Ay,tagv> >• ' - “ hi*- \ -♦*- k»l t.. «.T' ' »■.->-- ■« ! ■', i ■ ... , “X* <• ;*»&-iv ? 1 .:■■ *. », v »,*»'<*•«•••' ..- ■ ;.• ' * •» A .*AV" v*< ' '» <- v v trv* K *. ♦» rf’i; ► r'VV'\ V*V&*"V $ T " -.. . r O* * A r s I A* ** T: sv* - . *•- >• - *, '»-£ \A ~* { * s-r #t\+ , "L * x s. k ** wa •** v * > *•" ~'V.t', «.* ....... r ~bj *Ais£v » "A , v• *. *V"V* ° * J A'*' ,, « ■*-f s v i ’ fc&Mvrf* s of. *> 1 .* ■ i »•.., • • •W;J -. , „ ’A'Au _> V 7 Mmaa... r£glvv -t«/ &&<:* *;* N n" [&**!% aA vav *> ***** > j>< ‘O ’-<• »w» ”: "*. •.... .'" i: & h?,. ‘k »< %«. 'U h t * «i aV v *■ 'i\i;« s > IJ-'*\ V‘h -a- *• » * vW'i>, >'S’ * \>-v *6 - *> 1 v i &|g4A', ';«<' '; I vSss^SArX^ 1 v,-. *,aaA *?. •f « >iS -* 1 fcx’ M .s' -'» -*J f M^M a-t*.J k» vpfctiV 'brjfi-f?? ft-l Stef''*, / JT^fe.OTsPJ'fcS'. .^4PV- 4^%©fS v <-r plte:' 4imm AT-: AAV. AkN i-*"Ail ¥ > pv P J- .■>,,u' J. <* ■'A 1 A V* 1 i 4sb v 5,1 * W4IsSS '^lp " i I ' j, -\'» <£ X * **£s■*£.* *>■ ■+, *j.*l t f '- ■ 1 5 . 5 . \ k't. 4 Vi J * 7.. . , . , .. ■. M .CJV t *{' 44. A/> 4 / A^4C p tt 7 \fr ■ v “" Sfe&sf to . t Tm lines. . JAM* hte Qkm i t» «aa i HM. IM. SS. 1 gSU Oaaittpertion, _ « ;. * • •15 rh*e» Inwtiou,— 100 joo ■ ’■■ i toeoaak, — 174 .... JJ t& I? 0 »««**-• 300 3OS 160 ”'l So 76 XV Three weekly 400 344 a 00. -1 26. JOO toe month, 600 • S'*6' 60 160 176 Two months. 700 400 60 a 66 260 Three months tit tbo lit igo soo Font montl)>.., _lO 00 ..» 46 > fcflh .8 85- 460 ftre months UOO 786 660 806 660 a* months. 12 00 800 600 400 660 Kine months 10 00 1086 800 686 000 bFF^TZ-T-?-" UOO 406 11S Standing Card, six lines or oo *. ;V- •r v * i? » i. !z *--**■■ tit ; V '* Tp' ** . * ** VOEtTME XIX filtalrargh |osl. Printed and Published Every Homing, (Sunday* Excepted Xi thn North-East corner of Fifth and Wood sta. Terms: S.x Doi*ara a .year, parable sirieily in ad* fanes. . _ OF Single copies, Two Cento—for sale at the counter n the Office, and by the Newsboys. RATKS OF ADVERTISING. If RlUOllt One square, per annum, (excluaiTe ot thepaper,}~2s 00 - M * m * ge notices, go cents; {B^wnta *»* FOR 1861. -nm ONE BftLUB. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY POST IHKD OYKB FIFTY YEARS, WILL HEREAFTER BE FTTBHISHED ADVANCE PAYING>SUBSCBIBEHB ■ .3**-' OSE DOLLAU PEE YEAR, IT IS PRINTED ON A MAMMOTH SHEET. t \ IWITH / LARGE CLEAR TYPE. LIT COVTAIMS ALL THE EXCITING NEWS OF THE DAY! editorial, Local; and Kteec|4 laneons; Foreign and Domeaifie DlarkeU. SEHD.YOIJB DOLLAB BTMAIL AT OTO BIBS GET OP CLUBS in your neighborhood. Sendlfor a PROSPECTUS and* SPECIMEN -COPY. DON’T FORGET THEDiLLAB. JAJEfeS P, BABB, Edlttatand PropiMocflU»ll>igmi,P» Address MORNING POST JOB OFFII JAMES P- BARR. EDWIN A. MYERS. B4BK U MYBBS, L BOOK & JOB PRINTEBS, Comer Vittfe A Wood Bta.,Pltt»’h, S - ll >u or PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING, KVBBY D: Kxfcotod in U» finwtstjl*^ PIAXIi ROAD, - £lfcgxl9Rl4 <'B at abort notion, oa reasonable tonne, Particular attention ipiad to tbe Printing ot POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, &£. For Concert*, ftxbfbltiouß and Oircneaa. HUGE ADDfTfOHS TYPE & MiCHIEI^Y: *ATW Ucim,i bom mam » vau —^aaoßvmaw WINES, BRANDIES, &Cj ALSO DBALXIS IH j Ftiy|4il##iikiei, NO. JS pOBTH FBONT STBBET, iptodyd PBZLADBLPHI -mm tamxwci. The enterprise Insurance Comp>y OF PHILADELPHIA. Btal* Thkmjar One, Fto+ orSansi Yean, or Perpetually umn: ;..,, • WUttsm Holmts * Go., I&tagitcfeiQptffeuid l^6o grajfeS& Brovn * 00. , , „ „ . .rT ifijrAS' fc&CGMaiENCBD BUSINESS' AT ' IJ Wo.IO6FOURTH STHB ET. amil&yft ds -^ OTTii ® i ? ,u ' v ‘“g^p ' V' \... ■■: * HfT, *' » *, • ' !”