P Oot. pittsbijiigii: M6NDAY MOBNINGr, OOT./21 T 7? f ■■ ' ‘ IV ii Morning-Post. > Mr. Editor— l know a man in this oityj tartfie Service of the United Stains In Western Virginia, who came home on a furlough and when the time came for hi* return, had not the means to pay his passage hack? What would be the best conrse .for him to pursue! Hake'immediate application to the neareat Quartet master, (in thia.caae, Col. kin,) who is bound to furnish him trans portation to his regiment and subsistence otftheway. Ekoovbelhg.— Adjutant Frailey, of tho Lancaster regiment and Dan’l Landis, who were so;seriously injured by the accident cn the Sir Wm. Wallace on Friday, are rapidly recovering. The former was able to walk about yesterday. fig?-The treaty with the King of Lagos for the cession of the isle and port of Lagos toGreat Britain, is officially announced,— This port of Lagos is one of the most val uable upon the African coast, its business amounting to upwards of ten millions of dollars annually. It is a rich acquisition to the British government. HOW THEY BEGABD IT The following extract from the Louis ville Democrat, a Douglas paper, which has manfully grappled with secession from -the beginning, will give our readers an idea of the effect produced by the Abolition, emanoipation organs of the North; "We think it high time the New York Tribune was prohibited all circulation in the mails. It is a Disunion sheet and con tributes.more to keep up the rebellion than half a dozen armies. The editor insists that’Slav.ery must die if this war continues. Now everybody knows that slavery oan’t be Suppressed until all regard for the Fed eral. Constitution perishes ;;, and the doc. trine is, that if the war continues, the Constitution and all its guaranties must be prostrated. Then what are .the people of the Nokth fighting-for t If s.avery can be abolished by this war, any other right of the States reserved oan be alike sacrificed, and we have no law bnt tho arbitrary will, of a military despot to depend on. It iB strange that a letter from Louisville to the New York Times, written by some Abo litionist, has started the editor of the ?Yt brnte afresh. This writer ought to be sent to Fort Lsfavette. Such outgivings would dißband the Union armies if it was believed lor a moment that the Administration did not spurn such suggestions. From tha South. The New Orleans and Memphis papers up to the 2nd instant furnish the following intelligence: The Mobile Register has a letter from Fensaeola, under dato of 25ht ult, which says: “Wo have reports of several expeditions to the (South. Let them -come. Their tombs are open.” The’Memphis Appeal says: "The rumors relating to an attempted raid, by a Lincoln horde of 25,000 vandals, upbh our-Southern coast, are not without plausible probability. That the expedition will meet with a warm reception is most certain. Gov. Brown and Gen. Lanton have had their eyes on tho strategetic points of the coast for some time, and what they have done in reference to guah proposed visits will be known when the arrival takos place. We have no doubt the reports from that quarter will be only »Udh reports as can be caused by the right cart of guns in the right plaoe, served by the right Bort of artillerists. It will be no Uatteras affair." The New Orleans Della states that Capt, Dan Rickok had made a requisition on the proper authorities for Bix rifled cannons, to be placed at the pickets stationed at the approaches of the New Canal. The editor adds: “The Captain is suspicious of gun-boats, and wants to give them a hot reception if they come poking about there.” The Bame paper has a full and accurate description of the new gun-boat fleet, built and building at the Government Navy Yards and private ship yards North. The names, tonnage, number and calibre of guns, etc., are given in detail. Confirmatory of the verbal reports, wo find in the New Orleans Crescent an order from the Governor of the State in regard io the organisation of the State militia, “in order” (we quote the Crescent) “to prepare f>t any emergency that may come upon us.” It is not doubted, by the same authority, that “there is force enough in the State to repel any invasion, come from whatever quarter it may.” The Governor’s order di roots that captains Bhall drill their companies each day, and empowers them to force the attendance of their men, by piker ing ail who refuse to do duty upon the Hat of persons who are suspected of being un sound in their allegiance to the Confeder acy. The Crescent— “ Hopes that all persons will at once re spend to this order from the Governor, so that there will be no necessity for a Black lilst of recreants and renegades. If we ex pect to save onr city from capture and pil lage, our wives, daughters and sisters from the fate of the unfortunate women of Ma ryland, we mast all shoulder our guns and prepare for a terrible struggle. We can beat off any invading force, if true to our selvos, and that wo will do it is as sore as anything in the future can be.” jpOSTERS, ~ PLACAKDS, HAND-BILLS, f*rmt6d>t;uie lowest oash'priees to suit, the times, w. S. HAVEN. 