The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, December 28, 1861, Image 3

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    tie Sait)) post
editor asdprophietok,
A'ormst—Dah.l, Six Dollars per year, atriotly in
advance. Wbeklt, Single sabacrip
tioziSt One Dollar per year.
SATURDAY Mob«ing:::::::dec. 23.
OH' "2" Xul A.T XBRS.
Oeath ot ilou. William B. MeClure.
It £3 with feeling; uf deep regret thßt
wo announce this morning the death of
Hon, Wm. B.‘McClure, President Judge
of the Court of Common Pleas and Quar
ter Sessions of this county, forming tho
fifth judicial district of the State. He died
at his residence on Penn street, yesterday
moraine, after an illness of some five weeks,
of a malady originating in nervous debili
ty, induced by over exertion in the psr D
formance of his aiduous official duties on
the bench. physician, Dr. Thomas
Dickson, designated his disease angina
Judge McClure was the youngest son of
Charles and Rebecca McClure, and was
bora at Willow Grove, near Carlisle, 1807.
He had an only brother, Hon. Oh. McClure,
now deceased. Before he reached bis ma
jority, the Judge removed to this city,
studied law with Justice Kennedy, of the
Supreme Court, and was admitted to prac
tice in the Courts cf Allegheny county*
NovL'inbar 18. h, 1820. He was a close stu
dent, and his legal acquirements and nat
ural eloquence sood placed him in the front
rank of criminal lawyers. In June, 1837,
Mr. McClure became associated with Eon.
Wilson McCandless, now Judge of the
United States District Court, and the busi
ness connection was maintained for twelve
years, cemented by an intimate personal
friendship and the marriage of both part
ners with daughters of Mrs. Collins, a
very estimable l.dv, recently deceased
He bad two sisters, one of whom is the
wife of Gan. Wm. Bobinson, the other
widow Of the late Dr. Adam Hays. His
brother, Hon. Chas. McClure, once Secre
tary of the Commonwealth, and member
of Congress from the Cumberland District
was married to a daughter of Chief Justice
Gibson. Tne family of the Jadge consists
of his wife and three daughters, who are
much distressed at the sad dispensation.
They have Ihe consolstion, however, of (
knowing that he died a doTout Christian,
as he was a consistent member of tho JCpie
copalean Church.
In addition to his legal attainments, the
young barrister had a fine classical cduea
ion (received at Dickinson College, Car
lisle,) and literary abilities of a high
order. He was also possessed of a keen
wit, manifested on social occasions by ready
repartees and dashes cl humor, which
made him.universally po; ular. This char
acteristic was apparent even in his last
opinions, as enunciated tho bench
He was a frequent contributor, rn pre-c
and poetry, to literary journals, especially
the old Spirit of the 7\mee, and his con
tributions to that paper were generally ad
mired. Since his elevation to ihe bench,
we remember only odo sketch, a history of
a poor lunatic, whom ho was obliged to
send to the Penitentiary, published in the
Neu> Yorker. He wss also a great Nim.
rod, loved athletic sports, hunting and
fishing, and indulgod in tho i&ttor when,
ever the recesses cf his Court afforded him
Having practised successfully for • ■■ire
twenty j'etirs, Mr. M -.'ijr.j wza appointed
by Gov. Johnslj:,, in January, 1860
Prrp'dont Judge for this judicial dielrici,
lo fill the vacancy occasioned by tbo ex
piration of Judge Patton's term. Hie coin,
mission was read and he took his seat on
the bench, February 4ib, 1850. In October
ot the same year an amendment of the
constitution of the State, providing for an
elective judiciary, was submitted to the
people and carried by a large majority.
All commissions then in force expired on
t.c tirat Monday of December, 1851. In
June, 1861, he was nominated by acclama*
tion by the "Whig nominating convention
as their candidate (or President Judge o f
the Common Pleas, and elected in October
by a large majority, notwithstanding a
determined opposition, slroDg and well
The Judge look his seat a second time
on the Ist of December, 1861, with Judges
McMillan and Boggs, cleoted Associate
Judges at the same time. He continued
to discharge his duties as Judge with strict
Impartiality, disposing of the vast and in
creasing business of Lhis large district with
commendable rapidity, but always giving
criminals a fair trial. During ten years
lie has labored incessantly, often spending
the entire night in preparing for the next
day’s business; but yet appearing first in
his place at the opening of Court and never
delaying its business in the least. His en~
ergy, strict integrity^of purpose, and great
despatch and thoroughness gained him a
well deserved reputation as one of the best
criminal judges in the State. Indeed, so
great was hiß popularity th&t, when his term
of ten years was about to expire, he re
ceived the unanimous nomination both on
the Republican and "Union tickets, thus
rendering his election certain.
Towards the close of the October term
the health of the Judge began to fail, and
after the jury trial* were over he was mis
siDg from his accustomed on the bench
he had graced for nearly twelve years.
From that time ho appeared in his seat
but once, on the 7;h oi l December, when
(he having been sworn in by Judge Wil
liams, at hiß own house, on the 2d) his com
mission was read in open Court. Hie
disease was not consid .red serious until
within a few days past, when it became
serious cause oi alarm. His demise oe
curred at five o’oio- k yesterday morning
and the announcement was listened to
with surprise and universal regret.
The Judge w.-s r; h' = 65th year. Ther®
are few men in our coma-.unity whose loss
would be &o keenly felt. As we have said,
he was eminently sociu! in disposition, of
liberal heart and large sympathy, strict
integrity, remarkable simplicity of heart
and singleness of purpose. .Hone could
complain of not receiving “even handed
justice” at his hinds, while he was always
prompt to redress the grievances of the
poor and friendlcssnnd shield the oppress
ed; The purity of his motives could" not
bo questioned and all admitted his freedom I
front-prejudice. - He stood‘high m a judg
learned in the law and but few of his deci
sions have been reversed by the Supreme
Court, We fear his place will be difficult
to fill. We have seldom seen the death of
a prominent min in the community create
so much gloom and depression.
