]e SJatlD |)ost. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY PITTS B UHOB : SATURDAY MORNING::::: For Afternoon and Midnight Tele graph and JLocal News »ee First and Third Pages. UNION NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR; HENRY A. WEAVER FOR CONTROLLER: WILLI VM L ITTLE. POR TRfUfeURER JOHN C, DAVI r r OUB DEGENERACY, From the organization of the govern ment until a few years ago, the gieat men of our country, of all political par ties, entertained a dread of the forma tion of sectional, geographical parties. This was the rock upon which they ap prehended the Union would be wrecked. The "father of his country” dwelt upon this danger in his last words to his countrymen ; Jefferson warned us of its dangers upon various occasions; Jackson fought and crushed it when it assumed the character of nullification; and Clay, Webster, and the great men who acted with them up until a few years ago, warned us upon a thousand memorable occasions of its steady ap proach. These warnings and admoni tions, however, have produced no effect these great inea’s teachings have been neglected and the consequence is a de vastating civil war, the magnitude of which we grow aizzy in end avurmg to comprehend. Thtse good men's lessons are forgotten and in their stead we learn Our duty from the demagogue, the IV natic and the knave. In every quarter' of the Union we see fanaticism filling the places of departed patriotism, and wise men of moderation and integrity driven into involuntary retirement to makeroom for those who, but a few years ago, were regarded with well grounded suspicion. The southern section of the country is prostrated by a band of des perate slavery propoganui&ts, while the north is cursed by a parly of fanatical abolilioniste. These two extremes have reduced the nation to its present lament able condition, and fraternal feeling never will return between the now con tending sections, umil these desperate leaders are supplanted and sent into retirement. We have degenerated; public virtue has departed, and the country is in the keeping of political gamesters. We have degenerated until our lower house of Congress does not contain a single member of command ing character, and ability sufficient to wrestle with the crisis in which the country is involved. This is the refill of faction, of sectional agitation, which has grown with such fearful rapidity in a few years as to plunge the country in a civil strife which threatens tiie very existence of republican institutions.— Agitation has gone on until the widest in the North almost despair of democratic forms in the future, wnii-- at the South, monarchial government is, by .yime, openly advocated. Dr Kussell, the cel ebrated correspondent ol the London Twies t now in this coun ry. ha- frequent, ly of the leading rebel lious spirits at the *ouih nave expressed a preference for a kingly government, although until recently Lhat section of the Union gave us some of the ablest champions of liberal institutions. It is true that these statements were made by the very extremists of the Gulf States, but we see that a few days since Virginia made a rapid stride towards disfranchis ing her people. In the “reform” con vention which assembled in .Richmond, a few days ago, a proposition was sub mitted, amending the Constitution so as take the ©lection of Goytynor from the people and give it to the .Legislature.— This received forty-one votes, or more than one-third of tne convention. This manifej-ts an exlr&ordinaiy change in a short time, in thesentimenisof Virginia, which Btate was, untif recently, one of the most liberal in the Union. This sudden degeneracy in Virginia is ibe result of faction which, to serve its pur poses, will fl iter the multitude, but which, in the present revolutionary con dition of the country, finds its only se curity in concentrating power in the hands of a few. A few weeks prior to the attack on Fort Sumter, last April ( Virginia voted, by eighty thousand ma jority , to stay in the Union ; now she iB not only anxious to stay out, but is en gaged in destroying what is republican in her form of government. The great men alluded to in the beginning of this artiole warned us of our possible decline, if not fall; the first is upon us with fear ful reality, the second is a question to consider and endeavor to avert. WAB FEVE3. If we are to judge the feelings of the English people towards this country, by the tone of their papers, we should infer that they are a little like the Irishman who was spoiling for a fight. Some of these journals are resorting to the flim siest falsehoods to arouse resentment against this country. One of these is the following from the London Morning Chronicle. When ttie reader reflects for i a moment, that the nomination of Mr. ! Lincoln by the Cnicagu Convention was ' never thought of by any one, until it ! was effected, and hardly believed until corroborated by numerous dispatches ™ , ' ; Ihrcv of ihe batteries are :! -v ready to r.rrvp he will Bee the utter absurdity of the g un«. This Foais « P aUe of mkiug ca.