Cy ID a it') Post. c...,-'- v-l -- . v . OFFICIAL PAPER OP 7'HE CIT P ITTS 11 VIRG : MONDAY MORNING ,'-- Pot Afternoon and Midnight Tele graph and Local :News See 'First and Third Pages. air Poet office eterstw, of env .'enomlest on over Intag CEltt3 W.I. 001 be -eoeived for sullHerip -00118 lA the Post The PORI Trl/4.41 pr here , See'lamf; eo ezehtmge the huger d. nominet.otas for smaller onee, they become useless to us. A WORD ABOUT THE MES SAGE. Our city coteruporaries—those who appropriated the President's rueFsagt-, have, ever since its publication. beta laboring to prove petty larceny iespeeta ble. The Gazette indeed does not seem much troubled, hut like LI), generality of hardened and detected rascals, looks incorrigible and sulky; it neither ac knowledges its crime, nor promises amendment in the future. Unlike the 6 , ,zzate, that pious and con scientious little paper, the DiApiielt, which almost daily indulges in so much 1 orientation over the corruption of the age, thinks that abstracting a President's message rather a meritorious perfor mance. It said in its issue of Saturday that "indeed we don't know iinr cslwet to know what little bird brought it in at our window." The -little bad" here alluded to is, we presume, the poor dev il who was paid for stealing it; and if that 'little bird' had handed over with the message, some gentleman's pocket book, our neighbor, we presume, would put it to one side and make no inquiry as to the species or plumage of his feathered messenger. The wit of the Inspah:l, about the little bird is no better than its morals; it is defective in both. l his dodging, however, to get clear of a vile transaction, or bssen its enormity by lame attempts at wit, does not come well from onewho is ao leliciton , in proclaim ing his own virtues, and whose sense of fair-play was so delicate as to prevent him from sui porting the late Union ticket in this county, because, upon his motion, it was not nominated roc Things will change, however, as is evi dent, not from this exhibition only, but aswhs before demonstrated in the change of the Dispalch's every day abuse of ri mon Cameron into one of his principal and most obedient followers. This mere ly goes to prove that the would be vir tuous Col. F. is nut insensible to the at tractions of the War Department, and to secure an aspiring and a valt.rous youth a snug place in the army, lie is willing to take it whether conferred vise Voce or not. The Chronicle, too, seems not oily pleased with the part it played in the dirty business alluded to, but complains that we did not give it an earlier oppor tunity to do so. Keeping the message, it says, from the public, from the time we received it until we published it, 1, unpardonable, and realm 1.;,+ that "huh" of the nuttier lies just th( re. This means that if we had issued the mes sage the night we received it, it would have been far more convenient for the Chronicle and others who desired to steal it. Had we issued it "in time," our co temporaries would have been spared thy trouble and inconvenience of skulking about in the cold to secure a copy. Be_ aides the joke of the thing would have been quite exhilersting; paying for a message, setting it up, and issuing it in the evening and all to oblige our neigh bors. We issued it at our regular time of issuing our paper. The agent el the Associated Press having refused to send it, the public could not reasonably ex_ pect the message until it strived by mail. So, our enterprise, instead of keeping the message from them twelve hours, was the means of furnishing it to them more than that length of time in advance. But