DAILY POST. MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 14. CITY AND :NEMIROW `IN _ • Old - Newspapers.: A reverend gentleman of Allegheny hes handed us partial files, carefully preserved, of " The Freeman's Journal or North Aflierican Intelligencer" and "The Penn sylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser,'' published in Philadelphia, in 1784. soon after the conclusion of peace bet Ween the United States and England. They con tain little of local interest here, but would have peculiar attractions to a Philadel phian. We will unto some of the most striking features: In the " Freeman's Jouried — of June Mth, we find the proceedings of a meeting having lbr its object the separation of the city and county of Philadelphia. On the committee appointed by the meeting we observe the names of Benj. Rittenhouse and F. A. Muhlenberg, with others of equal celebrity. 'l'here is also aeard giving the details of a project tier constructing and raising a large air balloon, requiring 1200 yards jof silk. and the names of the gentlemen appointed to receive subscrip. Lions. Tho -I).nnsylvania - Journal" of the same date has an announcement from London, stating that Mr. David Hartley had set off for Paris to concludelhe treaty with the American Commissioners, which would also be the: first public topic agitated on the meeting of Parliament. In the ad vertisements a course of " Lectures upon Heads, Serious, Comic and Satiric," was announced at the Theatre, with " a Mon ody in honor of the Chiefs who have fallen in the cause of America, accompanied with suitable decorations. — The times ofsereral Irish servants and retlemptioners are also , offered for sale. In the issue of the same paper for August 14th, 1784, we find two acts passed in Philadelphia by the Gt nem!, Assembly of Pennsylvania, signed b y . George Gray, Speaker of the House, also addresses by the House of Assembly and th'e officers of the. Pennsylvania line to Marquis de Lalhyette and his replies. The death of C esitr Rodney,. on :lune :Nth. is antionneed and his burial in the family barying ground, " “tt ended by his Ex cellency the President and a number of the most respectable persons in the State." Intelligence is also given of the ratifies lion, by the Ccurt of St.. James, o, the delinitivo treaty of peace and friend: hip with the United States. We also find the prospectus of •• The American Lyeeum, a 1 - nivei-sal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure." In the next number : December IL - 411, 1781, we find only acts of' Assembly mid foreign news: among the advertisenn i, , one offering fbr sale ‘• a strong, healthy, negro wench. atom 22 years of ag, , . fit tbr town , or country... In one of the papers; a paragraph ap pears dated`Boston, cue 12111, which we copy entire, to shim that the project of the annexation of Canada is not of recent date: By a gentleman from Canada. we are assured, that, the Canadians behold Our present growing importance in the scale of empires with longing eye. Oppress e d with the weight of tyrannie jurisprudence —connected to the inhabitants of the Unit ed 4tates by vicinity—and prompted by th e part the illustrious monarch of _their mother country .and his subjects have token, they most seriously meditate a re volt from their present usurped masters, and spent determined to add another star in the American constellation. The extent of that fertile province, the advantageous ness of ifs situation for eommerce, and its proximity to us. make their revolution an event devoutly to be wished. We might multiply extracts, bit we have given quite sufficient for the present. rugment fur a New Trial—Sen tence ofGeo. F. Thompson. In the Quarter Sessions, on Saturday mi,mning, Mr. Maekrell, counsel for George F. Thompson, convicted of exposing his person and assault with indecent intent. withdrew his motion for a new trial in II • first case and presented his reasons in the second. The first ground laid was after- discovered evidence. the seeond that tinn verdict was nit justified by the Pvide nre adduced, and the third that the verdict in the first case had been rendered in the hearing of the jury empaneled in the sec - ond, thus unduly prjudicingthe jury against the prisoner cm trial. Mr. Mackrell argu ed his points at considerable length, and the District Attorney, Mr. Miller, replied very briefly. The Court overruled the motion and Judge Sterrett sentenced Thompson to an imprisonment of two years m the Penitentiary for the assault. on Misg Hughes and six months in the county jail for indecent exposure of his person, the latter 'sentence to take effect after the expiration of his term in the Penitentiary The Oil Trade on the Allegheny. The number of boats engaged in carry ing oil'and empty barrels on the Alleghe ny river is variously estimated. There are some fifteen steamboats and tows, of an average capacity of 800 barrels, and about three hundred flat boats of all classes, of which two hundred arc engaged in trans porting oil front the wells to the mouth of Oil Creek. The balance are employed to carry the oil to Pittsburgh, from whence it is shieed to the , East'and to Europe. The capacity of the boats employed on the Creek will average fully one hundred bar rels each: those employed on the river ahout five hundred barrels each. The steamers average three trips