The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, September 25, 1861, Image 2

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Telegraph, See First
241041rairio o I' E. Ea—THE
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r‘o?- 4.- "TiiilkaCtiltliilMEE met yesterday, pursuant to
aaiourned to meet
YeittiOki. at 11 o'clock.
SARTLEY, Chairman, pro tem.
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Ala stium:
ice essrma y :
Pan cothrrir cotbrisaloras:
POl coaonm;
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The Union ticket is now ready for dis
tribution, and electors of the several
Wards, Boroughs and Townships of the
county, are requested to send for a supply
tp the office of the Poet.
1r WON'T DO.
The meanest style of electioneering
resorted to by any newspaper we have seen
is that adopted by the Gazette. There is a
disposition to gather scum and present it to
the residers of that journal, as the only food
fit- for their consum ptlon. Wherever a
.resolution can be scraped up from a town.
ship or county meeting in which Demo
crats have had.a hand, it is thrust forth as
the doctrine of the Democratic masses, and
must be especially applicable to them in
Allegheny County, and winds up its waz
tery and childish barrangue with an appeal
to Republicans to eta nd by a straight tick
et, because the Democrats of S crubgrass
township, Venango County, are opposed to
the suppression of newspapers—and then
aye : "And yet these are the men, with
B whom we are asked to join in Union
Movements and forget party, by giving
- them a aware of the offices." Not one par.
agraph ie ever seen in the Gazette endorse
ing the forgetfulness of party, or of the
healthy patriotic movement of the whole
people in favor of sustaining the Govern
ment, irrespective of former party aseocia.
tions. There is no room in that journal to
note the thousands of meetings ail over
-Mke country to this end, but whenever a
two-penny newspaper or a single individ
ual, however humble, so that he was a
Democrat, finds a prominent place, and
the selfish ; miserable appeal, is made to the
great Republican party of Allegheny
County—don't forget our party.
If we were to devote our attention to
gathering this kind of scum and select Re•
publican newspapers or Republican leaders
who daily abuse the Administration, and
hold the masses of that party responsible,
we should fill our paper daily, and find no
two to devote to an honest, loyal and un
flinching support of the Government
Whilst the grand appeals of Meagher, and
Milt, and Diekenion are ringing through
oat the land, and every patriot heart exults
midi - caps for joy that party lines are anni
hilated, old differences forgotten, past
strifes buried. Whilst the eloquence of
' these distinguished apostles of the Demo.
matte faith are arousing the masses to ef
forts in the field, where herculean efforts
are required to preserve the very existence
of our Government, the editor of the Ga •
zette canfiod no balm in Gilead, nothing
but abuse of Democrats and praise of Re.
publicans. Shame on such narrow and
bigoted teachings.
It is a source of, great gratification to all
ifood citizens to observe that the people are
so . . unanimous in their determination to
vote at the coming election upon principle
, glad not from party predilictions. The
sentiment tgat an endorsement of the goy..
ernment in its war policy is eminently due
from Allegheny Conn ty is universal. This
can only be done by disregarding strength,
party nominations, and electing a Union
ticket. The only opposition to such an
egdorsement of the Administration comes
froplOrOly whose desire for office is greater
Bat the people are
'e They see that a great principle
hrinvOived in the coming election, and
they are resolved fully to vindicate their
own peittion in spite of politicians, office
seekers and the trammels of partizanship.
There appears to be no doubt that Muir
Itgin, who wanted the rebels to go to a
certain warm place, has been compelled to
surrender to Oen. Price, being deprived of
Water and over powered by exhaustion and
• superior numbers. His force held oat des
perately, having according to the report
killed between 3,000 and 4,000 of the
~ enemy, and suffered a loss of 700 or SOO of
their own number.
Mulligan's spunk was good, but he had
..not nltin enough to compel Price to accep
"-Adanot over-polite invitation
*" ..1 ;-:• - •' -
T . /kelp:motion has been asked US sev
oral times whether Joshua Rhodes, Esq.,
was not at one time President of the
- Liquor League. We can answer that he
- 'Avits not. All sorts of idle stories are set
ioigoot to-injure this gentleman, but it
wily not do. The people are for him and
he will just as certainly be elected Sher
'if! as that the second Tuesday of October
anbeeribers and agents will please take
ire - +Oroinot . &edit them with
A,4l4itatfitfunpa of the old issue, as they are
;'.? , iiiitikey worthies Wm.
i,' , +e4,''i..:A! , ;: ,,, .•V,; ,,,,,,, i -
The sudden disappearance of some
twenty millions held on account of the
Southerners in New York has called the
attention of Secretary Seward to be di
xected to the matter. He has issued a
circular in explanation of the Confises
tion act for the benefit of the United
States marshals and district attorneys,
in which he states that the law only con
templates the seizure of such property
as may be in transit to or from insur
rectionary States, or used for the promo
tion of the rebellion, and that real es
tate, bonds, promissory notes and mon
eys on deposit are not subject to confis
cation in the absence of evidence of such
unlawfulness. There are large amounts
of money in the banks of New York
belonging to parties in the rebel States,
who have no sympathy with the rebel
lion, and which, according to the under
standing of the District Attorney, are
equally liable to seizure with the prop
erty of those who are known to be in
arms against the Union. -Ills interpre
tion has caused great difficulties among
some of the moneyed corporations, and
has a tendency to drive loyal Southern
ers to Europe for the investment of their
unds; but, as will be seen, Mr. Seward
takes a different view of the intention
of the law, and interprets its meaning
to be applicable only to those who are
active in fostering the rebellion. •
The example of other nations as well
as our own sense of right inculcate the
duty of proving true to the trusts which
we voluntarily assume. In the war of
. 1,41 . 2. money and private property were
respected in great Britain the same as
British, and British property in New
York was held equally sacred by our
government, laws and people. In the
Urimean war Great Britain paid to Rus
sia the interest on consols precisely the
same as if they had not been at war,
and Russian securities were publicly sold
on the London stock exchange during
the whole term of the war. In the last
war with Austria Louis Napoleon gave
the most strict injunctions to preserve
all private property and individuals from
harm, and even went to the extent of
paying for the damage done to the crops
by the marching of his troops.
