three m onths 12 0 0 " six months 18 00 " - nine months • 24 00 " one y es; . 50 00 TIMM ''. l ' make a square. About eight words &olive 8 line: - Besmeametiees. inserted on the local pass, ten *eats a iris eseh insertion. Thel34tnrday Morning Post Limed frete the same office eTery Saturday • morning. elit.Terma fa per annum. in advance. Sir Single oopiee. ready for mailing. viva cure Aar Address - JAMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. ITT Advertising at reasonable rates. EIEEZS:I2 WESTERN STOVE WORKS, 245 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH GRAFF & Co., .111[A_NT.IVAILCP1CrItEMS Would call the attention of the public-to their LARGE, IiTOUK of well seleated GOOKYARLOR AND HEATING STOVES ALSO, TNPROVIO Sleeken Rangea, Grate Fronts, Sol low Wars,among which will fouled the &e., Best Coal Cook C===:= The Diainond, Advance, Air-Tight &lire, and Iron City, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the elate Fair for BEST COAT. COOK. BTOVRS. Alio FIRST PRE - MIUM awarded to the TRUE AMERICAN; GLOBE do REPUBLIC. For the BXST-WOOD COOK NOW IN USE. The KENTUCKLANand KANSAS Premium-Stones are ungesrpseee& We , 6all attention of DEA.LERS and BUIIiJ)ERS to the largest stock of - CRATE:FRONTS AND FENDERS IN THE STATE N B--We line the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE eel Cook Stoves with Soap Steue Linings, whi.•h and the fire better than iron. oc34:ig I .f N. air Fine White, Plain and Fancy Flannel Un der and Overshirto on band, and made to order, on shortest• notion, at 8. WILLLAJIISON'S 0..X3a.T C co , . No. 47 St. Clair Street. oaf JAWES MI LLING AR, MO NON G A E. LA PLANING.MILL, would respectfully in form.the public that he has rebuilt since the fire. and hav i ng enlarged hi establishment, and filled it with the newest and must approved machinery. is now.prenared to furnish flooring and planing boards, scroll sawing and re-sawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frames, tuOuldings, box making. ke. SOUTH PITTEIBITRGII, Sept, 7,1557. ja:so NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! Second Arrival of NEW SPRING STYLES -AT EATON, MACRUM .15 CO'S, Nee. 17 and 19 Firth Street. Itibbons, Gimps. Braids, Laces. Buttons, etc., for Dram Trimmings, newest styles. Embroidered Book_ and Cambric Collars and Sets. Real Lace and Lacci Trimmed Collars and Sets, and Hand kerchiefs. Black Lace, Grenadine and Ticino Viels, Chemise Yokes and Pantaletts. Edging, Laces, Ruffles, etc., Ladies' and Children's Hose, of every description, Gloves, Hannlets, kilts, Bonnet Rib bons, Ruches, Shaker Hoods,_Cord, Chenille and Braid Head Nets. Another lot of " Crinoline Draperie," (French Those who have used this skirt, pronounce it Htivaeet ever made. The "Quakert Skirt" and the "Flexure Skirt." are also - . at es worthy of attention. . rentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Fine Shirts, Col 'us, Ties, Suspenders, etc, of most desirable styled, ' • A full aasortment of Fancy articles and Notions. Thalami, and retail buyers will find a large and teellent line of goods in every departmental the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIM FOR CASH. spl4 EATON, MACRUM k CO., 17 Fifth et. WILLIAM CARR & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Importers of INES, BRANDIES, GINS, &C. ALSO. Distillers and Dealers in LD MONONGAHELA EYE WHISKY 327 Liberty Street, PIXISSITROH. PA. TTH, PARK 'ar CO., WARD NIZOTINIIIVIC,, (PITTSBURGH, PA ~ g 0.149 First and ISBEtiecnd sta.. at l suuntotarins of all sizes and difeAmptrona of Oil s I Oit„ Uinta and Stink Gaa.anA water Pipe. Dog /rook Wagon BommSteel Moulds, at and OopplingL ~. Alaai and htseinsmOgetinga orecerydo to order. VA a plete - maehine shop attached to the Foundry, all mamma fitting will be carefully attended.tp:.,...