ita Pennsylvania Central Railroad. =GUT DAILY TRAMS. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Vlit THE MAIL TRAIN LEAVES PITTS BURGH from the passenger dap at the m torseCtion of Liberty and fir mt streets, every m (exempt sunday) at 2 ben in. stopping on at principa °talons between .litd burgh and AIA tome and Harrisburg, and Ilundetphia, and ma king d r at cone. C ion at Bar. isburg ior Baltimore, an , i New York via A • lentown. The hXPaaSS T AIN leaves the above named station dal yat 4,30 p. m., stopping only at prui ,mpsi cations. and making clin•ct connection at 4.1. , ah,,rm for Bet m mi. and Washington. and for blew via Allentown Thoi train arrives in Pr 11 idelphii at 8 Oo a in, m,king connection for New York trim Kensington depot at 9.34 a in, over Camden and Amboy line. A Sieving Car is run through from Pitusburgh to Je -say Qty vii town-180 tmlea—attsoned to this train. THE Perri* WAS. waves ins above named eta tinn daily, (except Sunday) at 10:60 D. m, stopping only at principal 'stations, connecting at Barrio bark for Baltimore Wasnington and Now 'Mk via Allentown. Tule train arrives in Philadelphia at 125 p tn, making close connection for Nvw York from Wanaut street when at 2.00 p m, over Camden and Amboy line. WAY tettillelHT TRAIN WIT 4 PASSENGER OAS ATTACHED, leaves the Pa ganger Station eery morning (bunday's excepted) at 8.40 a m running as far as Coneinangh and stopping at all station& ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lawns (szoept aunday,) at 8:00p. m, st o p. ping all stations and running as far as Oomtmangh FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's station leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:40 a. m. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's Maalox leaves daily, (except Scnday,) at 11100 a. m. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's station Wares daily, (except Sunday,) at 4:00 p. m. FOURTH ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall's ratan leaves dad,' (except Sunday,) at 643 p. m. RETURNING TRAINS ARRIVE IN rITP BURGH A.e FOLLOWS; 116 p. mi 826 p. m '6 Line . ... . 13, a. in Johnstown mm.,dation iO.BO a. in First Wuits otati n accomm 041[400 ...... 63) a. m Second Wall's ...tataou .6.COUILMOCIALIOCI... 8116 a. m Third Wall's Station scoommodalon..... 1 06 p. m Fourth Wall's Station secommodatio..... 8.06 p. Trams for Blairsville ana Indiana, connect a: Blairsville Interns:aloe with Johnstown Aocommo datiOn, and Express and Mail Triune East and West The public will find It greatly to their Interest, In going Esser. t,r We=t, to travel by the Penneyl• value Central Railroad, as the accommodations now offered e.µ4.-..t 17. surpa,l4(l on any route. The Road ttatlaeted awn.. and to entirely free from dust. We eau eareq, .peed and comfort to all eau; May Llyqr hie ROM with their patronage. 13E3E33E1 TO NEW leaßg.„.-312 co j 9ALTIMORKS9 60 PHILatIARLPAia. to 00 LANCABT.E.R B 6b EtAttnISBUE. , d, Bi tO. Baggage cheated to all ,ALona on the Penney] VIALS Ilailrosgi, tow Pzula..te , pina, Baltimore and Nee York Passengers perePasing ticse..s in cars. will be charged an ext.wes according to distance traveled in addition to the stal't/u tales, ereept from stations whore the Citimpbuy so agent. NOTIGIS—in OLao of ,oe., Lae t.for ,, nany will bold thernaelyea responsible fo: personal be sage MUT, sad for tc err 'ant not exceeding $lOO. N. R.—An Orazouti4 Lies a., tied¢ employed to convey pamengers axl ti.iggag viand from the de pot, at a charge not ,o exceed 2b cents for each passenger and baggage. tiekets ma : ply - to J. STEWART Agt., Akliten Penn's 8.. ft. Passenger Station, On Linerty ago crant streets ENOCH L .w General mop r ntenani Altoona, Pa. 1661. Tale. 1882. PITTSBURGH, PT. WAYItH & CHICAGO EAIL WAY, • TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH - WEST, WEST aNO NORTH WEST. ARRAIiGE2IIENTI MIME to Cincinnati as quick, and tc Indianapolis, ot. Louis saki Chicago shorter, by any comer roans Pe f WARD TRAINS. &I .1, Lit,. P&p sea . Leaven Pittsburg`..._ /40 am L4O P m • A..tirgh,ny 150 am 150 pm • Manan 05 a m 1010 to Arrives ......... 10 40 a m 10 SO P m " .12 45 p m /3 58 •In • Lima. 2 15 p m 2 30 a m • Pori Way ae. ...... 4150 p m 5.00 m • Chicago —...-1.1 00 p LLOO a m p " &Lams-- —13.45 m P OH (01 bUb, Ci 1 , 1, Al I & ST. LOUIS. Leaves Crestlino----- 10 55 a m 1100 p m Arrives COILIM• 130 p m 1.30 a m • Cincinnati 645 p m 7.40 a m • :nt Louis....-----10.40 a m 11.55 p FOR INDIAN AP Llo AND oT. LOUIS. Leaves Crestline— ...... 55 a m 1100 p m Arrivo at Indianapolis. 900 p m 9.00 a m • 1 erresaute......... 2.25 in 250 o m • Bt. Louis— /0.05 a m 11 55 p m All Trains througn i1ax.,40 wittiout =sage Owe. N. .34--The time to Cincinnati is she same as dtenoenville. Trams on both Roads meet si Columbia, and passengers an go unto einem:tab together. EASTWARD TRAINS. Mad. Etnreas Aimee ohieago,..---.. —. 620 a m 630 p m Ansveat Fort Wayne....-12.t36 pin 12.40 s m a Orevtline-... 555 p in li2o a m a Putsburgh -.-.... 2,85.-a - af 350 p to Bo.h Trains ma e on o7Dl3 ) ,Vilald flahrevi k.r the saatern • 476 Alle..tawn aad Prt .adet e Ma. Only one etatiga ut cars oetween Chicago and /sew York. via Pilasourgn and Al!entewn on train leaving Chicago at 6 80 p m, reaching Pitta. WrO at 3.60 p m, and New kork at 10.46 a m. AOCOMAILWATII./14 TY.A./.1.4.