rdrbe ;Built) ipost. . 0 1.F;t fijk3P - ' f - j ,1; * OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. PITTSBURGH: TUESDAY MORNING::: der , --Afternoon- and Midnight Tele griph and Local News See First and Third Pages. Q Poet office stamps, of any denomination over viten crtts wil not be received for sithscrio -001111 to the !bat. The Postmaster here declining to exchange the large" denominations for smaller ones, they become aoelesit to us. GENERAL PRICE'S PROCLA MATION. This document, published in the tel egraphic columns of yesterday's Post, is one of the richest productions which has emanated from the rebels since the war commenced. lßut, laying its inflated and bombastic style out of the question, it tells some truths, which show the de plorable condition of the rebels in Mis souri. The General informs us that the rebeLGovernor, at the opening of hos tilities, issued his proclamation for fifty thousand volunteers, to enable him " to drive the ruthless invader" from their soil ; and to this invitation, up to the Present time, but five thousand gallant spirits have responded ; and this, too, out of a male population of over two hundred thousand. "But one in forty," exclaims the Generel, "has stepped for ward to defend with their persons and their lives the cause of constitutional liberty and human rights !"t, When we reflect for a moment upon the extraordinary means resorted to by the rebels to force this State into the Southern Confederation, we can appro. oiate Price's lamentation over the signal failure of his party to arouse a formida ble secession feeling in Missouri. That State, from Price's own statement, is as true t 3 the Union as is Kentucky ; but her masses are kept in subjection, not by her own citizens, but by au incursion from other States. Without an additional fifty thousand volunteers, Price proclaims his cause• hopeless in Missouri ; and in order to • raise this number he appeals to the pride of Missourians in true Western style. By the love and fear of Him who watches over them ; by the affection which they all feel for their wives and children, and by the loie they entertain for " lovely woman, he conjures them to rally to the defense of their invaded state. After inviting them to come " for a month, a week, or more," he implores them to Strike 'til the last armed foe expires ; strike for your country and your fires ; strike for the green graves of your sires, God and your native land !" After this burst, it is rather funny to perceive his next appeal ; it is not to the God of battles, nor is it made in the name of "lovely woman," but for blan kets and cooking utensils. heavy shoes and bed clothing, '•Provided," he sensi bly adds, "if you have them." In apparent desperation, he closes his appeal, and declares that "six and a half feet of Mis souri soil in which to repose is preferable to living and seeing his.people enslaved. After a strong appeal for the '•fifty thou. sand," he says— .. We await your com ing ;" and we think it not impertinent to add, that we will wait foe some time 'to come. _ Although this ' proclamation to the people of Missouri contains admissions of weakness upon the part of the rebels wewere not prepared to hear, it estab lishes the fact that secession foaling has but little strength among the people of that State. Pensacola Bay and City Recent, and probably present opera tions in the neighborhood of Pensacola render it a point of immediate interest. The harbor is said to he the best in the Gulf of Mexico. It is completely land locked and has 2i feet of water on the bar at low tide. Fast Ray admits fri gates of the largest class, and is entirely sheltered from all winds. The town of Pensacola, which is the principal seaport of West Florida, had, a year ago, a pop ulation of about 4,00 t I ; but a greater part of these fled from the ruin and terror that had overtaken the city. The hous es are generally oil fashioned Spanish structures. The Alabama and Florida Railroad, which connects the town with Montgomery, Ala., was completed short ly after secession. That part of the road then unbuilt was finished with great haste by Daids' orders, so that troops and munitions might be hurried forward for the capture of Fort Pickens. Al though that is nine months ago, howev er, Pickens is as yet uncaptured. The climate is exceedingly healthful, except for occasional and rare visitations of yel low fever. The creole element predom inates in the resident population. In 1814 Gen. Jackson drove out the British who had es ablished themselves there by permission of the Spaniards, and assault ed and took the city and adjacent forts. Again in 1-IS, Gen, Jackson, in conse quence of Indian incursions on United Stales territory, took possession of Pen sacola, and obliged Fort Ilarrtiricas, to which the Spanish Governor had retired, to capitulate. In 1812, the whole terri togy was ceded to the United States. We hope it will turn out tini , col. Brown is no unworthy successor of Gen. ackson. Affairs in Richmond Lieutenant Belden, of Virfents, reached W sah ib:eon on Friday last, from Richmond. Be states that the feeling of anger, indignation and chagrin • et the arrest of Slidell and Mason was beyond alt description. They had previonsly been exulung births success of the rebel envoys in reaching Cubs. and they were certain that they would reach Europe without difficulty. Be states that it is t he severest blow which the rebel government has yet received. Mr. Belden nays that, up to the time of his leaving Richimind, two days since, he had heard nothing of the proposed removal of the rebel Capital to hashvilre. Being a Virginian him self, he was treated with additional indignity and seventy on account of his loyalty, and