-. 62l:lydan P:reibli:fil44llo/111111 No. 4$ •T. CLAIR errELEEIN JESSE JOHNSON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, nou P,,,d. ch lt,"4&:: k itru or .T'un t " Cigars, Tob:ro, *of r", _ _Mthausajidviiness mad* on consignments of l" ' u• OFFICE AND WANDIOUSE 231 SOUTH SECOND ST. ad* PHILADELPHIA. aannatzwirs, , , GARDEN AND FIELD SEED, WAsaiurrittmunixAnnazzirtirsz. ir•lio • genera anoteummit of ret • llWade sad Orissairated Tines, BE C RA:* tIi_JiCING, No. /LW d m libudir=4. id oolleiiinthiliiild. • . , . - ' id.'37..15"Y,E7 :., .7....1 , ..:t ,-- - • 4.? . y.f. - ..., - .41 , .7.1 7 ' ~,,...... • _ - j,,' , . ~ ''. , 4 .. C. v, ~,,‘ r ,.., . „ .,.. ..t f: 4 ! .1.1.', C.: , :. -: ; ',-, _ -:. :,.•• - . - ! . . :. -i , " - .' ' ' '•f ~...?.. ki.. , i, iil;f4 ';.' f ..-i - .:5.0 \4'4';' ' ' .", t...i. 3- A. ' ,-.-. -- . . r: : -0, .o.li ..: :,.-., : . tt • . , ! rl, r ; ... , i.L. : ]., . I-• 1 - 1:.! 1 0 ; " r.::, ~; • \ , u : 1 0 1 1 J A lit: 4 ... , . il ' li. 4 i [ -1,:. 10 7 i li , . 1116'' '' . .:. Ili 1.. ~ ...., 4 •:, . si 1 i i i 1 iII ,--- ‘4 • \ \ ' '.• i " . '-' '''' '. , i aTr .. ,/ N ' l. N ' ' ! 7 ::'..• ....'7 l . !.. Z:_:l5l.lA Y 4 di ': • ' ---------- • - 1 7 1 - 4 1 a OJi 401 i: • P. :. ' ~. . •ri '7lr (.. 9 - ., : :' :1';.;. .' ' • . I jili ftl:fii L•! . . ;.. . . _._:i f.:' • . ' l ' l ."'i::! Otr. • . DAILY POST. • . A memorial to CongreSs is. being nu• merously signed by colored persons in this District, .desiring most respectfully to show for themselves, their relatives and friends whom they represent, that-they ap preciate to the full. extent.the humane ae i tions which are now' inaugUrated to give freedom to their race; but theY. believe that this freedom will result injuriously unless there shall be opened to the colored' people ®ion to which the); tray I grate: a country which is suited to their organization, and in which they , may seek and secure by their own industry that men tal and physical development which will allow them an honorable position in the families of God's great world. Though. colored joeople, and .debarred from the, rights of eitizenship,their hearts, they say, none the less cling to the land of their birth. They desiro to go to Central America. there to be temporarily protect. ed, so that they may not be wholly ex cluded from the United States; that they may 'aid in bringing to us that great com merce of the Pacific which will still further increase the wealth and power of our country. WY. GRA. PT WHEN Ex-Senator Truman Smith, of Connecticut, returned to Washington with his youthful, accomplished and handsome Alabama wife. some one asked how many slaves she had. " Only one. •' said Tru man, bowing low, and placing his hand upon his Iteart—" one who is proud to be her slave. " That was very good. A correspondent of the Newlork herald gives a supplemental anecdote a month later. On the night the platform gave way at the Washingion. circus, Mr. Smith was present with his young wife, and it is said, when the crash came, he ran for the door, leaving the lady to • shift for herself. Another lady observing it, remarked, pointing at the honorable Senator from Connecticut, " Look—look ! There goes a fugitive slave ! " England's Naval