PITTSBURGH POST. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1862., CONGREG 3, The lower House, on Thuredey succeeded in passing a bill to authorize the issue of "one hundred and fifty millions of Treasury notes and make them ta;legal tender." This scheme is so defeofve that even Mr. Stevens, Chair - Waft of- - the Coimnittee of Ways and Niatit;' - 'saidpinialosirrg the debate,- "this bill Ist" igeabure of necessity, not of choice." „Bolt Preservation was allu ded to by, *13;66 fevered the paisage of tae:, as their reasons for voting for it. The necessity for its passage was - urgentand immediate. The readerwill naturally inquire here, how happened it tifaCtho r ptaisage of the bill in ques tion Wiasoimperative f July last was the Ifectir`for the performance of the work, which Congress is now only be ginning to think of ; now, when abso. lute necessity is staring them in the face, theY beginto provide for what was flare seeti-seiren months ago. It is better latOlien never, however, and we pro m:mole present bill is as good as could be expected, ender the circumstances. Mr. Stevens, the Chairman of the Committeis, — Ontruated with the 'report ant4cf#,lkf raising money for the gov ernment, has not been devoting his at tentiotOO lira legitimate duties, but has been - foremost in the paltry intrigues. ' which have been on foot for the ember ., 210100100 t 0 the Administration and the hunaruitinn Of_ some of our ablest Gen ersdit*ge and comprehensive schemes oefinanee he neglected, to consume his attneittal the time of the House in una vaXmgdeclatiration upon emancipation. All of the extra session, beginning in July last, was spent in congressional in terferezina in the plans of the govern ment and Gen. Scott, until the old sol dier was compelled to retire from the service. At that early day in the history of the. rebellion, Mr. Stevens began to suspect'the loyalty of the old General, andgave expres ion to his feelings upon the floor of Congress. Since the present session began he has devoted his time to the, manufacture of public sentiment, calculated, if not intended, to bring the government and its policy into con teiniff: 'Having taken this one step, however, he will be compelled to take another , he and his committee will now be compelled to hurry up tax bills in order to save the public credit from prostration. Bat, it appears, that this ill-digested scheme is not quite certain of being adopted by the Senate. On Saturday, the Finance Committee of that body were being engaged in examining it, and it was reported that a majority of them, including Mr. Fessenden, the Chairman, were opposed to the " legal tifair — gatiffe." 'WhnlieninirPast, excellent authority upon: questions of Finance, condemner the - bill entirely; in its Saturday's issue, lamenting that the Secretary of the Treasurar, should have countenanced its passage, it proceeds : " It is not pleasant for us to be obliged to say lt,' , but evidently that calm, grave mind of his, ordinarily so well poised, and so able to command a clear view of guffaw:4lljg ,cipaumatances and of the course of ection which they require, is iindet;ilie.influence of a certain panic. Mr. Chase, in any transaction of common' IliffS, -s couldifeVer, by a , :y possibility; and' 'under the prew,ur, any difficulty, , 1 fittafergaorted c, peAlien is of the na turei l .tafitiCkt, le conceives it his duty to prone Upon-Congress. The magnitude of the , ' Mteriltirooruniftlecl to his charge, and -the perils to which they are a, this mo-,' t i exposed, hare taken his imagine-- -tioitAir storm, and for the time unset tled that serene judgement which was pictious in his administration of tbeaflaisa JOe State of Ohio. We diplm ahe distance from many of his Oldest - nn&warmest friends at which tide (curse" - of bin most unfortunately place ,At one time he was by their side in combating the evils of an infister' paper carreney, upholding the neeessit o€'r-fhted sum lard of values, and holdi itigalreoixtbinations of men to the mama strict tficielity to their engagements that we enforce in the case of individuals i It with the utmost sorrow that they 'see so able a champion deserting both them:find their cause, and entering upon a cilium of experimenta on the currenc3 of which neither they nor he can Bei Eti .eaci r amd :having mine centered oh wh'ck,they.are convinced it will not be in kioton." COL. CORCOSAN. .6.ig hp:Wens - et t meeting ..took place in Fattetkit Hallj ,, Boston, the other day, "leynnetthialng , • /with the-brave Caremark au4others now incarceratedia Southern neon.''Why don't Mr. Stanton, ttie~. plecg*,f,;thperetary of War, propose : , :_ - ;xt.l,.for exchange , of, prisppers sjt We have over four thousand and adlaz4 /3.l4ieMlynarinfioo , Ytheirilves.in filthy- holes andd-dens in theßou.h.4-whose homes - are ft Iled with gra — iltregtelation at their absence.