cliAmag.oE - TaBlE. 1162. - V-Aqt • ilenzulylvania 'central stiroad. Eiturr — mkunriliaitate. WINTER IRRAN&EMENT rilliEliaL TRAIN LEAVES PIITB - the, passenger dep.); at the in termsordhori of' Isberty and Great streets, eve morning (expeptilimulay) at 10 am, stopping**. statuette ftveen Pittsburgh aria PluadedphiA Tnis -train ante= in Philadelphia at 1415 p. m. Sulking close untutaation for New 1. ark from Rea magma depot, *12,12t -p.m., over Camden t Amboy HAW , .Tae EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the above named station daily at at 440 p. on., stopping only at prior atrial stations, and making direct connection at garetakairs for Baltimore, and Waal:l*ton, muff* hew .IStli via .A 1 .1011.01111 This train arrives In • PtiLadelphiestl3Xla A in, making connection for hkit'York from Kensington depot at 9.20 a ta, over Caniden and Amboy lone. A Moping Ott ts MD , through from Platiburgh to Jersey ()Ay vie .Alien toen—lSO Miles—atteened to this train. THE PAST - LINE =area cue named am Sion dauy „(orceps Sunday) at 2.60 a. in, 11%f ma lMli only at prwipai stations, connector* at Wax for HMS - More. This sera arrives in Plana del at 6:26.p in, making close connection for kl New York ,fron B.n legion depot at WO D. in; over Camden a Amboy lane. ACCOSILDIODAVIaIt TRAINS. E JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION THAD: I leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at &.00 p. m, ato pp ping all stations and running as far as Con eatangn. FIRST LOOPMAIODATION TRAIN for Wall's on !raise' daily, (except Stinday,) at SA a. m. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TR.AIN for Want" station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at UM a. in. THIRD IACOOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall'. station leaves daily,(except Sunday,) at 4:00 p in. FOIJIITHALOCOMMODATION TRAIN for Well station leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 6416 p. RETURNING TRAINS Al3BtVit'lN:4l - I'sBuRGE. Jo FOLLOWS; Feat ..—..-- 180 a, na Johnstown Accommudauon..----..-10.30 a. m. First Wan'ecitati.n Accommodation.-- 118.1 a. In Second Wall'ceuttion Accommodation— 880 a. in . Third Wall's Station Accommodation-- 166 p. m. Fourth Wall'abtation ecoornmodatio.-.. 6.08 p. m. Trains for Blairsville anti Indiana, connect ai y BLtuvvtlle intersection with Johnstown Larntiamo dationlEast and. West, Express and Mail West The pcunic will Mtn it steams to Weir mei ant, in going Bast or West, to travel by the Pconsyl -11111111 Central Railroad, as the accommodations now . offered cannot be summed essay route. The Road is ballasted with stone sotid is entirely free tron dust. We can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor thia Road with their patronage. LL r A•R M. a ' TO NEW YOSE..-412 50 1 1 e T , OBAL/TIMORES9 60 PRLLADELFEL&IO 00 LANCASTER 8 65 - , HARRISBU $7 el. Ba,ce-chsdaked to all stations on the Penney' Tama lZailBoad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York Passengers purchasing ,pokete In oars, will be charged an excess accordingtO distance traveled in addition to the station rates, except from station, where the Company ties no agent. NOTICE—in case of wait, theoo. , nany will Sold themselves responsible for personal be gage only , and for anear mat not exceeding 8100. N. Omnibus Line as sewn employed to convey passengersand baggag , to and from me de. pot, at a charge not to exceed 28 cents for each passenger and baggage. For tickets apply to J. STEW ART, Agt, At the Penn'a R. R. Passenger Station, On-L and Grant streets ENOCH L , tWits, General Qupctryntenant. Altoona. Pa. TILE 1882. ''''''' non PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO RAILWAY, TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH-WEST, WEST AND NORTH WEST. WINTER ARRAN G EM ENT TIME to Cincinnati as quick, and to Indianapolis, St. Low ni Louis and Ocago anotter, tftn by any at . ll:lF polo _ What WARD TRAINS. Mail Line. no, ass. LOSITOB 1.40 a m 140 p m nillegheng---.... 150 a m 3..50 p m " Mandl aid-- 10.05 a m 1010 o m .rriv et.reemee----....10.40 a m /0 50 p m " 1 0 ,ren..----..12 45 p m 12 58 a m a Urns. ---.. 215 p m 2.30 a m " Fort 4150 p in 5.00 a m a Chicago...... 1 100 p m 11.00 a m •' St Lotua.—..... —12.45 p m ICS COLUMBUS, C.I.PCLNI‘aI [a BT. LOWS avea Crestbna----10 55 a m 11.00 p m Oolumtua----.. 1.30 p m . y 3. 40 a m • tTniciabata-- .4 6.15 p m 0 a m :ca Louis...--10.40 a m b p FOR INDIANA"' )1,15 AND .11 . . LOWS. Leaves Creatline.---....-1.0 55 a m 11 00 p m Arrive at lndianapons— 900 p m 9.00 a m Terre Haute-- 2.25 a m 250 p m o Bt. L0nia.n.........-10.05 a m 11 55 p m All Trains through to Chicago without sluing. of Li, kik-,The tame to Cinc.daatl is the eame as by titeuoenrtllo. Trains on both Roads meet at Columbus, and passengers ah go ono Cincinnati together. EASTWARD TRAINS. Ex mess agave Chleago,...--- --. 6.20 a m 630 p m Annie at Fort Wayne....-12-05 p m 12.30 e m 566 p m 620 a m Pittsburgh ..