-e ,; statement attributed to Mr. Seward. It vesmis ihat may got by Fjr-.s Wtrren a:;., tnd - lookB very much as if John Bull was pendence » and commando the whole loner ■ iiarbor. anxipus for a “rough and tumble” with j TLtse are the defence works commenced. The the Onited states. This ifl almost in- j p’&n r f defences for Lhe herb r wbeo complet'd, conceivable, when we remember the ' make u a perfect 1- it embrace* h handsome things we did a few months f““? 0^Lon I riri f ;< n“r'?‘‘ t9 ‘, H 7 d ’ ’T "T' ' ° . * f*o;t oa Long iiisn i, !•. r; Independence, Fori agofor Victona'B "eldest born,” Vinhr p, and a Fcrt at JtUnet. Point, fauuia : the Prince of Wales. Then in our ex-, iio?:on ■“ Soi^jn Traveler. change of compliments and civilities it ! „ e r j Ifa petticoat governm-nt l, not more op. Was all congratulation of each other for ( preiive now than formerly, it is certainly doable ( having descended from “the same hero- j extent. ic ancestry, speaking the same language and consoled by the same relig.on ” This is now all changed with father Bull; amend ol invitations to tea parties we are treated to the stupidest insu>ts fnd falsehoods; the tall bully raise." his head and lies in order to force a fight with one who is struggling with a rampant rebellion. Let England wait until we get through with cur present engage ment; and, unless too much damaged. President Lincoln aud Mr. Seward will doubtless face any music which she may instruct her Minister in Washington to make. :DEC. 28. But the following is the extract from the London Chronicle: “We are in position to affirm, that when the Duke ol Newcastle was in attendance, in September last year, on the Prince of Wales in hia tour {trough Canada and tue United States, Mr Seward, the Secretary of the L’ncoln Administration, a dressed his Grace, on one particular occasion, in words to this effect: ‘My Lord Duke, ei ther Mr. Lincoln or myself will be next President of the United S; te3. P Mr. Lincoln be chi sen, I staff be Secretary, and we arc determined to take the first op portunity that presents itself to insult your country.' 'lfyon do’ was ilieDuko of New castle’s answer, ‘you will bring about a war between the two countries * Oh, nr, there will De no war,’ was Mr rejoindsr, but we will—we must insult you.* The Duke ol Newcastle, we are en abled to add. looked on this «?..* nothing more, to use an expressive, though c«.-i veiy classical term, than so much ‘bosh,' ano never once thought of tho circumstance until the affair of the Trent brought it again to his remembrance.” The Tribune and Gen. McClellan Abtatcm-nt recently appeared mine Tribune >hata i-earer of dispatches from General ttommsn.ler-t:> chief; 'he headqu- rtera of the a-my of the Pott m kc; aid the office of me U. d a At each of them, those sees, r.g (ten* ral Mc'del'an a. Tays find mere or ’tss members ofh: Half, m startly ready to attend to any pub] c business ap per.aining to hia poa.uon. He himself is rarely mere than once a day in either pUeo, and then hardiy for had an h s duties compell.ng h m to be constantly moving here, there, and every, where. “When one applies to see him, the bus ner-h is always attentively heard ry mcm-.er .»( the , i.c th« war r*uv>r.f ah g.Yf.« an l .lea of iho to.-uM t ewu u- on hr newspaper wiiters m Eng.ami at- -U’e see, therefore, n" thing irraHo i m the U'- '.ef that the Wash ngmn government may > the just demand of England for th-* re* e«- < (■* mam'est wrong, especial!; oau t* ao doubt that the dem»n-i has been htd-...