"c* *t. " l iw-*v v / *j!* »»/ $ r v\*i -••r^ ; J ' K 5 - •;•>*. ?-.v' :•■: 7 \Vt.V,’, ;■;• • ;v . .. - ’.-Y ■>' ’ v ■'..M'" ISplv<- •. ■'.■■ ■' -■■-. ■■■ . M3h».,\. S. -' '* . . pgwsf^ ~/<--I* l'S-% V :: v r -V .'' •*i* k *iW*S’wSw ♦ *SN *~ C .•.'*«• <>*■; I ' !. !>' v'iN-.VO* <%.& i- «-* *£ -•• ‘ *,<-?••>***• n't • ,-s. - v-J I «i* v.» >• ,-:'it % *. l $ V„f i• - £•'*•*^: •• ' •* ♦* t* 'm { k s*.\y •*,. -“.S 1 •;* • .'.-••■•■ /i-%' J ■> •5 , .f u y-’ * 4 ** • • • Y r; " «A»*.,r j** »;>*;;o^i-*'T-? v i’- ■ Y* - YC‘.Y.:» -• v'V : syft.l tfit&Vpjfc'.*** Y,i Y\}'» ■ " • V Y.*> Y-v ti'Y Y‘s ti '"i VA'C-,;. r t*L“. A •■'. ■•- - uf, ! .’ ,M '~' V*/ »**c- ’; I?*\ V ttV-'.'-' mm®®******® . atCha. I*l Colon 1 p airy, (Sot 1 ondCav ***"s?*s’ I two com; tIy ’ eom f +l..***"'*+ The third; v ’ ii liama > con -- •&£?*: Colonel In *• S ,r Tenth, Col SWSife - . ‘ijcv /%";<'■ Tb,f “" ment, Colon , V; Johwtoo; I ■>*** if Us 1 1 teenth, Col. K Colonel Lohi " here and atu S b ft under the iui t f ” \ General Keit ‘se#sS'‘ >l '* < ‘officer oomrni SSSgs&S! ■ There can 1 yet there has Mr. Seward’s . treaty of Park r”®'^;r^,ffYY’ £ warded to the Bla> Pn,sS,a and when-sach is th 10 majorit7 j f^, ( ; individually and tssei ? - TJAV£ EECEI yra^i^Soy» 4 W A*& CvT *. #1 Oaa. “Union" USMisi "3SSS-^- |pep!«! fW*»» wipte . j % ijs s ,4 rs.m .. ,v.r^ I&OM A 'S iiniKUAio^i iMflrthMiiiwSi - simmf (pfri^sm Qantj. Cal/ OxfonTi tt S * nU ’ °* t ” d '* ** Ganla’iCal/ Oai(a Ac, and 0 feet vein of rannal c 4 \. PORK—.I6(I t SJfILITiL, .4*AB jgfcrlSINTH WARD K. tA. -aassaffage Bupbbi o“ °° P< '%v r y'l ’ JSHILTII6 H fik PARK, M’CBBE >* tl M-HsagraM. 4§Sv« Y" qop. CaEb aoi>L—sd k SUr?» . BEO^ ’^S^ ,,r i* + ftO Z°XE$ STEAKINE ( JV'-Ss 1 C 4s * OU M d /or .ala br Wth&W’ * J't Jhl A & JE! MiCi.aa a 3' **\ W POKN MEAT..—IOO bosh ;v%l ' v t- V * /V V; BAaiL, raceired andtorttl.b^i .•*■> L.!.'. 0 -.-. otYlj jaa • oornai Mart •< t r -f ' \v] - AGENTS wanted t 4V-> * ; • - J Uvvv omsßosA-two very-n f** *5- •_ T to femlliefl; all paj great profit !fe " -a , ’:1 0?% *r < x'i -i rffmm^mnw j, f p - .-J _.« . „ ,J<*Al 'M<* r-* J j "$ ... .fflfljo.o,:: i ..'• f --1 - - vV t i Y-J “ #4;*. .y Y.V xaTt, <*» ■<» -- *- .- •»=- . ■ ft* t*!’ *• ’ > »* i ri K ‘ <« • • ■■• .. i k* • r ■* &*, j 7 ’* ‘ *• < • C' l -'*!*’ •• ’ •."3 •>’" - • 2, W-'iill'iTi •■>•* VOLUME XIX. W* publish the following lines, handed as by a lady of the Second .Want,, whoa few months since lost boy, whose name was “Willis.’' A parent who can read them without appreciating them, has no heart. WILLIE! Two httle dimpled cheeks Here lor 1 1 heir rosy ho*; Two little 'sparkling eyes Are hidden from oar riew. Two -little baby hapdß. Strobe no more mamma's halri Two little feetno more Tnp op to pefe’i oheir. Two little soft, white arms Are folded gently o’er A lUlie pesoeful heart Pulea log never more. Low lies his .little form, In death's soft tfuzftbenprest in love our Father took him— We bow to Hie behest. Soft & otj2l WHOLEBAU FISHDEALBB, So. 192 »na 184 Jforth ▼b»rre», fiber* Amh Street,) ’ '* *'*■ '** PHILADELPHIA. AMKftICAM IBON WOBKS. ibon AfuThAiba, ITABMHOUUS, , • *O H, Udoonerof pratklia and Sooth Water Sta* Ohleaff . ww Q. ENT 8 ’ CALF OXFOBD’S *1,60 Genii’ Ctf Oxford*■ *I,TS. Gent*' Calf Oxford’* Genla’ ;Calf Gaiters) $3,26 AT THE PEOPLES’ SHOE STORE, Mo 16 Fifth *t, mett D, 9- nfFFENRAQKKR FARM OF 40 ACRESf-lfl milei frt)m the City, aaod stelettf tarings of witii, frail trtea, Ac , and 0 feet rein of rennet coal. Price $2,000, for ami* by MESH PORK—36O barrels hear; ■•W***** - .- -t yf/siS SfIUTH, 4*A]i& & NINTH WARD FOUNDRY, ' -PrFTBBBBGHi'PA, UTataitooee, Mo. 149 First and 120 Second •street- Mfiniifadtlireia of4Q Sisea anddaeerfpttons of CoalOtL' rilaiortsandStills, Gas and Water Pipe. Bad iTonsTpfcfH dronfc Wagon Boxes, Steel Moulds, FuUiaa, Hangersind | Hariiuz a complete machine shop attached to j the Foundry, all necessary fitting will be TISSUE* y.ATTK STJPBBIOB OOFPSB HlLti# un> JKHILIIie ffOBKS, PARK, M’CtJKDY & CO., MANWA • ■ • «.**• V***. j • ** Wft f.r>. ‘i •■, & CUTHBERT i SON 11 Market rtre • oonm Market and Firat «t». v *»;*** V <* * - * .. \

