bATLir ST. The Central Boottlx - of •Edt on Tuesday eveniingr &PHI'S& - Present, AND 111011110110i9D INTELLIGENCE. Messrs. Brush," Huntrvkotre, Marshall? i Sergeant and President Kegley. 'lle minutes of *0 meting trure read and approved. Mr, John . HarriSßri'reented his cre dentials as representat ive .from the Ninth ward. On motion, the credentials werereceived and filed, and Mr. Harrison declared a member of the Board. The monthly reports of the Principulsof the High and Colored Schools, and of the , Secretary, were received and filed. f On :notion. it was ordered that an as- 1 sessment of four mills on the county vulu ation of the city of Pittsburgh, for the year NU, br levied for school purposes. On motion adjourned. 1 1171. 7; m Jourt of Quarter Sessionn, the case of George Exlar, on trial for dracy (with W. C. Enright, not in the to defraud t the case was not madeout verdict of not guilty was rendered. ck Dolan was tried for forcible de under the 22d section of the new I Code, on information of Matthew ell. Dolan was sub-tenaLt of a hotise Ninth Ward under Connell; the lat: claimed that Dolan rented by the and that he (Connell) could tertni .he lease at will, while Dolaa held its agreement was to occupy the pre- as long as - Connell remained and if I sooner to find another tenant or bonus of one'month's rent. Connell 1 notice on Dolan to leave on the Ist , but he refused to give peacable pos h and the suit was brought accord- The ease was _ably conducted by S. Hampton and Moreland Ihr the :ution and Mr. Collier for the defence. ury found a verdict of guilty, where Mr. Collier moved for a new trial !ulna of the Grand Jury, Grand Jury in the Court of Quarter ns rose 'yesterday, having finished abors, and made a brief present to the Court, setting forth that they ted on some two hundred informs many of which were of trivial ini md should never have been brought them. They earnestly recommend :ten and justices of the peace to re *rom burthening the county with ex i for the sake of obtaining costs in vases. Grand Jury visited the County Poor and report: "We are fully satisfied ae management of the institution, speaks well for the managers and )rs. We recommend that the insane Is be transfUrred to the Insane Hos .n which place they could he treated )roperly with regard to their peen. aladies. House of Refuge and the County ere also visited, both of which in- ! ins were found in good condition.— ! ;relice to the commitment of N, . the Grand Jury says: "From the I Ir of vagrants (seventy-four) now in I env jail, we would earnestly ree• nd the erection of a Work liouse, vagrants predisposed to drunken ad laziness may Lind a noble employ- i it work for the benefit of the county." presentment was signed by nearly jurors, and after Judge Sterrett. re it. they were discharged with the I of the Court. 3 Oratorio in St. James' Church. neglected to state that the oratorio need in our issue of the sth inst. to see in St. James' Catholic church, ftanceville last Sunday evening.pass very pleasantly, and the performers :ed themselves admirably, all present ielighted with the musical treat at'- . We would not wish to appear in s where all the performers displayed di true talent and merit, but really not pass over the exquisite instru solo upon the new organ, by our 4 fellow-citizen Prof. Warnelink. ,cal solos of Miss Mooney, Miss L. lman, and Mrs. Boland, and the and impressive solo, duet, trio and :te, "Salve Begins." by Messrs. Ap m, Dingeldein and Wamelink, as hy Mrs, Bregelman accompanied no organ under the skillful touch of Sennett Knake. The execution of ! ter grand masterpiece of Rosini, was appreciated by the audience, and - n1 the highest credit upon all Pllgag t Successful rendition. Rev. Mr. Carrot may well feel proud alagant instrument so recently at to his church, which was manufac iy the celebrated organ manufactur . A. J. Pomplitz, of Baltimore, Md. ore not informed whether the orato . ageiu be repeated, but it' it should as attractive a programme with the rrayof talent us upon this occasion, , nzise the attendance to be even ha :o it was upon last Sunday even- ? rout La tie Superior. e last numbs," Of the- Ontonagon ye learn that the product of the ota in February was 224,575 lbs— the Superior 1,236 lbs. The latter .y will have, when navigati.qn opens, os of mineral, equal to twen.'y tons upper, worth $lO,OOO, while 4 10 r expense is not over $5OO. Ti;" Xs product in February was 67 The Miner says : " There is a point south lode, east of number five nd some fifty -feet under surface, Jraises better than it was supposed 1; some eight tons of mass copper loved from there last week, and it for that much more for March at Another mass of six or eight tons en exposed in the Fifth bottom -Water on the Upper Alle gheny. ~solution was offered in the New ~ssembly, last Monday, by Hon. D. Len, instructing the State Engineer to investigation and report to the egislature the expense and practica f making slack-water navigation in legheny river from the Genesee Canal Junction, at Olean. to the of the Great Valley Creek. The •ement would be more valuable at t than our Monongahela slack-water. Ordained. erday moping at 10 o'clock Dr. was installed as pastor of the United terian congregation in Manchester, Allegheny Presbytery, in the church. evening the same Presbytery sa din the Third church, Allegheny, ). G. Bradford, and ordained Rev. )ickey as pastor of the Fourth U. P. i, Allegheny. I Outrages in Western Vir ginia. 