if keeping the message for our regular issue be au offense so full of "hub," will the. Chronicle tell us why it has been, ever since the war commenced, issuing three and foul• edi_ bons, when all the news it had could he given in its first? Why keep news re_ ceived at 10 o'clock out of its first edi tion, in, order to make a fleet - mil issue and keep news which should be in the second in order to manufacture a third• This is the Ini6 we would like to have explained, and in explaining it we shall be under additional obligation,: it our liberal cotemporary will state whether or not it is to make "a few more dimes NO SERIOUS TROUBLE AFTER ALL. A correspondent., referring to the dif ference between the President and Sec retary Cameron on the emancipation question, says: "There was much excitement in Wash• ington last evening over the modaication of the report of the Secretary of War. It was rumored that the Cabinet Was broken np on the question, :he President deruaDth ing the modification of tile report and the Secretary refusing to do eo. This was near. ly all exaggeration, a; no quarrel or eem , . Mane •of one occurred. The medtlication was consented to without any serious trou ble " Of course it was. The wily Secretary of War desired no quarrel that would lead to "unpleasant con 9 equeilces." In the first place, he had no right to run counter to the President's opinions upon governmental questions ; and even if he had, Secretary Cameron is not the man to exercise it. But the President announced no settled line of policy in relation to the extinction of slavery in connection with the war; he will be gov erned by circumstances as they arise. The Secretary, on the contrary, wished to..he in the ring, at an early day, upon the irrepressible conflict, by announcing himself in favor of - the most radical and decided measures. This is all he intend- _ . ed. As to the possibility of his differing Fkidth his chief to the extent of endan geriug his position, there can he nothin g in politics, diplomacy or the science id . government more inconceivaLle or rt - mote. Gentlemen of the nicest sensi bilities will not abandon snug Calline! appointments without receiving sevei al hints to do so. how then could the oil veteran of caucus, convention iin,l in tricue be expected to retire Ilion a mere punctilio' In the nervous latig wage of another, he now exclaims— DE" 9 . I that man!" The Washington cm espondent of the Evening Pod intimate+ that certain oon tractors, occupying high places in the government, are beginning to grow ner vous in anticipation of cert sin develop ments. It says; —" The evidence talsen by the House Committee of Investigation on Contracts is soon to be published, or a batch of it at least. Some of the level opments will not b e pleasant t o 0 , an u u important gentlemen. The tact that some of the printed b Alimony Ims been abstracted by the repenters of one or two journals was this morning bri tight before the committee, anal, upon the promise of the off 1111 V; being given not to offend again, they were discharged with a slight reprimand. The business of stealing evidence teem committee rooms should be made disreputabl, by the action of Congress, if t h e journals themselves will not put an cool Lair TLie Democrats in Washington, says a erwie.t.pondcnt, generally to L: mu ;di pleased with the President n private the President ,a -presses himself as hying undecided upon !hi , slavery question. li e says :—"The is a great, question, and One that I do not feel competent to settle. Let Con gress consider •it--not passionately—not with reference to any political 1-stn•s_ but seriously and prudently, and tin n give me its advice either in thel',irtn ut a resolution or a bill." This is precisely what 'ongress will du, but the question will not be hastily settled. ge_., Any one, says nn Wh. , has ever seen the Slr,L:.l,n Litll,3, "must personally entertan a Rvorat.l. , rf.col!rt.tion of it. The tl , ql &re E.' queer end well conducted. Drunkennees almost unknown l'unieLment, rare, and the drscli.:lne, though strict, ie , :unsiderate. Whatever Lrhy be of the conscription, it bai the merit of bringing an educated clan , of tn,n t and thr.n raising the ntora:e of the whole army." kW- Gen lialleck has rubilA:d a ,m -oral order which gives general sitifaction in Missouri. hereafter nothir.; shall he Lakin from an individual csiept what is neeessti.ry for the tran-port and EU DR:F LW! , x• of the troops, and except Ile is adusll2. arms against the government, and sur property must in all cases be taken hy• elligent and responsible (dicers it eies.i! •ietailerl for that purriese, who will g;v. the owner a receipt. - 3 n egroes on the South Carolina HTT R rILvH (i Y.ti MO. L 1 it A I'oN To HltNolt Ceur Lzs, rulr:•! . e, 1., iht - ,1, T• F It' izrAr bra—At the rettneat of your Fr ett'ter.ty. ma.l • to Inc yeaterday, at these headtpiartera, I hare he honor of presenting my a t. ws of the pre:en t apt - tittle and behavior of the negroe- to tire portion tt, the State, intrutued to my imittiol ato ei Inmand.— So far from their being soy ineurreottouiry reeling among them, 1 van calm, your it' s oellency that I have neither t-een nor itt,trd of any act of pillaging, ineentliartern or viotenee in any direction. It :a true that the negroea of a 'rvi plantat,r.n , have ahown a spirit tl .neubortlioattun by relating to move further up the oountry wit ea or ',te„ to do no by their °anent; but this disr,hedo , nee sinand he at , tgritttl rather to et feeling of d I 'mar in. utter ho.plee.enese at being lett atone soil proto,ttotl he the precipitate abandonment by the r non-tern of their itlantatiena than from any organs. ..! pla n of reitietant, to the authority they ware a. , eNooned to obey. B t t now feel mri h Fati , rietion in .. , tatirg, for the inforrnatirn ct your Fxcellency. that the Le grues are fast recol.rt ng from ti, Ott fright, and eionniug forth from their hiding pieces, and iiiiieily and siihmissiviety resiimilig l halt st - i r cultural tidier without the guidance or presence in many ins:micas of either master or overseer. In conclthion, I would reepecchilly ail vise that. all planters and overseers who are not mti,tert.,3 into service, and are owners or apatite of prr p rt_• upon the mainland, should, without delay, return to their several neighborhoods, and thus by the, presence prevent a recurrence of that excitement among their people, woich has been due !n great measure to their absence With much respect, your obedient servant. TRO.S. N. DRAYTON, Prig ,t;en. Com. 3d Military Dietrict, Department booth Carolina. Ex-President Buchanan on tho Slidell and Mason Arrest. A Lancaster correspondent, who hes (rimy vioiteri Mr. liachanan, at Wheotiacti, soya nlinferen, was casually made to the Elidell and Maorm arrest, Thiedrew out from him a prompt regret that the Administration should be 'embarrassed by a ne w difficulty, now wit: ') everything seemed to im going along so favorably towards ilia overthrow of the rebellion' Be fiesititati not to say, that the pris oners would of maitre- be given op al stt on a+ the facia came officially before the Government. The ground of this opinion was the game that has been taken by °tit, re, namely : that