Supremacy in The position we hold among the nations of the earth is undoubtedly onerous. It is that of challengers. We must be ready at all dines to meet and repel any power up on the seas. Whatever science may con eeive or art effect we must-be prepared to meet-with equal icieneeandat least equal art. If we full one.point below, we are lost. It is our . basineSS to keep 'ahead in. this particular work of Making the safest and the most destructive engine of warfare that will float. From the earliest times it was our aim to build the best sailing ships and man them with the best sailors. Ex cept during the disgraceful times of our' Stuart kings, we succeeded in this object, and our ships were the best and our sailors the most expert in the world. Bet within our own memory it has been discove.ed that sailing ships are useless against ves sels impelled by steam, and we hare start ed again upon the eninpetition, and form ed a steam navy which is superior to anY; other in the world. Again, the proof has' been given that steampships . formed of wood are useless against steamships with iron mail, and again it is 'necesstuy for us to start upon a new competitiOn, and agaiii" to outstrip our rivals. It may he a hard ship—no doubt it is a hardship, but it is one forced upon us by the necessity of self-preservation. The condition of our national existence is that we shall be at ally given moment in possesssion of the most effective fleet. We may have to break it up, reconstruct it, turn our sail- ing ships into steamers, our steamers into ironsides, our ironsides into rams, and our rams, if you please, into electric batteries, or instruments for concentrating sunbeam, or any"other wild imagination to which the future May give reality. But, what ever the strongest engine of warfare at any moment may be, of that we ought to have the strongest force. If we cannot af ford to do this we cannot afford-to keep up our -position in the world. It is, in fact, the one thing we have to do. Now, there can be no doubt that at this mo ment our business in this respect is to have at once, and without allowing to any other nation a moment's start, the great est force of invulnerable vessels, carrying the heaviest armament which art can pro duce. All other things are secondary to this. Inland forts may be very excellent things -if so, let us construct them. Out lying forts that.. will bear • the recoil . of heavy ordnancethat . no fleatingthing could endure, also. may have their use, ntidfi they have any use, money will be cheaply. spent upon fhem ; but our .first and vital necessity is to keep the Supremacy of the seas. Before'all things we requiewit ficiency of iron battertei to' be :Melo cov er our coasts in case of sudden quarrel;' and, when this has' been provided for, we require a fleet of Serelgoingfronsides which will be able to maintain onr empire throughout the globe" whereYer oar' flag' flies, and to meet any'Of these novel en-- gines which our erienties'iney put forth;'. 'IIIORiVATEDUSEAtingu' 't. , ,', •- ' •.- ' • .IL — Dr. BROWN'SIIKDICAL 1 i !J• , r ft . •i"- ' and SURGICAL Office. NO; 8111 : : -- -7- ,-- ---- -; • . Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. '.l P:4Tllls ..gß ilv O an W L i Nis asi Obi eitianer - Dr o of Pittslngrglik andlas•beem ID ". ' 4 : Practice for the last Mtenty-agg " I years. Ills business has belie . .. confined mostly - to Private lad; &trgical Blanket. . -:. -, ,; . 1; • •. • .