. JAMES P. BARR, EDITOR ANDRROP,RIE TO Et, DAY MORNING, JAIL C3ITY MATT77R The Retiring Municipal Officers. Today the fiscal year of our city closes and with It the term of office of Hon. Geo. Wilson, the present Mayor, and Thomas Steele, El. City Controller. The May. or's Clerk, iVm. Barnhill, jr., also gives way to the new appointee, Mr. Mercer, and Chief of Polioa Patterson and officers Richardson, Smithson, Barr and Riddle retire from the constabulary force: We part with regret from all these gentlemen is their official capacity and take the Free • ent occasion of returning thanks to one and all for many courtesies extended us. The public will lose Mayor Wilson with j regret; he was an upright, conscientious officer, discharging his duties "without fear or favor," erring only (if ever) by leaning to the side of mercy. He was ever affable and obliging and has made few (if any) enemies during his administration.— Mr. Barnhill will also be missed by the frequenters of the office. He was well qualified for his position, prompt, ener getic and accurate, and always at his post when needed and ever ready to oblige the seeker for "items," if in his power. We regret that circumstances compel him to retire, bat in the seething pool of politics changes are by no means rare. This should also be a consolation to the officers named above, to whom wa have also been under obligations and all of whom have our best wishes for success in their future undertakings. "Squire" Steele, the retiring Control. ler, needs no commendation at our hands, as he is universally known and as gener ally esteemed. He retires from office, (where he has beenfor two years, first as as. &tent Controller under Mr. Errett and latterly as spocessor.) with the good wish. es of all with whom its business brought him in contact, of the press particularly, to whom be was most attentive. The af. faire of the Controller's office were admir ably conducted by Mr. Steele, who is pro verbially neat and accurate as an account. ant and if his successor leaves the business in as good a condition as it now is be will have good cause for gratulation. Mr. 8. gou to a position quite is lucrative, though not lees laborious, as Chief Clerk in the Prothonotary's office. Of the incoming officers we have now nothing to say, "by their fruits ye shal' know them," Miss Omaithorra Tnoairsoir.—We un derstand that Manager Henderson has ef. footed an engagement with this lady to play at the Theatre next week. She was leading lady at Mrs. John Drew's Arch Street Theatre and is now playing at the Front Street Theatre, Baltimore. Miss Thompson is a lady of great personal at. traction and undoubted talent and is high. ly spoken of as an actress by those who have seen her. She is a daughter of Lysander Thompson, the celebrated York. shire actor, who will be remembered by many of oar old Theatre-goers. Miss Thompson has a magnificent wardrobe, a most important matter for a "star.". We hope to see both her and the management do well by the engagement. THE new steel breech loading cannon, invented by H. F. Mann, of Laporte, Indiana, which we noticed some time ago as in progress of completion, at Mack intoab, Hemphill & Oo's, Fifth Ward, has been finished and sent to Washington, for trial by the War Department. It is three feet long, one third from the breech hex. agonal, the rest round, tapering to the muzzle, bore about one and oneethlrd inches, rifled, and carries a conical twelve ounce ball. The chaxge is half an ounce of powder. In close quarters cartridges will be fired containing ten or twelve balls each, at the rate of ten or twelve rounds a minute. If the gun does ad that is pro mised it will be a most destructive weapon of warfare. 01711 FORCES W ESTERS' VIELOINIA There are now eome twen •y thousand men, chiefly Ohioans, in Gen. Lander'e division at Patterson's Creek, including four fall batteries and a section At Piedmont there are about seven thousand men. At Cum. berland there is also a strong force, with six hundred and fifty in hospital. Gen. Dander's force is being divided into brig% sties, with acting Brigadier Generals to command them. The rebel force in and near Romney is about 16,000. Gen. Jack son commandine the infantry and Colonel Ashby the cavalry. Stirring news in this quarter is looked for. Raw ARBA.NOBILLN T.—We notice by the "Evening Chronicle" that our friend Dr. Keyser, of 140 Wood street, who has done a large business in the way of medi• clues of a proprietary character, besides that of prescribing for those who chose to call on him for his services, has called to his assistance a young gentleman, Dr. P. P. Fox of Philadelphia, a graduate of the College of Pharmacy, and' who has a thorough knowledge of the art of medi cine. Dr. Fox speaks the English and German languages and from the wall known character of his emp.oyer we are willing to endorse him to our readers. 'ESTIOLTENG llosrairrrxx —The ma lotion of Mr. Rex, for the appointment of a committee to investigate the frauds alleged to have been perpetrated on the volunteers by the executive authorities, in the purchase of supplies, has passed the Legislature. The committee appointed under it consists of Messrs. Sellers, of Fnl. ton,. Republican; Vincent, of Brie, Be. publican; P. F. Smith, of ()heater, Union Democrat; Greenbank, of Philadelphia, Deitoorat; and Be; of Montgomery; Democrat. Da. J. H. Soaxisme.4-This. gentleman will be in Pittsburgh, at De. geyser's, 140 Wood street, On Monday and Tuesday next, February 8d - and"4th, to examine patients afflicted with diseases of the lungs __and air passages, also of the stomach and liver. His examistations are made by 'Janus:of an instrument called a IWO. rometer, Which will detect the exact con dition-of the lungs, and crouiu intimately connected with them. Perspns wishing to comtult him are requested early. A STBANi rue FaxAg.