- ;crate and conciliatory tone, ar d with a si are re de sire for peace. Yetweahoull be etleccmg a eon- I fidence wh‘ch we do not fee) »>rwe to i bomu •to d sgu:ae from ourselves that there are at lea i equally strong probabilities on the other aide. |There is too much ground for the suspicion that tit had been the del b=raie purpose cl certain ' American statesmen to provok* a qua'rel with Eagland; and, insane as such a pod.y would tie, we have no reason to think that the world has jet iseen the limits of the reckless foil/ of which men :liko Mr Seward are capable. We «bould be quite unwarranted in assuming that the answer 'x> be given to Earl Ruaieh’s dispatch will be dictated either bv a regard to the justice of the case, or hv respect for the lie opinion of civil zed nations, or by a correct estimate of the sireng h o.' Eng laud, or by a wise and thoughtful patriotism, or by any consideration whatever except subserv iency to the popular passions of the hour. On the whole, while it is alweys well to hope fur the best, it is impossible not to feel that toe wo within the bounds of probability. We should < er tamly view the futore of our country with de-pa r if we saw it dominated by such influences as tho 3 e which for the present bear sovereign sway in the once great and prosperous American Repub ic ” • The Defence of Boston Harbor. Whatever may bo the condition of f> rtificauons along the coast, there is no doubt that thoz-e in Boston harbor, are amply tuilicient to hold at bay any nival force lhat may be sen here upon a how tie errand. Fort Warren is, next after Fortress .Monroe and Fort Adams at Newport, thy strong est for>ifioation m the conntry, From doee to the channel, no vessel could get by it without being in range of ts guns for several miles, and a vessel commg in at fl.od tide is me t near the Fort by a ooanter current from B? ard Sound, so that a steamer can make but slow head way at that point, while sailing vessels are held fast. This Fort Is of modern construction, and af fords the most psrfeot protection to i:s garrison There are now at work upon the Fort aHut one h mired mechanics, Bach as carpenters, stone cut ters, st ue masons and blacksmiths. They are empl yed in mounting guns, ofwhieh nearly one hundred and fifty are now iq poeiiioa. It in pro- 1 posed to monnt about two lr ndred in al», an HI is I work will be completed in a few weeks. The-e l guns are of all sixes, some of them hivirg a bore 1 oi fifteen inches, and a range of three or four miles. The present garrison a*, the Fort are to be instructed in gunnery. At Fort Independence, which is also a strong fortifica ion, there are i bout aix'y guns moun ed at the present time, and there is room lor mor- j Th -eare now no men emplcytd upon the forti j ficntion. | Fort Winthrop, upon Governor’s Inland; is de e gnvd to be a very strong work, bu is nn vet finithecL The citadel, however, is completed, and sixteen h< avy guns have been mounted. There ere to be seven ba.te*ies in connection wi:hthi PfiOM IHE SOirTH. o Uii;e tue foil w -.ews frum yesterday’s Irvin N tfw.k: A d.,-pa..,. littled ca.- h vide, 2'iS ias ! ., announced •ha; nine ih.u-iand L-dr-mla have ciosted Green • >cr, and are march'Dx to Hopkmavide. Toe con fe*ierau.-f r -e ;hi ro ie throe thousand five hun dred, ; u> ’ciuiurcemcnts are on their way trom •-'Urksv...,'. i .on :-.r> l-orr. c>; Green fay that seven tcHo i-., u.iand fedt-rs s • Ad:?pnmh from f r,v ; u : i) di { that seven ol v-halcrc, of trie . i ,ne fliei, were tUQ I ? in >h Chariecton enaniol on Fri-iay last. Ihe rf»so n ions ,n i elation to the secession of MsrlfcaJ to the a -.them confederacy, have beta me.: u •.1 i v ine c n eu s r»t- c. oyress, ao ► s to dt*. <- ar - that uo pen « ought to be concluded with the I cited Stales win h i o-i not iusurc to Maryland an opportunity of fi. fining a part of the etmfed ;racy. A p.-ivaio di.-pnicii received at Richmond on .-iino;iy sa;s, tro,i ihe su-,amer Gordon has run tne i'lockad • id.o one .-.f ihe porta with a re; oited to coDtiii of Cjflee, salt and West India f; u;t». One hundred nni seventy.five federal prisoners w#re f to ieavo r i.ihmond on Monday for chl si.urg N. 0.. nad another pa>iy some time fluting ihe week. 1 he H-.ine ) huu'Acracr ssys that an attempt was made on ‘h- IGih mat to burn '.he fjta’c Ball r. ad oridge, over feta Creek. The incendiary i.o-iever, we? caught, tried, and beat.-nced to be hung. All me ( par lesion ia mi rain- > rum panies excepl die iCmi 'ru have gone duo liquidation. L Rj :;imcinj, mci New Vo-k i“ a*, sx b'mx and a nad ji*-r c nt. ui conn.. bilv.-ns seli. ng at taeu y-livt- per <\-ui , and g' Id at thirty-five p-*r r cai. prem um. oales of the confederate bon is '» r i tiiu-eu in were made a. ninety i r-uu Richmond papers ol the 17ih, IBih and 19th , W't- i u | ihe foi owing • xtfaeUi : W- are u:f«rm»-d that one enl re Missisdpp: rog m<-n; id tVelve months men. serving on th« i otoira'i, iiave r *»-n: ierm, to ro-enliat. Th> -.3 a list we re gut have expected of a gU. Unt and p:i - people. It stands out in refre.