RAILROADS. It36•e. THE: I~l6Tr. PITTSBURGH it WAYNE &CHICAGO RAILWAY, TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH WEST AND NORTH WEST. WINTEU - AIMANGEMENT TINE TO CINCINNATI AS QUICK. and to Indianapolis. St. Louis and Clii.:3;pu shorter than by any other route. WESTWARD TRAINS. Mail Line. - Express. Leaves PAiltitseghttiteTyh 1.50 a. mtn: Mansfield 10,03 a, in. 10,10 p. in. Arrives Forest t uis 10,40 a. Linea 2.15 f . . 11 1 .. 2..30 1: to. " Fort Wayne 4,30 p. ux„ 5,04) a. Chicago 11,00 p. in. 11.00 in . " St. Louis . 12,45- p. m. FOR COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS Leaves Crestline 10,33 a. in. 11.00 p. m Artives ge n lu ci a nn b a u4 m in : 1.30 u n: in - St. Louis 10,40 a. in. 11,55 p. FOR INDIANAPOLIS AND-ST. LOUIS. Leaves Crestline 10.55 a. in. 11.00 p. m. Atty. at Indianapolis.. 9,00 IL in. 9.04) a. in. Terre Haute... 2,25 n. in. St, .. in. 11,55 p. m. All Trains th'rtnigh to Chicago without change of Cars. N. B.—The time to Cincinnati is the came as by Steubenville. Trains on both Itoads meet at Columbus. and passengers all go into Cineic esti together. EASTWARD T,RAINS Mail. ` Ex pre Leave Chicago - -- 6„20 a. m, 0,30 1.„ m Arrive at Fort Wayne...l2,4M p. In. 12410 a. in Creetline 5 , 55 p. in. 0.20 :t. of " Pittsburgh 2.2. a. In. 3.541 p. in Both Trains make close connections with Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad for the En,dern cities via Allentown and Philadelphia. lEi Onlrone change of cars between Chicago and New York, via Pittsburgh and Allentown. on train leaving Chicago at 6.311 p. w., reavhinn. Pittsburgh at 3,60 p. in.. and New York at 1 11 3 5 m. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—From 1 , 61er: street Station, Allegheny City. NEW DRIGIITON ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Allegheny at... 9.30 a. m. and 9.30 p. n AnivesNewßrighton.ll,lo .. 6.10 LeavesNewßrightnn. 6.3 " "19.10 " Arrives at Allegheny.. S.E 2.00 ECONOMY ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Allegheny at 12.50 p. in. and is p. Leaves Economy at 6.03 a. in. :oal 4.00 " lIIARIi ET TRAIN Leaves Affiance at 6.10 a. 11.1 Acta res at Allegheny at Moto a . in It.ea . tes Allegheny at 2.50 itt Arrives at Alliance 7.34 p. 22. Trains are run by Colunibto time, which i. 12 minutes slower than Pit khurgh time. la. Tickets good on the amoinmodatio:: market trains aro sold n t reduced prim,. :trough trains connect a: followe: MAlliunee. with trains on the Cleveland ani P. ttsburgh Railroad. At Orrville.: Ohio, to and front Millersburgb Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, etc. At Mansfield, Ohio, for Mount Vernon, 5h..1133. Sandusky, Toledo, Detroit, etc. At Crestline,:forDelearare, Springfield, Columbus Cincinnatkienia. Dayton, Indianapolis, timmio Louis. Louisville, etc. . . . At Forest, for Springfield, Sandusky, Day ten. Cin cinnati, ete. v. tc. At Lima. for Sidney, Dayton, Cincinnati, Toledo etc. - . At Fort Wayne. for Peru, Lafayette, Ind.. Sal Lottis, and intermediate points in Central I diana and Illinois. At Plymouth for Laporte. At Wanatah ihr all points on the Louhivilie. Ne Albany and Chicago Railroad. And at Chicago, with trains for all point- in 11l nois, Missouri, lowa, Wiscon=in nod Al in oe.=ot: For further intiirma lion and throuuli apply to. GEORGE PARK EC. TiA.er A:'r. Passenger Steller), Pit tAurgh. Through Tickets for sale at the licket,Offiees of the Company on the line the road, to allpart of the United States. R' U. P. SIIINN. General Passenger Agent, G. W. CASS, General Superintendent. CIiCA-N Cr' OF 7`17111•;. 1862. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD EIGHT IL%lL'' TRAINS WINTER ARRANGEMENT THE MAIL p TRAIN LEAVES urrs- A. BURGH, from the Pa, , enger Depot, :it the intersection of Liberty and amnia -tot•sts. es rry morning (except Sunday) at t'elo a. ta., stoppiog -,t all stations between Pittsburgh and Pi+ ibidelphix. This train arrives in Philadelphia. 11-1 , p. to., snaking close connection (or New V..rlt hoist hett - *Wren Depot, at Untl p. In., over Camden :mil Amboy Line. THE EXPRESS - TRAIN leaven the above named station daily at 4,40 p. w ., stopoitiv," only at prinelpal stations, and malting direct connec tion at Harrisburg for Baltimore:tad Wailliezon, and for New York via Allentown. This train ar rival in Philadelphia at 5,05 a. nt., inakina: .-on - section for New iork from Kensington Depot at 9,30 a, in., over Camden and Amboy tine. A SLEEPING CAR is run through from Pittsburgh to Jersey City-via.Allerdown-4;kl to this train. THE FAST LINE leaves the above named sta• tipn daily, (except Sunday), It L 2,555 a. in.. stop ping only at principal stations eonneetinc at Har risburg for Baltimore and Weshingtoil. This traW arrival in Philadelphia at 5,23 p. in., waking close connection Tor New York front Kensington. Depot at 5,30 p. in., over Camden k Amboy line. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves daily (except Sunday) at 3.00 p. ni.“-top - ping at all stations and running as IS ,• as Cone- FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN - for Wall's station leaves daily (except Sunday.) at 0 : 44) a. In. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Warm station leaves daily, (except Sunday) at 11,00 a. in. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN fir --Wall's station leaves daily, (exeept Sunday) at 4,00 p. m.: , .1 FOURTH •ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's station, leaves daily. (except Sunday) at 6,15 p. m. RETURNING TRAINS • - - ARRIVE IN PITTSBURGH AS FOLLOWS: .Express 1,15 p. m Mad 5.50 p. Feet Line 1,30 a. In Johnstown Accommodation 10,30 a. in let Wall's Station Accommodation 6.30 a. in 9d Wall's Station Accommodation 4,30 a. in , Ed Wall's Station Aecouiniodation 1.05 p. in 4th Wall's Station Accommodation p. in. SurTrains for Blairsville and Indiana connee at Blairsville Intersection with Johnstown A,— eommodation East and West, and Express and Mail West: FAKE: TO NEW YORK._ 012.50 PHILADELPHIA 10.911 BALTIMORE ICAO LANCASTER 8,55 ILtRRISBUItd 7,45 . Sirßaggage chocked to all stations on the Penn aylvania Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Balti more and New YON: Passengers purchasing tickets in cars will be charged an excess according to distancedrav eled in addition to the station rates. except from stations whereidteeenipany has no agent. NOTICE-4n case of loss, the Company will bold themselvevresPonsible fiir per opal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding 8100. B. B.—An Omnibus Line bas been employed to convey passengers Undbuggrigti to nnii from the depot, at a charge not t yjeac k wed 25 cents p.n. e ac h moaner and bl For tickets aw At the Penge:' and Grant str • n 023 Gene 11 1 TI1W IMITTE VIA All RAILROAD. INDIANAPOLIS ASO CINCINNATI R. R Connect*, at Indianapolis with Terre Haute, and Terre Haute and Alton Railroad. to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis. New Albany and Selearyand Michigan Central Railoads for CHIC A GO, ROCK ISLAND, BURLEsTGTON. and all intermediate points. • • - Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUT.K•LAFAISTi'E and PERI% Freights and painengers carried from Cincin nati or Lawrenceburg in law time than by any other route by twenty-four hours; and at as low rates. The only road by which shipments can be made from Cincinnati fo.the West, without break men made to J. E. GIBBONS. Agent at an menu nati, or W. B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrencebargh, will receive prompt attention, and no charge : -for - cottunission; No ens ma: roe DLILYAOS OM COMMISSION AT LAWRENCENCRG. For further information apply to THOMAS RATIGAmiIifoRES "Water street). agent of the Company, or, ofs prepared to give - r and cairn for ' and freight to . lndiancpolis, Terre Haute, L yette,- Chicago, Peru, Green castle, CrawfordiiiilleiCharleston, Paris and Mat toon !Se., are. H. Y. LORD President. d F. CHEEK; General Freight Agent. 062. IMPORTANT. 1862. ALL PERSONS PURCHASING TICKETS FOR SAINT JOSEPH. And other pointa in Northern bliNsouri, the States f £anw or the Territories, should insist on twine Wear that read by the . . IDIRCER XMINOIURI RAILROAD The gay ridieelta, atm St Louie to St. Joseph: tk ii to, .=gratl . c___ s. est . Hale by ..thirtlen " m a' " 4 . 1111 SO __ fa . . . •-• ,an , P: 14'''"{- 44 r nibs Anat. _ RAILROADS: _.„ CLIVRAND k PITTSBURGH RAILIVAV ClIANG;11. ON AND AFTER MONDAN,NOV„ 23, 1,1111. trains will leave the Depot of the Penn lvania Railroad. is Pit tsburih, as follows: • PITT.SBUR(; if. COM:MUT& At: CINCINNATI' SIIJRT LINE, VIA S.TEUBEN VILLE. Leaves Pittsburgh 1,55 a: tn. " Steubenville . " Newark 12.05 p. to, " Colutulnt 1.20 A rri vis eh:elan:it i G.. 45 " " St. LOIlliA 110.43 a. in. Leaves Piitshurgh • 1,55 p. in. Steube:v ville 5.i0 " Newark lt.: midnight. " 0111110)1V 1.50 e . ~t. Arrives i;inei n vat i 7...111 " St. LtiLli , I i.:{o it. la. No change .1* e3FiI.MIVi:OI: PittAtlrgh and Cia oioonti. Splendid sleeping .c.te , attacked tat all Light troint.!. . AVHEELINU LINE. Leaven Pitisbtl rY.h 1.55 is. Itl. •• 4.23 '• Steubenville ... ......... 5.24 " " Wheeling " Arrive . 8.50 " I.Ca.Vet PittAnrgli 1,55 p. Wellsville 4.00 ", Steubenville 5.14) " Wheeling 6.25 "" Arrives Lellair 9.40 ••• Connecting at IVheeling with Baltimore ettlat 'MO Ittli !road. andel Bellair with Clevela. - .l:tint Ultio Railroad for Zanesville. Ig:tea-ter. Circleville, Columbus and Cincinnati. PIX.CSBI.:111.: II AND CLEVIM.IND LINE. Leaves Pi tt,hut-git 11.55 a. tn. " kl"••11-ville 4.115 " Bayard 6.5% " " Alliance 7.0% " " 9.23 '• Arrives Clevelat 9.35 •• Leave: , Pittzburelt 1.55 p. ICellscille .t.too •• ho.yara 1.21 " 5.50 " " Hudson 7.04 " Arrive:; Cleveland 5.40 " Comm... Ling at. 8ay.,r.1 with '1 . 11...t0r,V., tor'torh for New Philadelphia awl Canal IL" et at .lilialtee with Pittsburgh, F.o.t. IV, t y t ,e 1;.61- roa,l at II unl,on, with ch. v ei nn ,„l . „net chin.nw,oltailroad thr Akron, (!tv: Ali; lersinirg, :tin! at cle, eland with E. It. it. I*.lr Erie. Dinthirl: and Buffalo, ns ith T. It. B. tl,r. T‘iledo. Detroit ”1,1 Wells% illy A(.l,ll.lllWstatifill It'LlVe't at 3.3:i n.lll. Beturning Train.; alike in l'itt...lnstgli toi -1 lows. Train 1.40 EXpres, 2.413 n. %Veil:vine ~; _9.14) a. 11,. r:t,111.101 . ... 1 .11 . 5jring r • r•• \ t l'!.•vel:ITI•1. Intw I, parlionlar 3,1: for ti , •;;;•r . i,l at the ; , 5in...211.4.4mi, Pitt-tang -IL .1. ; 4 11-3V All'. Arent. fartilur particular-. aplay t.: A1'11,1,11.11 At the etn,.any',.lll,•t• in F r , : i g ht rlfetrt. UPHOLSTERING. UPIIIOI.S'IrEII NO. 85 1 , 01 - lall Sl'.. NE.k R \‘'t lot). , II E Si'llMiltiftEßS N r 1. c. TURF, fuel keep eon -43101 y ivi lel every article in their line, vie: riiruiiiii. Curtain G in ,.ls. of all kinds: the eels:hi-ale Spring Dcd .