- :ca. CITIZENS AND STR~9. r In need of a • medical frion4 - shoisirdortalli to find out the Mire place of relic; •The Doctor ta a regular graduate, and his experience in the treat ment of a certain class of diseases tel mire guar antee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent re lief bb the nitielhisitemedliei , Mid folleiwinehis advice. • , • , • .. DR: BROWN'S RRMEDIDI never' fail .to cure the worst: lbrid of remold Dimmer. •Atamuitiee and BentuleurAlfeetiosa.— Also 111.dueasee seising from* hering tea taint. which" Manifests itself' is tbe_lomo s .of utter peoriligie. 'l4o . 's great manY"forW 'or ekth die. piewc.tho L orogin of whiebblut ipesti/ 'entirely , : ignorant.. To persons so &S D rown ated: Dwn Wren hope/era sure and speeldy'reedir . . • SEMINAL WEAKIf - - . : Dr. BrOon'a remedial/y.oe alsegthur trouble brought on often by that solitary hablt ofsensual gratification. which - the ytounkstid: weak a minded often give Ingle. (to their Min deetnMition.) are the only reliable remedies known in the emit*, —they are sa r te, and make a, ordy restorat49l of health. " TATLOItg, RRRUBLAMBISE. Dr. Brown's remedies never fail te mire this painful disease ty a raw pays—he will warrant a cure. Ile also treats' Piles,• (}lest, Goniterrhon Stricture, Urethal Disehargek Female Weak-nes • 3lonthly Suppressions, Dwane of She Joint Fistula in Ano. Nervous Allections:'Pains in. ta , Bs , * and Kidneys, Irritition 'of the Bladder, t soldier with all diseases of A letter describing the symptosis. containing a ran, directed to DR. BROWN, N 0.50 Smithfia:4 St., Pittsburgh. Pa., will be immediately answer.; ed. Medicine sent to any address. feel, NAM and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, Ne, SHIP Smithfield street. Pittabunth: Pa: ' - • • .tionlhwilr- WHISKEY . N Oil. in Ydtud fof ial 3 do 44PM -JAMrtArIITZFR, " rner a!kgAi4nd4Pr! 'treats.. , dk iniffikdt PATRIBEIP ALE' MINION JIMIIItritPILF: BOOM, Owes and Goiters at I)(9 . CLEIJAA - NlES . aectiba soli ::• • toio.:lo;miiii-id ir . red • iakinod - Corn iffiritte be • • asevt, ;MSS illorai • ; Pram Washington. A PetitiOn for Colonisation. Danger. From the London .Titnee, April 4. TSBITIFIGIN THURSDAY MORNIG, APRIL, 2 4, 1862. EATON,-MAORIIIIIA 00., i.arissz Rs AND lINTAILERS Trimmings. 'Embroideries. 'Moslem Cloven. Shirts. Cravat', Undeashirts, Shinn. Yarn,, Ribbons. Ruches Flowers, Zephyrs*Wool. ' • A full line SMALL WARES always on hand. 101.. City and Country :Merchants supplied at low prices . RATON, MACRUM k CO., No. 77 Fifth street. JOINT V. TIMUT-DASIZI. L I . llolLALlyit 1.1112/11". T. WATTS, tern TERRY, PRICE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND DB/LIARS IN Clothe; Canklamores, Vege tal's, Ti*ore Trizaisibsp, Ate., 225 IVIALIEUCEIT NORTH SIDE: PDILADRLPHIA. d. 1217 EAGLE OIL WIGHTILLI & ANDERSON.. - 13 ItIFINEIIIII Amp DEALERS zi ryas -an• :Carbon Oil. gaunt? guaranteed. Pftesborgh. Abft; Bennie and Car Gramm eenstantly oa Orden. left at Chem, &Ey& s & Co' on Water A and nd etreaM will be promptly Med. 0e36:6m JAMBS H. CHILDS. HOPE COTTON HILLS, Allegheny City, Pa., misraraervatas OF SEAMLESS BAGS, AND OF ' ORIN.A.EITIRGOS, . LI Inehot to 40' limbos Wide. Kr Orders may be hit at IL CHILDS k CO'S. lid Weed street, Pitnbarais. atellyis R. B. & C. 1" 311.418K.1.E, Manufacturers and Dealors !n BOOK, CRP, LETTER, and all kinds et WRAPPING PAPER, have removed from $? Wood slimed to NO. 88 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Clash paid for RAGS. app 4V * • It' 414,. Tom, Go l ,tl.ll,l)lf.'tl THE GREAT CtRE FOR CONSUMPIOY TIFE