-h i.ig contras*, .o iVy c-ja«iuct of the Yankee troops, trhr.sM soot, n.-tr.fir nine :s up, ru>b home, lea.* ing :lir i - .-ius-5 and :!» *-*r !lrpirim4At of Wetter " • ’ u 1 I i a. r 1 ton- >' »in a w : r.<-u r ’.i* V r-e ve- ai d .n T . ~f <”:i in to •> «ur o. u N-.ne but Uv.-i • w i I..«v'' ear. fu.ii ateyi u' tri«.s and y :.v; 1 tur ir umjiii ha-. 'et>a *;,r* o«i; :n»-* i O’, mo i. u-- k-i'ii l/.‘ Ml ! '•> 'JI t rn j,,. d »trs« ! '"> ’ 0 r h-R‘ Moutin n« ed, liter*..- . .imii • -l, -r.- vi-i-.ri. uLlv rep^-ii^u “A rwcii t-ft n*, t n>i -.»»«! >• .|rv ' ■‘' l ' *• *»••- !• ti-r* v. v:j;;r an^ I-. »)-• : a ft: .yt « ;U , tj r ,lUi,! • '• I O-l h- K'»r-K f-n a: vl» . r r j' y i t i» Lnn ! ft; frui V- ■ • Vw .• nj • * •* '■ 'io»r_> v.l *'xii. yr.;ir U'mnMj i i*/ '»<>n ml i.‘l!"ci -.11 m r.. f you * • ove»a «i c:»or, iruiit oe ut'i,|>f ..i pv 0 f lu-ir*. • " * " :i • ‘ n"« e* . upon you for your own f;rn!« l.or-.r p :> iJoto ro _, rBt]vei4 ;n rJ] Lhk( por . urnsu. unu, -on -pj d:, pm Let ev c y offifT bn'.] f\ r / be ein-.uou.a t-o teaob hip! lenr.. the firing*, imamry dnl:, gtnrd <1 •{’. •.• rr.,ih c.y .j - • p|-Q.. tt r.iJ p >«u - «* u \ our Command ng ’jenerwl proposes (o procure for you evoruhing n-'-. 3 .j<*ry to prepare ycu for your coming worn, nnd wui .nor-n organise Board* of itxamiuc-r.-, 'howi.in.i the service of the d:a grao* nnd s-Uierf of t:.* incubus of incompetent H-d wo Uiiess ‘-Ulcers, who bold the pot-tioo and reef iTt* the p j wrhout having ths wil- or capacity t > pert r.n Lie duties of their p^.-Uuma. “Remember, y« u are lighting for your country for y our flag, fur yt ur li me? ' •>(!.' enem t.i ar • implacable in their hatred to you; there is no measure of falsehood to which thej nave njt resorted to l> aeken your good name; and their le vd-r-'—B»*u egard an l Jeff. I'liv. have darM. oven in Hclemn prooUmal ions, i = < a immat® vou, charging you with crimes you »d. o'— frrm these tn-*n you have nothing to ex c . in • muni ; .epare Lj teach them, not only ispson.n of niiguaiiitni y and forbearance towards th * inarmed and deieneeieas, but to thrast their Ctduirm.es ani their boastings do.*-a their own trmtorou * throatn. -t is quite -et not a moment be lost in your preparations lor the tank before you u w. S HOfIBGRA >3, "l:zi r . ud.er tienerai L mled States Array; ‘Commanding Department of Wester# Virgin a.” Virginia Renegades—The Fairfax The N (j. Data in its comments upon the Fed eral Fairfax, who boarded the Trent, does unin tentional injustice to the descendants of Lord * t4 ' r^ax * when it aayi that ‘ they have always nour ished the most bitter feelings cf ho tility against this State (Vrgitmj on account of the confiscation ol their ancestor's possessions W“ilet cordially agreeing with the De't'i in its emphat'c condcmni- , non of the recreant conduot of the Federal Lieu- tenant, *re r-ei e*r. ia that h ws as muon a renegade fr in Urn Fairfax fam. • us he ia from the state of V irgima. Whilst there is one Lieuten. ant Fairiax in the f ederal Navy, we know i f two certainly—a Capain and Lieuten nt—who are in the Confederrte Navy, one of them said to hare \ ecn the o<*«t ordu.tnce officer m the late United Stiles srr.o.* Another ion of th-s family, Capt. Thomas 1 Hunter, is al.s > incur Navy, and a more thor ough seaman and accomplished effioer never trod aqu ■ rter deck. B'ioiJes these r in toe naThl service, w© think th.U wea'e n n wideof the rna k when we state that from thirty to fifty of the oceceudantaof Lord Fr. ;< . < nr(>rn*-'l, ar*rd 1 y aoyn- hi, de,ccn,i*m., *1 though CORNER FiTl ANh MTii "I Ln, r,- .'■ro - w bou;hfcn people in ta-ne dsys who d * 7 A 1 ;R ' " IJ * wo;iiU ' o prefer Hr.nH Cjim-iuiior.al — : ; * ij vernmem to Hack despotism, | RISTMA-S GJFTS — Mr. C. Edwards Lester, Pre3flnt a of those neat well made !. Galters ’ Slipper, or Shoes, W to ttnl'e the present census bnaineßs of the In. 1 SOLLr A f t'nor Department, the statin,cal bureau ol the , S ato Department, and tie desks in other depart, i del# _ meats vrhere.tati.ticaltnformauoa la no. ctar ’ T IME-100 bills fresh Blttea - Aj br (doit) HEh’RT H. OOLDINB, | Re-Eti'istlUff. U-o..‘r y of itud .wn. t tv -; h .1.. i,>-U£< 'I a •ioi - to rr r»r f *; 1 ' ''• '• a;, i , 5 . u.j s amily. m'h' ngo to e«eare- & ». HUGHS’, Co! Mu''igan Col, Moh’gan respon is • nc'-anantly A;l weannest c- * is WiOKonue.