The Pittsburgh post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1859-1864, July 25, 1861, Image 1

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The Fallacy of Neutrality.
Kentucky Urged . to do Her Duty.
From the Louisrille , Md . : 13
'We have never witnessed a popular
ovation Co a public man that could have
•,poved, more gratifying to the recipient
than 'the demonstration at Masonic
Temple, on- Saturday evening, on the
f• • •
• OCOMOD. of the reception of hon. Jos.'
. The Temple was crowded with
citizens of both sexes, who met spon
- taaeousiL to do honor to the gallant
'l"teefitektail, -who, as the•eitizen and
statesman, had the manliness, the cour
age and the patriotism to resist the
iniquitous influences brought to bear
upon him during the late Administra
tiou--bringing all his great ability, and
'i 4 tire'reiMy weight of his influence, to
the support of the Government whose
existence he had sworn to maintain.
Mr. Holt was introduced to the
audience by Hon. Henry Pirtle, who
addressed him a few words of wel
Then taking the stand, amid prc
longed cheers, Mr. 1104 spoke as fol
lows :
JUDGE PIRTLE—I beg you to be
assured that I am most thankful for
this distinguished and tlatterin ; wel
come, and for every one of the kind
words which have just fallen frouryour
lips, as I am for the hearty response
they have received. Spoken by anybody
and anywhere, these words would have
been cherished by me, but spoken by
yourself and in the presence and on
behalf of thoso in whose midst I com
menced the battle of life, whoae friend
ship I have ever labored to deserve, and
in whose fortunes I have ever felt the
liveliest sympathy, they are doubly
grateful to my feelings. I take no credit
to myself for loving and being faithful
to such a government as this, or for
uttering, as I do, with every throb of
my existence, a prayer for its preserva
tion. in regard to my official conduct
to which you have alluded with such
earnest and generous commendation, I
must. say that no merit can be accorded
to me beyond that of having humbly
but sincerely struggled to perform a
public duty, amid embarrassments which
the world can never fully know. In
reviewing what is past I have and shall
ever have a bitter sorrow that, while I
was enabled to accomplish so little in
behalf of our betrayed and suffering
-country, others were enabled to accom
plish so much against it. You do me
exceeding honor in assceiating me in
your remembrance with the hero of Fort
Sumter. There is about his name an
atmosphere of light that can never grow
dim.- Surrounded with his little band,
by batteries of treason and infuriated
thousands of traitors, the fires upon the
altar of-patriotism at which he minis
tered only waxed' the brighter for the
gloom that enveloped him, and history
will never forget that it was from these
. -4tres-that was kindled that conflagration
that now blazes throughout the length
and breadth of the land. Brave among
the bravest, incorruptible and uncon
querable in his loyalty, amid all the
perplexities and trials and sore humili
ations that beset him, he well deserves
-that exalted position in the affections
and confidence of the people that he
' now enjoys; and while none have had
betteropportunities of knowing this titan
myself, so am I sure that none could
have a prouder joy in bearing testimony
to it than I have to-night.
Fsli.ow CITIZENS—A few weeks
since, in another form, I ventured freely
to express my views upon those tragic
events which have brought sorrow to
every hearthstone and to every heart
in our distracted country, and it is not
my purrse on this occasion to repeat
those views, or to engage in any ex
tended discussion of the questions then
examined. It is not necessary that I
should do so, since the argument is ex
hausted, and the popular mind is per
leetlyfaniiiiar with it in all its bearings.
I will, hbwevor, with your permission,
submit a few brief observations -upon
the absorbing topics of the day, and if
. Ido so with an earnestness and emphasis
due alike to the sincerity of my convic
tions and to the magnitude of the inte
rests involved, it is trusted that none
will be offended, not even those who
may . most widely differ from me.
Could one, an entire stranger to our
history, tow look down upon the South,
and see there a hundred or a hundrqd
and.. fifty. thousand men marching in
hostile array, threatening the capture
of the Capitol and the dismemberment
:of the territory of the Republic; and
-could he look again and see that this
army is marshalled arid directed by
eacera recently occupying distinguished
places in the civil and military service
of the countay ; and further, that the
'.lBtites from which this army has ,been
: 1 10/71Wa appear to be ono vast seething
cauldron of ferocious passion, he would
NeTyinitaraily conclude that the Gov-
ernmeAt of the United States had com-
mi tted some great crime against its
pomple j and , that this uprising was in
reeistanoete wrongs and outrages which
bad been borne tit endurance was no
lo *possible.' Mid yet msconclusion
be further from thci truth than
this. 'The Govertmeneof the United
States has been faithful to all its eon-
stitntional obligations. For eighty
years it WS ,maintained the national
honor at home and-'abroad, and by its
rowels, its wisdom and its justice, has
given to the title' of an American citi
zen an elevation among the nations of
the4trth which the citizens of no re
pel& has enjoyed since 'Rome was
?intros of the world. Under its Ad
mi- -
, ' • ••
• • ,
1 1 17
. .
