ghefittsbmlgtr UnciaYs irciPtaW kt the Nordidatt tidier of Fifth cod Wood Terms: ex Bawds i 7isvr.,4,m#4 stria* II -*ale it the saunter in theriMAST the bremibciva. scriti oP Aosiscrthoo. "of ANIIC., hive ,131..• Plink A . B•4' • LI N4 '74 111 ,". Cne CO we., r••••• , omens 50 two 1n5erti0cu4......... 75 75 two 1 . 00 0 304 15 - 3- sr 470 10 fa 7O Vara, w.. - 00 966 4001 96 100 .m. wade 4. 4-00 616. 601 60: 175 Lko mantbs--,00 465 50 285 2 50: Ctires m0nth5.... .... 000 600 460 840 800 Immmanflus- xr .. 10 00 666 600 886 450 tiro montlir...ll 00 - 786 660 866 550 1r Introilevo4 , lo.:.-BAULACAOO-. . 00 5501dba.....,-18 00 10 85 8005 85 0 00 )ne yew "`"4-. 90 00 18 8510 00 845 12 00 Asada& "I . IIOIIX MUM or Um, per anntun—/0 00 48118105013 4.8 mime witulni4fltr.. ll P444 taxiect A of ,p9al-411 00 german wougeg,,o ..gog* fib. to ikr•A NOR - 1862,Esir 9 I 1 `IFO4.ILAR. PrnitBMIGH WEEKLY POST, IIIiTABWER OMB MIT WILL EXIMUITHER BB PUBDOMEBD LdvamSi Paying Subscribers 0N4,410!.t.tin PER_YEAL IT 103 ' l 44tpf ) !l i tc,)TH SHEET, LARGE CLEAR TYPE. rat commurs ma. swum ?ACTING, NEWS OF THE DAY ! editiftlitilboent -and. Nis. eilioneons; Foreign 'mid Domestic Markets. END YOUR DOLIJ BY MAIL AT OUR RAM EMT UP %MU LA your aeyabarlaood. liaad or PIiti*MUTUEI and BPEOThilaq COPY. Pont forget the. Dollar J J kM!ta ==Z=:= MG POET JOB OThei JAKBEI P. BASIL EDwnt A.: , +k+4l t::•rt MYEES, 110011 NO, JOB PRINTERS ' veleefitilltad au. rthey.— 11 ,1 G9(1/3;n3CIBIPTION OF PLAIN AND IMMOY--PitMI:NG . I . 2llll 7l lllll M i l lu r Plia t, NIL AIL XMs p AIL . 231111 M I D I PPPM AtOPS/A. 1 91 1 54 4%.3 61,1 ! " Perilialaz etteallios plod to the AIWA' of „01 JO , J! POSTARS, PROdithfiflts, tiv., 0410111b010111 arettPOL Uhla inOinfOF , MACHINERY sa*Mejviiectia wistilteeetesolitim rtri rite tossing ont Wcirk witheforept. simiatd amino waft bumembri_ br easy (*.bow *Moo Is MOOS, tio time - in Conlin ly elc a.o9-4ritx.Az : ip HAVE FOR Mint MSC° OIL, litoawnizettealve. Also, IMAX ABB.Marase. 113 Hand Street, PPPTEIBIIA97I. PA H. THOMPSON, OF,Hijkllt ALA GE T "*AND''. _0031:11188iON IeBeRAWI 4 Jro. 4-4lnorth inns Stieeet, Milan PRTLAIMIIPRI 4. PA HICKORY Ntllll,-80 bu4i,blettpx7 a maim! BO liaraaki Ma •• : Altarketaktillina A mays )RALICSOAT, RP tostrootihed aid • -` x)tv_i 4. ..- Agin; - AIZOTZZ. ART '` 7 l"l gi • •`•••; -,11 _.N vi , ' • • 3 e .1 • J i,- v .41 ; ;• • .ti Lte/ T. • . • .e-• l•-• • , it- i ' r ^ • ••• . „I Pe .' • •"• I *a , • 4 - 1 •ttn • 1 I ~.- • •• • • • •-•,• ; 11, 411 1 • 1 - a.. • <• , • • i 4 I ••• •••••• , ..:e • • `!.• • . ••••. ';.• • : rt•rt , •l , 2--. aft , " - •• • Mcdtkt post THURSDAY' MORNINe, FEB 6 z l irlz . na..4tal rx. mitts. Snpremus Court DeMalons. hi the Supreme Court, at Philadelphia, on Moidayohe following opinions were ,read, a full 'bench kitting: tiomisionweali h eV. el. ill Smith, Mayor of Brie Judgment reversed, and judgment for defendant, with costs. )pinion by Lowrie, 0. J. Soffit vs Eammell. Judgment affirmed. Opinidn by Lowrie, C. J. -___Siskynor's Appeal. Appeal dismissed at oosts of appellant,. Opinion by Lowrie, O. r.' - MoOay'e Appeal. Decree of Orphans' Court corrected. Opinion by Lowrie, 0. J. Poor Director' vs School Directors. Judgment reversed, and judgment for defendant bAow. °pillow by •Lowrie, 0_ J. Bather wait's Appeal. Appeal &Mined at cost of appellant. .Opinion by Lowrie, 0-fir• ' • Gteen's Appeal. Decree of Orphans Oourt . reversed. Opinion by Lowrie, 0 Houser vs. Building Association. Judg• ment reversed and a now trial awarded. Opiaihn by Lowrie, 0. J. Boßch vs. Brook. Judgment affirmed Opinien by Lowrie, C. J. Ofearkirk's Appeal. Decree of Orphans' °oars reversed, and appellant's account °opt:fru:kW tAiipiniOn by Thompson, J . }lead, J , dissents. Martin vs. Oraub. Judgment affirmed. amnion by Thompson, J. Pittfleld & Mcßee vs. Olaghorn. Judg men t affirmed. o,.inion by Thom pe )n, J. 'Webster's Executors versus Newbold,. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Thomp son, J, Pennypackev's Appeal. Decree reversed. Opinion by Thompson, J. Bailey & Putt vs the Commonwealth for use Judgment :affirmed, Opinion by Thompson, J. Emery's Appeal. Appeal dismissed at cost of appellants. Opinion by Thomps son, J. McElroy vs Dwight. Judgment affirm ed. Opinion by Thompson, J. .vs. Ellis. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Thompson. J. Phillips va Allen. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Bead, J. Sharon Iron Company vs The City of Erie, Judgment reversed, and judgment for defendant on the epeeist verdict. Opin. ion by Bead, J. *ell vs McHenry. Judgment affirmed. Winton by Iliad, J. Hallowell & Co. vs Laing & Co Judg ment affirmed. Opinion by Bead, J. Blackstone vs White. Judgment re versed-and venire de novo awarded. Opin. ion by Bead, J. few weeks sines, al .:ton any price was paid to teamsters for hauling oil from Titusville to Union; now the price paid is 87 cents per barrel. Very little oil is now being shipped, in consequence of the low price it commando. LIMY OP THZ RAILROAD TAX.