1861 WINTER MRM6EKKT. IB6L ON AND AFTER MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26th. Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Elttsrr OAiil TBAMfS. The through hail train .T? s ‘' " —I. senire'Stationover,mormn.’. texoept Bucdr./,) at 2.-6 U a. m* atopping only at pnncapa l action, and making direct conoacuona at Ham-burg for Balumore as 1 LVaanington and for flew rork na Lae ASentown route THB TUKOU«fI i£XPki®*i HlAiw'.'eaaM daiii at fclo p m, stopping only at principal riatione, matan* direct connection at . -r..,i„r r „ for Bait more, and Washington, and for flow ,c:» via.he Allentown route OINE leases tho station daily, (ez com Sunday; at 10:60 D . m „ s topp m „ only at prio“- S^r^nS n w 0O S n (except Sunday.) at 11:00 a m THIRD ACOOM&ODAfION TBaln forWaTs Station ieayes daily, (except Sunday l at i-qa n_ m , ACCCIM ItETirßvfNC &I WI ! fSS Pt Bttnd »*> «W 6 P- rn. KB T URNUtQ TRAIINS arnve in Pittabariin aa Line L™ 1 Pm; Mail ’ 8 ' 36 P- m?Fast t m £ • Jonestown Accommodation, 10:05 ‘“•“3 2*,}, 8 ““Poo Accommodation, BJIO a. “• Wall a station Accommodation. 8-J0 a. oJA Jihui m 8 BtaQO “ Accommodation. 1:05 p. ra: fourth Wall b station Accommodation, 8:06 p. m. Btel 2 TlUe ana Indiana, connect at Blmraville Intersection with Johnstown Aocommo dtatton, and Express and Mail Trains East and 4-l n, ° ™ Tolu >* P 0011 1: wiU find il greatly to their {£?”“!?“ West, to travel by tho na J t** oo * Rattroad, as the HoeomraodAtaona now Jf ES? ““P 01 surpased on any route. .The Roa.t ln.^ U, n7 ted ’ ntb atone and is entirely free from dost. We can promise aafoty, ipeed and comfort toaU who may favordhis Road withtheir patronage. TO ran /r^-r.* 12 6 ° I TO kaltimoress to PHILADELPHIA 10 00J LAiNCAHTER S 5} HAJtRISBURG, $7 46. BagSMe checked to >ll BUmonß on the Penritrl SewYork 1084, “ d 10 Phila do‘PbiA. Baltunore aid „ 1^““™K on! PhrcPasrea tickets re care, will be Safe™ S fif 0 ® 8 " '* ccord:n ß to distance traveled re aS**** 6 eUU °P ral«s. except from statiour ui® Lompany has no agent. NOTICE—in case of loss, tn« Co - nany will ho:d memßelye a responsible for pereooal ha irane only, » 811 atr " >unt n ° l exceeding $lOO. ». By-*An Omnious Line as ween employed to convey passengers and baggag • to and from lie da charge not to exceed 26 cents for each passenger and baggage. For tickets apply to J. STKWAR t Agt, At the Penn’a R. R. Passenger Stallon, J ttoSg 2B ana Grant streets 1861. THE 1862. ' HTTSBT7BGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO EAILWAT, TO ALL POINTS IN THE SOUTH WEST, WEST ABO NOHTH WEST. WESTER ARRANGEMENT! rpiME to Cincinnati as quick, and to Bt * lj ° uiB 811(1 Chicago abort or, cnan oy any other rotoe 'SVjbSf WAKD THAI NS. Wes “ i%2£S2= ti£g:s 1010 IS Arrives Crestline J. 0.40 am 10 50 p m “ fSSr 13 45 pm 12 58 am “ A.lo p m 2.30 a m w »Jae... 4i50 p m 5.00 a m „ '‘‘.cap, 01-00 pm 11.00 am St Louis 12-46 p m FOB COLl'llbUH, CJM.I M l . al [ A ST. LOUIS Leaves Crestline 10 55 am noOnni Arrives Columbus 1.30 pm 130 k m „ Cincinnati 0.45 p m 7.40 a m .St Louis —10.40 ain 11.55 pa. FOR INDIANA? .-LIS AM) ST. LOUIS. Leaves Crestline. 10 55 am 1100 pm l rriva at Indianapolis. 