the British tiag won the same in its reoponsibtlaties on the roe :Mt on the coil of England' '1 he men under it were entitled to its protection. Long, dip'orratie. ad. rniniatzatiye, and executive exiairienee would ,give to his opinion much wetglit, but it to her to presume tt at he would have rEflt-e•eil mere before expri ing it in conducting a dtplomatm correspondence. At heat, from the appearance (A the man, eta may have a right to Oa: impression." Aid for Ireland. From the New York Evening Poet we learn Itttstputtn Adam. of Ringeton Maseaceusette, veteran rhipmesier retired torn active servlc,.. IrR willing to contribute one hundred bwrela of ;lour toward a cargo of provisions to be sent to :bit star. ving poor of tralan 1. The generous captain will likewiee gratuitously command the vessel on her passage to and from that unhappy country, provi ded no speeches are to bo made on ether side or the Atlantic. This is a benevolent proffer. There are so many natives of Ireland is this country, they have served us PO well in the present war, ano their relations with their kindred at home are PO iOtt Math, that whatever talents Ireland is univerAly felt in America. It seems to be car- r ain that another famine has fallen upon tier peo ple ; not a third of the potatoe crop will be se cured. or, if seeured, remain untouched by tie rot; and the ch•rgy are beginning to cal for as. aictance. It is properly the duly of the 'British nation to provide against the it rasters of this intim:ion het the spontaneous generosity cf the .4 mencan people will not be restratued by the eons Men tion. Already, the ohoritable are moving, s n d one tail nes eap , aurt I reposes another ex peditiOn like that of /847. am not Contrac's Coast. t',,.L i r I.y the- r , liggAnlloll that if tho ( . 1.1, • m.on iv d••• not immediately concluded , j.i• fay ihroutiti Had!, it ran hard y I 4. i,nci , ved /hat. lora hy intestine iiihor dc!s. and in mutual destruction that Qtrenutii trhMupport or the p r lorol to ahrly. Olt, United States occupy pna..ion :Iran in rho dap; of their unial, and of , treCgth. 11171),Ttert,U4 oantag...• ken ar Ir,; lIV taken of r his, I.ln it 18 nn: of fool that a weal, natif.o is seek ing tc).,:laco 1. and that. coasidering the short re..s ton, !ma wh,c2, nen elapaerl, al:0d the small am.unt of hiandshad whien it has undergone, its boo, t':os d with a vary consid ambit. atn,nint uI :tweet-, " . ::; , r untr)acitnan Patti was in mt.t %tin great, krptneag and adoura• 11.:n list we hi—tier hon.& at the theatre— i.een petted with bouquetr--otne • nth , ,nte r a in the gal!ery, not hay; ng w a I,rge glees bott!e on the mage, and th- hag meat"; seattered dangerously shoot the Pettus donns, though fortunately i not 8:to pened her t. lack eyes with ent, ezedoretiutt—"BOW itrange Wts t' , ere a,y , tdop; to a '" and wens after left the the ' tore. 1t ae j gh , bed he stage door another pre.en , •• ! ahowed that the eyeet, , -I the u i4:lt h-d not yet reached their A ..:Nce: c1.1,--(rOt a private vehicle mead oo Ruch co , a-lort.)—had been provided for her, aryl a .Itte r e ad. her appearance she found that the ho-se had been rt moved and the me t h had switched rupea to the abatis, With the aid 01 theme they dragged the vehicle from the ttbtatte to the hotel, several of the ringleaders rnountirg on the roof and others clinging to the hack. The shouts 0. the populace followed them to then' destination, and when they arrived there they begze , i, or rather insisted, that Mad'lle Patti wou'd Ci 14,v wordg to them from the bat e. T: t. at,e very graciously agreed to do, and Lerse n t balcony, notialthetand