> J • ■V, ‘ ’/ . S> * CLIj c JltttsliwoJ) Jloit. ',-,tjj U “aaiilliftSj VAKINft A HDMN6E RODS FHA.XTI3S i *** porpetratrd daily. How then are Deleterious hair dyes to be distinguished from a orUdeF In order to.be perfectly secure, purchase only CRISTADORO’S ANALYZED EXCEL SIOR DYE, Certified by all leading Chemists, including CHILTON, to be POIHONLESS! EFFECTIVE! RELIABLE and warranted to prodooe without trouble, and. in ten minutes, any shade of Black or Brown KNOWN IN NATURE. Sold eveiywhere, and applied by all hair Dressera. Oaiwapoto, No. 6 Astor Bo***, Now York. GEO. H. SETSEB, Agent, myakdawdjnT PittiiburSiiPe ieautlfbily Clear! Pure and White ! WHAT t Any free after the use of the Magnolia Balm, do mat ter how unsightly it was before. Pnce SO oents Bold everywhere. W. K. HAOAH A CO*, Proprietor*, apgfl Trov. New York. J^^Quxbt —Have you seen that Big In dian in another column, boiling ROOTS, BARES and LEAVES, for the Cherokee Remedy * :1 vdew The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—la anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of oure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre scription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using th® same, which they will find a sou cuss roi Oonswmon, Asthju, Bbsxohixu, Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every suf ferer will try his remedy, as It wfi] cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williams burgh, Kings oounty, «v»l:ld New York. ITS. FOR COUNTS' TREASURER.—«.'FLOYD u the Second Ward, Pittsburgh, will be a Candida g for th* above office, before the Republican Nomtnatm Convention. an&dswte 15”3rP ® D, GAZZAM is a candidate for a nomination ‘/; • \6k-2w WORKUOAKN'B CAAUIDATk FOR SHERIFF, ROBERT WATSON. .pfcdtf PITTSBBROH P.#L P B R U V lAN SYRUP OR PROTECTED SOLUTION PROTOXIDE OF IRON. Cures all Diseases arising from Disordered Digestion, Weakness, and Bad State of the Blood. Pamphlets containing Certificates of cores from the fol lotring wcll-ltotnrq filergymon, Physicians, anti <*t tier, nn tic had OD application, or trill he forwarded ,-n re quest, to any address, free of charge ! iter John Pierpont. Bee. John W Olmstud Iter Warren Borton, * Uwtl Johnson, Mil Her. Arthur B. Fuller. Roswell Klnnoy, SI n P.et. Aug It. Pope. 8- H. Kendall, M.D . Her tluplon llomns, W. B. Chisholm. Si B . Rcr Syleunns Cobb. Francis Dana, Ml). Iter. Titos. Whlttemore, Jeremiah Storm, Si .D , Her. Osborn Hyriclc, Jom Antonio fenches M D Ree Eohralm Note. Jr . Marcelino Aranda, M.D kS Tnwll. Pons, Abreham Wendell M D ,SUili!-tertMetcak. H.Klfhmey, M D Her M Fwebstcr. Jose d'Bsplnar, M.D Itev Jos U. Clinch, Thomas A. Dexter, hsq Rev Alim. Jackson. Thomas C. Amorr. ■■ Her. J Pearson,Jr., PeterHarrey, Rev A. R. R Crawley. James C. Dunn, Rev Memv I'pham. Samuel May, kls. S. n. Riddel, Prof. K. Vital!. Scherb, Re. P C. Hood ley. Moaos Grant, Esq. Office, 39 Bummer Street, Boston. JOHN P JEWETT AND CARTER. Per gain hr Df. SEORGJCH. EEYBER, 12HWwod < TO THE PUfilslC, ' TsY the~lgnorant and falsely Mod: '■ Lr.iniwttftd'rfll 1 factor hig doing so. iheignoran ; dr—dflrifrshocked,anattuoa o • » or— t sin. Terr immoral, and tor contamination and toe rmffht be I—t to them among stupid, falsely mode** f*iaoa inigno- SS. an^cenla^mTgta beaidea many before and after marriag'i through him > have bean saved much —flaring* anxiety, mortification 4c. Having the advantage of over thirty year* expen* •noa ahd^bs«midcaiiOOMor4 FIT&CURED ! FITS TOURED THK fIBIAT AXKBICAX SSHKDI. rrtHIS medicine’ ha& bbGught I Happiness lb the Hdrhos of handrsdAof-'Pnmilles thsthsYa for yeSfrrh-uiierod.the greyest idßlctlon, la hsYing M>me,m«mlier oftfibir Cumly afflicted with this JrWftilillarikiiftr'-WhAtiMn bring finch Uttar grief to ut.nbiath* OT'tatmnts, a. to sou their child Biitlmtsfl wl|h,iliße«»thst,dei!troyB ! tho intellect ami sonjHen /.kJrUhflts Ttetim tfficoneclooe to the grayou Pirehta I S ; S¥ I SraBIGAJf KEMSDY yoo fiod wtuU yonhm.e adraaflWked tor la Tain—A Oun. Thu Remedy la it ooatoins no Poisonous Drugs, and can be taken with asfotr. >: J -dPrisdiiß Sending lor Jdedlcine, shoaM stataths part- VaflffiStffia cue, and th»Jlsti«dne wdjlbeaont taupe* «v » :•=; >.