FROPRIETDD OF THIN MEDI CINE having ramie it the study of years to concentrate the life of the Fine Tree into &Medi cine'for diseases of the Lungs and Throat is new offering to suffering humanity the resule of his ex- Perience. This truly great and good medicine is prepared with much care, the tar bein¢ - distilled wllislielekl /weft, is therefore free from . a4+ impaci tiee of common tar. It has cured inure eases of Consumption than any known remedy on earth. I t will cure BRONCHITIS. It. will cure ASTIIMA. It will cure SOltE THROAT AND BREAST. It will cure COUGHS AND COLDS, and is an valuable remedy for diteases of the KIDNEYS, U.N INA RY COMPLA INTS. • air-Beware of Counterfeits:lilt If you have the Dyspepsia use WISIIARTS DYSPEPSIA PILLS, and if they do not cure you go to the agent of whom You purchased them and receive your money. Please call at his store and get a descriptive eir eular. A box of Pills Cent by mail, poet-paid 9n reeept of One Dollar. No: 10 South Second street. Phila.. L. Q. C. WISILART, Proprietor. Sold by Dr. KEYSER. No. 140 Wood street nidittlyecd WM. H. SMITH 105. R. HUNTER. WJI. H. SMITH fit CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, MOS. 112 SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS. dal PITT•IIIII1011 P. 111811111 I. D. J. IL 211114111. Late at Miller & RieketiOn'a. nEirmmn 4111t../11ROTMEatal, (Eleeeeeeer to itniater* Anderson.] Wholesale De;spra is Yrialte2W,4' 434isfeetlossay. ' Meru% rare weeks:•&e:. NOS. 124 AND I* WOOD IMUDDE. PMIIIIII C. WEST : dc CO. MAPIMACII7IIIIIIS OP CARRIAGES, ' - BUGGIES, • EGCKAWAYS, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS. No 157 reign Illtraep. ilttamorsti. as- An.iioileyiiirrastea,t.° 9 ,0 b•Kmßta dal and workmanship: ' IIAIKER HOODS -1100 DOZEN WirrE AND cotorttn 111114111611 t. HOOplik e or sale by the ease 'widest, limp; EANON,_.3I4C.R lc _CO., as , , .. .. Nec.ll7 itftk street. •C Mar - . IIIIOOTI. $46.00. .incirrolgwa. ; • • CALF liool2 .00 GENT's ,#l 114 • 4). , 111 ierelit, *to risk, paarket. A DIES ENGLI M - . LAsi.,nEEL GAITERS 01,004 NO. 15 PIPTN Ammon, sib r na 61•01 1 'i: 'A. zittr'Exiiiiilifinr. , - - W HATE THIS :DAY DECEIVED A Jle full asiortaxent at - - - • - PItICIELY imAsTratig. It is prohlible there is not all adult individual in the worldmhhhas not had occasion to apply piss teal fig Rini the , chest, side. limbs. bowels. temples oftiteit, a sense of faintness or sink ing atthe pit of the stomach, attending dYsPepsia. liver oomPlain, ta,' rheumatism, asthma ne deetions, colds, consumptiontietnale weakness. ete. For these complaints there is no Plaster equal to Parrs Piiekly Plaster. Theßentairte arttele for "le at JOSEPAPLE.3Ir4G'S. Maiitettettnti theDianiond. QIINDIRE6III- 7 s & So Mint_ ze m frotch Ale/ !)7 •- . ._ . 25411441 .1.- I g nit TagAP - 31-144- • :!' •` 2 ' -MIMIC; • 1145.—ei • En ... az ' • •••01.111.!•..--,"; ,10;jj.;P -OF bawoirdi ELEC"P 4 TALE. A NIGHT. ADVEN?IJRE 'IN PARIS. It was during the Emit months of my res idence in Parts, in the days of Charles the Tenth, and nearlyfive - -ind-thirtyyears ago. I had been to takes-Airmen' dinner, and. a temperate glass. or two of Medoc, with a fellow-townsman and ~neighbor of mine,. who was on the Obit of returning to the paternal roof in He had' been studying medicine-and the elements= of practical chemistry forlthe - last..year, under the watchful yytt„of his. uncle, a pharmacien in the'PlatteltdOine, and it was there, in the small lighted -lighted back room; behindithe shopi:whie fronted•Niv