‘ll kinilfi of Sit:Me.. Blinds :cad Fixtures. • . r t•• :61 lit till, ;11:411:tyllig lifiliNE HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, AT 'ELIE 01.1) STAN() CORNUCOPIi RESTAURANT, NO. 40, FIFTH STREET, EKE V. 13111.1 ES. 210TELN. V 111' It with I , ,ny th,. rata;. N". olautg's Entiusg• Sseloolt. - ;10 I •41'REET:.-; L• !.“ wtil /il,l 1 . .1 Nii. I r,rr , r Vit-.6l,lltiley < 4 l. Ci• 1-1 C) r 4 , N'ai. :150 11./lIIVrt N.::t to 1. au I'afi2olig,r Depot, JOIIN SAIVAilitEt Proprietor. .t1;11 111"I'Etil 111.. JUN with ill 1 , ,, pular rent. the eulkumriberi- . preNtre.l t,t tior, mutt tu...i.tte imi4 .4.1 ttu‘t the put.lem getter- Nitit the bet mile um.tritet (ty...ter. will Ile ".ert oil up iu every triety 14 etyle.tittrirm time ..east,ll. ine-t,.1.1.11teN :ttei Alee he feel, ..,e4,•lent in re,..44tnendithr 1..11w public for their ex. olletmee. Call, Biwkl:t :tn.( Shell I.ry-ler? ree.!ived tinily ah,1:41 wh“le,ale t. al my- 2 ":lyd SEETIN'S OLD STAND, IN THE DIAMOND, 1.491 , 44:vv. mvt,pvirt..v. •this popular resort, ,the saLteriLcr is tiretoiroil to neetnitlo,l"te ht: Irietpl, and Om generally, with the boot the market STERS will be ,erved up in every variety ef thirina the senson. • I.ll.2l:tiltS un,LALES he feele c,•lol,lent in re cotlimen•lim; to tile for their exeellemo. .4... -. AII.:A.LS ser e.'upmoll hours, ;Ln•l I,AI at..l 1:0.11:1)1:ItS NO. 32 DIAMOND A L LEY, PITTS RI; RC 11. SUB R. SCRIBE ANNOUNCES 1 1.41 the üblic that he is in daily receipt of VII ESII SU p ANL) CAN tIVSTERS, GAME. .In, and is prepared t.••neviiininoilittu the pa trine. of ihis old and well Itte.ndi hail:a:with everything in the eating and drinking line nt thir shidtent nn ti e. JWIN SIIAIA.II. j:11.1:ly Proprietr. OYSTER AND EATING HOUSE, No. 111 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. AND RETAIL DEALERS IX LAKE AND EASTERN FISH , FR E$ II PRILA ELP fIA AND BALTIMORE OYSTERS AND 14IISGA111E, All in their Proper Sello4oll. nu 26 GEO. ILEINEILAN' Sr CO 3:l'l , ,o'Snirirjr:l;l!.7ll•L%Eurri",,vo",`..l'ii`,74:* -ide the Passenger Depot of the Penn,ylvaitia 'Railroad, which makes it the mot convenient boucle itr the city for jassetigerd arriviug by that road. The proprietor having. at considerable - pen ,e, titted up, in excellent style, the 31 ANS lON 11.0I"SE, would respectfully sol i cit a share of public patronage. fits Larder and Bar will be furnished with the hest the market eau afford. EWE • tion on Liberty 4 LEWIS, ht, Altoona, Pa. RIVER AND WINES AND LIQUORS. WILL LLIIAM BEN NETT, imI'ORTEIC AND DEALER IN Brandies, Oordials, Wines, _Old Monouga . hela , and Rectified . Whiskey, NO. 120 WOOD STREET; illtsburgh fe2z6nt - • WILLIAM CLAYTON. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT, No. 37 D111(1'1°114 Alley, near W 004.1 street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on band r Blackberry, Cherry and Conac Brandies. Ohl Monongahela Rectified Whi-key, &c. fahlti - -• ' • E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., IMPORTERS OF WI.NES, BRANDIES, & . , AND DEALER 3 tN FIXE OLD WHISKIES, mr,0145- %miff w ,roortieffrazer. ' 110 bble Wow. .;‘, i 25 bWirensi. szums CO. stmt - oraitibeindir stori no2o Nen stmt. littiburgh. "V O U ,r* C) U ~:x.cJi:i.~ic►l~ FIREGINMMNCE I • RELIANCE MUTUAL DikiIIRAIIOE OOMPANY i r Ou Buildiaes ' Limited or Perpetual, Merchan dise. Furniture. A:c« in Uma.or country. OFFICE NO. 3014 WALNUT STREET . C A r st lz t :li , apitral, • 8: $22 103, 91 01, 111 SI: . 1 1 Invested as follows, viz: First Mortgageor Improved City Pro- . perty. worth double the amount sl.Wilii 00 Orennil rent, first elasc 2,102 50 Pinin,:yl vania Railroad Do's 0 1+ cent. Mortgage Lioluis. e3So,f.tikt, eust 27,90(1 00 Phi hotel oh ia till 6 - F.. cent. loan 30,0011 00 All..glicily County. fi 7.-.. cent. Pennsyl vania 1 illi Ir. 'ad loans 10.000 00 C1,11:1i end !4,11:=. Weil St!Curt,d 2,510) IX) 11 outingdon.and Broad Top Mountain Rail aid emnpauy, mortgage luau .1,000 00 Pelinsylvania Rail road Co. stock_ ..... &Olin 00 Sto.ok of Reliance Mutual !wartime Company 21X.° 00 Stoeit 4 County Fire Insurance Cu I,oxl 00 Stook of Delaware M. S.I nsurance Co. 700 00 Commercial Bank do 5,1:0 01 Aleolianies' Rank do 2.012 50 Union M. Insuranee Cu's Serip hilt 00 MP , Receivable, business paper 1i,207 IS Book A ceounts, aceured interest. etc._ 0.210+ 72 Ca:II en hand smut in hands „r agents.. 11.3.5 .- i Ir. $3O TTNCILEV, Pre-id e a e. 01; lIIRECTORS. Clem Tingley, Samuel Disphant, W us. it. Thompson, Robert Steen, Froleriek Brown, Wi I Rant Musser, t'ornel it Stevenson. Benj. W. Tingley, John It. Worrel. Marshall I fill, 11. h. Carson. Z. Lathrop, Robert 'Poland, Charles Leland. I 'rederh•li hennig. Jacob 'l'. Bunting. Charles 14: IVnnd Smith Bowen James n. 11 on.lwar.l. .101 in Hissull.hitsloirgh. B. M. lIINCIEIIA N. Secretary. .1. ;All IN ER COFFIN, Agent, wslit Northeast corner Third am! Wool r.I,,AW A lIIE UT ILIA I. FETY Is /SI COMPAN 11"--INCI,11t1'01:A 'I ED BY Toe 1. EtIISLATCRE OF PENNsy VAN! A. OFFICE S. E. CORNER TII llt Li AN I) WALNUT Alt RETs, 11111,A._ :\ IA RINE INSFRANCES on Ves• ;tint Freight, to all parts ,x th, .‘..r1.1. I N 1..1.N ll INSVItANCES nn ihnids, by Rivers. Lakns, awl Lana carriages to all parts of she 1 ision. FIRE INS(' RAN . CES ‘iii ANN generally. ...is Stores, Dwelling Rouses, I.lltErfollS.--IYilliam Martin, Eaustand A. Sosider. Theophilin• Pauhling. John N. Penrose, t'. Davis, Janie., TratiqUair. In. Eyre. Jr., .1.111, , C. I land, 11'm. C. Ltidnig, J 11. Seal, lir. It. M. Ilmton, (leo. tt. Lieper, Hugh Craig, I 'lin rle Kul icy. slam nel E. Stok es, 1. F. Pei& ton. Remy Slams. Edward I larlington, 11. lone; Ilrooke, Simmer .11 I vain, Thos. C. Band. Robert Burtuti, P..lotois,lainus IS. 11 twat Y. iiy re, Joint B. Semple. Pittsburgh. P. T.Siogs,m_.