V'&ij'---' “• S ‘s' : ,X' \<'%'i*:~* V^.’ 9 * , . ‘ ' . -.", ■ ■ ■ *•*>■•*' «. J 2 **• s • - x =Vr*lP ‘*2- v-VI*-v’N&V" 1 *-v’N&V" •» « ■- >. ** ' ' ir i.-'. ‘ a - ». •• « A* . ■ ;i . , - - r '■ >" ■ ■■■>• *T«t ' ■■*\’>ua ur-O-....-*-. - -\ - . '■• •'■* fc* J - 1. "* *> 1 sA-** V* k:& hS l-;.vaV‘ °I c v- ■. •• , «< • v W h »vtt- '»*i> » «•• »*,.v-, „ ,?£*•**> vV »" t#f» ■&{»&&. v>* j * * * r , *•£•*> 4 «■».•*“. t.T>5 7* -*, t *: *’., v " 1 i ‘ •.•. .'.-■ •>’< , i. 4^. ■«&(?• J 4 ..' 11 s ' -• * ■ &s>:**s/inx* v>;*\*f’*' •. l -:'' ■ jSgvpiv'’ **t*t ‘*. W.Z*iK%‘y'i * ;• ;• I4*'--. V- • SBpfittSte- ■ roßaStSv^.^Vl 0 -“»•* f . *x“* 1 '•%* »*a»Sv-^ j «j,.;>>' Jt|iin +* •>. kSjTiCI «H.«Wb d K f ( sCftffiiiJ2SSS-*■*3,Jv> isj- v,‘,„ Bb^ HHlr^yfecA^r ■fe^tej^r^ RrSjPaß^•'-•.'if b» **» v J? 4ac WPMX ' - vXXJJr* " ; -- 1 ? '3?Mf&c\% *,♦- i~o'}K-k -*.y. t^*"' A'.- .#-& v;;.A*>v&S • C«V '»• '< f jf % 'iAjfifcA " a , i s* -A 7 r A •> rt„ :. T . - ' ,:r ' ■*--' > r :f & ,n»' i* V> "A * * - '*/f* A «, . **■ - ''^^■ i: '- :"v *4*7,- “. •'ts *J Si *.\. ••■ A . '- *1 - v*'-' -X‘~... I. " tf...*»»»T t 1 " .'~ • . ■ «#■' :; ■«!?. ■ " \:,:-v.- ' '...- •...;•?. ..-.’ - ‘ “ -’f . #' ■ ■ ' ' •■ ''*•' " • Ate• - •. - *4\ 4 , s VA - ~ • 4 ‘,„ Of _ 4 • W .44 - 4746 : 4 5C 1 L! .44‘. AP I' W 1,4 * el-seis 4 80lHEl5B4N8ElBfr «w*n«v. ““ PeM,ylT ‘' •* ffIUOINNATI SHORT HiJffiSJ?*?®' STHUBHNVILXa. •iSSSH*® or °¥* |» t *®en PHtaburgh andOlaciimati. iiS£??„ K £@**s'' Arrirej Arrires S™'8 h ’ aUkjiiuhlmsi atandmatt, at 8t Lout. -iSS. “• Mu taor.M. S. ? ' *■ IbtAr.e. 616. K igS ll ! *” “ortet to Cincinnati, LoalgrtUe, Colaro ’Sdn'miM points South, than an* other route. Mpteudld Blooßinr c »ni an*e?eH to all Night Train.. , PITTSBURGH AHP WHKRLIKg LINK. RtWki 6 *. ±r. at ■ Ax. at AT. at Ar. ai fng*yßh» Rochester, wellßnlie, Wheeling, "gjf 4 **- I£o t_ If. 4:03 A.M. Kj7 A. M. **&».«. 8:19 A* IL 0»P. u, IOfIBP. «• I*loa.ii. UKa.ii. 418p.m. 8:10 4. a. 4:20 a.m. «. &16P.W. &»P.M. ** *• aild 1460 p. M.Trains connect with Train b :® I .S: o isi R */ o *jßan«TiHe, IrfUßCMter, to. ’ ±Jt~? *• Train stops At all stations between Ro «*•*** «SiWeltopUle. pittsbubgh a Cleveland line. L*avea Leaves Pittsburgh. Clerelanil. l(hS0 A. H. m K . 1210 &50 p. M. ' u * ia at Bayard for New PuUaelpnia and stations c u the Tnacarawaa desiring to go to Shndnsky, Toledu, potato West* via Cleveland garnet be part)* **“■* to aak for tioketa rx a Qiereiand. ... „.Tnrqqgh Tickets can be procnrad at the Liberty ‘Oobet'Pepot, Pittaborgh. ... f’y-L.lit'-—4,u00 Tight Hickory c„ ruMM J£t£u r SSSs^. t.i s* V : i. , t lailraads. _ J.BTEWABT, Ticket Agent, s . , c Pear farther paracuiars apply to 4 ' WILLIAM BTBWART, Agent. AAthe Company’s Otfireln Freightßtation. Penn street, F. B. MTEBB, . lelo Gea’l Ticket Agent Cleveland, Ohio W ROUTE VIA BIVKB AND BAIL BOAD: thdianapoUa & Cincinnati Railroad Connecting at Indianapolis with Terra Haute, and Terra Haute and Altos Rail road,to 9tt Louis and Lafay ette and Indianapolis, Mew Albany and Belem, and Mich ieaa Oentrai Roads for CHICAGO, HOOK ISLAND, BUR fraOTON, and *ll ial«m»vli*U point* fiiroagh freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TBRRIi NAOTISLAFAYETTEand PKRU. aFreights and passengers carried from Cincinnati or bwrenceburg in tea« time than by any other route by wenty-four hours, and at as low rates. The only roan j which shipments can be made from Cincinnati te be West, without breaking ouJk. \ Consignments made to J. R. GIBBONS, agent, at Cin gpogtr, .or W. Br agent' at Jjawreoceburg will receive prompt attention, and no charge for bom minion; we Aoryi for drayngt or eornmutiori 6 One second-hand 6 octi, by Loud A Bro no One nocond-baad 6 oow, by Bch«rr-....~..-~~..-~.... oo One second-hand 6-J£ oct, German Pi*no.„ **o One second-hand fl oct. Mahogany ca5e........... One seoond-hand 6U oct. Mahogony case 20 Those-desirous of puruhasiog a cheap Piano shou* J ot fail to call and examine the above lot. JOHN H. KI£LLOB, 81 WOOD STREET. CjtJNUKIES.— ~ ' ' 100 bble “B’’ GoOee rtiigar, 20 - "V* - ~ 10 M standard crushed sugar, 10 M coarse pulverised - 200 boxes layer nutans, 260 “ buneh ‘* 100 ttf boxes *• “ 100 qr “ «* 100 “ Valencia “ f 100 “ Turkish prune*. 10 casks *• *• 26 do New currants, 20 •‘frail” Dates, 600 drums Fresh Figs, iOQ boxes No. 1 Herring, 100 do Healed do 10 do Burlington do 2b do Hbelled Almonds, JO oases Italian Vertmeella, -10 do Maccaroin. l» do Hicdy Jdquo'ice, lo Baskets Oliro Oil in quarts and plots, 6 cases Ba*dines to cans, 26 boxes So. 1 white rook candy, 20 u Yellow do do 10 “ Red do do 2000 Fresh Cor a Nuts, io store and landing and for sale by KKVMKK A BHUTHKRB, gtf 18 J2fl and 125 Wood al. SPRING OP 1881. WALL PAPER! WALLPAPER! The Largest Assortmeui and Lowest Price# Id in Pittsburgh. Come'and see. WALTER P. MARSHALL, No- »7 Wood Street* (Htrr Fourth, at the Old Stand,) Has fhr sale beautiful French, German and American WALL PAPERS, FOR PARLORS, RALLS chambers, 4. CHURCHES, j LODGES, 50,009 roils at 12* ets. 50,000 rolls at 6> 8 and 10 cts* WnMF Ouatam, Fnt* Boaed Puns, Tkrss Oonu, Couaes, Ac. I«ook for the Striped Front. The only plane in tom vhere a full assortment of Pjaaoh papers is kept. mar 16 NEW GOODS —for— SPUING AND SUMMER WEAR. JAMES ROBB. No. 89 Market