- 34 - . • • •__...........„•-• ..2 , •- , !...::•••:, , ,,, , Ktitag ~ -:......-1,..2p, ,, --- F 0.41311rA1i6E or Tins • Yeiiiiirlisaia ...Central Railroad. EIGHT DAILY TRAINS. • 71111111T ' Al3lOll MEAT •,s riiRE MAIL TRAIN LEAVES PITTS BOUGH from the wattage! depot, at the tn• hreeolion of 14berly and Grant Street!, every Ihterningfecera7l*Bloaltn, altoptinag stataempl? *Pittsburgh Tote Wean art vett in Philadelphia at Dilap. ro., zulakißN,9oon_eeNtig fof New Yorls.,ftwas Ken-. towo AP-09 hWatiat Paid . ‘tntet Cam doh AlAmbel Mak ae EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the above named Medea daily at at SAO p.m, s dt topping only at prat- V OWt = D A j Ca d a ti=lt 41 wax' Allentinrn This train arrives In P ew ta : a. 13a i allodelpele , at 8:06 a ton orourtetlon for New York from Kensington depot stn.= a In, over Camden and Aniboy hal& A'S/sepias! Oar is run through from Pittsburgh Id Jersey C.ty sit Allen. tewhmounitemtaorked to clue intro. TEMPAIST ILANR tearer to.. at.ve named eta Non oguy,ieatkeptßandsOzt. 8:60 stopping catty at ' pl .statloas. connecting at awes. burglar Mg ors and Wastungton 'Ms train artivesin PnUadelphicat 6:26 p ro, malting dose ertnneetion for New York from Ben-ingloa depot al hikkw. ever Camden Amboy line. ACOOKRODAT/ON TRAINS. TRSJATIRMWRAPCORRODI,TION TRAIN leaves dailyr, (eueept Sonday,) at 1 . 00 p. m stop ping„ APAorui and running as far as Conelaugb. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for a. p i's stenonjeare3 Maly, (except Su fatO a. In. SBOOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's stationuleavp dNly, (except Sunday.) at I1.1)0 a. in. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's littlighllaaaYea-d61.1Y, (except Sunday.) nt 6:00 p. m. POURSM ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Waif's , Bush= leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 0:16 p. m. - RETURNING TRAINS IN PITTSBURGH ;AY FOLLOWS; p. in 5.60 p. m. ro. .... ....... 181 & c Johnetown income/iodation Mao a. m. Phut Wall'elstatton Accommodation—. Si a. m Second Wall's elation AoCommodatma 8 80 a. M. Third WalPs Station Accommodation-- .1 06 p. Fourth Wail's Station aocommodatio.... 0.06 p. m. !Trams ,for Blairsville and Indiana, ooanect at Rharafille Latarneotion with lohnatown Loaummo. datgla BO and 'gnat" and Express end Mail West PAll;Tr. r .412 6016TOBA1.1112801tEri 60 PHILLDELPIFIL 10 BU 00 LANCASTER 866 HANSIB t 8 (Marked to all stations on the retakSyl vants lroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimcr.e and New York Passengers parchestng tickets in cars. will be an excess to distance traveled in sa w ' WTI to the station rates, except from stations where the Company has no agent. NOTIOEr—In case of loss, the Clo,uany will hold themselves responsible for personal be gage only, and for an ter mint not exc. , . tug $lOO. N. 13.