—The County Commissioners met yesterday to make the annual levy of taxes tor the pres ent year. They mussed 6 mills for noun. ty purposes, 2 mills for poor and 27 mills for Railroad indebtedness The duplicate will also include the 8 mills levied for State purposes. The 2 mill tax for relief of families of volunteers was not levied, as the Commissioners do not wish to assess it - until they are certain it will be'needed.— The railroad levy will be placed in a sep arate column, and as the money will not be insisted upon by the Treasurer until the end of the, year the matter may by that time be so arranged that the collection of the tax (or at least a portion of it) may be unnecessary. We believe tie general dist position is to defer the payment of this dis agreeable impost as long as possible. To Tam Pool. Beam—Two destitute families, a Mn.'s Smith and four children and Mrs...Noonan and two children, iv, plied to the Mayor yesterday for rel ef.— The cue was turned, over to the Guardians of the Poor, who sent the applicants to the Poor Farm. • Tam Sonninnis' Tsa.--The Treasurer desdres all who have not paid up the .2 mill assessment, forAtte relief of volunteer‘to call at the office In the third story; of the CloUrt, House and settle up, as the money is Vsy needed.• ' • fisusrt. TO THIII REFUGZ.—MayOr Sawyer Yesterday sent to %fie Rouse of Refuge two young girls, nt the request of their parents, fort =IOUS ORAIL9III AGAINST A OOLORND Witrrss —Yesterday evening a tall color edlty id named Sarah Williams, residing on .41ar alley, appeared .before Mayor Ss er end made' an information charg. in George Williams, (not a relative of complainant') .a oolortd waiter, employed at thel3t. Charles Hotel, with visiting her house on Monday evening and attempting )atrage her perion. It appears 'that the couple JO4 been4e bell at Qonnoiir . it RIM and GbAtiacq - ompeetied Sarah tome Ilett thaofibnce Slleged_was committed: de.tiitlt,of bail In Me sum qf $6OO Geprke wits 'corniiitted until Sataida'y next folic farther hearing I it iii:olollfik ROO 14111‘. GRAVEL. CEMENT ,OANVASS ROOFING, DONE ON SHORT: NOTICrE, d la the most lineable manner. AVINO THE MOST COMPETENT workmen in the city, who nude:stands their ens, we Can estelY gee we work 18 p, and, if anything,-betterthan. Simlll77L to aim Sepaljteg _Von° with entitle and aL the installations...— , nice at 76 13M/THFIELDSTREE am EL F.. • ' opm &KITH Fi n PITCAIItN, - ' MERCHANT TAILORS; No. 48 I Spy CLAIR ;STREET. MEW FALL GOODS I-- : - .,5•1 .. 7 i. *TON- MAIIRUM-41 CO; ; 'rite attent4) tpfritr 1 ,_ W STOOK FOR FALL TRADE, tNesltaptlirreATlPPL ' w stA. te.gilmi lnt; ' pridakimib • -1 1 110. " A P- • : ea b.7tlW . I r 1151!5. : SSiktg iVta PITTS* tf - aori MM , t! ITEIIIIIOI. BY TELEGN A PIL --- --- By Yesterday's Telegram From Fortress Monroe FORTRESS Itiorraok, February s.—Sev. oral released.tprisoners came down from Baltimore this incirning to be sent South, and were taken to (Jraney Island by .the Rancoritas. No news in relation to the Burnside Expedition o{ the Merrimac was . communicated. SOuthern papers receive d contain little new The following is from Fridays Richmond Dia patch: OiiantmaroN, February 8 —A. S. Wel. lington, senior editor and proprietor of the Charleston Courier, and probably the oldest editor on the continent, glad in this city, yesterday. Mr. W. connected him self with the Charleston Courier about the commencement of the grosont century and for nearly sixty years his name, as editor and proprietor, has continued at its head. He was about eighty.four years of age. Noruiromt, February B.—A. special diss patch to the Rtehrtiond'DiiiialcA says that a letter read here from a reliable gentle man of Elisabeth city county, .N. Caro. lina, states t at a steamer went down on Saturday into the sound, on a rPoonnois. fiance. No vessels of Burnside's fleet were seen, and it was supposed they had all left. The Constitution sailed for Ship Island this forenoon. The Ericsson, with the barque John Trucks in tow, with the D'Epineul Z 'naves and the Plfty , third New York on board, sailed this morning, and return to Annapolis. Tee James town sailed unexpectedly last night. She will go down the Southern coast. - Meisrs. Hamilton F,sh and Bishop Ames, the Commissioners to go to Richmond. sr here this morning, and will re sent South by a flag of truce, as soon as the Coate& erste Government gives notice that they will be received. Some of our pickets were fired at lac night near Poi. Hill. None were hurt.— A number of rockets were sent tip during the evening, from a point apparently be yond Camp Hamilton. The storm has cleared off, and there is a good prospect of continued pleasant weath er• The bee sailed for New York for repairs today. - - Arrival of the Nova Scotia PORTL/LND, February 5 —The et saner Nova Scotian has arrived with Liverpool dates of the 24th nit. The ateactiehip E ma , arrived at Liverpool rn the 22d, and the Norutoglith on the 28i ult. The I.Jadon 'Pima* editorially opposes gndiaLd's interference in American af fairs. The Brig West India. from Charleston, has arrived at Liverpool with a cargo of turpentine The sales of cotton at Liverpool for four days were 17,000 bales. The market clos. ed irregular, and with a downward tend■ ency. Breadetuffa had an upward tendency. Console are quoted at 1 321®98 for money THE MIT tiOdsTiON 09 TiS DIY For the next two wooke will be, WHAT OUGHT I TO BUY O PIRISTMA.B NEW YEAR'S PRESENT All the Mende end customer. of • IttINEMAN, hitalltN & S!EDLE, That have not vet dm. rm-ned on what to buy wit please look over the following hat of articles, when tney vrti be sure to hod something to suit: Gold Vest Chain. Silver 1 able Spoons, • Cents' 13reaelpine, " Tea Spoons, " Bracelets, -'" Fork it, " Spfttaciee. 