• Berger. do. W I 1.1.1 YI.II: TiN, President. pre,ia,...z. Ulmer .t,na u N, :• , veretzi ry. P. A..N1.11W.111.A, Agent. jell No. I Wt yr -freer, Pittsburgh. INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS B ki lt . FIC.I 7.11 hiLIN FIRE INSURANC/ 4,)3IPAN c ll' 1 . 1 1 / I .MIELPIRA.LIFFICE : Nib. 335 aii.l -137 CHESTNUT' swim cr. 11C.lr STATEMENT O 1 .ISSUS..IA N. Ist, 14,t0. .Igrecably to Au A. .t of A•mmultly, being: Fir,t :klortg3t: , 24, :e..ured ..... It , vnitu• lorry I..kan , Se,tiritn•- .... . ...... . ...... St.".•ks, pre,cnt ‘kilue 72.• und The riei3' PriAt^ filth premium , - pa ny eau d !, la 11% 3 re &mu ligt v e beeridcicr,,Hll.l et ery do , eription of Prop ert .in Town Had l'ouotry, at rate. 1 ,, V nrc - . 0,10 it L , :11 ••rarity. Sine , their to , orpt;ration, a period of thirty hays, paid h,.acs Iv Flre. t.. :Ilit.,unt four Million: of 1,011:Lr, thereby of follustc evident•e•bf the atiValsfilge•• lir 111. , 411 . 111)..e, a.• t 3114 :11l 1111111:!(IV..% =IMI=III=!11131 1 , 1 IS IV. 1:3,, "1..hi0• :.{10.,1-. 1 / 1 1V1,1 r. 1;1‘.1:, ~ . 1:i111.•: iralai. 1,1.•• Sniirh, 1,1w.1,-.1 I'. Dalt% 1%. 10 , 11.1,1-% rgi! F:. hl-. t'11A... , . 11.1NCKElt, %VAL I) Pre,inlent. %Va. A. Sevtl.l4lr3 pr.. I.NII. .1. t;.t1:1).N1-.1; COFFIN. Agent. -t "third au l 11't.4.1 •. . . WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF rtirrslit'll,ll.llll. i; I.:01:i :I: LIA 4'rt•si,lo.4lt . . :q. thitu)o IN, Seeretary (414. It.. I A ,otit. No. 92 W:gr,r A. 4 arrh,ot up :i4ain4., Will il-lir , : VANE kind , FIRE :mil .11 A A 11 otio: ntatla,t,l Le ‘vll,, are. wvit kn.,aa in tLc C.0111111111(11113', :tll , l \II," II re iletnriuiried, he 1.0 , 1"1.1114.-- , m1,1 liherlility. to ma, Ltill Tile ;•11:ira.•Cer 11.111,11 1)11.).11:1VVII-,,11111eti.:1•"f feriugthe tht.,e ASS ETS . I ICIt II; I.: It :tOlll. 1561 Stook Altortgagc . . Mike l'untititl.• I-, t.:. . 1:111 DI It ECTIIIt..4. R. Jame , M'Auley. Nathaniel Alexander lie,,rice e Wm. 11. Smith, W. 1:M10.1 -..m Andrew Aluxander Spe e r, David M. I. , anz, lieu, .1. Tlnnn?, Benj. linkmen, .Tolat CITI2ENS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH I NSI It ES STE:\ Al 1:4 lATs ANI) CA itl:01.:S. S.IM ILEA, Sevretary. WM. ItAli.11,1:1', President. Office. Cur. of Markvil I Wltler lit,;urez; and Dantage in the Na vigil- Linn 01 . the i•;..iithern and We,tern Iti erN, Lakes, awl ILkyous. :HO the Nll i - ga lit of the Jane. I gifts' rem iimmiaimt Lamm null Di tttt itge by Piro DIRECTORS. W .I:ts. Park, Jr., in. Dalin ley, Mtn: Johnston, B. F. Jones, Deese Owens, T. 11. Howe, Preston, lieorge Bingham, S. If. Kier, John Shipton, Jas. AI. Cooper, S. Ilarbaugh. .J. Caldwell, John S. Dilworth, C. 11. lug. nill29:lydli PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COXPAN Y , NO. 149 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Custom House. 1',pita1......5•219,100 Assets $304.948. ILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF 111 i. VV Sti ItANCE, either Perpetual or Lintited,on every description of Property or MerebandiSe, at reasonable rates of premium. - I{.ol:EitT P. KING, President, -N. W. BALDWIN Vice President. DIRECTORS ? . Charles Hayes. E. R. Cope. E. 11. Engl [sit. George 'W. Brown, P. B. Savory, Joseph S. Paul. C. Shernuoi, John Clayton. S. J. Maga rge E. Wiler, Lis..lCKllenN, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN. Agent. jy I:ly Corner Third and Wood streets. AIONONGAIIELA INSUBANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICERS. JAMES A. II UTCHISON, President. HENRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. Capt. JAS. WOODBURN, He'll Agent. OFFICE NO. 99 WATER STREET. Will Insure all kinds of FIRE and MARINE ASSETS, Al Al' 101 h, 11461. Stock Due Bills, totyalile on demand and secured by two approved names. $78,7:30 00 Bills Receivable '...1.557 34 36.446 76 Morn:age 12,000 00 115 Share , : Mechanics' Bank stock cost $ s,lfift 00 100 Shares Citizens' Bank :tuck cost 5.175 lU 40 Shares Exchange Bank 2,050 00 fnS-h2tabrecek cost 2,050 -of Pitts burgh 2,750 00 16,140 00 Balance cif Book Accounts 65,997 75 Office Furniture • ' 400 00 Ch 49.152 30 • 12 17, DIRECTORS. - 2.834 Wm B Robues. Jas. A. ihdatioci. • Warn Hiller, John Atria. .J.Dirthwit ! , -'••• -.• 1 1 1 1‘ WM. Wm. Means, ' Woodburn. m l2l lei - 14 - Att - irluiti4ll 4, ' - '1 'IVEIiNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 9. From the Special Corremmodent of the N.Y. World A Southern Refugee at Nashville. ' NAsnrlM.m.ll - arell do not. hesi tate to pounce. pun in hand, upon any person, white, black or between; nun,. wo man, child or clergyman that hails from "Dixie's land." To-day a clear-brained and eol2l,llllllAicative citizen of North Ala bama arrived. the "ripped uphis bosom to me. I proceeded to record its contents. His story, though but slightly varied from the multitude that are told here, made my blood rise. He has been, to use the 4.om mon phrase. a "Union man from the start." He owned land. burn, cows, pigs, sheep. house, hogs and horses. All have been de stroyed or appropriated by the Confeder ates. Since his arrival he has learned of his wife and children's escape to Columbia. His five cows were shot down by bravo sol diers in his barn-yard. His two fine hor ses were presented by