---- 2.25 a M 3.50 p m &eh Trains mace -lose otuutimulorui watt Trains • - -ti t oinsynrania Railroad tor the saatern Circe. via Allentown and Prierideiptw ..Daly one Change of Cars between Chicago and New York. via Pittsburgh and Allentown on train leaving Chicago at 8 80 p tn, reaching Pitts burghat34opm and New York at 10 45 a m. ALXXMAMODATION TRAINti--Trou t r °dorsi at., Station, ailegnenv Ci y NEW BRIGHTON Aoc. ibiattODATION. Leaves Allegheny at---9 30 a m and 9.80 p m Arrives New nufttion at 1.1/0 " 6-10 " Leaves 680 " 12.10 Arrives at Allegheny at 8./5 " 200 " ECONOMY ACIOUM MODATION.. Leaves Allegheny at 12 60 p m aid e p m Leaves Economy at 8.03 a m 4.00 MA , RFC Vl' tRAIN. Leaves Alliance at 910 a in Arrives at Allegheny a m Leaves Allegheny 50 p m Arriveset Ailianne.— p m vs. Talus are ran bv - 001 - umbtts time, whinh is is minutes slower than Pittsburgh time.' gs. Tickets good on the soootamodation and market trains are sold at reduced prices. Trough triune connect as loliow s At Alliance, with name on the Cleveland and Pitts bargn anneal nt Orwell°, Ohio, to and from fdlllerstitug, Akron, Miaboga Falls, etc. At Maineld, Otuo, for Mount Vernon.„ Shelby, San dualt% Toledo, Detroit, eau At Ctrectline, for Delaware, Springfield, Columbus, Cincin vill nat e, etc. i, Xenia, Win, Indianapolis, St Lows, Lceda AS P'oreckhor Mingdeld, Sandusky, the. contudi, At Lima. for Sidney, Da3rton, Cincinnati, Toledo,eb. At Fort Wayne, for Peru, Lafayette, Lad, St. Loi.o anti intaienMiiite poffibrin Ventral Indians sad AtPiro:del tor Laporte,' Atanatah for all notate on the Louisville, Nev. Albany and Chicago Railroad. And at Chicago, with tray.s ler all paint: in autoh, Missouri, lowa,lFiscoruun and Minnesota: For turther information anti tnrougt. tickets apply to 08011.61 n: .P.altHIN, Ticket AO, Passenger Station, Pilaw Through Tickets for sale at the Ticket O Li get il. sof the Company on the line of th e road, to all parts of the United States. WM Pt SHINN, Coneral_P,aseeinger Agent. Risistorgto, 0. W. 0.185. General Superintendent. • not 11111JPORTAAT. ALL PERSONS PURCSAsItie 'MARTS POI f JOSEPH, And other points in Northern Missouri, the State of hennas, or the Terntori,es should insist on haying tiO.kete that read by the NON= .)&16SOURI RAILROAD, The oulfaul route trots tit. LOlllB to St. Joseph It is the *Wariest and qui ieoit tine by thirteen hours to the remotestpoint reached by rail, and Is always as cheap as any other. Army your Tickets to Kansas and all points In Northernhihoour by the Not th Missouri Rail road, __ _ ISAAC H. STURGEON, Pres% and Soul Supt. North Irtiasoun RPM SIMON& ¢w n' 4wlf.thr DIEW ROUTE VLA RIVER AND RAILROAD: dianapolia & Cincinnati 8 R. Oontieoting at Indianapolis with Terre Haute, old Terre Haute and Alton Railroad, to St; LOMB and Lakyette and Indianapolis, New Albany and ateßaletstuid lifLobigan Central Roads; for C HI CAGO, ROOSiIERANDi BURLINGTON, and all Intern:mt. rudlitle Th r o ug h Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TEE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE and PERU. , Freights and passengers carried from or Lawrenceburg in Wee time than by any other ;cute by tw enty - four hoary, and at as low rates. t Th e only by which'eru i rente can be made 'f ro m Cincinnati to thel est, without breaking maim Consigtonents made to J. IL GIBBONS, agent, at Clresinnittl; or W. B. CUTTING, agent a Law remosburg, will receive prompt attention, and no =Lir commiesion; no charge for drayage or at Lersewnesberp. Forrer Information apply to THOM.AB BAT!. GLN,* o. us Water etreetj agent of the Company, who prepared to give removes nicuesse for pee. sag wit freight - to Indineapolis, Terre Hattie, Peru, Greencastle, Crawford& WU, Charleston, Paris and Mattoon, U., to. President, Avant, titre -.- ;flU7mTr WALL Ala PITTSBURGH RAILWAY. 4 - TIME CILINGMD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Nov, 25, IL/ MAW= will leave the Depart of the Penn. , raniana4, in Elttaburgh, as follows: RTTSISURGE, OOLUMBUS AND OINI7IOESATE SHORT LINE, VIA EintiTSENVILLE, Lea ea " pm cell:mhos p to tit Lotus ..----10.45 a m Ltiares Pittsburgh p m a Steubenville.— —6.10 Newark— .... midnight Arrira antriiitialia-- 7so St Lottia. ---11 8n p re Ho akunege,or ears be tween — Pittsburgh and Chi' 111 &WU. w i t yLendid sleeping, oars attached to all night ' -MTHBtlEtnif AND WHEBLLNG LINE. LeaVesTitieburgh...._._____l.s6 a m • Wellsville.-- -- 4.25 " • Burinnenvale---.-......-6.VA a ' 4 Wheeling.--..-..---6.86 " Antics 8e115tr....-----.-.—.650 • Leaven Pittsburgh- ... ----UV pm • Welleville...- ...... ----CM u • Bteubenvills---.....---6.10 " .1 Wheetng-.------...6.56 • Amves Bellatr 6.40 " Connecting at Wheeling with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and at &Mail' with Olevelsot anal One Railroad for Zanesville, Lancaster, Circiev,lle, C.Y. •umbn. and Cincinnat,. PTITSBIIBBH A OLATVELLIND LIN E Leave Pittsburgh 165 a m • ilielleville-----....-4 06 • Bayard-- ---....-.6 88 . " Fludson—.--...- ..... _1 0 26 :: Arrives Clevehmd------.-9 85 " Leaves Pittahargh---- ....... .....1.66 p in • Wellsville..__...... ....4.09 .. • 13ayard---- ......•..........6,24 . Alliance 560 “ " Hudson...- ........ ............i.oi " Arrives Cleveland 8 10 . Connecting at Bayard with Tuscorawae branch for 'lew Philadelphia and Canal Dover at S.l:lltneh with Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad at litideon.,with Cleveland, Zanesville and Chicago itaiLroa4 for Akron, Cuy Fall and Mtlereborg,,and and at Cipveland with CA ERR tor brie, un kirk ani SUMO, CATER for Toledo, Detroit and I.3n 3itli;trille Accommodation le ves at 885 p m Bettie ng,Tntias arrives in Pittsburg nas follows Mail 410 pm Ifain 2 05 a m W lile Aocommodation....