poleon's triumphat;eishftweiithatwe had our modest symposiuniJ time loth. .to part :with him, -he. , been so true. a friend ;le it was wittenriwatited.. me with colloquial French—thy popular idioma of the Parisian highwayel who made me ac quaiated with all the ins cutouts, the bye. wave and the short ettts of old - Lutetia, and !taught me howlit 'polve.the difficult problem.of cutting lost according to my cloth, which in those days was unfor tunately very scanty neleeti. It is not much to be wondered at that I forgot the lapse of time, and that, when at length I serewed , myself bp to the pitch of saying the last adiees, itind had torn my self away, it should be vergi ng to the small hours of the morning. • In,"truth, it was on the point of striking one when I left the house, and before Iliad well got clear of the broad " Place" " the hour had struck. At any other time. I should not have cared a straw about this t but have walked on quietly to my lodging in the Rue Riche lieu ; but now I knew that would be of no use. That old concentrated essence of verjuice, Ganache, the porter, to save him. self a little trouble. bad detained my let ters of a morning till 'I-came down, in stead of sending thebilry'the Otoreo'n td my moil on the fourth - 110broird I had qinsr-- relied with him in consequence, and given notice to quit at the 'end of my month:' Since our quarrel he` had need me savage ly. and I knewhe was no more likely to let me in after one. o'clock than he was to pay my tailor's bill. his reflection brought me to a stand still. What should I do? • Where should I go? To increase my chagrin, it began to rain in a rather sharp shower. Instinc tively I faced about ran across the Place, , and got under the shelter of the pimp,- in the Rue de Castiglioge, just in time to save myself from a drenching - torrent which bust on the streetililii.ift Water spout was. walking up niid -Stift-win-the datic i talr. ing, counsel of myself, until - the storm ' should cease. when I stumbled and tripped over somebody lying crouched up at the' toot of a pillar. • Is that you. Janie laid a rather whining voice, which seemed to proceed from some ono in the act of waking from ral.l 1, "it isn't mnnin ; who nre you': and wl.v nro you lying here thin time of nicht?" " (.7n pancre aveugle I" said he am 'waiting her, for my comrade ; who is gone to the spectacle. Yon see. Wsien, .lapin is fond of ;he spectacle. and while he is getting his aft of it, I take my pas- time on the cold stones." I thought it but a grim 'sort of joke, and told him I should thank better of Janin if he were more coedhicrate for his friend. The poor blind wretch did not agreb with me, and, to my surprise, began vin dicating. the character of Janin. " You see, Witten," said he, "if I am blind. Jan in has good eyesight, and why should he not enjoy it? Lie may as well be blind as I, if he is to see nothing. One should not be selfish although one is unfortunate." While he was speaking, and I was in wardly admiring his simple magnanimity. Janie' came up at a quick pace, and chant ing a lively ditty. What, my old phi- losopherl so you have company," he said, " lam afraid I must disturb your confer ence. " "Make no apology for that, I pray," said I, " but if you can direct me to a lodging I shall be obliged. " "You- are English," said Janin: " there is an English house in the Rue de l' Odeon, which is rawer! open till two. If you make for the Pont Neuf at. once, and step out, yon will be there in good ti me.". " Goodnight, then, my