JAMES POSAlta,_ I) I T A NOIPAO IMP& MONDAY MORNING R813./0. Ol'Y'Yla& Stealing Tobacco and vigil,, For some time rest several merchants, on Liberty street, have missed boxes of segars and tobacco, but were unable to -find any clue to the thieves. On Friday evening Mr. G. Ludevrig, of Nos. 810 and 812 Liberty street, had placed two packages (parte of boxes) of tobacco oil the pave ment, to be shipped, but they had been there only a short time when they were missed. One of the night watch, Mr. Barker, soon after saw a lad named John Cox carrying one of the boxes on his shoulder, and believing It' o be stolen, ar. rested the boy and took him to the Mayor's office. This arrest led to the apprehension of two accomplioes of Cox, Bdwardßmith and John Houck, boys from fourteen to seventeen years of age. The other box was found at the house of an Israelite named Gabriel Imes, to whom the boys had sold it for $1 50. The boys say that they were -persuaded by Isaacs to steal goods and sell them to him at a low price. An informatbn was accordingly lodged against Isaacs for rec lying stolen goods, upon which he was arrested and committed to Jail. The boys wei'e also committed to answer at Court. The officers who arrest. ed the lads found several boxes of segars and other articles, which they had stolen, at other places. Some of these were iden tified by merchants on Liberty street and others. More arrests for receiving stolen goods will probably follow the "turning up" of this batch of .11venile thieves. Miss Taos:mare °moan Warr —A Nsw PLAT.—It is conceded by all that Miss Charlotte Thompson, now at the Theatre, la by far the most accomplished actress who has appeared on our boards since Miss Davenport. Her natural ad. vantages are a handsome face, tine form, easy, natural carriage and sweet voice, while careful study has made her a finished deelaimer and a fine delineator of passion and ee•. timent. She has fully established her reputation here as a first.class actress. To • night she appears in a new drama entitled "Edith and Zeldia, or the Old Tower of Charlswood," in which she personates two sisters, lidith and Zsldia. She will be supported by a full cast. We are told the piece is a fine one, and hope it may prove a moms for both the "star " and the management. ARIOST 07 ♦ TEIK7.-At an early hour on Saturday morning the tailor shop of Michael McKenna, of Port Perry, was robbed of a lot of Kentucky jeans and other unmade goods, valued at abent 110. Pik were obtained by some one who broke a pane of glass from the window and took what be could reach. On Sunday morn. ing McKenna came in and gave informa tion of the theft to Mayor Sawyer, inform ing him that. the thief had come to the city. Officers Moon, Scott, Hamilton and Strain were dispatched in pursuit, and in about an hour found the stolen goods at the house of a man named George Oxley, in Allegheny City. The goods were iden tifled,by McKenna, and Oxley held to an% Mfr. SWORD }lassoing —W have reoeived a communication from a gentleman of Burgettstown, describing a sword drill he had witnessed, by the young men of the place, and enlarging on the advantages of the exero'se. We are sorry we have not room for the communication, as we heartily concur in his sentiments, and hope that the art (in this country almost lost) of wielding the broad-sword may be generally acquired by the young men who are to pars ticipate in the present struggle. Bt 0--- AMIN OVEGR,— On ciaturday afternoon a man, whose name we did not learn, was thrown down while crossing Market street, by a large dog, which run between his legs, and the Eagle steam fire engine pas. sing at the time, on its return from an alarm, ran over him, bruising him severely, but doing him no serious injury, though it was said his leg was broken. He was ta. ken into a store in the vicinity and =bite , quently conveyed home. DT Intscrroas Fix°Tau —At the annual election of the Roetubarg and Cresson Railroad Company, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: Presi. dent, A. A. Barker; Directors, Edward Roberts, Johnson Moore, John Williams, George Rodgers, A. C. Maim, Abel Lloyd, Richard Jones, jr.. Robert Davis, Henry Foster, Isaac Evens, James Myers, Thomas Griffith. Howe TO Waximin•.—Manager Hen derson has leased Washington Hall, In Wheeling, and will open it with hid Cheat steal company for a few weeks, commence, ing on Monday next. Daring the absence of the company the Theatre here will be renovatel, _repainted, papered, and genera ally fitted up for the spring season. LLBONNY OF CLOTHING. —On Friday evening some 480-worth of clothing, in cluding a blue 'black beaver overcoat, a beiverlialf sack business coat, black, plush vest; dm., were stolen from the Mansion House, Liberty street. Mr. A.urentai pro prietor of the house, offers a reward of,SlO for the capture of the thief. Dumwtoze,---The colored man named George 'ArtWarne, arre tea on Wednesday evening last, charged with aasault with in. decent intent on Sarah Williams, was die. charged by Mayor Sawyer on Saturday, the prosecutrix failing to appear against him at the hour fixed for a hearing. SLIGHT Fruz.—On Saturday morning the floor °title bar room at the ifst o nal Hotel, Water street, took Ste from the cove, and in a dun. t tune quite a hole Was burned in it, brit fortniiitedy 114 flames were extinguich ad hlaihag was Beriouely damaged. - 11sorz Errs Tarim —434. Ei4 l o l Woni, the ce ebrated vocalist °LA's,. play ,. elfipped a few, days since and , fell, breaktnrth tale' bone. The accident is a painful one and er g . G. is under' treatment at the .Mercy,Hospital. BURNED To D.SATEC—Two children be. longing to .WUliem Shadlo, Monroe townahlp. Clarion doWttty, were bnincid to death on' lest Sunday week by their OlOthes taking - Ore daring the:Wencmot - thidttpar. tints. iiiiiirrati.