-.9 40 a in Passengers oesirung a., gt., t. ..acituair, 'lir 1440, . . or points West,•of Clcv,ian.i, must be . to ask for tickets via Cleveland. ThroughU Tickets can be procures at tne 1...,0 arty Street Depot, Pittsburgh. J. STEW ART, Tic.kei Az en i, For farthericulars apply to WILLIAM 81'E ti. ART, Agt,,... ti the Company's Ofliee in Freight ktation. Pent ...... -- seL no2r (Late at Miller d , Rickamott'.. ) RETBIIIiCR & BROTHY,RIII (Successor to RIT/13/1. A Asnuaucco ) Wholesale Dealers In FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONERY. SI 1(4 .4, F.E. WORKS, Ac. No.SSI Wood st., and No. US Second et.reet, Oppoeite St Gnarls@ hotel, Wholesale Grocers, Nos. 18 and 80 W0...1 Street, WM. H. 8115.1 T. WM. H. 81111111 a. CO.. WHOLESALE GROCERS US SECORLI AND 147 FIRST STREETS' aso irttt.bursk.r.. JESSE JOHNSON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT Dealer to Flour, Gralik,aaul all hinds of Country Produce; %V Ines and Li quors, Clgars, Tobacco, *c. Liberal advances made on consignments ,of High Wines. OFFICFAIMWAREHOUSE 1110.231 salmi sprzNo ST PHILAMELPELIA. RICAN 11-13.0.y3;470/LIKS NES As LA t'GRLINS, Mantitao-tuaviaol- I 11. 1 ) N. AND NAIL J IRON, Bkafttag • tainklr Patoat Pig* . foils, ; ._ , • • 4 • f,. ( I" - Mites, &c. - . • 4 wmunious.,3, N inillir anti wad 'l3 * brimo Eltrool, • X,VI4•BILIR Galty AndenitiZeleininkttn sod Eioullh , Waer &roots, Ohl o. - • '102117.1", PI TISBWIGAST EU. WORM Iwo aotasillacian JONES, BOYD & CO, aWbIUFACTURF,4I:B OF CAST rim, also, Spring, row and A . B. Steel 13 and AXI 1 1 N earner Roes' and Firut ( 1 408ilioe an PITTSBURGH. Pe. B. ji.,4111/1“11S. it SOIL, • ILAtiriIfra.OVTILISSS OF • A9(l4W' IMPROVED PLTEST ST4 r Etti.TiVATOR TEETH AND GRAIN.DRILL TEETH, Offi4e, COrner Butler and Clymer Streets, Ninth Ward, PEWlit:mg/its p A. -411.FTY NEW -•• ••- • • • .! • AND ± ,JECUNA - 11119 D sAJA 04E. OB,EAT BA RE}A,llis : E SUBSCRIBER WISHING TO Moat of Pianos, offors tor sale du •• rfilith,•Plfty New and Second Han. ' r .. at great lat mains, lbr cash. Throb Plan • 'tuna nearly all been made especially for the s • bsoriber, for renting purposes by the beat auk , the country, and can be relied on ! or table • d substen3tbal instruments. Purchasers are respectfully invited to ~ aramMallarilif , Pdr eels by' • .110111.11 H. WLLLOR, Iyl6 81 WOOD 'STK EEC. ILLUSTVATED EDITION— • ONLY Z 5 CENTS GREJT EZPIEtT.9TIDJrS This splendid and cheap edition of DICKENS' LAST, AND BEST WORK, have been received at EtENT'S NEW STORE, MASONIC HALL, FIFTH STREET. is. Remember this is e illustrated edition eompiete, for ONLY SEPON NY R. no! JAMES M. T A.YLOR, A - LDERMAN tki ' °FMCS, 451 Penn Street, 5 erd LLECTI ON 8 promptly made. ki ,. r . Bonds, p r .nn. i WriAeiZ4E4.4.,o V , 1a URROLSTERY, _ ... ~_ No. S 5 Fourth . Street, near wood. TinlE SUBSCRIBERS MANUFAC tare and keep reonettuttly on hand every art. their line, rje : Coornlcee, Ornaments, Cm tain 4 6lood* * , , :ia'n;'Vessnaer B' edd, Mattiasees all %Jodi; elno k thq oelebeened Patent/4ring Be,. All kinds Of h.' 4 Blinds and Fixtures. N.-Prompt attitatfost gum to ail ordens fors, Nag and , • i dawn • iSrntilelw&ejte. ocuy, ~. - , Ro.l3=Th: 4 ROWIIMK. I Z • 11-7 gaddlOre NW= reestved and for obi . dal eoznaillistal aiit/hat232al4 lari a V& Pint streets. No. 107 Market Street, %NUE SUBSCRIBER IS OPENING A anew and large stock of PAPEIbt HANGINGS, Embracing a complete assortment tor Dwellings. Stores, 01laces Halls, Churches, itc., to which he would respectfully invite the attenuon of the Pub lie. having an entire new stock of goods recently purchased and now arriving. Those in want of new goods will find them by looking through our J. B. Rare= Fi li. Rini! assortment. marbilyd JOS. ft. HUG HES. Grours PITICIBUIIBI4 .108. R. 11 uNTNR. 600 copies more of ri 6 03 t2l #ll 884..6.<3E1 WousEi, ~,, *-No. 850'41Ableetr, Street. MILT TO pmerstimumetessaaiezeszeo . P. JOHN sAIZAGF., Proprletex. 1101 - AV IN4QCSitila, ffibW' 'With IA ; the modem improrem +Mai this peril& fel sort, the sabecnber le prepared rd amenntmodate his old customer:mad the public. general tritb the beet the muter affords. itya 'red up in every variety styl dur ing nes. son. Km Wines, Liquors teed es he feels von. tdent In recommending to the-public -for them excellence. Can, Socket and Well re %cad 'red daffy and 3.1 919 1 ..niaroida rrlfd SEETISPS ow' STAND. . IN THE DIAMOND, THOMAS STONE, Proprietor. A.VINEI TAKEN and fitted up,.at a groat expenee, with all the modern' im• provements, this populer resort, the subscriber is prepared to accommodate hie blends and the pnk. c generally, with the beat the market affordit. OWIT.RBmiI be served rip in every variety of yle the season. st LIQUORS find edatil ne feels confident in re commending to the public for their excellence. ifirktELLß served up at all hours, and DAT end" ft IrtliT BOA ftriERPl taken. MA: IT F1...7MC LCD It OISTItit ill) WING HOESI, RU. ~1l WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. WUCILIB4II 400 MAIL DUMB X LA.RE AND EASTERN FISH, YELTNI PHILADF.J.4I 3 IIIA AND BALTIMORE 013 'ERRS AND WILD 6018, All lA their Proper Swam. :1°26 GEO. & CO. ANSIuN ROUSE, GEORGE AUR ENZ, Oropnetor, No. 844 Liberty street, just =1.6 the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Etmlroad, which mat'es it the moat convenient house m toe city for pas-imagers arriving by titer road. The proprietor having, at oorunderaole expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the MANSIONIIOUSE., would respectfully a share of public patron age. His Larder and Bar will be furnished will the the or, set ccc sCnrd. fel/ :ri alt Fa ll er, &r NEW WALL PAPER STORE. BETWEEN FIFTH AND LIBERTY BTB WALLPAPER! WALL PAPER! Ph. Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices In Pittsburgh. Come sad see WALTER P. MARSHALL, No. 87 Wood Street, Fourth, at the Old Btand,) Fki , tor sale French. German and !Lowman WALL PAPERS, Ft:`ll PA.RLORS, B ( AL ISICLBERS, OH URCH ES, LO DC: ES, he 56,000 rolls at cis. 60,000 rolls at 6, 8 and 10 ets. WINDOW CIIMMIS, Ana Roam PIM% Tams Cons% Carman, An air Look for the Striped Front. fhe only place in town where a full assortment n 1 Frennh papa', le kept. merle LIE g SIIPIRIOB COPPER MINKS NIIELTINb WORK , PARK, IR'CURDI - M NII FACTU RERS OF SHEATH, braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper tif,ttotna, Raised Still Bottom, &palter Solder, f.llO truportors and dealers in Metals, 'rut Plats, Shea li-ott, Ftro, Sc. Ocnetantly on Wind, '1 indrion Blactiatee and Tools. Warebouao, N 0.149 Firet, and t •.leeunct atreeLi. Pittsburgh, Pa. tinsels! onto of 0, tult to say ...SIMI W 1 I YOUNG'S WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, aT TOM OLD ISTAIND, COENUCORLE - RESTAURANT, Die 40 Fifth Street. Ef ! E FAMILILs, B iTELS, Hx p tailtliLltS and the trade generally, can • et.r4ohed with Chesapeake Bay Ormers at the ratei. Coo atry trade i.olicited. ucl•I ELI you :Nu, Propriewr. :Young's Eating Saloon, com Vlk IS ALLEY and `IMITEIFIELD 6'l, Eiarb,, 0.. ere and all La. deheeelee of the aerated w.e be err vcd up in the most palatable etyle. ELI YOUNG, ocla corner Villein alley and dmithfl.,4l A Ft ARE c:l3 A N CE— For sBf-,L) will be AoL a dwelling house of five rooms wito lot _12.4.1net front. rn Carrol etzeet, iLlegheny, teat to Ledlie etre.l. Cali and examine. le by 8 CUTHBERT 484, 61 ttlarket'et: G E N T.,t-;' on= FRE.XCH C.ILJF BOOTS, De ti .4. scle and double upper, warranted equal to any In the city, and will be sold very low for 011141 W SCHMERTZ, & CO BOYS BOOTS, BO YS BOOTS, YOUTHS BOOTS, YOUTHS BOOTS CHEAP 1 CHEAP!! CHEAP: AT NO. Lb F.FTB BTRKET- D S DIFFENBA.CHER BEAUTIFUL GOLD AND: TINTED ILIIMPER. HANGINGS—For Baia by • n. 414 WM. P. %I A.llll WAN FED—AN OIL REFINER TO go to a neighboring cite. None bone fully competent, pracival Dana need &poi. te• nol¢-tw NQ IT h. F,ROB, I,ibsKy stre;e,L D I E S' AND MISSES' BALMORAL BOOTS always can band, and made to orderst:ehortlnotace W. B SCHMERTZ & CO 1 ALL PATER—A. large lot of choice pumas ol cheap paper just received st PISSRPH R HUGHES' nog 107 Mt.rket ',treat. GLASGOW'S AAIBROTYPE GALLERY, FOURTH sTatazr ENTRANCE. TO THOSE PARTIES WANTING IL real fine Ambrotypes at a moderate pries, and all who have been unable to obtain a good likeness elselthere are respectfddy solicited to call. Large variety of ealiteB and frames always on hand. Prices moderate and eattattetion 'guaran GLA BCO teed. W, 84 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh. T Q OLL AKFINERS.—We are prepar ed to fit up refiners with the necessary Parniaw{locks, ito, to the Weed *ad most approved Van& Our experience in this branch Is not.equaleii by any othexestslallshmenX. For work manitdp, tr., we refer, to the following refiners in this city. rs a Nesbi t 1:. Bed, Roberts, Wilkintion A Co, Holsbelp,M*Cornmak &Co, Porters, Mathews A Ock,Rackeit A McFadden, John CoMbr, Thos. Bell A Co, Johnston cg Bros., Roberts, Hill 4 0o.; Adams, Williams & Ce,E. M. Kier. WELDON & REINSIE, isle 1.4 Wneki etTeret. °°l SHOES, GUMS, 8 ' B 4 CORK EOLEB AND 10E CREEPERS closing out very 'ow at tne CHEAP CASH STORE OF • JOSEPH H. oORIAND, lift Market street, 2d door from Filth. Calr today Imo examine thelarge- area Well se sated stock. la* XLO LET-.-THE STOitt HOUSE, NO 'fb WOOD STREET, wir Fourth. occupied by /Men= 6 Co. Plosseasoon first' of XOWdre et IL L PME er a w lkar 4 Rosuisos, " • •• • taw. • IYo .3 ,strode Inderanit Lass toi - File; ffIFE ri FR :MIMEN ," FIRE Mai ..assonk CesEPAtit 'elf PHILIDEILPHIAL Otdok.*4.pISIIIIOO7•GROVIWT amm o near Fifth: _ . , 1 .: Eitamallt iff :Tyr pss, Ist, Is 6 P 4 I. übillahat- fi atti Or 44/171bilh thStfig: Find MoriPpeAmpty secniikt......-41,896.898 las Reil Anate,tFpnput riaup maxi 61,) cost— 167,996 'l6 Telnpotfini - ZWlTOollatteral Sec ea..-- ____ „ Ala 66 Stocks, $ valw=cses,ea 714) wit- 81 4 788 66 0 Notes and Bills Atimelyable.,_,,, ... 1,888. 0 C1a5h.. 4 ...--.. 1 . „ ............--..........- 97,910 88 69 I The only p ots bum premiums which this corn have WY been &s ran d ivide by law, are from risks which temmed. Inelliancet made on every ,descriptlon of rap. arty, to Town and Connta at rates ati low as are ' eors eistent with security. Since their Incorporatims, They period o i gy years ey have_paid loser* by Firel ha tA ml ) t exoeeding Four Millions of Dollars, 'by d ing evidence of the advantages Of-theillMeae, as well an the ability and disposition •to" meet wish promptness allliabilitiee Losses raid daring the year 1859, PAM 88. DIESOTOIIIB. Charles W. Beadier, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward 0. Dale, (itorge W. Riehares, George False,: CRAB. N. BANCHER, President. EDWARD C DALE, Vice President., WM. A. STEEL, Secretary pro term J. Ciall.D.N Ea COMM Agent, 9 myld Mortheast„cor Third and Wand streeLA Western Inannuice Ckaapany, OF PITTSBURGH. - e.