In all parts of the county the senti
ment of the people seems to be unani
mously in favor of a change in the man
ner in which things about the Court
House are managed. It is notorious
that the people have suffered great
wrongs in the management of their of.
ces, and there would seem that official
influence is so potent that neither an
explanation is to be given nor a remedy
applied unless the people do it them
selves. They are rejoiced at the oppor
tunity now afforded them of throwing
oil the influence of office-seekers, and
placing men in charge of their offices
who will do their business openly and
They see that by. the election of a
Union ticket that a new set of officers
will be initiated in the management of
the public offices of the county and that
the Court House clique which has for
years held tight grasp of the people's
money, will be compelled to go to the
Gov. Curtin has taken measures for
preventing Pennsylvanians from enlist
ing in the regiments of other States, in
which course he is supported by the
Secretary of War. This is right. Penn
sylvania has made generous provisions
for her volunteser army, and there is no
reason why they should deprive them
selves of these benefits by enlisting
elsewhere. Besides, for the honor or
our Slate, let us go to the war under
the Keystone banner. The reputation
for valor and efficiency of our glorious
State in the present struggle will prob
ably be materially lessened by the fact
that a very large number of her sons
who have gone to the war have joined
regiments which nominally belong to
other States.
ANOTHER important battle is reported
to have taken place near Blue Mills,
between four thousand men under Gen.
Lane and an equal number of rebels. I t
is reported that Gen. Lane captured
nearly eight hundred of the enemy and
killed two hundred. The rebels were
totally routed and a federal force was
pursuing them. Both of these reports,
however, may be considerably modified
by other news.
An effort has been made to have official
action in the case of Mr. Russell; of the
London Times. The Secretary of State
quietly gets around the difficulty by say
ing: •
If it be assumed that the obnoxiouspaper
may do harm here, is it not a sufficient re
ply that probably not fifty copies of the
London Times ever find their way to our
shore:" If it be said, again, that the ob
noxious communication has been widely
published in the United States, it seems to
me a sufficient rejoinder that the censure of
a magnanimous government that case
ought to fail on those of its own citizens
who reproduce the libel rather than on the
foreigner who wrote it exclusively for re•
mote publication,
Finally, interference with the press even
in the case of an existing insurrection, can
be justified only on the ground of public
danger. Ido not tee any such danger in
the present case even if one foreigner does
pervert our hospitality to shelter himself in
writing injurious publications against us
for a foreign press. A hundred other for.
signers equally as intelligent, as virtuous,
and as respectable as he is, are daily en
rolling themselves in the army of the
United States, to defend and maintain the
Union as the chief hope of humanity in all
countries and for ail ages. Could there be
a better illustration of that great funds•
mental truth of our system that error of
opinion may safely be tolerated when rea
son is left fres to combat it?
[Signed] Wu. H. SEWARD.
WE learn from Washington that
there is no brabability of the removal
of General Fremont, and that "he is
as high in the oonftdenee of the Admin
istration as he was at the time of his
From the New York Presbyterian.
Letter from a 'Northern to a Southern
Messrs. E,iitors —The following extract
of a letter from a Presbyterian clergyman,
an Liebman, so pleased me that I request■
od and obtained permission to make it pub
lic. It was written with no such inten
tion. Yours, Sm. R.
“On the political questions propounded
and discussed by you, I beg leave to say a
word or two. At the outset, allow me to
ssy that I am a citizen of these' UNITED
STATES,” and that I have become such by
naturalization I have renounced my elle..
glance to the Queen of Great Britain, and
nave sworn to support the Constitution of
the United States. This oath I mean to
keep. You, of course, must not, in writing
your letter, have been aware of my rela
tions to the general government. I cannot
think that you have so low an estimate of
my moral character, as to think I can look
with approbation upon an organized at.
tempt to subvert a Constitution which 1
have sworn to support. I, of course, cane
not be allowed to set up my own views
and feelings on this subj ect, as a standard
by which the views and feelings of citie
zone, who have been born under and ahel
to.ed by this same Constitution, are to
be measured. 1 am, however, free to se . ) ,
that, until lately, I was under the impress
sion that Americans gloried, both in the
Constitution and the martial deed4of those
who won the liberties it has so gloriously
maintained. To be an American has hith
erto been the boast of the decendanta of
the heroes of the Revolution. Now, it
seems that there are inheritors of all this
glory who are willing to abandon both
the heritage and the name of an American
And for what? It is for the companion
ship of men who have, whilst in other, plot.