84g THIRD STREET, WHO WILL PRINT IN RED, WHITE AND BLUE/WITH FANCY OUTS,] PLAIS BL ACK BE. jRVKJaII and sea Samples and get au!4 ■ CAMP and BOWIE KNIVES—For sale by BOWN * TETLEY, ocl2 186 Wood street. UNION STATIONARY BACKET, Coats but 26 oenln. Agents wanted in every town And vil age. Apply to henby miner, successor to Hunt A Miner, poll 71 end V» Filth st. next door to Posit Ogee. HE NEW [VISED ARMY REGULATIONS, - . and a complete AB3ORTMKNT OF MILITARY BOOKS, oaa be found at HENRY MINER’S, 000 next door to tbe Post Offloe. QUPEE’S CANIHJBD FLiCI ROOT, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE ; FOB SWKETENISO THE BERATII AFTER CHEWING, TAKING MEDICINE, Ac. Price lO Cents Per Box. FOR BALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY CHAS. H. SUPER, AT HIS DRUG STORE, Cor. Penn and St Clair Sts OCI9 Subscbibbe. PITTSBURGH & COSHELLSVILLE RAIL ROAD. ON AND AFTER THE lTxn OF OC- I OBK.ft. the.trains on the Pittsburgh Jt Con* nellsTilla Kul Road will leave aud arrive at the company’s depot, corner of Ross and Bracken* ndge streets, m follows: MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh 7,40 a m, arrives at ConnellaviUe 11 a m, Uniontown 12 m; returning leaves Uniontown lpm, Coanellßville 2 pm, ar rives At Pittsburgh 6 pm. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Uniontoa n 6 a m. Con nellsviUe 6 a at Pittsburgh 9,30 am: leaves Pittsburgh 3,40 p m, arrives at Connellsville 0,65 p raJUniontown 8 pm. FIRST ACCOMMODATION leaves McKeesport 6,45 am, Arriving at Pittsburgh a*. 0,45 am: leaves Pittsburgh at 7a m, returning to i'lttsburgh at 8,30 a m SECOND ACCOMMODATION leaves Pittsborgh At 11 a m, returning to Pittsburgh at 1 50 p m. THIRD ACCOMMODATION leaves Pittsburgh at 4,15 p m, returning to Pittsburgh at 0 p m. FOURTH ACCOMMODATION leaves Pittsburgh at 6,15 p m. SUNDAY TRAIN leaves McKeesport a* 9,10 a m, arriving at Pittsburgh 10,12 a m, W aving Pittsburgh at 1,30 p m. FREIGHT received and delivered at the same depot on and after that date Quarterly, annual, and commutation coupon tickets sola by GEORGE BOULTON, Agent at Pittsburgh- H. BLACKSTONE. ocl6;tmd « Superintendent. CHARLES GIPNER’S TRIMMING STORE, 78 MARKET STREET, Sew Fall and Winter Goods. DRESS TRIMMINGS, GIMPS, BRAIDS, WMrrNRTTE ami SILK TRIMMINGS; VELVET RIBBONS, VELVET BUTTONS, SILK BUT lONS, EMBROIDERIES AND LACE GOODS, CAMBRIC AND BOOK SETS, LINEN SETS, LACE SETS, CAMBRIC COLLARS, EMBROIDERED EANDKERCHIRFS, INFANTS' WAISTS , ROBES ami CAPS; JACONET EDGINGS and INSERIINUS, VALENCIA ant THREAD, LACE and EDGINGS, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, doves, Ho siery, Silk and Merino Undershirts nd Drawers t Headdresses, Chesallle and Card Nets, Ac., Ac. Ail are respectfully invited to call and examine or themselves, our stock being so full sml varied hat all can be suited. oc9 Will. at. F ABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS. IRON FOUNDERS, General Machinists and Boiler Makers, Near the Penn’a R. R. F*»»en£er Depot PITTSBURGH, FA., Manufacture all kinds of Btesm Engines, ranging from three to one hundred and fifty home power, and suited for Grist Mills, Saw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Factories, etc. Give particular attention to toe construction of En gines and Machinery for grist mills, and for up rights, mulay and circular saw mills. Have also on hand, finished and ready or ship* ment at short notice, Engines and Boilers of every description'! Also, mrmsh Boilers and Sheet Iron separately, Wrought Iron Shafting, Hangers and Pullies in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Machinery and Machine Garda. Our prices are low, our machinery manufactured of the Dest quality of materials, and warranted in all casee to give satisfaction. J9"Ord6rs from all parts of the country solicited and promptly, filled: fe2l:d*w LOSE NO TIME. For a number of years past 1 hare been gradually growing deafer and deafer, i have tried numerous physicians and remedies without any effect, the noise m my bead increasing to a very distressing extent. From seeing the testimonial of a clergyman, well known tome, I was induced to putmysc'f under Dr. V<‘N MOSOfIJSKER’S treatment ago. My case was a very obstinate one, and after four months treatment became somewhat discouraged, but yet persevering. I am more than happy to state that the noises in my head, so distressing have entirely left me, and tnat my hearing is very much improved as all my frieod*,aml those in busi ness connection with me can testify. From mv marked improvement I am fully satisfied that I wi 1 recover the hearing which 1 thought hopeless ly lost to me. P. H PIERCE. Pittsburgh, October 10th, 186 L I certify that Dr. VON MO6CHIZIBKER efteoted a most natiafacLory cure of mv son. a boy of fifteen years of age, who has been deaf for several years. 