—Fr0m euerm it., Station, allegnenyCiky. NEW BRIGHTON ACOoMMODATION. Leaves Allegheny at 9 30 s m and 9.30 p Area New eirga , on at UlO " 10 " ves • " 3U Arrivesat Allegheny at 6 815 " " 1200 2 00 ECONOMY ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Allegheny at 12 60 to ma daPm /ASTON aacaomy at tl 03 am 4 00 RA RKEI ARAIN. Lessee Alliance at ..... ....... ArriYee at Allegheny at. Leaves Allegheny /Intim at Alit/v.- Aim w -11A130e. 7SAit In Tra. us aru rut by con/ mbue time, when is IA ironutes slower Lawn Pittsburgh time. ttP_Tieseta We acc.mmodation and unmet trains are enld tit reduced pnces. Trouga Irtans culaucn.ti. BD alllOass:.— At Alltanco, ,to trains on the Cleveland and Pat,- bUrgi, ftitiroad. At Orretbe, Urn., to and from Millersburg, Akron, Via ahoga PeJs, ern At Maid, for Meant Vernon, Shelby, San. • dusky, Toledo, Detroit, etc. 14,6gtane, for Delaware, iltprtngfteld, Ooltantein laumAntda, X enia, Dayton, Indianapolis, at. Laos, eto. At Fajen, tor tapnngleld, tiandnaky, Dayton, Can manna, etc, etc. • At Lunn fine Sidney, Dayton, Cincinnati, Toledo,oto At Fort Wayne, for Peru, Lafayette, led, Bt. Lotus , anti o potato In Central Indiana and \ • .. At Plymouth for Laporte. At Winata.h (or all points on the Louisville, New Ansarui, eau Chicago Zatlroad. And at Clatcago, wits *Man tot AU pouna In thumbs, Minninft, lows, Wisconsin and Mmnesotn Ftkr fur ther 'lnformation and taro ugti tickets apply td 'WEUßoiff PA &KIN, nidec, set, Passenger Station., Pittsburgh. Through Tioket43 fur sale at the Ticket Moos of the Company on the line of the road, to all parts or th* United abates. WM Pt SHINN, General Passeturer ¢, PittaborAPi. G. W. OSSA General Superintendent. no{ IMPORT/I:AT. ALL PEE-JUNd PUK(;ein.llf.t.i TICKETS FOS 81' JoSEPIi, AM other ponus to Nor.hern bliesonn, = the State 'Of EjLai . lllB, or the lerrhone., should het on having Molten' shot rend by the NORTII hl iz6U URI RAILROAD) The only MI route Irom to BL. Joaepb It 15 the ehortetn 110.1 pat 00+L hoe by thirteen hours 1 , 0 the reentno.,t potut reached by =I, and 1. SMUT ee citeap nanny olbor. fAilnsduy your: A . /chubs t. &sodas. ans:Lail potato ,Anr - fffnottern ktinialoir by "Cho Not th lititt.oun hall '4 1001 I,iLtt.: 6T,LIEGEON, p t. eouri It. Pretet. and .b.l North Ntia H. tLioral H •ne.notm •IL EW ROUTE VIA HiV Elk 2... N fIaLLHOAD: Indianapolis & Qinoinnati B R. 001/CIOCUIIii, at Indlanapol is with Terre Hante, and rerre &mute awl kt viroad. to 8 , Lotus and Lafayette and 1nd,,,,,up0 us, blew Anwar and PAMand Mt CeuLra', Roads. for CHICAGO, ISLAM), HURLING am, and all lawman& die pointr. WiEPronght Train to INDIANAPOLIS, dAUTE, LAFAYETTE and PERU. ill and passenger. carried from einem iati or Lawrenoetuu - a, in leas time man by any Qthaa route by twenty.fors boom, and at as low area. Tne only road by which atupmenta can be made from Cincinnati to thei West, without breaking calk& Connignmenta made to J. E. GIBBONS, agent, at Cllmmumm or W. & 01:PIT:.NO, anent at Law Manhunt, will racerre prompt attention, and no charge for eammiasioa; merge for Ira ag/ or , . For nutter informat:ort triiplyto THOMAS EATI. eLN,, (No. Ub Water street,' agent of the who IS prepared ye itl4oooB MIMS tarp's. gangers and freight to Indianapolis, Terre Melte, ladayette, ennat4,• Peru, urr•eneastle. Grawforde• eine, anarleeton., Par:. and Mattoon, tn., se. • 01W, President, JOHN S. CH KKK- P ., •" , t Agent mill FN'fg -i- FA.4N C Y 'TRAVELING SHIRTS, isklithe.ent foes, made of Ptntn , trance and tam. let pl. nnela, of rine French ant lower grades. at SI and upwards, Miele ale ad retail. Bea ON, MAMMAS CO v. , 17 Pa th street. • mel bugs wince beihos for . ' azbutr /LooLugni ‘J.T VtitrONlS. ELAND ABU PITTSBURGH RAILWAY TIME CHANGED. ON AND AFfER hiONDA Nov. 25, 1881, trains will leave the Depot of the Pena. Innis Railroad, in Pitt. burgh, es followd: PITTSBURGH, tX)LUMBuii AND CINCINNATI SHORT LINE, VIA STELIBENV I LLE. Leaves Pitteburgu..-- 1 SS a m " Steube,, vita 1,58 ‘• —12.0 b pm Columbus 1.30 p m Arrives Cuicatnati...--. u u St Louie ......... ............10.46 8 tit, Leaves p m u Steubenville. _6.10 " Newark 12 midnight Columbus 30 a m Arrives St Lotus...____.. —. 11 30 p No change of cars be tween P,titibtu - gf_ and CI C. eirmati. Splendid sleeping care attached to all nigh ae. PITTEIBIJRGH AND WHEVILING LI Leaves Pittsburgh-- ..... m " ...... ...... 4 25 .‘ • Bleu renville—___ 6.18 . 4 ..... " Arrives Bell .ir I , Leaves Pittsburgh • Wellsvile • Steuben Wheel ng Arrives BWlLlair.7 s 6.40 " Connecting at Wheeling with Baliim re and Ohio Railroad, and at &Hair with Cleveland and Ohio Railroad for Zanesville, Lancaster, Circleville, Co lumbm, and Gluiellinat, PITTSBURGH d CLICVELA.ND LINE. Leave Pittatmrgh- . 1 66 a m Wellsville ......... ....8 88 '- a ......... 08 .` " 826 Arrives 86 a Leaves Pittarisrgh 1.66 p m 4.00 " • Bayard 624 Alhance 660 " " Hudson 01 " Arrives Lieveland. ....... 10 a Connecting at Bayard with Tuacorawas branch for ew Ph ladelphia an.r Canal Dyer at tidance with Pittsburgh, Port Wsvne and Chicago RaUrcad n: Hudson, with Cleveland, Bancarnie and 01,,cago Railroad for Akron, Cuy Fall and Mtl ersbargand and at Cleveland w,th 0 k E R H for Erie, . unkirk and Buffalo, 0 ATRR for Toledo, Detroit and Chicago. Malt Train leaves 606 a m, stopping at all sta tions between Ro•ihester and &distr. Wellsville Accommodatio 3 in yea at 835 p Returning Trams arrives in Pitttaaurgh as follows Mail Train 4 lu p m Express Train 2 05 a to Wellvs,lUe Accommodation 9 to a m PSHaerigorn aslant% to go ,3a4,11.1111rY, To ledo, Chicago, or points West, of CltotelanA, mow be pardcWar to ask for token , via Cteve.and Through Tickets can be procured at the Lit, arty Street Depot, Pittsburgh ,1: STEWART', Ticket Agent. For further particulars spry V, WILLIAM BTEWART, Agent. Al the Company's Office in Prelgbt ..tation, P. , a eR no'.o P. J. S. Rantia..