,t 11 7:
• • •
• •
. • .•
. ,!1 •-•
The conspirators of the South read
in the election of Mr. Lincoln a declara
tion that the I):onoeratict Party had
been prostrated, if not finally destroyed,
by the selfish intligues and corruptions
of its leaders; they read, too, that the
vicious, emaciated and spavined hobby
of the Slavery agitation, on which they
had so often rode into power, could no
longer carry them beyond a given geo
graphical line of our territory, and that
in truth this factious and treasonable
agitation, on which so many of them
had grown great by debauching and
denationalizing the mind of a people
naturally generous and patriotic, bad
run its course, and hence, that from the
national disgust for this demagogueing,
and from the inexorable law of popula
tion, the time had come when all those
who had no other political capital than
this, would have to prepare for retire
ment to private life, so far at least as
the highest offices of the country were
concerned. Uncle!. the influence of
these grim discouragemeuts they re
solved to consummate at once—what
out political history shows to have been
a long-cherished purpose—the dismem
berment of the Government. They said
to themselves: "Since we can no longer
monopolize the groat offices of the Re
public as we have been accustomed to
do, we will destroy it and build upon
its ruins an empire tbat shall be all
our own, and whose spoils neither the
North nor the East nor the West shall
share with us." Deplorable and hu
miliating as this certainty is, it is but a
rehearsal of the sad, sad story of the
past. We had, indeed, supposed that
1 1 under our Christian civilization wo had
reached a point in human progress,
when a Republic could exist without
having its life sought by its own off
spring; but the Co.talines of the South
have. proved that we were mistaken.
Let no man imagine that because
this rebellion has been made by men
renowned in our civil and military his
tory, that it is, therefore, the less guilty
or the less courageously to be resisted.
It is precisely thikclass of men who have
subverted the best governments that
have ever existed. The purest spirits
that have lived in the tide of times,.the
noblest institutions that have arisen to
bless our race, have found among those
to whom they had most confided, and
whom they had most honored, men
wicked enough, either secretly to betray
them unto death, or openly to seek their
overthrow by lawless violence. The
Republic of England had its Monk; the
Republic of France had its Bonaparte;
the Republic. of Rome had its Cesar and
its Cataliae, and the Saviour of the
w orld had his Judas Iscariot. It can
not be necessary that I should declare
to you, far you know them well, who
they are whose parricidal swords are
now unsheathed against the Republi c
of the United States. Their names are
inscribed upon a scroll of infamy that
can never perish. The most distin
guished of them were educated by the
charity of the: Government on which
they are now making war. For long
years they were fed from its table,
and clothed from its wardrobe, and
had their brows garlanded by its
honors. They are the lingratefill
sons of a fond mother who dandled
ministration tie national Gmain has
stretched away to the Pacific, and that
constellation which announced our birth
as a peoplqhas expanded from thirteen
to thirty-four stars, all, until recently,
moving undisturbed and undimmed in
their orbs of light and grandeur. The
rights of no States have been invaded;
no man's property has been despoiled ;
no man's liberty abridged ; no man's
life oppressively jeopardized by the ac
tion of this Government. Under its
benign influences the rills of public and
private prosperity have swelled into
rivulets, and from rivulets into rivers
ever brimming in their fullness, and
everywhere, and at all periods of its
history, its ministrations have fallen as
gently on the people of the United
States as do the dews of a Summer's
night on the flowers and grass of the
gardens and fields.