'The loss of hearing being accompanied by a very offensive and disagreeable discharge from his ear PATRICK DUFFY. Robinson Township, Allegheny county. Pittsburgh, October loth, 1861, Among those who have been benefitted by your skillful treatment in diseases impairing (he sight it affords me great pleasure to add the testimonial of my gratitude to the list of your patients. * y sight was se much impaired during the past eight een months that 1 could not recognize the teamres of a friend standing near me. Desirous that all those whose sight is defective should know where to apply for ro’ief, 1 tender you this acknowleg ment of yonr eminent skill and success in the treatment of your obliged and grateful friend. T. J. MULLEN, Rector of St. Patrick. EYE CARDS, &o .WISE IN THE HEAD! D E A FN E S S: DB. F, A. M~ BOSCHMEB, OCOLLST AND A MUST (Late o the Austrian Army) Gives his entire and exclusive attention to maladies of the EYE and EAR requiring medics, or surgical attention* to restore sight or hearing. Persons wishing to be treated by him either tor DHAFSBS3 or iMPA TRRD SIQ&T should apply without further delay. They wilWn doing so, bene fife themselves and give him time to do justice to their case. The success of his treatment of the EYE AND EAR. OFFICE, 155 THIRD STREET, BETWEEN SHITHFIBLO AND GRANT STB. *ajLBTIFIOIAL EYES inserted. The original letters, and hundreds others, oan be examined by all who wish to do so. ai I)r. M’s office. odd * ■anraonsiiss or CARRIAGES. rockawatb, buggies, sulkies a bleighb 29b. IST Ann StrteL PUishurgh^Ta » All work .warranted to be of mi erala and workmanship. mylfclydia READ: AGAIN EYE EAR. C. WEST & CO., JKacellaimmA M’KEE & PHILIPS, GENERAL €OOPERA«i E, AT THXm irzw fACTOai 0B Pty site Street, Between Hand and Wayne streets, PITTSBURGH, PENN’A. WR-We are prepared to furnish Coal OU, Whis key, Ale, Molasses and Pork BARRELS, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms THE ARDESCO OIL COMPANY Manufacture and have for sale a superior article of REFINED ARDESCO OIL, Non-Explosive* Also> PURE BEJTZOLE. Warehouse, No. 45 Hand Street, PITTSBURGH, PA BOYS And YOUTHS’ CALF, KIP and THICK BOOTS OF A VERY SUPERIOR QUALITY, SELLING :LOW FOR CASH, W. E. Schmertz & Co., No. SI Filth Street WILLIAM MEANB, DAVID M'OANI'LteS 84 PartniT B P« iRI MEANS & COFFIN, (Successors to K’Oandless, Means 4 OoJ WHOLESALE GROCERS, Corner Wood »nd Water SfcL, PIT7BBUBCH. PA OWEN BYRNE. MERCHANT TAILOR, 49 sf. Clair Street. (Formerly with L. Hirshfield,! Having returned from new YORK, with a choice stocck of CLOTHS, CAS3IM ERJ£B and VESTINGS, which can be pur chased at prices far below the usual rates. 4®-Great inducements offered to cash buyers. t*e23:6m BO WN & TETLES, 138 Wood Street, Make tools for boring oil WELLS at the shortest possible notice, ig been in the business of manufacturing tools over wince the “fever” first broke out,we can assure persons about to engage in the oil business, that it mil bo to their interest to give us a call and make an examination of our stock now ou hand. mh6 James a. fetzee, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT' flomri Grain, Bacon. Lar l f Bmttcr, Dried Prnlt and Produce Generally, CORNKB 07 MARKET AND FIRST STREETS. PITTSBURGH, PA Rim to—Francis 9. Bailey, Esq., WiUinm Dll worth Cuthbert* Son, Pittmrr.i /h, Boyd A Ott, Heiaker t Swearingen, S. Brad*. oa* M. 4 M. Bank, List Howell, Monglo 4 Ox, Ueorge W Anderson* Donlon Paxton 4 Co, Wheeling. my2&2ptf-is D. B. ROKCRB A SOM.," UAJnrFACTtTRKBS 07 ROGERS’ IMPROVED PATKJfT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH AND GRAIN DRILL TEETII, Office, Corner Butler and Glymer Streets, Ninth Ward, PITTHBUBOB. Pi. JAMES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPE COTTON MILLS, Allegheny City; Pa. KUfurAoraHXBS or SEAMLESS BAGS, AND OF OSNABUBOS, 32 Inches to 40 Inches Wide. may be left at H. CHILDS A CO’S* 138 Wood Street. Pittsburgh. _ ocfllfftris "PUSH HOUSE.—M."RUSH, Proprie -111 tor, N 0.397 Liberty street, near Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. Pittsburgh, Fa. This house nas been lately enlarged, roSited aod re-furnished, and is now m the best of order for the accommodation of boarders and travelers. The beet of Oysters received daily, sold wholesale and retail, or served upin every style. The delicor cies of the season always on hand, together with superior brands of Liquors, Ac. sel4 OMEoTEAD, AND PROPERTY SUITABLE FOR GARDENING PURPOSED, AT AUCTION, POSITIVELY WITHOUT RE SERVE. within four miles of the Court House, and a short distance from the City line, near the ConnelisviUe Railroad which is now finished, giving every facility to approach the property at a small charge, with a pleasant ride to H&ziewood Station on the Wood’s estate, adjoining residence of Hon. George H. Darsie, Isaac Pennock, Esq., Hon. M. Swartzwelder, Mr. Burginn and others. Sale to take place on the PREMISES en THURSDAY next, OCTOBER 17th, at 2 o’clock. Cars will start from the nation near the Gas Works at ha‘f-pastone o’clock, returning at 6 o’clock, to convey those wishing to purchase. FREE TICKETS will be given by ROBT ROBB, Esq., at the Law Office of Messrs. Robb A McOonneli, Diamond street, be tween Smithfield and Grant, or at the Auction House of W. G. McCARTNEY, where PLANS of the PROP ERTY oan be seen. Further particulars will be given in hand bills Terms of sale accommodating o all. JAMES McKENNA, Salesman. W. G McCakthxt, Auctioneer. oc9:lwd TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUTPAIN By the use of an apparatus whereby no drugs or galvanic battery axe used. Cold weather is the time when the appara tus con be used to its best advantage. Medio' 1 ( gentlemen and their families have their teeth ex tracted by my process, and are ready to testily as io the safety and painlessness of the operation, whf>l ever has been said by persons interested in as serting the contrary having no knowledge of tr y process. 