1 " Butter Knives, Watch Seals, I " Soup Ladles. Pen • and Cason, " cream Ladles, " Lockets for Mina. " Sugar Tong - a, I tures, " Salt epoontt, „ Necklace, , " Mustard spoons n Sloth, . ()Mid's Katie ~ Sleeve Buttons, Fork, 7 t Crosses, Finset " Cup s, Blom" , Thimbles, " Chatelahc Chains, Snail Boxes, " E ar Drops, ar flings, " Napkin Rings, B Plated Castors, " Guard Ca a lae, " Cake Baskets, " Keys, " Tea Sella " Charms, 't Coftee Bette, • Penc Armlets, 41.0 • e • Molasses Pitch ils, So., r Plated Ice Pitchers, a, Plated Spoons and Forks, Platedsoup and (~vstttr Ladles, eta, etc Geld and Silver Watches of every imagains• bin style and prim,. ii}. French. German and American Clocks, Spy Globes, Musical Boxes, 2 toll! tunes; Bronze, Stat. nati, , Portmoruues and fancy articles in general .. nu emus to mention. All we ask is a call at our' , es Bailment, NO. 41 FIFTH STREET, one door froth Wood, and examine our goods and prices. eIS A. A. CARRIER & BEO., Pittsburgh General insurance Agency, antes Represented or lltirls. *St 8 • Lased by Parma. end other Btates.lBB "Peer, Marine and Lite Enka" aken or all de • pdon ne26-4m ea FOURTH STREET. Fttebtuidt I,t A • no L. 138. EPSOM SALTS, 1", 1,000 LBS. BREAM TARTAR, 60 8.116 BI BARB SODA, 160 WS. 000BINEAL, 10 BOXES OSWEGO CORN STARCH And received and for sale by GEO. A. KELLY, Druggist, oells Federal 'areal, Allegbeny city. COAL, NUT COAL, BLACK AND COKE—DICESON, STEWART & 00, 509 LIBERTY STREET, Having superior facilities for eupplyftg the best quality of Coal, Nut Coal, Stark and Coke, are pre, pared to deliver the same, in any quantity to suit purchapers. at reasonable rates. Our Coal to i h r roftet ss ln si fres sek t! tlit i il r y tis b u T ar rall t r a ts oa n d ds an n d ais is es d i rz s ag. p 1 a ' , rev Coal e.-28Amd ALL PAPEtiI WALL PAPER ! ELEGANT' • • BEAUTIFUL, MEM W. P. MARSHALLCR,EAN 87 Wood Ptrset JAMES A. FETZER, For sale by a ill FORWARDING AND COMMIS S ION MERCHANT FOR TH:I RILL] 01 'tams, Orate, Baaowy Laura, Battier, Dried Pratt and PrAtaa 0010F8B 0? 11.4.128:HT AND 31TBST STREETS. PITTSBURGH. Pd. tiraaao—Ftsacte ta. a Panley, fai n Wiiljimi Da. 1 41 H MI :1112"" rtArig. tte. l3° l. it I M. Liat Howell , a a Co, Gee r " • Np An rson, Donlon Paxton a 'Wheeling. -to 480011 :8R11311...-30 bales, an extra &recta for sale by gliluthi pOTO ..BLIGMLLILTbs, Wooil Bteeet, 'swum, your anal) 0/L ADID /WOW • tW Gil; rilt Tli; TRII3'LE ADVENTURE ON and using. iny pointed 'stink-with the , 'VOLCANO. greatest care, I forthwith began the de scent, often stopping to try theftemper ; pof,the lava,with mg hand,.and fiadieg it gradually growing warmer as,l pro ceeded, though not sufficiently so to excite any alarm. In a short time I reached the bottom, andsteod on the verge of seams of ebasme,:whicth open-2, , ed far, far down into the heart of the mountain. It was ttbout`fent: , feCt4in' width, zigzag in. shape, and emitted strongly the peculiar : odor before menu tioned. A small trickling stream, from a melting layer of ice above was _run ning into i it; but I could only see that it was lot n the deep datknesslielow, from whence came up a kind boiling, surging sows', trial something like a slight inter. vats, and gentle puffs of heated air. [To be eenttilued:] ZiNtri'o‘.EiTA:l4'l" —T 0 I *IirINNTON.S. Mr. Carl ,Steinman; viffited, Mont . Ueda, in Iceland, just before its, ter. rible eruption in 1e.45, and the folk-iv ing is his narrative of a fearful 'atilt/. tare wbiothappened to him upon that sublime and desolate elevation; Having secured a guide, I set:affi7at an earlybour, , on the morning. -foll4w ing my arrival, at' Salstiti, (at the foot of the extinct volcano,) praying for fair weather, good Intik, and a ;Wei re turn. • . r • The ebebery, even from the first, was so ditterent from any I had ever 'seen outside leelaniLas to 'be a orthy of a better deseription' than I am" 444 to give. Suffice-it tosay that, as.ye4ash on, ascending summit after summit on your way to dui great and awful *ter of all, you find the..danger, dreariness, and desolation increase tq _the, most ter rible sublimity, till at last, iitie4ileu are finally standing on the very., /ugli est point of this livinrworld of-clines, you instiii4tiWpiay GokffWl#,l4Y shudder shivering through your Weer sble frame, to restore you to the - life you teem to have left forever 'behind you. O how shall I attempt to .eouvey :to any mind the awful scene of desolation that surrounded me when I last •stood more than four thonsandfeet alxike the level of the sea, on the highest peak of the barren Hee ls I Six mortalfleurs —three on horseback and three on foot —had I been clambering upwartt from the world below; and now, among the very clouds that rolled and ' swept around me, I stood in a world of lava mountains, ice and snow—the lam black as midnight, the snow of blindingwhite ness—and not in all that region a tree, a bush, a shrub, a blade, or eveU a soli tary living thing, excepting self and guide. Far as the eye could' reach, when the clouds permitted to see, was a succession of black, rugged hills, snow. covered peaks, glistening glaciers, and ice board streams, inanimate solitude no human foot had ever penetrated-4 world without plant or life very desolation of desolation-.