-. £p«ial Hotirn. To Consumptives. (Bamfitlates: P. . mu Frill SAL* BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE il. 1801 and (tammimt. JAMKB W. CRAFT, Commisaion and Forwarding Merahant, and Mercantile Broker, Office and Storage, No. 32 North Levee, Saint Lorn*. .. Immodiale and personal attention to all business 'entrusted to my care, for which charges: will be reasonable. References: U & Forsythe,fit. LxuiU; Paul Lening, St. Loab> . 0. Brashears 4 fnix 4J. Craig, Philadelphia at’Artimf, Byrne 4 eibbona,’ New York; W. Ci M f Tf Ewing, Hannas; Northup 4 Co-Kansas ; J. W. Burbridge 4 Co, New Orleans; W, W. Weston, Mempb is; Pennock 4 Hart, Pittsburgh; 0. W. Gass, Ptiteburgh; P. H Bail, . Adams, Chicago, W. P. CoolUuigh, Burlington, jLowv W. H. Posilewait, Burlington, Iowa; Capts. Connell, Bowman, and river men generally. rablStfm JAMES Ai PBTZECt, ' FORWARDING ANO COMiIS lON RERCHANT riomr, Grata, Bacon, L&r 4, Butter, Beed Dried Fruit aad Produce Generally, OOBNXB OF MABKET AJTB FIRST STREETS, PJTTSBTJRGH, PA. Rxrxa to—Francis G. Bailey, £sq n WUliam Dilwort Sr-S. Outhbert 4 Son, Pittsbui rb, Boyd 4 OIL Heisk 4 Swearingen. & Brad* Cas.. M. 4U. Bank, Ust HoweU, Mange 4 00, W. Anderson, Donlo Paxton 4 OoVWbeating. my2Bdtptf Atm* m. BaiAPIM ROBERT DALZEIX A CO., WHOLESALE QROCEHS, CORHtSSIQN AND MERCHANTS -A4m- Diauxs v Ptonooi urn Pimsna , M is situated one mile from the village of Loretta, au-J four miles from jCpuuop station, on the Pennsylvania Central which 4oLoretm,there lea well constructed Plank-Road,. , . 1 he Borings are (W above tide-water, and. the air •W'Aiways testing taad ther ' moaaeter seldom ranging above Summer. The bead waters of the Susquehana vid Clearfield abound in trout, and the mountain ranges are Hired with game, affording fine sport to those who are fond of such amuse ments. The buildings are admirably constructed with respect to room aod ventilation, and the whole fitted up with every appliance that can contribute to the comlort of the gueatar 'i herTooih* ardfegpplkKi wittu running spang water, in marble basins, ana not, ana cold Baths 00 each floor. Bath Houses for Tidies and gentlemen, with, weter supplied from the lake, having Swimming-Cata ract and Bhower-Bgths, Bowling-Alley, Billiard-Tablet!, The table will be supplied with all the delicacies and luxuries that the marfcat affords. The Bar will be siooked with the best Wines. Guests may rely upon getting the purest Winesand Liquors that ean be ob tained, From (be toog experience in First Clans Hotels, he hopes to give entire satisfaction to hio guesis, aod no paths or expense will be spared to meet their wishes ana comforts. The waters of these Springs have been analysed by several eminent Chemists, and found to contain in 'arte proportions, all those valued Mineral properties for which the Springs o. this spur oi the Allegheny have long been celebrated. Excursion Tickets to Loreuo Springs for visitors, will be issued by the Pennsylvaeia Railroad Company from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and also Baltimore, in con nection with the Northern Central Railroad via Hams-i burg. For lurther information apply to Mr. J. MoDobsld Ceossah. Monongaheia House, Pittsburgh, Pa A Daily Mail leaves Loreuo for all part# of the Union j On the antral of Visitors at Gressoo, coaches will be in readiness to convey them to the springs. JOHN CARROLL, Late of the Kntaw House, Baltimore, Proprietor. JUST EEOEIVED THIS MOBNIJtQ! .aiflifrl -AT- W. 4 O. HUGHS’, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MANTILLAS, SILK DIXEYS, GRAY MIXED DIXEYHI CI/OTH DIXEYB, UllJt aRCULARF, FANCY ST. CIRCULARS, Also a large stock of CHEAP DUSTERS, and the best and cheapest assortment of DRESS that w«t«ver offered. Alltbeahovegoodawe are selling at GREATLY REbUCEO PRICES W. & ’ SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY.— L Mother*, BroauSAtißiwaiid aethßurtt, e«n ha,e-«y j - fins in Philadelphia hr Baltimore AftßiQb a. in. THE FAST LINE, leaver the Mpita daily, (except SandayJ «t 4*tt p. aii'afeppingoWTwGrPensbarg, Ls trobe, Johnstown, wilmere, Altoona, Ac, THE JOHNSTOWN 'AOOdftSbSA'nON TRAIN leaves daily, (exeeptSanday,) at&shpi stopping at all stations sndriHiflhifcas Tar atfCreemanih. ■ FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for WsiPfl station leaves daily, (except Sornday,) at m. SECOND AOOOMMODATION THAIS for Wall’s sta tion leaves daily, (except SondayJ iA II:*) a. m. . THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAD* for Wall’s sta tion leaves daily, (except Sunday,) afjfclO p. m. fourth accommodation train &>r wair« su as fol k>wa;—Eipr*re*H*Q a. m;.Mail, U&tkm: Vwti bine; i*i£o a. m; Johnstown Accommodation, KfcOfta. m Find Wall’s station AocosnmodaU6iv&Bo a. m.; second Wall's station Accommodation, fc&> a. m; third '■'all’s station Accommodation. 146 p. feTf&hrth Wall's sta tion Accommodation, &1& p. m. : Trpma to Bfairavllfo and.lndiawv ooanect at Blairs yille Ihteraectibti with JohnstdwtiAoQommodation, Kx press, and Mail Trains East and and with Fast AND CONNEI4WTLLE TRAINS, •topping at all stations on the PttWbprgh and OonneUa rille Road, leave dally, (Sunday excepted,) as follows— Mail TreJor£4oa.jju Trim* AID p. m. Return ng - }ve at a m. ahdftaßpc m The fsvehngftaofle will findii gristly to their inter est in going East or West, to travel fa the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be •aroused on any rente* The Roadispailasted with stone ana is entirely free from dost We pea promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. FARSI 7 TO NEW YORK $l2 60 j TO RALTIMORK~Sd 60 PHILADELPHIA,. AO 00 I , / I4ANCABTER... 866 9ARRIBBUR6, CM Baggage-cheeked to all station roil fee Pennsylvania Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York Passengers puto-aaiuirtictottßinflgTMill beoharged an excess according to distance traveled in addition to the station rates, exoept from stations where the Com parer has bo-agent NOTICE—In oase of loss, the Company will bold Lhexnselrtfl responsible for pereonalhaggage only, and for an armcni nbUxcesdlng $lOO. -f7 N- Excelsior Ommbuj Une has been em ployed to convey passengers and baggage to and from the depot, at a Charge not to exceeds cents for each passenger and baggage; :r . For tickets apply » J. BTBWART, Agt., At the Penn’s R. XL Pajpenger Station, jell On Liberty ted Brant «tr»**m LHIRS Hflfi L D, NO. 83 WOOD STREET. WIXL THIS DAT OPK^THKI'E SPRING IMPORTATIONS FJK GENTLEMEN'S DHESS, WHICH for novelty sod beauty of stylw is unexcelled. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT embrace* ail fee new febrtes of the eeasoo adapted to all clatsea and uses. We shall pay the BOme strict el lentiou to ihe style of getting up our garments for which we have always l*x*o renewed Our (moos are moderate. • NO. 83 WOOD Ba|&EET aplO JOHN W dlcC 4RTH V, BILL PO pr I] R , W.H atieaJ u> ih« P.mung of ••ILLS, Cl Ml LASS, CAKDX jlf KtIUtASUKS TOB ft A uj uMininu, tt*liroe4iSf|Btwain boats, RUlpa, Itotale, Jfct*., pk-TBHUKUH, Pa. Ur.iom soot to the oftioeoC-fejmttsburgh AJotti- PkL i>r l*n%l y &+ntt%, ■tii- iarielepfeffQgipt reVfntion w. k. uaaowiu. .Man oaiowau, xa. SALDWKLL & BHO. f BOA T FUSfISHBBS AND D&ALRRti IN ilia, Herup and CoooqCordages • _ JMobQi Til Pitch, Rosin and Otis, Itoptulilw Kiftir, tight aad Bnn DriUlnip, Ao. Suatl WsUr and 78 Pfosl alrwwla. YIHGINIA. KENTUCKY AND Mis- HOUR! MuNEY Uken at what It ia worth to «mIitm(. JUST RECEIVED NEW DRESS GOODS Shawls, Lao* Bouroous bla'k Bilk mantillas, lace points, «aa umbrellas, Ac. All baring bong bought for CASfI at great reduction, will be sold accordingly low prices. Ladies aali and see. H. J. LYNCH. jelO No. C 6 Market aU between 6th and Diamond. NATRONA OIL. Manufactured by pennsylva niaSoh Manufacturing Company and guaranteed unchangeable in color. 