'etches were received in Wheeling, iday, announcing that the rebels have enced committing depredations in an county again. A man was killed Bull Town on. Saturday tight, and •legraph wires were cut in several near that place and Sutton. A par , •illas were committing all sorts of a li o ,ss, and military aid is much de- mer at theLi.nellidl,.__Wotolro of the Alk.`lo' 4 w l "7 , week's Olean - 4dvertiser has the ng: "As the pfos," l eet of mored an surly Nies an g of navigation beem. apparent, our lumberme:t to signs of life. Large quat-liti!s„ o is now being rafted into the . 4 -" - river, and its tributaries, prepart:t°' he spring floods. The amount tha..' South this spring, within forty miles and below us, we estimate at 100,- 0 feet. (ethodist Mission Fund. contributions of the Pittsburgh fence to the cause of missions, as ed at its late session, exceeded the it stated in last week's paper by $169. !zee's over the former year was . 09. And the whole amount cast te Missionary treasury this year is 56 05. - Hewing. .n Tomlinson, charred with assault & tiny with intent to inin stabbing Noma Crone, in Union township, tly, ban • boarinig before' er to-smorrow crimmisynnwowell i d &Digit how bat tionaoft gi - vitivilf• Engineers and Pilots Licenses. The following is a list of the Engineers and The y who have been licensed at this port in the quarter ending March' 31st, 1862: First Class.—William Speer, William i Elliott, 1). I. Munsey. Benjamin F. Cox, James S. Neeld, Edward Demain. Abner Peebles. John Higley, Robert Dalzell, John Pedder, Israel Marsh, Aaron 11. Armstrong, Benjamin Ford, Oliver R. Anshutz, Buffington, James Shad- , den. John W. Duvall, James May, John B. Verory. Atlas Stiles. James Swaney, Michael Dunn, William J. Ford, Michael Mercer, Adam R. Calhoon, Thomas Girty; John B. Garritte, Isaac N. Cooper, Geo. • W. Fulton, James Russell, Wm. J. Shed don. Second etas% —Franci4 M. Shouse, Sam-1 . S TATES MILITARY TELE- - ) uel Ecoff, Jr., Benjamin Chester '!'homes' !,NITER :3 C. Ridgley, James C. Elliott, %%alter A. ORAPif, WAR DEPARTMENT, ‘. Spencer. .lames If. Allen, Benjamin Washington, D. C., April 8. j Short, Jacob Schauer, Alexander Con- I The Secretary of War received a letter nauty, George ff. Vans-, Albert Steel, this afternoon from Gen. Wool, stating William C. Coulter, Joseph L. Hendrick- I that at two o'cloc k p. m. yester ay, not - d h ;yin, John T. Hardaker, 'Matthew Kettle• 1 tug was d oing at Yorktown, except prep wood. AsslsTAsr Ext.:p.m.:us. —First Chug.— i arations for attacking the fortifications. F. Boland, W. H. Ammon. 1 and that the enemy's force was reported Pthors.—Nathan Potts, jacob Hazlip. ' from '-'5 000 to 20,000, and that at two Thomas Kliuefelter. Francis Marratta, I - ' John E . Whi te, Geo. , o' Thoma s Campbell,clock p. tn., the Merrimac, Yorktown, W. Renshaw, George W. Gardner, John Jamestown and four tugs were lyimg at '!'Henderson, Robert W. Greenlee, A. Craney Island. D. Russell, Samuel W. Hendriekson, ' ' The to ow inn message was read by the ri .ii Robert Greenlee, Joseph W. Kerr. Rich- i !Secretary of War this evening on the t4ll and Calhoun. William Dean. Thomas J. Morris. William t. 4. Shroad,„ Thom a s Mur- 1 inst.: The rebels in overwhelming numbers ray, John Stafford. Augustus Deiforth, I attacked our forces ut Pittsburg Landing. S. Dan Connoiel Ee r klerWillia, Jomhn Paul, McDo Jr., David. ld ; Rober Z. I . • file battle lasted from Monda.y until late , i in the afternoon, and resulted in a corn- Brick - ell, Francis Reno, Andrew B. Bunt ing, William Dawson, James Smith, Jam es 1 plete defeat of the rebels, with a heavy A. Barton, Nelson Bartholomew, Wil- 1 loss on both sides. Snowden, G liam Gordon, eorge AlfD. red L a M ughlin oore, , Jose Edward ' General Grant is following up the Fine p, 1 inY* General Buell has arrived in Ten- Brown, Joseph McDonald, Adam Poe Lafayette Graham, James A. Conno r , i ni•ssee; two divisions of his army were in John S. McMillen, Thomas James, Wm. the battle. Hanna, John Gordon. Thomas Potts,l General Pope is scouring the coinutry Alexander McGui an, Claudius Robinson, around Island No. 10, and so tar has cap- Samuel Hughes, Matthew Connor, Jacob i cap- Klinefelter, Joseph L. Hendrickson, Wm.Wit(' (4niernl Makall awl staff, and tt,.000 I Smith, William Connor, Thomas R. Green- -- lee. James Gordon. James P. Jack. The Passover. The Jewish festival of the Passover in stituted by Nfoses in commemoration of the escape of the Israelites in the destruc tion of Egypt's first-born. commences on Monday next and .continues seven days. during which they eat only unleavened bread. The services in the Synagogue during this season are very solemn and in teresting. Theatrical. Mr. CouMock, owing to the wet weather, did not attract as large an audience to the Theatre last evening as he usually does on first nights, hut played Luke Fielding in his own superior style. He repeats the part to-night, when we wish him better success. Dry Goods and Varieties We direct attention to the advertise ment of Isaac Taylor, who has opened a wholesale dry goods and variety house at \o. 129 Wood street, with an entirely new Istock of goods. Mr. Taylor has been en gaged in the business for some dozen years as Inemberof the firms of D. Gregg &- Co. and Gregg & Taylor, and is authorized to settle the business of the first named firm. He is prepared to offer good induce ments to purchasers, especially merchant tailors and city and country merchants.