(-): Immix, President; P. M. fiIORDON, Secretary eltpt. R. D. COCHRAN, Gen'l Agent. Ito. IA Water street, (Eipang k Co.'s Warehouse, up stairs,) Pittsburgh. Will insure against al . lode of FIRS and M.A. RINE RINKS. A Rome institution managed by Directors who are wall IcnOwn In the community, and who are de termined, by promptness and liberality, el:cream. - earaceer which they have assumed, as of. e itga Lb. ,est protection ir those who desire to be IBSETB, OCTOBER 80th, 1660. Sta.:a ........... ....... Office Upon d.ooomita, Uaeh....... Premium Notes.. . Notes and hil}e discomited R. lather, Jr., James M'Auley, Milani& Rohner!, Alexander Nimiet, :11 ge. i14.1131e, Wm. H. Smith, ChAA. W. RicketzOn, Andrew Ackley, h ozander Speer, David M Long, P.r.,,t J. Thomas Bent Bakewell,, John R, M'culae. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE cogrY Q. 149 CHESPIUT STREIFJ, Opposite the Castro" noises, Capital 152111ii,100.....sAarsta SIT ILL &LAKE Ali.Lis KINDS OF 1.14- vy SU itANCE, either Pespriatv or Lannitri, on every description of Property sr tileontsearkets at ressoluit4 , rives of premium f:OI3ERT P. K. 1146, President, M. W. SALDipili,' Vice Piesidirti - - Chelan Bays., - - - K. B. Cope, E. B. Eeghah. Gnaw W. Brows. P. k, Savory,Jh 8. Panl, v. Bnennan, J ohn Clayton, 3. J. bla,„^nnets, & Wacrt, F. kaICX3I7II.II, Secretary,. uTRINERECRIPANIA (Mr" MMIMMM2 Oalos, Cor. of Illarkeit and Water 8 Liles against Lam sad Damage in the Narige- I)D of the Southern Western RITOM. Lakes sad Sayoft, and the Navi gation of the Bean. tinwares nfaliast Loss Wu, t.aa.e, I Jim Park., Jr, Wm. G. Johnston. H. onmk,gli Knew Owens, T. M. Bowe, B. Prerc..a, Ueo. Bingham, 8. M. Haar, J<.!. ,Lon, ea. X. Ooope & limbs-NM, John K Dilwort.ll, C. II tug, cr.lll,:yd.h, FIRE INSURANCE :tie Enterprise Insurance Co., 21, 4, Dat.rn for One, Five, ar &wen Year; Ix Per Immo:sum SIMKO . - • • “ALarn tro;ir., k Co., LdTingoi3l, C•,{{ Lbook Co" g on A Vi!Main H. Lare!jr .1 Co., Janoen Mstshal4 Elpq., Al len lirsaper ' E.t.. George ti Bryan It Co, a.Wn, hicE,rcy A 1; . ;taco, Carr & Co- John T.Logan k Co., Jacob f'sJutcr k Co,'SaueyS,'Brown , k Co. DA,10,,Nti1',. , 5 k BLACKSTOCK, Agents, kilectrn Hoak. 1,111409, M Fab M. FLUE MtiVilAmeg BY Tall Reiman ilatual Insurance Callan Of P342l.4adalphla, Ua Buiidtrkp, Limited or Perpetual, Mer. chandine, Eurniture, dro., in town or country. Comb Csi Its', $228,5 1 0 1. 10 Aagete. 6.1113.508 84, OFFICB :'G. 809 WALNUT tlYll.lllt7. 4.6Velna4 trAl7)l4 VIZ :- 19114 MortA,yr..trnproved Oity Property, wont dotal ilae ..... 00 Ornund rent, 6tist 3,463 00 Perwevanin Etadzund Ckeiil oenL Mort Age LO4llB, 630,000, ..... 27,900 00 Philade plata , eity per Cent 10an...—.." .. 80,000 00 A 11019117 County 9 Ili cent. Pezonlyl- 'Ants Radrose Loans 430liaten: loan., We eerured —.....- Huntingdon and .13roa1 Top 14.0nntnin Rwiroa comparq, rnorwage loan.-- 4,000 00 Penneylvania Railroad L.oropany Stock-. 4,000 00 Stock of Reliance llutual Insurance Co- 24,850 00 t3to4lt of County Fir.. lanurance Co 1,050 00 Stock of Delaware M. S. Insurance Co-.. 100 00 Commercial hank do Mechakoct , ' Bank dr, Union N. Insuramse Go's 5ang..........,._,180 00 EiX.Ceivable, business 1.0,227 18 Book Acc.puitte, accrued Interest, etc...... 8,210 72 Clan ontand and fn In bands of agents.. 11,888 1k I=l Cienk np,INT Williath EL pre5t0p!...,..., Fredo4ikc brown, (km:kenos Stevens'.: John a. Worm!, . .. . . 4. f. , . Carson, Z. Lothrop, ~ dert Toland, Charles Lelanu, 'Froderidk 1,111. r. I. Jacob T. Bunting, Olislies S. Wood. Smith Bowen, Janine S. IV 0,..-.arc, John Smell, PM*, I. N. aNclimANSecretary. J , -;.V.T.1.1.4 ER COFFIN, Agent, n.y/a • Nor,h-caat e. mint Third and Wood streets. the Vitttur.l Idle Insurance Co F. RATCHFORD STARR, Ages let 'if Al NUT kir BUT, PHILADELPHIA TILE •1 rwis COMPANI ee.. ht, ssuipryLprinniss, in the strictest sea., 01 tun te --ths entire Surplus, tistiaarel kiE43 40.-.9 aithis, being dqUitahly drrided atnoria .uesasured. Receipts i..r uw year ending Alat,;&nuary 21,580,616 76. &.88088 11 ver Senn and a ligarter Million of Dollars: Cash on hand and in Bank-8 120,050 80 Southland b10rtgage5......... 6,4=878 12 felted Mates Stocks-- 3674/2 60 [too .... 4 239 18 DUesfrom agents --.. 20,468 60 X 0,98,00 70 Add Interest ACCrUkki; but not yet due.. 80,000 00 Deferred premiums, (estimated) 120,000 00 Prisiniums in coarse of transmission— 88,132 88 81 Fifth street. Buda Alarm, Petrusi7 4186/...--1;3 8 1,989 19 Bates of premium lower, and-profits greater than In most other (toroperuea. Tar Paoroarton or Cain asasia to the amount at risk Is greater than that of any other Life insu =me Company In the United States. • Pamphlet• and every requisite information will be furnished tree of experAe,,as Application, by latter or otherwise to jBlßmd- - - PANI4INLAIN ts. SLAG/MOOR, AT PIIII - Street, Pittsburgh._ jr)ELAW AEX bitITUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY—INCORPORATED THE LeIGISLATURE OF PENNBLVANIA, WM. OFFJGB, S. B. CORNEA TRIED AND . WALNUTO'RE fi 'TS, r'H ILADEILPE Lt. MARINE INBURANCEtIt u t. Cargo and Freight, to all = at the Word. INLAND INSURANCES on by Rums, census, Lakes, and Land Car. nag to rui parts of the Union. -FIRE, INS& RAN ...a on Merchandise generally, on Biome, Dwelling Houses, Dtaa:oaa.