grig_ a post, JAMES P. BARR, EviTo rt Alp, PROP R . 1!, I?. T R - • erms3—Deus, Six Dollars porxpr, strict- 1 Y In advanoe. Waraax, - Sitiglo ; Oub*VP • lions:One Dollar per,year," OFFICIAL PAYER OF-- THE CITY SATURDAY NIORNING:...,..DEC. c . . 11.214.33 -B. s The Chronicle and-the Message. /*editor of the Chronicle, who claims to be one of the F. F.'s, struggles to justify his conduct in appropriating our pitiOn which he sunk his relt p ,asions to lien nduet. Be eayo wa shell not have attempted to make a few dimes by any exclusive control of the met sage—yet in the next-breath states he endeavored for days to obtain.a einem:poly of it, as he did last year, ; Which nebltly complained. He is welcome to his epterprise, ;Md while he surfeits "our" readers with his special dispatches every afternoon, (which we hops he pike fee) they are procured, ne was the President's Message, outside the Associated Press. No morning paper protende to their reprint, much lets Melina them as their property, Mr. Melinight Would soon inform us by private note that such eonduct would be unbecoming a gentleman. Yet we, outside the Associated Press, obtained n pri vete message, which he appropriated—hcw, we leave him to explain—and undertakes to leoturens for the monopoly which he says he was anxious to obtain, and offered large sums to secure. Ho further Intimates we saw Mr. Brooks in Philadel phia, and made arrangements for the message.— 'f his, in a I its parts, is untrue. We neither spent time, breath nor expense in advance to secure the message; the offer wan made to te!r graph, provid ed we would pay a certain sum; we replied we would give it—which ended the transaction. Had we supposed the editor of the Chrotticle would have been sell-convicted et his present degredation, in merry to hint we should have refrained. lie . ay e we "had no right to deprive a great coin -nun ity of the message ror twelve how's." True, Lehonld have appeared in the Chrome.e first. It is the only paper read. 'When the great community have got through with the Canute' nothing romaine but palmy slumbers. If he will only forgive ns— now (this makes the third Presidentle Message we h‘ve beaten him in iaeuwg)we shall not expose him hereafter. As a mere matter of business, we beg leave to inUrnatete him, that, had be been tnx , ous to get nd of hie numerous dollars,w h Mb he so frequently reminds nit of possessing, there was another way of getting the message betides tending to Greens b nijorbribing ragged arc hies to purloin it, which Was, to have had ittelegraphed from Philadelptda through bis special correspondent, on the very day it was delivered. We received the message in full st four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. There wee plenty cf time to procure another copy before aix in the evening, as a private meatinge.,—but that world have cost money. Perhaps he did not think of it, but we cannot take charge of his stupidity, std his readers should be spared his long homdiee upon the way he didn't got the message. Long before the editor's introduction to rice's. paper lire there was something tike enterprise in securing an early copy of the President's message And I. afore thechys of telegraph it wan frftl.lllll3l.l :pressed from Brownevil a and Chimbeiland, too horse, with frequent relays and at considerable ex pense. The paper fallirg behind in the race gave up, and never attempted to deceive the people by lying about the attests to secure an early copy, and publishing it without proper credit. We hope we hive done with this trifling matter; if the sotto r still thinks we "have succeeded no better by ru' private arrangement than we deserved." and con. urines to complain—he stall be satisfied. 'ImPaRTAIiT DEcisiorr.—The Street Corn• mitten of Allegheny Councils, in a report on Thursday evening, announced that the case of the appeal of the City of Allegheny, in the Tassey Estate, was successful in the Suprdme Court, by reason of which the city has saved grading and paving claims amounting to nearly three hundred dollars against that estate, and an important prin• dole establiahed in regard to the lien of grading and paving improvement, very much to the advantage of the city. By virtue of that decision, paving liens an ail other city rates, levies, taxes and seisments, aro to be paid prior to any other incumberanee, no matter how old; and the lien of paving claims remains after sale of property, for so much as the pro ceeds of sale were insufficient .to satisfy.— This decision makes good city claims to a large amount. JUSTIFIED.—GM Itt:Ctellan has pro mulgated his decision in the matter of tho shooting of Thomas O'Eouke, of the Pan.. neck Guards, by his Captain, Enright, while resisting arrest by the guard. In view of all the facts, which ne sums up, the _Major General says Capt. E 'a conduct was not only justifiable but meritorious, and that he simply discharged his duty in Dealing summarily with the offender. He might have retreated (though it might not have been possible or safe) before a mutin ous soldier of his own company, but such a course would have been prejudicial to good order and military discipline and the alternative was to put the offender to death. The guard is censured for neglecting to secure O'ltonke when ordered, and con cludes by remarking that deceased's blood is upon his own head and the guard who shrunk from duty. TEEN MATTOCN'S ALLEY PROSECUTION. —Messrs. Wycoff and O'Neil, the