a week, when the river is in good boating stage, and the towboats about two. It takes a flatboat from three to thnr days to make the trip from Oil City to Pittsburgh. Besides this a large quantity comes down the river in bulk and rafts. Ready liar any Emergency. — The Sisters of Mercy who volunteered their services to aid in taking care of the wounded at Pittsburg, announce that they are anxious to do their part and that their services are at the disposal -of the authori ties whenever and wherever they may be . required. This should be: borne in mind should an emergency arise. The Expedition to ;Pittsburg. The "Marengo" and ".I. W. Hallman" sent out by our citizens with physicians, nurses and hospital supplies forthe wound ed in the battle at Pittsburg Landing, got off on - Friday night and are now far on their errand of mercy. They will scarce ly reach their destination before Wednes-, day or Thursday, and will not return be fore two weeks. The Lion of St. Marc. This is the title of a new drama to be produced at the Theatre this evening for the first time. It is said to bea fine pro duction and has met with great success wherever produced. Mr. Couldock, tut Orsceolo, chief of the Coun c il. of Ten, will be supported by the entire,stockcompany, and the finest scenic eGets will be intro duced, including the introduction ofa huge solar lamp. representing an illumination by the rays of-the moon. it will, we think create a sensation. Correction. In Saturday's paper we published the name of Dr..l. 1;. Herron as one of the physicians who left on the boats forj!itts: burg, but we were in error", as it was Dr. Wm. M. Herron who did really go with the expedition. Dry. Goods. H. J. Lynch, No. 1 46 Market street, -ad vertises dailyopeningsofdry goods of every description, eta ple and fiincy, which be offers atreassonalicelign Among he has a fine assort m ent ladies — loe4iies, of the newest styles, Whiehonr lady readers will do well to examine. 0 - 00 Look' AVititt theateseestu the Criminal Court. On Saturday morning Judge Sterrett, in the Quarter Sessions, sentenced Elvira Owelyi,_conyieted_ofiotffreid stcAugr.n..-pair...of Fox, to thirty days imprigonment n the - Countyjail, giving her credit for two months already spent there. ;R4beri.lir&tin; dolaiedl, for stealing bacon from Diana _Reed, was sentenced to one year in thelrenitentiary. Robbery at Elderstille On Saturday night, 30th ult., the public house of.lohnAllingliam, of Eldersville, on the Pennsylvania line, was broken 4 Ten and a fine watch, ;•:: WO in runner, and a lot of jewelry stolen. The entranee was effected by breaking a pane of glass in the bar-room window and pushing back the bolt of the door. The money was taken from under the bed upon which Mr. A. and his wife were sleeping. From Western Virg' The Wheeling Press contains the follow. ing items of intelligence front that locality: A severe skirmish took place in Wayne county a short time ago. on the Beach Fork of Twelve Pole. in which fourteen men were killed and nine taken prisoners of the guerilla company of Whicher, of Logan county. by Capt. 1% , we11, and a detachment of the Second Virginia Cavalry. Captain P. is an excellent officer. and deserves much credit for his instrumentality in this affair. He himself pursued Whicher, who had a band of 300 men. some five miles. and would have captured him had not his horse fallen and been injured. We regret to learn that. Major Buck, of the 14th Kentuoky regiment, stationed at Ceredo, died on Friday last, and was buried on Saturday, at Catlettsburg, the place of I his former residence. The •funeral was I very largely pttended by members 01 the Masonic fraternity and the order of I kid Fellows from various points oat the river. and by people generally. The funeral es cort was made up of a part of his own reg iment and the 9th Virginia. Some of Captain Showalter's company brought in six bushwhackers on the llyl.ll - train liver the Baltimore & tido Bails road on Friday. They were captured near Fairmont, and are a sorry looking party. They were duly lodged in the theneton. whence we trust they will not be releaseit without good cause. Injured by ni Ilost. 4'airrintte. A young man named John Collins was run over he the Neptune lloso lost evpliing, uu Seventh ,;teopt. too soft', ed little injury escaping Wittillkt few e.nutt• sinus on the shoulder and Lark. The ;lc eident was canse.l I.ythe, company's dd g . echo knock 1 ',, 1111/S over. throwing him wi der the carriage. The practice nlermit • ting dogs to run with tire e..inpanies is very nThreliensible and shonld be olmodo 41. S.•v.•ral aeeident, !tare occurred from his cause recently. The frost City Trust Co. This popular institution. estuldisheil for the benefit of those doing, business in the upper portion of the city and im•st stievess fully condueled up to this time. is about remove front the present Mention on Lit, erty street to tilt. (•orto.r of Liberty and Hand streets. half n square ahoy,. on the opposite side. The new Linking nerd and convenient and it; situation more desirable than that vavat...l. Steamed Oyuterm for Ladies. The new luxury of steamed oystei., has hitherto been enjoyed only by the Hords of creation:" front the filet that they were not served up in places where !adj.., ..62.41 be accommodated. We are glad to observe that Mr. Daly. proprietor of thepopula r restaurant Ott street. twat. roarth. has :itted up a room for the express :w -e'. mmodation or the gentler sex. who e au now enjoy themselt-es in this way as well 85 their leige lords. The ....tram, i Wood street, by way of Lafayette Halls ou. Zoranwe Star Sisters. 