'Constantly on hand and for sale by P. 8. M Cb, at their new office, No. 23 Wood Htreet, between First and bee* ODd afreet. GEO. CALHOUN, General Agent* mhl&tf WANTED. —Three boys who have some knowledge of the priding business, will find steady employment by applying AC this office, jetli S~^UNDRY~WN®K>NMENTS^- IS4 bushels Data stDfepet; do do .BUMGanrJ&ba!; bo do Dried Peaohes, halves; 200 do Dried Apples; 100 dp EjtfCoro; 1 126 do .tihelled Corn; 2 barfeW FV&h Packed Button 20 do' Barrels Potatoes; 76 Oil Barrels; 60 Half OllBarrcls; 30 dosen Com Brooms; 600 lbs. Lard 2000 tbs. Country Bacon; JO3 bags Pea Nuts— id store and for sale by JAMES A. FETZKR, _ jell ocmar Market and First street*. UNION WALL PAPEH—A paper for the times, for sale by mvtt W. P. MAftSIULU ST Wood aim* TT YDRANT HOSE.—Vulcanized Koa fl that is wairanted not' to become stiff by cold nor be atftfcWd’ by heoLat SQQ.|4*£tcea Fbrenheit, and »ill •tjUtdlt preMuTe oi 76 pbnhds toihe square inch, for mhSO 104 near W»*th rpms IS THE MOST COMPLETE I thorough and extensive Commercial School iu tho Omted States. Upwards of .2JM) student from M stales having been eductaad for buAiueifS here, lu the post four years. . ' PROP. COWLEY, the world renowned Penman, slid continues aUtte-head of the Writing Department. MATHEMATICS.—A department composing the full College codree, Including all tbe Common and Higher Mathematics, under the special charge of Prof. J. C. aiuxH, A. M., an experienced and successful instruc tor,is connected »UhU>e College 40- NO VACATIONS; fltodsnts enter at an, lime. MINISTER'S SON’S half,!**. ; < Kor caialocaeß containing foil information, addebss tike Principal, JBNKI6B A SMITH. v>«wa L mya»mawtf Pittabargh. >s?^ "VfEW GOODS JUST'OPENING- ANIJ J3| w dl be offered at press to suit tbe times, being purohoiwdtn Philadelphia at less than cost; «nd will W sold lor par funds at a small advance. Calhflpon and set barxaint. . H.J. LYNCH, * nvf 96 Market »i and [Vvieniwl CLOTH CIRCULARS JOHN M’DEViTT, WHOLESALE GROCER, —AND DEALER IN— New Urlcim Sugar aad Molaiies, fJsOUMt, BJICOJT, Rice, Cheese, Fish, Oils„&c. Nia 3lt liberty Street, oppoaile Smitlißeld, # '' ' PitTSßtm<3H, PEEN’A. a ~inatant supply ofPUM.3ranert»tion?al*»Y» on hand. Also, Old Monol gahela and Irish Whiekeys. apS&lyn GOODS, r~' '• r For Bent.. • A STORE HOUSE on Federal and Water Allegheny, suitable fora Dry Goods ™55&,°- r Shoa R. H. PA VIS. CUTHBEET & EON, attend to r ihe jJL .sate and perchose of Beal Estate, collection of BefeW, Borrowing and Doming Moneys on Notes,Bonds MtfHgtgee, Market BtwU ■ • CARBON .OIL. —2O barrelei just rec'dand "&&&&* ~ esar a oolun«, < ■ • ’SJI*- ** * «, - ElfiHT DAILY TBAMB. L. HLRSHFfiLD, C. HANSON LOVE. 74 Market st CLEAR AND ODORLESS, “THE ILLUMINATOR OF THE DAY" IBOW CITV COLLEGE, ißib«ieiv. J*. Or Jars solicited »t buSment shop, Grant street, oppoaita Cathedral SMITH, PAKH & COT NINTH WARD FOtnVDRI, pITTSBtJROH, PA. Warehouse, No. 118 Ural and 120 Second streets. Mannfaoturers of all rises and descriptions of Coal Oil, Betorts and Stills, Uas and Waler FMpe. bad Irons, Uoj Iron* Wagon Boxes,Bteel Moulds, Polltee, Hangers and also Jobbing and Machine Castings of eyery deacrija don made to order. Ha Ting a complete machine shop attached to the foundry* all necessary Suing will be care^lh^ attend- LAKE StTPBBIOH COPPEK MIJLa,S ■AND 8 MELTING WORKS, PARK, M’CIJBRT & CO„ Alt AirttFACTURESS OF SHEATHI NG, Itl 'Braiders'and BoU Copper, Pressed Copper-Bet :oms. Based Stitt Bottoms, Speltpr Solder, *£, also im jortors and dealers to Metals. ’Ho Plate.Bheef Iron ire, Ac. Constantly on hand, 1 Lamea/»MachlneB.aad 4»»WT» ,■ ■ . . ■> -U ■;,! i . i ti*: *&!??'