orV. J^K}uiby —Have you aoen that Big In dian is another oolumn, boiling ROOTS, BARKS and LKAVggL.lor the Chamlree ? iffl-Jlnhw To Consumptives. The advertiser having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after haring suffered several years with a severe long affection, and that dzead disease, OosAunpUoo—ia anxious to make knewn to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who deaire it, be will send a copy of the pre scription used, (tree of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using tb« eauae, which they will ,flnd a •uni cuu roa Coraum-rios, Astbux, BaojrcKim, Ac. The only ob;ect of the advertiser id denuiag the prescnpuou is to benefit the afflicted, aad spread information which he oonoetres tb toe.lnvaluable, and he hopes every sut ferer will try his remedy, as it wu! oost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. • Parti*) \nahipg Uie prescription mil ftdlroM RIfV. EDWAKD' k. WIli&N, WiUnmsborgh, Kings count;, N'ftW York JOHN M’UJiiVITT, WHOLESALE GROCER, —a.Sd dkalie zs — Rew Orleaai Sagar {and Holassci, fLova, b^cojt, Rice, Oheese, Fish, Oils, Ac. No. 311 Liberty Street, opposite Smlthfield, 9 PITTSpI'R JH, PEhN’A. A cons Uni supply of Pure Brandieaaod Wines, of h* on unpertaoon aiWats on band. Also, old Mono! gihela Hootch rod Inwh Whisttwy* arißfclvo Li. 11 I U S H K i ; L I) NO. 83 WOOD STREET. ' * iT ' .'WILL T*» DJ.Y OFJWTHSia . SPRING IMPORTATIONS F)R GENTLEMEN’S DRESS, WHICH for novelty and beaut/ of style is unexcelled. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT embraces ail the nev fabrics of the season adapted to all. classes and uses. W* shall pay the sama strict at tention to the style of getting up our garments for which we hare always been renewed. Our prices |ere moderate. L. HIRSHPfiLD, NO. 83 WOOD STREET. aplO SPRING STOCK OF rfWr piANOa - ffWi We have just completed our first Spring supply of the unrivalled STEIN WAY PIANOS, generally admtued to be the BEST ov the present day; comprising both GRaNIJA SQOAEE PIANOS, and at NEW YORK PRfOfcS. l£ey are war ranted for FIVE YJsA£l& Please oali and examine before purchasing elsewhere. „ jS. KLKBRR A BRO., 63 Fifth hL tfagrlA * Bole-Agents for Steinway’s Unrivalled Pianos D. C. iUVEELANO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ( OOAIIB AHDOVAL BONNET BOXES ; ‘ t.o, tnakd. to order PLAIN AWL FANCY PAPER 0XK8» suitable lor Shoes, Dry Goods, fox, at Eastern rices. Corner Virgin alley and Wood street, (third tory—QTeE-Qtiepnr^Banfc,) Pittsburgh, Pa iefcl RKMOVALI Tflfi EfiNNSYLVANIA HALT MAN ulacturing Company have removed tneir ortic« te No. 94 Wood Street, Between First sad Second streets, where all order* will be received, andbuflineseetL-naeci to. mhlfctf 680. CALHOUN Agent, eUMiOW’tt AMBEOTYE GALLERY, -IB LAFA7BTTB HAU., FOURTH STREET ENTRANCE. npo THOSE PARTIES WANTIKG A. reel fine Ambrolypes at s moderate price, and ait who hate beeaonsble to obtain a good likeness else* Where ax* respectfully solicited to call. - variety of cases and frame* always on hand. Priaea moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. C. GLASGOW, ■ oqrlo 87 Fourth Street. Piuehorah. *0 EIIU VAX.—oeob&k w. CASH & 00 nfivK REMOVED THEIR COUNTING ROOM from No. g:Wd at Weat Chester; penna. /BOLT'S REVOLVERS,■ i•• -i* ~ v; COLTS REVOLVERS. flO RIFLED •10 RIFLES! 1 $lO RIFLES! Sharp’s Pistols and Rifles In great variety Fishing TadktofPtoe Jointed Hods and a splendid assortment of Hooks and lines, For a-j , Y l **, - avlS .