—K m. Martin, Edmund A. flaudarJ Theephilne Paulding, John N. Panzose e John tl. Dans, James Traqu.tur, Wm. Fate, Jr James O. Hand, Wm. C. Ludwig, Josept, H. Seal, Dr. R. M. lanston, Geo. G. Lv.par ii-usi.6ra3g, Charles Eel. • ay, SA11:1110i Stoke,,,, J. F. Penuttanjdenzy Storm, Edward Darlingtors R.! Jar dr , qtrontekb,' Spezia:at M'llram Thomas C. Rand. ,:ouert Burton, Jr., lamb P. Jones, James B. alYartand, Joshrta Eyre, John B. Semple. Pittstalrgh, D. T. Morgan, A. B. Barger, do. WILLIAMMARTIN, President. TINS 1111.1211), VICO Preeddeat Vim losmrsa.aearatias 1•11 P. A. )/UU ritt a AAA. So. IS Water .6 68,000 00 -. 18,361 09 ........- 27.605 .20 -....... 174,076 14 ;639a al 76 11. 3311:111 Di REUTODIS J. a COFFIN, Ageal, Oornor Tturd and Wood street said Dantage by Fir. F PHILADELPHIA - 10,000 oo 2,a00 00 a6OB DO 'riNGLICT, Prealdet. Samuel Blspham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benjamin W. Tu2,4ley Marshall BAIL, z)2: YORK. -~, ThrotAnailifu3 - It.l.*4urari.4 Co. OF PITTEdiUROM. 0111130:15—JAMSB Al HUTCHISON, President, HENRY- M. ATWOOD, SeersierY• CAPT. JAB. WOODBURN, Gen'l Agent. OFFICE Q. 98 WATER STREET. Min/rune all kinds of -Are and Marino Risks. ASSBI9,kitY 4 10i1i, 18 Stock Line Bills rayable on dem and secured by two approyed 78,760 00 Bl1i * Beceirable------- -28,667 51ortzage.... .. . _««_ 12,000 00 1.16 Shales . stock 4,lte to 100 Shares Citizens' Bank stock cost 5,175 00 40 Shares Exchange Bank stock cost.-- 2,060' 00 60 Shares Bank of Pitts- - 2,760 00' 142EMIIS Di &EC"). (JIW . Wm. B. Bolmes, Jag. A. ilutemnson, Wilson Miller John Atwe:l, Wm. Res, S. B. Robison. Jno ArDevitt Richard Hays, Jos. Kirkpatrick. R. Wallace, Bobt Dalzell, (4 , - o. A Berry, I Wm. A. GaldwelL Wm. Means, Jame Woodburn, Allegheny Insurance CO. OF P_ITTEMURCH. OFFIVIE-No. IT Fifth St., Baeakt Sleek. .11:MURES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIR J AND MARINE .13.18K5. AAC JONES, President; JOHN D. McCall.° Vlee President; D. M. BOOK, Secretary; Capt. WILLIAM DEAN, General Agent. Dazotaan—lsase Jones, C. G. Hussey, Hart • Childs, Capt. B. C.. Gray, John A. Wilson, 8...4 Fahnesteck, John D. McOord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, R. P Sterling, Capt. W Dean, Hob% L. M'Grew, r naviq PennsyLvaiou a insprance Company Of Pittsburgh. No. 6)lVotrth Ntroolt. Disscross. 1=11! Jacob Painter,Rody Patterson, L Gnat Sproul. 0. A. Colton, James H. Hopkins. A. A. Carrier, Henry Sproui,Nich. Voeghtly, Geo. W. Smith. A. J. Jones, Wade 111 smpton, knoert Patrick, Chartered Cas3o 0.000 FIRE AND LNR 111131313 TAKEN, of al) descriptions. MIMS A. A. Ue.ititlEß, President. LGR AR SPROUL, Secretary• Lif-LII JANUARY Ist, 1881. ETNA INbURANCE COMPLIFY, L'AhTFO hD, ONN. AMASS. Bank Btocia in New York Hartford & Boston, S. Louis, Ph.qad• I ptra and other p laces -•••••:$0 1 4 1 9 5 , At 0 .114 Hniteo blainEl et , ck and Smote gtoclrn: ' . - - Nor York. Ohio, Kenureki, Ten nessee, Missouri Michion 48We 09. Qty stock - .rttord, lioch ter, iirook , yn. Jersey New Yor 1.112„102 00 Railroad chocks-Hartford and liew7 • ' Haven, iso,ton rid %Yuri:enter, Mort g_ ...- • 87;014 Rear EaeinW-UninctrmberocL.-i-.—?. %We -sr Miselleneous 3,2h5. 00 Cash on head and depPeited on call, ~,and in Agent's bands. _ 88092 65 0. 266 . 17 . 8 ?: LI A.BTLII itti, Clams, unadjusted and not due_.—.. $184,616 01* Respetntully solicit and wilt take pleat:Marais &- tending to your insurance wants. A. A. Galatia/1 A IM, AgeliA3, SA trourth We& WEST BRAili CH Mutual Inaurance Company, nevratc, ciarreon oouriTt. , 't CB.ARTBRED BY TKII tialea.e.Tusit 'Ol PINNESYLTAXIA. corn cam. MAN° I Prarrinnt TI IS C OMPANY WILL INSURE I. on .13silttuagts Merchandise, .34Arratten, hp, In town or 'manta. Droactros9,,-11cra.' J. J. J. B. Hail, T. T. Abrams, Hat. EL! CV:EiscTey, 0 • Orist,. B. IL j ac i r ,,„ ow, PUT D'MPl l * . iti..' White, Thomas Sitithert HON. 6. c, xARVIZT, Pratddent. T. T. Amass, rum Preniaent Tuve. Hrtonas, Searattny,„ i .tids 413 7 1 I t tr i e d. .r ) 144. O"Wi oUw. sAir4kUt.t. 4414 XitUgt":[• ve' ziii Kir r ar, I. PORTER AND DE&LEFI 124 Ft It A „ COWNIALS, Wimp* Old Xonongaliela FM Beatified Whistr, No. 190 Wood Stria!" Pittsburgh, P 6 1e22: 3m is. Lt. & C. P. MALtscirg, - • M.A.NUFACTUREIIB AND D .-7A - Fa JEER'S I N !P(X)F, CAP, GETT - it, and 41' kinds' of WRAPPING PAPIgN. Lave removed Lour RIV Well STREET NO. g 3 Steil field street, PATTEMIIRGH•PA. vfoi.Caan or Tr&do fox Rue. APO VW ILL LIM CLAYTON. WEOLESALE A RETAIL -441Pratel3 liEF:10 RANT, 110. 