by nono his relatives, who live in Richmond gud wig:63167 - " • THE PITTSBURGH OHRON- We ow an apology 'to our readers fur not having directed their attention to 1 the improvements recently made in the Evening Chronicle. We also ask the amia ble ploprietor of that interesting paper to prirdon us for our apparent neglect. We have always felt a strong attach ment for the Evening CAronic/e; under our administration, about twelve years since, we changed it from a morning to an af ternoon paper. The change was an ad vantageous one, and we are pleased to know that it has been gradually growing DEC. 3 in public favor ever since. The Chroni cle is an admirable paper, "rich and racy ;" ull of •infinite variety"—'from grave to gay, from lively to severe." Long may it flourish. We congratulate its talented proprietor upon his admirable success, and close by "renewing the assurance" of our profound considera tion. "Long may be wave." Our Army, Correspondence. From Colonel Black's Regiment. CAXP, NF.A.II YALU+ Conceit, V.., } November 2ott., 1561 Ma. Fermat—Since my last letter to you, written some ten days ago, hot which has not yet. reached our camp, we have lest two more men try death, both eases being very sudden and unexpected. Geo. C. McKinley. whose mother and otter rela tives reside in Pittsburgh, but who was P. member of company M, CAM Cromer. of Altoona, retired to bed on Saturday night lost, apparen;ly in his usual health, when about daylight on Sunday morning. his con mpanione diFe) ered him to be de td. His mesemstes immediately summoned the surgeon. hut it was tee late, the vital spark [tad fled and the sp Nit of Geoige C McKinley wee In the presence i,t ;ts Maker. Howes a good soldier and was much [...loved ty hi+ c IT r Iny AS well as others in the regiment to whom he was known. His age was twenty-three years, and his &sea a was supposed to be nploplexy, although the urinal reale:les in en. , 3 .- et , o n the kind, bleeding, tic.. were not resorted to, as the man was dead rums time before the sur geon was called or before any one knew A. The members of company M prom ptiy held a meou• g and made arrangements to hove his bady ends In eit and forwarded to his mother, tents giving tier the melancholy satisfaction of beholding in death, and shedding the hitter tear over the inanimate forts of him she loved so dearly in life. The other being 1. at of Pianist= F . case was a l so sudden, Corley, of eery:pally It, Cap; in Beek, of Armstrong county. Se died cl iinnzy, on Tuesday last, aged twenty-four yes rsi In the miiroing the surgeon examined the ease and al' the symptoms appear mg favorable, he was not called upon until eveving, when about seven o'c i oell Lire man unexpectedly expired. The body vras i euilinumed and forwarded his home In Rtral Village, Armstrong eiinnty. This foots up twenty-Eleven tenths in all. The gent ersl health of the regiment is e , iti I m roving. Sunday leel was an hnt rotting oae in out c ,rnp, being the occasion of the visit or au. hop S rop-on. the distinguished divine of the bletrio not Epece pal t hurch. Col. Black, hearing of his arrival in We iiington, a, once p•oceeded to the city sod eio irted him and his lady to our camp. At a o'clock r. m., the call fsr preaching was beet, and all who were in camp, turned out premytly to hear the cr.eil and eioquent rrmin. The stiendance was not a , urge as it wou'd have been had not trom throe io four hundred ci our men !eft early in the users Lo on picket, H, wooer, those who had the p'ea , ure of be ng prase et listened attentively and were highly edified. During several l+orttore of t h e itscouise, many a lip WAS in.en to quiver and 10 07 on eye to fill up. Tiie text WA+ in the 1410 chapter cf Romans, and 7th Terse "e'er none el u. iiveth to himself, and no man dieth to lianseif." 'There herkg no convenient op,,ortunity fdr taxing, nqics, I cannot give you n sketch of the learned gentle man's sermon, wi !rout perhaps. ding rim la i d,. tice. He spoke from hi, eon good, honest heart, and rearmed the hearts of roan' present. lid the coneldelon cf the service , , C, l. in person, read the follovmg i•pecial order, from which it will be seen that he is ful y determ ine d, leo far as :is in his power. to fee our camp frt m t wilsoli gone rally prevail in such places Het. in earnest about thr molter and ill ao woo are found p My of divretmldlng tha crier may e foet. toewl It is As follies : iILiSQUiRTCR., 6 . 2. D REWY. ,, T. P. V .Nuve,twr ) The .niroduct inn rf into orating ant de s cription whatever, ‘nto this came, by any lot, son whether offioer, itokliei or cumin, is fir , bidden. Under no oircum-(sores wol a violation of this order be toter:end rr ex-wed The commanding ottocr of the reg went con-:d• ere it trig nifty to (.H the attune in of officers. non. cominlrioned officers or if men, to Artie(. Third f 'he "Rules an-I Articles of War." By ever) one in me army, it stion'd be understood that thrice anodes are on inexoraiie law of universal arplr cation, and el:aided t) implicit and cheerful ohedi ence. The practice of profane swearing it there denconced and declared tube ri penal Hence J; is beard's a vile and vicious 'mho., and a reproach tn any regtment kiwi it ..pievails. To invoke, en the army and the Country 00. every dal', the aid and protection of the Alm'ffhty. against rebellion, and then blaspheme Hie name. with rehdli,to profanity, IS more than a farce.