> • >■• 188 Woodetree% tthborgh. jpiaiolutlOQ of Partnership. HERETOFORE JtjflDmji'bhHreen JOHN L. DAWES and JOHN F. .GuuEEx, of the Arm of Dawes A Oluley, is hereby die- The huHlnofa will be carried on as heretofore by J. F.CLULEY, who will pay all chime against the late firm, and is auLhonsed to *‘*****- tm J6£rV& Ofoley. my34-lwd JOHN F. CLULET. P' RODUCE.— 800 Sack* Punches, . ■ >4OO W- Applet, 1 ' • ■ ’ 10 Kege Lard. WM. a. SMITH a 00, whp .v. .. -.[to. noaeoond end id ffront etreeta. JUST 50.—5250 Story Brick Dwehtng House of four rooms and finished attic, No. 20 Doquoertustrcet. A SON, MOTH - - i • ~i ; ■ H Market street* - Ca-Partner«lilp, *' rfsas HAVE THIS X dat. Jbnnede Co-Partnership under the name and tirte ofPERH INB.MEBRIOH *CO, In the ; Pager, Rag ™ . JNO.M PERKINS, 0. HENRY MERRICK EDWARD a CLAPP. FRtabargfc, MarchlaLJSfiL ' i i jwo M. psucara a Hum Mxntcx. B. 4 <'i t *5 « * . ■ .' .V i .j.; * •• •*«'- ** - > • . •’*’*- n J t ( ■- 4 . JyH ffc . DRS. STEBBHfS & MUNSON, OPERATIVE ANlf 'MECHANICAL DENTISTS, Office 105 fifth Street, A PEW DOORS ABOVE THE POST OFFICE. ao2T:iyd SAVE THE* BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE* CSILL, has removed, to 246 ?ENN • STRBBn', in the house formerly occupied bv I>. G. H. Keyaer, opposite Christ’s Church. He trill giy« til the modern improvements. • Teeth meenedai ▼srioos prteefly (rotnilo toi62 per set Bimbo-iUT. W. D. Howard. Her. Bamoel Radley, A. Bradley, A. G. ATOondlesa, M. D- J. B. BoplcinS, W. H. Vankirk, Dr. Geo. H. Keyset, w. Nitmck, Bafhpel ftTKee. ao27:ty RELIABLE 1 TBMH HXTRACTRI* WITHOUT PAIS ■pY THE USB OF. AN APPARATUS it# Arhfiffcby notdrtigs battery afe used Cold weather la the time when the apparatus Pin he need to its best advantage. Medical gentlemen and their families hare their teeth extracted by my process, interested In asserting the contrary haring no know 1* edge of my process. «r*RTIFICUI* TEETH inserted fan ayery style. Em OUPBV r DeoUjrfe noUdydia 184 Bmithfiekl street Jnattraare Monongahela Insurance Co Omcia*—JAMES Aa HUTORI9ON. President, HENRY M. ATWOHp. Secretary. CAPT. JAS. WOUDBURN. Gen’! Agent OPf|Cfi NO. tmWATGR STREET. It inturea all Kind* of Fut a-ui Martin Luki Stocs Due Bliifl pay&bie on aern.Di aod eeconwiby tve approved names— j BIU* Bi4»FakW/Z!l.V..'. BiiU Discounted LreShtMsr'Mechaip.Cfl Bank' •took oo‘t $ tt ldi uo 100 Share* Cit tana' bank 40 Shares y x h*Dge Bank moo« corn- 60 Stuime o i Piu*- burgh Balance of Book Account* Office Furniture Oath Wm. E Holmes, Wm. A Caldwell, Robt. DsiafrU, Wilson Miliar Wm.Be*, J no U’Devjtt Jo*. Kirkpatnck. J*#. A. Hutchinson, G o'Aw try Wm Means, John Atseil, 8 Bißoblftpn. R. Wallace; Ja». Wood barn, Hir’d Hay* myBl Girard fire tad lßriflV la»arin7rrompiny * PHILADELPHIA. OFFIOB 415 WALNUT STREET. T Capital, ffflO 000. Securities, over |SOO^KX>. HIS RELIABLE AND WELL KNOWN COMPANY, doing exciu iv*ly a Fue Insurance EaedneßS, he* i< R Capital io»e«‘fd in Bonds, VortflaAt*, United States Treasury Note*. Cu * Loan*, Hank Stocks. And Aeoaiiue*. such *a have »toodtbe teat of fifteen feet jn length- JwiU glsomake.sod hftveOn hand, Doctor and Ijtggmrjaix £bib& < aim'Deck Pomps for steamboats, Ac. Lethe Inhean ana other Planing dona to axd*rjoanptate S 3 N B.—pgfccftjwwb*Alton Arid progpttUid. girdn to - .ri*- |l j”|W ,r, X ,r '‘ °" Mr MngXiDM. ISeBOPBAS A»«»CWV fTJHOKAS RATTIRANsi KfwopaAn Agent, I No. 115 W«ter street, Pittabargti, Pl, la pref*re<' toXrazvt*. few* puMnaan tn>“ ■» p*rtofThs old country, Mflier Jbpr »£im.er soling I*o*l, SIGHT DKAJTp fOB W W N* <* *Am5 lor the lndian*polia and CinmnMtt BL^oild: Ss-ffiieehf Stowner. ss!iiwS>dwA * ' JJltdiral. r®r P.