—The Governor hae aiktieil the gfinppliment to an-acit to incorporate the t irll = l3reeY:Bitlioad OompanyAoppMed April 2d, 1880. The bill le, therefore, a z I ;TEE body of - March Ford, pilot on ►he PAM/, killed in the engagement at fort Henry, left Cairo on Saturday morning ' ad is expected to arrive here this after,- SPHIMAtn..—A rat was killed in Ship• pensville, Clarion county, recently, which had etx well formed legs and feet, four at. Wised to the binder pate of the . animal. SHILL Couretscr.-4, contract for three hundred tone of shells, weighing 220 Ibs each, for thirteen inch mortars, has been awarded to Hismilton & Olark, of Wheel* INT; Mn. EMT White, of Indians, re. has becutippointaldajor tpe 68tkretineyl, vaz4 regimer4 DUD rompa-kiago, on, 4ric,.._cdrakfl, bon of . 4411 4„, 1 3494 11 153 1 , 91 Nan:g _ _ band dead 1444 Rf4,pfAs ! AD/I,w the Mb ult. . • Tice Coitimaii Preis iittiDligickroorti warein tessionvlrpigasdireill 4.rt, ainna 2.x - s ' un- ' 1.112111 .. 4 1C . Vt i i i ii" 141 0 11 4 . bp < •••• A Witt, 1.4, {ll e. 4 Ftls►alp - - • ••• 171r.ntrZ7V _ erfillog, In the city huilding JUrnoirt: SOUPU PANTY AND PLAIN & CHAIRS. WAREHOUSE, lab SHITELPIIIIAD STREET, (between Sixth street and Virgin elley.) aria PITTIEIBUZIGB. ALL STYLES, DIARIRS FOR 1882 W. S. RAVEN. Dog CORNER WOOD AND TfirlßD PALDLNEPS BROWN'S BRONOERA.L TROCHES BRYAN'S PULMONIO WAFER AYERS' CHERRY PECTORAL. SCHIMOICI3 PIILMONIO SYRUP SELLERS' OOUGH SYRUP OHAS. H. SUPER, Cor. Penn and St, Clair Ste. sot 8. an mere . Fla White, Rain and Fancy Flannel Under hirte on band, and made to order, on R. WILLIAMSON'S,' SHIRT FAUTORY S sTOV „ t ti> NO, 30 WOOD STREET (corner Fecund, Pittaburgh, Manufacture iu3 wholesale and ratail• dealer in al Cook, Parlor, and Heating Stoves, Grate Fronts, Feeders, &r. 116. In our sample room may be found the KIBILRBILITEDGAB BURNING 000 E BTOVICS EUREKA AND TROPIC, the awaits of which have been fall► tested b► Chorusing% sod the Stoves pronounoed aneqoeled by any in this enartet; together with a peat many other desirable pattern& We two also a vary large areorima _ of pawl! AND HEATING STOVES, embracing some of the REST PATTERNS now on fared to the politic. AND ifirFEND FANCY ENAMELED GRATE FRONTS ERS, the newest Knot:m Bow and ot Jam Grates, all of styles w . Common hloh are of. fired at very low prkseet Mirepeotal inducements offered to bandors In want ot GRATE FRONT& n06.11m r ~. .51 aldirig, It ` k 'Yti" faush.,,er g sasaerz cold wi 3RONCHIAL or 414L0e ,97Loaat, ,N,o°Cl' , ; ( c, ` . which rniy-ht be dunked " 1 With a simple remedy, ?neglected, /len terminates seriously. Few are awang of the importance gpc a t*Pinir a /9 1 }uSh• cr `F oll aid Add in its first atag•; emit whia l / 4 in Ow bey/1;47144f woukt ,yiseld to a mad remedy, if not attended to, soon attacks the /taws. 4gocutzrea4go ane jzzaLoo,2chze , werefirst intraiuchscl eleven years ago. It has been prated that they are the best article before the public for f ct =4:2lda, 4:rocazrAth , Waterston, the Hacking ~ Cough in A'armuzinfttion., and numerous' oilferotitma V the ,ffizottat, giving. immediate relief. Public Speak* a Singers Ter find them effectual. j oleartnir and str-ngtheniNir the voice. Sold • a Oruggiets and (Pears in-ilieca r yi ne , at 15 cents per box. I'Art.PORMA.NT • - - INVENTORS. PAYDAY AGENCY Bawl; C. Lawrence e r Twelve Tears an 0111. cor of Ihe Pa. teat 0111 le- - We lad tour as a' Messber or the Board NOT—An inform Patmt a copy of thi el= torment Damtit Hotknray ROI OFINC. noomra GRAVEL. CEMENT OANVASS ROOFING, And — ln the moat durable manner. gAVING TEE MOST,COMPETENT workmen in the etty, who Emden:Wade their business, we nun eay. we 0411 do work 44 chetalltt Ifi al/thbi&hettPtiban soy other &at tlonelittla attention and aro Atuteriats tlola. arin' rli RBi r. r ill if j ok b A gli •Y l°° ,, ALSIP . gtotwelNadifet •I a 11A JOSEPH Man 6 11011 Manufacturers of HOTOGRA P El ALBUMS ALL PRICES, -ALSO_ POE MLR II THROAT 044NBROTIONS For sale by AT HIS DRUG STORE, NO. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET EIR.A.IaL.IE - Ir. kliids of PATENT AGENCY Robt. W. Feawisk. or the past four Years- Mann e r of he Washing on Branch of e SClentlac American Pa. tent Ala ency ad for Flf. thetee Patent n Ye ars In • Seiffer Susi. eels. A dispatch from Roanoke Island stales that the Federate had advanced to Roanoke bland and been twice repulsed. The attack commenced • at seven o'clock -on F. iday morning and the fight was still going on at the latest advices . Four hundred and ninety Union prig. oners have left New Orleans to be ex• changed. Rebel Prhcrille. LoursviLLE, Feb. B.—Forty six prison era, captured at the Mill Spring fight, were brought here to-night, including Lieut. 001 IL B. Carter, of the 20th Tennessee, and three lieutenants of other rebel regi• °nor of Patenloszs, Forw urd Movement In East Tennessee. CLIVOIHNAT/, Feb. 9.—A. special die. patch to the Commercial says that Gen. Thomas' division is said to have made a MiVement, and will invlde East Tennessee at three different points, simultaneously. Gen. Carter goes through Cumberland Gs p ' General fEkthoeff by the Central route and Gen. Thomas. with Munson's and Mo. Cook's brigades, will Mom . atBnO They will advance immediately onattoz• ng. ville, where they will tate , O ba lsel" of he railroad, enable car- supplies and railroad, with the rebel govern. RIMPTC z;:mm OTIS LATEST BY TELEGRAPH set NOVA News up In Two O'eloek From llltumour'. BOLL►, Mo., February B .