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T4^ j ' ‘'* , ''' 4, v > *•% ’4 Ij*# - ,y, SfeM/-r - , i' Sjfi ssiBPiSA p^*- ■ .U -»„■», {-Slfa /VV •^:s ’.'fyv ■ffiFty&Pi C, A *- n j£i t “5 '^^fesy' 7,47 v :?^7;:-iv-*yy Safe?* vsAii«.Wt ™ if I ** * *Tw.k: f A 4 n V», *-* - ' A Jf ~ X 7 «' * f - **-~h jr J» .v> '.S4 *- iT :..'’' v , t , , ' gtraßge aamoi. V * *■'-. T " ifc it rumored in th»tthe sei **■ > ' t *> '-->■ ' «are ot deap»tohM atthe different telegriph of. «, "* '- , r '‘- • flee* had revealed the curious qne ol «' v r , .- -~ * ■:■ •■ . . *'.■> ■:*» -f our recent appointed foreign MfnUtere had f *■ ,■*' fr * _/■ -* " ' _ t; ' sent information to the rebels at Fort Sumler g. — -——— ; f * * 1 -• ,-. ■;■ Three Molit!^B , _ A ■ The QazeUe is much Vroubleti,j k of the intended reinforcemenu of that poal by- «?B® tf I f e a r "v. * i l'ho calling of a raw !evy wiH with the fear that auppliea for that city are ! the government— intelligence which led to the r PPLi&T—Eight Wrelß Apple* for sale if?; t * p mapv of the three month, men will re . 1 nwdpitateattack upon the tort by the rebels. Ahy W»1 BJHBf fcoOLLUB » f * x ' :.''* t -', ,\-. f- .V,X ‘*^St3SESraw*ra^^«-»’ ,^a^7v<§ s, lT3i^?.vv , ti»'^*»- ; r v t «*«■».♦ <;■ V *• «•- K are as good to fight as five southerners and, I y „ perhaps, u little better. This war is opera-1 ting as a great educator of the ’ Southern I people, and before it is over they will have I a much larger opinion of Northern men! than they have heretofore done. The panic I and rout, Philippi, the quick lelreatl from Alexandria, the litter failure of the rebels to attack Washington, Fort Monroe, Fort Pickins or any other point where a hundred meu have been posted, certainly will not impress the world with any great respect for 'the military skill and courage of the disunion rebels. They had boasted that they were armed and we were not,and ■’ could not get ready to meet them, and that one of their men was equal to ten of ours, hut they aeem determined to give us plenty of time to prepare and when wo give them a chance to show their pluck they leave in- ‘ -V-r - V' \ V ®l)c Path) flaet. Monday morning, OFFICIAL PAPER OF TilE CITY BACKING DOWN Whatever the leader ol' this secession! war may do, the people themselves are evi dently disposed to back down. Thus far there has been a great lailure on the part of the dißumohists to stand up to what their I leaders-proposed they should do. The peo pltvddri’t like the way the arrangements are .going on. In hundreds they are desert ing from the rebel ranks at Harper’s Kerry, as will be seen by reading another article in this day’s Post. They have found out that five northerners gloriously This has been the result,not so much from I the want of real courage, on the part of the I Southern men as from the consciousness oi I a bad cause and a divided heart —a doubtful j allegiance and a want of reliance, either on 1 their cause or their men. With the ex ception of a lew leaders who have for years had a deep hatred of the United States and would sooner hate '.any other form of govern ment which interfered with their selfish ness or their ambition, there are very few in the South who have not haled to fire at the Stare and Stripes. The majority have been drawn in unwillingly and on all sorts of false pretences and false hopes of thus mak ing some better terms of peace lor their friends. But the changes of every day show that the Southern army is made up, to some extent, of men who hate their work. HARPER'S FERRY. I’he news of the desertion of three hun dred of the regiment of seven hundred diß unioniats recently encamped opposite Wil liamsport is confirmed, and the desertions from Johnston’s command at Harper’s Fer ry were, last week, at the rate of forty-five a day. .Johnaton’d forces have cleaued out every hog within five miles of Harper’s Kerry, and | are alarmingly short of provisions. Through* j out all the counties of Virginia, within forty or fifty miles of Harper’s Kerry, a levy of mfiitia is being now made by draJt. All the men between eighteeu anil fifty years of age not physically incapable of doiug mili tary duty are lißted, and three-tenths ol the whole are to be mustered into the field. The names are placed in one box, and as many numbers —from one to ten (repeated)—are placed in another box. When a uame is drawn forth a number is also drawn ; and if it be either No- 1, - or M, the person is “elected” a soldier into the disunion army. Otherwise, he escapes immediate service. Large numbers of the Union men in that quarter are fleeing, to avoid being thus con scripted into military