Street, TTAS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED JJL opened a large stock of Boots and Shoes, oompris* lag one of the largest assortments to be found. dnrtifHi'j Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, ffiippera, Operas, etc. Mens’, Bore* and Youths’ Frenoh Calf Boots, Gaiters, Oxford Ties, Prinoe Alberts, Scotoh Bootees, Shoes, Brogans, etc. Boot s'd Shoes of erery variety and style, which • wßlfceaoid at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. All persons desiring to procure a bargain, would do vail to call and examine the stock at 8© Market street r< are determined to tell cheap. apll lABPETS 1 CARPETS —FOB— SPRING SALES. W. D. A H. H’CALLUItI, 87 Fourth Street, Have just opened a splendid assortment of Velvet, Brussel*, Three-Ply, Tapes try, and Common Ingrain Carpetings. OIL CLOTHS From 8 to ‘24 feet, o*w denial and beautiful paUerns, WUh.all goods Ufiu&llT found in FIRST CLASS CARPET Lend ou as favorable terms as any other boos* fty- __ mh3Q * CANDLES AND OILS. IJW Boxes Chemical Olive Erasing Sou, 'lOO, •;" do Roaeu Soap to 1, 9 and 8 a bam tOO do No. 1 Palm Soap id 1, 2 and BD> bars. X)0 do Oleine do in 1 fl> bars, UO do German do in Ilb bars, 90 do Friend to Woman Soap In 1 & bars 1,000 do Sharing and Toilet Soap in different riUjpesandsifies. ' IdO fioxdß Mlnte* Candies, lfiOO do Hydraulic freased and Mould Candles for Slimmer one. "* 900 Boxes Adamantine Star Candles. 4s, Gs A to. GO do New Bedford Sperm Canalea, 4s, 6s A 6s. '9O do Wax Colored Candles, 4s, 6s A to. 8 do Coach do, 8 do Star do, 10 Barrels No. 1 Lard Oil, • do do S do, ® do Lubricating No. 1 Oil, W do dn do 2 oil, JJ do Garbon ninmiaating Oil, • do Coal do do, On hand and for sale, bfb * TV,.. B. a Jt 4. H^SAwfEßi -iA° WM aw*rdod, by the O. S. Agncal torsi So- Mg, toe tim premmms far Soaps and Candles. .' j ;c* .. * > , s HoUIa and leslau anit. FIFTH A V gTc F"f I l‘H AOK DAN BARN A HI), PROPRIETOR, Ko. 72 Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. The best of liquors always on hand, and the Choicest Delicacies of the Beeson, served up is the most superior manner. eV’Meals at ail hours of the da; and myDlydaw. CORNUCOPIA RESTAURANT, BY ELI YOUNG. FIFTH STREET. The attention of merchants end others is directed to this establishment, which baa Demi recently fitted up for the purpose of affording a SUBSTANTIAL EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. Country folks attending market are par* ticularlv invited to c&IL Every thine pertaining to an SALOON will always be found, of the troehoet the market adonis. apifthdaw SCOT T H O ITS K 7 OYSm AND KATIiWi HOUSE, NO. 11l WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH. WHOLtHALS iHP-UTIiL DKALSEH IB LAKE AND EASTERN FISH, FiIBSH PHILADELPHIA AMj BAI.TIMUKK OTf) TERS AND WILD HAMK, Ait la their Proper Siaaoa. no2tij GKO. KKINKMAN &JLXJ* SA. "V -A. C - 33 HOU S E , NEXT TO PENNSYLVANIA PASSENGER DEPOT JOHN SAVAGE, PROPRIETOR. HAVING taken an-1 fitted up, with all the modern improvem qih, this popular resort, the subscriber is prepared vo accommodate his old customers and the public generally, with the F*v-t the market affords. Oysters will be served up m every variety of style, during the season. His Wines, Liquors and Ales, be feels confident in recommending to the public for their excellence. Gan, Bucket and Shell Oysterw received daily and sold Wholesale and Retail my2&lyd Mansion house, geo. aurentz, Proprietor, No. 344 Liberty street, )u»l beside the nger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most convenient bouse in the city for par aengere arriving by Ural road. The proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, in excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would re spectfully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid BTABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, affording ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can nfford. fetry SEETIN’S OLD STAND IN THE DIAMOND, THOMAS STOKE, Proprietor. HAVING TAKEN and fitted up, at a great expense, with all the modem improve* meats, this popular resort, the subscriber is prepared to accommodate his friends and the public generally, with the best the market affords. QYBTKRB will be served up in every vanety of style daring the season. LIQUORS and ALES he feels confident in recom mending to the publio for their excellence. MEALS served up stall hours, and DAY and NIGHT BOARDERS taken. GIRARD HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. GKO. G. PBKBBCBY, Jr., I JAM KB SYKES, l .Proprietors HENRY A. CHADWICK,) ma&ly _ <§rorm P. R»TW*a....7..\™..J. ’Rum (Late at Miller A Ricke.sjn'a.) HKYM K It A BROTH HR g . (Succeesor to Rxrnu A Aantasun) Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, ttUTR,UONFKCTK)NEKY, SUGARS, FIRE No. 39 Wood at-, and Nu. 113 Second street, OppoHite Si Charles Hotel, fITTSBUBUU WILLIAM MEANS, DAVID M*CAM>I.ES HARRISON A. COFFIN, Ssnornl Partner., H|.enml Phtuioi. MEANS & COFFIN, (Sacceaeortt to M’ORUdleee, Mesa* A Oa») W HOLKS A L K (j HOC KIDS, Ooraer Wood sod Water Bt»., * -i® 10 PLT7BBURCH, PA. WILLIAM ttALALEV, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nos. 18 and 20 Wood Street, . ’«33:l( PITTIBUKUU. WM. H. SMITH JOS R. HI'NTKR. WM. U. HHITiI A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 118 SECORD ADO W 7 FIRS l! STREETS, mrt* PttMbmrfft,, P«. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, CORDIALS, WINES. CIS Old floßoogabtla aad Recti Tied Whiikj, 80. ISO Wood Mtr—t, fe2£6m Pittsburgh, Pa. WILLIAM CARR & CO., Wholesale G-rocers, IMPOSTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, AC. ALSO, Distillers and Dealers in PINE OLD MONONBAfIELA 818 WHISKY, AC. 327 and 328 Liberty Street, ITlAlv PITTSBURGH, PA. DUKE LIQUOES. —Famities can buy a X, botu* of Rhine, Port, Madeira, Tenenfie, Sherry o iaa Also, Oogn»o Brandy of different bimndn, TWJ Old Mooongahela Whlxky, (joampiime in quart pifit and and halfpmt bodies; redaction m&e by dosea or half doseiL All the above for sale by the quart or gallon. 5. B;—Those wishing adulterated honors need not ealL u FICKKIfIKN, ap2fcly-mo 101 Third stree Wa. MmJi, Phila— ti ....C. W. Kicmeoß, Pst burgh MILLER Sl BICKETSOHT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ABB nOOATIU or BftAMDIKB, WIBEI ABU SIOARI, NO6. al AND 228, OORNER OF ÜBKKTT AND IRWIN STREETS, iSD 80MB AGENTS NOE SWEARER’S CUT GLASS. PITTSBURGH, PA. Iron, Nalli, Cotton Tarns, Ac., Ac., con- stantly on Hand. (mr2 ■yy A D. RINEHAHT, TOBACCO, SHBFF AND BEOABB, WhoUsaU atui Retail Beater «n GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS ABC Virginia Chewing Tobaeeo WOOD STBEET, ader the St. Charlee Hole., oeU •qlTTßßUftfah, Fa QUNDRiSS,— tttdowo Plnet,Castillon A ’a Bran -fiQ u Otard, l>a Pey A do; 20 “ Beaquit, do; 10 Champagne. do; 90 “ Pale Shenr Wine; 86 “ Harmony sherry Win* S> “ Dufl, Gordon A Ccl’b Sherry Wine; lor sale by the down or bottle, WM. BEfS’NET, martS 120 Wood street BACON. —2,000 lbs sides, shoulder, hams, country bacon, just received and for sale by lAS. A, FETISH, |oB corner Martot md Ftfgt Mfeou. BBIED APPLES—2OO bushel Bright Dry Apples- in'store and for sale by *" - rr . JAB. 4* FETZRB, > jeg 1 . corner MArtet and rfriftgttgato. T3»LOWEB VASES, various patterns, for X? sale Dr foj®) HXHBY B. OOLLIN& v V I -* '- ' .tw li ■ / • ’• * «r u • . . - f \- . ?*'+*'* *-t‘S .•..»-•* * **' ■ • \., ,J? . *»■ ’•v, COB. IRWIN ST. ADO OUQUESNE WAT, PITTSBURGH, PA., B. XJ . MARKER, EKGELSIOK Wo. 860 Liberty Street, Sfflinrs aiui JU^oors, WM. BE.YiYETT, ~ Satafca and £tprs. MJJTOVXOfCUE AKD DIXLSB OI ALL inm; l N. 120 wOODSTHKKT L YO\ A BINfHAT, DOLLAR SAYIWLM BX.YK, 80. .05 rOI’RTH STKKKT, OHAHTEBED IN 1866. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o’clock ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to November Ist- from 7to 9 o’clock; and from No* vember Ist to May Ist. from 6 to 8 o’clock. Deposits received of at] sums not leas than Oiri Ixjllar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and I>ecetnt>er. Imprest haa been de clared semi-annually, in June and Duocmtier, since the Bank was organiaea, at the rate of su per cent, a year. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the creait of the depositor as principal, and bears the aarao interest from the first days of June and December, compound ing twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double m less toan twelve years, in the aggre gate BOUT AND Olfl-ftAU PIE CXWT A TEAK. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the office William J. Anderson. James H 1) Meeds, Hill Burg win, Isaac M. Bannock, Benj. 1.. Fahnestock, A. M. Pollock, M. R Hopewell Hepburn, Kol>ert Robb, James Herdman, James Hhhile, James D. Kelley, Alexander Tiodle, Proprietor, Alexander Bradley, John H. MoKadden, John R Haoxoffn, Fetor A. MsJeira, t-ioorge Black, Jolm H Mellor, Jot.u H. ('aufield, James M’Auley, AI(»q*o A. l amer, John Marshall, Charles A. Colton, Walter I’. Marsha William ikiuglaa, John Orr, John Kvbdh, Heury L. Ringwalt, John Holmes, Jobu H. tihoenoerge WiliiamH. Haven, Alexander dpear. Peter H Hunker, William K. bcbmerla, Richard flaya, Isaac Windier William 8. Lavely, Clinstmu Veager. ABCEJTAXT AND T ILIAN CHAP, _ __ CHARLES A COLTON. |f«l IOAN office. UKMRy W. CIMIOTTI, No. 100 Bmithfleld St., Near the corner of Fifth, PITTSIUfRCJH, PA. MONEY in large ami small quantitieri loaned on Gold and Silver, Diamonds, Jewelry, and Silver Watches, and all kinds of vrluhM-* ar Licloß, for any length of time agreed on. The goods cannot be delivered without thi« Ticket. Not account able to caso of fire flours from 7 A. M- to in p. M i%20 g WM. H. WILLIAMS & CO., Bankers and Exchange Brokers, ff'ood Street, corner of Third, PITTSBURGH. PKNN’A. N HOLMES eposits received in par funds or cur rent paper. No. 67 Market street between Third sud Fourth streets. haSftlj lurria looms.. race. . tooaus. Austin loomis 4 co., Denies Promissory Notes, Honda, Mortgages, and curltie* for money. Money loaned on Checks at short dates, with collateral ecuritiea. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persona desiring Loans can be aooommodaUKi o*j reasonable terms, and capnalbite can be furnished with good securities at remunerauv* prices. Also, attend to the Sale, Renting and I-eaetng of Res Relate Offlea; No. 01 FOURTH STREET, above Wood. telLlf . t ÜBTIN IA>)MIS. HOWE’S i\EW SIUTTU; Sewing Machines, ARK ADAPTEDtOniI kinds of FAMILY *KWING. working equally well on the ligueet and rx'inest fabrics, making the LOCK STITCH SEAN alike i>o both sides, which cannot be Raveled or Pulled Out. And for Tailoring, Sturt Making, Gaiter Killing anj Shoe Binding, theae have no superior. Gail and *•«-• them at No. 28 Fifth street. Up Suuni. niCOtdAwir W. U. l.aiu'ell. GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINES, WITHIN THE HKACH OK A 1.1., Prices Reduced for Seven Year. 1 *, from $44 to 1110, including Uemere. Increased farthtiee for man ufacturing and the curtailment o( litigation expenses consequen upon recebt decisions of Uic United Stales Courts affirming the validity of the Grover A Baker’s Co.’s patent*, unable* this company to furnish their SEWING MACHINES wub important improvement* at greatly REDUCED PRICES. The superiority of these machines fur family use and manufactures in the same range of purpose and ma terials ia attested by the teua of thousand* using them, and the moderate prices at which they are now sol I, places them wuhiD the reach of all and obviates all ex cu»e for tampering with those mtenorand low pno-J machine* which have so the Hewing Machine business. Every machine sold by u* is war ranted for three years, we also give instructions free <>l aha re* to purchasers to enable them te HKM, KELU GATHRR, TUOK AND EMBROIDER, ALL ON THE SAME MACHINE Circulars can be had at our office free of charge t>y applying either in person or by mail. N. B.—Hewing Machines, Needier, Hilk Twist, Cotton, etc., cooetantly oif hand. FURNITURE AND CHAIRS REDUCED PKIOFS JAMES W. WOODWELL, Nos. 97 and Street, 111 FOURTH STREET, At/. VARIBTIEd UK BTyL.EBf.ANI'IIFINISH,| | Hotela and Private I NS- All orders promptly attended to, and the Furni ture care tally peaked end boxed. Steamboats and Hotels furnished at short notice. Cabinet Maxera supplied with every article in the ine- mart EXCELSIOR GLASS WOBEB A. Wi3L FE.—F. X. PLUNKETT .T. CAMPBELL, WOLFE PLUNKETT & CO. GLASS MANUFACTURERS, WAREHOUSE Ho. l l i Wood Street, Corner or First, Haftfclv Pitt aburg b • SMITH & PIT CAIRN Merchant Jailors, 10. 48 ST. CLAIR STRKKT, aplß D. It. BOtiEltS AWN., HOUSES’ IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH ANO (iRAIN DRILL TEETH, Office, 88 Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, i>a PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS ISAAC JONEM...JNO. U BOYD—WM. WCUJXuI'^H JONES, BOYD & CO- Tk/T4.NPFACT UKERS OF CAST . * * • -- J.ar-w-.. a .. ; y-tr JnsmmtiM Indemnity Against Loss by Fire. T*HE franklin fire insurance X t&OSSAXJ OF PHILADELPHIA. Office, No. 486 aod 437 CHESTNUT STREET, near Fifth. Srasxnn or Aaam, Jahoak Ist, 1860. Published Agreeably to An Ad of Assembly, being First Mortgacea,amply secured- *L896£93 88 Keal Estate, (present value 810013 61,) coat. 102,995 it> l emporary Loans on ample Collateral Bec*ts 89,186 66 Stocks, (present valae ($fe,667 72,) oost. 89,786 66 Notes and Bills Receivable-... LB2l 00 Cash - - 27,919 33 , P . , „ 6B i ne ouiy profits from premiums which this company can diti.le by law, are from risks which have beende te named. Insurances made on every description of Property,in 1o» n and Country at rate* as low as are consistent with security. Since their .noorporalion, a period of thirty years, ir** *i?y® losses by Fire, to an amount exceeding r our Millions of Dollars, thereby affording evidence of Uic advantages of Insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. Losses nald during the year 1869, 662,163 86 DIBICTOIB chAries W. Baneber, Mordecai D. l^ewta, 1 otiien Wagner, David S. Brown, .■Kaumel Grant, Isaac l^a, R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, George W. Richards. George Kales, 4L . t>l „ CHAR N. BANCKER, President. W Ai C DALE, Vice President W M A. STEEL, Secretary pro tern. J. GARDNER COKKIN, Agent, B»my 16 Northeast corner Third and Wood streets. Western Insurance Company, OK PITT3BUBGU. bKuRt.K IiAKHIE, President; F. M. tfORi>ON, docreuary CspL R. L). UOOHRAN, tten’l Agent. Ofritu ho. W Water street, (Spang A Co.’a Wnrehouae up (iUura.) Pittsburgh. RIBKH mSUre ** ainst 411 kinds of FIRE a-.U MARINE A Home Institution managed by Directors wbo are well Known in the oommunity, and who are determined, by promptness as 4 liberality, to maintain the character winch they haveataamed, as ottering the beat protee uon to those who desire to be insured! ASSETS, OCTOBER IMO. oUx-Jt Account*) «. a aaJ)OO 00 Open Accounts, etc......TJO® 43 S** 1 * 1 V, - W Notes aa.i utils discounted..—.. 174*u76 i-i DiaiotOßß. Oeorgo Dareie. k. m m*, j r George W. Jackson, James M’AuJey, Nathaniel Holmea, Alexander Nimick, Wrn. H. Smith, Chas. W. Kicketwoa, Andrew Ackley, Wm. McKwght, Alexander Hpeer, David M. Long, Rees J. Thomas oitSS PHILADELPHIA FIBE AHT) LITE INSURANCE COMPANY, HO. 149 CHESRUT STREET, Oppo.lt* th, Cutoit Horn**, Capital $210,100 Assets $301,018. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF IN3U RAKCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. ROBERT P. KING, President, M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Preaiden DIRECTORS: Charles Bayes, K R, Oope, E. B. English, George W. Brown P. B. Savery, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J.Magargee, E. Wilor F. Htmauonif, Secretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, lyfc l * Corner Third and Wood streets r\EI*AWAEE MUTUAL' SAFfffTTN JLJ SURANCE COMPANY.—INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OK PENNSLVANIA, 1886. OFFICE, S. & CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCESon Vessels Cargo and Freight, to all parts of the World. INLAND INSURANCES on Goods, by Rivers, Omnid*, gnd Land Carnages, to all parte ol the Union. KIBE IN SURANCES on Merchandise generally, onStores. Dwel ling Houses, Ac. Utaaofoas. —Wm. Martin, Edmund A. Bonder, Tbeoplulus Paulding, John N. renrose, John C. Davie, Jaxnee Traquair, Wm. Eyre, Jr,James C. Hand, Wm. C. Ludwig, Joseph Hr BeiL Dr. R. M. Hueton, Geo. G. Lieper, Hugh Craig Charles Kelley, Samtzei & Stokee J. F. Pemslon, Henry Sloaa, Edward l'Arlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer M’llvam Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jr., Jacob P. Jones, James B. M’Farteno, Joshua P. Eyre, John R. Semple. Plumb, rgh, D. T. Morgan, A. B. Berger, do. Wfi.Ll A M MARTIN, President* THOB 0. HAND, Vice President, lisaai Ltuois, Secretary. P. A MADEIRA. Agent. leJ3 No. M Water street nttHliurih. OitiiiH'i Ininranee Company of PiUiburm, Office, Cor. of fiarkst and Water S t», WM. KAUALKY, President SAMUEL REA, Secretary. I NSIJ Kl££ STEAMBOATS !u»n, James H. Hopkins. A A, Garner, Henrv dproui, Nich. Voeghily, George W.timun. A. J. Jones, Wade Hampton, Robert Patrick. Chtrurtd CnpUaJL. $300,000 KIRK AM.) MARINE RISES TaKBLN, of all de icnption.H. omens: A. A- CARRIER, Preaidonu 1. GRIER SPROUL, Secretary. (jal:ly FIRE INSURANCE BY THE Reliance Mutual Insurance Co. Of Pliil*deiplLl*, On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchan dise, .Furniture, &c., in town or country. OFFICE NO. 808 WALNUT STREET. Cash Capital, $229,610 00. Assets, $303,608 96. invested as follows, ru First Mortgage on unproved City Property, worth double the amount $166,000 00 Ground rent, first 2,462 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Oo.'s 0 $ cent Mortgage Loans, 630,000, cost .. 37,900 00 Philadelphia city 6 per cent loan 80,000 SO Allegheny County 6 tp cent Pennsylvania RaiLioad L0an5...... 10,000 00 Collateral loans, well secured 2,600 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail road company, mortgage loan OO Pennsylvania Railroad Company Btook 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Co~ OO Stock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,060 00 Stock of Delaware M. 8. Insurance Company. TOO 00 Commercial Bank do 6,186 01 Mechanics’ Rank do 2,013 60 Union M. Insurance Co’s Sorip 100 00 Bills Receivable, business paper lB Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc djaifl 72 Cash on hand and in in hands of agents 11,886 16 <808,608 96 OLKM TINGLEY, Presides Diasctoia. Oiem 'J'ingiev. Samuel Bisphano William R.Tnompeon, Robert Steen, Frederiko Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Beniamin W. Tmgley, John R. Worrel, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, Z. Lothrop, Robert Toland, Charles Leland, Frederick Lennig Jacob T. Bunting, Charles H. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, John Bisseil, Pitta. B. M. HINCHMAN. Secretary. J GARDNER COFFIN, Agent, my It) Northeast corner Third and Wood street*. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE—Mo. IT Fifth Street, Bank Block. TNSUKES AGAINST ALL KINDS OF I FIRE AND MARINE RISES. ISAAC JONES, President; JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President; D. M. BOOK, Secretary; OapL WILLIAM DEAN, General Agent. ■DmoJOis Intao Jones, C. G. Hussey, Harvey Childs, Oapt R. C. Gray, John A Wilson, B. L. Fahnestock, John D. McCord, OepL Adam Jacobs, R P. Sterling, CapL W. Dean. Rob*t L. M’Qrew, Bob’! p Davis. mv*B COAL, NUT COAL, SLACK, A COKE.— Haring purchased the entire interest of my l&.e partners in the firm of BAILEY. M’KAIN A Oo , 1 am now prepared to himish to our former customers and the citisens of Pittsburgh and vicinity generally, a superior Quality of COAL, NUT COAL, SLACK and COKE, in large or small quantien. Orders sent through the Post Office, leftatthe Toll House of the Mouonga bela Bridge, or at the Works, wil 1 be attended to with promptness. Coal Works and Office, situated in South Pittsburgh, one square above the Monongahela Bridge. 117:6m JAMES M. BAILEY LANDRETH’3 GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received a large select and varied stock of the above named Celebrated Garden Seeds, embracing all the new varieties. The entire satisfaction our Seeds rendered last year and years before, qualify us in saying they can not be surpassed. O ders by mail accompa nied by cash or sauafitctory references promptly at tended to- Specimens of the seeds growing can he seen at the store. BECKHAM A KELLY, Druggist* ia26 Allegheny City. SUP. CARB SODA.—SO kegs English just rec’ti by BECKHAM A KELLY m h 26 __ SB Faderal atreet. on BOXES STEARINE CANDLES just Ov reo’d and for sale by mvT MILI.FR A RICgRTSON. CORN MEAL.