mg 01,1 dr,cl, bins rx.n, she Thanked her Dublin friends eoriii.ll) for their generona patronage, and Phowerod upon them the bonnets she had previously received from the audience: I` A IL! It:iYtt NE,IV S DeCetn,—. GI y,.J;r% w.II Lave two [telt . tn. 0, i I P1NN. , 1,1, IN ' , presented as p•pug much z L.., 0, in;ons of Mr. Holt, of ken- . • I Congress , now a prisoner s wj . c . cn tii rhe Clerk of the House thaL lie will recupy his beibt in 1111111=111 eppreiiiinidons Are hilt that the rebel prir Nit iile, at Liverpool, which burned " n " " f '" ' , evil New 1 rk packet stup,v; will in iereepi die iiit• timer Artigii with Gen. Scott. A tl I.n I ir iterp-onf draa , , sinfied with sponges c. , w • has just been invented by a 1 , , nehmst: came„ I , ,vi , rt. It will enable the n'er a burning building a::d remain Ferarxl ininwes Gin. Eamon: body guard wa, rott,tered out of ' ; `.v , 'lnl•nr2fdtt. \Von tory were drawn nli t•el,.. (;.n g fro rrminnstratei d. 1•" , nv iii 1 , 0 i,” of the h.rvice. of so splendid or iron •-le.tror 1v)11 mturn from 800 1. a crty ear):o of HI•1•!, - for Ihr rei,vl.; A south ern he hd h , had a heary l'tt• 4 .1.. - ttr• (?s that tho totssiou 0 P'tt •• -It , G•-nt-tral in Canada, Itt • El-n `4r t•.•'•,.. 1,1 ~Ltit, n A nil igntion of the la el 01nathatis going to 14: ,) i , I PP. h n . ho•tip 11. Fte , ti .4 . (;en. his A kg:spedinon into w. tpa. the rei,lll aro badly n 1!1!=1111111 wAllt r.f 111111k9 or iron. piee soli other vnrietle.= haulg ! 1•.1., for two, 10-tvild 01 ex ,2001:1 A ruAr wt•in, , ,cl in troth It-g., On the tnittle 13, of P., Ir ! nnnh:r no vrklk, was f. - iind In the tar :- , l,llgled Banner far hich e our , urgF , nn, 4a7 1.1,y t hM. lie we. t•mught it, \Cot, .1 , pott.r y ‘111:11.- I,P Pre, lent ha.. re,l4. 1.,1,107f of , :axony Al of Ern ME= 01..0 111. 1 h.ld . 111 . 401' 4:011•01 0 U•l'L V:tl11,1 r. I. thßt. tho puit-olli at !x. 41.1 n M. , rII ti... lower Potomac, w v •!••• . '‘v A ~; . .i i i nn Snuinlny, wltn Legge 1% ; -; I imt,nt.. - 11.1m.i from Richmond. • kH. ..I,ri -- I tylgrr 1,2F1 of tro• p.rin 1 . 1 r tr.o li , ronwr Pu U.orltai. , , oil to 1.,. a hn.baud hymn PEHIA'. /aryl —q rut OOP month five dr n • r,itt ughani, of Je tier.4.a la er y d:ptrer lit •Iyrh,:tiren , In the nve and !,60t. : 1 ., •rx.! Jur In l'h:ladeitsl la, I.V. !I H.L , :fn 71'. an th.rtf, n an other =MEE a r.r :he pa-t Mr. Russell's Last Lottoi is ,untainx r , LIO 0 N 'rn t• 'Hie .%lair at Eti W Ferr3 Ferry. n.+l ‘va, r r nr;Jcrur.Nif] Inokr An Ire p. -1- and It I , :Itpd ,fl , l, I r• , bl. t4 , vo the nriv:s =MEE 4,• t cul t••• .to .1.1 col)4•, (ire. .•7;.• ; t.i I ng, mod \ •• I. la -ay that , I • ". 3 ' " 3, e• 1 3,•• so`rii The C 3 billet /11111 ,reign I'o 'WC rf: IMEIZIE r,: t• n u :0 I in,Oll2Ul) It : .:1••• 11 . 1,11. 'II prI1,0011:111pt , ,TY • 11.1 , IT, nl.oJ TT true 1211E118 1.1,111,..i (0 (11U 11,41. oe I , i however. not the I :LW I h.- deaf a Ida ratonal are no: • a•b•tratitm; and, from k , !y that at thit , mc tn.n nt tt, , ,J.t.r,g or co.l, ng for the inter Ye t1.1•.111 01 /t:7O-4. •.ld In H y h e un ier - ., c.i.1,,1•11011 The (01,,b, /I a stale ME= Ili.•11!! • but, aleuntrrntb, Pl ..r•l',• Il• N give the ! 4 i..r:ti x 1,0 der ro irr rlfi n nit°. All to ,k or; I tt, r•r,'e AM inky ...ecire 1{ ( 1 1 WV/P.4101A In t.tid e r!hitirt e nd prosi,r,7). r.r,-. n'o} IMEIIIII=IIII r :t. Ir.xtreoLA of the wll,ll theguddess of Arner.vau t.. , harmm. A I.l.An4Lng army. ,! f.t the o r e it r.n,wt•• II r f • . preen, eon tiscati,ora and pro.'