TIN Wait!! Post. JAMES P. BARB. EDITOR AND PR ()PRA ETOR. I`u9: --Daily, Biz Dollard •er year, attictly in advance. Weekly, Bmgoe annecnationa One Dollar per year; in Clubs of fhe. Ono Dollar OFFICIAL PAPER OA , THE CITY CITY MATTERS. WEDNESDAY 11111.011 t SA: SEPT. IS. The llulou Ceevention. At ten o'clock on Tuesday morning the delegates elected to mot in e Union Con vention, assembled ui the i•zulut-me Court room. There was a full atteminneo of del egates, embracing every district of the county. The Convention was called to order by Dr. A. H. Gross, of Peebles, who nomi nated Robert Finney, erq., es chairman, who was unanimously elms( n. The following Vice Presidents were se lected : Henry I ograni, of Chartlers; Abraham Hays, of East Liberty, D. A. 11. Gross, of Peetief; (201 John Kramer, oI Sewickley. S. Idellw Ann. of the Sixth Ward, Pitts burgh, Ceo. W. 1.3.mar0, of the Third Ward, L. 11 lisle, 01 Itichland and Alfred Kerr, of liirmingniun, were chosen Secretaries. On Viking thechair Mr. Finney thanked the Convention for the honor conferred in selecting him to lid the diatinguished posi tion of chairman. That it might be no barren compliment and that he might faithfully perform the duties of the poet. ton he invoked the aid of ev, ry mem ber in ithe preservation of g0,,4 and good feeling. its Lee call and said with this he rulght taiudiingly take his seat, as it was far mor.., en Tient than anything he could say. You, gentlemen, represent the spirits it has summoned and have come in responsn 1.- , It. 1 urge you to meet divested (..f all ~Id party ties and attachments. Our country is in her boor of extremest peril and all our sympathies and energies should be directed ti her sup. port. 041 party organizith.vs must be done allay with and tue sel Lish monopolists who would arrogate t, themselves the con• trol of our county and country should be shelved now and forever. We need now blood in cur veins. Let me urge you to admit the claims of no man fur ..Bice un lea he has peculiar fitness and other claims beyond himself. if a ticket composed of such men is nominated it will please every good citizen, and the candidates may con , gratulate themselves on almos:. a certainty of success. By a happy coincidence this Convention had been calle.d'on the seventy fourth anniversary of the meeting of the States to adopt the Constitution under which we have lived so happily, and I trust it may be characterizal by like her• mony. The list of delegates was now called over and the following delegates, presenting their credentials, were admitted to seats in the Convention : i'ittslotryk. First Ward—J C Burl utu, 7 hos Rea second Ward—John W Riddrll, Übm Ilara,tt 'Chord Weld—lot Kiee'o Francis B Porter, M O'Hara. 24 preelt: Wiloam J Montgomery, W Leonard. Fourth Word—John Geese's, Itobt J Anderson. Fifth Want—let prod:: ovvid )1-roar, Win Scott. 2.41 preet, ktobt A Colville, Pooir •,. Stith Warder Meliweine, ll ftleXiii4bt Seventh Ward—ltobt*Jltointibon, A J Gribben. Eighth Ward--John Win ::tin .24inL1a Ward—John Motlargo, Jot, B Alit , / hell ,/ First Ward—SamuelTho . r:N..son, ir., Charles k-econd Ward-8 H Heyer, Jac , b Third Ward-Ist preet• A Beringer, Jsinse Sewell. ;2d Fourth Ward—let Keel: 8 li 'lodgers, J Harvy Davis. 2d K.:N.: J ['Johnson, Fred. Le%. Elizibeih—Juhn Wehier. jr., Jeese West Puteburgh—Juba Aura, H. Monougatielaf W Longlimin, Jrl 51chaziel Manchester—.l C well. Sere, U ' , Meson. Sewickley—Alex Hie B. Juo P Kramer Birmingham-Ist precln" And: ea , D Berg. 2d precic Samuel W Boyd, Allred Kerr. East Birmingham—Jscob Dressed!, Thos Wor- Loqueene—John Jail°, Hugh MeNed . Lawrencer tile—Z Wainwrigat, C B sharpesburg—J seek Kyle. Jack Druher. McKeesport—.l P White, Wm Av.% ater. booth Pittituurgli— James A Bla , _k inure, Witham Bailey. West Elizabeth—Wm Donaldson, J no B McGrew. Tarention--tiso. Litohorn, A Guerin au. Temperencevllle —John Esplt u. 'Thos biotin. Pitt—Peter Conurl y, 1-iserge Collins—A Hey., Mark J ..nes Plum— J U Stewart. Thos W Stewart. Penn—Jas Duff, Samuel Long. Elizabeth—Jae H Watson, sear.' Coursiu. MlCilin—John 0 Risher, H B Cochrane. Robinson—Matthew T. It artison,Jno McClosky. Moon—Jeremiah Meek, No McGann. Franklin—let precinct—John Douglas, William Neely. 24 precinct—John Wheeler, Saml Henley. Baldwin--sernl B Moore, Jas Wallace. Ross—Thos ei Bayne, And Burke. McCandless—Wm Ramage, Geo Ralshr.use. East Deer—Achibald Pillow, Jos Mellor, Upper St Clair—John Espy, Alec A ikla. North Fayette—Wm C M' farland, cud i.erce. -Neville—A e' Cote, Wm Waters. G rtlecvtaid, Robt Stewart. Fawn-2d preen:ie.—John Hunter, Jos Busy. reeb es—ist precut et—A B Gross, Geo Mcoombe. 24 precine!—John Martin, Isaac Stevenson. Wilkins—M Thompson, Bo' it Findey. Patton—James MeGinley,lieo Losg. Versed es--t- eo 'f Miller Geo 80,0111311, Jefferson-1 homes Moilhenny, JIIO S Chamber lain. bhartiers—Henry Ingram. Chas t 1 Perkins. Findley—A M Steuart, A D Burns. Ohio—John Berford, (leo W Ahl. Reservt-1., W Kolken Leek, Hew t Maxwell. Snowden—Wm H McNary, Wrest Stilt, Pine—Jae A Gibson, Jas I Mattis. West Deer—taunt Brysen, Joni Indiana—E McCorkle, Jas Armstrong. Lower St Clair—And Stein. Jonathan South Fayette—Thos Alexander, Jackson Jones. Sewickley—'Thos L Shields, Robt Stevenson. Crescent—Wm Stoops, N Porter, jr. 1111c01n.e—H Phi lips, Jacob Eekert. Richland— I. H Carhale, Dm id Scott. Union—B Young, Thus Boyd. Hampton—Ohas Osb,rne, Heist rlsUonaW. Scott—DJ Rodgers, War N:/cm. When the First Precinct of the Third Ward, Allegheny, was called, Mr. Joshua Robinson protested against the admission of Joseph EL Davis, a delegate, inasmuch as both delegates chosen were Democrats. Mr. J. H. Sewell stated that he also was a candidate in that district; as well as Mr. Robinson; and got as ir any voles as he, but he claimed no seat in the Convention. The election was to choose Union dole-. gates without regard to party distinctions. The matter was referred to a Committee on Credentials, to be appointed by the Chair. The President read a letter from Hon. Andrew Burke. of Rua, substituting the name of Robt. Morrow, in case he should not be able to attend. The Convention agreed to the substitution. On motion of J. H. Cassels, the Chair was authorized to appoint a Committee of five on Resolutions, and that all resolu tions offered may be acted upon directly by the