37 Diamond Near Wood. Street, PITTSBURGIG Pd. 441 r Always on hand Blackberry, Cherry and' Cognac Braudioa, Old MononfAela Reeli*d Watsky. E. P. MIDDLETON IL BRO. IMPORTERS: OP WINES, BRANDIES, ito < ALBO DEALSRB Fine Old Viliiskies, NU. o NORTH FIIONT STARBT, PEILADALP.S.M. dabacrn and ffiegarrt. u r h 1.1 A ET, V. 011799/AOlOllll AND DIAIXII is W £J TOBACC.4), SNUFF Js SEGARfi, *pBl:2y 0 120 WOOD tITIMET. L VO E N Aar% STIIAL, trrholasa46 and Ratan liaaLerm GENUINE HAVANA SEGARS, irginia Chewing Tonnes*, WOOD STREET, nada: 11,4 St. Charles Hose. oall PPTTBRITRA FL Pl. w- rgh 2iIOLIMII, Flow .uri MILLER & RICRETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND 1111701111:18 BRA.III DIMS, WIBIALS A.AD MOAB*, , COA. 221 AM) =B, COIL.Nk:It OF Ll.SEaurl AND IRWIN 13 E.ND 8 OLB AGIVTIn'O.72 etWEABER ' S CITY' .Gl i etBB, prirrativatan, pa.. Iron, Hate, Uotton„Yarns, ae...,4c., COliiktantb ,on land. dhl, Goal, illatutits, AT. ,ALADDIN COAL OIL COMPANY. OBERETOX, JOHISTON & WILKINS, Market street, Pittsburgh, Ra„, Int AVE ALWAYS on hand a sapenor BTU cara ZfOLIUI!'112111", ILLUMINATING Also, LAMPS of every variety, Wholesale gild Rent! irplady B. C, & 2. IL SAWYER, ILLINUEUNOWS 01P LARD OIL, CANDLES Palm, Toilet and ROM soap., o. 47 Wood Stroot, Pittsburgh. P. A, .FTWON, BELj. Alif) • FOUNDE Narß, eNod, 70 SECONDor Streeder 4 burgh, Pe, ts__nre to FACTORY to , CHURCH, WEAMOAT, FACTORY AND OTH ER BELLS, OF ALL SIZES, Prom 10 to 10, 000 ponds. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP ANI GA 0811 COCKS-of-elt-feneerfoeSteamboate MINERALWATER Pj.ll, COUNTER R4 l INGB, and evert eitrietrofssa %stings liniime4' s to the neatest manner. Air BASBITB ANTI erritmort METAL , ' PTILTOIPB PATENT MEW= PACEING, fltstaxn Prurinee ; in the city east , sac C HAMM 1.0144 U iisika Area 0 4, trl4.OOA. • , I cll-N)q . . (;' PltraZiX 4 ‘ ,2 - , g firneE at the imittahArerpegt, Irdtk i 'or drool. Imo wood, , 47111, WWI a roes IltalMAL.4z Pri'd mir NT&lCEß* o l &AT'LAW._ - VIENANGO- 00 .er • wit#2lgly4 • • • Pothillittrilahl.• • •Arraaner PAITTIMISON & DAWSON, • AT k rORNEYS KLEIIIII LAW 131;FILDINGS, Diamond Street, near Grant. jakty . PITTSBABGB, Pd. B. F. LUCAS, ,ATT9RNEY-AT.LAW, OSss, Ha. 1.11 Graiat 9trsat (Three doors below the Court House,) prrzeumies, Pa. 16,146 00 65,997 76 BRACILENRIDGE I ATTORNEY AT LAW elms', Ho. 13$ Fourth PITTCBURGIL FAA Aug $222,884 17 SAVE THEM BEFORE IT 15400-I,ATE. Ci SILL, has removed lo 246 EE.Nrc 4,1 • Eramia, In the house tormerhr sseuFted u Dr. G. }Keyes „,.r opposite Christ's Chrirch.— Rir will 4ife all thFincsiern hirproyinnenta Teeth Inserted at various pr trom pa to sea per set, • Banaumaxi.r-liev. W. D. owar Rev. mammal Fin ley, e. Bradley, A. Q. M'Crindlese, M. D., J. H. Hop lune, W. B. Wanklrh, Dr. Geo. H. Herron, W. Mar rhuronel . atifldy DB.. C. 13AELZ, WATERCIIRE ARO HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ALSO-ASZNT OF EtAINBOWPS CELEBRATED TRUSS FOR "i% - tr mt. JAMES A, _LOIE, Attori WR Law, Oftlee,..Piourtb street, Pittabtv e tween tindlleld . awd Cherry Alley. d 11E0 4GE 14. SELDEN : IN ILA resumed THE PRACTICE OF 118 W, hereafter be found at his alto, 122 Fourth street, S • Buccal"' w VivigliA•k/00144:1)1d sheet. frotriltir ,PPloaki &Pc'elt , End I COTAltie„ t itEXMOG,. igh.Teath extracted Hoi,to. F - 13 • RA' 1 f1i" 1 1,14 8 ,, 4 f 4 iP 'eltAAPt", !At 140 EFIX )1 COCrE13.3 jiIIiaIIiSAVOINFP I " 6 111 VOl6llllll 4VritliNT, e" deraßignAti of . i , • Egmt Ilidela and Prtrate- - - ~. All orders tineprompt4 siderniek , "5 •••• 3111 - Ifenutnre careUtpanisleel tu Steamboats and hotels • , oe. Cabinet Masers suppllK.Wit#7 APC. jj URNITITRE FOR Itl3lL=-, 4, t sinantment Buitm em at a _ t ' 44 -,F I -Siltb n i ir t a t i . zotiveryriti ae n o ttr ii k a it..wen meek l aseori~mt Id o w FIFICIC FURNITII/VIS. - ~. Ooiastai on hand and mndo-to_an.afteL.A.altn "only Wme matzoh truameas laliona'atAdaindab ,nant is Lard AEA Ort , x ears spade " int mon Be athant" . Iran arme d W. a..,jdna.aiNTO tdd - • FA /11 1AW1:47- L No. lint Eindtbfiekt atnet,belaw-rain. lUD* Cal LC I J ....., fox u, rote klet Azizarteted p 41,1 f Collaak othe - Penzispnia , littouptP ,25w/ k air, VON T The ( abbto e ado tito between L. sea7Orr Ler will be turas) /Antrum charges. h years tb the - teitero—, Waal:dug Cleadioel Bke:lents Iteterenee O'Coneor, to Loretto, and Diocese. . f D. C. ECNEELASD VEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND -ER OARS LBW:OVAL BONNET' BOXES; ekes to order PLAIN AND FANCY pep= 3, enitabla tor Shrew Dag Goode, ko,, 1 races. Corner Virgin alley and Wood (third tory—over Cftinerue Bank,) Pitta Pc 1.9.1 1" 110 .heat, Mirth R&l 9- 1 -4 61IPVREBY GMMI stgagMt 11" AG of Aue_gtiony, under the Pa of Mltt BELL Y, was dumehrett on'thA 22d of A 18111, by mutual congest. ' : BEGIDIAIt r sap 6'he business will be cemied on at the old stand try the imbeoribeavOy w hom a ll Metinehmee of the late film beleMa. Alleghwi diumAb SueP,"t SD - 1.12; AND :01143. - 1,000 Boxes CtheniicaYoive Itralinaposw t 60e de M 4 . ason Snap ID Ilind Blb r 800 ' '4O • NA:.• 1,,Pa1m13914) m 2and 3lb Ws 200 do . Olaine • Ads ht 1 blow* , 160 do German , do .Mb brisk 260 do Friend to Woman Coop in 144iiim 1,4055 do Shorn*, and Toilet Soap ta tt went sha 500eps and sizes. Sons Mine& Candle% .1,000 do WydmroJin . Yreesed and Nmdri Csadlin for Summer two 200 Boxes Adamantine Star Candlea, 54kt R Oa. 50 do New Bodtbrd Sperm Candles. Or, ss. 410 do Wax Colored Candles, 4a, 58 i Sr. 6 do Comb- dco, 5 ,do Ma do, ' AO Barrels N d 0.,445511 do -25 do Inbriiiiting 41 1 011, ' 10 do - "doL a = 8 60. 