-». With kind regard, your f/i-nf. JAS A. MULLIGAN. To Hou. John M. Wj4;Ltnmi, Jam->k K.loy, p. Donahoe, ami otUerj. Heavy Shipment of Arms fr:m Europe. The Hamburg steamer i iroma, which arrived cn Monday, brought. ov«?r »u ea’v-tire ;hou*HQ Unds ; s f*-w <.j tnem are old musket*, l,t:'. near y h I a.-;- now pq.< excellent arm*. T ela g-“t proportion of thi“ auipm< di wa« p-ocorod m Mist/i». The arras t>r* consigned t- many dirterfn r ou.v.*h. The bleiunshtp Hanna, ofihe Bremen iine, also brimcli; a iargtj qu io a.- ;r »■—a port on » J them from Fran.--' and Eng «nd Tr.o dewr i’hiuai u-. r. fitly fr-- ni Uverp-,o’ ia now d sehaigin.' a niuiv.-iy t . arms and lead. Of tha if ere are on!y a lew ihcumind riand left* than fire. he* >• ■ lie hundred caaba or ng"t l«*ad. ♦•iw'ti c&iX ng tourtoen to fif toen hundred pounds. U it* •■HtimH cd thuneerlv a ipa-fer of a million ataod of arm • have been *-r« u.ht to this country during :he past f--.tr m'-nihs : v the Harr-hurg lino of , p-‘. P« .tiff' • .s»rg •am .u:.i «.f war materia!, mem iu < mf;ur.*y Mid cavaty tqinp. men - *, have r sen mip..r:ed f;.>ni Europe. During the four or tiv • m-Mh- raM, :h * Bremen line has ucd'iubieci.v b-< ugr.i a hun I rod and tif-y thousand. SUiati. bt“ l h s tpujeot- - , It is at Brusso s, B\ys the Mmi’cv JVue •/« t:■ h: the greatest qnan'ttyc-f l'- *•;• i- cor.-umed. at bl< c'd ri!p es. Pr.:;.ert? h s iuiv.-.t,-,-- i to in C&xaUa in a. in *;U* of ; tu* o. in-aire i* ;c- ray worth ole hundred ihr-naard rupees UIKD Un Friday nm-niDg v7;n -um.Hi-N WILLIAM B. Met L KK. Pre i,oni Ju.f/e of the Cou-U of i ormr.on P.ea* '•/*».- M, age Fanerai on M ■>•. iay ' nw a l ' 'ec o'c cK-k lr_ m i, f ,>[«■ reunion.; svjw : ‘ I ror-fti H> Ai,«- > fvv- : u.i r. ■-ujrL, wnaui w |Jr.Kr l itE:iS' •Jj i- . r Aft f P l.y.A, tr Fr* n ' , Knc hi> i a ■ ■.• >'l ,-S ‘ V- i - !• *ni, •• i k '/f K >».-i a-.j i*»r nan l.o'im H Mu l luli, 4c., a'Uti n cho cc of Krq J ‘ ¥‘jl -v!»- t y aiM" . ' iHNM'uN. ■ (’rncr i i p »•!rin » )■ -an; Hh \ »r. \ I* -' H • ~*'l -s M. “ ! • «»>*•* * 11. .» .--V-. „• d hi. l-uCaa-.-in: <1 : : • v. «: •snw -nd . t,, f\t-v.-4r« ■ i m?«*uu(! f. « j-j ii. »n UK«-0 IUX b< y i*. (, , cl -h-.1 HK4--IJ‘K: H' i* I ! 1. , j ('I >’ \ I >!'-»■ ! u\ . ■\ . I . , A KK.. V u hrt ■ :-a w «.r J*:s - v , .. , po <■> Jr t ■ m* >• -.u r- ;] U.r th« (-KS i.nK . s ( . »ri if.'-n ka ■ * !..«■•> , .<• nn4 fsi-ft. ■: r - , I ' ■ ■ XJ XNj XD t. jr; X 1 ,<--v irv. ■' v/, ' : v; n ; K r r r v* u : BIM.'JKR’S rur-.K! wtx k k- v*»v.-% \q S ‘45 '>•' i r. II VJ- k-*s ifi:-". •. t AI!-gh"Ri v »r'■ ■ .•«. •-r h. -,i &I' •I'ARiXX :.i\ !.!:V s;'H .h- Ai..,u-n Cur eclil-Ornd ,* -:*> •‘'ATI'K.V. 1 'Jo ul'R-lrLV^ !; h .- in ••.*»«!!.•« j-u'* jr fiH« we rmr« ‘‘uu-t-a. w«* rmr- h,d K«.rm- ( o>.i' Whia kj finrn:D'-o by >1;. submit toe result to th* pirnhc J C'-rV) t':!i-hureh. Mnv 22 lArtl. MESSRS r l KKN.A n k t, E n >— J h«vp examined the specimen of Jp': »n, e Hn j fin ,, u u» i* a purr Ri-ti.:]*. ! i- frf... from fas I 011 the common tmpn 1* op of *'•: e *t. You need rare no h-.-imt.-onm otf.-ring it as a geiiu;ae an 0.0. GEO W. WKY M AN. h ** on haod n U * t\ar oU this Whwlcjr f ~ », oo,Mr Ufuo mreet and the iJiauun I. a{ cifheuv o.tr deSGlw J *' )Ls?* Tu THK CI! !ZtN - i>[ rissuaaH —i anno mo*- mrs-lftoynu s« a crudu-aM* & 1 he i-nBUioR e'ecuon, for the ,-lßm of CITV CONTROMrEK, If a long experi'-ncv m *■» ;•••) and ©xterwire PuM- Dess, a perfect facr.Uart.y w ih « -count-, and the identifioat on of ailf-'UBie »it *Htb* merest* of my natir« oHy, entul* t-, , „■■ - conßdeoce and support. I will confidently nop*, in.- your fi'jflraeeh* avlM WILL!AM U TTLB TOOTHWa Tcaberry Toomwaali, _ , , , Tesberry loothwash, Teaberry Tuothwaah, Teaberry Tot. th wash, * 'i oaberry Toothwash, 1 hie fixer jn one of the mo-; vala prepara tioDM of the day for preferring the 'leetr and Gums. By its regular upe yoa are 'ieeth free iron) acid and tartar. It will o-re u oe'B m : he mouth and gums, it w II arrest docay o f the tee h. It will cure b eediDg gu •"« It will make noft. -pcoffv n-unw hard an-I healthy It wti- neutralise ail ottenHive Bt'cretions of the mouth, and .mpart a do igtuful aroma to th » teeth Prepared by . M JOSEPH FLEMING, de2B oorner of the I rtauiond and Market aL 250 BALMORAL SKIRTS, ALL COLORS AND PRICES JUST OPENED AT W. & ]}. HUG US’. The largest and most beautiful stock of CLOAKS, CIRCULARS, —AJiD— SHAW L K . A! ■: la? NEWEST STY-LES at DIFi’ENB ACIiEH’S, No- ifi Pi r tn Htreei. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS *ti ' o j n int i • PKiMARI Mii.lNi.H-il ]. . il ZB as f- .ij y •„ n *fiA ;«• ion 1 th- l'. I N TI r ivKT f i.; mu* • -i on'i an ay l-»-, nr- i f-ju.'