4»ARTIFIOIALTKETH inserted in every style EL OUDRY, Dentist, ndidydis 184 Smithfield stieet. PRi V ATE DISEASES DB. BROWN’S MEDICAL j£SZ\ and SURGICAL Office, No. 50 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, ls an old dti- jrawßnijßv sen of Pittsburgh, and bar been V in Praotioe for the last tvwify- Hot year t His business has been confined mostly to Private I and Surgical Diseases. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS in need of a medical friend, should not foil to find oui the sure plaoe of relief. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and his experience in the treat ment ofa certain class of diseases iBB sure guaraxw tee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent relief, by the use of his remedies and following his ad vice. DR. BROWN’S RKMgnnm never foil to cure the worst form of Venereal Dis eases, Impurities and Sorotnlous Affections. Also all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in the form of a tetter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant. To persona so afflicted. Dr. Brown offers hopes ef a sure and speedy recovery. SEMINAL WEAKNESS Dr. Frown’s remedies for tiffs alarming trouble brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification, which the young and weaknfinded often give way to, (to their own destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in thfe coun try—-they are safe, andmatee a speedy restoration ef health. Dr. Brown’s remedies never faQ to core this painful disease in a /ao days—he will' warrant a cure. He also beets Piles, Gleet, Gonnorrhcso, Stricture, Urethol Dis-charges, Female Weakness, Monthly Suppressions. Diseases of the Joints, Fis tula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pains in the Back and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladdoi, together with all disease of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, oouteming a via, directed to DR-BROWN,No.SO Bmifehfield St-, Pittsburgh. Pa* will be immediately answered*— Medicine sent to any address, safely pocked and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. M Rmtfebfield iTcut Ptttßhnrsrh. P%. */v4fcd,wH* POTATOES . —New brands large White Potatoes, just received and for sale by A A. FETZER, corner Market and First stss LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Washington «?liy Items, Washington, Odlojwi? 19-—A recon noissance wont out yeateidsy towards the Occcquan and has returned, taking the telegraph road as far as Acatonk creek.— Parties were 6ent to the Acatonfc and Po hick, and on a road loading up Acatonk.— This latter party met the rebel pickets, who immediately fell back and gave the alarm, and the long roll was beaten at their camp across the creek. From the information derived from this reconnoissance there are no rebels between the telegraph road and the this Bide of Oedcquan, and but few at the latter place. j The only advices received from Sandy Hook is a brief dispatch from the operator, saying that the rebels are about burning Bolivar, near Harper’s Ferry. Three tug boats—the Posey, Robert Ges ley and another —went down the river iaet night to give assistance to any vessels com* ing up, but in consequence of the light moonlight and afterwarda the thick log, they were ordered not to attempt to pass the batteries, either up or down last night. Firing was heard from the batteries about midnight, but the cause is unknown. There are indications that the rebels are erecting permanent batteries at Cockpit Point and Freestone Point, as considerable bodies were soon at work at those points yesterday. Twenty-six vessels are known to have run the batteries night before last. It is believed that vessels drawing not more than eight feet of water can hug the Mary* land shore sufficient to escape harm from the batteries. The only steamers now at the Navy Yard are the Dawes, Hetzol, Anacosta and Couer de Lion. General Slovens having been ordered to a more important field of duty, he will be followed by the Highland regiment,which he but recently commanded as Colonel. A New York and two Pennsylvania regiments are alternately on picket duty at Vienna, where the Highlanders have been similarly employed. Persons attached to the Bteam-tug Reso lute report that about 11 o’clock this morning, while off Ociquan Creek, near Budd’s Point, tho cable by which the Res olute was towing tbo Schooner Fairfnx from Philadelphia, broke, whon the latter drifted towards tho shore and the rebels started out in boats and captured her. The Resolute was, it is added, tired at from the battery in that vicinity, but being unable to render assistance, mado her way to Washington where she arrived Uusevon*. ing. The Fairfax was heavily hden with hay. It is reportod that tho rebels had stretch ed a chain over the river to impede the passage of vessels. The Kcsoiuto being of lighter draft than the Fairfax, passed over Gen. McCall, with tho Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, together with cavalry and artillery left Prospect Hill early this morning, on a recon noise anco. Informa tion, received to night, states that they had reached Drainesville, about ten miles from Prospect Hill, without opposition, — Drainesville is within fifteen miles of Leesburg. Notorious Secessionists Ar rested In Missouri. St. Louis, October 19.