The announcement of his death was
made In the Conrt of Common Pleas, yes
terday morning, by M. Swartzwelder,
Esq., in a few appropriate remarks, and
caused much surprise among the members
of the bar, by whom ho was held in high
esteem. Judgo Mellon immediately ad
journed the Court, and an informal meet
ing of the bar was held, Hon. Chas. Shaler
presiding, and John H. Hampton and J
W. Biddell, Esq; , acting as Secretaries,
A committee wss appointed to consult with
the family concerning the funeral, (which
takes place at 10 o’clock ou Monday,) con
sisting of Hon, Thomas Mellon, Thomas
M. Marshall and J. H. Miller. M Swartz
welder, J. H. Hampton and J. W. R'd
dell were appointed a committee to pro
pare resolutions to be presented at an ad
journed meeting of the bar at ten o'clock
this morning. The sad event was also an
nounced by Mr. Swartzwelder in tho Dis
trict Court, which Boon altorwards ad
Special meeting of Councils
City Councils held a special meeting las!
In Select Council —Present: Messrs. Bar
bin, Bennett, Berger, Brown, Dickson,
Kincaid, Lntton, Morrow, McCarthy,
Phillips, McAuley, President—lo. Absenli
Messrs. Allen, Duncan, McCargo, Quinn,
Rose, Thompson, Ward—6.
Mr. Bennett, seconded by Mr. Lulton,
moved to reconsider the “Pennsylvania
Railroad Ordinance ” 5 adopted at a late
special meeting, which "motion prevailed.
Mr. Bennett offered the following, which
was adopted:
Eeeoived, Thatlhe action of this Council by which
an ordinance entitled “An Ordinance to enable the
Pennsylvania K-vlroad Company t*» remove us
track from Liberty street in the city of Pittsburgh ”
passed a third reading and final passage on th-'?2’b
ln*t. be reconaide ed. and that ordinance be
referred to Thomas Bakeweil. Reuben Mi. Ur. Jr
and Biesell who are hereby requested to
confer with the Directors of the Pena/yivunia Ra I
road Co , and prepare and pre-an: to Co’ociD an
ordinance to encou-ace me said Railroad Company
to remove its tracks from Liberty street, and do
justice alike to the city and said company.
Tho following, offered by President Me*
Auley, was read three times, and passed
Raolvedy Thai th<» City Solicitor is hereby author
ed and empowered, on behalf of the ctv of
Pittsburgh, to eiecuie and deliver to Samuel B
Cooper, StreetCommiasioner for the Ss-cood district
cf said city, a release from nil liability for or rn H ->-
connt of any damages or cent* which may ha re
covered by William Sterling agHinst said ity in a
suit in the District Court o' Allegheny county Pa
at No o*2 November term, A. D. 1360. J ' n
C C. concurred. ■
On motion, adjourned.
In C-ynmvn Council; Present: Mr-asr:
Anderson, Bailey, Barcklev, Caskev.
Ohamb'To, Daiti, Fryer, Glide’s, Hill, Ir
v *h. Kil!“n, Miller, McCur*\ McGowan,
-McVay, Rees, Kowb-M:* :jj, J. Scott, Prest
MeCnndless 19. Ab? w nt: JElavden,
K-'-ams, King, Kirsi-h, Little, Mays’ Pe’
trie, W. Scott, Wilson, Wells—lu
The resolution passed in Se'ect Council,
repealing the Pennsylvania Railroad ordi
nance came in when a resolution was made
to lay on tho table, which was lost by the
following vote :
Ates—M-jssrs. lUi‘. y, Chamber?, Dain
Gilds*, Irvin, McGowan, J, 6cuU, Prcsi
Nats M-fc-r? Burckl-y, Caskey. Frvor.
G il, Kiilen, Miller, HcCune, McY'ay,
Hues, KowbotL-ni—lo.
Objections boingmsde on fecund reading
a suspension of too rules was called for ana
lost by the following vote :
Ayes Mepsr-. H *rekley, Cn=key, Cham*
ber?, Fryer, Kilien, MnLr, McCune, Me-
Ysv, Roes, Rowbottom —lO.
Nat»— Mawrs. Biiir-y. Utkin, Gildea,
Hiil, Irvin, MeG>w»n/ J. Scott, Trett
The resolution therefore 1 under
tea rules until next meeting.
A r*solu‘*on paeaed in t Council
appointing a to draft an act ol
ftSD-mbly enabMng; the city to compromise
w:!.h iho rsilrcud bond bidder/, was taken
up and concurred in, and Messrs McGow*
an, Gain and Chambers appointed on the
p*-t of C. C.
Tho petition of Dorothy Weiabarth, oi
Si. Clair Btreet, for u reduction of business
tax, was referred to the Finance Commit*
tee, with power to act. No action in 8. C
Mr. Chambers offered an ordinance re
pealing all ordinances and resolutions rela
tive to the grading and paving cf Mat
lock’s alley pisied this and last year, and
authorizing the City Solicitorto withdraw
the suit against Mosers. Wykoff and
O'Neil, contract' rs, was read three times
and passed. No action in S. C.
Under a resolution offered by Mr.
McCune, Messrs. McCune and Irwin worp
appointed, on the part of 0. C., a commit
tee to draft rcsoiuti- ns expressing the sense
of Councils on the Geath of U;.n, W. B.
McClure. No action in 8. C.
Council adjourned.
Italian Opera and Concert at the
The Italian opera troupe from the New
York Academy of Music, whose approach
ing concerts, under the management of
Mr. J. Grau, the well known Director,
have been already announced, will, as may
be seen by the advertisement, give opera
and concert at the Theatre on two nights
next week. Thursday, 2d and Friday 3d,
Manager Henderson having succeeded in
securing this really great attraction for
bis establishment, Tho company includes
a fine array of talent, viz: Miss Isabella
Hinckley, the distinguished American
prima donna, who has already made for
herself a world wide reputation, .Sig.