'fhe first of a series of entertainment by anovel troope railed the Carter Z.IIIAVI. Star Siister, will be given at Concert Hall tii-night. Their perthrinanvi, are Ito hr very isri:stintz—i-I., , cia Ilytl r I'rea.•ll 7.1111:1V0 Shoes at .t net ion. Hook. shows. slippery, gaiter , . A - e., are selling, with astonishing rapidity and at panic pricesat McClelland's ;merlon !muse. under Masonic Hall. W advise all %de-) want bargains to drop in. Sales every day and evening.. False. about nine e alar m o'cl ock s of tire. and onSuna S dauy v tryd e a night ening about seven, were both f a lse. such alarms are becoming very frequent again. Homes. The :Niagara Fire Co. hare procured horses tor their : , ..telimer and made their first appearance with horse power on Sat urday night. The fact mentioned may ac count for the alarm. New Star. A new star in the dramatic world, Miss Bella Golden, is- announced by Manager Henderson to appear in Wheeling this week. Hermann. The acknowledged king of prestidegita tors. Hermann, gives a series of entertain ments in magic, of five nights, commencing on next Monday evening. Billiard's. We desire to remind the lovers of this scientific fame that the Apollo billiard saloon, Fourth street, near Wood, former ly kept by John Gangwißch, is noWiii the hands of Mr. Chas. Gardner, who will keep up the reputatlian of the old institution.— He has good tables, balls, cues, he., and keeps a quiet, orderly house, where an evening can be passed most agreeably. A PENNY saved is two earned. Act on this prinCiple:aad.attend the auction sales of boots, shoes and gaiters to-day at two o'clock, at the Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 55 Fifth street. - .rostrit ME YE R JOSEPH MEYER & SON, MANUFACTURERS of FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE & CHAIRS 'AREHOUSE, 135 SMITHFIELD STREET (Between Sixth street and Virgin alley,) PnTSIBURG NI. PATENT WRITING CASE. CANE IRMO ARRANGED AN TO - 1 11- give the writer a table eight by nine inebes to write alum, will InAl Pen and Pencil, India Rubber, *nd Cheekers, Checker Board, and yet will fold up so re tomeasure onlyB% inoties by 2inehes. For sale by W. 8. HAYED, WOOD 4c THIRD STD. eido ~ , -143xpa aoratlK Tomo i .t ..ive Tie of three of their popithr elite . • • t:ittiattents t the unove Hall. commencing 4,11 cd'at, Itu i 25 'Cents : reserved 5 cout ni performance coin ntenee4 t apl.l-2t _ 140 I'M AND MIEVN BO4fl'S. AND ALA. JIJIP oil hill- at the groat Salo at Mr 41.11.• LA ND'S ititethqt, :11,14 ITER' lie &&&&& s! Second Arrival of N W Plt ST V IF: 04 EATUN. MACI:d.M 4.1)•5, %oi. 17 and ou ninth Street. Braila, Laces. Dutton., die., for I.Press rianuitio. newest ate lea. Einliroiderol Pool: and rantlirienn , l'cc:a bare and I.nee Trininool Collars 1111 s:ets, and Ilnud kerchiefs. Black Laeo. Gronallino and Tissue Viols, Chemise Yokes l ' antaletts. Eskng. 15n01144, ete., ladies' and I ' hildreri's Hose, orliverr .llits, !Sonnet lo,tiz,ker chenille and lienii Sec,. Another lot of Crinoline Itraperie," skirt-; Those who hate usiol this skirt, pronounce it the hr.:, ever rliade. The - Qua kert 6kirt" and the " Flexure . s kirt," are ills.. styles worthy of attenti ilerith•ruen', Furni.hinir 1 :o n ils. Fine Shirn , . 'I Siolioniler , , ere, of most desirable StyleS. A full assortment of rittlr) a (11,1, 111111! Notion - Wholesale and retail buyerswill lint a large and exrelluot lun•of g•lt II is in retry dens ri itit at the P.NSTRIE • EATioN, MAI:BA:3IA. co,, Fifth at. CONGRIEKS 1:.1,11'11EltAi .tT xw•ti nt ?hip , .I:ty it to.n nowt.. :11.1! dr% EM ENT— M." Dui I::irrt•i4. fresh, rweived by apt I _ "BIER 1t.% NRI . II reeeivi..l:ind 1;u- .ah• 31,11 lIENIIY U. CIA-lAN'S MOOT d '1.4 T-34.1 8.% ItRELN CU LTE I:LAY lur inie by 3p14 lIENRY 11. COLLINS. --- WHITE FINK-151i !BALE MILS. 1 , 62 in , pection, fur ;toll 11 E..N RY 11. COLLINS. L.l liE lIERRING-.1100 111 A LF BBLN 1,3.2 in , pAption, foral by a. 1,14 111.NR 4.ltElar?-1411 ,AK 1, 1 13 1 1 f ilt r E l‘ l l l v ig %" W. P. AIARSIIALL. all I S 7 11'0,413in:et. /VA PESTR V- W \ Ll. PAPERS I A JR I- R- ration ef Lace. Cashmere and Damask, liarvale by IV. P. MAII:SIiALL'S, :11,14 87 Wood Ftreet. ------ R 0 11. I. BUTTER 1 BMUS. Eft ESSI Roll Butter. received this day by express, and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER. apl I._ Corner Market and First street, ______ RYE FLOU R-14 BARRELS RYE Flouring received add for side by by JAS. A. FLTZER, aril4 Corner Market and First etreete. WHEELER WILSON'S Sewing Machines, NO. 27 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA Awarded the Find Premium at the United States Fair SSS, 1559 and 1860. ITWARDS OF 0 , 0 0 0 MACHINES sold in the United States 20,000 MOLD TUE PART TEAR We offer to the nubile WHEELER & WIL SON'S IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE, at REDUCED PRICES, with increased confidence of its merits as the beet and most useful Family Sewing Machine now in use. It does equally well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, snakes the lock-stitch impossible to