a liberal. and gener ous planter. near by, in a very polite Holt: aceompanying them to an officer itt the allay. this dwelling was laid in ashes by the *ands of chivalrous champions of '.'Soiii.hern rights. — It, contained his wife and little ones at the lime. His Escape. In his aliseence at New Orleans, the Confederate army arrived at Decatur. Up• on his return, he found the town and sur rouitiling country under martial law—Col onel Patten iu command—and himself un der the eye of search. Consulting hissale ty. It, resolvol to escape. Ile applied to Patten for a pass. rpon giving his name. the Colonel retnarkad Iye been notified or a man of your mune, I think yo n S ire the man. Your 1111224)11101'i are :titer you. Just stay here till I ,vi• a 1,1'121111 Mall 211111111 it. — C 11011•1 Slip ped "II!. tll. F. Sleplli 1 11112 112 e desk. Write a pass.. signed the Coltmcl'.su:uuelo 21.21 d Wl l lll out. 11 was night. pass carried hint through the lines without tizolestation. Ile travgded by rail :tail foot to within t wiintydive nilesof Ninshillu. lle was ar res:ed at that point by six Texan Ifangers. They emulacted him to the guarildwusti, 211111 12111 111111 limier a guard of two. on., ofthem left.: t,d other laying aside his mus ket. squatted in the corner and set a-read ing. Mr. F. seized the musket. and or dered the guard to rise and advance. Ile did so. and was propelled :it the end of a out a distance of four miles when he wa- permitted to return. Mr. F. txone to Nashville. NEWS - ITEMS temperance lecturer. J. 1.1. t;ough. ft . Vi" day:, Since ~ f lit to Callaila to tivii‘,7l' a colirS, Ice' urttz:. but rttuted the ....ettti inettui ut the people p.c.) hitter again ,4 he State; that he declined 1..) fulfill his Tat: (iovernor of las..4aclinseits has pointed a commission to examinc plans and contract,: tlo. constraciion of a mail vcsscl similar to the Monitor for dcfmisc of th:a State coast. llr_: v'~ AN in-tt•riptimt. it i, ,aid, may in au Italian gray,. yard: ••11,1:lit. , who tran,porle.la largt• forttino to heav,ll in :1 , -S of charity. and lot to titt . t.i it. A ' Cot f..r asked what L , • ,!“.111i1 .I•• tir ! Own att • .1 -k fur 111011I•V 1.1 . ...1,1P! rl•ldc. I.` 1rt,5.,1. A 'OWN.. lady .:tl. if; ::,(14, attire • .•41;t0r, , , 1113; 1%;,- that pa—ed a mail. ••had -he had :..litho wort-, ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, UNDER CARE CF THE FRANCISCAN BROTHERS' rilioe% Ivo:11;1 . 4'4,411x. IN I,01;1,1-1t1. Veto, 1 rtinin foto - mile- front Cr.•--.. 11 •.ti the dire..., r“ut.• !wt. vt•lt and PH:- duirtS•roa it, .111, tirirth,::- goltior th, utwJ collogiat, Honor , Niel beg: the loontion :A the :ow .4' tilt 1:.••••: health,' in lialigt - 1 hi , portion ot :he All , glieny pr..verbial tor it:: low, water, hriwilig OT, nod ut The Sehol:ert , 3senr r MoN1).1); :Ifter 1:411 ..! A I..;1 aroi ezl, itlmitt. thu 2 , 01..(.11.:N I tollowing. It into two jr-40:no. vonnot retort, home the All the A itptiruttas were;- Land Slirve•ying, Eilsrillevtlilg, Are., Ng., , rill 1., furnisl.itny by ttl , t illfiltuattott to the lii- , trutitental aitd Coca) .11usie farms no extra •4cu;; Sti'llent, will he ndwitted rrein eight yvar+ to the am. 01 . manhood. . . Tr rtua-1;..an1 unit Tuition, Payable half yearly adylinvc :400 and Use of 1:01kling 1(1 „Nlo.lern Lauguag..s. extra ...... lu I; .1 MI I I _,IIaI I MI . I 40.1 13 . is. . 17.1.07 I :, 11.1,hts V:wation at the o.lleg . v• ..... .... R,.t . ..ralwe can ho mule to the Itt. Rev. BiShol, ft, the Rev. T. S. 1:.) . 1)..14.1, , . tt. Mary's, 1...r.•ti./, and to other Clergyillell Of the I F VOI , WANT NOME 4: N W Fruit or prepared Minim Meat. mixed, and all other kinds or Spire., cooking Brandy or Witte, New 11r:tour. Leuo and Citron Peel go to Haworth Brothers, itt the Diamond, where you will get a new mop of Fruit and lower than at any other house in the city. Also a general and full assortment of Family Groceries, TeilS, \vines. Brandies, and all other kinds of Foreign and Domestic Liquors. HAWORTH . BROTHER, delll corner Diamond and Diatnond MIME PIT BEM WILE TAKE NOTICE that toy wife has left my bed and board. :uid that I 101 not be responsible for any debts or lia bilities that she may contract. tiAItRET FIT7.OERALD. WA N TED.—A PARTNER. EITHER silent or Active, with a capital of seven or eight thousand dollars, in one of the best estab lished business houses in the city. This affords all excellent opportunity for a good investment. Apply to or address S. CC M BERT .t HC; Al Market street! ODD FORKS, of all kinds, ti.r sale by nih22 DOWN TETLEY, 136 Wood street 1135LUIPIS AND CURRANTS_ A- 100 jkl XO6 and 20 Casks Fresh Currants, LMll7asks new Zante Currants, Now for sale by REYMER .17 BROS., inli24 N 03.125 and lat Wood streets BE CLEAN—FOR WALL PAPER. Paper llaiazers and Whitewashers. call at Si WWI) STIiFET. m 1124 W. P. MARSHALL. EARLS,- 35 cases No. 1 received anti for rale by 114:.): It 17 11. C 01.1 . -1.. 500 Boxes M. It. Raisins, 200 'A do do do 100 do do do 1.110 4 Boxes Larger do 100 % do do do 100 do Valencia du 2 1 1 'Kegs Seedless do 20 Mats do do Just received and for sale REYMER & BROS. Nos. 128 andl2s Wood street. ‘II,NUFF -0.. 15 Barrels Garrett's Scotch Snuffing received and for sale by RHYMER & BROS. mb24 Nos. lai and 1.28 Wood street. _____ Ynt sZ/ New York, Lovering's Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Syrupii, 50 barrels in store and for sale by MILLER & RICKETSON. , _ 50 Doz E N DLOSTE'IIrERS BIT TERS, for sale by r • GEORGE A. KELVIC, miCi 59 Federal street. Allegheny City. ANNEHITHENT ENGLISH. 