-4-A ; z. cabin passen.. -gPr, named France, who left'this oily on thaskuuner Entree Duncan; destined for a point thirty miles above lffarrietta, on last Friday night, while thnbost was rounding into the landing where - he was to get off; In a sudden fit of anger, and, without prohl vocation, picked up a poker hid assaulted a fellow passenger named Breln, deettleit for Louisville. After striking him several blows over the head with the goker, France leaped overboard and was drowned.- He was evidently insane, HEATIO.--The bill afferectst the Them. tre this evening will, we are confident, at, tract a better audience than of the present week. The old tragedy of “Virginiul, or the Roman Father" will be produoisd; with a good cast; Mr. W. 0. Gallagher as. Vir ginius, Miss Kate Newton as Virginia, &nut as Iciliut , McManus as Qa us, Fos „tee as Appius and Mackay as Dentatus.— The patriotic drama Df ” McOlellan's Dream" is also announced. The many Ifriends of Capt. Gallagher will barout in full force tp see him in hie favorite part, which he plays well. r . • Conviorun or lipan,Ea.—At the late term of - Court in Aterder county, Dennis • Vitylok , vis: Oat on - trial for the urarder of George:l. "Eiglest, at nendeisonville, on the evening of the 24th cif Ontober last. *ll l ll iitfoinid'ilthe.frisoins guilty of al murder in , thit . 118 " 61/° P d A 6 14 1 1 P,7 0 074 12 ,Ltu ; ir !or- CARBON/116D Baffin.—An establieb• ST S meat for the mann4hoture of bread, from water, flour and salt, without kneading, raised by means of carbonated air, is about to go into operation at the old express of. flea, No. 64 Fourth street, where the nee. emery machinery is being introduced. • 1x noticing. Prof. O'Laary's lecture yes.. terday we stated that it would be delivered at Larayetie Hall. We were in error; Concert Hall is the plans), as will be seen by the advertisement La luisF F. BROWN: of this city, who was a private in Capt. Brown's company dur ing the three months' campaign, has been appointed Hospital &award of the Thir teenth regiment, and assumed his duties on Monday last. • PAID.—The Thir.eenth regiment, 001. Rowley, have bema paid tw) months' wages, a large portion of which has been sent home to the familia) of the men in this 2lty. NOT Dire.D.—Jmaits E. Murdock, the Rotor, reported dead, is now alive and •in Cincinnati, where be is about to give dra , matio readings. Wo hope he ,may visit our city. AN interastinT, religious revival is in prog•ess st the Methodist Church in Tar- Gillum, to which one hundred members have bi-en added. COUNTERFEIT $8 bills on the (Alum bia Bank, Columbia e'unty, Pann., are in e'rculation in the Esetern part of the State. DIED ON OIL °alum —S. R. Anderson, a carpenter from Westmoreland county, died last Saturday night, of varloloid, on the Clapp farm, 0,1 Creek, Venango county. JOSEPH YSYEE ds 80N, Manufacturers of FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE & CHAIRS. WAREHOUSE, 136 SMITHFIELD STREET, (between Sixth 'Arent and Virgin alley.) nog PITTSBURG . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ALL STYLES, AND ALL PRIORS, —A LBo— FOB 1 8 6 2. 7011 BALI 111 W. S. HAVEN, Ic9 OORNICR WOOD AND 'Fa Irall ATRRICT SPAL DIN (3-PS THROAT CONFECTIONS BROWN'S BRONCHIA.L TROCHES BRYAN'S PIILMONIO WAFERS AYERS' CHERRY PECTORAL. SCHENCK'S PULMON/0 SYRUP SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP, For mile by CHAS. H. SUPER, AT HIS DRUG STORE, Cor. Penn and st, Clair Ste. nail TILE ORBIT QJIBITION OF TllB 114 For the next two weeks will be, WHAT OUGHT I TO BUY 0131 %/8"1"24. 0 4.8 NEWS ' l ' 4,11'8 PRESENT All the hin.sis and customers of BKINERAN, MUSA" & BIEDLE, That have not yet determined on what to buy wll please look over the following list of articles, when they will be sure to find something to scut Gold Vest Chain* S i lver Table Spoons, " Gents' Brea stpin,, " Tea Spoons, Bracelets, a Forks, " " w.taoles, " Butter Knives, Wait % Seals, " Soup Ladles, Pell e and Cases, " CTIMM " Lockets for blina- " Sugar Tongs, tures, " Salt Spoon is, „ Necklace, " ?dastard opoons ~, Studs , " Knife Ai „ Sleeve Battens, Fork, a Chooses, " Caps, Finger Binge, Thimbl Chatelaln Chains, " Snuff B ores, " Ear Rings, " Napkin Rings, " Ear Drops, Plated Castors, " Guard Choir's, " Cake Baskete, " HeTo, " Tea Setts. a Charms, ". Coffee Setts, " Armlets, " Pendia**, " &a. Molasses a Pitch ors, Plated Ice Pitchers, Plated Spoons and Forks, Plated Soup _and Oyster Ladles, eta, eta bleGeld and Sliver Watches of every imagairot. style and price. ok lgs„ French. German and American Clocks, Spy ases, Musical Boxes, 2 to 12 tunes; Bronze, Stab nary, Po' tanonaies and fancy articles in general too numerous to mention. All we ask is a call at oar establishment, NO. 4S FIFTH STREET, one door fromlil Wood, and examine our goods and prices. ALL PAPER! WALL PAPER 1 ELEIGAIPP I BEAUTIFUL PRETTY CHE W. P. MARSHALL, AP] ST Wood sdroot For sale by eels IT G A. li -100 barrels Baltimore B, Coffee. allitan 60 barrels extra 0, Oollem Segnr.—ln store and tar ini4 RRYMER # BROS, Non. 'Mend its lirnod etreet SUGAR -200 barrels New York and Baltimore Refined Coffee Sugar in store and for a.le by RISYMRR • BROS, • N0a.123 and Mt Wood street. ClkiliESE-200 boxes prime Obeesf IL/. for sale by Nell] HE ny H. COLLIN& bushels prime r IMOI'HY TEED-10. Seed for sale by . HENRY H. OOLLINS. EMONS--25 boxes each Messina and Malaga Lemons, to arrive to-day. and for aa'a REYMICR, k BROS, 128 aTod 128 Wood street. 29 . DOZEN BROOMS in store and for sale by J. A. FETZER, dell corner Market and First streets. WOOD AND MARBLE IMITA TION on Wall Paper. for dining nom. and vestibules tor toile at 107 Market street,. dal{ JOSEPH R. HI7_BERE3. APER lIA_NGINti, in every variety of decorations, for sale ty Jab W. P. MARSHALL, 87 Wood street B SALE- 8,000 The. prime Buoicwhest Plow receive • for silo by R. L. ALLEN. Agent. 6 Wood street OLL BUT'I'EB-3 barrels fresh 801 l Involved - and Weide 12T • - HKNRY 11,00LLINS. DOT CLAY-150 bbls Missouri Clay reathreeland &reale 4aIT %WRY FL COWIN • ) - 4 .lIN B t USH-313 bales fine ova, for sale br HENRY OOLLINB !ll.Lll#l.TEdrfirszt ,,,xlmus of . 