Convention, or be by them expressed to the Committee. The Chairman announced the following as the Committees: On Resolutions—J. H. Cassels, J. W. Riddell, D. Mercer, Robert Stevenson and S. H. Gayer. On Credentials —Montgomery, Gayer, Stnekrath, Eckert and Phillips. Mr. R. C., Fleeson moved that any votes on nominations in this convention to day be taken viva roce Mr. Riddell moved to amend by voting in the usual manner, by marking. Mr. Stewart, of Findley, said the mover had advanced no argument in favor of abolishing the rule and moved to lay his motion on the table, This was decided out of order and the vote was taken on the amendment of Mr. Riddell, the chair deciding that the ayes had it. Mr. Fleesen called for the yeas and nays. Mr. Riddell asked if a call for the yeas and nays was in order after a decision of the chair. Mr. Gibson said they had been called by bhp before the announcement of the chair. The chair ordered the yeas and nays, which were taken, resulting as follows : Ayea, 86; nays, 45. .Mr. Riddell moved that the convention now proceed to nominate a candidate for Sheriff. Mr. Gibson moved that candidates for all the offices be placed in nomination.— The tuotion_vias lost. Joshua Rhodes, Robert Watson, Henry Woods and O.H. Ormsby wore new placed in nomination for Sheriff and the marking wits proceeded with. Mr. S-iweli moved that Hons. W. B. McClure and H. W. Williams be norni.. flitted be a olamatim , or the respective positior..)f Prreid. nt. Judge of the Court of C.m.iwo Picas en Quarter Sessions and Assistant Jud..m of the District Court.— The motion was lust in order to permit the making for Sheriff to proceed. The markirl! for Sheriff ohcupiod about throe quarters of t.a•hcur rr r 'llS•d as 84 1 2" I Ormaby The linr,ounecar ra of the f , C , 11131 - 0 it; n of Mr. Rhodes win, received wan aboutp, cheers and clapping of hands. Mr. Siwell renewed his motion t o nate Judges McClure and Williams by ac clamation. Mr. Gibson again called fur theyeas and nayp. One 01 the delegates from Hampton township stated that the instructions to himself and colleague were if the Conven tion did not nominate a clean, new ticket, to retire from the body. The yeas and nays were taken, rrisult ing: yeas, Itlit; nays, 111. Mr. Sewall offered a resolution buther izing the Chairman to appoint a commit t le of nine to recommend an apportion inent of the offices for which this Convention is to make nominations. The resiolu ion was adopted and the Chairman appointed the following Committee: J H Sewoll, A. J Gribben, A Hays, W .1. Montgomery, J Martin. J Anderson, 'Thomas Woreestiir, Charles lilt-nett and \I/11;4 ml Nixon. n :ben adj.,urned until 2 I=l Thn committee re,a.embled at two o'clock and Wtli called to urder by the Prom inn t r. CaFselg, ch , ornip.n of the committee on reFoluthng, reporto..i the following as the unanimous_ s^neu (II the cornmiltei: Ilewio,d That ito •eprosenlatives of tho oil vane 01 A Ilroben) county, wit hr ut repo 1 to political assoebutout —as diner icens—we stand ey the Con tt twton and the Union, whir h has piaa ed our country to tee front rank of the nations of the earth, and regard l•thi el patty, names. wo now stand urinal and together 'n defence of that goy or nment **Weil has made aneroid and under wu.eh the bay*, lived prosperously and happily. With us the Union of the Slates and Lite mantennnee of the National titer tiniest is abolie all party ectistiieric bons, unit air WIII situate them at every tis.tard. Rex 1 tin thanks of a grateMl people are pro eminou'ly due to the army and navy for their promptitude andenurage in rallying arcitud the sine lard of the vountry, to crush out this wicked re tot line. In the name of the pronto we say tonne :NAL korl3lGoyormouot go on and cur niter. Let there le no peace t iil Ire:own has Leon ten u utshe.t, and the at:ll:wily of the trolled states covernment been iuOy vindicated end te-eetats lished. Revoitted, That the yeomanry of this land w.ll pro tect their country and their government at any ex pense of blood Shd treasures for when our countrty la in danger, we are tut ONE PEOPL E The hold, had men of the South will now and ever had the whole North united in support of too common in herdanco left tt, by our inthens—the glorkua American Union, the right of seitgovernment and the Cutisiti anon of people. After the resolutions lad boon accepted and the committee Li,s. - :liarged, Mr. Bost wick came in while the question of Lien was pending and asked that they be reed again. A ii.,otion to adjourn for halt an lacer, until thecommitteeon anportiontruent wet is ready to report was lost and the report of the committee waa again read, when T. M. Bayne otlen , d t h e following as an addition to the Corninittea's rcpor: The government of the United Slates la th , oo.lPfled woli clestrot tion by powerful 141 d well - or garvza..l armies of trait , re, 1461 are b.dding delisneu to the legitimate authoritir of the gw,- ernment, disregardtag the Vista of the Con-litu bon. striving to undo what our forefathers did—to break the covenant which holds the htoLa e of the Union together, and treatimg under foot the flag of our country, Ilse emblem of our liberties; and, wherea. , , the Maialetl9ll,a of our national and ler ritonal integre y is Vitally t a , eftist to the perbo ki tty of cur 13,[attl . le60 lot to of government, unit r whose henetiment rare cbri•liani • y, literature. amen •e 1.1.1 all 1110 (I,lllCrlia I f a renaett tlOl.. 11,1 therefore: /I:eel:el. That I: • ~L.hr approve r the febs of the prilent ielinme.tratiou .11 int etlorts to put down trey ea: end that WO an imetonprofne.jag peti , •v and Noe co• non of the ear, regarding trio 1 . -- , e3 I DI:, government or at fr,set —tt.e ereoot tile and property or a slate 01 alisolfre anatelly. Resolvtd, That it to the duty of Avery 1..)..1 m to alit the admmistrat,on in cru• tug out ieiaildon, ernanabug from whatever sonrce it Inc). and tha . we dont. unee aecoselon RE a pc lineal heresy, which, If carried out to es logical necessities, must cu nit wits in the utter divniemberment of cur glorious republic. ficsolued, That in failing to subdue treason the government acknowledges an inherent weakness and insufficient development of the law of sell. preservation, and fitsplaysallappealing discourage ment to the lovers of liberty throughout toe world. 