unravel, alike on both sides, is simple in construction, more speedy in movement, and more durable than any other ma chines. Circulars giving prices and description of machine furnished gratis on application in per son or by letter, ANTUONY MEVYR Every Machine warranted for throe years. ar3 Witt. StIMNER & C VALUABLE PROPERTY. UNDERSIGNED PROPOSES TO JL lease that VALUABLE SUMMER RESORT, at HULTON STATION, ALLEGHENY VALLEYRAILROAD ; A eapaeiousbouse, sup_ 'died with water, bath room and out-building's also, six acres of woodland; pure soft water, and plenty of it; suitable for a Summer Boarding House. Inquire ofsubseriber at No. SO THIRD STREET or 121 PENN STREET, Pittsburgh. Lease for u e or more years. ap2awd WIC F. JOHNSTON. GENTS REAL and Inkstand, FRENCH CALF BOOTS. SEWZD, W. & D. RINEHART, Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of Tobacoo, Snuff andaegius, ap3l-ly Ni.. 14111 and /111 Wood Arai. TO-DAY'S a: ccorrc;irtx 4PM • 2 Ist. FOR FIVE NIGHT'S °NEV. • ~,,, _ First and only appearance in this city of the GREAT PRENTIDIERTATEUR. MI U NE MANAGER WOLD RESPECT IL FULLY call the attention of the public to the appearance in Pittsburgh of MONSIEUR HERRMANN, Who iA universally recognized as the GREATEST LIVING PRESTIDIGITATEUR, :and whose perform:taw :it the endemics of 31:i s:kin New l• Philalelphia and linstom.where he has played to houses erowdial to overflowing Ow the loot four months, have been nronouniasl the most wonderful in their peculiar line. The pert: of llernaau are ell ti rely origi no I and novel. Their distinguishing feature is the entire _inst.:N(4: OF ANY APPARATFK, All effects being solely produced by extraordinary 3 1 1.11NUAL SKILL. During the intervals of 31. Herrmann's pro fifit•anone. n (. I { NI) CON (21!7• ij ' . COM 1.0.4e.1 Of brillimit seleetiiine front the most poNil ar operw, by"the celebrated 'hi., from the :leadenly of Music, New York. YllleNmrs. Schreiner. Phiniot, Doeh ler. Viol in imt. Weileineyer. Viol neelliol, The order ot the nertliontmees will be . an ti...0ne...1 from the stit4e by 11. HERRMANN himself. Adtizi:ision 511 emits. Reserved Seatl 33 Velite. exile. he e ..f settl will econmnce no SATIT It - DA April l9thoi te theMusieSto e re of J. IL MEI.- Loll. floor, open at 7 1 ... i; to commence at v 4.'c104:k :toll W. A your E Sh VO oes UR aite MONEV AND BUT kZIP Grs and Slippors at :Ile- CUL LA ND'S groat rattail auetion sale this 1111. V. • S PItING GOODS! NPIUNifi GOODS!! OPEN I Nil DAILY Spring t ;sods Mid having bought them elleap, will offi ir them n t pri ces to suit the hues, also New Style Saenues and Mantillas and nt I, . 'II. !k; Market sta.., . ween Filth the mood. 101000 ilo'f'Montim2,l„l„,A..lll'•‘*""" Tilers at MrCLELLAND's auction sale.; t I • mil cc)Ncluierr THE CELEBRATED Carter Z 0 Star filrelerr, Cstri,r Zona lifb Mar Sisters, 'l'l,,* will arprar in Song., ilueth!.ehrtraetur al i11t11 1. 4•5,.t... A ISO. iu their lerfiel French %motive Driil EW 4.I4IaDDS FOR THE YEARS MORE TII A N $2,50 at ARDINF.RiIk 62 FIFTH STREET PITTSBURGH THEATRE, Leask Arri) MANAGER W3i:ifeBBol4 Pawes or Moussiox.—Prirati BOxes. $5 OD: Finlay Seat in Private Box: $1 Oth -Parquette and Dress Circle, chairs, 50 cents; Family Circle. cents; Colored Gallery. 25 "cents; Colored Boxes, 59 cents; Gallery 15 cents. • Mr. C. W. COULDOCK will reinsin another week to bring out his new play of the orereola Chiefof the Connell of Ten, Mr. COM,- DOCK, • The fifth net of this gret play i spsed to he illuminated IT the ray s of t he r m moo up n, o whigh novel elfeet has hero erented by the ddroduetion of the refulgent rays of the __— Certificate of Twenty-eight Team Esc NswcAsrt.c : iTxsrcu ESTER COUNTY, t N. 1., August 11, MK Da. B. BRANDRETII : My Dear Sir—l run now seventy-nine years old, and for the last twenty-eight years bare been a constant user of your Vegetable Universal Pills when sick, fully realizing the advantage of en forcing purgation with a medicine, which, while harmless in its nature, removes all impurities. I can safely say that vigorous old age I new enjoy has been caused mainly by the gaiety use of Bra ndreth's Pills. I have had in these last twen ty-eight years several tits of sickness, and occa sionally some infirmity of age would press upon me. At fhese times I have always found your pills a sure remedy, giving me not only health but strength. I consider them, not only invaluable as a purgative, but also as a tonic. I have never during the last twenty-eight years used any other medicine whatever, being convinced, by experi enee, that none was as good. Brandreth's Pills have also been freely used by my neighbors in every kind of sickness, 'and have been never known to fail when promptly administered. Yours truly. NATHANIEL HYATT, Justice of the Pence fiir forty years in Westchester County, N. Y. Price i cents per box. Sold hr MOS. RDPATII, ittsbur gh, P And by all respecta E ble dealers , in medicine. a., inh22:lm TO OIL nv-ziaNvats THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE MADE arrangements to lit up Oil RefinerieN, under Dr. Tweddle's Patent TROMP APPARATUS, Patented Fehrn ry 4th, 18Q, by Which tire is ren dered totally unnecessary in distilling Petroleum or other Oil , , and we guarantee our work cannot be excelled in durability, simplicity or economy. - - • • 1111'c 1:11,r with confidence to the fidlowing