'Whence, then, this revolutionary
outbreak! 'Whence the secret spring
of this gagantic conspiracy, which, like
some huge boa, had completely coiled
itself around the limbs and body of the
Republic, before a single hand was
lifted to resist it? Strange and indeed
startling as the announcement must ap
pear when it falls on the cars of the
next generation, the national tragedy,
in whose shadow wo stand to-night, has
come upon us because, in November
last, John C. Breekinridge was not I
(Auto] President of the United States,
and Abraham Lincoln was. This is the
whole story. And I would pray now
to know on what was John C. Brcckin
ridge fed that he has grown so great,
that a Republic founded by Washington
and cemented by the , best blood that
has ever coursed in human veins, is to
be overthrown because forsooth he can
not be its . President? Had he teen
chosen we well know that we should
not have heard of this rebellion, for the
lever with which it is being moved
would have been wanting to the hands
of conspirators. Even after this defeat,
could it have been guaranteed, beyond
all peradventure, that Jeff. Davis or
some other kindred spirit would be the
successor of Mr. Lincoln, I presume
we hazard nothing in assuming that
this atrocious movement against the
Government would not have been set
on foot. So much for the principle in
volved in it. This great crime, then,
with which we are grappling, sprang
from that "sin by which angels fall"—
an unmastercd and profligate ambition
—an ambition that "would rather reign
in hell than serve in heaven"—that
would rather rule supremely over a
shattered fragment of the Republic than
run the chances of sharing with others
the honors of the whole
them upon her knee,who lavished upon
them the gushing love of her noble and
devoted nature, and who nurtured them
from the very bosom of her life; and
now, in the frenzied excesses of a licen
tious and baffled ambition, they are
stabbing at that bosom with the ferocity
with which the tiger splines upon his
prey. The President of the United
States is heroically and patriotiee.Py
struggling to baffle, the machinations of
these most wicked men. I have un
bounded gratification in knowing that
he has the courage to look traitors in
the face, and that, in discharging the
duties of his great office, lie takes no
counsel of his fears. Ho is entitled to
the zealous support of the whole coun
try, and, may I not add without offence,
that he will receive the support of all
who justly appreciate the boundless
blessings of our free institutions.
If this rebellion succeeds it will in
volve necessarily the destruction of our
nationality, the division of cur territo
ry, the permanent disruption of the Re
public. It must rapidly dry Lp the sour
ces of our material prosperity, and year
by year we shall grow more and more
impoverished, more and more revolu
tionary, enfeebled, and debased. Each
returning election will bring with it
grounds for new civil commotions, arid
traitors, prepared to strike at the coun
try that has rejected their claims to
power, will spring up on every side.
Disunion once begun will go on and on
indeffinitely, and under the influence of
the fatal doctrine of accession, not only
will States secede from States, but coon.
tics will secede from States also, and
towns and cities fr)m counties, until uni
versal anarchy will be consummated in
each individual who can make good his
position by force ()farms, claiming the
right to defy the power of the Govern
ment. Thus we should have brought
back to us 'the da: ) , of ti.o robber Bar
ons with their !floated castles and ma
raudin,, retainers. This doe: rive wl en
analyzed is simply a declaration that uo
physical force shall ever be employed
in executing the laws or upholding the
Government, and a Government into
whose prai.tical administration such a
principle has been introduced, could no
more continue to exist than a man
could live with an enured cobra in his
bosom. If you would know what arc
the legitimate fruits of secession, look
at Virginia and Tennessee, which have
so lately given themselves up to the em
brace of this monster. There the
the schools are deserted , the courts of
justice closed ; public and private cred
it destroyed ; commerce annihilated:
debts repudiated; confiscations and
spoliations everywhere provailirrg; every
cheek blanched with fear and every heart
frozen with despair; and allover that des
olated land the hand of infuriated pas
sion and crime is waving, with a vul
ture's scream for blood, the sword of
civil war. And this is the Pandemon
ium which some would hare transferrCd
to Kentucky.
But I am not here to discuss this
proposition to-night. I wish solemnly
to declare before you and the world,
that I Bill for this Union without con
ditions, one and indivisible, now and for
ever. lam for its preservation at any
and every cost of blood and treasure
against all its assailants. I know no neu
trality between my country and its foes,
whether they be foreign or domestic;
no neutrality between that glorious
flag which now floats over us, and the
ingrates and traitors who would tram
ple it in the dust. My prayer is for
victory, complete, enduring and over
whelming, to the armies of the Repub
lic over all its enemies. I am against
any and every compromise that may be
proposed to be made under the guns of
the rebels, while, at the same time I
am decidedly in favor of affording ev
ery reasonable guarentee for the safety
of Southern institutions, which the
honest convictions of the people—not
the conspirators—of the South may de
mand, whenever they shall lay down
their arms, but not until then. The
arbitrament of the sword has been de
fiantly thrust into the face of the Gov
ernment and country, and there is no
honorable escape from it. All guaran
tees and all attempts at adjustment by
amendments to the Constitution are
now scornfully rejected, and the leaders
of the rebellion openly proclaim that
they are fighting. for their independ
ence. In this contemptuous rejection
of guarantees, and in this avowal of
the objects of the rebellion now so au
daciously made, we have a complete ex
posure of that fraud which, through
the slavery agitation has been prim
ticed upon the public credulity for the
last fifteen or twenty years. In the
light of this revelation, we feel as one
awakened from the suffczating tortures
of a nightmare, and realize what a base
less dream our apprehensions have
been, and of what a traitorous swindle
we have been made the victims. They
are fighting for their independence !
Independence of what? Independence
of those laws which they themselves
have aided in enacting; independence
of that Constitution which their fathers
framed-and to which they are parties
and subject by inheritance; independ
ence of that beneficent Government:on
whoae,treasury and honors they have
grown strong and illustrious. When
a man commits a robbery on the high
way, or a murder in the dark, he there
by declares his independence of the
laws under which he lives, and of the
society of which he is a member.