6ssuce.l, That ineVllltiCil it is doeiral.'e to pro duce enure unarmnity of feeling and sentiment among fhltho people of the loyal States, and EILICO Democrats, Republicans and Americans all stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of the govern- MOM. so deem it advisable to ignore all party dot- VIMOCIS end to choose Union NIS from among the PEOPLE, to fill the County and State offices. On motion both sots of resolutions wore unanimously adopted. • The Convention now took a recess for twenty minutes, until the apportionment committee should report. When the body was again called to or der, Mr. Sewell, on telialf of the committee on apportionment, of which he was chair• man, reported the division of offices agieed upon by the (:aninittee, as follows: 7' the Republicans—One Senator, throe State leg islators, ono Prothonatory, ono Dire-tor of the Poor. To the Democrais—The Coun. ty Treasurer, one County Commissioner, two State legislators and one Associate Judge of the Court of Common The office of Coroner to be decided upon by the Convention. Mr. Gibson moved to lay the report upon the table and called the yeas and nays, which were taken, resulting: ayes, 59; yeas, 79. The report of the committee was then unanimously adopted. .Mr. Sewell said that the first office in on. der was that of Senator, for which he nominated Jno. P. Penney and asked that the nomination be made unanimous. Thos. M. Howe,eeq., was also nominat ed for Senate, whn Mr. Sowell read the following letter: PITROMIG/4 September 17, 1861. Jab. IT. 8/WELL, Esq., Derr Sir :-1 observe in the fu.t of this morning that my name has been mentioned in connection with the nomination for senator by the Union Convention. Should the suggestion be repeated by any of my friends in the convention, please say for me that while I sympathita most cordially is the dispoei ti so generally manifested throughout the coun try to ignore past party differences and to unite as one man in defence of "the Union, the Constitution end me laws•" I most respectfully decline being nsmed as a candidate for any °Bice. Very Truly Yours, &e., TUO9. If. Howe. Mr. Gibson wished to know if the Re publicans were to nominate their candi dates and the Democrats theirs. The President answered: "Decidedly not." Mr. Gibson then said the Committee had no right to indicate candidates by party names. Ho came hero, by instruction of his constituents to nominate a Union tick et,without regard to psrty,and was pledged to no man. Mr. Sewell explained that Senator has one of the offices assigned to the ]tepubli• cans and that the Committee had recom. mended no nominations in opposition. Mr. Sewell now withdrew the.motion for a unanimous nomination and A.W. Loomis was also nominated for Senate. Other nominations were now made in regular order,and the list, when completed, was as follows : MEASURER. P 4 Jaracm Blaclanor El Jav P Barr Jamaß Patton, jr J P Penney A W Loomis ABRKSIBLY ReplaUranir (a.)li .... G .. . .. r eo .111.00ook " L El (~larnale 70 Wm G Hawkins not! !Miami+ 100 PftOTHONOTA9Y, Hugh Lee 24 Nainanial.Palterson 30 G W Scott 15 Geo R Riddle 38 Juo mecio ,A ff 43 Rob{ Finney Cie. T J Sigh= 67 Jos R Huntsr wd'n 0 E Bloonm 18 COIIIIO3OIO3EIL. Hobert Araturs 1H J es O'Brien 2 Democrali (2) Jno hicllwaine 9 J 8 Penney 30 Moe Curran 34 AI 7 Gross . 100 AI C Cummins 2 John M Irwin vrd'n Chas Bryson 0 John N MoClowry. Jacob.Tomer 6 A 0 McQuaid 0 Juo A. Parkimon 67 T B _iforsilion 69 OORONIEL Jos Irvin 0 Thos id Harkin w'dn A .1 haker ::o Wm' Fergu-on 2 J C Bottom w.:ii Harr,' ti 1 oesldsone'Jn It C WA , ht r :1 CW 1 es IS 6 Jos Seifert s Wm , lo:luy I I'Litip Stetienscn :: P. Id wo tai.- I ''' 'd 4 Jos &Asbury .; Fred 1-:o4e 2 John Calohan o • ho, m,Cow,m U (Jeo A Kurtz ~ Wm (-JAPE,. 2 A:4BOCLATF, J tot ' h , , ',..th 11 Wi l l4ltn Sylllll - ses .4 Rut, :.,. over- ;,. :1 I.aurence Mitch,::. ~. t • .1 0. :0 Hume- 15 Jonas R M cl)I, cluck 5 N'm Fieltzlioover 0 J C Cutnmi us ~ ,',l O Wln Nob'e a''.lll clhaa ti Waters 2'.3 Wm Bachop u .1 H Roth 6 .1. nub 'Ferrunn 1 ~ ~ Duptiorn %c'tlu 11 . ..1 .1 wonder Z• 7 katers of declension wore read from Jas. H. Horkins and Francis Felix, nom inated for Aseembl), and tho names of several gentlemeo, nominated fur the several races, worn withdrawn. For Director of the Poor, Robert 11. Davis was unanimously nominated before marking commenced. The result of the marking for other offi ces can be ascertained by reference to tho table above, the nominees being in italics. During the balloting tbo names of the following gentlemen were withdrawn : J. C. Ruffen), Jon. M Irprin, J. N MeClow. ry, Assembly; Jos R Hunter, Prothom , tar); James Patton, jr , P. Ram Dr. (leo. W. McCook, W. G. Hawkins, Treas urer; Comige Danboro, Associate Judi; Thos. M. liarbin, R. M. Westorwdt, H. S, Donaldson and Wm. Noble, Coroner. Mr. Cassels offered the following, which was adoptfid lies, ved, '(hat this Convention earnestly ream nen ti to ti e Fnppurt ( I the citizens of Allt gneny county ticket day nominated, t utt seine. • it . the DP 01 L•otitiemen entinently tit t t till the pt - Lions assign. .1 them. A rebolotion was adopted, endorsing unanimoubly the ticket planed in nomina tion. After the usual vote of thanks to the l'r.•Aident, and a resoltit'on authorizing him to appr , int an Eloeutt ye C tren.ftte” of twenty, the Convention adjourned. Serious and Valal Railroad Accident, Oa Monday afternoon about one o'clock, as the first of three 11-ilk wnich were con. veying the Thenty socenth Indiana regi ment from Indianapuii: to On, city, was nearing Alliance, mid when 'about thre miles west of that place, s largo burl soe tag the train appro.,-iiiiig, 7-n towards it, striking between the lieoulotivo and teni eer. Five cars were thrown if the track, three cont,ining the horses, haggago and provisions of the regiment, and two filled with soldiers. In the britgage cars were several coldmrs and five horses. TLoc•.i., were a perfect wreck I.nd their content, were scattered fur some distance around -- Ono soldier, who jumped from a baggage car, was caught und.ir it and killed, soros three or lour uthcsa injured, ono danger ously, end a brakeman and some few oche ig fruited by fhlling jur,ring. The horses were rcinet cid from the ear with , -ut meth Injury, no limbs being bri ken 'lke two oars tilled