—News from the West indicates that the preparations for a decided blow against the enemy are nearly complete. The forces for this movement are nearly all concentrated at the point, whence its intended movement against the adversary and in a few days the whole command will probably be on the march Westward. General Biael and Asbotii'm divisions have reached Lebanon and Majur Wrighta batt , lion of Cavalry has moved thirteen miles west of that point. General Davis' brigade was reported to be crossing the Osage river on Wednesday and a portion of it was expected to arrive at Lebanon on Thursday. Two of May Wright's scouts report that Price has made a speech to his troops, tel ling them that they wore surrounded . that they must fight or surrender, and that they till decided to fight. Price ispiaid to have been heavily reinforced from Arkan sas, and to have collected large supplies and provisions on the road leading from Springs field to Payetteviile• Capt. Wood had arrived at Wsynniville with 27 rebel prisoners, including 6 Oap, tains taken between Lebanon and Spring field. T. Louts. Feb. 9 —A correspondent of the Republican says that the property captured at Fart Henry le valued at up wards of $200,000. Nine hundred prisoners of war were transferred from here to Alton to-day, where quarters have been prepared in the Old Beni eat' ary. Fifteen hundred cavalry, a battf , ry of light artillery left yesterday for Fort Henry. A regiment of cavalry also left for Holly. Later from Fort Hoary. OrNcrxrrarr, Feb. 9.—A special dispatch to the Gasetio and Commerciat, dated Fort Henry, the Bth; gives .the I:Mowing intelligence : Directly after the capture of Fort Henry the gunboats Lexington, Tyler and Con. nestoga started up the river, with Instruc. tions to proceed as far as they saw fit Yesterday the Carondalet, in charge of Cols. Webster, Biggins and McPherson, of Gen. Grant's staff, made% reconnoisance es far as the bridge of the Memphis and Clarksville B, B. st Danville They found that quarters had been built at the bridge, and occupied by troops, where was found a large quantity of army supplies, Commis sary stores, wagons, &c. The inhabitants are deserting their dwellings for miles around and are fleeing la every direction. The bridge at Danville was partially disabled by the first gunboats which went up the river. Another (..f the piers was crippled so as to completely pre. vent the passage of trains. There were but eight guns captured by Dickey's Cetv a'ry and Colonel Logan; instead of 14 nearly all the guns were spiked with if.',€-• graph wire, which can easily be rein .v-d. They are all brass six-pounders and in ti ~ order. All the prisoners t.ken, about One hundred, were sent to Cairo yes Lerday. The amount of Nil...illy ‘..ap• tared will exceed a millin of dall,rs. Reconnoissances have been male . by Gila. 1:18/ Logan and others to wite.r, a mile of Von Donaldson. General Grant and his staff will make a reconnaissance flail after noon up the river beyond Danvil'e, 'Washington Items. WASHINOTuN, February 8 —The Intel. rsgencer, this mo. Ding, expresses the opi ion that the expulsion of Senator Bright was decided, by the Senate, with an ex tremity of rigor not justified by the Waco— ricai circumstances under which the letter, that forms the ground of the indictment against him, was written. Secretary Chase gave a bril , lant party last night. Tbe Hutchinson Family were present, and gave some of their beautiful songs The Bona for which the singers were expelled from the camps was warmly applauded and encored. Among the per sonages present were Carl Schurz. Senator Howe and lady, ex Governor B , ut well, Mrs General McDowell, and Mrs. Givers nor Andrew. A committee has been here from Phila. deiphia, and waited upon the Postmaster General in regard to some matters con. nected'with the Philadelphia post office It is understood that the remJval of Post master Walborn is demanded. Gen. Shields is still In the city, but has not yet been assigned to a command. Col. Simm me, of the Fifth P , Etneyl. yenta, is warmly urged f,r a brigader,z,m eralship He bekngs to the regular army, and arse seen much hard serv.c. H, :s from Harrisburg. Yesterday, while a member of Cmgress was urging the appointment of ono of his fiends, Secretary Stanton very kindly re plied: "1 can make no more ap, o'ntmente from political influence or personal up, peals. The appointments in the army must come from the ranks. I have the cases of a number of wido,.s, who have lost their husbands 'Atte army, to attend to, and, as they are most needy, and their wants pressing, they will receive my ear Hest attention "As. for the few civil posts In my gift, I shall distribute them among the poor and meritorious soldiers who have been crip pled In defence of their country's rights." The summary manner in which the new Secretary despatches business is not very pleasing to greedy contractors, but it meets the hearty approbation of every honeatand practical business man. Sev eral members of °Degrees complain that the Secretary treats them very cavalierly. They will get used to his mode of doing business in time. From Fortress 'Monroe. FORTII.I4B MONBAS, February B.—Vi a lialtiniora.F.eb.. _S....Southern papers re ceived by the flag of truce furnish the following: A dispatch from Olarkiville, Tennessee, says that Fort Henry has fal len into the hands; of the Federals. Our troops are retreating to Fort Donation on the Cumberland river. The Federal gun boats are at Danville, Tenn , and the bridge at that place has been destroyed by the Yankees. i=== . .. ... . . c,........