— Uriel Wright, member of the State Convention; Samuel B. Churchill, member of the Legislature, and John Chappell, all notorious secession ists, were arrested to-day, by order of Ihe Provost Marshal. It is now belioYcd that the large number of men reported to hav®- deserted from Price’s army, including some five thou-* sand or more, who are aaid to have been disbanded after tho fall of Lexington, are still in tho service of tho rebellion, and wiil form into bands in various parts of the State, for bridge burning ana general ma rauding purposes. Army Clothing not to be Made tn England. Boston. Oct. 19, —Tho Board of Trade and the Oommilteo of Associated Banka, of this city, haved protested to the Govern, ment against the purchase of army cloth ing in Kngiand, for which purpose U. S. Quartermaster Thomas loft in tho steamer Niagara with letters of credit amounting to £500,000. It is rumored that the gov ernment has countermanded the ordor by telegraph to Halifax or Cape Race, at which latter point, the steamer Niagara will call to night. Baralagof aJFlannel Factory In Sew Hampshire. Great Falls, N. H., Oct. 19. —The flannel factory of John Townsend, at Mil ton Mills, N. H., was burned this morn in". The lobs is estimated at $30,000, on which there is a partial insurance. The factory was running on a (iovernmentcon tract for army flannel. By the Pony Express. Great Salt Lake. Oct. 13,—The Po ny .Express East passed here yesterday. San Francisco, Oct. 12.—The Ship St. Louis sailed I rom Panama on the 11th, carrying about 200 passengers and $1,000,- 000. She brings $864,000 for New York. The principal shippers are as follows: Wells, Fargo &JO' $31,000; Donohue, Ralston & Co. $146,000; Davidson & Co. $108,000; Sacher & Church $86,000; Jamos, Patrick & Co. $83,000; Alsop & Co. $68,000; Strauss & Co. s62,ooo;Frank, Baker & Co. $51,000 ; Seller & Co. $49,- 000; Rosenbaum & Co. $33,000. The tret.’ui / shipments yesterday were somewhat below the average, but the Bales of government transfer drafts has probab ly made it up. The full average exchange on New York is 1J per cent. The brig Providence, from San Fran cisco to Victoria, foundered at sea on the 15th of September. Many San Francisco merchants Buffered heavily by the disaster. The cargo proved to be a total loss. A fire broke out in San Francisco on the 10th, on the northeast corner of Advis and Washington streets, destroying a number of wooden buildings, doing about $21,000 damage. The Legislature of Nevada Territory continued in session, showing a disposition to adopt the laws of California on Ml im portant subjects. Lady Franklin and her neice were re« ceived with much ceremony by the Neva da Territorial Legislature, on the Bth in stant. Dates from Oregon to the 9th have been received. The State Fair, at Portland, ended on the Bth. It was considered a success. Being the first held in Oregon, 16,000 persons were on the grounds. Miss Case, of Salem, Msbs., won the first prize for the best fomale equestrianship, there being sixteen competitors. The steamer Julia arrived at Portland on the 9th, bringing $40,000 in dust. Judge Wait, presiding at the Circuit Court for Washington, sentenced the four Indians who murdered Mr. Briggs and son to be hone on the Bth of November. The bark Yankee brings Sandwich Is land dates to September 21at. The How awian Government has declared itß strict neutrality in relation to the American civil war. Privateers cannot onter any of the Sandwich Islands barborß. The Advertiser has the following:—lt is currently known that the French commis sioners have made sundry demands on this government, and that there may be some cause of serious trouble. Rumors have been bußy during tho past week or two regarding the character of the demands. Toeday we hear that the demand of the foreign ministers is called for the next passports. Again that the Judges of the Supreme Court ere all to bßlmprefljecT KhcT sent adrift, and lastly that the town is to be bombarded unless the property left by the Spaniard Jos. Navails be forthcoming. By Last ftlglit’s Mall. Washington Crrr, October 20.--On the opening of tho telegraph to Great Salt Lake City, the following dispatches were exchanged: Great Salt Lake City—Tothe President of the United States:—Utah, whose citizens strenuously resist all impu tations of disloyalty, congratulates the President upon the completion of an en terprise which spans the continent, unites two oceans and connects remote extremi ties of the body politic with the great governments heart. May the whole sys tem thrill with quickened pulsations pf that heart, the parricidal hand of treason be punished and the entire sisterhood of States join hands in glad reunion around the national fireside. [Signed] Frank Fuller, Acting Governor of Utah. The following is the reply:—Sir:—The completion of the telegraph to Salt Lake City is auspicious ot the stability and union of the Republic. Tho government reciprocates your congratulations, Abaham Lincoln. . Those who are affected with weak nerves will probably be relieved by the fact which was ascertained at the State depart ment yestorday, that the advices by the mail of the Arabia are