contrac tors, who are opening Mattock's alley, had a hearing before Mayor Wilson yes terday, on a charge of violating a city or dinance by proceeding without a permit. J. F. ,Slagle, Esq., appeared for the city, in his capacity of Solicitor and D. Reed, Req., for defendants. After hearing the evidence a• d the argu.nents the Mayor, in accordance with the wish of counsel, gave judgment sit in an action of debt against defendants for the amount of the penalty, deriding that under the Act of the Lescis-. lature to alley is public property. The case will be appealed to Court. No W olives nx (IQT Damak. —Mayor Wilson had before him yesterday morning a man who was arrested on Thursday night in a state of intoxication. The Mayor asked him how he happened to get drunk when the reply was: "Well, to tell the truth, I read the President's message yell terday and found it so d—d mean that I went and go,t on a spree, and hadn't got over it last bight." The Mayor discharg. ed his customer on a promise not to offend again, and the following entry was made on the watch-house docket: "Discharged; Abraham Lincoln to pay costs." Ar.f..snao LARCENY.—John Clark, a colored man employed about the cattle yards in Allegheny, has been committed to jailfor a further hearing on a charge of stealing four or five hogs, two of which ho sold to a butcher named Joseph lloeiler. Clark alleges that the hogs were taken up as "strays," and when he found the owner he refunded the price of the two sold to Beefier, and gave up the others. FINED —James Ward, grocer, doing basinesi on Blower stieet, Allegheny, was fintxl five dollars and costa, yesterday Meriting, .try Mayor Drum, for forestall , big the market. He had purchased eighv teen pounds of butter, during market hours to sell again. The market constable pounc ed upon him, and he had to pay the pen alt • . Loox•Otr Yon Fun :—A rare bill of attraction is presented for this evening at the. Theatre, embracing the new trick pent:mine of 8. The House that Jack Built," with Mr, mareu kg clown, and new scenery, trappings, machinery, Scc „ the " Gold Seekers" and the " Maniac Lever," Mr. Henderson as Michael Erie. We iciqk, with such a bill, for an immense house:.7 Kitoos is to deliver-a lecture ,Bt....reter's church, Allegheny, for the .7. 1 " jA I lletli of the poor, tomorrow evening. 1 4 , .I....teierry loweln . up. eratives et the A r-, to end from their work, the Uitix•wE' resbonger Railway Uompeny refusing to carry them at half fare. - Tizra.trxso iv NO Sit - I ry Miner, Frfth street, sends us a Tnanksgiving ser mon, preached by Rev. Cher. Wadsworth, in the Arch Stree. Presbyterian church, Philadelphia, published by request. Those who heard this serm in say it was most eloquent and fitting. It will command gen. eral perusal. GIADUATED AT DUFF'S COLLEGE, PITTSBUSO -G W. Bal lan ti no, Temper.• anceville, Pa ; J. R Kunkle, Irwil.'s Station, Pa ; F. Bauer, Allegheny city; P. Banwoff. Allegheny city ; L. Slialer, Brownstown, Pa., all of whom passiid an honorable examination and awarded the elegant new college diploma with copies of the new edition of Doff and Duncan't gems of penmanship. A NEW artillery company has been or• ganized from the Plummer Guards, st Cheat Mountain, Va. They take charge of a am gun batte-y, inirmerly commanded by Captain C 0. L Captittn C. T. Ewriag is to c , m3inand the new company. 0. McClure Hays Is Chit,f of Piece No. 1 . How itht'y tkiti the foot 911 Lime, That cult' treads on flowers, Speaking of I`me, how swiftly each day passes into the yesterday of life. The holi days are once more upon us. The hearts of many recipients will be made glad by some kind token of remembrance as a for get me not. And here we would advise all who wish to make a nice present that will be all that the seller represents it to be b• call at Lupton's One Dollar Store, 51i Market street. 30,91 PH MITIR JOSZPR MEYER & SOB, isianufAet urers of FANCY AND PLAIN ongreirflunE & AI RS. WA &MOUSE., ITHFIELL) STREET, (between ‘ , ..l:th etreet And Virgin alley ) nee PITTSBUR(;q. ALBUMS pubTok3rßApii ALL STYLES, MEM DIARISS FOR 186:1 W. S. HAVEN. CORN!.:R. ) )!, AV , I'.4IRII;IiIii.ICKTS PETRONA OIL. WORKS. LONG, MILLER dc CO., Works at Sliarpsbargli Station, Alle gheny Valley Railroad. ilirOtlice and Wsrehouse 23 Markel Street, Pittsburgh. Manufactures nr Illuminating and Lubricating Carbon Oda and litnanli4 Nn. L REPINED OIL, WAHRANTIED NUN-ICXPLOSI VE, always nn b nd. ocd4-ly TIER AN Si. GETTi, Wholesale aft! Retail GrOcers, DIVATIT.2I AND DIALEUS IN TXLS, WINES, LIQUORS, &e,, North-East corner of OHIO STREE r AND Tll & DIAMOND, D.1;0-1y a LI, EGFI FNY MTV. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPE COTTON MILLS, Allegheny City; Pa. KIJIPPACRUeIIiSPI OP SEAMLESS BAGS, DM= S Is.T.A.33T_TRCIS $2 Inches to 40 Inches Wide. Sir Order s may ha 101 at H. Cllll,lkl E CO'S, 131 Wood Emmet. 1.0 +hunch. arBl:lrie SPALDING'S TLIROAT CONFECTIONS BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES BRYAN'S PULMON 11l WAFERS AYERS' -CHERRY PECTORAL SCHEINiUIi PULMONIC ;,VE.UP SELLERS' COUGH SYRUP For sale by CHAS. H. SUPER, AT HIS DRUG STORE, Cor. Penn and St, Clair Sts. DR. BROWN AT HOME. - DR. BROWN has returned from tus western trip and In prepa.ied to attend to ALL PROFESSIONAL CALLS, AR 711E1 OLD OFFICE, NO.