1-41 French and American Perfumery forsale by GEORGE A. KELLY, inlY2s 39 Federal street. Allegheny City. AWRAN - GIE.S. ORANGES - - " ail Boxes B r i ms (kayos to to this day for Salo 1,3 RBILIIER BROS, mh:3; Nos.l and 133 Wood street. 10 BARRELS ENGLISH VENITIAN RED for sale k.y GEO. A. KELLY, rnhji 59 Federal street, Allegheny City. ---- ----- 1131 E N T . $8.75 PEM atomic Fog A .11Ltwo-etory DWELLING HOUSE, No. 77 Chatham street. Apply 4,4 .• ' S.: IMERT .t' SON; .. 1.. , ... 1 .1 , .. , •• t 6. - ZlMirket otreet __ _ _ ______ . CLTPRINO AND LEECHING; *4IIIOI.4IESH. - - ...119.Teeth eats:acted. Hot, Cold and Aim.? Bob. ; • - • F. BEHR, 17743 rant street. _LY . soAr= nor 'Wu Boxes . ao a Fo r e ioy Y lINK k BROS., nandi Nos. 726 sad 729 Wood street. 'pinsinfierigt.wi#l#, 75: - O.F 'UNCLAIMED . FIMGUT AND BAGGAGE cosroststirit wrist ms*,;•Tits 1 rrrrsittiimi, FORT WAYNE AND C 111- 1 ' AOI) RA 1 L DROA COMPANY, will, on W ED- Esl o,Y A PR EL 21101, o'clock o•et'. pliblie shiu.:ate tit; Wiltehgu.ist obit! wALLAcb..,,, Wayne etreet, between Penn and Liberty :trees;. Pittsburgh. - the following. atti eje of Ur114:1411121.1 FnAght U. DA VI FIIEIG HT. 1, F. Fahnestock, 1 barrel; 2, Taylor Sr Newcomb, lot dry bidet , : 4, 0. Reties, barrel blueking; a, W. 11. Walker, 4 boxes Sarsaparilla:, lit, S. 11. Clark, box axe handles: 12, 11. Stinger, Luxes whet stones. 13, H. Ala:lrian, barrel; 14, J. Loyd Af Co., barrel c. oil: 10. .1. Miller, 2 e. kegs; 17, .1. B. D. Clerk. barlel ink; IS, Fleming Reed, box; 19. A. Palmer, B. A. Fahnestock & Co, half barrel white lead; 22, W. Wallace, -, barrels ce ment; 2i, C. ilyi•on, box s. ware; 24, B. Thompson, Le( drugs; 23. W. P. Alamo, box drugs; a:, Bun sen A Sons, barrel e. 28. Graff, Bennett A Co., bundle steel: 29., E. F. Ranson's trunk; 31. W. Mritton, bundle rope; 32, A. Daggart, box: 35, D. Moore, p. points; 30. J. B. Johnson, half keg tobacco; :17, R. E. Finton, 2 coil rope; 35, Rid dle, lot baskets: 39, .1. Sheets. stove misting: 393, 1. U. Mott, buten, doable trees A reaping knife; 40, Mary A. Burns, box; 41 to 48, D. PoefroY. stump maalmor t 9 and :Ai. A. Cook, corn will box and lever: 31, Mr. Sumner, 7 horse rakes: 3 30. Lenny. lath machine; 51, C. A. Thayer, 4 boxes F.S. .1. Fink, barrel wheat: 37 and 58, E. E. Plait t, straw cutter and wheel; 59, B. McCrea, 2 horse raker; 63, no mark, 2 bundles steel; 64, 11. Risher, box: 65. J. W. Baugh. 2 half barrels; 65. A. 11. Wise..box hardware; 69, M. Bash box seed: 71, Lefeverer, 6 corn planters; 73; R. A. Crane, box; 71. M. Iloblinger. half barrel liquor; 743; lot gunny bags; 75, Mass. manuf. co., hell: 76, F. Hoeg, :1 bales hops; 73, Reiter, stove: 79, .1. Manner, box; Sti, A. Sibila. box and barrel g. ware; St. Russel A Co., bale; 82, J. Robinson, 3 Pumps; 33, Briggs. p. stove: 84, R. Sr Son, f plow points- .43.13 bells; .86, 3 bars iron; 57, bundle iron; sit, G. 'W. Ashbrook, lot boxes; 89, A. Uhler. box: is;. B. Rubenliaek, bundle sacks; 91, T. Stibbs. 3 satinet& beams: 12, D. Goodyear, plow casting; 93, IL, W. Davis, box; 91, E. Winters, box; at 0. rrvine & Co., tongue: 97, A. A. Walker. 10 boxes dings; 93, J. B. Stoner. parts shingle machine; 99,1 lot grave stones; list, box showman tools; 101 and 102, Ann 5,1; fable, 2 boxes hooks: 104, box cast ings; 105,10 oil barrels; 106, J. Parrott. lot grave stones; 107, Buzzard A Terbas. cultivator pole and teeth; 10S, R. 11. Stananl. lot split brooms; 119), 31. Fink. 2 corn pleinters; 110, G. W. Stratton. la lluttSehOld gmh , : 111. L. Roberts, bar steel; 112 casting: 112, Blyinyer 4z Brother.Evapora tor Pan 1.1„A. It, Wigden, Casting; 115,111ymyer, Bates A; Day, lot Sugar Cane Seal: 110, D. F. Ward, box Elevators; 117, IL Brinkerhoff, lot Stone Bot tles: I IS, W. B. Foster. Truck Carriages 111, 11. Sllwagiet, Brill Tongue; 122, U. IL Fisher. Box: 122, I'. Lox Glass Ware; 121, I). Me Ewen,' Bale Bedding: 125. 7 Bars Steel; 127; I'l test Box Drugs; 125. Wright A Conuese. Pair Double 'l' root: 129, It. Fielder, Iron Shall: 130, hale Ca sting: Mi. re, :"Prillg: Pr', lot I'IOW 131: lid L. Rods: 1::3, Castings; 136 ;td 137 'l'ea Kettle and 13S, iron roll: Ili, Pee reaper: 141, D. 31. Metcalf, jointer; 112 .1. IL Itb-hey, box G. war?: C. A W Ilibiehring. box wooden ware; 111. J. liver. boxes drugs: 145, B. S. Weaver, Pee. 1 wkeer drill: 140. mattress and tick; 117, IL W. box glass ware; 113. W.: Lox soap; 119. name on euntents,G. Rock, box; 150, Kelly A Wige,,n, balance wheel; 151, A. less, lever roller; 171. D. Fce rei lick, Itox drugs; 133, W. S. Bacon, cast ing', 131, J. Itittey, 10 bundles fellows: 1574 J. Flickinger. lot grave Ftone,;:. -137. Mrs. Burchold, wooden safe; 13 8 ,G. W. box G. ware:ls9 and 160, two black trunks. 161. W. Wetv. box plow points: 142. P. F. W. C. It. It., 6 liars and 6 bundles iron: 163, I). G. Wile. box; 164. A Gregg. box drugs 2 163..1. Kenneth - , cook stove: 166, .1. T. Vanardell; stove tote 167. Norton, sacks rags; lli7 •& .1. Bush.. finger. 