more than usually satisfactory, but there is great activity in schemes for the violation of the blockade and introducing contraband goods. Lord Lyons has addressed a brief eircu lar'to Her Majeßty’s.Consuls in the South ern States enclosing the following as em bodied in the official note of the Secretary of State, namely: the law of blockade which does not permit a vessel in a block aded port to take on board a cargo after the commencement of the blockade, will be ex pected to be strictly observed by all vessels blockaded by the Naval forces of the United States. Lord Lyons instructs those consuls to take this law for their guidance. The report from the steamtug Resolute, mentioned in a previous despatch, that the rebels have stretched a chain across the Potomac near Budda Point proves untrue as has been ascertained by caroful inquiry in responsible quarters since last Tuesday, when the rebel battories first regularly opened. About fifty vessels have reached Washington and Georgetown.. The schooner loaded with hay, cement and furniture which yesterday fell into tho hands of the rebels is the first casualty of that kiDd. It is alono owing to tho breaking of the hawser, by which it was fastened to the Resolute and drifting toward the Virginia shore. Tho other vossel in tow arrived horo safely with the Resolute, notwith standing the attaok from the battery upon them. The tug Murray camo up during last night with the echooners in tow. They escaped unhurt, though fired upon. The Murray returned the compliment. This morning a heavy detachment from General Smith's division, with a portion of Molts’ and Ayre's batteries, and com panies from the Fifth regiment of regular Cavalry and Colonel Freidman’s Philadel phia Cavalry advanced towards Fairfax Court House on a reconnoissanee. They went as far as Flint Hill, which is two and a half miles this side of that village, nnd overlooks it. They saw there the enomy’s pickets in such a largo force as to impress them with the belief that the reserve rebel army was not far from that point. Tho expedition was accompanied by Generals McClellan, Porter, Smith and Hancock. It probably returned about nightfall. Gen. Fremont Is not Superced ed as Reported. St. Louis, October 19. —The statement iD tho Cincinnati Gazette yesterday to the effect that Secretary Cameron on his re cent visit to this department brought an order from the President instructing Fre mont to transfer his command of Western Department to General Hunter, and that the oxecution of the order was delayed by Genoral Fremont, is pronounced untrue. If Cameron had such an order, it was not presented. The interview betwoen Fre mont and Cameron was a satisfactory one to both parti.s. Greenibarg, Rj., Reported Taken by tbe Rebels. Louisville, October 19.—Reports pro vailed to.day of tbe taking of Greensburg, Kentucky, by vastly superior numbers and retroat of Rosecran’s brigade towards Louisville. They appear to bo wholly without foundation: Foreign Hews. St. Johns, October 19. —The steamship Etna arrived off Cape Race at ten o’clock on Friday night, bringing Liverpool dates to the 9th and Queenstown to the 10th, four days later than those per the Arabia. The steamship Anglo-Saxon, from Que bec, arrived at Liverpool on the Blh inst. It was reported that Prince Napoleon had sent the Emperor an important State paper on American affairs. The King oT Prussia had paid a two days’ visit to the Emperor of Prance. The Emperor of China is dead. Vandenhoff, the actor, is dead. The American Minister at Berlin was negotiating with the Hanoverian governs ment for the ratification of the condition for the abolition of State dues. At the insurrection at Czelyd, Poland, .he Russian Eagle was torn from the pub. iic buildings, and the Polish Eagle Bubsti .uted. The mayor of the town was killed. Skirmish at Lynn Creek, Ho., —Price Re-enforced. Syracuse, Ootober 20.—1 t is reported that Acting Brigadier General Wyman, who left Kolia several days since with about 2500 men has arrived at Linn Creek, where he dispersed a body of rebels killing a considerable number - and taking over 200 prisoners, and capturing eighteen wagon loads of goods belonging to Mc- Clurg & Co., a prominent Union firm whom the rebels had robbed. Advices from General Premont are to 7 o’clock Friday night. He is still at Washaw and the Pontoon Bridge across the Osage was to be finished on Saturday. Gen. Siegel’s division had orossed the river. It was reported in our camp at Warsaw that Price had been largely reinforced by McCulloch, and that the combined forces were fortifying Osceola, where they intend to give Fremont battle. From Balt Lake. Cincla, Oct. 20.—The following des» patch passed over the lines on Saturday: 1 Cleveland, Oct. 19. B. Young, Great Salt Lake Cily. Bib:—l have the honor to acknowledge the receipt at your message of last even ing, which wbs very gratifying, not only in the announcement of the completion of the Pacific Telegraph to your enters prising and prosperous city, but that yours, the firßt message to pass over the lino should express so unmistak ably the patriotism and Union-loving sentiments of yourself and people. I join with you in the hope that this enterprise may lend to promote the welfare and hap piness of all concerned, and that the anni hilation of time in our means of communi cation may also tend to annihilate preju dices, cultivate brotherly love, facilitate commerce and strengthen the bondß of our once and again to be happy Union. With just consideration for your high position and due respect for you persona y, I am your obedient servant, IVeiVM from W«Sley’s Brigade. Whbbliho. October 19,1861.