Plrft,litilititr ~„6 JAMES P. BARNA: 13 0 I TOR AgelitiCOPitiE4Vl74 - _ uFFICIAL. PAPER 01 :IRE ,017 F, FRIDAY MORNING JAN. 17. MATTER Arrest of a Pickpocket. Officers Moon and Gumbert yesterday succeeded in arresting Washington Freeze, a well known and expert pickpocket and thief, who has been frequently under ar rrst and in the Penitentiary one term. He ha=_ been in the city several weeks and is cL a • god with robbing a railroad conductor of W ooster, Ohio, Richard Giiston, of $2O and a watch, at Trimble's Varieties on' New Year's night. The officers had been on his track for some time, and on Wednesday officer Richardson arrested him, but was unable to convey him to the Mayor's office, having only partially re• covered from a recent attack of illness and was obliged to let him ran on his making his escape a second time. At an early hour Wednesday evening officers Moon and (lambert visited the house of Freeze', par amour, on Grant street and, being refused adm Ur to 'he rooms, burst open adoor rand, ding him in company with his mist ess, secured him. Re WEN locked up in the watch house and yesterday morning the Mayor committed him to jail. Another clm comment was subsequently lodged against him by Alderman pwston, upon an information made by officer Fox, charg.. ing him with sealing a wallet containing *75 and two railroad tickets from a strang• or at the railroad depot. The officers say they have the "dead.woud"on "Wa..h" his time and that he must go to the Peniten tiary Freeze escaped arrest in C.neinnati last summer when his accomplices, Bird, Howell and Arnold, were caught and sent to the Penitentiary at Columbus for five years. He will get his deserts now ARREST OF PASTMS CHARGED WITH MURDER. — Newspapez readers will re, member that about the 10th of December last a policeman of St. Louis, named Gill_ more, was shot in the street in that city, while attempting to arrest two men charg. ed with some offence, robbery, we believe. time after officer Hague received a letter from Chief of Police Cozzens, with a picture and description of the murderer, one Wilson, and also a descriph lion of his accomplice, Jos. Burns. He .1166 been on the look out for these men ever since, but heard nothing of them until , Thursday morning, when he ascertained' that they were in the city. They were traced to the beer saloon and tavern of B. Auth, ortSmithfield street, where officer Hague left them in bed, and securing the assistance of officers Bernard, Dougherty, Hamilton and Strain, returned and ara . rested them in the afternoon. They also took into custody Bdward Morgan, who was in company with the other two. All wore taken before Alderman 0 wston, who committed them, on a charge of murder, for further hearing. They will be 5301 back to St. Louis for trial, except Merger.; against whom the charge will hardly be made good. We.learn that Wilson is a Pittsburgher and formerly resided in the Ninth ward. Ile real name is Patrick Maloney. Barns was also raised in this city, but has not resided here for many years. MADAME ANNA BlBllol'. —This lady, who gives a concert here t 'morrow oven. ing, will be remembered as a most charm ing vocalist, one who is known, admired and loved wherever the art divine has a devotee. We quote as follows from the Cincinnati Enquirer, in relation to a re, cent concert in that hit>: "We were agreeably disappointed in finding Madam Bishop fresh, blooming and beautiful as when she sang a dozen years ago. Nor is her voice in the slightest de. gree impaired. Every note has that same beautiful, clear, round quality which Dr Bush tells: is ":orms the nigh( at perfection of the human voice." It was our miafork tune not to be present during the opening part of the programme. The first s)ng that we heard was that chotrming little gem, Raw: Redbr•easf. It was sung with a quiet simplicity eminently befitting its modetat theme. We should have rtoognized Ed ward as he appeared in the buffo duet, Quante Amore, among a thousand, as being the son of the never , to- be forgot. ten Devilshon. Those who saw the father in this: famous character will not fail to obscrve the same told,•clashin: humor in his son. Mr. Seguin has been endowed by nature with an exquisite organ, and has been blessed with the first musical instruc. tore in the world." --Some two hundred re•ervod seats for the concert tomorrow ever-log were s)ld yesterday at Mellor'3 murk store. the sale will continuo to-dAy. SasFannon OF THE Om) Banns. -_A bill authorizing the Banks of Ohio tem% porarily to suspend specie psym en ts, passed the Houao of ftepreson a .ives,at Columbus, on Saturday afternoon. The bill provides for the removal ut the penalties attached to the Banks for suspension of specie pay ments; that each Bank may pay out cif , culating notes of suspended "solvent Banks" of the State and Federal Treasu, ry Demand Notes, and that County Tres. surers shall receive the notes of such sus., nended Banks and Treasury Demand Notes for taxes. The consideration which the Banks are to pay the State for the privileva oonfprred on them by this bill is, that they shall furnish the State sight exchange on New York in coin for their own notes, at a rate not exceed,ng one. half per cent., sufficient to pay the interest kenot annually 03 the so.called foreign debt. Tax United States District Court ad journed yesterday, having transacted no business of importance during the session. The kmy tee tried was that of United States vs Gouchenour, of Johnstown, charted with passing counterfeit money, resulting in his acquttal, The defense was Conducted by Messrs. Kopelen and Noon, of Johnstown. The death of Hon .Wm. B. McClure WBB announced in Court by Judge &aler on Wednesday and after some fitting remarks by members of the bar present, Judge Mc- Candless adjourned the Court over until yesterday morning es a mark of respect. FIRXWELL BENEFIT OF MR COLLIN& —The accomplished Irish comedian, Mr. Collins, now playing at the Theatre, takes a farewell benefit this evening, when a splendid bill is offered, including the "Irish Ambaesador," by particular request, Mr. Collins es Sir Patrick, and, for the last time, the attractive drama of the "Colleen Sawn," Between the pieces, Mr. Collins will sing the popular National song of the "The Flag of our Union." He is a capital vocalist and will do full justice to the noble words ard beautiful air of that composition. Mr. di terve/3- an over. flowing house tonight and we hope to see one. TIM MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS.- Our new Mayor, Mr. Sawkyir, will not an. nctince his appointments until 'Saturday. Meantime there is much speculation as to who will be chosen. It is well settled, hoivever, that Mr. David Mercer will be Clerk, Robert ilaguo Chief of Police and John 11. Sarber Captain of the night watch. Officers Gumbert and Moon will, ft is expected, be retained on the day police and Patrick Pander and A J. Grib ben will, it is thought, be appointed instead of two of the present force. There is, however, no certainty about the appoint+ melds and the anxious must wait a (ew days. Tait several P neer Railway Co m. pules bold their annual meetings, for the election of Directors, &c:, next Mon day, =:l7=M JAMES BRENNAN S iSTRAMED OYSTERS. --Steamed oysters have 13...'W become an "institution" among us, and the place to get them is at James Brennan's, corner Liberty and Wayne streets. He is a clever gentleman, and having the most approved apparatus, is prepared to furnish to &mi. Iles oysters dons in this style by the bushel, peck or half peck, and those wishing them by the dozen can get them in 600 ntinutes' i me. JOISXPEI ..... ......... MITROAT /OM l; SOSEPH =TEM & BON, Mannfacturere of FANCY AND PLAIN FURNITURE dc, CHAIRS. WAREHOUSE, 186 SMITHFIELD STREET, (between Sixth street and Virgin alley.) flog PITTSBURGH: p HOTOGRAI'II ALBUMS ALL STYLES, AND ALL PRICES, -ALSO DIARIES FOR 1 8 6 2. FOR &ALI ET W. S. HAVEN. .00 CORN KIL WOOD AND THIRD HTRBIOT WILL OPEN NEW DRY GOODS MONDAY, tJAN. 13th, 1862, wg.One of our firm is now in thejEast and we will be recelying NEW GOODS DAILY, bought exoln•lv:ely for cash, and will be sold at a very mall advance on Eastern coat Purchasers of all kinds of will find it to their advantage to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. GREY AND WHITE BLANKETS (home made C. HANSON LOVE & CO., 74 Market Street I ati-i&-. HIGHLY:IMPROVE") ritlitO FOUTES. In the store of the • Jewelry Manufacturing Association Next to the Express Office. WE ARE PUTTING GP SOM f u l some seven octave centre Pianos, (back and front finished. Thee a instruments have been gotten up without regard to coat, and combine sea aral patent novel improvements, the result of a life time experience, tint Down in this mars et They will be sold at low figures for cash, or ap proved acceptances. The critical pianist and those wishing to purchase a good, substantial .FAMILY PIANO are specially requested to examine them. jet44t J. J. WISER BRO. ADLES BRUSH GOAT SHANGHAI'S. LADIES.BRUSH GOAT SMA NGHAPS cLusuvia ouT brutes AT REDUCED PRICES As we will shortly commence to make our an nual inventory . of stock, we bare made great reduo• (tow; in the moon of ALL OUR WINTER GOODS The larger portion is much below the present market price, having been Nought early in the eels, son, and positive bargains can oe relied on. Wholesale buyers are invited to call. EATON, MAORIJI4.6 lan No. IT Fiftb streak NO. 32 DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH riIHE SII.I3BCRIBER AI 4 I3OIINOES to the public that die la jn daily receipt of FRESH SHELL AND Cali OYMES, GAPE, Le, and to prepared tosocommodate the patroottotAkla. old and well known ho . n eireryttuog hi the eating and drinking line at the shortest notice. )a1047 JOHN SHALE% Protirtsto. ?~FrHt}II.&IIQ,~^ na• • " • .11,u•f, bony, shomi ,- Ahat during Um pia+. year 188 nevrbuildingirhava-been - eiteted in that city, 'keen VistimiteelMit of $187,450. Of ..these,29 areimtheYiret tid; 48 in the Eicemd, 41 in the 'Plaid, - and 28 in the Fourth. Oar sister city is improving quite as rapidly as Pittsburgh. MAT Nov .111100V.10, Andrew Robin. son, clerk of the Commodore Terry, 'who was injured in an affray on the wharf with parties belonging to the Amnia, Graham, was in a dangerous condition yesterday and his recovery was considered doubt— fttl Samuel Murdock, mate of the Brame Graham, one of his assailants, has been committed to await the result of Rob'n, son's injuries and a warrant was yesterday issued for another. Moirrukay. —The deaths for the week ending January 12th, were 16, viz: 6 males 10 females, 8 adults, 8 children ; all white. Four adults died of consump tion. THE CONTINENTAL MONTHLY.—The February number of this new magazine is laid on our table by Henry Miner, Fifth street. It is very readable and will, de spite its abolition proclivities, be a valued, ble addition to our literature. BOARDIZIO.-A few persons desirous of good board and a pleasant home, at prices to snit the times, can be accommodated by making early application at No. 158 Fourth street, or addressing Box 638, Pittsburgh , xstaxity —We learn that Capt. Muel.. Ir, of Erie, connected with the artillery, now attached to Negley's Brigade, in Ken tucky, has resigned on account of some difficulty existing with his superior officers and himself. ATLANTIC AND G BRAT WESTERN RAIL ROAD.-Wm, Reynolds, Esq., President of this company, returned from Europe a few days since, having gone abroad to secure funds for the completion of the road. The result of his mission is not known. Flits.— On Tuesday morning, the re• finery of W. O. W)lcox & 00., at Brie, recently rebuilt, was destroyed by flrc. One of the men connected with the works was considerably burned. THE mail train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, due at one o'clock yesterday was delayed until after dark by the running off the track of a freight train, east of the mountains, obstructing the road. Tics Pittburgh Gas Company have de dared a dividend of $2 60 per share. =MEI FOR CASH ONLY DRY GOOD'S, SOLD AT D. S. DIFFENBACHBR'S, N. 1.6 Fifth street. OUR A 017619, U4IIIIEIII LATEST BY TELEGRAPH LOst Night's News up to Two O'clock THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Jan. 16 .