#l. PEEUIVIAN OR PROTECTED SOLUTION PROTOXIDE OF IRON. Cores si! Diseases arising from Disordered Digestion, Weakness, and Bad State of the Blood. Pamphlet* containing Certificate* of cures from the fol lowing well-known Clergymen, I'bvsielaiu, and others, can be had on application, or will bo forwarded un r»- qtxest, to any addrew, free of charge Her. Jehu Plerpnnt. Bee. John W. Oknstead Rot Wurren Burton. Lewis Johnson, M T). Rer. Arthur B. Fuller, Boewell Kinney, M-D., Rot. Aug. 11. Pope, 8. H. Kendall, 31. D , Her. Gankm Robloe, W. Br Chisholm, M.D V Bar. By lean os Cobb, Knosts Dana, U.D., Rer. Tho* Whlttwnore, Jeremiah Stone, M. 8., Rer. Osborn Mjrrlck, Jose Antonio Sanches, M D., Rev. Ephraim Nnte, Jr , Mareetao Aranda, MI)., Bar. Thos. H. Pans, Abraham ;Wehdelh iLD , Rev Richard Metcalf. H. E. Kinney, M-D.. Rer M P Webster. Joe* d'Bhdnar, M.D . iJUv-rdo*. H. rmtwth, Dexter, Keq., Her . Abm. Jackson, Thomas C. Amorj, K*t J Pearson, Jr., Peter Harvey, “ Her-A. R. R. Crawley, James 0. Bonn,* 41 Bsw* Bsnry Upbam, Samuel May. Bar. 8. H. RJMeI, Prof. B. Vi tails Bcherb, Ber. P. C. Headley. Moses Grant, Esq. Ofltoft, 89 Sommer Street, Boston. JOHN P. JBWBTT AND CARTER. POE BX ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale br Dr. GEORGE H. KKtaKR. 12ft Wood at. TO THE AEPiaCTEIJJ PWR OTAR&£Y’« PAIN EXTERMIfiA JLF TOR cores Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sick Head ache, Rftmme Headache, Toothache and Sore Throat. Prepared by l/L.STARKEY, Pittsburgh, Pa. Bold wholeaafe and retail by JOS. PaEM ING, f't Mvkftl trC. and Diamond lydiw and ©onumsfiinn. JAMES W. CRAFT, Commission and Forward)og Merchant, and Mercantile Broker, ifOlce and Storage, No. 82 North Levee, Saint Louie, N. S.—l will give immediate and personal attention to all'boslneas entrusted to my cars, for which charges artil be reoaouahle. Reference* ; L. K. Forayt he, St. Louis; Paul Lamag, St. LotUh , O. Brasheara od J, H. HTT.T.RRMAIff & CO.'S FASHIONABLE BAT STORE. T& WOOD STREET. SPRING STYLE SILK. A CJfeSlMEIii HATS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN KELT HATS. All Grades and Color*. APS FOR ©ENT'S, YOUTH'S,* AND CHILDREN Of erery description STRAW GOODS In great variety. CHILDRENS FANCY HATS To euit all taatea. All at the Lowest Rates at J« fi. HILLER MAN ft CO.'S, rn.no T 8 WOOD tfT. Hyatts Patent Illuminating Tiles HATING BEEN APPOINTED AG it NTS POE THE KALE OP AT AITS CELEBRATED ItLIiMUiA^NSTILKS, rX)B LIGHTING BASKMENI.S, CEL JA LAR& A REAS* AND OOftLl«t IH»T9- eoiicU afi examination of samples, at our Warehouse, No. 150 Water Street, .•A ' . ANDERSON ft PHILLIPS, Agents for BROWN BROTHERS, manufacturers ynart . v -,-Clßesge, Ulinoia. (Sandulales: E D, GAttZAM Is a candidate for a nomination Jor iheSiate Senate. te4>2w WORKINGMEN'S CANDIDATE POK SHEBIPP, ROBERt WATSON ’ iputr 4 ' '■'* " tr vs* KGR-COUNTT tRBASUEER.—A. FLOW) of the Second Ward, Putaburgh, will be a candidate tar the above office, before the Repaid)pan'Nominating Convention. kpfedafttc a. pioyd, /Corner fourth and- kts., PiUflqurgb, agent for toe receipt and sale of C A R‘K ON I IS. Keep* opmWtnUl, on, band, and in. weiring d t NEW AND SECOND-HAND AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, ONEToijl. KtjEjfiWOOL)'CASE, ELE GANT i-juved logs, lyre, Ac., made by Raren, Ba k, oct. Rosewood case, round oomere, *c., made by Raven, Bacon A C0.,...~ ................ 300 One 7 ocL Rosewood case, carted desk* pedal, etc-, by tfsy»A &x„ New York, remarkably cheap... 226 One 6*4 oct. Rosewood case, of carved desk, etc., i»y Hazleton B,m, N. V •--•••- 236 One 7 oct. carved Rosewood case, of beautiful de sign, by one of the best New York makers— very coeap - 260 One second-hand 7 oct. Rotewood case, full iron frame, eic* by Ohlckering 4 Sons, very cheap.. 210 One »eoond-hand 6% oct. Rosewood cate, lull iron frame, etc* by utiiokering A 50n*.......- 106 One aooond-hand 6% oct. Rosewood case, round corners, by good Boston maker 180 One second-hand 7 oct. Upright Piano, by Chicaer- Inc 4 Sons, nearly new.-....-.——- 270 One second-hand 69tf Upright Piano, by Gill erL..~. 136 One second-hand 6 ocL, by Loud A Bid 60 One second-hand 6 oct* by Scherr...