-- Age,,,phpkiehi,gikiterk hikka i rreildent and Ifixßikifeteriese r lwhose. attentions; jupt 4.41' danceit, 1347.. t•-. 1 7..)1 -Pe ' wal4ll4lP: P°Xlll3l T ao °Ple a " becotaitirfttful- and . Anifurhed tinder the tonduat of the war. Why u lletkedeits we ;at war; et once, and get kgsok such men as Cortoran. glirlirCtireAdeased to see that Miss ''''hrnliPtiOn has been re-engaged at the Thwatwv. ` end wilt perform there the pyee e ii - 'Kiss Thompson is a very 'effective young actress, "liiikfaetheVonirlegintatateenocesso r of ?AP* . ',AClfentogi', we -know of on the American lier conception of a varieffetclipacters int week—such fihakki**li' d inlia, - and her delinew tiOns. 4 , 115 e refined subtleties of the part,wiaried her, intellectually, as being MY able for the most difficult of the' oilagfireetf*le anatiearec7ln con and taste to appreciate, ft - otn Possews9 / unonnu nnn power to define ei Jr, .4 d a tair t o an igki*Orioul sled voice, sh4oa ..4115700,1fAltee and dignity cotrik style{ per,4ll'fic Which were sing._ notifte k tion of Cepulaige daughter. if= The Mason and MOIL ausw being settled , ~i.t sttch,s, m4or as 10 give real - EritahKfgrfes sib* earournilotfur theitolitihat agiiinst us for our cap turing thostP : two rebel' ministers, that goverfint is now beginning *find much to be displeased with in our blocks. ading the Southern ports. From indi cations already visible, we may conclude that the blockade is soon to become a subject of grave diplomacy. Toe Lon -don Timer continues its denunciations of it; the Post thinks that matters in America are evidently approaching a situations which the de facto govern-; ment of the South may claim consider ation in Europe ; the Liverpool Post de clares that the civil war in America must be stopped by mediation, "if possible ; by force, if necessary." Other English journals say that, if in spite of the re monstrance against it, other Southern ports are served like Charleston, Eng lend and France will have nothing left for them to do but to interfere. In reply to the Ship-owners' Associa tion of Liverpool, who feel themselves embarrassed very much by our blockade, and who lormaLbeen waiting for the gov ernment to do something for their re lief, the Earl Russell has sent a letter, explaining what the government has done in order to prevent our further blockading the harbors of the Southern States. This letter of Earl Russell, to the Liverpool merchants, is dated Jan uary 15th, and after informing that As sociation that the English government had already directed the attention of the American government to the griev ance complained of, the letter concludes as follows : "On the 20th of December, her Maj esty's minister at Washington was in formed of the view taken of it by her Majesty's government. " Lord Lyons was told that such a cruel plan would seem to imply despair of the restoration of the Union, the pfb fesaed object of the war; for it never oould be the wish of the United Strata government to destroy cities from which their own country was to derive a por tion of its riches and prosperity. Such a plan could only be adopted as a measure of revenge and of irremediable injury against an enemy. Lcrd Lions was further told that even as a scheme of embittered and sanguinary war, such a measure wculd not be justifiable. It would be a plot against the commerce of all maritime nations, and against the free intercourse of the Southern States of America with the civilized world. Lord Lyons was desired to speak in this sense to Mr. Seward, who, it was hoped, would disavow the illegal project. Now, however, that the project seetais to have been carried into efteot at Charleston, Lord Lyons will be instructed to make a further representation to Mr. Seward to prevent similar acts of destruction in other ports." FESTIVITIES OUT OF PLACE. The Eastern papers continue to be filled with the details and particulars of the first ball ever given in the White House, by Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. What a time for such folly—when the country is bleeding at every pore, every nerve strained to maintain existence, death and desolation in all our borders—our leaders and rulers are gay and festive! Pyramids of confections, music entranc ing, satins and pearls, and sweet voices contribute to the general joy. Let us have no more of this until there be oc casion for bonfires and general Illumina tion on the part of the whole people. Better wear weeds, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, and set an example of econo• my, than inaugurate the court customs of royalty; a little too soon, and certainly introduced at a singularly inappropriate moment. Exchanging. Lient Parks, who was lately released, writes from Baltimore, Jan, 28, to the Detroit Fres Press, as follows : "Captain Withington, of the First, and Lieutenant Preston, of the Fourth, are released and on the way home. They will be along in a few