— Ad led to this, there is somethln due to those in the .smile who are haa•pl'y • nuprol •rt any men titan of their Maker's name, except with revi rr nee ale' Adoration. and are W,,Undeli Wll.O, it is taken in vain. and named only to ern' itior a curse. By every ohligvion of in•lw dual ands cis' duty it is rryitired and neceasnry that this serinu- and profitless Ottaabe should cease. By Order of COL. S at. W. Butt, .1.8. Brown, Ada. Commanding Iti , gt. It Could be plainly teen ny Col Black's manner, while reading the above order, that he was later mined to catty it cut to the letter, as her as it re is possible to do a., although the expedients toned to by those who are fond of the ar•leut, are numerous and novel. tine of tl.ese I will trientiiin, as below rather on the original Buie. A Sergeant of ono of the companies cf a neighboring camp. wet over in Georgetown, a short tin since, and meeting with a friend, lacy commenced compar ing notes as to `iwtiose eye they would nose for a smile,'" the drinking houses not being allowed to sell to soldiers. Tne friend Interim, it the Sergeant that if they had twenty rice ceo s, he thrught he could make the landing. The parties “splioed," thus rat,ing the required sum, and walking short distance, met a woman with expansive crinoline. The chap handed the female the quar ter, and in empty pop bottle, with a little hock attached to the co•k. . The walking tavern ruins duo ely thrust her hand in at the aide of her dres, and prods cieg a bottle of the "critter," which she bad hanging under her skirt, upon her eteel hoops, replaced it with the empty one, thus pre serving the suinetry of her crinoline arrange ments, went on her way, and the two dry individ uals a' once proceeded to inbibe. This way of carrying about deathatruck me as rather original. We had a grand review the other day, in which at leaat seventy tncueand troops parti I pat, d, but as full acceit to of it cave reached you ny tido eraph and in the papyri+, 1 nerd not report it here. I would say, however, that our regiment and d vision were both puhitely corm hinented by Gen. McClelland, the President, Secretary of war, Aa. edam irecretary Scott, and other distingupdied perstmacee who were present. N here complo mentary references are becoming so common. that they are looked for as a matter of course, at every review. The band belonging to our regi ment carried cif the palm for making the best 1 1 nalile, and our DrUtn.illajor Withers was pi - , succeed the most accomp !shed officer of tho kind on the field. It tong A truly grand and int poning spectacle, and one which the thousands who witnessed it will never forget. Our camp is now graced with the presence of three ladies. viz: Mrs. Black, who is accompanied by her al eighiy and intent `ant Ilttle daughter, /Jour; Mrs. Noble, w,(e of the First Lieutenant of Co. P , and Mrs•St.ok wile of P-3 erg , an t dkek, Company I. There is , orne;liin t i radieslly wrong with the Mail arrangement, ,oinowbere between Pi IL! burgh and Washington, at net tar as the oelivery of panersare coneernt•d. The Intent papers we have from home are dated tie loth. Where the fault i s I will not pretend to say; but hope it will spee dily ho remedied. ma': long and seriously looked for individual, the Paymaster, visited us on Ssiturday last, and by tr-lcr No 10 gladdened the hearts of the boys by cashing or. On receiving their mon• y the men at once eel about get , irg toe large proportion of it in a shape u. send The amount of money sent from this regimen', out nl their pay, will fall very little, if any, short of nineteen thousand dollars, which lust at this time will doubtless prove very accept shie to In, se u ho receive it. We were virited,the other day,by Hon. RP Flea n, who has two eons attached to our regiment. He rose io tine health and never looked better.— , As 'h 9 will per-aps he considered enough of an infliction, I wul conclude until WO next occasion. In the meantime, believe me Your always, From France The Paris currespondentof the N.Y. Wort I writes mat the fears et famine, or at knurl of grant t utter• no, on account of We failure of td a gran crop in France, ore now nearly removed. About two-thirds of the deficiency is said to have been supplied, and only lest week twenty eight vessels arrived in Havre Irern New York with 400,000 sacks of wheat, 63 , 0 barrels oi flour, 2,700 sacks of corn, and 300 01 rye, and considerable supplies are still expected. I am informed, upon good authority, It ate number of veasein, which sailed from Havre between tae and toree months since, with tea, coffee, blankets, shoes, and other articles of necessity with the "confederates," hoping that the blockade would ne bro., 00, 00 that they could enter the southern ports, have returned, without of course being able to diPl3O,O of their cargoes, and suffering of course a ooneikierritilii less from the fsi are of the sperm. liana. 1 anc , e . y, as you have probably seen, has left Paris, and has delivered himself of a speech at Fisrmorigers' Ball, where he was enthusiastically applaud: d by our English secession cousins. If the English in England may be judged by those of their countrymen whom I tenet in Paris, I think there a no doubt on which t ido their sympathies lie. With one eXcention, every Englishman I hare eCtlVeelied NILO to Paris upon the subject Las plain y cahlbl eii that hie feeling Wee in favor of sooteg our government deatr.led and the 800(11 010,0e:0401 Tile exception was an English gentle man. who. alient tan years ago, was waited Upon, 0 0s evening by a committee of the Citizens of !Se igle. and requested to leave the oily b e fore morn . tog, Lis fault having been the expression of seal 'neon. , in omioeition toe 'every. lie of nine ac ceded to the replett. and very naturally now his eympathtee a. e not with the South. Servile Insurrections in South Carolina HORH.irLE PUNISHMENTs OF THE SLAVES —A I'PH ELI ENsION From the Pl,lla,lelphin Inquirer, keday.) WO are permuted to ecpy the following letter' wrdten to a ;ad! in this city, from a reiatita in Charle.don. South Carolina. The statements made therein may he relied upon as an accurate descripuon of Haws in lh:t city at the present Cu +MAE, ,a, H. C., November 23, 18e31. "Disguise the truth as we may, all ~.