service against their country; while numbers of secessionists who have no taste lor playing common soldiers, are also malting themselves scarce. Be tween the unpopularity of this heavy draft, the fact that no disunion troops receiyo pay or Save reasonable hope of getting pay, and the additional lact that every man’s proper ty is taken for tho use of their military ser vice, and paid for at tbo pleasure of those levying upon it, in scrip that all now know will never be redeemed ; and, again, the still further fact that the speedy occupation of HarpeFs Ferry ivy the United States forces is regarded by all tho inhabitants of the surrounding country as a matter of cer tainty—the popular discontent with the presence of Johnston’s force in that region has entirely demoralized his command, re sulting in the heavy desertions mentioned above. OUR REPRESENTATIVES, The Emperor of Austria has refused to receive Mr. Burlingame to that Court, upon the ground he had rendered himself per sonally offensive to the government he was aecreditted. 1 f the Emperor of Austria has the right to object Mr. Burlingarpp because in the exercise of an undoubted right as representative in Congress he introduced a bill rafting Sardinia from a second to a first class mission. What are we to say to, Spain when Carl Schnrz has the imperial gate-way closed against him. He was under sentence of death when he escaped to this country. He ft now returned to that Europe, endorsed with the highest honors to one of its principal Courts. A political refugee should never have been selected,and will only serve to degrade us in a juncture of affairs requiring the greatest caution and the selection of the very best men to repre sent us abroad. Q.UAKTEK HASTES GENERAL. The report it denied at Washington that Mr. Alexander Cummings, one of the publish ers of the New York World, now an operator around the War Department, and one of the New York Safety Committee, has been ap pointed Brigadier General in the army, and ft to be detailed to the post of Quarter Master * (joneral. It takes people all aback to think that! Mr. C. should be even thought of, much more solicited to fill the must important post in the American army, next to that occupied by Gen. Scott and one that requires a man of the great, est organizing and administrative ability, and of the most determined will and the highest integrity. There is a great fooling of indigna tion expressed by the Now Yprk capitalists now here, who fear the truth of the report. LETTERS SOUTH; 'The Postmaster informs us that letters in considerable .numbers still continue tobe mailed a* the Pittsbnfgh iPb&t-diiflcd : ftfr points in the seceded States, This is a use less ttaste of labor. All letters M Jtlnlii uf the seceded Stales, except Western Virgin ia, are sent to the Dead Letter Office by ore •der of the Postmaster General. ;t j t - tit at B ’ , Reliable information has been received at Washington that Southern troopß are arriving atßlcbmond to the number of nearly fifteen hundred a day', by train, some of whom are immediately despatched to Manassas Junction JUNE 10 and some to Norfolk. The number of troops concentrated at these two points must there* fore be very large. It u positively stated by a gentleman who is familiar with the person of General Beauregard, that he is now at Manas sas Junction, but it is evident that there is con siderable mystery as to his A few days ago ho was reported to be noar Memphis, Tennessee, but his presence at Manassas Gap lor at Richmond does not indicate with any certainty that ho has assumed command at these points, inasmuch as, in his own orders, issued at Charleston, after the capture of Fort Sumter, he announced his intention to repair to Corinth to lake command of the department ol the Mississippi. The rebels succeeded in burning down Tour railroad bridges on "Wed nesday night, between Fairfax and Alexan* drift—a strategic movement which may ems barrass the operations of the foderal troops in I their movements in that direction. I The Herald of Saturday states that General I Scott bas informed the President and Cabinet I that be has resolved to have possession of both Kichmond and Memphis before the 15th o( July. We do not believe that Gen. Scott has made any such statement. It is not his style to declare in advance what he is going Vo dr. Active preparation? for an instant advance are going on among the regiments on the Potomac, it is said that no direct attack on | Harper's Ferry is contemplated, but that the troops from Pennsylvania and Ohio are to sur. round that point by moveraoots in tbo rear,by way of Williamsport. Meantime