--amar.a.---On motion of Mr. Vi aeon the bin in re lation to the arrest of persons claimed to be held to service or labor by the of , deers of the military or naval service of the United States, was taken up. The bill provides that any officer arresting such person be discharged from the BOY. Vice; Mr. Collamer, of Vt., offered an amend ment as a substitute that no officer of the srmy or navy, militia or volLtAteers, shall assame to exercise any authority to arrest, detain, hold or control any person on ac count ofauch being hold to service, and any officer so offending, shall bo dismissed from the service. • Agreed to. Mr. Saulsbury, of Del., c ffered an amendment as a now section: Nor shall any a tidier, or officer entice, decoy, or retain , any such person from his master or own. I er. He said he thought that the officers or soldiers of the United States ought to have nothing to do with the gaestion at all, either way. Idr• Rice, of Minn., moved to add af ter the words "master or owners," the words "who may be a loyal cit , zon of the United States." Agreed to: Mr. Wilson opposed the amendment, He said he was opposed to any kind of justification of slavery. What he wanted was to prevent officers from returning slaves. Some of the officers had already, diszraced the service in that way, and God willing, and if he (Wilson) had the power, he meant to prevent their confirmation by the Senate. The morning hour having expired, the unfinished business of yesterday came up, being the contested seat of the Senator from Kansas, the question teang on the motion of Mr. Clark to strike out the word not," in the resolution of the Commit toe on Judiciary "that Mr. Lane be not entitled to the seat." - . Mr. MeDJugal, of Cal., opreed the amendment and contended that the Presi. dent had authority under power to sup press the insurrection, to appoint M Lane a Brigadier. Ho thought the Sena tor from Kansas was attempting to exercise military and legislative power at the same time, and in fact had no right to his seat in the Senate. Mr. Lane, of Kansas, said he had re.. fused to accept the office on the 22d of July. He referred to the contest in Kan. sae with Mr. Stanton for the Senate and said that four days after he was elected, the Governor whom ho had overthrown and the contestant whom he had beaten, declared his seat vacant. Mr. Wright, of Indiana, thought the question was partly a legal one. The Preident having appointed him to an of flee which was not created, the Senator from Kansas could not accept it, and therefore did not vacate his seat in the Senate. The discussion was continued by Messrs. Lane, S anton, Clark and Foster. The vote being taken on Mr. Clark's motion to a rike out the word "not," it was agreed to. Yeas, 34; nays, 16 The Senate then went into ex.cutive session and subsequently adjourned. Hones —After a debate of several hours Hous3 adjourned with the understand ing that the question be taken up to , . morrow at one o'clock. Mr. Baker's Report—lnvest' gallon of Army Frauds--Lx changed Prisoners. WASHINGTON CITY, January 16 —The following is the resolution reported by Mr. Baker, of New York, not by Mr. Van Horn, as erroneously printed, from the Committee on Roads and Canals, which was agreed to : Resolved, That the Secetary of War be directed to ascertain and report to the House as early as precticable, what ar rangements can be made, and the terms of the same, with the railroad companies on the line between Washington and New York, by the way of Baltimore and Phil. adelphia, for the construction of a side track between Bristol and Chester in Pennsylvania, through West Philadelphia, and also for the construction of a side track from Back River to the Relay House in Maryland, through West Baltimore, and also for the construction of another track between the Relay House and Wash. ington, so as to open a speedy and direct communication between the said cities of New York and Washington, and furthers more, that he be directed to invite propo sitions for the construction of a distinct and direct road from Washington to New York. The Government Contract Investigating Committee are now engaged upon the suits jeci of alleged frauds in this vicinity.— They discover that the same horses have been twice sold to the government. Su perintendents and Inspectors are bribed to certify to horses, s3metimes selling them to private individuals ; that the enormous amounts paid by the War Department for transportationA,induce strong competition among railroad companies, so that many Colonels in the West, moving their reg, manta East, have received each from $1,500 to $2,000 bonus; that some Sutlers are making $3,000 pr.( ti:s per month ; that nearly all the Sutlers south of the Pot , .mec sell liquor with the knowle Igo of the offi. core that it is smuggled in boxes marked " government and hospital stores," or packed in barrels and marker "Beef." Major Jourdan, of the Brooklyn 141 h, having been appointed Lieut. Colonel of the 10th Legion, enables Representative Van Wyck, who is its Colonel, to give much of his time to the business of the Investigating Committee, which will soon proceed to the examination of the contracts for wintered, disabled and sick horses, as proposed by Representative McPherson's g recent resolution. Bo far about 1000 prisoners on each side have been exchanged, nearly 500 of whom were connected with the army of the Yoe tomac. The system of exchanges inaugur ated by our Government, is fully recipro cated by the rebel authorities. The contested election Lase of Frederick Stanton against General Lane Is consider, ed one of the most interesting that ever came before she Senate. General Lane's right to his seat was con firmed by a vote of 24 against 16. It is understood that he, together with his staff will shortly leave Washington for the purpose of assuming command of his divis. ion. There