„- Pitilbirrel Petra . lit AN EL Et , 1 /La FO. 'l' _,.,...,,R101 me A LIO-GU ';. of the competylefereohog a bridge over the river hton on gs beta; o ppOefAePittborgh; lit the ecuaty of All eat will he Wel it the WI House on - MONDAY, March ad, ISflkela p, m. fePtf lw. FitnittfUy mourer. I 00 411 B &RREL gravitys CRUDE OIL, Rynd Well, 100 barrels Orude oir, fli'ol.lntook Pam, Peale Well, gravity 40; 200 barrels ltrude OA, Buchanan Farm, gravity au ; 258 do do do do at; 20 Empty 011 Barrels, second hand, jurd maprod and for Pfilti cheap fir cash, or approved raper. le.B R. L. ALLE agent. No. 8 Wood otroot _________________ ROPOSALS FOR TRANSPORTA, TION OF ARMY office Eea Proposals wi Ibe received at this until 12 lit, en MON DAY'S, WEIMESDArB and FRIDAY'S for Cie It riv'Por•ation, by eater, of army 'tares from this port to Wheeling. Parkersburg, Point Pleasant, ehiti ipol a, Cincinnati, Louisville, thdro and St. Louts. Freight to be 'liveried to the Icirestbidders Pref. erene e to be given to boats accord nii to stage of water, draugh4 speed, strength and Romance reg. ietty. —A. MuNTOOR ttP— _ . itat quartermaster, 13. 8. A. so. Pal , Quartermaster , Quartermaster, U. 8. A" Pittsburgh, Perm tan Isaft.if PRI V 018X416.1 DR.. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Office, No. AO Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 1)r. BROWN le an old citi zen of Pittsburgh, and has been la Practice for the last twenty. flue wort. EnS btlBl/1888 has !meta confined mostly to Private and Burgles' Diseases. • CITIZENS AND Init,eilllZEl In need of a medical friend, should not fail k and out the sure plate of relief. The Doctor la a riwilargredeste, and hie experts:we In the treat merit fife oertain ahem of Meows la a afire guaran tee to the aufterers of obtaining permanent relief by the nee of his remedlea and following his ad Tie!. DR. BROWN'S RBAIRDDIS °ever hall to onro the worst form of Venereal Die Imparition and Scrofulous Allsotimui. Also di seance emeng hom • hereditary Wilt, which 929.111Natz itself in the form of a tatter psoriases, 'great many forms 'of skin diseasee; the origin wtuoti the patient is entirely ignorant. To pereons pc adhered, Dr. Bimini odors hopes et • sur , and speedy AL WHARNRSB Dr. Promes remedied for lids alarming troubY brought on often by that solitary habitof sunsuit/ , rraidesaon, which Me young and we eons often give Way to, (to their OW a 4031.11letknO the only reliable remediea twin in thia coin. trfyhealth —they are safe, madman° a speedy natanithia o, ItHRUMATL96I Dr. Browire remedies never fah to auntUde paLefol disease in a pm days—hoe will warrant a owe. oleo treats Nee, Gleet, Goonorrtuna, ;tore. Urathal Dienciarges, Female aikato", seppreasiona, DiliBade of the Joh6U., Pie he Ano, Sorrows Aftpot:c.na, Palls to the Bete ea 1 tiutneye, Irritation of hie &adds', together if 3 Lt. i.mme e of ea impure A dendribiaa the eympt.mq ecostainlng a etc cl.u.sue to DR. BROWN, No. 60 thalthileld Eff., PILL•MtLegle. PA, will be Immediately answered.— t 1 Miele. peat to any ad...lrene, safely pecked aad -.core from ihaernm on . Ohlee sad Prirete gnaws, ino. nmithfic e •e-,t Pitt...harem • Pe ••••4l4.innti I a i 0 Le MERCK ANT TAILOR, 419 St. Clair Street. usatlemen's Clothing 'made to order cheap FOR CASH. A VINO RETURNED FROM NEW Yo R ng, w!th eboice stock or OLOTI3B. °ha,. I at C .. 1 ini and Vffil'iNGS, winch eon be par e tar below the tonal rates. Er' Ureat inducements offered to cash buyers eira PETS AND OIL CLOTINIB -AT THB-. FOURTH STREET OAKPETSRORE. w - I). & H. BE'CA LLUM HAVE . this day opened parlor Avery large and a•aortinent of CARPETING, to which thew L3O attention of huyora, am they will be of tere.i on the toast favonitdo Conn% A.. 0. • newly imported lot of beantifhl I iruggeta, al: wid lA N at lowest ratee. W IA k H. NreALLUM, v. 711.1,1,111 street, near Wood tiMA -- HA RAM:IN A. COFFIN, 178 , onmral Parton-_ ""'"'" P a r tner MEANS & 00FF:4.0 ~ncueaaoni w MlCanAlleisa,ll•••• • Cosi WHO I.ESAL' G RUCERB Corner Wood and Water Stag t.rs- M Y cOMONW OF THE RALTH OF RPNILVANta. -The undieranimod Treiesurer of the ''DoLar Etc views sank cf Pittsburgh" In complianee with their charter submits the following report: toThe whole amount of lands on hand belonging Depositor" at this date Is x{34100 3 1. At tae regular semiannual meetings In June and D.rember 1301, a di4dand was der..lared at the re/a of 6 per ceiit per annum upon all amounts then on deposit and entitled to die - Wend. In compiranee with Beaton 10 of the charter, I submit the names of such depositors as hare not been heard trem within two years, wtth the amounts due toem appended John I. Kehler__ Ann Staff ird Peter ua him ...... - Stephen hi. 10ne...._. John APO elienl Mary Jones 'a herb- Blake . ... Bernard M`Don nal__ John If Lighmer, Trustee-. Wm Roedel Max Reid ,er ...... ... ......_. Bsmnel ... J,t.) ryrim ..... usw.s. . - Mary Willierns...- ....... Will.ain it Lowe, Trustee-- Daniel Border ............. Matilda Ora,g- ..... Samuel Paltrier Anon M0hr....... Ano GiViens Bantu Hall Hannah Darla Alex. Privatlrn Peter Mangres .. Samuel Wood. Wm. DiJran, True w° 13,phia Iliooormick...... Mary Moreland P. B. McCormick Joseph Wat50n....,... Bridget afoDoriald- Daniel O. Perkins-- Ronert Reed James C1ark...... Andrew Baird John Banter...,.. Micheal G Rua-. Jane 11.Minkesci, All of which Is resreetfhlly submitted. .1 9f OHL& A. Ia.h..TON, Treasurer. Pittsburgh, Ssuusry ttat„ IM2 FAVORITE MAGAZINES FOR 1862. lIIISCRIPTIONS - RECEIVED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: Hat od l ey 's Llier'sady's Magasin e.. ..