—IOO bush Ground Com Me«l, reeeiyed'Vtm^tor sale by _ r ; JAMES* FBT2ER je4 corner. Market and First, at* Beautiful gojld |APEB{6r#»iebi; “ w. V.auaaiw^ aaytt $7 wodd street, , See The Label ON TUB TOP OF EACH BOTTLE OF HEIMSTEEET’S INIMITABLE HAIR RESTORATIVE. Has the Signatures of the Proprietors, W. E, HAGAN & CO-, Ever/ article whioh has a large ami increasing sole like thin is likely to be counterfeited. It in, as its name indicates, eojUely “Islmitabl*” as far as it* power to restore the Hair on bald heads, and to giro it Urn color of youth, (no matter how grey it may be.) ia concerned USE NO OTHEB BESTOBATIVE BUT HEIMSTBEET’S, It is the tmainalf the unit/ ramble, and the cheapest. — Met' dee the following testimony : Jaclhon, Miss- May ’29,1861. W. R. M lrwin, 61 Market Bt. Louie, Mo., Adver- tising Agent for Heimatreet’s ilair Restorative. Dear Sir. —The Medicines you introduced into our city lust wiuter are all having a large sale, and giviog in everycaaw satisfaction. Mr. James Hecderwmi (one of our first citizens) nay*, that “tic has used all of the Hair Dye* and Restoratives of ihe day. but rue never nsed an article equal to HxiMSTrut’s Inimitable Una Rkstobativk. That it iar surpasses any preparation that he has ever tried for Restoring the Hair of the b»'e obtained of ail our Apothecaries and Fancy Goods Dealers 49* Price Fifty Cents a Bottle. W. E. HAGAN a CO, Proprietors, Troy, N, Y. Dr. Geo. H. Keyser, No. 140 Wood street, agent fur ap2t) Glad News for the Uutormnatel TH* LONG SOUGHT FOR Discovered at Last. CHEROKEE REMEDY, An uutailiag SpceUie lot all Diuaies of the Urinary organ*,-aid i Generib Altera- tilt aad Blood Paritier. *WTHIS“RKMEDT’ CORES WHEN ALL OTHEB PBEPARATIONS kail.-®* ia untirely unlike every other med icine proscribed for Vaterial Diseases, as u contains no Attherai }\Ascm or Afauteotu Drugs, being prepared trow Roots, Barks and Leaves, in the lorm of a fUa&utti (UUdous Syrup. 45T*U U ‘‘nature's own remedy," for Gonnorrhoa (Clap,) Gleet* Gravel* Stricture* and is espeooM recommended for Fluor Albas, (Whites in Females]) for this complaint it ia Invaluable. 49” As a general alterative and bloodpurifier, it has no equal, and does not fail to core Scrofula* Secoa* Oary Sj’phUU, Glandular Swellings, Mer curial and all Krupttve IHseasea, cuing them more speedily and permnently thau'an/o the msd cine known. It doe s this by purifying and cic g.lkt blood! Causing it to (low in all its original p-»j i vigor, thus removing from the system at l im-t ij pernicious oaosea which have induced disease. 49“ in all old case* of Uonnvrrluea and (Jleei, that have bathed all medical skill.il 1m especially re., om*- mended—in old cases it never fails, ami recent ones if Herts fr*»ra one to three days. A few dose* positirelg re moves (Ui ecaidifiy heat, chardca a>ui pain. «*lt does not affect the breath, or interfere witli any claw* of business. 49lfc reqoirea no assistance from other medicine. 49*U can lay on the ToiieMahle, or in the Counting* Room, without u ev« r being suspected as a " remedy* for prtoaie diseases. Treatise on Venenal diseases. With full dirmv no os for their permanent cure, accompany each boUla. 49*F*r full particulars get a Circular free from any l>nig store in the United States. 49*11 is sold at Retail for fX per Bottle or three Hot ties for J 6, by all responsible Druggists and iteaiera ui Medicines, throughout the UnitodSUtea, and at whole sale by all Wholesale Druggists. POTTKR a return of the disease—a cure by these medicines la permanent. Try them, besalisfledandl* oared. fbutnaa DJ Oompkntm, Bmsral DtbiUUi. Headaches ol ererj kmd, Inward Fever; Impure Blood and Lose of Appetite, ldin& Coxflaots. Lxpeost. Loosmas, Maaou&iAt Do* It never fails to eradicate entirely ail the effects of Mercur) influitely sooner than the most powerful preparation ofaarsaparilla, Night Sweats, Nervous De buiiy, Nervous Complaints of all kindaTOrifanic Affec tions. * Ptu*s<—The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles ofttb years standing by the use ol these Lire Medicines alone. Pains in the head, side, back, joints and organs. Rhjukahkh.—Those affected with this terrible disease wiii.be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Roaa or Blood ro tn Hiad, Scuarr, Halt Rotum, Hwil uiias, oQBAroLA, oa KtaeV Em, in the worst form* 11(. oera of ewj description. Worms of all kinds are ef fectually expelled by these msdianea. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Belief will be certain. Tua tor* Pius ah» Pekskiz Brmas Prom th* Bi and thus remove all disoagaa from the system. Prepared by lilt WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, No. 836 Broadway, (Moffat Building.) N. T Kersale by all Druggist*. .. tj *t> H Ajr'U Pittaharai, JOHN 8088 itunorAoiaxa or BOOTS AND SWOBS, A^dJD^&lerm STMW BOOOS, TftUWU,4Uf>£TS4C«S, ETC.. WHOUBSAtE , ‘INX> RETAIL, BetwMa mil ud Libert, *B, Pw Mttket ftasej «PU PCTTBBUBSHiTBKNU. BED, White *nd Bine mMeriaUbr Flam. Agoodasaortment 4lwnyt|tmhiad;' ■-* ->. “•—<\<3*-»T> -•' —> - _•_;___ a raiUPa—. M’KEE & PHILIPS* (i£W£BiL COOPEBA6E, Between Hand aad Wayne MjeetSi nrnawwM, «*•*. praftfwd to ftiw,jkH flofl Ofly gfailk¥. Aie» Molasses and Pork BARRELS, si the hoftoat notice* sod on the mast reasonable tanna.