is perfect harmony of views between him and General Hunter, who is in command of the department of Kansas. His friends tonight complimented him with a serenade. Among the schemes presented to Con• gress is one proposing a permanent annual revenue of $220,000,000 and pointing out the mode of raising this sum. The writer advocates the issue of $ 3 00,000,000 de mand notes and $1,000,000,000 of 6 per cent bonds redeemable at the pleasure of the government after twenty years—these demand notes to be converted into six. per cent bonds at any time. Another pro. position is for the government to receive specie on t h e deposit, issuing certificates, therefore payable- at any of the public de positories. Sharp's rifles haveq been ordered for the Sharpshooters, at Colonel Berrden's rep -I..rErXtrwatTEt, 10.2 Intelligence has been, teiliefted. bete that four thousand Union Indians-la Cherokee county, were attacked on the- 6th by a superior force of Texans. The rebel Ina dians were compelled to retreat. They are now-in Kansas. BligkalerGeneral Denver, left to-day for Western Virginia. A continual guerilla warfare is esrr led on 1n Johnson and Bates counties, Mo , routing bands of rebels and detachments of Jennison's command. A quantity of Government stooks has been recovered and other prol erty corals, eased. On the sth, near Columbus, Johnson county, the Federal troops were tired cn from ambush and five men killed. The Supreme Court of Kansas is now hearing arguments on the Gubernatorial question. The Attorney for the contest.- mit has fllcd a petition for a writ of man, cl..mus to compel the Stile Bosrd of Cali fornia canvassers to count the vote cast for George A. Crawford for Governor at the late election. trike at the _Philadelphia Navy Yard Pill Lk.DZLPHIA, Jan. 18.—The Work% ingmeu cf the Navy Yard in this city struck o•day, refusing to accept the new regulations reducing the wages and ex wnd irg the time of labor and resolved to e , mmunicate with their fellow•workmen of Now Y.rk, Boston and Washington, r• queuing their active co-operation in urging upon Congress the repeal of the B.h section ut the act of December 1881, make tng those changes From Cafio. Clam, Jan. 10 —A force was sent from this point to Paducah, of 19 regiments of infantry, 4 regiments and 2 companies of cavalry and 7 battalions of artillery. The steamer January with the 46th Illi nois regiment, Col. Stuart, is aground two miles above (Jape Girardeau'. She can. not be reached by steamers. A land force with a provision train, has been despatch el to her assistance. They will probably march to Jonesboro, aid come hen by railroad. The river is full of floating ice. Front Harrisburg. iiARRISALTEG, January 16.—The Be. publicans refrained from waking a nomi nation for State Treasurer in hopes of ef. !'acting an arrangement with the Unfbn Democrats, wh, as yet have held no eau. (us A Committee of three Wag appoint ed to wait upon the Union Damocrate I 41. Minister to Russia. WABEINGT,,Iti, Jan. IG.—The Senate was in executive session four hours today, on the nomination of Oameron as Minis. ter to Russia. Trio debate is represented as earnest and spiritcd. No definite vote was taken, other Senators being desirous or previously expressing their viows on th 3 sutj ct. From Fortress Monroe FIAtTRENe , Muffin 'R, January 16 —The storm still continues, with high wind and rain. The remainder of Burnside's ex. pediti )n is detained until the weather moderates. Company D, Capt. Mclntire, of Union Coast, Guards, has been ordered to the fri gate Congress. News ftum Burneide'a fleet is expectxd o•morrow. Arrival of Two (A omplete Bat tea lee and Arms from Ham burg. Nicw YORK, January 16 —The ateamer Salionia has arrived from Hamburg. S' , e sailed on the 30th ult., but did not touch at Southampton. She brings two com plete bAteries arid a large supply of small arms. The Ohio Basks CLEVNI.A.ND, Jan. 16.—The Legislature of Unto passed an act today authorizing the suspension of specie payment by the banks of the State. One of the conditions of the Bank Bas• pension Law is, that the banks shall re• sumo in fifteen drys after the New York banks do. From Kentucky. LOUISVILLE, January 16.—A1l is qu le below. Policemen Kirley, is roported dying from his wow d received yesterday, HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION. LIBLMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Bladder. HALMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Gravel. RELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Nervousness. HBLMBOLD'S BUCHU for Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLIYS BUCHU for Difficult Breathing. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Weak Nerves. BALMBOLD'S BUCHU for General Debility. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Universe! Lassitude- HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Horror of Dismiss. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Night Sweats. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Wakefulnesa. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Dryness of the Skin. IHELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Eruptions. Ef ALMBOLD'S BUtAI U for Pain in the hank. HELMBOLD'S SUCH U for Hearin( 88 of the Eyelid, with mporary Suffusion and Loss of Sight HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Mobility and Rest lessness, with Want of Attention and Horror of Society. HELVBOLIYS BUCHU for Obstructions. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Excesses arising from Indiscretion. and si: Diseases of EM ALES- FEMALES - FEMALES FEM A LE - i-rEMALES-FEM iLFI3 OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMP L ATING MAREIAGE, TAKE NO MORE PILLS THBVA REOR NO AVAIL TIF_LMSOT EXTRAOI' BUOHU IS THE VERY BE IT REMEDY IN THE W 03.1 D For all ootrip , amta incident to the Sex, wnetner arising from Indiscretion, Babas of DiaMps tion, ur in the DECLINE OR CHARGE OF LIFE. SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. ake no more Hallam, Mercury or Unpleasant Medicine, for Unpleasant and Dangerous Dia- Ylabfei. lIELITBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCAU CURES eKVItIGT DICR.ASILS . . In a!I their stages. At little expense. Little or no ch nge of diet; No ineonvetuen AND No EXPOSURE. Use RELMBOLL'S EXTRACT BUCHU for Ex ceases from habits indulged In BY YOUNG A/VD OLD, ..4 " And for all diseases arisiog from habits of clissina lon. It removes all improper discharges, and will restore the patient in a abort time to a state of heath and purity. Use RELMBOLD.B EXTRACT BOOR U for die eases said affections of the most distressing char acter.- Use RELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCRU for • afteotione and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, Wheiher existing i MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no metier of HOW LONG STANDING. .. .. . All the above dieraßea and vymptoma admit of the same lreotweat and may originate from the Milne MU Read I Read I Read! HELMBOL BUCHU le safe and pleaaant in taste and odor, bat immediate in Us aCLIOn. Peri.onally appeared before me an Alderman o the city of Philadelphia, H.T.HELMBOLD, Chem at, whooeing duly sworn, does say that its prep*. tion contains no narcotic, Inerottry or injurious drugs, but is purely vegetable. H H.E,LaI. OLD, Bole fdannfactnrer. Sworn and subscribed before me, the 28d day of November,ll3lK WE. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per bottle, or six for $6, delivered to an y thirene. Prepared by If. T. RELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical chemist, 104 South Tenth street, Felon Chesnut, Phila. BEWARE OF COUNTELSFEIIUES AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose -of their own" ,„and "ether" arbel, s on the reputation attained by Relmbold's t=ermine Preparations, Extract Buena. Sarsaparilla. " Improved Rose S. .I.S.EPORMILMBOLD'S. Take no other Cut oat the adve,tisement and send for a AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. Sold wholesale and retail by DR. GEORGE IL KEISER, 140 Wood street n01641m-wa $lO RIFLES! $lO RIFLES! I $lO RU1,143111 for sale by aNJ BOWri a TETLEY, UM Wood ot. Alp,l PITTSBURGI-116410C103. wPRIliTar 814117 T-74-- Carefully ite;i3o,l4ntir k rzci t e . f s l l ..fiur own Coinnsei - 04 - Xendrier . . , • Prresiyonag, ./nttFuiry 1314 1862. We have no itoprovotanntin,-Atenineon to note mince our last. The deroand ts chit* load and figures are unaltered. Apples—Sales in lots Of choice at 82,750400 lip barrel. Ale... Pittsburgh Marimacuutut continues in felt demand, with steady au'Patients to all parts ch the country The established - rates at present are 61)1s. hL bbla. . bbls. h.f. bbls Hennet...sB,oo $4,00 trivita...-44,00 - $4,00 X......„.... 6,00 8,00 X. 8.1::....... 7,00' '5007 Cream- 5,0046,002,N4p1,00 Porter.- 6.00 . -Ate Ashes... We note no• material chit Pots rate at 44114 c and Pearls at 5 1 / 4 ,4 c; Soda Ash at 3 , 4.3Yci .Nltrate of Bode at 6%4 and Concentrated Lye 10Y‘o, Ifi lb. 0 1 11C0111...We -continue to te as fellows 1 Shoulders 4ye 'p an Bides 6Xm plain Hams 7c. Sugar cured uo, Bc. Benzole-bates in small lots at 400 per piton, bat a supply in market. Beans -Are in great request but the supplg is limited. We quote at $1,4541,80 *bushel for small white. Butter-Sales of choice roll making at 12@ 12 % II lb. "treeing-Bales at $1,7541,67 per dozen for com mon and s 2 ,W®2,BOdorltooodd and fancy. Buckets and Tuba -The Beaver manatee mere' prices are as follows:-dPickets plain, insides it dozen $1,45; painted inside, $1,60; 8 hoops, $1.76; Tabs, No. 1 3 hoops,..flzlozark, gab; No.l 2 noops, 16,76; No. 2 $6,00; N0..40,_N0. 4, $4,75; No. 61 14 00; Keeler' No. it, VA Balt Bushels, sealed Buckwheat Flour... Aides of new crop in lots at $1,7541,67 *lOO fts: Candles... Bales in lob! : et 10a per pound for Moulds. Cheese-The market is well supplied, with sales of W R, at 11344133f t d.ft lb.' Cider _Dales at $44);50 ft bbl for sweet. Corn Bleal-Sales prinie sete r d at 45450 c 'p bushel. . „_ Cordage... L Manilla Rope, coil.. 9cplb Manilla Hope, cutllefllb Hemp " " .10c16111) Tarred " 130$11b Hemp " " .11crfith Tarred " cut 14efilb Pac'ng Yarn, fi ne-120*th PatompYarn, coml2o*lb Bad Cbrds-Manilla, $2, fp* dozen; Hemp 11,60, $1,37,52,0042,75 Ti dozen; Hemp coil, 11. fi lb. Plough Law-Manilla 8704404tuen ilemp7oc.* dozen. ' .W 7 V7411 Cotton thrdage...CottonSopeUrrards,2oe. do. below 'X Ho.; Bed Condi, 62 0 4 ,75 p Awn. Plough Lines t l , 2 rm4atrcordesa,64. Dried Beer-T emend, princi pally local, at 10A 4 11c., . i Dried Fralt.dBal ' 1 -- . -es at 12,754 s,ro gi bushel; Applesat b:7? 2..: . Effllw-In good xl -• . • • • Mei .of packed In bbl z, at 134 18% per doh . av . WiaL Feed... The sales ar littd , prices better. We quote 'Middlings at 31 100 ms .; Shorts 55462 e; Bran at 45450% at 60646.5cd OD meal, $18420 ft ton. . „4, r ,... Flour... The tnarketle. - I*o4lapplied, with only • small demand. Prices - tuterhadvanced and we quota at 54,60@4,75 fizere~601045,25 for ex• ra family and $5,5045,75 fotailftlybrunds. Feathers...We quote' Prime Western at 45c from first hands:4B4soc. fropristore. Gratis._ Wheat is without material change. We quote at 064,98 c: and Watts at $1,0441,06. Coss is selling at 44445 a. OATS are unchanged, and we quote at 25426 0 tram first bands , and 2 80 from store. Barley and Rye dull and without change. Groeeries_N- U...24;ar is steady at 10410V,c per IN N i) Molasses 10.46 to is g 4 Coffee has advanced 2r4211c for Rio and ' fiery unsettled; Rice 848i4c. Ilay...Bales . at scales limited aps749 per ton. Rld, - sdes...l3 ides are gone uperagreen salted are selling at 7@7}fic W lb; dry dint 18616 c. Hominy_ While Flint lam, selling at 14,50 per barrel Hogs... Are offered at V@AlB'l4loo IDs, gross and (ow buyers at the agar. s. Dr eland Hogs sel t :3)44i4e goID Iron and If ailla...The manufacturers quote common bar at 2V i c 'l4 ID ; other descriptions in proportion. Nails, 10 to Bd. at p 2,50 ; Bd, and Cd at 52,76; 7d and dd., sa.ovo ; Ltd, $8:1t6; blued, $3,50; Sd do, $4,00; 3.4 do One, $6,000.6,50. Spikes,_3 to 6 in., $2,76; wrought do., 14 264.4,75. LartL...oity sells at 748 c If lb, in kegs and Leather... The market U 3 steady, with no change in our old quotations: Bed Spanish Sole lit i ab Z142.6c Upperit dos $3902.8 Slaughter...._...._' 264)29c Bridle Harness-- .... .. " 270ne Skirting " Lie.