900 p in () 00 a m i; ’ er . re Hauta 535 am 250 p m St. Louis— 10 05 am 11 55 pni oAIJ Trains through toOna-go smhouumangeo: . The .ume to Oinoinnau is the same as by tfteuoenytlle. Trame on both BoaUs meot at logethejf’ aii go me Uincinnal, EASTWARD TRAINS. Mai. Ex.-’roda - 0-20 » ™ eno m Arrive ai Fort Wayne 1105 pm 12.30 * m „ hre»llin°... 6 55pm 8.20 a m DaikT.' 225 ain 350 nm Bo ' h ™ lna maneclose Cmo.ojfiw w.u. ran« on the l eonsy vann Rain,a,i lar ti.o luntom oi lea via Allentown and Phi,Rdel,,h.a. « J V°“J '‘“Oteoi o» r > between cmouif and [lew 5 ork. via fiueHiritl) and A! eot-wra tnun leaving Chicago at 8 30 e m, Puis 3 50 p m,&nd [tew 1 ork a; 10 45 a m AftXHdMuDATION TRAINs-Fronn^'. L _ Station* NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION lieayea Atlegneny at 0 30 a m and 9,30 p m Arrives Ne» Brighton at nlO .. el n •• leaves •• 830 “ jy lo a Arrives at Allegheny at 815 “ yon .. ECONOMY ACOoai aiOIIATION Xteavea Allegheny at 12 50 |, m a- d Bpm Leaves ISsConomy at 0.03 am 4 00 MARKET a RAIN. •Leaves Alliance at Arrives at Allegheny ah i? no ! „ Arriveafat AKami ~~Z"Z 7'35 „ m ~ lra *&e are ran by Columbus time, wener •nJPW?“ io » er than Pittsburgh time. ®9r 7,lt*, .xood on the accommodation and market trains are sold at reduced price#. a* 1 ????* 11 Crwn ®'»miectaa roiiorfa;— “ lhe C:u — d “ d p JWhL 10 “ d from MiUetsl ’ a r*, Akron. : V ««■ ; ' ■ «*»%>-. Ac^’mm <>datioirr__ito “ S : S.!il"‘ s:s:T "Ss Star natter pttbiE£iitojg?to? cket Aemtl £2fc Orw-^^SafS^gE^ (host FAKE. .FIFTY HEW and rrwi SECOND JL4ND PIANOS, T[ FOB SALiB AT OKEAT BARGAINS HE SUBSCRIBER WISHING TO reduce kin slock of Pianos, ott -rs for sale ,ln nn« his and nezt menu,, Fill} n/w £V£ C o„S Hand Pianos at for cash. Tbtwe thA n ?^K£. BT L n^* r 7 811 beon m ad" especially for tde subscriber, for rencmc purposes bv the u.st makers m the country, and can t,e relied on . u n rable and substantial instrument* u mTit ° d “>“• »* JO6UV H. miiLLOB, * 7IS 81 WOOD BTBEJCT. JLLUSTBATED^EDITION— Oflflsir 25 CENTS. 500 copies more of GRELaT EXPJECT^ITIOjrS This splendid and cheap edition of DICK KMS’ DAgT, 4ND BEST WORK, have beenfwjciWfft HOST’S NEW STORE, MASONIC HALL, FIFTH STREET. ' **7 Kemembor tbi “ i« He illustrated edition • oomplete, forOaHLY as CKSTS, “ “ JAMESJM. TAYLOR, ALDERMAN, °rp|<3E, 4St Penn Street, Sth W.rrt £,n'f. Indianapolis & Cincinnati fi E, Connecting at Indiana pohn with Terre Htme MCK NKAND 1^ R??B C r o r n v ral f °r CHICAGO, BU and aii Through Freight Train to LNDIANAPoLI©. TERRE HAUTE, LAFATETTF. and PERU. Freight* and passenger* earned from Cincin nati or Lawrenceonrg in less ume than by &n» other route by twenty-four hours, and st ns low rates. The only road by wruch shipments can b* made from Cincinnati to the} West, without breaking oulkt Consignment* made to J.