-..H. D. Rants (Late at hillier d Ricke:eon'a) RZYMER £ BROTHER S. (Successor to Rama a arnasaos.) Wholesale Dealere is FOREIGN FRUIT 8, NUTS, OONFECTIONERT, WOREB, M. N 0.89 Wocd at•, and No. 112 Opposite 81 Charles Hotel, WIL L ILA 111 BAGALE V, Wholesale Grekoers, Won. 18 and 20 W0i,.1 &treat, WM. H. R. BUNTER. WM. H. SMITH & WHOLESALE GROCER'S, DI SECOND AND Ml FIRST STREET,9 mitt IPsttabatrok. Pt. JESSE JOHNSON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Dealer in Plour,Grain,and all kinds of Ooun ry Produce; Win. and Li quors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Liberal advances made on consignmen to of High Wines. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE NO 231 SLUM CFrAtIO PHILADELPHIA. ata&lyd I : 9 ('J ,?tSJ(.J4i] JONES k LAILGMLINs, Manufacturere c f IRON AND NAILS, JUNIATA AND COMMON SHEET IRON. ikattiag, Lr,atk's Palest Pinto■ Bodo, ff Witt or Strost, wad iia First str••t, ' PITTSBURGH, And corner of Franklin and South Water Street's Chicazo. fe217:1. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS lauct aoina..-...10EX L. Born.- .....610 a m ..1100 a m ....450 pm JONES, BOYD & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CAST Steel; also, Spring, Plow and A.. B. Steel BVEMIGS and AXLES, corner Ftogt‘ and First Meets. [no2B:ial PITTSBURGH, Pa. D. B. ROGERS & SON., ILLWIT76OTURBBS 07 ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH AND GRAIN DRILL TEETH, Office, Corner Butler and Clymer Streets, Ninth Ward, felMs Prri'qui•Ri:P FIFTY NEW ww AND ; SECOND BAND PIANOS, BOR SALE AT GREAT BA RGAINS THE SUBSCRIBER WISH 11+10 Tr) ream his stock of Pence, oll,rB for sale d ring this and next month, Filly New and becond Sand Pianos at great berp,atnet for cash. These 'Pianos have nearly all been made especially for •the subscriber, for renting purpoves by the best makers in the country, and can bo relied on t able and substantial instruments. Purchasers are respectfully invited to ct axamine them. For vale by JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 WM) ILLUSTRATED EDIFION- ONLY 25 CENT S 600 copies more of GREAT EXPECTeITIO.,VS. This splendid and cheap eduko of DICKENS' LAST, AND BEST W ()RE have been received et HUNT'S NEW 13TORE, MASONIC HALL, FIFTH STREET. *IL Remember this le toe illantratect e nton aamp:ete, for ONLY 95 CENT 4. nod JAMES M. T YLOIL ALDERMAN OFFICE, 451 Penn Street, sth Vt'ard c 0 L L E CT I ONS promptly made. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages and oche ( Legal rAinn Drawn. Acknowledgements Tftk` 3, 811/€ ' Proratai UPHOLSTERY, No. 86 Fourth Street, near Wood. elinis SUBSCRIBERS MA Nu FAC• tare and keep constantly ces hand Avery art ein their tine, rat Cornices, Ornaments, Cat tarn 9 ooda, comforts, Feather Beds, Idattnlsses:+t ilk kmar, also, the celebrated Patent Boring Beds Ajilcti6ds of shades,' Blinds - and Fiztores. attention given so all orders for ftt tag add Awn earpete, Oil Cloths, an. oar, lyd •' • - RtiFVERTg 4FY A re Vein VENISON -7 saddles wet. received. Jusi for ssle J A FETZRIL.s. dd cower mark* sad First stsest pm -4 r 0 " .6 10 " .6 36.4 Grows SU(iARK ILRE PSit U Ft 6; II PITTSBUROVI. Plides, 16C. WAR...IEIOI7BM, Wu. M'Cxn.u, UGH 0 ...ii- i::: It ..4.f !...6': _4l , :' "PH.: -..,:::, ~. i s.A.Nr.A.ciiitrikeotth6t;' ittte - Di En `PO PENIOnt DITOT, south " ItAtrAgnfli ferdloWirtor, ITAVlNG,titluplantifitted up,with all thelnodern tatter's's& wits, thisDePuler re" sost, the subscriber is prepared so accommo d ate his old otuttounira and the public generally, *nth the best the market aorta: Oyatera will be Rep. red ;akin every variety er 51716, during the sea son. His Whims, Liquors aid' - glee he teas con. fidont in recommending the public for 'their excellence. cup,' Bucket. asuiSW Olsten add ATholaiftis and RaitsiL lix=yd SKETLIPS OLD STAND. IN THE DIAMOND, TiIOMAS STONE, Proprietor. AVING TAKEN and fitted up, at: Li a zroat expeuse, with all the • modern hm Provements, this popular leant, the subscriber is prepared to accommodate histriends end the pub tie OY generally will be with th served e barites, market a v fford et M.BB up ta of atyle during the seamen. every ariy LIQUORS and ALBS he fogs dmildent in re. commending i to the public for these excellence , ea-Id amv4i3g) at ,U hiring, mid DAY and N MST BOARDERS taken. • a ELICOEILEMOR OYSTES AND UM HMO, NO. HI WOOD STREET, =PITTSBURGH. - waousasa AID MAU, LAKE AND EASTERN FLOC FRESH PHILADELPITA AND . taINTKORN OYB TKRB AND WILD auar,, All la their __PIMAMVi4III/111M., no 28 GEO. ILLIDLIIIM.A.N t 00. *ANSI ON ROUSE, EiEORGE ATTR. , ' ENZ, eroprietar Sitt.Liberty sheet, jnet heel e the Passenger:4M etthe Pennsylvania Maimed, which realms the most convenient oPati in the city fof Illelleenjeca arriving by that rokl. The proprietor et b. fitted upon exoelle the MillsiSlON=ll: would reepeettall% a ibarevt• Public Patron' age. Hie ,Larder aittliMbe Welshed with the two the =dug" AWL, teby ."if:11.411010K-110, NEW WAA - 11F4rlikaTORE. BETWEEN 11191111 AND 1111tRTY BM. No. 107"Iihisrket75treet, EIE SIII4tSCRIBIR IS OPENING anew anddo* PAPER 1111111GINGS, mbracing* conl6 4 hidis essortment far Dwellings Ofli t = 4B tai km, to which be sod res invite the attention of thelhib ie. !minx% an en new stook of goods recently now• saed and now arrlyinm Those in want of now goods will And them by looking through our inarklyd JOS. B. HUGHZ S. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! The Lodged Amattount and Lowest Priam Ptdipdmisti. Own and sea ALTER P. MARSHALL, Aa Ipt Wood Street, (Neer Fourth, at Qin OW Sienna iias for sabill*toh, German and American WALL PAPERS, FOR PARLO RS, MRCZECHEI, LODGES, ac :iO 3 OOO rolls at 123 eta. 50,000 rolls at 6, 8 and 10 els. W=OW Oussarna Fri. Basso Palma Term Omen Chmares, to Look for the Striped Front. The only phme ns town where a fall assortment of French prams ts kept warm LUZ SUPERIOR COMB JUNKS LID SIIITING WORE B, PARS, DPCOBDY & CO., air ANITFACTURERS OF SHEATH, .1.01. Brasiers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copps .141.11114 Raised Still Bottoms, Spelter Solder, kr—, amo Importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, dhsel iron, Fire, Lo. Constantly on hand, '1 cameo's Mac:tines and Tools. Warehouse, N 0.140 rust, and 120 /Sussed streets. Pittabtain, Pa. Special orde r at Canner out to any cleared sabasa. fs4l9 ed, s YOUNG'S WHOLESALE OYSTER DEPOT, AT TEM OLD STAND, CORNUCOPIAN RESTAURANT, No 40 Fifth Street. WHERE FAMILIES, HOTELS, Restaurants and the lande generally, can b., supplied with Chesapeake Bay Oysters at the oweet wholesale rates. Ootmky _trade solicited. cells 3U TOIMITG, Proprietor. IrounrPs Eating , Saloon, 00R. VlEkiIN ALLEY and SAM/WIELD BT., O7■ters and all the delicaceee of the season eervtd up lathe most palatable style. ELI YOUNG, and Smithfield st. 0e.14 comer A RARE CHANCE—For $B5O will be 11 sold a dwelling house of five rooms with lot os sg .-ou d so Met front, on Oarrol street, Allegheny, hy 100 feat to Lees street. °all and examine. ltor sale by & °OTHBEBTaBVN, fil Market et. note G ENTS' h:=l PRE.TCH CAL. BOOTS, Unlink, role and doable tamer, warranted ewwal to any In the city, and will be odd very low for nun W. E. SCHAZETZ, & CO., B OYS BOOTS, BOYS BOOTS, YOUTHS BOOTS, YOUTHS BOOTS, CHEAP / CWP tg :CHEAP 1 AT Na II MEET. D. DIPTXNBAOHEB. nol6 BE lITIFUL • A PAPER 1:1 n4P IR) 'AND TINTED .~ We by ~'p. YARBEALL. ANTEt i a m .'s REFINER TO to go a n - eh.. None beta telly corn patent , Pritatinal alt ap pl y ncl Is - w WHITS BROB., lee Liberty stroeL L ADIEW AND MISBBB' BAILMORAL BOOTS always on hand, aN mods to otderorAbort2nd4o W. 3• KIIIMBETZ & 00., WALL PAPER—A large lot of choice patterns of cheap paper Met reoeived it JOUZPH 4111.1GRES' flog 107 Market street. GLASGOW'S aaICBROTYPE GALLERY Ir-T-EPOLL, FOURTH STREET ENTRANCE: rim THOSE PARTIES WANTING .61.. real fine Ambrotypes at a moderate price, and all who have been unable to obtain a good likeness elsewhere are remply solicited to call. Large van amass and frames always on hand. Prices moderate and satiabiotionm= w, K Fourth Street, Pittsburgh. TO OIL REFINRB6.--We are prepar ed to fit up refiners with the necessary Pumps. Cooke, Pipes, be, in the latest end most approved pane. Our experience In this branch is not equaled by any otherastabilekanesit. For work manship, M., we refer, to the fallowing refiners in this city. Rogers & Nesbitt, Roberta, Wilkinson ! John B. Betl, Ejoinhiprmsok Porters. Mathews * 00, MekeU McFadden, John -CopiU, Thos. Bell k Johnston d Brost., Roberts, Hill Oa; Adams, Wilma %KW. I RIMBNILE, -08 led BOOTS, SHOES, GUMS, - COWL SOLES AND-10X0REEPSEOS cloedag out were low *Ube amp et= BOR OF roam scutz &ND. Ile MAW stave% id door Iktgn AWL Call to day and examine alts WS* mad well as acted atm*. ' i At TLET—TIIE STOBN HOME, NO 76' WOOD MEW jaw/both, °adapted J H. BB MOS/OM first of Ewa's, t ANDISIF , at IL LIIIIMWM,_ OUP as Mk Amok. • ' AIMPINte Inde 4kt:dim Loan by Piro. ' KLINE FLEE INEO7- 4, RODE itOkIPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 486 and 487 OHI23TNIJT BTHEET, near Fiftn. Bratoionts or - Mum JAIWAST 4.14 4 161 Publialuitt aggremb/y to an Ad ofAstant 4m being: First Mortgagee, amply secured.. 88 RealZenete, (present value 21.02,318 61,) -PO4 102,095 26 Tbinpotary Loam; on ample Colletteral s.egonties 89,185 58 Stoc.lcsApresent Talmo (585,557 7 - 2 . 3 . 0.76 C 82,11 E, 68 No sn . d. Bills Iteceleable-....- 1,021 00 22,919 88 112,2A0151 68 The only profits from premiums which thiscom • Fan) . . Pan amidst by law, arc from risks which have Steen determined, Insurances made on every description of Prep er, in Town and Country at retests low as are con s Want with security. etude their _acorpoiston, a period of thirty yea* they Four have paid a louses by Fireth ereb, to an amount exceeding of afford ing evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as well ae the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Losses paid during the year 1868, 696,106 86. etsacross. Charles W. Beacket,- —lAcsdacal Lewis, Tobias Wagner, David 8. Brown, • I Samuel Great, Isaac Datt, ladob R. Smith, Edward O. Dale, George W. Rictiarda, Fa itts,„ CAB. N. liAlarra, President RDWARD DALE, Vies President. WM. A. STEEL, Secretary pro tem. J. GARDNDSR COFFIN, myle Northeast cor Third and Wood sb.eets. Western Insurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH. GRONGE DARKS, President; F. M. GORDON, Secretary Oapt. R. D. 000ELRAN, Gen'l Agent. No. 92 Water street, (Spang A Co.'s Warehouse, up stairs,) nttaburgh. Will "Mira against M :A nds of FIRE and MA. RINKRISKS. • ' A Dome institution managed by Directors who are well known in the community, and who are de termined, by promptness and liberality, to main. ih-e•lattnimer which they have asstuned, ne of. edig 10a t- , IA protection to Mosta who desire to be hienatie. ASSETS, COTOSER 80th, 1880. Stqck Accounts. Office ......... 