with soldiers were thrown off the track, but no one in it was much hurt. The bull which caused the accident was cut to pieces by the cars passing over him. The track was cleared as soon es possible and the train proceeded about live o'clock in the scoring, arriving here early yesterday morning. The loss was at once adjusted by Mr. Bradley, Superintendentl f the Eastern Di', ii, n cf the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicsgo Railroad, who paid the entire claim of the Uolonal sr.] Q tartermester of the regiment, and then made them a present of the provisions which had becu gathered up. By t , even o'clock in the morning the regiment had been transferred to the Peurisyisallia Rail road and soon resumed its kastward journey. Cot. HAY,' iti.,,it.tr-x - r C.l Alex. Hap left 1. r the his ri giment, on Monday right, in company with lieri Marks, late chaplain id the Twelfth, wi o goes as chaplain of COIONA Hap,' reizi merit. Colonel Hays' AdjAant, Ceo. I'. Corte, La-4, 8.3 will be S , PII by advertise• merit in another column, been left here to recruit a few morn wen for the regiment., now nearly full. He leaves to morrow ofi ternoon and will, douLtleits, take 0 f 2,11 men to 1111 the regiment It the lull tons plement. BR drone 33ACh —office- Fox and the detective Newcomer arrived from Erie yes.. terdey afternoon, having in custody Me, Creery, the defaulting tax collector. Mr. JOE. Ferguson, Chief of Police in Erie, rendered efficient service in his arrest.— McCreery was taken to the Sheriffs office and delivered over to the county auth, ties and the money which was in sover eigns, restored. lie was then committed to jail to await a hearing. PASSED THROIRikI. —Colonel Stockton's Independent Battalion, from Michigan, chiefly from Detroit, arrived hero last night about half past eight o'clock and were fed at the subsistence rooms by the committee, who are doing such an excel lent work. The battalion contains six hundred and lilty men, well uniformed and (quipped, and is anoompanied by a lull band. They went East at midnight. WE understand that the McFarland Rangers are fast filling up, having now bb names enrolled. Lieut. Fletcher loft last night for Johnstown, to bring on a detachment of men to join hie company. Capt. Bowers, who has seen service belore, has his mon now in Camp Wilkinn, and will leave for Washington in a few days. CHEAP NEW AND SECOND-HAND BooK STOKE, Periodical and Newspaper Depot, Wood street corner of Liberty. N. B.—Second-hand Books, Magazires, Nov els, &0., bought for cash, exchanged or sold on commissi.n. Call and see the stock now on sale. J. D. EGAN. FIN Mil' TOWNBIII P SUB-COM MITTEIS. The following gentlemen have been selec+ ted as the sub-committee fur distributing the relief fund in Finley township: Dr. John Pollock, John Harper and John Moody. "TEIR PATRIOT'S DREAM" WAS produced for the second time at the Theatre last evening to a' good audience. It will be repeated this evening, with no other piece. COL. McKriniux now has some eight hundred men in camp near Washington city, and expects two hundred more to join him the present week. Di:ram° the past two days, over three hundred men have left this city for Col. Rippey's regiment. Drarnexay.—Dr. C. 3ill, No. 246 Penn street, attends to all branches of the Den tal profession. KRN WOOD BOARDING SCHOOL FOR Bo I'S, will re-open Sept. 18. Terms reduced. Address, Rev. Jos. P. TAYLOR, New Brighton, Ps. SAPONIFIER! Important to Families! Save Time, Trouble, and Expense ... ..,:,.....,* T 'I , .:---,,-1,,,..,.:,, MARKET 5 BEST :-; 4.-4--. " . ., 4 -.R ARTICvi v -.-- c LYE) -;- ' ~,,, LE ~-------'s MAKI NG lii SOFT SOAP! One pound equal to Six pounds Foe Bide at liitiolesale. tof 'enn'a. Salt Manufact'g. Co. PITTSBURCH, PA. Rae by dl reniiinsts it Grocers, in the United Staten rosieulditillt JOSEPH EILYER & SON, Manufacturers, and Wholesale and Retail l'ealere EIJUNITUNIE & CUAIRS. No. 1'2,4 Ponn ,et, above the Clacial. ea•non Late A larAe AAA , Will."nt Faoey kid Ph: Furuiture, :17 of t: - .,ekr • „ wArri,Al. equd e t uslity alsk. to an. ;Iv, • • Car t-,•ett .r the et:4, Dr.„! Y,II „, , Aasona! " 1,1( PLACARDS liAtil'-ItILI.S, Prime £.l Wt . :l 1 . 11 , 1‘ price ., JO ,uti the ltme3, W. S. HAVEN. r 4-1 THIRD STREET, unto WILL PIIINT IN RYA', fi L.: AN' , I , F. ( ITII FANI A ,l'lrD4,l PLAIN flL4(i. INK. .1,4-C4ll nod rae BLIJIII.iPti un , l get - prieos. - “ Anl4 A Il'4"l'IN Lin IM IS & CO., Dealers in PTORIIHSOry NoUw, Honda, Mortgages, and on eoeurtten for money. Money loaned on 1 :n. , 10 st dhOrt dates, with oollntern) seem - Mos. NOTES AND Dad MN. SOl'.(-,HT ANL , HOLD. Person,. desirion laws can be nooornmodaten an resnotuthlo 1 ern., and capitalists can he furnished with good t‘e.n! rams in tmnunerative prices. Alno, intend to the !isle, Hooting. and Leap'eg nl 1.1 ttnteM. • U^.IT-1., No. It 'I irt H 'l', ahoy° fo.21:1• AT!PTIN I,('t • IC VV 11 KK I, F lig. plwdy zrnd peruhment cur° of GONORRHEA, MET, LIRET HAL DISCHARGES nod N htly M.,' I /DOW ltitt.tter, Irri;nl.lltty AFFECTIONS OF THE KID' EYS AND BLA TIER Ni I, I. I.lwcti i•V 1:1,14E,2% =o= 111 Illr prlv prrruo r,‘”111 f , ‘,11. talt`cem,6,4lll,l - xi viitt, clll.l. II “tly cotnpotim: Li 111,!;1.1.'S SE'ECIFSC PHIALS nEt• n ill-c tng n van, In it hat a~t;n I• Len Oill, I • I.lt a t*.g..l.labio Ulf 11,i...b. 11/M Inco fold ner, • the 1.;.. , i:h I.nti I, • cog Itt .1, nil Wnl•• , ; 01. ,•Ir Cr TM With pundl tp. Eat h I, I c,•11%•1n.,ix dozPo l'i) ttNl. and vi 111.•..•:::t.y II tiny Atlvertni e.l . - JePtpi rneory. .ut ~,y Af t . , 11,,,,re on the wrap p, r. J. lilt Itucht-Kter, 1 ,Itotetal Agent. nte27:dkniv-itt $2OO Et E WARD. BROKE JAIL. j'isCAPPI) FIST M TEL PRIS , )N IN j 1111111 .1, JJ '' 5.,/111.1d•ser.l.ed pll.lolll l fl, W. 11. 1 , 36*.: 1,, Ice nn Amer; can I.) of Is edr de, .nt, ' It b,ult, :13 t. ar.. Id. about 6 feet 10 it els ..n helght, dark hair, tia rk kite Ell'. and data e) 1.40/ 1 1,, at, -,•1 in Jar': enters rates nu a .‘barge of her glary J „91 ha '1 A RT—An FLI,III-11111/411. t / All lb years, 0;1, 5 I ref 1i It.el,a in 1 / 1 1 1)4I 11 . " e b t lu h uru haw grey eyes. Itt.,th !ereid•ad, and full. ;Lund face, moat built; e. ts.ne .1 On It charge of I,ls CFIA RI, A Canad.an, about plat. GI age, 6 feet 7 ,4..9,e0 xtnut 61 . ‘,1 or ew ar1.1)) e. nrlde aoo, 111‘11,1,1 - , Jere tit,: wore a red flannel chill nod dark pants. commuted oa a el,arge dounterfed.n4 ()cried Stat., ce.n. IVA6III>dIT kITF.R.T—An Amenow 26 ream t.ll 6 f t II high, etout dlt, !neltned t.. t.tnnp. light Inur, Vrt l y/1 encil, dark 1,11.101g..1ng renter., f. , 1 Cl/11:11.. 