Brignoli, the unrivaled tenor, Sig, Man.
cusi, the renowned baritone, tbe eminent
basso Sig. Susinl and Herr, MolleDhauer,
a violinist with few equals in this country
o; Europe. Tbe whole will be under the
direction of Carl Anshutz, the celebrated
conductor from the New York Academy
of Music, who is must favorably known
here. The programme for each evening
embraces concert pieces and opera, and
will, we are confident, be most acceptable
to the musical public. The Theatre affords
good facilities for the proper production
of the operas and is besides very comfort
able, so that we have every rea on to be*
Sieve that the entertainments will be well
attended and prove profitable both to Mr,
Grau and the management.
A Nick Christmas Box The Venan
go Spectator says; A soldier in camp (n
the Fotomae, writos us that on Thanks
giving he received a box from home, con
taining sundries, among whLh was a
roasted Shanghai chicken, stuffed with bot
tles of whisky.
Fire— The Michigan Oil Company’s
Refinery, at. Oil City, was tutally destroyed
by fire on the Gth instant. The loss was
heavy but b partly, compensated by the
increased value of the ground on which
the building stood for warehouse purposes.
The company Is bill! another refinery
on a more extansiv..* :;i:3 and will soou
retume operations.
Hoover, of Franklin, la rebuilding his oil
refinery lately destroyed by fire. The new
work* are to be on the East ride of the
river, opposite the old establishment.—
Evan’s refinery, burned a few days since,
has been rebuilt and is again in opera
Good Gamb. —K H. Kinnear and John
IS. McQuaid killed two bears and several
deer, last week, whiie hunting cn Spring
Greek, Forest county.
Dedication.— The Evangelical Luth
eran Church at Fraaklin was recently con
secrated. Rev. J Brennema.'i ncj U j v.
L M., o' L*erhl»urg, A"msirocg
countv, prr-t.rij - •
munion wsi sdii:; •
The cr.urvh i.j *-•! ti; i-b
nnd the bt cl tu>« c.*"
Benefit—Mr. M-iffltt. tho “ f unny
man” at tho Thnatrr, tnkoi a htsnefit to.
night- Tho bill off tired 13 and
should fill the house. M r M. 18 a clever
ftc!.or and deserves a bumper, wbk h we
hope he may
01’ K N AT
CONCERT hat.t.
joacpnataiw anthoni kktii
Manufacturers of
(between Sixth e treat and Virgin uJley.)
_A°l __ FITTHBURG't.
p H U T () (T K A P.H .ALBUMS
ror. SAUi bi
ttofr CORNER WOOD \N 1 F”-M R! tHT R R K*p
B7*d’t ,v f 'IALLT the lgno-
Fj rart and lately Mod- -
** ■/ '?iof ail de
troat eeore ESffyg&W?-.--*A-'ffiyafo
vtd ** ■•foTier^
* ■: .n, H:r.K:e or mamou. lieciUM
t i-ts -r’lbiifeOoji me fact of hi.** uo at
' auU D!‘-o j mo,it-"l arr
fully • •'fvl, And t; , ia h ;*>A % % sic
▼ery immoral hl«1 for o.v.;»u»m:aauoQ aoo
corruption a i.jc:r witet*, promt.;.* r.ctf
i *‘ir farr.UT poy?ic:An-.’•Ai.kd b«
to k<*ep .O'-ir -r- tcsorarcc tr.f. t . 0
t“ e eame a** f>r » - * • J flluP, itr •ppi put;, r" :•* ,
I Sot a lucre it© practice miyiit :<e ion :'ru
vmoDg etapid mod**-* and pret*uu-pt-: -ub
tarn l, > born A"d • -used in t>:; - canco, •rruo#
as m and t v ,• .
gonce, soap;. 4c .to dol* :»a? i rent*,myst* r.not ,
.oeanjy oru. j gotten. I :. , .ib.-citj, ;_<>* •»
taatnurrer** par _ v are in* nit ,
tbAt the ; bcd <•«* -,.r ?• bu.J vrard>srA *vr.*u« t
fe*b'-, t’ty: * /,, •- coed:-..0n aod v ~-*J.
&£■•**- here r<?on o rsa.m ?>)• r
Wamu.ngt'jn CiTf, Dv 117 JjJjj.
A’uy Las arrived {rum N\>w M-xic.*,
I*.. rv*zy t-nfnr* m<■ r . ' r ' Iroin tie Fedcrtu
/tin-'r.n»»» r a-: •• :.iuen {v ‘ ir. New Mexico to lti« gov
?Dxio(* r- J r?n;flf’*jt»cr.. hr. ‘Ut>iv - *-*r: r:n-.M ii * rc|» -rts n giro: * feei:iiir '
’>■■ <*'■•;.• L'liry » t -v? Hiueroai I *' ao ! obserTti.r.D, 11 ~ • r °
• !i? u • 1 *' ’.a.« r*r.r«r «<<r.a *.':•* i: r»»:t vn **’ *'
«: v. k da r f con-.:.,ted hy
the profess •*., «-•< ' ro-'-jt''r.l*- 1 ; y t*«--1•
ao.« c‘".rc£.*, p’jz««ra. t>;-Oi»: < :•• r, h0t0..-., 4c
or ?<.■ calic < oo", ircH ; «rr. h’<*n •
rti s J;eadfu : malnd? caa f>o eomphv.c'y onr«j • -
W.r.rtTT '.-.t*tdv*oo?«rj that aad nuvo-j'i f lk .ho. \n
lomale he iiaa had superior ei >?r.•::)•'•> m
account of his eld r«-;rr', —.