„ he re feel their position peeularle nu-tile; end those who are suaromided by temate relative-a have their anxiety increased a thousand f We do not tear for the clash of emu dieting arm ea, th.igh that is sufficiently terrible to eX• ult. Ifal^h Al prehension but even amid the car nage of wsr, the ve•icat boor within the armies WOtAI,I re-peer women; though traddsstiy to teach •hat • he Northern war•cry is'Aeleuty and Booty,' tint we do dread lest at "tidnlght the feat ful souudd a servile imurreetions shall salute our ears. You L a , olf the negrees are for superior .n ninnitsr to toe whites, and now that so many are al•sent in the army their majority is greatly incrernied. Ii they rise we are in their power. Do y know thtt means" Remember the history of all servile insurwciions, and recall the tit rrora emoted by the race whom oppression has helped to hints i.•••• Of course. the mailers WWI tight desperately; but how rood ths small nutn ter of male s i, tes defend their helpie.ss wives and daughters against it ten fold force of tnaddenel slates, it hose strength and ferocity are well known' Ni"o genera! insurreMion has ;alien place, tromgh several revolts hat, been attempted; tyro quits recen Iv, and in those ca-es whole famni t a were murdered betas, the PlitVUel were subdued. Then came reto.;st;on of the most fearful ohmmeter. it say td,, Where servants t r murder u title 51,1 errs puu.shment is admit, en ,•reti ; now they co not Wag for the action of the Ina; ilt,cl: less ',resells. in three revolt-, ail ch occurred th- interior of tio vials, ne.,t of ties ,erv,onf • w partertferted were ether cl 'eft the ond o', 1.• noon ac captured, and two !nem .‘re barnod to dvinh sny tt...y ,•70 Inrned t., d•fith seem,. n MlN pie rellleure, of any Xpecial nor: or,but the to tee be A WI( IIeHA Was too drdadfdl rs.r mc,rtn! ..yes. Imagine the poor wtetche , . red te nh the boost of their rr /iler N, cow ertnir in the h 4min of Oitae from whom they need out look Gar phy. no: evils for time to repent of testis w it, 11 them from hope hereafter- They ore dogged and defiant titaards their cap torn, until their doom is pronounced—a fate of whir, they have a special horror. Ltrogged to the Ot i tis of exe.:ntion, withm night of their own hotines, nurroun ied by their fellw aervantn, who are Crafll4 led Its witness the sight, they ore hound to strong tJtoo, whit great heap , of pine knots pled clone around their parsons. Itirectly the torch in omitted, and the inflammable pine burets tato n vwi.l :dime. When the hlsza reaches the insiten i ntol the smsliive dealt peel. and orackloa, their erten are too lereful to be heard by tu. inert ear+. Nor is the torment noon over.— the ic.orch the upper part of the bodies, producing esgws,le agony, Lot ilowiy burns into the viuds, until the wretched sutlertra go to judg ment, with all ',Mar crimes upon their beads. undcriook to say the spprehension of servile insurre:uoio lost its power who+, as time passed, ni l seemed posseitid sd we essily 101 l hack into di - Parris of sscurliv until these events aroused to to watchfiti nevi, new., is suprTCSAell Jar n. ',Made, Mid As ? : entirely from the papers, lor :tie negioris lie ix what is published if they do not read and such examplev might produce olLsawrous colmrquence," Niacancies in Congress WU vacaucino exist in the House of Represen tatives, at the present time, from Missouri. Gen John B. (dark w_o e cpel:ed on account of his being in the rebel at in); add since then, John W. R id. hag resigtv. his glace and connected his fste with t:dit of the Rebel States. It may be that (.amble has no official knowledge of either of these facts,itut the r is evidence in the proceed. ings of the and In the admission of Mr• Reid that he had resianed, sufficient to justify an r lection to Fill the vacancies in each of the Dis tricts —Misuse i Republican. Loyal Sentiment in Virginia From i•everel arrea information liar been re calved r f the increasing strength of the loyal sen t.inent in t rederick, Jeffers - in and Bulkley coun ties, in N&giniat. un uesday a lady arrived at Era , cock, from M.runsburgl, with her children. Iler husband, a loyalist, had fled to Maryland four months ago, and it was with the greatest difficulty that she efts al le to get Permission to pass the rebel lines to Maryland. She &rues that in Berk ley county the greatest suffering suers among the ftmilies of Union men who are now fugitives.— During the pont f.irtn ght abs states that the ex. pre-eiun of Union nenumeota had been growing strong r, and that on the occasion of the approach of Capt. flume, with a scooting party of the cavalry, wition ilea miles of Martinsburgh, the boy of the loyal lamthos was unholuded., on the supposition Olaf it war the beg cuing of an advance by our troupe; but that wren the party returned they were in despatr....As a sample of the pricer of pro viol. ue, sho states that salt Wall selling in Mattiuti burgh at st 3 a peck. l'uß Doc.