- E. GIBBONS, anenu at Cincinnati; or W. B. COTTiNG, agent at Law renceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no Charge for commission; no charge for drawios or commission at f° T apply to THOMAS RATI u ’ ? No * 116 Wftter atreet,) agent of the Company who is prepared to give raaouon bjcupts for pas sengers and freight to Indianapolis, Thjto Hauu- LAiayette, Chicago. Peru, Greencastks Orawiords vUlo, Charleston, Paris and Mattoon. Ac. JOHN F rnwicw r H ' LO \ U ’ i>roß ‘ d#int « JOHN F. CHEEK,General Freight Agent- mrB (Sromz P- RaiiOtt „..J. a Rsyhxb R. it. Retmi (LAte at Miller A Ri.'keison’s-) RKYMBR * BROTHERS, (yoccessor to Rstmbk a andbuok.) Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONER T. SUGARS, FIKE WORK 3, Ac. No. 89 Wood sfc, Rnd No. 113 Second street, Opposite 8t Charien Hotel, . PSTTSBVRQR WlJLLrlAitt BAiIALjEI-, Wholesale Grocers, Wos. 18 and 20 Wca-J Btr&st, WM. H. SMITH. WBS. H. SMITH & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ill SECOND AND 147 FIRST STREETS' Pltt«b«r|M ( Pa, JESSE JOH>SOK, general commission merchant, DeaJer (n floor, Grain, and oil kind, of Couoiry I rodur.e, Wln«. and LI- ' quora, Clgara, Tobacco doc. Liberal advances made on consignments of High Winos. OFFICEAND WAREHOUSE H 0 .237 SOUTH sfuind ST : PHILADELPHIA. auiticlyd AMERICAN IRON WORKS. J©HES & SjA 9 <4lfll.liVs, Manafaotnrers oi IRON AMD MAIDS, JUNIATA ANO COMMON SHEET IRON, Sbaftiag, LactS's Paunt Pfstoß Bm , bnic.ro MIM, Imo -’O'™ ">«* 1- V-on ’.v«. (Sftcuoeoß JONES, BOYD « CO.. Manufacturers of cast Siesl: also 3pnn K , Plow and A. p. Stool anpol 01 lh “ ft-Msyraima Kailroad, whirl: manes u the most convenient house m the r,:y lor passeuKers -rrivmy by that TI,I. propneior haviny, at considerable expense, fitted up, :n excellent style, the MANBIUNHOUBe! 8 »“"* of public patrom y. Bar will be furnished with the ben the m.t. feet can niford. fsl^ NEW WALL PAPEB. BTOHE. BKTWEKN' FIFTH ASJ) liIBEKTT STS. J%o. ior market Street, The subscriber is opening anew and large atock of PAPEK HAlVfiimjS, complete far Dwelling Stores, U-hcen, tiihis, Churches, Ao„ to wh'eh Ke istisn “ras-issr ?Lci; m L«rfm«. W ' 11 “ D ' ! tho " by iook '“« marc. I yd PITTBBUKOB . JloaT R. H UNTER.' WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! The Laj-gesl Aaeoaioant imd Lowest Knee a m Pittsburgh. Come and see WALTER P. MARSHALL, «o. 87 Wood Street, (Near Founn, at tbe Old Stand,) HaMor sale Prenct, German an t American WAUL PAPERS WB FAKLOKS, > CHAMBERS 05; I’K ,:H h>‘, roils fit t'jj cts. 50,000 rolls at ... » and (0 cts. WiTC-jw Curtaiis, Kiri h,,a m I'uxta _ , , ’r*sT*ii Covina, Cnusaa, *t. Lrsil Lue Front Kreoca papeo » npL n^.,# UKS SUPKEIOH IOPEEL MI.VKB H a £ I ? i .* (} 5* (f I; k g , PAlili, ;?!•«>: & <5 MA>. UKMTIT.Lic; .tp sUliATtl, r.fHsipr* u--( t-> ( • & .orris, Kiii-'f'.i l.jj .i \,. r t •w-i. .’i n;:J .. v,.. ‘ o ' Ma‘;hm**o ?.nj lon-p. 'a Arobor.-w .\ ln fr r *, ’ . ai:-« .... - u G. ’ r-‘* r • •.! -yir .. .m-*d '-c: . r*«. »•.« •. / u YOUMG'S WHOLtSRE OYSTER OEPO AT T<.k. Ol.l) >TA.\I>. CaHNTJCOPJAI RESTAURANT, W 40 FiTth Street. !: El; E KAM ILI B\ Hi I'H- j s ii.-st.ur.ot- and tit- tr..t,. tx- -.ipfXuoj with ''h*»*npeAkf H.iv i>v*.lw-j t ,”» 1 lowed Wl,.desalt. Ft,ter. tVuury Trad,. .ol.r.'Ul"’'" ocU w ViK'Mi, Propn.M.,': Toting .s Eating Saloon, 0)K \ JR-.LN AJ.I.K, and -MlTHFlpi i, wn.ro o, r ,* T " d ■'!' ■“ ‘lll-.-I paldta,lie BivlH wX' t •• 10l ,N (», 14 - orn.'r \ irtr'n -1 oy uu.