Inr:;* is completely A:« '•*r*f , oasi:;Mp*.io'' r.*
pulmonary diseases my syrups l ; wqii h nr« r>ot;
®#vl from loe'arH mona and oi or injrred’eQt* m
n skillful physioieo flro yitia at tr,e i>u>- r«o .
bfc* had more success ali the prei-.:}* • r:,
that haro an yet poeo .1 »►- V.- v,*r :' ;
cp'es *-iH ah .>7. They ore n.i a- 1 ') can b<
r . nl s-.*,.r tea pfunphiot that c:w:c p-<r»Y p
•t i iiet at '.ho oxiuniaaii i, a 1; :.-f*f r. f-hn.-,;*
•rUrs rt i.'ii!** fe‘ ’ strt » k , ■•.■•■r '. >"*rr-<vr<
rr.Tist. 'OT3 *. or.'-f •;* rT *T V ».a-. u- - . k - l;J)
r-Uecdoii to. .
OWEft mutiE,
49 St. Clair Street.
Gentlemen’s Clothing mode to order cheap
Having returned from new
YORK, with a choica stock of CLOTHS.
CASSIMKRKS and VEBTJNG9, which cun pu,-.
chased at prices far below the aaual rates.
Great inducements offered to cash buven*.
Wholesale Grocers,
Distillers and Dealers in
827 and 829 Liberty Street,
* ★ -¥■
unmalled by any. In ail cases of Ltmenens. arm ng
from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenchinz, its effect m
raagioafand ceruun. Harness or Saddle GalU,
•Scratch®", Mange, Ac, it will *d*o speed I? cure’.
Spavin and Ringbon* may easib be prevented and
cured m their incipient atagee, but confirmed cat*et*
are txvond tbe pO'sib>!l ty of a radical cure. Noc ae
of the kind, however.ia bo desperate or dope eaa bat
it may be alleviated by thin L ni rent,and iU faub
ful application Will always remove tne La-renese,
and enttle the horse to travel with comparative
Kverj horse owner ehoaJd haTe this remedy at
haod, for its t:mt!y use at the first appearauce of
Lameness will e:r*ctuaU* prevent tbo-e formica 1-
diseases mentionel, to whio" all hones are liable,
and which render bo many otherwise va uable
horses near y w orthieaa
de27:ly dAireoir
R. 8.8E1.1.ER9 AC* - *,
Agent? for Pittsburgh.
PKIVATfi DJtSKAttEb- Aie g^
and BURGIOAL Office, No. 60 j
Smithfleld street, Pittsburgh, /§*§'%&
l>r. BROWN is an old citi
sen of Pittsburgh, and has been 1
in Practicofor the last Ivxnty
rtv« tears. His busmesn has
been confined mostly to Private *§s? f
.and Surgical Diseases. \
:n o.' a tr.cdicsJ friend, should not fall *•
ttna ou» tiie sure place of relief* The Doctor’s &
regular graduate and his experience in the treat
cent of a certain elan* of disoaaoH Ip a sure guaran
tee to the 6u3ererfa of obtaining permanent relief
the use of his remedies and folio'sring Um ad-
uercr fail to oar© the wo*;.t form c? i v b»
ftason, Impuritlsa i-orofniotiß AfStriioM. Al?o
ail (Lxw-'fcfl r.ra’flg from a hereditary i&.u* n whjrh
man i farts tD thf> ft-T.'.o of a tetior, osoriaa’.p.
fnrf ntfroa:canny forn? = of bMh diseases, the origin
Of U;o pattern i.i entirely ignorant. Tc
and spwxxly reoovery.
Dr. Frowc'o for mis aiMTiag tr? v
brought vo cfv'U hy •.',.• Lab;: of
grisiircalior. whiob Si:? imo weaksnindne
often give f*ij vo, {to i’ < • ' 'n :>*trucsiocL) are
the only rslhtt.;* retr.■• .In anti vs in : ; i,a ooan*
try—tceT * .- ■. »>•m..:;.. .*, - >«.•«;» rastnrv..i a
el headr,
iiJJSUAf iT jSMc
Dr. Brown's rccaf'o.) nor-sr fail io acre si ,*
pbia;*:;! disoare in a f#* arpe —he will wt-Ttai g
euro. Ho a:.50 trasta Piln*, Gleet, TtcncoTbcee,
Stricture. Uretb&j Dia charges, f emale W eaten e*«.
Monthly b-'pwresaiouß. Iheeaeas of the Joints.
tula in' Ano, Asrroua Affections, Pain* m the Lack
and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladd;;, together
with all diae»a a of ac impure origin.
A Setter describing the symptoma, containing *
ru, directed to DR. BROWN, No. fiO omlthfield Si-,
Piiteborgh, Pa, Will be immediately answered*—
Modicins sent to any address, safely packed and
pooure from cbeerratian.
Office and Private Rocraa, No. M B
ItWtpbnruh. Pa 't -*5-,iAwrlc
APPL.ES —75 barrels prime Geniton
Apples for sale by
II 111 111 I
Last Night’s Sews up to Two O’elock.
Important I'nlon Victories in
St. Ljuis. 27 —Tb» fuliowkcre.
sume Ml ri-f-'-ru military oporatmn? in Mis
.-uun am obtained from a reliable sourc •
within the pail two wooks:
Tue Union army captured 2,600 rebels,
including about 70 commissioned officers!
1200 horses and mule?, 1100 stand of arms!
2 tuns cl powder, 100 wagons, an immense
amount of commissary stores and camp
equipage and a large foundry at Islington
u-ed by the rebels lor casting cannon, shot
•‘.’.d shell-.
M'-st of the rebel ciaft on the Missouri
river, including ferry boats, have been de
stroyed or captured. A pretty clran sweep
hie been made of tie whole country bt
:wv n the Missouri and (bago rivers, and
G-n. I’rice has been cut off from e.U snp
piioa and recruits from North Missouri; he
•a in lull retreat for Arkansas wiih his
whole army, having passed ihroughrfpring
lield on Monday last.