no symp toms of an evacuation e llie utter negldot oi crops in that district .d Virginia. THE STATE LOAN Wecali the attention of our reader., and especially of those who have capital, to an article which we copy this morning from the United States Gazelle, in regard lo the State loan. Tho time tor taking it has been ex tended lo the l:ith. The Banka have done their share. It is now incumbent on the moneyed men here U> do their duty and take a portion of this loan. Ihe hold hack I now will show au inexcusable back oi that patriotism which every good citizen ought to feel in times like this. Subscription list for the Three Million Loan may be found al any Bank or Banking House, and the occa sion demands promptness. SuUcnbe to day. The Skirmish aWatrlax Court-House. Tbo Washington Star bas absolute confir mation, from the lips of a reliable citizen, who was at Fairfax Court-House on Thursday night hut when Lieut. Tompkins’s command entered that village, of the account of the killed brought by his command to that city. Tbo in formant himßolf saw ton dead diaunionista, and also saw a trooper in the course of the engage ment ride up Into a low porch aud ut down two dbunionftts, whom he did not count among the ten dead teen by himself, not know ing whether they were billed outright. The dead bodies were hurried into a hole dug near the court-house building, as soon on tbo fol lowing day as the terror of the people tbore enabled them to attend to the matter. It was freely said, directly alter the fight, in the hearing of our informant, by persons in the I village, that their dead numbered about thirty. | And ere leaving the placohe heard dire threats | made against any citizen who should report | the fact that more than one man was killed on I their Bide. We have been assured of this last I fact by no less than throe distinct persons who | visited Fairfax Uourt-House in the course of I Saturday and Sunday last The disunion troops engaged in the affair firmly believe themselves a matoh for five limes their number of U. 8. troops. The ro* suit proved that engsging one-third tbeir own number of U. 8. troops, and having the &d< vantage of fighting from behind walls and fences against cavalry only, too, they lost ten for every one they kiilod. We fancy they rnußt now comprehend that any oue ol them is not equal in the field to five of thoso who now fight for the stars and stripes. Breaking; tbe Embargo. | |We have, from time to time, pointed out the use which was made of the ambiguous position of Kentucky to get breadstuff's and provisions to the Southern Stales. When an order for I the prohibition of Ibis traffic at last arrived from Washington, the Collector of Louisville affected lo mLundorsland it and declared hie intention of disregarding it until farther ad vices from Washington. So the trains have been going through day after day, loaded down with provisions, until the company was [absolutely unable lo find rolling stock for all | that offered. This deetruotive breach in the embargo appears still \to exist. It ft now aa -1 sorted that the Collector ft a diaunionist, (truly | a notable discovery,) and it is said that a auc | cessor will be appointed. And it is mentioned | that if the embargo ia really effected, the Ten* nessee secessionists will make a raid upon Louis ville. Nothing can prove more forcibly than this the paramount necessity of such an em* bargu Us mere postponement is disastrous.' (Everything qf this kipd tends to protract the war, Md increasettm danger of foreign com plications. Federal officers guilty-' of sufib a f irn»ml tliaohfidlanea should receive -tha:Be iy£rest;and moBt summary punishment. The Administration has uoiortunately not yet .iaathld how to treat traitors. THE NAVY. The Government ia putting all its available vessels at once into »ctive service on our coasts. Orders have been issued to the com mandants of all the navy yards to push on tho work now in hand with the utmost speed. There are 114 ships of war now afloat* all of which will soon be stationed at tho ditteront Southorn ports of entry. POISONING THE SOLDIERS. A letter from Miss l>tx to a gentleman in this city states positively that several sol diers have died in the hospital in Washing ton city, poUoued by strychnine contained in cakes which they purchased from pedlars who came around their camps. This is hor- Addres* ot the Border State Couventlou, The Missouri Republican of Friday publishes tho address of tho Border Slate Convention to the people of tho United Slstes, Irotn which we make a few extracts, as follows : We desiro to remind you that you are con tending about a