| s m t>,f,,.*.j . A Ha M'K-Fur !vy'ni W: |] | 1( , XX "".H ivri. ;:-f,.f P.-rwirn-u.i'j 'Ot f 'nnlT' ly * ' Vi QENT,. FREJECH CjEEF ROOTS, Double Mtml double upper, warranted equal to snj m the city, and wil, boaold rery low fortuaa W. JS. SUHMEBTZ, & CO., gOV.S BO IT S, CHEAP! CHEAP!] CHEAP ! AT NO. 16 FI KTH STREET. D 3. DIT’FENBACHKK. Bmkr h F *v, L AKD TINTED HA.V>I.V,.s— ? ur Halo by ! . _ WM.P. MARSHALL. lITAN fEL>—aN uIL REFINER TO J' , KO to a neighboring city. None but a full* competent, procure! man Seed apply to J ° oWig a l; I k s’ Balmoral boots alwajs on hand, and made to orderat;short .notice W. E- BCHMEETZ & CO., —A large lot of choice ’ T pat.erns ol cheap paper lust received at Bog JOSEPH R-HUGHES' lO7 Market afreet. TJSKTH KI'fKACTKU WITHOUT PAIS 13 Y THE USE OF AK APPAKATT7S A? ‘7 perßona tested in si ™ Dtr " rr tl “ , ' , ” s D 0 t^owledKeofn-, Af ARTIFIUAJ/i EETH inserted in oTery style E. OUORy, Demist, IS4 Smith field ntreat. nolfcltdiH GLASGOW’S AMBROTYPE QA LLERY, 'I'O those paKTiES wanting elnevrr.rri- nro ;-. u , j. fe l ‘“ '■ v ; i s--,*., u mi iranu l • «J*hvVJ>-» - f ’•-■•].. r&tvrß-.i nul -iVto.n^uaran'iAej' «l C '--J^AfcCUW, rO’LrUj hiti c. l- i r w I ijii. T° ed °L L * EFi ™~Wc are prewar- JL ©o tei fit m> refiners wuh iha Pumps. Cocks, P, pee, i c , m Lie l»4t xmior- our la tale bmnTis not equaled by any oiher.o B t,bli>hment. PrTwori tn ° ,ollowi “g »££ lu Wilkinson * Co, Mi^oo. Adams,WULameAoa,B. M. Kior. ** iyie goifls, &C. iN THE DIAMOND, E2CELSIOK |ager, &t JOS, a, HUGIIJES PINK— 21 Fifth hi reel BOYS BOOTS, YOUTHS BOOTS, YOUTHS BOOTS, AND MISSES’ 31 Fifth street. WEI.IU.N t RJCINEKE, 1W Wood street. indemnity Agairmt Loss by Fire T H d E „ -PRAInKUN firkinsu ol«“SS^ v , reiuimu. ‘ bliiEEl.neax dSSs^s?* Te!:ip<.-*ry atock.H. ( P ru» B , niui'iriii'Mi'rSm'al £’-« 'IS 8,,, ° t#s ■ 33 •l'no on., f'rur.is ( r . „ *a.-J08.0&i 68 pan, can divide hv * o,cfJ Ul,tl have been determined ’ ‘ ,rom wired «nrs M 7ta n v;;:>... i ‘ e “ pom “ r «*>•>• tiateniwith seeuru? J e 10 ' r “** yMr n a rtt.<.r h h»r B ', DCn ,T OraUO -- ’ ’’*™ a oftn'rry ei?Sdk./ponr kPI! los ‘‘ o, ‘ • nre ’ 10 *n amount wall aa the '“•-.urunc, a. promptness *U liai,j. tl( i, d mp 10 meol Hllfc Loaew -.ate du.- lr ,g lte Charles W.Ban^kur’ C 10 V t Tobias WagSl£, ' U,M ' ,S - Samuel Grant, 7a' V Brow “t Jacob R. Smith, fd^rd^Oqi. George W. K.charde, George ‘ ’ EliWAki* r iflf 1 !- A ' Nc Pros! d ant WM A TRn AJ ,^^ !fe wm. a. SI KtJa, SacnjCHrjr pro Lem. mna v rt _a h J - f *ARI>MSK COKKiji, Ageai — c A?i£_-^- 0 - rtbeftBt _ cor ihmi&nd Wood fVtroeu. Western I; insurance Companv ■JK mTSBUK(;ii F ■*' bEOfMVh LM‘a J iK indent. 0 . K. M. 'JOKDOA, Hhciei»r* tjapt K. i*. c-oCH RAN, A^eoi 4 ‘o’- RiNg S^' 1 " r i.;«r.r.^„T n : y ?j;x^^ -o —- talS?odl° ‘ K,tU J ,! "‘> W<*( (-■ jd - ihom- wtic, cieurt-10 he , A A --^ OCl'.ttklK J’.KL, IS,*. Stock Arv-ouni?*.. . ; _ Mortexsre OC Office Joniiuirfi.i...'.. 21 Open Accoimis, ew- , ™ ?? Premium Nnujsl n 0 Nows ,«d h,n» lflSn “ „ .. »1**0»0»8. i ier ’, {Jr Jamep M'Auier, ( alCamel Holman, Alexand ,r SinJtt, .