— - 60 One second-hand 6% oct% German Piano——— 60 One second-hand 6 oct Mahogony case- —— 26 one u»copd-hand oct. Mahogony oaae --••• 20 Those desirous of purchasing a cheap Plano should ot fail to call and examine the above lot. JOHIIV U. SELLOB, Sundries 100 hbJs "B' r otfe«* tiugH.% f 0 « «• lu M standard crus’e i sugtr. 10 u coarse pulverised 200 boxes layer main*, ',60 “ hanah “ 100 hf box»« *• •* 100 qr * “ 100 M Valencia “ 100 “ Turkish prune*, 10 casks *• “ 2fi do New currants, 20 **frair Dates, 600 drums Fresh Figs, .00 boxes No. 1 Herring, 100 do Scaled do 10 do BurHog'on do 26 co Shelled Almonds, 10 oases Italian Vermicella, 10 do Maocareni. 6 do Sfcily Liquorice, 10 Baskets Olive Oil tn quarts and pints, 6 cases Sardines % to % can*. 26 boxes No. 1 white rock candy, 8u “ Yellow do do 10 u Red do do 2uOO Fresh Coc a Nuts, io atone and landing, and for ade by REYMER a BROTHERS, myiß 126 and 123 Wood sL WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER I The Largest Assortment and Lowest Prices In in Pittsburgh. Coma ’and see. WALTER P. MARSHALL, No* 87 Wood Street* (Near Fourth, at the Old Stands Hat ihr sale beautiful French, German and American WALL PAPERS, FOR PARI.CBS, BALLS, CHAMBERS, CHURCHES, LODGES, 50,000 rolls at 12$ eta. 50,000 rolls at 0, 8 Wuroow Oust am, Fix* Boxed Paurra, Tssraa Covaaa, Cxtuaos, 4a |9* Look for the Striped Front. The only place m town wn»re a foil assortment of French papers is kept. marlfl SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR* No. »9 Market Street, .JAMXS *. BKIADD4 HAS J UST RECEIVED AND OPENED opened a large stock of Boot* and Shoes, oomprle ing one af the largest assortments to be found. Ladies’, Misses’ acd Chidren’a Boot*, Shoes, Gaiters, Slipper*, Operas, eta Meet -Boys’ and Tooths' French Oalf Boots, Gaiters. Oxford Ilea, Prince Alberta, Scotch Bootees. Shoes, Brogans, etc. Boot 4 d Shoes of every variety and style, which will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ATI persons desiring to procure a bargain, would do well to call and ax mine the stock at BWMarket street Abe proprietors ate determi EUREKA OIL COMPANY, v e!vav«o cotnmr, peissa, (CHA&TKBKD SKBRT7ARY lfiT, 1B61.) GeptajU.. «10Q,DOO, A M. MARSHALL, Pres. H. E. DAVIS Sec. ° l aiOTO*a? A. M- Marshall, W. H. McGee. James Forauec, 0. Beranger, J. L. Qarnsghan. Office in that of R*H. Da via, city of Allegheny, Pa. mbl&flrod tfvT LOOKING GLASSES, PORTRAIT AMD PICTURE FRAMES, Silt and Imitation Rouwoqd lonbliKgi, FBEACH PLATE AHD; ;WnCDOW GLASS, 138 Smlthfleld gtroel, Dernier’s Block, baiwaaix-Fifth end Sixth, Pittsburgh -1 ia mee, and baal&eM cards framed at wholesale price pfclf ~ * ‘ •'* \ goAP, Can dles and oils, ' 1 • ! i, hersy' 260 do Fnend to Woman Soap in lfi> hers 1,000 do Shaving and Toilet Soap In different shapes and sixes. 600 Boxes Miners' Candles, 1,000 do Hydraulic Pressed and Mould Candles for Bummer use 200 Boxes Adamantine StkrCandlea, i 5,63 4 69. 60 do New Bedford Sperm Gandlea,4s, fie 4 6s. 20 do Wax Colored Candles, 4s, 6s 4 6s. 6 do Coach ; do, 6 do Star do, 10 Barrels No. 1 Lard Oil, 6 do do 2 do, 26 do Labrtcating No. 1 Oil, 10 do do do 2 Oil, 60 do Carbon Illuminating Oil, 26 do Coat do do, On hand and for sale, by b. a 4 j. h, sawyer. . . To whom was awarded, by the U. S. Agricultural So ciety, the, first premiums for < ’lis, Soaps and Oaudlea. mblB ; WATER R E HIS. All persons llable fob enr and Bunineat Taioa and Water Benta in the eitj. jubu gb, “* beret., notißed that the abere Uxes and water rente are now dua and payable at f e Qltjr TreMurwr’a Otiloe, Panrtti Street. q'q lOi payment made tafore AUGUST FIRST* » Discount of Five Per Ceu . wtUteelloired* Between August Ist and Sep ember 15th, adUooont of Two Per Cent* Between Omober Ist and No* fember Ui, an adcui wowUK betuadaof Are jrerQeat, aod after November Ist, all rferrhinrog unpaid will be pot in the hands of collectors, with a farther addition of five per cent. je3 CB. S EEL YV a Mo. 114 FfFYfr STREET, opposite Cathedral, KRkT, ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENT. NOTEB, BONDS, MORTGAGES and other Securities J K. IITTLB, merchant tailoh, MU. •« OT, C’X.AIK. ITUBt, {Or. Iriah*. Nm> Boihtilfg,) , d-amy .1 fITTSBUBSH. FF mV 'UO" AT |250 IiACIL - Pour two story Brick Dw&big Housed, Nos. 26,27, 20 and U* Doqoesne street. each ooaiaining ioux rooSuit apd finished attic, Por sale by Oja &CUTHBKtt*'BO& | V -ra=v.