* . . WiU. J. TAAIiOK & CO., WHOLESAU FISH DEALER, No, lift spa m North Wharves, ( Above Arcti Street, ) -ij PHILADELPHIA. ootaay EUREKA OIL COMPATJY, — o7 YEYASGO COUfITTY, FENYA., ( CHARTKBBD EKJBRUABY IsT, 1861. ) CaplUU...... .. fl 00,000, A. M. MARSHALL* Pros. H. E. DAVIS Sec. w a*croaa: A. M- Mars bail, W. H. McGee. Jameß Forquer, C. Bemnger, J. L. Carnaghan. Officers that of R. H. Darts, city of Allegheny, Pa. mhl&tod H. D. BBECHT & 880., MANUFACTURERS OF LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, tilt and lmitatioa Rosewood Mouldings. DEALERS IN FBEACH PLATE AND.' IWINOOW CLASS, 148 SmUhaeid Street, Do taler's Block, between PUlh and Sixth, Pittsburgh Pa. ftEpOliy Glass at manuTactorePa Price*.Par u lar attention giveoto repairing Painting*, Regulidin a men, and boainess oanls frameJ at wholesale price pfcly UEO. W* CASS. GEO. W. CABS & CO. IRON CITY NAIL WORKS, Warehouse, No. 405 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. ftLASUOW’S AMBROTYE GALLERY, -in- LAFAYBTTE HAL]., FOURTH STHBarr ENTRANCE. r P«J THOSE PARTIES WANTING A. real fine Am two type# at a moderate price, and all who hare been unable to obtain a good Ukenea* else where are respectfully solicited to call. Large variety of ctwew and frame ralway* ou hand. Price*- moderate and aaua faction guaranteed. 0. GLASGOW, myls 87 Fourth Street. Pittsburgh. IJ EMUV AL.—u •• Neenaonoog received and-for sale by JAS. A. FKtoBRf? i*4 Comer Market and Firsts!#, WALL PAPfiR.-A iarg^yaiiety,Chea hgurea for sale by WELDIN, : luhio 68Wo9dstmet,iLear Fouru^ •’^SfiEOr- BAYNE & NEEPEE, (SUCCKSSORS TO A. H. ROWAND.) STEAM BOOK BINDERY. —AND— BLANK BOOK MANUFACTOBV, No. 14 and 14 Third Street. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTA I/ BIND ING in every variety, BL.A3STB: BOOKS Ruled to any Intricate pattern, and bound in every desirable form. All work warranted to givesattsfacuoa Prices at the Lowest Bates. SAM’L P. BAYNE - WM. W. NEEPER., apgsSmd THE MERCANTILE AUEINLV, FOB THE PROMOTION & PROTECTION OF TEABK. Over 340,000 Bualness floußea Reported, Embracing every City, Town and Village in the United States, * . Canada, and other British Possessions tn N. A* ( Ha G. DUN Si CO., Proprietors* A. ARMSTRONG, MAOAfixa, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa Established New York, Jane, ISM, Pittsb’gh, March, 1862. NEW YORK.—. Pittsburg, B G Dun A Co i Philadelphia. B G Dun ft Co; Cincinnati, R G Don ft Co; Cleveland, B G Dun ft Co;. Detroit, B G Don ft Co; Chicago, B G Dan ft CJo; MUwaukie, R G Dun A Oo; New OrTeaha, B G Dun Co; Charleston, B G Don- Co; Louisville^Dun.ft Co; St. Louis, B G Duaft.Co; NashyUle»,B^.DQd ft U°- Associate Offices. ““Boston, E Rnsaall ft Co; J D Pratt ft Co; Richmond, Pratt ft Oca Foreign Offices, Toronto, R G Dun ftOo; Montreal, R G Dunn ft .Co; London, Eng, B G Don ft Co. Reference Books, with notices of changes, printed daily, furnished to subscribers. Price $i 00. Collections promptly attended to in all parts of the United States and Brinsh Possessions, and References to upwards of 160 Houses in Pittsburgh,' for whom tha office makes collections. • Letters of intreduction to Iftwyers Of high standing jaad respectatality in every section of the Uniprn will be mrnuhed to snbscribera Diking an appli cation at the office. Alaoio any of tf eoffices named. above. mhffl^m. Witt. M. FABER & CO., STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS 1801 FOTIVDEKS, General Hactalnbits