.-n. d to ~>eet in th.nr .«• v \ -id; , pn-i nit.; : -"vm. natica t'Mi »' : J'-KlTi'o, to r* onihesamo day wi.h tn> c: v cffics-t», bt-ij-.' mu* FIR.ST'iUF>iDA\ iiy order cfthe Git? C.VI'bV l X l *'Ot'Ti VjfS COMM i i'TKr.. rTry*» Ti£K a«« OF THE tot Y>AK!). i*,u-«.uran i: rrw?M hi MR. 1/UK !• i on SA fL Rl ;L?» ;i, bom;na.o c.tiv!\UU*.- for Coune I and War-i orb .><>:* by b=i:oU i'y order <.■!' PI =s* B * R . MKETIm,-THERE WII.L HE A S^pn!2*?. ,n 9 ° ! ■' of the Pmfborcb f.i. ~l b M'/KMXIa, o'cioci, in the room of h * coortnf y nt-t*-r Se-sions, Ac., to take put a mom’i'i’Sl"! r '* , « r b" death of HON. WM. B . ( 1-1- Kb, lat- Pra-i.|e,.tJ_dg». A full attendance - " r » ■» ri-ou'-vt-l. ~,-gvu !; - N " I*® Tu i'l E I.tl r.O tT 0 -’NEK I.— 1 nt* Insurance r omp mes of thi- - iiy, re|)i--H. n ,•* .1 by tne u ■ >h‘ -signed, ho r- v t -; no uoeoi.. wu.«tf oi ..| n w reepwi Vo emrut. n «. t.n. tinder tbe.r po'i.ma of io-mn0,.,. ?y h,'," 1 : | h * r '” •»" !“’ on board of wh IrMon’mi a d ■/ waic-man ann a merit watchman and also, fat there a-.ah t a on nach b at a: lea.t 'wen y live bun eta, con'inoal j fill, d wub water, to beuisinbuted forward Yl and ; -e™L a u a! ThS " e " r " -O' io“ended a.- new regulations ou; a, me proper and 'eird in coFnr “v* nidLW wn,C! ‘ Uo Poin pan y-* Homo ci 13 Rei,'^ ,^crefnry*, oi[ l iz"n“^ lr iris^ M a , C ?„ C °h , r r . ; J, “*- A 'H.bl.- S on,Pr°aidePt“f Motion,ah.-la fnraranne Oompanv; Robert I in bureka Insurance Company b M F . ' Rmlh-*? a Alte « J >*»y luaurance timpani ! s)im.any P A ®? 0 ; c ' sr J P"«bur R h Inaun.noe company, F A. Madeira. Aji nt D-l. a. g j nHU . r.noe -ornpany; A. ,t. Carrier, PrerilenlPenn-y,- vaala nauranoe Oomptny uesS-1* piTTSJiURUH TH£ATKS._I ITALIAN OPEKA AND CONCERT, By th» ceChrated Artiales ol the New York Academy of Muw. 1 r,t OPM PRRKOhSa» w r n^ WU w‘i ßa r ?auu‘4 D 23 KVBMNG9 ' MIsS ISABELLA HINKLEY, ■lie American Prims Donna, whose mk,co,.s amoe her arrival f-om Fnrcperat the r e Adam? ot Music of New York, HrooklU Hr awn Phiatielp.ta and other dies, fn, lajen wnhout pre-edont, wnl make her debut in this olty and ' t ’-i(iv,'j U R l Hirf«k , ;V| o f colohraled arllsta 111 VIJR BHfSVH.I, the Renowned Tenor S; r '(‘iti fr'-dvV'K "** Baritone, u'Po’o ' lhe Basso, cehac HK MIJI ‘ LH;>HAUER lhB c “ leb fated Violin- -l: in euli e mb nation wT be under the dirce bon of me UiHioanish.d Conductor r,f the New 1 -rk Academy of Mane, Caßc ANhCHL' IZ. i H . rtdl'Al the proaram-ne wili coneisl part la* HRAN'D CONCERT OF 8 NOS. T ?T P sra o “ d * n L ' Ceebrated Tragic M M B fL full OOfHQJlie, '■ : “'"*' towrttou.mre- Bij? br'Knoij as Bi*{. ?■" siDi as h ‘ r ce ' el> “‘*<* ro]i - <*° s.*. i-ngo. i,,»ft.. *'r:,»z:zz:::E;%£,o •»•?: HaO'Jk* t< J,‘rf “ : >•,*• v wrtt■ s i,ASrE 0N FRIDAY . ‘ /a'’,' , 1 >'Ten wil be presented ;* ,ro -r» R E T L R Y. vniob ,• Z «-n»m America last V erV K“ t T , r' 1 r ' » f Mr. Cllm n Kew v uV.?Ti V ” '""’P '•.•od pron n-c-J ' U “'" ' :l aulhor’a ftnrt eorHs f 1 ,: ,v w!,i »>■-* MJaEKERL i KUVi'IUKE. I r i..t» ,nd r ~ ... (lc . 1*,:!,, . t,v _«• f..r r- ►«!•. : , n . ~ , io c na< J,t -5 •n - ■ > w ij ( . 0;I q jpo p * in. lIJ I! -t r L can t-e i*e :ured • h . U.h i’i Hsi fc r»* ) y«, rj‘ xtTI <. « of « •*u M' ■ N 'A Y M i/ M.i i - »0 . 4 ‘I •• » - -t r>\rl» > ■•' ;on u it t; »< - ' - • • ca»ci) *■- r 'r-H-l'lj f-o «iplaiDL 1 ' 111. V. iKo r '• "* ft, iui i • h-'t /. •; %■*,« f-tfo-iu .j *.->•, my *•1 f y ih- niß,. v PR’N «•£ • 4 ]t >s . - f/ c ' —> (2? ‘ 1 I N: -'- 1; - •• ' •»! 01-ilUiSlßKillo, ti y\ ; L ; inf-iiLiii l‘€D r''.a:j' n «4'a:--tiij of s*tpami h : Piirarm. c u'au.iug 8 t»\u*rv f*-eL w.ii tx* ruft'• i. jw i-pi :, ’0 h: 7 tt'd-es*, tu-Jorcing *.5 0 rli t>■ n >t.irn P • ’<• «»•;., y, i 3 , pal^. tJ-.x :id*lw JK.NKIV? A BMIT3. Ptu*bnrah C -K.X —4,*> Hifsl.p prime Kar^Oom vn the wharf and for sale i*y . J A FETZER rteJf ' cor l«t and M-arfce ?u RY it, FL O U K—IU bnrreia freeh ground b y© Flour for sal© by , J. A. KfiTZKR, cri _ owner M«rfcwt-«n/| a'r««tfi /IHhtSE—luu boxes prime (Jotting Cheese roociVcd and for sale by , , JAMB* A. FET2ER, . ««■*• center of Ma-ket and Fim atreeiß LUMiLY I* L< Uf K——so i.ibls choice JL fr’wu.ii Flour received and foreale by JAB. A FKTZER, comer Market and Firjd street*. BTCKW H EAT FU/ÜB—3-< „ !icks prune B. U. flour received and for eaU by W. H. SMITH A CO. »48 B©c rt n at. Bui IKK.—4 boxen tresii ro*. bu ifersnil birrel frot»h roll butter uat re o* ived and for sale by ’ . „ „ JAS A.FETZRR, . r " rner Market and First sU. HICKORY NUT?.