pa r- LieS, Itctineries we have fitted up: MeYws. Lona% Miller Az Co., l'etrona Works: Wightnian .V Anderson, Eagle .1., S. M. Kier d Excelsior do • Alex. Taylor C0. d0., Jefferson d.. Lockhart. Frew, Brilliant do The above worki were de,igned and constructed tol put in operation by Itr. If. W. C. I)L The following works we have also fitted up: Eeonomy (iii Company. Darlington; MessmChathri,•k ecompon. Kittanning: Johmon /:rnham Woof& It on I:n•wer. Sill .k Co.. Pittsluirgh: Ittre:: Joliwon do Forsyth ISro,+. St Co.. ManrheFter. DAVIS & PHILLIPS, Nos. 100 %WATER k UR FIRST STR.ErI'S. Brass Founders, Plumbers STEAM AND GAS FITTERS mhl I:3tod PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS, Village Churches, Arc. THE SCHOOL HARMONIUM, 11JDOWEREICL AND CHEAP- LOUD VOICED AND LOW PRICED. Buyi ng been r,pentedly Lugo . ' to devise an iu rument eapable of ereater power of tone than te AleloTleom which could he afforded nt a similar a•t. the under-Mned are happy to say that they •We sueeetsiTsl in the mann taeture of a new style Timonium. which r:o1 Mildly Mil to meet a very mem! Tlemand. Sehool I larnioni pns , esse, full volume tti s n gf..l quality ot tone is snidll in size. very 1•011111:1(1. t•11,11y 1.10VV.1 81.111, 11111 4, t 1. [Ve...111.1C1y ill 11101(• v 0 11:4111 , 64.11. It vfonlltill, I Woo so.t:4 of reeds, and an effeetive swell. and is mneli loader than the most row, fit! -Double Afebeleon The ease is 'drone], built of only ~ r I:lttelt Ira 1nn:...11 finished. • \lt !wag!! more ospeeially desizootl for :41.01 the new itv , troteent i, equally well adapted to the tippet-al retptirepteot,ll ve , trte,. riuy.eh. Isotot o Howl., and ptii,fio oxamioati..ll do. 11 I 11 tIN !I" NI 11,11i.,11.11,11 rarIIIIIIITIPI,IIII.III.II, .•r". Pol•Ite god l'rtvate Avetl._ortie4 nod .-;tnittrit— of Teavio's, trgttoi,t,, i-ter.. :111 iotere•ted ie the .14,0- 01.111 , 111 arid itaprot entont, epp:kai tame atomic-t tt, t , people, It tvill.tipertottteti, prove A powerful auxiliary to the arlVallf.o.ittellt 01.1104.1 lea: culture. especially moaceitibiren. ACASi.t.N 31AnufarttirerF. 233., 237 3{/1(/ 239 Chwbri.lgu 'tree,. Bost othAlas 12. 1 .. Three 1t alKaTt: ip , trutateetE received they, raid for sole by JOHN H. HELL4OIt. til WuuiP s.rtaxr Sole Agent for the sale of Mason & llatulin's :11e udeons and Ilarutoni nuts. • ap9..ltv NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS— Proposals for 11 1Uhuiltlintr of the it erman It Cat hulie Church in Lawrenceville. %%Wu. reeeiv• ell until the :Nth of this 'wont h. at the °like ju the warehouse of A. Ifoeveler. where plans snecilications. ete.. tino• he tuttil. oft otel after Motelsy 14th inst. liv ortler of the :11.12:34 BOARD OF I '.TEE :7. SMITH PITCAIBN, MERCHANT TAILORS, ST. CL.A.IR STR.FJP.T. MANHOOD— HOWLOST: HOW RESTORED! Just published. Sealed Envelope. Price ! A LECTURE ON THE NATURE. TREAT MENT and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhtea or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary &omissions. Sexual Debility. and ,Impedinients to Marriage Morally, Nervousness. Consumption Epilepsy and Fits: Mental and Physical Incapacity. revolt ins. from Self-Abuse. &c.—By ROBT. J. CU VERW ELL, M. D.. Author of the Creels Book, ,f-,• "A Boon to Thousands of Sufferers." Sent under seal. in a plain envelope, to any ad dress. Postpaid, on receipt of six cents or tie, postage damps, by Dr. Cll. J. C. KLIE, 127 Bower,v New York, Post Office Box, 4386 • mh3l:3m-iindaw --- TO GARDENERS - -HYDIROPOLTS or GARDEN HAND PUMPS. a new and atm venient Garden Sprinkler, for male at the Gas Fit , ting and Plumbing shop of WELDON & REINERT, spin 164 Wow street, near Gilt. D R. SWEET'S - INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. Wholesale and retail by R. E. SELLERS & CO., no9-3m-ood corner Second and Wood sts. - - NEW GOODS—, GREA7 INDUCEMENT~ Call and see the large stock of ESOOTAI AHIIO I EIIOEB which hareMst been ocelred.ltt the low price store of JOSEPH H. BORLAND'S, No. fig Market street. aid door from Fifth street. FUIT TREES, EWER GR EE\ Grape Vines. Current and Gooseberry Bushes, Rhubarb Plants, &e, (4 the best quality and warranted true to name ,justreceived and for sale by BECKHAM I- LO t:, ard2 127 Liberty st., next to Hare's Hotel. JUST RECEIVED M DIRECT FRO TAE EA Pi T E manufactures. at the BOOT AND SHOE STORE Or JAMES ROBB, 89 Rarket street, a full and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES in every variety and style, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH, *IL Call and secure a bargain. JAMES ROBB, 89 Market ztre near Market House. rah 27 (1),1 IMJ.CM'fV9'llo.6lTinid JVlRanrittif etsa dos. • 141: 4 1 . 11ARDirn. NOD • - 791 RIME STUIT. ..k.frtez.kijoq,.‘ ..lithairW,Yad.3•> -1 • ' A.KUSENLENTS LION OF NT. IltilMt M==l (` d) lt PRICE $BO N O. as Six Cents T. J. GRAFT PAUL HVGUS GRAFF WESTERN STOVE WORKS, 245 LIBERTY STREET, GRAFF & CO., 31" .4.7 N r.A.C7fLT ICU; It ?=.l Would nail the atteetion of the pull in to their L A It I; S (..; of well meltleted COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES Kitchen Grate Fronts, WO. low Ware. Ac.. 7, which will f 000 nd the Bela Cool Cook Stove% in the State. The Diamond, Advance. Air-Tight Eclipse, and Iron City, ' Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fair fin. the BEST COA L COOK . STOVES. Also FIRST PR E- M I'M awarded to the TRUE AMERICAN, GLOBES It Err 01,IC, Far the BEST Wittilt TH: Walt' IN USE. The KENTUCKIAN and KANSAS Premium Stove s arc unsur aa.