260 00 Open Amounts, T 18,AN 48 o ehol 00 Premium-No-0;Z: 21,006 20 Stites and bills 114,010 14 DIS/010111. B. Miller, Jr, James WAttley, ( athaniel Holmrs, klexantlar Nowak, eseora,• Lela°, Wm. H. Smith, Ohaa. W. Racketson, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Lang, Rees J. Thomas Beni. Bakewell, John R. Al'eune. MIMI PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LEFF. INSURANCE CO-'; ' NO. 149 CHESNUT STREET, Opposite he Custom Howie, Capital s2lo,loo—Aantil 63~68. wILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF IN SURANCE, either Pespeimu or Limited, on every description of = eff Hanibutibsoi, reasonable rates of p 11011ERT P. RING, President, M. W. BALDWIN, `floe President. DIRECTORS: /Merles Bayes, It R. Gape, K B. English, George W. Brows, P. B. %very, Joeeph a. Paw, C. Sherman, John Clay - ton, S. J. Ragargee,. K Aiwa, F. BL.sexathug, Secretary. c'TIYIV/1 4 T 3 )15.MI1ANYA 9 ,t c!4''AbsJigs" . Sat.; 'the, deeretary. WM. SAGALET, Pres!,lent Office, Cor. of !Market wad Water fi to. Insures against Lose and Damage in the Naviga tion of the Southern and Western Rivers, Lakes, and Bayous, and the Nan- uon of the Sess friaries agtfist Loss Wm. Bagels/y.ll Jas. Park, Jr., Wm. G. Johnston. B. F. Jones,gb , Besse Owerm, M.Bowe, B. Preston, Geo. Bmgham, S. M. Hier John Shipton, ..aa. M. Clo.ope 8. Harbani,h, J. Caldwell. John h. Dilwurth,O. H Zug, m112:9-.lydh, FIRE INSURANCE, The Enterprise Insurance Co., UP PIILI.A_DLLPHIA Rieke Daise for Ons, Mud, a , Semen years, or Per 1117111105 William Holmes & Co., Livingston, Ooperland Co., James B. Lyon A Co., Hon. Thos. M. Howe, William 8. Lovely & Co., James Marshall, H.q, Al. In Kramer, Eaq, George B. Bryan d Co., Won, McElroy &0o , ilnon, Azr & John T.Logan & Co Jacob Painter A Oo , Belie , Brown & 00. DARLINQTON BLAC K. Agenta, aplecSm °Coe. Back Block, No. 87 FLU at. • FIRE INSURANCE BY THE Reliance Mutual Ensurtinee Compan Of Philadelphia, On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, /Ker. ohandize, Furniture, &c, in town Or Coun try. Cash Capital, 5229,610 00. Assets, 4 1303 ,24403 ea. OPIUM! NO. 808 w A tkplur Invested as folio via .1-71 First Mortgage on ed . Olty .-- 2 . r .. c =48 00 worth double the amounts* eroutut rent, first Choi— —... 60 Railroad 41.'8 ES 1 11 cent. $20,000, coot.— .8,000 P h i p ' tin per cant top-- Immo 00 Allegheny oounty 6 16 cent. Pennityl• vania Railroad 10,000 ao Collateral loans, well secured-- 2,500 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top lionn — taln - Railroad company, mortgage 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company &conk • 00 Stock of Reliance Mutual Insurance C 0`00... 4160 00 Stock of Oonnty Fire Insurance Co 1,000 00 Stock of Delaware M. S. Insurance Co—. 700 00 Commercial Bank do .... 6,186 01 Mechanics' Bank do ..... 8,012 60 Union M. Insurance Ces Scrip 160 00 Bills Receivable, business paper............ 16,297 18 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc..... 6,216 72 Cash on hand and in in hands of agents.. 11,886 1.6 la Fifth street, ManSamnal Bbipham, Williaro Thi ftuuripeon, Robert Steen, Frederikc l!down„ William Muaser Cornelius Stevenson, Benjamin W. Tilgley, John R. Worrel, Marshall Hill, EL L. Carson, E. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, Frederick Lennig Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James B. Woodward; John Bissell, Pitts. S.M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. J GARDNEF. COFFIN, Agent, myle Northeast corner Third and Wood sh•oeta. rTmmrliTfiflMMTlFl F. R.ATORIORD STARR, Agent, umrmw . nw.mmi7l7ll THE BUSINESSOF THIS COMPANI is oonduciad on the mutual principle, in the strictest sense of the term—the entire surplus, daducting mammary oxpenta Wands, being equitably divided among the assured. Receipts for the year ending 10.81 January $1,684,6715 111. Assets Over Seven and a Quarter Million SI nth street. of Dollars. Cash on hand and in Bank.; 10,060 SD Bonds and Mortgaoli.—.... 6,421.879 Utuiad Siatta SLocks 1187,132 60 Real 40,489 13 Due from 213,466 60 46~68 74 Add:latexes( noarued; but no due..Bo,uoo 00 Deferred premiums, (estimated) 1.36,000 00 Premiums in course of tranemlasion— 83,132 38 ewe Awl% February 1, 1861-- —97,981,989 19 Bates of premium tower, and profits grouter than in moat other Companies. Tea Familia= OF Cue Anse to the amount at risk is groator than that of any other Life Imo. ranee Company in the United States. Pamptilett and every requisite information will be furnished free of expense on application, by letter or otherwise to DARLINGTON t BLACUTOCH, yBl.3md 87 Fifth Street, Pinata:ll%h. iff)ELA.WARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY—INOORPoRATED THE LAW3LATURE OF PENNEILVA_NIA, 1886. OFFICE, S. R. CORNER 171110 AND WALNUT BTRAKTIAPHIELILDELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCPB onVessels, ift.rgo and Freight, to all = at the World. INLAND INSURANCES on hi Rivera, Canale, Lakes, and Land Car. muss, to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSU sAlwalo on Merchandise generally, on Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac. D lame om.