„; p r ,«aani, HK; Vrafe “ ,d^ K. R. Cope, w. tircn 2, JuhPpD «. Pho], JoKn Clayton, S- Ws’or, Ch&nea B«7«s, K. b. Kngiifir, P. B. davarr, C. Sherman, B- J Maga/yea, K. SLACJLaCaK, bocrrlAr •« c,T ]^ N 6 5 -. l l? Ußfl lpy P A H ] ( P'TTS^URSH » «. v. httA ’ Office, Oor. <>f Market aad Water S t j I/,,., an-J I>r»uk«- u ifc* .Nav,*-*. him WV-terr, K;ror^ •-aK".-.. Kii ' t.nvf>i]», ftn ' j J.-u*. K:«r k , H K r I' ;'rVM.»o, •'•••* r ■ h-ptr-n ■‘ i.'riWOY HR* s J'NSURAA’CE Ihr t.utfrprinf Ittmirmti-r Co., • * r.'., . * t .h. ;« ~ ... . . i •a j: ? i wj ,■ *•’ A ' aplMr, t,m,». Ka:, FIRE INSURANCE , . .. f ** i'li;-. »flian?e y iiiiuul Ifljiurunpt' Coninadv Of PhHau* / pits*. 1 Ob liuiidibirs, Wat,.,.. .. ; Mur -h.-v:’ :/« .rr’lur't. u- town ( »ar, Capital. *•»•>.(, s!)t , Assets, SiOH.-tOM !*«. lfl Ju- WA L S I,; .. ; i/. A' ; First on improve* l\;t •-upert? worth douh.e tho ftmoum % d'ooa Qo £ round rent, first class ul«! ? Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’s e v" c ecL Loans, $30,000, cost Philadelphia city 6 per ~*o l ] oftn .... 6 * cent Penany; Collateral loans, well •mmrr-.i Htmunxdon and Broad icp Miunlin Han road company, loan 4.000 00 Kwlro » J '-On,,.any .Stock... 4WO 00 Stock ol Roluutnc Umim, InWanro Co- 34360 00 S o°k of Count, Kire Insurance Co % Stock of LMaware M. A Insurance “ Commercial Hut do , *» Mechanics’ Bank do Wf* ?! Union id. Insurance Go's dc£ir-"“T m 00 bills Koceivatle, buaiut* m L r l 6 T- X Hook Aecountts accrued interest, eie . t 'li ?s Cash on hand and in in hands of amenta.. a 386 u ~ ~,, , . $303,509 96 oEJvtd I iiV'ji.ET, Brewdei „ ... Pllll \*f o K 8. 2l a l n fi J > r ' dAma-i Hii-pajirr>, WiU am ft f nomp^Uj Robert tiioetL £~™* pwfcs** sjiSi James a Viooa ward, John Hiasell, I'm* B. M. HINCHMA.N, Secretair. M J 7,252 60 Koal Estate 4nt2fto v Due from Agon lb 50,44, & Addinl«r.«t accrued; but aot'jei auc, S Deferred premium*, (estimated; 136’u00 oo Premiums in course of transmission... 33*132 yg iaosa Asairs, February 1,1961 $7,237,989 12 Rates of premium lower, an.- profits greater than m most other Companies. y 4QS “ Tji* PaopoanoN ov uabu Ansm to the amount at nsb is greater than that of any other Life Insu rance Oompanj in the united atatea PMuprtietf and erery requisite mformaoon will i’O.N A BLACK STOCK 27 Fifth .Street, Pituburfia. PhLAWaKE mutual safety I -V'l KA Nt'K COM PA.VY—INCOP.P J RaTFI i *l. l-«i»lati:ue of penmlvlnu. T., * COJUTBR THIRD a/i] iVu/fJ ,\t V “I.Th. .PHiI.AOBLPHIA. MARINE ' *’• '-flreo jino w-ail ' las I- : ssr ranch- on •'- Jl '' ( ~ **:»!< ..hni; <;«(•• FifvK .'■'•‘V. wa, • C'hca l'Ol Li’t* i' u L’tveiimg Bi/Uach, A- Z ( ’TnL A 'f >^ SS3- J w ““ T»3»£r g !ej, barouei E. aiokesTi y ‘‘ J oO P; ‘'K™ke W Ilvaiu lnomas C. H&nJ, Robert Rinn,, E ? ef E^ e b J P oh J r, o B%m? < ’ S teta p’ A. y B 'Be 0 r b °r B do em| *>• T. Mor £an< « M^ K 'P- N ’ * >rM “‘ent a»«« Lvura M ‘ n ,TmulB »>- P *- MABKIRA.Awmt 44 Was.,. > ['liu-t'f:rrh, Allegheny Insurance Co. IHAAC MARINE RJ«KR \ ft-os", Sff 1 D r ftobK “ K , J \ “ oW . M ' WII.I.iAM I»KAS,-a&^^. S “ S ”'‘^' U - K - tUE*OY, H«r, ' Rn'-, F PU W ' 1 '“ a “' i “ b ’ t n STGrew, rr^OJi Pennsylvania Insurance Company ® * *•••••;* °» PoisrUi _ r> DIRECTORS. £.:s* tSStmH" »«™n"flH~»2Slf , i?B .Sm,ML 70 -UitiiTU. Bnnk Tori: Hartford 4 oil ' Jbilr " l ' !) P*>'a and -.