Should he, when arraigned, avow and
justify the offence, he thereby becomes
the advocate of the independence he
has thus declared; and if he resists by
force of arms the officer, when dragging
him to the prison, the penitentiary, or
the gallows, he is thereby fighting for
the independence he has thus declar
ed and advocated; and such is the
condition of the conspirators of the
South at this moment. It is no longer
a question of Southern rights, which
have never been violated, nor of se
curity of Southern institutions, which
we know perfectly well have never been
interfered with by the General Gov
ernment, but it is purely with us a
question of national existence. In
inecting this terrible issue which rebel
lion has made up with the loyal men of
the country, we stantlupen ground in
finitely above all rarty-lines and party
platforms—ground as sublime as that
on which our fathers stood when they
knight the batths of the Revolution.
I am for throwieg into the contest
thus forced upon us all the material and
moral resources and energies of the
nation, in order that the struggle may
be brief and as little sanguinary as pos
sible. It is hoped that , we shall soon
see in the field hall'a million of patriot
ic volunteees, marching in columns
which will be perfectly irresistible, and
borne in their hands,—for no purpose
of conquest or subjugation, but of
protection only.—we may expect with
in nine months to see the Stars and
Stripes floating in etery Southern
breeze, and hear going up, wild as
the storm, the exultant shout of that
emancipated people over their deliver
ance from the revolut'onary terror and
despotism, by which they are now tor
mented and oppressed. The war con
ducted un Filch a scale , will not cost
exceeding four or five hundred millions
of dollars; and none need be startled at
the vastness of this expenditure. The
debt thus created will press but slightly
upon us; it will he paid and gladly
paid by posterity, who Will make the
best ban.- aiu which has been made since
the world began, if they can secure to
themselves in its integrity and bless
ings such a Government as this at such
a cost. But, if in this anticipation we
arc doomed to disappointment ; if' the
people of the United States have already
become so degenerate—may I not say FO
craven—in the presence of their foes as
to surrender up this Republic to be dis
membered and subverted by the traitors
who have reared the standard of revolt
against it, then, I trust, the volume of
American history will be closed and
sealed up forever, and that those who
shall survive this national humiliation
will take unto themselves some other
name—some name hiving no relation
to the past, no relation to our great
ancestors, no relation to those monu
ments and battle-fields which commem
orate alike their heroism, their loyalty,
and their glory.
But with the curled lip of scorn we
are told by the disuuionists that in thus
supporting a Republican Administra
tion in its endeavors to apbold the con
stitution and the laws we are " submis
sionista," and when they have pro
nounced this word they suppose they
have imputed to us the sum of all human
abasement. Well, let it be confessed ;
we are "submissionisOs," and weak and
spiritless as it may be deemed by some,
we glory in the position we occupy.—
For example: the law says "Thou shalt
not steal ;" we submit to this law, and
would not for the world's worth rob our
neighbor of his forts, his arsenals, his
arms, his munitions of war, his
hospital stores, or anything that is
his. Indeed so impressed aro we
with the obligations of this law, we
would no more think of' plundering
from our neighbor half a million of dol
lars because found in his unprotected
mints, than wo would think of filching
a purse from his pocket in a crowded
thoroughfare. Write us dawn, there
fore, "submissionists." Again : The
law says "thou shalt not swear falsely;"
we submit to this law, and while in the
civil or military service of the country,
with an oath to support the Constitution
of the United States resting upon our
consciences, we would not for any
earthly consideration engage in the for
mation or execution of a conspiracy to
subvert that very constitution and
with it the government to which it has
given birth. Write us down, therefore,
again "submissionists." Yet again :
When a President has been elected in
strict accordance with the form and
spirit of the Constitution, and has been
regularly installed into office, and is
honestly striving to discharge his duty
by snatching the Republic from the
jaws of a gigantic treason which
threatens to crush it, we care not what
his name may or may not be, or what
the designation of his political party, or
what the platform on which he stood
during the Presidential canvass; we be
lieve we fulfill in the sight of earth and
heaven our highest obligations to our
country, in giving to him an earnest
and loyal support in the struggle in
which he is engaged
Nor are we at all disturbed by the
flippant taunt that in thus submitting
to the authority of our government we
are necessarily cowards. We know
whence this taunt comes, and we esti
mate it at its true value. Wire hold that
there is a higher courage in the perfor
mance of duty than iu the commission
of crime. The tig er of the jungle and
the cannibal of th South Sea Islands
have that courage in which the revolu
tionists of the day make their especial
boast; the angels of God and the spirits
of just men made perfect have had and
have that courage which submits to the
laws.. Lucifer was a non-submissionist,
and the first Secessionist of whom his
tory has given us any account, and the
chairts'which he wears fitly express the
fate due to all who openly defy the
laws of their Creator and their country. .