3 4justreoarre Wu dsolv3r sale FAME A =Ala, -44 :v.Acl.)l4llTOciendikaalAeu,,Y. 2B £OllllO LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Last Might's Mews up to Two O'elock Thirty-Seventh Congress. INASIIINGTJN,. January 30 House.-- Mr. Fenton, of N. Y., from the Commit.. tee on Claims reported a bill for the relief of Philip Spear & Co., of N. Y., wroch was passed. It authorises the reissuing certificates of the loan of 1848 to the amount of $200,000 in place of those lost. Mr DA Res, of Mass.,causei a memorial to be read, suggesting en apor.ipriation for a National Cemetery in the District of Columbia so that bodies of deceased sol diers may be within the reach of their friends. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The House reiumed the consideration of the bill topay the several States the ex, pewees Incurred by them in enrolling, sub sisting, clothing, arming and transporting troops etc. After a debate on the frauds which have been nractaced, the bill was tabled, yeas,BB nays 44. Tile committee on E actions reported against the right of Chas. H• Upton of Va., to a seat in the House. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, and proceeded to the consideration of the A.vmy Appropr ation bill. Mr. Cox replied to Mr. Gurley's speech yesterday, essaying to show that the latter was not a safe military critic. Tnat Mc. Clellan, so far from restrainin g military movements in Kentucky and Missouri,bas facilitated and expedited rreparatione. He had no doubt that all his plans would to executed in good time and through the young general in chief, the rebellion Ge sifeetually crushed. adbpled Several amends were discussd, but none The Army bill passed as originally re ported. Adjourned. SENATE—Mr. GriMeB, Of lowa, presented the petition of citizens of lows for a gen eral bankrupt law. Mr. o..wan, of Pennsylvania, presented the petition of the citiz.ms of Berke caun. tv, Pennsylvania, in relation to General Seigle. Mr. Ten Eyck, of New Jersey, from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill to prohibit the Coolie trade by American Citizens. Mr. Chandler, of Michigan, offered a resolution that the Committee on Corn merce be in tructed to Inquire into the expediency of requiring the captains of all the vessels sailing to foreign ports during the present rebellion to take an oath of allegiance. Adopted. Mr. Rice, of Minnesota, offered a joint re - solution that the Secretary of War be authorized to procure from the officers and soldiers now prisoners in the so called C federate States an allotrue- t of their pay for their families and frieads, and the :••• retary of war issue drafts on New York or Boston to said families. Ad ptei. Mr. Grimes, of lowa, ott.red a res, Lion that the Secretary of War furnish a a statement in a tabular form of ail yea. gels purchased or chartered by tho War department since April, when the vessels were built, of what tonnage, price etc. Adopted. Mr. Hale, of N. H.. offered a resolution that the Secretary of the Navy Inform the Senate when the ship Franklin 's to be changed fur use as a steamer, whetter the deps , tment Intended to complete her for We the present year or any definite time . Adopted. Mr. Anthony, of R 1., called up the resolution to pint bOOO copies of the , gy on tne &lain of Senator Baker. Mr. Hale, said he hnd always opposed these resolutions to prin', and thou4h no man appreciated Ino (1 , 30,a1.1 more than himself yet he thought It a bad principle. Mr. Howard. moved to include the eu ogies of Mr. Ber.barn, Mr dressenden, said that a custom had grown up of printing torsi eul 'sr,ee in book. He thought it an unnecessary and useless expense, and when once on the committee on printing, he made a report against the custom In the case of Senator Rusk, of 'limas, and the Senate agreed to the report. Mr. McDougall, of Cal., spoke in favor of the resolution. Mr. Howard's amendment was adopted. The resolution was then rejected—yeas nays 27. A resolution was auciputid Instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the conditi .n end manag.ment of tbe government hospitals. the debate on this subject showed that there was much mismanagement in hospir , tal affairs, and the sick soldiers were no+ properly treated. A bill was reported for the constuction of a military railroad connecting Ken. lucky and Tennessee. The case of Senator Bright was again taken un. Mr. Howe, of W a., favored the vote o expulalon. Mr. Wilmot made an able speech on the subject in favor of the expulsion of the Senator. The Senate went into executive session and subsequen .1v adjourned Latest from Europe. PORTLAND, Jan. 84 . —The steamer An• glo Saxon has arrived with Liverpool ad vices of the 18th inat., four days later than previously received. She also brings telegraph ad vices via Londonderry to the 17Lh. The steamer Tentonia arrived out on the 12th. The America and Nova Scotia on the 4th. The Edinburgh on the 16th. The news is meagre. It is rumored that the rebel steamer Nashville has been sold to English owners. The United States steamer Tuscarora cows tinues blockading her at iiouthampton. LITBRPOOL, Jan, 17. —The saltie of cots ton for the week have been 40,000 bales, closing dull at a decline of Fl. The sales today (Friday) were 6,000 bales.— Flour has declined 6dOls. Wheat de. alined I®2d. Corn easier. Market cies% ed with an upward tendency for wheat.— Provisions quiet. LONDON January 1 711.