Our loss m accomplishing those import
ant results dots nut exceed 100 killed and
Tooso are the results of the brilliant
strategical combinations of Gen. Haileck,
which have tvea as ably executed by Gen
•rMs Tuoe, Prentiss and McKean, Cui’s
Jeti (J. Davis, of Port Sumter fame, Fred.
Steele, of the lUh regular infantry, and
the bravo suldisrs of our army, regulars
and v ■;lunt~ere. Price’s efforts, through
his emissaries, to stir up rebellion In North
Missouri and simultaneously burn all rail,
road bridges, elation* and rolling stock, on
the 20. h ©f this month, in accordanco with
plans promulgated from the rebel camp,
have been completely foiled, to a great ex
tent, by :ho energy of Gen. Haliecb and
the activity ot our fyrcoe, which arc kept
in constant motion, notwithstanding the
•everity of the weather. The damage dune
to the North Missouri, Hannibal and
J-.s-ph K. K. has boen much exaggerated!
ropftirs rapidly being made and b »th the
NorthMiSsi'-uri K R.and telegraph wire will
be in working ©rd;r to Weilsvillo to
night. Ten bridgr burners have already
b*t‘n shot, and fifty are in close confine
iu»nt to be sum i.unly dealt with, uirier
Gen. Ualleck’c stringent odrere, in a low
It is coT-fldenUy expected that our mov
ing columns will effectually break up
bridge burning m North Missouri, as th »
rebellion has been crushed south of the
river. No mercy will be shown to the
scoundrels. Gen Halleck’s emphatic or'
dor.-, with re ezence to all bridge burner*,
arc i > ib-.ot down every one making the
ht 1 *■ Uipt. il' has just returned
trum Camden tvunty, with ton waut n
loads of fubeiateric-*, arda rebel
with ]<J tc-io, who le’t Price’s army since
hi; retreat trtuDHLC«'d.
G-Vi P offi.'.a! r <p->r; of hid expe*
d.ifon u< entrv .Missouri is received, but
• '.‘•••Mf.ns noftir.g ix.TTta-it ret previ
u-iy ren ri. J
From Wa*iiiiȣiou
C". ljc! L‘a;.by, , n uf ih« M >■
lar) i i .V w >lci:c., t .-.r r>j
isk<':. : -.a <_'rv.,' Kr.d S'.n.Vu'i. ~i* U:
M . .in t .•! d l T, ;' rV• g I h'l T'JXb Hr HWa),
■'•‘j - r -Wae (it ; a’.v-1. drtlCs. **.'( .Tt," ic r
F n Ft.»iii.)rc d--y iv
f-vS’. ’.VUK '• w i*v.-r-'U : ;, p-j
. O': to an
o;.a ..y C -k.i.
"1 1« xh.-j. Tn“(jcj be intended marclnrg Aizon a to dr;vc oti tho rwbei* and
.ca\'-j t» ’ cot f.'rco Toeru can bo no
Ju .b» o i: -S OIIVC-66.
Toti Legislature wet on tLe 2J. O.jv.
C' nr.ehy, in h:s nu'"-s*g‘i p reo inmencL r. o
uvi' a/nu rficrenc'.; lo Lac
1 ;w g wno have bcvD Uinporfd wi:n b}
V.Dt-r*. Pik--. ‘ »Hg Uo local
oi ill ibc ruaer vailon an 1 encouraged in
A_ri. oiiurai Toe 1 Nci: ina lor
ihe greater i-ar’., are peaceable and friendi\
i, tu> g.>ve. mi,; r:
Judg-' Aniy, on b s wnv hiiber passed
jn Ujt- Bindi-f lb'* ArKansis cam; s o!
vbe coDUjderule trb»*b *.J the plains, era
ot about GuO'i Arapahoe?, KlJwas,
a maoc hr-?, Cheyennes ana Prarie Apaches
Tuey d-.i.:rwd turn to say when he reached
that Lboy will fight for the
Gn-ui Father and the defence of the Union.
G-*v. C.nnt-Hy has recommended to th-
Legislature tbe repeal ol the slave cod j ,
onacted twu years ago, and from the tone
of j übiic fouling an act for that purpose
Will ho parsed.
K\t Carson is now a Colonel in command
of a regiment of rangers south ol the K u
Grande, makrng hia hoad quarters at Ab
Judge Amy has succeeded
Dim as Indian Ag'-nt, and is c >operat»ng
wiih Dim, using tbe Indiana as scou's. A«
the Union lorcos advance south the rebel'?
President Lincoln, accompanied by Capt
Dablgroon, visited the Pensacola’u . lay
on her trial inp.
Colonels Meagher and Abbott have boon
nominated to the Senate as Brigadier Gen
Gen. Rosecrana arrived hero from West
ern Vlrgiuia to day.
The President nas approved tbe bill pro*
vidirig for the appoimment of throe com
missioners from each State, to visit the
camps and receive and forward to friends
and families of soldiers the letters and aK
lotraent of pay.
It is reported, and generally credited,
that the Trent all -ir has been adjusted.
From Missouri*
Ottovillk, Mo., December 27.—A
prisoni-r wbo escaped from the rebel camp
at Humaiisville last Saturdsy, reports that
when the news that General Pope’s cav*
airy had driven in General Rains’ pickets
at Johnstown waa received by Price’s
army the greatest consternation prevailed
in the rebel camp: cavalry, artillery, in
fantry and raw, ragged and unarmed re
cruita were mixed up in inextricable
confusion, and many hours elapsed before
anything like order wasrostored. The re*
treat of the wboie army commenced as
soon afterwards as possible, and so fearful
were they of pursuit that they burned
bridges and placed every obstruction in the
way of their fancied pursuers. Even the
celebrated bridge, built by Gen. .Fremont,
nc.rt'B* the Oiage, at Warsaw, was not
spared by the flying rebels. It is reported
that ono regiment was left on tbe Osage
as a ioar guard and that several small
bodies are scattered through the counties
about Warrensburg collecting supplier A
cavalry force has been sent out in pursuit
of them, but our horses are so worn and
woarv by other long f .reed marches that
them *s lil’.lo prospect of capturing these
rebel bands.