• 50 SM.ILHFIE.LD STREET nn9.B CHISTMIS PRESENTS -A T - CHARLES GIPNER'S, No. 78 Market Street, E M.BROIDE RED COLLARS, for 25, 37;4, SO and 620. EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS for 37341 aad upward EMBROIDERED SETTS, for 75 coats and upwards. Lace Collars. Lace Betts, Lace Handkerchiefs Berlin Wire Portmonaies, Li EA T 111: It CABA6, Sin Belts and Buckles, NEEDLE BOOKS, IiANDKERCHIENS, iiEM ,s'racti H ANDRE BOILIEFS CHEAP FOR CASH. MEANS & COFFIN, o3uccesaare to M'Candloss, Mnero A ON) WHOLESALE GROCERS Carnet Wood and Water ate,, mom PITTSBURGH. PA. From Missouri. S 4dv lC: eB EL tr um , Mo., th e6Doeurtaleual re O that rurricolathesast iii moved a pert of his foiCeTrom I.hecolVtO , I.o!nt five miles distant where he has 1 0 • atablished his headquarters . General ltaina' command remains at Osceola. A train of 50 wagons from Lexington, laden with supples .or Prices army, passed unmolested within 15 miles of this place on Monday last. There are four rebel recruiting offiees open in Lexington, unliEticg recruits for Prices army. A meeting was held there last Friday, at which several prominent Secessionists spoke, urging a united effort in behalf of the rebels, ri , milar meetings have bar n held in Clay, Stay and other river counties and subscriptions for money, clothing, &c. are in circulation. It is not, perhaps, generally known, but ,s believed to be a fact, that the County Court of Saline, Claib Jackson's residence, in July last, authorized commissions to raise $lOO,OOO to be expended for the belie• fit of Priee's army. Other counties along the Missouri river are believed to have done the same thing. It is staled on good authority that when Price beseiged Lexington, a declaration of citizens was sent to him from Saline noun.. ty with an urgent request that be would nut allow his army to enter the county, which wee complied with. The reason for this request was the groat dread entertain ed by the inhabitants of that county of the plundering propensitio.: of Pries= rehab. The counties along the Missouri, West of Jed eeon City, are the richest in the State, and have tarnished nearly as many' men and as much means in behalf of the n-bellion as the balance of the State, while they have been almost entirely exempt from marauders, and have rarely been vis ited by Federal troops. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. - . Last Night's News ❑p to Two O'eloe k. Arrival of the North Aaieri- PORTLAND, December 6 —The EafT.lll - North American Low arrived from Liverpool with dates to the 21st ult., hrid by telegraph, via Londonderry, to the 22 I. The case of the rebel steamer Nashville and ship Harvy Birch attracts great al• tention. The Nashville remained at Southampton on the 22 - i for repairs. The Captain of the Harvy Birch had gone t London to consult the American Miniate.. The crew of the captured ship were vow• trig vengeance against the pirates as they were placed in irons for refusing to ta the oath of allegiance to the rebels. Th officers of the Harvey Birch declare abe was on the soundirgs when the Nash , vine burn down ~n her. Cutoriel Payton was on board the Nashville, on a initsien from North A.larolin,, and, with Comman der Pegram, had ! , ono to London. The latter wants the Nashville mado intc; ship of we: at Southampton, but, legal dif, ticultios are raised. Questions ate also raised whether the neutrality pr( olarna, Lion has not been infracted by the landing of the prisoners of war. It is reported that the Ncshville has spare officers on board for rebel ships prepatring in Eng. I nd. The Loudon Times, in alluding to the case, points to the recent visit of the James Adger, end says that it would be to the interest of Eu4iand to help them both out of her harbors, but if this cannot be done they must both be let in alike.— The Star, although wishing the cowman, der of the Nashville to be linnished, s.t) if he can produce a commission from the Confederate State?, the government must let him go, as they have recognized those SL.s...oe as pelligerents. is reported ti-ut the lls:w,y i•tea:nrs Adriatic has bag) sold and is 'Lung out ior the West ladies, but there 1, a strutig presumption that she is destined for the Confedertsse Sales. Commissioners Mason and Slidell were ezpectod at Southampton in the steamer LA Plats, due on the 29. h. It is reported that the United States steamer Jo. Adger is cruising to intercept the British steamer and capture her as having contraband of war on board, The underwriters were raising the war risks on American vessels. There were no tidings of the North Bri ton and the Anglo Saxon is now overdue. The insurance has been advanced on the former to thirty guineas and on ice latter thirty shillings were demanded. CHINA. —A telegram from H , ng Kme to Wtohor 13th reports tea firm an: Lt„. imports dp!i. Exchange dig2.i., and at Stiangtiai ALL PRIORS, Canton had been uvneuitted tv tLe ITA T —Th n i3rl phrliaaient ht eced. n priect for the arranF,omplt of tIo• R itn,cl (I'l , s'.lor., and there tt) L.L.Luo.V. Do+l , ll.l' I 11,11 FRAIACE-110 of France hRe re dui (4,1 the ,rt'os ~ f :s rsr A reduction of from 80.00 11 t. nun w& spoken of tit wl, th•• men u return home on st furlough of unu It is reported that the bliniitr of Mariry , declares tLat he cannot agree to 4 r PdUe LIOn of his deparinient of a ....Ingle o n- time. The ,goveinuienl w loan al present. Gen. Ciald;ni hasarrited ht PEmeale—Tno preliminary Prussia favor 14 TURK Kr —Etaavy 811(48 )roar Pnella to g into wnit-r qtihro,l.. 5t,12.T.11 AMERICA..