He rebelled because the Almighty would
not yield to him the throne of Heaven.
The principle of the Southern rebellion
is the same. Indeed, in this submission
to the laws is found the chief distino
tion between good men and devils. A
good man obeys the laws of truth, of
honesty, of morality, and all those laws
which have been enacted by competent
authority for the government and pro
tection of the country in which he lives;
a devil obeys only his own ferocithiS and
profligate passion's. The principle on
which this rebellion proceeds, that laws=
have in themselves no sanctions, no
binding force upon the conscience, and
that every man, under the promptings
of interest, or passion, or caprice, may,
at will, and honorably tea, strike at the
Government that shelters him, is one
of utter demoralization, and should be
trodden out, as you would tread on a
spark that has fallen on the roof of your
dwelling. Ps unchecked prevalence
would resolve society into chaos, and
leave you without the slightest guararitee
fbr life, liberty or property. It is time
that, in their majesty, tha people of the
United States should make known to
the world that this Government, in its
dignify and power, is something more
than a mock court, and that the citizen
who makes war upon it is a traitor, not
only in theory but in fact, and should
have meted out to him a traitor's doom.
The country wants no bloody sacrifices,
but it must and will have peace, cost
what it may.
Before closing, I desire to say a few
words on the relations of Kentucky to
the pending rebellion; and, as we are
all Kentuckians here together te-night,
and as this is purely a family matter,
which concerns the honor of us all, I
hope we may be permitted to speak to
eaeliTolier upon it, with entire freedom.
I shall not detain you with observations
on the hostile and defiant position as
sumed by the Governor of your State.
In his reply to the requisition made
upon him for volunteers under the
proclamation of the. President, he has,
in my judgment, written and finished
his own history, his epitaph included,
andit is probable that in future the world
will little concern i'self as to what his
Excellency may to do, or as to
what ho may propose not to do. Tbat
response has wade for Kentucky a
record that has already brought a
burning blush to the cheek of many of
her sons, and is destined to bring it to
the cheek of many more in the years
which are to come. It is a shame,
indeed a crying shame, that a State with
so illustrious a past should have written
for her, by her own chief magistrate, a
page of history so utterly humiliating
as this. But your Legislature have
determined that during the present un
happy war the attitude of the State
shall be that of strict neutrality, and it
is upon this determination that I wish
respectfully but frankly to comment.—
As the motives which governed the
Legislature WCTO doubtless patriotic and
conservative, the conclusion arrived at
cannot be condemned as dishonorable,
still, in view of the manifest duty of
the State and of possible results, I can
not but regard it as mistaken and false,
and one which may have fatal conse
quences. Strictly and legally speaking,
Kentucky must go out of the Union
before she can be neutral. Within it
she is necessarily either faithful to the
Government of the United States or she
is disloyal to it. If this crutch of
neutrality upon which her well-meaning
bnt ill-judging politicians are halting,
can find any middle ground on which to
rest, it has escaped my researches,
though I have diligently sought it.—
Neutrality, in the sense of those who
now use the term, however patriotically
designed, is, in effect, but a snake in
the grass of rebellion, and those who
handle it will sooner or later feel its
fangs. Said one who spake as never
man spake, " He who is not with us is
against us ;" and of none of the con
flicts which have arisen between men
or between nations could this be more
truthfully said,.than of that in which
we are now involved. Neutrality neces
sarily implies indifference. Is Ken
tucky indifferent to the issue of this
contest ? Has she, indeed, nothing at
stake ? Has she no compact with her
sister States to keep, no plighted iliith
to uphold, no renown to sustain, to
glory to win ? Has she no horror of
that crime of crimes now being com
mitted against us by that stupendous
rebellion which has arisen like a tem
pest-cloud in the South ? We rejoice
to know that she is still a member of
this Union, and as such she has the
same interest in resisting this rebellion
that each limb of the body has in re
sisting a poignard whose point is aimed
at the heart. It is her house that is on
fire; has she no interest in extingnish•
ing the conflagration ? Will she stand
aloof and announce herself neutral be-'
tween the raging flames and the bravo
men who are periling their lives to sub
' duo them Hundreds of thousands of
citizens of other States—men of vulture
and character, of thought and of toil—
men who have a deep stake in life and
an intense appreciation of its duties and
responsibilities, who know the worth of
this blessed Government of ours, and do
not prize even their own blood above it
—I say; hundreds of thousands of such
men have left their homes, their work
shops, their offices, their counting
houses, and their fields, and are now
rallying about our flag, freely offering
their all to sustain it, and since the
days that crusading Europe threw its
hosts upon the embattled plains of Asia,
no deeper or more earnest or grander
spirit has stirred the souls of men than
that which now sways those mighty
masses whose gleaming banners are
destined ere long to make bright again
the earth and sky of the distracted
South. Can Kentucky look upon this
sublime spectacle of patriotism unmoved
and then say to herself : "I will spend
neither blood nor treasure, but I will
shrink away while the battle rages, and .