ted the distruction of the government they
had sworn to sustain. Mon who, whiite
iri ethee, have need the funds of the United
States Treasury to arm and equip an army
for the overthrow of the very Constitution
t oy wore professedly administering. Mon
who, in the violation of their oaths, and in
transgression of the command, 'Thou shalt
not steal,' seized upon the property they
were pledged to hold lor the United States,
and appropriated it to aid them in their
treason and rebellion. Is it for the com
panionship of such men, and the ignominy
which must descend with their names to
all posterity, aid through all time, that a
man is expo eted to surrender the glorious
heritage of being an American If you
have interpreted my course in the General
Assembly as an approval of such men and
such acts, you are, ' I assure you, greatly
mistaken. 1 regard the whole movement
as an inexcusable, absurd and wicked re.
hellion, founded in deceit, fraud and per
jury; and I look upon all who, with knowl
edge of the facts, countenance and aid such
men and such a cause, either by their eym
play or their efforts, as committing a great
sin, both against God and men. You
know, as well as I do, that this war is
nmtln r 'a Cabinet, nor an Abo:ition war.'
Tile war wao inaugurated before the Presi
dent was elected. I speak what Ido know,
when 1 say so. Floyd was arming and
organizing a regiment in October last.
The arms new in use among the rebels
were stolen before the election in Novem
ber. Tea first gun was fired by the rebels,
in their cowardly attack upon Fort Sum
ter. The whole course of the Cabinet rt
buts the charge of Abolitionism. Serer,
since the Conslituliwt ."‘s framed, have ifs
provisions. On the sub j ect of slavery, been
so laithfull carried out as under the
present sidministratiav If yore call the
confiscation of property held by rebels ale.
olition, you use language out of Its proper
moaning. A rebel not only forfeits his
property, but justly forfeits his life. If so,
does he not forfeit his slaves? Are elavee
to be held dearer or, more sacred than
"Your safety and my safety, the cause
of fro Worn, and the interests of Christ's
kingdom, demand that this reholli,in be
crushed, come what may of the rebels and
their property."
The Naval Expeditions.
It is evident, from the intelligence
which has been published in regard to
the movements or a portion of our na
vy, that one or more expeditions have
been fitted out against the Southern
coast. Their exact destination is very
wisely concealed,and every good citizen
should feel that lie can well afford to
wait for a full history of their operations
until it can be furnished in the 'shape
of news of a brilliant victory, if ,by
that means the information is sufficient
ly well concealed, and die enemy de
prived of a knowledge of the manner
in which they are to be attacked. It
is an old maxim that "to be forewarned
is to be forearmed," and no people
have ever shown a greater anxiety to
avail themselves of advantages of this
sort than the Southern traitors. When
we, by inadvertence or folly, trumpet
forth our plans and anticipations, we
virtually double the power of our foes
to thwart and resist them.
England and the War.
The well informed London corres
pondent of the New York Couneraial,
writes as follows under date of the 6th
instant :
)r one thing you may be certain
namely, that all the reports and asser
tions put forth in either Northern or
Southern journals, about any intention
on the part of England to break the
blockade or recognize the Southern con
federacy in order to get the cotton crop,
aro sheer nonsense. The unanimous
desire, both of our people and govern.
ment, to maintain a strict neutrality, so
far:from being diminished, is if possi
ble, stronger than ever, and any recog
nition of the Confederates until they
had established their independence in
a manner that would put all further ef.
forts on the part of the North out of
the question, would be universally re.
garded as a breach of that neutrality.
For the national honor, and for the
sake of commercial precedent, our gov
ernment will doubtless be watchful to
protest against action at variance with
international and maritime law, but
so long as the Federal Government at
tends to these matters they may pursue
their 'course, so far as this country is
ooncerned,without troubling themselves
to think even of our existence.
We might add that the writer pf the
above is the financial editor of the Lon
don Times
Astoria the most interesting features in
the composition of our army is the num%
ber of foreign officers who have proffered
their services as volunteers, and have been
accepted by the President. The following
lt, we believe, comprises the whole of
Prince ................ Prussia.
Colonel Liebehhofi Frugal&
Lieutenant Osearltrendenir Pruasia.
Lord Adolphus Vane Tempest. England
Lieut. Colonel Mira, de Searcy— England
Contn de Paris.-- Franee.
Doke de Chartres Frazee Vegemans-- Sweden.
Captain Holtman '.Sweden.;
M.240r W. k. Kirk......... ... ...
Colonel R.
There is so much truth and common
sense in the following article publish 3d in
the New York World, that we give it with
out curtailment. The facts should sink
deep and wear long with every man of true
patriotism :
It is high time that the people of the
Northern States had cured themselves of
the folly and self delusion they are so prone
to practice of looking at the great southern
rebellion through the wrong end of a teles
cope. The fresh exhibition of this humor
in the comments Wilt which the /Rra/c/
and Times yesterday` }
accompanied toe sen
sation dispatch fr m Baltimore giving a
querulous letter from the Richmond Whig
about the condition of the army at Manas
sas, illustrates the gaping credulity with
which the public are disposed to swallow
every improbable statement respecting-the
destitution and demoralization of the rebels.