-11Q etrilval of LL Fronen uptint confirm the report lb,: tilt. town of li._::::,nu:,:wrontlerod co Ger, Mltro without an :4:tempt at thAnnce. Tha Ameriota Min:Ftee htid prosPnted hie erf.d i 14.15 e CollsTANTlNori.x., D.Ac the sup Izertitm Henry Itti,wor, the Porte has informed the turnign repromotattees that ha will consent to Uni •,: p: in. cipillities during the lift of Prinie There is a general disposition t. , ac , tept offer as a final volution of t. 1., question. Illzs Perna, reiusing to ts.:,!ept thy: guv, ernmeut of Elumak, wiil to Cy prus. Negotiations have opened i,etwoon Omar Paella and the Prince of Montane which give a prospect of a settlement ~f the diffureneet between Turkey and Montenegro. WASIIINOTON CITY, Liout- Col. Reynolds has boon g.ppeinted resqlent agent at Port. under the general regulations relative to securing and die posing of the property found er brought within the territory now occupied by the United dielen forces Clio Lie has been ordered to report to the retsry of the Treasury. A bill will soon be introduced in Con- greys authorizing the organization of a steam fire brigade. As a largo amount of government property has recently been destroyed for want of some such organiza- on, there can scarcely be a diubt of Abe passage of the measure. There are persons from Maryland and Virginia in Oa county jail, arrested by eonsfable-, on the prnsunition tout they are fugitive slaves. A difficulty nxists in the way C t their immr.diate diFcharge, from the fact that it cannot be ascertained wheth. er they are all contraband. and as loyal citizens have the right to claim a surren• der of their DroperLy. N ENV VOR-K from Port loyal, received by the st.ltin. , r Vanderbilt, states that the 79M New York regiment made a reconnoisance towards Charleston, capturing three batteries, and after spiking the guns, they returned, having approached within twenty miles Charleston. A large amount of cotton was found, ready for shipment, but tf,e revels were destroying most of it. About one th:msand contrabands were employed about the forts, and others were coming in. The ship Pampero and the gunboats Do Soto, Anderson and Seamen were at K.-3y West on the 24th ult. The British bark Calinda was abandon., ed at sea in a sinking condition on the 2d inst, She was bound hence for Cork. Toe captain and crew have arrived here on the bark Chrysalis. Arrival of flue Dolphin BOSTON, Dec 6.—The ship Dolphin, from Calcutta, via Sc. Thomas, November 13th, has arrived here. The British mail steamer from Martini que arrived at St. Thomas on the 12th and reported the pirate Sumter at Mar unique The U.S. gunbot.t Iroquois got up steam and started in pursuit. LOIIIBVILLE, Dee, G.—FRANI:Vona LEG. , 1 ISLATUR.E.—E Burns, disunion, of ' Owen, offered a series of resolutions inclu ding a demand on the federal government for the return to Kentucky of Ex,,Goven , nor Moorhead and other political prison ers, and affirming that the President's Message foreshadows the impossibility of preserving or reconstructing the federal Union. Tbey were referred to the Com.. mittee on Federal Relations. The Union members tonight aro hold ing a caucus to agree upon resolutions re. Igardiug the present state of affairs, which will probably be offered tomorrow. From V. ashington. Navy Movements. 1) ecem ber G.—A letter Kentucky Legislature. A Defalcation. rv6TLAND, G,—A defalcation is reported in the Sagudahock Bank of i3ath, ant the bills have been thrown out by cur banks. Arrival of the Bavaria NEW YORK, December 6.—The steamer Bavaria arrive , l to day. She brought six• ty thousand stand of arms for the United States government. purchased in Holgiura. Cincinnati Market Report, CtrietNNA•rt, D.:camber 6 —Evening.— refealas unchanged and dull at S 4 for Superfine and 4,10®4,15, for Extra. Wheat dull at 84®86 for Red and 88(i)90 for white. Oats are in good demand at 28. Corn 28. Rye 40. Barley 40®45 Whisky firm at 131 c abd in good demand. Hoge are without special change; receipts 0,000; the weather is had, but holders are firm and fell rates were realized 1.. r those sold, the :ang.! being $3.25€0,35. Mese Pork dull at $9,25®59,50, tnese being asking prix in fur city and country brands. Green 5,.,ais quiet and unchanged; the weather s bsd for them and not much was done; shoulders 2.1. Lard du land offered at 7® with nu buyers. Coffee in good demand —l9O be;.;= sold at 10.171118?,; 100 hauls. soid at 91®10; AlUitlB66B is held firmly at 41®42. lew York Market Report. Yc•RK, December 6—Evening.— (...:,,ttun hag advanred lc ; Balm at isle Flour firm : aales 20,000 bola at 5 40®,:i for State; Ohio and S•ultborn unchanged. Wheat li7rner; Bales 260,000 bush at $l.llO (,!.i1,'25 fur Cnlcago Sprium $1,26(01,29.1 r Cott,: $1,32®1,37 fur reci, and $1 167 white. Corn um char. hush. sold Lard hssvy ut quiet at 7®6l} Coffee tiro tl Vi!;,;l7} ProigiAs Stn. ir,o. S R 1 7,21, lli Cen trai Mier S aittern ; .Slll wsulyJe A ; Ni l , :it.;: !r•zirra ti; )li. t raise a QUALITY LACE N 'PA OXF0111) TIES, FOR GENIN, /YS and YOUTHS, SELLINO AT LOW PRICE AT NU. 31 FIFTH STREET, VI. E. SCILLICERTZ Sr.. CO. t.. 14 liEbitilitLiPBlll - #1 MIK PLiiirA.K ill ON hEL.IIIIOLIIS Suez — for the Bladder. ftrEl..litioLfYS BUOLID for the Kidneys. B Uaa U for the /./EL.II/;(if././.5 BLICHU for the Droptly. II EL II 801.1.'S BUCIVI for Nervousness. ELMROLD'S BUCH.I7, for Dimness of Vision. I. ELMBOLD'S Bl7Clitl for Difficult Breathing. if A:L..lf oOLD'S BUCITU for Weak aeries. II ELMBOLIT S Buciru for Genera: 10etality. i! EL M BOLD'-S' BUCIP 7 for Universal Lasa.tude . ELM:101.11S Bricmu for Horror of Dwease. LLY.S BUt'JfU for Night Sweats. //i?!...t/80/. It'S BUCHU for Wake`nlnees. B 'CHB for Dryness of the Skin. /lEL .11 L:0 1,1 es 8M...11U for Kruptioni. tft.l.dfLit./1. 