-00 Haron, Horton. ' - or ester, Conn. Mortc*ge BoD'ip Real M:*':i!aneoa§ Item ere ! oe hand p- ■ poKt.don'eilT; : F-.J'.I 1U AgeDt'p 1; • ; ’ CI«ir;:*», unaij-M it< tu leoi'm*' to your * A. / i i-o2M* Mutual Irrr~-artoe Company, UKiK iJ '-' ’ ci.'.Trufi coutt'n. and I>ftm*k£e by jrj r#i JHaktshed r- - ' v rrj if. JohnnUm 1 M.Fiow,. ’«•. •*> .M. Kitr.’ " Mn.-UAUgri, : li,/\ ’ 1 /. ■; :■. xi/t INSI,KK • o town or r- >t. r. • K.rra -lur-a, Ac_ Dtracrcß*-—f- Al*-i. riH, Hem i ou’kmsn, (•► >. Tho-na.w HON. « J'. T. AuiLur* Q.■*. Kjt?v ' < rj , a «»• M tit.*,. "« .. r.-i . A 1 > ' ilPO!-" ■' ANT [H.V.: R - IIfcANIHKK, WINKS 01-.! ihifl’ifl'MKe I uni ScelifiM Whisky A-2sTi3 DEALERS X.TSr aaJ kmOc :•" >*»' w '“ Tr - <*>» a °- sa snJSiuiieliS sit «•»:(., Old MoaoegflheJft RecuSed mills K - ’tIBBLKTO". U!i» ~, , , T „ „ IiIPOETKKa UF WIMI b, BR AH'DIJiS, &o ALBO DEALERS I>f Fine Old Wlu»iuet, NO. 6 NORTH FRONT STREET ‘' Pllk, ’ d PBILAmLPIUA. ' fitotoar and £mm. r« A A * D DRaJJQ aw. taros TOBACCO, BJSCFC & SKOAtii-, Jio tap wood street. LYOJW AMNSTHAJL, m/MFTT • Sstott ■ 0soI «- •" GENUINE HAVANA SEGABS flrglala Chewing Tohaeer* WOOD STBEET, nader the Bi. Charles Hotei, * 0011 PirreßUßsH. pa, Wi. MttLß. MILLEB & BICKETSOK WHOLESALE GBOCEBS. „„„ _ 4Kl> ntroums o» 3RAJIDIKS, WISES AND SBBAiU aoa am aki> 22a, corner of übbrtt A-ND IRWIN STREETS, 77 AND SOLE A 9 ENTS EOE SWEARER'S CITY GLASS, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ifob 5 Salis, Cotton Taras, iic„ &c., Constantly on Hand, [mr2 | (handles, &c. ALADDIN COAL OIL COMPANY BBKKETON, JOHNSTON & WILKINS," 46 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa TJTAVE ALWAYS on hand a superior MclmSl coa L B oni ATlNe ' l “'U* imKkng LAMPS 01 "’"■rj rarietjr, Wholesale end - - - *pl&ly °* c - & a. SAWYER. XAiffjrA.iTXjßNßa Qp LAB-DulL. DANDLEh ; "if.lm, roisat uia BosHi Soaps, «o. S 7 Wood Street, l>Utob«r#a, s>« Ar OLTON, BE LI Ah’ I> hhi s • TOUh'ilEE, No. 70 3KCONI) Street rut, Durgb, l3 prepared to furmafcito order ** nU QEURCH, STEAMBOAT. FACTORY AN'D OTH ER BELIjS, Ofr ALL SIZES, OTH From 10 to 10, 000 pounds. , CHIME BELLS made to orde r STOP ami QAUC-tK COCKS of all sizes. fo?SS;^S,V P MINERAL WATER PUMPS^COUNTERRAJI i n ‘fe, f YOr7 ™ rietJ ° ! B ™ a in the neatest manner. u*u*ue j BA BUTTS AJfTI-ATTEITIOK xt*™., L g O TI M& • *p33tl7 Eok thecheafestdryg7?>w m the city call at eos 0. HANSON LOVE-b, 71 Marke. etreek Jru>ura»ce. Monongahela Insurance Co. GF F- ,TB3URCH - VT ‘ ol^‘ i'reanipnt, ft*. A 1 WfV >U SecreL..-v JAS - Wuol.BUaN.aem outlet. No. ->8 WATER STREET WMI ' *■"« °* *ir u demand » “ d fSe ”/ *'*• ° W o ™* 78,750 00 12,000 00 «« «■ •-■lock roiji 40 dhar.,- F.xblimk.'TSSJ 81-0<;« r.wt •‘-iioi-: <n Account**. _ '-'frice Furniture Ca*h ” , D _ IHIiKOTORS' W.Tson mIT' A - Huicbm»on, Wni John Atwell, Jno 11 B. B. Robieon: i«° l' i Ttt Kichard Hay* ».hX k ,s nct . g TO w rr' Win. A. CalJwelL Wm-MeL^ 7 ’ _ •iftnia niyj omoiaa. January ist. isei. Kf X A I \ H'm Nl K COMf A N T, yAKTKOHi>, . OK.N, n , 1 lnt ‘- $164 676 64 <- wnl t>vke plea-ure n ai '** »am«. KR A BRO-, Asrenifc, 63 hounh 8i reel. WES'!' BKA.