+sed. We call attentlint of DEA and BUILDERS to the largest stoek of CRATE FRONTS AND FENDERS IN THE STATE. N ll—We line the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE oal Cook StI , VC:I with Soap stone Lininge, which and the fire better than iron. ov2S:k 1 41ERCA Nl'l LIR It AB V SieN4lo:(l. TION "1 . 110 r giver:N.ls' met.: iti4 eel the will let. 1104 iv I lit. Lilt:er)" U... ,1 11 .... fiSIIA EVENIN.II • the rd.. will I.l.•:tize meet .11 Ihe ,11111 t 1, 1•111:16,, It 71 6.11•RIN0 WIEE.II— ti , tsalit by liKOKIIA:11 A - LoNti, 1:5 Liberty st, uext to 1i0n... ilot,l t r ipitIIPMPIEL HTE It osi n ml. It to,t restw.•ts. HIM Mt.( lorniii:11011, at) , •01/16 1.61. ,10 1V11. $l.OO Jre 100,1110 lw r 1,0011, .1011 w f. KNOX. 111,12 No. f:` , Filth 6tre,.t. M i l !t f.f Strnwl,erlieA. 2.5 (rv:it+ prr ,1,._,•n, *4.00 p,•r MO. 85.41111 per I. 44444 . 12 - ltdlw WTOKALG E V TAIli E HAE EN THE , ionevoo.:ivitrelin: e f I wATER SIR Err. will receive end store general inerehmolise or Retitled Oily, on moderato terms. i Uri & fia INIIITAI'4ItES-- i 7.1 just received by BECKHAM & Noll! 127 Liberty st., next to liare's Hotel. lERI ATTRACTIIE STOCK. New Pity le Drevs C 100411.6, Nol4' Myles 5acq1114.44 and Clunk .4, Npring Stan IN In and Circularly. Drew. Silks and Robes. Plniavainek Silks. very cheap, Handsomest Mork of Prints in the city. varying, in price from, fl ED S‘, ill, nod 12 1-2. 4:14i4 4 `AI iind Yields. IV.ork. ('utin ty rind Setts. tote. (.7 Is :is ('4.•:a p vis the .li 44 ill tans• thew. Our Stock in ver corn plot o. 11:04o111 Harga iur from .11144‘0111 TERMS C.tslll. HANSOM LOVE at CO., to. 7 f Alrk et st reel N Ew hitths cioeus Es% 1 / 1 1tI:S 1 .011 - IVEW DRESS GODIOS NE IV CALICOES BEN CaLiCOFC 1.11 NEW CALICOES W. (Sr. D, HUGUS. LAST SUMMER SILKS LLING AT 73 cEnvirs WORTH TO e,io Pitt YARD Ir. at D. 1117GUIS, earner Firth and Atarkot streets 'HE PUBLIC. LIS P E 4! NALLY illthe ignorant andfalse ly dlelest of all denomi nations, treat secret and delicate disorders, self abuse and diseases or stuations einumon and incident to youths of both sexes, and adults, single or married. Because Da. BRANSTRUP publishes the fact of his doing so, the ignomnt and falsely modest are dreadfully shocked, and think it a great, sin very immoral and for contamination and corruption among their wives, promising sons and daughters. Their family physician should be cautious to keep their in ignorance that they do the same as Dr..I.II4AN SIRUP, (except publishing ) lest a lucmtive prac tice might ho lost to them among stupid lleisely modest and presumptuous families, born :end raised in ignorance, sprung up as mushroom and who compare society, intelligence,. sense. Ace., to dollars and cents, mysteriously, meanly orilly gotten. It is to publicity, however, that numerous parents and guardians are thankful that their sons, daughters and wards, previously feeble, sickly and of delicate condition aid appearance, hitve been restored to health anal vigor by lilt. BRA NSTRUP, besides many before and after marriage through • have been:uvel i n Il e I suf fering:. anxiety, tnortilication, Spermatorr- Ilea or imeturnal emmissions, are completely cured in a very short space of time by his new remedies. which are peculiarly his own. They are compounds from the Vegetable Kingdom, having seen the fallacy:of the .11ercurial treatment he has abandon ed it and qubstituted the vegitable Female dis eases are treated with marked success—having had over forty years (40) experience in their treat ment in hospitals of both the old World and in the United States; leads him to say—to all with a fair trial, health and happiness will again bloom upon the now—palled cheek. Trifle no longer with monteban Int anal quacks, but come and be cured Consumption and all of its kindred diseases, of which so many annual'y till our countries.. can I now be relieved, proclaim they attend to it in time Full particulars can belied of my treatment by procuring a copy of the Medical Adviaer.which is given gratis to all that apply Hanna ; the ad vantage of over forty years experience and observation, consequently, ha has superior sk i ts daily consulted by the profession, as well aerecom mendixi by repectable citizens. Publishers,. pm' Prietors of hotels, Sc. O ffi ce fly Smithfield street, near Diamond street. Private communi cations from all parts of the Union strictly at tended to. Direct to BOX SOO. deEklydaw Pittsburgh Post Office. DitED PEACHED—HALVSX AA. t i II_ARTISICA mo=6l U s t i lii :mor • MM=I!IEI PITTSBurtcaT A 1.5 l b. IMP 11011: D kl'3l. 11. IiINOMI) .1. KNOX No. 20 Filth ,t (A NE SEED— tbrsitle be BECKHAM & LONG, :tot 2 127 Liberty st, 'text to Dare's hotel LANDRETII DEADEN ADD FIELD Seecb4 Garden Implements, Flows Darrow* ,t 0., for sale by BECEILAM 49E LONG, aol2 127 Liberty et., next to Eare'e Hotel. TIERNAN dr GETTY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, IMPORTRRS AND DISALERS IN TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, .fie., NORTH-EAST corner of 01110 STREET AND THE DIAMOND, noahly ALLEGHENY CITY. SEELI. %Jib l u FIFTH STREET, opposite Cathedral • • • NOTES. BONDS, MORTGAt ES and other Seen ties. ap4 virtu ONLY PEACE IN