A childish undervaluing of the enemy is
the capital blunder which we have been
making from the beginning, but a blunder
which we ought to J)e in no danger of re
pealing since the 21st of July. At first,
we obstinately refused to believe in the pos
sibility of secession; when South Carolina
had seceded, we were cock sure that she
would have no assoclotes; when facts falsi
fied this conclusion, we were ready to dem
onstrate that Louisiana would never cut off
her connection with the magnificent valley
of the Mississippi, by whose trade she was
enriched ; when Louisiana had joined the 1
rebels, we proved, by conclusive arguments
that the rebellion would never extend be ,
yond the cotton suites. After Sinner had
fallen, Virginia bad seceded, and the cen,
federate army had rendezeontod in that
state, and menaced Washington, we insist. ,
~1 on believing that the rebels would never
in.t.tit, and raised the cry cf "Forward to
It chmond," in the self-cornpl nceht etpec.
tation that they would re real in terror be
fore our advance. We have gulped down
absurd stories about the great numbers of
rebels killed during the siege of Sainter,
about the death of Beauregard, about the
death of Jeff. lilvis, and seem ready to
give easy credence to every fugitive account
Which reaches us of the demoralization of
the rebel army. This turn cf thought
which leads us to devour everything that
is said in disparagement of the strength of
the enemy seems to be ries:dad by many
as tatriotie. and it so doubt proceeds from
that princip'e of human nature which leads
men t..) believe whet they wish ; but, prac
tically we cannot 600 that it is likely to he
productive cf anything but mischief
We do not believe that the army at Ma.
misses is without bread or meat, and is
made to march eight miles in "double
qui( k" after breakfasting on potatoes and
salt. The statements made to the Secrets
ry of War by a deserter, and publishci in
a Washington paper yesterday, are wholly
inconsistent with such a picture of destitu
tion. Whatever may be the condition of
the rebel army, it has for some time been
powerful enough to keep us on the defen
slue. IC we E h.ul I delude ourselves with
the pleasant dream that it is soon to fall
into utter disorganization and disperse, it
might prove a costly mistake. Instead of
g ring an exaggerated importance to flying
rumors of its weakness, we should be te'..ter
employed in infusing into our people the
idea that this is to be a desperate struggle,
requiring the prompt exertion of all the re•
sources of the country. We have no idea
that this gigantic rebellion is to be put
down without a great deal of hard lighting.
It is fn,ell-11 ni,..1 pea,' , .] to keep amusing
ourseives with Lemont , s of tine weakness of
the enemy, w ben they are keeping us at
bay all along an extended Jinn of frontier,
and are is ICLUSi possession t , l three.fourths
01 the towns in Missouri, a state that has
not yet seceded, and when Maryland is
kept In the Union by the terror of ~ ,,r
arms which alone restrains her secession,
ists. The one thing for us to do, is to pre
pare to oppose the rebels with a resist] , as,
overweelming fere°. The present probes
bility is that nothing short of the extortion
of the whole military strength af the coun
try within the ensuing sm months, will.
preserve the existenie of the government.
Let us make our preparations as if the con
viction that it is to be a death struggle had
taken full possession of our minds, and fire•
ed them with invincible energy. Even if it
should turn out that the rebels have little
strength to withstand us, the gigantic scale
of our preparations will not have been use.,
less, It will, in that case, make the war
short, prevent the effusion cf blood and
waste of resources which would result from
allowing the contest to hang in doubt, and
by a demonsti a ion of the irresistible pow
or of the government, forever prevent a
renewal of this mad attempt to overthrow
it. Our great danger has all along consist.
ed. and still consists, in a vague notion that
the rebellion will somehow "cave in" by
ins inherent weeks eir, which prevents both
the government and people from rising to
Lhe full height of the emergency, and act
ing with that energy of determination
which is the only guarantee of success. It
the enemy are as resolute and desperate as 1
we believe them, we must surely confront
thorn with equal resolution, and greater
military strength. But if, happily, we
should find them as weak and demoralized
as we would fain hope, it is still important
to strike a heavy blew and end the rebel
lion before the intervention of foreign na•
Lions, or some other unexpected turn of
the wheel of fortune, shall reinforce their
feebleness, Instead of allowing ourselves
to be practiced upon by concocters of idle
rumors, let us make it our chief business to
hurry up the enlistments by which our ar
my is to be made invincible.
"UNION for the sake of the I . niori"
is now the watchword. In the words of
Douglas "Whoever is not prepared to
sacrifice party organizations and plat.
forms on the altar of his country does
not deserve the support and counte
nance of honest people." Party jeal
ousy can have to other effect than to
divide the people, and encourage thk
enemies of the Union. Let us, witli
ono vigorous effort, crush out past an
tipathies, and place the seal of con
demnation on all who strive to keep up
political malignity, for the sake of the
profits tley expect to obtain by so
The War In Kentucky.
It is evident that the period has ar
rived when the soil of Kentucky, like
that of the Border States of Virginia
and Missouri, is to be made the theatre
of many bloody contests. The throat of
the Memphis Appeal, that the South
would never permit her to unite her
self with the Northern States, is the
key-note of the policy which the traitors
are seeking to enforce, and from pres
ent indications the impending struggle
will prove a desperate and fierce one.
All ideas of the maintenance of a nen,
tral position have been abandoned, and
a war to the knife has been commenced
which is to decide whether the Union
or the Disunion army shall gain control
of the State.
General Bowman and the Loan.
Gen. Bowman, former Superintendent
of Public Printing and editor of 771.0
.amstil.ution, subscribed $30,000 to the
*ional loan.