\C'iS R t-2'iIfILATVBK DJ l I.7AHIA. ***■**'». : b. Hall, T '1 ; Cr.:± IK k , e-*-r i'l'fceoo, \l ■•RVKY, Pn eu.rj. J A-U pPKK '.A>T. r'KSiH'KTT. "i t. 5 2‘r \\ O'.xt Str««t 7 Pittsburgh, Pa. *■ **• *• *'• f. JIABtiLE MA N i ■FACTURKBS & D. BINEHAKT, src](miottaL WM - H. WHITSES, NOTA.BY PUBLIC, CKSS woL Pittsburgh Pott - M’CAiMONT& KERB prS M2YS at LAW, * P rii® Ll;N ’ »ENAJTGO CO., Pcnaaylvaafau H- w - furraKnia. - ATTtESOS & DAWSOIt' ATTOHHEYsAT taw kuh».« law W • Oiamoud tetreet, near Grant flTTSßUJteH, PA. »• F. JL.B7CAB', ATTORNEY at law °®««, So. 7* Gra.t St',... mrS:lr‘ lrße d °° ra below Lhe Court House,) « =r PmsBPEQn, Pa. JL. saAtsAEivaujeE,^ — ATTOENEY AT LAW Offlo., Ho. 13* Fourth SU, teeth! / i fiVE si T M £ffi J? £FORE IT IS TOO LATE. ly. : e “ o?ed to 246 PKNN S3g, «SS3S ! ■siffraSK--- M’KitS- sf?s ict, yamuel M’Kee ' ‘ J6 °' Xe Jser, W. Nina- • anfl7;lj DH, (j. BAET,7: WATEECURE AND HOMEOPATHIC PHTSICIAR TRUSS , FOB RITPTUBES UORPENN ABD WAYNE STS. T AMES A. LOWKIE, Attornev It ssssy ro “ d fe2o HAHMurgeon Dentist;, successor “offir' T' B,d< £ e > No - 1« Smithfleld street. from 6i * w *» 1 (CUPPING AND LEECHING v an. 4 JJfRg, BBSS. ’ *a.Teeth extracted. Shower Baths ■ j. * ■B.EgB, 177 Grant street sHurniinai. furmtusk and chairs [at E.BXSXTCEID PKIOFS, •JAMES W. WOODWfiLL, Kofc 5,7 »“d 99 Third Street. AH D 111 FOIRTH street, consisting oy A'uX VAKIKTIK3 OF STYLES AND FINISH, SUITASUI TOR Hotels and Private Dwellings. aS- All orders promptly attended to and th* Furn.ture carefully packed and boxed. -fes SSKSi-^srs mart 132,162 60 366,392 66 I L’uknituke n»k uas.h._a full M'KKAUX. W-O-'C CAM KB, awel -2 okf?cVWk%Tt?rf ° f w>u«tanuy on hand and made to As tht, *»>»•>» ,c u rt AdH ; F r '< ““fa mmle accordingly. , "• ; - 01 »‘ Jfln,a * in the above Col S -" J »dw:a>rod h* cal’ratrat ’ FAt’KJNKR & bmiinho:-! street, Daiorr Fifth. lio. It: J. D Fa(.hj*zi. l.ti-v. VT .aV.TT CTdaratixmal L r uder Curt' of the Franciscan Brothers. aSSWFsnawsfe usual Collelatllionors aud’lit P™ 01 ' 1 ?* College 18 one of themoat healthy In MoTnims n ‘£r tiua P° rtloa of “>e Allegheny JiountauiH being proverbial for its pure vratiJr bluing air, and pictoroaqoe Bceaerv P Waler ’ mAutiTC c T tlc J 6” oommeneee on the FIRST K°- after 16Ul of AUGUST Lid end abomlhe liStnof JUNE followinglt u^^dSl E-f is obarge. Students will bo admittSPfrom tfZ IcAta uj theage ofmanbood. * adTSSe^.!^^l“ U .; r . a ;. 110,, - pajable y«>HT in Washing and Urte"of"Bed!iing.'l'.'.'.‘.'.'!.'.'.'; Classical and Modern .Languages, extralL. * in Studonta spend Vacation “ CTCoi'nor™ K? P {£££ aad 10 ott6r toe Kttata&h’ B. C. StJVEEIaAJSD gEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND SQUARE ANDOVAL BONNET , BOXES; »ySS^ 6 , 9 *° ° rd f r PLAUi A* N ' D FANCT paper SPjSSI’ BUlta ble lor Shoes, Dry Goods, Ac- at Ewtern nces. Comer Virgin alleyana Wood bureh pl hird tory “ 01fer cffisMU* Wk,) Pitt* _ a A* D y leftly N Notice of Dissolution Partnershin OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THA? A Krt I C^ h » ny ’a Un f er . the flrm of BECKAM i KrILLY, was dissolved on the 22d of April, 1851 hv mutual conaent. BECKHAM A KELLY. bu ®ibesBWiH be carried on at the old onh d elL lh flrm“^ed hom 811 ““ bu “ ae “ ... . , . GEORGE A. KELLY Allegheny. June A 1861.