ips,4Elaitt—tiJosti JAMES P; ' taint, E D TD.A. - .ANWP. &O It-1 ET (11 Tissul:— . Daih_Eliz There tot stnatly adratcto.4. , ' , NYlSS. l l, /Binge ounevriptons.On! peiAreeriinAllitba 61 Ele. ("no oFFIO.II4,4WER OF 4131; CITI PITY , . MATTERS. Tau stoky- MORIII N GI AUG. 20 .PITTSBURG4.4 FT. WAYNE AND OHICAO3 report of the Auditor, of the irairmaial. Oondition of this Company at the clofolOftlre first six months of this sear, and oph . o'ov/rations of the Road from Janursisfrat to - June 80th, is published. We make the following synopsis: The political troubles of the country, whickkatlthe.date of:the last'annual report, were presaging •civil war, have in the meantettiminitted in that direful csl amity;through the influence of which all chtsseol"business interests have become more eel* prostrated; yet notwithstand ing this serious drawback, the earnings for the first half of the yearothow aivery'sra'ify ing incli*e of $364,125 67, wnich ißequivw alent t 0429,510 47 per month, or 84 64- 100 per , eent, They have been as follows, viz : Tranejihrtationot Freight, W 7,879 62 1110•199 matter 16,600 00 .:* Passengers, 880,968 84 4 ' 14149,..- 48,959 00 Rent d'ROad WOO 00 Redd other property ..... 1,178 26 Eftsoollanoons 1,464 77 $1,870,421 48 Ttit;el . oense of operating the Road and maintaining it,its :grantees and equipment, have been as follows, Condnot3ng.Tranaportation,..s23B,497 30 .... 306,961 13 Maintop:insect 209,635 48 bfaietacumoe of Cars, 88,818 38 General Express,.... ..... ^.0,299 69 4 861,631 96 614,789 62 The ether Current charges upon the rev.. enue during the same time have bean : Six month's Ingr on Bonds_ 5324,121 25 " • " Floating debt., 37 610 78 23439 W. Drawbga; and overcharges, 10,519 93 Diaeonnt orrOurrency, 5307 61 401,368 89 Leaving a garplas of $113,480 63 Prom this deduct ther xpenses of the re ceivlmehip and re•oripur zation, 17,044 417 Showings net balance to the credit of Inoome, of-- 95,785 68 Thbt result is one that has not been beo fore attained-since the fivancial revulsion of 1867, and may be regarded as a practi cal, and therefore a satisfactory solution of thetproblem, whether the earnings of the Roadiwill suffice to pay the interest on its debt ehd leave something to divide among theiiitockholders, more especially as every month is adding to the facilities of the Gompiuly for transacting an increased business, and every year is devoloong the country directly and indirectly tributary to the. line. Itwill be noticed that while the gross earnings have increased $254,125 67 dur ing the period named, the expenses have increased but $104,561 26, exhibiting an increase of, $249,564 41 in the net earn ings, The amount of earningaabsorbed by expense has been 62 6-10 per cent This relatively large per centage of ex ponies will be accounted for by the heavy renewals of the track and machinery, which, as was stated' i n the last annual re port of the Company, would continue to be necessary during the year, in order that the Toed end its equipment might be in eißcientoenditipn at its close. The construction expenditures of the Eastern Dilation have mainly been on sc. count of the building of the second track from Pittsburgh to Sewickley, a distance': of twelve, miles; additions to the engine housee.spid machine shops; three new loco motives; the pro rata proportion of this divisfoitof the coat of one hundred and fifty-two new freight ears, and the pay ment clan installment duo for the purchase of the right of way in Allegheny city. On the Western Division these expenditures wereprincipally for the the continuation of fencing the line; the completion of the connection with other Railroads in Chinas go, north of the' property lately acquired intjuttoity for depot purposes; additions to the machine shops and machinery there in, and station buildings; live new loco motives, and the pro rata proportion of this, division of the cost of the above num ber`of 13eiw freight care. Uncontrollable circumstances have de layed the re-organization of the Company, according to the plan agreed upon by the Committee of the Stockholders and Bond holders, under date of October 22, 1860. This, holvever, will doubtless be acoom; plished beforellie close of the coming au tumn, and the property will then be trans,* ferred from the jurisdiction of the United Stated Qiionit Cc art, to the possession of the ,pliffiettits. “PosT."—ln your account of the explosion which occurred at the plat form. of the Adands' Express Company yesterday, you make mention that Drs. lielEn.and Hauslent, Bret dressed the in juriesof the wounded man, McLaughlin.” These gentlemen may have been called, but one of the Company's employees was, im mediately after the accident occurred, des - - patched for Dr. Dickson. Before his ar. rival, howbver, the aforinentioned doctors arrived, and their only attention consisted in sponging the face of McLaughlin, for whictinservice a bill of twenty dollars was presented before his removal from the plat, form. The . Agent of the Company re- , fusing to pay this, it was reduced to ten dollars, and.when still refused. Dr. Hans% lent had the assurance to ask how much would be givenn. This is a plain statement, which, perhaps, it would be well for the public to know. Yours, &c , B. Busr.awar AND ComasioN.—Yester day morning a two horse team attached to an empty bay wagon, from Butler county; took fright on Smithfield street and in their headlong course to the river =to Oar No. 2 on the 'Birmingham ' • P 11 ,ger railway. One wheet of the wagon:was taken off, one of the car hoi ses was knocked down and the tongue of the ear bra*. The frightened horses then rannpon.4e - bridge, where they came in contact witiLlhe carriage of Mr. T. J. Bight/m i lli. Which were his young son and a daughter of Judge McClure. Fortu nately neither were injured, although the oarrlitgOwlis broken to pieces. The runa ways were finally stopped at the further end of the bridge, 'when the wagon was found - toile completely wrecked and the horses badly cut and bruised. The aced dent'wcasioned much excitement in the vicinity. Fax nr OHIO TOWNSETP.