•:,r -• ; he-a stand t,rd ween, and break Tho IVloxietin Expedition The .n a leath-r on th. MP XiCall ex9,ll:l”ti, 11+ t (.0 Inge of the Uta.te.: rel-renc• to it 'I nt•t.: Amc•rv.2lu) Umou cf.onnt ~Ithr troops of } •- ranee, Mug. Istml end Shinn tin tho continent of North Amends, wodh foel.m.iti of and distrusto Eng- Isnd, til.tid Witt, Ll3O Monroe doctrine, nod feir,•st possession in the new xorl i s r long lo ilted on a, about to t... om, io•r •pan n.c,• er.nounc.o.l their I nu•ntlon td .1, rt.: ti.. m an- in.-hoe by en armed intercetl- "it tlio approbation of the Unroll the , nveut:on reserve,, to imoing with the hr* hiirc lay.n r.ower., and Ihw6 w Fort of apology Patti and Paddy BEFORE HAVING Y PH - 010_ catArii TAKEN, This elegant preparation renders the skin twit and fresh, Imparting to it a marble purity. For sale by SIMON J.)ANSTON. Drugeiat, corner Smithfield and Fourth streets. A full aFsorcrnent. of Ricige (hquid and dry) Pearl Powders, Chalk balls, Hobbs' Genuine Mean Fnn ,te,, always on hand de9 rck - Nc I'll N'SICI A NS AND TH H. PUBLIC—ALL , II WlO4 PI,AI 4 TH:rdi ALLCOCK ,N n 294 (lanai street New York. November 29th, 1559.- Gentle men i.uttered severely from a weakness in my back, ocessioned t.y suildenly over exerting myself. Hating beard your plte4Hrs much recant• mended for eases of this kind, I procured one and the re,tilt woe all that 1 could desire. A single plaster cured me in A week. Foam reapentfully, J. G. BRAGG% Propr.etor of the Brandreth Ft 011 AR, New 'Y wk. 'I here lo nothing equal in the wan of a Planter to the Porous Plaster of Mr. 4 LLif'flCK. In Asthma, Cough, Kidney Affections. and local deer, seated they afford ermsnent relief, and for weak hacks, pains In the ' a le, stilettos, and Prl.llllotile itlllB generally, they are unsurpassed for ch. , Lone lite they Impart- Price 26 rents each. Prineipa (who-, 294 Canal street, New y,,g. -- - Sold by Ti.loB. PiLlmhargb, AtHi OP AO I . (l , lnNeW)l,l in roodioio6., no7,lrndAvr TcV ,ll. .sule Aymnt fnr It Bli CABINET WARERI.IO3I , . 1 , , 45 SM ;I'IIEIEI.O s.TRKKi' itosoeneo...n= sLroot, All.l4llpny 41Ity. ur.lhre rrkay ro• it,iL A I UHARLFN' ERY HTAHLF:, Alloynariv LlLty. ne2l-9md.2p DI V D 1 EI) N —T T he rußti , es of the ed.k4uNio FtINI) h.vvi rievlare•l 1.11 annual di v demi GI SIX PER ce N r, ttsoh to the AlOckhohterk •r i h•-r 1•• gal re prwanla. 11VAJ on and art, 16Ett, AL Lillf rtlieo of Ih. 'I t ALL£l,ll,', No lob Wood Atro,„, d44-3t. CORON ER'S FFI I 11,ve open ed an °trio. at No fio Ott . io r atr , et • anere van be found :run 7h o'clock A M. null i o'cloca P. M.. Sunday I+ ex rented, and at other tro•a at my err ner It nk Lana and 1.4.4 0 rea larerla, Final Ward. Allegla-nr d. 4 JOri IT `4(4. r , ronor. - _ TRIIASUREteR t.Ppi lc, Aut.!! en , 1 , 0 , 1 t 1'1 , 14.4(1AN1"1t 'I'1! F: P. (tI'F , I,,NS oF 1 . ,4011,1110n 0: 111. ~1, he inonwealth of April 10, 1,11, ipite e Is le ruby g yea to all pereoll dte•irolio t.l proclir niz v 01.,. of the Act, of the next Leg i.latiite, to Hu beerligi at tlam °thee for the came- A few coppPeof ihp :tete of the lam Lettiplalu remain for tho-e puhperitAng. end °there. it. )17,,TER , t'eun•y Trex • daco:law.lB w' I T n' R , I. I. N: —1111.: lIND • k ay °num.,. 11,n-. , 1f M. UN hi C DI DA E f , ,r ctli, co CI 1 . 1 el , NTROL lER at t!. , - eaguing MIIIIIOII. 11,6 r'flA RL NIS W. LEWIS OF FlCEckie THE t'll'lZENti IN9llit NNE (' 1„ slh. 1.I•1 AD ELI. F'R FIFTEKN I , IIIOE TI/R•t r f 0:1,•• .rrtptPs. I rv..•1 1 / 1 1ilv Ine ”n - WnL: yokir. ;4- , 11..1.1 xt t ..n .';‘; 1 AY, 18(1 . tit. kt ocn ttr•tr , ,fll...m and I p rrt. Pi, It EA, • o cr e tau, —4. OM. - 4; —THERE Wll.l. 11F. rC : Nr Th. w rnefung c•tit••••k1,1•1..r,•1 Iha NI tN PA FiEIL,OII. l'A N n'l ( , ( , ... 