—louerrille sells- reguiariy aiiii,2o4A3. per O. Lumber, Green... There is - but little now coming to market, and the florae, are for par Uy seasoned. The prices range—for Common $lO 1412 per 1,000 feet and Clear $20,00; Timber 406 c $t cubic foot, and 9hingless2,26 111 1.000. Lumber, Seasoned—The followingare the oho 'Lucius per 1,000 feet, for seasoned lumber at city yards Common 1 in. boards, $14.00. 011—Crude Rock has advanced and large lots selling at 14016 c $1 gal; refined Carbon is worth 400)46c., crude Lubricating at 20q Lard Oil. No 1, 70®75q Linseed 06669 .Refined Coalat 86.:340c.. Pig illetal—There lebut InUe doing. We note a few sales of Allegheny, at $2l, and Teimesse $26 per ton. Potatoes... Prime bleahatuicalks are worth 450 60c:f bushel at wharf, Perswdati.—WlS oplob4 blasting and Mining at 0,60 9 keg rifle et $8,264 safety Mae t 5,00 IWO feet. Rye Flour,—Dull at 12,76@2,87 barrel. Salt— l• steady at the advance and Na 1 sells at $1,60 11 WA; Igo.' extra $1,76. laoaps_The Wolin& are the manufacturers prices Rosin, 4;404 No. 1 Palm, 04 Castile and Toilet, 1004 Sawy ers Chemicalolive, 4Sici.; Wo man's Friend. 7o la Stareh...W 'is selling at 4* 9lb in lots. gheettivir l / 2 Varna, 41te—Tne market 10 81 cited and unsettled, and Sheetings have advanced to 18019 c per yard, We can give no quotations for Yarns, 44.. this week are as follows, at tour mon the time or credit or for cash : Eagle Sheetimpi, 11c. agars do 103i0. POMID TAANZ. 1108.6 tolo Inclusive 26e. 11 lb No. 16- 33oVilb Noe. 11 and 12 29 1p lb No. 17._ 34 ip lb No. 13. 30 14 lb No. 18--...- 36 VI lb No. 14.-...---- 81 VI lb No. 19 ..... - 38 V 16 N 0.10...................-. 62 VI 2:, No. 20---. 37 el lb MIMI TAMIL No. 400 ...... ... 160 VI doz. No. 800___ No. 600 14 VI " No. 900.... No. 800 13 Ili ip " No. 1900.- No. 700 12 " casartcurata, Itarnao, M. Clain,°ore 29tiglb Candlewick.— 26c 1 10215 under 15 cute rf Wit 18 11 lb " over 28 TO Batting, family 20 19 lb Coverlet 85 ath No. L- 18 10 lb Caulking__ 28 211 b 0 2._ 18 18 lb Straw—Bella from sty scales at 11 6 „ 0 007,2614 ton. Tallow...ltough quotes at 8418Wc and country rendered at 51 %@)100. White Lead, Litharge, gte...White Lead is Inn, and in steady demand at 2'2,80 II keg for pure oil and del' 90. subject to the usual discount. ItedLead 8,4509 e. net, and Litharage 83,5. Window Gletaa.:.The prices remain steady, and we quote as follows for city brands, in boxes of dtty feet, with 15 per cent. discount: 6xB and 7x9, $2,00r, 8:10, 21,25; Bxll, Call, 9x12 and 10112, 12r Bll3, gal.& and! /502t14, $,2.J 10x16 and 1U:18,88,00. within! &lenge. Common Rea. , tided Bells at 170I8c; better grades 19(d,,21c; New Rye 7ift@ST,oo per gal , ani Old Rye at. 5 4 60 62,00 er gal., 18 In akettrkt o nW a T hA BE RRM 4'o,ol'W B 11, TUBER E Y' Q TH WAS ••,, WASH TEAS TEABERR .THWA9B, HWaSH, Tirdt/Mb TS OTH WASH, This &lilt ise rpost valuable G repara tions s of the ; rifling the Tee p th and um. By its regulaetteeybt Are insured Teeth free from aaid and tarty: It will our dTheWth - the mouth and gums It will cure bleeding gtutut. It will make soft., spongy gams hard and healthy. It will neutreze all offensive secrettons of the mouth, and impute tOghg:el aroma to the teeth. Prepared by JASEPH FLRMI NG, • 408)11P11 FLEMING, oorner of the [demand and Market. lent oorner of the Diamond and Market FOR itkNT— Small Ptorellecnna.poreer 8d and Market ets: A large Store Room - add Dwelling House Ln Idarket guest near Fourth; A large Warehouse on Water street, above amithflel i; Three large halls in ilidane's Building; No.BB Rosa street a comfortable dwelhng house; No. U Ross stram, well arranged for comfort and con yenionce;. No. 80 Liberty street, six rooms and cellar. A large dwelling house on Third street; No. 22 Third street, large and convenient; N 0.319 Penn street, with large yards, grape vines, Act No. 1 , 6 Ferry street, hall and 1 room.; A small dwelling !mute on 1i0.1.5 arrest, heal of No. 27 Duquesne street, 4 rooms and garret: No. 6 &mud s:meeh A house on Dawson stree4 No. 4 Second street. Three houses In Spline's Court A comfortable hone on Mount Washington. s. tiOTREERT a sure. 6 61 Mazket street. THOMAS FARLEY'S FURNITURE AND CHAIR WAREROOIdB, N 0.164 FEDERAL 81'., ALLEGHENY, UNDERTAKING, In all its branches, will receive prompt attention. Orders can be lett at the room r a• the Livery Stable of Mr. James Floyd, Ohio treat, Allegheny. 25 TGS, 8. 0. RAMS & ires Breakfast Bacon; In store and for sale by F. SELLERS a 00. noon Penn street, Pittsburgh 6GROSS W INS OW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, for sea: P T OEO. A. KELLY, Druggist, No OD Federal street, Alia.-ileses, Mlbl3ol3sl CLAY-100 barrels of the oelesrstSit cAittentaust Fire Cloy for illaits Pots, to, tot** bi tad HENRY H. COLLINS. - 01100 E &&LE OR 'RENT—A. Dwelling House in Birmingham, now occupied by the aohsertbett - Enattne at N 0.104 SECOND STREET 041.41 I C. T. WIESEN Mißtaitie eopy.) RI 17 El PC IsT El IV'S . PORT OP ivntikititiliGH: ARRIVED; Franktin, Bennet, Brownsville. Gallatin, Clark, Brownerlle. Col. Bayard, Peebles Ellasbet h DEPARTIO. Fret kiln, 13e1121 t, Browit , vole Nsllaii o, Clark, do bt.yerd, Peebler, Et a +bsth tar Any emission in our river col. [ma will be aceetutted for bye death in the family of oar liver zeportk-r. Fur t Indianan and.Lonindlle THUSBD . Y. 10 A. 151: 1 1 1 HE FINE PASSENGER STEAMER EMMA, J. H. Mantas ooinmander, leaves. 