days. Colonel Wilcox will not be released for Colonel l'egram. I brought positive inforntiatioti zin that point., You way ntit know that our Government made a proposition to the rebels to release Smith for Corcoran; it was dee;rll73l refuted.' I saw the answei at General Huger's office; also the one in reply to the Communication to release Colonel Wilcox. The rebels will not no gottae on the subject until the privateers are recognized as prisoners and so treated." Payment of the 7.30 Bonds, The order of Secretary Obese direct ing the payment of the coupons' lon the 19th of August 7.30 bonds in lcgsv Yoh, will be aci far modified tie to mithe•them payable also by the Treasurer ;'At the •,.VeJteft • Statea at ,N#ll2 fft gb , m, and by the Assistant 'Treasurers at pester' and Philadelphia. The Secretary deiliwi to afforillivery phe holders of tlfd ixradatoonspatible. • nuth thefull ee. corky agsinat fraud and counterfeiting. The security is thought te bens impor t tart to the holders as to the Govern. mgnt. Expect an Early Recognition. An . English gentleman, just arrived from the South, who left Richmond on Tuesday last, states that he saw and talked with several members of the rebel Cabinet, and they assured him they had positive intelligence that Franceand England would recognise the inderitinderwe of tbe South by the 4th of *Groh. He says that Davis will fore shadow it in his inaugural messag,t) to the rebel Congress on the 22d of Feb ruary. Will H eaign„, It is stated that, on account of bad health, 'the "Dixie Oi (*bridge ia about to' resign his place as Oommander-in- Chief of ithe,Bribish 'Arnsy,,on which oo ension he is to be created aineld abel. Henceforth the offieei of Coin ciander-in-Chief of the whitile 'Army of England will, cease to eziet i r, And the Finite Guards, as the head re ot be inerged in tfie War 'Department. No Enemy_ near c enOttl Gen. McCall denies the - statement pnl? Philadelphia paper, that there is a large body•of :theenemy encamped nearAis 91 ; fl-t'ut ing cava/rl.fSturßea'ols iria3Mll!g from" ---7vinixottke whole • t - ihtekr ,akettgave .t of the reoomutoleakine„ pIT: • •• • Thltt I BS% The Correspondent of the P,hiladel phis Inquirer thus spreads hinitel f on the late ball at the White R,oßst: To our brief account of the marital:mut * the White HOURS last night, we nowadd viii item*? two to which we are unable to do 'Untie: To name even all the promineht buttes wheiie presevoe graced this scene last night, wculd to repeat the bead-roll of ferna'e imunty, aciioropliab meets, and social position in tnequehoptata. 11cr. Orktmden, in queen-like bladtkvelvet, and Mrs. Mallory, in white, with a novel held-drove, repro. seated Old Rentuaay. The young and gum, fel wife of Vioe-Piesident Hamlin way a tar specimen of the beauties of Maine, while Mrs. Hale and her lovely daughter claimed precede nee tot the granite 8111 State. There wiet not, among ale the exquisite ly dressed ladies of the Diplomatic Corps, one more tastefoliy attired than Madame Von Lim burg, in blue satin, with rich white lace, and Michigan Ualme her, as the daughter of %nand hiss. From Virginia we had the fascinating . Miss Mason; • daughter of Gen. now fighting in Kentucky,) . ,whets lady aso (gated the Loewy. New York Sent the vivacious Mine Basting., whose fish br Goads was the envy_ of otter ladiee, mud Miss Delaney, in simple white, with • sprig of timers gracing her raven Wt. Mrs. Marcy, and her daughter, Mn Glen. McClellan, were the ob.. Jed' of marked attention, while callers whose nominali ne &re before the Senate for confirmation, paid tepee' .1 homage to Mrs. Senator Wilson, of Ideas:l4bn 3etts. The belle of the evenuig wag Ors. O'Sullivan, whose brunette complexion and the quick, vivacious exmossion of hrr flashing yen, proclaim a nerve of a foreign clime, while Mrs Gen Fremont, "Our Jessie," engaged &large circle in animated conversauen. Military Opthalmio Institution. r. F. A. Aforohalsker, the oculist and andel was before the Idllitruy Committee o' the Senate, wi h a plan showing the penes. ity of appropriating* separate building, to be arranged and used as s mdkary opthalmlo don. He showed th. commuter„from the reports of European military eurgrona, the ravages of what Is called Egyptian or military optbalma ; Uutt such Institutions have alw - ye been found necessary m Ragland, Prance, A a strie, Prussia, Russia, ens Belgium. Tne Doctor showed the committee that, If the disease once b - esks out, it Is of a contagious charaote', and any soldier who shows the least - symptoms of opthalma, should at onoe be put ander treatment in a hospital appropriated for that purpose. Sew atcr Wilson takes a lively interest in the matter. The Doctor offers his marlines tree to the Goy_ ernment to superintend such an insUlution, and desires the oommlUee to appoint sere.ai young surgeons to be under his guidance and direr. tint. The necessity of an