lads. " And away I trudged at a round pace for the Pont Neuf—crossed it in a pelting shower, and made the-best of my way to the Rue de POdeon. I accounted myself fortu, nate in reaching the house a few minutes before the hour for closing the doory bin found' that I had not 'so much valise for' congratulation as Thad imagined ; aWthe plate was full, and the 'Only accominoda- , Lion the landladi could Offeelkitika:BrlAß truckle-bed in a two bidded inoinValready bespolrenTor thenighibywyrenious comer: [To be continued.] TO OM REFINERS. THE UNDER/HONED HAVE *ADZ arrangements to fit up Oil Refineries. under Dr. ,Tweddle's Patent TROMP APPARATUS, Patented February 4th, 1862. by which fire is reh dared totally unneeeenary in distilling Petroleum or 'other OM and we guarantee our. work eanno be excelled in durability. simplicity or economy! Wender with confidence to the following par tes,:whose Refineries we hare fitted op : Maim Long, Miller & Co.. Petrone Works: Wlghtman & Andersen, Eagle do S. /11:ffierk Exaelsior do lex. Taylor At Jefferson do Lockhart & Prem'," P" do The ahoy, wean:snore designed and constructed end put in operation b 3! N.Y. Q. TWEDDLE The fell:Asti/ Work* we has:nuke fitted up: Emu; Oa gt omy n an : Messrs. Chadstiok &Crampton. Kittanning: Johnowlkaliam & Co., Woods' Run Broster - 5111 k Co., Pittsburgh: Reese di Graff. do Johnson & Brother, do Porsgtharos. & Co.. lianehoster. DAVIS & PHILLIPS, Nos. 100 WATER .k 101 FIRST STREETS, Brass Founders, Plumbers STEAM AND GAS FITTERS tnbll:3tnti DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS. Est:MACON At I CO., VA 71 ClACTL'ItERS OF F.TEXiIf t•IIETY OF. FINISHED BRASS WORK, GAS AND; STEAM !FITTERS, 14TPartioulai attention to 'Stang Oil Refiner ies, Braes Ceetino of superior sinootnnees mule to order. ;Steamboat worlc.and repairing gener ally. Roos' Oil Globe; Dtrafr's Safety Imo: cee Brackets and Pendent!: ( , I 81. CLAIR 'STREET AND DIADENNE WAY fel3ll Plll2lOl 600Ds ; SPRING 'GOODS! . OPENING DELT, IPltoi' Goode mut At them einem opt.theat - at p4eet to' nut .11m times , wee' mow mu Sitoptoread us./ at 4.1141 .44wismiimo r---.L LYNCH. 11-7 , 51." — r1eMe. 411114611 21=. .araziammuri vii. VOA, , 4,71 V t: 1.16116 ' IT W etlir zw ; I EAt ON; Al' tnit. ; NA*: 114.1•4 • ; • JGGIBEINI. AND INIAIANDL, TRINNINGE'EMBROINEIII,* TIOSTERi, GLOVES. MlLUNiatle G00D.% " • S6irt~ Collar,lietc 'Walk Ana ' • ArtielawildNategiers#Arilthade .. • . 11131. Eit) P de andidfir -.l.2_:ggtiamAortsNiiF , • - ef ' IMO'. • shf Allan • ...• fIM 4 ~ 1 T; _ , 1117111.;.,,,. F, - ... mii p ie L i ll f 0 .. , . - .T. ,. .. ::dri -.,, ,-.. : Mdtb s i gi onial !. • 13 i : ly libslest of all El denomi nations. treeMAV , abase and''' 7 Or '. ll etnatipas reonimeariiind.w. ti Went! to youthsof both . crud setiel and adults. Mot- married. awe :Di. linartsrarr pub ' est:act c om Woing soy the ignorant and- t far shocked. and think ,it. A ; great vein. in urrak and Sr , .eontaininatitny and' corruption '4 . . , their Wives pronrisinglimagratitsameers. , , husilytdonicialkigis : eastlkale .' ' • . • in rranPeAt4tha b ' *4' ,- •-' ....4 - ST DP,-(ekeintriu lent 1 .• .. lies suignsbnlest 4 tak •' • 1 • mod apt, 7. Ad 1N110.1.11111111k ANN II nulled MX. IP • . , ; who e ompaThetfi. , ... dollars and eent • I , 'erDIF gotten. It is to publloityvhwever dig apipprosp rool& e l t 4lelgterl lig ar a ci a:Pattlir. slo w and of delicate d appearance. llMarriage M hin% II ' - ERLI P A,W H aVE, 1 ',..1LA 'W • elt Ming. 