tOctlip dust. _ oFPIOIAL PAPER OF THE OPE PrrTRINURGH: FRIDAY, 11101tNING.-.-.--SEPT. 6. MEVI'I9G-01P - Ttfet_ DIVCOORATIO CON MITTEN Or CO RRESPONDENOE.—T h e members,ofpe.Dee:;mwaUcAlommittee of Oorres- Po Eiden" f" CoUntY,are. reSue B t o 4,"9, m.etat she ST , 'ozaatm:',4tiaM;;lll* city at 74 - 14tOurght 00ePtairk ' Vira, at itIV44 ketreits sit4danaa ti isipiestak:; saps o V: TiCalsONN =IX; Obatiman. War- h Telegraph See First PaP. Our Country Ca A UNION.. CONVENTION, WITIMInitSPICT TO PARTY. The electors of Allegheny county, without .respect toprevious party asso• ciations,,who are willing to take for their platform the Constitution, as oar fathers gave it to us=—to sustain the gov ernment, in crushing out this rebellion' and are epOpe4. to all compromise - with traitorsWittFarms in their hands, mein vitedtoinect,lnv,thoiriesilietive election distiictsi' SoIITTDRDArr, SEP. , TAIIMBR 14th, between the hours of five end seven in the cities, and be Union the hours of three and five in the country, to thOose two delegates, one Republioan and one Democrat, to meet in CorOntif_m at the COURT : ROUSE on TUESDAY', the'l7th,lo select can -ati, State and Judicial offioes to:toe:114044 ,fcr' at the October TM ....,' ,- .--:, ,,7 !.;:...:`, 4 , . ~ trx , 4•l7ttiNit,B".ll4 . l.. ',, ~ _,'=s`'i.g:' l 4 27-- '""``••' . . &air - W - .3144401-' 4, -- ''''' . l3Sinutil Didn't . Boers ONltiabili'iro '• ~ Hugh Jonas Henty*lFigram 'Charles T Neale 0 W Mstobelte '-' ' - Jahn, Ander • Charles Binnefl -Otis WOhilds A McFarland .. • SartMcLain James Irwin • Jno J O'Leary 13 K Hargrave .1 F S Allison Wm II Moody 0 P'Oaughey W Davis . R 0 Oanghey Wm Woods - Allen Kramer Robert Arthur* i Florence Kramer Jno MollOrtissum Wm Bennett MBwartnwelder 4 , • Jas O'Lariug, M W Belbrhoover , • J 8 Reynolds Thas Ornate John Willson John Marshall ' Robert -iiihick ' J K Moreno- .., ' . r' Gnome.. Dickey David Mikan :Ron ' E. K Wilton J W Cook. '- Wm "A Rhodes Win &Moyer . John Haber U H N_yerslg.orols IVIIIA. . Robert Thou/peon IV H Whitney Robert McDonald WmE Willlairp James J Kerr ~--- 3 W Mollvalne . Joseph Pennock James ?Darr r' Jacob Anderson W .1' Bender Henry W Barnes W W libidehaw James D Verntr ../ P So I , James Bmith Wmatimit • W 0 Elliott Sobn_LlimiN - ' SEt Sewell rk IN zd&tton James CI Cummins J W Dill*: • II H Smith IMunasigi E A Myers W-Henry James O'Connor .Jam 8 Bloc& E Spohr JohnEnnoingtiam H Simpson A J BA* Rola, 0 Schmertz ..7 A Graff ' John li Smith IThas Ohlidadck Win H Wiseman 0 ants H W inu illdris ~ 8 TRee Nodrtham m Ili R Boggs Wm Rowland itabt Patton -v James - Ingram Jas Stuart R Mowry ~ J mob Fever L Taylor Wm Brown . um Minor J TiarveyEatta. Win Taylor Wilson lliblindless, jr . W Childs Ili McGinley Jno b Ocagrave EII ttin. ' r . H W Mackey F Ba ler " ' ' L Berman J'Hatevaimon '` A V Scott 'Junes Mclainakm,,. Joseph H -MU- ADO BoottiL Ir -I', F i.: Wmilobugon •`‘: ' 47haed Colton John Bl3arikey L W Koelkenbeok J 0 Haw= John 8 Murray A L Pearson Henn lilMhilltidgh .''. Marcus W Acheson .13 P KamArms Ige lg ie -T ' Dani•l m trong --' John Barton 'Gauge P Hann ton Jams, McGregor RobartWalsOtt ' - .:- , Onaa.Ei Paulson Y' Jamb H Walter H T Cassidy. D O Hulls Samuel if. Young Wm II Smith John Young John:Q A Young Jos It Hughes Loott , Metre Bobt Ellis Layrroncoo Mitchell ... THE UNION CALL. We have on hand several, lists of names to the call for the Union Conven tion, whioh we are unable to print this niortil4 The call is approved by thou sands, and names are constantly coming in. We ShSll publish the remainder on Saturday morning- UNDERRATING OUR ENEMY: We observe that another "very re speotablejigentimianp who' lista• lately arrived from Virgirfut, has informed the nevnligris ,that the rebel force in Vir ginia at' the Present time only reaches from tAkir - Ar ra fifty •thousand men, and that 'titer; army, is in a very bad condi- 4only.:11 fifty per cent. of them being soy mid all of them in want of, many thtngit, ab s olutely necessary to an army, liovri this may all be true; we do not say that it is not; but it is- unwise to take such ataMinenta for granted. AL ready wthay, .9 lost ,much by underrating the:tutra*Mid. fighting powers of the enemy. Tikv . 4 4 filivto Richmond I" Cry whichlataftilialitiateratManassits grew out itrititf#Cl^solo , 4mw t : 0f,t119/North that the tainnr99** tes§:l4in ours, and naI.PFOV4I foool l sl4 Tin q?,o1!- try wiinfir* 'to*: "It 'is necessary gi4e 'the rebel force full - credit for their numbers' their' preparation, , and for -determined and liegairate energy in this contest. 800,1,:he . rapialsu at Manassas a new cir(blSOAA#M.'!uu3,•bee inaugurated by the szoitn". 4 , lll % Generals. - RverrpreiT# arattai liehliOnade - fOr war WI the large4494l9,,,Pitlki;Ae true ,policy. Let 119!. Pl3Wj i) e,;,l 2 ! adt t i agailft 4=l6M: inemY'a theA dr • aim ., tin war satratmuloaragr„p Meet& with the appro.yal of all patriotic men. There milt -be no More hasty attempts to dislodge thet.4memy, but .hereafter things 4zulat be done with Military precision:: and : ; r'a'tion, from which W:dnt Ver miti jrl 4 ?ca c, for certain res is WitiOrii4P l X;:to csiPonlOkr.; TOW #,"18:111151 us thst d i wt :n_t .f palitmert.theiriNtacitiosir and then rumors that their foreeihr 1 I attic thAtriT4My , P- - kyynt. „, mai .. ....