We have been anxiously looking for
the government to take some step to
wards an exchange of prisoners. We
cannot admit that there is any force in
the positions assumed, that it, is impo,
sib e to make this exchange without
recognizing the Southern Confederacy,
and acknowledging its independence.
War, under any circumstances, is full
of barbarities, and, as civilized men,
representing one of the most enlight
ened nations on earth, it seems to us
to be clearly the duty of those in power
to mitigate these evils, as far as possi
ble, without, surrendering any great
principle, which is likely to effect the
final result of the contest. We would
be glad to hear from any quarter one
good reason for not exchanging prison
ers. As yet we have not beard one
which we think will stand the test of a
fair examination. In the natural course
of events, even though successful in
putting down the conspiracy which has
acquired such power, many prisoners
will be taken, and it becomes a grave
question as to how they shall be dis
poses of. The longer a decision is de
layed, the more difficult it will
beanie to make a satisfactory so
lution. In the beginning, those taken
were released, even without asking their
parol of honor not to serve during the
war. Such was the case of General
Anderson and his command, at Charles
ton, and the troops in Texas. The first
breach of faith, the first violation of
these stipulations, occurred in the ex
treme Southwest, when Major Van
Dorn set at defiance the agreement en
tered into for the removal of the troops
in that region, by the capture of the
Star of the West. Still after this, the
officers, and most of the soldiers, were
permitted to leave for the North, al
though hampered by a parch of honor,
not to servo during the war.
It is estimated, at the present time,
we have nearly two thousand prix.'
oners, and the rebels nearly as
many. Why are they kept, at great
expense to the respective parties, in
close confinement 't Is it the intention
of the government to institute any ul
terior proceedings against them as
traitors'.' Surely no one can believe
that there ever will be a termination of
hostilities without provision for a gen
eral amnesty. And if such is to be
the end, why not soften . down the mis
eries of this contest as much as possible
by exchanging prisoners at once, and
restoring to their homes hundred's of
men who have periled their all in the
defence, of their country. Do not let
us, in our anger at those who have
brought this great calamity upon our
country,forget those who are now in the
close pent .ur prisons of the South,suffer
ing agonies a thousand fold worse than
death, and their families at the North,
who arc mourning their absence. Let
the President look at this subject as a
humane man, as we believe he is, one
who f<!,•l4 for the sufferings of his fel
low own, aoel is anxious to soften down
the I...rrors of this civil war, and he will
surely take some steps to effect an ex
chae,..e of prisoners. Humanity de
mands this, civilization anti Christian
ity require it, and strong, indeed, must
be the reasons that shall overcome the
claims of humanity, c;vilization and
Christianity.—[Chicago Times.
Chicago Post says the books of the Chi
cago Cook County Assessors are now
made up, showing the valuation of teal
and personal property in the county to be
a little over 635,000,000, This is a de
crease since the last valuation (one year
ago) of about $5,000,000, the principal
part of which decrease is in Chicago.
In the town of Lake and Hyde Park
the, decreare is over $1„000,000.
fer Fiskr's Metallic, Burial Cases, at R. R
BUL ( .4ER'S CABllBl.ll' WARF.R. , .ISis,
SMITH R ELU STRE tcr. ikeltlenee, 218 l_nena - 1
street. Allegheny (Sty. Orders may be loft Al
°HARLEY Liveati sTABLE, Allegheny City.
se2l.erml 2p
P/TTSBURGEI. September 23,
l 'i ! l m N cird ) el
r rei l V
to E
the 34 Battalion of the itith Regiment United
mates lufsntry in PunnnylVintle, ono now ay peal to
yuu to show your patrionem by entering tine ser
vice of your country in this fine little Regiment, to
cons' it of 2,452 men.
Tne pay 'strum $l3 tot:l4 month, with abun
dant mood, clothing, Hari 4.1 11V 4• F` 4 .ries. Every
Wilier of iho regular fumy i, entitled, besides
Pension if disabled, mid bounty of One Hundred
Dol litre when honorably diecbarged,to a cornforrahe
supporta, lok or disabled,' n the "Sold let's Homes"
voitatilished by the government.
Immediate provition mado for uniforms, arms,
equipments, rations and transportation for all who
enlist. Oni -third of the company officers will be
taken from the ranks. No better opportunity is
tittered to spirited young mon for goad treatment
and bur Chances for promotion. For In I informa
tion apply to Lieut. ROBES. r SUTHERLAND, at
the Rendezvoue, No. 64 Fourth street.
MISSOURL—AbIe bodied men between the ages of
18 and 88 are invited to join my company of Ree
nters attached to the 15th Regiment of S. In
fantry, now stationed at INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—
Pay commences the instant of enlistment. This
company ifl composed of Pennsylvanians, .com
mended by myself—a native of Pennsylvania. We
fight under fiend officers who aregraduetes of West
Point and who know how to take care of the gallant
hearts entrusted to their command Call at toy
Rendezvous, second stoo, over Henry Miner's
Book Store, Fifth street, near the Post Cffice, for
further information.