after it has been fought and won
return to the camp, well assured thatif
I cannot claim the laurels I Will at least
enjoy the blessings of the viotay ?" Is this all alit; remains of her, chivalry—
of the chivalry of the hold of the
Shelbys, the Johnrons, the Aliens, the
Clays; the Adairs, and the Davis'es?
there a Kentuckian within the sound of
'my voice to-night who can hear the
anguished cry of his country as she
Wrestles and writhes in the folds of this
gigantic treason, and then lay himself
down upon his pillow with this thought
of neutrality, without feeling that he
as sonic
thing in his bosom which
stings him worse than would an wider?
Have we, within the brief period of
eighty years, descended so far from the
mountain heights on which btu fathers
stood, that already in our degeneracy,
we proclaim our blood. too precious, our
treasure too valuable to be devoted to
the preservation of such a Government
as this ? They fought through a seven
years' war with the greatest power on
earth for the hope, the bare hope of
being able to found this Republic, and
now that it is no longer a hope nor an
experiment, but a glorious realitly which
has excited the admiratinn and the
homage of the nations, and has covered
us with blessings as " the waters.cover
the channels of the sea," have we, their
children, no years of toil, of sacrifice,
and of battle eren, if need be, to give
to save it from absolute destruction at
the bands of men who, steeped in guilt,
are perpetrating against us and human
ity a crime for which I verily believe
the blackest page of the history of the
world's darkest 'period furnishes no
parallel ? Can it be possible that in the
history of the American people we
have already reached a point of degen
eracy so low that the work of Wash
ington and Franklin, of Adams and
Jefferson, of Hancock and Henry, is to
be overthrown by the morally begrimed
and pigmied conspirators who are now
tugging at its foundations ? It would
be the overturning of the Andes by
the miserable reptiles that are crawling
in the sands at their base.
Bat our neutral fellow-citizens in the
tenderness of their hearts say : " This
effusion of blood sickens us." Then do
all in your power to bring it to an end.
Let the whole strength of this Common
wealth be put forth in support of the
Government, in order that the war may
be terminated by a prompt suppression
of the rebellion. The longer the struggle
continues the fiercer will be its spirit,
and the more fearful the waste of life
attending it. You therefore only aggra
vate the calamity you deplore by stand
ing aloof from the combat. But again
they say, "We cannot fight our breth
ren." Indeed. But your brethren can
fight you, and with a good will, too.—
Wickedly and wantonly have they
commenced this war against you and
your institutions, and ferociously
they prosecuting it. They take no ac
count of the fact that the roamer() with
which. they hope their swords will. ere
long be clogged, must be the massacre
of their brethren. However much we
may bow our heads at the confession,
it is nevertheless true that every free
people that have existed have been
obliged at one period or other of their
history, to fight for their liberties
against traitors within their own bosoms,
and that people who have not the great
ness of soul Chns to fight, cannot long
continue to be free, nor do they de-
serve to be so.
There is not and there cannot be any
neutral ground for a loyal people be
tween, their own Government and those,
who at the head of armies, arc menac
ing its destruction. Your inaction is
not neutrality, though you may delude
yourselves with the belief that it is so.
With this rebellion confronting you,
when you refuse to co-operate actively
with your government in subduing it,
you thereby condemn the Government
and assume towards it an attitude of
antagonism. Your inaction is a virtual
indorsement of the rebellion, and if you
do not thereby give to the rebels pre
sisely that "aid and comfort" spoken of
in the Constitution, you certainly . tifford
them a most powerful encouragement
and support. That they regard your
present position as friendly to them, is
proved by the fact that, in a recent en
actment of the Confederate Congress
confiscating the debts due from their
own citizens to those of loyal States,
the debts due to the people of Ken.