1 1- ft.t none, A of 100 Lo prod fr Prnvd. awl .1011‘ery of li,o ofwv. urrw nd Ills ind in d!..• g•lty, r 1.5.1 ler er of .IA M Ei 1. liKAHA M. Silent - 1. gh,Ser; Ise!. solf,j l'l, I'. J. (4::At. I Western Stove Works. 11S LIBKKTY STRUT, PITTSBURGH. GRAFF 6,, CO., M all UFA CTURERS; 01 1 1,I) CALL THE. ATTENTIoN Tv 01 the public to their l.rge duct et wf,ll Cook, Parlor & Heating Stoves, ALSO—IMPROVED KITCHEN RANGES, GRATE FRONTS, nmong which will be found the COAL COOK STOVES IN THE sTATE. Diamond, Advance, Air-Tight, Eclipse, ano IRON CITY, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM et the Stale Far (or SFST coOK STOVI2I. Also, FIRST PREMIUM lid'at'Od to trIO TRUE &ffiI:RICAB, GLOBE it REPUBLIC, For the BEST WOOD COOK STOVES NOW IN USK. The IiENTUCKIAN and KANSAN Premium Stott. are unsurpassed. We call alteouon of DEA LItES and BUILDERS to the largest stock of GRATE FRONTS 86 FENDERS IN THE STATE. N. 5.—W o tine the DIAMOND and ECLIFIAE Coal Cook EICOVE , I4 with Hoay■Stone Linings, which stand M=2! ite ri fni tt uPP EAD, C OM MISSION MERCHANT PDX THE SA.LX or PIG METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET lathis .r.1TT.5817.12011 Illil VA I h DISEA6 KS— ji DR BROWD'S MEDICAL A . and SURGICAL Office, No. SO )."-...,',. Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, -., • - Pennsy I TRIIIR. ~,,.,,,,,,, ~ Dr. BROWN is an old C. 1.1• 1 3 4 f f ,, ifie.4 ,l con of Pittsburgh, and has been e -4,,y, '.. .:..i in Practice for the lastrtaraty- ..;',.. , :y.y,fr 0 r2 , , ,q• flea ys2re. His business has 43•;;;` , :• been confined mostly to Private • 7 1;.... 1 , -. and Surgical Diseases. , OITIZENB AND ErfBANGICRS in need of a medical friend, should not fail to find oui the aura place of relief. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and hie csporienoe in the treat ment of a certain glass of diseases is a sure tee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent relief, the use of his remedies and following his ad. vice. BE. BROWN'S RIOSIEDIRS sayer fail to oure the worst form of Venereal Diff• ewes, impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all disown analog hom a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in the form of altetter, psoriasis, and a great manyfortos of skin diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant. To persons so afflicted, Dr. Brown offers hopes of a sore and speedy recoveg. • SE.MiNAL W3LAHNIffitS Dr. 'Brown's remedies for Ude alarming trouble brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratifiea.ien, which the young and weakminded often give way to, tto their own destruction,) are toe only reliable remedies known in this eon& try—tbAy are safe, andmake a speedy resteration of health. R NUIMATIRM Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to ogre ;this painful disease in a Jae dlayt—he will warrant a cure. Ile also treats Pules, Eileat, tonnorrbue, Stricture, Urethal DlL4.6rilegetft, Female Weakness, Monthly noppreseions. Diseases of the Joints, Fis tula In Ano, Nervous ideeuons, Paine to the Bank and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseas e of an Impure origin. . . A letter describing the symptoms, °earthling a vas, directed to DR. BROWN, No. La Efitmtddield Bt , Pittsburgh. Pa., will Isa immediately answered,_ Medieine Sent to any address, safely packed and secure from °beet - mhos. Office and Priratd itoome, No. I aregtotwd slreP t. Pitti.hureh.Pa. "5-risseno KAY & COMPANY, -- BOOKEELLER L) S , BTATIoN.B BLANK 1300 K AIAN'UFACTUBFRS, bb WOOD STRERT, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sir-A full assortment of Law, Medic a l and mi . ellaneaus Books constantly nn hand. J o oyodegliNiLylLWA VS PIiod — LTEEA g Cement for Sealing Fruit Cane, Cement for Sealing Fruit Cana, Cement for. Sealing Fruit Cane, Cement for Sealing Fruit Cana, From JOSEPH FLEMING, From JOSEPH FLEMING. F r om JOSEPH FLI MIND; From JOSEPH FLEMING, corner Market street and the Diamond, corner Market street and the Diamoid. eel° EDITION.' LATEST BY,TELEGRAPH. r.oilithern Neu's. 1.1. IC, September R.—Nashville, September lit. -A ltichmond special to the ('mete am/ statce that lion. P. C. Walker has resigt.ed in consequence of bad health. Ills Successor hiss not yet been ap poi n tett . All the banks of Now Crleans sustontit'd specie payments to-day, and treasury notes are all at par. itICIIMON tieidember 11 ---The tight between Wise and Lincoln's men at Hawk's Nest has been confirmed. Gen. Henning sen directed the Confederate tro , ps. Tne enemy were badly cut up. One et the Confederates was woundcd. CARDS, &c Hampton's cavalry mews a splendid dash into the enemy's lines near Alexandria; after some sharp work, they returned will: three prisuners and considerable war muni tions Toe Fort Smith (Ai k.) Th , s, cf thu 7th, hutrn , that lire rplornents it t TVIEIf, will jolt; in a few dap. Aleo a .11i—esirld and one Siuth Carolina regi ment. The L. uievillo .lournal of this morning !l hirshes the correspondence between Jos 11,1 t and the President in regard to Fremont's pr, ei,mation In answer to Mr. Molt's enquiries, President Lirie:.n encloses his letter to Fremont, which h-s been pub lished. The Journal learns that from every quarter,the recent wan t..m invasion of lien , sueky by tee confederate troops is dissp eroved by thousands of instances where Southern rights men have announced their purpose to unite in repelling the in. ceders The Courier of this morning publishes a card, calling a mtsitirg of all the citizens of Cuiry, Trimble and Carroll counties to orm a league ror the mutual prot,rtien of the lives end property of famides of all tittles. The idea is thought to be to put , lawn all maraud: , 4 band: of eitl.ar party aid avoid guerrilla wart UP. A hew tegini,mt Limier Curran Pope, c f this city, a gradua'e of 11 ,sit Point, goes into camp this woek at the lair grounds near the city Initin4 is tl.ngly lively. the in lantry th, re am many cavalry and artilltry c , uipaities forming. Um) cavalry cowl any , composed of Gera mans, who have seen service, and artillery c, mpany, 151) men under .1 W. Scott a:II have Peter Hart, of Fort Sumter at First Lientenaht A regiment of csva'ry under Jas. S. JACLi“O, M. C , has been nearly completed. 