&RE YB, to join Col. Rippey'e regiment, now
in Washington. Headquarters, No. 122 SMITH
ea wd Captain,
for the SIX RE9IMENT U. S. CAVA',
RV. REGULAR SEMI OE, —A few more able
bodied men, between the ages of twenty-one and
thirty•flve Pay ranges from $l4 to $23 per month,
according' to the rank of the soldier. Each man
will be furnished with a good horse and equip
ments, ample clothing and subsistence. tigarters,
fuel and medical attendance free of charge. The
pay of each soldier commences as soon BS he is en
By an Act lately passed the term of enlistment
is changed from five to THRBE YEARS, and every
soldier who serves that time is entitled to
from the Government. Attention is drawn to the
fact that the Government has wisely commenced to
promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is
therefore open to all.
For further particulars apply at the Recruiting
Captain, Sixth Regiment U. 8. Cavalry,
ae6 Recruiting tAncer
In accordance with the annexed order,
the undersigned has opened e Recruiting Office,
to fill the Eighth Regiment Pennsylvania ßeserve
Corps to the maximum standird. Ali the allow
ances, pensio ns,OßDMlL are guaranteed to the recruit.
Washington, September 14,1861.
9. Major J ohn W. IAII2IIIII, Pennsylvania Reserve,
is detailed on the recruiting Service for his Regi
ment, and will report to the Adjutant General of
the Army for instruetions. One 11011-COMMiPsionest
oßiaar twill* detailed to Ration him.
command of • Ataj..,Gen. MoCUELLa N.
I Apply to " s JOHN W. AiITRCAN,
Ikfajer Bth Reg
_lnning, ....11tiecomm i g Officer.
,w4,multing Offices; RentunC.Ppanite, Lianiond
d yer's
Afiderman Oweton'tkoffma:;v4**
~,oppo M 1 aikt
Aa •
Excbriuie of Prlsonere.
Major 1 , 31 Rog% U. S. Infantry
lgth Regiment U.S. Intantry
for imm,-,11.40 service. I am anti - mimed by Gen. IMILIRBIFFALTIG— Ail thosetn ;wry
Nettie , to ratio) a company of Infantry for one of u , ,y- ofsneciinotniestadMlnletratlouolihaafftre
the r PS! I men ta of hie nr grAe. The regiment will 'of Ibe county willrally in support of EL M. BRINTON
not 1,, ~rgarimod until it to lA. .11, therefore, into forShoriff, who haagleen nende,w•lhtedulitY. WWI
join will have a voice m the selection of r•gimental.• one -balf the net pi oestde oftgid RIC° to the county
stlicers. The men wi:l tie sent, free of - cost, to . Jr elected
Cmip Cameron (at 13amsburc,) immediately, and Tax-peyers, 'ally to the risenelli
on arriving there will b, clothed and eq u ipped.- - Bond. r 113,000 tiled In Treasurer's office.
men desirou •of enliatmg for three yens or during - 4 se26arsdk24
the wet. are rect. - Jested to call at the RECRUITIYO
No. 1 . 45 LI sERTY STREET, Pittsbmgh,
near Here's Hotel. JAMES A. - LOWRIE„ Capt.,
ke2414( Late commanding Co. E, 14th rag,
'Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ac , Exterminator
'Cower's" Bed-bag Extermnator
'Costar's' ,
"Costar's" lltec'rie Rowder for Insects, Ste
In 25e., 50c. and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles and Flasks
18 and $6 Sizes for Plantationa; Ships, Boats,
lintels, An.
Prepare:ions (unlike all others) are "Free from
Poisons," "Not dangerous to the Human Family,'
"Rats come out of their bolos to die," "Ate abso
lutely in Gable," 'Were never known to fair-12
years established In New York City—need by the
City Fost-thhce—the City Prisons and Station
Houses—the City Skamers, Ships, act—the City
Hotels, "Astor," St. Nicholas, *c—and by more than
20,000 private families.
Rats—Roaches—Croton Hogs—Ants—Bed Bugs—
Moths in Furs,Clotthes, etc—Moles or Ground Mice
—Mosouitoes—Fleas--Insects on Plants,FowbrAtd-
MAIN, etc., etc—in short, every form and species of
Arc- I I! .4 , ware of all imitations of .CeeTts'e."
ASK for and Taira nothing but "Cantu's
Sti,- Sold Everywhere—by
All Wholesale Druggiete in the large cities
its- :411,1 by B. L. FM:MP:STOCK k CO, and tal
the Wholesale Druggists in PittEttligh, ra., and If:
all the Retail Druggists and Storekeepers m city
and e‘niutry.
aalr Country dealers can order as above.
Or address orders threatrar If Prices, Terme,
etc., is aesired—ia_Send ter
. late Circular giv
ing reduced pricenj to
Femme,. DKPOT—NO. 512 Brou iway—LOpposite the
St. Phe.holas tiotel,J New York.
I:L2Jti.4 PubLstuid in a dealed EnTeloje
Prieo 6 comm.
A Leetare on tLe Alture, Treatment end Bettina/
Cure of spermaton Mea or Seminal W oak ne,s,
intary Ezno•sione,Sesnel Debility, and lmp , rl -
rnent4 Itierriage generally, Nervousneee, ecn•
eumpto n, Epileml and Flt; Mental end f-hym
I ric.pacny, rmo.lung from fielt.Abnee, &c By
ttußf. J. (WIN EIZINELL, M. D., Author of the
(i,acn Ltt.ol., dr.
"A Foon to Thousands of Sufferers."
Sent under seal, in a pi.dn envelope, to acy .ad
dres a, pnbl paid, on reesipt of six eente,or two post
age mtamr,, CV DR. Cfl. d C KLINE,
sto-aindkvi Bowary. N. Y , Post Office 80x,4586
To Consumptives.