-filled with yawning chasms, dreadful . *braes, and midnight caverns which nevi* , eohoed any sound but the thunders of heaven and the groaning! and oonviilsions of earth. So wild and strange and horri ble was the scene, that I felt a strange thrill, like madness, inn through my shivering frame, and quiver about my dizzy brain; and I shouted to break the stillness of death, and heard my voice come dismally back in a hundred echoes, till it seemed to be lost in the bowels of the unproductive earth. Wrapping one of the blatikets about me, to protect me from the freezing cold, and cautiously using my stick to try every foot of ground before me, I now began to move about; over blocks and heaps and hills of lava and narrow chasms and pitfalls and patches of snow and ice, my faithful guide keeping near, and often warning me to be careful of my steps. In this manner lat length ascended a ridge of considerable eleva tion, stumbling my way to the top, and now and then displacing fragments of lava that rolled crushing down behind me. As yet I seen no signs of the mouth of the crater, which eighty years before had VOID ited forth its terrific and desolating streams of melted black sand; but, on reaching the summit of thi ridge, I looked down into a wit of basin, open at the lower side, and hav ing some three or four deep seams or chasms in its centre, into which the melting snow and ice on its sides were running in small streams. A peculiar and not very agreeable odor came up with a thin, smoky vapor, and I fancied I could hear a distant so und, something between a gurgle and a rumble. `f I suppose this is the °filch's.] cra ter," I said turning to the guide. The fellow was as pale as death, and every feature expressed surprise allied to fear. "What is the matterr,l quickly de mended ; "have you sees this spot be fore 11" ' I have seen this spot before, master," he eplied; but never anything like this. When I was here last there was no hol 'owl here; butonlyirlevel plain of snow and ioe." 'lndeed!" exclaimed I, feeling strangely interested; what then do you infer?" that there IS about to be a fresh irraption F" fear so, master, what else can have ()awed this change? You see that there is beat below whielehas melted the thick clabier, and °illy a few streaks of ice no* remain upon the upper part of the sidos, while_ all the centeris gone." nd the ground here has a slight fee ing of warmth, too !" I rejoined, as •nt down and laid my - hand upon itv - ' Let us leave, maker," returned the t io ial w, hurriedly, lookingaroued with an ex ression of alarm. I do not like to re ain here, we Inv be destroyed at ant m'onigpt, . Let, Jig ikaaten down and re • ort wliiitla haiit' seen." ' ' ' Nay," said I feeling strangely in ter sled and fascinated by the perilous no elty, -"I do not think there is Immo di. danger, for the show and ice sae p • n to be seen, have melted' slowly,. an 4 before I go away, never to return, I should like to venture into this bar sins andJpolc Own ; , into one of Ihoee chrome." : ‘Oh, no, master," replied the guide, _frith nervoo anxiety; "do not do it; it da.ENTS cALt. . might edit Yo u your life." • ' • . Ajr Double Bole 13oote, Gents Kip Boote. - - ''At least I will risk it, if you will Youths Calf Boots. I , sgme to wait for me," said I, fully de- craze; {tIELBAPt 1 OHICAPtiI - [termined, outtbe venture, even though AT PIO. 16-FIFTH BTRITICT. Sl-. s DETKETI BAUR= BO L til ere, to „go pithout his Consent.' Mß :: 4 I Wiltsmit; Its answered- "but r u . Lumina. imitable for leased ?re- Akr ° i t'? - zieniberanaster; you go down against . ABDIDX7O OIL COMPANY, ' 4 Z i a ke dviee." . :, , ,- 46 •Thim.owt. , " under or hollow was about fifty TIREED-Pakotykkarsiwiale ili dePth_ilrithgentirskTing atheP lima" . ~..,, , ERIDIT H. UMW* 1- , PATENT , AGENCY Dewit C. tawreare F o r, Twelve Pearl as Emu, cer ok the tent Office - the last four as a 11'ember of the Board of Appeal. NOTE--All Informed Pa Patemt sad a copy of at out& aster LO_Preaaat Co. David P: Holloway. W. H. MoGIBE 8z co., lIERCHANT TAILORS, IN . ,,rzz i, t im he d, attention O c l A buyers to varied ,loc k Fail and Winter Goods, jut received, among winch may be ',mod ail of Ms newest stree of goods fbr Gems aed Youth'e Wars, together with a full and =bite assort. meat of gentlemen's' Fornisning VP H. afcliEll t (X)_ 143 Festersl et. no2fl2m I CT. Matlt wt Bensre. A 11., nano City. EATON, MACRAME & CO., JOBBERS & RETAILERS -o P