—We are indebted to Hon. Wm. Montgomery for important public documents. MARRIED. On Monday. November 11th, by Rev. Swope, o T na vy, ni'rE.97.l R DICK and Mien M. J W ibg.INSON, all ot thin city. DIED n Monday ovening, December I.t, at o'clock, DAVID 8., ron of Dr. George McCook. Funeral from the residence of his tether, 181 tyrant street, at 1 n'el tier, this (Tuesday) Afternoon WANTED —A Lieutenant with a few men to complete a company Apply to cal T. B. vaII'ERSON, Diamond street, Piliabtugh. no3o d& a MARSFIMALLON PASTE, MAT MR Di AL I .ON PAST R. MARSHMA I.LON PASTE, ICELAND MOSS PAST • IC.E ',AND MOSS PASTE, ICELAND MOSS PASTE, The most nalatable and t flEctua preparations yet int rod use d for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoare< - nese, Sore Throat, &a. For sale nY • SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist and dealer in choice Family rdodicines, del cor. Smithfield and Fourth ats. UrNOTiCE'I'OPHYSICIAN ,4 AND TN Pt t:it ti!oi P —Testimonial—T. ALLCOCK A co., No 294 Canal street, New York. November 29th, 1959.- Gentle mcn:-1 lately suffered severely from a weakne-s is my back, ot eastioned by suddenly over exerting myself. having heard your plasters much recom mended for Caren of this kind, I procured one and the result was all that I could desire. A single plaster cured me iu a Week. Yours respectfully, J. G. BRIGGS. Proprietor of the Srandreth 14.,L158, New Y ok. There is nothing equal in the way of a Plaster. to the Porous Plaster of Mr. tLLCOCK. In Asthma. Cough, Kidney Affections. kind local deep seated oat us, they afford . croissant relief, snit for weak backs, pains in the side, stitches, snit spasmodic pains generally, they are unsurpassed for the bane fits they impart Place 26 cents each. Principe• ()rhea, 294 Canal street. New York. hold by THOS. rtEDPATH, Pittsburgh, Pa . And by ail reepectable dealers In roedulanes, nonlmdaw =DIM MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Us Just Published in a Sealed Envelope Price ti tents, A Lecture on Me Nature, Treatment and Daditai Cure ottipermaterrhma or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Emnanons, Sexual Debility, and Imp. d;- ments to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Can. sumptc n, Epilery and Floe Mental and Physical Incapacity, re:satins from Self-Abuse, he By RUHL. J CUL VEItWELL, M.. Li., Author of the Green floak, dc. ‘" - A - Boon co Thousonda of Safferara." Sent under Raft!, in a plain eniq. lope, to any ad. dree a post paid, on reamin. of "'X cont.. nr two 'lOW age stamen, by 1.11. 1. t, 111.1N1i., .083mdairr ]C , I ll:r.e Ifox . 4bBb IT ZS E.l _Et 'l' AP:. E FA I RAIAN. UNDERTAKER, sole ameril for Faike's Metallic Rune; Owens. at K. ft BULGER'S CABINET WA HEROCIRs, No 46 SMiTHFIELIi STREET Rea:deuce, 214 1.a..10ck street, Allegheny Cay. Orders may be lett A I OBARLErs' LIVERY STABLE, Allegheny City. ee2l-tirricl 2p OFFICE e.t.a% st.t CE CO t N .vembor :MA, 1811. f AN ELMIT'ON FOR Fl lerE,Ett 1)114.1.X. TOE't of this Cow pony, to fietTe during the ensuing tent, will be hold nt thlBlllleti on Tlllq.i- DAY,TtiETH IRD 'AY OF DEOEMBER between the hours of 11 A: M. end 1 P. no2l-41 +AY o. ATWOOD. Becrote.ri. OFFICE MONONGA El EIA INSURANCE CO, Pi teburpo Nov ether 20to, 1.61. TILE AND DiaKoToßs OF ti,:this company have bus day declared a 1:1`71 rind of pottif, DIILL;118 on each share of the t.'noiud Stook out of the earned profits of the Idt..t nix months, payable forthwilh: uo2L2w HENRY M. A"l' WO , )It, d'e,.'re4try. UTJTHF. CI OF PI anllo ne, le “01 t., , oti KM A candidate the ensuing Weetion. fur the t.tri-e of CITY CONTROLLER, If II long experience in veiled and exteb , iire bu• nese, a perfeet fans ie ray w lb account., and the idenlificat on of a lifetime alt; all the irliereats 01 my native e ! tv, t tattle me to yen: confidence and eutiport I will confidently hope for your suftregen. noTictf WILLIAM LITTLR CHARLES GIPNER, No. 7S Market Street Now otters Lc, Ole ptiblic the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS IN THE CITY, CONSISTING IN PART OF GUIPURE LACE, CROTCHET EI:INGE, VELVET BU I 'i')NS, FILE BU rrt VELVET RlBRoti I'ONNET CBE.%P FOR CASH. NEW WOOLEN GOODS 11011 NEST RIMMING STol 77 ,Market Street. Ws have rvosiveditllA IA Pt It limp gunwale WOOL EN HOODS, SCA RF-1, W ()OLEN SOCKS FOR SOLDIEIIs Merino and Wool Ribbed liose. Flu killed Cotton hose, Fancy Wool Mom A sp.ondid x•Cortmoni of uti 1111.1.1 s of bi1..1.0. 7 ES A (411)i:1'1,Y:1S for Lndif., and M ALEXANDER'S KID (LUTES. HEAVY LINED HUCM. GLOVES tired rroo art 14 , 1. t for tbr.idi.rn. HOOP SKIRTS in grrat variely BALMORAL SKIRTS. CHENILLE AND CORD NETT;. 11-51_Country Itierettante nod ?rlillmere wid nod no reetoriment oi Rlbbone Rn•lbea, tolowere, redmete, Httn hod •1 urbane, Sitke, Velvet% 'tomb:aloes. Engiedl Crape, Ac., uneureaneod In tt.e env, cother in pried or gLiallity. JO‘E4'll 111011 LIVE. 77 MARKET EET. EYE oa EA R 9 DEAFNESS.. SIGHT 11 EAR ING. DR. VON MOSCHZISKER, OCULIST AND AIJRIST. Will remain in the city for only a LIMITED TIME LONGER. 1/r. M, has sufficiently proved by hie practice acid operations during the last ten months that his concerns in restoring the Deaf to Ilea•ing and the Blind to Sight, entitle him to the confiden , e of those who need his services, and the claims of SUPISRIOBI I Y In his sPkoiALITy. u - r) secure his bERVIGES, all applications noict t. made at once. 1111.0ffice. No. 155 VERO BT., between Grant and d rithfield. nollB NECTARINE UNION EYE OPENER, M CANING CAI,L 100 oases of each on hand, and for dale in large or small quantities WILLIAM BENNEIT, 120 Woed etreet. DR. BROWN AT HOME. - DR. BROWN hem returned from hie Western trip and is prenaled to attend to _ ALL PROFESSIONAL CALLS, °ls) OFFICE, Na 60 SMILHFIELD dTREET no2B A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Pittsburgh General Insurance Agency .Companies Represented or High est Standing. ilip•Ohanered by POlll2ll. and other Sta'es. %%Sire, Marine and Life Rieke Taken of all de. aeriptione. n025-im 63 FOURTH STREET, Pititsbur •b. 