11 inners and addle makers are kept busy night and day end advertise f m journeymen It Is reported that 11,titiO Confederates, under Zollicotler, came t.) Cumberlane, Ford, Knox county, oniSaturday and car lured the Captain of Col. Stone's company of Home Guards. Telegraphic communioati, 't between Eil..4bothtown has been interruptA since G o'clock this evening, There la great rn;litary activity iu the city, Ali tho Uerri Guards aro assembling and it is rumored that a portion of Items- Fef brigade has been ordered over from the Indiana side, itol.M.Ml . l3l:l.—A special to the Appea: says that General Braxton Bragg has been ap pointed Ci:nreilerate i - '-‘..ereutry of War, rice L P. Walker, resigned. FR AN A FO fiT o Senate passed the bill to provide Mr the security of the State Army and protection of Railroads, House —W report from the Com mittee on l'esi; Affairs, was adopted by a vete of to to :ti The Southern cars hav ; not arr; ced.- Part ot 14.1nesul, brl i .;; ti are Ihntiirg here. It is understood that they are to proceed reuthward c;vi•r the Is and Nashville imitvitaLviy. The home guerds are all out in uniform. Tuei: destination is SU pp. obed too toe :with ward. INV LL a, Sept. 1 7. Fran fon! 11;;C:,E. A message from Gov. Siagotlin was received communicating a. telegraphic message from Gen. Zallieotler, announcing that the safety of Tennessee demanded the occupation of Cumberland and the three long mountains in lientucky • and that he had done so and should retain his position until the Federal forces were withdrawn and the Federal camp broken up. Also a message from Thos. C. Reynolds, Lieut. Givernor of Missouri, asking what course Kentucky intended to take in view of the occupation of the Mississippi river below the mouth of the Ohio by the Federal forces in violation of her neutrality. Washington City News WASHINOTON CITY, Sept. 17.—1 t is now believed that entire quiet will insure the recovery of Mr. M. F. Walker from the wounds inflicted by a secessionist in Mary land. A government official called this morning and received from him the impor. tent information he had gathered up to the time he was injured. That portion of Maryland in the neighborhood of Port Tobacco is a hot bed of secessionism and has been a serious annoyance to the Union Cause. There is authority for stating that the proclamation of the Governor General of Cuba, recogniitng the rebel flag,is spurious. No such proclamation has been made. The Navy Department has cause for congratulation in the promptness and effi ciency of the commandants of the several navy yards, all orders being obeyed with remarkable precision and expedition. On several occasions recently, Major General Fremont telegraphed for a number of arms and gun carriages, and within less than a day thereafter the department was informed that these war requisitions were already on their way from Philadelphia, Brooklsn and Portsmouth. There is as much quiet in and about the department as in any of the ordinary government bureaus. Yet the amount of business transacted is very heavy. Its important resul s daily become more apparent. The following order was issued from the War Department to-day: The command, ing officer of the United States forces at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina, is author ized to accept the services of such loyal North Carolinians, not to exceed one regiment, as in his neighborhood, may volunteer to take up arms for the United States, and to designate a regular officer to muster them into service, The reunite will be organized in the first instance into a battalion or regiment according to nuns tiers, the mustering officer will make timely requisitions for arms and other necessary supplies and the commanding will, on the recommendation of the volun teers, propose such persons as he may deem suitable to officer the companies, battalion or regiment, that may if ap, proved be commissioned by the President. By order, (Signed,) L Thomas, Adjutant General. Severe Skirmishing at liar pees Ferry. NEAR SANDY Hook, Sept. 16.-- Yester— day whilst six men of the Massachusetts 13di were riding up the tow path on horse back two miles above Harper's Ferry, they were fired upon by the rebels from the Virginia side of the Potomac, and ono man instantly killed. It was soon ascertained that the rebels in considerable force were concealed behind a large warehouse and other buildings in that vicinity. Wnen Captain Shribilr, of the Massachusetts 13th, quick run up a 12 pounder rifled cannon and fired a number of shots into the buildings, behind which they were con cealed causing them to disperse with a sup/ posed loss or some live or six killed. Thomas Harper, of Knoxville, who was so severely wounded last Thursday, while on a canal boat opposite Shepherdstown, by the rebels, is lying in a very critical position. From Jefferson City. .barikatSON C/TY., Sept. 17.—Beports are current that L:sir:gum has been cap tured, but they are not believed. Parties from Pettis county reports fight at Blackwater, in which the secessionists defeated the Home Guards and burnt Blackwater bridge. A man tis ean iGriath arrived here day and ttate. quit on tialtudny last, th,t. Price, with 17,000 wen, had eurrrund d Lexington, and tent a summons to Uol Mulligan to surrender Colonel Mulligan refused, when Prick) is 'Trot-tett to have sent word that he would give him until Monday at four o'clock to surrender, and if ho did not that ho would march on him with a b/ezdi flag. It is confidently thought in military quarters hero that General Sturgis has by this time reached Lexington from St. Joseph, and Price will be cut off or forced to retreat. Quite a panic prevailed at G.:orgotown on receipt of reports from Lexington, and many families fled, fearing an attack from the rebels. -tee bit. Louis Items. Sr. Lours, Sept. 17.—Gen. Sturgis with one regiment of infantry, two companies of cavalry and ono of artillery, took pos. session ol St. Josephs on Friday last. It is reported that a battle took place at Lexington, yesterday, between the Federal tortes there and Mart, Green's rebels, in which most of the latter were captured.