-At four o'clock on Thesday morning, fire broke out in thifwood.eh.ed of William Lynch., Ohio towahip, near Maysville, find the shed, together-with the coal house, corn crib, ear*ter - Ao_p_ . atid poultry house, were all destroyed. ... IVellid not learn the amount of Mr, laytich'siods. The fire is supposed to I(imibeeirtffe work of an incendiary, as Mr. Lynch hidreceived a large sum of money 4,tickasy befpre, and on Tuesday it was discovered that a plank had been run rip folhe'vvond story window. A. trough which has not been dry for a period of seven years was fond empty and it is supposwtthe-water was - run off by the in, cendiary, if the building was fired. IKlNOrrazrr TO . EicaooL Drascrolus.—lt may interest those school directors who are anxious to see the public schools eloped during the bard times, to learn that the Hon. Win. M. Meredith, Attorney Gen. eral of the State, has declared, upon app plication made to him by the State &mei ilitelidallllo4 Common Schools, that Direct ors Must .Uep the schools of their respect tee diattlista in operation at least four mosibloinualty. The Blair County Democracy triecitifig of - Derficierata Id Milli. dayeburgb, Blair county, last week, the following resolutions were unanimously aopted: . • Resolved Ist. That the principles upon which this Government ,is based are the principles of the Danciocratic party as taught by Jefferson, -its founder, and the permonency of the one depends upon the sucoessful practice of the doctrine/3e the other. 2d. That we are for the Government and the Union—no matter who may be Pres'. dent—having an abiding confidence that the pecple, in their own good time, for the promotion of their own interfati, will have it-administered in accordance with the principles of our glorious old party. 3d. That the present horrible civil war was immediately forced upon us by the South and now must to fought through, esti, to that end, we hereby pledge our party in Blair county, so far as we have power, to support the Government in all constitutional measures to accomplish its successful and speedy issue. 4th. That in the present distracted state 'Of affairs we deem it inexpedient to make party nominations at this time. Mustered In. The Frisbee Infantry, Capt. Foulk, wss mustered into service today. An election was held for commissioned officers, which resulted as follows: W. L. Foulk, Captain; Henry A. dieatrake, Ist Lieutenant; John Little, 2d Lieutenant. • This company will not go ont to Camp but will remain in the city until ordered off. The members, near ly all, are residents of the.city, and will occupy the interim of time in making ar rangements to leave home. EXPECTIM —Shortly prior to our going to press preparations were being made for the reception of Captain Barker's cavalry company, noticed elsewhere. They left Wheeling on horseback on Monday,bring ing their tents, camp equipage, &c , and it was thought they would reach here in the ordinary course of travel last evening. A substantial meal was set out for them by the subsistence committee, stabling was provided for the horses at Patterson's livery ' stable, and they were to sleep at City gall. The company consists of one hundred and thirty well mounted men,nnd is said to:be intended as a body guard for Gen. McClellan, but this is rather unser• tain. Although fully prepared for camp ing out, Capt Barker did not wish to unpack his equipage, and would make a strong effort to reach here last night,which he probably did. The company goes to Washington to-day. " Haar ER Zoos vas" will give an exhibition at City Hall on Friday evening, (to-morrow) for the benefit of the Pitts burgh Zousves, Captain S. L. Fullwood. We would earnestly request our readers to attend that they may see to what proficien-. cy Capta.n Full wood has brought this company, and they will. thereby be assist ing a company that will reflect credit on our "Smoky City." Moral, temperate young mon . who wish to join a company, and be commanded by one whose every thought will be for the comfort and glory of his man, will call, without delay, at No. 80, Fourth street. Tickets for the exhi bition may be had of any of the members of the Harper Zmaves, J. G. Road, 78 Fonrth . street, or at the door. M ORR TROOPS FORWARDED.- SS verfil detachments for Col. Rowley's Regiment were sent forward by the Express train on the Pennsylvania Railroad at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, viz: Captain Foster, with fifteen men, (two not sworn in for contingencies,) Lieutenant Large, with twenty men for Captain Large's company and twenty-five men for Capt. Enright's company. Capt. Smith, of the Pittsburgh Rifles, took •el3ven men, which fills his company to the war complement. The Tippecanoe Cavalry, from Jefferson coun ty, Ohio, arrived from the West and pro ceeded East on the same train. They go to Philadelphia and thence to Washington City. APERA.T AT WEST MIDDLETOWN.—Last Saturday, at West Middletown, Ps , a gentleman named McClure waS seriously wounded by a pistol shot, fired by a maa named Samuel Smith, who, having made a display of secession sympathy, was or• tiered to leave town, which he refused to do, when returned volunteer attempted to seize him and Smith drew a pistol,which was caught by McClure. It went e 8 in scutne, the ball entering Mr. McClure's proin, producing a dangerous wound.— Smith was unmercifully beaten by brother of the wounded man, and then taken to Washington jail'and confined. LEssuaz's Rzoixisivr.—Colonel Leasure, with seven full companies and part of another, some seven hundred and fifty men in all, arrived by the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne„ and Chicago Railroad on Wednesday afternoon. They partook of a comfortable meal at the soldiers' dinning rooms and proceeded to Camp Wilkins, where a company from Washington cowl. ty, to join the regiment, was already en. camped. The regiment will be filled up and ready to move as a body in a day or two, GEN. LTON'S REMAINS —A telegram to George Bingham, Esq , of Adams' Express, states that the body of General Lyon will arrive at Cincinnati on Friday morning at six o'clock, lie In state there during the day, and leave there on Friday evening for this city in charge of Adams' Express Company. The remains will be escorted to this city by a committee of sixteen per sona. Fos CoL. BLecs.'s REGIMENT.