—Cons ,Is for money, 981. GRNAT BRITAIN. —The financial writers In the English journals indulged in all sorts of gloomy forebodings for &merles, under the suspension of specie payments. Some argue that the issue of incontroyert ibln paper may be expected to render the country more than ever a prey to social disorganization and Jobbery- The London Globe makes the anno Alice ment that the Cabinet of Washington had given orders for the release of two Amer icans, Messrs. Z.lcharie and Rogers, taken from the English schooner Eugene Smith, by the steamer Santiago de Cuba. The steamer Adelaide, from ()ork, with a regiment onboard for Canada, put back to Plymouth" Round from stress of the weather. The iron.plated frigate Warrior was expected at Plymouth in a day or two, on her way to the North American stations But little baldness was doing In war risks at Lloyd's. The London limes Bays that mercantile letters from New York represent the cry for promoting insurrections among the slaves as gaining force. :7Axiditionaverreapridenoetras been Pfib lished In regard to the Trent affair, Lucia& lug Lord Itosielre reply' to Mr. Baward,e dispatch, dated January 11th, It express see much satisfaction at the conclasion ar rived at by the Washington government, which it considers most favorable to the maintainence of the most friendly relations. The English government, however, difs far from Mr. Sew.rd fa some of his oon• elusions and as it may lead to a better uns derstanding on several points of interns. tional law. Lord John Russel proposes to write another dispatch on the sub• jest. In the meantime, he says it is des sirable that the commanders of the United Sates cruisers shall be instructed not to re, e%t acts for which the British govern ment will have to ask redress, and which the United States government cannot un dertake to justify Lord Lyons is thanked for his discretion, etc., Iveral members of Parliament have bees addressing their constituents. Mr. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Ex chequer, in a speech made at Leith expres ed very friendly terms toward America, hopirg that the concessions of the Ameri can government would be received in a generous spirit, He thought however that the North had undertaken a task too big for teem. in view of the rending arrival of Mason and Slidell, various expedients were being wisp ad at Liverpool to secure anything but a flattering reception for them. Tao London Shipping Gazette sap that war or else d'plomatic strife is inevitable be , ween England and America. The publication of the correspondence in rel Won to the Trent affair has led to some re-y bitter strictures on the dispatch of Mr. Sward, particularly that part of it where it is insinuated that the prisoners, Messrs. Mason and Slidell would have been detained, had the Interests of the Union required it. The London Herald says that the last four lines of Mr. Sew. ard's dispatch is the only part that can be accepted as an answer to the British de mands. The French Journals generally oomph. !rent the Cabinet at Washington for their action in regard to the Trent affair. The pirate Sumter remained at Cadis. COMMERCIAL—LiverpooI, January 16-- otton; sales of three days, 19,000 bales; pricss are easier and the decline stated rat i®id—mostly on the middfing and lower qualities Speculatars and exporters took 10,000 bales. The advisee from Manchester concern ing the state of trade are unfavorab'e. The market is doll with a downward tendency. Breadstuffs —Wakefield, Nash & Co., and others, report flour dull and declined 6d@lld. Wheat declined I®2l ; lied Western 11®12i; Red douthern 12s 2d® 12s 41; White Western 12s 6d®l2s 9d; White Southern 124 9d€oBl 3d. Corn easier; mixed 31s 3d. Provisions. —The same authorities re. p)rt beef quiet and unchanged. Pork tending downward. Bacon still declining; sales at 894. Lard nominal, Tallow easier; sales at 491. Produce.—. 9 agar quiet but steady. Rice; sales small. Coffee steady. Ashes flat; p , ts 301, pearl common 13s 4i. Spirits of turnip. tine quiet at 74d LoNporr, Jan 16 —Wheat dull and 2d lower. Flour heavy at is decline. American Securities —lllinois Central Shams 43Ki-442.1 , discount; Shares 27 ®23f Via LOND.,NDICIIKT—LiverpooI, Jantigle ry 17 —Co ton the Brokers' circular re ports the atlas of the week at 49 000 bales; prices declined per. pound; the greater decline being on the lower qual ities. Specti'ators took 17,600 and ex rerters 8,000 hales. The sales to-day (Friday.) are estimated at 6,000 bales in cludin( 2,600 to speculators and exporters, the market closing dull and unchanged.— The auth-r.zed quotation. are fair, Or leans, 140; middling do 14-1; fair Mos bile,. 13i I; rnidd:lnz do 12i; fair Uplands 1311; middling do 12k1 The stocks is esti mated at 6517,000 bales including 235 000 American. BREALMOYYS—Hour study. Wheal' artive with an upward tendency. Corn quiet but steady. Provisions quiet but steady. LONDON, Jan. IT—Consols for money 93k; I,ls cent. shairs. 44,}®42+ discount; E-ie 28; N. , cent. chairs, 71® 73. The bi.lton in the Bank has Merest. ed 2:2415.000. From Washington, W•HCRorox, January 30.—The Senate has cot firmed the nomination of Major Frederick Steel of the 11th regiment of infantry se Brigadier General of volun. tenra Official dispatches from Oommodore G , Idsborough, dated January 28th, and addressed to the Navy Department, were received this morning. Seventeen of the navel vessel were et that time in the Sound over beyond the Bulkhead and under the immediate com• mend of C)remodore - ROwww, in fall mutt nei.s for operations of any kind. General Burm.ide prepsrng his forces to move in connection t Ith the fleet. ' Commodore Goldsborough says things now look hopeful, and I sincerely trust that we shall soon be at the enemy. Any decided approach now to this matter on the part of the rebels with all the forces they can muster would to a moral certain• ty result in their speedy capture and de• structlon. The Steamer Louisiana. Patta.nst-rali, January 80.—Letters from Hatteras state that the steamer had been floated off, where she grounded on the bar and was then safe, though the namage to her engines rendered her uses less as a transport. The Washington correspondent of the Tribune says: "The Special Committee on the National Foundry gave a hearing to-day to delega• aorta from various sections of the country. They will probably report in favor, of an establishment West of the Alleghenies. Prom Sandy Hook SANDY Hoot. M, D., Jan. 30 —Blnoe the retreat of the rebels from Bolivar, the weather has been too foggy to observe their movements. A heavy snow storm prevails this morning. It is known, that our shells on Tuesday, were not without effect and several of the rebels were kil. led and wounded. There are no signs of the weather clear ing at the present. i E@, g i i ~ it in 0., m . • g 2 .4 15 - -.4 r - -- 4, a !