— His stock will be found to embrace every article in his line, all purchased since the reduction, enabling him to sell low for cash. Mr. Taylor has a good reputation in the community as a business man and will soon build up a large trade. CALL AT CARNAMIAN'S ' located on Fed eral street, near the Diamond, and ex amine his unrivalled stock of gentlemens' and boys' spring wear. Carnaghan has adopted, rigidly, the cash system, which is the only correct principle for personal ex penses. Call and see the practical work ings of the system. He is unexcelled as a workman in his particular line. Tobacco, Illegars, &c. In view of the probability of a heavy tax being laid on tobacco, segars, snuff, &c. ' we advise all those . addicted to the use of the weed to lay in a supply. Lyon Arnsth f al, under the St. Charles, has alarge and well selected stock, including the choicest brands of cigars, foreign and do mestic tobacco, meerschaum pipes and tubes—all of which he will sell at fair prices. Call and examine the assortment. Just Opened. A nice lot of Garibaldi and Manchester Sacques for ladies, sellingcheap for cash at 11. J. Lynch's ta llo. 96 Market street. PERSONS would do well to attend the large salo of elegant carpets, rugs, &c., on Wednesday, April 9th, at 2 o'clock, as bargains may be expected. I=l Dr. A. G. ItcCandles', Physician to the Board of Health, reports the interments as follows, from April lat to April Bth, 1862: Pliteaset, Dyeestery' Debility Adults. Disease*. CAildren, . 1 Dropsy 1 2 Pneumonia. 1 'Bilious Fever 1 Catarrh Fever.. 2 I.2yptheria. 1 IHemorrhage ofßowels 1 Alme 1 Scrofula ' • 2 Of the above there were:. Under 1 year 1 From 30 to 40 From 1 to 0 S 40 to 50 1 2to 5 : " 50 to 00 " sto 10 to l 15 2 " 70 to to 8070 1 " 15 to 10 " 80 to 90 2 " 21 to 30...... ......... 2 " 90 to 100 Males, 6; Females, 10; Whites, 13; Col ored, 3; Total, 16. Er= JOSEPH MEYER & SON, MANIITACTITIIIIB OP FANCY AND PLAIN FORNITI7IBIIE - dc CHAIRS WAREI;OTTSE , 135 SIiTITIFTELD STREET. (Between Si _ Nlth drat and Virgin alley.) PITTINVEGINIF. HOILTICVLWIIRAII4- STRAWBERRY RASIME CKBBRRY PLANTS. GRAPE ANT NJ GOOSEBERRY BIISEES. LINEAR. Ril Waramaue mew ite btBt ilnl is* a • ' . Sr. Loris, April B.—ln response to a serenade to-night, Gen. lialleck said that Beauregard, with his immense army, ad . vanc•ed front Corinth, and attacked the combined forces of Grant and Buell. The battle began at daybreak' yesterday and continued till late in the afternoon, with terrible loss on both sides. We have gained a complete victory and. driven the enemy buck within his fortifications. Ealleck also announced his posture for the geld to-morrow morning. The above is not from an official source, but is deemed authentic, and corresponds with expectations formed upon previous official information. The following was received this everting: MERRY WATER LAsniso. April B.—To Hon. Edwin if. Stanton, SecretaPy of War: Sir—General Paine's diviSion m arch ed forward to Tiptonville last evening and captured General Makall. formerly an Adjutant General, United States Staff, and about 2,otat prisoners front Arkansas and Louisiana. large quantities of store.; and ammunition and other property. Gen. Pipe's movement, have lees complete success. We move in direction of island No. 10. in a few minutes, to capture all that are.!, left. ' llon. E. it. Stanton. Secretary of War! The enemy attacked oar Work at Pitt, burg, Tennessee, yesterdav, but were re pulsed with heavy loss. IN:o details [Signed] 11. W. HALLECK, Major General. To Hon. E. M. Stanton. Secretary of War: Brig. Gen. W. M. Makall. late of the United States Department and' 2,000 of his rebel forces have surrendered to Gen. Pope, and it is expected that many wore will be captured to-day. Immense luantities of artillery and supplies have fallen into our hands. or t orthe Committee on the Investigation of Frauds. HARRISBURG, April B.