question of principle upon which wo would fain believe that you are on eaoh side convinced that you are right. It is no longer a question of party politics, no long er a question about the right to hold slaves in Territories, or to retake them when they escape; the quostiou now to be settled is, whether we shall live in the same Union as formerly, or whether our fathers formed a government upon such principles that any one State may, at her own pleasure, without the consent of the others, and without responsibil ty to any human power, withdraw from her connection with the Government and claim to I be sovereign as a separate nation It will be readily seen that this, as a question of princi ple, is not affected hy the number of States thst have withdrawn. It would have been well if this quostion.could have been solved in some other mode than by a resort to war: but I ft may be that nothing but a divine interposi tion now can determine it by other means. A war upon such a question ought not to produce any higher exasperation or exoite any greater decree of animosity than is incident to ail wars. 1 n the meantime let the spirit of hu manity shd of the high civilization of the age, strip this war of the horrors that generally at tend such civil strifo. « * * * We venture to suggest, lor your considera tion end action, two specitk projiosittons cs most likely to lead to pacification: Ist That Congress shall at once propose such constitutional amendments as will secure to slaveholders thoir legal rights, and allay their apprehensions in regard to posstblo en croachments in the future. IM. If this should fail to bring about the re sults so desirable to us, and so essential to the best hopes of our country, then let a voluntary convention be called, oomposed of delegates from the people of all the Stales, in which measures ol peaceable adjustment may be de vised and adopted, and the nation rescued from the continued horrors and calamities ol civil war. To our follow citizens of the North, we de sire to say, discard that sectional and unfriendy spirit, manifested by teaching and action, which has contributed so much to indame the feelings ol the S >uthern people, and justly create approhensior on their part of injury to them. To our fellow citizen* of tho South we desire losay : Though we ha7o been greatly injured by your precipitate action, we would not now reproach you a* tbo cause of that injury, but we entreat you u> ro-examino the question of the oecosslty lor such action, and it you find that It has been taken without due consider*- lion, as wo verily believe, and that tho evils you apprehend from a continuance m the Union wero neither so great nor so unavoida ble as you supposed, or that Congress is willing to grant adequate securities, then wo pray yon to return promptly to your connection with us, that we may be, in the future, as we have boon in the past, one great, powerful, *nd pros perous nation. Indications have already boon afforded that a Divine |»ower is ready to interpose and pre vent brethren Irmn slaughtering each other.— Wbile the bombardment of Korl con tinued, no life was lost NS ■» l‘r 'vul* i.Ual iDterposiUon was no long"- mv-.1-.l to prevent the effusion vf blood l u c-vii n-voral lives were lost m Uh< p*m t <>»n roriimony. Wa wnuul i i-kt. rut [ira-t-Dcn and aid of tbal i’awvr W pr cur ti-!l>w citizens, on both .idea, ff.'t.t - aughter, a-i.t wo would commit Ui.- intern. . c our diairactwi country to 111. linnd. wli- -an ’-‘ting forth peace and order cut of alrifa and cc.linion when m»n.i wisdum utterly lads. J. .1. URITTKUKN, l'rasidoul. JAS OUTURIK, il K GAMBLE, of Missouri. \VM A. HALL, J It UKN DKRctUN, “ WM (i ROMERUY, •• It K WIU.IAMS. A HO'I ) DIXON, K. M. BRISTOW, JOSHUA K BELL. 0. A. WICKUFJFE, G W BUNLAP. J. F ROBINSON, . JOHN B. HUSTON, ROBERT RIOHARDSON, JOHN OALDWKLL, of Tonn. To OapitadUtn—The State Loan Id limns of [rf-ril, whon tho stability of our institutions, and indeed tho very eiiilenco of our government are threatened, as they now are, tbore la no class of citizens who are not bound by every some of duty, and every prim J ci|rte of right and justice, to aid in one way or J another in sustaining and proleoting the gov- | ernment, and upholding the Constitution and the laws, {{specially are these duties iocum. bent npon the citizens of a republic, those who have lived under and enjoyed tho blessings of ■ free institutions, and we are proud at this time to have it in our power to say, that never In tho history of any nation has there been manifested such a prompt and unanimous up. risiDg of a people in defence of their