— This needs confirmation. Another bridge was burned ou the Han nibal and St. Joseph Railroad a day or two since, precipitating the locomotive into the stream, and killing the hugineer. A report is current here that the con• federate forces ovfi.eu.tcui Columhq.. Declared 'Littler iuusillt ctiOlß- arY Control CHICAGO, September Special to the Journal. CA r -That portion of K.( ntucky lying , west of Cumberland river has been declared under imurrectionary control Secretary Chase Las instructed the Sur veyor hero to prevent all commercial in tosr c mrse in that section and search the baggage of all persons going thither. BOWN & T 1:36 Wood btreet, ~••• AKE TOOLS FOR BORLNG-011, , WELLS at the shortest fpoSsiblo mtitise. ying been in the business of manufacturing-tools' goer ninon the “fever" &et broke out,we can assure persona shout to engage in the oil business, tbittlt iii!! be to their interest to give us nAtill mid (4XfarlillatiOn, of Our stock now Ori & BABES' SAFES TRB PUBLIC.. • For (auctuuntl Louisville and let Louis ritili li; lql4ll, A (11 , 4 AIJT, Capt. D. Z. 11[21LliKla, nu.l leave :or the above emt intermediate ports on / HUb.AWAY, the 19,h Imt, at four o'elok, p. m. sel7 JOBS B. 'AV NI;ST iN k Co., Agents. THE TEST. AGAIN TRIUMPHANT. AD THE FuLLoWING VoLUN TAur tr wl imonlid In regard to BU RK NEW BILYEB Ma nea. BUREZ k Beams—Gentlemen:On the mknc of the 'kld of February, 1860, all our Machine Shops, Paint Shope,l4 wet, Material, Engine House, and all the Warehouses of the Southwestern Spoke and ferriage Manufactory, all being entirely filled with dry combustible material, were burned down. In a room of the Paint Shop, where the Lent was most intense, was one of your mi ko of Safes, con taining all our papers, insurance policies, Am, amounting to offer $40,000, which, on being taken out, all were entirely safe. We moei. eordiilly recommend ll.e Burke d Barna+ Mule• eM being very superior. • Your blends, PLATT, MARTIN d GORDON, '1 iv . . above Safun, of every size, on hand and made to order 11 - • - BURKE & BARNES, Al iho i.. 1 Fet,bi.shed Sale Factory, 1:6) and 131 Third street, Pittsburgh, Pa. rnsults. l y WHOLESALE ifolqpN HOUSE. A V. ...... ..W. ti. STURGRON SCOTT, STURGEON & CO., IMP()P,Ti-ilis .I,bliers in foreign J. and t)omne,l ir FANCY (iii01);-; ANI) NoTIONS, BASKETS AND WILLOW WARE, 11.1. , REN'3 CoAcu I.ls 673 Wood Street, Corner t"ourth, PITTSIWRiaI, PA The attention of merchants and he trade ere in Cited to examine our extensive stock of FASO 6Uflflg. c. hich we are selling at Eaetern Primes. se27 , 2mw SUPERIuIt QUA LIT \ CONGRESS GA 1 TERS, LACE 804 TS OXFORD TIES, FOR GENTS, BOYS and YOUTHS SELLING AT LOW PRICE, AT NO. 31 FIFTH STREET, W. E. SCHMERTZ & CO. sel4 50 1) OZEN HOOP SKIRTS, OF ALL SIZES, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE CITY. W. & D. HITGUS. HEADQUARTESS, Hatiatanireo, Sept 9, 1861. A BOARD OF SIIRGEONS FOR THE J 1 examination of eandidaies for the poet of BURGEON and SURGEON'S MATE In the PENN SYLVANIA TROOPS, will aatiemb:e in ti.V.RIS BURG, et the Hall of Representatives, W&. 9 : DAY, October 2d, 1861, at 9 o'clock. a. in, whe.land where all desiring appointmeirte will precent them selves. By order ofthe Goven HENRY H. SAME, M. D. eel2:4t 1,3 0 bieuti_S_Penna. . _ A LARGE AND WELL IMPROVED FARM for sale, situate i¢ Beavereounty, one mite from Rochester fitation, 360 acres of prime land-100 in cultivation, 60 irt good timber, black and white oak, locust, &c. Well watered, good springs, orchard of 120 trees. Dwelling Hoare, Barn, Stables, kc., all in good carder. eel ft. CUTHBERT k BON, 51 Market street. WESTERN ITNITERSITY. Th e next term of this institution will commence Sept.lki. There will be classes in the Preparatory, Classical and English Departments, and also the tell Collegiate Course. A Normal Department will also be commenced for those of both sexes who propose to teach. GEORkin; "WOODS, Principal. anlikaw $1,20 0 —A F ARM OF 173 V . AOREB FOR BALE, all nate ric wilco tram Portage, WiFironain--= acres in cal finnan, 10 under fence, 0 acres in timber ik good d we lling house, well of water, Ac. Price 01,00 0— terms easy. Also 40 acres of land. one mile from Cascade 1r 'liege. Price : $2.00. Will Be exchanged for a good house and Icor% Pittsburgh or Allegheoy eel° B. CUTHB ' &RT k 808., Market at. E GCTS.-8 bai:rels fresh Eggs, ia!ts received and P.tr Bale by JAS: A. FETZER., Co met Market end First street a. EGGS. -4 bi irrels Fresh Eggs, just re ceived and f pr sale b 7 611E9 A. FETZER, suss parser Market au}! First sweets- PIP Gfl'"'l'ja Liam AND Mixon. .. WICkENDERsoN Plum de AumatoN:-Private Boxes, 2 5 , 00 03Inefil,'V Scat al Private 80x,, , 540;.• Paquette land Circle, e6atre , 60-ectam Glircls 25 centic4. Colwell (4Mlory, deintigOolptedßalteffilVOlVl $,) Gallery, 15 cents. 57: , N E -g DA Y EVE NJ NO, Eltlatenibin“ •4311101 , ucco,l I —THE PAT.KI '8 HA.T LE OF BOLL'i EON. ID. AZ. 1010613118 & isAPOPAoTtrOPPA OP "' ROGERS' IMPROVKB PATHICE,;:, STEEL CULTIVATOR, TEETIC . 'i AM) GRAIN DRILL TRuTiL Office, Corner Butletr and Clymer' Streets, Ninth Ward, rams JAMES H. CHILDS & HOPE COTTON 11111)41.44 Allegheny egg 0/ : Vs; 14 YANWPACRIMUMII ii SEAMLESS BACS - ,:;,f: AND OF • ' OSNAJESZTROS____. 32 inches to .10 inches- Ivaascii' !?Orders may ho tea Bf H. - cuitufa am; mu , - Won,/ St nallernifutk.:L, JAMES 110LELES & r.. DURK DEALERS, and defilers Prey - Woos, corner of Me rket nod Frontefi•C . plklyd• aoasar •••••••• saAMIS3 USMMtia ROBERT DALZELL & Co., W HO LES A LE 'GRPCEItS I :-.. COMMISSION AND FORVIRDING MERCHANTS DIAINICS 111 PROM= win PrrocousniMAMIOVIVUM NO. 1451 LLBERTY Ss`REET. • nOli :19 E 8 A. ERTL 4 FORW A RDING 0110 COMICSIOIk%EFICHiItri4, ron tax stla Floar, Grata, Baena, ritin)47-J31.1' Drlo(i Fruit. avid Prot ZJ08..41.1111 0/ MAIM= AND MIS/ OV/.115114,- Pr riSBURUE , &urn to—Frande bh Bage?, mtuuatoraitv: won h yr., S. Cuthbert & Son, PutsucttAhellnydr Ott, tioisker & Swearingen, 8, Etrathß,qta44l.44lt,. Banta, Lift Howoil, Srongle & CO:V.bienrike'AV:. in &Wenn, Donlon Paxton it Co, W4el# nrw2aar,tr-ia ; USPECIALLY the igno- r.,4 rant and falsely Nod- .. , --7 41 11114 k. ' ant Physicians of all de- '," ' • ....'- ---i. , .,,,. . ''' nominations, treat seam : a.'!.."''.'? - ,N, j 'aid delicate disorders, 7 4'1 , - it'L.1 . .....% ' - "•;: self abuse and diseases or' i' /': *,. ,dilations common and ~..