—The first company in the three years zampaign from Blair county, left on Monday last, It is commanded by Richard Crozier, Cap tain; Stephen Potts, First Lieutenant; and John Murry, Second Lieuterant. • It will be assigned a position as company M, in Col Black's regiment, and is intended for scouting purposes. POSTMASTERS.-A. Washington dispatch gays a batch of Postmasters for Western ;Virginia were appointed on Tuesday. They were taken from the ranks of the Union men, without reference to political antecedents. CAPT. S. B. tlf.. YouNG's Cavalry com pany, now in Camp Wilkins,'has been accepted in Col. W. H Young's Kentucky Cavalry „regiment, and will join it at Washington City as soon as twenty more men are obtained. .M.'.larfouxnq, the man so seriously in. Jared by the explosion on Tuesday, was in a more favorable condition yesterday even. ing, though his case is considered almost hopeless. L1E137. TAGG, of the Eighth Pennsylva. nia 'Reserve regiment was in the city, yes terday and will remain a few days. He will take any letters entrusted to his care for the boys. Garr. -L. W. Siarru, of the Pittsburgh Bifles, left to join bis regiment yesterday afternoon, taking with him a number of recruits for the company. ANOTHER company from Washington county, for OoL l&asure's regiment, ar. rived yesterday afternoon in wagons, bug gies and on horseback, and soon after went into camp. • eroPrzn.—The sale of Lonisvilld, - Bab& more and ,New York secession journals bias been stopped in Wheeling, by order of the IJ. B. Marshal of that district. Tan Joinzsron Canars, Captain Cole- Man, and those sworn in under Thomas A. Hinton, second detachment, leave for Washington on Friday. D&NTISTRY. —Dr. C. 8111. No. 246 rem, treat, attends to all branches of the Den al orofession. LYNWOOD BOARDING SCROOL FOR BOYS, will re-open Sept. 18. Terms reduced. Address, Rev. Joe. P. TAYLOR, New Brighton, Pa. armour AMltg. JOSEPH MEYER & SON, M8111:111141111161, 811c1 WhO.Eitiouc ivao Hetail Dealers .0 FIURNITII ILE & CH4HtS No.' 24 Penn street, above tee ()anal. Have unbend stale assortmentor Fancy and Plain Furnitnre, in Walnut and Mahogany of Weir own m enufsettre , and warranted equal in quality and atria to any =mutant hared in the city, and alp van at rannoonble twines fdeth.ti POSTERS, PLACARDS, HAND-BILLS, CARDS, &b. Printed at the lowest cash prices to Hutt the times _ST_ W. S. HAVEN, 84 THIRD STREET, WINO WILL PRINT IN RED, WHITE AND BLUE,(WITH FANCY CUTE,) OR IS PLAIN BLACK INK. —Call and see Samples and get prices.l, • sul.t SAPONIFIER! Important to Families' Save Time, Trouble, and Expense. II F.' TII BEST IihjIKET x• ARTICLE LYE : 1 ,; • MAKING SOFT. SOAP! One pound equal to Six pounds For Salo Wbolnala by Penn'a. Sait Manufact'g, Co. PITTSBURGH, PA. And by C.lDrucirtsto & Grocers to tor tinitod S•ct..s AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes, Bonds, Mortilages, and in sesames tar money. Money loaned on Checks at chart dates, with (sonnet* securities. • NOTFB ANL GRAFTS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Persons desiring Lams an be accommodated on reasonable terms, and capitalista can he furnished with good securities at remunerative prices. Akio, attend to the Sale, Renting and Leasing of Reel Estate. Oak*, Ho. 92 FOURTH EITRIEET. above Wood. ta?Ll• AUSTIN 1.0011713, r. J. (*wt.. rAut, AI UtiUS—..WK. (MUFF Western Stove Works. lIS LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. GRAFF & CO., MAMIT'ACTLTItEREI; WOULD CALL THE ATTLrNTION looted of the public to thenlarge stook of well se. Cook, Parlor & Heating Stoves, ALSO—IMPROVED KITCHEN RANGES, GRATE FRONTS, Harrow-WAaa, lc., among which will be found the Ertl' COAL COOS STOVES IN THE STATE. The Diamond, Advance, Air-Tight; Eclipse, and IRON CITY, Were awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the State Fur for the BRST COAL COOK STOVES. Also, FIRST PREMIUM awarded to the - TRIM AICRUCAN, GLOBE k For the BEST WOOD COOK STOVER NOW IN USE. The KENTUCKIAN and KANSAS Premium Stoves are sed. We call attention of DMA LEW; and B ILDERS to the largest stock of GRATE FRONTS & TENDERS IN THE STATE. N. B.—We line the DIAMOND and ECLIPSE Coal Cook Stoves with Soap-Stone Linings, which stand the Sre better than iron. JESSE JOHIN.SON, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Dealer In Plour, Grain, and all kinds of Country Produce; Wines and Li quors, Cigars, Tobacco, et .e. Liberal advances made on consignments of High Wines. - NO. 155 SOUTH FOURTH ST., CORNER OF WALNUT, PHILADELPHIA. su2Cr.lyd NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY, F OR the speedy and permanent cure of GONORRHEA, GLEET; URETHAL DISCHARGES, Seminal Weakness, Nightly ElmillidOlLLl, Incontinence, Genital Irritability Gravel, Stricture and AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER, which bee been used by &pwarde of ONE HUNDRED PHYSICIANS, in their private practice, with entire success, super seding Como, COPAIBA, 0./PBUILES, or any compound hitherto known. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS are speed in action, often effecting a cure in a few days, and when a cure is effected it is perman ent. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that ape harmless on the system, and never nause ate the stomach, or impregnate the breath; and be• lug sugar coated, all nauseous taste 48 avoided. No change of dist is emesenry whilst mini! them; nor does theiriaction interfere with business pursuits. Each box contains six dozen Pals. PRIOR ONE DOLLAR, and will be sent by mail, post-paid, by any advert's, ed Agent, on receipt of the money. None genuine without my signature on the wrap per. J. BRYAN, Rochester, N.Y., General Agent. an27:d&Wly-is NEW DRY GOODS. FL INNELS-ALL COLORS , GREY SHIRRS AND DRAWERS, CHECKS AND TIMINGS, PRINTS AND GINGHAM% SHIRTINGS AND SHEETING% SHIRT BOSONS AND IRISH LINENS, NEEDLE wdarc DOLLARS AND SETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES AND MITTS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, L &OE MANTLES, PLAID FLANNELS FOR SHIRT FRONTS, CLOSING OUT AT HALF PRICE Domestic and Staple Goode, A FULL STOCK. We now Sell for Cash. C. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market Street. pRICIN REDUCED ON ALL KINDS of WALL. PAPER, for 102..px _ Sir, XA Ala4,BT Aeo4 K. 211 EOlllOl. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. From Washington WASHINGIVIT CITY, Aug. 28.--9erieus charges having been presented to the War Department alleging that Maj. James Bel ger, Assistant ir.taartermastar at the im.. portant depot at Baltimore, was abusing his charge by making his purchases from, and employing as subordinate agents, per eons inimical to the government, the matter was referred to Mej. Gan. Dix for investi gation. That officer, whose high toned character and rigid loyalty made him, of all others, the proper one to levee vestigate so very serious a charge, has submitted his report, calling before him some of the , most prominent citizens of Baltimore who were in frequent inter course with Major Belger, and obtaining from them statements, in writing, of what they knew as to his general course in mak ing his purclissee and giving employment. The General comes. to the conclusion that the charges against Major Bolger, are, so far as they allege, an intentional bestow ment of the public patronage on disloyal men, utterly groundless. It could scarcely have been avoided, being a stranger in Baltimore, that some of his purchases should have been from disloyal men, but it is shown most conclusively that hie efforts have been to throw the public money en rusted to him into the right channels, and that wherever he had found himself deceived as to the Union proclivities of hie agents, even down toi carters and draymen, ho has applied the corrective immediately by dismissing them from service. Gen. Dix, in concluding his re port,lsays: —"I think him, Maj. Bolger. an efficient, faithful, conservative public ser vant, and believe that the pecuniary interests of the Department will not suffer in his hands." The Post Office Department is much trou blod by postmasters failing to add the names of the county and State to their let% tens, and by embracing different subjects belonging to different offices in the same letter. This necessary delays action, and postmasters should correct the evil, par ticularly no other papers should be enclosed with the quarterly returns and post bills. Battle at Cross Lanes. CINCINNATI, Aug. 28 —Tho following are all the particulars we can learn of a battle ut Cross Lanes, near Summerville, on the 26th, whin appears to have been a bloody affair : The Seventh Ohio FOgituent, Cuioncl Tyler, was surrounded while at break fast and attacked on both flanks and in front simultut.a , usly. Our• men im mediately formed for battle and fought bravely, while they saw but very I.t tie chance of successq. The enemy proving too poweiful, Colonel Tyler sent forward to a baggage train which was coming up three miles distant, and turned it back towards Gauley, which place it reached in safety. Companies B, 0 and I suffered most severely They, particularly, were • in the hot test of the fight, and finally fought their way through fearful odds, making dreadful havoc in the enemy's ranks. The rebel force consisted of 8000 infantry, 400 cavalry and 10 guns. The federal forces scattered, after cutting their way through, but soon formed again end fired, but received no reply or pursuit from the enemy. Our loss is n t yet definitely ascertained, but not over 200 are musing, out of the 900 engaged. The rebel loss was fearful. Lieutenant Colonel Creighton captured their colors and two prisoners. The following is a list of the officers known to be Captain Dyer, Company D, of Pittner/1M; Capt. 'Sbent- Leff, Company C, of Oberlin; Capt. Sterling. Company I ; Adjutant L. Da Forest, of Cleveland; Lieutenant Chu. Warren, and Sergeant Major King, of Warren. The other field officers are all safe. Items from Louisville. Lounivii.tx Aug. 28.—The railroad travel to and from the South is immense. The Tennessee authorities took the con. tents of Adams Express safe to-day. The Memphis Avalanche says, that Gen. Polk's agent announces that no more im pressrnents will be made for transports. The Confederate Congress passed a reao_ lution approving of the course of planter's factors in keeping cotton in the interior, and the determination of insurance com panies not to insure the crop when not retained on the plantation. Col. Thomas H. Taylor, of Frankfort, is appointed Col. of Duncan's Kentucky regiment at Manassas. The Norfolk, Va. Herald 18 temporarily stisper_ded for want of paper. The Charleston Mercury's correspon dent says: We are without the sympathy or frierfdship of any nation on earth. The only argument by which we can influence them is, their necesslties and fears. This correspondent says that the Confederates have suffered moirein killed and wounded than the Federals, and complains that no advantage was taken of the Federal flight from Manassas. Memphis via Paducah—A battle is re ported at Cape Girardeau, yesterday. The Confederates were victorious, creating a commotion at Cairo. Rumored Fight on the other Ode of the Potomac. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28.—The city was rife last night., as well as this morning, of a fight on the other side of the Potomac, and even in usually well.in formed quer.. ters, there is conflicting information on the subject. IL is certain that Gen. Mc- Clellan, with his customary activity and watchfulness, returned thence at half past 11 o'clock last night, but from his con• versation with military friends, there was nothing of an important or serious character. It is probable, however, as mentioned by a gentleman of respecta- bility, that a rebel force of three companies of cavalry, and about the same number of infantry, with two field pieces, have been hovering in the vicinity of Bull's Cross goads, manceuvering, with a view to draw out a detachment of our troops into an am buscade. As to several soldiers being killed on each side, in a skirmish, It may be only an imaginary incident to adorn a reported battle. Panic making seems to be a favo rite avocation, and the most preposterous reports are readily believed and circulated, Funeral Ceremonies of Gen. Lyon--Great Military Dis- play. ST. Louis, Aug. 28.