—T0 TH* PiTTSßcaon Fbbbs; We are getting along .The officers and troops are well »Sfled. W. i. KoUBTZ. .eft.WAI’JS .NEW JSJIUTTMS | Sewing Machines, ARE ADAPTED to all tends of FAMTIiY SEWING, Working equally wall on tn© lightest and hosvießt makinft the . LOOK SntCH BKAII alike os both nldoJi, which cannot ba Raveled or-Balled Oat. Aud for Tailoring, Bhlrt Making, Waiter Fitting anu Shoe Binding, these have no superior l Gall and see them at No: 26 Fifth street, Up Btaire. apgfcdAwtfcjfl W» 3. LASCELL SILK BUNTING —AND— GHINTZ FLAGS, —A IV- B.WtLLIAMSOH’S, NO. 4TBT.CI/AIB STREET lya " ' SMITH. PARK & CJO., B6IKTH WARD F9FSBBV, PmSBBBSH, PA. Warehouse, No. Its First and 130 Secondetnets. Manufacturers of afleises anddeaeriptitttis of Goal Oil, Retorts and Stills, Bob and -WflW Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes,Steel raoQlas, Enl bos, Bangers and Couplings. 1 - ' - Also Jobbing and Machine Castings of every do* ucription ’made to order. Having a complete machine shopattaohedto tbe Foundry, all necessary fitting will be carefully attend**) to- feSilv** JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, TOR THE SALS 07 PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, MO. 74 WATER STREET,'BELOW MARKET, tallnp PITT& B XTBG H 1 :y suppl, Office Quartermaster 0. S. Abmt,\ Indianapolis, Ind-September 30,1861. j SEA LED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock u. on MONDAY, the 28th day of Ootober, 1861, for furnishing the followingarmy snopliea,deliverable at the Quarter* master’s lndianapolis,lndiana,ip quantities as required, viz: 36,000 Forage Caps and Covers I,GCO Uniform Coats, Musicians, Infantry—dark blue Kersey 120 Uniform Jackets,Musicians, Cavalry—dark brae Kersey 23 Uniform Jackets,Masician%Artillerj—dark blue Kersey 84,760 Uniform Coats, Privates, Infantry—dark blue Kemey Uniform Jackets, Privates, Cavalry—dark blue Kersey Uniform Jackets, Privates, Artillery—dark blue Kersey 120 Chevrons N. C, 8. pairs ot Infantry 20 “ “ pairs of Cavalry 370 l< Ist Sergeants, pairs or Infantry 340 “ “ pairs of Cavalry 10 u « pairs of ArtiUeiy 1,460 “ Sergeants, pairs of infantry 130 u “ pairs of Cavalry 60 M u pairs of Artillerj 2,900 u Corporals, pairs of Jofaotry 280 “ - pairs of Cavalry 130 “ u pairs of Artillery, 40 Hospital Stewards, pairs of 1,910 Trowsers, Berg., Infiratry—sky-blae Kersey 180 M Cavalry “ * M 80 “ “ Artillery “ 2,000 *• Corp, Infantry “ w 200 *• a Cavalry " “ no “ « Artillery “ “ 31,600 u Privates, Infantry “ “ “ ** Cavalry u ** 1150 “ « Artillery “ “ 610 Sasbes 10,000 blue flannel Sack Coats—lined 80,750 flannel Shirts 80,860 Drawers 72,760 Bootees, pairs of 4,050 Boots. pa*rs of 80,860 Stockings, pairs of 10,000 Great Coats, Infantry 10 000 Great Coat Straps, sets Blankets, wool, gray, (with the letters U. 8. in black, 4 inches long, in the centre) to be 7 feet lonjtand 6 feet 6 inches wide, to weigh A pounds each A&00 Stable Frocks All the above-mentioned articles mast con form in every respect to the sealed standard patterns in this office, where they may be examined and additional informal concerning them. The manofactarers* establishment or? dealers’ place of business most be distinctly stated in the proposal, together with the names, address and •responsibility of two persons proposed as sureties. The sureties will guaranty that a contract shall be entered within ten days after the acceptance of said bid or proposal. Proposals will be received for the whole or any part of each kind of the articles advertised for. The privilege is reserved by and for the United Stateaof refecting any proposals, that may be deemed extravagant. Deiivenea to commence within twenty days af ter the acceptance of the proposals, and one-third of the quantity contracted for must be delivered witnm one month of said date of acceptance, and tpe remainder v ithio twomonlhs of said day of ac ceptance, or sooner if practicable. Bidders will nevertheless state in their proposals the shortest possible time in which the quantities bid forcan be delivered by them. All articles will be subject to inspection by sworn Inspectors, appointed by authority of the United States. Payment shall be made on each delivery, pro vided Congress shall have made an appropriation to meet it, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent, of he amount of each delivery will be retained until the contract shall bo completed, which will be for feited to tl e United States in case of failure on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the con tract. Forms of proposal and guaranty will be turateh ed upon application at this office, and none will be considered that do not conform thereto; Proposals will be enclosed “Proposals for fur nishing army supplies.” A. MONTGOMERY, ocll-toc2o Maj. and Q, M. U. 8. A. ISiTHE TIME TO KILL RATS. The safest and most effectual RAT PASTE now in use, and warranted TO BAKISH