-&. PIANOS 81 WOOD gTBEBT. BPHINQ OF 1801. and 10 eta. NEW GOODS J4BEB ROBB. ;nad to sell cheap. apll £>. BBECHT & 880., MANUFACTURERS OF DEALERS IN CITY TAXES WM. EIOffBAUM, City Treasurer. D&AUUt IN Mfewnahttus. FITS CURED! FITS (CURED TEE 4 BEAT- ASEBIGUF BBJfEBI. This mediothe has- brought Happiness to the that havo for veers goffered the greatest affliction, in harihg some memß&oftheir faimiy affliittfctwiih thv dreadful disease. .Whatman bringiqch titter grief to the hearts of parents, da to "Stetfieir child' Buffering with a disease that destroys and-!»ot often carries its victim unconscious to.the nave. Parents i in the AMERICAN REMEDY yoiTllnd wfca* jron have so lonsiooked for in ram—at Curt. This Rented/ u Purely VegeUxbU— It contains no Poisonous Drugs, and can he- taken with aafejtr. , • , - Persons sendingjpr Medicine, should state the parti* colors of the case, an i the BKedidnn will tenant inline-. diately to any part. o( the country. From two to au bottles wffl effect a Core m moat cases.' Price, H per bottle, of. all bottlfiilforM.. Prepared b; DR.STARKBt, Pittabareh, P*. SOW b, JDS. FLEMOtfi, cor. M«blt«t * Dldmoad. 118 ■****■&.%.* SEWING itfACta&fES! SO. 9T FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. JF Alas 0 3? 10801 ( WHBBLHR (Ss "SVILSOIix Awarded the First Premium at the UNITED BTATBS F*IR; OHIO BTATK FAIR; IDUNOIB BTATEFAIB: WIBJMHB^SgXATJtFAIBi KEHTOCKy STITT? FAIR;; . TENHeSbeWATE FAIR; NEW 'JEBBBF STATE FAIR; VERMONT STATE FAIR; OHIOASd MEOHANIOEISSTITUTB BOUJBVU.LE.MECHANICS’ INBTITUTF CINCINNATI MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE ALLEQHENYOOUNTY FAIR, rtttsbte£h And other County Fairs too numerous to mention. ; WE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC WHEEL ER A WILSON'S IMPROVED SEWING kA; CHINE AT REDUCED PBloEB,.wtth incnsMei (*3? denoe in its merits as tbs heft add mo&t reEAble Patmlj Sewing M>nhtaaflgw in use. t K ftnra equally. we% bn the thickest add thinest fhbric®, makes the iock-fltlfctr tmpoesfblbto wntrthe' ebsetitiali-adnptage ] of : being, allkaxm bofcbsidesf forming no ridge nor euls enthe aimpte Itr ooastrtictio&, mdre. speed/ m moremeaVelfchnam dorafairthan an/ other A&tfdttufcef ,.ia <*i i* »omj| ;; We give tail instruction* to enabfothe purchaser to B*w- ordinary seems, stitch, hehy 'ftlij'quitt, igatbjerj Circular*, ooßtamingieattmfHrtgU ftpm T ladi«»,fff ihs highest Stan ding, EasTand west, gtfbig prioftc *&, will be by Jotter. Sewing Jtteehine Needles,Sflk Twist Cotton and oonstAnut s bT hand. «; i -si.::-,- u /'i* myS • - -WM. ; SUMMER, OARPETBI OARI SPREVCt SALES. W. D. k H. at’CALUTM, 87 Fourth Street, Have just opened a splendid Assortment of Velvet, .Brussels, Three-Ply, Tapes try, and Common Ingrain Carpetings. OIL CLOTHS Prom 8 to 24 foot, new designs and beautiful patterns, with aU goods os daily found m PXBBZ OiiAfi&uAilPET STOBEb, and on as favorable terms aaany other betas* in the city. mhSOj BAYNE & SEEPEK. „ (BDCCSBSOBB TO A. H. BO WAND.) STEAM BOOK BINDERV- BLANK BOOK MAITUFACTOB^r, Mo. I'i and T 4 Tblrd Street. PLAIN AND OHNAMENTALJ.BIND ING in ever/ variety, : BLAKK : BOOSB Rated to say intricate pattern,-*nd bound ineiery desirable form. All work warranted to giro ttafanfloa • i . . .i u \ Prices at the Lowest Bates; SAM'L P. BA¥NE..