and Boiler Makers, Near the Penn’s R. R. Pasaenger Denot PITTSBIIRGH, PA., Manufacture all kinds of Steam Engines, ranging from three.to one hun dred and fifty horse power; and -suited for Grist Mills, Haw Mills, Blast Furnaces, Factories, etc. Give particular attention to the construction of Engines and Machinery lor grist mills, and for uprights, mtilaj and circular saw miua. Have also on hand, finished and ready for shipment at short notice, Engines and Boilers every descrip tion- Also, furnish Boilers and Sheet Iron separately, and: Wrought Iron Shafting Hangers and Puuies in every variety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen Ma chinery and Machine Cards. Uur prices are low, our machinery manubetured of the best quality of materials, and warranted in all cases to give satisfaction. ••"‘Orders from ail parts of the country soli cited,and promptly filled- fa2kdaw w. m'cuntock, W TREAOY, HOUSE, SIGN & OBNAMENTAI* PAUSTGR AND GLAZIER, Fourth BL, Between Wood ft Smlthfiild, PITTSBURGH, PA~ work iwomptiy stioaded to. mySftilyd NEW WALL PAPER STORE; Ho. 107 Market Street, BETWEEN FirTß AND LIBERTY STREETS. THE SUBSCRIBER is;now OPENING' a new and large stock of * PAPER HANGINGS, Embracing a oomplete assortment for Dweilings. Stores, Offices, Halls, Churches, ftc» to which be would respectfully invite the attention of the Public, having %n entire new stock of goods reoently ptufehased ana now arriving. Those .in want: of new goods will find them by looking through-our assortment, marfclyd ’ •10 RIFLES f Ult.olutloa of ParUershlp. HTHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE I existing between DAWEBxnd JOHN F. clLlbx. oAhy, diß solved by mutuaT consent, J. 7. CLUEfcihavmg pur chased the interest of J. B.*DAWE3ii .Tboßuifaesa Will be carried on as heretofore by J. F, CLULEt, who will pay all cti tins against the late fins, And ib aaiooriseti to collect all debts due the late firm of Dawes ft Cluley. JOHNij. DATO my*4-lwd JOHN K CLULEY. P' RODUCK— -800 Baoka Peaches, 400 do Apples, U> Kegs Lard. WM, B* SMITH A CO, mh2e „ No 118 Seoood and !4T Front street*, JUST 50.—5250 for a Two Story Bnck Dwelling House of four rooms and finished attic* No. 26 Duquesne street. For celeb* ' • & Cq,THBfiBT * SON, myia , ~ : frtartcet streeb rHE UNDERSIQ-NEl> HAVE THIB day formed a Co-Partnership under the name and style ol PKKKiNS,MERRICKACO,In the Paper,Bag aud geueral Commission Business. JNO.M P£RKLNBi ' 1 a HENRY MERRICK . *. EDWARD a CLAPP. Pittsburgh. March Ist, 1861. jno M. Pnuußs C. Hoax Mbuuqk. „.B. a Ciapp PERKINS, MERRICK & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Papeii Rags, Twine; Cordage, &o„ &0., Manilla Rope, Broom-Twine, and i Wire, Paper-Makers Ha- j terials, &c., &o, Warehsuse No. 82 Third Street, mar PITTS OIT Ran. PA ■ A. PLOYT), ('IOKN'EK FOURTH AND ROSS STS., J PuUqurgh, Pk, ageut for the receipt and sale of Keeps constantly on hand, and ia receiving h< avy and; light oils suitable for Lubricating and Refining purposes* which will be sold low for cash and c aah only. an&Omdev j 17-EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND SOtl ARE AND OVAL BOHXET BOXES; Iso. makes to order PLAIN AND FANCY PAPfiB OAKS, suitable lor Shoes, Dry Goods, at Eastern rices. Corner Wood street, (third lory—oxer Ctfcpetur BimkTPitUbiirgh, Pa.. ledth BEiiOVAET — —i THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAJtf ulacturiog Company have removed their office t 4 No*-94 Wood Street, MH| Between First streets, where all orders will be received, and business attended to. mhlfctf QBO. CALHOUN Agent, spring stock: op mH: PUNOB. :j(J|| PIANOS, and at NEW YORK PRICEE Thaianawai raniedlor FIVE YEABK Jleage caU SSSBK®®s®«» anll-Amw kPHRaTM RROWN. triiftl »M) IXHI £•* I Sma»,*A3omNi,. X M : Jet* comer Wood and Wider str*MB •i i ' * 'Til. '■ * S' „V **»’ s ‘ ** **' J '*’ it pisceQatteotts. Head Office t DUN, BOYD * QO. Braneh Offlfiea. Lo-PartaerilUp, CARBON OILS D. C. KNEECAND -v~ tv j j , < ,t ... ,;j_J-^-.