tacky are expressly excepted. Is not
this significant ? Does it leave any
room for doubt that the Confederate
Congress supposes they have discover
ed under the guise of your neutrality a
lurking sympathy for their came which
entitles you to be treated as friends if
not as active allies ? Patriotic as. was
the purpose of her apprehensive states
men in placing her in the anomalous
position she now occupies, it cannot be
denied that Kentucky by her present
attitude is exerting a potent influence
in strengthening the rebellion, and is,
therefore, false alike to her loyalty
and to her fame. You may rest well
assured that this estimate of your 'nen-,
trality is entertained by the true men of
the country in all the States which are
now sustaining the Government. With
in the last few weeks how many'of those
thi :home them atllahintodred and volunteers
al who l
are now under a Southern sun, ex
posing themselves to death from -di&
h i a s v dear left
ease and to death from battle, and are
accounting their lives as nothing in the
effort they are making for the deliver,
ante of your Government and theirs;
how many of them have said to J/113 in
sadness and in longing, "Will not Ken
tucky help me?" How my soul
have leaped could I have ansitered
promptly, confidently, exult:high , es,
she will ." But when I thought - eta
neutrality my heart sank *Vali iniit;
and I did net and I could eat thei*
brave men in the fem. , Atittiet leietdd ,
not answer g‘kith!''t:l eould'not
myself to the earth :under the tfelf.ahme.
m.ent of each &reply, I therefereB44:l
—and may my country suet*. _
"I hope, Itrust, / pray, my, I I he-
; g•L
7,' r-. ,, r
, , -
N„ git -25 -
Ile ve Kentucky well ytt, k ii t tecAtity.."
If this G Government is.tolieXpstrnyed,
ask yourselies, are you'Wll4iit.:shall
be recorded in liistOrrAtit
stood by the greatness; - Cif her
strength and lifted not c h n Will'to stay
the eatastroplie If ifitlelebii . lived
—.as I verily helievosit
ling it shall be: viritten;thatiti-the
measurable-glory whichnintaltittend tho
achievement Kentucky:had-impart.
- I will only add, if Ken - Wax wishes
the waters of her Ae.. 1 414 17 0. Olio to be
dyed in tilood—if sheyishes..Aer har
vest fides, now waviii&in, , their abund
ance, to be, tram - pled 14ii.41)Abe feet
of hostile soldiery, as 41(oaroegarder4 is
trampled beneath the tliiesbiligs of 'the
tempest--if she wishiiii" r thel_hOmes
where her lined tines 'aid ribiftithered
in peace, invaded-byl.tho prixioriptiyo ,
fury of a military despbtigm, — sparing
neither life nor property—if sheowisheti
the streets of her towns and cities
grown with grass, and the; steomboatii
of her rivers to lie rotting at her
icharves, then let her join the Southern
Confederacy; but if she woulditinvo the
bright waters:of that river flow on, in
their gladness---if she 'would "have her
harvests peacefully gathertd.toheriar
ners—if she would hare! thor:lallabios
of her cradles and: the- songsl-xet her
homes uninvaded by the - cries-4nd ter
rors of battle—if she would.) haiie,sthe
streets of her towns apii, qhicti.tigain
,filled with the hum and throngEtehlisy
trade, and her rives an•i her shores once
more vocal with the steamer's Arhistle,
that anthem of a free. and presperous
commerce, then let her stand_ fast by
the Stars and Stripes, and74410 -- daty
and her whole duty aa, a i zApAn;',-of
this Union. Let her brave
to the President of the toilea, States:
"You are our Chief .Magiiitra4; the
Government you have in clim e and
are striving to save from "diStt — 'oitOr and
dismemberment is our Giii*ment ;
your cause is indeed our Daum; your
battles arc our battlei; Make room
for us, therefore, in the rankst of your
armies, that your triumph 'may ' be our
triumph also."
Even as with the" Father otus all I
would plead for salvation, - so my
countrymen, as upon my very , knees,
would I plead with you for,the life, aye
for the life, of our great and beneficent
institutions. But if the traitoesAnife,
now at the throat of the Ilepublio, is to
do its work, and this Government is
fated to add yet another to that long
line of sepulchres which whiten the
highway of the past, then myjtgartfelt
prayer to God is that it may be written
in history, that the blood of its,life was
not found upon the skirts of I,p4iketicy.
• wmitEp:
To recruit Company 13, (DuquesneAreynOwenth
Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer!, Col D. Camp.
bell. Apply immediately at ikiathrjr.
jyl7-1w JNO. a KENNEDY. Da
Recruits Wanted for the TweMk Reg
iment Pennsylvania TeruniOra.
7'n RECRUITS for 5 yeaiii vrirtrinz,
the war, to fill to the full ollementonal
men, Company K, (late City Guard 'l'welith Bei*
meat, Col. David Campbell. Officer, ta.Bo Fourth
street, between Wood and Markets
A. S. M. "MORGAN, • 'Wu.
Recruits for the Twelfthiridthey/-
vania Regiment of Infantry.
WO. 80 FOURTH' STR,EMX.' . .By an
/1 thin* of the War Departmettclefidl
to Col.Campbell,l desire to fill thepthßeement
mediately. Volunteers are accoPtedatif three..
years, and will receive, in edditiortto the IregUlar
pay, the benefit of all pensionlittiVtuni! cons hun
dred dollars cash on their dinclunttgorn 'service.