The la.t report ‘rom Price is that h*
r -ftҤ < -d through Springfield en route to
Arkansas, and it is pretty certain that
ho will not attempt to return this winter.
Halifax, Dec. 27.—The Btoamer Euro*
pa arrived at 6 and sailed at 7 o’clock this
morning for Liverpool. Messrs. Mason
and Slidell were not on board.
The steamer As a reached here yester
day to go up the SU Lawrence but came
back on account of the ice. She will
not land her troops here but sails for New
Brunswick to-day.
The 62d regiment will be sent to St.
Johns in the Delta to-morrow.
Clothing Sent to the Federal
Prisoner! In th« gonib
Foktkess Mo Nftofi, D-c. 2(s—Via Balti
morr A. t 3-( 1 true) took an immense
quantity ■..( ciutbing tj Norfolk this after*
noon, declined for toe federal prisoners at
Richmond, New OHoads and elsewhere.
The steam gunboat Keystone State ar*
rived hero this afternoon from Bermuda.
She has two cases of small poi on board
and has quarantined. She has been
here in pursuit of tho pirate Sumter but
has not yet seen her and brings no news.
Tbe irrig Empire arrived (his afternoon.
She has an ass >rte.l cargo of apples, pre
aorvnd ltx.l ?ueh articles, destined
f;r R>y tt l. **
From He^nchy.
ij'JtrtsviLLK, Dee, 27. A letter to the
Democrat, from f, r.dop, Kv , save that
mere are only 1,000 rebois at Cumberland
Gap, under Col. Kami. They have sent
heir sick to Knoxville, and their pickets
extend to five miles this Bide the Gap.
There is no news from Somerset to-day.
Mr. Doff, just arrived, reports a fight at
Joseph Everson’s house in Perry county,
between 18 rebels and 4G Union men. The
rebds were completely routed with 10
wounded. The Federal loss was nothing.
Tee rebels are prowling through Perry,
Letcher and Beathill counties, robbing and
swearing Union men to support the South,
ern Confederacy.
From Houtrcal
Montreal. Dec. 27.—N0 decision has
yei been made by tbe authorities as to
building a military telegraph lino to Q ie
b sc. Tbe existing te-l-graph campany of
Canada, sori'-ualy contemplate extending
their lino 200 miles to Cape St. Rosier on
the gulf ol St. Lawrence, via Compbell
town at the head of bay Calons. li this
enterprise is carried out the news by tbe
Canadian lino of steamers will be received
at ieastom) day f ".m-r than by way of
Feather Point Sutnld the lino bo exten
ded to cape Rosier it is expected that the
steamers to and from Quebec will make
that part of the route next boos m.
Havesnollo be Hold,
St. Louis, D ie. 27.—1 n accordance with
orders from General Halieck, tbe Provost
General d;roc.s that .ixteen slaves
now confined in tbe St. Louis jail, and
advertised fur sale, under too State statute,
bo released from prison and placed under
ib.i control of tbe Cai-f Quartermaster of
ibis Department f>r labor till further ori
iorf, true! slaves being the properly of
rebe.s, and having been used lor insurreo
tiunsry purposes.
From JVew York.
New Torn, Dnl 27.—Tbe schooner
(Live Branch, arrived at Anx Oayea,
N veraber 28Ji. Sne reported having
been chased by a supposed pirate, showinl
British colors. 6
Ttuf Suva. Scotian has arrived. She
spoke .the North American on the 20;h,
and tho Jura in latitude 49, longitude’
4U ~0, b und fas*. On the 26th, she pas.
-t-d t:.u Lure;.a oil Silt Island.
C'oi, Mulligan.
Then tun. N. J , D c c 27 —Col. Mul
o.;ur., the heroic do cL'.'cr of Lexington,
Missouri. !e-r L ire slhs.f past mneo'clcxik
> r I’hiir.-'h tphui.
Arrival of the Ldlnbargb.
.New okk, D-e. 2t —The sU-amer El
ir.r»url;;j .h.:: i Vitw and will be up
11 \ 1 ‘- ~ ' IT rr advices have been
nr;*. H.
L>ut* bri: pi :he lufeii the Arago should
have br-.>;ia' nt.
Nnw loiiK. Dw. 27.—There waa quite
an ex- ,, ttf‘::.eni in the sl’Ck market this
sfierr.! tj, vr:ih an advanco in prices,
which ia aiLtibuied ;o the Impression that
a HUrpec*-.>n ul extensive payments in
> y trie Banks will precede tho next
. rge 'l': usury r.3g.>tu*tiyn.
Steaiuer Arrived.
IV»kt;.ani>. Ai>: , Djo-uib-r 27- The
sun or .Nova S.-y;‘aa has arrived. Her
advc-s hwe h or, nu.cipaled.
hirer and Weather at Loais-
L/'jUls\ ILLS. DcComher 27. Evening.—
Tnu r.ver is rising elowiy, with 0 feet 8*. water In thucftc&i. W heath or clear.
Mr-rcurv 28°.
RY statement* from persut.s c-t respectability
and truth, in this who have been greatly
hy hmremed es; Bume of whom would
evident')- h*»vo been in their grave® ere now. if their
dwe-ses had not .wn arrested hy Dr. Schenck’fl
Case or Ltv*r Complaint and Dyiptplia
of Ten Years Standing,
I have been outfering fur lea years past from
Liver Comp-amt and Dyspepsia. I heard nf Dr.