1 ,8 80t.1711 for Pain in the hank. LIEL.IIBuLLIS B (TUTU for FlosvinFos of the Ey,i,d, with 'l', honorary Suffusion and LOB/3 of leoht. HELMBOLD'S BUL'llli for Motility and Sept,- ieeoneas, with Want of Attention end Horror of Secieti. 11BL 51130 L .0 1. 7 for . .ctions.from lIEL.II - B0 1. D'S B LiCIIU for Exceseesari siog 'rotten. and alt Digfuivaes of YKI+I A I.I.:i—FKMALK4 FEMALES FRtila rEPS A LF.B—FKM OLD ORSI NOLP,' MARRIED, OR NTE.II Pl] A TING -VA Rii/.1 R TAKE .1101:1i _FILLS TII Y A RROF .NO AVAIL 'q ELM 150i.D . 3 EXTR ke IR I'FIE VERY 13E-IT ItEM EDI' IN TBF. WORI D For tai to - ,inii:a to tho sri, WLlOttler from lorlieereilen, Habit,. or Linoopa lion, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF _LIFE. BEE SYMPTOMS ABOYH. N FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. 'take no more Hal,am, Mercury of Unpleasant Medicine, for Unpleasant cod Dangerous Dis ease, • . . 11 ELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B UCUU CURBS tiECRET DISEASES ln ell their stegee, At little expense, Little ur 1210 Ch rage of diet; No Inconvenience Als 1..) NO. EX POSU HS. Llge HELMEOLL'S EXTRACT Bucau for n:r. eeesem Irvin n.l nn indulloci in BY YOUNG AND OLD, And for all diseases arising from habits of dissipa ion. It removes all improper discharges, and wlll reetore the patient in a short time to a state of lien th and pu , it: L'se liEl.eil;nl,l).B EXTRACT 8008 LI for dis eales and atleohons of the most distressing char, acter. Use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all atlections mid diseases ofle- the VILlZif &a ORGAN 6, • Whether exllliAhlgE i OIL FEMALE, From whatever cause ongiaatiog, end no matter of 110 W LONG STANDIPIO. Ad! the above idiserthea and symptoms admit of the Hanle treatment and may originate from the same CRUSe. I Read I Read 1 HELM BOLD'S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate In its action. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T.HELM BOLD, Chem ist, whobeing ciu , y sworn, does say that its prep., tion contains no narcotic, mercury or injurious drugs, but is purely vegetable. H T. HELM - BOLD, Hole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, the 28d day of November,lB64. Wll. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Price $1 per bottle, or nix for $6, delivered to any address. Prepared by H. T. Et ELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 104 South 'ranch street, i-elow Chennut. ?MIR, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who enoeavor to dispose "of their own" and ' , ether" article on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, u Extract Buchu. Sarsaparilla. Improved Rose Sold by DR. KEYSER. And all Druggists everywhere. ASH FOR HELMBOLD'S. - Take no other Cut out the advertisement and send for II AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. nolfolimini GAITER.S, STRAP SHOES, FUR CASH RI VER INT "S WS . PORT OF P.ITTSBURGEG ARRIVE!). Franklin, Event t. Brownsville. Gallatin, clink, Brownsville. Col. Bovril, reeliies, Elizabeth. Minerva. Gordon. Wheeling. Ben Fraultda, Jai k. Unettinati DILPA.RTED. Franklin. Bennet. kirownsvitlo. tialle till, Ciara, do Col. Bayard. Peebles, Elizabeth. John T. M'Comba, M‘Cointiz, Wheoll og. Hen f , rauklin, lack, F.:8. 16 .W! Tigress, Hopkins, do ge_The River--List evening -t twilight there were 6 feet 8 inches water in o,ii eliannei and falling F lowly. The a.oitiier durind, the day WAS nanituaily plesHemt for t ha snaen a 3 Tho No. 1 Etenmar St. L9uis,Uapt Reno, leaves this day it. Si I cu, and intfirmedi• ate porta. Of course Capt. Seely has charge of the office. VeirTilo fast packet Tycoon, Capt. D.',411 is announced for SR. Louie on Monde). fast en gem and shippers will bear this in mind. Oar The first class passenger steamer lowa Capt. Moore, leavea this day for Cincinnati and Bt. Lon's. Vgj''The fine side wheel steamer IT ndinn, M. A. Cox, commander, leaveo thin day posuirely for Gatlin°ha an intermediate porta. We take .pleasure in recommen•ting tut i hoot to our filen& Mr. McVay halt charge of tha office. liThe fine packet Shonango, Captain French, is announced for Cincinnati and Louis ville. We take pleasure in recominaeding this boat to our friends. rigL The lino side wheel steamer I.7n dine, Capt. Cox, la the packet for Gallipoli9 on Sal. urda)• ilerCept. C. A. Dfavu's Eplendid pack. et, St. Cloud Is now at our landing loading for fit,. Louis. Since h..r last trip she has been put in thorough and complete repair and is in the beet order for the fall and winter bads. Captain I /race knilwA how to Ut Up a i+osl a .1 how to command one also. We are planed to kiars that our O'ci riend. T. Shuman, will ha found in the office air It will be Eif,in by reference to our adrert'sing columns that the fine steamer Jacob Poe, Capt. Stoops, leaver (or Cincinnati and I,onle. villa on this dny. Passengers and tthipper, will bear this in mind. Our old friend Porter w.ii be found in the otlice. ,gam The favorite) steamer "lowa," Capt. Moore, ig again at our landing. She IA an nounced for Cinc,nna.l and Louisville on thi. day. Passengers and stuppera will near thls in mind. 95.,.1t will be seen by referene.3 to our advertising column, that the fine packet Horizon CRpt. Stoekdale, Icarea thip day for lonean.nati and Londtvolle. This boat has the 6.