‘00 ,414, P art 4 r 9#41 11140 °';, JO 111141401111640041#119 Diaillarlilimiß THE UNION MOVEMENT We have never known the masses of the people so thoroughly disgusted at the action of a conventionitian thby are at the course pursued bt , the Reisubli eans Ttireadnir. Laded we havenot yet met n.fsingli4:indtViduirwho with wil ;.ggjustify and sitetairiAbakaok* T - A moveMent for a UnioUltateoiiiil out respect of politics, was at once liimdly and universally called for. We venture to say that nine-tenths of the delegates who attended the conventions of Tues day are dissatisfied with their own ac tion. It is not difficult toltebount - for this. The members of the conventions each had some political office'-seaking friend whom he was anxious to gratify. Thus, -when the very fair and liberal report of the committee was made, giving a cer tain number of the offices to Democrats, office-seeking infipence killed,it. Every body was willing to have a Union ticket, but no one was willing that the Demo crate should have that office for which his own particular friend was a candi date. Thus the Un ion design was de feated in the Republican Conventions, and they have placed themselves on re- I cord, as preferring their party to their country. The Union men will not, however, support the purely partisan, "straight out" ticket of the Republican party.— The people have become disgusted at the management of hackneyed politi— cians, who think of nothing bat them selves, and they are determined to take a hand at their own affairs, without re gard to the politicians. We publish to-day a call for a Union Convention, signed by repu table citizens of all parties, to nomi nate a Union ticket. This patriotic movement meets with the entire appro val of people of all classes. Politics, they are determined,shall bediaregarded, and that a ticket of the very best men in the county shall be placed in the field.— This convent ion will carry out what the Republicans proposed to do, but failed. They will act as Union men should act —regardless of what men's political pro clivities were previous to the 15th of April. The Republicans of Ohio have issued a call, similar in character, for a State Convention, but our Republicans of Al legheny county have taken a partizan stand, like that of the anti-war Demo crats of that State. This course of se tion will never be sustained by an hon est, patriotic people anywhere, and, least of all, by the men of Allegheny county, who have so bravely sustained 'their gov ernment in this war. When it shall meet, this 'convention will decide for itself upon the proper apportionment of the nominations be tween' the men of former parties. It will be composed of good men, and, coining directly from the people, they will be prepared to speak and act for the people, and not for the politicians.— They will place in . the field a People's Ticket, composed of national men, and political hacks will stand no chance with them. PARTY AcrioN. It is obvious to us on every side that the present perils of the Government render a political party contest here this fall both untimely and distasteful to the people. Who now, except a pro fessional office-seeker,conld find pleasure inla party struggle ? The question is not upon what principles the govern ment of the country shall be adminis teAd, but whether we shall have a gov ernment at all. At a time of imminent peril, like the present, there is no neces sity for party action. We should all of us be willing to make every personal sacrifice—to forego every personal ad vantage—in order to compact the sen timent and energies of the whole people in this great struggle. TO CORRESPONDENTS We cannot make glad our correspon dent " Whole Country," as he supposes. The article upon " State Sovereignty" is well written, but the question has been so often discussed that we deem it inopportune to publish the article at the present time. We frequently receive communications like : those we have referred to above, which are purely political in their ammo ter, Now is not the time for such things. As for ourself—our political heart lies buried in Illinois ; it is in Douglas' coffin, and we shall pause till it comes back to us, which will not be while this war lasts. Now, our only aspirations are net for party, but our country. Cot. 0. H. RIPPEY is getting on finely with his regiment, which is announced to leave for Washington on Saturday. Col. Rippey is a gentleman who fully understands his duties, and no soldier who goes into,ffervice under him will 'Over have "cause for regret for so doing. CoL Rippey is a thorough soldier. THE Vermont state election, so far as reported, gives a return of forty-sev en representatives elected, of which thittY-nine are Republicans,eight Union and one Democrat. The election shows :generally a complete breaking up of 14 1 ,tty line,. Tax way to have peace is for th e `secession is to go home and obey the hos as their ancestors did. There will -be peace then at once. They can have eace on the same terms that their