- ga3l:lT ' wilibi an o,4iron. LIQUOR MBROHANT, So. 3T Diamond Alley, Near Wood Street, 47* Always on band Blackberry, Cherry and Cognac Brandies, Old Monoogaheia Rectified Whisky, mh!6 11. C. & 4. U. BAWVEU, LARD OIL, OANDLES, Palm, Joliet and Bostn Soaps, Co. 47 Wood Btr«»t, Pltt»bm-g|,, P». &JOHA&D w. aOBXST-8, FOURTH STREET.' HEW FIR HI, GALLAGHER, CRAIG & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, STEAM AND GAS PIPE FITTEKS, PI.UMBEKS and FLNIHHKBS of all kinds of braae work, DEALERS 15 GAS FIXTURES, M. Offlcs autl Wartroomi No* 194 Wood it*} IPoandry, Ho* U 8 First it*) flv« Doors bsiow Uonongahsla House* The well-known practical skill and experience tn the rarious branches of Brass Casting, Steam and Gas Pipe Fitting, ol the senior members of the firm, (who will Sire their personal attention to all work entrusted to iem,) should entitle os to a share of pubiic patronage. All Orders Promptly Filled* E. WATT 8, WITH TERRY, PRICE & CO IMPOETER3 AMD DEAL EBB IK CLOTHS, CA SSI MERES, Satinet*, Venting*, TaUars’ Trimming*, Ac. NO. 255 MARKET ST., North Side, FUIL.ADKL.PUIA, PA. JOHN 7. CZH&T, DASHL6. mu% OUTRE *. HkST. deiaiT STOCKING EMPORIUM) CHEAP AND DDR BUS. M • DALI, Stocking Manufacturer, r'oBNE&EffTR.ST, ANJ> MARKET V* ALLEY, hie qn hand a fcreinendiyisaasorttpettt of Woolen Bto£kihftß,Ho4e, Backs, for men andaromeD,tbgfeih£r with*'reroute? si v o assortment of all descriptions ol Goods in his line. ' suit i Die to the season. He sella raint irtiolea.ai LoW Pi tecs. Gall and examine. " ■' £7 Re member, M. DALY has bat one-dore, and tbs op the comer ol Fifth gt. and Market ley. fagl UPHOLSTERY, No. 85 Fourth Street, near Wood. The subscribers manufacture and keep constantly on hand every article In their nne, viz: Cornices, Ornsments,Curtain Goods,Comfort*, .Feather Beds, Maitrasaes o! ail kinds; also, the celebra ted Patent Spring Beds. All kinds of shades, Blinds and Fixtures 47-Prompt attention givento all orders for fitting and laying down Carpets, Oil Cloths, Ac. octl7 Iyd ROBERTS A ROKNICK. \ FULTON, BELL AND BRASS A « FOUNDER, Na 70 SECOND Street; Pittsburgh, is prepared to furnish to order, CHURCH, STEAMBOAT. FACTORY AND OTHER B ELI A OP ALL SIZES, From 10. to 10,000 ponnda. CHIME BELIA made to order. BTOP AND GAUGE CXiCKS of all nißea, for Steamboats. MINERAL WATER PUMPS. COUNTER RAILINGS, And every variety of Brass Castings finished in the neatest manner. 47* BABBITS ANTI-ATTRITION METAL; PUL TON’S PATENT MKRALUO PACKING, for Bteam Engines. apS&ly fJiHK OLDEST AND LARGEST Liihograpfaie Eitablishment in the City. WJI. SCIHICILHAIY, - PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER! SOS. 17 AND 19 FIFTH STREET, BREWER'S BUILDING, nol4 PI 7 7 SB US G E, P A HENRY ERISEN, ORGAN MANUFACTURE B, Keeps oonitantly b Church and Parlor Organs, OF EVERY SIZE AND D£SO'“lPTlO*'* NO. 1. Three stops, 7 feet sinches high, 4 feel 9 inehea wide, 2 feet 0 incites deep No. 2. Five slops, 9 feet 6 Inches high, 6 feet 6 inches wide, S feet 6 inches deep. No. 3. Eight stops, 11 feet 6 inches nigh 7 feet 8 ins. vide, 4 feet 8 inches deep. No. 1. Twelve stops, IS feet high 9 feet 6 ins. wide, 7 feet deep. The above dimensions are for Grecian cases; if Qotli ic cases they will be somewhat higher For further information apply to ‘ JOHN fi. MELLOR, 81 Wood street, Or HENRY KRBJBN, 172 Centre street* apl&ly—sat NEW YORK. lAi>. MiLUNGAK, itONONGAHEiiA v PLANING would reqiectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and haring on* larged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most approved machinery, is now prepared to flu l ' □isb flooring and planing boards, scroll sawing and re> sawing, doors, sash ana shutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box-making, Ac.' South Pittsburgh, September 7,1867. ja2o BOOT MAKES, Third Street, near Wood, (Two Doors above the Telegraph Office^ After a long absence from the Boot business, haa again commenced, and rs himself that he will be adds to render general satisfaction, and would he pleased to see his Tormer customers and friends. He has on band the best of FRENCH CALF BKINS. and none but the best ofwork men will receive employment Wnrtafl*** that he is competent to Judge of the workmanship and he will give hie undivided attention' to this branch nj hqainaaa. aatfirly fl BISTMAB PRESENTS BEAUTIFUL FENDERS, Goal Vases, Niro bona, PLATE WARMERS, THAIS AVB VASES' TLN AMD BRITAMJIIA TEA SETS, al BATES & JOHNSON'S HOOFING WO. JOOSBOK WOULD GIVE NOTICE that he has purchased the interest of his late partner, G. 8. BATES, Id the Roofing Brahmas, and Is the sate manu facturer and dealer in the following kinds of Rooting:— ' w Ist. Liam Elastic, Cement, Felt nnd CanraM Roofing. Sd. Improved Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing. 3d. Patent English Asphaltic Felt Roofing. AIl-wArfanied FmE ANS WATER PROOF. • Rtaofjnv Material for sale, with printed inatractiena (tar uatairT Office at Batea A Johnaon’a old stand. 76 Stnithfleld eL' WILLIAM JOHNSON. N. B.—This Gram Cement 7a tmequalledas a Paint for Metal Root, lasting twice as long, at least, as paint, and cheaper. mari7:dAw ‘ Wigs, U.gß, AND ORNAMENTAL HAIR, of every description and Latest Styles of Fashion, manu factured by J. R, CAJHKHOBI.No. SAFoouaS* The subseriber havingrestuhed business in Pittsburgh wishes to Inform hla’former friends end patrons of toe city and surrounding country, and • would caß thair at tention to a new andheauflftii BELF-ADJDBnHG WJG It putß all former plans of wig-making in the Its merits are lightness, durability, not tyihlo to aKrfafr bears equaUy «dl over the head, end easy, nnd gacefhl appearance, showing the dbvwjpmedt or the'fbShead true to nature. ladies sre also invited to call and examine hia .new mode of BANDS, HALF-WIGS and WIGS, fin d, away with the heavy and formal appearance so diftaDorovedor in Dm old gtvka. 