—An Orreniiina Lineemployed to convey ngers and baggag •to and from the de pot, at a rge Act to exceed 26 cents tor each passenger and baggage. Fps_ tickets apply to J. STEWART A*., At the Penien Bt. Passenger Btatoa, On Liberty andH L Grant streets ENOC General Bnperin rent /atoms, Pa. 1881. THE 1.8135. PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH-WEST WEST MD NORTH WEST. WINTER ARILANG EMI T t 1112 LE to Cincinnati as gyipk, and tO Jaidianapolta, t. bows acid Miesgo abater, byatil other roma PrisalWAß.D TRAINS. Mall Line. Eire. ess. LesiesPittaburgb—...-- 140 a m 140 pm m + 150 a m LK, p m 10.05 a m 10 10:0, m Arty sur eatece..-----1.0.40 m 10 50 P ---..1245 m p m 12.58 a .ta 2/5 p m 220 a m Fort Wayne....._... 4 2 50 P m 5.00 a m Chicago...... P m 120 0 a M —.1248 p in • • 108 COL UllllO.lB, 01/sliAl I s ET. LOUIS Orestilae.....---1.0 55 a m 11 00 p t• LBO P m 1. 801, •Oi e.aconm "b p m 7.40 a m jit 4.0.aka...--....-ICl4t) aat 11.5 5 p FOWINDIANA.P :La AND T. LOCTIEI LeinleiCreathne-- 10 66 al m 11. 00 p t4 l l 4.rtetr i e l Lt 4 2.. ( ' ) A 1 g2Br: m m 4 , St. L0ur5....—...-.10.0 . 6 am 1156 p m All Trains through to Clue-ego notirotuctuurge of FL—Vair time to Cincinnati le the =pies by riteuontville. Trains on both Iles& meet at Columbus, and piosiongere rtti go into Ciecutusti together. EAST WARD TRAi NS. NLx.l.. Es Mena 1.1311V0 Chicago,...--- 020 a m 030 p al Arrives , Fork Wayne.-- 1 2.05 p m 12.30 ain 0 pro-itl.ric ........ b. 5.5 pin 13.20 a m " Pittsburgh ...a-- 23b a m 3.50 pa/ . Boal, 'Drains islis - a1 ,fuse coanap.k...ma ;cm 'fl., a tia on the i e ansy Amin.% Ratiroad fur the biaatt m eine. Via A.11.5..Mia1i Marl ?t Isclolptiiii. inhi„OnitLi onechan_ge o! e.tris oat imam Chicago ancloriew.knork. Val .rittet.Llf6 ,l 3 and Al.ontown on ratilaVlllllo,lgre RO p p, 1. ttßg Pit is lifurei eft at 3.56 p , and New Yorrk a:1 'I. ro. ALV9.I4I,ODATION TRI.IN's-From e era: al., •.____. "JRAM/11;.:Allefftlfm), tllky. , - - NEW 3111011T0 A•: , ' , \ imoorATicgi. Leaves Allegheny at........ n !,..) t in and 9.30 p In .-Assauka-New-4r..,:aa - 1-s-14- " -- -tilt) Leaves ' _ • 0 .0.) . 12 20 ‘' Arri few at Liles:, . tit 15 " 200 '4 , .- • ..Egt4....,/! , 11 ~,.. 1-!.., ! , i LAUD A. IltiN. -Leres.AlleAlkelki al 12 50 p to a- d 5 .in Leakkeaklicollckiy-at 0.03 win tl, 00 ••/ : Millt..liE.l iF.Aii , 4. . ..148!",iiA1Usacetsit...- •-- 6.10 IL in 'Arirrase , at Alleglen y .;L 11 00 a in ' -Lames Atiegoecty et ArtiV43B.lo. Alliance...-.....--.......--- ..... _7 35 p m 131,.Trams are run by Go'll.lll/0.3 t.ine, w hien is a 01‘1111083 Ele ct thsui Pi ttsbur.,ll ---ipars-Tcdeptii - goed -ion VA)) accommodation and market train* are bold at reduced. pzica, Trougn MUM connect +a tOltoire:- 03?Lneork tkopleTeLkac ',ad r*.nw 'At Orti t tli t Ohto, to end roc[ Miller.. Car;r,„, Apo.. Fel% 'eta • AtZtafi d, Ohm, for MO - .ms Yf5111:1.6.2e1...y, ;Au At,.Necto, Detroll.,, etc. .I.l_lm.e. for Lcukware, tiprofghe.d, L.VlrmhPb, Oincinnat, Ream, tkykon, Indionapoll.., ut. LOCUST 2034 10Anngteids 118,4. ! IP. , s , ' d0,14:44 d .:* 'lad% g r a ' .. 