83 Announced ttcr height or pa.ssge orptily on board or to jal4 J LIyINGAJON For clncinnatl, coaliville and Evansville. N EW PASSENGER STEAMER CIT -IZE9, R. Ca.houn, commander, leaves for the above and ktermediate ports as anoptinced. For freight or passage apply on !sled. jar. or Cincinnati and Louisville TT; URSDA Y. 10 A. M. • • H E FINE 8 RIMER SAINT LOUIS, S. A. Reno, cont , , • manlier. leaves as above. For freight or p• amiss apply on board or to J B LIVINGSTON Al CO. ials J. COLLINS & CO- Agents. For Cincinnati and Louisville TIII9 DAY, JAIN UAItY Ib, 1.0 IC rrilE FINE PASSENGER • Reamer BAY CITY, J. W. Anti wait,:comm.mibr, leaves as above. For freight or nonage apply on board or to j 5 J. B. LI V J GSTON A CO. For Cincinnati, Cairo and Si. Louis. THIS DAY 10 A. M. THE FAVORITE PASSEN GER steamer DLCOTAH, D.L. Hendrickson, commander, leAves as • above. For freight or paseage app:y on hoard• 106 For Cincinnati. Louisville, Evansville, Cairo and ft, Lou Gs. THE FINE STEAMER -ipso. nAINT CLOUD, C. A. Dravo, Commander, will I( art for the above and intermediate pmts. For freight or passage ap pi on board. .egalar Tuesday Packet For Marietta and Zanesville. H E fine passenger steamer EM.Mt tiR.HAM, Captain Mon roe Avers commander, leaves Puts hburgh every Tuesday, at 4 o'clock p. in., and Zanesville every Friday at 8 a. in. For freight °passage apply on board, or to J. 13. Lniao,rrom a Agents Pittsburgh. For Cincinnati & Louisville WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 10 A. M THE FINE ST EA MER J.,W HALLMAN, A. M'Carthy common. der, leave. , as above. For freight or paaaaga, apply on board, or to jAIL J. H. LI VING6TON A 00. For Cincinnati and Louisville Tuts DAY, 4 P. M. THE FINE PAC'KEr MEL NOTTE, Mokvow n, command-r, ravages above. For freight or paaereza apply on board jal4 For Cincinnati. Lotaisvii.e and St. Louis. SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAMER PRIMA DaNN it, George W. Moore, comman der, leaves as announced above. For freight or paceage app:y on board or to J a. KINGSTON k CO, jal4 or JOHN F , AUK.. Ageing. For Cincinnati. Louisville Evansville and ISt. Louis. THIS DA Y,:.I.4.NUARY 14, 10 A.M. THE FINE PASSENGER side wheel steamer COMMER 01u, 6. W. NEARE, commander, mil leave for the above and intermediate porta. For fi eight or passage apply on board or to jail 14 JOHN FLACK A C'). 'or Cincinnati ,I.oulsvltle and St. Louts. THIS DAY. JANUARY la. 91 11 11 E splendid passenger steamer MARENGO, 0 64 commander. For fr.ight or passage apply on board or lanl6 - J, B. lIVING3TON* CO. Agents. or Marietta, Ganipolis. Par kersburg and Portsmouth. EVERY TUESDAY, 10 A. M, TH E , FINE PABSEN- GER steamer. J. B. FORD, d,,,N. R. Herr, commander, leaves as - announced above. For freight or passage apply on board. IJORN NLAORtAgent Gallipo — Us. EVERY TUESDAY, 4 P. M. THE STEAMER SCIENCE, Captain Wm. Reno. leaves for Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg and Gallloolis, making weekly trips,leaving Pittsburgh every WEDNESDAY at 4 o'clock, and returning leaves Gallipolis every FRIDAY at 8 o'clock. nolB D. R. LEWIS. Agent. -12 c lidos ...12 It . ..12 It For Beaver, Ste benvllle and Wheett - fp THE PACKET STEAMER, J. T. M'COMBS, L T. 111,Combe Commander, leaves for the above ports Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 M. For freight or passage apply on board or to del4 J. COLLINS A CO, Water street. For in artetr - Gs- arlettlci : vaallf Par• kersbarg and Portsmouth: REGULAR WEERLY PACKET. THE FINE PASSENGER steamer ROCKET, Captain Jo Wolf, will leave for the above and in termediate porta every Saturday at 10 x, m. For freight or passage Apply on board or to nole JOHN B I.IV lIIi6BTON & CO. Agents. For Marietta, rarkersbuirg mad Gallipolls. REGULAR BATULDAY PACKET. THE FINE SIDE WHEEL , teamer UNDIN.E. 3f.d Cox, com mander, leaves Pittsburgh every Oat urday at 4 p. m, returning leave, (.4allipo. is every Tuesday at 10 a, m. For freight or passagg apply en board or to STEAMBOAT AQENC f. WILLIAM HAZLETT JEW opened an office at NO. 94 WATER STREET, Where he will transact a getter al Steamboat Agency business, and would solimt a share of patronage from steam boat men. noBo-Bhn 40. 34 2' 4 1v ► A CYCOIL=A434I THE GREAT CURE :FOR CORSOMPTION THE PROPRIETOR OF THIS MEDI- A DINE haying made it the study of yea's to concentrate the life of thel'ine Zree into a Medi cine for diseases of the Lunge and Throat, is now offering to suffering humanity the result of his ex perience. This truly great and good medicine Is prepared much care, the tar being distilled ezprersly for It, is therefore tree from all impuri ties of common tar. It has cared more cues of Consumption than any known remedy on earth It will cure BRONCHITIS. It will cure ASTHMA. It will cure WILE THROAT AND BREAST. It will cum COWES AND COLDS, and is an nth:table remedy for animism' of the KIDNEYB and URINARY COMPLAINTS. os., Beware of Counterfeits llou have th e Dyspepsia nee WDSHARTS DYS PEPSIA PILLS, and P they do not cureou ao to the manta whom you purohaee j them,andramme your money. Please call at his eV re and. gets descriptive of mbar. A box of Pliba sent by mall, post-paid on re ceipt of One Dollar. No.lo. South B.coud street, Phila, • _L Q C. WISHART. Proprietor. Sold by DE. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street. noWlyeod a... GROSS BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, jAst reedv_QC _and for sale by eIER A- • de* Pki. 60 Federal ailier WEDNESDAY, 10 A. AI rIIO HORSE OWN:X.II'B.—DR. Swrarr's INFALLIBLE LINLIKENWOH. HGEE.IO3 is unrivalled . by all cases of hanieneespirising from 8 Bruises or Wienciabito(ftsrefleet la, and certain. Harness or - Saddle Galls. Scratcher, Haag., We, it will also -apply cure Bparin and Rinetiona may easilyte rereitted and cured in their Incipient stager, but emanate] eases are beyond thereweritallrly of zrodical anw: - No erne of the wine. however, is BO deaptur*ar mopes" h u t it may be allevhded'by this Liniment, and its faith ful application will always remora the Lameness, and enable the horse to travel with oferrparative *UM. Every horse owner shmnd have ihillfelnody at hand, for its timely use at Qua fleet sppootomoo, of Lameness will eft , dually patent tbomaLarnildOla diseases mentioned, to whion all botaiaam, HAWN and which render so many otberadae anoint% harem near y worthless. TO THE Puma°. ifirLintfAlitigva:- - . ~ ...!