—Tho Committee appointed by the Legislature to investigate alleged frauds said to have been perpetrated upon our gallant Pennsylvania soldiers, by State offitiers ' in the disbursement of the 5500,000 and $3,000,000 loan, have just made their report. It is signed by every member of the Committee and concludes as follows : That there is no evidence which in any way involves any officer of the government in improper conduct in the disbursement of the funds of the Commonwealth, or in providing for the -soldiers. On the con trary, the evidence satisfied the Committee that in every instance when any wrong was brought to the knowledge of the Ex ecutive: prompt measures were taken for its correction. The Committee feel it their duty, as well as in justice to the Executive. as well as in honor to our noble common wealth to state that notwithstanding she has placed more men in the field than any other State in the Union she has put them more promptly and at a less expense per man than either the national government or any individual State of whose expendi ture they . have any information, and the committee hesitate not to express their clear judgment that the thanks of the citi zens of the Commonwealth are due to her executive officers, for their self denying and preserving efforts to maintain her hon or and from the citizens of the United States that by such efforts the capital of the country was saved from capture by traitors and the whole country from dis grace. Thus have all the slanders so lavishly bestowed on Gov. Curtin, and the heads of Military Department been dissi pated. It is not only a clear and com plete vindication, • but goes further and renders to them th at just mead of praise which they so eminently deserve and which has so unjustly been withheld. Nomipatlops Copermed, WASHINGTON CITY, April B.—The Ben ate, to-day, in executive session confirmed the nominations of Robert B. Mitchell and James G. Blunt, of Kansas, to be Brigadier Generals. A number of nominations for the same grade are pending, some of which, it is un derstood, have given rise to debate. The cheering news concerning Island No. 10 fell on the public unexpected, and has intensified, if possible, the desire ev erywhere manifested to hear of additional xmlitary advantages. ANTHONY NETER NEW YORK April B.—The Government sales of New 'Orleans cotton to-day was largely attended and biddingquite spirited, full prices were realized and up to expec tations; the whole amounting to 1,000 bales was bought, on account of the Providence Manufacturing Co., the prices obtained ranged from 28 29t cents; the stained brought 281 c. cash. CINCINNATI, April B.—At the city elec• tion yesterday the unconditional , Union art electe d Judge clected Judge of the Superior Court, 0 "oner, Ditixtior ;of the Infirm ;ow t. -Masica and -thastaas Comicil , Doisiemielraioaltsty_ehte-, of wourx ` ' 'Quite . "' - - " h. liiiiii . . :. .: ~, • • ----"-- ' , T ISLAND NO, 10 SURRENDERED. TAE VERY LATEST TELEGHIPIL i Six ! BATTLE AT PITTSBURG, I Thousand Prisoners TENNESSEE. I Cannon, Small Arms, Provision, Scs., &e. __ I I in Our Possealiou. Beaurtgard and Johnston bailed Grant and Buell. 1 Fought All Ha)' : TERRIBLE LOSS ON BOTH SIDES H. W. HALLEcs, Major General Government Bales. Cluellanatt Eleetia; E=IMILit a • I ill 19 ST. Lo c,-!, April S.—Pope has captured three rel,el t ;eller:as, six thousand prison ers; ”f one hundred :..age. pieces, sev eral field batteries, immeose quantities of small arms, tents, wagons, horses, provis- ions, S:e. We have not lost a single man. The Battle at Corinth. FORtRESS MONROE, April 7.—Nothing was done to-day in front of Yorktown, ex cept a reconnoissance and some cannonad ing at long range. A telegraph line has been built to our headquarters near Yorktown. The Spaulding came in this morning from Ship Point. The rebel works abandoned there are quite formidable. They took off their' guns, but left their barracks complete.— Ship Point is about five miles from York town, affording a tine base of operations. A great crowd of Norfolk people on Sun day assembled on shore, near Sewall's" Point, including men, women and chil dren. eagerly engaged in watching the Yankees. The Norfolk papers of this morning con tains a dispatch from Mobile, dated the 6th, stating that a great battle had taken place at Corinth. and that the Confederates had taken eight Federal batteries and a large number of prisoners, and it was ex pected that the whole Federal army would be swept away. This is given as a speci men of the rebel mode of keeping up the spirits of their people and the courage of their army. Thirty-Sevemath Congress. WAstttsc•rox CITY, April The House then resumed the, considera tion of the amendments to the tax bill. A ruong t he other amendments concurred in were the following: One dollar on every person owning a dog. Pleasure or racing vessels under the value of six hundred dollars, five dollars, not exceeding SLIM°, ten dollars. and for every additional thous and dollars, ten dollars. Organs arid melodeons kept tier use or hire, according to value, from 60 cents to six dollars. All dividends in scrip or money or sums of money thereafter declared to he due or payable to stock holders of any railroad company, as a part of the earning; profits or gain of said companies, shall be subject to and pay a duty of three per centum on amount of all such interest or coupons ur dividends wherever the same shall be paid. All remaining amendments having been acted upon, Mr. Blair, of Mo., obtained the consent of the House to offer a new section, that any person claiming tu own services or labor fur life, under the laws of any State, of any person held to service or labor, shall