--- B Atlantle Monthly- --------- Leslie's Fashion Peterson's Alagaid_ —ne- ....... All ... Knickerbocker Magissins . ..-- Blackoo's Ro Magasine-.--- . ..... 260 the Year und-- O--.......... 2 80 tiaroberie ...... 00' Horticulturist (plain y 2 Horrloniturist 408 03 00 6 Le Bon Pon, (Book of Fashion) &Bon's Dollar Monthly-- 1 00 Hunt's Menmanta 6 00 BoleatiaMagasbia— . ...... 6 American Airrieulturist 1 00 Hall's Journal of 00 ...... 100 Ladies Repository- 9 00 London Art Journal 2 London Lancet.. 00 Arthur's Magazine 00 ........ 9 00 Yankee Notions(Oomia) 1 00 Na Naz (Comic) 'Black Wood's Magazine and the Four Quarter. 1 00 lien 10 00 Water Oars Journal. 1 00 Phrenological Journal-- 1 76 Bralthwalfe'a Retro,- Littel'a Living Thn Oonna Monthly Budget of Fun --- Phunny Pith!low 7. II yon want your Magsamee promptly can or send to HENRY MINER, Wholesale Bookseller, STATIONER AND NEWS DEALER n and 78 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, and you will receive them promptly._ deb OIL BARRELS-100 New Oil Barrels remind and for gale by JAB. A 7311Z8,11, ja.2B Corner Marketwallirss eta BA d A 8 —B5 make, o. I Year* for ago by • faTi EMMY H. counts. i RIFLES! $lO FL_ 0 RIIFLEI3I t t for gale br 806161 &Ey 136 Wow it. rea GiGinat4barrelsbv imearreehami.BeiyAirtraiairimo.")„, amnrer,7 BEM PITTIIBUROM. P►. .--.4 74 68 137 94 •----••. /99 80 ..... NA So /39 67 59 91 45 01 ........ 76 68 -•-.-- 6616 19064 ....... 666 t 6 58 99 ....... 159 a ---... 411 74 68 76 --- 165 09 Tio 79 ...... 61 73 ...... 114 ,15 .._.. 109 77 181 39 ...... 66 16 ..... 125 87 279 99 ..... 903 40 ..... 71 41 ..... 66 16 For Beaver, Ste •betivllle mod Whs. g. rilflE PACKET STEAMER, AL J. T. WOOMB, I. T. ld,Conda. Cornmsoder, loaves for We above ports Monday, Wednesday and Friday et 12 Id. Fur trolgut or pus.,ge apply on boar i or to deli J. COLLINS 00, Water street. For Marietta, Parkersburg amid Balltpalls. REGULAR kIATUINDAY PAOHET. T HE FINE SIDE WHEEL.teazner A. Run. com mander, leases Pllgabtagn every nit- Imlay at p. . returning reavei Ciallipo; le every Tuesday idle a. tn. For &sigh. or passage apply on board or k? 93 26 68 04 ...... ..... 144 14 468 46 992 90 109 11 66 12 STEAMBOAT - AGEDIC r. WILLIAM IiAZLETT am, opene4an Moo at No. 94 WATRE, 8114BCT, Whirs he will transact sugsaarai Steamboat Agermy bustoess and wouid • wkAwre Pws7ol3aSe trom deamwdat mew. noaSsm To T 117111,1 0. FtiPt . Glaidilatie -o rant eel falsely bled- as I ' !uncles of all de- :. 7 4 . 75:f..2.... , .., t , ~.,, i sainustions, treat secret •, , k s : i llrpr' ..::,.% Ind le.:c.sv dmordera, :•,; . --,..2:-.. , -'9 '''...' a felt aoa..a sc i .I:Sorasesi or .*:',' 1. - -.. ".....,:, f "nations cc:ninon and 'l.-.-:..i. - , 7,1. .e. , ' nmdtifit Lo rnantsci.both soles, on . , -.1.(A, single or warned. Boman LA . lia.vinstrrr rublishea the tact of We doing Ins ite. I , C , srsinf and falsely modest Ire 'tread fully .'.oaked, and thins it a great ssin very uninotai. and for contamination is .3cl xrrnption anon; their wives, promising apes an , •n> -r R. their family physician shoal& be eentloits to keep wain In ilitince that theyl do t ,e same as Dr r l4 A NraBICFP, lir.ooo publish!) , a) lest a lnera ire practioe uugh be lost to thiltri 4 mums sttmld fusels mode!! end ' presumpfn Ail 1a11111134. born and raised in ignorance, s en asimssmooms and who *compare Nciety, la :11. sauce, sense.,lt, to dolt smand can te,m7Hterlo iiTs meanly (truly gotten. I• •:s ir Tiriblicit.. bo a or that numeroa, par =a nal guardians are M Mat their Fink aaustrer• and imrds„pesquo sly feeble, stony rA or est 'ate condition and ar, as, anima haveheen mittc. - od to health and d oor by . BRANSTRUP, besides many before and after man ciao through tom have !men saved moo star elan, anxiety, mortisaation, itc. Harlin we sthilln sge of over thirty years enmities:it sit I observe on, consequent! , lie hats sneerer tkill LS thotreatrdant of spacial and who is daily 0031ert . 111 . 1) the profession, as well recommended by able citiseus, pub li shers, proprietors of ho le beg, or so maid nocturnal emissionit, is dreatiftil maladycaa.he cOmPiikle.4.grid by the very laiddiacovery that has never ye iii 4 In female diseases he has had superior experience on account of his old age, seventy years, all irregn. bully IS completely cured. As for oonaumption or pulmonary di sea ses my gram whir* are compo. led from Iceland moss and other ingredients by s skillful physician Aveyams at the business,li has had more success than all the pretensions that have la yet been discovered. ea. the cieftifl• cases will show. They are all genuine and Oen be found according to a pamphlet that each person will gel at the ezammati •1, all free of oluirge.— Office 86 SmithAeld street, sear Diamond street Private communicatios roman parktotths i1d..11 strictly attended to. Direct to BOX 34i rinds Lee - ince* r PIZ TILL 9'60 2 60 2O -...---.......... 60 Roan: Nazaz—. BaADEIN ROBSFRIP D&LZ . OLML. & CO., WHOLESALE aitocEßS mwspot AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS! . . NiXllllll 4BlearfrrArgr.,'' fa 7-17: ,12..f.WVT' It TO 114da ;.,~. v ..~..~~ .