institution of the kind will atilt every one as an Important mammas, LATEST SOUTHERN NE WS Beauregutd on Bull Run. Ths Richmond papers contain the official report of General Beauregard of the battle of Manassas. If is a hill and elaborately detailed document, gr •pbirally written, bat rather out of data at thu late day. We published an abstract of it a month ago. it le dated August 2S. It oonoludei la fol. lows • In conclusion it is proper, end doubtlear expec ted, thtt through this report my countrymen should be made acquainted with sumo of the euf. Solent causes that prevented the advance of our tomes and prolonged, vigorous pursuit of the ene my to and beyond the Potomaa. The war apart ment has been bully advised long since of all of those causes, some of which only are proper to be here communicated. An army which had fought oure on that day against uncommon odds under a Ja4 one, most of the time with-int water and without food, except a hastily snatched meal at dawn, was not in condition for ihe toil of an eager, et! roily@ pursuit of au enemy immediately after the battle. On the following day an unusually beery and uolotermuttogtallof ram intervened, to obstruct our advanCe Mit raaeoneb!e prospect of fruitful rokulte. added to Ma, Lbe want ofa caraby force of sufficient numbers, made an effluent pursuit a nub ary War Matter,. [Frcro the Richmond Dirreakh, Yeb. We nave nothing Dew to report this inorntug fa the caution 0/ &Reda. The rzonsaive bad westr,er and the consequent ccnolilon of the roads, hoe Wanted a temporary oseaatio a of active operation*, and we look far no,tang of an exciting nature so Idea se Una stars of hinge eoniinuoa. The vaunt ed Bains!,!e ex,tedltion le u the I look aominnirre on the •stormy coast," and tl. the deep laid senetn .a of Ib• ametny bid fa.r to renu't in nothing of pract:oal imiortaneo. Movements of Gen. Bc auregard. irrtm the limb moue Diapato , F.. 0 4 Much n4vtutg liven said recently In the new. pa. pe-a 'Mon - i.e. movement,' of We nicer, 14 proper that the pub.le should be made aw.re of the fact that he left MlLTlalitai Cu Friday feat, at midnight, by a npreial train for Lynchburg, tn hta way to the new Poet of duty to which he has been anew:mt. Whether Mat be Strentrity, New Ur. testae or elsewhers, he will dogSJeu be heard from in due time. The Barnalde Raped Mott. From the Norfolk Day 33 lok, Fah. 4.1 A letter w.a received fn Shia clip cut likaurday, from Elisabeth City, in wtuoh it wsa stated that en Friday one ci! the steamers left Roanoke Land for the pu , poe• of reoonnoitenng, and on her re. turn repotted that the 'alio Barnalde deet had left Hatteras• We Mae to remark that trill. may be aorreot.-.- 4 8 .0 y Burnside, on viewing hie crippled armada Mil hive wisely ccutolnded that he could not el% trot h e purpose with hie vessels: in so bad • etii• diner, sod relitritdahing his original ta.Ject, he may have set tail, with the Intention of tuding some other expedition—puma, y that, against Bassi ash. Rebels on Pension 80. la The Preatchnt has approved the bill autho' talon the Secretary of the interior to strike from the pension rolls the munesoto I such persona as have or may hereaf•or take up arms against ths Giverti mf nt of the Ug tad States, or who hare in any In fa nor ertoomaged the rebels or iicitiltested a synt patio with their mums. It le known that wane pent:main the West, after drawlog their pansimis, have openly joined the enemy, while 'tithed who have not taken Lida extreme step have openly tmypathiaed wlth the rebes and drawn their pen_ alone. Iheisw passed affords a partial remedy against disloyal pensioners receiving money from the Government. Sentanee of a Deserter. - Private Relit= B. Stalker, of Company A, Sine. teenth New York Yotemteers was Convicted on a charge of desertion by a court manila, January 111, and his sentence tea Just tom promulgated. -Re is to be duthonorattlY dirchrtrilett "rv. t e e of the United States, and then committed toile United Sta , es penitentiary in ebb' District of Col umbia, at hard Libor, for theism of two years and six mouths. An impression existed toe minds of come that th , s regiment Wan hold on;y for three montLe' service, and the rimester, with others governed himself accordingly, aid deserted the eery ce. The order in this case thaws that the Nine teenth Sew VA regiment la subtext to ger, vice until April, 1868. . . Dismissed from the Barytes. Captain Walter Johnson, of the Union Cosa Guards of New York, who was tried by'eourt mar tial some time !MOB st itortreasgreiWon T se: rley of charges, was found guilty, and, by order of the court, ordered td be &mimed from the ser vice. The liniUng of the court was approved The 'Disloyal . Government 8m -. , eafd that the general Governirmitt et/motives named in the report of the -Polder lkrminittee, beep blaellentmd some of the - witnesses against them. is -The president to respiring the