>-• heact’s com.ii>; om to Martin Koch's, and 1
tnougne 1 wouhi g > and boa him. as roy disease incea-nd m violMnce withm tHe pasttwoyears,
Atni i h*<: been under treai noent of several doctors,
from whom 1 receipt no benefiL In the early
part of Jun* of this year 1 went to see I>r. Behenck,
and Wrts examined - y him his *• UKSPfROM
KIEK.” 1 have been tating hi* Pulm.-ntc Syrup,
S<.i H’cai Ti-nic and Mindrake PilU niqos then, and
I must say that I am greatly d by their
use ; indeed, 1 might a mom Bay that i am well
LowtU, Poland tp., Mahoning «o~ Ohio
October 31,1861.
I have been much benefited by the nee of Dr.
Schenck’s medicines.
Poland, Ohio.
Oct SI, 1861,
Case of Mn. McConnell.
I Lad been sflectcd mth Disease of the Lungs
for lour or five yean*, when 1 heard of Dr.
Boheack coming to Martin Koch’s. Previous to
UiiMttne 1 had given up all hope of ever getting
well, rut Mr. Koch, wnom 1 knew to have been
cured by Dr. Bcbenck. urged my husband until
,he prevailed upon me to go and see the Doctor,
who found both my lungs affected, the bronchial
tubes were both diseased; wben 1 breathed, they
would rattle so that it could be heard distinctly.—
I have dow taken his tnediomes for some time,
sod find-myself wonderful!) improved, -although
Qitentirely recovered; 1 now find myself able to
attond to most of my household dudes, and hare
no dcubt of my ultimate recovery. From the
benefit l have received f»om Dr. Scnenck’s treat*
men., 1 would advise all persons similarly affected
to apply to him when he makes his next visit.
Poland Toumshxp, Mahoning Cb„ Ohio,
Oct 81, 1861.
Cartlllcata of Jane Grlni.
X have been, troubled for about two years with a
pain to my breaaL Lato m the Bpring of this year
X heard of Dr. Schenck oomiog out to Martin
Koch’s, and to c*ll and see him, and
get examined" with his Roaptrometer, I did
so, and also took all three or his medicines, ac
cording to directions, and I have been greatly
benefited. I hope, from the benefit already ex
perienced, that it will not be long until I am en
tirely well. JANE GRIBT.
Poland Tbumship, Mahoning Co . Ohio.
OcU 81, 186 L
Care of Mrs, Warner.
For about fire years I had beoa effected with
pain in the right side of my breast, and in hopes
of getting rebel, I had taken many different kinds
of medicines, but found no benefit from them
whatever. I then heard ol Dr. Bohenok, and
the groat cures he was performing with his
treatment, and concluded to send to his Agent
in Pittsburgh, J>r. Keyser for seme of his medi
cine. Prewus to taking it, I was so prostrated as
to be untbie to undress myself, or even to lay in
bed; I was obliged to sit op in a chair in order to ob
tain any rest at alt After haring taken Dr.
Bchenck's medicines, I heard that the Doctor was
coming to Martin Koch’s, and I determined to see
him. I was already to much improved by the use
of his medicine, as to oe able to go over to Ur.
Koch's, is a distance of a mile from my
house. The ' ‘octor pronounced my disease to be
BronenialConjumptl on andlilverOom.
plaint, with an adr.ei-ion of the Pleura to the
; riba. 1 would moreover add, that 1 ooughed al
most continuallv, and spit ub large quantitiiwi nl
matter daily. I took the FttlmonlosinrnJj
Bn W«ed Tonic and Jhsndraks Pllla
according to the Doctor’s direction*, and am hanoT
to eay that ram nearly well. ANNA WARNER.
Tamuk >P' a,u ’ M < a »Cb,OI&
OcL-3?- W»L_ d.M4w
w Baie oh “ p tor C “ tl *
great inducement
"Preparatory to taking our
W« hire determined to close oat oar stock of
Fancy Dress Goods,
at great redaction In p r I oe b.
without regard to cost.
is very full and complete, saoh as
Mualir b, Prints, Ginghams Checki Ticks
ings. Table Diaper, Canton and Wool
.Flanneels, Tweeds, Jeans, Cassl
nets, Oassimerea, Cloths, A c.
YTe are now telling a great'many
articles at
and also BY THE BALE at
Less than they can be bought at
of the manufacturer! at the present time,
Haring Purchased them before the
Late Advance in Prices.
19* Persona wanting anything in the
line will save money by
MAEIKGTHEIR purchase earlt
ba many kind of goods are
in the East almost daily,
a nice present to send your 'friend in the army.Jg
for Wagon Oarers and Steamboat Decks.
at 10 oeuts per yard*
A very large lot oi
For Good Bargain! in
FAircrr goods, j
74 Market Street.
Fraokiin, BenoH, Browonvilla.
Gallatin, Clark, Brownsville.
CoL Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Minorra. Gordon. Wheeling,
pay City, Anawalt anefpaati .
Inwo, Moo-e, Louisville
Leanora. Tyler. Cincinnati .
GaUaUn, Clark, do
St B £ ? *s& Peebles, Elisabeth.
Jobp T. M’Comhs, aPOomtw. WheeUng.
Hastings, Robinson, Louisville, ;
Ohio J?o. 2, Blagg. Cfncjnnyj
B@=The River—Last evening &{ twilight
there were 0 feet 4 inchia in ohsnael aad falliu m
rhe weather during the diy w*a intensely cold,—
loe is forming rapidly in the Allegheny.
J®* By raforenco to our advertising
ooinmnsjtwilibeseon lhat the A No-1. steamer
IKey West,” Captain Evans, leaves for Cincinnati
and Louisville. We take pleasure hi recommend
mg boat and officers.
N®“ The splendid passenger steamer
Marengo, Capt McOallum. leavee for faint lamia
on Saturday, positively. For speed, sooommoda
tiona and attentive o Boers, this boat haa ho aupe
rtqr. Ooryoung friend MoCaUnm hue charge of
the offiee (
mammoth side wheel steamer
Westmoreland, Capt Evans, is announoed for din.
cmnatiand Louisville.