liberties end their country, as has been witnessed with in the last six weeks in our land. The hardy yeomanry of tho nation, by hundreds of thou sands, have como forward and are offering their lives upon the altar of their country in obedience to its call, and are literally begging for the privilege of being allowed to assist in crashing out tbc rebellion which has reared its bloody front in our midst But in an hour of peril like this thore aro others who have duties to perform besides Ihoso who are willing to peril their lives upon the battle field, and those other classes of citi zens are the capitalists—the men of wealth and means—those who have made that wealth under tho protection of this government and and its laws, and in the maintenance of which is their only continued protection and safety. That government is now appealing* to them, not to give, but to loan to it a portion of their means to uieot the expensos which must neces sarily be incurred in an emergency like this. And shall that appoal be in vain? Never let it be so recorded! Never let the future histo rian of our country have it in his power to re cord that dlsgraoe against the citizens oi the old commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Never let it be said that, while the yeomanry of the Stale were flocking |jy thousands to the flag of their country in it? hogr pf danger, the capi talist# and men of wealth refußOd to do infir part and their duty in this hour of trial. Our State is now asking them to loan it a portion of their means to enable it to proteot their own homes and firesides, and to sustain the govern ment under which they have been so and bo abundantly blessed and protected, and let not that appeal be in vain Rather let the ot ters be double and treble the amount required or asked for, and such a manifestation oi loy alty and patriotism upon the part of our citi zens will do much to sustain the government and strengthen the hands of our brave - and loyal men in tho hour of conflict, while it wul at the same time paralyze the arm of our traitorous foe. Home forward, then, you i moneyed men and capitalists of Pennsylvania, and do.jgwr duty towards sustaining the gov ernment and strengthening the arms of our noble volnnteers who have left Iheifc homaa and gone out upon the tented field to brave its dan ' gers and sustain the flsgof our glorious res public.—X'- Oevetie,-'^ f H ' a . rli * ' Business at New Orleans The latest news from N ew Orleans indicate#' that the commerce of that city may now be considered as about at an end for the lime be ing. The marine list of the Bee has this con» fession of the fact: “No arrival from sea yosterday." Tho market reporu ala,' show that J iniestic. as well a» foreign trade, i- in a bad way. Thus: “Tobacco.—We did not hear of a sale. “Sugar and Molasses. —Nothing reported. “Whisky.—We did not hear if a sale of any consequence.'* Thk Southern Postmaster General baa is sued a circular directing the postmasters in the speeded States to steal nil the locks, keys, mail bags, stamps, blanks, and all othur prop erty bolenging to the United Slates, and also :o send to him their final balance of ledger ac count up to May -fist. This la as high-handed a thieving, and scoundrelly tiansaction us we have ever hoard 01. Thr fitted* of the Embargo. A gentleman just arrived at .Washington from New Orleans rep jrts that the trade of the South ia in a moat He states that Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas are suffering the most of any of the Southern Staltw. In the latter, provisions are becoming so scarce that the people will be in a starving eonditton when the blockade id New Orleans iti oomi'lete. Change ol Seutlueul The recent action at Philippi, V# , appears to have wroaght a change in the *en tlment in that quarter. There aro now about 7,000 lr»deral troop* stationed between (iraiton and Fhilippi. and the bist feeling oiUted be* tween thetu and the people Uis said that a strong Union feeling predominates there Unlucky l>ay it m very singular, says the Chicago Time-*, that in this most unlucky war,every prominent movement has taken place on the most un» lucky day—Friday. The bombardment of Sumter was commenced on Kfiday:the trouble* in Baltimore took place on Friday ; the first and bloodiest riot In St. Louis eccured on Fri day: the attack on Sowall’* point was made on Friday; the attack on Alexandria wa* made on Friday, and KlUwurth wan shot on Friday. It has been a ‘•Friday” business. The Uniform* for the Pennfo Regiment*. The now uniforms for the Fourth and Fifth Fennsylvanta Regiments will be distributed in a few days; so