—Wm. Martin, Edmund A. Bonder, Thnophilns Paulding, John N. Penrose, John Davis, James magma*, Win. Arre, s t il li m mes O. Hand, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph Dr. R. M. Huston, Bea G. Lieper, Orsig, 0 gig. klpy, Samuel E. Stokee,4. F. Edward Darlington. H. Joao, Brooke, lCDvain Thomas C. Hand, Hobert Burton, Jr, Jacob P. Jon James B. liPPariend, Joshua P. Byre. John B. Semple . Pittetswgh , D. T. Morgan. A. B. Bingen do. WILLIAM MARTMpreaidam. THOS 0. HAND, PWPreaidaggi, Kum Luna; Eiwirstary. P. A. NABIELa d Ac i t IN so. N Wtdsr stiesi IMMM XlitVBl 70 J. B. COFFIN, Agent, Corner Third end Wood streets bad Danaage by Fire DIZJOTOII49 : $1108,608 fiNl CLAM TINGLEY, Presidet, DitiCllolll. • OF KEW YORK. •a ellisanilla ' g - .., 4, :: ~: . ~. .. Monbugabolajl46lo4ot Coi. OF. FofTTOOUltelf, Oninas-,JAKSS A; HIITORISON, President, HENRY M. ATWOIn Seerigia7. CAPT. JAB. TVOODBUSLI, Gen Agent. OFFICE. NO. 98 WATER STREET, psur., d 1341, of irtfel itarko ASSETS, MAY 10th, 11381; Stock bne Bills payable on demand and b ored by two approved names.l * 750 °° Bills Ileoeivable-- " 2/3,557 84 Bills Discounted._ -........„...........smug 78 MolB,ooo 00 116 Wares Mechanics Bank stock cost. .. .. 6,185 00 100 &noes Citircas' Bank. stock 5,175 00 60 Shares Exchange Bank stock cost. 2,060 00 50 Shares Bank of Pine. . 2,760 001 -----16,140 00 Balance of Book Aceolutta-................ 66,907 76 $248121 17 DIRECTORS: Wm. B. Holmes, Jas. A. Butchinacon, Willson Miller John Atwell, I Wmße D a e , ctlt RBh.a Rbison: Han Jas. Kirkpatrick. B. Wallace, Rold Dalaell, Geo. A Berry, Wm. A. Caldwell. Wm. Noma Jame Woodburn. ml2l Allegheny Ingurame Co. hIRW4_ ..._ orvion.StitilllZENt.„ manic Bloats.. INSURES RAk AGAINST ALL KINDS OF FIR 7 AND MARINE RISKS. 0 JONES, President JOHN D. MoOORD, Vice President ' _, D. M. BO O R, Secretary; a:pt. WELLLtAI D EAN, General Agent. Dnuarroati—lauto Jones, C. G. Humat Ha Childs, °apt R. O. Gray, John A. WUsaq u. Mestook, John D. MoOord, Cwt. Adana Jonah% arling, Capt. W. Dean, Holt L. EFOrAtif, RoPt I! IX. H. MEita Pennsylvania Insnianne)Conitpany Of Pitiksburgb. 01141*-----... No'. 68 fourth atreot. DIRECTORS. • Jacob Painter,Rody Patterson,. I. Grier liiprotd, O. A. Colton, James H. Hopkins. A. A. Carrier Hr Bproal,Nicit. Voeg,tilay, GOO. W.Eimith. AJ. Jonas, Wade Hampton, itabert, Patrick, Chartered Oa Wei— --.....„—5300.000 FMB AND Maki TAKEN, of all . descriptions. C - 7".M L. A. OA R.RTR.R, President. L GRIM SPROUL. Secretary. (jelly ANUABY Ist 1881. ETNA INbIIRANCE COMPANY k A HTFORD, L ONN Mang. Bank Stocks in New •YOrkHartford A Boston, St. Louis, Philadelphia and other placea..--.---- —51,006,309 10 United States Stock and State Sucks: New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Ten nessee, Missouri. Michigan, Indiana, 488,670 00 o,ty Stock Hartford, Rochester, Brooklyn, Jersey City, New York, 182,162 10 Railroad Stocks—Hartford and New Haven, Boston •nd Worcester, Oortn. River_._....,_ 94,660 CO Mort ge 80nd5..__....._ 87,484 70 Real Earate—Uninotimbered-----. 88,t06 S 7 Illsellaneona liems...-- —.— 1,26 u 00 Qtah an hand and depcsited on toll, and in Agent's hands.-- ....... 866,892 66 $2,265,17b 82 LI A BILITrEB, Muma, unadjusted and not due- g18a6711 64 ble,pecttully 111.11C1t and will take pleaatue in at tending to your uasuranoe wants. A. CaiiRIF.JI a BRO, Agenta, 68 Fourth street. WEST BRANCH Mutual Insurance Company, LOOll HAVEN, CLINTON 00UNTT. CHASTEAKD BY tEI LIOIBL.LTITEI OP PENNeYLvAirie_ CtssA OapitaL 1300,000 Pronstas Nonat—.-81119,348i THIS CO AN Y WILL INSURE on Balldw , s• Merchandise, Furniture, Lc., In town or country. DlllOlOllB —Hon. J. J. Peetoe, J. B. Hall, T. T. Abrams, Hon. O. O. Harvey, Char Cris; D. K. Jackman, Ohs& A. Mayer. Peter Dickson, W. White, Thcrmaa Kitchen HON. G. C. HARVEY, Preeident. T. T. Amass, Vice President. Tine Hreinsta Secretary. LLPPIIRT, - Np. TO -rfth sh.•.eet UMS IMO 4114U01L WIN. BENNETT. IMPORTER AND DEliblat BRAOmins, CORIIALS, WINES, Old hoodwink and Rectified Whisky, Mo. 1110 Wood Street, fa 32: 6m Pittnburgh Pa. N. B. £ C. P. INALBILLE, MA.NUFACTUBEEB AND DEA. f....13.1;ta J3OOll, CAP, LkirrEß, and all kinds of WRAPPING PLPEER, osieremoved from O. ST WOOD STREET to • .• No. 88 Bmlllollteld ! PITTBBUB.GE4PA, 101.0aahar Trade Du Raja. app. ,WILLIAM CLAYTON. wHowsaux a MULL LIQUOR MERCHANT, No. ST Diamond Alloys Near Wood Wrest, -prrTaßrateir, PA. Sir Always on hand Blackberry, Cherry end Cogr k c y Brandies, Old Mononela Eoctised WE . E. P. 21IDDLETON & BRO. ThiPORTSEB OF WINES, BRANDIES, &CI ALSO DIALBEB IN Fine Old Whiskies, NO. 6 NORTH FRONT STREET, spliklyd PKELADILLPHIIt. gallium and gems. TIT & D. RINEHART, YV • 410193111/1 DRUM P ALL am TOBACCO, MUFF & SEGARS, ap81.41 NO 190 WOOD WREST. LYON ARNSTILAJL, Inagua. and Bitau .t* in GENUINE HAVANA SEGASB Alin Virginia ()bowing Tobacco, WOOD EITELEBT,, ander the Bt. Charles Hotel. 0011 kTa: isoutt6H, 'A. 'K. him" '1111a..-.41??. Patel:tarp MILLER & aitimucTsorg, WHOLESALE a GROCERS, siteIDLIDS, WIN AND 11.11GAlm, NOEL 921 AND 748 CORNER OF .1.1.11,121 M AND IRWIN STRBISTB, AND 50L,13 AGANTB FOB SWEARER'S CITY GLAIAS , PITTSBURGH, A. Iron, Valls, Cotton Yarns, &c., do., Constantly on land. [mr2 •u, goat, 01445, ALADDIN COAL OIL 'COB/1 1 4.474 BRERSION, JOHNSTON a VIXENS, 45 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa., AVE ALWAYS on handpera superior an TING,TLI,UULTING " Alio, LAWS of every misty, Wholesale and B. C. & J. B. SAWYER, ItANOLOIIIIIIS 07 LARD OIL, CANDLES, Palm, Toilet and Rosin Soaps, no. 47 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa , FULTON, BELL AND BRAS'. _,...