pay a tax, on such person, of two dollars. This was voted on and rejected--)eassl, nays thou reiolved itself iota 'uunittee of the Whole on the State of l i e Union.. Mr. Dawes., of Mass., in the hair. on the Pacific Railroad and Tele raptr rep•n'ted by Mr. Campbell, of 'a.. from the Se!.. .7t Committee on that ibject. (forTitnitteq., 'Awn rn Spring Lot of Paper LETTER, BILL, broad ;S: narrow) MANILLI, PHOTOGRAPH A LBF MM. FABER'S PATENT ARTIST PENCE LS LAWRENCE'S MAUVE INK, • PATENT SLATE RUBBERS. LADIES• POCKET KNIVES. All Kinds Plain & Fancy Stationery W. S. HAVEN. WOOD & TIIIP.D STS T HE LA RGENT WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE. n the West, at No. 62 FIFTH . STREET tspl APOLLO mALLRILLEcausAmoos. CHARLES GARDNER would remind his old friends and customers that he is still to be found at his old stand APOLLO HALL, entrance on Fourth street. He hasfalways on hand the best quality of Lager Beer, and in connection with the hall, a well appointed billiard saloon, with good tables. embernd cues. Remthe place, Apollo Han, Fourth et., near Wood, entrance from Fourth. iY10:13. pEACIIIF.S AND VINEGAR— COO BUSHELS DRIED PEACHES, 11 BARRELS PURE CIDER VINEGAR. in store and for sale by WILLIAM BAGALEY, 18 and 90 Wood otroot S/900 BUYS THE BEST ENGLISH LASTING SILK GORE CONGRESS GAITERS, Cincinnati 'nuke. at 62 MIR STREET. apl Next to Express Office. EATON, MACREMT & CO., Noe. 17 and 19 Fifth Street. PITTSBURGH. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS, TRIM MLNGS. EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY GLOVES, MILLINERY GOODS. Shirts. Collars. Ties, Zephyrs, Yarn k Fancy Articles and Notions of every kind. !A. City and Country Merchant& Milliner& Pedlars and all who buy to sell again. should call and examine our stock. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT—Second door of 17 and 19 Fifth street. mhLe WE HAVE JERI' RECEIVED DI RECT from the Importers and Manufacturers, The largest and beet selected Stock of Bonnets and Hats. Ribbons and Front& Flowers, Shaker Hoods and Radios, Dunsbastno, Engllsi Crapes, Bonnets. D. S. DIFFENBACHE Saks, Matinee, R. I And all ki n d, of LADIES KID SLIPPERS 50 CENTS LADIES RID SLIPPERS 50 CENTS AT NO. 18 FIFTH STREET. WHITE LEAH,_ 30 CASES CON CENTRATED LTE_, for sale by_ GEORGE A. KRLLY. tnhs 59 Federal street, Allegheny City. 110IGN AND DATES-- ./L" 1500 Drums Figs, 30 Fruits Dates. For We by =WS .REFINER & BROS., Noe. Mead US Wood street. are ORR ! CORN 11 200 Sacks Prime Yellow libelled Corm re ceived sad for rale by R. L. ALLEN. Amt. . No. 6 Wood Amt. grlant air TEßNS. for. TOPS, Tammy. PAT. Cmale by RIMY R. COLLEY& GAss Gams =ma or wou arkiao. for mask_ I MIEVAMAN LON. IPS 127 Li/mum. son le iLiffs mow. . Ldtki .111 • —VIII Late diem the litseppeheeneek. . One of. the Enquirer's ndents returned to-day from the Ran • neck. Our I rtiops have iniviiiied to tle north side i of that stream. No rebeLs : nte in sight on the opposite side. They may, however, be concealed behind the hills in that direr- Lion. It is currently reported through the en tire neighborhood that White's and Stew art's cavalry are prowling about the coun try, plundering property and capturing stray Union troops. There is some myste ry about these rebel troopers, who disap pear suddenly when they -are pursued.— Knowing ones say that the residents of that section will be found to be those who pursue this nefarious and villainous system 1 or outlawry ruffian ism leneral Hunter's Department. General Hunter, who went down to en percede Sherman at Port ;Royal, has au thority to use all loyal men in that region, in whatever capacity he may see fit. He professes not to have the prejudices against the contrabands that hampered Sherman and Stevens: Important results are look ed for from that Department at an early date. , Rebel Outrages on our Dead. The Committee on the Conduct of the War have been taking testimony as to in dignities and outrages perpetrated upon our wounded on . the battle-field at Bull. Run, and upon the dead at subsequent periods. The testimony which is full and reliable, and confirms all that has been published. Several surgeons who were taken prisoners, Captain Ricketts and others, have sworn to acts committed by the rebels on our wounded soldiers, that would disgrace a nation of savages. The malignant hate and-fiendish depravity displayed are almost incredible. Avery in Prince George's Conn Slavery is practically abolished in Prince George's county, Maryland. The slaves are running away in large numbers; scarcely a plantation that has not suffered. The ungrateful wretches are unwilling to re main in the homes where they have been raised and cared for. Gangs of from live to fifty can be seen daily wending their way towards Washington, and wandering over Maryland seeking employment where they can be paid for their work. A Released Prisoner again Ar rested. The released secession prisoner, named Thomas A. Stapleton, got on a bender yesterday evenim4, and amused himself by drawing a huge Bowie knife upon a citizen who was passing along the avenue near the market house. Two Kidnappers Arrested. Two