Trimmings,lgoitirci kieries, Hosiery, Gloves. Shirts Cranium Underantrts, Skirts. Yarns, Ribbons, Such* Flowers. Zephyrs Wool. A hilliMpantitA4l. WARMS always on band. sgriailty and Country Merchants supplied at low prices. EATON, MAORITii Oft, isiT4 N 0.17 Fifth street. TO PARESIS MO 01411{10--F9KAILB 02101 191131PX110PICE108 PATAZIP Grain Fan and Separator, PATENTED JANUARY 10, 1860. THE superiority of this Fanover all others in use, 4:imian' in its cheapness, mm i7 and dursbilny. Second. In cleaning grain faster, better and more that= with less labor than any other mill ever The patentee of the above Fan has heen long en. gaged In manathcbaring and selling Acut tarsi implements, convinced of the great, want good Fan fordewing e different kinds of grai and seeds, presents M l to the public with 39.11 Silence that it will meet their wants. The undersigned having purchased the sol tight to uumufsottire and sell the above Grain Fa and Separator, in Western Pennsylualus„ Wester!, Vtzghlus and all Ohio, and the right to sell in In diens and IDtnots , is now prepared to till all order Wholesale or Retail at 319 Liberty street, Pigs. Pa. W W. WA.I.JAGRI _Pittsburgh, July 16, 11161.--IylB:6mdaw E. WATT 8; TERRY, PRICE & IMPORTERS AND DEA TN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Satinets, Vestiags, Tailors'Triiiitaings, &a, NO. 255 MARKET BT. North Side, PUILADELPHIA, PA. lOUdedsu,y V. TXPIy, Deem. 11. run, OLIVIA V. Tull JAMES H. CHIL:DS & CO. - HOPE COTTON MILLS, • Allegheny City; Pa. suurouerceso 07 SEAMLESS, HAGS , ARO OF 0 1 3.1%tr.49131Z7PL0t8, Si Inches to 40 inihes Mae cvosrniere e ft:L ee left et H. LDS °CgiAiBB )HOTOORAPHIC ALBUMS, UNTXCEPTIONISVEIN STYLE, UNSURPASSED IN - BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIDES WITH A lrdm.T to A k T n I O an N l aMOs Rin OCOO. WITH TURKEY A.NTIQUE, WITH VELVET AND GOLD To hold Twelve Girds. • To hold Twenty - Oarda uds. To hold To hold Cards, To hold FIAT Cards, • To hold Sixty Garda To hold Eighty Cards, To hold One Hands ed. Cards. To hold Two Hundred Cards. //rpm SEVENTY•FIVE CENTS To F:FT.EIL'S LJLLAtiS CARTE DE VISITE - PORTRAITS. Card Photograps of all thkoalobtitles of Xiiielltat and REIM°, eeniprigng, arnh a -few exooptioas All the crowned heads, All the prominent statesmen, Ali the principal Generals, All the fegortt.vAuthpll s All the 4tlvekialllergymen, All tato Aletpgdishcfl citizens, 411 tie reinae: Marbles, est isti liElliny Ettustessortolitmt t Miner. oast door to Post office dell ARBON OIL AND LAMPS- 1 Every description of Lamps, from the sheep est Kitchen Lamp, to the most splendid Parlay Lamp. "lairp abides of every desciriptioNand the best mislay niCticreett OtL constantly on haitd and for Went the stare of 80EMERTZ a BLELICLIIT6. . No. 168 Waco street v • -:.1,5 Li* • Wes.. 1/L- FABEW & CO, ~•.EiVelar) Ina iiiiiitiii STEAM,. ENGINE, init.oEBs a . - - = -- i dr-- -- ' . , Ep • • igoN - Fourcwans, :_. ,:. bwh. , , Also Beniole addraY , (lateral yaeatfitta 'm14116111,1 , Maker% ~ Cattleisleit at Chen, P Neartne r6ilit. 'B. Aiisiiiigei Damn- '!,- : P"ttft 7 oßeF 4 will lw * , . b .''''' 1 31 17 1 11101D11613. E.A., ; . IiSpIeACITIE - E - Al , ll - -KINDS -op. ' Wires, wand& S7 ,33 boudrati and fifty bones power. And Salad fin , eirlid - 1 :Erma, saw ItulailEllsist ratultruivErlacturies, rte. • Give porticols; attongpx49 Wpm:motion of Ho. Muss and liflentnep , Tel'grief 'rn i slby iindlor apt - Save Inn* and.OPS.o4lla7 flaU also on handontenod and ' s r -MO: meld at short notice, wee arid. Wdlans of oyatrz de antotion: Akahrurnisli Boildrs and litseaLlron..saparatalh. .Wrouglat IroniThafting,. Hangeia and Palsies in every warii3rs , ; . and oontinlin t.,b► idaindandurw 0f.,7 Woolen Islaeo2nory anoidaeimer. -Char mese arolow, our =chit ' ntatisilligtured of the boat chitty erSitiSCIAIN a Mar Mated fp. All ewes to gmo satisfaction. AGTOMers from all parts of the wonkys°ll°lMo and promptly filled: fe4l.ldaw nu m. PARA. igr,sooo . &an FED o&$1?, PITTEBUAGLI, V.:retroto, N. W fira llecOnd p.treoto: Niminfannwne. °fall aims anddesakplihneol Coal on, Maoris and Hillis, Gas toot War Pips, Sad ison4 poi; !Jona, "if a - he a ;InVor;Steer Mould* Pul lita,.Rannara OctipAngs, Woo lobbing sad V.P..n1130. Contbfgn erm dew senSion made to order, flaying &complete witchlike ilopiatUchait to tte' Folmilin, all lief:Elam' titittat 1 111 bO' caratar MRO.O to . faeastews , PATENT AGEX Robe. W. Fenwiek lAOMAR RATTTGAIT, BURAPEA.N. ont, No. 116 177eteretteeto Pittsburgh+ Pas fo-prent reArto piing opt or_ een4 ko ; msengere from. or to ca, part or the old oottnrty, either' stet etereler saitin peacketa. 