- , 1 of accommoda tions, and is in charge of careful and attentit - enth. sera. For Cincinnati and St. Louis. THIS DAY 4 P M. THE FAVORITE PA,SSEN• GER steamer ST.' LOWS. A. S. Reno, commander,leareg a, above For freight or pa,Pan r o Rop'y on hoard o to J. It. LI V i GITON &CO , and 47 AS. COLLINS & CO. Agents For Cincinnati and Louisville THE FINE PASSENG ER gl3 EN NGG, Capt. S. French. will leave for the above and in termediate ports on the 71h inn a , 4p. in. For frengtit or pitri.,age apply nn board or to del J R LIVINGSTI)N CO Aaenle. For CI nc &nal i and Louisa life. THIS DAY, DECEMP.t.Ft 7,10 A. M. THE line Packet, 10WA,... 211 W. A. ignore. commander, will leave for the above and a , l intermedi ate porte on SATURI/A Y, 7th ;net. Y., freight or pasaage apple , n board or tq - . 4.7 - - JUIIIP FLACK; Agra, For Cincinnati a.nd,Loti is wi Ile THIS DAY, 2 P. M. 71,11 E FINE S HURIZiDN, Jahn T, St.o.ltale oomtnarier. leaves aa atiare. For freight or p seacre apy on hoard or to lr7 W. HAZt.h - rr, Agen', 64Wator ttre.el, For Cincinnati, Louisville. Evansville and St. Lords. MEE splendid pasaengor etearner HT. CLOUD. C. A. Drsvo, commander, ienves on this day, Dec. 7, at 10 a. m. For freight or passage apply on hoard er to no3o JOHN FL Agent. For Marietta, Gatlin°lis, Par _ kersburg and Portsmouth. REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET. THE FINE PASSENGER I steamer ROCKET, Captain John Wolf will leave *or me above and in termediate ports every eiaturcuty at 1e a. m. Fur tre gat or passage ripply on board or to noIA .1 013 .ti Ft 1,1 ItiviS 10. N Ai CO., Agents. Regular Tuesday Packet FOr Marietta and Zanesville. /pp E, fine passenger steamer EMMA GRAM AM, Captain Mun roe Avers. commander, leaves Pbts hburgb every Tuesday, at 4 o'clock p. m., and Zanesville every Friday at 8 a. tn. For freight or passage apply on board., or to J. B. I raxasvoir A Uri., Agents Pittsburgh. H. d P:anxi & Zart.irvWf.. For Wheeling, Marietta and EVERY TUEYI'AY, 4 P, M. THE STEAMER SCIENCE, Captain Wm. Item, leaves for Werieling, Marietta, Parkersburg end 6.lllPolis, making weekly trmi, leaving Pittsburgh every WEDINEJDAY at 4 o'clock, and returning leaves Gallipolie every FRIDAY at 8 o'clock:. pole L. IL LEW lb, Wm. For Marietta, i'arkersburg and Gallipolls. 1.1 REGULAR SATUIiDAY PAciocr. rpHE FINE SIDE WHEEL steamer UNDINE, M.A. Cox, com mander, lawns Pittsburgh every Sat urday at 4 p. m, returning leave, Cadlipolis every Tuesday at 10 a. m. Far treigh4 or pasts*. apply an board or to J CO, Agents. STEAMBOAT AGENCY WILLIAM HAZLETT Has opened au ctflce NO. 94 WATER STREET, Whero he wttl transact a geueral Steamboat Agency buainetta and would solicit a abate of patronage from steam neat men. n0.30-8m 13.PIIIIMS. M'KEE & PEconwa, GENERAL COOPERAGE LT SLIME NIA 7LCSOHY ON Payetts Street, Between Bind and Wayne streets, PITTS/MUM, PEritril ygL.We are prepared to furnish Coal Oil, Whit*. key, Ale, Moine:lee and Pork BARRELS, at the ahortemt notice and on the moat rrtsuony),lF. term k: S H itzt. Fine White, Plain and Fanny Flannel tinder and Overshirts on hand, and made to order, on shortest notice, at R. WILLIAMSON'S, SHIRT FALLTORY, NO. 47 ST. loti R STREET WINDOW GLASS-4.50 0 Boxes of Window Glass assorted woes. in store and for sale br (no 30) aIILLEa& RICKETSON. W . ANTED— A Lieutenant With a V V few men to complete a company Apply to CAPT. R. t ATTIMBOhI, n 0504 w [..amend street. Pinabtirah. OREFINERS.-6 casks superior kf paint for oil barrels, making them perfectly tight, for sale very cheap by oe/4 HENRY H. 001.1.1N8 WISHAWPS PINE TREE TAB COI THE-GREATIIIRE"M-* rf , II F All) It OF Ttl .7. CINE Invitg 11,0 Atrial .1,..1 , 13 frat..l.. the :ite of thn•Pino '1 rwe ems tur dtsen4es of the Lungs and Throat, is new ott.ring to 'mitering humanity the re:lull of his ex perience. This truly R - reat and good methome In prepared w th mush ears, the 'tar beteg distilled expr.. n y for it, 19 therefore free from ally impuri• ties of common tar- _ _ • It La., cs.retl more castes of Ocinsttmption than any known remedy on earth It will cure BRONCHITIS, t will mire ASTHMA. IL w:11 cute SORE TIIROXT AND BREAST: cure 0 ,, UGHS AND COLDS. and la allta tHinahle remedy for .•fsessesat the KIDNEYS end URINARY COM PLAlLti'lli. flow Ere of Coutrterfeqs. - WS If you hav, ioo Dyßpopina ueo ISITAR:PBDYS PLE,IA :' they do not Mire you go to the Ne.ut of whom you parchased ❑4i !e'erfin! 11110ilitic Sold by 1)11....k.,F.T8LER, No: 140 Woolffilielt. - . Please car at We et.tre and gets deseriptiVe air. cuter. A tam of Pills aent by mad, poet-paid en re ceipt of One Dor. ar. tp.P.lyeod lio.lo. South Second etreet,Phile., - L. Q. O. WISH4D.T.: Proprietor. IS6I. DECEMBER. 1861. HORNE'S HOLIDAY: SALE. PRICES MARRED DOWN. GREAT BARGAINS IN EMBROIDERIES and FANCY GOODS AVING MARKED DOWN OUR s we Are now propmed-to offer very au tiog inoticements to persons who desire to par chase goods. The assortment of EMBROIDERIES we hare on hand now is very ehoiee. Moat of it was bought in large lots at nnoes very. ranch lower than the cost of inipor ation, and we have deter mined to close It all out at prices to soft the tames CAMBRIC A •D SWISS SETS, from bac. to $5 00. " COLLARS, very low. EMBROIDERED CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN ELINDKERCHI.EFS, for sc. VAL. LACE TRIMMED CuLLaRI, for 25c., worth 550. s yra. LuBES, ac very low prices CAN AND WAISTS. LADIES' CHEM ISF.'"