slaver Ger% den fort+d`ieeki,notifiedSfmthat the gra") is eztpttded gitir that he miry !me time re prepare himself fur the fate which his ;crimes 'bete tnerft- fid, and that no further mercy Is to be iirpod for. .3.lintleeslizpediolon Is preparing with Atc4kataciliktl.,l4ablpriusd Nine stomas we i!,4484 44#410 ate moo irnii - Ailtedeithle r— weeit. sesil *awe • - • valoonaes *rebel's woo xwa. : At Bardatown, au the; 4th fast, Wit•Ll Alg H CAMPBELL, aged 45 years ,OgetADAOSS PASTS;. ; williAittr , mostinsTik RaciaND mon Nor* Thie eattomestatmaiation, composed of Iceland itoaa, Onnt Arable, Miser and'Vanira, is ittrongly recommended "tor the sheviatidin and cure ot Coughs, Odds, Sore Throat, limmetiese, For sale by SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist,. and dealer in cholee Family Medicines, SOo corner Smithfield and Fourth streets. ITN D ECM A..13C aR. _ FX I RMINVIINRERTAXER, galavant tot FlSRe's !Catania Burial Oases. at B. R. B ER'S • CABINET WAREROOMS, No 4 SMITHFIELD STREET Residence, 218 Laconic street, Allegheny City. Otdens may be itlt AT OHARLIOT LIVERY STABLE, Alinghesv ' l ' v. etTDßopslts ARE tIUBILD BY KUM) RE NIS TlLLS—nag form of disease b oe ned by the exhalent arteries throwing out • greater lity_ of Aoki. then the manta tske up. X.HilrO PILL rawer fregle is It Were, an impaee to the remote extreinities, arms. ing were, absorbent. to action, led in ease of swea ting or watery deposit.. awakening the eleePtell energiesof those vassal& SENATOR BELLENEIBIit, of Herkimer, New York, was a great stiller from a dropsical aeonon of more than a years duration. He &hurl no ma terial help from the prescription-sof his ph Wane who in fact gave aim to uncterstantl, to ele cage was hopeless. By 'apparently the merest Manes, the hopeless. • of Brandretle• Ms were brought to ins notice. He began their use at once and with strong hope.—fa he oo d the principle of cure. He peraesered with them lot three months, taking often as many es AllemAla atter, bat always stubs it a tale to take atifitigent to purge la the moat manner twice or barks • week. This peraevenatoe was retWarautby a per restoration to health whisk Me continued to this tune. Sold by T Arm BKBP Pta=sPe. And Mal zeispeatnbig d eal ersln laleclindaw wDOLLetir. tielflfiGll . BAIL O. 66 FOURTH BMW Deposita made with this Batik BEFORE the FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY. WW draw haereettrom that dam. Mid. A. COLTON. Trimmer. 07 NOTICE TO THE TLE-PaTIOIB OP AL LEGHENY COUNTY--Notts tpven that on end after MONDA Y Febra= ma. the TWO BULL BELIEF TAM. „ levied by, the ()email...Wooers for the year 1864 will be received at the County Treasurer ' s 2l 008. until Ware/ Lt, 1664 of One aforetwud Taterramatning unpaid at the tans will bet Into the hands of Oolleotots with the ADDITION pu OF TEN PEE ORS l. for col lection ad per dot of Assembly, lath January 18112- 1428-2 eitAtir A. FLOYD, (bunt, Treasurer. GENTS DOUBLE SOLE LED DOUBLE UPPER FILEBTOR CALF BOOTS. of a very enperior makes selling al a great re d a• ti o u on farmer prices to oloee out W E. Schmertz at Co., _ Cat Dlw U ntta sheet. LANDRETH'S WARRANTED GARDEN SEEDS BECKHAM di LONG, 127 Libeit steam Pittl.b, TO LET—The warehouse on Second street running through to First street, now oupted by fitiohcoa•, tileQe• ery • Co.nquire of 11-of2e) r• 1' * LO. WILLIAM CARE & CO., Wholestue Urooers, AND IM DBMS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c. ALS 0 , Distillere and Dealers in MB OLD NONONDIEDLI RIB 827 and 829 Liberty Street, ring I y PITTSBURGH. PA ! NEW CARPETS, Oil Cloths, &c., —A T - M 2 O ALL lIMS, Mo. 87 Fourth Street, DOUG LiT PIL EV lOUS TO THE LATE 1j advance in plioes, of which this fullest silvan & .go Is offered to • aro/meters FOR OA6IL date 01 L IiEIfINEICY FOE BALL 1 -- k NE OF TUE BEST REFINERIES wio the wts4 am Dow be pun:thawed on the moat riga/unable lava' lie lunation la unexceptionable and tt wirt produe more off, with lets =mum, than say other eet tb!iehment Dow operatuag, It sa prof, arul supplied Ist phoney te4A tee pare& upwe-. It ip In every re •p - -ct a @Vend td chance for aoy pera.m winivng to an - ge a the Madams. Terms one-had Gash, 4 the balance In one, twa and three yeas, wan Interest seemed 'oh the premises. Add: eta 133 ill. Pitlebargh, P.O. tally J H ANCOOK. 4TT0R..."/SP 47' Lea Pr, NO. 73 GRANT STREET P.l /78BU KGR, PENNA. del&t, CITY GUAGEB. THE CITY GUAGERIS OFFICE IS remov.d to !JEN 13 P.R.ROW4 lumber oaks, oorner of RAND ANL) PENN STAKE PS. JE EDWARDS, City LAAIDUETIFS & 111118148 WARRANTAD WARDEN BARDS, FOR SALE BE GEORGE A. KELLY, Cl= S QUARTERMASTER'S WARRANTS AND OTHER MAIM MAIM` THE oovsainnurr, SOUGHT BY PITTSBURGH TROST SOMPARY. JO IM D. BOULLY Cbabler T. fiRAFF..