- ! ,1, . ....1. ,as Parsimsms of all do. 7, , , A: . 47 - nomituttlona. Irma genre ", ''.,• 4 1,1111 , 4 &theme."' ' chsereere,- .--7,7 i seliabuse and disaasea or t,i,.; ,ii . -1, - ;;/ / , 7 0 ~.ti 1 stnatione common and '4 . ,,i1,' ,--- . rimdimitaryontian oftioth ,'..- • - r - +4- , ' 4 Sete%. an., iln,' lliaglool Marred. ' dome n_o- - ' Di i pubitabea : 'the.., fact of hie dohig 80, lie ‘7tC174311 cud" Wally Mettast. ale'''' "' dreadfully shock e d and,-tibiae it a meet ,inn very immoral, and , for eentamin -on o ne v corruption arctic ..thoir wiver, ermine* eons. ~ Li • ,-- i•aust‘• I heir fatally playeleiina ehould , latri ri r 4 7 1 cautions to keep were ha 4.atieraince that 4. , t e sumeas Dr KR ANs rituP. (excaPt Puhtb3hibiO4,3-,1-1 `Meat a lucre'ive pro:tate Mv;ht. be test to them , ,, a - ,o-; unong stupid toasty Modest and preaumptuaue, i„ : „., o , tam,h i bore ape raised la ignorance, 2 1/ 1 21 1 t i s ' 4:. , ,i aa m i taro Oms and 'oho Monty, .1. 4 , -,4.7-,,l g , m3e, sense. k 3 , tollallATS eartill ! Myllte . riMattl k -- - :4: meanly °rill y 'gotten. IL is to puhlmity, floweret t..-1 that, namorote par nma at i setidiflDO tie tiZetie - ::, I, • ',..0 'that their scan. miu..b en and wardNpreirmarny. , ~, feeble, .t ckly r_l 01 ad_' -.te condition andaripeggc,...-,-;., since, haver been re_qtaivc, lo wraith andiagorty Dr„. ~, , ,,r, SiteNSTILUP, besides many before and after abar,,,,, i, ... ,, F . ezt,a thibughhite have been saved much bantam% v„--„.,q anxiety, mutilate:hen, ac. Manna the edratitago , ,f,,,, , ~.. of over thirty years experience and olaservergoo,o4.Cit,, consequently he hasanneriorettill InthisiteratumaLi;s. • ~, of special dfs'easee, and whole daily conarilterd , hy„ „ - -,--,1 the profession, as well recommended by resplietf.,.. ,-.,,,,,-, able &liens, publishera, proprietors af hotalltiara, ..,„I', Bpermtkorhea, or so called nocturnal emaissionana, 1,,,,,,, , ,1 Th-s dreadful -malady can be completely earollay„, 4l ,. the very las t discovery that has norm - yet Lanka In at Z female diseases ho has had superior expo:fent:a Oa' igc- - * account or hie old age, eeventy years, allirrestezo L IR Wit) is completely cured. As for consuMptka crx.,, , :4' pulnionary dlseasea my ayrupta -which areetteraree€ kali Ned from Iceland moss and other ingrodientsbyt tq ., a:skillful Physician five years at the 6iartineee4l‘earga has had more success t h an all the pretensionatesmilt that have as yet been discovered,.aerthei ,•011Iti*". ewes will allow. They are ellgenuine Mid carilia,:,,, found shoording to a pamphlet that wit-pence , will get at the exaMmatl •1, all free of e , luargese:;'" Office 86 Smithfield street, near Diernend !bait . --,,, e, Private communications from all park of thelinfOlikri strietlysttended to. Direct to - -..... -..... .: -t , ......; 130 X coo ..... Pills.brursh Post pp _ m:. „ j7 t z, It. H. IS ti LIGE its ''''Fl. defilydatide iI.A.NOPACTITOP4 OP EVERY DESCRIPTION,. OF` F.C*A. No. 45 tilialthEueld Strom!, P I T TEI B AFIILz ASaORTMENT-9r::,E . • •:7 ?.. ...t Plitsburgh 4 •ManafaclarOd:llTalture c i :4.2; -. Constantly on hind, Ail iCil no willsell at thalawase - ' 4 prices for CAI 36. myliktr4o',:.- .__ STYLES ('F WINTER 6001 C JtYST itmozz.N7lz)r7:.-- Migr E are now opening -a choice V Y ot"NV Goo& cm:mating IA all oftitelateat%4 importations of tlairki9, CAPSIMERES' AND. VESTING'S, which we fi atter ounittives-WarbniettitlAW' to any assortment to be found Ellin or Avest..-T will be made up to order in a submior wtlicana prices to suit the times. Wo would respectfully solicit an early call rpm tam patrons and.:3tux- 4 pubhc.. • SAMUEL GRAY Si. MERCHANT TAILORf: No. 19 Fifth Street, CARPETS, CI :SLOTHS. 26 PIECES NEW DRUGGEII T 6 PIXCES NEW BRUSSELS CARPET ..These bare lair been received and are at the LATEST AND .611:31:11iiST PATTERN 3, at the tow• est price. W. M'CLINTOCK. I) in, V ATE UL 4 3l.aly .. DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGWAL °Moe, No. Itti Smith !Ulu street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. • Dr. BROWN is an old cit. . ; ';(2 zen of Pittsburgh, and has been in Practice for the last twenty. y 44 - . Ace war a. His business has been confined mostly to Private 4; and Surgical Disinues. . AND sTiLukentßa In need of a medical triend l shOtilct not fat la End on , the sure place of re - ef, The Doctor a regular grsduate, and his eiperiewee in "the treat ment ofa °mishit:lase of diseases las Bare tee to the sufferers of obtaining pennonen asthaf by the use of his remediee and following his note DB. BROWN'S ItAIIdEDLII23 never fail to cure the worst forin of Venereal . Dial twee, Impurities and &mirth:ins Affections. Aldo all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in the form of a tatter, 'DOO*2II3, ,ad a great mazy forms of skim disaaaes. the orlon of which the patient is entirely ignorant , - '=To persoxfl3 so afflicted, Dr. Brown offers hopes of a mar and epeedyrecovery. 811 2LEDI AL WHARBuyie Dr. Frown's remedies for this atarnti mable brought _on often by that solitary habit o sensual graialicattorn-e. leh the young and weakmanded Often litre way -me deatmcacra) are e only ,• reliable •• •0 , ••. own in • z o th y—they are safe, andmake a - - ef health. BITIK - Dr. Browses rensßH ATD3II: • edies never fa to entsrattLe painful disease in a few tbsys—he will :warrant • care.He also treats Piles, Meet, Konacterhow, Eltrientre, Dratted Diectiarges, Ramis Weakness, Monthly falprircuations, Diseases of the JoinW L Fie. tale Ano, berretta Affections, Pains thsvMadt and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder; together with all disarm eof an impure or n, A letter deecribing the simptom% m, directed to DR. BROWN ffe, so =Mb*, Pittsburgh. Pa, will be haniedlately ansewead„,... Medloine sent to any address, safely peeked. sail secure from observation. Office end Private Rooms, 15,.. s, tqs;Jered rw.t. Pttis•hlittell. P. veßtioistre. •••1 Cold,- 0 14 '