=t u p . 41" , -0° 2 F-4 i a t= 1 .. 1 el/ 2 i ~ 4 `° S a -... . 4. . ~., .., IS `tt 4- .b 1 bi ' l .1 : 8 Ii ti Ei 11 • 6 6' o-i .. 7,1, 0 , 2 zi , d .., 1 I i 42 am -e E i - . 0 0 4 a , i 4 0 *.i - A W. H. MoGEE & CO.. MERCHANT TAILORS, TYVITE the attention of buyers to A t roar large sad railed stook of Fall and Winter Goods, h o d moyiyed, moony whinh may be found all • the newest wales of anode for Gents apd Tones wet,, together with a fall and corm:dote sesort= mont of gentlemen's Furnishing Goode: W H. •fol}EE£ 00:1118 Peikina at no2o 2m - ear. attatstAktieres Alley. LIMY City. by dam If nay a. owls, COMMERCIAL. PITTSBURGH MARKETS WEEKLY REVIEW. Carefully Revised and Corrected by our own Commercial Reporter. ?mestizo% January 30th. 1862. Business is about the same as last week, being without visible improvement Vigurea are not al tered mate, ially, and the demand is chiefly Weal. Applei.-Salee in lots of choice at $2,75@i3,26 barrel. Ale...Pittsburga matt utacturea continues in fair demand., with steady shipments to all parts o: the country. The established, rates at present are bbls. hf. bble. bbls. hL bbls Kennet-18,00 84,001 India 88,00 80,00 X 6,00 3,00 XX 7,00 low Cream- 6,00416,00 2,60g3,00 Porter.... 6.00 13,r0 Ashes...We note no material change. Pots rate at 404 sic and Pearls at 5,54',.@b%c; Soda Ash at 84j)8Vici Nitrate of Soda at 6 , 4@tiAr.., and Concentrated Lye 104 C, 'fi lb. Saimaa.- We continue' to quote as follows: Shoulders 4., 3 4 lb; aides illric; plain Rains 7, Sugar cured do, Bc. Benzole in small lots at 400 per gapin, but a supply in markeL Beaus -Are in great request but the soppily is limited. Wa gaol*, at $1,15(01,80 it bushel for small white. Batter...dales of choice roll making at 14) 12 vi 11). Brooms... Sales at $1,780)1,87 per dozen for com mon and $2,0040,60 for good and fancy. p Buckets and Tubs.-The Beaver manurac tirers' prices are as follows:-Buckets plain, insides ill dozen $1,46; painted Inside, $1,60 3 hoops, $1.76; Tabs, No. S 8 hoops, dozen, 87,70; No. 1 2 hoops, NO. 2 PAM No 8, $5.60; No. If 115 00; Keeler's No. 2, 32,76; Half Bushels, sealed $4.76. thaekvehttat Flotar...Bales of new crop in lots at $1,7601,87 11100 Is. Candles—Sales in lota at 10c per pound for Moulds. Cheese—The market is well supplied, with sales of W lt, at 6016 1 43.11 lh Ctder._slales at toggi t,au V 001 for sweet. Corn Mes.l...Elales prime si:ted at 45®50c V bushel. Cordage... L Manilla Rope, coiL. 9efiLt. Manilla Rope, i ouillet.> Hemp " " ..10cf1G Tarred 18t4105 Hemp " " ..11cittb Tarred " cut 14oildb Pac'ng Yarn, t1ne...12001i Pac'ng Yarn, conalbleb Bed thrds...Manilla, 1,2.,' 00 V dozen; Hemp $1,50, 1437,13,00(02,76 V dozen; Hemp coil, 11. V Th. Plough Lmat.-Manilla 87c. Vt dozen; liemplOc. II doseo. Cbtion Cbrrkige...Cotton Rope and a wards. 20e do. below 22e-; Bed Cords. 62@)4,7b .izen. Plough Lines $.1,26; Saab Cords Dried Beet".-There is a fair demand, print pally local, at 1014011 e... *lb, in tierces. Dried Frialt...biales prime Peaches at 8 2 , 75 0 B,CO * bushel; Apples at $1.6 1,76. aggs...lo good demand. dales of packed In bids, at locsalle per doz. Feed... The aides are limited and prices better. We quote Middlings at 864090 c Sti 100 lie: Shorts 66 G002ei Bran at 46060 m Ship Studs at tanadte.; tlil meal, $ 1 86120 'it toll- Flott.r...'rhe market he well supplied, with only a small demand. Prices have advanced and we quots at 11.61.44,76 for extra 16,00q05,26 for ex'ra lama, and 86,5006,7 b for fancy brands. Feather.... We q uot:e home W astern at Six' from 0 rat hands 480bOc. from store. Grain... Yt heat is without matenal change. We quote Ran at Isini9Sr; and Wan. at $1.0401,06. Cots is telling at 4.144tc. OATS are unchanged, cud we quote at Midettio from first hands, and 243 C from store. Harley and Rye dull and whnout coange. Uroce 0. Sugar in steady at 10010 1 4'c per titc N U Molasses sociable p gel: Godes ban advanced 200421 c fur Rio and very Ulatteltiee; Sire 848V,c. Hay...Saten at nealen limited at $7OO per ton. Hides-8 Wee are . one uti an I green malted are selling at 707%e B; dry tint MG' be. Hominy .. Wht.e ' , glut a selling at 14,60 per barrel Hoge...Are offered at 8503,12 lbs, gross, and re vr buyer , at the figures. Dre.ed Hogs sell at 3-Viote gig lb iron and Malta... The manufacturer quote cnnmm tar at 8t B; other glevicripuons io proportion. ?inils, 10 to di. at 81.60 ; Si. and 6.1 at s2,lb; 7gl and 6 i. , 113,We. tit, 50.25; 4.1. blued, 88,60; &I do„ 11.u0; 20 do One, 16,00016,M tipikes,B to to, g 1,76, wrought do., 14 16504,75. Lard....,l.ty bells at Tlifgebc 3 , 1 Ib, in kegs and Leather—The is stet ly, w.cri no change in our o; i 1 quotatloas: Red 81-Antal:l Role it 66 216;026c1 Upper Ts dot &mg tcr 204,216 c . Hamra,Skirting 324,94 c. Lime.--Louteval• rusuar., T 1,204126 per tat. Lumber, areen...Thore le but little mow coming to market, and the figures are for par tly seasoned. The prlces for Common $lO 412 per 1,000 feet and Clear • Timber 406 c IS cubic foot, and Shingles $2,2516 1.000. I.,susiber, tiersaorted.- The following are the 1/Q0 ISLIOriI per 1.000 feet, for seasoned lumber at city yards Common 1 In. boards, $14.00. Oil—Crude Reek has advanoed and large lot,, selling at 136014 a 11 bpi!, refined Carbon is worth aagt4.6e, crude Lubrunattng 20c; Lard 0 , 1, No 1, 70076 u Linseed 065068 Refined Coal 400:46c. Pig Metal... There t, bus babe doing We;note a few salea of Allegheny, at $24, and l'ennesse $26 per ton- Potatoes... Prime Nestuumocks are worth 66411 60c 116 bushel at wharf. Powder... We quote Magnus and =mug at $6,60 keg; rifle at $8.26; safety (Me SO,OO N -Woo Rys Flour—Dull at 12,7/64287 tarrol. ttalt_.l. weedy at the itdvanee and No. 1 .else at 51,60 11 1 / 6 1: No. 1 extra $1 76. ibetaps...'fbe following are the wanetfacturery . mc i t4 Rama, t„tin.; No. 1 Palm, 6 1 , , ,i; Castile and 8 0 aLtior'n Chemicalolive, 4kic....; Wo man'. Fnend, To b. IS taro h W 'is ceiling at 4,kin lb in lota. Sheeting*, Yarns, dte.....'fne market is ex cited and uneettled, and Sheeting. have advanced llielac per yard. Check., rm. coton batting, twine, carpet chant, &a., have also adv a nced in like proportion Straw —Botts from cny wales at $8,0007,2/011 tcaL Tallaww—ilough quotes at 968 1 ,0 and canntry rendered at 934010 e. WILIto Load. Lithario, t 0... White Lead la arm, and in steady demand at t 2 ,fto VI keg (or pure oil and dry .4 M., subject to Me Renal dmoonnt. Red Lead 8 9c. net, and Lltharage Window Wass... pnoea remain steacty, and we quote as tollown (or city brands, in boxes of !My feet, with LS per cent. discount: BxB and 93,00 q Bale, $1,26 88.11, Dill, 9x1.2 and 10x12., Afirt 89.13, 9x14 and 10:14, 911,74 tali% Waif, and 00. 