—3p bush hickory n.iu leoeired And for sale by . 4aß L l-KTZER, de »» Corner Market and First sts. HTB" VRR E L B—2oo Becohd hanc fur oaU by da2B HENRY EL COLLINS. JyJ'UVV iS THE TIME ' TO PROCURE PRESENTS HOLIDAYS. Embroidered Embroidered Collars, Embroidered Setts, Linen Collars, Linen Setts, Lace Setts, Lace Collars, L&ce Sleeves, Lace Handkerchiefs Wool Hoods, Leather Cabas, CHARLES GIPNER’S, No; 78 Market Street, CA RPETS, 2 5 PIBCB 3* NEW DRUGGETS, NEW BRUSSELS CARPET hare Ju 'i been received and are of tfce Ll'i'fcST AND RICHEST PATTERNS, at tbe'low eat price*. W. M’CLINTOCK, I.W JUrkM Stmt, TH lu LXECI’IIVK COMMI r i'BR TLe iaal am , M ,j; 'til'a Grand Opera i.L’C!A ' ACMKKMOOB. ' n to cmuTDo? n 8 a?-.s if I .‘U'rtl'H STREET 0 ■ *ak KE.-'OK vhe l F HNrAKY, ‘ 5 ' \< 1 ’I.T* ’N. *)>«*<\-.ui*pr. *•!«>’* P ahj Ora*- FOR THE EMBROIDERIES. Wool Sleeves, Wool G-aiters Leather Baskets, Portmonaies, large aod-VAriedv Embroidered Rand ker. Lie 8 at 26 cents, up t 058,60; Lace Trimmed Handkerchiefs at coat Pure Linen Handkerchiefs for Q cents; Gents' Kme Linen Han-iker* chiefs 1234 Wide Hemmed, Revere Bo’dered, Corded* Border, and all other kinds of Bilk* tor I-adie*; French worked setts a« 50;*e0,75. 80, $l,OO, *1,25, and all other price to sB.oj; Cambric and Snip i-oll&rs. at all prices; Ladies’, Gentlemens, Misses’ A Boys Glov. s A Gauntlet ; Wooden Hoods SKATING CAPS, TOW TOW CAPS, SLEEVES, SONTAGS, SOARES, CLOUDS AND TWILIGHTS. HOOP SKIRTS, of All kinds and at all prices; ' French and Mechanic Corsets. An entirely newstoc* of embroidered slippers, PORTMOHAIES AND CABAS. Ladles Leather Bags, Ac,, Ac BALMORAL SKIRTS, n all qualities and colors. S2LB air Netta, H e&d Dresses, Shell Turk Oombsi Shawl Pins, tiaitera and all kinds of Fancy Goods. Gonnaro • Duke Aifcnso examination of oar stock is soCcited from all arsons who wish to buy CHEAP GOODS. JOSEPH HORSE, dee!B2w 77 MARKET STREET. w HITE KID —AKD— SATIN SLIPPEB3, HEELED, so'ubie lor balls, parties and .wedding, }ask re ceived by W. E. Schmertz & 00., No. Hi Filth street. d.IA . TIEHSAS A CETTE, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ntrotTxas ax® diaixkb n TEAS, WISES, LI4UORS, NArth-EaKt corrcr of OHIO STREET AND THE DIAMOND, ALLEGHENY CITY. Tin: I'B.iUT pKsTiON 0? TUS DAT For the next two weeks wilt bo, WHAT OUGHT I TO BUY oniEirsTMja.s NEW YEAR’S PRESENT. All th* friends hd'J customers of BKIMCSU.v, HJUBiX & SIKDiiE, That haw* coi yet det-rm ned on what to buy wil pi see 10.-k oyer the following list of articles, when wl l t>e sure to find rom'-tbing to aunt bold Vest Chain*, ; ?ilver T able Spoons, “ Lvn s'Breastpins, ; *• Tea Spoon*, Braeelth, , •» Forks ‘ Specie ’es. t *• Buuex Knirea, M V* as 0 n S**K i « Bonp Ladle.*, “ Pen • and Casee, t * Creuo Ladies, “ for Mina-; M Toni**, tures, « SaLfcpoen*, ‘ >«ckiace, « Mn«tard spoons 4 Stads * s Child’s Knife 4 a fllstrve Button.*, Fork Croces. « Caps, “ Finger Rinis. “ Thimbles, “ Ch*t-U-n Chains, u Snufl Boxes, *j £ Ar Kings, ** Napjem Kings, ’ “ Far Drops. Plated Castors, “ Guard Cn*ins, 41 Cake BAfikete, “ Keya, ** lea Setts Charma, ** Coflee Setts, M Armlota, « Molasses Pitch* ** Pencils, ic- Ac era, Plated Ice' Pitchers, Plated Spoons and Forks, * Plated Soup and ( yst r Ladles, etc* etc: $3- G*! 12. tunes; Bronze, Stiit nary. Po fancy articles in generaltoot numerous to mention. All we ask is a call at our establishment, NO. 4* PIPi’H STREET, one doow from Wood, and examine oar goods ancLprices. Q.JSNTS “ FINE FRENCH BOOTS, Of Brooks’ Manufacture, SILLISG AT YEW YOBK PBICES, FOR CASH, At 31 Filth Street, W. E, BCHMEBTZ & CO. eelO qhristmas presents Just reoetred a large assortment {of GENTS’ SLIPPERS, VERY CHOICE PATTERNS, and selling low by W E. Schmertz & Co., dels No. 81 Fifth street J - O. HANCOCK, • .I TTOHJTF I" JT FjtH', WO. 73 G-BAITT BTBEET „ PITTSBURGH, PENN A. fielB-t' JOSEPH 11. THOMPSON, 4* ESERAL A6£WT —AND COMMI3SION MERCHANT JTo, 4 Jt'orth Fifth Street, d* l * B ™ PHIfcADRUniA. FI CUKCKS, Of Appeal. CHECKS OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY « NOTE—AII inform ** Patentand »oopy of are offered for sale at the office of the WESTERN : cb S*s°* Refer topreaehtoc IHiirt.P- nntiitvhr. PENITENTIARY. on7-5m del3 RKNRT ST OOtitiw ' BOLL BU ITLB—Two barrels 80l BuU«r jurt reeeiraiand lor sale by J . A* FJSTZSB, ctaSl oot Ist tad -A T Our stock of for Twelves Years an Offi-9 cer of the Pa-k tent Office tlie last fonr as a 31eiuber of the Boardl QQ DOZEN BROOMSm store and for •Swln. ... J.A.FBTSER, <**“ oorser Mutotwd Flmminwra. AMUSEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE Ltesa aro ilAKasaa. WM. HENLfiBKON Phiob W Aninssioa.