~». *p£3md ~ THE MERCANTILE AUfcNb'V, PBOMOTIQfI OF orefft4b,ooo Burin aeaHPtiies 'Rftpoi-tedi Embneiag ev«ry City, T-owa And Village. U» tee tfsi&*d&£Ktes, . CuwtdA, Mut piner BritiA P- A< R. G. DDN i 'Cfti Proprietors.! •' "-A. AKMSTBONB, Uuutt** • , ' Comer of Wood end Fifth Streets, PttiiharKtV Pe EetsbUeheilNew Torts Jo«i PjttstfgtsMerah, |mß Heed Oflcei ’ NEW TORE. * o. Branch jfMßeso, . ' FiUabqift B 8 Dpn *’ Oo; Fhilotfughis, BQEw » * Co; Oinemtiitr, KG I>tin •Oo;' l aeraua l !B' ft Bon* Co; DoMtt, BG Hmi^COf^iblaigiußnßOßiLAjOo; St. Louis, Bft Dun A Co; Nashville, BftDnil *■€» ■ ' AuoclelelSdleM. “ Boston. E Russell S Go; Baltimore, J I) Pratt ft Co ; I Bjohmonri.PretesCo. . :j , .q<- ■ * ! ~t . Porelgn ,Oflsw, Toronto, B.fl Diin * Cot MootreeLß ft Bonn 4)Co; London.cpt, £ ftDon4oo/ ' „ " •• Beforenoe 'lSJOkii, wiili .notftet oi 'ehsnges; iMy.WhiSahei} fa KtbMriberi." Brloo 01 OOJ :i: - i : OoUeettoad prtmroUj.attendodtcrinsU parts oi ■ Lettotejof toTaryen of htahotn aßoilr oboSß. U.lo ’. .i: ivti- , ~' • M i o r *1 , glinted foT il^3'the %v e aSßto&mkz&lj ■ WfllvMi PASER^-eCr^ STEM^l^ir|Mlp! Hen UwP»wi‘aB.a.fciMM«*i Drool. mTS9JDWBt.Fi. iOF Saw Mills, Blast ;■ •T .< andMadhwery for zristtniua, aiid for uprights, mulay' - > '*] , JSaveaiao pn handrflttiflhod mt jmty lor afrtpwiaht at short notice, Bflgiqea and Bailors . # eTftty deecnp-. Also, tarnish Boiler** and Sheet Iron'Manaielyj and Wrought Iron Shafting Hangers and Pulliea inerery ronety, and continue the manufacture of Woolen/ 1&‘ chinery and Machine Cards. j Our prieea are tow, our machinery maimfhctnrid ol thebeat quality of materials, and warranted inaU eases to^^Ser?faiffl* all parts of the and > promptly filled ,v ■, > * ftflajsw ■■' WlwE - H T RB AOTT, * housb, stujr :.A.-idßWskßHaAi, FAIDTEB maeUZIBB, Font tlx St,, BitvHii Wieod it Btoaiithjj.ld, ■ tarlll »ort pjpmptl, ettettded to. mr?fc|TT«i«r* -I SMBttEfig*?; Wo.cali attention EA*«BIUMMD {J BUILDERS to the largest stock of v GRATE FRONTS and FEEDERS i N T Eifi kTATBr- I^^^ Wißl-Wfrltos'tEe' DlAMOtfl>and£iblitPoS tsikfCaok zffl Store* with So»pStop6,Xiai9ga, »hlob ittmt yttl* B» ' "CSj better than iron. ’' #pyf- : '/0M habd ¥imjeb o 6,000 Premium*. Amoßßtlßg to sltt£QQ ■o t . WILL BE AWARDED Off the First Wednesday in ingnit, 188 L <; t? *■: r , / 8 “rpHE BAERAWANNOCK: HANTT- A FAOTUHING CuMPANY ” propose tp- refefe ;. to thaßrafc Wednesday in A agon (aFlXili STOCK of $450,000; to be subscribed in sharesaf VK eaebt'-fiootooo.toe* returned tathe ; Babacjl&tt»six tfca {ormui PREMIUMS, as an inducement to sttbacrJbarA and the balance, $BBO,OOO, to be applied aMhd.new nilage of Rappahaanoqkp jn ■ RouUrern Arms, a Clothing and Women'Factory; The . share* can be bed jaweeklyor monihlYfe*feß‘ menta of any amount to soil the convenience ofthe htth. 4ciiber,snd receipts mil be sect front time tt ftQto In ac knowledgement of ail Bams remitted, matter how ■man they may be, which ntoyieie dohe’ bcttVeoisiltly in postage stamps, gold ooin, current tank noteejcrdjafts. If leas than a share of ISO should he Bnbecribed by the time specified, the money. wtß noA belostr bat Oppor tunity, will be giren to increase it by like remittances thereafter, until' enough-to Secured to4btai& a certifi cate of Stock- But if a share, or aererat,shares should bewtdtecriWd before thattime, r theaubMT&Sr will re ceive a certificate of preferred flock*. guarentoeipg. to the holders per cent par annum on the par valuelheraot All. the Stockholders will, moreover* teceivwuemi nnnnai dividends out of the net profitaof the Company, bo soon as their Factories are- pot to operation!