14 Viittky.../s without change. Common 800. tided eels at 17,17818,; hotter grades Itikinlm New Rye Tkilt9l,l:oo per gal , and Otti Rye at In 45 1 4112,00 er gaL, as in see and ttualltr. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET Auseaskr Cirr, January, 60th, 1862. Tho market was well stocked this week, but figures were very low and dealers discouraged.- The offerings and sales were as follows: OAT LE-A I lindlt*, Uniaa Drove Yards-994 Lea! offered; 375 head 50..1 at 2@8%, N Ito; the re mionder left over and sent East.. et .iltafer's kfor. gen Ebas• Yards-1020 head otfe - ed; 288 hs.id sold at 300pe Co FNO ihs , rose.; balance left over ann sent st. 8 REEP-A abide 'S -854 heat offered; 173 head sold at $8 12-balanoe sent East. bAnfees-932 head offered; 631 sold a; $3 75014 13 per head; balanoe left over. ,der'a-6,1 27 head offered; 740 head sold at $2 74512 tO VI 100 ID ; remainder sent Keel and left over. ri , mfer's-45,20. head offered; 8,483 head sold at $7 13.54458 It per 100 thin remainder left over and sent East. 13 0R3E43-4f.finder's-32 head sent Emit. TO THE PUBLIC. 61'"q. LALLY the Igno- ran and falsely Nod. dAee .- -te.. .9 ~ .11.-19n, of all de. t natiou treat genre , l' ‘ , . , 9 ..enviers, • is. an leo sOli Or , nations or +anon and nciden.l y of both mime., PO Pi, single or marned. 8005,X114 haAnly-Le publishes the fact of his doing PO, fns r r p 1 and falsely modest are dreaci fully so >1 tad, and dmon it a great sin very immoral and for contamination and it rniption a non; coeds wives, premiums sons .`n a. heir family physician should be cautions to keep wiesto tr , ignorance that they do t •e same as Dr r TSUI', (except publlatung) lest la:salve practice) might be lost to there =tong stupid timely modes, and presumptuous !emit s. bore and raised In Ignorance, sPrtulgull as m isnroom and who ampere society, intelli gence, sense. km, to doll ,rs and cents, mysteriously, meanly °silly gotten. If .13 IC publicity, however that numerous par use Ao i amend.= s are thankfn that their aces. timbal era and wards, vr lvtoualy feeble, sckly P 4, , '• --de Tradition and appear . &noel, have been reatc.:,.. , th er by 1 BRANSTRUP, besides many before and after mar. riage through him have been saved mach siufenng, _anxiety, mortification, kc. Having the advantage of over thirty years experience and orservat..,n, consequently, he has superior skill In the :reamed:li of special diseases, and Me Is daily consulted by the profession, as well recommended by respecti able citizens, publisher*, proprietors of hotels, ko .ermatorhea, or so called nocturnal emissions._ This cireadhil malady can be completely cured by the very last discovery that has neveryet failed. In female diseases he has had superior experience on account of his old age, seventy years, all mega. larity Is ootbpletely cured. As for consumption at pulmonary diseases my syrups; which are com i c , sad from Iceland moss and other ingmacliente by a skillful phyaimen five years at the businees,ii has had more cinemas than all the pretensions that have as yet been discovered, as the certifi. cates will show. They are all genuine and can be found secoromg to a pamphlet that each person will get at the examine) A, all fret of charge— Office 85 Smithfield Street, near Diamond street Private communications from all parts of the U ctiot strictly attended to. Direct to SiliD di ly dawns }halite:lush Port Utt,l . HIED PEACHES-40 brshels prime for solo by lag HENRY H• OOLUTNEL MED ej.."-----j)k Eti-170 bushels for jL, sale by Jl4B HENRY a CoLLINa 93 barrels :or : : . BEAK Ys. COLLLN9 0 1 ,EARL8-40 6els N 9. Pearls for tin HENRY.M. colaare- Y.. 01 1 BAREEL9 I 4OO "alum tor oak by MirAly H. ockujka- R I I 7 El R IQ' E W PORT OF PITTSBURG 8, A BRAY ka), Franklin. Benn 4, Brownsville. Gallatin, Clerk, Brownsville. J.l. Bayar Peebles athelh T. hi l Com d, ba, EhWheeling Linden, "erten, CI no nnati ( at'ago, Oilltinne: Mo. nt Vernon Boy oar, A nlvicalt, Lowevllle Undine, 0.1, (4. hp )li4 DB:PARTED. Franklin, Bennet. Brownsville. Clara, do Col. Bayard, Peebles, B 1 ',bath Minerys, (Jordon, Wneenng Commodore Perry, Lightner, L - "uterine Science, Rena, Ga.npolis Ronan; Wolf, aclipo.is --- m.The River—Last evening at twilight tnere were about 13 lees water in the channel and ;hang eiowly.. Towardi evening the weather changed and became cold. see. The splendid pnsaeriger steamer 1- rime Loans, Captain George Mooro,,leaves this day for Cincinnati, Louisville and ,Ceird. This b)at has unsurpassed aocorntnodatons, and is in charge of a 3 careful and experienced officers as cus be found. Our old and esteembd friend, Capt. Murdock, will do tbehonors in the offioe. Ur' The fine packet Citizen, Captain E. Calhoun, learns far Louisville, Eramrille and Mount Verwn. This boa: tans regular between this ray and ML Verwin, and will continuo in the trade during Car season. The clerks are MOMS. CAughey and Eakin. We time pleasure in ream' mending them. Cam. Capt. Reno has fitted up hie Elie psekei, Science, in splendid stile. She looks bet• ter than ever. The Captain lea pract.cal man and knows how to do a Job of that kind. She will re sume her tripe in the Galileo is trade. The fine passenger steamer Arsgo, Captain J. Li. Golding, le announced for Cincinnati , Cairo and Saint LOlllll. Una b:at has the beet of acco.omodatione, and fa in charge of careful and I attentive o ffi cers. 14 T, .be Wbeeth,g packet for this day lb Lie steamer J. 