^w=v.< J c ..-i-‘ -V-^t-. »s ■• i. j.‘ u S* fc "A * - ' - t jr i s ' ■ '*■ ? - * A*;*- v. ■* ••• ■ ■ *! ■*■*,' ' ,r,; ~ s? • ■ • * ■ I- ' j ■ : On tlie First Wednesday' in 1 An^tj'-18l>l$$§§ HABD TIMES ! ' a ''lSi “T'HE RAPPAHANNOCK MAlfU—., jf ‘X FAOTUHINB COMPAti* " propose to, raise, , by tbe first Wednesday in Atlguat ttfexi, sCAPITAL.' ■----bi STOCK of fi4SO(OOfi-; to be iub«enbsd In abaree ,« each; yioodMO tohe returned to (be subscribera Id' Uw : ves fonsurpasannua, os an indniameuUtranbaiiribbra,' knowiedgement oTaU nuns nttfittedho siattWitMf} $ small they may be, which may he done oonrenienOyitP & postage ,3 thereafter, unufeiu cate of Stock Bui ifashare, or sereraishasra should a he subscribed before that time, the subspdbat. nip re cetreVcertificate of preferred Ptootpgfumi*iM*f>tO' »> Jf sMoaVdmdendsoutof theuetproatedrthe^rtMOjiy so soon as their Factories are putin operation. Bajndsff-b the abom, the ’person*'wbot .> -I ; the next largeat to *WOB; the, . ;/® to tMOO each, ifiifour mSflarmfiAi TS 1 i;j?; largest to t tflfSoh, the three huubed natpmhKln -■ tsf ! jao eub 1 the One thousand the three thousand fear handled- nsrt largest;JO, fit bi'SK* each, and the person who fair, tb bh&fai'eithertoffiMtp , ’ : ullttedvirhat’KSS triUseenMKpatSSfr r « tw&ts£sEF i lands at theuri toweatmarket rahiaa»dpreceim,afl&i;v- 'bb i and sutficient warrant; title. " ’OU A'Wrr Agents w*n*rodomm«nded.*ili'Mrnm.> 1 sue fiffifsssfe- o 4 alOßatVihaiTreasoreK smu. ■■ vnimat ifM&WBt REFERENCES pers generally in tha rarious Stateseaeirly adof whom : ! i?sMs3 already hriddeeds from ns in The Portsmouth (Va.) Daily Trajuiripi -.> nei&t proteet -is one well 'worth thaettentfam ofom jnopS, and we, assure them that the partiesrepneenunaltare reliable and'responsible. BeaidSSpthMer wteJSw*£; :'r:iV*ffij fhd ledspbsdenoe ,J |g The By ton Ctnfrol Aioiwmtan Bays: ••Flattaring In <1 dbeemidiitfc'kM iheM ont tothoaewho'dbaHtfi'tigSiha' Jg -I taem as: reliable* ~ , ii-l aVunicT 3 The .Danrille (Pa.) ErroU says • “Sera Is aahWtt'- tan»ty> sroslUngsojttihfghMdaioirotyticthln dihotsefe >4sa ttrenJrmroJ’ 1 * - • Frwhawgtftt - '*B ‘&V VtßM' < ~m H it en-ot "Us, i ■ - ‘S.» irnfbf- - PAIN C TJ&IETIi/C. IT CURES ALL TAEf J A3lI)i-HEPB dlseaso In the bad. This Only sdiflindge- ncaaoas remedy ie noquick msdioinsvnatis th*iasmf'’-,‘-‘ ;; ;ft«.si sUhirtesn jesrd of iArddtndr aad. esnsrirassaiaia' s . that country -rf«T rfleafi M PE. - E'O#®'^ £{ has used it with almost miraculous sAeci’in^pknist itiwSi practice. Oil at last be wfiWhhedbylibesoßqtahna bb^^^ •iii i 9QM99 1 It ttmy be relied .upon for cdnaA iuid 1 .miUnuneoufl muff 7 ' 1 pw A ~m. 1 irm. Pnflii"' lthilirr: Cholera 1 'Slife: s IS?2Si B bf“*' ’’" BECifIiASI di' KB4Ut,V, E S!oie' vr - . Apd-I ■.it- ;.-. Eli!-,Federal.etroet. word: . - BPHUVQ ANU BDMMEK floqps - : ■ A'T—' o’ if '-b ' I ■ nrf-L., REDUCED • PRICES',. WK HAVE NOW KECEi-VE© ; ' ! -jL at ‘ K V S V AJ ? D SUMMER BAKES, vMoliJinsi tom ~«rJ Lh«iittthe' th DWW 01,04101U *» r HU RICH SUSS OF FABRI'C, AND’SWXiK, 1 'fsSa 000 u s , AS WELL AB FAIRNESS OF PRI Cl, th«y will SUBPAfIS ANY GOODS of iheilnd iroj'b*. -A?* for® opened In this oily, and would &a early call, from our patrons and the i>ubii£Lfoiuaffi >ae the same fdr themselves, -•**» SAIHUEJL fc»A¥ ~ MEB(^S3n? < ' T AT|ant^4^ . , , HI WYTg.gramMit « H © O’ S ! BoiS' ;? X'it!GP.'*jr’^ -USD- ■ -"-I OEN AMENTAL PAlNsEsfc 2, Cor. SUCl&ir BU^nd'Diu)ii^|ljp^^ ■ ?jjfc '?!■'•» of-em , •'. .. ... New Crop Teas: r '" * tA ' *\ ,n i zjk - ' WBm,i • . -.J'-l-t- .T 1 T ~ i-m do v v bows* I rvru&«~ \ V \, i-S niSsi>;