1 S' tri...‹ .. ..1.....Tirak rStaigiCaniiii.o ll or r e iheWa / fioolety3 the 4*, Pewit/gum ..flf °flit ___ -....— '._.—,..5.-.,i-.J-•-•----•--------_ _ Tr , -T;Qtraitigaii 'XII 0 ss ' x.:47". = OBVLIKENT-A.l*,:f 1411; 2 0 10 1 /411Y Wu' rqt R -.7 Mptlyieltr ,s-ss s tow 6i 103 2. ~ it Oct , SS; VOWS -WM; ft a - --- B. b ....., Ire. ESYNl3,lkinkeriritaid,liv 4,4, 4 —IT " ;iota!, tad Detelettif in -Notes M.... '• • • 601 4 Slivering Bow Noise 011iihe /Wen sasi r WeEtprit pig etik ettitifide. _ . . vonebtroas nude in it the cities thscrnillookibil lUnited:Biefiedr , Derealtoli * teiTed Pa' _MIIII s q/' euneet-,peper,,ND. t tidextret,l4 . oet, teariele . - 'Uteri end Ferirth etreete:. . • ' MOW Dotr.4.**atiki.roig ihatx!A i " ' sitP..l"6, '1,11.7111 - 411011111% ,- -, CIEUARTS43IIII - I.li- . .18 15,8 ~`, -1 OrrieriAnal'frOili 9 to 2 , 4101ti0' k ~,.' , u-steot - Itreasladivralis aiev° =• ' from Man lotto Nov6mber anj-jrnnit MO to! ~ , a :oa litteg libt F . f aa * lirgi ri tl, a 7-3 Nipoilia r Wolfed or-slkoman notion, tbaiLOPLI w rodissoants di 4 otthe Fr.a ~Lx~L If bee nti i , i: I d ! I 4'* j hrt= 2 P' y; 4 jina-TdOduble 4 aiitio Binr:lrwarglidibigOttesilikr o ll4 s4l ooiia:_r re ... . L.. or . ' 46 6444 I A i. th i, i i i ii ii . , a i 4 rts IlaWii. ‘ fiabspoillifilionals , intennn al ._ ilsys=64 - ar k f AM,`Ava st ~. idiadst In ttszligmnne nut ags ogii466K, 4 2 1 1 ;,--- - .;, iii i- - • , , ..,- , Boolo,lL/ _ 6 janninor, 4660‘ St& ant)retplinionn, 4661 , 0616, bh oplierdian '..- 4 t b a g a m s. t • , cc,. 0:4 1-o e 1M , 242 4 - : 416:11"Makik: ' ' vicalPluialloMi;";;: ,_ .-: ; John B. Witaddes, , 5116±6,___licrennocis. . , ohnatonle, .. .-- ' lan * W u " Alexanaer opntr,,„_____. - ' _ . :.66,646- 136%)Apakettillelk . 0 4 domes, anol BM _ Mout liteitdanotoy, del:itei. ; .... ' a. • : -J08 4 .. :27 4 . 3 .. 8 . 1z 7ru1iteif:3);, ....--..- -- -1. John 'i t illionlbn (r,, iciro466-I , V, '.l6lneefin ip ,v .d i %TWA, insnalasll '-' & rm. "nniflA.K. Joniv.ooe 1I:' . _ , 4 • '- --"--- - Stott ithinlikto ~ • Bo= n !Inn), - la w far* T .. . , PLlnnianterindl6_,, , .i,•., -- A filroirr-V.Vor-•-•,.-;_t- iii Lripinhaf ten , a "" '', ~• 1-, .., - :'l7 - A. Oli rA'. Ii ;I.- etic . • CONSISTING 01 Minaltotti. ~1 (BBOI3IIW STORY.) Alt Woik 4intrusted tb ge Nita , wi.x.!. Executed. K ~ ~' :. w - , >1 rrasv r• *,61 - A1 4 1" OFFICE.L_ AN": 131 111 DTTic 4- 14101 . 1.04 04,V4 14 P it *": Iligi , P44 , , WRY in ; e and exnalliquilitalat . I mm o . s ; ••onti, Jewel : rer .hes, ima sin Ida At 7 tip old , ..,• , • ... L*13.1!1W0L'e.:_,... 21 ...e.) E 01415 •• •••• - AlPlitered I FI t 4-4 1 ' . 11 1 *StrIt • • - memo on, ! Itf PlPrEttgrk.M` - ; - 'lirriatAibikittuida' '4: -MUTE' 'AND' GUM tidit. &WM a , P Alta.= I.IS I I Nam, BOND% rawatie. pa .24 ottieT, risks. „ , • , acid Exwl.LiitB,aws_w o i46°:, wr;ilArt...r. is. i.l-11iNRIti-r-.T. I OA.IdPISSFA.: :WOLFE PLiiiiKElTltke l GLASS MA kiIIFA OTT) RERA , i i w.a.!ll(itco 9 z b . A, Jo: IliWood Strees3 000 1 _W 0 .1 ,Ir4lsa ' , KAU) .