1 , 1 e stone 168, IL D. Freer, lot grav - stones: Robinson, grave stone.; 170. S. U. Acton. grave stone-i, 171, E. Lindse.;, grave SUM 172 A. :shilling, bale flops: 173, duo. Tripps. box 174, D. G. Wise, box: 175. P. I'. S: C. H.R., bindle; iron; 1713. J.Maylierry, 2 chests and box, goods: 177 box IL sled: 17S. J. o s th e i n " b ox: 179. Merchant S. Co.. eooksrove; ISO, .1, W Crouse, 9 boxes window glass; I'll, J. 4 barrel: lifeet 1 8 2. bark mill and levet: 153. child, crib; IS-1. saw gtuumer; 186 three bundles hubs: 13.'N. J. W. Guys pee. machinery; 1 8, 3, It. Sharp Sampson, box: 187, S. Dodd, D. MC- Mathis. .1. A A. Heekerthor. It. W, 1 31..1. Wolf, lot grave stones; 188, tw., oil t'. sacks; 159, Bas s ett Trunk: 191, Katherine Ilellowen, lot household goods: 192 F. IV. Fernley, 2 tubs and bag: 19 t, Drope, ox yoke; 195, pig lead: 196, W. Carl. box: 197. W. Perry, box teat 198 Thus. lf.• o ddi i , Bedwelb keg A. flutter: 1 , . Saliniver, keg liquor: ad, S. Burdick. jointio-: Mr , . box; 201, R. Melvin. box: zo. M. B. Mard,-.11, boxeschieks. 1 box weights: 2 , 7 A 2. , t, A -II .Igneiv. 1 , , barrels oil: aft , . s. 1 31.,ttiiigi.r,larg,ea-t iron master whee1:211.212,213, tole pii•ee 111 re-bin:: marline. 1 , 1 plow Points; 211, brl., lout-r: 216, 1 Hrp. tuai barrel and keg. apple butter; 216. put... F. W. A It., 2 eook stove=. 2 ovens. : pot s . .:17. Straw eu rri,rc2K, seek coupe; 219, brit . su nib: 221. 11. W. Siiiith.wheat drill and 1 tongue: 222. 11 . 11.1.tupp0, wheat drill and tongue: 1 .1. A noek box dru gT: '22,. .4 1 t 'oodwin, It. 22f.. C. F. \,d-,on. box drug , : 327. J. Allen, I box; 2.ai, .1. P. I leagy. box; W. Andersombox , 231, hard ,F. .l s bundles IV. sash; 11111:.111/11 1.11n , 11.' and th , .. plate'‘: Ivirvester e„mplete: bundle , 223:111. , Z./11,: .1. Lng, vr earrier: i:. H. Cosgrove. stove; 2;8. 11.•••. A box drugs; 239, It. ()liter, crate Y. e: 21.5. Beaty box 141.1'. A C. Smith, arm--; 21:1, 3. Boyd,tiox drug=: 214. T. Me , %Alum handle iron. string nuts; 216, J. Bauble tree: 247 awl . 2.4 A. A. A .1. man, 2 lidls plow points; 2;0. S. Parker. cast wheel: 232, W. 11. Sholl. 2 Mee... , seed drill; 232, surd, , . A Let; y', largeeog wheel pattern; 2-51, Wil t toe. paten churn; s:l' .1. Britton, pee. meant ,:. ECtittl'llV. upright saw: 237. R. Watson, eement: AleK en A Brother. brl. 'autos: 'SS% si x ba ts. salt: ail, G. Ware: 3:2, Asa Et au , ...hitsr: 21z1, W.S.Lavely & Co„ box: 261, ba g wool: 735. Duff, box tire brick; 2,16, Duff; 265, 14. W, 269 table; :rib S. Miller & C. A 13,„ 271. 273. James Stewart. trunk; 273, part lied stead: :274; pump: 277..1. 8., pots: 278.2 for nee doors: 270, iron tot; 2SI, N . Baltine,p. stove; z. 381, 1 1 itcheoek A McCreary, threshing machine: 232. Cramer. barrel hickory nuts; 283,1 V. 31.. 2 kegs nails: lamb:lna . A Brigg, Shags rags; 283. E. I'. L. bag; 286, four bundles L. rods; 237, two bills hoop iron: 2M, two pea, iron bands; 3 pion' wings. pcs. Plow casting:. machine ea-4ing, two Meet, iron; ad, mend pipe; 2tr2, G. L. Noble and Frost & Co., bag 1i bags' 294, Dr. Wright, box pills; Fiske A Co., 1)4: 290. N. 11. L., bill. S. shovels; 207, A. C. D., tumbling shaft; 29'4,1t. Miamian. key; A. Butter; 30,1, MeA It:. 2 cook stoves; :sin, "It" box, 0. W; 301. S, 9 W 41: 302, It. A' S. box C. MI, W. 3lasters; box: 201. "W" box G. W; 305, C.C. A IL I ox G. IV; 11. I: Co., 15 bundles and 0 sheets sheet iron: 307, hag rags; 304. small roll oil cloth; 3119, dry hide: 310. Kennedy. box acid: 311, J. A. Snyd e r, box; ;12, lot sow tails; 313, hid: 311, P. F. W. ft. It., bid Q. ware; 313. P. F. W. C. R. IL bbl. te:t. 1 A GOAG E No. 1, A. Wilton. oil cloth sack; 2, figured car pet bag; 3. figured carpet bag; 4, oil cloth' sack; 5, oil cloth sack; G, oil elothsaek; 7. oil c,do; 8, J. Funk oil c sack;figured c bag; 10 oil c sack; 11 oil c sack; 12, oi l do: 13, do; 14, carpet satchel; 15. oil c sack; 16. striped e bag.l7, oil c sack; IS striped e bag; 19 Ryder oil cloth sack: 20, oil c sk; 21 MI esaek; g W. Ilinekin oil c sack: 23, pile sack: 2-1. oil c do; 35. J. A. M'Elroy hand trunk; Si, Herr Heim Rothest. emigrant chest, New York to Pittsburgh , check 1417; 27, C man. black leather trunk; Si. yellow leather trts.,‘ s. nAtinger. M. D., black trunk; 30, A. K Bair,yellow leather trunk: 3L black trunk,Chice go and Dayton cheek. Sta.i: 32. Thomas DOran red chest, emigrant cheek 42, Philadelphia; '33, l i. C. Boylan. black trunk; 34, J. Weingardner, yellow leather trunk:3s. black trunk; 36. 1). A : Render, b; 37, D. A.Reeder, box; 38, black hand trunk: 119. T. W.Smith, yellow leather trunk; 40, bag; 41 sundries; 42, old bag; 43. T. Walton, bag: 44, Car oline M. Gardener, box; 45, bag hackers; 46, A. P. Aserod, box; 47 ElizabethOlaister, oil cloth sack and umbrella. 48, bag roots; 49, F. L. Take berry, yellow leather trunk 50. Prof. Fiske. fig- . tired carpet bag; 51, E. W. Runt, yellow leather valise; 52, Timothy Kenny, oil cloth sack; 53, Thomas II alpin, oil cloth sack; 54 and 55 two yel low hand trunks. Chicago and Pittsburgh cheeks, 4896 and 4821. Persons claiming. any of the foregoing described articles of freight or baggage, which have accu mulated in the unclaimed freight and baggage room of this company, will please apply to the un dersigned, with proof of ownership. previous to the day of sale, pay charges. and take the same away. By order of JOHN J. HOUSTON. Gene. r H aI UM Fre BE 4ht RT. Ag GEORGE W. ciieral Baggage and Lost Freight Agent. Pittaburgh.March 2-fath.lBa—mhak2tw-5w RA4 2 , 4. 