men, named Wise and Kimball, were arrested yesterday, in the camp of the Seventh New York Cavalry, while in the act of kidnapping a free colored man. The guard near by hearing the screams of the alleged slave charged on the kidnap pers and arrested them. The negro was released and the men brought before Gen eral Wadsworth. who committed them to prison. EALED PROPOSALS ARE INVITED , Zl-. till the 15th of April, 1862. at 12 o'clock. M., fur supplying the 1. oiled States Sub. Dep't with 6,00 u head of BEEF CATTLE on the hoof. The Cattle to he delivered at Washington CitY, and each animal to average LW) pounds gross weight no animal admitted which weighs leas than 1,000 pounds gross. The Cattle to be delivered at such times and in such quantities as the Government may require. Cattle will be required under this contract soon after the contract ss closed. Heifers and bulbs nut wanted. A bond, with good and satisfactory security, will be ray 'tired.' ()over:anent reserves to itself the right to pay in Treasury notes. No bid will be entertained when put in by con tractors who have previously failed to comply with their contracts, ur where the bidder is not present . to respond to. his bid, and all bids to be aevegillianied by two guaranties. Tallannes ut firms should be stated in full, with the preeisu address of all the members of the firm. Bids to 1.,0 directed to Major A. BECK'.% LTD, C. S., S. A., Washington. D. U. l'orm of Giturousree We, of the county of —. and State of—, and —, of the eounty of and State of—, do hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil a con tract in accordance with the terms of his proposi tion, and that should' his proposition be accented. he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract be awarded him we are prepared to become his securities. This guarantee must be appended to each bid, ap:kdtd NEW WALL PAPERS, AND STRAII 107 .31 - A.nnimrr ST., LOWEST PRIOES FOR CASH. Gold Embroidered Papers PANEL P.A.VIEThiII. IN OAK /1.1) PL•IN TINTS, WITH GOLD MOULDLNGS, FOR HALLS. HAIDER PAPERS, DINING 1001 PAPERS, FIRE BOARD PRINTd. WINDOW SHADES CHEAP WALL PAPERS tuhls:mwflm NOTE, BILL, BOND AND MORTGAGE AND REAL ESTATE BROWSE, OFFICE ROOM STREETUREN'S BUILDING, FOURTH Pittsburgh. Ps, Wanted-9 shares Bank of Pittsburgh stook. apt MILLINERY GOODS AT WHOLESA.LE. MILLINERY GOODS. Which we have ever offered to our Customers. As we now sell FOR CASH, we are stabled to offer goods as low as any Eastern Jobbing Moan. JOSEPH HOENE. 77 Market St. 77 NAIULET 11111 MT. ENTIRE NEW STOOK OF 000CNI Dna Thamajsas Embroideries aad Lae. Goods. Lima HaidAssreidefe. Haiisay Glom, Hoop Sista _Cooks. Kik _Nsffo. sad an kinds of Nov and Daskabla woes la our Him ow webs it —WHOLMILII AI& At very Lows apeNsph Wad ,anrsr ty, Md. t Between Fifth and. Liberty.j NOW HILLING •T THS FOR PARLORS WITH A LARCIR VANITY Or JOB: B. HUMES. .T. H. CAt3IDAY, AT LOW PRICES Mvemlaiesen. PORT. OF PITTSBURGH. ARRIVED, Freink itainet, Brottur.v We. *Jail:oin, Clark. Liman col. Bayard, PcttileiElizabert 3finerra, Whoidirig• DEPARTED. Franklin, Bennet, Brownsville, Gallatin. Clark, do Col. Bayard. Peebles. Elizabeth. Minerva, Gooleu, Wheeling. Ot Cloud, Drava , . St Louis Emma Oralama, Ayers. Zanesville 'The River—Last evening at twilight there were nine feet six inches water in the chan nel and falling slowly. We had rain all day. An other rise may be expected. getr*There is at this time sixteen new boats under contrart at and around Pittsburgh iiiir There is at this time sir new boats under contract at Brownville te''The packet St. Cloud left yesterday for St Louis with a fine trip A®' The Emma Graham, as usual, left for Zanesville with a Sno trip Ile 'The fine packet "Aurora," Capt J. W. inawalt is loading for Cairo and St. Louie Capt• Wm. Dean's new steamer has been named "Monitor" She will load for the Upper Mississippi .The A-No. 1 passenger steamer, J. W. Hailnian, Captain Wearty, is eaanonnoed for Saint Paul. le The fine passenger steamer Arago, Captain Golding, is announced for Saint Louis and Saint Paul. The tirstclass packet Prima Donna, Captain. Moore, is up for Saint Louis and Saint Paul. Cie' Capt. Brown's tine packet Lizzie Martin is loading. for Cincinnati She will leave on Saturday Zit?' The side wheel steamer Argyle sa3 cold to Captain Kyle, of Cincinnati, for $5,500 tar The hull of Capt. Willowhys new boat is at the binding She will be finished with all Via" The Aragu, from St. Louis, is due and %%ill, probably, bo found at the landing [him morning The punctual steamer Science, Calf keno, leaved this day fur GallipoliA, Marietta and Portsmouth She is a good boat and a favorite in tie trade . The fine packet Marengo, Capt. A. G. McCallum, ie. announced for St. Louie and the upper Mississippi. We take pleasure in recom mending boat and officers. tia_Capt. Moore's fine packet "Iowa" is announced fur Saint Louis and Illinois River on Tuesday. Passengers and shippers will bear this in mind. /Pi k" The splendid passenger packet Linden, Capt J Harton, leaves this day for Cincinnati, Louisville and Cairo Pamermers and shippers will bear this in mind ft - if" The splendid