~.m,,,~ PORT OP prrigsiong GH Asigrincti. • - Franklin. Banns; Brownsville. CiaMaury, Olask,Bownsvile. Co!. Bayard. Peebles Elizabeth .1. T. MeCorn* Murray. Wheeling. Argonaut. Porter, Louisville Mariner, Bradley, Cincinnati Fromm Graham 'Lyons, Zanesville Conewago r bhodes, oinenutati Mel .otte, Moblowin, do DEPLETED. Fran allati klin, Beark. nnet, Browns ville. Gn, Cl Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth Minerva, Gordon, Wheeling key West No. 2, Evans, Cincinnati Undies, Woodburn. Gallipoli, Citizen, Calhoun, kvan,..rffie Anita Golding. tit. Louis L ire Martin , Brown, Z _riesville Economy, Glumly do lid The river—last evening at twiligh t there were eight feet ail huhu water in the chan nel and sisadlug. Wee her oold. Mir Would it not be well for our steam. boatmen to hoist their color" at half mast as a to , ten of reepeot to Capt. Marsh Ford, he being the first Pittsburgh boatmen that fall to the Union Mi' The punctual steamer _Emma Ura• ham, Capt. M. ayena, will be found at the landing. She will leave for Zanesville at ♦ p. to. on Tuesday. jar The first ,class passenger stesmer Linden, Capt. Herten, teases for Cincinnati and Lotnetalle on Tuesday. This bo..t has the best of aonommod glens, sand le la charge of tie beat kind of otHoers. time her a call. 'MTh° Arago lan for St Loafs with a big gorerninent trap. Among her freight was a large ilibutser of the largest ahem yet madam thlsooustry. oy- The fl le eteamer J. T. Itt'Oombe, Capt. Murray, IeSITOSI this day &Moon tor Wheeling and intermediate ports. our old friend, Captain Wilecn •ia be found In the (Moe. Ng. The steamer Economy, as usual, 'ell Oa .n.arday with a floe trip. ;or Our advertiBlng column announce that Capt. Anawalt's fine peaket Bay City, taut, lids day fur (Analainals and Louisville. Taus boat tub fine amommodations, and is In charge of care ful and attentive *films. Our old friend J. A. Dales will do the boners In the office. - See" Our columns Corday gives notice V , at Ca; t F fitarratta's aphindid tide wheel packet is announces for Cairo mu:lB4lin Louis. Passengers and shippers ell bear this In mind. .. __ __ For CIIICIIIIBUitI Mid Louisville. TUESDAY, YX.BRUARY 11,10 A. M. TH E FINE STEAMER LINDEN, T. V. liarien, com mander. leaver u above. For freight or Nagano apply On beard or to fete J. H. LI YINGHTON A gents CO.. _______________ For witmer,l„icear ntourg, Marietta and TxE FINE STEAMER L; ZZIN MARTIN D. T. Brawn,trouinsande r , will leave thie port RVICRY SATURDAY at 4 p. ns . for the soave and Intermediate porta. Return ing a ie V:11 lasso Zeneoville EVICRY TUESDAY at 8 A. In. tor :reight cr passa g e spo'y on b^ rd or to fe4 J EI S. PIERCE a OD , ZsnosTilie, or I. B. LI VING,TON II CU., Pittsbur g h. . For tinCiIIMMU amid Louisville THIB DAY, 4 P. M. F Pii E r FI HAYNE.PASSE.I 11( dab- NGER te.m CITY'. w el t cons rn and sr, is* res as above, Pm. freight orintaaage appiron board 1110 For Lotglrvlile , Evansville, (-afro and Ft. Lou:.. TUESDAY, /0 A. M. SPLENDID EIIDE tr, Wheel passeniger steamer SUNNY SIDE F. s . ratta. cons- • • mender, Mama as above. For [relent or paaaskge apply on board or to JOHN FLACK, Agent. Regular Tuesday Packet For Marietta and Zanesville. WIRE fine Fatutengter steamer Ailmi .11. Kitni i GRARAM °vain Mun roe Avers commander, leaves Mite hbargh every Thesday, at 4 o'clock Zanesville every Friday at Ba. m. p. m., and For rreurtit °passage 1.4 apply on board. lo J. B. nmseavos A Agents Metel or a est ly For Marietta. Gallipoli,. Par kersburg and Portsmouth. EVERY TILIC3DAY, 10 A. B. H E FINE PASBEN GER steamer. J. B. FORD, ' _ 4,4.- H. Kerr, commander, leans announced above. For freight or passage apply on board. JOHN FLAol4Agent. For Bliiiiictta, Psuri — Er-msbargr aad Gallipoli". EVERY TUESDAY, 4 P.:114. WHE STEAMER SCIENCE, Oftplain Wm. Reno leaves for eellag, Marietta. Parterobarg and 04i kkcliia• =Wag T r . eklY tripe, leaving Pittsburgh arm WEUNIDEIDA eve YIt 4 o'clock, and reel:inking cola leavea Glanipolis ry FRIDAY at 8 o'clock. D. H. LIMN. aeent_ Iron , SidlitaltolitSfinifeAtv ILiitebt bprlpAtibil, waesaouls, Bkvit-virdeTibErgieezzaT. NW, r RITTSIit3RGEr . J. D. JtI NE No. 79 Market Street. A large and well selected ileac o DRY GOODS Constantly on hand and for sale at LOWEST CASH RATES ANIP-Call and examine the stock at NO. 79 MARKET STREET. al3 Imlay DU IRON CITY TRUST COMPANY. NO. ASO LIBERTY STELEIET. BANK OF DISCOUNT, EXCHANGE AND DEPOSIT. Capital Stook.— tlapttalLi & I ts re: , iir Gold, Myer, Pa on Deposit. AL" a specifial Chow Exchange on shingly ter sale in alt the princii the aa. an BUTTED to an 7 60,000 Ap,octo auemat r received remain for Blghl :Mee eon me made Aim and .LY RE , maturity 0 8 Warner, ilet,f-Jak Hill, John Heath.. _ lough, Wm. T"' , Witham Ceo per. E W4aN p ;d en , seß:wl y ft C. SO HAI 6,1114.73a5hier HEW bISCOVERT, F OR the speedy and Permanent cure of GONORRHEA, GEER URETHAL DISCHARGES, Semntal Weakness, Nightly Fmteidone, Incontinence, Genital Irritability Gravel, Stricture and AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDAE7S AND EILAODER , Witte/2 has been aped - by upwards or ONE IWAIDRED Porrsicutss, in their private pramiletn with etildreettocamt; laver. Ceding Crane, COPA/1 1 / 4 CAPSIThp, or any compound hitherto known. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are speed in action, often effecting . a cure in a taw days, and when a cure is erected It to perman eat. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the sistem. and never nause ate the stomach, or Impregnate the breath: and be• ing sugar coated, all nauseous taste is avoided. Po change Oilier is necessary whilst using than; nor does therr action interfere with business pursuits. Each box contains six dosen Pills. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, and wil, be sent by mall, post-paid, by any advertie. ed Agent, on receipt of the money. None genuine without my signature on the wrap per. .1. BRYAN, itathestsr, N. T, General Amid. • acrEftillhily-ts B AILEY, FARRELL & Co., PRAMUAL 29 FOURTH STREET, Near STraWykhl &rect. PLUMBING done in all lta rations branebee, in a neat and anbatantiaJ manner. All work promptly attended on shortniXtoe. Pirtleoler attention Work. to Taking Lamps end Country 4. o Y' formers' Deposit Banking Company, No. 66 FOURTH STREET. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT ENTERNST PAID ON DEPOSIT& Par and Current Fluids Received oli THE UND.ERSIGNEDposit. Stockholders are Individually responeibie to depositors to tire whole extent of their private meana: Tames Wfillam_Yoang, John Goolit. Jacob moue; William Winos; Joseph Long, SimnelS. Robison. Ro ThornasEll= . B , Thomas Eitioti, Bell, Joseph Love, John McDevitt, D.R. 11A. Stewart, John Fkoid, Rahn% !Ittihad Moyd, William Oath Env Walker, W. W. hf'Gregor. James A. /Knox. JAMES hfAlimaaa.,, Pr wipe. R. A. GEORGE, Cashier. wipe.. MORGAN HOUSE DROVE YARDS. tmdersigned has opened the MOB ETMHOITEIL for the aticommodatiSh of drovers and stock dealers, at the corner of PAEITUBE LANE and TAYLOR AVENEB. near the stook de riot of the Pitta Po e Warne and Chiang° Railway. Ile has • ve stook Penil, well ea* • ered and conunodious feed and We yards, abut ting upon the railroad platform, thus Bing great have been en convenient* in loading and unloading w The ee larged so as to te 8,000 000 head. and the yards as manyaccommoda more. Comf to ort able accommodations are provided in the house for owners of 'took, and the surecriber respectful y sobeirs a ahem of their peirmage. Terms for boarding and rent of yard moderateool4.lTV L. SHAFER —_______________ N °TICE TO FRUIT-GROWERS FOB FALL OF ma. Farmers and others desirous of planing FRUIT • TREES this Fail, are respectfully itvited to visit the SEWICKLEY NII.IIt3BuIES of T. T... EQUELDS 4:70,,1ar befo re geof ,srio orderi varieties. ng elsewhere. The stock la the ohofoest vee7 , r, strong, thte-formed trees, of APPLES—Baldwins, Irings, Bassetts, and Pippitui for orchards, fte gale hy the 1,000. Orchards, for sale by th PeWts—Diufs and Standards, for Gardens and e 1,,00a. PRAMS—.Large extra fine, for Orchards, for sale by e 1,000. GRAPE the new, approved aorta at re. dnoed rates ' Concord Strang Vines, at $26,00 per 100, and $0,60 W ins omm _Concord env; Strap:is =AO ,per 100, and gulf per &sent Delaware; 40 mutts each, and $4,60 per demean Diasa, mama Union. Village, Anna 'Poinuon, he STRA W BERRIESAiI the new tested arieties, 2`ininiphe de.Gand, Teo' lop's Victoria, Wilson's % .4 :s ny, Burt's Pines, and kfctA Superior. Abuts* Gardeners and others supplitaiaLlege quaritkai,ut low ratea. Forluther on wed for • ve catalogue, or addreas . L 43111ELDS Adel4r,twinklaY;Allekkenaltanatyi sepliLltd&ortt. Jae. Wasp , leapt& A DifINISTRATOR'S ()TIC* - AAlttere of admisisbettotiharint beanies:led ofMB 1 031111/0 Mate otJOSEPit B PR.LNOIIit, late Finley reance is hO sby given to ell personstognatilp, indeb de ted ted, to no said et-bre to make , psyntent to me forthwith. and all peniona haying claims against the add agate, will present thentauly atittougiciated for eettlament. NANO! BPRINGEII, Adniloististrig. 011nton P. 0, Allegheny county, Pa. oallaltdetw. BEGIITHAIN & LONG, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Agricultural &farialug Implemelitas SEEDS, arc., Uinta for tikeibulkeye Mower indßeaper."Woods' Mower and Iron Harvester. and Boolcdoon and Ammon% Maraca;, No. 124 Liberty Street, PPPTEIREIRaH, PA. THEY MUM & 111 SA AGAIN 4= THE FOLLOWING -V0 . !,41 TART testimonial In regard to Bilu=l Hawes. Bona 4 Bearow-Gtewrill' Wert of the 211 of Fe ,-1 - ee leing l at ell der . Shope, Paint ElhopqWood. =Mtn the Wareh m usee °fib., bit : 4h " k a p-'1 awl, Chwriage Ms*/ oamb uelM " 1:114 -1111n113 fa a room of the Paint Shop, where she 14013t1x044$1511nreatOrrawnesie ...lrall 0 11 4411 41 'lll'lonetere ' - r, worounthlgtobver Irkktb, o , 9 4teal a ie, 9u lai wefe , irge, - e s Y e " 111 ._, - ,464iiliiiirreei 44 2..... A —mew o,l o t lll,l4lperior." " 77 - ` -' 5...1, .r-ThoWborwaski*orevawisfweid a GaRDI A 1 wroliarts:! .....,,,. , --traded' A wl... • ~...__._ _- Billarisr, Alp - E t Atiwza ,-/ - ,--..,43 1ftair 1M .- 1 : - .Y.,.r x.;•.falif ...-Ir ;k1 74,`,"' • zi a :..• }-.131 1,4 71,1, (I 0 Rii il“.4 , Linake freth la ground Corn Meal for sate by -- • '-' , ~z 'r`a Wang A. MM. ir .wwlrimrvrorin.,..ta2l earner Market ond'Pbutidese. Na trash atioyAy but receiredivadlitedeby ,_ 1 n_rrrTh.„B"..,ds7 BoWN A TBTLAY.ll6Woodaikeak 2UFDtraret rge* Odin same phi*, graiticatheld**** sheep for cash by RAL Atent i i la N0..1 WOodt skeet. OR, li ., That convenient, well finielteMfir OAT Wick Ilwelltng, corner of Bose end *rows_ now oocuptod by Atr. R. M. RoW.litlf, , W It. - X , ap w a ~- k4}0,4 um Boooati and umixotraiiii,. I alB--2°llif bbls fry h 14248'ar414. on/ j BARimm ar LEUM, of the beet WAWA ,t-bhltdithil for We wholesale and retail by 80.1111111 M ElLepgay, No Ui WOCKI Strait - • RATHER 13-500, 'pounds prima Feathers received and torsaktim • sa JAMES owner Market and sant QIIGARS-Stan rard;pvirde'"' gaunt/Med and A ant re. 'I gitity. store and for sale t y it rusynizadlMMQB4, off ne. 12 want Weeditreei EARL —4O barrekNck Mitt for g e e by assuttisieurox ion* 131 E r ,25 e .rof .106. Llifdwlllng.. in Elynas Cleart.2. 