4riplicatione by Company, When properly and
efficiently officered, - Wlllbe - accoltihre.
The Reyjuient will reraderickwat York, Penn's,
and when recruited to the maximum, stexidardi
wilt be immediately placed. in:Mei:line of ,
duty. duty. A. S. M, MCIRGAN.
Lieut. 12th Infantry Peon'a, Regimental 'Recruit-
ing Officer. I'4B
wANTED notEimietzty: 850. -
able-bodied men, heldtutuithEeirgen Of 18
and 85, to enter Third Regiment:United finites
Cavalry- - Men aceasteriead given
the preference. Each man will Atifititudalteci'liy
the United States a good htliittiltliViligniPratinik
ample clothing and subsistenntribeltquality.
The pay ranges from $l2 to Aux , Inonthi SO.
cording to the rank and Novi and
so complete is the provision . matlektki GlllTartfr._
ment for ail his wants, thatClUirgave„ergy cent.
of his pay if he chooses, leaving lihsi Attliw end of
his enlisimentfrom $800t0= 1 0, ,, 4.wA-V 4 - ,
Attention is:called to the -inek.that frill° Gov
ernment have wisely commennistiCuprentote *M
ears from the iranka, and odinutermentificAlter*..
fore open to all r g o v
who enlist. ireipk
FirstlientiGavallyt, •
Redruiting Station, Nationfoipwwigier stTeet,
Pittsburgh, Pa..-- • • - sr ,
VOR COL. tat - Fuiltr0:21001:01=••--
Captain Thoff..T.Aldsleolllltien,
or twenty men for OenoTey , ll4-Tiv Arßelli•
matt kenneylvardatettpti# belowent
here and under pay-froupTUlV.,:lif4ABl63yliarterim
8d atery,Wilkins Hall, Fourth, t. leave
on Friday at 4 o'clock 4,4 17
:edicalin.d Margit ~ ,'Otitle, .
& ma
• . . ~ , 1..7,f f 1 ,..
iII:EAND, A - •
DR. FEELER , • ' "1iff,f1.,13 7 1k, •-- .
• OPERATOR Off Vf_e2.lTil i ;%%, kas
amved in the city Of rittete4x o t trit . at ,.. , j*P4M .
°thee at the Waehliritin If .
Canal Bridge. *We " = -a ll. l 8
thosedelmstellaimes e ago Maftilork th e
sarnoaarrusPoskTYcaa - Wltiacte,:andelP -
defortnitiekofv=da, be. Pr. P. IS a
tarty educated-1" - and thirgeon;wholtaaw -
voted ten years of hie profeettionallife Po t h e treat. , •-',
Menrof 1,3 dbiegibee of 'the EYE - end .Eas and ,
with a constantly largenud ineteesdnic it
roust be admitted - thhat .. he"poeiaedses-pe r
advantage over most other tonetatorn o All those ,
who are atilieted withthe fcillowlng diseases can
receive his services:did Bumf . - =Md:. tende re d i n
ail eases regellSeB D 3 ecaeal,and surgical treat.
went. Stich ail ttie Throaty -,rage, Bea" Liver
Complaint.... Diseases of -- the Bones t t i oinen
also, Cancers; Turn^ Hernienr E Old
Bores, Rereads, , ar Singe Evit, la ''by A ne ,
and Diwasea of the Urinary or Genera ye
of melea,. and:all:Chronic .1••• mew ,
treated. .
lirigDr. Feder will atm ; trent Female Voniplabati : r '
nlttfat ° t r bM i nit i , tren.JP-115e"."21. of that`
lila intersourseelth the meet entigent York, Bt. citing and Sth - geontilaf Rhl*detphiaillew St.
Lona#o.LouistilleagidC •ftnig,ettd agar 10,-
ern and Southern citi , .
,- „him to keep
thorong entilptevennente ha
ldedieneen Suagewttapsrenebtrbkt peados
to mallet all Ma bentillkt'esteived - Van' Aver beet
_.. ..-• -.` IT 7 4 t: 5 ;F. -.,-. • "
Patients styvaid,eensult with gull:VI". t at *new
- iyetkad" • ',. ••,' - - - • •"'" "." "
Lk YOU 1g91X14144?..
' z :5, -, . - WfiatiOaßANTE
LF YOU '4"44ol),P#o4l46*ltrikiDi
rn L
YO Y 4 : T WO .
MENT I)I2O Witi3242 - tie r thre tikk
Isreimtedttginy tilitoK - 444)11* . _ %-
corner of the Diamontied- "Ifiettli**B4,
-.,,.4 1 :::12'' 4.. .i'. - .." -
K :~. -. .. ✓.~. .~.
• ,