'I." GROSS HULL'S OLD PALM sue' mot received and for sale by GEORGE A. KELLY Dj:ogyglyi, • NOW No. IN Federal at. DIV [®END, VALENCIA LACF TII REA 1) LACE CLOAK TRIMMINGS RIL6S TiummlNGS -A T - SON TAGS, NUBI4~ MITTS, an.l Vic N Es -AL.O STOMACH liITTERS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBaCEURE FOR YOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES FOR 1862_ QUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT A 7 TAEFoLLOWIN 4 3 RATES: • Ela• per's Magaz•no Gotiey'sl.tttly's Hook._. Atlantic lit onthly... ..... . Ltielne'a cohion Scott. Pito sot..'eldagastrie.... Koickerbo stir magazine. B a.r kwood's All the Year Round C latutter.' J0urna1.........., Horticulturist liorhoulitirist (colored).... he pen Ten, (Book 01 ira4l.on) 13, !ou's Dollar Monthly a 0 nt's hierenants Magezine Eclectic Mags4lue Amervan Agrtculiuriat Hal'e Journal of Health I. Ater Requisite: y Li indon Art Journal ......... ....... L indon Lancet Artauc'e Magazine Yucktie Nottons(•.;oit: IC) atax (Cornic)....- nla•kwoeu's Magazine and 'he Four ljuarter• hes 10 o'l Water Cure Jourrug 1 00 Phrrata logical Journal 1 00 FiraithWal le'S Retrospect 2 00 Litters Living Age 6 CO The Comic 140131.:.;y 76 Liauget of Pun 'llk Phoney .• 71 11 you want your Al.igia.tut.i pt W 111.1.1) 1.,11 or seud to HENRY REINER, Wholesale Bookseller, sT4'IIONER AND NEWS DEALER, it and 73 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, !Old you wal rerepwo tht.rn promptly. de3 ST A 'l' EH VNT ule 'TILE MERCHANTS' AND NIANI.IFACTUBERS' BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh, Monday Morning, De:tember id. 1 0 61. Catimti, stock $600.000 00 587,2 S 00 Duo Ikliositors 293.2 0 03 Due other Hanks.._._ 09,111 33 Loansand Diseounut 052,844 08 Cain :177,216 00 Notes mud Checks of other Banks,- 108.2 1 8 02 Due by other Haulm 76,601 21 Commoawestlth of Pennsylvania Loan.. 50.700 00 Treasure Notes IB6sooo 00 The above statement in correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. H. DENNY, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 2.1 day December, A. D. 1661. de3 W. H. WHITNEY, Notary Public. t?.STATEMENT O 1 'THE IRON CITY BANK Pittsburgh, December 2, 7 1861. Capital Stock $406,000 00 Loans and DISCOLIZILS 622,11 S 88 Due by other Banks 70,840 43 Notes and Checks of other Hanks e 3 315 05 Specie 2.51,9.8 16 Circulation 'itili,2o7 00 Due to other Banks 1,305 r 0 Isle to Depositors 2:21:.020 07 The aLove statement is correct according to the best 01 my knowledge and belief. JOHN MAGOFrIN, Cashier. Affirmed unto before me this day. at 3W 11. WHITNEY. Notary Public. a• - STATEMENT OF THE EXCHANGE BANK OF PITTSBURGH. Pittsburgh, Doc. 2, 1881. Loans and Discounts $1,654.899 05 Beal &tare 50,000 00 Specie in Vault 326,568 04 S 'Treasury Notes and ...... 210,477 00 Pen -ylitlCllll Loan ti rent New Loan 02,1.00 00 i'le•eks sail Notes of other Banks 40123 70 Due by other Banks 113303 81 capital Stock n•llitiL1011 I hpoqit,. [ pile to other Banks ......... Contingent Fund and Profits, V.!..177.71 61 I oertt fy that the above Statement is correct to the beet of my knowledge and belief. H. M. MURRAY, CaAtior. Affirmed oefore me, thot 2d day of Lee, 1501 H. tsRA EL, Notary Public A sTATEmENT ,)F• TiiE costwric. oF THE BANK UN' PITTSBURGH. Monday 31 , rninir., Dea - :rual.r 2,1,1b61 M Loans. Bills and Dn....1w, Hurl E,latt• and Ground Rent.. Al tseellan,s Imo I, "H. q. Banks Bank Note:, and Che.•ks & I .21. fleas Not., 11= Capt. St,..•i: and rnitasa tiU,pi•ll.r Av't I nit• I,,,,th,rAlik -1,111:0,,,, s2.s.Le,tiltt The abort, atatement t. correct, to the I test of ii) knowledge and Itelief. Jut' N HARPER, l'aatwer. SA not Wand ,ulnkwlyed t 1iet.341 day of Iktoerortor , l gel. ttefore Inc, S. SMITH. Notary Public. FIN/ENT c . 11i K Pit Lea 2, ISOI. 6t ,, ek I mon and I , I,entl 114. , Om. otin-r . Rank, N,A.t, anti Clwolin of other Bank, ,retie ........... El= hlittattt V-1.'6.721 00 I other Runk, 3.666 62 Do- to DrpostLotm . . 156 210 9(1 The above statemeut ke correct to the beta of my nowa...tge and Is to t. J. W. COOki, tat , tuar. Siren. unto belore me, that day. d,•3 WM. 11. %VI:UTNE:A, Notary Public- STAI'EMENT tIE '111E: 51h.C11A1411., PITTBI3I2IBiII. l'ittsburgh, December 2,1861. LIABILITIES. CirculAtion Otto to other Banks /Ale to DOI,OHILors... ASSETS. Notes and'Bills rhseounted Due by other Banns Tressury Nome, Notes and Gheeks on othr;rlinnks. Specie in Vault. 59i30,7it0 E 4 Tim shove stMetneut i. correct to the beet of toy knowledge and twlief. UF.U. P. 'ItiTGREW. Cashier. Sworn before me, this 2 t day of Dte. 1661. dig It. H. SMITH Notarr STATEMENT Lae I tiE, Cll 1Z ti . ..ltiS ; tintsbursih, December; 11tH. Loans and Discounts Coin in Vault Ni i,`,l and Cheeks of other Banks Ire bury Notes add St+to Loan I 'llO trout Banks and Bankers Capital Swell.. . ............ Circulation ..19.488 00 lielvositora 12z.876 E 4 Due to other Banks 2,178 Uti The above statement is correct tothe best of my kuowledge and belief. GEO. T. VAN 11013. EN, Caehter. Affirmed before me thin 2.)i day of Dee 186). deb SAML. HARPER, Notary Public. -160 barrels choice Saila A "' Louis Apples, just reced led and for sale by JAMES A. FE*l ZER, de3 corner of Market nod Firm. streets HEESE k) 100 boxes prime Cheese just received by JAMI.J A. FEIZKIt, tea corner Market and lerrbt etreele PUTAI'uEs-- 300 sa7.ks Potatoes; 76 barrels do—for sale by JAMES A. FEl'2oit. de3 corner Market and First streets HOOP POLES-6000 Hickory lioop Poles oa wharf, and for sale by mai JAi. A. FETZER, des Corner Market and First strmds. NEW GOODS. 50 PIECES BRUSSELS CARPET 'IHE RICHEST AND LATEST DESII EISEIZ SUPERIOR QUALITY AND AT LOW PRIOEB. W. M'CLINTOCK, 11151 Market Street. E. WA.T-T Si WITH TERRY, PRICE & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Satinets, Vesting', Tailors' Trimmings, Ste., NO. 255 MARKET ST. North Side, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Jowl T . amity, DM= 8. MUM, OLP7IB T. TWINY. del4l.y --- 1) .