The advertiser having. been restored to
health in a low weeks by a very simple remedy,
after having suflerea several years with a severe
lung affection, and that dread disease, Consump.
tm—is anxious to make known to his fellow ant.
erera the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used, (tree of charge„) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a seas onus sea CONYOXPTIO; Amass,
Bnoscairis, kn. The only °bleat of the advertiser
in sentang the prescriptions to benefit the afflicted,
and spread information which be conceives to be
invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hie
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and mar
prove &blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will letakad , i
Wilbamsburgh, Kings ooipi s", '
- New orb
16rPF.13801 , 18 OF FULL HAEOII3.
Who are subleet to. Costiveness, Headache, Giddu
nese, Drowsiness. and singing in the ears arising
from too great a flow of blood to the head, should
never be without Baansavin's Pula, -and many
highly dangerous symptoms will be removed by
their Immediate use
- -
Tea Hon. J. lilarrr or WILSTOELESIXE Ca IY, Y., sev
enty-five years Wage, has need Brandreth's Ptlla
for twenty-five years as his sole medicine. When
he feelm himself indisposed, be it from Cold, 1.1.1aP0
mat ism, Actcroa, Headache, BdHcus Affections,
Coati venc-e, or irritation of the kidneys or bladder
he doe m notting bat take a few doses. of Bran
d reth's
Ilia usual method is to take Biz pills, andreduce
the dose each night, one ri 1. In every attack of
sickness fur twenty-five years, this simple
method has never fail , al to restore him to health,
and few men are to he found so active and hearty
as he. May 16th, 1861.
Sold by TtiOS. At:DP/all, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Led by all respectable desters In medicines.
Great Union Patent Agency.
Counsellor and Patent Agent
Prom Hon. Chas. Mason, tats Cbottnissioncr of intents.
WASHINGTON, C, October 4, 1860,
Learning that B. W. Fenwick, Esq., is about to
open an odic* in this city 118.-11 Solicitor of Patents,
I cheerfully state that 1 have long known him as a
gentleman of large experience In such matters, 01
prompt and accurate business habits, and of un
doubted integrity. As such:l commend him to the
naceritorts of the United States.
Mr. Fenvrick was for nearly tour years the mana
ger of the Washington Branch Office of the Scientific
American Patent Agency of Mes-ra. Munn d. Co,
and for more than ten years officially connected
with said firm, and with an experience of fourteen
years in every branch relating to the Patent Office,
and the Interest of inventors ie2B:dtf
EBY U ETAIR are the it-macinaw:les of using dyes
containing Nitrate of Silver. Bear this in mind,
and rementh, atvo that
has bean analyzed by DR. CHILTON, of New York
the first Analytic Chemist in America, end is cart'
tied under Ms hand to be nu raom DILMRII3I7B
gradients, as well as a 6P101 , 11 , Ore, mstantaneous
n its operation, and perfect In its results. bison
lectured by J. t.RISTADOHO, el Astor House, New
York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair
Dressers. t4E-0. AY. KEYSER., Agen
B*iskutitul al. Wool Delaines,
MagnilleenLßilk Robes,
Velvet Flannels,
Rich BIIK Robes, Very Cheap,'
Handsome Black and Fancy Dreg 4 Eilks,
Stella and other Shawls,
Needle Work Collare an.
Bets very cheap.
To Relit:lg Bats less than half price, •
Canton and Wool flannels. all colors,
Bleached and Unblvached Shirting and Sheeting.
and Checks,
Balmoral and
and Mitts or all kinds selling
very low for efi4h
74 Market Street.
F ,, 4121 -4&w
WE are now opening a choice Stock
of Fall Goods, consisting in all of the latest
inwortationo of CLOTHS, CAPAMERES AND
VESTIbGS, which we flatter ourselves will be equal
to any assortment to be found East or west They
wi'l be made up to order in a superior style and at
prices to suit the times. We would respectfully
solicit an early call from our patrons and the
No. 19 Fifth Street.
11014 1 .E 5 S NEW Sit tiTTLE
Sewing iliiaohineg,
u4RE ADAPTED to all kinds of
FAMILY SEWING, working equally we 1 on
1) nghtest and hearunn fabrics, making the
mike on both eldea, which cannot be
Raveled or Pulled Out.
And for Tailoring, Shirt Making, Gaiter Tittink:
and Shoe Binding. these have no superior Oall
and see them et No: 56 irdthatreet, u make.
npacitntfna W. B.
''-.1f10.-',,--I:;4 QZ :f3 jkAS:4; l 'A‘ ; ' - t,'le .
//// .
Incorpo4' theApjfialattc' reje , JMytn'a.
1 EING the only Oooithercial College
1 W in She eenniry , i.ondn#l44/*Pnatleal Mer
chant. Over
et,to6 . 'BrabVillt
. . •
om thi r ty Ststs;r:ttie'h , inc:,parried , a. busier as
repe.i6n equal to" that or:West-Polifimultia.ea
the army. Darsidsteras
Awarded: Four 6ilver,.ldradahenhd i4 4, 4. 1 # 11 i 612
of special committeekol.the:Anierlinftkisfititte
and ()bomber of Constretoiti , l 4 lo, -, YNic na the
best knciva. itiscriptUre - ayeraiit of
Fronommea by tee late ,' ; eaeb l or of one al oar
banks, "a yo rfeot systira,fox,'sheteheo' ke and
ReCoUnte. Also, 1 nff's
tin manuscript) the only eye its Oar - branch
of aceOunt* taught in the oity.„:„Aleb ) :::l)Uff's ntw
system of
BANS BUGS-KKjegititfi
(In manuscript,) the only one 41 , 41,ficacticalir
sdAp•ed -to- private booking..iThess..Systems of
accounts are here taught ender the of the author, with his . dafly,,,looltiOa rawn
from Decry- lonryeare expenenee - 7.3*.a.