passsenger steamer Kenton, Capt l 3 W Ebert, leaves this day for Cin cinnati and Louisville She has unsurpassed ac commodations awl careful officers Capt S Po plinl will be found in the office Zrar- We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Joseph 'Hartman lie was an excellent pilot, • clever friend and was universally esteemed by all his acquaintances Ile was engaged for many years in the Pittsburgh and Wheeling trade on the steamers Forest City. Winchester and James Nelson Mauifest of steamer Arago from Saint Louie—John Irwin, 12 bales Hemp: Silen cer & Garrard, 21 empty barrels, Lucesco Oil Co, Si; do; Ardesco Oil Co, 44 do; North American Oil Co, 50 do Voight 1; Co, 182 barrels I :rem Ap pies; James Holmes a: Co, lid kegs Lard; Samuel Wallace 500 barrels Flour• Henry 11 Collins 54 barrels Clay: Heilman, Rahn' At Co. 55 barrels of Flour: Brownsville, WB. 3 packages Groceries• Clark Al• Co, 1500 barrels Floer, 459 pkga Lard, 1029 pieces bulk meat, 10 bbls Varnish 21casks Facet/. For Cincinnati and Louisville, SATURDAY 12„ 10 A M. THE FINE STEAMER LIZ ZIE:MARTIN. D. T. Brown, com mander, will leave for the above ports as an n uneed ° For freight or pamage apply on board or to ap9 J. B. LIVINGSTON & CO., Atienta --- Foe St. Louts, Keokuk, Rook lalaud, Dubuque sod Saint Paul. MONDAY', 5 P M. THE NEW STEAMER letidEit MONITOR, Nit William Dean, will leave for the above and all intermediate porta For freight or_paarage appb. on board or to ap9 J. B. IN(STON kCO., Agent. For Cairo, St. Louis and Upper Mississippi. THURSDAY, APRIL 14,10 A. M. THE FINE STEAMER PRIMA DONNA. George D. imcrWmmander. will leave as announced above. For freight or op . ivArToblril o ap9 or JOHN FLACK, Agents. For Cairo, Ni. Louie and Upper • THURSDAY. APRIL 14.5 P. M. THE IPISE PASSENGER steamer J. W. HALLMAN, A and intermediate will leave for the above and intermetßate porta u announced. For freight or paseage apply on board or to J. B. LI% INGSTON .t CO., apB Agent. For Cincinnati and Lonisrine. THE SPLENDID PASSED. so steamer LLNDEN. T. M. Mar ton, commander. will leave on this day the 9th ilea.. at 10 a. m. -• • . For freight B. opm apply on board apB J. LnuzzasTON & CO.. Agents For Cincinnati and Louisville. THIS DAV, 4P. M. THE FINE IDAINIENGES /steamer AURORA, J. W. Anawalt commander. will leave, for the above and inter mediate ports al above For freight or pump amply on board or to J, B. LIVINGSTON & CO.. tip 9 or JOHN FLACK. Agent. For Chulaanti and Louisville THURSDAY. 4 P. M. THE SPLENDID PACKET RENTON, G. W. Ebert, com mander, will leave for the above and intermediate porta as noted above. For freight or Puma apply on board. ap9 For St. Louts sad St. Paul. THURSDAY APRIL. 10. THE SPLENDID STEAMER ARAM Captain Goblin& will aim as announced above. For freight or passage apply on board or to sp9 JOHN FLACK. Agent. For Saint Louis and Illinois River. TUESDAY. APRIL 8 THE NEW ANDEPLENDID itce : v =r ov iram:r lOWA, Captain mood. ForTraight or parasol laWi on board or to' ap9 J B LIAUFLACNGSTON & CO. or J. K, Agent. For Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo sad St. Lomb. THIS DAY, APRIL 9, 4 P. M. IBM PAIIIIILNGIER stouter MAXIMO. commander, leaves as announced above. For freight or poungeloppix on board or to J. ILLIVEIGEITON k CO., &p 9 or JOHN FLACK. Agent& liesedisr etta Tusad esday Pnesvill e aekei Ter Mari Za TEM NUM PAUNIOCKSZIS Items EMMA GRAHAM. Capt. martiOß_Apers, «pomander. leaves Pittab eyetp TURSDAY. at 4 p. m.. and TanserMe wow FRIDAY at 8 a. in. For freight or mrisco_ mkt on board or to J. B. LLINIIII«ST014 C,Agete. mil2l OMinn*. For Beaver Newlbeaville amid • IBlsFaeurrasel. - ma k 7. . err aLl A : l l ig= ' asigpsdeito .. wrisedeed. 11,44711111 - riVivkill,111011111PW" Gliallipolle .11111 d PertspieliaL EVERY WEDNESDAY.' 4 P. M. THE lITEAKEIIt OCIENter.., Captain Wm. Keno. leaved for se mg. arletta ; Parkersburg and Gallipolla,. "Makine weekly trim, leaving Eitteburgh 'even' WEDNESDAY at 4 o'clock, and returning leaves OaLlirar Overy FRIDAY at 9 o'clock. tab.* C. LIVINGSON & CO., Agent'. PROPERTY FOR LEASE. LAL.WII.Ii.:INT CV-13 UEta- / 7• .- VALUA BCE AND ELIGIBLY A. situated Lot. adjoining ARegheny Val*/ Railroad and Allegheny river, to lot for one or wore year*. The property is divided intoislt and Acre Lot* This property is well adapted ,ft,- distilling or Oil purposes. Inquire for terms of WM •Fil/LLIPS,_ Cams Manufacturer, Try street, or to the subscriber, - WM. F. JOHNSTON. lu - Faith street. IS - Houses in Freeport, and lands In Armstrong County for sale. at low rates. ap2:2,d BALTIMORE PIANO FACTOBY. PITTSBURGH BRANCH, REXOTED TO No. 118 WOOD STREET. FIRST DOOR FROM FIFTH STREET, ADJOIN- IN THE BANC NOW i 2 tho time to buy • FIRST CLASS PIANO,, at the lowest possible price. Call soon eel. • k4i w left. WISE BROTIIEr ap4 Manufacturer.. (WM ! OILS!! lIUr 68 Bble Duck Creek, Lubricating 28 to ao Ebb ty. 42 Ebb do do do 34 to 35 intfilg. 217 do Allegheny refinery 40 to 44 do 100 do Weaver's farm 42 P.ooeirod and for sale by apB:3t IL L. ALLEN. Agent.' No. 6 Wood St. COAL, NUT COAL, SLACK AND COKE.