says the agent sent on to Wash ington by Governor Curtin for that purpose. It is said, by good judzes, that these regiments, when thus clad, will rival in appearance any in the service. Tho suit-* are to be of iigbt blue. The Virginia Shells. The shells used by the Kebols in the batte ries at Acquia Creek are manufactured from a model patented by Or. Iteed, of Alabama. They are cast at Anderson’s foundry in Rich mood. They pass through a ship's side with the facility of solid shot. •Sentence of Holey Commuted. The President has commuted the sentence of Folev. a private in the United States army, who’was to be in Juno for the murder of an officer of bis regiment, »n Washington, to imprisonment for life. A Mono tho witty aaylngi of Vanity Fair, since the rebellion, the following bears the palm : “Tho decision of tho secedor* in regard to the attack on Washington verm* to I** the real Dread Bcott decision.” IHCK RHAYKB HOLLAND BITTER*. mtauco ruca to* l Do»cu*i *b4 ino*t gj*o*l*■ HiVAAi or InroNttio* Uui otu> mso «»f Ui«< ir%»ouiQe, Iwll Usiilee.J i*noe Uu*-* tidin'- it P '“’“ BENJAMIN PAGE. Jr. At Co. MUI.K PSOPRiJft^tig. 5,-i.j |.» 1 generally- IMisburfclk, I’mo’fc ,►! a mere 3h» PITTSBURGH THEATRE. i /uo> Manajc* . WM UKSI'KIUH»N rnAAßfc** ... a a. lakk. Plica Or *Pn»atp SMU; Hut ta Prtrml* Bom, $M>O; PanpieUw stul Df*wr (.*»rclo. cluurt. U< oeeU; Karoiiy Circle, » eeour, Colored (iillerr, 11# i'4QU; Color**! botei, bO mtalx; ttellerj, li oeoie. KnßNj;eu»eDi lor •- eight* only ul ibe j*opn!:»r «tor n a. t . w. cuuldocr. MOM>At KVKMiW, Juu* luui. U*l. Bulwer’n 6 act *y o( RICHELIEU, or, tlie CONSPIRACY t'lirdiuil RicJtcLfu Manprat Barud&* To oonc uUe wUh FOR NOTHING. Nan _Riii© Hentl»*r»oQ. fUSi ttECKiVJiO NKW UKESN (iOOIiS ij Shawl#, Ijwsa Bourocus bla k ailk n anlillfta. IaOW po n««. imu umbrella*, *c AU htmog b- iug bought tor CibH at great reduction, will b*> ? morning, (except Sun fe Baltimore, 1 ra&UWYes dally, at ring In Philadelphia or Baltimore**MW a.m. fOE FAST LINK leaves the Motion dolir, (except Bonday.) at MW p. QMmibarg, 1* trol»r iohnatorm. WllmwCAltoona, Ac., ftod arriving in Phiiditohttw IMO a. to; ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily, (except stopping at aii itaUouluLnasiDßunriiOtfunMgp- FIRST ACCOMMODATIONTRAINtorWaiIa station leaves daily, (except Bondar,) at fctt a o. HEOOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Wall’s ate- Wall's sta li°^?TMMB‘D*Vll: SU non leaves daily (exoept Sunday.) at «:86 p. ra. RETURNING TRAINS arWre in Pittsburgh as fob lowsExpress,UtfO a. m; Mali, U&> p. m; Fast Line, IR:20 a. m; Johnstown Accommodation, IQSO a. mi First Wall's station Accommodation, fcBO a. m. ; second WaU'a station Aooommodatian,&3o a. m; third •‘all’s station Accommodation* Dip p. m 4 fourth Wall's ate* tlon Accommodation. &14 {Cm* .. Trains for BlairsviUe and udlapai connect at Blairs* villa Intersection with Accommodation, Rx« press, and Mail Trains Rssv aud-Wast, and with Fast Freight Bast prrniBURGH and coNnklibvillb trains, stopping ai all stations on the Pittsburgh and Connell* rQfcßoad, leave daily, (SunAar esespted,) as follows; Mail Train, o*4oa. mi Express Tram,4dop.m. Return* ns Trains from Pittsburgh and OonnellsviUe Road sr ive at Pittsburgh 1050 a.m and &16 p. m The traveling puDUa will Rad it great!] l to their Inter* eat. in going East or West, tp travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be swrpasea on any route. The Road is ballasted with stone ana is entirely free from diuU We can promise safely, •peed and comfort to all vw may favor this Road with heir patronage. 9 A R 1C « TO NEW YORK. -413 to I TO BALTIMORE...S9 M PHILADELPHIA.. 10 fol LANCASTER... 8 M HARRISBURG, $T 46. Baggage checked to all sfouons on the Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York Passengers purchasing tickets in oars, will be charged an excess according to axstpnce traveled in addition to the station rataß, except from stations where the Com pany has no agent. NOTICE—In case of lops, the Company will hold themselvev responsible foilpersonai baggage only, and for an air ounVnot exceeding #lOO. N. &—fhe Excelsior Ojxuubus Line has been em* i ployed 4o convey peeaengtn ana baggage to and from the depbtiaimcuargeno; ?io cento for«each> passenger and bsgggge. >. laid Hydrant hose—yniowmed, Boa that la wtsrante&nqt to beoome •tiffby-fcoia'Mr scted by heat, *t«W: degrees Farenheit, and will Maud. pressure orTS pojnaa to (ha square inch, ttiii eale,with eoUpbbiaad ptfieai tolenxtha to suit parch*, aers, at WELDOITA EEUKEKBS, mbs# IjM Wood shreetynesr Sixth. Mr Cettldotk. . Mr Hvndorsoo. 