—iea-rf gOAP, CANDLES -AND OWg LOOO Boies Chemical Oliya Emsiug Soap, mo Hn S° 3 ? n Jospin 1, 2 and SSbars mo do rti°’ 1 Pa m m 1,2 and 3lb bar® 2M do Oleine do in IB> bare, do German do 1 1B> tera 1° i? e “ d 10 Woman Soap In IIS bars shapes and sines. 8 and T ° Uet 600 Boxes Miners' Candies, for*Snmmeruao TaCd * C “ d MoaJd <*»dles 200 Boxes Adamantine Star Candles. Ah_a« a a* 6 “ d ° New Bedford Spe™ Sdltfiaf S' A 20 do Wax Colored Candles, 4s, Ss A 6a. 6 do Coach do, * ”** 6 do Star do, 10 Barrels No. 1 Lard OiL S do do 9 do, •B do Lubricating N 1 Oil, J? do do do 20iL ~ do Carbon 1 Uumiaatiug Oil. 28 do Coal do do. On bond and for sale, br r ., , B. C. & J. H. BAwvTTR * lo whom was nwArti&d, bj the U tL AmiSn- SooietT, the firs! premiums f or oSs, mhlB T. T. Jll’ttUKre, O USE, SIQ N ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. ■s, t or. St. Clair su and Dnqueaue Way, idSCOND STORT.; house and sign painter P. O’BRIEN. «^°opiS^°Sa£^ L hMBmen * Bh °p- C. WEST & EO., MANiriACTrFjsa or CARRIAGES. ROCKAWAYB, BUBGIEB, SULKTES A SLEIGHS So. 197 Pmn Strut. PiUtborch, SSiniud 10 ‘X' of U>« beat ma *nd "«rkm»nablp. najlfeiye^ PITTSBURGH, PA, CIS’ COLLEGE S iaajsJßf ISOINE BUILD EK &. MACHINIST , aREAT WESTERN PLArOTVQ miV Irurt, and Ducuesns KW,, A-SAl w iZh °° r • mke to order^f*>U b» mf.de, u, e following machtaore s ,£! d . "4.““ Eagrnef, Turning LaSes, for w£3’-TJ Mls£i ro KT*h l,,cl, ? 6 '™®« gdnes, iSlheb4?^ r f^^ M “; Hunger!, of all sues and varied can plane 83 tncfaes w£X by 9St «?£*!£ 10 , ordor > J £ssa^=agfe mylHyd J _ M. LITTLE ‘mEKCHAKT TAILOE N “- sTUicasp, (Dr. Inafc s fcow Building,) ** — : prragßDßffla. HAVE THlfl jwme and stytoof PEE^Se^MEEaSoKA^Rft^ 6 the Paper - ** “ d JNO. M PBKEINS. • 0. HEHRX MERMOK J*o M. PIBXZHS a HraßY MsmJi* y* „ (*EJMUUIfS, MERHich i, ' P^. ( i L^ 4U:A IS£.® E ’ rAU ' DEAEKKMM ’’ Warehouse Ho. 82 Thlrdstrept. _ inTSBUMoS, PA 5,000 bags °f WO. EXTBA SALT. PLE 8, ~~ ; if”®* 8111 p**™s order, for site by EB ' HfcKBY 0. OOLLTTW 7TJUKN APPLES— 100 _ bbfe~'eEoice K JL Green Apples received and forade 4r 1 _. ™NEV H. COIiINR W -N run APPLES— coIIi aud W ”^A PpleaJnal r . BKTMER 'ft pßna ' N " 1W wJjjJjj,, Apollo Hall Billiard QANGWISCH would remind n.pmurs.....^. M’KEE & PHILIPS. COBPSBA%9.; Betweea il&cd and Wajne street^ nnsßuasH, pEsrs «-We are prepared to famish Coal on rvv. key, Ale, Molasses and Pork BABRR-fSn Y h ' 9 shortest notice and on the most rtSSniffio “r » PETRONA OIL WORKS. lOHG, MILLEB & Co. Works at Sbarpaburgh Station, Alle. gbcny Valley Railroad. AVOffloe and Warehouse *? Market Street, Pittsburgh. «* w«pn aSK-ksf£'A2, i i D K ° , b. WARll Ai>iT,.u ArLOvIVB! aivaya on tuuuL o/T hirdt ]. S^ug^' John Bokoes, Peter*]! Bont™' Richard Sa^fwh?«? ClimerfcS> William aU ely , ®S®®4Bl AID fMAurnw CHARLES A- COLTON. ff el Mffiivß f a w? ciml'otts, No. 100 Stothfleid St. Hear tha corner of Fifffi. *** OE *' M owwv . , pf¥t praGH,PA, Url&Y in large and small quantitiea smm^