- 1 C E-10 tierceB in til:(7>rebird for IV WO by MILLER A B.I.OILETBON. CHECKS, CHECKS OF A BUPERJOR QUALITY are offered for sale at the office of the WESTERN PENITENTIARY. 002.2 m JOHN BIRMINC7IA24-Wavien T. J. t0tte1e1,....-..ratit. WM. eittAYP Western Stove Works, 245 LIBERTY &MUT, PITTSBURGH', GRAFF & .00.. MAITITE'ACTITREIIIII WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the put lic to their large stock Owen ae• lect*d . Cook, Parlor & Heating Stoves, ALS6—IMPROVED KITCHEN GANGES. GRATE FRONTS, Howne-Wans, An., among which will be found the BI s r COAL COOK , STOI7IE9 IN THE STATE. The Diamond, Advanee, Air-Tight, Belipu, and IRON CITY, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fair for the BEST COAL COOK STOVES. Also FIRST PREMIUM awareed to the TRUE AMERICAN, GLOBE & REPUBLIC, F"r the BaiT WOOD COOK STOVES NOW 114 USE The KENTUCKIAN and KANSAS Premium are nneurpaneed. We call attention of DEA ',EBB end.BUILDF.RS to the largeet stock of GRATE FRONTS & FENDERS .I.N THE STATE. N. B.—We line the DIA MOND and ECLIPSE Coal 0)ok B eye>. with Soap-Stone Linings, which stand the fire better than trop. oco3;ie F3fS . Y .32 - bU . 00 50 2bo .. 2 (.3 .. 4 UO 603 .. 100 .. 6 10 1 00 1 tat 2 t ... s 00 . 600 20 . 100 ... 1 00 DRY GOODS, FOR CASH. H ANDSOME DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Flannels & Canton Flannels. Checks and Tickings. PRINTS, GINGRARS &c. FRENCH MERINOES, 50 CENTS. CASSIS ERES, SATTLNETS AND TWEEDS. Hosiery and Needle Work, C. ANSON LOVE. 74 Market Street no3o-dkw $2,477,871 bl $902,150 00 1.01.3 774 CO 31" 77 f 0 14lwt 27 213,007 0 NEW GOODS- W. iSt, 1). HUGUS Have received and opened the largest' AND MOST BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 0 DRY GOODS .$1,514,3,4'0 111 . 39 . 19,140 el . 265,40:1 58 ever offered to the public. 41,;1t, 75 ttoU I- ' 84 DRESS GOODS 4 of the u?west and most fasti'o t able style. BLACK AND WHITE: SQUARE BRAWLS, BLACK AND WHITE LONG SHAWLS, BROW N AND WHITE EIQUARE SHAW LS BROWN AND WHITE LONG SHAWL% New style of E 2,640,612 61 .$1,14;1.54 1 0 011 19357 v 11; , . 10.1.1 1, 1.; 51.576 :;7 151,7411 ivo 9t;. , .554 74 FRENCH MOURNING SHAWLS STRIPED COURONNE SHAWLS A largemacrtment cf Childrau'a and &Itasca' Square and lank Woolen Shawls. Gl_ lieu LARS AND CLOAKS, or the very latest pattern. $ 5110.000 00 s) . U,090 It 55.555 33 20 973 53 IV. & D. HUGLJS CoRNER FINIS AND MARKET STREETS Don W. H. McGEE CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, INVITE the attention of buyers to t neir large and varied stock or Fall and Winter Goods, $264,4 4 00 10 60$ 02 156,018 10 $430,b55 lb jest reccivod, among which may be Found all of me newest styles of goods for Gents and Youth's War", together with a full and complete assort. merit of gentlemen's Furnishing Goode. W- U. aIeGRE A. C0..143 Federal at. n020.2rn nor. Market Square, Allegheny City, EAGLE OIL WORKS. WIGEITIIAN & ANDERSON, LU.r4R OIL COMPwil../TY, Corner Hand st. and. Duquesne' Way JNO. M. OK ELY AND JNO. BLACK, Jr.. have entered into copartnership meter the name end style of "LUNAR OIL Co." The Company are prepared to 8 all orders for Lubricating and Illuminating Oils. Consignments solicited. Adiances made. Storage very ample. Pittsburgh, November 28.11361., no27:Bfd .Fti!9,UPUS . 3h,399 22 b'!l ICB 00 144 S 4 _4662,301 65 i81,1t,2 21 49,429:0A 101 490 60 ...... 87,333 41 $500,000 00 JAMES A. FETZER, FORWARDING AND commisFion MERCHANT Plow,, Orals, Betconk t Lear dv,rtiatter, Dried Fruit and Produce Driamrrally, COB OP PLAIIKRT A3CD ?MAT BTR TB, PITTBBIJRCH, PA. Roan re—Francis G. Bailey. dee, William DU north Sr, S. Cuthbert • Bon_,_ Pittsbuirh, Boyd • Ott, Handier • Swearingen, 8. Brathr,' Cu.. M. a M. 4... k, Lint Howell, Mangle & 06.; George W Anderson„ Donlon Paxbun* 00, Wheeling. JANUARY lat, 1861. ETNA INhIJILANCE COMPANY, Sank Btoo4s in New York Hartford k Boston, St. Louis, Philadelphia- and other places_ ty1,005,309 60 United States Steck and State Stocks: New York, Ohio, Herituckji; ceases, Missouri Michigan,lndiana, 433,570 00 C. ty Stook Hartford, R ochester, Brooklyn. Jersey City, New York, • 182,102 /0 Railroad Stocks — Hertford and New Haven, Bovton.nd Worcester, Conn. River Real tate—Unincumberedl /discßansacks Items-- -- Cash on hand and deposited on call, and in Agent's 208,302 60 Claims, unadjusted and not due_.......„.5184.676 64 Respectfully solicit, and Will take Meanlire in at. tending to your insurance want& A. A. CASHIER & BRO., Agents, 68,flUnrth street. TIERNAN & GETTY, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, lIIPSEICIas AID DLIT-0 TEAS, WINES, LIQUORS, 4ce.i North-East corner of OHIO STREET AND THE DIAMOND, noway euxAsraiqsy,ClTY. JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSIQN MERVIANTi 7011 ral BALE OF PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MABEE% allrn ✓ITl' Ern DPP. WILI)TURK/YS -8 Wild Turkeys, lust received and for Bide JAMES A. FETZER, corner Mszkai aad Ana easel!. New style of rABTFORD, (ON.N. AS3ITS. MMiNi AIItIIISEMENTS. PITTSBURGH THEATRE LAS= ARD Muturia. WM. ft IaiDEMON (35 ,_ OX,...,lXxxism—Private 80xe5,15,50; Single Beni "'I I " Box, $1,00; Parquette and Draco Circle. disarm, go cent% Family Circle, 26 conic: (kdoreCfinllery, 25 cents; Colored Boxes, 60 cents. `SWW DRAMA TUESDAY EVRNING, DEUEMBER 2nd night of the re-engagement of the beautiful young actress Miaa MAGMA fda:regEta, and the first tame here of the new &mostly live ant drama entitled , FANOHON; OR Taffr ORIOR.Eit. IttivP4itebel I Fanchon :PEN _STREET. N P4R, ET. ELA I R OPEN EVERY EVENING. With the, ER/3T COMPANY in the city. TWO FASCES, • •COMIC SONGS, FASIPINA.TINREANCES; DASINGGi'MNASTICS, ETHIOPIAN ECCENTRICITIES, HERCULEAN SPORTS, IRISH DELINRATIOIREt, ACROBATIC FEATS, DELIGHTFITIIMUM ac _ RCALS OF PRlCRE—Prirate BoxitSLA. Single eats in Boxes rb ernts;llirquetteTheentel Gam lo cants. Doors open at 6 3.1", et rtain /4608 4" LAIC ABSO. CIATION LeCT URNS— J. ILENRY SIDDGNS, ESQ., WM give one entertainment before the Young Men% Library Associatton, end he genet. ally, on - TUESDAY EVEWG,•DECEMBEIL Bd, . C air CER ,D L _„. The entertainment will conoiseof Readings from the most popular authors, including the following: Selectiora. from the Chimes—Dickrow.