'l'. bl'Combs. the will leave at n...0n. Passengers arid shippers will bear this in 144 , 1 The well known peasengereteamer Cara Yoe, Capt. Thomas Piy , leaves ads nay post. Li. sty for Cinsianati and Liou:sviile. Pa/Lange:l xnu atoppi-ra will be attended to on thin boat Stir Bvmet..o.ly will be hurt. We no cu a .01 01 shells being shipped on the steamer Pr.rna D.anv . Their wal k , h. with. iit being tided pounds. milk. The Commodore Perry, that lei hat orating. errriod out „a big load of shells, can non, a c. rbing are workmag Bt?3 The favori:esteamer Undine, ()Apt wl.l be Lu ad E the Landing itua morn, lag -h. U to L./ 4 ./ipolli 01:1 OA .13Y lay. blel lead M.We hsve wJrd fruna the Ztheaville 4,c .ec hmmi Graham Eind wdl leave on her r gu tr dry 110.1"cie atestners Ezonomy, Key Wee and Dr. Kane, were adrert.sed to leave thnoknnat for Ws port, on Wednesday. For tlactanatt, Louisville Evansville aad Mt. Vernon. 8.4“ UItLIA Y, FEB 1, 104. M. THE REGULAR PASSEN GER p If ket CITIZEN, R. Calhoun, commenuer, ,earee t• r the above ports on the day announct.ci, ponitively. Po- freight or pa:tongs, apply on board ittal or Cincinnati. Louisvill e Evansville and St. Louis. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8. THE SPLENDID. SIDE wheel pa 4 senger ater mer, a ,. A RAG:). apt.. Tboa. R. Golding leaves as announoecl above. For freight or passage apply o, ~a rft - tr to 3.1 JOHN FLACK Agant. For Cincinnati and Louisville. THII3 DAY. J DARBY 3!, 10 A. M rit H E FIN SFEAMEE CLARE POE, 'loom , 1 00, COLO mander, leaves es above. For freight or puteage apply on board 'or Cluchusail and LoaaC ---- vrin ie FRIDAY, JANUARY za. 10 A. M. THE FINE PASSENGER steamer ODMMODORS PERRY, J. H. Lightner, commander, leaves as above. For (night or passage apply on board or to tan.% J. it LIVINGSTON & 00. For Clnelnikatl, Cairo and St. Louis. THIS DAT 10 A. M. THE FAVORITE PASSEN GER steamer DACOTAR, D. L. above. Hendrickson, commander, leaves as For freight e ern'r on Foard• la3l Regular Tuesday Packet For Marietta and Zaaseville. THE fine passenger steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Captain Mun roe Avers, oomnaander, braves Pitts. hburgh every Tuesday, at In o'clock p. ~ and Zanesville every Friday at 8 a. tn. For neut . , opasaage apply on board, or to ts,,tavurgaTos a Co., Agents Pittsburgh. - lanai I. oultrelLe and St. Louis. Tau DAY, 10 A. M. SPLENDID PASSENGER, STEAMER PRIMA DONNA, George W. der, leaves as announced above. Moore, comman- For freight or paseue apply on board or to J. B. t D.UNGBTON A 00, or JOHN FLACK, Agents. For Marietta. Gialltpolie, Par kersburg and Portsmouth: EVERY TUESDAY, 10 A. 111, 71 H E FINE PASSEN- GER steamer, J. B. FORD, • • .IL Kerr, comm ander, leaves as ' announced above. For &MEM or passage app/y on board. JOEBT YLAGE,Agent. EVERY TUESDAY, 4 P. ,M. HE STEAMER SCIENCE, aptain Wm. Reno, leaves Mrl 9alHteo~nukl etta, leel i lug, Marietta, Parkersburg and 61 / 1 1ItioIls, nuking weekly trips, leaving Pittsfaugh every WEDNESDAY 514 o'clock, and returning leaves eallipolis every FRIDAY at 8 sclock. n D. R. LEM:B, Agent. For Beaver Ste . .betsville sued whmeelll k THE PACKS B U J. T. hf'oolllB4J.lttAnn Commander, leaves for the above porta Monday, Wednesday and Phi* at 12 M. For freight or pates apply on board or to dela J. COW. !1 a 00,7 Water street. 4 --- For Marietta, Paikersbutii ated Gailipells.— REGULAR, SATURDAY PAOKET. THE FINE SIDE WHEEL steamer UNDINE, Cox, eons. mender, lames Pittsburgh every eat- Tuesd amity am O at 10 p. m , returning leaves Gathpo'is every a m. For Re y tail: or passage apply ela board or to - - STEAMBOAT AGENCY. WILLIAM HAZLETT Saa opened an Moe at NO. 94 WATER STRICST, Where he will transact a general Steamboat Agenay busjneas, and would aohett a we're of patronage from steamboat men. uoile-am MOOR SALE OR RENT -_A Dwelling .tonne in Euminghantgow ootratledj7 sts übcri ll-tf ber, Enquire et No. 104 CONE sTREme-r, C. I'. lEMBEN. D RIED FRUIT -160 bushels prim. Dried-Aiiplee; 60 barrel" " " Peaches, jut re• oalred and for We by J. A. Canter let And QIIGARS-Stan larri,cruatked powder:Ed, granuistod and A an Saabs refined tat a am, in gore and for ewe ty RZY/411M t BROK. oor N0a.196 anti am Wood ett et. QC. TO3, S. C. EtVifft-T tree BreslauW* . in store and for side by O PauprZtras oc t - -Petus4timeet; pittaburvb BYRINVAIti. Fed • DMituyi. .~ . ~> ==2 - 7 „...,-, --, ... ,, ,K.--',...•-,5 ,- ' , NEtiliottift*SilL:REMATlMaf:t* ' AraittiOLliii - 1 1 7CHlicii, ihtailikider:. HALVAOI,I73 RUCH g WC* Kidneys. H EMMED'S - HT:IOW for the Gara. BBLMBO I'D'S BUCHU for the liroinij IHELMBOL r 8 BUCHU for Nembutals. ,-- RRI.MBOLD'd BUvED for Dintnen..otNision, HRLIMBOLVB BUCHTT for DlBOtiliE '• , HRLHdOLD',9 BUCHU for Wealt,Berynt ..,. .. :•. [ HrLIFIBOLD'S BUCHU for OrinerarDiMr, - ' ...-:,-.• RBLMBOLMB BUCHU for Unhnirall tltdlir-:: ~ ill BLIEBOLIYS BUCHU for 'Horror olTlllssonsp.7, HELMBOLCAS B U(HU for Nigtikfilrealit. . ' -- , - 1,. -, EIELMBOLD'S BOCHTITor Wawnialita., . .": ''. ....--,'. 1 1117.11BOLD'S BUCHU for Dryness ofllte . fflpilrwn HELAIBOLDS BUCRIT for • Ertipthinn-- -..-- ~.."..2 . E16.1,11110L1Y8 130t.11(1 far-Pala-Wth0wdr„.....,.-,:::: llRLarsaurs BUCHU for Htlawfmnitif-'43( . th e.--,.-% Eyelid, with T. mpontry Bcdlusiorr:nti4Lnag'pr z,.=., Sight HALMBOLDII BUCHU for Mobility Ilifili_Eililelkri;?=:-.,,, leasnesa, with Want of attention , RM Aorta* t• , :'z, of society. BBL WBOLD'S BUCHU for Obstroationit., HELMBOLIPB BUCHTI for ElsoeistioaiiittleglhnlA,Q,'t Indiscretion, and all Diseases iyr.'!-'- .-..,. -5...-4 FEMM,Eq—F EMALES—PEMAtaIS' REMALgo—sEIIIALEB--FSMaLEB - OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, ,AURRIRD, TARS NO coNTMOBB RafPzATING PILLB • - , • 1 4 ,, : , , if . ;= , - • , _,,.,-,--.- , THRYARROP2IO 41 1 , 21.11,i - . ' ELMLD% EX TRACTIMIDRU- I ' , ,- 3 . .