-..PA UL. WM. 91 1 / 1 .1 , 1 , Western Stove Works, 945 mann Milt PITTOBIRIGN3 GRAFF £ CO., MANIIPACTUMBi WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the patella to their large stook of wadi se. octet! Cook, Parlor as Heath's Stoves. ALBG—IMPROVED KITCHL, RANGES, GRATE FRONTS, 110, -Low-WAws, &a., among which will found the 6N3l' CIOAL 000.111 siaovics IN TUE gum The • Zephyr Wonted, Shetland Wool, , 1 • e ta ; Woolen Yeti!ut, ' Ace . ; Diamond, Lima, ilz•Tiglit W Rollins, aid i . 'AT IRON CITY, • - 1 OHABLES GIPNEWS, Were awarded_the FIRST PRIENION at the Stets fc No . 78 .MARKET EfritEn . , 1 Parr for the EMT GOAL 000 K STOVES . Alio • FIRST PElRalrmairareed to the I to TZ AMICKC WARE 11 Enusuo• TALLOW, OIL AND OR.IIAI3F. • , . For the Ban WOOD 000 8 &rows Now Is , ~/,‘°,,,„_bbleTal.,_,/°w US& The if WMOOE/AN and KANSAS Trerulum in ~,=,...,,""`',.._'"...5_,_ ~._, Stone aro We *all attendee of 8....w. "'" . .. ..A.F . 7 J O,„ A,,, A .... 0 DEALERS and Et ERB to the lima Mink of - --• --• '', "" ' `'" ---- Ma VT .4.4t4.11. GRA= ITAMPriI & plarDzag ., ~., . ..k.J.,,,..,......,..t,,, . BMW/D .- BRUM - - IN TES ST•TE. v. - r- tilesetaig u l e ardeof ''- : 3, 14,0.—wonee the D.AMONDandEXWOZII,O44I_ ID A LACIIC AT . 'Ow* Stares with EkspiEums, / ,Adam which , < - , - thtpiltoetlikttemairan. • al /T*6 atil Pot sale bj BLACK WALNUT 834 OCTAVE OHICKERING PIANO,; fun Iron frame, new I cal% reduced from $lT$ It $226, just received and foriside by fa JOHN EL bint.LOP, el Wood West W 1 LL/AMS & ORVIS' UNEQUALLED DOUBLE THREAD WAILILT; SEWING lIACUINES. Price $lO to 00 according to style df Cabinet. Bale Rooms, No 12 FIFTH STREET, *Suer Menet. These blashines are minded for the, trent with which they ezeouteall kinds enrol* req of a complete maniacs. They obtobla• lemplkd dorateLty, (with noiseless action wed by , other machine, Wide in cheapness they hare rival. yea" free All hfactilnes weYrasted and kept : in:repair 0 of Sale No.lll nth Motet, Or/tarot Pit", ttMi l . aTRAIN, EsnuactUrsts m ot and_ e ter sale, Wheleasle end &auk kindaAWlbll3 MACHiN R NEEDLES. LILL& a STRAIN, Na It Vifth streak owner of Idatket.' e.tiENTE, WANTED. tes.lineod CLOSING OUT TO KASE ROOM FOE • SPRING STOCK Dress Trimmings, Velvet Ribbons, . Velvet -ii ona Embroideries, Woolen Goods, Linen-Bets, Hoop Skirls, Balmoral Skirts, Mechanic Corsets, Preach Corsets, Gents Merino Shirts and Drawers, Collars and tit t CORNER OP PENN AND ST. CLAIR, #mszre, PIITEIBURGIC PA. - SEPARATE APARTMENT • P'964IADIES, ele gantly famished, where they can racedm tnatruc• don In Penniman* and Book•keeptnq.any hour of. the DAY DZIR EVENING. Teachera constant yis adandatear from 8 o'clock In the: ritoining till to; o'clock In.thaerenlng. ,„ Jelrpinwlt m uL WANTED_T-WA.NTLD TO _ perches° ONE HUNDRED - NUL/Es for the ter -roost' of the United ntattes.l'hst te required to be not lees than foarteeit not more thark/Sji hands high, nor less Mtn tor rotors tban 9 sears old.. Hours ItE inspection from 12 hk - to a B. 21. daily it Jackson's levers MlDlFourth strset. lEOHY, Major and Quartermaster U. & a, omoe Q M. U. & A., Pittsburgh, seams Es& litrt,l2B2. WWI asIIAIRDELIOR °OFFER,. - • . DANDELION 00P PEA DINDSLION'OOPPkIt. This arthile is said to be ectiDir as good; mei* wholesome, and. one-half cheaper than.. enthisar Coffee. This article is pot up in cam at 96 cants prrean.' For:sal• by JOSEPH 11111901 W WO corner of the Dimond and Motet fr°,7., TSB MOST HANDSOMS PaiSCIS EMMY diallaured by Bad Tea& If you would hays SoodThean, and pearl white, use Um TICABERRY TOOTHWABH. JodEpa owner of the Diamotal and Barka. BALTIMOBB PIANO FACTORY. IDITTSBUROII BRANCH AT NO. 12/1 SMITHFIELD B TREBT.--Those WIMP , lug to purchase a good family Plano should not fad tnexamine these sample Instrument& By way of introduction of this long standing Factory, Wit cal] attention to the annexed. H. EL NARONI, edi tor of .he New York Musical Timex, a gentleman of acknowledged reputation as amesia' schwa'. sod Piaui.% makes this record: Resstatisa, have bean dAdalned here acme time; this gives ma an Comm ttingunity of ge bet ter acquainted writaidoal matter,. I ted the Piano Manufactory e o m f Messrs. J. I, Mee At Bros., whom Pianos are of an exceihnt quality, sad attached to to them an improvement which, to me, seems of more Importance than any of the Mien. bons for the last ten yesrs, I refer to the Patent Elastic Touch. I ooneider it an immensely lamer tent improvennent. H. S. nARONI. To Mesas WIN) I Bros. fella LADIES BOnTS ANL SHOES-- All alias of LADIES, MISS a AND CHILDREN'S PALL AND WINTER BOOTS AND SHOES, selling at GREAT REDUCTION to dose out. W. E. Schmertz & Co., No. 31 Fifth Street. $250. PIANOS. $250 TWO ELEGANT ROSEWOOD 83i OCTAVE CHICK RING PIANOS, With fall Iron trams, new eosin reduced from $2O to Min, jinn received And for mile by teB JOHN IL MELLOR, 81'Wood 'twat. 124 CICNT6 WILL BUT - the bast nest style of DARK PRINTS to itkis city for the money. isir - Wholeaalta bum will aims money ihran UT stock of PRINTS Priam lase than Phil ulelphla prices. YARD WIDE SI RTLNG 11,41, IRISH LINES SAND SHIRT BaBOMMITEILIN WINTER DRB.BB GOODS, very cheap DRESN bILEB, SHAWLS AND oLOAlid, at tau than cost for cash. C. HANSON LOVE & CO., te.941. 