1 >« Ooureey. MStl’lie Mans '.' if® U. J. LYNCH HENRY H. OOLLINS^ CHARGE #TmB~l8Ua!BBa tmRQBfiBNT, OCLEVeUd MOijTtSBURGH RIILtOID If MONDAY, June 10th, tin, tMWWiII t«T» tbe Depot 1 1 the PemujlTi -11 BHoet PiUebureh, »t COlitlSma, el Cinfflnneti, itSt-Louin. 1-i 1. i n*J tIiOP.M. iilOp. M. 1U46p.1L 515 m ThiH route Is snorter to Ciuciunaii, Louisville, Ouluiu bus end all points SonLh, than an? other route. Splendid sleeping oars attached to all Night “Sr 1^ PITTSbUBOH AND WHBKUB® UNK. Leaves Ar.at Ar.al Ar. at Ar.“_ Pittsb’gh, Rochester, Weilavilie, 12 36 A*. IMt.IL 26TAM. 4tBa.lL JJJA.J -6-U5 p. H. 7 *25 P. IL ±l9 a. *. 929 t * W»• J -14:19 a. tf. 116 S.JL 213 r. ». 3:10 a. A. 4rJO a. A. 4%)0 t. m. 6:16 p. n. &26 p. m. The 12 36 a. u. and l&6or.».Trams connect with Trains ol C 0.8. H for fcaneavtfle, Laixaßter, Ac... _ Tn - ' 4-00 p. a. Train stops at all stations between ito chester and WellHvilla. PITTSBURGH A CLEVELAND LINK. L'affH Leave* Pittsburgh. Cleveland. 1-2 36 am. s HhM a. r. 14 10 P. M. 9AO P M. t up 1236 a m- train eouneeiß »t Bayard tor aew Philadelphia *ud statious « n the Tuscarawas Passengers desiring Id go to Bhhdusky, Toledo* Ohicago, or points West, via Cleveland, most be i aro oularu)ask for ticketsn»Cleveland. , . Through Tickets can be procured at the Liberty Street Depot, Pittsburgh. , , . JrBTBWABT, Ticket Agent, Kor further particular* apply to „ WILLIAM BTMABT, Agent. At the Company’s Office in Fi eight je b» Qen’l Ticket Agent Cleveland, Qhto Wanted, A BOV TO ATTEND IN AN OFFICE, oae who write* a good hand, »« steady, indue* uioue aoe wail recommended, None other need fiPPiJ I a drees A. B. C-, P.iUhurgh Poel-Offioe, Immediately. REDUCTION IN PRICES. QEO. R. WHITS & CO., KKSI , KcTL ,1 U t.I.V ANNOUNCE THAT ibey b*?e gone over their stock and re-marked ir,e «reaier portion of their Spring and Hummor pur . l es. I *-till on nand at a Ted»n-tioQ of twesty-five per CBirr , tt torm.'t )i- W, will iberofors lw (>r«p«rftd on MOHDAY, the 3d of JUNE, mj foll.oinit our euslomsra and.the retier&l public, the eunre t>alaiuv ot our otoofe ol FOREIGN IttO DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, lacUbbu* e areal rerirfj of materials for summer user. eumivMiLg a rhoic* an) rerleii assortment 01 FANCY DRESS SILKS, Poulard*. Barege Atiglalse, Organdies, French Jaconet#, Grenadine». PRINTED LAWNS, CHIST/.fcS ABD Ol lIKB DHBISUOODI. SILKCOATB, HASTILLAB, SHAWLS. LACES, bm: J 36 FIFTH STREET. . . I'UU SALE. mHE STOCK AND FIXTURES belong -1 ICK In U» CBLBBBATSD POST OSMCE EX oHaNULou SmiitilioUl street. immediately appoohe On Ootfom Hoaao, are no* offered tor nl* on tne moot nwouUr term*. as me oeneri an atoom u> on lor oUwr bustaeoo. Knijuire “ f HAMILTOS. WM. BRSBIKrr, m Wood Street \ahkee; or at Uj« »U STBJtKT U> No. a# Bnliter iho linn of HKCK U 1 A W - e. o, APHU un^ -gg^ liU*lllOI!' Will >4 tt lb® old >tlHn>t*n>4 0!ilj by , . . Pi«l«nd only by . . . Freporcii ooiy by lU3SPH FLEMISH, JOBEPS FLEMISH. JOSEPH PLEMPJB, . JOSEPiI FLEMING. Corner of the Diamond anil etraeu Corner of the Dittnood end Vuktt Ww. of the Diamond end Matfcet rtwei■ )*3 D. BRUCKIiOOHBB, TAILOR. Has hk-gommencej^business at his old aiind, No. 1041 FOURTH STREET, whore he will be (lad to his old trienda and public liooerallj. Will also do CUTTING for *'*nUli». tor Bojra end g*a. Dried fruit.— 1,000 bash*s« Dried Psteber; «Q do do in ud so Wood atm*. GENTS’ CONGBESS P. L. GAITE)jtB. H. 60. N«’> 8, 10 »od U, GUN rS’ CONGRESS P, L. GAITERS, No.'* 8, 10 and 11. GKNTa’ CONGRESS P. L. GAITERS, |U»». No.’s 8,10 and U. NO. 16 FIFTH STREET. FANCY GOODS, T: CHARLES 6IPNERS. 78 market Street. New TRIMMING FOR DRESSES and I>Uffl KBS. I>reas Button#, Fancy Italians, Cloak Tassels, BHk Girdle**, Ac* Si taw Bonnets and Hate* . A Bonnet Hibbona, Flowera dad Baobes, iftnte Bad Colored S paders A large assortment of FANCY FAN*, Grenadine Vena, all colors, Lace MiUe, Gloves and Gauntlet*, KmhM Hem Stitch A Plain Linen j»6 Cambric Handkerchiefs. SAMXTEI. W BItA.CE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, H*> reaumod practlo*,OFFlOK, US FIFTH STREET, between Smith field-end Grant streets, in same rooms with JAMES H, HOPKINS, Esq. jei-lw R. R. BIiLGER, uahuvacturfr of EVJtHJfJ DESCRIPTIQWOF f o r n i t tr No. 4ft BiuttldteM Strict, d JO i ..‘Hi - “’•■■■ '-*2 ■ f, , a e „ Pittsburgh Manutbetared TurnlUre, , :,' .OO&rtailUrOßJiuffld whaii wp.wfll * rail at UtS“loBra( tHam tor PAHBL mylfcly , BACON.