7i wAjOdaw By LRAVING YOUR ORDERS AT WELDON A RBIHEKE-8,184 WOOD BTREET FlnM.-. "th. nntlttv.rirtnr. pjirju T) ROOMS AND BROOM HANm.ita F> 3,000 - | , . Ill) do- ■ 1 - ■ lOOVe^'to^ote;:'’,.. 1 00-dosenChiiingaiaojtgjii 40ne«arld *h„ •todaaihwiwr * ramuSTrlddmu aaeTaUw a DUm ad SSSjSMosfc^.-.. ~■’ V" ■ ‘ "'' *■ ; . ./ *■ _■ JS ‘ ■■ ' ‘ v.,-< - ' >. ..4 T. .1 - liulitfi (Eirdi, u tumovumAi os Fayette Street, WHOLESALE A REIAIL PITTSBURGH, PA uuroMonmiu ov five Doors from Fifth* B. FURRY, T. J. CKiKM, lsiwoop ST^ Ht« doors from Fgth> Notice, . , .* t. *• ] * V.' ••**' v *\ v * c " v a \s ” J - it* 1 • •* . .M < WH. H. WBITKET, NOTARY PUBLIO OFFICE at the Pittsburgh Paify Fifth airoAt, o*w Wood .. lyil H. W. Punuos. PATTEHSOX A DAtTfOS, A T TOR BBTB - A T LA W , KUHN’S LAW BCIDDIN6,, . Diamond Street, near Grant. JaMy PtTTBBVBQB, PA. B . F . LVCU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, O fit o• , Ho. Stall Stvee (Three doors below the Court Hobs*,) or&ljr L. BRACKEIVRIDGE, ATTOKNEY AT LAW OlBoe, Mo. 135 Fourth St-, PITTSBURGH, PA. OAB D . -1 SCOTT, DENTIST, " * Has removed to the boose lately occupied by Dr. W. A. WARD, So* 898 P«na gtvsit, (Booth side,) third door above Hoad street Office hoiaTß from 9 A* M.Ufl ft P. fit [ap4dy JOSEPH AO AMS, DENTIST, Ho. 97 WyUe Street, Pittsburgh, Rxvzactoi:—Dr. A H/PoHook, D. D. Bnzce,.Esq,‘Dr Hallock, Theodora Bobbins, RufiseH Errett, Esq. mylfcly :.P'-rQtmaa JAMES A LOWBIE, Attorney at Law, Office, Foorth street, Pittsburgh, between Smith' fleldeadUftterry Afley. • deUfty /XEO S. SJELDEN HAVING fiESUMED VX THE PRACTICE OF LAW, may hereafter be found ai his office, No. 123 Fourth street, * .1b39. : - .» -j ' • Pittsburgh. TT 1 AHL. Surgeon Dentist gocceeaor to XI.Q- w. Biddles No. UABmlthfleld btreat. 49** Office hoots from eight to 1 o’clock, and from 9 to 6 o’clock. fei&ly CUPPING AND LEECHING, by MB* * ÜBS. BSBB. t6H>Teeth extracted. Hot, Gold and Shower Baths. sel S3y , F. 8E88.177 Grant street. JAMES M. TAYLOR, A ! ,t Dn M * iN; f OFFICE.No. 4SI Penn Btreet,Fmh W*rd. ppLLEOrrONS promptly made. Deeds, 3gnd% : Mortgage. ana other Legal Writing! ■Drawn. Acknowledgements Taken. Bill. Probated. apgjlf •--■■■ • CHJIHLES W. LEWIS, ALDEKHAS, AHD KX'OVTKaOJtJS&Oi Of CHI Plifl*. OFFICE ON THBOO&NHBOF WTLIB AND FIFTH BTREET& 4V: All business connected with .tended to witbnromptncsa. riiliieiiiniii done with legal accuracy—such ae Bonds* Power of Attorney, Ac* TtUea to Beal JEatatt To thp.member.of.the ho tenders hifrservieea as OoaffiTiißßioner to, take Depoutions- to be read in the eeTetfllOonrtaof HlsofflVd iaone.oC the main Police Sfciiicßi&ailbc city, and cr a sequeptiy hia. fadUfaert in .exepqting t»*smess of that kind are,▼erfl.deaira&ec . felfelv ■' ; ■;E 3=t S ’ . Ambrof ype and Photograph GALLERY, CHBONICLS BUILDING, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST, OFFICE 4g*Two Bdver Medai« and. Two XHpiomaa. awarded for Photographs, Ambratypes, and UfeSise Pictures* SMALL PICTURES ENLAEBED TO LIFE SLAB, and colored in Oil on Canyaa. jail PEOPLES’ GALLERY, 93 WOOD STREET, Corner of'Diamond Alley. The subscriber would respect- FULLY announce to the cituenaof Pittabargb end rieinity, that he kaa leased the ;abore Popular fftUEWy, ahd is prepared to take every variety of notary known to the Photographic Aitin its moat perfect styles, ahd at Hi! O.TI F^>2,vJi,<- HOLLAND BITTERS DYSPEPSIA, :, - Liver Complaint, Fever and Agae, 4k. Ifa enrcarttiltntrodaetiodend nee eftMtadeOndea BeotedJ fae.faiWtbeatafalitea U Mil feeier annex* <*Bed'*BtUen,’" , oßwil lhntfcmr tent-ttoW'teM tmtlrtufflregilkai fag, ntfftlfaißjr4^atEf*lllsl Ifattt *NaUy gnalMferttetfedten tteofantefan, n»te«poonrai,ofim>te«4faM, “ *ls • BCERHAVE’S Holland bitters, AjidViiimitrt jtnea ofo/lg jpndratfen r .haeeeidtfalrae to It et*pct4iibairlil& the nr iSKitn—'Wj lT\ t*f*fa fan feOed la udumlfa. lIU pcxitiTtdyVyiee UtU with fanly «a«d.nfpari ipbii, w Js{* *«* *>» P”*** W*U US'. Bottle*) prin IM» e medicine of loo* tried sffloaey for Pmrifyimo tfa Blood, *o euantUl for the (condition of good hnlth end for oorreoflig dieorden of the etomaeh oadhoweli. Tmo or.three doeee will oonrinoe the afflicted gf Uaaalatary efflgcte. The itomaoh will ipeedllj ragaix ltd etrength, i healthy action of the lirer, bowele »B - kfibeya will eoes take place, and renewed kealih fa the quick reetdt IndlneUon, Try Icrkara'i Holland SUtin Reorftarn, Try Bcrkava’i Holland llttire. Foe Aetdltr, fry Barkan’i Holland Blttan. FceJW aterhrooh, Try Bcrkan i DiUud Bitten. Tar Headache', Try Bcrkave’i Hollaad Bifttn. For Lon of idppetifa, Trylarkau’i lillaid Bit Uri. FerOoatlT«uae, Try Bwkan’i lillaad Ittun. Fww PlMtt, fry ■■rkaTi'i ltllaid Blttnk. Jjs- *“ mi Smmlti cite life* u nnoerou imitoaxaa peered highly hnagriqLq»df» eEhW.n.a.q, Hat 'VA-mßygiiiTf '• BENJAMIN PAGE, JH, A 00, ;:, * „ V.>- -^*Vi?r:7^v^vi;-\i.,-. i■>/ * l * Jt - ‘jT f T V ' .17 frojratircal. <3*o. V. OAWAO* PmaaPEOi rm nten; Ho* TO Fifth t; Ija.