1, 4 4 4R ();C:)CI4 4 AN THE CHEAT CURE FOB CONSUIPTON. THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS MEDI, CINE having made it the .study of Yews to concentrate the life of the Fine Tree into a Medi cine for diseases of the Lungs and Thitat; is now offering to suffering humanity the result of his ex perience. This truly great and gOod medicine is prepared with much Care. the tar being .Hstilled expressly for it, is therefore free from 'nll impari ticr of common tar. It has cured more eases of Consumption than any known remedy on earth. It will care BRONCHITIS. It will care ASTHMA. It will cure SORE THROAT AND IIHEAST. It will cure COUGHS AND CSI.L. is an valuable remedy,for ,ortow UNINARY COMPLAIETS.f. ' 3 li 4 +t • ..- . 4SPHe w of Deuuterfeitailv If you have the us 'II DYSPEPSIA P Ifthey* ON • clan YOU . OO. .111 W 0411M11.1 I • you .p Pleasecall solar. .4 be; i .amselPLif Ory ; Sold . by Dr. xxxf no9:/Yeod Yit4 ANICING 0 1 DOLLARIAiIigt BANK " 6 FOURTH STREET, • i t ..kroplx. OHARTEREDIN-1855. PEN DAILY; FROM • TO SONLOFR; 14to! on Wednelidiy Sind Saturday eveningl; rote Mak let to Novembee fist, from to 9 ti'elilok. and from November Ist to May Ist, from Otto 14 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than Oics DOLLAR, and a ditidetid of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually in June and Decem ber since the Bank was organized, at the rate of Mir per cent. a year. Interest if not drawn out, is placed to the credit or the depositor as principal. and bears the saute interest from the first days of June and De cember. compounding twice a year, without trotiblinig the deptwitor to call or even to present his pass nook. At this rate money will double in less than twelve years, making in the aggregate RIOUT AND ONE-HALP PER cgsz. A vcsu. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws. R and Regulations, fundsked gratis, on appliration at the office. . . ... ... .. John B. M'Fallen, Isaac M. l'enno,lr, John Mimeo, John Mar,hul:, Alexander Speer. Jame:: B. U. MeedP, Benj. L. Fahnestoek, A.lll. Pollock. M. 11 James McAuley, still Burgwin, JalllC3 Herdman, Wm. J. Anderpon. TRUSTEES. Alexander Bradley, James D. ICelly, John G. Bacitofen, Peter A. Madeira, George Black, John 11. Mellor. John B. Canfield, James Shidle,. Alonzo A. Carrier. Robert Robb, Charles A. Colton, Walter P. Marshall, Wm. Douglas, John Orr, John Evans, Henry L. Ringwalt, Hopewell Hepburn, John 11. Shoenberger Win. S. Haven, Wm. E. E Sch mertz, Peter H.llunker. Alexander Tindle, Richard Bays, Isaac Whittier, Wm. S. Lively. Christian Yeager, SECRETARY AND TREASURE! CHARLES A. COLTON. HOLMIN & SONS, BANK BUS 111 • and Exchange Brokers and Dealers in Notes,Drafts.Acceptances, gold. Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and IVeAern Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. 57 Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. WM. IL WILLIAMS a: CO.: BANKERS I EXCHANGE BROKERS, WOOD STREET. CORN ER T 111 R D, • jeS:ly • PITTSBUtiIi. l'A. ALDERMEN. JAMES M. TAYLOR, ALDL , • • OFFICE: 451 Penn Street., Fifth War4i. COLLECTIONS PHOMIPTLY MADE: Deed:4, Bonds, Mortgages and other Legal Writing Drawn. Acknowledgements Taken and Bilk Probated. AGRICULTRAL: D. B. ROGERS:dr. SON. MANUFACTURERS OF Rogers' Improved Patent STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH AND 113111A.11V 131111L.1. 'YE.ITYPI 1, OFFICE: Corner Batter and (Winer Streets, Ninth Ward. fel3:is PITTSBISRf H. P:1. MORNING POST STEAM PRINTING I:S'CAI3I.ISHIII;NP. CORNER FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, PITTSBUR.GII H.►VL%G RECENTLY MADE 11=3:63 We are now prepared to execute all orders far EVERT DESCRIPTION OF BOOK it JOB PRINTING With dispatch, and in the most superior style SECOND' TO NONE And will pay particular attention to RAILROAD, MERCANTILE & LEGAL PRINTING BILLS OF LADING, CIRCULARS, BILL MEADS, CERTIFICATES, REGISTERS, DRAY TICKETS, RECEIPTS, Show Cards & Bills in Colors, CARDS, HEADINGS, CONTRACTS. Showbills, Handbills, Labels, Col lege and School Schemes, Hotel Bills of Fare,lnvitationselze. Our facilities for printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, &C., .FOR CONCERTS .k EXHIBITIONS ARE UNSURPASSED: We can insure emulate satisfaction as to TIME AND PRICE! BOOK WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION - • School and C,oKagis Catidagtonif, Milieenasiesate Callalegvielt, Ornatitationa„ Reports. Briefs, oc. BLANK BOOKS," LENTEN HEADS, ' BLANK BOOKS, CHECKS, ETC., - roa Banks qk Banking Houses, FURNISHED TO ORDER. ALL WORK EXEUUTED PROMPTLY POST BUILDINGS.dth and Woad Sa. T. T. 111PGIIIRN, HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL PAINTER No. 21$11w ,flakth,'Nfrfpet [ CORNER DUQUESNE WAY, second gory, entrusted to me will be weakly ant ielomPW eweeited,l r z ee3-7y PRESIDENT. GEORGE ALBILEE :VICE PRESIDENTS. TO OUR OFFICE We have an office In the eit) BLANKS, DEEDS ENVELOPES, BARR & MYERS, Auregn u. 31 • 11.41411;it . • • -' • ' CALMONT , • • • •••., ATTOUN„En.,-. Agr .1-dAllife - --- • FRANK I. I E 110 s ' • Iny23:lpl Pennsylvanian , 11. W. PATTLRS4II4 PATTERSON & DAWSON, ', A'l' ORNEYB AT LAW KUHN'S LAIM BUILDINGS, Dl3llllOllll SGI rret. 'near t rani; PITTSIII 7 IIGn. PA • B. P. LUCAS; - • ATTORNEY AT LAW. ()IfilCE, NO. 72 GRANT STREET (Three 110. , rg below - the Court 'louse.) I'ITTSBURGII. P.i L, B.RAOKERRIDGE, TT 0 IR TOT AT I.JIL OFFICE. ACT. rovr.Tu ST . . C Co C I( , ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 73 GRANT STREET, anlaaf PlTTSEurmir. PENN'A. .% SURII:E•aN I) EN TI !IT • to ti . W. Diddle, No. Smith field street. 44- 0 tliee hours front .8 to I o'clock, and froni to :1 o'clock. felrnly . _ . IRON MANUFACTURERS.- AMERICAN IRON Jo a: eti ai. IA:1 ughl I vas, MANTl , Artisi:l:l