'S,I3IHT iYRA_ R0Z3e.T...T.4 *any rtry of Enropo, Ageut.for tho Indron4obtr and trytteinnoti roo4 Also, Agent for Me old , Blank Star Linn,ol Baittet Packets, and for tUe :Wes of &enviers &l ins flatworm Ncox Tort Mr#o2:4; CRAM , ertihtßU For the past four rears tanager .of the Washing ton Branch of hey- Selentihe American Pa te ntAg clot e and fbr Ft& teen Tears In the Patent Agency ness. • WM. st. m_a..o-szr--; • HOTTEIBAIGN & ORZLINCRISIVits PAINTER AND PLAZIEEI 4 71 cousrth St., Bats Wood * Eint/th*lld PI MB FRG , Fit, PA: milt Work p a 'Otto:Wed tos iikr&ity+3 aeoeasary to procure a • .. t Lamm seat treat)! Ler of Paten d taa. m jfiIIICKW HEAT FLO t • 142 maim, a prime article, j ust radePred sicd for sale by .400 , dell 147 Front sad 11384=114 stream. AURIO A i wa:soma! A USTIN LOOMIS & (X)„ Deslin in Yromissmy Note, Bonds„liortogp, stele* securities fsr money. Ifoneyrocustory Notes, Bends, with' coustern) s aznai::ecs. . • *Ol4B tNLI Vert.FTS BOUgin AND. BOLD. Paean - a.? cleaning Lunn enn tai l=itirand tha eationahle term& andnapi imfairdatied Fitt good soeccrittackst remunerative prima. Alm i attend to the Bale, gaming r* it 5 .043 deal Estate. , Oltim, No. ird FOURTH RTRIeg - T above vt6 0 46 1 ., tan i. AUSTIN LOWllit 4 , 00. Ur trIREAT INDUCE . LENTS TO CASH Buyers of BOOTS, SHOES AND GUMS. Call soon sththtseure a r amain, as T am selling at the same 1 , 4 e, Oros, ae.Boote and Bhoee here ad winced LS per *eat. JOSEPH. H BORLAND, iEi CHEAP CASH STORE'S?* ja2s 98 51arnet street, 21 door from 1 , fifth RANHES AND LEmoNs. FRESH, just received at THE FULJAM NG ARE . VOLUNTA; BY statements from pererni et reepectsbiffty and truth, es this vimnity, who have been greatly benefltied err his remedma ettinfLef whom Armed evidently have been in theirgravea 4 4 Alio_ if 'eft had not seen ariestiki by DrAdithentles medicines: Cass of Ltv.r Complaint giant 0344!p0i, of Ton le eitv a Si andiniati. I have been suffering for tea .years pest from Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia. I neara of Dr. Acbenok's °emu:lg out to M Hoch* and I thought I wouldgo and see him, as my disease bad increased in violence within the past two ye ,re, wnd I had been under trea'ment of serereu doe Grip, from whom I received no benefit. In the early part of June of this year I went to see Dr. Schenck, and was examined cy him with his 4 ItIitErPIROM ETER.. I have been taking his Aide:wide Swap,- Sea Weal Arnie and Mandrake Pas since then, and I must say that I MI greatly beneattvid by their use; indeed, I might aimost say that J an 2 ANNA M. SKIM October 81 Lomat, /Wand fps Mahoning to, Ohio. . , BBL I hare been much beneficed by the IMO of Dr. Ekthenek's medicines. RUFUB PARER. Pawed, sane... Oct 81; 2861, I had been affected with Disease of the Lunge for tour or five years, when I heard of .Dr. Schenck cotro2 to Martin Koch'is. Preitiowa to this tame I bad vett up all hope of ever getti ng we ll , but Mn och, venom L anew to have .been cured by Dr. Schenck, urged my husband 'Until he prevailedopcin me to go • rid see the Dootor, who found both my lung _ cted, the bronchial tubes were both diatom% wl,en I breathed, they. would rattle so that ittionkt be beard distinctly.— I have now taken hie Medicines for Acme tlane, and find myself wonderfully Improvo,, ; although not entirely recovered; I now find myself able lo &trend to most of my household dull &.and-have no doubt of my ultilinage recovery, From the benefit I have received froth Dr4 . 4lcaencleir treat men., I would advise all pemmacrtudiarbr affected to apply to him when he Makes 'hl next visit . • Od • lltaL . iIiaIsIZ4OPINELL, Ibland Itatinship, Cb, WO: . 81, Certificate of•Jmuis ,;; I have been troubled for about two leantitlth pain in my breaat. Late in the Spring of this year I heard of Dr. Schenck- tenting- mit. to b:nein Koch's, and I determined to mill ,and.Bol3 him, and get examined with his Respite:wafter. I Aid , so, and also tookidl three of. his modnisetamo : cording to directions, and I hate bees! Niacin:led. I hope, from the lamaiiilinesifti al:- permuted, that it will not be long until, I Jim an drekr well. • , • •batia /Wand 2bwruhip,ifitiontra G 2. orMo, chi al, IBC For about five years I had been affected • with pain in the right side °tiny breast, -end in hopes of getting relied, I had taken many different kfnda of medicine* but Sound DO beipefit from Ahem whatever. I then heard of Dr. S...henck, and the • great cures he was performing, with hie treatment, and concluded to .send to his Agent in Pittsburgh, Dr. Keser for soma of WS' -inedi oinei Free-inns to taking it, I eras so:prostrated aa to be amble to ARCIX•118 WriDe4). -OM to . l al,-In bedif wasobllgedlo Imp Ina °wain orde r to oti• Win any Test at all. After having bikini. , Dn. Schenck's medicine* I.hear4 that.the. Anctormaln, coming to Martin Hoch%and Ldetemined to see him. I vine already eo much improved by use of biomedicine, lea Wine, ableite,go war to Mr. Hoch% wincha 14110441C00r _, a milts from. my. house. The , oci or pronoliceed my disease to be BrnriOntialtionsittanptiniaantVLlvreitChunt. plWaiit> with an wine:mon .of the Penult to the ribs: , I would moreover add, that I coughed et Most continually, and epif up 'Dirge ~ t itutetitles of• matter - wok the Pnaisiviset Su:Weed Toni,* and ,Itliusdrykke Play according to the ficelbt's direction* ands= happy to any that rem nearly; wen . , ANNa. -Wa.gyie Oct. AV 1801. 