1,1(A Y. I.e .mtbor h.pj. 3 (e'Ciilf:n I. nr• .‘ the u 1. J• I; RAM': ( rin /.IYI I.IOt:SE. Puti,•tuAl in rrrlentt.d. de4-1t —The H;.ete❑ 250 BALMORAL SKIRTS, ALL COLORS AND PRICES (roan u!)t..h we W. HUGUS' ut...•:: of ==ffl a 1".3t, 3311 W3iptitt CIRCULARS, A !! N E ht W. 41i, D. 111/GUS', (X.CIA it FIFTH IN! M Rh KT ST RM.:l'', FOURTII ARRIVAL DRY GOODS, NOW OP11:NING. It ❑mT. the kr SHAWLS & CLOAKS, NEW STYLES DPLESr GnODs 0410 Wirdh Vir^torol .120pirz e,•rn irrror yard worth W c.dr(s. 1)0uble W dal, 011 0,01, Fkiden 6734 cent,. Bla,•k 611.1 C , 'o:orerl Frt•ruct.l M. rim... 60 contr.. (6a66tmoros, Wln•nntn and Twoed, (;roy Flr a O.IA, plain At (wiled. F(11,,1011 . 0 plAld and WM:O Frau not., W l.i to acid colored Canton Flannel, Pri e La, I. In g harm and Otv.:aka, Yard whoe tl'oblaaohel MU•hna 1U cant.; Cray Military Him:lrma; Rat:ear:ll and (loop Skirta; Needle. Work ant lioaiery, of all kinda. 98-We have a full Atoe.k At low prices for est Alt C. HANSON LOVE. EYE EAR, DEAFNESS, SIGHT - H !LURING. DR. VON MOSCHZISKER, OCULIST ANI) AURINT. Will remain in the city Icr only a LIMITEIi TINE LONGER. lir. M, has sufficiently peered by his Practice and operations during tee last ten men ilis that his suceees in restoring the Deaf to Hewing and the Bind to Sight, entitle him tot he emilidenee of those woo need Ma serviette, and the claims el BUPKRIDiII Ur in his SPHOIALITY. ro secure his SERVICM, all applications musL hn made at °ere. 11S-Othee. No. 15& THIRD ST., between Grant ana Tit hbeld. n „28 I HAVi THIS DAY RECEIVED A Inn aseortment of PARK'S PRICKLY PLASTERS PARK'S PRICKLY PIASTERS. PARK'S PRICKLY PLAs EA'S. PARK% PRICKLY PLAsth RS. PARK's PRICKLY PLASTERS. PARK'S PRICKLY PLASer,Rs. It is pronaole mere is not an adult individual in the world viz° has not had occasion to apply pia, ters for pain in the chest, side, limbs , howe.s, tern. pies or hack, for a sense of faintness or ainging at the pit of the stomach, attending Diispepida, Liver Complaint, Rheumati-m, Asti matie A nee lions, Colds, Coughs. Consumption, Fannin Weak ness etc. For these complaints here is no Plai.ler equal to Park's Prickly Plaster. Tie genuine article for sale at At JOSEPH FLEMING'.9 At JOSEPH FLEMING' 4 , At JOSEPH PLEMINWS, At JOSEPH IPLAEMIDI6'3, corner of the Diamond and Market nt. corner of the Diamond and Market et. _de corner of tne I earnond .nd Market et. E itt BRol DER IE6 A'l' (X)ST— FRENCH EMBROI D ERI ES & LACE GOODS AT SEEN APPLES-100 bbla choiceG green implee received and for sale by tler HENRY H. 001.11. n. Ll7ll_ _ ; fresh Lime for sale by .24 tit) b der HENRY H. COLLLNS. ISSE 7HE .111Ai,N0i in BALM TY INT .E .1-7 t A. M .(K , u„, JL T OPEN ED AT CLOAWi, S 11 A W L FALL AND WINTER 74 Market Street Clearing out sale or EATON, MACRUM t CO.'S, N 0.17 Filth street NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1 0-PARTNERSHIP-WE II A V E sl.Flornats..l with 11- co the GI. tEts manufac turing latsine 14,11.011E14T WALLACE and W. F. SlcK F. F. the style of the firm to remain as hereto f.tre, 8. MIKE. it CO. The co-partnersh.p to date from 2 , 1 net. y M Cll 1. den 2te JA4 Nick . FF. UGAR -luJ I.rrell Baltimore B, Collre f.ll,srrellextza C, Coffee. Bugar.--in store and tor sate ItEYMt It tr PROS., Nos. 126 and 126 Wood street. el Slight Cold, g_ll. „rife a Y....1C1 - LESS tfloN CH At or e ,:•71z - ant , c? mitribt be che . j,-,ed, ..AMOP rerrw-dy, r , . - zriected, qften. terrntr sr. C.. 77,271. 2'r C Qr- .'Cl',[n7 .t Dr. - .17tr..7 a. XealLg..b. c 5,1 itati 7:77, it. .firrxt ; Ll 2-1.! he rinnini; razi.„3 if not att.:lv:bed , he e_u.trL' sgs , nizch ,✓'