74 Market Street $22& PIANOS. $226. ONE BE wriFuL - Lace Goode, Gloves, /loamy, Reek Tiee, 'OAS' 1 T a% 124 FUM T STABRT.VTThatritall. Ain I 4T OHIO STELVICT. 4111.LIAGIMINT, ■en tin Juin% DIZIOL DUMPS, HYDRANTS, ; , Bb-es Lead and s lumbers • aff- B —All orders promp • feLlyd. PP ROPtiSALS FOB L TION OF ARMY STORE ta lt: will be received at this ethos until tn.; . prozimo t for the transportation during the o year eeding December alit, 1862, at all ordnance and army.. eama (heavy ordnance ner piece, and - other store& pailgrpounds) to and_from i 2 Wsheny Arsenal, R _ i t Depots, Focuccißailiiid bmwes in and neartbis city. Bidders will specify a uniform rate to:and from Sip Mention, Arsenal, and peista Within ice Um- Its oMe ORkarlittalike -10satilkasim all ppinta whniztthe Heade oldie A. MO.NTGOisfEar, Quartenowser, U. '01110•-iter U. 044,RAttibingth 1 7 11 4/ 3,1 * ja/W aaIIMERTZ,•,, —Mina gag sy, rittsourabillar` • - 4 - Hrsakun, Pa. BC -J4,lllllllAli-1411070 01 1 8 dridekretrokinmittßinoleiud i - every description °ileums. onion P odiadaic4 Merchant th e , mi. or ETROLEUM. ;168 WOOLY REST; Pittsburgiti ~,, p, t itet4 • L' ISIVSTEAS OF WlRdiioo fl xurevz RElO.7lllVlii. opemin a cholas $414. of Winter to all otthelM Wsrtretrwe itatterothast=roomol to say sesorisnoosto be toonditistar West, They , .111 b. re i tn_j n rit t e= and t solicit se - emir call from Our .sod ttg osmium& Gateor i sos„ • .MERCHANT TAILORS *9 kith WANK. SHOES, cHKAP. AT 15 FIFTH STRAIT. • AT 15 PIETA bTREST. D. a DIFFBNBADSIE : 41 I ' ; . : $ n , and In bar Noavidanra. by CSAMIRS ONE .I 8, complete in ow volume, and uniform Rihro peatanons.'• d Pike SO coins • In fi Ithaddistalgnknialn Cock aft :Tr duodaelnsoar octavo forni. PO* - or sate at MINIEWS• neit ...7 10 POrtoffice. ANA3l4O** - ' s: 'W is IRE NOW RUN- EINO thmartleM. which for e tanning, freedom Of ofbOtive oder, s Pea yor color. (which mite we warrant not In br ebso by age or exposurejle ermzrpessed, Viablem In tbis ec t=a market& As a, (Mt to the _, we can specially reoonttatmd it Also,otte teneestiattpee of CAUSTI6 $O DA' Used by ell large Soap Makers and Oil Minnows squat, excels leper cent. in strength all the make of &yew' Soda this eountry. Ourmann. hews of • SAPONIFIER. OR COACEIFIRESER I.IE. SALT, Ike • Ire Bo well and larorahly leMwe, iie Jztun fbe mutton is sailictient to by . ddre All - orders slut amg tnqqtriee will be promptlyetterelo s , GEORGE COLUMN, Agent. Penna. Batt) Opeepeem. aoletedwie et ootretteet.zuts TIKYR EITLICITID if BOW MS BY THRUSH OF AN APPARATUS needwberat7 Ito drugs oi_theranic ban* we Oold weather is the passe woe the too oan be need to ita deal adirsatsm • edki"/ ondiernen and their !funnies hare theb With ex.' reacted by my prooesa, and are ready to teattbasto the seer and plidienakaaa tbit aii 4 i . Uri area kiss been said by persona _ ark martins the contrary hartairrio knowledgestii, prows& torABI7PIULIGTBBTE bassereis E. OUDRY, be '" amitheigiteiset soli It•dih EAGLE OIL, illiCiaitti: ..... , - . . WIMITIIIAN £ _ , AON, • D &MEM . AND D IS , 1N torah .1, - 16 Pare Gabon Oft,ipality ' _Pitt," Also, Senzole awl Car Grease :on ti us& Orders le ft at Chess, ftsayth &Co 6n otter ate 4 Mist streets. will be promptly 6 16 6. 0666111 .I IsT UNION STATIONABY pAO.ILETii i *resupplied to Dealers at 7 0460 PER 11100101 t. OOTTON THE—PRESENT Wi WI4 SOB ol T ui lE e l ta;el4 D 14, amen or half dolma LAST YEARS ' ' PRICES 0 our ,entlii stac"liof OCirrdAT 11Q.1A4'034Ki!tinii.'4 4tif, W1411•91/Ttreigosik:111"1 t: ItEkril Ikea; Bilviteßeavy Three Tkreads4sB4,ol ✓ '" Ph " Hose ' filays-Oonon Bolt ficon - , blitues Super. &auk 1.41 t date; Fine " " Mont Norm and all kW& . , .•. LINEN /1.4NDKR20111.11.16.1- Wpm Ccirdeid ficeder EfindlcroMMS • Hemmodaitahad • .".. •u Belem „ Embroldmed j j" • APO prenokilarbroolored ••- .1 • BaLtlrE4:kmemii,loptazedBtltl3o:lBl. 7 : " Plata Unita gooir cams dad Carpels, Balmoral Wobl ln z Hoods, M Bibbed ama, Elontaga, taat roduoad-ptkollk; ino and Witold/pas A Mer ar Wholesale Buyers mindled'as I IftiTilit7 Vines on oast, 4lossehi fed IT MAIIEBT AMMO . SW FALL 600.9 S t N EATON MAORUNI 411 , CO;;, Invite &tuition to Met? Su= rOl Z . = TAP* At Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth strossi Who** b k ; ara itoppited at Lowootprlees. boas J.peIVIEB:94. 0H11.093 , 1i, CO. ROPE- Carl /meta, Agetzaap SEAMLISS BAGS 9“ AND OF • 081 ST.A.ZIT7.1:LEFIEN, IS Inches to 4') Inches V WPod e• airctrage,4,.4. I ' l at At. 9A4164 fitriSt. napta:4.b. . Oar_ BOOTS, BHOES ANL AT TUR• • , P 111 4311-VOlt CASE AT 1,2 !‘ ~~~-~~~ . 1 41 1 4Maxitig r: • 0a r4 40 241kd ilicturebiggainsas /*pi to clap 1494.141mata roon?:fotipthis t ipairliabor tho . 