1104ity nnonslig, Cblus*Ack.O., cre',44'w ?OR gnu' OR.LEASE Me. A T OF FIVE Y'RA 12£1-4 delightful country kind ens, situated in the immediate vicinity of the city, with four sores of ground attached. Tee io oaticm ie the most desirable of any offered; the home eontaltung eight yournal.and Intel:gm with go-'d wall and cistern alerted. Nor terms apply VT IL FERGUSON, at No. it Booth Oommonoillee. ghenyeity, from 12 to Ib. tn. daffy.: jall2wde Hol FOR CHRISTMAS 'OD , NEW YEARS GLler3l-800T4, 138 - 01321 `INU GIIMEI—The eery art Cie that ismanted,-sud will bathe best, meet,dealrat,le and eerviceable Roma you Callifille a Metal; and only labir at the !Mee. me'ed Congrebn laspn g Mots, only V ,001 - Ladles' heeled BehnorAZ kioetoo, 0 11111,1 : 6;:Boye. Boots. from MO' to st.oo. K e pi; r e arid Bum Shorm, itAnk uolie and Iblelleeelliirthint!nvittating butelinant equate I.ox figurew t , • ••,. ; JOS ScottL4lslt.ry*i Market 81., 2d door from 4th. dale TIJEIRICUN GETtICT,' 19holeside and Retail !Grocers. arraiiists Asa DMZ 1138 131 , • 'MAAS, WINES, L14140//11$ ^44 1 NoTerNeat eneser of • • • DtAti..MO#Di ORISOI3TRW Al 4 .. 4 1 , r - ' Ow, - 4 ,44,4416a149C791* I' ...t.4.1"-os .. . . .. • ~, .., ~ t :..t .ii . : l 1 1 e.,44. 5 ,7,4 . , ‘.. 4 1 vet Fi7ti EVROPEAt9i 4LGENCIV. RETMER. & BRO, Nos l'2a a. d 128 Wood streak Cage of Dire McConnell. Cure of Mrs. - -., - rz,:: ,;:.<777,44. ' .. ' 1,.,: -. .:' ... 1 .:.:: "= , :.- 1 :',4'.:i'.."- - V, l .?;:ii-A.l_,.g'-';'-''''''''...- unntitimerid,Vitiltit*,4 ,- ,, , ,„ 1 / 4 41 IDli I' Ting -11SE"Or 'A MTIPPA I O4- 4 41414 . :F s, i ' 'MPI 'irneittty:,_ntreolnvotgebßnicMrittloty,.l.=!Ett4 vund., Cold mauler ia tbilime mbar ow ~,,,,,-„..,.--, , tae Cali be oineti Wile beat latagattarcl r 4),,v4 r .1,,.,„%4. - - gentietnekand their famlffee bare IltetrtiMat "ek., ,/,. • ..7, ,, 5ffktz , .. , traded bYtlinateht%'esclitteattiffiato "' st's, 111 ,ki: 7 2 - ...,,, 'ffietafety andvainteaptama of Ate 41=01nt5Tb&25:444..2,7*.5.; tow boa Veen 'atidlay Vernaln IA- ,Fl 3, , , - T;\"%,„; sorting the vontcamtaryisti, 40AkoovetboftriVaii414- ;prooosa.___. _,,,,..--1A ~,,,-, . ..- : 4,...-e; • A.Erra 7 OULTßEZll,..tearmwot ' : -, ` . .-- ,, ,_, , , , ,,-.4-4:: 'l3 V 4 , AffellltatitY t t le l l / 1 , noltlydlo mg fit .--, .. _, .•:-. s -...- „.,..s. r” i t04 , ,..1.' litp.- --..4,..,-* , ,,, , - -,..--,-, 1.,.t., ...- ii. :,,,:-- fiu'ttut. 03 , , - ::1-po-Fe-4 ~.„ e ..,..1,,,Ti 4.I.I:FRLEigI), ;::,'; :;,, 1...„51,-V DR. SWEET'S 1 • let r. ~ ' , ~ „A z t,.,_ a properect &cam the yectpe , •-. s • ~7 -' " ,; . f A;` , 4t ;•'""V'' cif Conneodenti tbegrent . , • , atatt ~ ..„*. A A-,,, t t , .I , f A 1_ ,. .. "stqed fn od e ti - .eat .4 , ozum - - -- ': - 3. v. -; th, -moot aatbnisning . -' • * -..., -,.„- remedy Ate AlialOtit stritgaratodiailliff el .1:.;.' . ,• : . , 4 WO - 171,.,_ ,- .`:' - ‘ - ' , &Omni aneltiliff•Ofqi' 411-1:4.13,i_er ,PrPikantrikk.fi44.: P"-7 ' ll t .: Ea Miasmatic and. fitgroua ....e...Adins• • i _ ~,......,_..,,5,.., Inftilible,^tilid. niacin:Wit* 'fort oc_iteeir , 1-z. 4 3. 1 .=._%.:.71„....--.„,,% 1 AVrablit Withlilll,./tir4 rte netalitg,,(' _,. --e....,-Alcii,43,-;,-,',:e powerfcd qtrensulent-u4nroperockestivi eavi...,,,,,,.- -4 - y, , ,, , , hea r, `wonder and natoneiliment nf tall - nir Lit , 7 - ----'. --. ~.-??,. -.., f:_- , orkn It a trial, Oyer _dentibandreakalertatamot4 . - t 4 ,a-caft 4- -.:5-0-T regtatitable area, neiforPosa teft#l44llll%4l9,Etil-C-It4" ' '''' ''''' 4 ,w0 gem, attest ttda taut ' --,'--- 4 - 4 - ii.,'. , rc. T..-sEburrur-.4_,_ . _ ~-(10 .` - '''P .9 . 7l • , --'.2..... ,, ,:"i1 . • 3 Aitnitlet.firf ?ll''. iihe'‘,:: , T e,,..-• , C , ..f i.. k1..i.t..4,,C141X zritt.d. --'5 ~e' riqr,-.. , ,,, 4."..ti al -rte , ~;-, -. -- - z.- -‘4 t .; -^,,ts,-.11,... 4,-t - '2-'''' '- " , , ,, , F! - t•- 1 - . - , ..-.1)1 . / 1---." ,Ltt -, /.1 1: I ' ' c` ,-;4 73 . 4. -- ; A t - ). 0141 111° ........s..eki, 1 -t 4; :-., ll .v.. 44 1 1..9r.if. - , 'T A& -wig ) ~ .-1.-4. c•a_v''%;.,s4" - ..,, (00at plaikt`tnsl , ..fii.'l" ~. GREAT CORE= FOR 1 GOISUNP-TakikOW,-;;;Lflct, , .„ .. „ 3......r..1 , , ,- 7........ ~a , „,. i:.- r rzfrrnoi i ßrrro.riMrtruoxx,ut.-: 4 n -c:st. - tt,.. .2. LINE Galin . e it - the itndr , ett %Mitt* tf O.!) „ concentrate _ttto of the PineH7o Intonarsa*...,:` , t.,,,lri - chtelor disetfaetilS the Longa atm lint . 13 - l i t igator ...--- - ,, .f, offering to anfferingn lmnutaity,tite;ttroi,,r : o74 - 1 ,, - ,y , je„, , varience. Tine truly at' an& g ood to lir • , prepared w.thmanh nom tno 3 tarbetniritinto4o, •• 2 .3 - ` , l- - 1 . : 1 1 entre-al fort is thmerore free from a ll r town& _ 4 , 1. de , o r c o mm i c ti s Lii. . , ‘ 'rt i `1 .. s i , , n4 ' .• '4..‘,‘ A ,'' ,7, 2 -, Ithas cured score cases of Conmmtritimabo. ,117 : ... fe....., , e - t1 Octown remedy aire , trat -,-,,,,,,,, it will COM BRONCHIA& ~ , _- _I - • ~,4 t., „.. '. - .1,-ilt ; i Ht , oill care ADVHILi. ..,..',A dtorill =re SORB TEEBOAT AND BR.BANT, ~ vi It will cure Cr UGH/3 AND COLDS. and it NZ '•,.; valuable reuxiadY for eiciease6 of the/CUM/MI f-ir-”; w-v-i n . URINARY 0011.PLAIND31. __, z. 7., r.,,..;. t w„ ,,, 4,4 , lA6' &Mire of Counterfeita. - air - !J;;=',.:: If p i ts p lt_vethe Xylipepaist nee WlEULtirgEt DT* ~..4 J ny i r .. „, , ,,:t 4 i - - , •,, siA PILLS , and i' they do not cnoolon ~. ..d. . go tothe agent of whom- in mcbmd -4"' ~ _lvi -',.,.