11210.1' • SAO Winn BrickltheaC Ive end ibr sale by`Nl. - - - alld suits; L BUT rEII--2 barrektreelt received and foram& -HauNELLELADWIM DOT CLAY -150 bblislotiosoudAllay reoeivedandforiale U lu deU irsimirmt r iz r i:ootaarA - - Z 471 for s W% ale by t.IBO . lILPHITZ OF ild3 fortheu:2 ' • lieradob th - den rid b EINLI•VZpitry , - WllkidenastketXiimmr. - Stros - Breakiiiet Bic' ,-- ~ , ,, 10 demand Ow aft et ...Trilua l umwi z ik . . ,: Y :1: 7 1 fit; Y' --i 4 !... 0.• , - iet.,,_ . • •, i,.., 6111. N4lll ticMpaßr it; Baltimore Itellsemair. anp for sale by , a2S Nos6l2l4o4llll4ffeed .rl;r:t'r~s 'WI - 77r! • I 1 1, 00410.0 gitafte- ~-.~ • = T 7 IsT No.ii;a3ris•so VesaAlsosviw rO lar%fiirge etALookia:Gen t 7 4. 0 41512" t0di made to enter, tutd.: l r ISO ‘• is.FtejedslogptorePATAtite4,l* - - " ' EL DOR 0 lAiitz whit e rsz:_z... , same _ jesftioti k t.ik i . - ~...,...7,4 ~_ No. 401 Llbertr,StriotTt--T--- --..„............„........, , ~...,,,,,,,:-.1,1,-,- D r BANBNI.B. .- 'r .. I* --4.t.-' By the single By theDrav fee 8an01.............: 444 1 00',1tb1kkiV ... . . . JD ...4.1:4'.-..:. a - - - By lots of 10 - and kni e . than bblak..-. : ;45 . .-4 7 - '' 7l7 ~_, ',•::: By Imo of NI bble'or mdre...,.......; -, etrleV.E 4 1. ;. . y tlig Car LOad.•;• -...-",•4-""=";';: 1,..;,3:t.; __ rN 'NOLL - ,1.:,•:,..:- Airdi. By the Half r0ck,...................4.- By the Peat By the Banß s - h-.,...-.-.........4 . ...-....«304.114 BY the Bash .- e e . .....„,_ -. 4: ,. . ... By the Outer Wagon famad,.-.4*- 11120i11_,whe74,-. By loft of 50 bushels, or zr 0re,..4...... 21 .. 1, .. 7 " .. 'ii1 , N.. By the Chr . L0ad,.............:,.....: 2114.3z4; , ... 111 ,07 ,1 4 0 ) , ,%;„ A liberal discount given on oon_ . __ trantaqteatt 4 .- ..r. , __ ',-,' e . ti Ipg Blass Houses, an 4 14103. rasocomsgagir .. , . . ante, and to retailers. , ......i_. ~,,,,, Lime In bane a eblppod to' any, polut his,.tho_ - '11.1. ; leghany, Niosougabelsoi Obtorfvers:Sldnae,antbeg'S'- -'5! In barrels or in bulk shipped to an etallonosfiale: of the railroads leading meadfluebUraiii;:. 1 ::z.,-› .... „„.-, 'I ermo-NET CABS, unless iatluguagy,:pgra*.c. upon. -. !..:. ',::%'.?•...-.1-1:: ..- _ . , ROBERT H. CLIMAX - 41k 3 00;'V4*-- - . - ,,4 del44ltcloodatiw inALTI &CORE PIANO- 1111Alittill'Aft",'' To Erv—ltia &story, over- bresdpitrislans ne cow fal operation, end ertensivelylgo wiw red by . the best standard of art 'end' tion, and with pennission,tub ilbitttmelwewrigin_ Mimesis ef Pittsburgh and via al% nonasar, teat etio•te now on gala 312.-030 sTREET. Times wishing %nrobuip,-44104k.:: PAd.ILY PUN°, that Will testa j ac rativiltistulisz, less than the us pries of .a speottu , ly requested to giveiJussartannsiFastigazo:„, ambiadun. herding and Vbegiatet=o#l,Roir to examine the facilities of playing, ' those of the old ?pitiful commintlina" ay/wit been gotten up expressly I - orator:4Aß tendon! ROW,' house, and every Piano carries's wnideisgunrsggimrt,j.--.);?,' of durablbty to the porehaseratorfireryeareitlittiisste "--Yt call soon. Orders will be readrad bet any.nWs'nf: Pianos RAND, SQUARE or ClYll49ll..tpuniiiititti • . no, warranted to please. - la2B 1m J. J WIRE a; Baba;Atieturstv,. 1 - N Ci - ft 0 0 -11-2...• .- T11!2"40neti„„,„...2." The Oythirr. by J. B. Woodblarb....-44....r.,. ,!.lzwi.- The New Lute of Zion, !T.,. is Woo Itili. l 77 4ts , , ,- The Amapa, by 1.4.. Lowed hfeeen:.—..:......,„.4. "..- ~... Tee Diapason . , by Goa. F. ttoo t.-........:. - .„:....i...4.,. t, _ The Sabbath Bell " The Jubilee. by Wm. B Bi elbury,,,.,-4,. :. ..-... _._. The Ohnetian Mhz -trel _bydAken........,.-..ff-,,,_ Tao Hawed fatal' by L. Marehalt.;•-2, A, --, '...'.. JUVENILE BlNGfNfir.BOOlc!4f:::LZ'"f:'' porsosea. ~ Baobab ,e 4 The Golden Wreath, 100th ei1ti0n............ .......4 T BRA by J. A. Getze..............—.-...—....... ~ .? „ ThemeNlsti Beh tintle,(neW ook).-......,.....---...fIL t 00l Bell ..--...,-..--..4..--AW -- S.V r fli The Golden Chain, for Sabbath 8eh001e............., 140 4..' „1 ell the above for-nate In quantla‘pf:litlatkrily.,l,.., ,JOHN H. 203/440.11;-'1. - ~ NO. 81 WOOD STAMM ..,,...,,,.W, , . .. , ~ jahaw between DISMOLId•AIrey inddtb-itneet• BFtet the ifA...R - furnishing FLOUR to thitrultiatenoal of the U. 8. Army. alio About twelve thousand (12000) betly required of a Mgt' grade of Extra`Flour, to-beide. livered in WlShington at the Rallnaut Depot, Wilt the mills or warehoturea m Georgetown, surnadillts between the Bth and 15th of Fe.aller,'-iDich barrel of Flour bruaryi imbed, to be inapt clad fruit hereto itlS:re The Flour =net be - equal in (pudgy to the to be obtained at the Gaidter Bast": at Wfah• n City . and the barrels to be head lined. , he atetomary oath of allegumoe wiltbe tardiest of each oontraotor. .El. Bile to be directed to Maier A. IIEaKWITEI, A, and endorsed 'Proposals." ja2B4d __ _ G ENT'S CALF. BOOTS.: wimo; GENT'S CALF BOOTS CEIZAI!, 4 alums CALF BOOTS U884P.31 AT NO. 15 firma smicr. 1=24 D. 8. DfliThriro-44. O.ENITINE IRISH WHIBgy Genuine Bootob Whieikr, Pure old Bye Whisk,' Pare old Jentakta Som."; Pure old Cop:also Brandy, Pure old Pinot Brandy, Pure old Pellertdain Brandy, ' Pure old Hoilandein, Pare old Anchor Gbr lain o Obe mPairne,Shorry, Port andllar# aPbtes by the gallon or bottle, for sale by 191:Woodatteak grit 'r - 1 A . O Ivo Dr , . itterrect Wand for sale loxltry It. L. ALLEN, Aza,. No.a Wood Gold at ii Vel w 171311,5."11110}P. ammo:Gag a 11,1 bunt. far We by hand for sale try Oda EMIT ILVOLI4ii ED DRI APPLES -. 1 elk Su b 7 asear a amine. laza • ^1 BEEN APPLES -400 awes, Axial recrefiredand tor We BS Ll— dem Anwar. BENR 11.-00 1813uD 182 : * mak a No.l article, iblitat r 'A =MEE MMIS 3.~Y.'~- j " X v ~T:£~ -~Zl:~ < ~:~:~~.'i:~.. airee4. ~ \ .4 I ......_,-„,4 ._.,. , -4,-