—The funeral cerea monies and military display in honor of, General Lyon, to-day, were of the most imposing character. The procession which escorted the remains to the railroad depot, consisted of General Fremont's body guard under Colonel Leagony, Capt. Tillman's Company of Cavalry section; Captain Caslin's battery; First Regiment Missouri volunteers, Colonel Blair; Gut. Fremont and staff, a number of army and volunteer officers, city officials, prominent citizens, and the Third regiment United States Reserve Corps, Colonel McNeill; all under command of Brig. Gen. Siegel. The streets through which the procession passed, were thronged with spectators, and the flags throughout the city were draped In mourning. General Fremont having signified to the banks a desire to loan $160,000, the Rs. change Bank took the whole amount to day. 4 • Sent to Fort Lafayette. BOSTON, Aug. 28—The °Were of the 11. S. frigate Congress, who recently re. signed, have been sent to Fort Lafayette. Seziator - Wilsovr Commlastoliied as Colonel. l3osTow, Aug 28.—Senator Wilson has been commi,sioned to orgauizs a regiment of infantry, with a battery of artillery and a regiment of sharpshooters. Lieutenant Paine, of the Q. S army, hu been pointed Lieut Colonel, and J. P. Sanders son, of theSani ary Commission, Quarter master. Mr. Wilson will hold his COM. mission as Colonel from the State, which arrangement will not, at present, interfere with his Senatorial duties. Secession Flag hauled Down• BECIDGZPOBT, Ct., Aug. 28.—The sheriff of this county went to Chestnut Bill, five miles north of Bridgeport to-day, and hauled down a secession flag.that had been raised there. A new State law authorizes the sheriff and constables to take down all treasonable flags, and the owner is liable to an imprisonment of not less than thirty days And a flee of not less than sloo. Prudential committees are being formed throughoit the State to squelch secession. Packages of the New York Neves Seized ALBANY, N. Y., August 28.—United States Marshal Burt seized a package con taining 1,100 -copies of the New York Daily News, to-day, at the American Ex• press office. They were Drought by Spear's Newspaper Express, and transferred to the Express office, addressed to A. Gunter, Louisville. Cblonel Johnson,tho agent of the Express Co., notified the Marshal of the fact. Fired Our Pickets Fired en by the RebelS. HYAZTBTOWN, 31d., August 28. Via Baltimore,—lnformation has reached our encampment that there has been much firing across the river by the rebels at our pickets, at Various points between Conrad's and Harper's Ferries, since Saturday last, and it is reported that an attack was threatened on Saturday et Point of Hocks. The rebel encampments about Leesburg have been moved back some distance from the river. Troops Leaving Boston. BOSTON', Aug 28.—The Eleventh Begi• ment left for New York, via. Fall River, this evening. The First Massachusetts Light Battery, late Cook's Battery, has been fully recruited and will soon be ready to enter the service for three years ()AND (DATES. [FOR SHERIFF, ROBERT WATSON, OF THE FOURTH WARD, PITTSBURGH,' oilers hirnalt to hut feends and tallow citizens of Allegheny county as the Union and Worktnirman's eaciuiciato, at the Octocer e'eetton. autate* .• Fi IR COUNTY TREdiSURFAL—A. FLOYD I f-e• of the Second Ward, kitieburgh, will be candidaie for the RGOVe office, before the Eteptibli• can Norn,ntiaing Convention. an/divivic AMUSEMENTS, PITTSBURGH THEATRE Wass AND hie-NAGZR WM. HENDERSON Yuma or Aninasion.—Private Boxes, $5,00; Single Seat 02 Private 80 11 sl,oo;Parquette and Dress Circle. chairs, 50 Family Circle, 25 cents; Colored Gallery, 25 cents; Colored Boxes,so cents; Gallery, lb cents. Positivel last ought but two of Miss Ada i Isaacs Menken. THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 29, 188 L JENNY DIVERS. Mankeu. --Mlle. Marie. Jenny Favorite Dance. To conclude with DAY IN PARIS. Captain Giron.tte. Mina Blanket'. LUSH iWitTft . IV MI THIRTEEN TEACHERS. A.E FALL TERM WILL COM MENCE, TUESDAY, September 3d. The buildings have been thoroughly refitted, and an A pparatun, Telegraph, Cabinet, &a., added, making the institution second to none In the land, • Pupils inetructed not only in the regular college nowise, but in any department, anch as TELEGRAPHING, • Languages, Local or Instrumental Music, Drawing and Painting. • For catalogue, address. Rev. L C. PERSHING, President. CM= HOWL'S NEW SHUTTLE Sewing Machines, ARE ADAPTED to 1111 kinds of FAMILY SEWING, working equally well on the lightest and heacteat fabrics, making the LOCK STITCH BIAI alike on both axing, which cannot be Raveled or Pulled Oat. And for Tailoring, Shirt Making, Gaiter • Atting and Shoe Binding, these have no superior. gall and see them at No. 2/3 Fifth street, Up cip2G:dawthis W. B. Lasetl. J). B. ROGERS & SON" MLNTUPACTUBYBB OF ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STE C, ThTH Office, 68 Fifth Street, fends METTEURTEIGH. R. R. BULGER s N MANUFACTURES Of EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FURNITURE. No. 4b Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Pittsburgh Manufactured Furniture, Constantly on hand which we will sell the low est prices for CASH. tryllitlyds PIT MOH STEEL WORKS lma° J0rm........J00ri L. Bora. ..... INA:mown JONES, BOYD ik • MANUFACTURERS OF CAST Steel; also. Spring, Plow and A. B. Steel SPRINGS and AXLES, corner Ross and First streets, [no2&ie) PITTSBURGH, Pa. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT CAIRO, Illinois, till August .10th, for Naval Gun Car riages, for nine inch guns, and 42 of the former and 88 of the latter. The carriages to be made of sea soned oak of the best quality, and the trucks of hgnunt:vitae, or of oak,two thioknesEes, and riveted together with all the proper gun implements, such as sponges, shot headv, and worms, the whole to be delivered in Cairo, seedy for use by the 10th of Oc tober next. JOHN RODGERS, au2B Commander U. S. N DRINAE DISEMASS-- I DR. BROW,WB MEDICAL an 4,, BURGIOAI, Office, Na 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Dr. BROWN la an old chi- .. " 4 /1 / .... 4 :?. ‘ ",:; - ;'' sea of Pittsburgh, and has been in Practice for the biathoody- , Ave ware. His business has been confined mostly to Private and Surgical Diseassa 6171.7a1M3 AND STICANGEB3 in need of a medical friend, should not fall to find 00, the rare place of relief. The Doctor is a regular gradnats,,and his experience In the treat ment ofi oertsin elate of diseases is a sure tee to the sufterers of obtaining permanen i r by the use of his remedies and following his ad. rice. po):1111:7,11,14 L 471:4;A:i1)1:•:1 never fall to cure the worst form' of Venereal Dta. eases, impuritieS and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all diseases arising nom a hereditary taint, which mantfcu3te itself in the form of R tatter, psoriasis,. and a Feat many forme of don dileasee i the origin which the patient entirely . ignorant. To persons so afflicted, Dr. Brown otters hopes of a mire and speedy recovery. REMTSAT. WILLI:MRS Dr. Frown's remedies for this alarming trouble brought on often by that solitary habit or sensual gratification, which the young end weaksolnded often give way to, (to their owls destruction,) are Cue only reliable remedies known in thin come . 3 , ere cafe, nadmake a apeedy matarattori HEELMEATH3II2,. Dr. 'Brown's rentetbss never WI to ma this psinfol disease in a two day..-he wl3l warrant ass. He also treats Piles, Blest, Goanarrbas, Bleat:ore, Urethal MotithlY SrPyreffidonlit Mews of the Jd*e L itlik tuts in AD% nen 9U.4 56 ..401113, Paine a the BaCk and Kidneys, irrion of the Meddle, tddetbet with all Moots a orlon brims orig Ai delornarUelerr ad PIM, directed to DP.. 0. W inn a l aithi mtati w nim b i:ars & pc., will be Intim= egungered..- fiedloine east to any erne from observation. F "'"'" °4 ; mau Moe sait Private Roam, No, go e m itho e id streeh PitteDitrittb PL noiligigerge FOR . BALE' E3B ACRES OF idditY,lii. - iir,defarable location. 10 miles from the city, .hating a largo front on the Ohio river. A COttage 110 Use of hall and six rooms, good cellar, stone spring house, barn, . to. Thirty 'acres in woods with abundance of locust. timber. Convenient to schools and An a good neighborhood. For sale by su26 8 CUTHBERT & 80N, 61 Market st. _ _ A VALUABLE BAKU of 14u acres, AA_ situate Lust: war Elt ask townsbip, at two ernes from the ally. .A nate stone 1111 , 4138013, etS small cleaning nOuses, balms. rind stables,. three large orchard., &C. Atso. 10 acres of coal.. For sale by B. CUTH BERT & SUN, 01 Market et. . ONLY_ $8 PER AURE.:-16U acres •of land on the Ft.. - Waynciand Chicago Railroad, in Stark Co., Indians. e. CUTH BERT & VON, an2B 51 Market street. - REAR-, - NEW TESTIMONir FROM W. M. SCOTT. ESQ. DR. VON MOSCHZISKER OPERA; TED on my a ra yea , skillfully, and ie entire satisfaction. I have much pleasure in addim my testimony for the benefit of than whOitlinitt kUe servieea for the removal of Deafness, W. 11. *001;87 Fourth strest. Pittsburgh, lulyllth, 1881. LEAD For eome time 1 have antlered from Deafness and continual noise In the Head, which occasioned me considerable pain and annoyance. 1 consider It therefore my duty to state that DR. VDN MO BOHZISHER has entirely motored my- hesrinp and totally removed the noise by his very *WM. treatment. FELIX GRANT. MR. GRANT is well known to me, and perfeetre. Hance may be placed in what he states in tbeabove. testimonial. S. BARNES, No 49 Smithfield etreet. Pittsburgh, July 10th, 1861. EYE- _ E A R. NOISE LIE TUE HEAP, DEAFNESS. F. A. YON MOORISH% OCULIST AND AURIST, (Late o }the A ustrian Army) Gives hid entire and exclusive attention to all maladies of the EYE and EAR requiring medical or surgical attention:to restore sight and hearing. Persons wishing to be treated by biro either Pat DEAFNESS or IMPAIRED HlGHTehoutd arply vrithotit furtnerdelay. They will. in doing so, bane. tit themselves and give him time to do justice Lc their case, particularly as the SUMMER MONTH.. are most favorable in the treatment, of diseases of the EYE AND EAR. From the hcmdreds oftestlmonials in hie posses sion he will subjoin a few to his card. READ From an Old Well Known Citizen. For tee last eight years I have been deaf in ri y left ear, and my right one became deaf some six months ago. I resorted to onions means and in. curred heavy expense in endeavoring to obtain a cur , but got no relief from any one, until finarii. in despair, I matted my efforts in thisdirectlon. A t the earnest solicitation et my friends, however, I was induced to submit fur case to Dr. VON NO- Sell miss& As an old citizen, and widely known here, I most cheerfully testify thatbe has restored me to my hearing, which is now as perfect as it was forty years ago, and I earnestly recommend all afflicted with eafness to consult Dr. VON MO. BCHZISKER at once. JOHN BECK, corner of Grant and Eleventh sireete. Frrrssinion, May 2f,1861. FROM .11 , i0. MPDEVITT:, ESQ., Prom the benefit my eon derived of DR. -VON MOOEIZISKERI3 skillful treatment, I have much pleasure in recommending him Wall similarly af fected, as a most successful wrist. JOHN M'DEVITT, ati Liberty street. Pittsburgh, May It, IBM. JOBW MICLOSILEy, Esq., Pon Pun, ALLIGKINT Co, Pe. April Bth ] B 6 l. J Die. moßmvstßAßa-255 Mated slreefi Pittsburgh—l am happy to inform you that-my little daughter, who has been quite Ilea folkiont years, hasoinder your skillful treatment, 'entirely recovered. I feel quite satisfied that at hearing would never have been restored.by natural causes. - but to your treatment alone Is she indebted for and I would earnestly recommend all afflicted with deafness to consult you at come. Respectftdly ir J ours, HN MoCIAXIBEr. OFFICE„ 155 THIRD STREET, BETWICXN SAITIIIFIELD AND GRANT BM b,lB Mr. & Mrs. Tetedona's SCHOOL FOR YOUNI; LADIES, WILL BE RE-OPENED ON MONDAY. SEPTAIO4 VRENCH AND LATIN TAUGHT 4: without extra charge by Mr. Tetedeux, a native of Paris and graduate of the Callegellliarle. Butane. No. 148 Third street, Pittsburgh. ,N B.