„.. , ;;1:-,,1 IS THE M ERY B E oT REMEDY IN TREPWORIiII:,:r3::.,,r, For all oomplainta incident to theilitietae!,,, arising from IndßiereUon, Ifaints ton, or in the . _ ____''',.',,... , ~''-•,,," - DECLINE OR CHANGE OP ---iarm, ~--;;. -,....•,. SEE tniwPrOfds A80VE.44 -''''.4::'.:-.':::: NO FAMILY SHOULD BEWITROUT It lake no more Bal.am, Merenrrx Uisantt.',.3-PJ:I Mes.etne, edi for Unpleasant and, ,Bangeronanplii .140.• ,, .. - .. I_4l- . HRLMCBOLIPB EXTRACT NUCHIrOtIBRS:si-!---Z,.1 J In all their itiBOB.ET DIVICANIAS --`',.?'• >'.-, stages, Itt littheakpenae, - ::-t:1 - ' - ' ,- !. Little or no eh nge of diet::No ittatinlistdanw , . - "f ''''.c.,-. Use HELMJ3OLLS EXTRACT, ,BEICRU for Rs. - , .!,•'_, ceases from habits indulged In , ~.,,..,,., N -- ..i ,- .4 BY YOUNG Alto OLD, ' V; •• -...-,_„--;-..; And for all dleetwas tutting from hiblta- lidlitsitta-:,!,-.(Mj lon. It-removes all improper dbialtarires, amt wil:',:i'-.2'iLg4 restore the patient In a abort tintei,,, T io a stain .91: : "f '' , Q.: health and purity. Use BELMBOLDE EXTRACT B' , Y _ farina., ~.. 4' meter. .2,...'..4 eases and elections of the most distreepingeb*:S=.,AS7j ', .liee azutsouys Erritott_sricErn for li --, `'A sfteotionsond diseases of the '. ~.--,A ... . .. , DR= ARV °mous,' -,--,, r . ".? , .Z,, , ,5. Whether existing i a ~, RALE OR SaILItiA.LX,4I f of From whatever cause onginating, annno matter ~ ~ . ROVE LONG 8 PASIDUke. AU the above diseases and snobs= admit of the sante treatment and may originate from the . throe cause. Rand I Read 1 Read: EtELainuLD'd A:FM: is cafe act o IP taste,and odor, but immediate in de actum. - Personally appeared before me as Akierzons a ' the city of k 'nthutelpnia,ll. T. HEI , ISISOLD, Mean al, wac, - ,eins , duly swore, duet say that Ma . preps on abet a Ziareptie, memory or toputtorts. ,t.ogs, b MIRA ye table. - ' Et 1. t/LD, SoleMaiifactupert• - November,Sworn and subscribed before nitkltle-21k1 SPY of - - -,. MN. ...41 WM. P. RUBE IRO, AldttraiL ..,',l,:ti Price $1 per bottle, or NM f0r.,101, (favored to ',..,k4.5-ag any address. A - • - 31 Prepared by H. TafELMEOLD. ..'.:--',IJ-i' Prmt and Analytical tillemist, :.-"_4.;c:-.,',F.: 104 South street, relow Obeinut;PhilL •1,-;,-„.i.1...Z. OR 11VAR.0 OP 00117.111TERSSEULTS AND UN OR IOI OIPLED DEALER/4 - 44 Who enneavor to dispose ..tif thew own" otn... hhnn .ether" =ache on the reputation attained by -4.,, Rehnbold's Genuine Preparations, •,,.,,t2,5.1" ~ Extract Ithic. ". ..:-7. - .4 ' .... r. , ' ,- * " flareawdie,' I - ' - ' ima> w eed Rose W sh. ASK ROB BOLDS. . lak e`no other --.' -..i . - 4f4 4 Cat oat the advertieement and send far It , . -. ., , :ig•, , AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. .. i. .„ .. • , -, t';',o Sold wholesale and retail by •• = 7 , `..,1 DR GEORGE H. XEYSER. - - -1,4 140 Wood street . ...-.,,, /1041454133.1111 glaiVVlCit-f-alrTPliiiiffigiiit7'FW7;a; ~,,1 a...) a Cottvge Dwelling Hods,; well arranged. 41. RE wi , h vestibule and sir. rooms, alwo ,Story kitchen, ~,, . .,::4'ilb.;.. bath room and muds house, large tottTlage ammo ~ : .14, and enable; ten acres of g.rouns, trnittrees, shrub. '.:,,?•.5.... bery es.. , young orchard, garden, &a., situate near ,lli-q,, the new Presbyten.n church.. • --.15,-71 i C 29 8. JIITH BERT t SON, iidifarket et. -,,..5c,', ------------------ -- f — qt — ---", 4 ~ 4..f,i1•A •!._,-,gle Re 8.1113 . . ..I I l ...... , - ..,., :.. ~ , ;:i!-: , •.- ...,.. - ,}...:•-if.. S PAT •; , :--,;62,. _ .. ~ W E. Schmertz .411 r, Co., rntaa C lt, azs " Tis Just received • luxe alsercinzerit GENTS' SLIPPERS, VERY CtliioloE PATTIR2IB, and iselling low by 13 8.1. V ATE OLN.Kittilsb-: - A,.. I.E. BROWIVEI BiI6DIDAL .!, ..-. :NA% and BUROICAL Cates, No. 60 ,i'''. : „ . 4 :.. , •j, - -r-- , Smatelleld street, Pittsburgh, ' '*",:, . . . . Pennsylvania. Dr. BROWN us sus old dia. t,.. 'i.',.: ; p.;:: ..- menet Pittsburgh, and has bean 4"/. ',. • ' :. -1, In Practice for the last tisatt 'to ' , Ate yea& His baseness has -. • 1' - . ____ Ai been ocadlned mostlY ta Pthate . .- -*, and Surgical Diseases. U/Tliugus ttBD amizoligas la seed of arial blend. .akicald n o t iltfl to find out the me place of relicti'rfe Dacia Is' a regulartit and experlaartethi tba tread b meat ors certain a lma ofhis diseasettjaa aura tee to the safterars of relief by the tuts of his remedies2t'aiVA followisg litistid; __ __ DEL BROWNS X73Bserer fail to cure the worst form of ifeneseg Died ammo Impnritleas and tit orofukaut.Afteationo Also all diseases "sienna hem a ha d tskt4 shish - manifests Itself in the form of' a teges. and &grownup forms. of Milo dimmest& of winch the patiemt Is entpetr ignorsmaille - personas+, aftlicied,Dr. Brown offers hopes ef a map and speedy recaoo4 . ~., -WlTAKpags - ...c , •*- , :':Fl In. Prosn's remedies for this trollbilt , , '''.'•,,-1 brought on often by that solitary htse.t -a sensned ~-;...1 gratdca.Uon. whioh the yonncistui wartionindled -A-Sq often give wan to, 00 their own_ . d weak !-' -;-:,?;-.:::: rihthe nap relialle remedies know)" in tala oonle'- -- -=',' - '5 —tnej are age. sedmake needy rem{kak . ealth. . ~ _,... Itlattimamex. 4,, Dr. Brown's remedies nerer,fall to cum p in a fee iinp , 43.4wEl Imumilk ' : ... ems. He also . _ f,...Eloneossbessi ,:- ' 2 Stricture, Urethal Di•cnarimmintehi ' ' - Monthly Eintedreentons, _Diassigneet ihs WI% in Ano, 0 11 117000 AfteUol l, Nwinas ll r and Kidneys, irritation of tim =adder, with all all disarm Bof oalmoureortgfek - - A letter desenbiogthe aa ov itha ro, directed to DR. BROW .. rr $ 0 Pittsburgh-, Pa, will be u to any ad ..r.fuz5a,..,,,,i1-,..--,--,:',. Medicine eadram partkodlind" --=,,, secure from otwerautim - , - __ , 4;-.-11. 4 -` Office altd Primo Rama. No- ne thnliltnehr::-:1 rw , t. Pittsburgh • 1..... ' OIL BABREL oil, received sad for aalii-tiy : - -* 3,4 ja2B JA1314 pinup, ocarnft , ltirki - nand Irkutsk& ' E A -- Th — rrn .4L Peer* far sale by CL IaIT MINDY rfouprm-r--gg-w n) must t t for by s 3. Jel 80W44-TEaM, Vie 1 .404 111• 3 . ..„%1 608--10. burials fresh 'Ego riesiveda*4'' _and , for sale by - - pan• ._rag,g. 7 A aaa corner Pint iiiroulak :~__ :"~. ,'"' ~~$ No. 8 1 4 / I th draft _:-=