The last United Suttee/Ind Pinebtuth fdiAawareled
our Prefers-re of Penmanship_ .:.„
. . ,
In all M-pintmerea Hinniras and-Ottnamenla/
PENMANSHIP over all the - best penmen In the
Far lull partculats, evul for our elegant now
citotilar, 1 p. 03, with a eplandid tograviug of the
Iron buddlngn 34138 mono,. and astpplea of
Maser , . Wm. H. lluff'a and C. C. HOMMIMEW3I
- Ornomfocal-Pflolninktigitt#olo.-
pa . .d2oreleceipt of latioriti hkaltireTtflvbci7÷l,3/4,----
segalidAiftv E-7.1)T-Irn* ViMinuiti-pat•
- AT -
F guyed French Merinos,
Embroidered French Cashmeres,
Bright Colored Plain and yrgtifed Woo
All Wool and Union;Plaide,
Embroidered Dark Ground Silks,
Plain and Figured Black Silks,
Hoop Skirts of the latest Style,
Plain Striped and Plaid Duster Cloths,
Plaid Long and SquareShawleA
u PLY OF BOOTS AND SHOP'S, direct from the
bitsierzi kenufacturers, which will be SOW at prices
to suit the time, Oa end examine the stock oe•
tore purchasing. JAMES Rains,
No. 89 Market Streak
3 0 T
II ,
1. sale the stook and interistin Ida
Seed and 'Agricultural Business
Oa very ressonable terms, belog desirous of duet.
lag hie , whole time to the liewsat ley .Ilitustities.
For tennAspply to A. M. STEVEN/3041. Eacriltan
obe,teti cSiratitteel'OßE, .47 -Ping IST.
si - 23 : 1041 JAMES WAS DROP.
—To 13E14, 7
, .
Oontaining-nesrly a DOLLAR'S worth of
Stationary, and retails for
0.4 - 1.1" 2is CE*7B7.
jJ'Agents can make froin •••
$lO to $l6 per day.
(Successor to Hunt 6: sliner,)
lirrma or lox PIIIIHIJAHR Gas Co Heath,
2,liit of September, 1861. I
1 0 11 - 113BUEGM GAS COMFABrilye.hareb)
notified that an election for threSSiiniteelitif Nab
Company to earl et. for the termof AhiMAllCarsomi
one 'lrritates to serve for the ta lifisrintelear/ wlt
be held et the OFFICE OF TIMCOMPANY,. Ot
MONDAY, the 7th day of Ocstob4,ls6l,'betweei
the bounfot two and live o'clock, p.
se23-Ywd JAMBE M. CHRISTY, '.l`tiasurer.
NOTICE is hemby:rgi th
Ven,.thate cost
assessed open . 20 it
Aaron Hart's plan of Lots, Sixth Ward, city of tilts
burgh, fig the grading, paving . anti eettling will
car 6 etone„CrawftWit:StweeVemeslfte said Lots, ).
199,00, =cite how ilati 4 414qtyZ'lft' tsurer's office No. No. ilk Fourth street. MAO IifOROKY, Recording Regulator.
frAftPiiß'S MONTHLY,
Just received at
Masonic Ilan, Fifth Street.
ttirOALL AND {kit ttniin
Hoop Bride,
cm" or ran Ciarkersta as onalgarstnea,l
Ytersamma. PepfemberLlTatillita..
from the War. IttipantmensijaK liVaihhigton, the
officers of Home lactard oompaMes Of -the _county
of Allegheny, who are in•-prtaaetildoa-retinited
States rifts and flint lock mnstiodrotre reritileat'xi
to produce the same, at the eity . piaifOrthwith, for
inspection by the proper authority;,, An officer of
the United Stormont!' be-herefah e xamine and. re
port on their number, kind and &miliaria
By order of the Committee.
Java liana, jr, P. 0. BEIANNON, Chairman.
Secretary pro tern. selB twd
GEMENT .f9ll FRUIT' veliS.
CEMENT-•-.E.....kauge CANS.
liwor CANS.
a superro quality,
a e ttperforvisllty,
a superior qti Tay,
a superior quality,
a supertorAuslity,
a superior. quality
For sale by maPii FLEMING,
sat corner Market streerand the Diamond,
103 bags Pea lints; •
76 tinsbels Corn'ldeal;
soo Rhelled.Owns
so Bprio&lltliey;
2 barrels P ll o3ofseans;,.
" Dry Peaches, hares:
So lron.bound Oil Borrehri
a store and for sale by Jdfil. A. FETZER.
se24 nor:Market andlAndeios
FUR RENT—Two Rocups*Aloivirite
dwelhng, with illernteftri-Ct 1 1103 W,,_ _alAr7+ ,
'Address [se2A-I wt 4 - 0 Ett*"
pleaNtehbdis 3E401