—Paddy the Piper—Lever; Trial Scene from Merchant of Ve nice: biro Caudle's Lecturor,-.Gen. Bc,tt and the Veteran:'/Tandy Andy ..4..the'Postoißes- 7 Lever, Bong of tholihirt—Bood; itithlanny others: s..Doere open at a% o'elocr. Leiitiire to Com mence N. vg.Tiakeis 25 cents: to be hod at the music and boom stores, library rooms, and at the door. W. H. KINCAID. W. D. McGOWA.N, F. It. BRUNOT, J. B. HDICLE4i , itEiEPEI ALBRICIK" Lecture Committee 111014110 S IVENV SEHLITTLE Sewing Machines, A RE 'ADAPT - 13) all kinds of AIWO,FAMILY FEWLNiii, working equally well on the lightest and. - heareor. fabrics, Mtgahe - WOK STITCH NCAIiVf alike on both Ahle9, which cannot tie Raveled or Pulled Out. And for !Tailoring, Shirt ; Making, Gaiter Fitting and Shoe Binding, these h ale no superior Sell and oee them at No: 26 Fifth street, Up Stairs. arisnifikistkio W. B. LASONI.I. Al'.lllolll A 011bOti,. wE ARE NOW M.AN UFACTIJ- Emu this article. which for brilliancy in burning, freedom of offensive odor, and transpa .Tencrofoolor, (which odor We- Warsanbnot to be changed by age or eFposure,lis tbontr*sed by any illuminat4r in this or Ear•te/n markets. As a profitable Gil to the consumer, we can specially recornmend lt. Alsp,our manufacture of CAUSTIC SODA, [feed by elliargeßoart Makers nd - Oarlie fi neriee, per which creole lo cent: In etrengthltrethe make of Englieh Soda brought , to this country. tharranan• facture of , SAPONIFIER. OR CONCENTRATED LYE,-SALT, c i :Are so mid raYorithly-Itnown,.. We trust tati mention is safficiem. All orders and inquiries:will bepronapllyaitendat:. to by r ddrestruhl GEORGE Otitfoi:UNi= Agent. Penna. Salt Idinitaiittrinikompany, nolBlyddrrna 24 Woo(' anode, fittaburgir B`v 0 V rt , • A. BRADLEY, NO, 30 WOOD 'STREET, (corner Second, Pittsburgh,) Manufacture and Wholeske and retail dealer in all kinds of Cook, Parlor, and Heating stoves, Grate Fronts, Fenders, Se. wk.. In our sample room may be found the "CELEBRATED GAS BURNING COOK STOVES, EUREKA AND TROPIC, the merits of which have been fully tasted by thousanls, and the Stoves pronounced unegooled by any-in this market; together with a great many other &Oriole patterns. We have also a very large assortment of PARLOR AND IMATINO.B7DVIS, embracing Rime of the BEST PATPER N S now of fend to the publ c. . - Sir FA.NCY. KNAMELED GRATE PRONtil 'AND BENDERS; ot the newest, Myles- German Kitchen Bow and Jam Grates, all of which areof fered et very low prices. ='• Karlineciia' 1 indricements Offered to builders in want 01-GRATE BKONTS. - notkem Co-PARTNERSHIP. 'III3 E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE AS- A SOCIA'TED with them under4late February 6th, 1861, Mr. R. SIRHLE; of the latii REINL MAIi k sIEDLE. The business will hereafter be conducted under the name and style or REINE MAN. MMUS at &MOLE, at our old stand, No. 4111 purrs' STREET. REINEMAN MEYRAN. uzikstur lfirnt reit - BIRDLS, IMPORTERS AAR WHOLESALE, ,DEI LERS In .etery . , der-Rim:int o - Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sitter and irlated...Ware, Watch, Material, Tools and Mathiliery; and WHOLESALE AGENCY FOR THE CELRBEATRD AMitRICAN WATCII.II-8. NO. 42 FIFTH STREET, (one door from Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa, In calling the attention of the Jtubllo and the trade to the above, we desire to add that we are prepared to ooer a larger and better selec.ed stock of O o odtt.tmour line ittataAver was offered in this city. Possessing every facility for obtainint e the moat of our goods direct nom the best man„ r tcs rlea;both in-this country -Andin.Etirope, and hav ing acquired a thorough knowledge of the busi hen from, nearly twenty-yeam imparter's°, at our present old stand, and just 'addetr - theiorge and new mock of the late firm of 11EINEMAN a SIEs DLE, to 'on presenting& istratki ,- We lea - confident that an examine ion of oar assortment wouldprove advantagen to buyers,- WO are alsoS4 0 1101' the W Justly celebrated AMERICAN atfC nee tmegatWalthom, Mats,and arepre to fib all orders prompdyotroannfaegirigaprigas. English and Swum Watches, of every description, imported to order; with names on to suit Prirg i hnieva. Watches reptdretin'tfinperiorinanner. n 023 REINEMAN, ItLEYRA.N &STEHLE. CARPETS Arth 0411C'CLOTEIS —AT TUE FOURTH STRIETCARPRTHRORE. "ow D. &It IROALDUM HAVE TY • this day opened ;Ariaa very large sod fasted' aiiiattientsifte&RPnTlneilo , whiott they Write LW ententiowor buyers t as ,t.hey will be of fered on the nionnliteorableterms, all • Alto, a ne s idthswly imported at- - besutil . ..Druggets, wtihe lowest. races. • • • 7 L W. D. k ELIVIDALLUM, 0c25 117 steeet,:near Wood. itULGEM mOrtrlt&ginfara 07 oitIORIPTION OF FURNITURE. No. 45 SnollthllelikStreet, AFULL AS 130AT/it - XN T OF pitt4birgh Itannfactired•!Furniture, Constantly on luunt, venni:lien the lowest Prieea for OMR. " 61 . 1 „, 11 3. A b.T. GS IB O s f ai.e. COF:YEK,_ 25 -.:do: .%mop, 100 do •Rye Whiakey t 100 do Elait, 100 bags Balt. 2000 bushels Chats. .for sale lot_ "ITERNA24 i EIRZTY Wholes-1e end Retail Eirocemnorth.emakOorzwe ado *reef sad the Diamond, alkiskisay, now NEW URA MA