—a few left—to close out at lei. than e',, of 'ln perustion LINEN COLLARS AND SETS, very cheap. PUILTEIIO:-P2,),4 AND CABAB, A tine assortment, expressly for holiday gifts, EMBaoiDER6D sLIYPE,II3--a large lot just re. ceived from New York, at panic prices. WOO. EN 1300D3, SONTAG?, NUBIA SLEEVES, SKATING CAPS, kc., ac JOSEPH HORNE, t 1 MARKET WIKKET R. R. BUUG,ER. mlartare.crtraza. OY EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURNITURE. No. 4i Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. FULL A.SSORTMENT OF Pittsbargh Manufactured Furniture, Constantly on hand, which wewill sell at the lowest prices for CABII. myleclyfie - - § tr'z . P ot? 12W2 a 6-7 o 'A ,t 3 Ca 2 1 0 g 2 , i a ti WANTED—Two active men to ean veß a new m:guiticently illustrated popular won:. just tasuing from the press. Kill be sold by subs.cript.on 11sc oily. Apply to C. WALTER'S, 021 office 164 Third street: TT As l' NOTICE-The State 11Lercantile .„Li Tax Payers attlasoity of Pittsburgh who have not paid tr sir Licence for 1361, are notified that after the loth day of Deceinher text a I that re mains unpai t will be placed in.the Lauds of an Aide/111= for et:anew:in, , no2T - WMfEWEBAUId, Treasurer. 2c Tas, s: it/ 6 ires Breaking,. 13.00 m In store and for saietty F. 10.1LER13 nctlo Penn street, Pi. ARARE CHANCE FOR - A - 14.AN OF FOUR TROUsAND DOLLiIINNACIABITAL. Trio one hall interest in an old:elaid:ill - shed whole. tate Grocery Rouse in the city of t3leirehmd, doing a good business * almost exclusively mph. Stock fresh, and will to disposed of at a barn, as the undersigned wishes to leave the SW•e. TER CHANGE IS A GOOD ONE. For particulars address R. A. I,II2LLS. norti aid Cleveland. Ohio. LLOYD'S MAP OF MISSOURI, Three feet square. Price 26 cente. Lloyd's Map of Virginia and Msryland, four feet square. Prioe 6 cents. Together with all the Late and reliable Maps published. For sale at the Wholesale and Retail Book, Periodical and Union store of HENRY MINER, oel7 No's. 71 and 78 Fifth street. U LFBITE OF LIKE for. the Pre— kJ serration of Ckler; J•ist reeer , ed and pr Bale by GEORGE A. KELLY,:_bru nO2O . No: 69 Federal et. Alt Lien!. UP6---6 bales_ Prime Hope for sale JLY by (eo8) HENRY H. COLLINS fIINGER-- 1 '- - • .•• .-) - ik..A cone Casa Green Ginger, 'One do Preserved 'Ginger, just received and for sale by • • . Facy&tga & BROS, oe= Nos. 1.26 and 122 Wood street wAN f 144)-300 bush. prime Neshan; noek4Vatoba, by JAB. A. FETZER,' nal • ocn oar Market and Y`irat strPeta. FREsh c0..4s Gl\ ENTS -119 racks Ear Corn on wharf; 5,000 Boon Poles do 4 bbla sweet cider; 500 lba prime Feathers; 100 boars Cheese; • 15 bhls Cranberries; 31.0 bbl St. Louis Apples in shipping order; 300 bushels Ping. Eye Potatoes; 8 dressed Hogs; 100 sacks Pea Nuts; 25 bushels Hickory Nuts; 10 choice sediles Venison—for male by PETZER, deb 'Corner Market and First streets,. comfortltble brick dwell— iag boasts E.O Liberty street. 1175 per year. CUTHBERT k EON, El Market street, ARARE CBANCE-:-Three two story brick dwelling houses on Duquesne street, wilt be sold et the low ruse &AZ:launch, subject to a small ground rent. Each. house Contains four rooms and finietted attic. For•salebi GUT BEST & 80I•1. def. • Al Makket street. DWELLING HOUSES, at all prices, and in various parts °fut.° city and country, for salt by M. CIDTHBERt a SON, de6 . IA Market street Iko T ATOES.-300 sacks choice Pink 'F4a Potatoesjrit recev Aß. n A.FE r T ZER .by 'de' •• • 4.2.rner Market and First streets. VENISON=-12*ddles choice No. 1 Venison juat . received Oir e,vreeELLind for 'We by .Ta A FETZER, deb corner Market and First ma APPLBB--160 < - choiee NLI 84 Louis Apples, in lai7,e barrblo, for i Irat sl re by A4VIZ • ' • Corner Market sad rirst streets )P P L E 8, APPLES. ilk) barrels in prime orcitm, H fermi& by Je4 ENRY H. COLLINf3. BARRELS LOITERING'S AND 1.711%) , Pennsylvania Syrup la store. &adios [.el4) MILLER& ItIOXEWON. SUNDRY PRODUCE, 100 Begs Pea Nunn 76 do Feathers. • 60 boxes Cream Chesser, 8 bbls 60 lA bblm loteekezoirlio. /4 560 tinshels Dried Apples, 60 do do leaches. BaeonSidee, 100 Oil Barrelis in store and-for sale by JAli. A FRTZgR. corner Market end Firstixis• NTER /APPLES-- ta r ed and tibtalsirinte Winter Antes just rs " 3 B.SYMER. i BEM Nos. 111 sad EN w o od . Weston Stove . WOrka 245 LIBEATT fTBgRT,I4O I OIIRn, • Et GA MANUFACT:IMPIV \JOULD CALL l'Efr I. l r t riTlON of the puttlie to auk large e looted • Cook, Parlor & Heatinefoyeth KITCHEN FIANGES.',GRATE FROM , Konow-wa,_ AelemolsitethlehTfoillbefetuil the bathr -CO RI" 000 / 6 ; `-g/POVXRAN THE STATE. The - , Diamendjavande WiTight,*lips, aid /BON , CITY, Were awarded the FTIiST p cat #ho State Fair ihr the BEST 0004 MOPE, STOOP. Abe FIRST PREMIX mreolta thik, nen Axmateur, Guatirk Frr the BFBT WOOD 000 K STOVIE4IOW IN USE. The &oes KENTuU rp C a K s IAN tuWdS - A ce M o Spreath n DEALESwUILDERS to a heVrsook of GRAT'E FRONTS & 41ENDIM • IN TSB IL—V4lista t tlie4AKOND IC Coal Cook Stoves ill Sctsp,StOne - Ejnfog4Livhleh Weed the flre better Cum trun_ oeStEtis Yrom 25310 Sae. W E AREIsTOWALOKI= tACTIT sake. this Alt ai&whto}rYoetrfmanoy in burning, freedom-of:oftensive.Ask4=lLtramepr• retuv of color, (which colts. we.