PITTSBURG irlwre you can .oily buy the most elegant and durably ROOTS AND SHOED r. 4'2 FIFTH STREET, net; door La Express aplo THE SLAUGHTER COMMENCED"' The Enemy Driven into the Entrenchments WE SHALL SHOW NO QUARTER: But Take all the Quarters We Cats Get Of Cheap WALL PAPER, Borders, Sc of Newest lityles mad Usual Variety. to be Sold this Pipring. This large stock, having been purchased at re duced prices. will be sold very low. 3: At /NIFICENT PARLOR PAPERS, BEAUTIFUL PANEL PAPERS, EXTRA WIDE PAPERS OF FRENCII AND ENGLISH Bargains Not Confined to Remnants. • We take RAGS as well as CASH. WALL PAPER STORE, At the Ohi Stand, %o. S 7 Wood Street W. P. MARSHALL. Ai' Paper Hanging and Whitewashing. Quickly and well done, by Experienced Workman. roll2l:and Coruer SOUTH COMMON & SANDUSKY STHEETT. ALLEGHENY CITY. Ica.. Families supplied with coal at low rates ou short notice. 13 13 at. _IE: WENS* Plumbers and Gas. Fitters, NO. 165 WOOD s'nuerrt OPPONITE Fl HST CU DCIIII, PITTORILIROM • N 47 OHIO STREET ALLEGHENY, 11121I11111PS. ILVDRANTS. SHEET LEAD. JR Lead .1 'ipealapand Ear La.& and Plumber's material in general. Oil Refineries fitted up in the most approved manner. Tanks lined Lead or Copper. !louses fitted with Water and tins Fix tures. tan,. N. IL All orders promptly attended to ap3 :lyd H ORTICU_LTURAL- STRAWBERRY RASOBERRY, and BLACKBERRY PLANTS GRAPE VINES. CURRANT, and GOOSEBERRY BURIES LINEAR. RHEITBARB, and ASPARAGUS ROOTS, all of the beet quality. and warranted true to name. For sale at ZugTl.l STREET. mho' J. XNGIE. Elfiri'o."-lrin FT17117:17E., Ant' Masonic )(all Auction Rouse. will be sold a gaaa tity of choice Funiiture, Carpets, eosogrudng one superb .Mahotrany Bedstead, two Marble TOP Mahogany Dressing one' one Mahog any Wardrobe, one' Walnut Bookcase, Wal net What Not. two Sofa Seat Rocking Chairs. twelve Al aliogan,y Sofa Seat Parlor Chairs, En olos,.l Washstand. Dining ad C a rpetr l'ahles, three Ply Ingrain Carpets, Stairs , tine English Trays; also one beautiful set of Silver Plated Tea Ware. Terms at sale. T. ItailbakiljiAND. apS 1; :Auctioneer. PEACHES AND 600 'BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, U BARRELS PIIRE CIDER VINEGAR, WILL/AM' BACiALEY, IS aseilSll Weed street JOS. 14. TgO3IPSON, OOMI IO B / 03 rIEBRORMITI 41014 744. 4 NORM 4 1 4.1 i 141tiik 2m .:1411A4411111011LI.TPA .term n 074! TINE MOYT COMPLETE MillOLE side Jewelry ESTADVISIVILA .1111-TUE WEST. J. It. GARDEVER. It: Finn STREET. NOTICE --GAS FIXTURE.% 41 IF EVERY dekription regilt nr rebronzell, and altered to Hung Carbon OR at the Gas Fitting and . Plttrubing shop of • WELDOR & REINEKE, 1164 Wood !itFeet near 6th Confection of Senna. TII IS MEEDIVINE IR INVALUABLE 0F 3 toil,' and gentle purgative. pleasant anti agree,' hie to the taste. For children and delicate Pets. MS it Will 60 round_partieularly adapted. Prepared by doselik Fleming. Prepared u p o n Fleming, Corner of the Did anti Market street. • Pure lion:lnd Gin lOrMedlicinal Purtinscs. Pare lbdl.lnti rau for Medicinal Purposes. Tana in receipt of a superior article of pure Hot -1:110 I:in, imported in titian jago expressly for me diet tud pu rpt CO'S. Those having floe thr this arti cle will Find this vastly superior to the article usu ally putclutsed in hottit.•s. For sale by Joseph Fleming. corner Dintinnul anti Marketil Joseph Fleming, corner Diatuond anti Market at. :11,7 ---- lIMINEWI'ItATOWN SALE or TEM STEAAI ER JNO. T. WC0311.3S ThiF , boat, now running in the r.-. Pittslotrgh and Wheeling line, will:.; - • b.. otli.red at private sale till Filln, -, =April Wit h.. If not disposed of before that that> she wi I I,,iii vely 1,0 sold at PINILIa AUrrioN on that day al In o'clock..i. at. Inquire of .fACK:qI.7I .I , I 7 NCAN, Administrator. WILLIAM BAGALEY, WHOLESALE GROCER NOS. 18 AND 20 WOOD STREET, j 920: f ell ILDILENS' SHOES AT 15 CENT! PITTSBITRGII 11V411111C11.94 Goitern 75 cent*. Rot's 041101N1 dim $lOO. Finefra Quality, English Lasting Silk Gents' Com:res.% Gaiters. only SEM.. N0.(32. FIFTH S TREET. .11.1.ESIIEN erry—FON. RENT 11 i:g rgt• At 4'n dm:lung home: nrply to . Ct Tll1t141:'r Ssox, :.! . x,..; , 1 Market street. I". 310 N'A_7,. A RDESCO OIL COMPANY. MANP li.le rui:ERS of Refuted Carbon Oil. No, 27 Irwin street. Pittsburgh, Pa. T EAST x.incitTv—Ai vALII7,II.IILE 1 1i pv. , i!erty tior bole of tour UMW and thirtY 0 loca fronting on e l'itt,hurglin pl and Ea as st ant Libertytion, plank toad. will be told at a low price and On thworuble terms. apply at the ;teal Estate Other. S. CUTHBERT S: SON, 711.1.1 - N. 51 Market street. 1 1111EPIRICE uF TUE LADIES BOOTS A Nl► MEOW 00 at 62FLFTIi STREHT REAI. ESTATE. AND GEN ERAL AGENT, I , FIALERIII IN 100,000 ROLLS COAL DEPOT WM. X. STEWART, 11E. , 1.14. f COAL, NEM: THE MAYOR'S (*TICK in Moro and for Bale by CENERAL AGENT AND a nnut.:INTBLLIGIMMIL PORT-OP,Airila-4Wl: A HIVE D. Franklin, Bennet, Idrownoville. Gallatin, Clark. Browrunrille. Cul. Bayard, Feeble,. Elisabeth. J T 311:otnbs. MeCowley Wheeling Emma Graham, Ayers, Zanesville Heroin It, Henderson. St Louis Leonora, llaris.