—3,OOO lbsflams, Sides. and Shoulders, ren'd and fcßr -. , J Ao. A. FSTZ£fiy *4 uimoi Market and First Me. =oT* ■• - ■ tt - r . .. •. .. xt •■„ ■■ i r v; - .Vv Bfi&i) FROM HENRY BRIGGS. EStt- BEAVER, Buto Co, Pi. dr vox iioscuziaicßß The operation pei formed by you in the preneuce ol mV eon-inlaw, llei. Mr. Orel, not only gave roe but permanent rebel. I hearnm «» am/ehj a» tpmy urUo yro**7 Respeettiilly. HENR\ BkuQH. b&AVKK BTBEET* Auwhwt Cm. it tfi«aa me mat pleasure to bear wilueßß to tbe of the above. Mr. Btfggi la now 11 yeimi ofaee.and has been afflicted»UnMrtwl,and awme ini B i i wiflfnais. fpT the last HußßQyc&ra This CUT* 1H peifoot. l>r. Von laosohiißker, l lfts the master uf Ola, makes lb* Deaf to bow- w “• “' • From an Old Well Known Citizen. For tte iasl eight years 1 have been dm/to uy fo« ear, and my rignt one became deal «otne «ir month» asp. I resortadto various means and incurred bea»J rfnenae in endeavoring to obtain a car- , but got no any one, until finally. in despair, 1 earned my sflurt* in A * #£?&£?£*% M,?5S?b«£?S per }St2 it fnrtr years a«o,and 1 earned yrecorn mend alt affl cted with DeafiieOT to 000^/^ V ° S .MggjJSS?! ir«V Ptttbbohok, May 27,18#!.' - Dr. VON MOSoaZlBKEßb»a»toawtbalh»3TAV ,0 Pittsburgh muat now Pn.'b*® 1 * }j^ ,e {b \PPUCaTION by those who wish the FltfJj BBlUr FIT ol treatraent, .either & Paataam or anyrantady of the Rye or Ear ahotiM be MADE AT ‘ >NCB. Tesilmoilals from Unquestionable Au- IX fl. DIFFKSBAWKR- [OS,*&O., —AT — Chenille Nets, Head Draißw, Ac* i-jii jC 'h& ••' c~ V* • * fc. -W most so coessful aunst. Street. lhtUUirgh, Way 15,1*6! yritOM JOHN M. KESSEDY, ESft , JOHN n’CLOgKBf.Eiq., OK TEE FIRM OF H'CLOSKEY, cosob ave a CO. TODS, rosMOSWZISKBSi fctfbifd street. PtW 1 am happy to inform you that my s^ntoMwUment, e quite aat- Sfied tba sr tearing would oarer harebeenrestored b» natural causes, but to your treatment alone tsshe indebted for it. and I wonld recommend all afflicted with deafness toeonsnlt you at one*. Respectfully MoCU)BKK Y. UEAFN ES 8 TBS HUBUL 111 11ALAT0B, as nmstnonrr isvmted i by Dr. Von Moscbziskor, Throuah whush!be has been cure the Mom' DBffunaTf. casks op psapnilss. Id aUdiUoQ to the above Testimonials, hundred. 1 uora can be seen at the Doctor’s Office. OPPI’OB, No. 155 THIRD STREET, BSTWRKN ainTHI'IELP A«l\U HAST 818, What* bstw be OOSSIiLTISU. I'AU.Y, from> a. a to B ofatock n it. FOB A LIMITED ON ALL m.V LAIHBS OJ\THE EYE icul usa uhhuwsd. johk o flcCA^rai. bill poster. WUI to tlw Dlstiilmtine «ad Bntisg of BILLS, CIRCULAR*, CARDS k PR6BRAIIIB /UMMnwato, VtaTOoa^ftMMilHlfUa* ■fclpo, HtoU,»«lo»,;»«o., ty. } u Ordara sent to the offloe of tho Pittatroyab Jfyj IL. mL or flaito gaatta, will reoeiTO PwagfltoaMmop john «umi» uHusnaat'ttf" BOOTS : QfljfcO*' ind’O y«ift STRAW fiOOU. IKUNU, UfO SlOfc WHOLKSAWI Ijp&TImt' -Batman Hftband lil»rtT-a*»t(8“!i *(•***■ -pmHIDB&H.' gaut».a«nn AMO DBALSiga iS , ~s «, , ■ Fite Old Wlmkiea, MO. 6 NOBTH 3?BONT BTKKKT, ' ftt H«Mt. . .... . 4 STORE HOUSE op .Federal aad Water A otreeto. nAUegluaj. «w table for a "Drjr. CteOda frauntac. or Shoe Store. eMtjto ~ rpHE JP^Mp^m^HEBKRJFOBiB . '■ v' • < z ' lL: 4 WTKKTBj}, Pittabtog^P^ on hw#VMiSriw' ijatHnaiitT oi iiUbbicatins, axirantanHS .WOBUDBOOAI. OIU,. .. . * _.. r ahlso> LAMPS of every variety. Wholeeue aoJ ftatul. I afiMOj ■■ * v The Mutual Life Insurance Co F. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent. 100 WALNUT STRSBT, PHILADELPHIA. PROOF The business op this company la conducted on the .mrtiwl prim) pie, in rtm si rioter tredseppl ihAtoiSpfc* nWfrasurpto*, doteri ing ntteamm •hpen& nlinc, b&M ‘quita-.ly d.yided nnioßS the auundt.., ~T ~. - . _ Receipts for the year ending Slat January, 1881. *l,SB» 74 Add Interest scented; botnotvet'datoiii- TftjWO JJJ I Deferred Premiums in eoufce of sa r ia3 88 (boa Assrta, yßt>roaryTr-13fllitf^>w<»A«.iNfcJ7|^ff^8ft Rates of prem^^Jpfe I tei>ey|M«ie Jondof^mdi«an«e tor«6m «*odop«£» te» «ttWtorue SS^T^»taan*»w!^^ODl4ft^on«* fl°”- ■** B *?» | g jtej^gj~gasf.ysL' aippHedwiffi all Ota delicadea and aoxndeciUM Utemerfcet efforda. The Bar -will be Mookedwitb the beat Wtßea. Batata mq i»Jj opa» BA R. ' £, PBUtADKEBBf : -, r . :- ■' ;• sA ' f v*t - < T. ”... seu; StaffluMpb, OF NEW YOBK. of Dollars. We keve aboßt-' too PAIR LADIES tFI6I ARO COL OK BO 6AITKKS JJUjjft Tfiji ftpttt wlob to clow oat JPOBMm ?BfO& ft, 76, We will sell (or 75 cento, *■' •" ', ? |4 Itß9 bcine not ntaolTmore/itn* ll 49‘EAXiF THB rOO6T.-S* call and see tharr, WB WARRANT'EHEM GOOD. w. E. SCBfIURR'rZ & CO., 31 Ytarjf&at. .. 7 1 : C. WEST & CO., #« -4 «i: „»* ’ *9®ll'PKnk?aß«aj|iteJ!Wwm AND SLEieia, JBoxe* NeptatjßPStomaoh Bittore, ..'j P n TDW ■■» "nmdUamSw WHAIMtiMHO* ~z~ ; .. t v J \S '■- *NW§^!^}S£ • £t 1 9\-iP*'% '-, ' •; • a e “*:’ ■ . * :■ p.«. aauwAX. .v ,\ s . 1 - .