011 110 do oirbotoll 14 do Coal do On tmadand for B. 6,4 J. H. BA To whom am awarded, by the U. amiery, the first kaolin:ins der Ode= and Oandlea. mbla . „ T. T. NIMIIIIN, ' met. 0 its ES I -AND ORNAMENTAL PAINZI3I, 2, `Cor. Ett. Clair St. and Itnqn!litit (snook) STORY.) • W All work entreated 4 to row Via 1: 1 0 and Proaroth ltrectited. WV* 1:01 1 144- 1, 111:f0)4V-tc,lic4:1 Oniera eckno.ted M besmant 'Shop, Grad fit. oppoedte Clattedna. eisrzST alrAk.ii lifilto7lMllllll CV A-R A t -13- E. 8, ~• , • , rioxriwairm: strrampik flthisClftourA 111111PAll • • ,„; • • lit bet, ea Vi i ' add • • • • TEETH! UOR. PENN AND WAYNE. 11T13. , A I WM4I,, •17 ttl • -;,44,14. GBORGB- A. BELLY c • v. P. 4PBRIEPIL tiltiliggßitAg 1 lA . 1... ' to y, 4t ro ' ift1:1; 1y , 1 • LittE6 itSAL4B k fteuallersouidliti :4 A'‘~teeUttetaTigiralleal t=ll - ye Deloc era:ll ' !r' 13211.6TWei, C 4 lMS tj riforgli " VlD•2 k. MilatitiPlit*d. tifidffigi and lemi — Stv.4tßes '. 14160411=, . . DOitriLAMS 4* isrowitiiiilti cip , i I x wEc , RIO. ir iltimaxim: , • inEsAaT „ft...hp-kg' 1.4.6,50, , 11P-ral P ,s•NceniSk A4621...e'5i00k , m afro, on Welin,P* il ‘rom agOlillW aneilfaX fromlfs, bditto Not , mill - rtarree.l and from Nosamber 1 14 to" VitAtkabilit"to • o'clock. ' 1.14 i. 4E. In t , f , Li. ;,....- . -,s_ . . Deposita received c ,eitu. „sums not, imam mg &at" and a cifiddend ct — the,profttS' ' twice a year; in Jotiontid - VedMitiber.olnsereit 4*m' , daeiared i - eeng 421 22141:31, in 41,urnr and Thicierabto ' 1 nMce a B4 aT 4 it, , WIT9I 4: bh!r.4 s - 0 4z - per cent th .a f .. • . - interns, ii)mitritrtiYti oft% isplaMiti tkillistreditim oft he 'depositm. pricipsand,bsantlim .suntelt,-1 • interest from Me Apn s of nne,and.DOMMM ! . - 60mpOuridinetvli e 'Onvvri out ftiiii}Mk"thedirr ' posnorto cautoravorcm erseenttts patsabsoWi•dttw , tibia rate, Inteteaviii.,doublo,dodestEtninttl[ol.lA, years', makin fit * in the govt. dossameirs-audt Books onmaining .thel Ohatter, - ByaraShOitahe and Bezdations,,frow4psi gut* on apstliosticat the offia. , . .. • - ',..a i r, i iiia j wire r , '' d'' . , OBOE& &:61.BRE.ifw. i. , William t 4:Anderson. James : Icia . BeniVr h4 khztestook , A. Si. red......._,_ p gopeweli,Bradmnt.. ytkAwf4r a 6 ' • ''''' - James Iterman, _ dsonm ci, James D. Kelley, AleManiterTmito, ileMander,Bcedls, . 1e y, ; John BeMoliraddsos, - Ge0r. , 03 - otte , johnftkonntd4.' -, ki iclic6tr_h,r''' s'... Alonzo Ana*, ~ • /mace ~1 nl •.- i awl , CT. . .. W fig - -44 1 1 0 . , ips, - 'Jo Op,' - . John Enow., c: i 1 ilenryagßingrnt* J ° 111 (40 3 5C..% L. MA/dna "Pp 14, ...,, AI . 'Mar 1141 . ,' ',,, lir ' " --21; - Mantra ! : '0 rcL.:tiseassWilittkmv i t, •- , ', d ~- Will a_. 0 . . 'SG !'" " -141:eiffe, „,.- , t.!..L1 - , t -, •,- ,-; • ~.,t- 7 . ilw tf r a 9.. 2 ~..' . . L . , , , •L _ .. ii v u ~, i ,..1.4 5 d3 ; „: 37i5reir" . K Jielle-glie corner or - 1,;. -- - .; '' ~..- - x= " ' 4 ' xr ...... klet... 1 3ii . 3 " 4 •ltx VAMP. '!:;=0 , 1 -4 0PW• 0 1 1., liar zyi T;',, vi t. ' ' i l , ' '.,.... . Isle ~ • • '' , . • au - 'tk4grot•tirsii. • 114 , 4 4.0104% IVia - ...:*• 4 lr - 'ii•Nt Irma Si BEEI, oppedt• Catliedir ' 1 ' war- , lISTAIS:4SErr extraerve.mulaw. z— ( L MEIXI,OII4:6Tak . .. tibisad , .-atbact - lbeat. ;1 ti h• 1 , , ..-. 7 1.7 C. , n, - I.l ll Pk 1 "e• ill . ' .. --- Nr ‘ - lia . i Iri ti . ; s' l et ;, alfti 1 •'i. •' ' ' - , 6 I GLABB.SII7':. 0 4.t i . •1 ' Tu 1 ' "fr i tt - 12A1_ , larifee l 00E14- - . 6 • 'rine . • V Da :9.AIIIIDIIB861f.• _i. aurnweint nidisa, , 75101.11 .. 1, 4 1 Bpsda Arttnifer4Wir I l la*LatifiniMlAMOZZlikt - • ••• Ala , •-• ,Pl_4 • • ; 444 . 6 41'..` stat'sw tit .pOil6B4*.tirPll'irobes—oldittUditil• F ?ire), 'll'l.. C 4 :ar OW: i f f : A tr, Essabre azd ."-go . t S . o , • •-•. }OM 1U.9 Magee, • laanla G a t or • 0-Fq. tign and on tatie UM& Audipartitivb taw- t intipliaSHlNELDi . tz,A4virEvilmsthl .l.• formed a Co razalio,_ ffiodegavea;.,-ib nameaad style of 11:841.1i8.1=WCIE the Niberi}4B . friat PltisoJK, . Amer. OLA e t - Rutalle4-camEn sacci"AM 1 suismoidigi.t&xiv : ...:,,umem AHD , r, gage, Twine, , asev:3 1, 44 1 141. - , Ift tireliMaillib. -strat- - 1- 4 :00 s_ol ci:kcati. 'PEA I. a la baandri.lkionsalailt MIS a ~ its . 11 0Mig...ainumna .0011 MI•ffr , • 114 WIXIIMIIIIII - 1 1 -;t11 4 ;.• us - * --44 100 Carterelt/Y , deg . iRYWAT •.= ti EEN &UM L-4OG billiv, choiew; :-,1 u " Teen apples i , , ~ _,F, ElM Mirtre4ll4l tr a MNlSNßrn fp, WR I T 'LW WI 3l f) 40 -beircalM l 4 4 44elO , PSP,*a -,. • 8004 .,W." / "V •Emunett4viwil " 2 lu Al i ;NI ~ aril Aix• iff.tulq-11140241116 aul ,4:103 niAnainiimightraWsm , ritp , 0 ~.,, U . TO N GANGWl SCfl. 7 nmdiznad , .. el ide old Mends satutAlOß kb. mend. Ids old er EINK;dor -jam- 4 . crd,Fourth streak Hp has idvaph* ax ii m r basafßba r a h'. ieueentt „thA,llO an tn— itllb tabi•ompn - ,7,2? ,i =% , , 71. , ;: 5 42nce borouu: -..47141:ci.V 0 . a. Kw' ,-;:d'a WKEE & limtinL coormitAds; AT Vila Icor rug*: :op ~lrey g e t Biased* Hand and Wane idzeitet • PITITIMMOIV . lark. w. /ZS_ pTepiTed to hind& 00111ent - Ind* sof,dah lialasata sad. Pa* IidERELEIA AAA** d • attostaal noire N•ad go most reananiddajarria,.. _ ' PET RONA OIL, . woince, , . . ..,.., . Le N 0 , R I - L - 14 - 71 - R - - it 0.0.,, .wart. at 1114 u li tpilbitiirlk Station*Station*Athimv i l . Vne* iinroad. q . . ) and ifigraktquo 18 Jrarketailitui• Pigall4o,-,, , l ai i4ikiftnivotnb4n>biitt,g iinsillugw,, , ,. . 0 9/0 11 4 111 1 Th .; , . c ivi ..,f m k-a-41 1 ,..- . .'s _ I 1 ii.:l lir 1 I If , moiritiorni, -0 1 1 /PNININI ---4 . . ... . , ,-.., - "' I*. .1 , • ; t . ti. .1.