114 , 1 40 6- szkr." o ,Aali . , JOSEPH H. itsiatAxv rbe , 08Ma NARiTeilielgtaddoar tram Mk' • • 4448 • ° sofW f ite,' 411,,4 "te111116104111114, 111 1 11141M,.?"' ; r 41v 11 444 Alai 01 •ivamikei ot,q, _ _......._ - - • ''T *- ." - - c twtusiixict. ~,,._„-,,,....,.,2:„.401;;4 a ..._,,.. -- ~ , ,prtnit.B.74.44:o(ozpv. ... • . :_.• • : _ sot pa....0,..,:t Dna VIM& • .... ' - lAA ll. 7 ltia blurrily an* 28 on* Gao ,IQV° • - ..-z- 7 .- 7 .• • ,• Colored Bought° mm 4 l ,---A I `‘% T::1 ,4 •••••• 1 '' ' ' - linj EVENING. -j•°,4• ....., ~, - - . F Agh, 1 0Thicigement, of the yours mod Woo ' ' 2[lBB CHARLOTTE THOMPSON. NEW PLAY. EDITH AND ZELDIA. fijalr - -;.......,...;_,..MllaChithEtilittE •—•• , ~,, • ..- E 0 alt S- ?MUSSON ff:tiz4V,LEARYi , - . NAIik ui STEA-letutr, " 1 clutruas, Bustmras' or _ 14 tte4z,..:e, • vcs-ialea,T, vispvt3 AP COMOIRAX6,IIL4,IB7IOZ''' il ir a g craw ft o lo6e4Wmftmar, slue=tram she reee.heiesurmoiWrAwih,Ve_. eso/113/01DAINIsvp .',.; .IF 'Otiltifi-of, - • C .... . P.rtlt; t krzelNGllll47B-AT :tatEMAND r.kr , W • ii t ed and Black Hoop Skirts, *Ea/A 7 3 1, ' • EXTRA QUALITY MOE TAPE SKIRTS. ALOO a: A as O_R TILE N T- 0 Wvv e",' ma 0 saolts' `pas.AP, 111111 open on SATURDAY a large stook of ID AND BLACK PRINTS ATl24Ols 7fie.t4i Enna% bet 7610MUMTW, -,-11 Pr a fi irr A t ThlUnil 4 - t_pa. . OW 18 THE TIALSTO GET BAR "P/___MYtitterb =6 -ei a=lignoliii' iPaVl44l"mtleintielommeem % my ennterstoeir, / bare markectaut Motes; kende ei Beieletilf-DedrilropmCidieeeriatiftoeltutPee yam Bleached and Una ed Ahlihmtlitarthan Unolmale one yard wide thibLeaohedlltta. togc i w ortht Canton -Pianneia mad the beat Paper almiline 1234 Blurt Prom and Irish Liana: - cheap loop Skins bast litssitty. riarenuera trill dcoreduo oath ancLue, at o. esXaskiit etrent,?... hieenifiltritaillith .4 - Xi" ?iw a . -_______.........................,.. , AIJOTEIG FOR LEASE --The house jjkaorn as the B P - S/0801.88 HOTEL, Altus. ltad Oil the owner of firm astaxet and _Foustay , • Oftered,orlro4ol3loo 81'41 of April. F or 020 0 1 i 1 PI F A i re C 4 4 11R1801 rattgalla st lOW Office, 781 Pounh theet PI JOHNraGAN, A 421 w, )4:441 1 . 4 LAW -4744M1G • ' • LI, _ PITTSBURGH, BA deli+. 17 THANKSGIVING SERMON& pADtiTHE PS NT lfl — tsCitakirni.P4LllMUTlE____ Altt SE_ TI BIE CHr ger: HWOHTfr. ' rreattr-the Arab dtreet PNor.resbyterlea - k-Chme_ty Ptulaael talk on Them*, 98,1de1; - OitieerbL 'l'Erterleimpr. - • Woksaus4.4ifinsaine_hopwon-1745 • io thtialtittalk,DY usnicisr.WASD a 4 u: a Bannon &Arend In Dici'Pajtoikturf . 1' ,. . Brooklyn, N.l" on Thadingivinx Day, Notatitser 31,1 b I. Doe 7°l qxttaro. Pxiste 1,2 • meta. rat zell bY ''' r ' e et-'-:', 'Z'plifietll74'44 HENRYIe ' ~ r I' s li , itwokomo- .......r tcillura. Slaps, ... .., , ~ Pall Next doter to Poet, office. . J 0 inik lifroetars A D , COMMIS thiftlitiliEßCHAllTl PON TEN SALE or PIG -11ETALANLBLOOME, aCk TA Walla STAMM BELOW *h.RZ . suns , CI 7758 UR 9 • otrzt. AcAtisiit; N0.11 . 9 0:D1A4 0 a 0 -4441ri • 11 - 1 V TS if IVO it Iliffveznaw HEsthirclifitze:dikoinitzs to_o_ ttmute the, mi. in dithe plioe: ittitot ma - wu ApljllSll4, AN &a . "cia - kno wn '... - - ititthe attwad deuskinclanc es abartliat ma :: P. Y - - a ''' - ' l ,, I C ° 4? —Dia(o3ol 8 ,2 erzweßT lL" fiv, llll 01-711TRIRET , quithty or - at CloaVillacik ifse. pared to deliver the same, In •R i ni to ego purchasers. at reasonable rate& Our Oosi is =n 4 113 AV st i = OrA 4a , a D e- c rl os : S 4l - - 4,, er Mill Odd I R. awzrza... NV-W. "I r ha A r i g : 4 l l. 014;41)-1W ligniikalotik9Q4 I A A 014+14-11 11 0 A S, philgltiv-Fainitlon tuyeto to fuvi. Fal and Winter Gook IrOptalvadommvlllickmay be kW all of enswest seam "oaa-u• millati Mars or Ackaaltur with a tall lfretata aadpinta saacca. =mat gantlarameanalably B. k Amaral at: noicatas ,n,loor.llaaatet Alleva EATON., MACRE:BE & CO JOIELBERS RETAILERS Ata...le ? fib hGr I " ll .lZit A ' ery, G lo v ,may es , Mk isTriurats oe 1 ,Ikabra 001. 4,41111 Once WAN ! Wren ori twat 'l/WCIAr ALL. OrantlyikraftsatinA,A lmtas priori& EATON, MAMMA A , No.lf Fifth street paomAs Ew..4trarT. IFlANtignalliMlD, MAUL_ WAREROOIO3, 80. EIT ALL,B9ll}lla. o ami tart artmeibrpoliva jitiopt attention - ea Ar ire* tharY MOW_ 1irt484,1t111.74"1° CARPET& 411. fI,QTIB i s --13 91 4 fi1z DRUGGITS "' Vrit time NEW SEUEISELIMILRPET hays we. been teadved sad ars of the thlallagßloll:l2lTPAZ2****o law! art prices ' Ait.:t_II7OIANTOCUL geitlWqtrotrr • • - - :-•,. -,-, t re e _,:. -- x :', , %:::4i F 7 YiIPRICE & CO., .•: - 1E:.,, , i. ;.. lli , o - utaza t a ltiel VZOSpintk ZAABIEUKEREat . 7 7 ,2 7 . !-liittistaagerigi.4l4 ... -.' w tisetwgramorawklime, vii i ihirwiii 14:U1 A . T 1 - .-.lirkili t . z.8.!4.4 . 1 . .gat - , .zv--' r.-.,..bilikaii flak .... ctstiiiNvillalk - teming A ' (7.7ei , : .4 i- .P. ' :.. ? - i':a :i.g.f7l• A .41160:144 Catja. it- ti.A-0,,18 -.0 . 1 . 1 30ia , .st fiesta:al et 1.04% . ... . ~ .._ ~ ~_~x~~ . , _.....tfeo„,.fir - 0 ~ ~.'..`L