Our advertising columns announce
that the fine aide-wheel steamer Arngo, Captain
Soloing, la announced for St, Lome. AH right
N®* The new passenger steamer Flor
ence, Captain D. Z Brie rel l , leaves this day for
Cincim ad asd Louisville. This boat has the best
of accommodations and is In charge of officers
that would make a less worthy boat papular.
- The fine side wheel, passenger
steamer Undine, Captain Oox, leaves this dav at
4 L. M., for Wheeiiog and intermediate ports.
This boat has the best of accommodations ondis
in oh rge of experienced and attentive officers;.
•©» The flee steamer Empire Oity,
Capt R Way, is .nnounped to leave to-day for pin
cinnati, Cairo and Sa nt Louis. Capt Way is sgood
officer, and has many friends. We are pleased to
see our attentive friend Capt HichardliiShn the
A. lettelr from Louisville informs
ue-that thj atesmer Jacob Poe is coming-up/ATith a
fine Irad. Messrs. Clarke A Co. have on board
1440 baire s of fl an MesKTi?. Kennedy A Brother
2,673 sacks of wheat, beingtbe principal items.
The Bteamer lowa and Bay Qity
arrived yesterday with fine trips
The well known steamer Commo
dore Perry, Capt. Brown, leavfcs this day positively
tor Cincinnati and Lows? ills. Heraccommodailons
are first rate—her officers clever and aHenlivfj
Andy Robinson will be found in the offiss.r
For Cincinnati LoninWe,
Evansville, Cairo anti St.
__ TUESPAT/riBCBMBKB 81,10 A. W:
T^ £ „ , FINJS SIDE WHEEL Steamer
&AGO,® Tboma3 EL- Golding coannander,
TeßassvoTe. For freight or pasa&£6 apply mu
or to JoM PLADKfSr
de2B j b LryisaH-rps * oof affect*.
For Cincinnati. Lonurille
Evansville and «t. Eonis.j
The new and splendid pas
senger steamer FLORENCE, D. Z. B iijkell
commander, leaves as announoed. For freichi'or
Passage, apply on board, or to S<
• J. b. LI \TNSBTON * C
»*■ Cincinnati it Louisville.
The fin e steamek key , asf
WES f, W. 8. floTmriftpdfnp jfigflWglj?
te“rf ”■ F ° r freigh ‘ 01 “PPIT on
, . j °HN flack, J. b. LIVINGSTON,
atu7 or D. K LEWIS, Ae«nU.
Cincinnati ana i.nnigciiio
The fine steamer . .-w* u
ry Brown Commander, will _
for the above porta this day. For
Freight or passage apply on board.
Regular Tuesday Packet for
T Marietta oud Zanesville.
-Hjs tine passenger steatner. m.
.EM®* 9R4HAM, (iptain
roe Avers commander, lesres
hburgh every Tuesday, at 4 o’clock d. m. and
Zanesville every Friday nl 8 a. m. ■ * n “
For freight O passage apply on board, or to'
ijraawoo*<&, Agents Pittsburgh.
For Marietta, Gam poliiTpSiC
kersburg and PortNiuoutfa.
JL QEB steamer, J. B. Tmtp. fH/*;-- -A
w. H Eerr, commander, leavecTasLLiseS&ffilK
announced above.
For freight or passage apply
For Bearn Me benvUle and
Wheel!» gr.v
The packet steameb, ■ami'*.
i. T. M-COMBS, J. T. ~f |p 1 J*
leaves Tor aboretoirta"**®*
Wednesday and Friday it 12M.
For Cincinnati a»d Lnni«i|T f
THE splendid passenger', ffsik
steamer MABENGO, A-Q.M’Call,Jjifift|F
. .? or „freight or passaaenpply on board orto
IJdaM J, B.LtVjjiaJfOW AOG.Agentg.
For Marietta, fialUgolli, Par
hersbargand PoMsmoatb.
The .fine passenger, m.
steamer ROCKEt, Captain JbhnGH^mlS
Wolf, will leave -and
termediate ports every baturday atlQ a, m.
For freight or passage apply onboard or to ‘
nolO JQHJf B LdViyaSTOgACOg Agents.
Captain Wm. Benc\ leases
wneettng, Marietta, FarkefsbttrK
6 Allipolis, making weekly tripe, tewing Pittsburgh
every WEDNESDAY at 4 o'cJoek, and letaramg
leaves GaUipoiia every FRIDAY at 8 o'clock,
nol* P. Ha LEWIS, Agent
For Marietta, Parkersburg
and Gallipoli*.
A,vte%mer UI7PINE, M.A. Oox,
mander, leaves Pittsburgh .every
ordayatAp,m.,returning.leavesfialUpolis every
Tuesday at 10 Am.
For height or passaga apply on board or to
polO jß' PmHftgrON * 00. Agents,
l or Cincinnati and jcoutsviiie
EMPIRE am, B. Wr,y commeader, Je*tes
as above. Porfrelght or pasßano. appiT on board,
or to [daS[ JNo! PX&BB^Affat,
l v or Cincinnati and Louisville.
The fine siEAirefc, m, „
coma latfder. lea Tea os above.
For fright or p-issag&apply on hoard. : ' de2B
Has opened an office at .
NO. 94 'VfcATEB STBEfiT,
Wberabe will transacta generals team boat Agaaor
boaioeas, and would, aoheit a stare of patroaaga
from steamboat mas. • oflSWbn
sohEiotoi mbbsohaum
TOAABCO POOCHES, new style; AwiiaSeSs
lot of Genuine HaV -sa
whtoh I offer at low rates. Pteaa*. gitamaAraSl?
de2Mt ABKSTRAi! 1 *
\J and
Scotch Ala. Portßraad Broiraßioni."