• .. .- , rattitsut ' ' a .,.., 71ra STiliG 7.31 1 1 / 6 ":°. M 7Ra“u"... i ." l ' .. ilii:l it ?llll"7l.- Si . 9 Emit( OrrY L;LASS. VtiltßEP:3Veriio B66 , Water atreet, and 258' filet -4tree h rinh Psi, three deers t War ' Mt:Non ele. blsteutsatiztentaf. Pittsburgh City hid . Zato :Mess Were sad' PanarletuCClostiet paler -* W lndere, .-ehtindrett: in4l - 1040_. otzxou--,..-m6800.7000141-w Pettit or re red Zditiee Ste.ViteireABd all kiod , c ; Bpdoes, oohing Breed.f Or vault ma Omit% Lea . 9h 1134044t0n Peed 19 to ; -,fwrOb:a Brothers in . ze I:!iinao,_ithele yonwale ,— _a 0 . 7f Dreg lait ant tower thtinat" any, other Wm( it the et :•-• Also a gement matt; diassortentset ol I. trolly aeries, rese, -Wiitee, RiatulM shot 81 e au 60 (la of rat " sae and retie t i tr i r . do* • ,00ffluic o Diamond end ii4296114,a1t i ItINEI, Pltil:OLS, Kit tiM—ahe a 1,3 tenth= al those ist sesseh ot GUNS, 1744‘ . IS TO - ;3 ~ !t e., eau *AMPa ta citir sttlartald stack. "' 3 -- I- W 4. W,.1 QUM, .. 14-41.-,a l ~ dittreet. " 1111K 'uthors MACH nun: .Plidnina t ittialaen t l i soathnikese Alf* -fitAblits*-ft. son i ls kactsgrder to s virWted- OC i ,-; 45 = 1 tattiftw i l-Mehr 2412 , 0 5 A niers,tor wood ana trcnOxiiitug_. _ _ _ = am t . Tobsonna`-- we+MenentZglaie ft•e, - " ailegh In d it i =soMlV - 101 14" 1" Vita& sad Plink 1111611 also enekepenif have we bia44 4 _,13,161...g_ liC 1 4- 11, 1 - raL=M m .-7 - 01 , 6 2 E v asi dM. 4 ; : i rtbrettitic L. Mat ~TiWrittlO6r 1. A d - P r6 V-twe en to re** „ ' Pi chines. 4040 chines. . a 11V. j ,.,. g . ' Tz..Arsaz IatiCIOM IC IAUR ~,vvriaok.ear: ---- , ,eau •u IPArtile 9 wub 11 BM trmoritg,_ ~,....0101Y4I-Y7 f ,t h. JR. 07 f ": s'" Ca — if - a:4'4 pane sad BY , 8 0 13* " 51421 ' %11 end lip. M. ezaitV C. 11XNST MPS EDWARD UMW% iligillibOa l lifigro63es3l36L , -, , --- .1) 1 - - g.• -- C i''''''m - ' like. Gan Mk ii• -, dith. P wznassuaircuumw- - - Dwi .ac l,glo p . : ~ TlFin ' 1,0: . - -ie - ', .... - . .1, , ~ .a . , „ ..,.. i I v - ,... 1 i ; 14.4-,rint-Stiigts '''" - .'•-• *".".., '" • ,1 Of VIE Vire JP/ Til• :At: .1 . :Atr.' ';.) 7. '1: - :', 1 EX 41,1- Trc 'il k % go •toient- itatmaridar i ti • t 11106411111ahat ,F 1**, 1 6.44V --143,44..etacut.tata 100 v-ww-ParaifteaniLalt% 11•-••••••'...- to bomb; prime Whiter Appladrali 1 a and torsderhir ------- - - ~,, „ ~ . , i ,>ER. C-4 t ~.. 7111.11415ial , .3" zioniactiwat Us ,a. TORNlllLlTGWlSCHtrirciiild`romind V his old Moods sad customors that hem; Mill So be formdsi hiaold*al nd r Hair, etttll3lo2 4 0 ed as ... , Ea his ohms ashassitriab. a , , salt la ocarasairoreirdi s - 11 billiard .sidoaa, with go 1 .1.9- bbtlir iIIOII. , ...., , _ ..,9MMEMIXOt, thikplsoe, ~ to 8,4 ra :. . 114 ..., _ tifiarkilm, camas/ism as WIN i Off , konat cot A : IV 17 *t t S Semis _V 01.1 1 1 0. 11'4 PITTUUNINI. Ma% sij r ws Wei .14711344101 . orthe PETRC — I — IIi-01LAVORICIe.: 14 1 k - 4 1 11411" MERE -~4~€ ~~. 1 41111 1111_4411