—DICKSON, STEWART'S& CO.. 509 LIBERTY STREET. Haring superior kicilities for supplying the best quality of Coal, Nut Coal, Slack and coals, are prepared to deliver the same, rates. quantity to suit purchasers, at reasonable Our Coal is. brought in fresh daily by railroad, and is drysad free from slack. Particular :Mennen given to sup plying families. coMI3-Sta S t IOCIEIX CULDEEM. GENERAL OFFICE. PITTSBURCHT, March 25, 1862. Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne &Chicago Baihtiay enemy. 23 - Certificates . of Stock of thin Com pany will be issued to the Stockholdete of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago ttatlroad Company on and after the 10th of APRIL prox imo. on their complying with the following pro vision of the agreement for the reontanisation of said Company, to wit: • Holders ot Stock of the PITTSBURGH., _pm WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD COM PANY, upon the amigament of such Stook to seek persons as niay bedssignated, for that purpose. by the Purchasing Agents , may be allowed to nsesivis an equivalent amount of Stock in:. the new Cor poration, in Shares of One Hundred Dollars took with Scrip Certificates for lest amounts, not en titling the holders to dividends."' The Assignment Books will be opened on the 10th proximo. Bi Order W. H. BARNES. Secretary. WALL PAPER I ! WINDOW CURTAINS, &c. New Styles for Spring of 1862. A. Great Variety and Fitit. Assort ment from 6 1.4 cents to 63 per PIOCe. For dale by THOMAS PALMER, NO. 91 WOOD STREET, Between 4th A: sth, 2d dour below Diamond Ailey uilk2l LOAN OFFICE, HENRY W. CIMIOTTI. NO. 100 SMITHFIELD STREET, Near the corner Fifth, Pittsburgh. MONEY IN LARGE AND SMALL quantities loaned on Gold and Die monde, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches. and all kinds of valuable articles, for any length of time agreed on. The goods cannot be delivered without the Ticket. Ili` Office Hours from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. j a TO OIL rpnr. UNDEESIGUNEJD HAKE 'LADE 1 arrangements-to fit up Oil Refinesies. under: Dr. Twaddle's. Patent TROMP APPARATUS, Patented February 4th.11362. by which fire is ren dered totally unnecessary in distilling Petroleum or other Oils. and we guarantee our work cannot be excelled in durability, simplicity or economy. We refer with confidence to the following par ties. whom Refineries we have fitted up : Messrs. Long. k Co., Petropa Works: Wlithtmass k Andemon. Ws' dif S. M. Kier k Co Excelsior do Alex. Taylor & do,,_Jefferson do Lockhart k Frewßrilliant do The above works were designed and oonitruetsd nd put in operation by Dr. R. W. C. TWEDDLE The following works we have also fitted up: Economy Oil Company, Darlington; Chadwick & Crompton, Kittanning: Johnson Graham k Co., Woods' Rim ; Brewer. Sill & Co., Pittsburgh: Reese & Graff. do Johnson & Brother, do Forsyth Bros. & Co., Manchester. DAVIS & PHILLIPS, No& 100 WATER & 104 FIRST STREETS, Brain Founders, Plumbers STEAM AND GAS FITTERS mhllamd nio. MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET. BELOW XiRIVET PITT TO THE -PUBLIC. w i 116111 PECI ALLY I Mi the ignorant andfaltie , ly Modaid of all demi- I natjons; treat secret no and I delicate; disorders, self- , labuse and diseases or situations common and incident to youth,' of both In and ri a ttntat i • I r ho in g.c rthd t of lifs eesilis so, the ignorant and false e 4r modest are , shocked, and think it alt rest sin very hitit and for contamination and corruption among their wives. plomising mons and daughters. Their &mar Arden= should be cautious to k lisknorance that they do the same as Dr:SU! triftoP (except publialthig) lest a lueradv% tic* mig h t be lost to them among stupid modest and presumptuous fami t es. bogs raised in ignorance, W APIs rauhrear ub, who compare society, i nt seam to dollars and cents. mysteriouly, th at gotten. Is, is to publicity, however. * that mentesoms parents and guardians are thankful that_ their sons, daughtem and wards , previously twable. sickly and of delicate condition and appesis neik have tom nefored to health and vigor by Dlt. i BRANSTRUP besides many before ans alter 'm arriage dem* bin have bees saved iamb fering. assists. siostiiitatko. ke. iiseresatarr of - bea or soetunel emillisdons. ere l asgistely slued in a very a l ipt d ne 'ease Uzi new resosoiks. which are akin7sen.hiligia4eealme=ini. front the Mac:G(001=1 ed it and sabstital tile visitable _iamb Alb eassearetresSed sesitedsseesse—bavial_._itail over inks IQ *Wilma ix emir it. in of both the Old World sWg the United leads bite to sey—to all with a fair trial. . and bondman will aM m tsa non the now , —palled cheek. Trills on mosiebanke Soli quacks but come and be dared • Caesimption and all of its kindred disease,, of which so many sir s N eill oar comuam ma tine now beFull_ relieved • t dm Mtl tiolt -- • Pwacelsre esa ig g L ofteg iwssses s is e a eoproctie Advitsigesat= lesiva& grads_ io siriest,llol*,. ving Alrie ad vsttess um War tummaingialla. sad , laa. swabs skill hirtiartit Coma* - j a g w h s i s dtilbromalbeilistb• = efiL. • ' .as. ..,,,,. ar t n„. * ll., „. ," ~.,. at ---: isibisir - '.,, Piti=PisMags- -1N