—Prirata Boxes, $6,00; Single Seat in Private Box, $1,00; Parqueite end Lreps Circle. Chairs, 60 cents; Family Circle, 36 cot.ia. Colored Gallery, 36 cente; Colored Boxes,6ocents. Gallery, 16 oenta. THIS EVENING BENEFIT OF J. S. MAFFiTT. RIP VAN WINKLE. Hip Van Winkle... ....Mr, Miffllt ITALIAN BRIGAND, Hiaaldo .I.afr. Maffit The lightntngTrtclt Pantomimeenntled4be NIGHT OWL. Saturday ovenia&WneßSof : Mr. J. 8..MAFF1T.,.- tkimbi/b>s Varieties. . . PENN STREET, NEAR ST. CLAIR THIS EVENING will be presented FAMILY JARS. Delph—......— Biggory Liddy After which songs by Ida Dural; jiDancea by NTlle Loul : e, Mis* Emma and Master.Gharlec; Gymnaatic Feats by Messrs. I>onovan and Wet land To conclude wub a 'EGKO EXTRAVA- GaFZa, m which J. L. Davis will appear. SCALE OF PRlCES—Private Boxes*l,so; Single -'eats in Boxeß <5 cents; Parquette 16 cents; Galiery 10 cents. Doors open at Csijaln rises 7j£ Canterbury hall. LATE ATHENEUM, LIBERTY STREET. IMMENSE SUCCESS. IMMENSE BUOO ESS. JIM FLAKE* JIM FLARE, m m MAGGIE BOWERS. _ MISS MAGGIE ROW ERA MISS MART NSW TON. and thafulf company. «KMD PAJVORA&A OF THE T II E H A R , EMBRACING THE FALL OF FORT SUMTER. and prominent battles up to the- present Tpa exhibition: ffM>commence aa M O ff- D A Y, DECEMBER 23d, anfdeo'ttniie svery even* mg during the week, it MASONIC HALL. Doors open at o’clock. Panorama »ill move a’ 734 Admission 25 cents; Children under 12 years of age, half price. . a .The panorama will be on exhiUtfcm CHRIST- MiB AFTERNOON. Doors open at 1U o’clock. de2l-i w yloaks, " = J SHAWLS, FCS3,; -f ... . . GOODS, olosing out at reduced prices, and a large lot of Muslins, Calico. Como a Flannels, Irish Lines, Ao. eelllng much less than markefrnriaes. Gail anon and get Bargains at IT J. LYNCHS. 97 Market street, uetween sth and toe Diamond. de2i HOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, 7 UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN STYLE, UNSURPASSED IN BEAUTY, UNEQUALLED IN QUALITY. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRIUES Album i to suit ail tasfces in CLOTH. WITH IMITATION MOROCCO, WITH TURKEY 1 ANTIQUE, j "WITH VELVET AND GOLD. To hold Twelve Ctards, To hold Twenty Garda, To hold Thirty Cards, To hold Forty Cards, To hold Fifty Cards, rr U u Try y-x_ , T ° Cfeldfl. To hold Eighty Cards, m To hold rt no Handled Cards,’ To bold Two Handled Cards. From SEVENTY-FIVE *'ETNTH To FfFTEEN DOLLARS? CARTE DEVISHE PORTRAITS. Gird Photograph of all jha of America aod Europe, c. m oriaing, wi h a excepUoaa, Ail the crowned heitdB, f(^_ Ail tbe prominpnt' etat^groen, A!i the principal CJeneralsj All the favorite Authors, All the Reverend Clergymen, All the distinguished civz6t]g, All the Palmer Marbles, * HA BAl.fc.gt . ■ENjpiT JSHWER, Successor toßont & Sliaer. ■•: T>ogtdocr *o Po*t oSce • SH&ht cola , SCJIQh,,J?CcJXf L S£J7J>.&& or gfase. JDfLfiCXili which might he checked with a simple remedy, if neglected, often terminates seriously. Feiy are aware of the importance, JM.^anjjiiixs.t fftsiJuiuXj the Sacking Gough in sGJi.s.ulrrLfiijjQjt i and numerous affections of the giving immediate relief. M*ublic Speahers .se Singers wiH find them effectual*-for- clearing and strengthening the voice. Sold ; by att Qh aljrs in Medicine, at '%§ centsper fcoxj gMPEOYMENT^ COLBY’S PATENT CLOTHES WBINHEB Id WAITED IN EVBKT FAMILY. sriiEh _'if? wishin * 40 n**ge u>» Rood business wu* do well to secure au interest m it Msehine and coaulyriflhtfl for sale br „ B A. COLBT, „ Hare’S Hotel, Pittsburgh. and see it yorfc- . ■ delo 2* IfLQUB BAKKELS A. Wo want to boy-FIVE HUNDRED FLOUR BARRELS per day, the greater part or which should bo round hickory hooped. For such we will pay 40 canta each .in cash, de lirered at our mill, or 89 cents each at the land ings or railroad stations, in Pittsburgh, R. T. kbnsedi Vbro, Pearl steam Mill. pAVHaiy.' 0 A VAli K V WANTED FOE oapt. raisH>a keybtone cavalry mg^s i eiwssjss&. n!SI. •***<>*',*: . CaptNATH’t lETSH, degl-laa . Becmiting Officer. IMPOfiTAWT -TO IKV»TOB S . P4TEMT AGENCY- :<* - i Dewit C. Lawtenee-ipE PATENT AGENCY: Kobt. W. Fenwick. for the past foa.r years Manas e r «f the H atililni’- toußiraseti ot the SclepJ!fl< American fa- • V tent Ag «u c v Jk and for Fir . l «en Years tn P -he. Pat eat lob n©oe£B*rj? to procure & ie Patent Lawsseat free of ioserof Patents. Hon, .........Mr. Jennings ..MriTEWhe ....Funny Denham