-Boaidee. the above, the person who. subscribes the largest amount (by the first Wednesday fin AUgtißti beentttled to a premium of SMJWi the next largest to sB£oQ;th* next laißest to s£fioo; the two next argent toSMDO each; the four next largest to s6ooeach; the ninety next largest to $BO each; the nine hundred next largest to $4O each; the three hundred nextlarkset» $2O each; (ho one thousand next largest to kfeaach; the three thousand 1e ur hundred next largest'to $6 . each, and ihejereon who fails to Qhtoto fftther.ofjßtase, to an extra premium of $l,OOO, all fobs paid fh Creh, Real .Estate* Arma,MiUlary orlothetiflktthlng. Thus, the largest sum, which may hot exceed $BO 21* will take the lugaat premium ofs6,ooo>andthe Brtaß—frfltftnje fp^apBMayyg- Stodt^Sy^Bharebdder^^mlSgto^SS^ can at any.ttmaexchflijgehißfflockfbr aoy of touts at their lowest market value and receive a good sndhtHficiehf%arranty title; ... A. few Agents well recommended* will ho «m* ployed at liberal rates,-both to obtain subOmnMbha to thofltoQ# ofthe.Company audio BeU,abareaatk i p*Ptt* lar homestead schema. For further information, BUb* acHptions, ; agtu:ciep, address, with: a/stamp tar dosed, the Treasurer, V ’ ' E. BAUDKR, Portßoyal,'Virginia. REFERENCE'S —Edit rs and Publishers olNewspa* perk feendraliy in ttfe various States, hesrfeEfofwbMfi already hold deeds .from as in the Real Jfctoealtmtol to, T The. Portsmouth tVa.) Doily Tramcrtpt prelect is one veil worth tbe attention of our ana we assure them tbat the parties are reliable end responsible. Besides, those -who Are ad vised of the progress of the pUn <*ay It is in the full tide of pß»TCdveBuccees. i * ; Tift Indepeudiaioe- iVa) Ifeiaa says: “Ris really a poyiagenferpriHe,. The town i a steady begun, .Noth* mg can be loaf ihany event.” JQytoitcfifcßmai Aiatomtian beys: - in ducements are held out to tpose who desire to taka risks, add ftbmeome business tranfisctioAßwebave had tgth.thegegurif up ofthe enterpn*e, w© esu) commend The Uanwlle(Be) iferagltfer an oppor* (unity exoelfinganythisg we know at, both in charao* teVand;teailß.uPeoptoof prescribed means oan have a trial with la ; r hopes of aaualactore reaults.**, Tbe'Fiitaburg-'Rbrt City Wh* of numerous perappa who uow. hold land in thai r foeaU* . tf solaMr BbUdsy. We wbtud bkplereed io'axhflv lithe testimonial* in pur possession to any to enquire.” mhSfctongf THE WQIttHSB OE THE JI.Q. DR. J. S. BOSE’S 1 FAIN C U HER. TT CUBES ALL PA IX ,AKft ; »lPa .' JL 'disease in the bud. Tiris tiliiy admirable &dafr> -'ficaciaus remedy ia medians but Istb* result orHhirteen jmt» of hard study and expegme&t&if* >Ttre tegredianisi are the 1 prodtro-e of Bp*Jtv end veto discovered by the author of this medicineqn a visit to ' that boontry. v w • •*.*' , >' db. bo'se, fcaaraaecMC :mtr*caloh».eifact in. priTrt* *1 . practice. aU at last ha Waa Induced by thesollcttitiloA ?f£! of fhnras tha pablioi'™' ! - -l; .i;*| * haiHnibitm,! • Dva«Qter*.,Cholara Morbusj'Fieuriby, EMAahfcTooih -S I w. vi.ie*® atfi , •f> ■ spiuniu a'm> ftiinjiisit «wm i, ■■■ i •■■ : ;||| . . , . ■>;. .1 . SEDUCED SBiqJES ‘received a -i ff CHOICE AND SidißOT STOCKED r QOODB Iqr&isgj SPRING AND SUMMER SALES, which Jl»T* bMvT| selected with more tfuu) natal care, nd ttctsdsfidcst thatinlbe jjpl BICHHEHB Off FABRIC, AND BTYUB '.^| <3- O O 3D S , ABWELAAB , FAJft N E $ 8 O F PR ICE, they WU! SURPASS ANY GOODS of the kfn iter be* ~£ fore Qpan&d in tbi* city, *nd would rdapociiaily eollctf '-'3 tt ecny caO from our patrons sad the public to *«». _■s: tae the same ior themselTea. :'- v SAiWUSA- <*»a* .&,■ son, I MERCHANT TAILORS, I ’ iti Mir triyl&2taa * ■IV T; nntVMJVj"’ ' ? a o tr SB; B' i <5 3ST ‘ " ' ■• ' -ASb- '}■ OaNAWDENTAL PAINTEB, . Hp,2,Cor. SU ClateSt. an 4 l>uquesneW»y;“ ' (BBOQSB SXQ»r,» : '?|j i»-A]l work entnu\ed to me wil) be NwtayJealS? Prumptfy Executed. % ocilx Fresh arrival 5 v n - of fienWopTe^v Ott^qwSS&lT B **““• ' ■' T »« 20 000 WAi-L PAPKH *t *V,VVy 1.(1 101 MABKET ax BEET, Dear Uherlr, h. - . . [QQypfi it HITfmEl ft nniT CitNE POLES' UjiUUu 60'Bamboo do “i“ bowh* TKnjtre, . •' f 'j • ~, V 4 / i‘S#BJBKT. * f A \ %