-• . FOUNDER, Po. To szcoND Seek Atte ' " - " PO, IS pared to furnish to Grim ": 1 • 1 • . AT FACTORY AND OTE ga BELLA BMA • Prom 10 to 10, 000 ALL . COMM BELLE nude ,to order. taw Am GAME 000 U of all Ofor,t3testaboitio,,. IdINERAL WiTEE 00MITER,BAII INS and every variety of Braes Castings 12016.4 • • In the needed mummer. : air , ammo Azm PELToN'S PATENT A irrErrmis iamitt .CIIEALLIO zuzpis rcR, Steam Neurines. rR THE CH. MET MOM in tile, Ailii_oill_st mil 0. , '= LOVER, TA Markel Mame, 41 "VB#zd I ncree I. • ATTORNEY AT -ILAW, oin • • , ■ No. IFYltirstat Sire doors below the Court Housei'l to • y 0,...-- L. BascimuuDiaii, ATTORNEY AT LAW moo, No. lifili v iisirtit PECIVIURGH, P. Ajlf E 9 A. IiOWRIE, Attorney at w,- Office, Fourth Street, .Pittabmih, he , • Snthfield and Cherry Alley. dethty , •-- - - E 0 •e E S. - SERDEN - : VING # resumed TEE PFAOTIOE OF LAW, may ttabrag.reafter be foand athia ottice, - 142. Fourth , street, h. ten A.H.L, Surgeon Dentist, suoceneo 4.1. 41 to G. W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield street. stir. Office hours from _eight to T o'clock, sod fro , 2to &cis , CUPPING AND I.F.FciuNG, A. NA& BEIM. ~Teeth extracted. Hot, Coil and Shower Baths et.lB:ly F 131 4 13 K IT7 Grant nruttinit FURNITURE AND CRAIN IL1E11:01701133 PRIOPIrr le. 'JAMES W. WOODWEL4 Nos. 97 and 99 Third Street. 111 FOURTIII STREET, 00203D3TEING op ALL VARIETIES OF STYLES AND FINISH, Hotels and Private Dwellings. • _ lg. All orders prom Wended to, and the Puriuture ears and boxed. r Steamboats and otels furnished at short notes. Cabinet Idanere eupplied "with every artist!. to the VURNITURE FOR OASH.—A full sesortment of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing • BUREAUX, BOOR CA.BIOI, WARDEOBEBI,. - yrd every article needed in a well furnished dwel ling, as well as a splendid assortment of , OFFICE FUENITDRY, Constantly on hand and made to over de th 4 oruy terms on which business isvtiono al this es. lishmexit is for CABE., pri - v tare made accordingll. Persons in want of a.iyttang in the above lin44 would be advantaged by calling at FACEINER k /SWUM, No. 108 Eanithlield street, below Fifth. J. D. Favicsms, M etturatiouaL ST. FRANCIS' COLLEGE, Under Care of the Franciscan Brothers. THIS INSTITUTION, SITUATED IN LORETTO, Cambria Oirtmtyi Pennsylni• rue, tom miles from Cresson Station, on the direct route between Philadelphia and Pt h, wee chartered in 1858, with priviliges to confer .f . usual - Collegiate Ronoraand Degrees. The tion of the CollegdAs one of themost healthy In Peansylvania—this portion of the Allegherty Mountains being proverbial for its pure water, bracing air, and picturesque scenery. The Se.hclaatic year commences on the F.I EI.ZNIDLY after the lath of AMIDST,: and about the" 28th of JUNE following. It hrdivided into two Sessions. Students cannot return home between the Sessions. All the Apparatus neces sary for Land Surveying, Dagineming, Ire., 4c., will be ftunished by the Institutionto the Students. Instrumental and Vocal Music forms no extra . • JWltieinta W rill admitted )tom PIP' L : s qloatiatri of may ; • . Board and on, paYablehelflesirly. in advance.... Washing and use — of. 10 Classical and Modern Languages, extra.— 10 Students spend Vacation at the College.-- Reference can be made to the Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Connor, to the Nev. T. S. Reynolds, SL Mary's ' Loretto, and to other Clergymen of the Pittsburgh Diooese. - - D. C. KNEEWD KEEPS CONISTANT4Y ON HAND EM'AILE AND OVAL BONNET BOXES ; iso,:nakii to order MAIN AND PANG! PARER BOXE:13, suitable tor Shoes, Dry Goode, ao., st Eastern rims. Corner VirdcereeyEtitifit Etta street, ( taird tort' — over ) Atte burgh, Pa. mid) • Notice of Dissolution Partnersl4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnemihip lately existing betwee4KE ifeIf.ELAM and GEORGE, A. ffyl•f•lf of the oity of Allegheny, under the firm of BSOICAId A KELLY, was dwaolved on the 22d of Apr6 , l t BEl f by mutual consent. 10123KHAlif k Or The business will be carried on at the old standhy the Bubscribet, In whom all the business of the ate firm will be DeUled: -'• GEORGE A. RELL'f, Allegheny, June 4, 18fR.—ie8,-tf KOAP, CANDLES AND F. Boxes Chemical 01iye Erasing Fwl. 600 do Satan Soap in 1, 9 and 7 - Chars WO do Igo. 1 Palm Soap in 1, 2 and Blb Wino '4OOO -80 1191etne•11 49 160 do German dO zll ti 260 do Friend to Woman Soap In 115 bait . 1,800 do Shaylng and Toilet Soap in differ ent shapes aosk o Di ibsee. 100 Boxahierir Candlba, 1,000 ado Itydradbo I'vralaod and Mould Candles for Sium:der Xuse.• 900 Bored Ar*nantine Stir Candles, 445 e 61: 60 do Aew BedfOid sperm Oandles, to, So & de. 90doAto - Wax Colored Oandles, 4e, is an. 6 Coach do, if do Star • dor 10 Barrels No. 1 Lard OD, 6 do do 2 do, 26 do Lubricating N 1 OP, 10 do do doOil, 60 do Carbon rlinminatlng OH, 4 Coalozornialleatii B. C. .6 J. H. SA _ To whom wiLs &mailed, by the U. 8. .6.grienltura. Candle& mhLll* Society, the OW pre/Mame for Oda, 80ajol and T. T. IS 7 GVRN, .lEr 0 vasl 431 /ST -AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, 2, Cor. St. Clair St. and Duquesne Way, .7 aim) ai All work entrusted. to me win be Nettsty MO Promptly noel:nod. odtly HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER P. O'BRIEN. ar oppo Orders site scoe.aact at basement shop, Grant street, Cetthestall, C. Un3gllT 41r. CO" 0, A -A 1143ZA : ',C1 rt , . i katibtßAlS,Rl36lol3ll, SULRIIRairSUIRRUI aim 80. IR Ano Brod. Rtigoovist Mr AU mark vostinted to be at golgstug. NM and morkmaaddo. ROM,* =l= Pesti Fit. piyur SAW i p NCIO I tiiikestirsai :lei h A " W " ;i10113114 usaH, Pi Books eentaWag 4 -the Charter, By.lawa, UM"' and Beguktiokii4 Mral•ltied grath l / 4 an applic4tica the aim TICE rae Wean .I.4);.thirion. /*ad BD. Meade, NM Bargain, leakelet.Pinerieelt, Berl L. FahatlßLOOlt, Pollock, N. 1/. HopewellHppleiru, Hobert Bob, Imps Herdmaa, Jameeleadte, Janmi , Almada Meals, Maziaciar,'Biaerl JohaStkoradlieo, John 61.13aelroewa i Patifia. litadelrea: Jo Mina*, ' John FL; Melro .aratdei ww r, =4 ler, ` Joballaraloth, Uharlsba. lkiltoa, Walter P.atlikreke Jail 'Kemp, ' JohnOrr,L. Illagwidt 'Juba Itohnea, - John Halhomberge . WilkinnELHaven. Alemder PetarA Hunker, William & warn e r° Richard Haye a - Isaac Whittier. Vn n i e r e LAWN Chrietrert Yeager. 