'auutetri;mortilleogien. :kw?: . liep or neepar s i, l 4o ll Ire It..Sesolp res = in a very,. ~ _anew , ~ ~ eby:lm mot , which smeenguirlyhitoweThey ere earn:Pounds from the Vegetable i Kingdam.l hawk* sacs the'l faUsey'ofthelitentuziatrawmkOklyeAlattiktP , ed it and' substituted 'e, heri tab le ' sahalo do- easesare treated with marked newei-L-liiivisarhad over forty years (On exparroasa-la-their treat ment in hospitals of bath Ant MAJKorld and in the United Staten InserigNall awasin'aft with a fair trial. r mi !Wit broom upon the health, , 4 . niontebanks • ' donut 1 Consamptioa Md. all , -itit : sligamer.var l which so many annually fill our eettaygoe. oats now be relieved..prevkhns they 30 - 4,, .time Pall Partioulariegisite bag by procuring acesy attar ' # is liven /tad, toAil. 4 1 0 apply... . Ai lit mu se of ?Tor . f04,7_ •pm - expartogoo.., 0, obsersatio. eensiguently, lie-Itu Isamnor • - in the trealmest deposal .dbieser. and whols: daily oc " l Zgragemplos. per MM.*, mended by t te eitlams.,•gp_liabers, pro prietont of licstile. , •kii: Nide , m. ettbild street, near DilYllo2ll street.v NMI, aosmaitat , eaticins from sill parte of the Use tiAtietb se. tended to. Direct to .. '' • • Pittsburgh' Pete 66* debasdaw Rusuireas pm'? ! A 1", PITTSBUNKIEUBRANOIL; umovskvo NO. 1111 WOOD .111 TREE T. /MET DOOR rite')." :111111 07R1117, ALDJOIY. 1112:11111. NOlv ja the time to bay FIRST CLASS . PIANO, et the 'ewer paaablees. Call seen, cob! a lea 1.1 pe . & BROTHER, ark Manufaet arena O_ NETTSLAC A , 11-1 COK.E.—DICKSON. A STEWAR . TI K CO, ND 509 LIBERTY STREET. flaring superior facilities lior supplying the best quality of Cosi, Nut Coal, Snook and novas, am prepared to deliver as sanar, in any rivantity to suit purchasers at resaopable rates., Our Coal is brought in freA daily hy'railreed, ad isciry and tree from slack. Particular sabot:inn given to cur- Olving families ocX-Sin TIES AN iilL7 GETTIG . . . Wholesale and Relmll Grco(eiv, DITOILTNIS WD DIALER/ IN TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, ice., NORTIAAST eonter of OHIO STREET AND THE DIAMOND, no20:1y ALLEGIIENT CITY. THE SLAUGHTER OOMIIEIOED, The Loy Drina lett fie kinsilinie 11 WE SNAIL SNOW NO INISOTEIL Nat Take all We Quinateri We t.a a.s: 100,000 AI/LOLLS of crew hiziriumet b ra z , of wew Mkt ilst ildyliell% Vispi=i: So I lbw 11401:: Thb law stook. istrinit Sion `Laved at es .ttnood prima, will benotatiOrttoon- • • MAGNIFICIOreVititoi PAPIERS; BEAUTIFUL" PA/MP - AMMO. BITRA' WitiNTAllitLl'OP- • irsisircaa*p..liarEiLissff *sugars. BargaingtallolitieCtillieriuunts. Wih ke ' RA 0 1 1 100 11 Z?;0 41 :01- WALL . : kfA 01111-8f6111;.... At the Obi iitand, 47 Weed Street. W. P.-MILNER/mi. ' "i airPneet lisastlegallibiftrosilkle. Qsb litr and well dons la " . mh 21 4 04 4. '• - ••(! n;r-') S- • onl PIXEILT11110" WORKS. m i 6tirxklr ar- Meashetereth bt Sheath; mere it'll." Cott per Raised Stijl Betteme, boa tlith Alr m b m es aid 41licqq.A N27174.410t hi1n641441r4 Pati*Ml2 tf/Mlti .;•-• W. kaiejeld' itteilyed Ikea the EAHTERt'CIT/ES, 01101Nill 11110111ialli . . . .110 morn 11i32,34 , RE:' 01 , 00171819 - fbr the preseet end apple e_h_intCteitittA c ltalete are reepoedully requeetedht eas atd eta W. H. IMOIDELIKIW., MERCHANT TAILORS: TItE 15Si of stthet. mho ;tenter' lit ribtt AMIN/mkt vile NEW MEDICAL OISCOVERY; Fon THE'SPEIGUY ENT cure of • • GONORRHEA. AI PIET, URETEAL Diecharyctq, Seminal ti eakrom Tightly 510146. lucent' tici cierdtel Lrrite bilityji vet, Dtricture and.. Afte , ertiriV , the ' r • - nt.,eaud Bladder. Which has hes