-Louisville DEPARTED. Franklin. Bennet, Brownsville, Gallatin, Clark. do Col. Bayard. Peebles.. Elizabeth. Minerva. GOrden. IVbeelinf. Lizzie Alartio, Brown. Cinetnnati Clara Dean. Diekire..on, do iii' Theßicer—Lastere n ing at twilight there were ten feet six inches water in the channel and felling. The weather during the'ilas was wet .entl'disegreeeble l The punctual packet Emma Gra ham, Captain M. Ayens, Will be found at the land ing this morning. She will return to Zanesville on Tuesday at 4 pm. Se — Capt. Evans' fine aide wheel packet- Westmoreland, will be found advorthied for St. Lunis and Saint Paul. . .- fitir The Lizzie Martin left for Cincin- Ilan on Saturday with a fair trip, - . —____........._---. Sit Will be seen by reference to our. adrertisinfteolanins, that the steamer J. T, Me- : : Combs is altered for sale. _Shois a aped boat and - . 1-' . i s i n a good paying trade and will be sold at a bargain. gin: - rThe Aurora is receiving& large lot of government freight. ItEr The Wheeling packet for this day id tho steamer J. T. McCombs, Captain IL A. Me- Condo. She leaves at noon and has the best. of accommodations. tkil'Capt. Evans' fine packet . Key West, No 2, is announced for Cinoinmal lad Louisville Pa ssengers and shippers will bear this In mind. Set- The packet Prima Donna is load r for St Louis and St Paul, Captaht.theo Moore, it voinninnol, whilst Cant Murdoch` Will do the MEM= The mammoth steamer Aurora, Captain J W Ana wait, leaves to-day-St Louie and St Paul This'lmat is a &Yorke with passengers and shippers Captain Dales will be head in the office f*t?" The fine passenger stemutfArsgo, Captain Golding, will have disstateli'ltsflt Louis and the Upper ItliMissipai. - Her asettoi . : *dation' are superior and her 'Aeon careful antrattesttirs Mr lannoret, who has shame et the silllee will provide you with state rooms if you mill early - • /0:017e splendid passenger steamer lowa, Captain Moore, leaves this dal, positively tor Saint Louis and the liliaoH)ie Mier. Her ser , elevlations area No 1; white her Meets are noted for their attention to the wants all - iiiiisstem N Mr. D. Moore has ekartos otthe Whit For Claelaaatl, Cala IC lads, Galena, Dubuque aadlikk, Paul. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16.10 THE SPLEX,I, •1 H Z E. Er wheel packet WESTMORELAND: ans. Commander. will leave for the above Ports as announced. . , For freight or poems apply on boarder to J. B. LIVINGSTON & CO, &mt. For Cluelnsist" one Lolifarillo. . TUESDAY, APRIL 78,4 r N. • orLsorai t ra...141 KEYWEST E•o• Es , Cart Rum. will leave aa announced above. For freight or_parege apaly on boaritter to apl4 J OLIN B. LIVINUSTON'A CO. Agent For Ciseinuati aud Ls vflle, _ WEDNESDAY Z# DA,IL THE rum iriltAstait ES& ZLE MARTIN, D.V. Brown. com mander. will lesie for the abet" Doi as an nounced For freight or passage applyoit mord ft* apl4 J. B. LIVLtiewTON kOO,-kgente For St. Low, Keokuk, 'Rook Island, Dubuque sail . fain t Pita]. . . MONDAY 28, 5 PM. ' • . : . ,..„1.7.—.7 . - - : •1,, THE YEW sTEAMM ...........i! NIT, tot will leave fur MO OR Ca For freight °rims/lase &pp os bo port* ardeilo apl4 J. B.LIVINOW N kak-Amt. For Cairo, 1111. Louie sad Moor Ilifooloolppi. THISDAY. APRIL 14. -10 A.111.' THE FITE- MUM= : 00re ir e s ' P 1t! r. 2 4.1 1 112 6 121.4 4 Gems D. above. For freight or netwilivria):. apl4 or JOHN FLAC Agents. For Cincinnati Locchnrine, giro and XL Lenin, THLS DAY. 4 P. M. TUE FINE steamer AURORA. Jelr-:Auswalt commands r. will loaves-for the above obi kir mediate poen a above For freight or nraiscamtsei eras anti JOHN 17[( t • _ For SC. Leads sad SE. POW THIS DAY APRIL 11.• ARAD% %main %Know, ;- . as announced above; , For freight or mow aPO r lk . 11 °r t° apl4 JO AWOL Fer Mahal Louts aad - 11111auds * River. Tin s DAY. APRIL 14. • rim NSW All/111111%1131.1D ridlMlposigoneor stamot YOWAiNitotain Mooramill leave as above olugo, For freight or Pune OK. or J. OK. AM*. rit4whTuesday_ • or Marteita mid sea eisvllle: TUE VEIN r EMU 'etearaerE AMA (I Capt. name Ale ' commode. *yea Pittsburgh every TUESDAY. Si p. sad zaaeseifie every FEIDAY ata. a. For fre riatrailS a la rvirt-to rah2l AMIL For Beaver, Bleabelarinir,'4lo4 Wh eeliaii• :., • • , =matTUE leaefiat J. T. Mead% IL A.; meatier. lame; the &bogs' parte . Wedneeday ood rmgy 8412 M. For freight Thrgoogrigo Applz_on `del{ OULLIffs C 0«. Waboseest For Marietta, Parkersburg Gallipoli" mil Portommosm a . EVERY . WEDNESDAY. l$ M Cam Wes IThiggs,lll4lWWW4M. Captain Wm. Ramo. far making weedily mer WEDNESDAY at . andeMeginshavan Gallipolis eve P ; ii 1 , - • I.t : 1 ~1 1Lx..,...,--,r , , - - - - PRONVILLB ... . WILL WE ItECRIVICII ATUIIIIIIIP. FICB of the Western P until ' eintA in SATURDAY. April AL at al 4 .,,L 5 . i2 11,e . Dis hi er good LUMP CO and NAM and good FRESH . Resit in all cases the bone will be dedefaed , wee con tract for one year. and furnished ni Foch . ti nes se required. By order of the In spectors. mh3l:id JOHN BIRSIDIGILUI. Warden. SMITH, PARK & CO., NINTH W ItiCs .V4017/PIIIIMM", MITT:SWUM RA Warehouse, No. ID First and Pli‘Vjaa a d i a a. Manufsetaren of all sizes and dasigipa i Coal Oil. Retorts and Stills, tine and p a Sad Iron!, Don Inn, Wagon Bon% Steel Ponies. lingers sad Couplings. Also jobbum sad Maelune Cantinas of eves* de. Kiijetipn made tl i c e or e lm. Alavius a OMR lawinhs tbeaanndry. seeetnaryntuntt attended to • fselallot. j a MICRCION.A. COIL WORIXIS .LONC. MILLER & CO., WORKS EGREN AT SHARPS. i.MR TTION. AL LT VALL RAIROAD. STOllkis and Warab I s* _1414011T ietrnizitrasia. thia Etilatiditag and Labricateti Mnalaladl , LiaOW IlierseakorLE-,• • ' ' MEM