—The Birmingham, Oakland and Miners. villa cars pass by the door.' ' & Mehra TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT FAA_ _Y THE USE OF AN APPARATUS BY whereby no.drugs or galvanic battery are used. Cold weathef Is the time , when thestow, ins can be used to its beet advantage. gentlemen and theh• families have their teeth r tracked by my process, and are ready to testifyas to the safety and painlessness of the operatim. what ever has been said by persons interested in as seating the contrary having no knowledge of al Ali-ARITFICILILThwrti inserted in (Imlay E. OUDRY, Dentist, noldaydis 184 Smithfield street. BOWN 1z TETLEY', 16 Wood :Street, MAKE TOOLS FOR BORING OIL WELLS at the shortest pooetble. noose,. nce t bee h i e ll t h ev e tr ies :glir l OU t t,t tnriXi f b:"s - persons about to engage in the oil 'business, that - it will be to their interest to give us a call and nuke an caomination of our stock' ow on band. whil) THE THIRD SESSION OP Mrs E. A. SMITH'S • (Late Preceptre , a of the Allegheny City College 4. SELBCT .SCROOL FOB YOUNG LADZW, Corner of Beaver street and South Common, Alle gheny city, commences MONDAY. Sept. 2d. Number of Students Limited. Cireulari can be had at the School Rooms, or at he principal book-stores in Pittsbugh and Alle. gheny. au26-2dpair TO TH:6 PUBLIC. SPECIALLY the igno- E• rant and falsely Nod- •' a , est physicians of all de nominations, treat secret and delicate disorders, --. self abttesand 4181311613 or :;"/ / stuations common` and ineldentito youths of both marri - Because' e=d4it b sgasi 11 , 1' fact of hta dew so, the ignoran and th e ' modest are dreadfully shocked , and thins 'A a :meat • BM very immoral, and tor concnt and. corruption among their wives, promising sons and daughters. Their family physician should be% cannot A to keep them in ignortmos thatthe7 far the same as Dr BRANSTRUP (elt t o test a lucrative pi mig ht Wet to theta among stupid, jalsely modern and presumptuora fannies, born and raised in ignorance, sprung ors sus mushrooms, and who compere senseotc, to dollars and can newly, meanly or Illy gotten. It Is to- pu bowsaw, that numerous parents arid &ordains are thankful' that their sons, daughters and wants, previetudy" feeble, sickly sad of delicate ctraditlch olul appear . BMA, have been restored to health and vigor by In. SBANSTRITP. besides many before and attar mar riage through him have been savedmuch saffering, anziely,.l.2ortifkiltiCol, dc. Having the advantage of over thirtyyesrs experience and observatioec consapsentl , he has monks skill in the treatment of special dioce es, and wbehl daSll,oo2l= the profedsion, as well aeaom able citizens, of Ike.- ear= Ing4r i l ekali tartildendssiona, tr=il malady can be completely, cared : by, the very lastdiscovery that beewaryet fai4ett. female diseases he h aeliad:imPloiorlarPorbrono on account of hie old ageoncrenty years, allies ' . larity is completely owed. ..aa for conssimptiolkau pulmonary of MyMrtry4 Which ire moo, mod from Iceland moss - aid. Aim ingredients bi more plowthica - five .yeats(.atibs. but had is tbask.enl, that have as yet _been,thasioisared,:as ANT'p t h e cedes will show. Tbey a re sill found according to a p lestalsorget will get at the ea.?k,tpi altfree_ot ebarge canoe 85 Smithfield street, pear,,aapposeaa:mresgi: Prinde eennyiturieatlone l konaie ieV niftily attended to. rectik: - • 1 10,1,8g_.c0 deeklydands ' xittatavntt Pest imam Q A WYER ,' STA.I T ED , FBEINND. 117 TO WOMAN SOAP.z4 nevi *la of sam sat warranted to Please: it is suitable for theWliB4W well an washing clothes— la is handiful swear mae, cheap arid serviceable, and so you had try it. Air sala r y/missile. and tenni - I au2B S. C. A .7: H. SAWYER, 57 Weal Ms,. ~ i!r-ZW,! - 7' ,7 .1'..- I .';':' , . -4 -1"v - 722 , tV:r71- , ..4 , ' , . ::?:` - ' - k-.• ,- 4 -,- ,.),,_fi•, , -; • r...i: - .:4- - :, , •.- - .?•:-, , --: .5. , ••,- -1 , - - .- - - , z - -f•: -- 5. -= • - --'-;'---)4= - 0 - 1- - •K-:.1 - -- ,- 4‘..i ~;....-,,,..-:4•,,,,, , , t .v., ~.„-ii---- 1 ' • .'*:--, ~, '- ---,=:::-. • "•,-*., _.•4 - : yi,i;'',t 7 3 -- - --:- ';' - ' - `-. F.c, ••••• --;,,', ,:' -- --. - i-to - -,-:-. ,; , ,•- • •••,„ , _ ~ .- : , 7 ,4- , -- 1 . 1-'''-_ ~, t y..M1.4 ' 7. " ,... - 2 ' ' - - '44.'- •.-,. i" .4 ''''lr.' 4 4 '7.,',-"n• - •-i . A.;414. - ' 6 '.' ,-- •• .7.i .- .4.- -- " 5- '''' ,-- ‘mnyritrtyszatajvp - jtorii, vii - 6.fikti44sl ~, , e... :2,--- - Ttiiarr,, , Ecitix .tutiiiiiF , g. - 5. - ') .., STRENGTHEN YOBIV ..... Atioto . gi.XlT!"X - Vr ~.,,:`,, SPALDING , , c p -,' , ia, , , , ,, , -,,...:,;ct.„-t , 41,., g§...ti'Ziilli''',.,,... '° ' s ,' '' - -i l " , ' l4 1-1-14 Lit it ' A'* , , ,, ;4:i Throat -. Cottieetbow - - -'. --- r- -- ;$ . 4 -...„ ... , -.,.., .... ,_ . . .--,.. _-.- , . " .• r:11 0 ,Z ., -; ' ,s o Ztlf4. -4 -- . -. 1 ..- - ...-'rt ••,- .. , ,9-,-twk"'::-,--;,:,,-,:kl, ABB :.....,,,piff,, , ,.:,.. , ? , ,- f i .., . • . „, ,%F.r: , i'•'''....4 GOOD .30R CLARGrIVAIM ~. , ,..z . , 4 - 4 ..,W - , :r . ,..- - IV-= , -;: GOOD llVli:LEOTtatiit-q;1,0„stl-k-i--,,tf".4% 4Zr ' ''''griAle4R A . , ___,. ~,L--.:7,, GOOD FOB PIIBLIO.Srig 1 : : zree , Ak ,, k - ,f-. •... • . . r..... - . 0-;. :•':-'7-,:liltitV - , l a,' ~,, vri.c.• ,- 'l. - ,'•;:' , -- GOOD FOIir;BINGE k•; , .1.f.:".;;M,.:i- ,- ;.N., 4 -- e . ..-. - -. 4.: kJ ,- , ----,-,.... ~, ..-, - t-r.. Z - _;:5:,11,2 , -.:-,-, 4 • GOOD .FOR (*Nat( ty.. ,:,,,,,,.„. - - • , ; -- - - :..„ .: 4.,-,1" - .-.... -. ow . ~- . 'fi...ftg, - 1 -4 ' -- • PWA - ',r ' G ENTLE AEIN DASat - 4re-,-...-g' ! 2l-1 - f-;/,'..:' • - -,' -- .4 , ..47..5w. .1 1 - . °- , .4- 1- "1-4. _,...5.f - V:i.W(f2gt'AM*4 - 3 SPALDING'S THROAT CO?l . - - - - :;•; 1,,,- O,ii74.1 3 ".',Vt- . , , „.!..i.: 7- .1;:" ' V 4 i.7•;.1 -40 A4k-'-„;441 I LP/la - ABB XaLIBIATBD ' I 9 / 24 4 3 /?: 11 ^ :-':i -..