BATS, MICE AND BOACHSS, A 5 xr VERMIN OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WITHOUT THE USE OF POISON. a Prepared only by JOSEPH FLEMING, poll corner Diamond and Market street. *W JsiL • TKEA OTT, HOUSE, SION & OBNAMENTAL PAINTER AND GLAZIER, Fourth 8t«, Beti Wood < Smlthfleld PITTBBXJROB. PA. JWAII work p xrrtptly attended to. myafclyd TRRMS 510 CASH AND $9O in easy payments for a ohoice building lot 25 fee front by 100 feet in depth, aitoate on Union street,- doant Washington. oels 8. CUTHBEBT 4 BON, 51 Market street. A ADIE& HEEL GAITEBS, $1,60 LADIES’ CONGBESS HEEL GAITEBS, $1,60 LADIES’ CONGBESS HEEL GAITEBS, SI,6Q LADIES’ CONGBESS HEEL GAITEBS, $1,60 At No. 15 Fifth Street. sea P. S. DIFFENBAOHEBt AKEBICAN LEON WORKS. JOKES it MVeBUNS, IRON AND NAILS, JUNIATA UOCOUOH SHEET IRON. Uniting, L&utk’i Fntcit Filial Kadi, Plaint, to. WAREHOUSES, 91 Watar StrMtg and 11* Fjwt Btr—U PI ft S B ÜB-OHt And comer of Franklin and Stoth 'W^SfiSf 6 * 81 • \ 0 I3fl Wood street. OCU rjtu MILLINERS— A An6W B ° P j I KENCH FLOWERS and BOSEB, 77 Market street- Hoopßkhrifc French and Mechanic Corsets, Head Presses Hair Hetts. Frrah (applies last receirod st ’ oc!6 . ■ 71 Market street. EMPTY empty Slack Barrels, lor sale low %. * ooT BEYMEB 4 BBC 6. GREEN APPLES—-sQbarrelfl just ie*. oeired and for aaie by oolfl • - • HgHBY H: flmjjwn CH E KSE—SO Poxes K. D. Cheese iuß'; receirod and tor sale bv 0015 ■' ; BENBT H. OOT.T.ura A r 2aa «b r a- 1 R Apples seao raoei ' red ‘* l>< * tor^g (j^ ttv H- OOLUNB.- 1 : flOltf SREVOLV 6 A> Foreateby- BOWH4TKTLET, mu mmwdbim. ■■ ■ ... - ..'.i -ili j ' *f . ' ■ ' C’iibtfe’"l fi, " • r ->iy. . PITTBBXmGH"THEA^^^ BSBis®' as^»^^*™awssi .' .' ■‘■ V - rt'il -i-iiW r%A tH/SP&ttr aTOEBttL «)ttMONDAT : Hrat Sight of. the newfilojr inbtiirf^'SS"’' the an'g-e.l.:qy,DiBiati«ff Doctor Pool Beraarr W.He»uie?«os>;. To coaetade Vrtthigm? '"‘T'f. Zftg. C 0 L LE G K . BO Y ! '' «3F'- Fanny J\. Sioekholdere of lhia B»nK •iujssDAY, Norejnber SUV^l2o'do < dreadfully shocked*'-and' thuut- it a grriiln ifn Tflry immoral, s&a -tot' GCffltandiiaßtH£‘JGdd commden among- their wires,: nromisingwoejt ana daughters. Their ftmiiy physician sfaould--b6 cautions to keep them in ignorance tbatiheytir . the same as Dr. BBAfiBTBiV, (exceptpntdwtfn) test a lucrative practice might beloet.tothem ' amongstopid, falsely modest presumptuous fiasihes, bom and raised to ignomareysprongao as mnshroonuy-and who- compare society,■in&fii’ Kis that&nmerous parents aad-guardupa arcthaakfal that their sons, danghtereandWßrdStj&evioasly sickly and of dettoite condition anu account of his old age, seventy yea&valliscCfpi* iarity is completely cured. As for consumpUonor pulmonary diseases my syrupßj which arocompo ved from Iceland moss and other ingredient&by a.skillful physicion five years at the.>baaißfms,it has had more eucoess than all*- thepretontiens that have as yet been discovered,.asibeiOertifl* cates will show. They are all gonumeanitaotbe found socording to a pamphlet that * pfclfrfljri'non . will get at tiie examination, all Office 66 Smithfield street, near Private communications from all parted, the &nion strictly attended to. Direct to - ; BDZ 8W PjtisbqrghPogtOffitte- doSly-tfewds Rock candy.— y ;; 80 boxes White Bock dandy; 15 “ Yellow “ “ just received and tor sale by •eS REYMER ABBQg. T. j. eKAFF.™rAUt» HUG 05...... WitQBAFF Western Stove Works, 1345 LIBERTY STREET, PITTBBURBM,; GRAFF & 00., MABUFACTITBEBS,;: WOULD GALL THE ATTBpmON looted of 0,0 PoMtedo than I«rjs Btook d£teeH »• Cook, Parlor & Heating Stoves, AU3O—IMEBOVEDJ HITCHER BARGES, SRATE FROSTS, iii Hotiow-Wiai, 4c. among which wiiTfaefirand the m&nLr£a‘ Diamond, Advaflee,.Air-Tig6t, B«UpM,jud monciiY, Were awarded ihe FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fmr fortha BBOT OOAL COOK BTOVKB.4iso FIRST F&EMlUMawarc’edto the .- ,g For the Biag WOOD OOOK BTOVm HOW IN , f USE. The and WIMRIH PiSmlnm' Stores are .We :oali_‘atthnllan~o < PEALEESandßlffipEßa^tothelarge^^pto . 1 .. .. OEAT£FBONTB:&FEin)EBB IH IBS STATB.:::T N. B,—We One the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE Coa Coot Stores with Boap-Bione Linings,whichatand the fire better than T y : • aplSjaa . SPRm^AIrKS^ W.AK^R^'fli’GAUbiiir, ... . 87FonrtliBtroOt., S - . ■(TAVETOSTOPEirEDASPJ^DID XJL Msortenenl of^ try, and Common IngTaljnk; Carpetlii^B. OIL From 8 toMfeet,newdeaignAandbeißDtif(untUternB, with dl goods usually found, In CARPET STORED and as" fhTOiahleHinx&s As any other houMfa " ; < • ?t ••• Jesse joh'»son,. . GEHERAL COMHISSIOn ■ERCHANT. ; r . 4B»J Dealer ta Flour,OratrLausdaUhiads of Country frednui Win»(nd 1.1-' quora, Cigars, fTohacto,**. Liberal .advances made ofHigh Wities. .• h-S : ,* . -PnrTT. A TVBIVPITTA. i\ - nsaayd y ■ "• ; a f,Jy 4 Wall papebj wallpaper! t ELBgAKTI '' v ' BEAUTIFUL! ‘ ■ J , vj; PBEPTO* ' for sals by W. P. MARSHALL, anM BT Wbod'sfreefc Fob wintbb— -*&. ..SiirSkrfJf , Ladies end Misses’ MerinoUnitorgaimßits, • «* stf <-2 Boys’ and Misses’ Merino Dreeses,'"; Men’s Ribbed Woo! Shirts snd Men’sHoaryßilkShirts, ‘ Woolen Hoods, Hobtas, Sleeres, -« Scarfs, Ac,Ac*,.. - ■■ 'V - ■' ■ . ; s«# Ladies Boston Wool Bib Hose, ; ~ Jeans’ and [ , hi '&, MlsseaT do HOME'S *««*w' fat V, 4}jf Triples at ” j.. _ ..■'*■■< ■wiitemj «M&gfSF V