--??. nc , ..ient to youths of bath - - iczeo, and &dolts, slbgie or •married. )34xicar49. . ~._ BLUM/11.LT publishes the fact of his &lag' se, the 47 12 . , te a and Wooly modest are_ dreadful.y shocked, and thins. it a great Bin very tramorr...., and for dostaminallon and, ~,nneilen among their litiVelly prOleiging go ds a , t.o.Atitore. Thoir family playsielanattotlld. be_ r.i.i.:10. . to keep them in woranoe dz. that J & a z oe nie as lit IiIIARSTRDP, texcePtinth e•-t .... lucrative pa tine nught• be lost to Went: among stored, falsely modes, and presuroptcgant families, horn and raised In Ignorance, s7_, as mushrooms, and who compare society- genre. sense , Ac., to dollars and oentarreyavj meanly or lily gotten. It is tc publicity, howairrer, that numerous parents and guardians are thartlttilt trst ii.e.r sons, daughters and warde.,.prtivionaly teulde. sickly and of - heats condition and ar , poM't aced, have neon rest° - to health atittiVOYDre BRA NSTRUP, besides y before mar', , k ian Cia,:„:l through hire have been saved much iniftering, -ai.ixiety, mortification, tn. Having the advantage of over thirty years experience and observation, c.msequently, no has superior skill in the treattriii ^f a} i , ciel diseases, and who to daily consulted , .i.ie profession, as wall recommended by reaped, side citizens, publislions proprietors of betels, 41 'inermaterhea, or so called LlOCiLlnlal etnittaiera;: VI s dreadful malady can be completely cfuni, t I,s very last discovery that has never yet fatted,'titt female diseases he has had suporioreaperitibebfbit account or his old age, seventy years, all i .rrCittl•_* tartly is completely cured. As for consumpurna or pulmonary diseases my syrups; which are erfreV . teedlrnro Iceland moss and other ingredients y s skillful physician five years at the brisineas,if ems had more success than all the ptetenstrmi that have as yet been discovered, as the Mirlift• Noes will show. They are all genuine and.ealtbit found aorormog to a pamphlet that ertelrperefori is ill get at the examination, all free of charge.— Office 85 Southfield greet, near pianaond,,,eweet Private communications from all parts bf it* 1:101bn strictly attended. le. Direct to BOX' 60114- I , 9tt.horqe Pnat xlivitte, 1;=1!2! -.N. G. W16,11E9 IMPORT/MT TO LADLES: "Great America& Remedy,'" ' Dit. JOHN HARVEY, haVingAlß upwards of twenty years devoted his *au , tonal time exclusively to the trsatmentof - Striinde D, flirt, Wes, and having succeeded in thottaanda of cases in restoring the afflicted to sound hedith, bas now entire conddenee in offering publicly:hie. • DR. HARVEY'S CH RO NO - THERMAL4tRIALE PILLS. Which have never yet failed:Awhen the rec. bons have been staietigollowedAtre• movingditheultiess*Wiigicaus ObstractiontortatopPage ofitaturit m or in restoring the 4,stetn - to nerient hattith,:w suffering from imputiAtlsicsnomk Ptomains . at, Tea WHIT2II, Or OtherNakrieße,4; ittror grvoil Mesas. Also, inall 0 911 4 1-o a*MiT4Mia liZikrOrß Pam:mottos, Etner*Ce; AO, which are the forertummgottripkailjonMdiattsAte Air These Fills an p e =o9sltarit thexOss• etautiors, and may . t.4; the - 21 - 146 - . Wags. fa mate .without causing distresit;liii;Ae;,estir*.#lll2.,.e they act Laza imam by strengilienmitinvigSras , nig, and restoring the osterittaji .heWthy - . condi. boa, and by briogiag on this monthly with regularlity,no matter from what cause the7oliitmo• Lions arise. They should,however t . noSbet4Len dur rig the first three or four mothaef,prOViy, though sale at any other time, as ma age. would be the result. Each box contains 60 Pills. .pata O Dort es and when desired will be sent by, trulprepa. /4,Asi any advertised Agent, on receipt of thenmansv. J. BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y, General /464 Bold by Druggists generally. . STRAP SHOES FOR CASH NEW CLOTBING ROWE! KLEE, KAVFMAN & CO. - ; WOOD STREET, . Next door to corner of Fifth street, in Patterson's new block. WE WOULD tiNNOUNCETO cam easterners and Cbtmtry Merchantldp that we have opened in the above 121310 .114 j OWI - budding, a very large and well assorted Steak of Clothing and Piece Goode, for the- Fall and Winter trade, to w hien we invite the 'attention 'itit alk dealers. It is unnecessary to say seythin&to our: !effete mere regarding the swperior make or goods„ and those who have not yet dell with unoisei Wtanki invite to call and examine our Kook beforetturetuur tog elsewhere . in view of the present"bard timein We win offer mere induennenes to "Chshßeyers." KLEE, KAUFMAN & CO:;• Wood et, next door to Flith,:Pattennt'a now block Pinesuzen, A.ugast Zdth,wsL—sej<taTir T Z _ Farmers' Deposit Banking CoIOMMy, No. 66 FOURTH STREEtt BANK OF DEPOSIT AND atsvauat INTEREST PAID ON .DNFOSITO., Par and Current Fonds Received on Deposit. HE UNDERSIGNED Stockholders are individually responaible;.l4d4initins to the whole extent of their privatfidr*trigi t i, - John Sco J James Marshall, W aco illa r t79ll4 , - tt, Painter William Walker, Joseph:Lont,; Samuel JGeorge, d. a. 4 0 / 49 9 1 4 , Thomas lideltoo, Thomas:Bo°6, A ,, Robert Be/l, Joseph Love . John McDevitt, D. A. Hteviarr: John Floyd, 11.'"waYs- Richard Floyd,illtam Carr,. Day Walker, W. W. NIV it'll* - James A. Knox. JAMES MA RAH Ar.Ty Rreitijent. R.. A. GEORGE. Cashier • sej6.7. TER MOH OM MEM COMPANY. ' NO. 256 LIBERTY STREICT., DANK OF DISCOUNT, XXatIANGE AND DEPOSIT. Capital 5t0ck5............... 1 , 50 , 000 Capital, Ito resented; over-1.1.000,000 ant .ffefdriglitithKill.9l4*&-ga Gold, River, Par Funds and Currency received on Dope*. ALL MOM'S allowed tavemsili for I a spasftel time WILL DRAW INTEREST.- Wight Rsahange on the Ea tern and Western.nitiss ooze. I stay Up tier sale in sums to salt.' "Calleationa mad e in all the prineimd elites in the UMW &goosed the Canada and PRMUCLitit PRONE= RE. mirran to any destaid : gr. oa da.t] - ,ot6ittatity G R. Warner, Wm seibert,WWltistiss - . ask John Heath. John Moorhen i'llenryibCCM tough, WM. Gormly, Bainuatt.V. Robison, Wpm, Coo,por, G. E. Vi'AßNit_ E i -peaaidea a . .early lUD . FIORNER224-.42shier. NITATER 1 3 1 rii---3 . 044#44s one -at Tv Water Pipe t trom TATO taataiathrtv. eel - :HENRYS: CIOMINB, 1 - 17 - aFTN AP pus. -1.0 bard s° i jr Green Apples, Just - finettbd rata by -AMMINat i CorberMipsket sad Plibt :,.1011100. AMUSEMENTS. =MI