• warnmkelet to be changed by age or =pommy te Mualmperwed by any illruninatorlu thth or • relnild'lrets. As a profitable CHI to, the =Reuther, we crin specially recommend it. • Also, our therthrectgre ete A U STIC''S - 'oo' A , Used by all Inge Boaprktakera iguLCHLßofmarlas which easels le vr cent. kostreagthialkeva make of English Soda brought to this county;: tormann lactate of SAPONIFIER. , OR CONCENTRATED 1:14, SALT. a+, . , Are BO Welt: and iseceably knower-ave.:trete the mention iesioftketerts,,, All colors and inquiries will herprompilytattemde to by r ddreastarg • bVARFS, GEORGE COOK t, gent. • 2131liuL atat Riatursdatigtompeny. nal Blyilkwfs li Vr4m.tiqmaaMitabtire% TO THE 113111i1O. SPECIALLY the ipio. _•- , iii Jes rant and falsely Mod- __ , - 4- -, -- ",. c . -... ei l' , Y , :el9ali of all do- 7- , 17-- -, .. - - --- - ,- , ,, aorninauona. 'rest secret i-.1i:;,-t-F-7:e*it,..... . , and dewier. aisoraiers.- I •. .7--",,,5. ... , .. sell abmo yod di:assort dr li ~..., , ' - -y/j - li steauore. i. r crrc• - ,a s a d .... , . ....:.., ...,.. *enteric to y-cLis of both ".. • - . _ d4SOB, aft.. i.... 1: .L 1 finagle or c ca ssied. B eca me In: Ins:mit r rublisbeef , ..the And oats doing eo, ir,:i ...ccm - i; and Leif ely modest are di eadin..l sneaked, aril . Mime It a great eln vet,rruncri , .. and „ for . „isiniUminakrn and ..r sci. ei - rtlyAw their 4riters,,e.grnnising sons • •-... i oft. , .,:.trz , '...Their, family ptiyaleiairehould be 3 ~?tr.. • I— re , r" Leers - is ignorance that they' dr ty •- - - •••••• ' r .3: A a r.STß."(meceptliublishirtit) to ; ; . :a' ....., a .., flee Might helped to therm un ~,, . - sisely modest adid_PrOdwnPhleill' rani : ea - •rn and raised in fsidorfinde. sprungnet 1 0 as m mot 00M9 ... A 'ra compere Kole . frithlle done& sense- l eiiidsruse can* nourns, meanly or t , '-a , • . 2 ; - to - ,re.hW ~liewetrer, that nnmerpa4 -••••-- 'Ca' .1.1).i grant4liii.4le ttundrfel that their Balm drug.. . `irt - a tinnlyeilna, proioniny feeble, isokly rz4 of caoi:,.itelSonMftrianaappear. snee, have been reetozei . to need& and vigor by fir. BRANSTRIIP," besides many'beforrhattid after mar. Mtge through him rye been sannitrinch audenng, anxiety, mortification "fie. Havinglitie advantage of over tinny yearly experience 'anikAsteenration, eopaequently, he has atmerior skillintlitatrestimnen of apocial diseases, and wheels daily:l7l4AV the profesidon, as well recondite/or r - - .eetr, able citesene, publishers, prowl _eto 0 teliAlic by Spermatorhea, or so baffled n . ;whinnied enlio This dreadful malady cm be faintidetely o by the very last discovery that hart nevas,ftf. _ Nit female di.asses he has' had atigarior experieru on account of his old age, invent 7 0108, ail iniku larity is completely eared.' As consumption or ~ pulmonary di es-my syrups, whiCA areicompo. sed-hrom *eland ressrotarlintherftighedients bX a skillful physician five yearn. at the tdisinees,ii has bad more success Manned , the pretensions that have as yet been dienevarearti.ea- - -'the °era. mites will show. They are idtageardne and can be found according to a' pamphlet that , itach person will get at the extutenati.Neall - freeof charge...-. Otlice 85 Smithfield street, assaAnansond street Prliatit ontruriminintlinniOntriell wand the Union snietly attended to. Diracitto • - eV _ .., -., B o x - ail 9 PittiturnPiist Mee. .. . dee iTdemder VBENCH WALL:PAP ' : of Spring rinlidthitionipithttcirehfortiebiefat of the new tariff, are bow-eolebnyhrent. eheapir amnion:lbe hereafter. liefteoleerteilitelifle , For sale by het& ' 41Alliehfood street. jus N.JI reetaisedisuLt ir , • m_AgAsglti cOLLINS. A PP = 1 4'44.--16(f I . , battrela -Atoka Saint ja. Louis Apples,jast,-Tacehedsatifor sale by JAIKES-A-...FETZ des canna al thfaitetimirusrareets. NEW (-400ps_ W. & ,HVGUS Have received aniiopetted: 110 •MOST J*IIIITif I I4.*SMAMBIT OF DY D S DREP.I.;OO()DS, of the newest i le. BLACK BIoteIEANDIVIELORIppippg.AWp3, BA. OI #4 I ArAP 74g 8 q 11 44_ _OHAVA - BROWN LOnAllAil .4.1./A.:.). autei.: - Newlllo PRENCIt'IIIO7 z STRIPED 001ittOL,, A largeonotimeet Sinn: , and Lang•ifohntgril* CIRCULARS ArAftt);. 31N * : of the verylailOimi4el.4...* _ ALLOW,IOII, - AND-XIBEASE -bbls TalJowft 26 -bbia theastr; In store sad for agile by 44 YELLERS I 00. noig • - - Rem street, Pittaburgh A PPLES-42,13 baiTe7e m prime order 11 reeedved and-foi t :4 , : y rr.oomasis, 61161illOveR wilitisassokp, Old._ •• , 4g...ifi ,- A §al , Windrroap, , ..• ,2-p,,,..,0 _ Old Wmagordikosp, , Old ` Wind@ Soap. Old BrdwoFiriasor*Eloap, Five Grose pare oldEirosin WindaorSoap, maimd this day. ALsool WO aalortment of HONEY: , GLYCERINE,. a -,..1 OPOND L PALM, MUSK, UINE. cisruz, and other TotletSlospi al AT JOSEPH. y j/AIREINEPE AT- JOSEPH -,ItiaIAIING/4 AT 'JGRELPH,..FLRAIMEP • ootner - Msekit - streeksiathe deb cornertfarket steeekeitihe Diamond. SAINT 101118'1FLOUIL ... 200 bbla Mehymn - WO " Pride °Ms West; 100 " Lafayette; " Mormt'Vserton; for sale by sem* EAT,ITKNWOCIEICO..ia Wood at. • At- BA 11.N.A. ORANGEillidit received and. for site by BROS. • figs, Illtsistltii.-Wood street. yRO-ACES JOST T.bed ow wwwwblitiro...,:. :tor__,OC* iu2s crourwsawabyzoirmiwkot, sroa. .Itrint 061 A I 'lllll 4W ES I 1 Si elp .1. 113214.118111 for; by 4 BM a TM" sea L-Os WELLING &LOU • ' FOR RENT w . Na lat.t, witk roenzapiN46. , - * seal str.4, - ' O BiGEPO,O i- OAZ ri# 4 ' __ • irgia BWf.'.2I=4,MFAU goD ern= mAKI—om;l„ NIAVRONIA"OW. , rre ever offeisi to therthlio. I .7. ..e or b. "HENRY H. couaNs. e 741 • M for sale • ft, •Agui woo& a,