„ . .i. .„ theme, and receive yOur. money. • ~, , --' l ,-..„ Please call at Ma etas and. getatlasarlPffn nth ' ' ..4 "r ' -..-W:,- miler. Onex of Ails sent by mail, poOppil on xe-g- 1 --..,,` . coins of Dol'ar. , .--_, No .10 Etonths-oonii ~.._ strioat 4 4 j. L. Q C. to l ßHAßT;ProVrretor. ': - .. 4, ,, , nEioolyy DB. HEUER, ld b No.IAO woodatreet.:- -', 1.r... ,-....*'v eoci li ' ' ''' - Li.. , !*'.:J:r ..)^ ard&w.eagr., • ~% • . ;•.k. , ,,, kw.•_ • 11ELPORTAliril TO LADWittit.- DR.. JOHN HARVEY having fee , 'upwards of twenty years devoted nut prpiss 7, - • alone) time exclusively to she treatizeatet trameis,rtseu Diffictatia, and havinßeucceedo4 WAMPUM' of CAB ea in restoring the iifffititt-d tti eintildliehiikbati4x?av , ALCM cap lEV confi dence in capsiegAbhciyhtle Great Axaerican .11elnedyni D.R. HARVEY'S 4a1.42 4 , ,HRONO-THERMAL FEINALE.PILLS.-Nisa, Wash have newer yet tailed-(when the Aire* - cone have been strictly tollowed,Airb - inovingddlionlbesi wining treat:-re, 1-3 Obstraetioi;or btopage of Natal% < or in restoring the system to perfect et:Bering Irma Bisset.Amnions, OtOnAraft , to, lex Musts, or other weak:lnes orthe Mina oases& Also, in all cases of Laggra cal-Itgavottglicriii Persimmon, Bremuce, Pazieraszona, .40 941:4 are the forertinbers of morerseriOntedieltael 4,...71. 14 rib are per ieetly &wages! on OA , - stte , #ion, and may be ,tai on the most &Olga • maxi. saithost mow &straw; at the smq,unlik4 _ties. Aar man u count 'by itrengthesittig, invigontV - lag, and railatingthe system he. a 117 `Agnidkr,a bon, and by bringing on-the monthly odoritlt, , toga no Matter from wlutt came Webstroe4X;-144 'ions may arise. They ehoold.howswerewil_be *lnall; rtr li g i r der na the fret three or fora intithroi Es hough sate at any other time, as iniargnglestk , would be the restilt. . Each - hoz Contains 60 Pills. Pucethintiouggio.l'' and when deisired will be tent by mallprelioddbt any advertised Agent, on receipt of the intaley;:- J. BRYAN, Rochester, GeneanF a Bold by Drugghge generally. a4lt s lyastig„,4 . - _ H. D. BBECIET'SiIItIgN,E' • ' larisupectiVpds Car ILOOKIII9 -f1114821181.-` poitTivivr "AdTtr#9 . F.:,9m , and linitallot buweed*lii* 4 -i DELIA= IN `..." • PEtaßii ,PLAU Azoisumwl/74/04 • 128 Bmlthlield , •Btropl A Dezoler's Block,. bohwyon POW anc4,8102„ • buret Pa. air o:fity Glass al soasuracsayiew Pain 11311, :Palk:War astenuasidossalareV244,4l, tin% Be asiallkO r nom bl: 11 0 0 • 0 1"., framed at who east price. • ;.• • al:- • cm* ;0tg.71.,T00 •BO W ..& T KT:LA 11(.3,vc,..F1izw ,. Ise : Wood street AKE2 T001,4E3, FOLMIIVG 11 - linatth'arthi. itt" - sposonswii—Ake , " 4' 'nFigbasnieturibvuftes:atuantatseutftglgiiimi4l everaqice,the ateveefirpt broke outore tab samara PrbinWbbeat tO engage in the oll:bnehiinumitsx ezci will be kw their intereatjo 01q.1131111544045161 4.11 of our iwa Dew tiend.. , • . CLOSING OUT STOCICraw SEDUCED 4,, iiiiit".r.,,,i.,,,,,A,A. -, 7 ,4 7 T-1.-w : -ea w e will shortly,il=A gw aip,:r . ,„" anal inventory of atook,we hAve - inacte ..- ~ .4.4. time in the pr:oea of. • ' ,-,. -- -- ~, , 1 LIIIA - ALL OUR WINTE R (WO* i- - The largeF fortion t liqiitieh below tbi itigiwtti marketiirmaa, hawing /*law bought4arbrjrtas 'kr, -. SOW end - Poiltive bsupwina ***TA ralitßokr. , : . *.' -. 4 . Wholeazio taigas aretwittodiw z anda %.- '-s li.i - szWi MATON,. MAO 415.4 ton ..c -1. , . -,' '. • ' , i. , -Igm wow* v t cli:..-A • %VALUABLE !OARLANDAiaidenotk ' v.-a , FOR gALDFA large Awl 00 9 2 tertabblAbind• ' ..; hog Eforse - of eleven ' rooms, roar nags 8 heiviiita-4'-',• 'PorakiNgr4A=al.l% .11rivaitAtile*,:clagmjousaiit,ti and omer out Name_ . Waimea mad _ saimt-a front otl2B feet awremotsmardelmwoUWKwidagdakTo of choice fruits, Krape moo, ,4e. Also.* good . -.- den, shrobbary, tenant liout4tirewiatijk - - • ::T .,,. older._ The ,arkove is.plealliZttl, iiitglUir TATIST -, q I - eat ofcceas t and Will re data 'on' flit -- - o#4- ...gj with poems:wan on thelizatof AA..-% iis 1 ..= ,ii 'l3 : trOTBB iv' . • all .: i.. -3 - '3 ~ ' ' Inithadrelhitralli4V.zo BAREFLIA-Bl,•&:WAMagnitriit • ‘.., from three to Bevan Team old i .. - 240- taffeta ReetiftedVhblretif, ipx--,...a,,,A 40 do. Raw do._.: —;, ._. ~.„. ....74,..,, A fine assortment ' orfroported-Bridadlig i&llAri. Wild Cherry and blackbarry Ellandydin-,4204444.1. linivonen- Pure Pori, Madetra-asdahereeNtoeerer thebilik-: - 'inuris, loom mom eelesmowaskttr"— retail by . _ cu. 1. c 7 4.+X 4.16 e C.444,444,0T-4....c0pF 7 4WA A N:kMW, . f,-‘.. fwboieatieiihßaiteil4laroer - o ton 57ast and taf,sl)larosonLAii aakandf,- , ,L1 4 ". ' Nap AMP Tnyearsiatata, Pzietallattaaatitl434% ' Vtr nil rybrect:lauf tearatplim r Rlllo ei tlißiPe L T7 Pu fr bilß" ati4 : lvCt ae* - Takata:a - gilt IC-the :ertat;l:!;lr4 -m Ssodins ob i ti•W'-; as closing out at tedtylect= aftwizar. Mamb. me a tio 4 44.44; r 4. Bening much lege, qtaao,,,ninficasiiliatspaikof,4; sad ast Bairgi46l/46 VP 7ll4 ll4 l 244KOCklrel t lien t i 4l' fil3" :Wi !3 ' . tr" . ! M;a l MMUS' 4 atIME,MOIII neoupsied ito t h 31facc nilik r i Mktpv . • EWEN ~, , . . i i , _ ~: :..<..