-- -,I W'. ”' SPAiIIING O B THROAT 00N=10 r 1014041 7 4 1 7,0.-' "? s! ---, ', ' ''' '. - ' ' • ".- ....,•; , :m - ,;' , ..• , Atqs,iltga.t. • - - ,;; , 2, . -. , • ..•.1 , 7..... , 1 4, i,0•,';',;,1 , .. CHILDRRNIORT9FORO.... , ,i-ti&? . .. - ' , ...4,-,r-2.•., 1 4 -4` i';''' , l-'-','T :' SPAIDIIKPO tH1MA . 2%.:00204 1 .1iLt( - 4,?'''f!'. l 2r - -Ili .. - '2'.1 ., . - =- - .i..,-Y..... 7 ...-- ?V., '• ' -,-- 1 - 1 . : 1 ". 1, :%• - ., ; !-;nY.- neyrelieveiaMighlruMW;izt',;:ss..-k‘.o?.-4-'4V.-. ~, ..,1 -,=, , --.., ,, ...1eir,4.1:1-1 , r'll -: C:Cr':;i'r.;• They clear the Thnitil, . -- ;; ; ; ; I1.., ~,,. -- - r ,, A -",,,...,,. . L . .... ~,s, ~ The/ give atreateh and vultune - lutlit. , tF.vi: •& - 1 ,, 5 - 4-"s'r' , " ..„1. • They impart a dallea?aa aIIIC,iOA://1 0 *.* aiV.v. k %.,,j .i.q ':''-, --- ---k. .-'- - r,- - - 5 .,.,. - ' ...,. ;• They are delightful tothe taste., '''''' 4 -" - - ~ - . : .rt ..: They are made of simple herbs -Anii.cannot i I advise every one who bas - a l 3olljakfii 4 4Vo#l6V , ' Voice or a Bad Breath, or all arldialfiXttitl2, " 7 ' - ' - '- -?..-'. Throat, to get a package er my Ti1ii400410 . 65 1 0 si t . they wilt relieve you instantly, andynitlolll- --`:-1. nith me that "they go right to th - O‘vl4l : - :.,,..1WYtr, z - - -- .. ~..:-..? &d. them very usefuland.pleasant while - travelint_ :7- -,',-;.--- ; , ..„ - '5, or attending public meetings for edob.:4 7 :co. J K • • " • --;:::. 4 or allaying your thirst. If • yonAiir - oiririaesfEh,.l4 , . A am safe in saying that yoti wilt ever al*C:ll. 7- 4 - consider them in Ton"will ,- ftik9..,! - ,.%k , ~, i i , • :,•• 5s - at the.Draggbita Alla healers ir f lt0116: 4 1 !;:s wIcT - •''' ,, .,.r' . ...". ____......= - 4Aol%ate - ; 1 ) ._; --- '%'.:- -, :,' PRICE TWENTY-PIM OBB.TBOVr - ttr4 , • ..3.2.--.,-,--; . ~- •' --1 2*.ej- • ''l- I '- - a %t. ' ' ,' , W„, My signature is on each paNtsg*,:;rtdl*/#4 are -,-,,,,,g.f5„.:::..,,,; counterfeit. . - :. 7- & - .!ZZ II- A.ii4,31.: " ' ' - ';" :4 A Package will be sent prernict,mn4ecui , 1 ,, . ceipt of Thirty Cents . --- : ' . -- '' . 1 4 ",,'.! , :r . - 1N :.a.. , ~. ~-. Address, " , , Ate• '5 , ,, , ~,,. ...........e4. , ,,..w.,..{. HENRY C. SP.B.Latlxivitti4 ' ~ • ... ,i..•••oy jel3 NO. 48 CIEDAB STBE#4;M:Y/4, 1 / 1 4 ;2 47 ' 41 , , z zej • L'''',,k.'4 ,. ." .:, ir„...:: -, -. ~.4,,, f etlistrz- or t rtia - .• _.;241i7 . 4 -- • , ,cti.c. , ; 4 ~ ..7,.71, , , , ...0,, f -.. 4,-r-v-,..,..; , ' •:„7 -At LI.I - •, ' ', WP,:,,S f .- , - , 4. . ‘- :; %- ri i /- ,, ,, ...r. , i-.7, -'” ,-;,:i5.. -- -='. m ir , • . 3 7 . c./ _ 44. • %) ' ,:' - CURE 4 , -1 - Or , ~„ ..,„.. ? ~ \ - t' ' ' g •1''; 4 4 1 `--e , -", 0," ', ' 4 , ... 1..-, aL idi. , , ..F.r... ,, ,...... c ae h ,‘„,,..,, '' - i. ' ' .g Xj ; -:4 NetVtit e ' ' ii CURE ~,-,-1.,v!,, tf,,,-- -,,;,-_, ie._ '.- I • ' ' ''''''' - ' ''-,'... ..- y '. ? . -I;4'-( '4`"'i''.l ,r te ')" tl,7r „-?"- - ..: 2 :. , - 7 1 -, -. . : 7- .. '4 111. -11 Y THEIIB ' 9 F ~ 1 : , ". , ' 1 4 ,- .L , -..; PILLS the periodic- attoko'Ngr vbriticalWit n'ff - .1-- -- ,.= hick Ehudachernaybe. prerentedvnentZitkfadten.,4,4l ~-,,‘ -; the eommenoementor an altattkArmledlater matt.c., ,:,c_ from pain alldaidlClMEllll/1 bklabtirliiiii , rilieAt , i: They seldom fait , la: remol i & t HAlteritneuilt:tl: , ",' ' Headache to which hmtaleeareuo .4.41,4 Oct They not gently tflaut - thoi- _ ~...rt,* Coationara., , r ^- , ;.'z 2icgi,..- - - 2 - ;:1 , 1t- , . 4 4 f - ik - For LanTHenah*dardli .0 11 =„ , " all persons sadenheyhabita,lhaparir , _ ~ ;::7,.,, ,_.„ a Lameive,lmEroehtittheozwik,z i si ppi vigor to the ankeelere organ., ~,' -., naturaleisnLieikanut stones o f tkok. ...11,.. • ''''' i_7l The CHPtr A T 41 PUSH are therelonoetann4a - -.{4, reetigationandcaretbhly•ooadtt t having been in nee MIMI Yeat s Pdgling they nave prevented And tethered kneath_, ~ _imilotita.ul pain and enfibring from Headitehefintointnamen,_:, sting in the nervous system or hour a state of the donna. ....-- ~—..., ' , ..,0-3•.;f;., , K ft wls They are entirely regaiehleinthadr,ltt and may be taken stall thhea with . lidellt...t and without making any etutaile 0 411 01 4 M 0 4 9 *". - ': &mon dr MIV aiwr 9 W/ 410919 r 0 1 , 19,.. *' . 491 ,itt,,xs tided/tartar them fo thilerttu_,,,,, _ _____,_ - -,..--1,7" -- r it : - I*-;72 Beware ex weengexxciek,-.friA The gentlineturre fly. elguaiui of :- lianaan,,fv. 4,4(0340a each box.. ,„,7. , 1. - ,,--ii.tults„.7.- Bold byStruggeda and all Odor I nederalp4ll, edhe, chum .', - -. t.„‘. ,-; te-k . :- . ....tyt A box, whi be sent b y . malla s Frelda 09 . 1 .,,. , ,'l',„ ,„.' of the - ' ---.” -*hit 4, :.-a '',,, MON, 25 -0/1135T2,0--ifArgeL7 AD orders ehouldbeeddresind 4 to= ...,,,,' ` , ,i;4" . , 14 ' " ' Ifillifillre.SPWlllitiV•rZ 4,- - uctiosiii-eknUttkorretti*o• • • • riej CAI grtM , Probe th e BzwittnareN6rfit yaMiiiii. ,, ;.---- --- - Nish thertat ad..' c ,' " 4l, -,, °eaten° PM! mama . _ _. _ __ , ~tz..72 they were matieorhas Cure hes :wattii?lmaitAttrm i.i. . • Nem the arateltteraroifoUVra"4s.4o4--.. , ..1 They have beentestedi in mime than si - ...,,,,,,,,,,, 4 4,i,. z .N..f. 5: - . 4: ,, , 4 ewes with entire snows. . ,-- ' , A , '' , ,zt"f:-. , `x-s`l--- , '-.1 .•:.,,5....,, -IM, ..f.?4,1? - - . - U. ,441,1r,,1, ~ 7 Dllllllll=St..aild,afinn; - "t.2 ~: Than 06 _ ..____,_ •,.......,.,.... Witkeel,o=o4, ACM or-have keen, ...tea.' :meg:Allao 4. _ _ , -if, - - , : - - . 4 If yon ' -ihr.ehez, (Gotha° . , .f.' 7,74 ,-. ,4 - 4 - 7-; 1 • 1 :, fileheilleel4. ' la At tartan*, *,,_„ may heti them .. , lee F r o .. _ ....,--- ": - 03 . -T---' I Thorns MO 'A1Amet..,....1 ,4211, 4* *Tarn arielitte,-, ~,,." 4,_,Z, :ffintectiaTe na remedy tihlllirt ,.. , - Nra forti" L idgehis 7...4:lo3., a,*,...,....._i10mthi....,,7,,7....,:.,! "l bee for very ~, f , • -* -.'Pc-;-.,,,:i4,:!,C. Nom 19ki wistern 211? " Gazet4t=rne „ „,-- .g' dorm mr.Eljnd ~n ..,,,,,,77,---',-I .., 1 We hearigatenee„-- • - - ~,c4.`---, 1 -> T 77" Tailed CePti ° 4 , :ra,-‘' , % ''', a Valley 'Mall ----,-- - ...jek-t -mow! 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