14 COMM Ltd L.4.O*Ndo.EFiCE. RENazirp , WL ,CIAL4O4 - 111, 'ff -MAW goltslifiatd. fit., Ataigthaaodiblezet Fifth, 11.4L0ac,1; AWA- 813 Uitai". /FA- A 6 -‘ awlarge.leo ; gautll quantitiee dB, Jewel , erititlat.Diabacut W* 'Am , hetniti n e e n kindit of rata. " e titt% bLtb lop. AL aZD W itlp 4 1 -I E .. 7I:I7 . , 436.s iittAk.NSSAL 2432nri D anosito• NOTBBr'BONDS. , -ES and other Seca -) " ratualiat - 0r44 woß,gs. A. WOLIFB-,f. T. P 1 Uti):LE GAMPERLL WOLFE- PLUNKITT & CO. GLABB Me LiErFA ,ITURERS; WAF EHOITSEI No. n Wood Strut, Co mor orlEnt, seibly P4l.tati arab. W. r,......D. C G ZLIZIWIELI at,......r. C11M5030/1.1,11 A. ZEINSIX o. Duman. ruNNINGIIA LIS 4.V, (1).-P I T T 8- BITEGB um • LAYS.VY. 'E lib—Warohitrase, Water street, and ibil First treti 3 Pitteburgh, Pa., three doors i slow Mo .oti ela House, aLanufacturers of Pittsburgh Oil . ludow Glints Druggists' Wen Wore and ktnerloan Convex Wass, for parlor witilows, oh-tones end public buildings_ . apl tF YOU WANT SOILV . GOOD in" Fruit or_lowepoted Mince 4te m4 - 4 , 41, - liad all c, er kind of Splo, a, ookiog Broody Of nine, New Orenge, Lemon heal 40 to "toward' et arottens in the D.imond, abet.' ,yeu will get All natt„strop Fuld on.i lower then 11 any other hones in toe_city. logas Few& and t assortment of k molt tieneeries, roar, Wines, .Etranctra, and ah ocher kinds of For e4n and LOD' sstac nquorft. :UWOBTS BB4YTEBB, deft boner o' Diamond and Diamond ri_UNS, Plsl'ol,B, IUI LEB_—Th e a 1 1.. A GUNSfentlon of these in eozzoli of , . . PISTOLS, 410,40., edireoted to our mp.andid stock, W.SOI7DiG. - N . Wond soeet. AMINE & MACH I N IST OBEAT-WIEN I ERN . PLALNING 1d11.4 our. nn and Xtespesens Wql4 . ,_,Pittabut Pa" will mite to order,. and ltnan.can es good as can be made, the following inaelthicry, viz s—Steam Engines, Turning Lathes, for wood and iron; Fla nera,for wood and iron: Driltingkankanee; acumen and Tdbeseno Screws; Patentdiglit and Model Ma chined, in the best merman.; Shafting, POnse, and Hanger, of all tans and misty Screws, of any di• amain end NUM, to fifteen fe et in length. Will also make, and have on hind, Motor and Niter Engines, ad Deck Paroles for ateansboate. to Lathe tnheare and Mier Pmg done to order; Can plane 82 bibbed eide;by 9 festal inches long. AU Orders PrompOy Filledandikiriessoy Battened. N. E. T ePartionlar attention 'aid promptitude gis. en to repairs on Printineftkiree and other Ma chine. _ .1 . M. LITTLE, IN . .., 'mut mum TAILOR,. No. bl. SAINT. CLAIR STIIIII% (Dr. Metes New BellarwA) - - 2:ly ' S,_TPITTSBUREM. Co-Partueithip. -1 1 H E UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS ;day formed a Co Parrnengdp under the Itenteeo ogle of PERNIK& KERRIOK oa, fe the Paper, and iremereCOMmiseron Raiff:tees. J7so: 3fPRIPMMI • 0.- HENRY MERRICK, KWLIID Pittsglf, Pa, Marehlat,lBol D . C. CLAPP. IM; Aro M. HIEMMIEBTOZ......Z, 0. CAP/ PERILINS, MREIRMK k CO., WID %NEALE AND RETAIL DR 4T ,leitia jp Paper, Rage, Twine, Cordage' &o. Manilla - I;tope L - Broom-Twine, and Wire, Paper-Makers Materials, ft..; &o. arehowee No. frallttrd Street, re•rt 713 e use Et, PA b,OOO BAGS . 'OF' .. NO. .NXTILA,I3A.LT, . _ , ., in new two traittel :attain Nam tor tale it PENN SYLVANIA SALT Zo INugeom.ifie COMP sNT MIN= - ill ;WOOD STEZET. APPLES,... • NRY 'APPL.ES: 1911Trele in prime coriMrdaranle • 4, sii• C. COLLINS. SEEN ASPIEB-100 bble choice arm Apples reix # ft , :tt. for sale by EMMET R. COLLIN& WNTER A.FPLES-- Ao barrels wile Winter Apples jast r. wired and for aalkiyy mamma did Wis Ise slid WA Wfw.1.e7.41 polio Bill Billiard Saloon- JOHN GANGWISGE would remind hitpld friends' and ittu' limners that ha 1-• sun, 'to beifddi , bjahldistalad;lipallozirfilf, an. -woe, Fbustli eell,,Bebuctwayroa hand ine tf gnat &how beer, again connection with a NA a - well appointed billiard Warmly with Rho .1 tablas, bins and atm. .:11ribwriber Fourt h ear W ood. trance from Fourth. ICtIY 4. is' es B nEME 61Fa i inklIALL COOPFJRAGE, At Tin all MIR YAMULT as Payette Street, Between Haad old Wayne streets. RTTSBURIGV, Mart • la. Wei are prepared to farnitih Cloal OH, wale key,Molasses and Pork BARILE:UIt, at t b ShOrtest notlos sed on ths moat restemaeis PETRONA . Oil. WORKS. LONG, N./LLER a Go. Watts at Ithampabitigh illtatioay &u:4 emir Valley Railroad. ArdikataadAtatahousa 28 Mirka Shut s rittabitrill. yparicatuss Clubsa Oils and Bassda lift a &gni . mon oust waltßAwnim sonslMPamaililli f dump oa Wm. Gook r: 4411164,01 MOM fThirst, jiwz iniinkare -wick& 4ers :Rigan itii MatlielMe latent Men eon :n oma n a hs letsfeet Thtrd fisZettly Bad VAN 48 5 1 5 . J o'cloolc Satirchiy ar lotyfronier to ti (moot .buirsAw from 6 to less ttuut Cnis declared twice fitieiest has bees 112:?d December the rate of six 2d .placed to ths credit bears the same as and December. rt troubling the de his pass book. At a Wu Wm -twelve um Axe oar lONIZOIRIS GEOltis B ALM= 5 f R if; 164115. R L MUGU B. BOLE.